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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1922)
- - 1922 GREAT- ? FOR' REVIEW OF PROGRESS Summary of ' Achievements in . . Portland and Oregon Reveals Volume .of Activity, Large. (- I, ' ' - J.lf -I. Advancement of Commonwealth During Year Not Limited to Material Development Alone. a The passing year has been a pe , : riod ; of -. progress In . the Oregon country. , 4 Manifold development has made for a better common wealth. -. A summary of -achieve ment as reviewed in detail, in sec tions 10 and 11 of this Year's End - - - - . I . number of The Sunday Journal I t accomplishments of v the twelve . month' reflect the endeavors of a busy people. Take the timber and lumber in , dustries, for example. In Oregon, " which- ..contains one-fifth . of . the i standing . timber In the United I States, the 1922 cut exceeded. 3,000,- : than 41 1ft AAA AAA was nranoMl - A. payroll of $70,000,000 from these ( activities was distributed among J 4S OflA teArkcr. Thii 108 mlnml I ..,.. r i; - . is jniKiu.iuijm tuueu. 1 dertakings that the greatest re-1 7 turns came. A careful Analysis of V . , 7 .7. . . V"- I ;. etc., ana ine uvwiock inausiry ' re-1 veals the enormous return' of 3313. I 'OA0OAA f m the tmV. r A SX AAA.AOO I Mil , bU"he Vhit crop was, worth more J p,? Wroni Lot Section 1. ye a , thlrt ;$23.lD0d.00Os. .The , hay , Croplrair Comptxi lBeorporte Section I, yielded $82,000,000, - Seven million ' boxes of, - apples : and 1 40.000,000 pounds of prunes are typical jof the j , oouatirui jrruxt . yie ids, . , "More than 7500 cars tl livestock were " received at- the North 'Port land yards during the year,; while Mm 19,000.000 pounds; of wool that - vregpn- to reuio lis aign pmce u a wool growing state and Portland its position as the Second largest i States. The salmon pack along the -Colontbja.rth!s year was from I to in -per cent larger man xnac or jasi : year, jthe 70.000.000 pounds of fish producing i$7,$00,000,Vi .f ."'.'..' ' . The Tear has seen an .additional. IZ ' bullions invested - in- v -statewide hlgh- - way system which .resulted iavS miles .of pavement -290 miles' of -rock? and gravet sunaong ana miles or mew: rade.v.l''iL,' significant; 'finale ! to : the , year'sroaa xork ws tt. , formal dedU '1 I cation , on a nursaay w last, weea or -.the beautiful steel and concrete span serosa 'the Willamette t Oregon City, " oinit 'av a-ost os 5.ww,- wiucn is the Coal major link in .the paved rPaclfk: highway from the Columbia . river- ot: the north t the California " .line.-- T ' : l ' ;. V . -."i - r - HTimo.JciEr'rRrr1 EjreaoT c; -f f " thT&tIS mrmr nm f. . mvtih -,n.uuu.uuD Douniiu ' hydro-electrlo horsepower of which iore than iO, 000,000 horsepower are tributaries. Projects for the canalisa- ' , Hob of the Columbia are being pressed before rcojiprress and : official i bodies ot Oregon, Washington and- Idaho. in tha miti,r nt nbmavw ftv,l.l tnadfr Tdarked progress during 1S22 or Watt " Ianiels and Thomas Rich The Portland Railway. Lirht h. Power arda and who is now m -the jail hos- rompariy proceeded with the construe- tion of its $10,000,000 project on the upper Cjackantaa. The Paciflo Power tc tight-company buUt an 800O horse- , power plant on Hoo4 river and a hirh nsa-er transmission a-vstem rrom Prt - Tieia was Gompwxa py uw vuuwnw Power Ugbt company. was siTea a , preliminary permit Xor the construction , ef. ?r.?: ... . lRIGA.TIOX ' a - .v A survey of the state shows SS Ir - rlgation projects. Water is how up - nlUwi 1 SfWl flnn ar aa Ilia total ir- rirabia area -C the .tUM is petwean 3.000.000 and 4,000,000 acres. The tourist came in larger numbers in 1922. lured by the improved high i: ways, to re 1 In the beauties ef Ore- . tron'a mountains and seashore. Near Jy i 00,000 people visited the 13 na tional forests or Oregon and s.;,doj people visited 'the six national forests of V a shin rton. . i . , in the regstration -of motor vehi cles an increae- of 20.000 is noted in Oregon since 1917, the aggregate for (Cosviel ea rs Four, Cima One) - PERIOB CITY AM5-STATS , High Spots in the -. Oregon's agricultural yield for' which la Included "a, 23,000,000. bushel- wheat crop, a 4.000O00. ton hay crop, 7,000,000 boxes of apples The state's timber harvest for. the 000 feet. The timber and - lumber giving employment to 45,000 workers, who received an aggregate of 170,000,000 in wages. " - - "- - . - s - ' ' I An additional f 12,000,000 was tem this year; which was productive of S4 miles of pavement, 290 miles of rock and gravel surfacing and 336 miles of new grade.v r - r , i f- , t " .The Port of Portland is first in the United States In lumber and wool shipments, second In grain and flour and eighth in total volume of freight tonnage. The port is, served, regularly by 43 steamship lines, engaged in coastal, intercoastal and foreign trade. - The volume of its foreign exports of the year was $45,475,373. Portland invested 123,000,000 In . new. buildings during 1922, a new high record. Of this sum $12,050,020 went Into the construction of 3323 new residences, , . -In the Industrial field" new and enlarged factories emphasize the varied character of Portland's manufacturing and its increased vol-' ume of output. " ' 1 " . " ' 1. Oregon sends the highest percentage of her young people to col lege of any state in the Union, while Portland leads all sister cities in the percentage of her boys and girls enrolled in the public schools.' And, too, Portland's public library records the largest per. capita cir eolation of books of any library in the country; ..." ,-1 v News Index - f KdRerM Section 2. Fase'4. Ponrifln Hughes' Proposal Pleases Brftaia Sectioa 1, -, iv - Pas '. - J NsUansI rand fat . rtcbtias Pine Beeus Aaied Bee- ta 1, rw I. . .-.. Hawley Bequests Inform ttnei oa Section 1. Psm 1. ' : . -DomeaUo OcuTioi la XiBe--SeeUe 1, Fas UiBOMtpeUa Jtir - Km ; arid ' 6cU FUr 3.1- FoUmU Cum BtMoa 1. I' " P 8. Deaua tot jio.Tn-c0 U Put . VVomaa TakM teiaao Seetioa X, - Tf I. Thia Fines fol Hantiof Section 1, Vau 9. lAitorU Comlrio, to Oianie SeeUonfJ, Ltion, Chief SDcoat-Saotioa . 1. P 0. Biseloe Aetiac siuor Seetioo' u Fuw 6. jClty Aecoontm OriUclied eotlea 1, ?. -SUbt ia Pii Section l, Pac .8. Mother Indiete 3eoa 1, P( S. Prowler Epe eetioa l. Pm 8, Uim At Vtotattaa . Chszsed Sectio I, I is.- -i :-r- i'. ? " ?, Vart-ei4 VeeAwree Sectioa 10. Pri 1-1 '''Sectioa'll. P Seetien S, -Face 7. Seetieei 4. Pesas 1-3. Sectioa I. Pete 16 1 Reel eu.te-nd BntMius Seettoa s,' Pes 1. I Mrket-SitfttMt s. nv. i . . . . itadta Todrt luao FToe-rma secu l. Pt 1 I Bandar Bed Deputaent Sectioa 2, Pee 8, WeHhiorhood Hem ;8eetio 2, Pase-T. I .rr'Seotwa 6, Paget 1-4.' uUmoUS ' - - i- . ; BeaUoB . Pee I S. , ""E? f- Sportsj-- t 'Sv Sectioa. 7,"-Ptt l-4r - ', if o u ntmr ties " Th Week i Soaietjr Seofioo; . 4. Pee 1-S. Women' Club i Affaire Sectioa .4. Pace 4. I Th. j, & Moaie -Section' s, .race 4 Amerieaa Teterene Sectioa Z. run i rraterBal sioi , n t 4 , Bojt eaft. GirkSectioe 4, Pbc-j 4. i - . Sectioa S ' Pace 1. I New in pietar-aetioaS. Face S. Tours. HaU Goerip ; Sectioa 3. Pace -Bias Gardner Lttar4-8ectloa J. Paso .' Section 8. ac 1-0.' " ' .Seetiea , Facta l-.-. . r Div McKofii Reported As Neafingl Collapse C. B. McKoin, former mayor, of Mer Rouge, who was arrested here on "Wednesday- for the i liouiaiaisa 'authorities on a charsre of -murder 4n" connection pital here,: was " today reported to. be on the verge r-couapse. I . ' m e - - I rtflAC Cff ftflrt T-"-! 1 OUUiUUUiVJUU XXdiVdil 1 . , . .. - . , .. , . avwtu - wvmwm w vm,y v I i--.. s .n , I , ITk TT-JiI- ". . t i - U - , i ? eonaida limitation . f I emaller sea arcraft. the S2 5.000.000 1 navy appropriations bin ' was passed tby the senate this afternoon without I o. ro vnt. nnw -n rn a raft. ence. - e eenat than adjourned for the New Tear holidays until Wednes- Polish' Student Is Sentenced to Death Warsaw, Dec 30. (tT. P.) The art student who assaesinated PresiJent Naturowics; of Poland -was sentenced to t Year's Summary '' ; ; ; 1922 aggregated 1313, 000,000,' to and- 40,600,000 pounds of prune. year was more than 3,000.000,- industry- produced 1110,000,000, , - - - - ' r - - - : invested In Oregon's highway sys Few Changes, However, Were Effected by Election Held ; Last November, 1 . nffiAiii -n -w : ft...- - I ,OXfj6fl Oregon wttl change faces on I Mondayi January 1, under the letter of ( us law, though not in practice until 1 . . 1 Tuesday, all - with, the exception of the governor-elect, who. will come Jn With' the legislature just one week later, ;: and congressmeA-elect,", whose terms date from March 4.v But, In spite of all the trouble, 'strife and : conten tion of the recent election there will be but few, changes In the official visage after all in the governor's office,'- in the Third congressional district; in the public service commission and upon the circuit bench ' here and there and la M 1. . mM - Starting at the head of the ballot as i NEW FACES N OFFICE JAN 2 : t ' ' ' - 4 l r- U t,. nr r it..t ii, ! ior me ovennrow. or ids r cibu gov was prmtd,JW, CHawIey jrtll con-1 -a.ta Mnini niad , aa Mnma-.. .. nH-m 1 district since March 1..M0T. , m 1 Nick SInnott, Who first oualifled as I cpngressman from tho Second-district i in March. 191Z, goes back for another I two-year term, but In the Talrd dls- tncVC. McArthur, who: went, In March ; 4. 1 1 JIB.- steps aside ' to resume privata 1ar practice In Portland, while EHton Watkips lays down his; practice to step in. . . . : . , . , ; . When the legislature has convened on Monday January t, snd organhsed end when the house has canvassed the yote .cast for governor as the conatitu- tion requires, t Governor-elect Pierce will ,Uke his oath, of office and Gov- emor Olcott will retire to private life: Olcott has held1 high oublie office In thai state since April '17, 1911.' when he was . appointed . secretary of etate, by uovernor Oswald West to Till the va cancy caused by the death ef Frank W. j Benson on April 14, three days before. HaS X03TG XtECOBB . Jla was elected to the office at the i general election of 1)12 and was re- eiectea in i9ie. 5 He . was a candidate for governor in the primary election 'of191g; bnf was defeated by James n iwjrujmBe, wn sougm reeiecuon, xts became governor by consututionai sue- cession- on , March 4, - lSia, upon the death -of Governor wahycombe. Gov- ernor Olcott has not aa yet. made any statement regarding his future plana- Few men - in Oregon, have - had longer ."period of practically - continu-i ous connection with the publio life of! . Coooclaawt e race Six,' Uciumn -vacl ' KuKiux.KiaHto.Aid Xn.1 II "11 i d e"r In liir Mer Rouge, La- Dec 30j(V. P.v- -The calm before the StormT held sway over Morehouse, pariah tonight after a week of thrills. and excitement in eon- necUon with the Mer Rouge Jpaob law" casea . r ..-, 7 j -?- , .warnings pr tne inreatenea storm, expected to break next week when The- Journal,' HaUock & Watson and publio1 hearings will be held at Bas- the" Seattle Post-Intelligencer in con trop, were brewing in conferences be- Junction with the national radio week ; 1 " aiaes ana . tea oral , omciaia m isew Orleana - Rumors were current here tonight I that the round up of persons alleged to j fcf Watt Daniels and Thomas F. Rich ards - would begin" before the hearings start January 6. The Ku KlUx Klan, according- to announcement made in ?few Orleans today, has corns to the aid of federal and atata authorities in -their . invests gation of the outrage and has.' also etarted an-inquiry to f?rrt out mem - bers of the Die responsible for the kllljfirs : j ..," - .;..- . , ; NEW STAT BODY FACES BIG: ISSUES '4 Governor-Elect Pierce and Leg islature to Be Fraught With Heavy Cargo at 40-Day Meet Many Cross-Currents May Mud dy Stream iReduction of fS tats Taxes to Be Major-Subject. The Oregon legislature, on -Monday, January., will convene at Salem for its 2d regular biennial session. :It win Inaugurate a new governor and launch on its four-year course a new state administration. It will face and solve,, or fail , to solve, legislative , . . . ,. ... v questions of supreme . importance to the people of , the state generally and the taxpayers particularly. ! It will cover a 40-day . period more fraught with political and legislative dyna mite than any similar period in a de- caoe. ir inaications point to Tacta Politically, for politics guide and mould legislation to a marked extent in all assemblies, the coming, session will start with the fuse burning. 'Re publican by an overwhelming majority though tt be, its personnel is split into hidden factions resting on their arma The new administration, befriended by one, will front from its inaugural the suspicious examination .or.- we otnsr. waiting to attack if 'attack - would spell good politics. . v- TAXATION FOKEMOST The organization In the house - will run potentially counter in interest and sympathy to the control of the senate and the control of the senate : will be hostile to; the senate organisation, as that i organization now seems about to he. And -the lobby? It Will be there in large force and with, more insistance than for years. .It will be a big sea' ilon ; fori excitement and 'continuous Whatbtr it will loom large , In beneficial results, time and analysis atone can ceii. t - M A a h At t w A I m . SAV aa ; w S ait a a - S 49 . shie lta reformatio Jf that Wy to accomplished in the midst of ;all- the cfo eurrenU of Selfishness and greed (Concluded on Pace Sieves, CelaauOaa) Fascisti; Discover - Plot toflverthrdw; Beds Are Crested - "rr'" ?r? covorea toaay. v7, n, i several cities arrested the alleged rlng- leaders and captured arsenals of mu- nitiona.. J .The headauarters of the conspirators J was at Ancona, where five men were I arrested and :th names- of i 2 nthara I riven, to ths Policed Arma documents land secret codes-were seised. - Further t arrests ars expected. -.. -. i- I At -Turin, Alfonso Xeonettt was ai I ested. -At Trieste-a number of mem I bers of the staff of Lavoratoro Com nnlsta were arrested and charged with I seeping arms ana ammunition in their t resiaencesi ai :.esiQ ana Ban uio vanni . the , Fascisti confiscated two trunks containing hand grenades and seised dynamite in the yard of the local electric plants. Man Dies in Police Motorcycle Sidecar John Karpi, 40. a timber faller,' died in a noiico motorcvole aid -a- hi tway to the city iall Saturdav nish i fnysiciang pronouncea trie - cause of j death as wood alcohol poisoning., Mo- I torcycle Officer Finn was called to 1 the , Kverymin club. Second and I Couch. where Karpl had slipped from I e. bench and fell unconscious on the floor. : Karpi has been- arrested many times for being drunk, H lives at ino. , i4tn street. "v. " - - a. ' m jm S ' , . , . JpW to; hime for Radio - . ' , - . , j -n k 4 fTha Naa-affXalnes- Af 1 th Alj. VsAsx Aft ' Ihs picifu , heralded' . to all tnu,iJiSt8 6a tha orth Amer. tcn continent by the sonorous tones of j h Journal chimes. - - i . This novel tv will be a feature of the 1 jfew Tear's eve r program arranged by 1 ceie oration. The. Post-Intelligencer has charge of the concerts Had io Week, and re auested station KG (3 to make the was done because the local station hai the best record for sustained lopg distance transmission of any coast broadcasting set, despite the fact it only uses a -60- 7 "-""-"" " - - At 10:13 o'clock the program will be started . with : . t!r s , Betanson .Melodi- Phiends fumishuir the. latest dance , music. The 'broadcast will . be from The Journal etu'.o.f The orchestr-. J rate! as .er.e cf Fc. nd's- best, w. i SILEBS; Delegates Protest Against Peace Conference Considering , Any Suggestions Made by America. Stand Taken Ambassador Child and "Associates There Merely ; in Capacity . of , Observers. lAusanne, Dee. 80. The Turks today demanded that the TJnlted States be denied a voice in the XAusanne con- rerenee. - Rise . Konri Bey. Turkish - delegate. filed with the sub-commission a - pro test against considering any American suggestions, v He declared that Ambas sador Child and others from the United States were here simply as observera ' It is understood that the protest re ferred not only to Child's, statement yesterday that Turkish amnesty does not Include Christians deported and those that fled from Turkey, but also to the American project for an auton omous Armenia presented today. . With the' deadlock still in existence. the conference came to a stop tonight. Adjournment was ' taken tonight until next Wednesday.- PRESS DEMA2CDS Lord Curson Is going to Paris to con fer with Premier Bonar Law and Premier-. Po in care ' upon ;' German repara tions. - - , , . - Georges Tchltecherln, head of 'the Russian delegation, issued a memor andum proposing a ' special interna tional conference ; to deal with the question of minority ; populations in ail -countries. - In a memorandum forwarded to the British delegates tonight the Turks re iterated their demands that, Mosul be reincorporated Into the -- Turkish do main. . , t - - While a reply from' Lord Curson is not . expected before - Monday. - it - is known thaf England doea not Intend to hudge :ne inch dn. her deternuna' tion to retain possession of the greet oil fields that center around Mosul. Ambassador .- Child. American - ob server at the eenXarence, today sent a strong plea to the Turks on . behalf "of the refugees driven from Turkey, In stating on behalf or the .- American government that the property confis cated from the refugees at the. time of the expulsion . be -returned to . them. Sheriff 's Arrest for Iowa Booze; .Theft ; Shocks Community . Des Moines, Iowa, Tec 30. CTJ. P.) The government of Polk county was rocked to its very foundations tonight by -f the sensational arrest- of -Sheriff Winfred E. Robb, preacher-hangman. on " a .charge of illegally disposing of confiscated liquor stored In the county The obe Intothe theft of J the liquor-' shortly after", midnight Thurs day: became a bitter battler today bet tween Robb and-County Jailer William McMurray, who was fired by the sher iff and whose two sons were arrested by Robb on' a charge of complicity in the nighiacking" ef Polk county. ft A3 half dosen y indletments will be returned : by the- , county grand jury; next - week, , following . testimony of B. J, Salzmant "trusty, . and J. B. .Mack and OV L. Lacey, turnkeys, who ac cording to' 'Robb admitted knowledge of the robbery- and implicated at least three other- men -in the theft of 47 cases of. liquor , carted ' away in two automobiles from, the top, floor of the Harding 1 Nominates CokelfotU. S; Post Washington, Dec. V. 80 s President Harding today transmitted to the sen ate the nomination of John, B. . Coke to-be United. states" attorney for the district of Oregon. - The president also nominated Louis . W. . Thrailkill to be postmaster at Boise,' Idaho, - and Guy I. Towle to he postmaster at. Jerome, play the old year out,' stopping only for the; chimes. . - Ray Beaapson and "his troupe "made their debut, to the radio EWorld from The Journal studio some time ago. The program arranged by W, A; McDou gall" of the: McDougall-Cohn Music' company, was acclaimed by radio list eners in all parts of the Pacific coast. Mountain and Middle Western, states as wsu as those in the Western Cana dian . provinces as being the best ever heard. The . number of reports from this and other concerts put on by thi orchestra total . several - hundred;, in number. . ' .ro . Members of 'this aggregation tars Leu Foots, banjo and stringed,' in strtrments; I F Eorchr, .- drummer Vernon. I DeMar, saxophone " and piano, and -s-Paul -Lamborcaux,- saxo phone' and clarinet. . Bezanspn plays tne piano and cornet.--. r , . ; , One of that features of the torches tra's work is the liberal use of trap effects In the musical score. - This is dsns skllifuUy with the "Jesuit that a very ptessirg tune is given. .; STRUGGLE.:; .'. MAffiSV BASSMG 1 : Lloyd George Reviews 1922 4 '' " Peace and Good wiijj onearth is stiil. the only HEALING EVANGEL FOB IDEALISTS TO PREACH AND STATES MEN TO . PRACTICE, WITHOUT IT, PLANS AND PROTOCOLS MUST INEVITABLY FAILw, . .(, . . . , ''.,.. ' " ' - 'j. V -"Where does Peace stand f": '' ' I " , ' ,'" -.' :, , . " Theweary angel is still on wing, for the waters have not yet 'sub sided. She mayperhpst tind.a foothold in the great West, and, Britain Is fairly safeVnot yet Ireland. But the 'continent of Europe, is still swampy and insecure. . ',,. j-..-v .... . , ;- - '.r.-, l,- . I ''l.iA'VA- The year ends with .rumors of great American projects for. ad vancing large sums of money to all and sundry la the hope of set tling the- vexed 'question of German reparations. . .... If .the lean is likely to materialize. Its projectors are wise in Imposing con ditions that would afford them some chance of receiving payment of moderate Interest in the lifetime of' this generation: NO PRUDENT BANKER WOULD LEND MONEY ON .THE 'SECURITY, OF A VOLCANO. ' i . . - ' -- :' - - . - v . - ' . - 1 - The debate In the French chamber on reparations Is not encour-k agingi;.":." x There 'Is no peace in this talk. It is a sinister note ia' which to. end the. pacific music of H22 ; ' - , ' - THE MEN WHO ARE DEVOTING? THEIR INGENUITY TO DE-VlSmO- NEW TORMENTS FOR . GERMANY, ARE PREPARING NEW TERRORS FOR THEIR; OWN AND THEIR NEIGHBORS children. ...,:.-,, : r . . '-Friends of , peace have solid ground for their rejoicing In contem plation of the substantial ' reductions already, effected . in the naval programs of the most-powerful maritime countries In the world -Britain, the United States and Japan as a- direct result ot: the Washington negotiations.: 'AMERICAN STATESMANSHIP HA GIVEN 4 LEAD OF, WHICH IT IF 'A REDUCTION OF ARMIES IN THE EAST OF EUROPE IS FOLLOWED BY ' A CORRESPONDING '- REDUCTION IN THE WEST. THE REIGN OF PEACE Ed Marshall of Umatilla Suffers Broken Ribs,. Skull and Col- ' " , larbone In Auto Pjun'ge,,.-; The Dalles,' Dec. 30.-Ed Marshall, C8, wealthy" Umatilla county rancher, was seriously. ' if. not fatally, injured today west of the first tunnel of the Deschutes river -on' the -Columbia river highway,; when "his large , new- automobile-went over the grade and was de molished St the foot of a 60-foot embankment-' Almost every -rib his skull and his collarbone. are broken. How long , he lay suffering no, one knows, as he has been unable to talk. He was discovered this evening by Curt -Tom of The Dalies, who -operates a ranch near Ruf us. ; Tom,' driving along tn. th. downpour, saw the wreck age and-1 investigated. Finding Mar shan breathing, he- rushed him to . the hospital here- ? - --is v Marshall was en route to Portland from Pendleton.-- .What caused tha ac cident, has not been determined,- . an automobile load of Pendleton people is reported to have left Pendie ten immediately on receipt of word -of the accident and are speeding toward The Dalies, ' t ' - ; - ' Marshall -is one of the 'most prom inent residents' of Eastern Oregon and was a director and Judge at the 1922 Round-up. An- owner of several of the largest wheat ranches in Umatilla county, Marshall has been prominent in developing that section of the state. His wife died several years ago. . B.F, Irvine! Speaks At Seattle Meeting , Seattle, Dec. 30. The Republican ad ministration, ,, perceiving the public's handwriting on the wall, is beginning to attempt some of the things which were . advocated . by the Democratic adm inistration, said B. - F. Irvine of Portland, editor of the Oregon Journal, in the principal address before a large audience at - the , King County Demo cratic club's celebration today - of Woodrow Wilson's birthday. The Rev. Mark A. Matthews spoke the invoca tion and Mayor Edwin J. Brown in. troduced ' the speaker. ; : Lad Turns in Bed; -Bight Leg Broken . 1 - -. . ' " . i. ii i , - -- ;-i ! When ..Robert Phillips Jr., son of Dr.- Robert A. Phlllips,i turned over: in bed - Saturday night about 10 o'clock be broke -his right leg for the second time within eight months. His' father, a physician, was -unable to -determine the cause of either break. iWhen it first occurred ..the lad was walking on the street and suddenly crumpled. He Is now: at the Good Samaritan hoa pitai. " , - : - -, Fisher Named: State Tax Commissioner Salem, Dec 80. B. I Fisher was ap pointed state tax commissioner by the state .lax commission this ; afternoon, succeedim? Frank A. Lovell., resigned. The- appointment is effective January yl and holds for four year. Fisher has been- secretary to the tax commission for-, three ; years. Prior to coming i to Salem he was -for two terms count assessor for Linn county. Lovell left several days eso for - California for the benef "ef tis healt'a- RANCHER IS IS ENTITLED TO BOAST. '- -, IS NOT DISTANT. ! - . , Seven Former.' Ui S.vOf-ficfais a ' -' t art1.' V'J -t ' Accuser. 01 ionsp iracy 1 to y Defraud Governmsnt Wahlngton,'M5ec 40. CU. P.) The entire war camp construction program of the Wilson administration-was se verely arraigned here today In tha in dictment : of seven former .high war department officials by at special war frauds grand Jury'' on charges of con piracy 'to .defraud - the 'government- The -accused- are ;-fi 'K:rf'i Benedict Crowell,. former assistant secretary of 1 war ' during the Wilson administration ; WiUiam A. Starrett, formerly a colonel in the ctuartermas ter corps ; Clemens W. Londoff , . vice' president, of the - Crowell-Lundof f-Ut tie, company,; ahd general manager- e tne ; Cleveland. . Construction. . company shd- member- of : the emergency- can- strucuon committee of the war depart ment; Morton C Tuttle, general inan ager - or : tne Abertnaw; , construction company and: also a r member of the construction committee : Clair Foster: formerly with " the .Thonapson-Starrett and George A, fuller vConstructioni companies and during the war a major in the engineer corps ; James A, Mesrs general manager of the Fred T. Lej company, who,1 was on the construction committee, and John -H. McOibbons, who merely was identified as a former Irmember of the committee. . . soma of those indicted served as "dol las a year maut in the war department during' the war. . - . , : - Excessive charges were levied on the government In the construction of more than 00 s: structures, including-- war camps, . hospitals,, fortifications, ware houses and other' buildings, the Indict ment chargea:-:--, ' Approximately 100 ""overt acts were listed by 'the - grand ;: jury --- centering around the activities of the war-time emergency construction committee, wnue exact i estimates were unob tainable, the jury states that the de fendants' alleged disregard of the law calling for detailed bids- for all con struction . work ' cost the government 1800,000. . Construction contracts totalling ISO. 000,000 were let by the defendants after the - armistice was signed . and up to July 1. 1919. t Concerns favored bir tlie eefendants were given a total ot III. oou,oov worth - of these contracts, the jury . charged. ; J . - - w-, - Three Balled When Seattle "Auto Bus Dives Off Trestle Seattle. Dec sOufU.-P.J Two men and a woman . were killed and another man.: suffered -probable fatal injuries when a municipal motor bus collided with ' a touring car--, and", crashed through , the -- wooden -railing of the Wheeler street trestle at toth avenue West, and West Wheeler street, at o'clock tonight. ."" The motor -bus plunged CO feet to the hard ground be lOW. f' .". 3 . g The dead : - - ' ' . -Floyd N'.- Perry. Seattle, 21. years old. driver of the bus. ' II. R. Harvey, address unknown; Vnldetified woman. : - The injured: - . - William Crosaett, 42. 'foreman of lumber company at Ballard. ' ' The woman killed was young, of me dium height, with brown? hair. She wore a blue silk cress. Henry Albrecht. 18-year-old auto me chanic, driver cf the touring ear. su tained- a severe cat on his hand. He said that the bus was speeding, oid .otner wi ureases, ' ' - INDICTED FOR PEACE YE 1U David Lloyd George Summarizes the Years Progress in the Direction of Peace. , : , War: Madness of: an Earlier Period Gives Way to a Calmer Consideration ,6f. , Problems. (Oopyriaht, 12, by United Featars 6ra4i- . -. . . eate.) (Conrilcht V la Great Britain er : Ziaaden . unromcie. i ; (Ceprriht la Anttralaaia by Aastraliaa Trea .1... AMMna.ion. ff Ezehtarn World Biihta Bald bT TJnited Foatar BepfOdaettoa to "W hole nr ia Part Prohibited. au jusnt iieaii iiu, - ; By Riglit, Honorable David ; ULoyd George, O. M., JM. P i ' atmaer jsnuan x-nmer. i London, Dec: 80. The year 1132 witnessed a' genuine struggle on the part 1 ef the, nations - to' establish peace c conditions in the) ' w orl d. Duriag 1919, 1920 and lsSlhe tarantella' was still in their blood. The mad war dance was j stfll quivering In their limbs, and they could not rest.. The crackle of musket we s J Incessant and maue needful , repose ( , Impossible. There' was hot a country in) Europe or A8ia whose troops were not firing: shots. in anger at some external or Internal foe. . America rang down the fire curtain until this hysterical frenry had ."burnt itself Out, . , Was shev right? ..Vi.-'". "It, is too early yet to give the an- unheard" ---many witnessing years whose evidence is relevant have not yet entered the box. It will, there fore he some time before the ver dict Df. history as to her attitude can" be delivered.; "-:. ; . , A MAD WORLD t ' . J ; Bdts 1922' testifies to many- strik ing symptoms of recovering sanity on the .part ,of the tortured, conti nents. Before 1122 you had every where the Qtierulity fcf '"the", over strained nerve; .the slightest offense or misunderstanding, however un intentional, provoked -. a quarrel. And alpSost, every1 quarref was f ol lowed.bjrj a ihlow!, . It was a mad world to; live in.- The shrieks cf clawing nations rent the European night and made j. it hideous. One distinguished general declared that at one period I.thlriTc It was the year 19 20, there were SO wars, great and- small, proceedings simultan eously. . v . ' .-. . ,Who was to blame? , . :J- "' Everybody and nobody. Usnkind had Just passed through the most nerve shattering: experience in all Its rack ing history, and was not responsible for its actions. Sillions of younz men had ;for years marched through such a pitiless nun of terror as had not been conceived except in Milton's descrip tion of the battle scenes when fallen' angels z were ' driven headlong to the oeep. -' And;-when the Angel of Peace led"- the -nations cut from the ' rates of hell,-no wonder it took them years ta; recover slght and. sanity, . COMPOSURE BESTOBED ' . " : - Kmeteen Hundred . and Twenty-two was a .-year of ' restored -composure. The outward visible sign was seen in the changed character of the inisrr a t!cnat conferences held during the year. The ultimatum kind of.conference gave Thei -old method Insisted upon by French statesmen was to harcrae-r cut demands on a conferencs: anv-ll -1 snd them in the form of an ultteattii (CoodaOfd w Pace Two, Cnleta Cm) r Year-& dayv The Journal will re strict its day edi tions to tw&: The. "Pizu." or'Btilletiii. News" and one"City" edition. This is in accord with its holi day custom, in order fiat Journal ,wo r 1c e r s r f5zy have as much of . the day to themselves aspossills. A lift ? ACGORO