12 THE OREGON DAILY JOU RN AX, PORTLAND, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1C22. 107 iriartin&Forbes Company 8(4 washinoton .re. U1W .28.. i rrvB FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS AKTI-T1CAAA.T Erickson MAIN 7379 208 xROAlVAx AX TAKLOat LOST AND FOUND 10S LOST, strayed or stoke. : cww worth while to party who will return or let m. know where I can find English, trait dog. U except brindl. right eye and ear and small - dark epota an tack; absolutely no qamtmim ' asked. Call Auto, .ae-va. LOST Near Myrtte Prk station at Mt NMtt. uull black nnt containing money. watch nd cheek. Reward. all Oregon City 313-J collect, or Ante. gzz-7Q. tisT Tualii . or Wednesday. laree mink fur collar, cither ea Sooth Kelly street or '-.near 2"Uj ami East i lamliul. steward. Phone Eut' 5597 LOST Horseshoe sue rf pin, Mt with pearl and null black eoin para containing silver an4 currency. Reward. 600 E. 1 via. t"Ot"XD Book with war aa vines stamp. Owner mar obtain by paying ad and calling at 225 M S. 1st. Km to luccioto. . LOST Platinum bar pui. with diamond- seb- . tine, Saturday. - .steward Call ant aiu-xz. -770 Johnson sr. LOST or strayed, brown spaniel doc, in Pari . Rose, answer , to name Spud. Liberal re ward. Tabor 87 1 LOST- Half of silver fountain pen. filled wita violet ink. steward- uu hms LOST .Wed. Lower set of false teeth. Bobert Bertseh. - Journal. LOST Lady' wrist wateh. Elsin movement. belongs to working? girl. Pnone .n-a. LOST Section of Inlaid silver fountain pen. Tabor 3297. iiewara. EDUCATIONAL 200 WHT BE ODT OF A JOB OB WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION? Trained aato recall ama and ante 4lee- trleal experts are now in demand. We bare helped bondrede of oar graduates to aha pas Jobs. We can help you, too. Call and inspect our school am day (except Satur- oar) at 10 a. m. or p. m., or write for large 112-page ITlLtJsi catalog. Ask tut Book No. 4. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL. Union Are. and Wasco St Woodlswn or Alberta Car. 2d TBt LEAR MOBS FOB LESS It will pay you to inveatlfiate HEMPHILL'S AUTO cfc TRACTOR SCHOOLS Before Enrolling Elsewhere.' 125 6th at. NEAR UNION DEPOT. ENROLL any Mondar for day or nixhv school. . All buiBee courses, and as soon aa compe . . i , r' ... urns w - ww itac jw in a pexui. pmKina Bend for free Success catalog. SB2 Business College, -Morrison. Phone Main 0580. 4th. SPECIAL RATES In Amateur, Commercial and Mo ring Picture Photography. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 125 N. SLb St.. Near Union Depot. WB TEACH yow to know your car. WAUGH SALON of AUTO ATTENTION, for men and" women. S21 Abington bldg.. Third t. - bet. Wash, ana Stark. A short coarse that 'Saves dollars aiul gives AUTO SENSE. Jiot " a trade school. Nominal fee. INVESTIGATE! New system of shorthand. No - strokes. We guarantee to teach you in 30 idaya. Enroll now for special rate. National -School of Shorthand, 507-508 Artisan bid-. : aiOLUt BABBKH COLLJSGB will teach yon - the trade sb eight weeks; receire some pay . while learning t positions secured. Wnte at 'oall for eatakigug. 234 Burnside st ' MODERN Barber College trade in . weaas; toolp tarnisnn. i aecurcds apecial rate this call 284 1st at. ome- pay; position month. Write SPECIAL ENGLISH CLASS ' DECaUEB BUSINESS COLUUiM AJlaky Una. MEN. women, learn barber trade; wages while ieamita. Oragnn Barber Coiiegsw Mad- : LEARN TELEGRAPHY RaQway Telegraph Institute, 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Day and night classes. HELP WANTED MALE 201 AGENTS WANTTTD EVERYWHERE to sell - those Wonderful California Herbs for Rheu . ' People from all orer the C. 8. .. has written us the last fire years about 't " ' extnordinary result from these marrelous Herbs. Bend for tree booklet. Found $L partrwid. KHEUMATTSM HERB COMPANY. - " BAWTELLE. CALIFORNIA. WANTED Man to take interest with me in a road show. I hare a brand new 6 reel feature film -with a great line of pa- . per. Never been shown in this part of the ' . U. 8. Yon handle your own money. -'. For information call 82 Railway Ex. bldg. WANT middle' aged man to work on farm, ' , milk and dear land: wages $20 per month. room and board. Write or phone T. E. " Bledsoe, Bearerton. Or. WANTED Chorus giria and other performers . for road show. Muat know your stuff. Call 829 Railway Ex. bldg. - FIRST dam solicitors. Excellent opportunity to make good. Income. Call 314 Aiisky nldg.. nerween l z ana I p. m. FOR SALE 6 room modern house. 8200 to wreck. Would make someone a nice home. Main 2228. MAN to trap mu&krau; some money required. CsP for Wheeler. Broadway 4049. WANTED Young man as partner; small in vestment. Inquire 129 12th fc HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 THE " "WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION. eity of Portland, offers Its terrices in aQ v matters' pertaining to the welfare and tro . ' tection of women and girls: biterriewa con fidentiaL S14 Woreeater bMg . 3d and Oak sts. Phone Broedwsy 7422. WANTED Would like to hear from a poor . . widow woman who would like a good home ,' fat for a companion; will give clothing a,nd spending money; would like a. near eoxamoa , woman, not one who dresses In the styles of today. Mrs. E. Stiennon. Allegany, Or. . KOTICE We furnish lacy eooka, housekeep , era. waiQ esses, store nelp, factory heip, etc.. free to employers. Phono Bdwy. 8494. ' Bus, Men's Emp. Agey.. 815 Wilcox bldg. . ANY 61 RL m need ot a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Beeeue Home, Mayfair mi - Alexander eta. Phone Main 8480. D-M tar. WANTED Housekeeper. John Creast. box SSX Oregon City. Or. A GIRL to assist with generaT housework. Ap ply mornings. tH Lovejoy st. - ELDERLY lady to assist with housework. Uood home, small salary. Phone East 8994. gTU ATIONS WANTED MALE 251 OOD fioora.- Lay them now. Save money; avoid the spring rush. Tabor 0420. CEMENT WORK " " '" Rates with mixer. WaL 6989. CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, all kinda. K.rf . Batteo 4V Co.. BeUwood 0919. PLUM BIN 2 done eery icanonchhr h tK- iTH. rorb the job. East 9838. PAINTING. TINTING,. ALL BRANCHED REASONABLE- VAIL BROS.. WAL. S3 it. hOOKW REPAIRKDl kl up; nhirl,n BASEMENTS, gradrng. teaming: contrast ox nay work. Aut. 42J-35. Arwateg 388T. FAPEKHANGINO. . PAINTING. TINTINOl REPAIR WORE. ATWATEB 0157. ' PAPERING, inside painUng aalsomiaini cheap, before spring rush. Tabor 5258. W.- Kv WALKER, ceaecal ewntractor and lob ber." East 8858. G RABIN O. Raising and moving; h nines. Ceav cre work. Walnut 0S84 V OL"LX Lke positioa in garagw or delivery truck or oar. Atwster 6757. - CARPENTER Handy man, small odds and ends. WaL 2211 eve. 1330 Inters tats. FOa arsding, exoavating or general tasua work by aatperieaced meny call iarfield 9752. t'LASTERING. patching a specialty ; day or contract: work guaranteed. Main 5517. GXTTEK3 and down spoutn cieaTvrdand re paired. Also new work. East 6013. CONCRETE pouring, two H-wok . milera Week guaranteed. - Tahor Q5S1 . EHRCBBERT planting, pruninc. lawn workt by cXTerta. Phone Main 6521. -- Pbooe Walnut 0603. - KAVE teams. WUi do eicavauon; nd; gravel; deliver aao. Walnut 0S83.- EXPERIENCED Janajseae boy wants paatuoa . situ cbool houta, Aut. S29-10. FLORISTS SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 TRAVELING salesman wants position with ; good house. Must be line of merit. Knows the trade in Idaho, Utah. Wyoming. Mon tana. Hrfsreueee. Beadonaners in Idaho. TX-911. Journal. ' ... GOOD, ail around office man desires any po .sinon where hard work and ability counts; y wilhnc to accept moderate salary if a ehanee for advancement. Married, family of five; 85 years old. Address, P. 6. Box 688. City. CARPENTER work, built in fixrurea. breakfast. fcitrben and nook tables, counters and asset eombinatwn counters and shelving. All work - done as agreed. East 1)84. : " HOUSK WIRING Let me give yon an eaUtnato ess your wir lng before letting your eontrnev electrician. Walnut 5691. Paper Hanging: PAINTING TDfTINO H. V. MARX. Garfield 7936 PRACTICAL painter Is now free to handle small or-lane contracts on painting, ksl- somining . etc. at reasonable prices. Phone Y0CE home needs paintliig; have tt done Bear, lowest prices, nest - workmanship and material, fhone Empire wits. EXPERIENCED . tinner would with hardware shop, small city; Q-288, Journal. FIRST-CLASS dental serrioes for paper hang . ing, tinning, sign work or electrical. . Broad way I2S9. I DIG cesspools, ditches, snd make eoi , Leave number or address if I'm Auto. 612-50. WIRING Let as figure roc? electrical work. New or old house. Walnut JU4. Even- in rs. Wslnut 3086. -- CAKPENTEK given for day work; gaargee built and to order. atast MSB. CARPENTER Estimates given on repair work; roofs repaired and garages trails, .1 , tt i 1 i o,n PAINTING, epernanging and tinting ; prices i MMiinialili . mrk rsarastiMrt Sihoo tana Hawthorne eve. Tabor 1722. PLUMBING, KEPA1U1NG AND NEW WOKE Chimneys and furnaeea eieaned and repaired, tl H. 4. Emmert, 850 Oregon. East 9711. FAST, up to date carpenter, designer, builder of homes and cabinet work, prices light; work guaranteed. Ant. 616-6Q. ' MIDDLE-AGED man. does expert paperhang- Ing, aalsomlulng. cleaning, carpenter repau, your own price. Ant. 511-63. TINNER Furnace and gutter work done reasonably, satisfaction - guaranteed. Wal nut 5588. MEAT market or grocery Young auan, 20 years, soma experience cutting meat. N-3S2, Journal . . . BUSINESS man. years of experience, tnahes position city salesman. Tabor 7 4 36. FOR fireplace, and chimneys, call Walnut 3806. Estimates given. - HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract. references. 1 4r Koaney avc. wax wss. WANTED Papering, painting, tinting. BOe per hour .-or by the contract. Aut. n-2. CEMENT work all kinds; also stucco plastering. Bdwy. 1245. - SITUATIONS FEMALE 2S4 WOMAN wanta work in hotel as cook in city or country; wages son per monta or arranged. Atwster 4444 or 414 Salmon. Mrs. Myra Good row GIKL, , 17, wanu to hela with housework; no cooking. Agauia toraeiy, ruruuiu, v. Koute l. ox m. REFINED business girl wishes room and board in private .borne. Broadway or Irving ton. East 5227 evening a. R-887, Journal. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wanta house cleaning, washing or other won; goon work guaranteed. Walnut 6305. WANTED Housekeeping in gentleman's house. Can Empire 0800. Mrs. crueger. DRESSMAKING 2S6 DHE.SSMAK ING. reasonable, work guaran teed. 501 Buchanan wag., netween iwira and Fifth on Washington. Broadway 8378. HEMSTITCHING any color. 6c Urn. 403 Itaieign oiag., o-ti wasn. xtuwy. am. HEMSTITCHING Special lunch cloths itraignt oc per yam. mm oawy. pjus- -tj caau & WTUr , i ,1 n li in. Mat. Km aonaoie. xast g.oj. u.n nnmim . STRAIGHT hemstitching, 6o per yard. 1109 Aiisky bldg.. eattycorner Roberta uro HEMSTITCHING, worts, Ac per yard straight Button as fiaiuna ooop, " w.ih h.uk NURSES 257 EXPERIENCED practical nurse, beat of ref erences. Call Main 1Q7Z. A RELIABLE nurse wants-cases. Reasonable charges. Auto. 645-. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 LINCOLN HOTEL 409 MORRISON ST. Under New Management. Furnished rooms, hot and cold water in every room, steam heat. Prices 86 to 810 per week. Phone Broadway 3833. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 Uth st. cot. Stark. New management; modern; private oawa. free phone, reasonable rates; (5 and up: hot and cold water; steam beat. THOROUGHLY clean single rooms, day of weea; atot anta cvsa waan, iiw - - Chamberlain Hotel. 892 K. StarE EL 00SX FURNISHED ROOMS ' PRIVATE FAMILY 301 NOB HILL Inexpensive rooms on first and third fioora. In a neautuui, reiinea norae. 84 y. 21 sty oor. Everett. Walking distance. D? your are tired of living, fn a hotel I am sure I have a real home and a warm room you would Hka. 85 and 86.50 week. Gentle men preferred. E. 2074 after 7:30 p. m. LIGHT, pleasant sleeping room; furnace heat; waiamg distance ; ajeo garage. - Od cverett. corner 17th. Broadway 2256. ATTRACTIVE room, west sJdo, 1 block from library, not a rooming house, lor lady emp. C. S. preferred, f 16 par mo. i Main 739S. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE BOOM IN PRI VATE HOME FOR REFINED LADY. 689 11TH ST. MAIN 532L CLEAN, comfortable room, in nice home; beat furnished; private entrance, reasonable rent; gentlemen preferred; close to car. Call East FOR7 RENT Comfortable, front room: also garage; for gentleman. 481 avast otn st. north. East 8701. ' NEWLY furnished sleeping roms, hot and cold water, welkins; distance. 716 Johnson, cor. 22d. Main 4997. OOZY, extra warm 2-roora suite: all eonveni- ances; also private garage. 414 Market. comer iitn. WANTED Man to etart, furnace mominax lor basement honsekaeprng room, and 85 month rent. 60 N. 81st at, , FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS REASONABLE I RATES 489 H Washington.- Broadway 6049. ONE furnished room, with kitcthenette. ifE from BannysMle can 84.60 per week. 174 E. 35th st. Phone Tabor 302. LARGE front room in steam-heated apt., near 21 Jocnsoa; rea sons ble rent for on party; references required. Broadway 8521. NICE modern room. 6 minutes to nniinasg district, w. a., gix up. stain 4377. FRONT sleeping room, furnace beat, dose to bath. 312 mo.. 20 East24tb St.. North. 825 ROOM and breakfast for gentlemen an- pioyeu; nome comiorta, amr 4iw. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Norionia! Hotel llth off Washington, i rxadway 1180. Portland's htfecloa downtown tesirtentisl notes. We give yen the omforta of homo. American - European plan. Rataa Tea anna hie. PARK VIEW HOTEL COR. W. PARK AND MONTGOMERY The highest eiaivtsrd of an Asaerican plan hotei. As n persoaneat plana to live it as srnesessied log toe pries tn the gate. tJonvsnienuy located for fe-giorvsj people. . - t - HOTEL HEREFORD T35 Hoyt. near 23d. Main SS68 aixceuent uuung room aerrice, under the direct sBpevYaaoa ot Mrs. Mf-TViigall. Cor saerly of the Ramapo hoteL ROOMS (l, day and up. . Meala 3" EiLSIVK geaiaaaitial, botel; rates 646 to ood- 74 Loveloy. Main 8619. . ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 LADY would like 2 or A gentlemen to board, ta i real heme: modem, dean and congenial: s-so per swats. aaet aide. Wamut 68921 NICE sSjMnfMAKsai wwkAnaei m. la A L K" L ' "a1 SftWiVl IjkOBW CXsOel- IMf V ba at. jmaSMra avUrt, . eaasra a- a. t a. -ar ""' manpyente. l arvor 8181 t&Jh&EI- b?.r,i-- ?? . 6a $! montia, '"-v. -- h HsrvaM. oerreaa. CHILDREN receive good cars ia private avoane of twsawnsuias woauan. , Aato 630-S3, FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY -' 303 GOOD BOOM AND BOARD FOR MAN AND WIr-B EMFLOIKD' Un EOGLK GtS. TLEMAN. SOS KIBBY, WALNUT 4138. BOOM and beard an modern aom la Boas City, for man and wife employed: wiH care : - tor child daring day.. Tabog 8382. 888 fcast Htk ft. N. - SICE, amacrfot room with or without board; close in. . East 4948. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, wonderful view. i front room, with porch ; 2 meala: tnano and homo privileges; 840 for one parson; $70 ' lor g. Atwater gup. - - DESIRABLE room -with exosQsnt woard for 1 or 2 genuewiea. with home nrivilegea worth your tusai to investigate. Phone East 2481. - , X NICK BOOMS AND SLEEPLNO PORCTH. ALSO SINGLE BOOM. CLOSE LN. CHEAP. 76 HIVING. CALL MAIN PLEASANT rornna. good board, furnish heat, electrio light, hot and cold water, walking distance. Keeeoneoie. 04 7H out street. NICE LARGE WELL HEATED ROOMS. WALKING DISTANCE., EAST 4365 330 HALSEY. - 1 BOOM AND BOARD for gentleman working nice home : rust what. row are kiokine for: good meals, nice Sunday dinners; furnace neat- wajmrc 4D. GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE IN CLEAN. MODERN HOME FOB X CHILD. CALL TABOR 9187. WELL-HEATED room suitable, for 1 or 2 excellent board; modern, close in, reauwn- eote. name pn voir res; on Jdontaruus ear. ow m. Anseny. sast B144. BEST OF BOOM AND BOARD FOB. TWO XOUN atEN OB. MAN AND WIFE. r WALKING DISTANCE CLOSE IN. " CHEAP. EAST 9218. NICELY fumiahed rooms, twin beds, good noma cooainx and all noma privileges; suit able for X or z refined people employed. 33 Kearney. Broadway 1509. - SICE ROOM AND BOARD, WITHIN WALKING- DISTANCE. ATWATEB 0157. 288 H. 24 th ST. IN fine home: room adjoining bath; good home cooking. name privilege Jor young lady. Price $50 month. Phono East 2552. 620 Wasco. t 2 OR 3 respectable young gentlemen to roonv board in refined home with mother and daughter. - Boys who appreeiato real noxne life. 730 E. Ankeny St. East 1481. ROOM" AND BOARD; SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS AT 772 MARSHALL. MAIM 144 IF THERE are 2 young men who would ap- srwwte cirmir, sins - room, sues noma A I.. ..n n WOMAN with .child desiring to keep np her nome naa lovely room tor rent, with board; close In. west aids; no ether roomers; ref erences. N-831, .Journal. ATTRACTIVE room with board; piano, Vie- iroia. near east saas ormegca. osa XL Conch. East 3109. GOOD ROOM AND BOARD IN MODERN HOME run z MEN OK MAN AND WIFE; HOME PRIVILEGES. TABOR 2538. WANTED Child 1 to 4 years to board i mother's care, in good homo; win do child's 1 sewing. Sell. 2360. CHILDREN CARED FOR IN MY HOUSE i l tin. DAT, YVlvhlK. OR MONTH. CALL EAST 0586. ROOM and board for business giria; modern conveniences; waixmg distance; 85 per week. East 9730. 12 B. 7th st YOUNG MAN to room and board, small con- . sexuai lanuiy oi young people, piano, close in, $8 week. Main 0698. ROOM and board in private family, $8.50 w. ii. unura ave, walnut 7 O U 4 . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 LIGHT housekeepinc rooms for one or two. OKA o a a n j . , . m. poo q'j, near aionnTomery. NICE clean housekeeping room, all eonven- gww, VI. UVUUL ova. XI to ST. SUNNXCREST. Steam heat, newly fum it K. rms. ii up. Atw. B748. 186 Sherman. ONE sincle H- K. room. ; with bkeat, 44.50. i or Krvueawn. n9 r lanflera at. HOUSEKEEPING rooms 82 per week and up. Journal Now 2 Cents a Word! - 1 3 And the pace circulation, is FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS t FURNISHED v 304 - THE MINNA MAS Wsst aide. 1 block front Wsab- sc.: j -pJotnly fam 2-room H. K. suites, first floor; t also I on seoond floor; heat, tight and - phosva rum v-had; vary - reason Broadway 4205. HOUSEKEEPXNG-rooma, Belmont Aptn. TJn- . oer new nisnsguiiiusil. . walking rltntsisoe. aasa atae. . AU rooms .nearly - Phone East Q878. SINGLE housekeeping or ale aping rooma, $5 and $10 per month: clean, cosy 2 and 3 . room rarUe, 61 0 to 618. Large lobby. weu neatea. 412 ltn sx, H. LARGE furnished front h. k. rooms; gas " range, stnxj walking distance; aauits. . zit Botraia st. THBFF risen frimiiihid hnnsnrrrninr for rest. 626 per month. Call 223 17th st, .-i. Poena Broadway 1115. - FOR RENT 2 nice largo front ImoseAeeping , rooms on ground floor. $25 par ' month. on cvarett. Broadway 733P. LIGHT warm 2-room housekeeping, heat, bath. light, phone; walking; dvtanea, .one block . to car, JCaat 3185. 171 E. 18th at. b. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 CLOSE. IN, on east side, room and kitchen- cue, not ana com water, Tnrnaco heat, oos ! c. uax. asx ozas. 3rTrHlJE modern honsekeeping rooms, irvhiriirtg light, gas - and heat; employed f couple. 843 llaig at. peuwood loop. TWO NICELY furnishehd h k. rooms In private reaiaenoa. waunng S24 iv. tirst sx. M. Kaat 7Z1V. 2 H. K ROOMS with kitchenette; everything rurn. axeept gas. - 414 jrunt at. vvalking mstanee. mi. I lo . TWO furnished h. k. rooms with, kitchenette. euiiaoie tor two. ice gzv; near wuliatns ave. car. ZB7 Knott st. 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE Adults. Hawthorne district. - PHONE -fcAST 8441. 2 ROOM turn. H. E. apt., light, heat, phone! ana oatn, nos ana com water; witn sink; reaaonaoia. t2i otn sr. Atwater 2606, NEATLY furnished apartment, block from Montavma car. Phone Tabor 0475 FOUR furnished H. K. rooms. 3 blocks from Peninsula scnooa. 1037 Vincont. Walnut 2S. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, first i OA . i. il i- . r . i. , i iiiws, ov auuuux. muuw awta oo Oil. t -ail c, . . i . k . a . TWO large front rooms, private entrance, dean iignta, oatn. gas, pnone tree; reasonable; suiuia. lo aw ao, sut ivif. CLEAN furnished , room, housekeeping . privi leges ; oatn, pnone, neat; reasonable walking uistance. ion trying st. Main Ml so. HOUSEKEEPING, private, $20; room and otcnen privuegea; ail nome eomforts; piano. rtenaoie party. mam vzt4 SCNNYSIDE 2 large bght housekeeping rooms, sumace neat, - pnone. Data, not water, gag. Tabor 8580. 3-Room Houses eeping Apt. Close in. Rent Reaeonablo 600 Commercial St. ONE vary good, clean, warm housekeeping room, xtot water, nee sons Die, o 7 Xrmity rises, uroaaway g4i NICE 2-room housekeeping apt. Also (leep- ing room, xtosaonable. 649 6th at. At water 2656. - 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, bath adjoining, in modern nome. 207 IS. S2d st. Tabor 0984. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, reason able. Tabor 8457. 205 E. 53d N. 2 NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor: 1 block carlina. Tahnr 4U37 TWO oomfortable rooms well furnished, down- stairs. $19 per month. 507 Mississippi ave. t UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 022 Belmont. Bunnyside car. UNION AVE. and Killmgswonn. furnished apt. Z4.au: an complete; concrete oiag. 4-ROOM apt.. 1st floor; basement and furnace; close in. 881 Ross st Phone East 8646. BACHELOR and family housekeeping single or double, cheap rent- 044 fettygrovsy 2-ROOM light honsekeeping apt,, newly fln- laneo. ngnt ano gas rurmsneq. zu iz tn. 2 ROOMS, light, heat, gas, phone. R. J. Mc- Guire, 849 onion, is. Q47. GOOD 2 and 8 -room housekeeping spta. Also 1 good sleeping room. East .8387. $ 3 5 THREE housekeeping rooms, no smokers; aauits only. v o r,. o t un. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $4 and $3 week; furnace beat. 521 Johnson st. Cash EFFECTIVE MONDAY, JAN. 1st, 1923 Although the Daily and Sunday Circulation, of The Journal in Portland is larger by Thousands than any other newspaper published, its classi fied advertising rates are very low just think only 2c a word, minimum cost 25c. i GOOD BEFOREBETTER NOW CHARGE WANT AD RATES Effective Jem. 1st, 1923 Daily or Sunday (six average words to the ljne) : r , time , . e . w.e... . . . . . . 1 2c per line consecutive times, each time. .10c per line (minimum charge, 25 cents) ' i at which The Journal has built its present enormous not slacking up, but is swinging steadily forward! 100,000 Circulation Every FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFVKTI1SHED ' PRIVATE FAMILY 30 BEAUTIFULLY , farnuned honsekeeping apta. singlo and double. $4.50 and $5.66 par -week; xut floor; gas rang: running water. . electric lights, phone; etnas tn; nice loca tion. U7 Market st, VWO " lanra nnfurninhed bnsisaknrryns -.for rent eheas: nahta. not. eold water fur- niahed. large baoament: 613 per mm: close m. s uroaoy at, et. otaei ana siroaa- way orsagaa. SNAPPY, dean, well furnished 2-room nonsa . keeping suite, sink, hot and eold running .yard tor car. 1 302 Tillamook, near w'illiama ave. - - ONE ltonaekeerjinst room. 1 aloentnr rooan 1 - basement room, hot water heat, Teiepbone : auvauiway till. o xruuty piaca. . very X TO t nice furnished hoaseceemns' or aleen- - teg- rooma, garage. 1 black Fnlton ear; tele- ptione, elecincity, etc. free: extremely rea sons Die. - teaa Kelly. Atwater 124. CLEAN 2-room furnished apartment, with bath, porch, yard , and hi at: enamed eoopla or two asdics. 7X rgnfonbein avm. W. A. car to Fargo. $20 THEJEK pleasant furnished bouaekeeping rooms. 542 E. 27 th st. Richmond car w i m. one oiocs aoutn. TWO-ROOM apartment, steam heated parlor. free wood for kitchen, pantry, hot and cold water. 162 North 22d at. Take either 23d st. or uepot-Mornson car. I block from each. CLEAN housekeeping rooms and kitchenette, $3.75 per week and sp; neat, light, bath. ' phono furnished. 396 N. 26th. near Mont gomery ward. - cau Aatwater 2775. FOR RENT Two large furnished housekeep ing rooms, running water in rooms. 493 vanoouver ave.. 1 blk from Williaua ave. ear. 2 FURNISHED H. E. rooms, finished in j ivory, private entrance. Data, wash trays, built-in bed, Dutch kitchen, inclnrling phone water ana carnage. Taoor 7044. 2 LIGHT, clean rooms and sleeping porch. walking distance, quiet location, $20 par mo. on se. Z2d. near Oak. 292 E. 82D ST. 2-room aparkment, every . thing furnished and in a good neighborhood, block to HA ear; also 1 room apartment. r-reier empioyea people. NICE housekeeping room, vacant Jan. 2: Pleasant sleeping room. Also car space; very dose in. 349 Salmon, between Park aui xrusHiway, on west siae. CLEAN, furnished H. h. rooms and kitchen ette. $14 and $15 per month; light, phone and water furnished. 1117 E. Market St.. sitn. Hour osbo. TWO OUTSIDE H. K. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, VERY REASON -ABLE. 24 ALBINA AVE. EAST 1857. NICE comfortable housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, newly Tarnished and Painted; gas range, eiectnc lights, etc ; suitable lor 2 people. 635 Knepp are. Sell wood 4107. I SINGLE housekeeping room; nice, clean and comfortable. $3.50 per week, with gas and electricity lurnisoea; walking distance. 301 17th, west side. LARGE 2-room housekeeping apartmenta. water ana sins, est xnurman at, between 19th and 20th, on 16th and N. A S. Portland ear lines. BASEMENT HK. ROOM. BATH ON SAME FLOOR. WALKING DISTANCE. $10 MO. 654 EVERETT. CORNER 17TH. BDWY. 2258. 2 TRUNKS moved. 75c downtown district; li rep root storage, is days Tree; long dis tance hauling, Bdwy. 2445. THREE rooma on lower floor, completely fur nished. V34 Kerby sr. Phone alter 8 p. m. Empire 1 100. $2.73 WEEK Furnished housekeeping rooms. all outside rooma: quiet place, walking dis tance, west side. 21a MiJi, corner First. 2 CLEAN, cozy furnished, sleeping porch, h. k. rooms; nice home: oath, laundry; near o. a. car. Tabor 6166. 3 ROOM nicely furnished h. vk- suite in pri- vate home, garage it desired. Walnut 5338. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 4-ROOM apt., private bath; free phone; Sun- 2-ROOM housekeeping apt., hot and cold water. V4.0U par week, ooa otn st. NICELY furnished S room apt., with bath; suitable tor crura, as t nenson st. THE ALBERT Furnished apt., steam heat. private bath. 84 u Vm Mm. ave. 1 MODERN S-room turn, apt.; dose in. west siae; gza. - Atwater fiva. Want FOR RENT APARTVlENT5--41JRNISHED 307 CREIGHTON APARTMENTS 12TH.AND HAWTHORNE AVE. -. New house, yuat being . completed, and now open for inspection. - 2 and S room apta., unfurnished, to rant at reasonable pneasK possession January 1, '23; all apta are, equipped with P. baths, electric ran gee, . breakfast nooks and an modern conveniences. - make your selection now. LOVELY 4-ROOM APARTlttCNT- With builetna. private beta, steam now available-, at the Garfield . apartmenta. , The House of Comforts. 361 lailmg st, Walnut 4662. : - - - - v Leeds Apartments - Fireproof bldg.. modern 2. g, 4-room apta. rungis rooms, elevator Mmos. Atwater 8697 . IUJRTHWICK APTB. Hensekeeping rooms and apta,' close to. seam neat, new ana Clean, ea per week. see Buaea . rst voeo. TWO apartments. 2 and 3 rooms: close in. newly papered, electricity, gas. bath, yard. oi pnone. vtarage. I docs xaet Zeis', VACANT -January 1, 3-room apartment on sunny sue; auujis only. . jc4V E. - 16th. at. xast 04z. NICKLEa APT 8. Three rooms with dining aucve, pnvaua natn.- steam neat, pnone; also one sleeping room. Walnnt 49T1. . S-ROOM apartment, elesn, attractive, ground floor . lb, ViKtImm AOd K Ifllb - Cll laoa tot oil . :' t t ROOMS, sleeping Boreh. neat, nrhta. nhona. aw. iteaoy Jan. l. oot xs. WaatiHigton cor. zsts. jLast zioi. HADDON HALL. 11TH AT HALL . S rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors. private paiconies; gap up. Atwater- 1160, 3 LARGE rooms and pantry, t lower floor. - coannseteiy larnianeo. aba sjonunerciai. walnut siut. XTTVl XTTT.I. 19TO 4 and S-room-beautifully furnished high- graae apta.. reterencea. Bdwy. B12o FOR RENT S-room furnished apt. on East stn at. Also lo-room furnished, house for rent. Atwater 2265. 1 FURNISHED H. E. room, $2.50; 2 room jnrnisnea xx, A. apt., 63. Cul at sxa n. uta it. NICELY furnished 5 room, garage if desired. 542 Leo ave. BeUwood 2960. TWO fumiahed apartmenta. 266 McMillan st APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 The American Modern 4 and 6 . room apartments. 21st and Johnson. Broadway 3860.' FIVE room apartment, hardwood floors, built- . ins. iirepiace, alee ping porch, laundry, lur- uaceu io e.ast fu sr. i. . NEW, strictly modern 2-room apt., oak floors. private bath and sleeping porch. xast ggde; reasonsble. Walnut 2714. ' MARLBOROUGH 5 and 6-rm. unfurn, apta.. all light, large rooma. -Main 7318. FLATS FURNISHED . 309 A HOMEY 5 room modern ' fumiahed flat, hear BurnsKie and steel bridges; 3 beds; reasonable at $42.50. East 2056. 249 E. Gliaan st. DESIRABLE 4-room; private bath, hot water. laundry : H but. from car; walking dXt. from 8. P. shops. $25. Adults. 843 Greenwood are. ntVINGTON 3 rooms and porch, light. water, phono included. $27; 2 adulta. East 952. 4-ROOM furnished fist strictly clean and modern, $45, with garage. J 823 Duxton at. Tabor 6149; - j FLAT Furnished or urLTurnished. 880 EL 9th at. N. 1 blk. north of Bdwy. 3 ROOM furnished flat, near Williams ave. car. 532.50. Walnut 6781 BEAUTIFUL, large 6 room flat, piano. 23$ Alberta St.. near Jefferson high. X FURNISHED 5-room Oat, Walking distance. 7 union ave. . . FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 MODERN 5-room fUt, ail conveniences. 802, K. 10th st Phone Bell. uou. 820 4-ROOM lower Cat, remodeled, painted. Tabor 8788. 6-ROOM upper flat; no children. Inquire 426 6th St. LOWER 5-room flat, $20. 741 E. Pine, corner 2 2d. Phono- Last 67 la. MODERN 5-room lower flat. $35.60. 800 Graham ave. ""ROOM lower flat, 748 East Taylor at. Rent $25. CaU Walnut 0709. Sunder hi Ads FOR RENT FLATS UNfURNISHI) 310 GOOD modem 6-roosn lower flat, furnace, flre - Place, gas ranee; we furnish water and gar- eage. zss . ITtb C Walnut Z. UPPER flat, 2 blocks front car; S rooms and - bath, gas heat, porch, fine view, ; i 990 Council Crest drive. Phone Atwater 0278. HOUSED FURNISHED 311 FIVR rooms la the meet modern dunlex hooae. west aide, wonderful view: Oriental ruga. ' piano and gas heat; must see to appreciate; l ou per month. - Main laza. MODERN 2-room hooae,-partly modern, newly , painted; rnmiture all new. nil table lor worx- ina couple or aady wun cnuo. win tor child daring day. BeUwood S609. RAISE onions, pay "for this Kacrt beaverdam, , o-room House, rurmture; 8200, 2a monus. w uhxbj. eti paimraa. - vveae ovuai. 4l6 2 -room arnishe light and water in- eluded. No objection children. ,314 Mar- aaove xonay. sen salmon. - wees orae. - aes sr. a v . ,- u j ; . i j . . j w - , w&uw, ani ittnuam, ww, muw, - Ilepot-Morrisoa car. Rent, $15.60- Phone aab 4a. SELL or rent &-room bungalow, modem. completely farnisbed, 6129 47th St. 8. E. Aataaatu eiu-ia. FURNISHED house, reaaonable; 1 block from carnne. nizi V 1st B. IS. FURNISHED home for rent, terms Phone Walnnt 1761. CLEAN FUBNISHED HOUSE. ,4909 75th St.. S. E. MY home, modern, -completely furnished, - 6 rooms, furnace. Aut. 831-48. 6 ROOMS, partly famished, doe to sehooi. in good neighborhood. East 6779. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow. 735 E. 76th st. N. Aut. 826 17. $30 Lower floor, 3 rooms, garage. 406 E. 44tn at. pnone Tabor 188. - - 6-ROOM houee, beautifully fnmished. player loi first st. Auto. 44-85. SMALL furnithed house for rent, adults only. Wslnut 8608. FURNISHED $ room house, 446 llth at. V4UO. V - HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRINKLERED WARKxtOUSB on trackage Store your goods wild us. Lai as do yur moving and packing. sTLAY . HOR3B. JNO, Bdwy. 3470. 464 GHsaa at. MOVE THE SECURITY WAY Extraordinary nervsr. , For the ordinary price. rAtWntt. AtVUVW, Diunsa . BECUR1TT STORAGat aV TRANdf BR O0U em at nna st., opp. Jguitnomau sexes..; Telepnene groaaway a t is. 501 EAST 26th at, N. Aa 8 room hooae with breakfast room and - sleeping porcn; lino leum on kitchen and bathroom; gas range and water heater I' garage. , $63 per month. Garfield 7857. ' LAURELHURST 10-room modem house, double garage; newly decorated and very desirable, 200 ft. lot; reference required. Room 805 Concord bldg. Bdwy: ize NEW large 6-room house, built ins, furnace. garage, hemes, near car. imngton, a-ara. Will tease to responsible party for only HS.ni). pee owner, m uwnj av. u. a. $25 FOUR rooms built-in pantry, laundry ana? oatn; new, cican, cosf uu TmlU. mt floor. (isrua 1807 Virginia. Atwater 0399., A COMFORTABLE 4 -room furriished house; moaem, put no oatn. -. vuw vtMm. W. S. car, near Brooklyn car shops. Sell. 1080. - . PIANO MOVING $8i furniture 2.B0 per hour; 2 men. large padded vauav . kmm viova Transfer Co.. East 6047. ' CUT RATE SlKNITURE MOVING Fireproof Storage 16 Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. 2446. " vAuir pTppraft a. tri atn-R CO . Trunks, baggage, furniture moving, $1.60 and Z per nonr. pqwy. iooo. L. A L. TRANSFER, East 6026. We eon- tract your 200 aw ee vva . shw nish 3 men. WHEN. MOVING, oity or oountry, get the beet at lowest price. Green 'J. ran. V aiain 1261. 202 Alder sr. KENTON 7 rooms, modern, alpg. porch. car and school; rent $85. East 6747. FOR RENT, 5, 7. 8 rooma. modem bouse. Call at 824 Front st, pnone main iguo. $25 CLOSE-IN, at , Broadway bridge. 6 rooms; no children. Owner. - Bdwy. 7416: MODERN 5-room house, E 64 th and Waab- ina-ton sts. Tabor B I VI. 6 ROOM modem house. Alberta. No. 1191 K. 1HU1 north. 4-ROOM . modern bungalow, near cars and schools. East ZP78. . FOR RENT 7 -room house, electric lights, gas. T scorn a ave. Phone BeUwood 4Z4B, J EM. HOUSE. aiodernT 394 East 6th at Close in. : .- .- ,- - ' . WOVTMrt b fb. -Klka. Storan 30 dam free Z men and machine gz per nonr. atain ouoia. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 tAfiu. nnivn aw. a Most sell furniture of 7 rooms; flat for rent; can make rent ana rooms in- owe use. Leaving city. . FURNITURE of 6-room bouse: terms to re liable party; bouse to rent, $27.60 to pur- chaser. 4z xs. Ankeny. FURNITURE 6-room flat for sale. , flat for rent; close in, west aide; must be seen to oe appreciated; bargain lor casn. saain lion FURNITURE of 7-room hooae and garage, $295. rent $22.50 per mo., on 2 cariine. t west sue. to . otn st. - MUST SELL AT ONCE ' Furniture for sale of 14 room house. A bargain. E. 2560 any time. House for rent EAST SIDE Close in, will rent unfurnished; fireplace, garage, furnace, all buOt-ina, Days, . Main 8452; evenings. Mam 774U. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR UK NT. second floor. 661 Hawthorne. 100x100; ean be used . for any . purpose. Pnone East 42QO. ,t ; FOR desirable space in . fireproof warehouse p"ne Bro iwar 8716. UNION AVE. STORE for rent R. J. Mo- Guire, 645 Union. East 6407. FOR RENT Store on Main street, Oregon oity. can g4-j. Oregon Jity. or. fiT"" bnildinr for rent. faoA bnainaaa loca- - tion. ,: 790 Mississlppt are. walnut 41)1. STORK 40x16. s helving, counters; water free; $20 month, 181 K. 18th st - OFFICES DESK ROOM 31 S DESK room, desk, chair, telephone, light and water; rent reasons Die 100 za st DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. Phono Bdwy. 3715. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT t PROPERTY 402 TO CLOSE estate,, 160x100 northeast eornsjx 14th and Taylor, west aide. East 2196. LOTS 403 ACeUS LOTS . " ( on Columbia blvd. (paved) , between K. 20th and E. 93d eta I., convenient to cars rich sod; fine location. J. O. ELROD, OWNER. 1 . 283 Stark ot. Phone Bdwy. 118. 80x102 - $10 MONTHLY ' Why buy a small lot when I ean sell yon 80x192 for $475; rich garden soil. Bull Run water, gravel street; no city taxes - to pay. Bee Mr. Bak, 4I"8 fipaldinc bldg.. evenings call Ant .18-98. FOR SALE Lot in Piedmont with rtswtered , garage, water and gas in. . Prioe . $750. Walnut 6508. FOR SALE or trade by owner. $250 equity fn tot in Ladd addition. What bar. yonf 'x2ast 3186. 1 - FOR BALE by owner, comer lot,, high class district, fine view, dose to ear. A bargain. 347 K. 29th near Harrison. Tabor 4450. LOT, Mt Tabor oaxline, Hawthorne and .7oth, $250. Harrison. 612 tsoriinger bldg. HOUSES 404 BUT my equity at a discount, small 4 'room noose and 100x100, with 20 fruit trees; must sell at onoa, CaU at 824 North -.Edawa. ' " ; ' ' ' j '"' :"' ' " V ' $5500 $600 DOWN. $40 month; will sao rifieo 8 -room modem boasae. furnace, fire place, garage. Call BeUwood 2419, 606 East 26th st ; IRVIXGtON - ' - - 5 large rooms and attic, Colonial ranga 'low. tot 55x100: garage. Just completed. T23 Kaac 10 La nortn. twner, wamut szza, GOOD 6-reom hossse. 60x100 lot and gaxage; close in on JJtvissost Price $2760. Ceil i? Bellwood 3588. - ;"' ' 7-BOOMS. sleeping porch, oak floors like new; near Hawthorne; $3900. Phone Ant. .' 631-66. - ' v - EQUITY in a five-n oengalrw for sale. Pncno Tabor- lzos. FOB BALE 3 rooms, modem hooae; lot 60s 100. 227 W. Winchell st - 6-ROOM cottage, new garage, reasonable and terma. Near 39th and Haw-thorpe. Ta. 8846. BX OW.VF.B ne 8-roum Alameda home at a eacniine Easy texxna. 916 O. &uth K. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 $500 DOWN Practically Brw. - - rat and breaktast nook, garage eosuiecting with aooae, beautiful hdw. fioora, furnace, fireplaoo. full ce ment basement) fn fact, everything you wui expect in a strictly mod. home only the price is at 'least $1000 under what yon : would ex pect to pay for such charming place; paving and sewer in and every t wine Daia. just east ot taorauivrK. snonuni. of ritark- X 4:0 P. X one. . st v 68 E. 62d St., 2oU ft. M. of tark. . Jwnar o. premlsea J -.80 to m. Atwater !746r torenooi - New. attractive 6 rooma vajrb. son- room . and targe attic: 8 windows, with lights and feat; large living and dining room serosa front; east faro, comer lot; shades, electne , fixtures, built-ms, fireplace, com p. floor and pedestal stand ia bath: br. Book, furnace. Esrage. Corner 26 th and BUrimoro, Ownee, 3280. $9750. Terms, . MT' LOSS.TOCK 1AIN. 8PEAK-JCriCK: How much will you give for $3000 equity in $ S OttO borne st 1749 U ay land at., '. St. Johns line, north of Columbia perk ; . leaving city. Come! See place, make offer. DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS. Would. . oorwider lots in St. Johns south ot.Lom bsrd. west of cottage. (No agenta.) NEW WESTMORELAND BOMB 8 rooms, hardwood floors, beautiful . buffet,. French doors, finiahed In ivory, fireplace, lovdy' Dutch , kitchen, breakfast nook,- large attic, full cement , basement; ; 2 blocks to ear, east front. Kxeeptinndly well built. - Terms. Phono Bdwy. .6011; evenings. East 7978. , iTlCO FOR RALE, 5 rm. beautiful new , bungalow, full . cement basement,- fireplace, . hardwood floors ia dining and bring room, combinsriou ejactrio and wood range; ahadea - .'and linoleum, large garage, tot 60x125. fall after 3 o'clock, $020 6 2d at, S. E. Hawthorne ear. $175 CASH, balance easy. Price $2650. , ' 5 fine . rma. and bath. k fireplace; wstkang distance. 50x100 lot. large cherry and walnut trees: - lot will be very valuable soon tatf indue trial purposes. 482 Albina ave. X. . Atwster 0746 forenoons. v GOOD 6-room house. 1 block to ear; lot 50x xvu; race apple trees, bemee, grapes, full basement, not, s completed ; ga. eioctriciVy ; street imp. ia: price $1900. $300- oash. or $200 cash and Ford oar in good condition. 454 Belmont. East 7889. GOOD email house. 100x104. on pavsd at. snewus . ana improvements paid, -good sou with large chicken house and run; chickens and 6 cords wood; also furniture for sale ; $1850. cash, payment and terms to suit Owner leaving city. 1862 Portsmouth ave. LAURELHURST. No. 991 E. Uoyt( near 83d. line o room noose, giassea-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors, garage', modern, all ira- rvementa in and paid $6000; terms. R. Hunt. Atwater 0848. Bus. Atw. 6400. LEAVING CITY JANUARY 1 6-room house on corner lot, 100x117, block to cariine on hard snrfaeed street; small payments; consider light ear. Bargain if taken now. Owner, Phone Tabor 6690. II HOUSES for sale, watei windmill. 15.000- gai. concrete reservoir, sou feet from school, house, railroad abop. postoffioe; rent 6220 : month, sell for $18,000. Imiuire Kioth orfios moueeto, w-is, journal. Max at give yon my figures on your new noose you re going to build. I will save you money and help finance. Mare Stt -houses under way this year; lint daea work, xt. H- llarna, 1U1 Brooklyn. . Beit. 2860. ACREAGE 405 FOR SALE OR LEASE Acreage, dose in; good roads; rich river bottom lands. . J. O. ELROD. Owner, 283 Stark Bt Phone Bdwy. 11 88 - -ACRE tracts in Rose Park acres, finest of soil. $400 per acre. Easy terms. G. L. Rohr, 218 Knott st Phone East 3139. FARMS 40f FOR SALS: 160 acres. 90 acres bottom, rest , hill land. 80 acres cleared, 60 aorea tim ber; 6 room honsev good bam; team, wagon. 28 ewes. 1 cow: orchard, berr-es; live creek; good ocean view. - Prieo $5500, easy terms, Owner, H. ; Ladd, Sand . Lake. Tiliamook Co.. Or. THE tOott'UAM'S CHAK'cB Cheap raw and improved lands, irrigated: nest -markets; best dairy and seed potato district in Oregon: what terms, and bow 1 many oowa do you needf What references giver xtox 818, Bend, Or. FOR SALE 85 acres. 2000 cords wood; price - $5700, $1500 cash will turn the deal. Write for particulars to J. Gee, Salem. Or.. Gen. DcL FOR RENT FARMS 408 80 ACRE farm, 80- in cultivation, $300 per rear; ean do clearing foe half rent; good house and bam on place;, good gravnl road aU way. Walnnt 7249. FOR- RENT 23 acres of garden trunk land. , dose to city. Beaverdam soil. For infor mation call Bdwy. 8413; ask for manager. 1 HOMESTEADS 410 8 GOOD homestead relinquishments, with im provements. . 40. 80 and 160 acres, on . county road,' - some valuable timber. The 160 will make dandy ranch; neighbors, good school, 222 Lumbenncns bldg. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 40 ACRES. 80 acres under cultivation, spare nuiHiina atocsea ana equipped; want home tn Portland. Also 60 acre. 40 acres cultivation, stocked and equipped; 2 sets of building. Will take acreage close in or home in Portland. Both places free of debt I am not an gent No agent need answer. 4135 64th st : . JU. AUT. OBO-47. WE HAVE two dandy Tualatin valley farmL unproved and equipped, every foot in culti vation. Will sell- either oc both on easy terms or exchange for apartment or other city property or business. Address. C 8. Taylor. Sherwood. Or.. R. 4. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 6-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, furnace and trays, xtuut ins, now. rioor, street lmprove menu in and paid, $250 or $300 down,' $25 per mo. at $ per cent. Not more man a oiocx to car. - walnut 8390. MUST buy a home between now and January :av, ftireiesaeiy now. , want small bungalow, new or not over 6 years old. Prefer medium priced home. . Will pay $1000 cash and WILL pay all cash for 5 room bungalow in now uij. sun no moaern ana pncea nght Not over $5000. Tabor 2580. ntmiinp, xayor OOP I TO TRADE Light Oakland on lots or small- home and lot aa first payment; -machine : in fine condition. ? Call Broadway 08321. Mr. Wood. - V'" 7 TP FRICErFRIGHT. IT'S BOLD . ' . Have buyers waitiug for west side prop erty with good cssh payments. Phone m. seaay. nawy. noil. Kvenmgs East 778. 'WANT to buy from owner, cheap 4 or 2 room house with little down; , state prion. wnt. 8izi gyro et Cs at. PRIVATE nartr wanu 4 or 6 3BOO down, balance monthly. Conditio, no object Owners only. A -308, Journal, FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WESTERN OREGON stock and grain farm. vrassi ui SDSira,' .M-ais, journal.- - .- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC. 500 COMPELLED to of for weil located email r ra ce ry at invrdoe with now house tn connection, lot 60x100; terms to right party. A sure thing. E. 84th and Jeasup atav, block north avxii ingswortn ave. - PARTNER WANTED To join me in the eoow Business; gooa position, with salary and expenses; show going East soon. Must make a small investment For information. cm o v ajiway j-,xcnange piqg. CAUTION, BUYERS Before eHMtng a deal ot so re lien intarei m estaousned. real estate business, get adviee of Portland ' Realty Beard, 421 Oragoa bklg. Phone Bdwy. 1908. f ., ,. - ..... . WASH RACK for rent; good location and good business; rent 00; lights and hot water free.; T. MoDorteid. . 191 Grand ave. East 4114. ?-'.- ..' ' FOR SALE or trade, pool snooker, lunch and confectionery. ts Hawthorne ave, . ; East 7Z7Z. FINE location for bakery . sales station, on transfer point CaU at 282 Grand ave., near Hawthorn.. Phone East 7325. FIRST CLASS restaurant, flras kwatlon,-all'in goou eoaaiuon ; wiu sou reaaanaoiy, account ' of sickneae. 64 8th at Bdwy. 2085. Printing ForLess Bydce Prnrttag Co. Mafn 6836. 192 3d ex. WE HAVE farms, hotels, apt. rooming business chances, etc heller at UesJ, A23 Lumber a.xcn., za ana ptarg. RESTAURANT.- $250; dandy piece (or tea I have two Places, nave ta sell one; rent 610. S70 N. 24th. near ear bama. FOR ALE Service stautA on tusnway; an ideal location; gooo larm ana tourist trade. Phone Main 8697. ' r " - ' LITTLE grocery store lor stuo. Apply at 260 N. 17tn. (Continued ost fjapomimi vi