The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 31, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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LliiiLU wmiUr
Former British Premier Analyzes
v. International Affairs of Pass-
y ing Twelvemonth. :A df
(Cos timed Tram Fit Os.) -
to. nations wbo, In spite of the leace
' treaties, were still treated aa enemies
-the new method was to discuss on
equal terms conditions of appeasement.
Germany, bavins; no fleet in the Pa
"cific, was not invited to the Wasblng-
ton conference, and Rossi was ex
'Cluded for other .reasons. But at
Cannes Germany was represented, and
- at Genoa both Germany and Russia
. had their delegates. - ,v.
.The Washington conference was in
many respects the most remarkable In
ternational conference ever held. It was
' the first time great nations command
p Ing powerful armaments bad ever sat
down deliberately to discuss a volu-
untary limitation of tbeir offensive and
defensive forces. Restrictions and re
l ductlona bare been often imposed in
peace trestles by triumphant nations
; upon tbeir beaten foes. The Versailles
. - treaty is an example of that opera
V Hon. - Bat , at Washington . the victors
' v negotiated ' mutual cutting down . of
. navies built; for . national safety and
' strengthened- by national pride,
bitlficatiox withhjxu V
r It Is true that France and Italy
hare not yet ratified the arrangement
arrived at. That Is a disturbing fae
; tpr ; their attitude. If persisted in, may
ulthnalely have the effect of upsetting
m balance It took months of care and
. thought to adjust. We most, how
': ever, continue to hope that wiser coun
i sola will prevail when wiser counsellors
are listened to. v: :
- Meanwhile, friends of peace have
solid ground for their rejoicing In eon-
'-. templaUon of the substantial reduc
i tlons already effected in the naval pro
, grams of the most powerful maritime
countries in the world Britain. : the
. ' United States and Japan as a direct
."result of the Washington negotiations,
c American statesmanship baa given a
lead of which ft Is entitled .to boast,
and 1922 when It departs Js entitled to
' claim that this triumph of good un
derstanding has brought a measure of
glory which . will give it peculiar
- e Vendor among the years of the earth's
history. - . : ; ' ;.
T,h gatherings at Cannes and Genoa
can also claim outstanding merit In the
," large- and growing family-of in tern a
; tional conferences. At Washington the
tallies, alone foregathered. At Cannes
and Genoa nations came together which
bad ordr recently emerged out, of dead-
ly eoaiUct with each other. . 1 J . ,
At etch conference I matron both
1 sides men who bad only Just recovered
from severe wounds sustained In this
. struggle. At Cannes, French, Belgian,
Italian an Japanese as- well as Brit
v lab ministe rs and experts, sat down In
', council with) Onnaa ministers and ex
perts to distress the vexed Question of
reparations ltTtout taunt or recrimina
tion. There wm calm recognition not
' only of the neetls of the Injured coun
tries, but also ott the difficulties of the
-. offending state. . Outside and beyond
the 'German problem there was sv re-
- solve to eliminate all the various ele
ments of disturbataee. poltlcal and eoo-
Yiomio. that kept Europe in ferment
-" and made Its resfcwatlon impossible.
It was decided ito summon alf late
helllxerent nations to a great confer-
Vrnce at Genoa to discuss reoonstruc-
I tlon. . TO these weir added the neutral
nations of Europe, , It was a great de
cision. ' ;.. ,ue T-'- :.
- There were three obstacles In the way
of realising the program. First was
the stipulation of France that specific
'problems raised by. the treaty of Ver
sailles should be excluded altogether
- 'from tbe purview ef the conference.
- This was a grave limitation of Its
' -functions and ehanoeew SttH. if the
j Cannes sitting- had contlttued ' an ' ar
rangement might have bra arrived at
there 'together, and then vith the Ger-
, n;ans, which would have helped the
' '. deliberations of Genoa. . '
NThe v seoond obstacle was the re
fusal or America to participate in the
dlacuaeivna. Why? There were prob-
ably goovi reasons for that refusal.' but
the recording angel alone knows them
all fully nd accurately.
' -The tfc4rd obstacle waa the fall of
,:- the Brian d ministry and the substitu
tion of a less aympathetla administra
tion. ; ; 'i.-'v. ..- :'
In spite t all these serious draw
; "lacks Genoa aoeompliahed great things.
It brought together Into the - same
- rooms eaemiea who bad not met for
years except oat the battlefield. They
. conferred and conversed around the
same table for weeks at confrencee,
committees) and snb-comnolttees. They
broke bread and irank wine together
u t; 'p..a let.:e toardi..- Ii- fore
tae cot; ' reuce came to an end there
was ad"- atmosphere of friendliness
which was in itself a guarantee of
peaceable relations, for the delegates
who represented the nations at Genoa
were all men of real Influence in their
respective countries, v-
But however important the Intangi
ble .result, there was much ' more
achieved. Thirty nations represented
in assembly entered into a solemn pact
not to commit any act of aggression
against their, neighbors.; Whea, they
entered the conference there were few
of them who were not oppessd with
suspicions that, these neighbors medi
tated violence against their frontiers.
When they arrived at Genoa they were
all anxious for peace, but apprehen
sive if impending- war., Genoa dis
pelled those anxieties. . . ' ,
I v One of the most promising-; results
of the pact and the improved atmos
pheric conditions out of which it-art
is a substantial red dc tlon in the Bol
shevik army. " It - has already been
reduced - to the dimenslona of the
French army, and we are now prom
ised a further reduction of T5 per cent.
That - removes ; a - real menace fo
European peace. It m reduction.' of
armies in the east -of Europo Is fol
lowed by a corresponding- reduction in
the west, the reign ot peace is not dis
tant. : ; I .-zV.-t
This ts sot the time to dwell upon
the important agreements come to at
Genoa on questions of exchange, credit
and transport, v AQ the recommenda
tions made depend for their uocess
ful carrying out oa the establishment
of real peace and friendly understand
ing between nations, Peace and good
will on earth is sUU'the only healing
evangel ror idealists to preach and
statesmen to practice. Without it.
plans and protocols must inevitably
fail. . ,.- s. y:, - i
Where does peace stand? ' '
The weary angel Is stilt on wing,
for the waters have not' yet subsided.
She- may perhaps find a' foothold in
the great west, and Britain is fairly
safe not yet Ireland.' But the conti
nent of Europe Is stlU swampy and
insecure. - -
The debate in the French chamber
on: reparations 4 Is ' not encouraging.
The 'only difference of opinion in the
discussion was that displayed between
those who advocated an advance Into
the Suhr and seizure of .pledges, fur
ther In German territory, and those
who preferred "developing the" left
bank of v the Rhine. Occupying, con
troling. developing, annexing they all .
mean- the same thing,' that the province
to the left bank of the Rhine is to be
torn, from Germany, and grafted into
France. : ,'.-.-.?
There . Is no .peace in this Halk, ?lt
Is a sinister note on which to end
the pacific music of 1922. -Son - roust
interpret It In connection: with an
other event of 1928 the Russo-German
agreement. Since then, Chicherln the
spirit of mischief incarnate has al
most made Berlin his abode. The men
who are devoting their Ingenuity to
devising new torments ' for. -Germany
are preparing new terrors for their
own and their neighbors children. - ,
The year ends With rumors of great
American projects for i advancing large
sums of money to all and sundry in
the -hope of settling) the vexed ques
tion of G-erxnan reparations. The
loan, it la surmised, ; will be accom
panied by guarantees' otr" the part of
France not to invade further German
territory. Some go so far as to con
jecture that it Is to be an essential I
conaiuon s or participation in - this
Christmas, bounty-" of Madame Rumor
that .France is to reduce her armies
and z to undertake ot to exceed thef
, Nobody - seems to know, and I am
only repeating the gossip of the press.
But if the i50.00Q.ftO9, pound sterling
loan )s llkeljt A materialise, its pro
lectors-are -wiaen imposing condi
tions .that would afford them some
chaaoe of receiving' pa vwienti .of . n '
, erate- interest in -the.iet1iine;';,of -.
generation. No prudenfj);ul4
lend- money on the- seom-ity of a -jrol
. i. ii.ijuiii niic-
bei;:g seiit out
Collector Clyde G. Huntley Mail
- ley Mailing Statement Sheets;
Tax Samaras Ust Year. 1
Clyde G Huntley,' collector of Inter
nal revenue, today bgan mailing to
Oregon taxpayers forms far filing in
dividual returns of net income of $500
or less for the year 192J. The form
is-In six pages, two of which jroviae
for th retarn, two for. making a du
plicate and two- pages devoted to in
structions. Duplicate and Instruction
pages should be detached and retained
by the taxpayer and the original re
turn .mailed .to' the - collector... The
forms are being: mailed to all taxpay
payers who - made similar returns for
121. .Forms for fillnr. returna on in.
tr-. 3 in t of l-.-i will mauled
SOOIl. t .
Married persons wnose net Income
is JSOvi) ort less . are allowed an ex
emption of 2500 and for married per
sons - whose t net Income is in excess
of $5000 aa exemption of 2000 Is al
lowed. ;:
tha exemption for single persons is
flOOflu Whether married or single the
taxpayer is Allowed an . exemption of
1400 for each! person dependent upon
him 'for chief support, if such depen
dent is Under tit years of age or In
capable of- seutupport.
-The requi remap t to file a return Is
placed' Upon every married person
whose' net income for 1922 was 92000
or more, or whose gross income was
$5000 or more, and upon every single
person whose net Income was $1000
or more or whose gross income was
$5000 or more. The fact that by rea
son of exemptions and credit a per
son's income is not taxable does not
nullify, the obligation to file a return
If the income .equals or exceeds the
amounts specified. . -
A person who supports and main
tains in one household one or more in
dividuals who are closely connected
with him by blood relationship, rela
tionship by marriage or adoption, is
allowed the same exemption as a mar
ried person. Returns of married per
sona must include the -net incomes of
both, husband and wife and dependent
minor children. Husband and wife
may make joint or separate returns.
,- , ...... : j .M. - ' . I
.A"- ........ -.; - -" - ;-.... .1. . sv
-: ( -' - - 1. - i : - V : ; -' .. . '
s ' . I 1 ' i , . ', -'
- . ; ' : . - - f
- ' . .. ......... ... . ...... ... ..... .-. . .' ............
During Their A
liiey recei-ve but one "personal s
empUon. but if separate returns are
filed the exemption may be taken by
either or divided between them. Ex
emption of $400 for a dependent may
be claimed only by the- one furnishing
the dependent's -chief support. .- ' v.
The taxpayer's status on December
11. 1922. determines the amount of
his exemptions and credits.: If mar
ried and living with wife or husband
on that day the exemption is $2500 or
$2000, according to the -amount of the
Income. if single " and -t without ' de
pendents on that day he may claim
but: . $1000 - as ? bis ' exemption, even
though he may have been married and
the bead of a family during the great
er portion of the year. Widows, wid
owers, divorcees and persons separated
by mutual consent are classed as sin
gle' persons. i ;: -
jkxoxtsr or tax
, The normal tax Is per cent on lbs
first $4000- of pet Income and per
cent on the remaining net income
above exemptions. Surtax rates, which
apply to Incomes in -excess of $6000,
range from 1 per cent on the amount
of net income between. $000 and $10,
000 to SO " per cent a the amount by
which.. the income exceeds $200,000. ForJ
the year 1931 surtax rates ranged from
1 per cent on the amount of Income
between $$000 and $l0,000 to 5 per
cent on the amount of net income la
excess of $1,000,000.
The bureau of laternal revenue is
preparing to send into each, county
in the United States officers who will
aid taxpaTcrs la mai-icj out their re
turns. : Similar services will be of
fered city- residents.
1 t HetstHeYter
Wane Ceokiag er Baklsg es the .
Lang Range
. J From $84.00 Up -: " .
DANCING 12 , TO 2:30 A. M.
Fleming 10-PieCe :r
' V ' - Orchestra .
TXTITIIOUT your patronaffs business would have been less
v pleasant Forall o wbicli tlie Edwards Organization da
sire to extend their most sincere and-be&rty - -
And may this New Year to yoa bring unbounded
Happiness and Prosperity." ' 'i
Anticipating continuance of cordial business relations,
' Messrs, haw. West, He&ton, Hamilton, Ormandy, Pollock,
Iayne, Cummins, Sieberts, Qiriatensen, Fox, and Waltrinsr
.will bid you welcome Tuesday morning. : v' '
In observance, of New Year Day this store will
remain closed tomorrow.
Auoom rffcxto kww. ' - ' y
'TkatTs what every feome-fsralsatr kss wished for. Here
they are and a BEOCLAB STOCK, TOO. et goods
; eapeeiaUy bought for 'Special Sale.5 : Kerebasdiae ef
tnauty asd character it the alad Edwards Is offering
f- - UPor,,2n,)J
'.i'iiaBWiieaiiii i res ii w. . --y imw0mvmum-'. : "isa i ii i bwb s wa -. , .. nun nr- in uminiiiiimiwaiiif.iiiim nwriis lei'neww iiswsiiifWiiii'isM''" ' 1 siesiiiii'i ' ii r' tsswXSSUsssi sw-aeasuuiLii..' isj
wCT. r . .. ... ....,.: ..
$1500.00 FREE CASH!
- ' ' ....... . . . . j'
"Who gets It? With your help your favorite organization can get $500 y
the other $1000 win be divided among air other "Favorite OrgsAlwtloa7
according; to tha number of votes received. . - ' '
G. P. A. stores are giving; votes with every purchase bf 10
cents nd over: get your votes with Shoes, Groceries, Dry
Goods, Flowers, ets aa well as with. Furniture. Bugs ana
Bangea. - -...-. , v .
It may be well to remind you that, regardless of the reduced priceav Easy '
Terms. No Interest, applies to each and every purchase the same as"
though you paid full and regular prices. If your new home la not ready.
MAKE SELECTIONS NOW. as .Edwards does not charge storage, even'
though future delivery, is wanted., (Contract goods are not reduced) but
there are bargains for every room in your home. Boy now and
XWq, TO 40"
v v spccisl. aNNooivevmsitT
Teaebar ot Baltet, Oriental. Toe
Character Dancing.
, ' Baby Work Siwcialty.
' : Now Zaachias at aturkvra BaS.
Stl sew ataea and aeaular
Saneea suarantaad ht alfht
towns. . Ledia, as,
Srtlmaw SS.
dowmcv's estmrui.
s : (Formerty Uanar'f) :
S34 and WartiFnetee Sta.
. - Main SSS7. - .
I 14th anS BornatSe
Prlvatt '' Lntenai Mi Hetm, atltbar Hafl.
Bary MonSaf, Tear aad Friday Cvenles
...... :. - '- -yiso it:ss, .-. .-
- rlaetr ef 8elrbl partaaia f
-, v.- - Ke EmkBXraaaaaaL. "-c
- NOTE Visit the balls and rrilla See
what the people are dancing, then visit
our school and be convinced-that it is
the' most practical academy.:-on
Orchestra, muaic
' -' Mattresses ;. '
fji 1 1 is
v - it
i'i 1 " r J 4
t v
BOOR eyesight will make children backward
in school. ; It affects their work, theirhealth
and their success. ' - y -Do
not allow your child to suffer through" neg lected
eyesight At the slightest; indication of ;.'
. trouble let us make the examination that will tell.
- - .... - -. ,
v oar Owe Complete Ieas erlatlag riast ea the rrentUea ": .-
Portland's Largest, Host Modern; Best Equipped?
Exclusive Optical Establishment '
201-211 Corbett Bldg., Fifth and r.rrrison
Since 15C3 ' ,
CIIAS; A: RTJS CO, President and Gen. Manager
?i Built reversible with roUed edces in
e heavy art Ucks. See them la the win
dow by.e door; today. -
lid Mahogany
Chair and
$ Cash, SS Week So Interest ' - -
Upholstered loose back cushions and spring filled seat
cushions of taupe or mulberry velour. Finished in that
new . and much desired antique brown, as -stated above-'
frames are of solid mahogany a clearance value supreme
at S149.75. i j. . , , ,
- See This
3-Room Bargain
In the Front Window Today I ; j
Living Boom j ' Dmlsg Boost -,t Dedroonv
$49.75 $5?.25 -. 559.95
- Esy Tarsia 3Te Istereat Te Tit Tosr Beaslreiaeat.
c i t it i iii i i i iter'
: mm-:
i 'rf
Heavy Plate
' $1.98
With solid oak frames ; sizes 12x1$ in. and
lxl6 In the oak frames alone are worth
the $1-88, say nothing about the plate glass -:
and the cost , of silvering. To doss out
quickly th sntlre lot, of one hundred and
thirty-six go at $L8S each. (Not ever three
to any one customer).
eiri Needs;
At Prices to Delight You
-iVSsO'Pieca decorated gold band Thinner Set,;!,...'....;;.,
, 42-piece decocated blua and gold band Dinner Set..!.
S-piece aluminum cooking sets, reg.. $2.60. now at......
14-Inch Floor Brushes-now.-,....,... ....... ........
Nickeled.. Tea and Coffee Pots' at.'-.. ....
Cut Olass j3ugar and Creamer, the set
--Cut Glass Oil Bottles. -oach.v'...i;.....
9 ana -quart grey granus Tea Kettles at.
Star cut thin glass Tumblers (set of ,....
am mm glass Tumblers (set of six) .
V ST? nit as Taaes T- rAf Ti.. a.. ....
h . thii -k."' ouuie jsouers.
35 :
: Ra&fer,fa"C;$25.C0
" . t w '.
$200 R. P. M.-Speed Motor with phosphor bronze alloy beartogs;
one-piece cast , aluminum, fan i . wheel driven brush ; weight4 !
pounds. Only seven left, when they're gone itH be too late order
yours at once. (Regular price $42.50.)
6-Lid Polished Top a j j r Ti
"' With blue or whits enamel panels
' and lS-lnch ovens. "jThese are not
"special ' sale ranges they ' are
regular ' stock, and Edwards' con
, tlnue to- sell-thehi (but not at this
price). IS only at this $54.75 prica.:
17 n
Drastic Cats on
Waxed Mahogany. f
Ivory enamel wood bed with f- 01) OC
shaped filler panels in ends. .Now ) lOiOa
Mahogany finish four-poster with bar foot
end and beautiful .panel head end. 4 5Q
Triple mirror- Ivory enamel dress- 10 Off
. Ing table, enameled drawer pulls w I 0i3U
Ivory enamel dresser with $7-ln. MQ Q c:
top and 28-in. plate . mirror, - for 0.3
Polyehromed grey enamel dresser with 87
Inch top and 2 4-inch plate mirror, 85
-Beautiful colonial period walnut chiffonier:
with four large and two small 00 iO
drawers, for ....."..;.JZi4U
Exquisite walnut dresser to -correspond
with . the above ehUfonier; aoW (ffl cn
priced at w4UiDU
r waaa.w v. j - .
'. Sed. dresser, dressint; table and chifferobs
.(one only) ; the 4 large pieces to.f ill Cn
Vjtbe first buyer for ....v. I MtOU.
'SQueen Anne Walnut-
;, ,, Bed. dressing table, cane bench, chlff erette
j. and slipper rocker. This 1s, an I I Q Jlfi
- extraordinary buy at....4J.;rvl I OirU
i - ? -
Tudor Period
Decorated Ivoryrrt
and slipper rocker; set.
With Sis
Records :
v $25
$5 Cash $ I Week'
? So latere
This large cabinet
Uunola sold two years
ago at $59.09; during
the past year at
$S9.85 i now ' to close
out they go at $25.00
and six late Brune
wick records free with
each one, - ' .-
-rsfe :. --'. er J--..
.-Finished like a. fine automobile body"? bed.
large dresser, chiff erette. .chair I 47 flfl
145.00 Baronial brown davenport i)i Cfl
table, ($ legs and stretcher base),. VsVfWU
$23.(0 ivory mags sine rack or book fQ 7C
, stand with three shelves, for... SilJ
$12JS0 Ivory foot stool, lx2 inch 0 Cfl
sise with upholstered loose cushloa "OiJU
"$69.10 ! frosted brown desk sad f AQ Cfl
chair: a beautiful pair, for...... wt3WU.
-$14.50 ivory stand Table: Just right f C 7E
for bedroom or telephone; now at.. wil J.
--triM ;3x$m "ivory rocker .with 04 fti
sphob back, loose cushion seat,... 'uu
$48.50 two-tons rvory rocker with OQ Cfl
velour. (semi-overstuffed), only.... v3il
January Bargains on
Dihihjj Furniture
-"-$. walnut ' finish Queen : Anns 00 fift
period buffet (has 4-lnch top) at vwliUU
- - . .
$19.50 Queen Anne neriod oblono- ton Ttn-
slon table to.xnatch the above buffet 75 '" JT"-
$89.80 walnut finish William and Mrr chairs
- with blue leather seats: the-set of Jg, Q
$59.50 tnahofany finish William and Mary -ehalrawlth
blue leather seats; the Jg2 QQ '
V $$25.00 ItaUan high-lighted table, buffet and
r sotof six chairs (this Is real J237 OQ
.... i.ov viueen Anne manogany library ' ex-
wmivn xaoie tu tatect zor apart-
mcnis) . av i, . .
rf l'..
. 46l04aiitieru inahoganr' Gateleg."" -$4-inph
tod when- open (drawer -end), now gg
$40 heavy . solid' oak golden wax 0 7R
din lag chairs with saddle seats; each fwlw
s. - . ... : ... ... - ..
An solid oak round k top pedestal 01
base s-tt- extension, tables bow...... wslLJ
Solid oak buffets' with long 'panel 00 Cfl '
beveled plats mirrors, t...-........ wa,3iwU.;
$32.50 Ivory reed tea wagon with 7 CK
removable glass tray top, for.i...... wl I 3a
walnut and mah
Rug Valiieo Phenomenal
$29.75 ; ; S39.75 ; . 546.50
j , . - . . ' - . - .
539.75 : $49.50 . . 5580
. - .. 4. , . -- -
CS9.50 : . 075.00 : : CS9.50
trays, for
oe-anv . flnlxTi
wilu . iaar. aiaes ana c
S eejee
--$120 walnut and mahogany finish Queen
Anne period tea wagons now priced 43 cn
at only Zt3iCU
; 51.12 ; : 51.29
Carpets by tha Yard
10 to25Qfff :