SATURDAY, EZCZ:.Zi: CC, 1C-2. -Oil tiU1 DAILY ilutJiAL, : i'Cli..LAID, . 0. WHEAT SLACKENS; EXPORTS IN 1922 SHOW DECREASE Fortland'f exports tor the year-will mount to $45,149,473. . ' - Clearances of foreign vessels at Che customs house up to noon today - showed this figure as ft total -cargo value and with little prospect of other clearances this year. - the .figure 'win probably stand as the grand total for 1922. ' . -, J This shows a .heavy decrease as com ' pared with 1921, when foreign exports amounted to $64,846,274. i . v? The decrease. however,' is accounted tor entirely by the falling off of wheat . exports, which has occurred over" the entire Northwest -on - account of a lighter crop, slow movements from, the interior of this season's crop, and other- conditions which do not indicate any change in the general prosperity of the port, r -EXPORTS f!7,UM Total wheat exports ' for the year amounted to 25,296,443 bushels, valued at $27,645,650. , . , In 1921 Portland wheat exports amounted to 57,240,987 bushels valued at $47,110,964. . Wheat shortage also accounts for - slight decrease in flour exports, which amounted to 1,102,610 barrels for the year, valued at $5,770,630. as compared with 1,296,041 barrel la 1921, valued at $7,339,100. Lumber, on the other hand, shows a remarkable ' increase in foreign car goes for the year. From 174.170.136 feet of lumber exported in 1821, the figure for 1922 mounted to 240.609,834 feet.. Respective values for the two years were $4,402,856 and $5,808,808. GE5EHAL REMAXN 8 SAME . ' Exports of general cargo remained about the same in value. For 1922 general cargo amounted to $5,924,385, compared with $5,733,354 In 1S2L Fall ing prices wouli have made this drop much greater but far the export of .apples this year, which has greatly in creased. .- For monthly comparisons, -L general cargo for December shows a satisfac- lory increase over November in values, the figures beings $1,126,136.88 and $892,120 respectively.' Lumber, likewise, mounted from 17.111,845. feet, valued at . $432,798, to 19,099,487 feet, valued" at $485,366. Each of these months showed huge in creases over October, when only 10, 065,737 feet of lumDer was exported, Indicating thatf foreign shipments have almost doubled in two months. Wheat exports in December were 1,074,987 bushels, valued at $1,269,076, as ' compared with 1,900,026 bushels, valued at $2,152,502, for November. Flour cargoes to foreign ports for the month totaled 135,153 barrels, val ued at 426,360, while In November they amounted to 163,096 barrels, val ued at $834,274. OBEGOJr-PACIFIC LOCAL AGEJiT FOB, STK. EGEBIA Announcement was made today of the-ward of the general cargo agency for the coastwise steamer Egeria te the Oregon-Pacific . company, to ar- , range for northbound cargo from San I'pdro and San Francisco. .- . iTtie &eria was' recently overhauled and chartered for eigijt .voyages, to San : Pedro from the Columbia river with 4un4ber'and witl be available as gen eral cargo carrier on her return trips. The vessel will be handled by the Charles Nelson interests in the Souths era -ports, with which the Oregon-Pa- cinc company is connected. The Egeria, now loading . at the Peninsula mill for her: first trip south, has been idle in the harbor for more than a year. She will Sal! from San Francisco on the return voyage about January 15 and several, days earlier from ban Pedro. - PUBLIC DOCKS COtfUISSin INSPECTS TLBJIINAL ISO. The closing session of the commis sion of public docks Friday afternoon . was spent largely in a general inspec tion f, municipal terminal No. 4. It called ror a report of C. B. Heghardt, cmei engineer, reiauve to the proposed noss lsiana . and Burnside street Dridges, for the purpose of answering the county commissioners' communi cation asking if the port authorities had any recommendations to make re- garaing the bridge construction. n wsnerai r'etxoleum company submitted a form of contract for sup plying, the commission with fuel oil. it rraa oraarea tnat bios be td vertised for. M.OTK OH TO PUT PIKE E5GI5E OJff COOS BAT TtTG . North Bend. Or Dec SO. The port v uumuMiuu me r'ort of Coos Bay mis taaen up with the Chambers of v-OTmeree or JVortli Bend and Marsh field the matter of placins a fire en gine n the port tug to be used as an increased equipment for the protection of all parts of the bay against fire. Although both North Bend and Marsh- neia nave up-to-date fire g.uipment ua u-aonea - lire xigaters there is 4 strong demand from the mill and man, ufaeturins; interests for greater fire protection.. The matter has ' been vuen up oy in two Chambers of commerce. STEEL KAILS BEACH KELSO i ' FOB LOS G-BELL COMPACT Kelso, Wash tec. 30. The ateamer Albert Jeffres of the Luckenbach line a at ine liong-BeU Lumber company dock to unload 696 tons of SO-peund steej rails for the line of the Longview. Portland sV Northern Railway .com pany. - They will lay about six miles ci line. The rails come from Len nox,ut and were loaded aboard the steamer ; at New Orleans. The - Long ,view. Portland & Northern Kail way cvmpany wut receive bitia until Hon day. January L for the construction or the grade for the first eight and on half miles f their railway north ward from Kelso. Construction will bo atarted at onca. , ' IM. MILLIONS XX SILK Seattle. Wash.. Dec - JO. Breaking aU - records for silk importations to tle United States, the Admiral Oriental-line carried on its trans-Pacific service, silk valued at approximately ' J100.000.000 during 1922. . MOTTES ABOARD SHIP ; SeatUe, Wash Dec 30. New amuse . . merit for the passengers on board the 'Admiral ; Oriental trans-Pacific liners has been added in the form of moving pictures. The -first ship to be so equipped is ' the President: McKinley. 'which sails from SeatUe January 2. . GBAIw BATES STEADY' . New Tor. Dec iML N. &V Ooean (steam grain, steady. TJnited Kingdom. Sstl 3s 3d. Oernianyv Hars .burg. 14c. France. Atlantic. 18c Medi terranean. SO 23c Holland. Rotter cdsm. . 15c; AmsterdAm. lie General cargo, -quiet. - . - Tides at Astoria Sssday , " High Water. Low Water. 10:45 a. m. 9.2 ft. . 4-63 a. m. 3.7 ft ...... i .... - 5 :57 p. m. ft. News of tKe Port - Arrivals, Dsimto 0 - Lebec. Anserkan steamer, from Baa Pedro. ofl. Bow Cstv. for 8u TrannaoQ, HAJBI5B . ALMAWAC ' W seiner at Hirer's MouUt North Heed. Wash., Dec. 80. Conditions at the mouth of- the Colombia nver at noon Sea, smooth; wind. southeast, 16 miles; saht DAILT KITBB SF.ADI5GS MA. M. Pacific Time. B-ver Temp. 53 51 irl 25 if r. Station I'maulla . , 25 1.71 SI a,ugeae . .. lv Albany ."..j 2U Salem .'. . . f SCO i.S.Sr-o.SjO.isr 4 ll,r-I-!0.3tf 45 11.8-2.0!0.24 4 42 41 44 44 Oregon tStyl 12 10 . p . 6jO. 401 ,, Peruana .. 18 3 .3j-4 7 v. 371 44 (-) Falling. RIVEBV FORECAST The Willamette river at P ortland -will " uunag u next two- days. AT WOHLU'S POSTS Astoria, Dee. 20. 8afled at S a. bv. r Ohio, for Saa Pedro. Baa Francisco. Dec. 29. Arrived stvp a. m., and sailed at p. m.. steamer Admiral Evans, from San Diego, for Portland. Arrived at noon, steamer Walter A. Luckenbach, from New York aad way porta, for Portland. Ar med at 5 a. as., steamer Annette Rolph. from Baa Dieto. for Portland. Arrived at ft p. Fa., Norvegian steamer Baja California, from Port- - Astoria, Dee. 20 Sailed at JO a. steamer Flank I. 8 toe I, for Baa Fiaaeiaco. Arnd at 10:10 a. m. and left up n.t soon, steamer Juebee. from Saa Pedro. Sailed at 3:55 P. m.. steamer dward Peiree, for New York and ws oorta. Coos Bay, Dee.- 20. Arrired, steamer Ad miral vroonrirn. irom roruaaa. tor bxu inn- Cisco. . Seattle. Dec 2. Sailed It t ft a, Jap anese ateamer Byokai Mara, for Portland. T scoma. Dec Saiied steamer iTort- diaa, from - Mew York and way- ports, for f ortland. arrived steamer lena Lockenbach. from Mobila, via Portland. Arrired. steamer Harry Lackenbach. from New York via Port- laud, sailed, steamer iJarrr Lnckenbeeli- frm New York via Portland. Sailed, steamer Com mercial Trader, from Portland, for New York ana way porta. Vancouver. Dec. ail. Arrived Norwegian steamer K&molus. -from Portlaod. xys Harbor, Uec. VU. Sailed Steamer Hollywood, from Fortlasd. for Saa JTraacisco aad Sydney.: - San Pedro, Deo. 2. Arrived Steamer Steel inventor, from New York, for Portland steamer Capt. A. IT. L.UCM. from Portlasd. HaUed steamer Texan, from Portland, for London and way- porta; steamer B basts, for Colombia river. , CrUtobal. Dee. 28. Bailed Steamer Santa Crux, from New York and way ports, for Portland. Batavia, Dee. 27. Arrived Dutch steamer Hondowoso, from Portland. Yokohama, Deo. lit. Arrived Steamer West Cayote.' from Portland. Kobe. Dec 27. Arrived Jans nesw steamer aonnan Mara, .from Portland. San Ftanciuco, Dec 80. Bailed At 7 a. . ITrenca ateamer lndiama. from Portland. for Havre and way porta; at 7 a m., steamer Kvelyn, from New York, for Portland and Paget Sound. Arrived At V a. m., steamer Admiral farrafut, from Portland, for San Diego; at V a m., steamer Ualoo, Irom Co lumbia irver. Sailed At 8 a. m steamer fuoomood, lor jforuandr at 9 a m.. steamer La Puriaima, for PorUand. Cristobal. Deo. 28. SaUed Steamer Will- polo, from Portland, for New York. te "Tom Dam , .Dec 31 ..Dec 81 ..Dec 81 K. I. Luekenbseh . , . . New York Floridiaa . . . . New York Evelyn .... Ryokal Uara . . . New York . ..Japan ..Dec 31 Redundo ...... . Kasensa . . Mobile ......Jan. 1 . . Europe ......Jan. 1 . . Saa Praa. . . .Jan. 1 ..Saa Diaco ....Jan 1 ..Bonton ......Jan 2 . . Baltimore .-. . .Jam. 1 . .'San - iYsn . , . Jan. 2 .. Boetoty ..... .Jan. . 2 . . Bneno Aires. .Jan. 2 ..New York . . .Jan. S . . Saa Fran. . ... Jan. 4 . San Ifran . . .Jan. 4 .'.Philadelphia ..Jan. 6 . Mobile ......Jan. 6 . . London Jan. 8 te Depart Annet te Kolpb. . . . Admiral Kvaas ... Daisy Matthews . .. Manionjo , , ...... Arizonisn ......... West Jeesnn . . . Walur Uuckeabaoh Boobyslla ........ Willamette. ....... Georca Allen ...... William Campion. . nionieroy. . . Georeina Kolph. . . . Tilleboet. . E. F. Luckenbach.. Albert Jef fres ..... Multnomah Boss CHty ...... j K. L Laekenbach. . Kentoekiaa Eemdyk Kvelya . , Roman Star ...... Redondo ... ...... Floridiaa ........ Admiral Evans W. A. Luckenbach, Arironiaa . .San. Praa. ...Dec 80 .Batavia ......Dec. 80 . .Boston ......Dec 30 . . New Orleans. .Dec SO . .Ssn Fran Dec 80 .-Ban Frsn..i.Dee. 81 ..New fork ...Jan. 2 ..New Tork . .Jsa. 2 . . Europe .....Jan. 2 Kew York . , .Jan. s ..Europe Jan. g ..Mobile Jan. 2 ..New Tork. ...Jan. S ..Saa Fran. Jan. 3 . . New York . . .Jan. 4 . . London Jaa. S esse! Albert Jef fres Dauntless . , . Davenport . . Eoola Berth ............. Loneview 4....... Astoria ........... S. P. siding Edgar F. Lackenbach ...... Marvey Dock . ... . Terminal No. 1 fcemoya . . . , . Egeria ...... Flavel .... , Georsina Rolph Haico ........ KentncUan . . . Kinkssss Mara ........ .Terminal No. 4 ......... .Peninsula Mill St. Johns Lumber ......Portland Floor Mills ........... i . Astoria ............... Drydock I.ebee ................ Hatnier General Petrol earn Dock Montague Multnomah Bemanrtar : ....... Ryder Hanify . . . . . . Scotland Mara .... Tsmoa Mara No. 18 TjUebset Wswslona, i i West Keats Yayoa Mara . .'.'. Drydock Uaoton-Beaver ...... .Terminal No. 4 ........ ..j. . . We&tport .......... Irrina" Dock . . . . Emerson Hdwd. Co. ..... . . lieft down iaman-Poulses . ....t. . . .. . . Drydock ..... North Baak Deok PosiTiojrs or ;tessei.s By Naval Kadtol ' " Itaeember. 23. P. M titt sv... Portland for Seattle. 20 miles snnta or 'r.tnn.h' . forest King, towing- ITorsst -lHua, H rattle w anutmo. asw miles rronv Seattle. J-r Lnelga. la Johnstone auaiti afiliy islaad. Kasensa. TaneonTaa' . for wa r. WWW M SUf D. m. ...i.. victoria, left V sides for Seward, - J'lsjimsiit Jaekaotft. fiikiili.M . Sa Smhu 1811 nules from geattla. " WSt ObOOaka. Hmuknn. U.Mh ' JR, a-reaioeni 1-ait. BOanglial tor Hongkong, 888 les from Hongkong. PSWlet Portland for Vnknham, Ola ail viaE7ia nver. JLatoache. Latooeba for Mb.Mrai fin ww, , opencer. Admiral VTataon, Yakutat for Jnneau. 23 uw irom xaauxat . npoaane, tesnng JUtebikaa tor WraogoU. FVderal Telegrspa) aMCemDer H p. U k,... a. ' awungnam. u Bines aorta of aao rsnctsoo. ... napaou. 8 L Helena tor a., rii. i -Saa lhago, Tacoma tor Saa Pedro; 127 ttiles souta of Columbia river lurhtanin. Kd KlBgsley. Vaaeonver far x..n 230 miles north of Han Prancueo. Avaion trava HarhrM- nr mm awMriw. 75 mites souta of iray Harbor. 3L. L Lneinbafa. K,n . a-r.M nt. , , " land. 238 mites aorta of Saa rrancisnx . Lebee. baa Pedro for PortlaocL 26 miles irom rvruana. W. r. -Herrtn. Seattle fnr Man W.n 484 miles from Beatxle. , Jkmenuaa taub, Manila for Saa Pedro, 1007 miles from Saa Pedro. .....: DOwoita. Beaohua for Port Bear Data, 1811 aafiee west ef Port Han Lnta. , . . - llarvasd. Saa -rvaneisea tar Man artm In aules south ;ef San Slrancisoa. Ptaak O. Oram. tnraiaiui 1, mm Tt 880 aulas from Portland. - West Prospect Otara fnr ftaa Pwlm (in miles west of Saa Pedro. Vf. B. Porter. Lsnatoa for ' tSavinfaa. ass miles Troon Columbia nver. - Kvereta. Tacoma for stedoodow ' 173 miles aortb of Kedoodo. . Vtasfc H- ttuok. Avaa tor Ban, wmW mate froa Avon. so. Taoosna tot 220 mllss fross Taeoma. taiou, is Pahnas fee Saa Psdro. SO ota of Sen Pedro -4 noon). awa. Portiand sua- lninh.. 1... BaBes west of Columbia river Ugmaanx ' Csalmga, Ksanapatt toe Baa Pedro. 1843 miles wee of Saa Pedro. ng. 8aa Praaeiaeo tar IVw-a h.b rri. aaehored at Port Saa Lena Presaiena Pierce, &aa jrvaartsea for Tako sama, 78 aules west ef Baa Aranelsosi JLNaihr 26. 8 P. aL I horns. Baa BIRTHS EXCEED DEATHS IN CITY IN YEAR The stork struck a good- stride in Portland during 1922 and outdistanced the grim reaper in fine ; style, ' ac cording to figures shown in. the an nual report ' of - Dr. George Parr is h. city health officer. Just completed. This record shows that during " the year there were 201c more birtha than deaths in Portland during 1922. The births numbered 6204. and the deaths totaled i8& The arrivals this year included- 60 seta of twins and two sets of triplets. ." r The report shows that in the deaths there were more maiea than females, the former numbering 732 and the lat ter 4o. There were 64 suicides and 214 deaths from external raunn. most ly violent In tneir nature. , --- : CITT EJfGIXEEB PILES BEPOHT OK EXTESSIOJT Notification was given today by City Audiur Punk to tne. interested prop erty owners that the report of City Engineer - LAurgaar d on the proposed extension of 2ast 76ta street and East iiarket street is now on file and sub ject to examination. The probabW cost or the proposed street extensions is placed at . $2851. Any objections filed in writing will be considered by . the city council at its meeting on -Janu ary 31. i ,.i -. . 3 j 4 :- It is proposed to extend East 76th street ; irom the end of the existitng Bireet use leel norm o : the nortn Lino of Section Line toad to the south lino of East Market street, and to widen East Market . street from the west line of East 76th street to the west line of Hudson street. PO LB SETS OF EXAMINATIONS AW A53TOISCE0 BV BOAJB.D Pour sets of ' examinations- for mu nicipal positions are announced by W. -c. Aiarton, secretary of the civil serv ice board. The first of these is for plan clerk and desk clerk, clerical serv ice, to be held January If. The next is for gardener, skilled labor service, to be held January 18. The third is lor bridge carpenter, skilled labor serv ice. to be held January- Id. and the tourth is for stenographer, clerical service, to be held January' 26. , Ex- service men are asked to present their certificates of discharge from the United States'- army or navy when f il ing application for examination. Blank and general information relative to these positions may be obtained from the secretary of the fsoard, room 409, city halL ASSESSMENTS OK FOTJB PBOJECTS DECLABED DUE Assessments for public work, totaling $14,755.64. on four projects, are now due and payable, and the property owners in the respective assessment districts were notifed today by City Auditor Punk that these assessments will . become delinquent and bear in terest after January 9, and if not paid by January 26 steps will bo taken to sell the property for the delinquent as sessments. They include : For the improvement of 70th street. southeast, from 55th avenue southeast to Foster road, $8393.05; for the im provement of East Oak street, front iast aatb to ast 67th streets. S2007.85 s for improvement of Kingston, avenue from the south line of Arlington Heights to Pairview boulevard. $4434.64. . , " J':.'. CITT HAUL B KIEFS Miss Frances Evans, telephone on- erator at the citv hall, hait mnt. ed two months leave of : absence bv the city council and will lum mris.v for a vteit to California. City r Engineer Laumanl la in h. instructed by the citv oouncil at itm next session to Dreoare a reoort and make surveys on the matter, of wid ening and extending 29th avenue southeast from 50 feet west of 52d street southeast to 825.97 feet east thereof, in connection with form,, nr. ders for a report on the extension of this street. This will be of osnAPiai advantage to the Franklin high school property and is desired by the school board. Several petitions for the im provement of other adlarant inwt are also pending the carrying through of this improvement. The city purchasing agent is 0 be authorized by the city council at its next session to advertise for bids for furnishing a steam boiler for the mu nicipal paving plant. i prospects of serious strike trouble in connection with the waterfront diffi cutty ; loomed shortly after 6 o'clock rriaay afternoon when a mob of 50 strikers gathered near the Southern Pacific eidingr at the east end of the Bnrnsida bridge and burled rocks at strikebreakers as tha Utter left the oocas to g-o to dinner. In answer to a riot call, a squad of police was dispatched to th scene, hot the mob had dispersed by the time tne onicers arrived. As further rrnn bla was expected at any moment this ponce aetau was strens-thened by the aoaiaon or more men. , - The strikers, who have become ex tremely bold lately, took up their sta tion In a train of emnty box cars. From this vantaae noint thew shnvMwl rocks on . the workers as they left the snip. . one man was reported to have been . struck by a flying, missile, but ms injuries were not serious. Police ranmvorea u locate mm, but were unsuccessruL. . . . Pranetsco for Manila, 41 buIsb west of Mas sancisoo. . - , - Ventura; Sidney foe Kan SYamdsco' 8SB3 miles soutbwest ef Bsn "rancca - k eeafoam, Saa PrancAco for. Sydnej. 3168 eotlMlwesa Of BSD CTSBCSSCO. V Hoarport. San Pedro tor k'okofaama. S302 milee west of Saa Hertm - Harold Dollar. Soaasbsi for Han rraaeisce. uawauaa. saa Pedro, lot 3iew York. 836 aiues mns 01 can itaro, - t'amden. Taaunee tor Colon, 177 miles east . tUty of Vaaoouver, Vanoouveg tor Melbourne, latitude 51 :8 nortu, longitude 17U:47 mmt eSanta Obvla. Raiboa tor Kan vm a a i miles aortbwaia at Halboa. - Jllue T nanale. Pailadelnhia tar acm 180S miles nortb West ot iialboa. . V enauelaa. Kan PraaelaeB fnr Mm vt l,h La Libertad at s p. m. - t . Lonnto. Saa ITraneaeaer far t,Jl - w Cristobal at . m. atoatank. Saa Pedro tor Hassan. 9Kn sooth of lUn YantBcoL ' ' tJold Harbor, baa Pedro for Sew Yers, 2018 wuui w oan e ranevco. la. aent. Kalamons far San Parfm milee north of xteiboa. .. llowick UalL Saa Pedro : few Um-iu.t.. Z8a miles nortbweat of stsiboa. a. Saa Praaasno for .New Vara- laa Bailtw soutb of Saa Psdro. Taomss P. BeaL Saa PraBrtwo far ftalri. mom. Sue miles nortbweat ef fialboe. - . aa aim. .port Saa L.u for Taltal. SSftO miles soutb of Saa Sraoriaci. lTrden. tlonomia tor kokoaama. S3 mile, a of Uooololn. . Arbrss tnoon). Ptilhtdefofna for Nan 113 miles souta ef Cape Matters. - MOB HURLS ROCKS AT DOCK WORKERS POETXAJfD WHOLESAU PEICES These are pricas nuaera pay whreesilin. escetas otaerwtae aoti: . BUTTKB Selkas Brieaa. bos! lots: Ore- ery prices Prints, eciras, file n. for plain wrappers; cube. 4 (t 4Se per Ih.i : dairy anna pnoe. par 10. , , . SUTTERyAT PorUsnC Mivary basis: No. 1 atade, 3e; lo. 2. aefffolc; Na. I te tor -a sraaa, CHEESE Belong; TCbmook. triplets, 31 Su is; losm amenca. 33e per Ux : Oregna tnpleta. 21 J7e. . Baying pric, f a. t. riUassook; Triotem. SOe: Toons Aiseriea aad Ijonsbons. 31a SeUias price t Block Swiss. V, amentia. 33 S2e: imoorced. &Oc lb.; Urabanrer. 2S8e: cream brick. Ore- cuo. zae; aastani, susic . - WGG8 Sarins- Dries; From street: rent receipts. Western Osteon, S4e per oc, pmlleta. Ale par das.; beamsriea. S7e per doe.; Hiiai prices: sejscw aoe per candled. 42e per doa.; paBeta.-So storaga. 34 036c per doaen. : - EGGS Association scUIbs prioe: r Kelec. o; brown. oc: oats, 4 Sc; pallets, 37c, UTt K0I.TBT t Belling pm-e Heavy zscetzse; aaat aena. i at iae- tier Jb. broileta Aa per lb.; sprmgs.' 17 W 18e per'ib. ducks. 1 8 (02 So per lb.: ceeae. lSe ix-r n. turkeys, ire. 27fe30o; dressed, 80 e lb. FMsh rrulU and VagstablM . FRKSH FBTJITS Oraacas. new aaveia, 33.73 .7S par box; lemons. 7.75.00 a ease; sraperrwu, sioraaa. as I.oe; pean 33.00 02.30 per Sox; CUiws, 3e10e per lb. - BERRIES CranberrUs, Northwest. 33.00 W o.oo par. pox; Kastera. SlS.OOSS2 Ott bbL PBCITS Dates, 3 7cj fws. black. 4.00&.25 25-ln. box: prunes. 4Ua and 60s. za-to. boa. lXKe; 30s aad Ous, 10 He IK -v-v-1--" " :" ONION'S BeBinc price to retailers: Ors soa, 33.0U2.30 per ceotal; tarUe. l32Ue lb. : grsea onions. SOS Uc per doa. benches. POl'ATUUtt Helling price to retailers i Ore gon potatoes. Toe m 1.00 par cental; sweet potatoes, 34 04c per lb. VEGETABLES Beets, tl.BO seek; eab bags. 2 2 Helper lb.: lettnoa. 34.3033.60 era: earrobi, $1.75 per sack; tomatoes, Caii tomia. 34.00 04-33 per tag; borseradish, IS 0l8e artichokes, 32.23 per doaen: eatmuowur. a.uii per ooaea; celery. x.vuj "APPLE Cookeis. 85e 1.25 box; face ana nil. si.xa eox; isncy ana extra fancy paeas, auws.e wok. ,, ; COCSTHT 3TSATS Selling price: Coantry hogs, 1 So per lb.;; heavy stulf less; veal, tops iabittt 80 to 100 lbs.) . 18 He per lb.; heavy staff les; Iambs, 18c per lb. - 8KOKXD 3fATS Hams, 2B02Te lb.; breakfast bacon. 2 T 42c lb. PACKING HOCSK MEATS Steer beef. I2018r lb.; beilera, 10011a lb.; cows, 7 H 01e lb.; lambs, 20026a lb.; swss, 7c 0 lOe lb.; bogs, 13013 He lb. . LARD Kettle rendered. 10 Ho VLl tierce basis, eampouad, 14c BEAS Small white. 37.60; large watts. 87.30; pink, 37.80; hmaa, 310.30; bayoa. 38.50: red. 87.60. HONJT w, 4.60 0 5.00 per ease. BICE Japan No. 1. So; Bin Boss. Site lb. ; New Orleans bead. 8 H e. - COFFEE Boasted. 24 H 034 He - B. in sacks or drama MALT Coarse, bait groan d. . loos. 818.00 per ton; BOs. 317.86; table dairy. 80s. 827.60; bales, 83.8004.00; fancy table and dairy. 884.60; lamp. 823.60. SUGAR Cabs, 88.8S; fruit aad berry, 87.88; yellow C. 87.30:- beet , granniated. 17.70; extra C, 87.60; golden C. 87.80. I'iiiNKD VILK Talla. 38.00: babv size. 84.90 case; Esge. 80.83 case. . SO OA CKACKKKS la balk. 15o lb. HUTS Wslnais, 210 see lb.; almonds, 2S02Se lb. ; filberts. 17c lb.; peaaota. 8c lb.; ZSa a.; Brazuh, 13 He la.; ebsstoats. 22 024a lb. risb and Shailflth PBESH PISH Savenido ealmea. 18 0 20a per lb.; steelbead. 20 0 22a per lb.: halibut. Back to "Red" Electric Monday, January 1st Lv. Portland, fonrth St. at Stark. Ar. Corvallis , Stops only at PsweSierwfod,.Newberg', ;McMinnville and Independence. . Every Day Trains Via Newberg Lv. Portland 4th St. at Stark 7:45 A. M. . 1:20 P. M. . 4 :35 P. M. . For further particulars inquire of C. W. Stingrer, City Ticket Agent, Fourth St. at Stark. Phone Main 8800. John M. Scott, General passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. East vs. . .Championship , Football Game At Corvallis r On New Year's Day : $3 90RoiindTiAp Go and see Corvallis High School battle with .Scott High of Toledo. Ohio - ; Red Electric Train . , Lv: Portland, 4th and Stark Sts., 7:45 Al IL : ': Returning Lv. Corvallis, So. Pac Station, 5 :05 P. M. . . 23022e per lb.; black cod. 810e per..Ih.; stnrgeoa. 20e per lb.; ha-ket kippered 'eod. $2.00; basket kippered salmoB. 32.00; ling eod. 7 0 be ilx; nth, loe lb.: torn cod., loc tb.; silver eesett.; 12 Ho peg lb.; Colombia aver smelt, 2uc per Uk, , - OYSTERS Kaetern. 34.BO rsL: Olympts, 33. OO saL. 31.31 crabs., large, 3S.3S doa, small. S2.3S doa. , rtopa. bVcc4 sad Hssss ' HOPS 1822 crop, nominal. 8 lie lb. HIDES 4Kskin. 12c lb. ; kips. 10e lb.; grsea Hides, 1 e -lb.: saKed. 1st lb. -. -VOHAIB !OTninaL 2S043e lb. SHEEP PELTS .lent dry pelts.-93 lb.; short pelts. 12 He lb.; sheep sbeaxMngs. 3 0 23c eaca; long 'hair goat pelts. Z&e Short hair goat pelts, 23 0 30e each. - WOOD Willamette sailer coarse. 23 0 2Ts; aaediam. 30 0 32c lb.: One. 33 0Oe Bv i Kastera . Oresoa-ldsho. 4B 0 4Se In. TALLOW AN O GHEAS3S N 1 ttlss, K -. ic o a . . . .. a- . . ik - J : CA8CARA 'BAES 1322 peel. 3c; 1821 psss,. M in.; grapa root, ? lo. : T.. SAW UNSEXD OIL Barrels, par saL, SI.IW: B-gaa, can", per gal.. Sl.ZS. BOILED LTNSKED OIL Barrels, par gat 31.12: 5 -mL cans, per zaL. SL37. TUKPENTrA'E Dnima. Jer saL. 31.82: 8-gai. cans, per gai, 3L3T. tVHITK LEAD 100 lb.. ksa, per Bv. Latest carload lumber sales by - maaafae- MOTOR BUS SCHEDULES POTLASlD-ASTOStiaCASIbK ' DIVI3 IOM Leave Partlaad stsse Tarwuaal. , Park aad Tambill streets, 10:00 a. as.. 4:15 a- maad 13 JO a. m. dailm, Direct connections st Astoria for Ses- side and Clatsop beach points. Iavs Astoria for Portland 7 a. m.. 10 a. as., 8:80 p. as. For further informs fioa. , . Columbia Stages. Vfain 8311. - - . i . .. .. .jr ':- , 003.UMBIA ' SrraOC -Portland-St, Hel ena local. ,. Leave Portland (Stage Ter- manal. Park and TasabiU streeU, 10 a. m. for St. Helens and 4:15 p. m. daily and 11:15 p. m. Saturdays.' Ssndays ' and holidays to St. Helens only. Leav : ing St. Helens 7:80 a. m. aad 1:10 p. m. dailyK 8:18 Satardaya. Bandars aad - ttolidays. Per informatioa - pfaoas Co lombia stages. Main 8611. rORTLANMUEa STAOCS lave stage Terminal, Park .and v.mWill aoarly .from 7)5 a. m. to T:06 p. m. and '. Owl ear at 10 p. sa. dally. Satardaya. Sondays aad holidays, 6:80 p. m. and 10 p. m., 7:06, 8 :05., 1 1 :06. 1 K6, 3:03 make direct connections for Es ; geae. jCorvallis and Albany. Main 8811. Columbia; stages Portiand-Muitn- mab Faila-Hood Biver-Tbe Dallas dirl ' sum--Leave Portland Stags Terminal, Park aad Tambill streets, 13:30 a. m., 2:80 p. m. daily to Hood Hiver, and -; 3:10 p. m. daily to afaltnomah Falls, except Satardaya, Saadaya and holidays. 11:13 p. m. Satardaya, Snadays aad holidays to Multnomah Fails. . Maim . 8611. , ; . . PORTLAND-TILLAMOOK TAOaV LINK . Stage depot. Park aad Tambill streets; 7:45 a- m. and 8:S0 p. sa. daily; 12:80 p. at, daily sxoeyt Suaday. Main. 8811. SALEM-MILL CITV STA a E Leaves Ss. Itm atage terminal for Mill City: No. L, 7 :30 a. m.; No. S. 10:80 a. m. ; No. ' 5. 4:30 p. m. No. 1 connects with eastbonnd train at Mill City. Jos. Ham lin, Prop. - O. A. C. Special Trains 4:20 PM. 7:05 P.M. 55 P.M. 80 P.M. Ar. Corvallis City Station ...11:05 A. M. 4:25 P. M. .... 7:55 P. M. est For further particulars, Inquire of C WV Stinger,7 City" Ticket Agent, t . 1 4th and Stark Sts. - Phone , Main 8800 ' John M. Scott, " General Passengrer Agent. torers. daotations representing f. o. b. mil values la direct sales to reuuusf and laciuaiag salmif expenses: -. . - FLOORING: IT.ah. Daw. - Ave. 1x4 No. 2 v. g ... .33.00 84S.OO 851.00 1x4 No. 2 sad bet as. 40,00 33.00 40.00 - VIKISH: . lxs io r.'. eo oo 58.e ... t'ETLING: , ..,- s4 No. 3 and bet v 40.00 2T.00 - 89.03 'PHOP SIDING: ;7 -1x6 No. 2 and bet. . . 44 00 S8.0O - 4X.00 BOARDS ASD- SHIP LAP: 1x8 .1 .1, 21.80 18.60 16.83 CIMENaiON: 2x4 12-14 . .: 09.30, 1TA0 18.80 S4ALL TLUBEB: 4x4 12-13 ...,,v.. SS.SOt 1.60 21.80 : LATH: 4 ft. No, 1 r ;..;.. . .- 48 BHrNGLES: 4.63 A allies Lea .... ; 1.85 2.86 V85 Total 13 nun. 4,882.180 feet TRANSPORTATION Travel UY, not jet experienced' and ac curate information from oil who fats traveled extensively for the benefit of his patrons FREB INFORMATION. - c - Swcursi Staamship Rasanrwa - tJoas Jul Tickets Frons DOR5EY B. SMITH. Manar-r J ourncd Travel Bureau ISO Broadway, Portland, Orwwosi, . Phosas, ATsrmter 1979. . Convenient - Grays; Harbor South Bend - Raymond i ' Northern Pacific Ry. A. D. Charlton, Gen. Pass. Agte 531 Northwestern' Bank Bldgr. Phone Br'dwmy 5760, Portlaxxl VISIT EUROPE NOWl wliile rates are low rWCLAND IRELANT . France - BaXCiuM awery SsMrds fresa Near Tstab jftro Frreamf Sailimat frees BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. IdONTREAX. aad QUEBEC . to sa potato oa fas Rewular Saflinfs o' GOtMANY, ITALY 4k BALTIC STATU Winter Vovsees te f. .WEST INDIES MEOsTXKXANKAIt sr Bssiwisfiua epe'jr - . tKasamtm - tsjtnxtM9 Lseal eeenta ar aomnsfrys Mftos. - M. " P, MRgfNT, Baaneoer, sis Secowe S settle. Mesa, paoas atata 3113, , Astoria ' and Way ' Points strSa luhu:;e o ii:wi OAILT, SXCCPT SATUROAV, T:3d P. 83. Fare to Astoria 81.83 One .Way 83.00 Reaad Trip Weak-End Bound Trip 82.80 r.v v - - - r. i 1 --- . -v;..-. The Dalles & Hood River STR. MADEUr.E 3tON Wis, FRIDAY, etJSO P. 33. Sleeping A eaosnmods Hons Beady. P. M. Pare Tbe Dallas 31.25; Hood River 3L0 TNI HSRKINS TMAflSPOirTATIOSJ CO. Bdwy. 3S44 : AMor St. .Ooek w sTO - faBaa1eaBBBfa-BBBB SS. ADMIRAL EVANS: I Sails from MunMpeJ Dock 8a 3 I MfediissUay, Jan. 3, 13 A. M. I Cver Wsdrmdsy Thsrsafter ' jn J FOR SAM PltANCUOO, :. LOS ANQKLCS, 8AN DICOO U I ) HONOLULU SERVICE I It Sottlnos from Saa QTanalioa I I H. P. Alexsitwar..Jaa,. 4, . si I fl - H. F. Alexander, .dsn. to, . M. A ; . TICKET OFFlC U I : 31 THIRD '3T, COR. STAKItR I ; Ptwne mrmdmn S431 . VM Cgb waist. TTlANSronTATIOX 1 " - - AM ANCH O R UNtts ITeterraneaa vui Egypt CaR0NIA Ct3.3w3 Te FEB. 10th Tbls tnxwrtows aad popular Cunarder- aaiis ror me ptctoresqtie parts of the world s . winter playgrounds to the rwnsaiKw sunny MedUerranoan. Sbort ssBjurasons at Madeira, Ulbraltar, - Alatara, ; Maasoa, -Genoa. . Napt-a, ""T"..T- ueeataauoosia, Aiax aadria, . Haifa. Naples. ,;,,. h -,. Keemlar ,8aOiacs frwsa N. T-Bswi aseniieat iweav To Southampton and - Cherbourg;. Thorn. To Oobb (Qweens tewa) e Uvwrpeot. Bats. To Plym outh. Cherbourg-. Hamburg-. To Loa- aoaderry and Glaaa-ow. Special Win- rer MUinga te Mediterranean. : CAJfADlAN SEirVsCK.. ' ' Famous "Cabin Obxas" HBteamere . Balling Batm-tlars rrooa Montreal . Via the St. Lawrence Route. ' - ANDANTA ANTONIA ' Te PVrmotrta. Oherbnure. Lemdon. . ' TTKKHKN1A-ATJSONI A-ALBAM I A " v, Tft Ueartwinl. See Lseal Cunard Asaot sr WHU ', SMinaru el anenor a. a. Lines av ssosna -, Seattle , pm aitieu i aaa SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND STEA7.1SK1P COMPANY for Sam Fraaclsc - From Portland Ainswortli Dock STEAMER ROSE CITY SUNDAY, 10 A. 83.. OKO. SI TUESOAr. 10 A. JAN. and every nine days thereafter passage fare from portiakb Promenade Deck.......... $28.80 Outside Saloon Deck.... ....... ..36.40 Inside Saloon Deck... ...... .24.00 Round Trip (first class) ......... . .90.00 STEERAGB PASSENGERS -Third Class t fee as ( Alalea Only )..... I J-W All fares include berth and meals while at sea ' ' : WSbSMII Sisailllls iiamwuitllsi imrial m wrtsparattf i.ti aariii saaaxMsauarta tataastnaaalMt aaaaL Cfty Tickst Office 3rd and Waslukstsei Phone Broadway 6631 - Freight OfSce, Ainsworth Dock ' " J-j Phone Broadway 0263 ' JitaJ Statistics marriagcs.Birtbs, Deaths. MARRIAGE UCENSE3 , J. Foster . Adams, lewd. 837 East Ninth street north, and scuta Shoen. lesaL Portland. Lererdo 1 Lake, legal,. 138 ik Second street, and Ines E. Keeslins, legal, 183 H 8eooad street. " tuebani 1. Hughes, 24. 783 Kearney street. a Anna kiUpatrick, 31, 781 Kearney street. Lee Robert Berkeley. 26, S55 Kast Morrison street, and . Elma Agnes Knmrow, 22. 888 Height avenue.. - 1, rank Vkill.n, Xt.AAmw ' n KoT rial street, and Vlvtaa Alicia Logan, 22, 143 Mumm, o awea nor id. Frederick L. Gratiot. . bural Trt . and Hester D. DaansamajiB,, logsl. 78s East iaraumi auoei. -Hubert S. VVbiteman. 84 Vlrtnri. R r. and Ida Mary AaketaU Jones. 28. PorUand. John Watman. 41 24 l., Kafk .t , and Mary Carothsrs, 80. 466 East Oak street, Hoard G. Austin. 22. S14 Hnln,f urur and Kmms C Duncan. 21, 8884 83d street Aadraw Jensen. 34, 1028 Grant street, and . .wiawu, ax, ivyi wooawaru avenue. Joe Peachav. Sf. ft 7 O Sr..,,u .t .na Georgia . Burrows. 18. 1232 WEDDING AND T1SITING r.KU EKuai v am . fa. lalIH .3 CO, 311 . Morgan Bids. BIRfTD WOODHOL'SE -To Mr. and Mra J. ur Woodbouse, 78U8 77th St. Das. 16, a dang li ter. - : ..- . .. ). . POUXJN Te Mr and Mra A. TV. Pvmlin. oo n. ,ui st- n.. iioe. 11. a-oaugoter. KAUFMAN Ta-Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Kauf man, u E. Mill, Uec, 20, a son. - McVlCKKB To Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Mo- rcser. aerry, or., alec, ai, a son FAT To Mr. -and Mrs. JE. O. Fay. 405 v )ay. Dee. 22. a sob. ' - I REE1 To Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reed, Ab ordeen. Waelw Use, 19. a son. ' KARABCXAS To Mr. aad Mrs. T. - Aj amkucum. o w ax aui, awe, ifl a oaugnier. , THOMPSON To" Mr. and Mrs. T. F. anompson, 1UIU s. jLonard, Use. 23, a son. i OIBLER To Mr. and Mrs.. C. F. Gibler. 4 aonsworui, uce. ti, a son. XIMMUBMAN To Mr. and Mra E. Zim nermsn, Sul Persaing. Dec. 23. a son. NORTON To Mr. and Mra. D. A. Norton. i .oer or.i' let. ao. a daughter. ' KOVAl CJU KTo Mr. slid Mrs. A. Ko- I .idiuk. liO Omaha. Deo. 24, a daughter. CORNELL. Orren M. Cora ell, St Vincent Hospital, Oec. 28, 34 years, internal injury. YAGER- Cur nelia Tager, 348 Clinton, Dee. 88. 82 yeam, cerebral hemorrhage. - n LEVARI Annie Leery, 383 MaaourL Deo. o, o years, myocaraiua. U"r!r ... . 1 SHARP- mouth. Dee. MLMBKUE Eli: aUE Elisa Mamhrae. 8384 84th. court. Dec. 28, 82 years, lobar pneumonia. FANNING George T. Panning. 851 Crampton. Dee. 28, 34 yean, carcinoma. DUKE Melvta M. Duke, 824 Mixta, Dee. Zi, i years, acuie aioonoUam. DIVORCES FILED . OLAOWIN Haxel B. against Ucll 1. Oladwyn. - CI J.fNS Pesri against John CoUina. WELLS- Clorsnee Louise agsmst Donald wens. , FA RR INGTON -Deht -A., against Frank P. Farrlnolon. - , v . , HABNDEN -'Geneva Lester agtlast E STEMLEB Era Stringer against H. E. BCemter. BfcilTMER Anna C. against R. B. Bhyt WAT TI J.mes C. LEWIS - R. T. Lewis. ' !. ' ' kgainst 3lsry Wabh. Elisabeth tf. NEW TODAY 60 FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG COJilm - asaax eoau. , . ss . aw 3TH art. 'r.'. SPE- A NOTICES . j 101 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received St. tbe I ontce ei tne andersigaed, 401 Courthouse, rruua,.ir, nnui p. m.. January 3. 1823, for linoleom floors for eerUtsn rooms id ma (.irn folytecnnic end Jeiiersoci hi . scbeois. Portland, Or. Bids will b opened at e "nee tana of the hoard a h y-ia room 804 .Cearthouse at 7 p. sa. the same SneeiHratisBa mv lta nM.lnl h. '; E"?, 0 th suMrintendent of properties, old Failing schooL First aad Porter- strasu. :. Porusod Or. . , i Certified checks foe Id per eent ef tbe I SS sinu". Vhf . ' sn7 or a 121 a:.ZZ. "t"W I icimit - ... "uS-i rI'.w ' 1 . v ;.K.rj I Dated December 27, 1822. . . in ALASKA FI$I1 SAT.TI.W. ft BT rROI i T' t . wui jin i inn, annual Durvsia stockaoldera of the sbOTe eoaiiauiy will he bald at tha off lew of the tumitnr, Coaeord birtg.. Portland.. Or.. Winesaa. tb 1 7tb dy of January-, l2s. at 1J does, aoon. ' ANNA M. PIYKNV Secretary. NOTICE is hereby gtvea tliat tb regular an nual meenns nf tbe stock hollrra of tiie Peaver Slata Motor Co. wUl be held on Monday. January 18. 1623. at. 3 oelor. p. m., at the of flee of Ua erro ration at Oreaham, Or. O. A. ,J01i.totJN. - " -- - . r-i . tiecretary. avIECTlMG1 NOTICES ' ICa OlII, KEAZKR GEOTTO Basmess meeting. Pvthlaa temple. Saturday, Deceuitvr 80, st 8 p. m. sharp. A1 miiwioa bv 1823 or IP t card. VS'ear tea The lil , cards are now ready. ' lears and eertizVstea foe last r 1 monlal class now ready. Prophets, eome oat and moet Alice Blue. Snort prosram, refrA. monts. Invite your Mseonle brecbrea. Adver tise in tbe Grotto News. VV'ialiing you one sad all 3 bappr New Tear. Order of Won arc! v. HAKUT A. MrKlK, Secy. SrTNTSTTK KNTKWTAtN lliNT COMMITTtK wUl fia a dance at 8wtb and Hw tborne Denember 80. . Aruua-aUsa.wO.- .. - f ' . ,.- HAttltUNr tAHMB MU. 103, 1. O. O, P., will give la ' nual ball Haturuay night. le . camber 80. . Uood mosie and HVCAOfri" - a good time promised. Kvery l topoii body walooma, A 310 is ShM06IX5D Wi ilia ma ave. . EJsBL3f JEWKLB1 a specialty s " bottom, una Jseeer Bros., is 1-1 aa sin as. 1 '"" ' " 1 '; CARDS OF THAMfS " j VTB WIH to thank oar rotative, neighbors and friends for their sympathy Sad kind ness. sJWbtbe beautiful floral offerings, at ths deatlKof oar beloved husband aad father. Mflo C GUbam. Mrs. J. Gil ham and Family. Mr, aad Mrs. F. H, Hollen ; beck. Mr. and Mrs. Wi O. GUbam, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bryon.' - . - WE WISH to Uiank our many friends and relatives for tbeir -, sympaLby sod many kindneaeea, alio tbe beautifnl fbrs oftrr Ings. during the recent illness and deetb of our beloved mother.. Mr. and K. H. ttnairo. DEATH NOTICES 103 JAMES Dee. 80, at tbe lata raaideaos, 41 R Kast xlroadway, John N. Jane, - aged 7 years, father of John 8.' Jamas and brother of Mrs., S. J. Bryan ot Portland; James "W. James of Wichita, Kan.; . I and A W. Jamea of Saa Aatonio, Tex. The ro. :: maias are at Finley's mortnary, Moatgnm : ery at 6th. Notice of funeral beraftear. Tbe deceassd was a, member of Ivanhos lodes No. 1. K. of P. and the Dramatis Order Knights of Khorasaan. MjXJjOT Dee. 29, 1823. ax bis late rest- , denes. Labbs buiMaig, Second aad Waab. . Ington sta., John Milloy. aged 77 years, be loved father of , Mrs. Jeia McLood of Portland. (Mrs. R. - S. Shaw, ; Kerry, Or. ; Mrs. J. W. Kennedy of Alsaka and O. P.. , Milloy. Seaside, Or, Bcmsins at PearsoR's undertakrng parlors. Russell at. sad Unioo L st a. Notios of services hereafter. McKEE la this city, December 23, Joseph., . atcaee, age 4 ysars nusband 01 Sara -and father of Edgar and buth McCee, ail"' of Portland. Tbe remains ar at the chapel : of Smith A Wheeldoa. Belmont at Both street. Funeral notice later. Oakland . (OsL) pspeTs please copy. PETERS To" this city. Deo. 29. Lis B. Peters, aged 87 yaars, late of the Alex andra court, mother of Dr. George IX and John 4. Peters of Portland. The re mains are at Finley's mortuary, Montgnm-. ery at 6th. Notioe of funeral hereafter. KING la this city,., Deo. 80. Vivian. sed 28 years, wife or Kenneth Kins ef Saa Diego, Cat The remains are at Fknley's . mortuary, MonWomery at Bth, Notioe ef funeral hareatter. - - ' BRTJCK In this city. Dee; 23, 1822, Henry Brack, busbsnd of Pauline Brack. Remains are at the chapel of lid ward Holm an a Bon, Third and Salmoa street. Notioe of funeral later. , , BROOKS la ihis elty. Dec 20,' 6Us" ferooU" im remains are at tbe conservatory ehai-ei of the Eset Side Funeral Directors. Notice I . ' - j GB IS WOLD In this city. Dee. 29, 1022, 01 j unreal later. Arthur tiriswold. Remains an st the enapel of Kdwsrd. Pjnlmsa as Son. . Third and Salmon streets. Notice of funeral later. " BRYAN In this dty, Deo. 30. 1822. VU- - liam Bryan. Remains are at tbe ebapel of Edwsrd Holman at Son, Third and Hal bob streets. Notice of funeral later. ., ' FUNERAL NOTICES - 104 j MORRIS- In ttis city. Dee. 29, Fred Stewsrt.' aged 35 years, husband of Emily F. Mor ns of 021 Kast 18th street north, and brother of James H. Morris of Philsdelphia, Pa., and HaarietU A, Morris of Portland. The funeral service will be held Wednesday, Jan. 8, at 8:80 p. m.. at Finley's Mortusry, Montgomery at 8th. Friends invited. Con cluding service, Portland- Crematorium. KE11K In this city. Dec 227 lB2i. fil..r 4iilland Kerr, brother of V. O, Kerr of Boise, Idaho, ' Funeral ssrvlces -held Sat urdsy. Dec. 80. 1922. at the chapel ef Edward Holman A Son.' Third and Salmoa streets. Interment Riverview cemetery. CEMETERIES 104 A ' BrriR vTEW CEMETERT 888 Acres Overlooking Willamette River. No stockholders owned by lot buyer. Family plots 873 and up; adult graves 820 to 388. Atwster 1288. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS tOS Edward liosnian & Son - THIRD AND SALMOBT ' MAIN SCOT East Side Funeral Directors lT. O. DCXNINO. COL r iia TT,Jr"'iJr beta the Prioe." Mer St. Phone Aat 8088. iJnook & Wheafidon rPNERAf. DtRKCTOR v . St'Ct'KSSOBS TO BBI.MONT AT 85TH. .ABOR 1SSA Lerch. IJnaertnllfer CAST EI-rVFXTH AND BAWTBORlfB I , - a. A. It. KliNwORTHT A lTk n " . n-'UM.MW ,8 8d st. 8. K. " It 818-tL atuj-tJt 7 HACKT, inoepeodent funeral JC roetora Compleu funersto878 aad .a ie prtvaey of a borne. 16th and pnone Udwy. 8 128. Ante. 621-88, Firtiev's Morti-ri - sai r ifTH . 1 msf A nsf a mmm 3a j I I ami aiW W04. K. . tSyrnes plMf$ ,, - " u 1 li v. S!feWP9 CNDERTAK1NG CO. Phooe 1JACWC3 416 CMr ad at Clv A- le: Cfl VViJliams A.e. - w..w. wwe rnoi ' Pboas East lOsA MONUMENTS 108 1 pyTO SCHUMANN MAAL.LS V 1 HOT ft T ' l ,t'm St . e 1 813 K Broadway. f aloe sm , 7713. rTowess tT A3 Ooo-'-. "Wt GHOW OCB tv. "barge leontiu St y - . ,ettgy?mTi . Smith's Fiovver Sh? "Pert --" Pmgtatve Ffcrlat. Ptewers for All Oeaaaioaa Main T1IS. T. t:. Leike. aJsr., .. an4 - tOetmnued sa femseu.s ,faa epecial r;otic: l la,.A , f , nX3R13T3 . 1C7 :: tsart wxstMyjT (