daily- jcu:::;al f 200 WHY BE OCJT Of A JOB OR -iVOEK AT AN . UNDERPAID POSITION? . . . - -. . Tramed 'auto repairmen and sate eieo trtcal expert are bow in demand, f W have . helped hundreds of ear imhtln to iny jcbs. We can help you, too. - Call u4 ---i-iawpaet enr, school any day (except Satnr dayr at 10 a. m. or S ta. or writ for fart 1 12-pag FREE catalog. . Ask s - Bowk No. 4. AXlCOX AUTO AND ATTATKM SCHOOL. . Union A, and Wasco- St , - ' Wondltva er ilfentl Car. 24 It "' " ' LEAR MORE 'FOR TJESS It will par you to fnveatfgat , H MPHILL'8 AUTO 4k. TRACTOR -' SCHOOLS - , . . " tu tor Enrolling Ehewber. , 12S N- 3th t.. NEAR UNION DEPOT. ENROLL any Monday for day or night scotoi. ! AH aaliii courses, and aa sooa a anw tent w wilt place you a paying position -'," Send for fie Success catalog' .- Burins College. tth, near M orriso Phon Mat 089 ' SPECIAL RATES " ! la Amateur, - Commercial and Mo Tint Picture Photography. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, ' " 125 N. 5U at, . .-. Soar Union Depot. . W E TEACH 70a to know jour car- WAUGH SALON of ACTO ATTENTION, for tn ewt women. $21 Abingtoa bide. Third tt. W..h ana Stark. A short course that saves dollars and give ALTO SENSE. ot , a trada school. Nominal fee. - INVESTIGATE I New ay stem of shorthand. No strokes. We guarantee ,to teach you in 30 day. Enroll now for special rata. National : School of Shorthand. 597-508 Artisan bldg. f HELP WANTED- MALE ' 201 AUENTg WiNTKD EVERYWHERE to sell those Wonderful California Herbs for Bben : autism. People from all orer tb U. 8. ..('have written ns the last fire years about 'te I extraordinary results from toes marvelous Herbs. Send for I tee booklet .round i. , postisrid. ItHEUMATTSM HERD CUHrui, SAWTEU.fi. CALIFORNIA. WANTEL Ma to Use H interest with me - 'in a road show. I bare -a brand new 5 t reel feature film with a great line of pa per. Keter bean shown in this part of the jl". 8. Too handle mir own money. For 'information call 329 Hallway Ex. bldg. WANJ'ED Cborua uirla and other performers V for- road show. Moat know your stuff. Call 320 Hallway Ex. pMa. i t'IKST class solicitors. Excellent opportunity . , to make good. Income. Call 314 AUsky oidg.. between 12 and 1 p. m. WA!TEJ 3 saieameoi o sell oil and tas Ja-e of merit: a food prcpoaitioB to lire win 803 Failing blda. - - l'UR HALE 6 room modern house, 3200, to wreck. Won Id make someone a nice Iwme. Main 22 as, WANTEI 10 salesmen, age 25 to 50 yean; . make 35 to 310 daily. Apply 195 E. 6th r C- between 9 and 12 only. t WASTEP Man, with car, knowing aurround Htg country near Portland. Bdwy. 4049. xtoom 40U. WANTED Young man aa partner; small in- veitment. Inquire 129 1 2th tt. TitYPfc DRIVER wanted. with truck. CaB 228 Alder. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 'THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE DIVISION. - city of Portland, offers tta serrices in all ' matters pertaining to the welfare and t-ro- tection of women and girls; internews cos ' dentiaL 314 Woreenter b!dg.. 3d and ek ats. Pbwne Broadway 7422. WANTED Would like to hear from a poor widow woman who would like a good home ju.t for a companion; will gire clothing and pending money; would like a near common : . woman, not one who dresses in the styles of today. Mrs. E. Stiennon, Allegany. Or. NOTICE We furnish laay -cooks, housekeep r rs, waitressss. store help, factory help. etc. : free to employers. Phone Bdwy. 6498. Bus. Men's Emt. A gey.. 813 Wiloox bidg. WANTED By widower with 3-yesr-old dauch . tr, tiring near Ashland, refined, neat house keeper, $49 per montU and railroad fare. I X-23I, Jonrnsl. , ANT UIRL in need) ot a friend, apply to the 8latlon Army Reaene Home, llayfair Aiexanaer ate. rnane M Jin Be so. it-u nr. A MIDDLE AO ED lady to sUy with old couple on farm: wages 31a per month. J-327. oarra lIoL'KEKEEPER for country home. No other ' woman charge. Wages reasonable. H 272. Journal, El .1 E RLY lady to assist - with housework. Good home, small salary. Phone East 6994. W A XT ED Girl for general homework, over 18 years; wages 323. East 8927. SrnJATlONS WANTEDMALE 2s7 TfA VEIJNG salesman wants position with , good house. Must be line of merit. Knows Mae trade in Idaho, Utah. Wyoming, Mon- , una. References.- Headquarters in Idaho. IX-Olt. Journal. KJ VENTER work, built in fixtures, breakfast. :, aArhen and nook tables, counters and meat ' ' combination counters and shelving. Ail work dene as agreed. East W384. , HOUSE WIRING Let ma give you an estimate on your wir ing before letting your contract. Licensed electrician. Walnut 5691. Paper Hanging: " PATNTINO TINTING II. V. MARX. Garfield 7935. Dili HAN boy 14 years old. finished grammar - - chool and bookkeeping at night school. - C: il between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Carl 11 It, East 4187. ' , I'R.K'TICAL painter is now free to handle email or large contracts on painting, kal m mining, etc., at reasonable prices. Phone Kait 0439. - -v : YH It home naeds painting; have it done t- w, .lowest prices, best workmanship' and wteriat. Phone Empire 0122. EXTBRIENCED tinner .y-.-t idware shoj, small 268. Journal. wouhl work eity ; married with man. FIRST-CLASS dental services for paper hang " - lug. tinning, eign work or electrical. BroaU- w:.y T203. I DIG cesspool, ditches, snd make connections. . I-:ito number or address if I'm not in. , -V-.to. 612-50. lai.VG It us figure your electrical' work. " New or old liou. Walnut 2114. Even " .?. Walnut 30K5. CaiU'eS'IEK woil. eaUmates given for day r.eniTfct gaargea built and garage doors made to craer. Ea.st 3M4 ; -CARPENTER Estimates gjren on repair jvwsj nois repairea ana d garagea built. Tabor 1200. ' '--'it 1387 Hawthorne. l"tljT.NU,- papeniaBguag and uatiiu: prices rrawnablet, -work guaranteed. ijliop 1385 H wt borne sve. Tabor 1722 f-O" JBING, KEl-AliUNG AM .NEW WOKR i .i:mttw ami lurnares cleaned and rirt H. 4. Emmert, 850 Oregon. - East 9711 FAST, up to date carpenter, designer, builder : if homes and cabinet work, prices right: work n' guaranteed. Aut. 618-80. MIDDLE AGED mau. does expert paperhang Ing. kahawtiulng. cleaning, rarpenter repair. HAFDWOOD FTXIORS by day or contract. references. 1496 Rodney-are. WaL 8632 - WANTED Papering, painting, tinting. 50c per I ; i hunr er by the contract. Aut. 614-23. 1 CEMENT worValTkinds; also atuoce ateriSZ Bdwy. 1243. t HAKDVYOOD floors. IJH them bow. gave j money; avoid the spring rush. Tabor 0420 CEMENT WORK Rates with mixer. WaL 6969. CEMENT WORK, guaranteed, all kinda. Karl Lattee at fo., Beiiwooa l. 1'LV'MRINU don very reasonably by the hour r by the job. East 9838. P-Al-VTING. TINTING. ALL BRANCHES. l!i:AEONABI-K. vaiu bkos., WIU 3338. i UOiil-a.UEl'AIIiEIJ. 31 up; reshinduig! A I tttasatie 443-10. . BAlMENTS, grading, teanung; contract a d.-f work. Aut 622-83. Arwater 3837. K 1 KKHANGING.' J PAINTING. TINTING-' IiKPAlR WORK. ATWATER 0157. r A1--KR1NG. inaide . painUng. kabwmining elwasp. before apnng rush. Tabor 6258. PL-VSTKRIN'O. repairing . a specialty: by day or evntract: all wtirk guaraateed. East 689 L v, WALKER, geaesal coutracfur and iob " 't. East 6656, FO : trading.-excaraUiig or general taaa work b.. riperterrced men, cull (rarfteld 9732. rUASTERING. patchiag a epeevalty; day - Mntraetr work cuaranieed. Mam 5537.. UL'VTf7R3 and down spouts cleaned and re ;: id. Also new work. Baav. 6013. . 'Us. 114 pouruag, tww v, -ck .rk guaranteed : Tabor 0552 v aaixarv .niJCHBERy planting, pruning. - javm work, by ev:iert. Phowe Mam 553 1. - - i - . .! ;.H reriirntfr work wanted. . Ileasonabla. r- Walnut 086.V - HAVK team-.. Will brxvel; deliver also. do exs-a ration; Walnut 0SS3. and; CSUCATIOLNAL 5ITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 LXi'EltiEN El Japaaase soy wanta poaauon after artcwl boarn. Aut. 52S-10. WASTED Any kind . Pbon Tabor 8743. of carpenter work. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 WOMAN wants-work in hotel aa cook in - city or country: wagee 339 per month or ' arranged. Atwa ter 4 or 41 Mrs, Myra Ooodrow. . UIRL, 17, waste to help with noiawwork; - ns cooking. - Agatha. Comely, Portlaod. Or. " Rome 1.: Boi 791.- ' ' . :. REFINED bubiness girl wis he room and board in prirata home. Bsisadway . or Irringtoo. East 622T erenicaj." E-08T. Journal. EXPESlENCED7triMtrthy lady waats kousa cleaning, -washing or other work; good 'work guaranteed. Walnut 0S. WANTEU Houaekeeping bouse. CaB. Empire 0606. n gentleman s 21 re. Krueger. DRESSMAKING 258 REJaiiTITCHINCi eaj Baleigh bldg.. 827 43 i?h. Bdwy. 8T42. HEMSTITCHING - Special lunch elotlu jtraight ? per yard. 100 Bdwy., bids. , DRE8SMAKING. remodeling, coats hned, rea sonable. East 92S7. 840 H Wlllitma are. HEMSTITCHING., wnne, tie per yard suaiuhl Button 4V Plaiting (shop. SU Kcyal btd NURSES' :2S7 EXPERIENCED practical ouw, best of ref- erencea. Call Man 107Z. RELIABLE nurse wanta eaaes. charges. Auto. 645-8. Reasonable FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 LINCOLN HOTEL 409 MORRISON ST. Under New Management. Furnished rooms, hot and cold water in arery room, steam heat. . Prices 83 to $10 per week. W ... rnope nroaaay aoao. HOTEL BRISTOL, 16 12th at-, cor. Stark. New ssanagemeBt: saodern: prirste hatha, free pboae, reasonable rater ; 33 sad up: hot and cold water; eteam heat. THOROUGHLY rleaa single rooma, day or week:, hot and cold waier, ataava heat. Chamberlain Hotel. 892 E. Stark. E. 00 SX FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ROOM IN PRI VATE HOME FOR REFINED LADY. 889 11TH 8T. MAIN 6321. : NICELT furnislied front room, separate en trance, walking distance to business section; rent reasonable. 491 Montgomery, between 14th and 15th ate.'- NICE LARGE. WELl. HEATED ROOMS, -trial.' Tfl SITU RElUlMlRl.lt- f'TlSR IN, WALKING DISTANCE. "' EAST 4365.TTWO 830 HALSEx. 7 NOB HTLL Inexpensire rooms on tint and third floors, - in a beautiful, refitted1 home. 84 N. 21st, cor. Everett. Walking distance. IF you are tired of 11 ring te. s hotel I am sure I hare a real home and a warm room you would like. 83 ' and 86.59 week. Gen tie men preferred. E. 2074 after 7:30 p. m. LIGHT, pleasant sleeping room ; furnace beat ; walking distance; also garage, v-554 Everett, comer 17th. Broadway 2256. CLEAN, comfortable room, in nice home; heat furnished; private entrance, reasonable rent; gentlemen preferred; close to car. Call East 6507. FOR RENT Comfortable garage; for gentleman. -north. East 8701. front room : also 481 East 8th M SEYYLT furnished- sleeping romv hot and cold water, walking distance. 715 Johnson, cor.22d. Maiii4997. COZY, extra warm 2-room suite; all conveni ences; also private garage. 414 Market, corner 1 1 tb. ATTRACTIVE room, wewude. I block from library, not a rooming bouse, for lady emp. C. S. preferred- $13 per mo. Main 78. WANTED Man to Stan - furnace mornings, for basement housekeeping room and 33 a month. 8 N. 21st st. - ONE furnished room, with krtcthenette. 1 blk. - from Sunny side car; 34.50 per week. 174 E. 35th ft. Phone Tabor 0302. NICE single front room. fS1 t floor, heat. Call at 331 Montgomery at. furnace NICE modern district. W. room, -a minutes to easiness S.. 812 up. Main 4377. NICE clean, heated sleeping room. Park. - 455 West FRONT sleeping room, furnace beat, close to bath, 812 mo., 20 East 24th St.. North. , 323 ROOM and breakfast for gentlemen em ployed; home oom forts. At water 4440. TEACHERS Sleeping of Portland teacher. room tor 2 in home Call Main 6265. ROOM AND BOARD , 302 Nortonia Hotel llth off Washington. Broadway 1180. Portland's high-class downtown residential hotel. We give you the comforts of home. American European plan. Rates reasonable. , PARK VIEW - HOTEL COR. W. PARK. AND MONTGOMERY The highest standard of an American plan hotel. As a permanent place- to live it is unexcelled for the price in the city. Conveniently -located for business and pra feaeional people. - HOTEL HEREFORD 733 Hoyt. near 23d. . Main 3305 Excellent dining room service, under the direct supervision of Mrs. McDougalL tor-' merly ot the Bamapo hotel. ; ' ' ROOMS. l day and up. 878 Rm. East 258. MeaW.if desired. EXCLUSIVE resKleatiai tmtal; rates 643 te 850. 794 Lot. joy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 DESIRABLE room with excellent board tor 1 or 2 gentlemen, with - home privilege; worth your time toy investigate. : l'hona East 2461. - ?' BEST OF KOOM'ANDi BOARD FOR TWO i'OUNM MEN OR MAN AND WIFE. WALKING DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. CHEAP. EAST 9218. PLEASANT ' rooms, good board, furnish heat. electric light, hot and cold water, walking distance. " Reasonable. 547 H 6th street. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman working; i-e home; just what you are looking for; good meats, nice Sunday dinners; furnace heat. Walnut 4543. - - GOOD HOME AND MOTHER'S CARE IN CLEAN, MODERN HOME FOR 1 CHILD. - CALL TABOR 9187. WELL-HEATED room suitable for 1 or 2: excellent board; modem, close in, reason able, home privileges: on M on ta villa ear, , 549 E. Ankeny. East 9144. - IN fine home: room adjoining bath;- good home cooking. Home privilege -for young lady. Price 350 month. Phone East 2552. 620 Wasco. 4 COMFORTABLE, well-heated room with board, in private, modern home, - 'Main 0365. 2 OR 3 respectable young gentlemen to room board in refined home with mother and daughter. Boys who appreciate real honte life. 730 E. Ankeny st. East 1431. - ROOM AND ' BOARD; SINGLE . AND DOUBLE- ROOMS AT 772 MARSHALL MAIN 1644. ROOM aud board by week or month and table board. 2 blocks to Broadway bridge, and bridge UaJisW ear passes tha door. 218 McMillan st. IP THERE are 2 young man-who would ap preciate a clean, warm room, . nice - home and good meals. Call Bdwy. 8151 WOMAN with child desiring to keep up bar home has lovely room for rent, with board; close in. west side: no other roomers: tef- a-39 1, journal. - - - GOOD ROOM AND BOARD IN MODERN . HOME FOR 2 MEN OR MAN AND WIFE: HOME PRIVILEGES. TABOR 2388. WANTED Cluid 1 to 4 years to board, another's, care, in good home; will do child's sewing. Sell. S360. ; . 7 ROOM and board for business girls contest ten cos; walking distance: 35 per week. East 9780. 12. K. 7th st. YOUNG MAN to room and board, small cob- genial family of young people, piano, close to, 1 week. Main . . 7 LADY would like 8 er 3 gentlemen to board, , real home madera dean and congenial; 30 per month. East side. Walnut 6892. I ICE onratortable roosna and good home . cok- lng. bsa aot cola ntw. Jast oft Haw 'borne car. 323 Marzurrtte. Tibor 8181. H.' " hoard, loom, ire,- 319 mouth. Ella Finney. Rt, 2. Gervais. !Tegon. CHlLliREN receive good care in nnnts lun. of resrwtnMWe woman. An to 830-25. aw aaw aoara m private per wfc. -218 Graham eves. fsmily, gA.SO lmit 7(ll)4. NICE room, with board, wtihin walking , tanc. Atwa bar 0137. ."283 X. 2th i "di- FOR KENT ROOMS AND LOAJtD ' PRIVATE FAwtlLY 303 GOOD ROOM AND BOARD FOR MAN AND WIFE EMPLOTED OB SINGLE GEN ' TLEMA.N. hOS KIRBY. WALNUT 4138. ROOM and board an anodero hons in Rose City, for jnan and wile employed: will ear for ehikl during day. - Tabor 8382.,. 883 .""East 89th at. N. '-- .' ' tIKtS'THtS Itllhll '- ' BEST Of KOOM AND BOARD IN KB n.EO HOMK, CLOSE IN, VfcJIT KEA SONABUC MAIN 8143. T UtVINU ST. XICE. eloat cheerful rooan -4Htk or without baud; in. lust. 4948. - , NICELY furnished room, twin beds; good home eookins and all horn privilegaa; auit able for 1 or 2 refined people ' employed. 683 Kearney."-' Broadway 1999.' - WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. - wonderful new. float room, with porch: 2 meals: piano and home priTileires; 840 for - one person; 970 for 2. Arwater 0746. - t LARGE nicely furs, roof SB private family, with or without board; 839 for 1 or $60 for ,. 2; by day. . week ot anoBtkv Main 074. 803 14th si. ' - CHILDREN CARED FOR IN MY HOCSE OR MONTH. BY THE DAY. WEEK CALL EAST 0586. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 THE MINNA MAE West side. 1 block from Wash. a. pletely furn 2-room 11. K- suites, first floor: also 1 on second floor; heat, light and phone furnnhed ; Tory reasonable price. Broadway 4203. . ;' :. "LARGE 'furnished front' h, k. rooma;"" gas range, sink; walking distance; adult. 211 Shermn rt. . i NICE clean H. K. room, ail conveniences, 816 month; small U. R. room suitable for bache lor, 32 week. S41 11th at. THREX furniihed basement .housekeeping room for 2 or 3 adults; garage if desired. 1066 I;. Washington; Tabor 3882. SCNNYCREST. Steam heat, newly furn.. H. K. ran. SIS tin. At. 3748. 186 Sherman. THREE rooms for housekeeping, partially fur nished. 636 Upshur st. ' OXE in3aH.'K,room. with hkaat. $4.60", tnitille for gentJeman. 0,24 Flshdsrs st HOUSEKEEPING rooms $2 per week and up. . 663 Hood t.. near Arthur. ; . ? . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -FURNISHED AND UNFUKIJISHED - PRIVATE FAMILY 30 BEAUTIFULLY furmsned hoosekeeping apta., single and double, 34.50 and 83.60 per week; first floor ;.eJ range; running water, electric lights, phone ; close - in ; nice loca tion. 807 Market st. larita unfurnwhed housekeeping rooms for rent chean: lights, hot. cold water fur nished, large basement; 815 per mo. ; close in. aos croshy st. bet. Bteei ana nroaa way bridges. TO 8 nice furnished housekeeping or Bleeping- rooms, garage, 1 block Fulton ear; tele phone, electricity, etc., free; extremely rea sonable. 1332 Kelly. Atwater 1204. : CLEAN 2-room furnished apartment," with bath, porch, yard and basement: anarried couple er two ladies. 671 Gantenbein av. W. A. car to Fargo. - $20 THREE pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms. 542 E. ' 27th st,. Richmond ear to 27th, one block south. TWO-ROOM arjartmnt. steam heated parlor. free wood for kitchen, pantry, hot and cold water. 162 North 22d at. Take either 28d st- or Tepot-Morrison car. 1 block from each, CLEAN housekeeping rooms and kitchenette, a.75per week and up; beat, light, bath, phone famished. 386 N.26th, near Mont- . gomery Ward. Jail Aatwater 2773. FOR RENT Two large furnished housekeep ing rooms, running water In rooms. 493 Vancouver arc, 1 blk fraan Williams are. car. ' SEE THESE TODAY IF YOG WANT NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS VERY CLOSE IN, LIGHT. BATH. PHONE FREE. CALL EAST 1693. 2 FURNISHED II. K. rooms, finished in ivory, private entrance, bath, wash trays, built-in bed, Dutch kitchen, including phone, water and garbage. Tabor 7544. - 2 LIGHT, ctean rooms and sleeping porch, walking distance, quiet location, $20 per mo. 66 E. 22d, near Oak. 292 E. 82D ST. 2-room - aparianent, every thing furnished and in a good neighborhood, , Vt block to HA ear: also 1 -room apartment. i reier employee, people. SNAPPY, clean, well furnished 2 room H. K, suite, int. fa. and c. running water, heat, light, phone, gas, free ; good yard for ear. 3o2 Tillamook, near Williams ave. CLEAN, tuniiahed H. K. rooms and kitchen ette, $14 and 315 per month; light, phone and water furnished. 117 E. Market at., near 37th. Tabor 6806. . TWO OUTSIDE H. K. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. VERY REASON ABLE. 24 ALBINA AVE. EAST 1857. 1 SINGLE housekeeping room; nice, clean aud comfortable. 33-50 per week, with gas and electricity furnished; walking distance. 301 17th, west aide. , ' 2 CLEAN, cory furnished, sleeping porch, h. k.' rooma; nice home; bath, laundry; near S. S. car. Tabor 6166. i - CLOSE IN. on east side, room and .kitcherj ette. hot and cold water, furnace heat. 591 E. Oak. East. 5253. 830 THREE modern housekeeping rooms, including light, gas and heat; employed couple. 843 Haig at. Sell wood 1 00 1. TWONICELY farrUshebd b, k. rooma i a private residence, walking distance. $24 E. First st. N. East 7279. 2 H. K. ROOMS with kitcheneUe; everything furn. except gas. 414 'Flint St.- Walking distance. E. 7167. TWO furnished b. k. rooms with kitchenette, suitable for two. Price $20; near Williams ave. ear. 267 Knott st- 3 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE Adults, Hawthorne district. PHONE EAST 8441, 2 KOOM furn. hVS. apt., light, heat, phone, and bath, hot and cold water; with sink; reasonable. 421 H 6th at. Atwatar" 2605. NEATLY furnished apartment, Vt block from Monta villa car. Phone Tabor 0475. FOUR furnished IL K. rooms. 2 blocks from Peninsula school. 1557 Vincent. Walnut 209W. . -. -. - 2 TRUNKS motM, 7 5c downtown district; fireproof stcrage, 16 dava free; - long dis tance hauling. Bdwy. 244b. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor,! $20 month. Phone East 8336. C-ll Sunday or after 5 :80 evenings. TWO comfortable rooma well furnished, down stairs, $16 per month. -607 Mississippi ave. ' Reader Rambsy. . - 1, 2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms, together, vt separated; with fireplace and eoal range; very reasonable. 85 10lt St. TWO large front rooms, private entrance, clean; lights, - bath, - gas, phone free; reasonable; adulu- 1 82 E. 2 3d. East 7074. -. . CLEAN 'furnished roomt housekeeping privi- legee : bath, phone, beat; reasonable walking distance. 766 Irving at. Main 9185. HOUSEKEEPING, private, 820; room ; and kitchen privileges; all home- comforts; piano. Reliable party. Mam 0254. BUNNYStDEA-3 . large light houaekeeping . iwrau, furnace neat, - phone, bath, hat water, gas. Tabor 8580. TWO large rooms, well furnished, walking dis tance. . reasonable 797 Flanders st- Mai 4551. 3 -Room Houeeeping Apt. Close in. Rent Reasonable ' ' 560 Commercial St. "'" ON E housekeeping room, 1 sleeping roomTT . basement room, hot water heat. Tel. Bdwy. as IX. Wl A nmif piacp. very naasnviartio . 3 UNFURNISHED houaekeepuig Belmont. Sunnyside ear. UNION AVE. and KUltngswuevJa. fnrniahed aptw (24.60: all. complete: concrete kudat n-ROOM apt., 1st floor; basement and furnace: close tn. 9Bi stoat sr. rnone Kan 8646. 3 Uneau light -rooms, paone. private bath, ga rage; close in; adults- only. 675 E. Main. 2-ROOM light - housekeeping apt., lshed. light and gas furnished. newly fiar 290 12th. 3 ROOMS, light, heat, gaa, phone. . R, J. - Gtrire. 545 Union. E. 3407. ' Me- $35 THREE son!ekeepjng rooms, ao amokers adults only. 423 K. 37th- ROOM nicely furnisned h. k. so He in rn- vat home, garaca zt desired. Walnnt 8338. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 S ROOMS, sieeping porch, hast, lights, phone. $50. Ready Jaa. 1.- 861 E. Washington cor. 28th. East 2101. WALKINU DISTANCE Ooa or two. ' kitcheaettaw private iaath. heat, phow. 414 - Fourth St. ' - - ' .' , HADDON HALL, 11TH AT HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath. bdw. . floors. ,i -. private balconies; $83 nn. Atwater5 1160. 3 LARGE rooms and pantry, lower floor. completely furnished. - Z$i Commercial. Walrtm 310T. - NICELY tuTnuhed 3 suitable tor child. root 344 I apt., with bath; Rrason -at. THE ALBERT Euruiihed apt., private bath. 840 H Mies, arc team heat. FCK RENT APARTMUNTS FURNISHLD 307 , , . CREIGHTO.N APARTMENTS " . ' I2TH AND HAWTHORNE AVE. . - . New home. , just being completed," and ' now open for impaction, 3 and S room apta.. unfurnished, to rent -at reasonable - pneae; possesekm. January 1, '23; all apes. ' are quipped with P. baths, electric ranges. - breaktast, aocka and all modern convenieucea. '-- Make your selection bow. - . Leeds Apartments : ytreaiMtrf ttlrfe . nmdein 3. 3. 4-roosn Single room, elevator aemce. Atwater BORTHWICK APT 3. I Hotuekeepmg rooms and apts.' close in, steam beat, new and clean. 13 per week. 144 Ruasea St. East 'Q345..-'- " ' '-" ' TWO apartaaents. 2 and 3 rooms; close in, newly papered electricity, gas. hath, yard, use of phone. Garage. Phone East 2619. VACANT January 1, 8-room apartment on sunny sde; adoltt only. . B10 i. loin at. East 0472. - ' x i SKKLES - APT8. Threff rooma with, dining :. alcove, private bathf stemm heat, phone; as one aieeping room. wnsm - w i i 3-ROOM apartment, clean, attractive, ground zinor; no rnuureu. opu : a. ivw, t wb. ist'. - iza.wi. 2-ROOM housekeeping apt., hot and co water. 34. oo per week. 5S8 ota at. 1 MODERN 3 -room furn. apt.; erase in. west side; 825. Atwater 4168. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 303 The American. Modern 4 and 3 room apartments. 21st and Johnson. Broadway 3860. FIVE room apartment, hardwood floors, built ins. fireplace, aieeping porch, laundry, fur nace. 546 East- 7 tn st. N. ' NEW, strictly modern 2-room apt.- oak floors, private bath and sleeping porch. East aide; reasonable. Walnut 0800. ' ' . -.- MARLBOROUGH 5 and 6-rm. utifurn. apta., all light, large rooms. Main 7516. FLATS FURNISHED 309 VERY plea ant 4 -room; private bath, hot wa ter, laundry; oik. from car; walking dist. from. S. P. shops. " 323 Adults. . 643 Greenwood are. . . A HOMEY 6 room modern furnished flat, nesr Barniide and steel bridge; S beds; reasonable at $42.50.' East 2056. 249 E. Glisan- St. " ' ' ' ' ' - IF you want a real home ih restricted district, 5 large rooms, bdw. floors, fireplace, buffet, furnace, garage, all modern bungalow type. call Walnut 481 0. $55 IRVINUTON 3 rooma and porch, light, water, phone included, 82T; 2 adults. East . 0962. : .. aX ROOM furnished flat, near Williams are. car J? 2.50. Walnut 5781. - - BEAUTIFUL, large 5 room flat, pUno. 23d Alberta St.. near Jefferson high. 1 FURXISHED B room flat, walking digtance. T5 Union - av. N. ; t- 6-ROOM flat, furnished tfr unturnlshed. 880 E; th st. S. East 0328. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 NICE light 7 -rooms and porches, modern ex cept heat; fireplace, yard, second story, west ' side, close in Can subrent rooms. $40. 305 14th. Main 6998. - ' . GOOD modern 5-rootn lower flat, furnace, fire place, gas range; we furnish water and gar bage. 253 E. 17th st. Walnut 2996. FOUR large, dean rooms, $25. Inauire 204 ft McMillen st. MODERN 5-room flat, all conveniences. 802 . E. 10th at- Phone Sell. 0573. $20 4-ROOM lower flat, remodeled, painted. laoor qjvo. 6-ROOM upper flat; no children. Inquire 428 1k otn st. 4 ROOM lower flat. 748 East Taylor at. Rent $25. Call Walnut 079. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 MODERN, 2-rm. bouse, newly painted; furni - ture all new, suitable for working couple or lady with child. Will care for child during day. Sell. 3509., RAISE onions, pay for this acre beaverdam, 6 room house, furniture: $200, $25 month. Move today. 34 salmon. SMALL 3 rm. furnished house, noxr car bam. Kenton district 315.59 per mo. Key at 1471 Interstate ave. s 4 ROOM cottage, paruy furnished ; west side. liepot-Morrisoa car. 4 Rent. $15.50. Phone East 1241 FURNISHED house, reasonable ; 1 block from carHne. - 6121 91st S. E. FURNISHED borne for rent, terms reasonable. -Phone Walnwt 171. CLEAN t'URN ISHED HOUSE. f909 75t ' St.. E. .... MY home, modern, completely furnished, 6 rooms, furnace. Ant. 631-43. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow, st. N. Aut. 826-17. 785 E. 75th 5-HOOM. bouse, beautifully furnislied, player piano. 1099 Firht at. Auto. 544-33. FURNISHED 5 room house, 446 llth at. Main 0405. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRINKLKRED WARE OOSB oa trackage. Store your goods with ua. La u do yur Baovg aad liB8. OMt -0BSB. VS0. Bdwy. 3470. 484 OUsan at. MOVE THE SECURITY WAX Extraordinary Service For the ordinary price. PACKING. MOVING. STORAHB SECURITY STORAGE 4k TRANnlftlR CO- 4th at Pine st,, Opn. Multncmat. i-cteL -- Telephone Broadwayy 3i 13. : 6-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, floor furnace, hardwood floors, built-ins, panel dining room, Dutch kitchen and garage: on 49th st- south of Division: unfurnished. Wal. 7475. onfip. I'lTV pmi: 5 room mcdern bungalow with garage, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. $50. - aietJser-rsTsvr t u. LAURELHURST 10-room modern house. double garage; newly decorated and very ; desirable, 200 ft. lot; references required. Room 305 Concord bldg. Bdwy. 1 244. f. aTCOMFORTABLE 4-roora furnished house; modern,- hut no bath. One block from W. S. ear, near Brookljn ear shops. SelL IPSO. " - ' " - PIANO MOVING $S. turnitnre $2.50 per hour; ',il men, large- padded van. Call Crown -iransrer -vo., mtst nwi. CUT RATJS URNITURE MOVING " Fireproof Storage 19 Daya rree LONG DISTANCE HAULtNtv. Bdwy. 2448 I t TB4S.RR-KB Raat BOSS. W tract your job or $2 per hour, and .ftir nia h 2 men. - , FOR RENT 6 room modern, house, furnace, t cement -basement, garage, paved et,, lawn ;nd rosea; Hawthorne district. Main 6601. YORK EXPRESS TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving, 31.50 and 82 per hour. Bdwy. T8. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the beat at lowest price. Green Trans. Co. Main 1 261. 202 H Alder t. v- ' KENiON 7 rooms, modern, slpg- porch, near ear ana scnooi; rent r.sst oiei. FOR .RENT. 5, 7. 8 rooms, modern house. Call at 324 Front st. Kuone Main 1 s. NEW HOUSE, bdw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, near 8. P. shops. Bell. 3266. 6-ROOM house for rent, 1246 9th su, $23 month. Wal. 4164. 4-ROOM and garage, acre. Mt. Scott dis trict, $18. Walnut 6438. $25 CLOSE-IN. at rooma: no children. Broadway bridge, 6 Owner, Bdwy. 7416. 6RiOM bouse on east side. , 825 month. Wal. 4164. T246 9th St., MODERN 6-raom house, E. 64 th and Wash ington ts. Tabor 8197. .' ' 6 KOOM modern house. K. lth north, - Alberta. No. 1191 4-ROOM modern bungalow, near cars and schools. East 2978. " -. FOR RENT 7 -room house, electric lights, gaa, Tacoma ave. Phone Sellwood 4248. MOVING by tha Elks, storage 80 days free; 2 men and machine $2 per hour. Main 8959. HOUSES FOR RENT 5 -FURNITURE FOR- SALE 313 VV RN IT U BE 6-room . flat, for sale, . flat for rent: close to. west aide; B-t be seen to be appreciated; bargain for cash. Main 1285. fTNTTURE of T-room house and garage. .3295. vent 322.60 per -nao on 3 carlinea. west ajae- J a . t st. 6-ROOM house - for rent, furniture for sale : - mast sell by first of month. Call or phone '- afternoons, 888 Colombia St.- Main 8012. - . MUST SRXU AT ONCE FWTturev for sale of ,1 roont hjwSe." A- s Winrsin. E. B5C0 any time. House tor rest. rt'RMTlEK t-4 roovna lor -sale; must sac- rifieoi 8 loom house for rent. 820: wslking 3.8 Sherman, corner stA- - EAST SIDE Close in. will rent unfurnished; fireplace, garage, furnace; all bnilt-ina. Days. Main- 8452; evenings. Main 7740. STORES AND. HALLS 31.4 FOR RENT Store en ' Main street, Oregon ' C-ty. Call 84 J, rep on City. Or. UNION AVE. store for rent, S J. McGuixa, 545 Twhita. East 6407. . L FOR RENT STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT, second floor, - 861' Hawthorn. - 100x1 00 j can be tised tor any purpose. Phone Eaet 4200, - - - JCOR -desirable apace in tireproof . -tiw lire "way 3718.-. hTOKht 40xl, ahelving. counters; water free; $20 month. 131 K. lbth st. OFFICES DESK ROOM 318 DESK . room. desk, chair, telephone, light and water; rent reasonable. 106 .2d at, -, - ' DSSK BOOM, with telephone and stenograpoia errvioe. Phone Bdwy. $715. WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 BOARI and . room wanted with Scotch family. 0-827. JoumaL - - APARTMENTS 357 WANTED By January 1. partly furnished or unrurnisned 3 or - room - pt-. oa aid. Phon Walnut 4610. MLSCELLANEOUS 362 WANTED Mght, clean and modern build ing; 50x75. either 1 or St stories, suitable for shop; fuli etoek, east sad. N-274, - JeurnaL . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPFRTY 401 BUSINESS LOCATION - Excellent field for uprto-date .undertaker; splendid location; at reasonable price. KX 505. Journal. APARTMEN TS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 TO CLOSE eaaate, 100x190 nortaeaat corner 14th and Taylor, west side. East 2195. LOTS 403 HERE ii your chine to get a good let at a smalt twice. The owner of 10 lota has asked us to sell these lots at the low figure of SOO. These lots are nicely located . and some arts on the carline, some wt iia- proved street. If you intend to build in the spring, now is the fie to buy.: OTTO HARK.S0N 41$ Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 6J89. AC UK LOTS on Colombia. bird, (paved), between E. 29th end K. 83d etas. N.. convenient to cars; rich soil; tino location. . J. O. ELMOD, OWNER, 283 Stark St. - Phone Bdwy. 1188. 80x102 $10 MONTHLY Why buy a small lot when I can sell you 80x192 for $475; rich garden soil. Bull Run Water, -gravel street: no eity taxes to pay. See Mr., Kauk. 416 Spalding bids., evenings call Aut. 618-93. - , FOR SALE Lot in Piedmont with plastered garage, water and gaa in. Price $7&0. Walnut 5508. FOR SALE or trade by owner. $250 equity in tot m Ladd addition. What bare your " East 8185. . . FOR SALE by owner, corner lot, high class district, line view, close to car. a Da ream. 847 E. 29th near Harrison. Tabor 4450. LOT. ML Tabor carline, Hawthorne and 78th, $239. Harrison, 512 Gerlinger hldg. HOUSES 404 CHEAPER THAN BENT $25 DOWN : $10 PER MO. AND INT. COZY NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Cottage, on full id zed lot. all cleared. Just outside city limits. No hich taxes or ftasessmenta here. Close to store and car lino. Price $1180. , fto a little work her and own your own borne at less than rent. Also one with acre ground. See Mr. Mc Uuilkin. f -: . 4&J2f:btj.f4. 4av - 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW 35250 We want you to see this- exceptionally attractive - bungalow, l . oiocx irora car Hardwood floors throughout, ; most modern kitchen, breakfast alcove, tiled drainboard, modern plumbing, large - attic. You'd expect to pay $6000. See this. A. G. TEEPE CO. : Rose City Office. -' 40th and Sandy. Tatbor 9586. i , ALAMEDA - - ' 69BO 1 7 room new modem home, '.located in the good part of Alameda,' hardwood floors throughout, gas furnace,1 2 fireplaces. You could not build the house for above price, say nothing about lot. Look this over if you want a good home, and you will buy it. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak st. Phone Bdwy. 6006. ffoinn t XT vrtrTD I nl On brand new 4 -room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, full plnmb - ing. Your lot aa first payment, balance Eke rent,;: - , JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Rank Bldg. Main 378? Furnislhed$26C)0 ONLY $550 CASH Dandy 6. rms. and bath, on beautiful 100x117 corner; cement basement, garage with cement floors and driveway. Owner going East, must sell by January ... John F. Zuber, 1824 E. Gltsan. Tabor 7547. 35300 ROSE CITY PARK TERMS Beautiful strictly modern 7 room home, well built, fine condition, fireplace, -hdw. floors, all built-ins, furnace, etc. ; dandy large grounds, with grove of trees, big ga rage, choice location, 1 block Sandy blvd. ; st. paved. Owner left city, must be sold at once, A real buy. Tabor 6509. "NEW" WESTMORELAND HOME . 5 . rooma, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet. French doors, finished in ivory, fireplace, lovely Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large attic, full cement basement: 2 blocks to car, east front. Exceptionally well built. Terms. Phone Bdwy. 6011; evenings. East 7978. $4750 fX)B SALE, 5" rm. beautiful new bungalow, full - cement basement, fireplace, hardwood floors in dining and living room, combination electric pod wood range; shade and . linoleum, iarae garage, lot 50x125. (all after 8 o'clock. 3020 62d st. S. E. Hawthorne ear. . . $175 CASH, balance easy. .Price. $2650; , 6 -fine Tins, and bath. ,; k fireplace, walking distance. 50x100 lot. large, cherry and walnut , trees ;. lot will he very valuabje soon torJ . industrial purposes. 492-Albina are. A Atwater 0746 forenoons. " - ROSE CITY SPECIAL 34250 A nifty bungalow, . ideally located,, east front lot, near Sandy; hardwood floors, fire place, rich old ivory finish, tapestry paper, furnace, etc. 85O0 cash. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO. 40th' and Sandy. ' Tabor 95R6 GOOD small house, 100x104. on paved sc.. sidewalk and improvements paid, good soil with large chicken house and run; chickens and 6 cords wood; also furniture for sale; $1850, - casta payment and terms to suit. Owner leaving city. 1862 Portsmouth ave. 5 ROOM HOUSE .'-"f- . -$1000" . Good 5 room bouse; can sell this for $1000. Look this over today. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 278 Oak at Phone Bdwy. 8006. $2950 $650 CASH A dand 5 rooms, bath and sleeping . porch, on beautiful 00x100 1 fx. lot; near - ear; fa beautiful Jonesmore. John F. Zuber, 1824 K. Ghaan. Tabor 7547. LAURELHURST. No. 991 E. Hoytf near 83d, fine 6 room houac, glasaed-in sleeping porch, . hardwood floors, garage, modem, all im- prov ments in and paid, $6000; terms. R. P. Hunt. Atwater 0648; Bay Atw. 5400. 11 HOUSES for sale, watev windmiU, 15.000 gaL concrete reservoir: 300 feet from achool- house, - railroad- shop, postoffice; -rent $220 month, sell for 818.0OO. : Inquire Itieth, Uregon Modesto, W-678. Journal. ' ME give you my figure en your new boose you're going to build. L will a v you money and help, finane.! Have ao ' bona ea under way this year: tint claaa work. H. H. Harria. 1018 Brooklyn.. 1 Sell. Shftsl, FOR SALE veryeheap, 6-room bungalw 80x 129 garage and barn:-also freit -and ber ries; will sacrifice as I am compelled to re turn to my former home ia Indiana. Cell at 6610 62d at, 8. ,: Woadstoclt car. - : $ Tl 4 73 3iO" fcASH Vacant 4. room plastered cottaae. cement basement, aide walks and sewer, 2 bias, to Alis-,iiDui.-EeRUn car. Rental value 18. SO. Consider light auto. - Owner. Walnut 1201. STRICTLY modern 8 - room bungalow, all m "-!. owlkwu, Kwmm w s3wt.uorasv ur, Will - accept good lot . in Laurelhurst or . Rase - sm nart lafMenfc Tahte K7ftK . IsMLALL pay ent down, balaaww ilk rent, bays anno. 4-vm. bvmeaiow with sraraae; private uartv" 818 aU ave. 8. B. T-SOOMS. : sleeping porcn, eaa iioors .new; near Hawthorne; 33U0O. Phone Aat 631-39. EQUITY in a ' fiearoom baagalow for sale. Phone Tabor 1S0S. FOR SALE 3 rocms, modem house; lot 5 Ox ion. 227 W. VVincbell st. 5-RlXM roitaze, new gsrage, reasonable- and terme. Near 39th and Hawthorn. , Tn. $646. REAL' ESTATE FC. SALE HOUSES 404 ' - 1 HAVE YOUR HOME " - - 2004 Photograph of Home for Sal America's Largest Horn Seller Regardlesa of the kind of home you wast, : you'll find it ben. Biggest bargain ia price ; location;' ternut! '.-'- . m help yon make your first payment if - necessary. . ,, , 90 Salesmen with autoa . . Onea - evenings -until 9 .0O - J1 f j" ! NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH e" -$4490 and aaay terras. - This, ia an an. duplicated bargain in a very at " " i tractivo 7 -room, modern bungalow; 'all kinds of buil tins; big, cheery , " fireplace; bookcases; buffet; 4 - -"dandy bedroonas; 1,- blk. .to - car. Immediate possession. Vacant tH - 274 SUN'XTSIDE SACRIFICTB , $3350 $31.3 down and monthly term t - rent Very substantial modern 6- room home with all conveniences. Owner living back east waats ns to sen at once! Right on 8. 8. carline. near . school ; everything paid; Belmont st 100x100 RRI SNAP $500 win handle $29003500 down and monthly terms lik rent I Let as abow yoa. this dandy ' 5 -room, modern bungalow on beau tiful 100x100 corner; living room with French doon; pretty dining -i room; 2 bed rooms; best whit enamel bath, only block to car; -' near school ; 68th ave. "' " 3250 DOWN. 7 ROOM HOUSE $27993250 down; rest easy rent! Sub stantial, modern 7-room, large 2 story home in Peniniuia district, near car and school ; living room " with flrenlaca: 4 bedrooms ; bath ; See this today (G 261) $500 DOWN, ROSE CITY . $5250 $500 down gives you- Immediate , possession of this' beautiful, strict ly modern bungalow of 6 rooms; - distinctive Colonial tine; big fire place : all the built-ins; Ivory enameled interior; hardwood floors; 2 - bedrooms; bath: furnace; gar- age; E. 36th at (X. B.) ' THAT NEW YEARSESOLUTION! You can keep it in fullest faith by com ing into -oar office -and- looking over the wonderful values in cosy homes we have to offer you. Will help yoa with your first payment if necessary. See -FRANK L. McGCIRE s. . To Buy Your Horn-- , AStogton Bldg., Bdwy. vtlTl K8d t. Bet Wash. Stark LAURELHURST SPECIALS We have a number of particularly at tractive buya offered now. . Really you would be surprised to learn at what ,a mod erate price some of these modern homes are offered. - Tb increased cost of materials and labor is bound to increase their value. We maintain the only office in Laurelhurst and keep intimately in touch with tha best buy, -v- - '.---- " A. C - TEEPE -" CO. 'f, . : Laurelhurst Office. 39th and Glisan. Tabor 3438. $4300 ON MULTNOMAH ST. A 5 room bungalow,, sleeping porch, Hesi ga furnace, fireplace, h. w. floors, all built ins, Dutch . kitchen, cement . basement and wash trays, finished in ivory and tapestry paper; 50x100 lot; city improvements in and paid. A snap at $500 down. RUMMELL RUMMELL ; 274 Stark st - Bdwy, 6729-. 39th and Sandy" bird.- Aut. 320-60. 24th and Klickitat, Garfield 6714.- ... SNAP . i $200 DOWN $200 $3530. . -Practically new, attractive bun galow. 4 nice . room and breakfast nook, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, composition drainboards, lots of built-ins. cement base meitt, sjeundry trays, . street , imps, in . and paid. Fin location.- Best boy- in city. Hal. lake rent .: Call Main 8761. Erenmgm Tabor 7489. -. R. SOMERV1LIJ5. Alberta Sacrifice, 52600 house in the heart of Alberta, all tmp. in and paid. Owner lives in Idaho and wants to dispose of Portland property. Easy terms ran be arranged. EMERT GIFFORD $88 ALBERTA ST. WALNUT 64 88. ROSE. CITf SPECIAL 85fi56" Tha best' buy m the district . Built dur ing dry ' weather. Honestly - constructed and modern in every way. . Exceptionally large living moss, 'plate glass windows, solid brass hardware, expensive per. Complete with 'furnace, light' fixtures, - shade and garage. . - ..... A C. TEEPE CO. Rose City Office, 40th and Sandy. " Tabor. 9586. ALAMEDA HOME . New. attractive 5 rooms wlthsun room and large attic; 8 windows, with lights and heat; large living and dining room across front; east face, corner lot: shade, electric fixtures, built-ins, fireplace, comp. floor and pedestal stand in bath: br. nook, furnace garage. Corner 28th and Skidmore. Owner. E. 8280. $6750. Terms. ASK US about a snap we have in a five room bungalow with all the modern conveniences. -.OTTO A HARK SON CO. '.413 Chamber of Com, hide. Bdwy. 6389. A DANDY 6 room house, furnace, full base ment. 50xlOO lot, everything in and paid Lota of fruit Only $3760. Reasonable terms. Tabor 8785. ' BY OWNER Fine 8-room Alameda home at a sacrifice. Easy terms. 915 E. 80th N. ACREAGE 405 5, T(Th A 1- TPe lt- r , turrv,m a g civ 9 5 an Acre $19 down and S per month buv a 5 acre tract in this addition of 800 acres, down the Columbia river, on tha Oregon side, cloae to Columbia high way and river, fine transportation, -railroad, river, auto stag and truck. Beautiful laying land free from rock 4Vr gravel. Some .tracts have beauti ful view of river. There are also seme fwitu stream: fine location for chick ens, dairy, berries, fruit and" vege-j' tables. Have 9 and 1 0 acre tracts on tha same terms in other locatlona. CHARLES DELFEU 818 Railway Exchange Blue. 1 Acre, cultivated: close m; rocked roai!; , low ccmmutation fare: 40 hearing fruit trecv. a. berries ; good 4-rm. plastered bungalow, all, eity conveniences; good -chicken house; 330O0, easy terms. CLOSK-IN CHICKEN: RANCH. 1 V, acres. 19 miles west.; frnit good buildings, . chickens, eovrs, rabbita and eauipment in cluded at $3000. clear; consider Port land boose, less value. .1 I , - " I 8 acres, cultivated;. It miles south; 1 mile to station ; 2 . sere prunes, family orchard. 14 acre grapes; buildings; 81640,:- . $700 down. . , - JOHN FEKfTCSON. REALTOR, GERLLNGEK BLDG. - ' s'" Over 600 Small Place Near Portland. FOR 8ALR OR LEASE Acreage; close in; good roads; rich rivea bottom landa. .,-s..---.. '..'""'.-" J. O. ELR0D. Owner." t Stark St - Phone Bdwy.' 118S. 3-ACRE tracts in Rose Park acres, finest of - soil, $400 per acre. Easy terms. O. L, Bohr. 213 Knott at Phon East 8139. FARMS 4or 24 ACRES, 1 miles from MeMinnville; --' rocked - road; 1 8 a. cultivated ; bearing . orchard; 10 tons hay, stock, eqmfiment, -potatoes, etc: $5000, very easy terms; 1. consider Portland feouacv less value. -- 8MALA PKtSB K1.CH, 18 " acres ! - -enitivated; -: 14 ; nu. to station and high-: : way:-"-hearing- prunes,'- 1..' bearing . family ere hard ; jf-rm . houe - with -base- - ment, good barn and chicken house; , $3200, term. . ,t -. . AT CANBf. 29 acre, close to etatjon -'.. and school; 9 a, cultivated, balance pa- - l tare; cood-hooae. er hail nga; 387. V; JOHN FERGUS. REALTOR. ' -, OEKLINGEit BLDG. Over 5Q0 WmaU Paces Near Portland. FOR SALE 1 60 acres, SO acres bottom,, rest bill land. 30 acres cleared. 60 acres tim- her; S room house, good barn; team.. wagoo, 28 ewes. 1 cow; orrhard, bemes; live creek; - good ocean view. Price 35500. easy terms. Owner. H. . Ladd, Sand Lake, Tillamook Co., Or. " ' " ' ' ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 FOR SALE 83 acres, 260O cords wood; price 35700. $1500 cash will turn th deal. Write for particulars to J.. Gee, Salem, Or.. Geo. DeL - 1 , FOR RENT FARMS 408 80 ACRE farm, 80 in cultivation, $$00 per " nar; can do clearing for half rent; good boue and barn n place; good gravel road all way. Walnut .7249. HOMESTEADS 410 3 GOOD homestead relinQUishment. with in jprosementx, 40. 80 ami 160 acres, on county road. some valuable - timber. The , ; 160 will make dandy ranch ; neighbors, good ' -achooL 222 Lumbermen a bldg. -.: - :. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 ACRES, 30 acres, under cultivation, spare building - stocked and equipped; want home in Portland. ... - . i- Also 60 acres. 40 acres cultivation, stocked and equipped; 2 arts of building. Will take acreage ' close in or home in lortnd. Both places fro of debt I snv not an f,-5" A'o -agent need answer. 4135 64th at. p. Aat. oao-4 7. HAE four-vacant lot, eoraer 63d and Free moot sta, worth $2oOO; tBOrtgaged for " f 0. wiU take equity in rood automobile. . Buick or Dodge preferred; alee four vacant lorn ia Newberg. Or.. - equity $800, ' would rU ,or, ehang, Edgar IversoB, Box 631, St Helens, Or. WE 1IA i. two dandy Tualatin valley -farms, improved and eqiiipped, every foot in culti vation. Will sell either or both on , easy . terms or exchange for ' apartment or -other , . city property or husinees. - Address. C S Taylor; riherwobd. Or.. R. 4. ' WANT smsll improved acreage to $4000 in ' .Vf Jf for pt- bouse worth $2300. nets . 8150; sho 4-room cottage, on paved street value $1500. . Davenport. Buchanan bldg WANTED REAL ESTATE f" -lY rKUrtRTY - 450 W"iX.TT'Afc K'e i-room bungalow, must have Z bedrooms. . JohnsonDodson Co " 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 8-ROOM ' bungalow ,- : fireplaee,' furnace and trays. Built ins, hdw, floor, street improve menu in and paid, i $250 or $300 down, ,$25 per mo. it t per cent Not mora man a oiocas to car. Walnut 39 MUST buy a home between now and January 15. preferably now. Want small bungalow, new or not over 6 year old. Prefer medium "priced homo. Will pay $1000 cash and a month, u-129, Jonrnsl It' lOL'K property is foreclosed or if you are BP against it write me I am always m the market for legitimate , bargains , on either lira or cicy property; give details. N-275, --Journal. , ...... -..i " ,- -. IF priced rit.ht it s unr.n - Have buyers waiting for west side prop erty with good cash payments. Phone me 'Iwl,, 9.4m. CAt l , : t-. . , , e, - .-mwj. w s s. r.tefitiisa r,asi, if 10, WANT to buy from owner, cheap 4 or 5 room house with little down; state pries. "nw i Bgu st. r. . WANT to trade good Rose City house for small bearing pruae and -chicken ranch; will "ig vi ftaj toph casu. Hiiso, J ournai. rAitdiz, itari v wanta or a wm isaiism. 3300 down, balance monthly. Condition ao OPieCT. -owners - only. A-308, Journal. ACREAGE 455 WANT 1 or 2 acres with livAla ltoose in ex change for, 1 8-room apt' house, paying over e lvv net, oavenport, Buchanan bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANT prune rancn offer in exchange, modern apt house, worth $18,000. nets . $600 a month. Davenport, Buchanan-bldg. WESTERN" OREGON toc7and"1ilir"fara;, - cash or shares. M-316, 'journal. BUSINESS CPPORTUNITTES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 PARTNER AT ONCK : -. Auto repair ahop; fully equipped with power maenmery auuV small tools and plenty Of work for tvs or tlir men . Will V . - honest reliable man as partner; you need not be a mechanic, but you must be willing. This shop is doing the business and yoa win reauiiy mas sidu to szoo a month. This is a business that will make you inde- penaent wonting lor yourselL. $300 rev quirea. 833 Morgan bldg. Grocery Store . Treated in fine residential district, owner claims he can. show average of better than 350 per day. living rooma available in rear.. - Here is a real business for only 81450, or will invoice. For detail ask for Mr. See st ' ""' INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, INO-,. 641 Morgan Bldg., Main T590. " Forming a Company? Expert services and counsel in the or ganization and financing of any industrial enterprises: - If ; you are contemplating form ing a company , to raise capital, it will pay you to procure, our services. - Call or write Industrial investment co., inc. - . 641 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Or. . 200 RESTAYyRANTSNAP $200 -' i ' gives powesslon of restanrant arid lunch counter., doing average $30 daily. Located heart of city.. Dandy -equipment long- lease. Must sacrifice; have other business, Morris," with i'! --. OLE O. SLETTEW, Realtor, ' :' 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg. OWN your building and a- going business for $1000, 50O cash. baL to suit; two-story frame bldg.;- can lira ; upstair; two pool tables in good condition;, card table, chairs, J counter and showcase!. ' Na Yenckei, own er. North Plains, Or. MEAT MARKET for sale, in a good payroll town. Tlie owner must sell on account of sickness in the- family. The. shop is doing a good business and should be worth yont consideration. Otto & Hsrkson. 413 Cham- oer m sjonrmerce Bldg. Bdwy.-8389. PARTNER WANTED To join ra in the show business; vgood position, with salary and expenses; show,-going East soon. Must make a small investment- For informstion, call 329 Railway Exchange bldg. - . $700 GROCERY, light lunch and confection ery, near large school ; doing "good business; living rooms in connection, low rent A bar gain for quick sale. Morris, 415 Ry Exch. oiag. , CAUTION, BuYERo Betor closing a deal ot eo-celled interest in established real estate business, get sdvie. of - Portland Realty Board, , 4121 Oregon bale. Phon Bdwy. 1002. '- ' ' - . FOR SALE or trade. iol snooker, lunch and confectionery.. 382 Hawthorne - ave.. East EXTRA! Going to California. Will sell .well rsubkhed 3 chairs and 2 baths barber shop at ynr own price. 24 T Couch at. ' FINK location for bakery sales station, on transfer point. - Call at 282 Grand arc., near JIawthorne Phone East 7325. A RELIABLE- boikling contractor or ""re sponsible, mechanic wanted for special work, oners ext-eiivvti proii.. o-azv, journal. I1UST CLASH restaurant, fine location, all ia good condition; w 11 sell reasonably, account of sickness. 64 th st Bdwy. 2085. Printing For Less Ryder Printing Co. Main 3.136, 192 3d at WE HAVE farms, hotels, ant. rooming bouses, business chances, etc. Keller sk Deal,- 425 lumber Exch., 2d and Stark. v $100O WILL buy half interest in established business; . must take active part P-424, Journal. FOR SALE Service- statuo. oo highway; an location; good fans, and tourist trad. Phone Main sni n- . l utI.E-t;ond eomer location ebzar stora ' quick sals, cheap, lnquir 85 N. 6th st i f ytione xmwr. s. OtTLE grocery store for sale. Apply at ..... w w j, . . . .... .... WILL sell part or ail interest in fuel business, 261 Fremont ; :A8H-CARRY grocery,' fme location. . for 250 N- lit. $1250. Quick action. G-281. Journal. SMALL grocery for sale, 2 nice bring rooms. . Owner, 772 Mississippi ave. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND , APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 16 ROOMS, divided in one 6. 4, 8 and twa 2 -room apartment. 2 bathe, double garage, funihare extra, rood; give 5 -year lease: good, income; price 31600; 31OO0 cash. L-282. - JoumaL - . BEST small apartment house in Nob Hill t district; showing good net income; for 7 sale or trade. Main 4364. BUY SELL EXCHANGE - Approved teortcagea, atoeka. bonds, lot or homes taken as part payment.. Phone Main 1643. '1219 Northwestern Bank bklg. 10 H. K. ROOMS, rent $33, net $65 clear; $700 cash, to trade for -large place ot 16 to 1 rooms. R-869. Journal. ON NOB HII 9' rooms of nice furniture - for sale at a bargain if taken by the first ' L-232. Jonrnsl. 15 H'MJM . IL all filled: shows net ia . come 1 1 0, beside 2-room - apartment; cieaa; investigate. L-2S1, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITirS HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES ATO APARTMENTS FOX SALE C2 ?2 ROOMS, brick apt., i-wse 1928; acts ovet 400 per month ; $S.1(M1. V Take good utn,' balance rash, for- my. equity , of j $1500. " Eaet 73$9. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNaTIES I WANTED 550 WANT AT ONCK : . Suburban store with about 1 acre of ground and good airing- ,. quarters. , mesa buinev. v C. J CULLLSON HEAL ESTATE "-O.. 2Q3K Uornsoa at Mat 547$. MAN WANT to buy small mUk business or as partner. H-273, Journal. APARTMENTS WANTED 551 WILL- trade fine piano as first - payment en 8 TOO p"n,n,!,t rooming house. -- Tabor FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS! , KO COMMISSION - On Improved property er tor Inrrr aal , tmrposes. . The be and easiest method at pay! eg a loan is our monthly payment plan. SS2.S6 per month for 86 month, at . $21.24 per month for 60 vr-"". er 616-1T per month tor 96 asoatha, naya Ms of 8100O and tares. w ower asouat ta "r . Wn . SH,n. ' - CQCITaBLK savlnus uu im. - S01-$0$ Surk St, Portland. Or. WR HAVE funds for tint mortgage loan oa " Willamette valley farms. No delay, ao red . tape, no publicity. Williameti Valley : Mortgge Loan Co.. Aurora. Or. - ; $500 TO $2000 private money to loan; lew ... est rates; or will eash small rate, or seHer's contract A. K. Hill. 426 Lumberman f bldg. .. . , ... CASH paiqTfor SBongarea"andseIlem contracts on real estate in Washington and Oreg. - It. K. Noble. 316 Ijlmbermenr bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES AND CONTRACTS BUHT. $500 TO $2000. FREi S. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA BLDG. $1000, $2000, $$000. 840A0. $5009 " Ko delay. W are loaning our owa money. J. ss. nu.s. x-i Bpaioing Nat, - BUUXLNU ioa en Uy and auDurbaa pron arty; money advanced a work progrtus. . W. G. Back, 16 fe'aiUn. bldg. - Bdwy. 7407. $200. $400. $300, $7tt, $1000 AND UP. . Low tat, quick aetioa. 'Fred W. Germaa Co- 732 Chamber of Oommerea.- -$3000, WUJ, divide! must b, first class s- - enrity. Harrwon. 612 Gerlijtiger bklg. ,. SAVE expense by obtaining your mortgag money oi me. Mard, 407 Spalding bkdg. MORTGAGE loans to private parties. Write nesorrption ot property to M-36Q, Journal. . 8100 TO 32500. Uoi ca 231 ts Morrisoa at, rooaae 10 and 11. . , LOANS 814 JOURNAL BLDG. MCKENZIE McKENftlE. SEE OREGON CSV. as MORTUAGK CO,, $1 Lumber Ex change bid. - MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OK' Automobiles FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS Ols ANYTHING OF VALUE SECUB- . ' ' TIT USUALLY LEFT Uf TOUR POSSESSION -Also Salary Loans - TO SALARIED PEOPLB ON THEIR NOTES WlTH'lUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR Csf FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE .'": CON1BACTS ARB TOO LARGE. WM WILIi PAY THiiM CP. ADVANCB YOU MORC MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN FAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO HVlt XUUit iXUiVMM . 1ENCE. LEGAL BATES 0 DELAY - PORTLAND . LOAN; CO. . - . i. ...... v.vrswaravTk. .... . . 306 307 SEKUM BLDG.. 8D WASH. ; Is ROADWAY 68r7. SAIRWIXANS -SALlliY . ' We loan money to salaried and working men co their perron notes; rate reason--able; easy payment plan; no aeminty; no indorset; , all Liisiness strictly confidential; can and Investigate cur - system of lem'uug money. . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. fLiceiucdl ..'.- 218 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 6994." MONEY TO LOAN TV r'oney loaned oa bausahoid goods of mer . ehsnrlUe placed ia storsg with sj st t m -"tilar bank rate. SKOCRITY STORAGE t TRANSFER tXX, --' . Foarth and P Sta. - Opposite Mai taoaaah HotaV - - -Phone Broadway 8716. MONEY LOANED AT BANK BATES on household goods in storage. -'AI X TRANSFER STORA UK CO, ''.;: 209 Oak rt. -. WB BUY first and second sMrtgages aad sail am' contracts. F. S. Boarma a ' ek Co., 210 Chamber of commerce Duuaing." WE LOAN MONEY on sutomoBUas, Uraaninsl sk Treece. 193 N. Broadway. -WILL buy small sellers' ocn tracts or ooa4 ' saortgagex. Gordon. $81 Co. of Com. bldg. MONEY WANTED 651 i. lii I. i i i i 'I ii i - . i ii ii ii Ii In 1 1 '. $1500 IMPR0VED6 acres near Vancou ver; taxes $50; no commissi on. - Tabor 7055. - ' -' '."- $1000 8 per cent on 100x110, 6-room ct tege. Harrwon, Gerlinger bldg. - : SE3 OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. Stl EXCHANGE BIJXi. HORSES AND VEHICLES ' 700 SPAN of 1200 lb:' young, sound farm chunks $160. -s Spsn of young -1090 lb. mule, oo4 workers and in good condition $110. lfl head of horses weighing from 1400 to 1600 lbs. at a very reasonable price. : New and -second hand barness at re - duced- priaa, G. K. Howit, ' Columbia , - Stables, Front and Columbia st. FARM IMPLEMENTS SEW AND SECOND HAND ' SPECIAL PRICES P. E. ESBENSHADE Se0-866 E. MORRISON ST. GOOD big team. 4 and 6 years, ia good eon-' dititon; nearly- new harness snd' wsgon. Hsv . moved ' from " country, will sell very cheap.- 4228 41st ave.; Woodstock ear to 42d at Atk.for Mrs.- Richmond. '- SPAN " of low-down, blocky -built chunks. weight 2450 lbs., young snd sound, eloaeir -- matched and good rattlers, with new heavy- ' farm harness. Price $215. ' 381 Water St. corner Montgomery. : - -., HEAVY work team. Weight S400 lha., with nearly new harness. Price reasonshia. nave no further use for Utam. 1087 Francis ave, Woodstock car to 36th. Sell. -1212. TEAM, of black Percberons, weight 3400 lbs., ages 4 and 6 yeans old,- fat and ready for hard work; bargain for rash, $81 Water st, corner Montgomery. - ' ' ----- -- - FOR SALE cheap, 8 bead of horses, 8 (eta of good breeching barness, 1 stock saddle. Call 270 E. 7th st - KEYSTONE stables, horses for sale or hire - sold un commission. Wagoas and harass. 881 Water st W. S. Atwater 3618. GOOD heavy team, with . work; soma terms. Call Wslnut 7249. " HORSES, harno and wagon of all kinds, will sell cheap, B40 East hth at - - DOUBLE team, 33 day; single team,. $1. - day. 646 Front st. Main 2208. - - LIVESTOCK 70t 4 COWS $35, $55, $05 and $75; 3 heifer calves by side, rich heavy milkers, cor. oatn sve. and 7 lit st, Mt Scott- oar to Tremont etation. TWO 5-caL cows, just treah; one 6-gaL springer to freshes ia 2 day; twa 8 -gal- cow. Pries $40; one block east of station Oak Grove. LEAVING city, miut sell at oooe two cows, , .Jersey-Guernseys, heavy milkers, aad 865. - SeDwood 294.. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE ' 26 cows and route in Rose City Park. Can Aut - 314-37. F0CH Jersey rows, jiut fresh; all young, rich. heavy mUkers. teste Z4 V lAal Sth st. FOB SALE lit. fresh young tows with. calves.' at Fenians .J moer company bam. foot of- Harnaon st WANTED-j-Pasure roor cows until April. Mrs, Louis Kielden, Corbet t. Or., Bt 1. HI. OV. Bit;, tresb tt-gaL Hol-tein,, slso 2 c.iug cows to freshen soow. . joa Ain. - ' GOOD liolstem service hull . for sate, 1SX; . - Roth A Steadier, U, ' T , hnx 8, TrmitrisW., ' WANTED FRESH t O W . TAK. WANTED Beef, real and bogs. TUr"ei2. 1