1ID DAI... ... - JCuikIAL, ... I QiTLATD, ', OriL.GOr,i. FRIDAY, DECEMDZIfc 2D. t:2'. I: f i ' 4,100,000;FEE1I ,?CFLUmBEH SAILS : s FROr.1 COLUMBIA : indication rneay pomtw -in I - tna, iurntr traaw iour. coaatwiaa -car-j riers. with cargoes aTeiatin--44jO.-. f00 feet -or lumber departed from ths - Columbia tlvef thli momlDf Jo Ui -ehort 4lme, of .two' lurura. "t :: . Heading the fleat wa the McCormlck steamer-Wapama..' wtUch departed at ' " t :16 a." in., with : 950.060 feet of- lumber "; from St. Helens, while the Daisy Put- . nam," with approximately l,3e,000 fet .J ' of lun-ifcef from the sarrte-port followed v. lOmrnutes later In Ie Wiwima'l wake. -Etvch u dispatched foK San Pedro, as !.s was the motorahlplJi Herced.' carry- In feW,whJch sailed a tjS g'. eoclfci.'tA'jr'; -?" -"r ':JC ''" , . v The fourth rvessel, waenslgif to t Francisco, It was -the ..Frank D. , fcioot,.- -wmcn gauea .at a ocracii tth about 900.000 feet, of lumber. - J-- , In addition to. tiiew vehv-oast-wise, lumber, carHera now loading in 5 vV, the . CJolambia and ' Willamette.- rivera V Include 'the Egerla, Ceilla. Hale. Ry r 4L? der Hanlfy.fDwenport. MultnoHaah and. I ,f-3eorina: Jtolph. all due to "within .... .V. -a r . ft A - "1 W w . v . . ; v -Kv. '-f . IrOLPBTXA TO JiArTGVAKB f gHJFS PASSING JBBIlMiES v i-To . protect hulls - of veeaela. beun '' moved . through Portland bridges, -.as - veil aa bridge piers, (the Port of Port- Jf land commission ..Thursday afternoon T" authorised the driving of system of L,- spring- pilings and dolphins through .. uw flrawg 01 tne iawuiornev tsroaa "5 way" and " Steel bridges. t ; ... 1. - The action was taken to make' the transportation -of large veasala as safe . as possible la time of high water, swift currents and : strong winds, the 7' matteir haviog been brought to a head 1 'by the recent damaging of the steamer West- Keats In passing, through." the Steel bridge.' -A f . 'r .The. present high water .Iwad 'accowi i.-"' painrfng . fcurreat likewise made timely s .the- action of the . coromissioirtt 'to or- J.- tiering; '-Port of . Portland -officials to draw vp an4 submit 'for approval --a aew schedule of towage tariffs to" pro t . . i '.kM i . u i Mceesary to - use - extra towboats. as is now. sometimes ' the. case with, the present river conditions, . ' Heretofore - the port has charged 'it 4 flat rate for movements -according to ."'.tonnage 'and ' locations, ,'regardfeira pf .the number- of towboats used.; ; ,w -inHlal steps were tako for thj cbn " straction of : a . new j dredge to replace the, dredge Portia ndV" which" was, supk . - with the loss . of three i lives October -1; . when the - ateamec ' Santa 'A Clara J' crashed into It In the 'Willamette river channel, near Swan, (aland. . Purchase of . two '.'jJieseU engines of ij.-- 750 horsepower each -was authorized, to be use to generate electricity tooper- - ate the proposed, dredge, y It will- be 2c the first electric, driven dredge to be. . , owned. by the- Port of ottlarid. . Tentative - plans, proposed ; call for a "'' hull bf Port Orford eedat, larger than ,the od Jjull ot. the dredge Partland.1 - ! 8TEaME TAKES BDCOBDv , ..' x .: CABCO- ftOH . ABEBBEE5 " ' Abei'deen, ;" Waslu, . Dec ' 29. The steamer Winding Gulf took -out Thurs- day 5,000,000 feet Of lumber." prlnctpally hemlock. , the largest cargo ever . dls-- patched from this port. ' The winding , - Oulf is the first1 freighter to make a -": ' round rtrlp from New.-- Tork to Jrcyt along the route. " - ' t, -Another steamer' cargo which de- u-r parted for, New Tork was the freUtht r. er Carolina, with 3.180.00 feet of lum. , ber. loaded at several Aberdeen and k -f Hoqulam mills. tike the Winding Gulf,' the. Carollnan will go direct to New York. t--v i.-- y I 4PPI.i:.I.ABEW STEAMER . v . , CarDEH00E8 kocgh trip , The British steamer Tudorstar, car. ryinr "55,389 boxes of Oregon -apples, . ; as Well as other cargoes of fruit and f ' - flour from Northwest-ports, arrived safely Wednesday night at Glasgow ( ; j. after having been beaten about in high seas and rendered , helpless by broken ;u. steering gear, according to dispatches received here by the. Pacific SteanwhlD -Z. company, local agent; -The .vessel was ir-v a weea overoue ana .much oneera for her safety was felt ;o "accountof the ' storm ; encountered ,in th Atisntin' tl ' She was In tow of a iteamer which went to ner rescue. s The vessel sailed from here November 1U .-. 'i - '- "ji COITACT FOR REPAIR OF ' STEAMER 19 AWARDED i - Examination I hi drydock : of the -I steamer Kentucklan. which "went on a --sand bar near Astoria. when she got 2 out or tne Columbia, iiver-channel last - week.. Wednesday showed that the hull L-Z had suffered practically no damge, al- - though, her propeller, blades were damaged. A contract to replace the" blades, drawing the tail shaft, clean- ing and painting , the hull, and other minor work, was awarded the Helser : c Iron works at a figure of 15000. fxt vThe Kentucklan will be followed by " the: West Keats (on dry dock), where ; repairs will be made to the null .which was damaged Monday by striking : bridge piers In the harbor. I v -PORTIiAD.BOrNT TF.SSF.I, - HALTS TRIP FO R RE PAIRS . tar CBlersl Berrieei 1 Sart Francisco, Dec. 59. The schoon- l er North Bend, bound from Tualaga, i Solomon Islands, for Portland. Or i - put into San Francisco. Thursday fn a 'leaking condition, the 'drinking, water - nearly enhausted and' with most bf ;-,her saila gone. ' - -lCaptain M- Hansen, whjo. with his -5Plfe..a-young son and daughter and c a "crew of 10, had been bucking gales na fighting malaria tor so days, de- dared he would not risk further dan ger without first .having his vessel ' -'- thoroughly overhauled. -.Tho schooner carries a cargo of 908 ' tons of copra. .- ;v ' -' . . " ' ; TWO XrCRF.SBACH TESSEIS ' SCHEDVLEO TO PJL TODAY .'Twxr vessels of Ihe.Luckenbach fleet. - the Albert Jeffries and the. Bdgar F. - LAickenbach, . were acheduledto get away from Portland. today. The form- . er. ' in the coast, to gulf service, will carry . about 400 tons of flour, while the- latter. In- the Intercoastai ' run. wiU" take owt approximately 1200 tons v of" general cargo. : The . K,' I. IiUckertbach is due from the east coaM Saturday "wRh general , cargo. -. . - ".; . TWO 'XA RGB. OFFSHORE " . .'. v LITERS TO SAIL TOMGHT Two hvrge ' offshore liners win be : dispatched from Portland this; evening by the General Steamship corporation, according to scheduled announced : tor- .The Dutch steamer TJtldeboet jtkf the , , Java-Pacifle line was expected to com- plete loading .at municipal terminal No. - i this afternoon, in time to sail down srrearo tonight, She will carry.: 12. 29 barrels of : flow, J01 cases of canned salmon, 1SS.S feet of lumber. - b- bags f phosphate and 7 tons of 4 ' , . ... .,S ..'.' Astoria .Tid 8a tartar Hfg-fe ' Water. ? Low-Water.,; 10.02 kJm. . ft. 4 :68 a. jn. 3.7 ft. 11:17 pt m. 8.8 ft. ,; 5:14 p. m. 0. ft. pld papers from Portland .t& Shanghai, liongkong,-Bata via and way ports. -Jn the . Australian service, the Nor wegian steamer Roxenv which has been .loading . a. large consignment, of lumber at the. ' Eastern.;.' "Western Lumber .company milUwks- dae to get away this afternoon;, .- ; i' ; COO BIT .TRAFFIC TIED jCP; - UitE BUdWS r XJOW3T- WIRES "' North Send. ecl ' i-ThV -vicinity. of North Bend and Coos Bay witnessed Tuesday and , Wednesday the snost se vere wind and rain storm of tho-season. The. Wow Tuesday, night .ireacned ;ae ironortions of a gale, cutting' wipe communications in many places-The Wednesday morning rain from Port land wag two hours late. The Coos Bay bar was exceedingly rough weaneaoay. Bo aboats, going out.- The -wires are down between -North. Benff ana in Charleston bay lifesavmg station, . y. grays:harbor sH.Piiro.f ' Hnmilam. i Washl 'i LrSC -"' tt. -The", freighter j.West 4 Jester larrlyed '-nere at 6 o'etock. Thursday afternoon .Trom ae- atthtfta take lumber-tpr.Aoatralia. '.; I -Jlotorshlp Kenneeott smne Wil liams line putlnto port idurlng the day with about -sft loii' of " Ea" Coast freight and wUl load about ,t,000,0001 feet of Jumber'for-'aitrrnore;. . . -r Motorshlp WllhAM . Donovan and stearters -Oregon and 3eorge L. Olson arrived from California. ' ports 'to load lumberer San Pedro h ; ' Ocean (atearal grafnwek;.?. if United Kingdom," 3sv, 6d and. .GerHnany Hajhburg, I4ci FranceAtratic. 18c: ifediterranean. '! and ;2S ;vJttollandk Rotterdam.' 14c. Antwerp -lc ; general cargo steady. i-lMyS-i'.'-j!''?', ; ISBE A.8ES CAPITAL, STOCK , -Sanr Francisco, Dec! - 97 (U.' P.) The Robert. Dollai Steamship esewpany today- filed' notice of : Increase v of its capiUl Stock from 150,000 to 5,000,000. ALX AXOKO S THE? WATERFRONT leaded- with "'nrtines.- for .Europe and floor for' Central America,, the Swed ish rhotorahip Lima sailed -shortly be fore midnight from Astoria after hav ing left down from Portland .Thursday afterpoon. -1 4 -. ' v TB - steamer, t-awaw. .fierce oi tne Crowell s -Thurlow- fleet sailed today for . Puget - Sound, where she .will load lumber-'or the East. Coast. ; . . Bound ..for ' th Atlantic' i Coast via ?aclfi. ports, the ' American-Hawaiian steamer Northern Star, with Portland cargo -on board, - departed - this morn- mg at ? o ciock irom Astoria, ,4 - The oil tanker. Lebec of the General Petroleum . company- . was due in the river today to- discharge fuel .oil at tree company a tanas 5 near municipal terminal -No.-4.- . --i '5 : f fi.t F. iIarlas general .Agent of - the shippings board in the -Philippine islands, ' diseuased i the opportunity of trade development between .the islands and the Pacific Coast with local ship pers and exporters at a Chamber of. Commerce, luncheon today. - .- Captain Jack - Speier, harbormaster, and Captain "William C. McNaught. surveyor ' tor .the -Kan Francisco board of underwriters, are In Astoria today witnv mrariat At . sweet, naroormasier of Astoria, to- finish . the: semi-annual inspection ot ine cnannei oy uie Ore gon jBtate board of pilot commissioners. News of the Port ' " tailed Decasrmsf i- Z9 4- ,' - '-Edw-'Pelrcej American tamT. sailed for Xe -Tork December , via. Put. Sound, senerai. .. . - Saslad Decemker - , '- Lima,- Swedish motors hip," for Europe, Hoar and general... ' Steal Exporrs, Americas steamer for Se attle, caiso in trant.it. Nortliera Staa; American steamer, for New Tork. aed way ports, seneraL MARINE ALMANAC ' Mfcather at Slvee't Mouth North Bead. Wash.. Dee. 28. Conditions at the month of the Columbia river at noon: Sea. moderate; wind cast, 24 miles;- weather, light rain. - , DAILY RIVKB READINGS . , A. 11., Paetfie Tim. Kfrer Tempi. S3 ?5l Si Ef a 3. 5. HI SUtons as-ir Imauka . .2 1.7 00.00 55 Kngene . Id .8-1 .210. UO BO Albany ...j IS.;-4il(0.n6 si Balem . . . zo 13 1 .O O .'H8i 81' tMegon Cityt 12 jl 1 . V-O . S't .5 Portland 15 1Q. SU ljO . QO 1 89 39 39 411 () Rise. (r Fall. RIYER ; FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will - fall during the next two days. : . ; . AT WORLD'S : PORTS Astoria.' Dee, 29. Arrived down at 8 sj a., steamer Steel Exgorter. - Sailed at 7 .40 a. ra.. steamer Wapama, for Saa Pedro via San Franciseo.- Sailed at :1o a. m., steamer Frank IX Stout, tor Saa : Francisco. Sailed at '7:48 a. aa., steamer Dahqr Putnam, for Saa Pedro, Sailed at 3 a. m., steamer North ern Star, for New Tork. Sailed at 8:20 a. m. motorship La Merced, for San Pedro. Sailed at 9 :80 a. m., stesmer Steel Exporter, lor Seattle. Astoria. Dee. . 28. Left' np at 9 a. m., schooner-:, Ecola. ' Sailed at 9 :1ft a. aw. Brit- -t h steamer 'Canadian Farmer, for San Pedro. arrived at s:lv and left as at 7:30 a. m., ateankT Davenport, from San Pedro. San Franciseo, Dee. 29. Arrived at 4 a. r.. steamer La-.Pari-dma. from Portland. Ar rived at-7 a, m.. motorship Boohralla, from Portland, for San Pedrev Arrived at 7 a. m.. steamer Santa EulaJia, from BelUmore, for Portland and Paget, Sound.- - Arrived at 7 a. m., steamer Yiger. from -Paget ' Sound, - foe New Tork. Arrived' at 7 a. m.,- steamer Ore gonian, from Portland, foe New Tork. , Ar rived. . Admiral Evans.. from Los Angeles, for Portland. :55 a-, m. Sailed today. Mun seme, for Sea Uie, , 12:30 a. m.; Edna, for Tacoma. 1:15 a.: ta-i , Oriffdu. tor Puget Sound. 8:30 : a. an. i tir.ffson. foi Puget Sound," 8:80 'a. m. : Delaware, for London, 8:4 ju- as. . , - in. ktawetsco.' Use a. - Arrived at 1 tJrmjrs Hsrtxjr, Kareka. for' VTaat, coast ports; arrived wis. m.. schooner North Bend, from aotemaai l.laad.- leak lag and damage to sails and rigging; sailed at 7 p. m., steamer K. I. Luckenbaco. trom l'tutadelphia sad way porta, for Portland: arrived it I p. m. steam er Homestead. rom New Tork asd way ports, far Portland; arrived, steamer Richmond, from Pertlaad. - . Point Reyes. Dee. 38. Passed at 2 p. m.. steamer Cawtaie A. F. Luea. from Portland, for Haa Pedro. . ...... Ceee Bay, Dee.- -28.- Outside at T p. m.-. steamer Admiral -Goodrich, from -Poruead. --"- Pedro, lice. 28. Arrived.- (teemer Birmingham City. fm Portland and Puget Sound, for London and way port; sailed, steamer Walter A, - l.nckenhach, from New Tcrk and wst porta, for San Praaeisoe. and Portland:, sailed, steamer Trinidad, for. to? mmbm rrrer; raLed, steamer J, B. Stetson, tor t oaimbia riret; sailed, sirs me I .Neponvt, from teV1S y- ports-- foe Saa Francisco, Puget Sound and Pertlaad: .taUed. - eteamer Orieeco. free Philadelphia, tor San Franciseo. San Dmco, lt-c.- s. Arrived, .learner Steel !Tr,." -IVawrYat. for San rmnciwe and .Portland.'' a -4- .. s -..-' CriHobel. Dee; 27. Sailed. British staamer Benartv. from- Portlaed, for Enrepe; sailed. Brttae at earner Tuseaastar.- from PorUsnd. for Undo and way pons.- . v 4 -itvi'. 2.9,-Arrrved: MeedMi, Ta 2!!! "rothy AVxanaer. -frpm San. rhegn. a. , jArrived Decrmbet 7 J 2 ?lrTatrK-k.; fvcm Sae Pedro, yLi'.Ml frvm.Taeema. . m. s rtrJL . ?pS"-:Pedro,:l w.. mv: Bw17'i fP0" P,n Fwnci-eo. 7 130. h. w.; aeSlwLji2' wl Admiral. Wat- rtmtlibotmd. p. m.- s Jeeaaa. Iec : 29. Arrlted. Lehrea. from fntfc" I. ,,,MI " !. .: Lena lsrk- feettle, 10 . an. Saiie. . Paiasw for Ran Lart 1 n her 2 fcaumm ef l?a f-.i 3i..:u, m.d- J er 29. -Knmnhw, c Vueraftr. -Jt i. ' ASerrlcva, IVc "Ir-lmrt: ViLbra Ynrt eram, Im ba lea. 1 .- ip-; mohip KemenMt. from' Hntt. s 11. fc- m.: rnn. troauBaw. Ptiro. lO.SO , vt ; Georsw-OlseB, from eu Pedro.- 11 ?4 a. . .; V. Jester, (mm Ifaattav w, ; ; , . t VcoaTr. Dee, 2.-Arnied: Aehiflep. 1mm ekattle, T . m.f Vfc!th; I rem - ReatiJr. B f aJ m.. eohinMp' Jinnm. from Seattle i a.-ni Sailed. Aamr, for Jjuiymith. S a. a Raiiad'IJlcrniber.SS: tXna Ura. for Catted K. melon. .11 P. .tav; , CbaCaoocca. .; City, for Seattle 4 ia. ' ' ' ' ' Twordn. Dee. S.AriiTed--StesBier Wert Xader. from I'ortlaed. - . BordMniT, Ic. 21. r Arnwd gteanyr loeaa from Port land. ,- i . , Uaaumrs. Uee. 21. ArriTed Steamer Obtoen frmai Pwtland:-.. Sao Pedro. Irc. 29. Arrived Ste ner Birmingham City from Portland and Peget Boniui for London d'nj port. Arrived Britfah cteamer Sikenaa . Pnnce -from Sbirkfct' for Puset- Soond and PorUyad. 1 iJlaegow, Dec. 27. Am red RrUbh steamer Tudor Star from Portland, 'way porta, ..Balboa.' Dee. 2.-Armed---8U!amer Bew ick Hall from Poruead foe Ifanebejter. - -Balboa. Pec' 28. Amrd- Mnamer Julia Uekeabach.from PertktBd for Bo-rton. ' Balboa.. Dee.1 27. SaUed Steamer A. I KrmL t rem -Sew Tork awd wa j norts. for kailatl Steamer-. Past I nrkenbaeta from Philadelphia aed m-aoU for Portland, gailed .BrMiah eteamer Royal Star from Lea ilna tnr bn.rMMlm. Pneet Sound . sad Portland.- 8a He. BriLma - fOramer O-eani Prince from .Pacific Coast port, for London and' war porta. - -J' , -'-. HawednUee. 25.-: ArrlTedBrrtish iteamer Reman' Frhwe from Portland and way porta, i -Oiatnhal. Dk. 28. Sailed- Steamer. Mm- Bewrtaa from Portland for Xew York. Sailed ZBteamer Waiter D. Mania from PorUand. Monolaia. Dee. 28. Sailed: riebooner Alice Cook.' for Port i LudlewV- . . - Tokonama, Dee. 2S. Amredr ". Empress "of Canada, from Tanoourer. - Arrirad -Oeev 22 : -Yokohama Mara, Irem seatQe. :, ..: J .'.-. - Kcke. Dec. -H.' Arriwf. Premdeut Lincoln, from San KrancrMio. ArriTed Dee. 22: Tokiwa Mars, from Seattle. -,- .V - . ' ": 1 Shanshai. Dec. . 2.-Aied? Prerident Grant, from Seattle. sailed Dee. 25: Kb pre of AaatraUe, for Vaneonrer. -. fUaekoac, iUee. fc 27. ArriTed:- !Arabia Mara, from Saattle. ; ' ' : - - Sydney. Ieej 2. Arriyed; . Ship Mua eoota. froia Port "Ludlow. , - t . -Nw lft. Uet 2d. ArriTedi Pacific, from aeettle; ' - -.--.'-' - ;. ;: .. . ., POSITIOSS OF . VESSELS . - - ' Br Naval Radio) :, . ; rteeember 28, 8 p. m.: ' .-J?- - nrt Kirur. towine bark ' Fereat - Dreare. Seattle for San Pedro. 102 miles from Seattle. from Seatle. . ' - . - Skacway, Ketchikae for 'Port Anseles,. two miles from JPort Ansele. - 4 - - -' ; puaetso,- Taeoma. for Port an Iui. . 0 miles from Tacqma. ' - -- - "s;T'By-Jederal Telesraph' Cfe. ; ' . f "'Yaltei A. LnckeDbachr San Pedro for "San Francisco, 1 50 miles' north of "an Pedro. ' -Boobjalls, Portland for Ban FraaeiBco, 104 sailee north of Salt Franeiatro. - - . - La . Periaima, - Pertlaad - -f er-tlOledm. 120 miles 'from Oleum. - '-- ;' - - - "-"tW.-'S. Porter. XJnnton -for San Francisco, 210 -milee-aoatk ef Columbia, river. ' ' rforthland. Port Aafelea for Baa Fraaciace, 14 miles north of San FraBciseo. LaniecM San. Franciseo for Port San Lois. 43-mifrs north of Port San Luis. Frank , Dram. Portland for Port San Lute. 200 miles from Portland. - ' Sserett, Tacoma - for Bedondo. 770 miles from Tacoma. " ' Lebec, San Pedro for Portland, 753 miles north of San Pedro. Lot Angeles. Martinex' for Saa' Pedro. 225 miles BortH or Ban Pedro. r Ernest H. Meyer. Vencourer, B. C, for San Pedro, 00 miles from San Pedro. Bohemian Club, Manila for Saa Pedro. 124 miles .from San Pedro. Baja California (noon). Portland for San Francisco, S90 mile north of San Francisco. ' Coaling, Kaanapali far San Pedro, ' 2098 mMes west of San Pedro. ' - Hannawa. Portland tpr Yokohama. 809 miles west of Colombia river heht ship. " jf : San inefo lombia. river. S&n lriefo. Tacoma for San J'edro, off Co- Duworth.- Honolulu far Port San Luis 1590 mile west of Port San Lois.' .-.. West Prospect. Otahn- for San Pedro, 820 mDes west of .-San-Pedro.. - . Annette Wohi SanPedra far San Fraa cisca, 153 miles smu h of SaaFranciaeo. .. L $ Precideut Taft.- Sbancbai'for Hdnskoog. 740 miles from Hongkong. Weit Cbopaka, Hoagkoag for Kobe, 540 miles from Hongkong. PresideBt Lincoln. Hongkong fcr Manila 470 miles routh'ef Hoockong. Ventura, Sydney for ,8 Fraacisoo, 3937 miles- southwest of 'Saa Francisco. Bearnort. San Pedro for Yokohama.' 3301 mifts 'wast- of San Pedro- - - l nomas, Han tranciaco for - Manila SSZ3 miles west of San Franeieoo. . - - 'Sonoma.- San Francisco for Sydney. 'TS miles south of Honolulu. - -' President Madison.- Seattle foe TDkobama, 2492 miles west of Seaule.. - t - President Cleveland, San' Franoisco fbt Hongkong, 1722 miles west of San Franeiv-o. Santa Maria, Port San Luis for Taltal. 238 miles south of San Francisco. te Rrrrve Vessels K. L Luekecbach . . Babinda ......... Floridian . Evelyn -. ...... Annette Rolph . . . . Ryokai Mara Admiral Evans . . . West Jesaup ...... Walter Luckenbacb Redondo v ...... . Kassnga . 7 .V . Munaomo . ....... Nicfcteroy ......... Ariaoaiaa . . . Daisy Matthews George Allen ...... Bcobyalla ''Frosa ' ..New Ybrk.'. . .San Fran .' . . New Tork . . .New York iLe. test .Dee 3S .Dec- 3tH ". Doc, 30 J .Dec 31 . . Saa Fran . . , .Jan. - J .Japan ...... Jan. 1 ..San thego ....Jan 1 , .Busnos Aires -..Jan. 1 ..New York ,..Jan- 1 ..Mobile ......Jan. 1 . '. Europe ......Jan. 1 ..Baltimore ....Jan. 2 .London Jan. 2 . Boston . . . . . .Jan 2 ..... San Fran Jan. 2 ...... Philadeipbia . .Jan. 3 San Fran. . . . Jan. 4 Vessels te Depart . Teasel-- - v rot Oats Georgian RoJph . . . . .San eaa .,frl)ec 2 Albeit Jeffres Mobile . i . . iJUee. 29 TnJebeet . ---i .-. . ; . Batavia - . . :TJe. 21 Edward Piaree- ...... San Fran .-Dee. 29 K: F. Luckenhach .... Boston ... ..Dee. 29 Boxes.. ...........Australia . ...Dee 29 Celilo . . .... San Fran. , . .IVee. 29 Muitnomab ....... . . Saa Fmb. . . . . Dec 30 Rose Cit . . . t . . -San,- Fran. . . ree "ai LK. I. Lurkenbaeh . , . . New Tork ..iJsn. .1 rn.entncsnan. ...,.... .ew -ior . .Jan.- Ecmdyk .......... .Europe . . . . . Jara. Eveljn .-....... .New Tork : . . . Jan' Roman Star . . . .. , . .Europe . . i . . . Jani Redondo - . .... .Mobile ... . , Jsn. Wf-A,- Lnckenbach . .New Tork ... .Jan. r ierKuan Admiral Evans. Arisocien .... New Tork: , . . - , . Janv . .Jan. . iJan. ..San Fran.. . .London. . . . In eaaal - Albert Jeff res Celilo Dauntless .- , Davenport . . ..... . Eeola Edward Pisrce Edgar F. Luckenbacb Eemdyk - . Eeeria '..',...... FTarel - . . . . .T'. - . . ', Berth . . Terminal No. 1 St. Helens ....... -Westport Pre cott . . . . .Hervey Dock . . Terminal No. 1 . .Terminal No. 1 . Terminal No. 4 . . .Peninsula Mill .St. Johns Lumber Georgine Rolph. . .. . .Eastern A Western Mill Haloo Astoria- Kentnckum . ..... ........... . Iydork Kiakaaan Mars -. t . V. ; . ;"i - Rainier Montague . . . Drydock Multnomah . Linn ton-Reaver Roma a tar . . '. Termiael Ne..- 4 Roas City , i . ......... . . . Aitviworth Roxea . . - Eastern A Western Miil Ryder Hanify. . . . . .-f. .Westport Scotland Slam ....... -. .... Irving Dock Tines Mara No. 18 ....Emerson Hdwd. Co. Titleboet .. Terminal' No. 4 Wawalona . .............. Inmaa-Peahen vVest Keats . . i ........ . Drydnck Tayoi Mara .North Bank. Dock Asquith Is Expected To Succeed Geddes, British Ambassador Londoh. Dec. 29. I. X. ' a By Radlol Former Premier Asquith- may succeed Sir Auckland Geddes as Brit ish" ambassador . at - Washington, the Daily'. Kxpreas reported today. -7 The feeling is growing daily that the United States should extend its parr ticlpation in the Near Kasl negotia tions? ' . -. ' ' " - .. v VThe Dally. Sketati .Interprets ; Presi dent Harding's letter to Senator Lodge In these words- ;I -7 - - . ."President Harding 'has . definite plans for America's active participa tion in European affairs on condition Koropean - -v finances are . stabilised through settlement, of the reparations problem.- . - - r p.:n. l & i :as . PRe?0SAL iS TB STREET TRAFnC . ProhibftlonoT -all parking on streets jwith streetcar tracks during, the; rush hours loathe congested district, so aa to alio our. lines of tra vel-r-two each way--and.thus" just about double their .capacity, is one of the sugges tions made bjt officials of- the Portland Railways Ugh: & -Power company in a statement -laid berore the city coun cil today..;;. x :j . v" V 'i V'.'-: Itaiso-'ts 'suggestad that, this be ap plied , to " street parallel --with -.those having car, tracks, and : that, through traffic be 'diverted r so that, vehicles could rnove forward - without "stdppage, , -."To -obtain such thoroughfares, use able for the whole ' width, coupled with compulsory tli version of through traffic to such thoroughfares we be lieve is the" fundamental remedy; for congestion in the , streets"," Bays this atatement. s :. . ; --'J - The company, officials- recommended that- the. proposed changes in traffic rules be made by steps, instead of putting .all "intdvipree at -ne time, sb It may be more accurately determined which, changes' are most MneflciaL-, : It "is suggested that first Jthere be tried flit: the .. prohibition f .s parking -at air times on certain streets In con- t-gested districts, giving this. aHal for 60 . days, then .establish one-way traT fic sn; all streets between Hoyt and Jeffersetw and back as fair aslOtli, on which are . no double ar; tracks, and try this for 0 days; ;iay a three-rail track in . Yamhin street,' f rom eeond to First,, maktitg a loop.'to decrease the namber 6 street cars -crossing .MorTierrstreeti-ifSr. --y'O -- ' If these changes ', do-', notitoring re lief, it is suggested, other streetcar loops should beconstractedt Wfbelleve;5 it is our "privilege and dutye-fto cooperate? says--this state ynent.Vbut wado not beHeve'-this com-; pany' should be expected .to-expend per hars. a- third ;of .million -dollars in Changing its. track$ at its partol' the . program, befor ialKther steps, ' the cost of which Is cosnparatively small, have? been, thoroughly, tried 'out.'f - , The company'; points out thifr'lts .pa trons. aggregating- approxlroalely a -quarter ; of a million- .rldetv a -day, are entitled to be carried as nearsas prac ticable t the business ; center and over, the mainsiusiness streets, i The 1 special traffic committee amends Its ; previous report itav make the following tjhanges : , ISast-bound trafflc on Stark.-JPinev -Ankeny, Davis and Flanders etreets;;west-bou-nd traf f ice - on- Alder, . Ash, :,Oak, i Burnside. CouclvEvefett and Hoyt streets.' - . FILL COMPLETED . ., City. Commissioner Barhur !wlll ' re port to the city council next? Wednes day that the heavy fill on jHUwaukie street at Insley avenue has -been com-, pleted toy the Ilackett Digger, company and that the tosmi cost was 38250, paid for out of 'th generalltund-, Concrete pavemeint and new cement curbs and sidewalHs will be. placed at the expense of atiyacentv"properties. ;v. Do Your Fuiunaking Saturti . ''' ""- 5 .', U Hfc..;a.ss,sy..w . All 'downtdwnKewYearsTcelebra ton must be held Saturday night, ac cording to a statement today by Police Cnief Jenkins, who declared that any perrons who attempt to get. hilarious fen Sunday night win ;be arrestedL . This decision was -leaeited. after conferences kwith different institutions planning fun-making, largely on account of the fact that Sunday dancing is banned hi the city; The -police wHl not Interfere with, proper merry-making but toe joy hunters must' not get to'' boisterous, the chief said. ; - f" ; Man Mysteriously, v - Slugged, f Branded Seattle, Dec. 29. (L X. S.) As-, saulted by myterious foes who. have been terrorising him" for . weeks and believed by his wife to be j agents of the Kb Klux Klan, which he has re fused to join after repeated threats and urgings. George Clements, 28, a grocer,, was found slugged, unconscious and .branded with a mysterious symbol early today. The symbol Is a double cross' In a circle cut into his upper left ann with a snarp knifes Autoists Throng to - Secure 1923 Plates Vancouver, Wash.. Dec. 29! A young man and a blushing maid approached the marriage license counter in the auditor's - office Thursday. They viewed with dismay the long line of applk-ants for automobile llcenees ex tending out Itito the lobby. "We want a marriage Ucense. said the voiith. f'Murt We go tot the end of that line? tte was assured by a deputy that they were first In the line for a- mar .rktge license .and would be served in Jig time. Securing the coveted uermlf Uhey departed to ceareti f a minister ipuoaeu by the. smiles of the crowd. " HFraJvel JL WHY adt ret dxperlctnccii and lb camte nfo-ngtion from on who has traveled extensively-' for the benefit of his.' pitronsf FREE INFORMATION. ; , SecBTet Steamship Resanrvs , . : tioas mad Tickets - Frotra . ? OORSEY B. SAJITH. Masarar Journal TrcvelBtarcau ISO ' rwrlway, PortlanJ. ' Or-gov -' on ATwale IS79. WEEKS lil FAVOR i ASTORIA AID, BUT F IS PUZZLE - Washington. : Dec. 29. (WASHING TOU BUREAU Of THE JOURNAL) Secretary of War ( Weeks has official ly v-recommended 'government aid for Astoria, but has done so in such terms thcX the ouxzle rtf what, can be done seems even more complicated than be fore. - ' . -i? ' . - 'In.-.a report to Senator Jones of Washington, chairman of the- senate commerce committee, on the McNary resolution, calling for $500,000 ior im provement of the Astoria waterfront and use of material dredged from the river for filling the foundations of the city,. Weeks 'says . assistance "may wisely be given" and. favors the reso lution If amended to show clearly its purpose, i" He points out that the reso lution is indefinite on the "Question of whether it la intended . that the gov ernment shall construct bulkheads to support the fin, and his letter is like wise indefinite .aa to whether or not he favors the government doing the work. He ' apparently "passes the buck" to the committee. TEXT OF BEPORT - After stating the general terms of the MCNary resolution, the secretary's report . reads : , . "It Is not clear from the hill whether It is intended that the federal govern ment would also'jundertake the bulk heading necessary to retain the fill. I suggest that the legislation . be so amended as to make this clear. While the bill purports to provide the deep ening of Astoria harbor, in point of fact the ship, canal in the Columbia river. in front of Astoria is now of ample, depth. Its depth is, indeed, so great: that it would not be possible to dredge material from . the ' channel proper, but it would be necessary to take the material from other "areas in the river. The expenditure cannot, in my opinion, be defended on the ground of an -improvement for navigation, but must rest' ' its justification on relief of a stricken city. -WOULD CURTAIL ' WOfik "I must . further point out that the funds now available to the appropria tion : : for the preservation -and main tenance of existing river and harbor works and the prosecution of such projects as are, most desirable in the interests of commerce and . navigation, made In war department ..appropria tions of 1822, which it is. intended to apply to the purpose in question, will all be .needed for the purposes set Back to - '' 4?Red'r Kletric IMdnay, January 1st . ", Lv. Portland, Foarih St, st SUrk. . 4.20 P M. 5:35 P.M. Ar; j .Corvalli s ...... 1 J .'. . 7:03 P. M .,.' 8 :20 P. M,' Stops only at Oswego, Sherwood, Newberg, McMinnville;.- 1 and Independence. ' ' - ;; ??.L Every. Day , Trains Via Newberg Lv. Portland . 4th St. at Stark' 7:45 A. M. . 1:20 -P. M. . 4:35 P. M. . "' For farther particulars inquire of . C. W. Stinger, City Ticket Agent, Fourth St. at Stark. Phone Main 8800. , John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Eiist vs. Championship - ' ' - Football Game At Corvallis . On New Year's Day $3.9CrRoundTrii) Go and see Corvallis Scott High of Lv. Portland; 4th and Stark "Sts, .7:45 " AM.; ..- Returning Jr XI . Lv. Corvallis, So Pa. Station. 5:05 pm.: ? ( LIN ESI J forth In the act before the close of the present ."fiscal ; year, and If applied aa proposed by the McNary resolution will result in curtailment bf work nec essary .for navigation, unless other funds are appropriated those so diverted. . . to . replace "With : the foregoing comments. It is my view' that assistance may wisely be given to the stricken city , of . As toria and I commend . the resolution to your favorable 'consideration, sub ject to. its . amendment to Indicate clearly ; its purpose and . Intent- T TRAXSPOKTATTOII DlHECTPASSEKGERSAILi:;3 TO ENGLAND ' VIA ' PANAMA CAUAL S. S. "HIGHLAND HEATHER' Leaving Seattle, Portland, early . lebraary, direct to Britiah Ports i First and Intermediate class , passengers carried. APPLT TO LOCAL- AGENTS OB . THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY iOi-898 Balaler Bldr SeatUe. Wash. Phone Elflott 494 Astoria and . Way Points STRS. LURLINE AND UNDINE DAILY, EXCEPT gTURDAV, 70 P, M. Pare to Astoria 81. 85 One Way 88.00 Round Trip Week-End Bound Trip 82.60 The Dalle & Hood River STR. MADELINE mOPt., WCO FRIDAY, 1140 P. M. Sleeping Accommodations Beady. 9 P li. tare The Dalles 81.25; Hood River 81.00 THE HARKIN8 TBANSPOBTATIOai CO. Bdwy.. 0344 . . Aider gu Deck Cheap Rates . BY STEAMSHIP - ' To San Francisco SAILING SATURDAY," 2:80 P M. M. BOLL AM, Aeant 122 Third St., Near Wash. ttdwy. 002 O. A.: C;. ' :r '; ' 's . I" . ; . Special A rains .. r. . Ar. Corvallis City Station .11:05 A. M. . 4:25 P. M. . 7:55 P.-M. . . . . High School Battle with Toledo, Ohio aBSSBaBamm t" For' further particulars, j Inquire of C Wr Stinger, City Ticket Agen, ; 4th and Stark Sts. Phone Main 8S00 ; 1 . - . John" M.V Scott, ' : , General Passenger Agent. v : iTXiov rmr.P TO speak V,ancover;:. Wash Dec. :- S3. K. , C McCutchan of Winnipeg, Manitoba, general vicerpreaident ' of the Boiier makers -nnion. , will address a meeting- of - shopmen ' in -the labor -temple Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock. TRAJffSPORTATIOIs' SA.1 FRSr.'CISCO A PC3TU.'3 STEAMSHIP C0KPA.1T ' ' "i.'-':- fwr Sai Pr elee , from Portland Ainrvrorth Dock STEAMER ROSE CITY , SUNDAY, 10 A- m.i OEO. SI " TUESDAY. 10 A. St.. dAM. and every none days thereafter ' PASSAGE FARC FROM POKTLAMD Promenade Deck : $28.80 Outside Salora Deck, w . . . ...... 16.40 Inaide Saloon Deck.,....,..J.i.!i.24.00 Round Trip (first class). . .-i . . .50.00 . STEERAGE PtSSENGEKS . Third Class ' - .-' . y r m Males Only)............13.Wl ' -y All fares- include berth . -.' e-. ' and meals while at sea . latsaassssirraasjasia ty ssneerm trflse dnrM svrrrrr nret si i.ii se; ill iiift, BMmsa a mtlmkasajM lilt NmV v- - TkAet Office 3rd and WaaaasctMi .'."'-- Phone Broadway 5631 . . v ' - Freight Office, Ainsworth Dock ' v - - - uuuc aroaawaj tWCMI Convenient Service : to -Grays Harbor South Bend Raymbrid Northern Pacific Ry. ". AV. n. rhavltM C-- D... ' A -a. . - 531 Northwestern Bank Bldg. j "Phone Br'dway 5760, Portland . . :t- .. r ;,- T .rs FOR SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANQELE8, SAN .OIEOO HONOLULU SERVICE Sal Unas from San Franoisce H. F. Alesander. . Jen. 4, 6 P.- M. H. F. Ataxander. . Jan. 20.7S P. Sf. TICKET OFFICB 101 THIRD ST- COR. STARK Phone Broadway '6481 31 . 1 I I iTI Y I I aff . U i Iff I Vt I - .. illlllAli U R m - M W m W - - -eawl BY-' 1 ta . rjv-T -s4g j I J' SHIPQ BOAiwg II AfiMIDAI XlMC I If. in III numiiinb' Liniiu 'III' Sail from Sltuilolpal Deck No. S I III Wednetday. Jaii. 3. 10 A. M. y I III Every Wednesday .Thareaftar I HI FOR SAN FRANCISCO, I HOLIDAY ROUND j? Tickets on Sale December 22, 23, v - . Return Limit Similar fares to other pdints to Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. EAST OF .POKAWE BE Mir .... Bl'TTE r AW A I 820.24 f 13.4T-4 39.57 4.62 . 6.18 4 -) ""t ! fjV sV sess H Ft EX A . J.TI.Ct. WEST OF - . I . a. a am- 1 CI. ATSKA7TIE ! ..... . .......... a. - 2.81 4.89 - r .- - - SEASIDE Oregon Electric Ry. CORVALLIS -4...rf.. D05A1.D .. ........ OaV ErE7TK B.Tiij PUit K!9 I .tV JS V......,-. 1,47 H A&&ISB L'llG 4.7tV -Also every Friday, Saturday. - ariidh. Sunday ; return limit Tuesday: Beaverton,, 50c; Forest Grove, ?1J.0; ilills&oro, 85c; Tigard,' .5c; Tualatin, 70c; Wflson-Siile; 21J0; 'Woodburn, 81.75. , ." , - Tn.fSPOKTATlO?I mmmi Comfortable '- Insured ,Car riers Running on Frequent e Regular Schedules ; C. IM. Sugss Te Mt, Arei and 8ilvertoa, Cema 8taes-as To Ctnav '-Waahotasai, Kelso. Cbehana and - Olympia. Waah. OehMnaiia Stage To Astoria, - ft- Helena. . . Rainier, Seaside. Mnltacmak , alalia. Bead River and Tee DeHae. - -4, -aeeenem Steoe Co..- To Greebam. Nswtosre Mcatinn villa tt n Tn Kawbers and - MratmnviUe. : - -t .. rtend-aelem-Albeny staea Line To Salem. - Albany, i'orvalna and Kucene . Portland-TlHemoek Stage Line To Eheridaa 7 and Tillamook,- , . Rattanea Mt. ; Hood Statsi Te Bandy sad . Mt. Hood. . ' Yenoeuver Steoe Una To Taneonver. Wash. . west aortiane end Mukasmak Slaeae Te . VVest PortlaiHl and. Multnomak .SUQoa. Information, Tickets ana) Waiting Room at STAGE DEPOT- Park and Yamhill Sta, Pheaa WAta SS1 MOTOR BUS SCHEDULES PONTVANtVASTORIA-CEASIDE DIVIS . ION Leave PortlaBd atace Tersrunsl, - Park and Yamhill atreeta, 18:00 a- m.. 4:15 p. at. and 12:80 a. m. daily. : ' iJirect connections at - Astoria for 8ee- . aide and Ckttaop beach potata.. Imts . Astoria for Portland T a. m., iO a. m 8:30 p. m. For further blTormatioei. Columbia Staiea. Main 8611. OOLUMBIA ' 8TAOC8 Portland St. Hel ena local. Leave Portland Stage Tar minal. Park and Tamhili streets, 10 a. m. fer St. Helena and 4:15 p. m. daily - and 11:15 p. m. Saturdays, Sundays and holiday to St. Helens only. Leaf ins St. Helena T:80 a. m. and 1:40 p. so. daily, IS Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. - For infarmatioa pnonm Co- lum tafia stacea. Main 8811. - . - PORTLAND-SALEM STAGES Leave Itar , Terminal, Park and Yamhill, Dourly . from 7:05 a. m. to 7:05 p. sa, and Owl car at 10 p. m.- daily, Satnidaya. Sundays end holidays. 8:80 p. aa. and 10 p. m.. 7:05. 05, 11:08. 1:06. .8:05 make direct -eonneetiona for Eo . gene. Corvalli and Albany. Main 8611. COLUMBIA 8TAOCS Portland-aialtno-mah. Palls-Hood BiveoTbe Dallas divt ' nan Leave - Portlaaid Stare Terminal, Park and Tamhili streets, 10 :S0 a. ra.. 2:80 p. m. daily to Hood River, and 8:10 p. m. daily to Multnomah Falls, except Satnrdaya. Sanday and holidays. 11.15 p. a. Saturdays, Sunday and holiday to Multnomah Fall. Main 8611. . .- MRTS.ANSVT1LLAIHOOK STAGE LINE 8tt depot, Park and Yamhill streets; 7:45 a. m. and 3:80 p. m. daily; 12:80 p. ra. daily except Sanday. Main 8811. SA LKM-MILL OITY STAGE Leaves Sa lem stage terminal tor Hill City: No. 1, 7:80 e. m. ; No. 8, 10:80 a. m.; No. . 6. 4:80 p. ra. No. 1 connects vrith - eeatbonnd train at Mill City. Jos. Ham lin, Prop. PACIFIC POUTS TO SOUTH AMERICA CAWEWSIRVICE on. Sailings from Seattle, Portland, San . Francisco, . Lbs Angeles en -Mperior XJ. S. Oervwnriieat ehtp to Kisat Janeiro and Huanoa Alree vH a Pan ama Canal and Porte Rico, also calling- on return voyage at Montevideo-ead Santos. S. SVPreaident Haye "Tea. 25 S. 8. PresAemt Harrieen . .V. aiar, S S. 8. Suaqoehaona . ' Apr-13 . Saihagm every thr sreeka flMreaiter , for descriptive booklet uddrrm -, PACIFIC-A RGENT1NE- BRAZIL LINE 430 Sanome St. San Francisco Marmtint Opermtora tor ROYAL MAIL - to EUROPE , "THE COMFORT ROUTE" -. -New York Cherbourg Soulham pton- Ham burs ORBITA ...Jan. 31 Mar. 14 May g. ORDUNA . . .Fee. 21 Ape. 14 Mar CS ORCA. . J.Mar.31 OHIO Ape. 21 DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE From Peclfle Ceaat Porta te O. K. Regular Sal Una The Royal Mall Steam Paeket Co. Rainier Bias,. Seattle., er Local A teat AUSTRALIA NCsV ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS' Via Tahiti and Reratenee. Mall and Paaatn eer Service from San Francisco Ever - 2S Dsys. . Paciflo Toor South-' Seas. Nave ZealaaA. Australia, SS8S- First Ola. UNION S. S. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND . 230 California SL, San Franolsos. -Or - Local Steamship and Railroad A sen el aa 24, 25, 29, 30, 21, January L Jannarv 2. , i .- j which one-way fares are $30 er if PORTLAND MADRAS ......... MISSOULA ....... PASCO . ....... PRIEVII.I.E ;... RED.MOSD AVASHOCGAL . ... WHITE 8ALMOH 4.10 PORTLAND i at i v 30BtE I AI I ST. LINIF.K .'. . 2.07 85.00 HILLSBORO' . ...... .SI. 13 JCJfCTIOX CITT 5.03 ORESCO . .95 ouvii.i.E ....... 3.75 MALES '....... 2.21 f ,V 1L0 ST I LI. K . .......... , 1.23 .81.95 ...... 1Q.9T ...... l.SO