C.ZGO:; SUNDAY JOUniiAL, PORTLAND, . fITJ'nJAY LIOIINING, DZCZllZZr. 2U 1C22, PORTLAND INVESTS REALTY TRANSFERS IN RECORD VOLUME MADE D URING YEAR PORTLAND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES' BUILD NEW HOMES BUILDINGS IN 1922 10 23 MILLIONS IN NEW n Year. 1900 1901 1902 ; 1903 1 1904 1905 1906- 1907 1908" 1909 1910 Permits. Value. 392...$ 994.985 745... -T1529.I43 1244,., 1628..: 1720... 2318. .. 3307. , . 3912. 4849... 4739... 6523... 2730,660 4.281.056 4.029.225' 4.183.368' 6.927.971 9.585.797 10.405.131 13.481.380 20.886,202 in i c t tit 1911 7686 . () Figures to December 15 inclusive. Alt previous building: records in the-history orthejcity were broken in the construction campaign of the past year, "both; as to the number of permits granted and thetvalue of buildings erected As a" reflection v of the rapid development of a 'GreaterPortland,rthe.-buHdfngrcon-struction movement of the past 12 months has added imoretlian, 3100 new-' dwellings to established residence districts;; developed 'three new retail trade centers; erected a dozen 'or more high. class business blocks and witnessed an important expansion of several "Industrial and "com mercial, plants. . , . 1 The Vevlval in construction got fairly under way early in - i21. following marked- recessions In material .and labor costs from the inflation peak of 1920." r 11, 1S PERMITS ISSUED. Building permita' ' granted v Jn 1921 totaled 14,19.", valued at $r7,225.M. compared with .'14.184 -permits valued at ' $22,526,165 Issued during 1922. up to and including peoember 15, a gain for the current year of approximately 30 per cent' The highest previous an- , nual building record was established in 1910, when S23 permits called tor an expenditure of $20,886,202.- Ahalysis of the report of the building permits division shows a preponderance of single, and multiple dwelling con struction during the past ; year, corn pared with other classes of buildings. The number of permits for the erection of residences and flats totaled -3233, with anaggregate value of $11,726,870, ' or approximately '51 per cent of-the total amount invested in building con struction during the year. Permits also were issued for 32 apartment houses, with ;a total value- of $1,127,400 and aggregate r housing "capacity for 413 families, w, MOUSES BOLT . During the past two years more than 6300 residence " permits ' have been granted in the city' and this new con struction, together with new apartment bouses and more than 1000 new dwell; ings erected in near-in suburban dis tricts, furnished accommodations far an increase of about 40.000 to the popu lation of ; Portland. This estimate on the" 'increase in population is amply verified In reports on the number of pupils In the schools of the city, records of the water bureau and the number of new Installations made by gas, electric 1 : and telephone companies. Out of 22 fireproof buildings erected, tluFfe were of steel' frame, while 19 were of reinforced concrete, with an aggregate value of $1,349,250. ' . In the seml-flreproof class, 85 permits were r granted calling for an investment of $271,250. Eleven mill-constructed buildings - ere authorized, at an aggregate cost ' of $383,400: Buildings of ordinary construction . numbered 125 and were valued at $2, $21,650, . Frame constructed buildings totaled '' 7571, with ah aggregate value of $13,- 501,230. Six new docks, costing $177,950, and permits for alterations aggregating t $5p,000 cover building activities along .' toe waterfront. , The largest building operation of the .year W. the new Elks temple, a fire proof, steel frame structure covering f 100 by 150 feet of ground space at the "V southeast corner of 11th and Alder streets. The building comprises four stories with unusually high ceilings, - and will be used exclusively for lodge purposes, with the exception of a por f tlon of the ground floor which is being " v equipped for retail shops. Architects' plans for the temple were furnished by Houghtaling & Dougan. A" group of three major structures : designed by Sutton Whitney are important additions to the west Bide J - business district. The J. K. Gill build . ing. covering the quarter block at the southeast corner of Ftf tb. and Stark i etreets, is an eight-story reinforced concrete structure costing In excess of $300,000, and will be equipped to handle i the retail and wholesale departments ; "of the ;J-K. Gill company. -.. I35, STEUCTCBE An" , eight-story . reinforced , concrete CI fllaaf W M J I 1 1 V Pittmon's Motor Guided i raPtfi ahni ailnstrated) Maps and Log of All State Highways onon Loop unres ishing Streams Outing Resorts Resources of Oregon . 7 ; Maps of Pacific Highway from Canada, to Mexico "National Park to Park Highways . Transcontinental Highways - AT NEWS STANDS $1.00 1 Erery Motorist Should Hare One ; Putlmon's Portland OffidallGiide- 'WITH MAPS M &Y f TeDs yoa What to see How te get there Contains 'complete list of Banks, Buildings, Clubs, ; , Churches, Depots, Docks, Theatres, Hospitals, Libraries, Parks, Streets; Etc.- ; - -" ' , : Price 50c . - j T Armena Pittmon, .... . . . , .roriiano, uregon - - f Year- ' Permits. Value. ' ' 1912 8224... 14.652.071 1913 -2 6710: i. 12.956.915 -J914 5959..; 8;334.075 : : 1915.' 4625:: '.' 4.895;345 ! 11916V.' 4467 J IV" .6.301,360 .1912, 8224,. $14,652.07.1 i 1917 3377-..V- 3,643,410 1918- 5707... 6.172,154 . 19)9 ? ' 8922: : 9.840;725 .: 1 920 r: 1 0.1 96 : : v 12)88.505 1921 "14.169: :v 17:225:576 1 922 184. L 22.52 6, 1 65, ... . - , - . warehouse.' 100 .-by 200 feet in dimen sions, -located on the - south side of Irving between 13th, and v ltbBtreet8, represents an investment ' of - approxi mately $350,000 and- will house the Wholesale and mall Order departments of the Meier AFrink company.' ' Jf ' The Imperial" garage, a six-a'tory, re inforced concrete building covering (be quarter , block: at the- southeast corner of Fourth and - Pine streets was;-de-Signed -by Sutton &' Whitney,' fort auto storage, with retail shops on the ground fkor.t Construction, cost was $125,000. The same architects furnished plans for tht new Shriners' hospital for 'crip pled children, to be ' erected at-VEast 82d: streets and Sandy boulevard.- at$ a cost of. $278,000,' and . remodeled the fouMtpry Meier- Frank warehouse building" at '-"the southwest 'corner"-of Broadway and Taylor street tor- auto storage - and i retail shops. ' Erection of the new Odd Fellows temple on the, quarter block ai the southwest corner of '10th ' and Salmon streets .is -an important acquisition -to that district. The building is a fire proof, steel " frame- structure., costing $250,000. The ground floor wlltvbe used for retail shops and three upper stories will -"be -equipped ; for 'lodge ' purposes Architects'' plans i were ' prepared ' by Krnst Kroner. " " - ' JIODEKW. APABTMEST8 The new Ambassador apartments., re cently completed on the quarter block at the southwest corner of Sixth and Madison - streets, 'established a new standard for apai-tment house construc tion In the city. The building is a re inforced concrete r fireproof - structure with" brick and terra .cotta exterior. There are 18 single rooms for bachelor quarters on the ground floor, and the eight upper stories are divided Into 48 three, "Your and five room suites, plans were prepared by Carl ' Llnde and cost of the building and equipment was approximately $700,000. The Sovereign hotel, nearing comple tion on a 66x100 foot site at the south west corner of Broadway and Madison street, is" another exceptional type Of building for apartment hotel purposes. Construction is of reinforced concrete and exterior walls are of brick and terra cotta. The ground floor will contain a restaurant, delicatessen and a spacious lobby. Each suite consists of a large living room with a kitchen and breakfast room; on one side and a bath and dressing' room opposite. Establishment of the auto . terminal stage depot at the southwest corner of Park and Tamhill streets formed the nucleus of a new retail shopping dis- trict, and several two-story reinforced concrete buildings were erected .in the neighborhood.- Practically all of these are fully tenanted. Another new trade center was developed during the year in the vicinity of Ninth and Oak streets, with the Fitxpatrick building as its center. Similar new retail trade centers at street car transfer points on the east side have received strong impetus through the 1922 building cam paign. . Residence construction has been welj, distributed among, the older developed additions. Westover Terraces and Arlington Heights on the west side and Eastmoreland, Laurelhurst, Irvington, Rose City Park, Piedmont on the east side have been scenes of unusual con struction activity. Suburban dwellings in Dunthorpe also featured the year's oonstrnctton. A trend toward better class construction was noted in home buildings, and this movement will be more apparent during 1923. according to architects who are nrenarine nlana .for jusxt, year's- building. . WITH 'J I if ftfteirr 1024 Sandy Blvd. - .- ; - rir n -"iff 11 "'"T" ''"'Tf . , ...........-.-.-. n-ir-mirrifr'f 1 ' ' "rr i,rrriir r i m mmitn... wfwtii$ i'nivr m I ' i " """ "i' i i umi nun ' X ----- ; . ' - - , :' v:i- , -u i - - . . .-.;;., - , A " -- ----- " - -' f . . : ' ........ ..- -, ' : j ; t s ll'-""".- i-v . . - :..,. ' - - t. s vii ---l. ..... -i'.-;--- - .. . - r 2" ill).' t !, jjs- , y . k . "'- $ ' s l . ...... , w - -v f -? " if - , . ' v - . r m .1 z5 ,,n ftp : i?s N-t i f :- -i :; r, J" ?- I 'i: - 'I I : . ...... .; . v- . ? fi V if'- v i 11 13 ' L-U-- -r--:-T-f-ijiMJin33 .IJ 1 Architect's 'drawing-Of new -Shriners hospital , for crippled children," to be 'built, at once. c2 Home of - "Kenton lodg A. F. and Al C t Benwr mvenne and Kilpatriclc street.1 S Odd' Ftellows temple nndcr r-eonstrctionjr mi SOtb.. and Salmon, which will, cost $1,100,000. 4 Ifew temple of Mount .Hood lodge - - A. F. and A. 31. at Hmcrson and Commercial streets. 5 -Temple ' for Al 'Azar pyramid, : United Arti sans, to be! built at Third" and Colnxnbl streets. - " Long-Bell1 Project ; , Creates New City i - ,W t v The past .'year witnessed the begin ning:, of.' the hegira of southern pine operators to the Oregon fir 6f the Pa cific Northwest. . ' - Announcing' that -they - had, but five years - more 4 of " major . operation in J liar- lLilii :a southern pine, - the, Long-Bell. Lumber company, the largest of the manufac turers of pinefrbm the. routlC came to the Columbia river-and bought much of the timber between .Kelso and Che halls. Washw together with 11,000 acres for the. Longvie w lownsitnon the Col ombia at the mot? th of Cowlits river. A ' dyke a docen milea long is ' being thrown around -the . property through the agency of Port of Portland dredges. A hotel ia rising-. Bank and business buiiding' -win XoUpw. Several bun- dred houses are being constructed sim ultaneously. - Mills capable of sawing a million or .more teet -of lumber a day will be erected. Longvlew Is announced as city of 20,000 people within two years and a city of 60,009 in a probable t-year period. , , r "More than 40,000 acres of burned over lands within the national forests of Oregon and 'Washington- have been reforested- by the- Unite States- forest service -duxing the .last: 12years. -' - Ketiring County J Conunission Makes; Record in Office The present " county commission which is disstdved tomorrow -when two commissioners retire, has a record for exceptional activity toward public improvement. - " . " y Although the plans for jth'e new Multnomah . county hospital were con ceived before the present commission was formed. -two "of its members were a part of the commission which first began to push the. enterprise,-' and it was mainly during the regime of the present commission that iSe actuai work of erectlng-the hospital, was car ried forward. v. ' The commission which? first ; be pan this , work was ; composed of Rufus Holman, "Ralph W. Hoyt, commission ers who retire the first of the year, and A. A. Muck, -who was succeeded three years ago by Commissioner Ru- deen, the 'only member of the present commission - who will continue In of fice as the colleague' of Commissioners- elect Rankin, and , Walker. Tjo this present commission Is due much of the credit for the indorse ment of the two bridge bond issues, which caH for $3,000,000 for a new Burnside bridge and $1,600,000 for a bridge across the Willamette at. Ross island. Greely street, long a source of much contention, was paved and improved half of its length, during the regime of the present commission. Many -other streets and highways in the county also have been improved and . paved. The plan for utilising the site, of the old county poor if arm for a , place of public interest and general good was begun by this present coranjission.'. Under its planning, a part of the farm has been transferred to the city for the purpose of establishing a golf course a'nd a part, of the remainder given to the school board as a site for an industrial school. This park when it is' completed will be called Hoyt park in honor of Commissioner Hoyt. Columbia Narrowest At Five-Mile Rapids Although the Columbia river drains an area exceeding a quarter, of a mil lion square miles in Montana, Wyom ing, Idaho, British Columbia, Washing ton and Oregon there is a- point at Five Mile Rapids, near Celilo, where the whole great current is narrowed to. a width of only about 160 feet. Needless to say the depth of the swift waters hv almost equal to the width. The story Is told that when President Hayes was making a visit to the West he stopped at. this point and demon onstrated both the narrowness - of . the gorge and the strength of his arm by throwing a stone clear across to the opposite shore. There is a similar gorge where .the river Is but a trifle wider at Ten Mile Rapids in the same vicinity. But at no other points do Oregon and Washington get so close together. 40 Outside Towns Are Supplied Water The city of Portland, besides having an abundance of water for domestic use., and that water of a quality that has attracted wide attention i because of Its purity, is supplying Bull Run water to nearly 40 outside municipali ties or small corporations. These are. bound, by agreements.' which restrict the use and recognise the. prior -and superior rights of the citizens of Port land to the water at, any time lt may be needed within the city boundaries. Portlanal - r ,: - -, . t ;'. Elevator Co. EAST JTOTH AI EAST MI1J, ' vSTBKETS AH Types ? Passenger and; Freight . - ' .' Klevators XIGHT AKD BAt REPAIRS ASD ...... , r - SERVICE Pkoae East THgbt X inkers t ins iia Aiiomatle 127-2I . . FINE W ' - INDUSTRIAL .SITE Approximately 17 y2 Acres Over 1150 feet frontage on the Wil lamette river In the man uf acturi n tr Sistrict, with the Southern Pacific nd Oregon Electric lines adjoining and close to property. The depth of the river ranges from IS to 28 feet, for a,- distance of over 500 feet In front of this property. To close an estate and satisfy others holding an interest in it, a very low pricj and easy terms will be accepted. E. L BROWN 1123 Xorta western Bank BaJldiag All classes of property participated in thereal estate activity" of the past year , and-recorda show a larger volume of transfers than during- any previous 12 months' period in the history ot the city. , In spite of the unusually active market, business property values have remained approximately at former 4ev als.?; There has Been, a tehdencytoward Steady , increase in -rvalues, in, the, dis trict south of Morrison and west of Park street and a similar reaction'. Is apparent along Broadway and in the district north -of Washington and west of :Broadway. ; 'tv.. ' . ,'-: ApreciatJon in property values has kept pace, with and beea the .result of , building'; construction in v the - dis tricts affected .and has followed the steady- growth la popuIaUon of ' the city., v There . has- .'been n effort on the: part. of., local realtors to . develops a- speculative market , and the . buying public has hot' been ii a mood to participate- in a - gamble on future devel opment of the city. . - ; VAirasTABtE ; A : v'i stability lot. real estate - values ;ln Portland has been, recognized to a con siderable extent by out of town s in vestors. '.- Purchase of the iWelle-Fargo building by' San Francisco realty oper ators - f or i J85O,000 ' and 'its subsequent transfer In" Porter Brothers for; a. coa sideratton of- Jl.110.000 . wag- the most important transaction in business prop erty recorded during the year. Sale of the ; property ; to; Porter; -Brothers was handled by the IP. &' Taylor company and" this firm reported, sales of Mown-, town real -estate aggregating more than 18,100,000 -during; 1922. -'.:: , Sale of the Nortonia hotel.; covering the -quarter, block, at the southwest corner J of ; lljhand , Stark- streets, to George BurU of San Francisco for 4100,000 was. another important invest ment by outside capital, s The hotel was owned iby J oseph . Healy and : the transaction, was bandied by Fred Rev erman of the : Beverman Investment company,' ; Several:; apartment houses have been . purchased by out of .town buyersi'i among' them "being the ' El bridg . apartments at the southwest corner of 21st and Overton streets, sold by the F.s E. i Taylor company to John W. , Orr, sheriflT of v. Alk , county ; for JBO.OOor and the! Hartford apartments at the ' northwest corner ot "21st and Flanders sold . by i. the ; same realty f irm - to H. -Hirschberg.Vi president ' of the Stale Bank ' of Independence, for $35,000. . .' . ' ' v Transfer - of- the Board ; of '' Trade building an 11-story fireprooif struc ture at -the southeast -corner of Fourth and Oak streets. . from Max H. Houser. to ATS. Kerry for approximately ?400, 000, was' reported 'arly-' in May, and the following month the Concord build ing, a 6-story brick office building covering 60 by 95 feet of ground space at the southwest corner of Second and Stark streets, ' was ' traded to C IX Crider . of Dallas for city and " farm property valued at' $150,000. The Con cord' building had been 'purchased earlier in the year . from the - Ladd estate by B. D. Stgler, D. B. Mackle and H. y Leonard. . TEMPIB SITE ACQUIRED ' Another realty sale announced ' la May which attracted unusual - public-, interest was the transfer ot the St. Helens hall property, with a frontage of 200 feet on the east side of Vista avenue between Park and Main' streets, from' the Episcopal diocese of Oregon to the Scottish Rite Masonic bodies of the Oregon district. Consideration was $65,000 and it was announced that the tract would be used as the site for a $1,000,000 Scottish Rite temple planned by Sutton & Whitney. ' : Sale of - prpertyf or improvement has been an important factor in the mar Office Foot of Couch Slreel S HAVERS TRANSPORTATION COMPANY SHAVERS FLEET Shaver, Saiah Dixon, Henderson, ; Hercules, Cascade, No ; . WohdervBearl; Echo. 0 a WE SPECIALIZE IN Farms, City .Homes, Acreage; Easiness ' Property.': - - Hotels and Apartment Houses . - 'J: ' " Exchanges Blade in AU Parts of the Country ? ; CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED "' ''. 'x Members of the National Association of V ' . , Real Estate Boards f", 432 Chamber of Commerce BIdg, Portland, Oreson ket. Erection of the Paramount aTjart ment house on property at the north west corner v of i Kast Broadway and Wheeler, streets -by : Herbert Gordon reacted favorably- on other holdings in the neighborhood and was followed by the. purchase of a quarter block at the southeast, corner of this street inter section by the Haxejwood company as a site for a manufacturing and retail confectionery establishment. , v Gordon afterward sold the Paramount apartments to I A Brtx for $200,000. During vthe. year he purchased four other s altes : for improvement with apartments, and hotels one ot the most important being a tract with 150-foot- frontage on Main- and .100 -feet n 11th - street' for the -new , Campbell hotel. . Sale of the Gordon building at the northwest : corner "of Jfeufth . and Stark streets to Grant -P heglry-, by the Gordon Investment company., involved a.;consUleratioa".465K000U-vA.ljV: Sales of the properties of the'jteed estate -.during the . summer.; months caused , a flurry In the real estate fnar ket i One .of the mpjst , Important rpar eels - -dlspoeed . of . was the - Abington building, a- 5-story brick structure with 100-foot frontage -on the east .side of Third' street between Washington and Stark, purchased by -Frank JClernan for S125.000. Another interestinar trans action t in i Thlrd street property f was the:-transfer, of , theold Ainsworth Bank baildlng at the northwest corner of . Third and Oak from the '.United States National- bank to M. GlloVmau for. approximately flWJymfj OTHi:B.TBASSFEKS-r4Sit . Purchase of. the 60 by 100-foot par cel at the northeast - corner . of 'Sixth and : Stark streets from" the Blyth estate for $225,000 and transfer xf, the 50- byilOOi Bite at the ..northeast; corner ot this intersection from Philip Gordon to the Security Savings &- Trust com pany for $375,000 figure in an import ant development of .the. financial -district. .The Security Savings 4: .Trust company, affiliated -with; the First r'a tlonal bank, wiir erect - a bonding on the corner during 1923 ;and the Bank Of California proposes. 'to build on its site - the. following 'yeajiy .f' " : r,-Salo of the Coucft -building. ?an S story - concrete structure on" the west side pf Fourth street "between Wash ington and Stark streets,' by the Lewis Investment company,-to the Portland Realty Associates for $135,000 was ond of the latest, transactions recorded EAST SIDE DISTBICT.. . , -Revival of interest In east side busi ness "property be gam with 'Hhe? resi dence building! campaign of 1021 and has increased steadily through the past year. The movement "received a strong Impetus followingr the 'purchase ot ap proximately $2,000,000 worth of : prop erty along East First street1 by the Southern Pacific company for right of way. : v. Wholesale gJncery and commission merchants have been quick, to, respond to the increase in the number of east sida retail stores, resulting from the addition of thousands of new "homes to the residence districts of that sec tion ' of the city.:'1 Purchase of. - the Mitchell, Lewis & Stave c building at Past . Second and " Morrison streets by Wadhams , Co. . added the fourth tiaentberto the group of -Wholesale gro cers on the east side of the Willamr ette and inquiries among realty brok en -point to further increase In the number durlner 192- ' " IMPROVEMEKTS EXCEED VIIUOX The total cost of public improvement work In .the southeastern district ot Portland, now in progress or only re cently completed.; including the Foster road sewer, the hard surfacing of Fos ter - road , and the construction cf the Lents trunk, sewer," is $1,200,000. 4 ; i"'-W's -. CS IE