TOWN TOPICS . COIDSO E V JLTT8 State Teachers aaaodattan tinnnl, VerV .lud. Dirraier 2t to . , ' Sortltweat Inidttifli of'Sberlttt sad ! I Ii Poniand. Juuit It to SO. ' terns. AaMand. ArU 1 to S2 te UeUaa, WEATHER FORECAST -Portland tad vicinity: Tonight ui Friday . eecaaional nia; eonUiweateT? winds. Onto and Washington: Tonight and Frt ly anaettled. probably witfc. occaeiwial taia; noderate aootaweaterlr winds., , - WEATHEB , COXDITI03T8 1 1 Moderately high pressure, prevails Treat TSrm ' Ucxieo and tb. west Gulf atatea to tha upper lk region. (Ntr th remainder of the ea try the preaeara ia low; tbe principal deprea axwa -being eeatral in Soutbara Alaaka and m the MhMie AUantie Jope ; Precipitation has occurred orer ewe , tbe Pacific elope ' and over a large part of tba conntnr east of : the Wiaxi annua rtr The rainfall was heavy in .Northern California, " Barter Missouri, Morida and the- District of Columbia. Tba weather ia ranch milder aver a belt. reerUinf from the. goothem Plateau states to Mani- tofce, and ob the Middle Atlantic -aloper and ia mnek colder in parts of Oregon. Moataoa, Mia. auun. New Tork, and New England. ' . . Relative nnmidit at. Portland: Xooo yes terday. 8S per cent; 6 p. m. yesterday, ,84 per - cent : 6 a. aa. today, 8 l per cent, Precipitation ainee January I: V Total, 17. 02 inchea; norma!,:. 44.43 inches; defi ciency, 7.40 lncbaa. r- - OBSERVATIONS ' STATIONS If bS ; !-" - at S 5 5" Faker, Or. "... . JWton. Mass. . . . i ...... . , Waffalo. .-X. Y. . ....- i Calgary, Alberta. ..r.... . . - I Murago. 111. ....... ... . Jienver,, Colo. 3 Moinea. loira ....... T Kal. A iaaka -. Kflmonton. Alberta. " Kremno, ' 'al. , . - -J. . . . - Helena, , Moot. ........... ' Huron, 8. , l . . t i . , , . . . j. , ' Juneaa, Alaska ......... Kansa CHy. Mo ........... Jx Angeles. - Cat ......... : Manhfield, Or. ....... Medford, ' Or. - . Metnphia, Tens. ......... . ew Orleana. La. w Tork, S. V ........ . - Nome, Alaaka V ........ . North Head. Wilt;, . N orth Platte, Neb ........ Oklahoma City, Oaia.,.. .. I'hoentx. Ariz. Pittsburg, Pa. . . ...... . Poeatello, Idaho ........ I'ortland. Or. - ; Prince- Rnpert, B. C. . . . . . - noMeoTi, ur. ...... t .. fi . Roawell. . J. M . . . i , . , . Kaeracnento, CaL , . , . . . . ' fit. lroia. Mo. .-.'-. .,, Br . fan! U inn "alt laka City. Cth...... nan ' 1 lego, t ti .... . . - Pan Franeiaco, Cat... leatH. Wash. tshertdan. Wye. Kitka, Alwka , . . . . t Kpekaae, Wash. , ". .... Tanana,r Alaaka ... ... , ATatooah ; bland, Waak. 'ATononah. Nev. . ..-.. VaMez. Alaska Vancouver,- Bi C . . .'. Walla Walla, Wash. . . W asaincton. D. C . . . Millfcton, S. D. ... , . W innipec. Man. , , . . . Yakima. W ash. , . . ; . 4 I 38 , 44 80 3. 23 ft4 28 8 30 4 52 3 84 20 -14 . . . . 20 12 4 ,f0 B4 8JK, 82 24 80 .... 42 24 7S 52 5 4 4S 5 88 62 4 4 8 j .... SO 44 j 50 ' 22- 64 32 72 40 64 42 44 84 B 48 4T S 54 44 58 26 48 5 86 28 82 18 43 80 72 52 60 50 ' .54 48 42 26 84 48 42 -16 .... 52 46 84 24 52 46 63 48 88 88 38 24 18 16 54 88 1 .44 0 o .01 o n e v56 .84 .04 0 .62 O .44 0 o .40 O .53 .20 .28 O 1.20 2.26 0 0 r. 62 . 64 0 ' O .06 0 .62 0 sot 52 1.02 0 0 0 duct the hearing. ?: Gronnert is seeiting tn aiscnarge oi in reanrw onvu ducted to s to conserve the assets ef certain rdltoraL Aekft DIimUsAl f Salt Instead of fnina; n answer to the SU0.009 dam- are suit brougrht ; againat it y tne Brookings State bank, the Federal Re serve bank of San Franeiaco haa filed a, motion in the federal court te dis miss t ho entire s proceedins- The mo tion alleg-ea tne Oregon federal eourx is without jurisdiction to try this ease, holding that the defendant's principal place of business is in California and that the suit should hare been brought in the Sani Francisco federal -court. Jndg-e Wolverton set the motion down for arztiment on January l.-; -. -r T- Balld BrMfw Sta Steps lead ing; from the westerly approach to the Broadway bridgre to the street be low, so as to rive access to the Union depot from inbound street -cars with out the passengers, having: to cross in the street - traffic wiu be started soon. ; Commissioner Barbur has an" nounced that the plans for the steps are completed and that " they - will bar built out of the Broadway bridge fund. raited States Sfaralal Gsest Rob ert K.' levy. recently appointed united States marshal at Chicago, and Mrs. Levy, were Tisitora at the office of United States Marshal C R. Hotchkisa Wednesday. - Levy was in the city for a few hours between trains on his way borne. 1 HV brought a prisoner to Se attle - from Chicago and . is returning East through Oregon and California. Masamaa Ontlag The Mazamaa and Trails club of -? Portland" will spend their. New Tear's outing; as guests of the Angoras ( , Astoria.v They , will leave Portland on trains at 1 :lo and 8:10 Saturday afternoon. ' Winter hik ing togs will ; be worn. There will be trips along the beaches and entertain ment at the Seaside hoteLi Western Story Sola A short story on Northern British Columbia, entitled "Little Songhee'a Big Troubled has been sold to Western Story magazine by Robert O. Case, publicity manager for" the State i Chamber or Commerce. and wtjl appear, in the January 20 is sue. ; i :' : '": Men's 'Besort Progranu There will be a New Tear's eve entertainment at the Men's Resort Saturday at 8 p. m. Music songs and motion pictures will be on the program. The public is in vited..' ; ; : Pope Shpeasors Fined A. Chunt, a Chinese arrested by. the police mor als squad in his north-end house, was fined 1250 and sentenced to ft days in jail. When his plaee was raided, the police found opium being; smoked P. M. report of preceding day. and one bindle" of-tne aru ia lis possession. Ah Hunng, charged with possessing and selling opium, was fined 83S0 and sent to iail for 90 daya He is said to have had sins cards of the drug. Chunjr Wai, fosnd smoking the narcotic was fined o s . Free. Today aad Te morrow A nine ounce package of White King Oranur la ted Soap, at The - Journal ' offlc. Bring in a want ad for the big sun-; day Journal or other days. Including Sunday, pay cash and receive a pack age of this good washing powoer. xne Journal office is open from 7 :30 a. fa un til 11 p. m. Adv. . " FroblsBis l EdmeaUoB" The City club, at its luncheon at the Hotel Ben son, Friday noon will hear Will C. Wood, superintendent or; puouc, n- structtoa for - California,, speak on Problems In EdjcatJon. labU Wise's X 5 Bersaon At Temple Beth -Israel . tonight Rabbi Jonah B. Wise wiU speak on. ."Candle Light-" At the Sunday morning assembly bis topic will be . "Ring Out the Old. JewUk Serrtess At Linath Asedeak Congregation services will be held Fri day at s tv m. and on jsaturaay at. s a. m. Services will be conducted by. the Rev. Jacob Tonitskyv " - Bskal Aiaesablr Meet Bahal As sembly wlU meet Friday at 8 p. m, in room 312. Central . building. Str. Asierlea St Helens via Colum bia river. S :80 D. ox. daily ; 11 - a. m. Sunday, Alder aock. Main 83Z3v Adv. Tear Artinelal Teetk will be better If made by the plate spociauat. ur. Roatmaa,; Journal bWg. Adv. . ; B. H. Orssa Stasips for Cask Btol- man Fnei Co. Bdwy. eses. 5S0-IL Adv. i,Iotorist Halts at Call. Then Speeds " Away FromBandit Tt t tirkaK who liwea near Hills- boro, lost no time In leaving the vicin ity of 19th and .Washington sxrsets a. 1 o'clock this morning when he was confronted with a large automatic pistol. . . v ; , ' ' Kirker was Just turning the corner in - his: automobile when somebody t. . n.ii tttm wltH a. I'laei r "hello." He stopped - his machine. , thinking some friend was abroad at that early hour of - the day, . but when, we aonrce t the "hello- -appeared It cameo an au tcmatio pistol. t -: Kirker pushed the accelerator against h einnr nf th. automobile and did not slacken his speed - one wmi unut he reached police neaoquartera. Bndge Committee Proposes Location Location ofthe new Ross 'i Island bridge; on the lines proposed to, the people during the recent bridge bond campaign is desired by the Joint bridge committee, representing seven im proveroent and community eiubs. This was put into a statement adopted by the committee, Wednesday night to be forwarded to the county commissioners in response to a formal letter from them atkiog for an expresslou on the subject. The plan - proposed would make the west approach at Kelley on Grover street, and the east approach on 'rft' ronte directly opening out to the Powell Valley road. Glenn F. Bell Named Hillsboro Club Head -uniahnrrt rwr. 28. The : Hillsboro Club; Tuesday night elected the fol lowing officers : - Ulenn v. ueii, presi dent, Frank. I Austin, vie presi int vut Moore, secretary ; J. L. Crow, treasurer : C. E. Wells, O. Phelps and A. Kaamussen. airectors. The name of the organisation was changed from the ' Hillsboro club to the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce. Extensive"' plans are being made for the activity of the club for the coming year- - Storm Halts Phone Service in Hoquiam Hoquiam, Wash., Dec Z. Forty-one Hoquiam telephones and all long dis tance lines north and west of the city, are out of commission as result of a severe southeasterly storm which swept the Harbor country . Tuesday night. Sections of county roads, north of here in the lower Humptulips valley are under a half . a foot of water, but are till negotiable. The river has over flowed its banks in several places and is reported to sun ne nsing. g nf itim 24 counties of the State. Jef ferson ia the only one not represented In the total registration of 2188 stu dents at the University or Oregon. , " . a '. j ' .. T Lctutery J to lie Presented With Croix de : Guerre l Preparations been made to en tertain a largo crowd of spectators to night to the Armory at o'clock when Brlaadier-General George A. White will present the- regimental - crolx do guerre and six silver: battle rings to battery A, 147th field artillery, as a feature of the quarteiy inspection. Cant. James S. Gay, who lea the battery overseas, and who has been at the head of the organization since they were mustered out here, .will be in command. Battery a enterea active fighting- dlirtna; the Fismes , defense, the Olse-Aisne, Haut-Alsaco , and MeuseArgonne offensives. , , , ; PBI5CE89 1IABT MOTES " f-.ndon. Dec 28. Princess Mary has taken op her abode at Goldsborough hall, the Torkshn-e home of Viscount LasceUes, where she .will -remain untu after the "interestiner event which Is expected in February." 'v ;. Kaire Raisin Pie is being baled you by toAt- , ur bakers In your town. Atk grocers or neighborhood . bake shops to deliver one to try. " Why bake at borne ?you'H; agree that , you don't need to when you taste the pie they're making with delicious Sun-Maid; Raisins 1 - - -v J Had Yur Iron Today t - ;. . To Joia Sob Is Business Jonas ,. Friedenthal, for the last 35 years ' buyer and manager of the notion de partment of Fleischner Mayer A Co., has resigned this position and after January 1 will be associated with his son, Adolph Frledenthat . in the man agement of. the Columbia Knitting : mills. The plant of the Columbia 'mills is located at First and Salmon -"streets '-and its products consist of - knitted f . sweaters. bathing suits, .' scarfs and similar garments. Frieden thai was guest of honor at a dinner v given by - officials and employes of FJeiachnerv Mayer 4 Co. at the Port land': hotel-Wednesday night. : Ckareh Geserallaalmo Circuit Judge r Georgf Rossman: has acquired a new title- 3t is, '."kenerajissimo." The army 7 of which' he is chief is an or ganised group of men. and women at the First Congregational church who are raising funds to carry on the work of the church durinp the coming year. . Generalissimo Rossman has issued or ders, for a meeting of his army Frt- day night at the church. - At 6 p. m. "rations' will be served, after which - General A. K. Larimer and General George Colton will confer with their colonels and captains. The battle be tween the opposing generals will then be on. Girt Had Planned Sslelde Molly Trover, 16-year-old girl of Spokane, was found sitting on the East Alder : street dock. Wednesday night by Cap ' tain J. L. Campbell of the steamer Hustler, whom the girl Informed she had gone to the river' to Jump in, but had changed her mind. She was turned over to the women s protective division. She Is a waitress, but was tired of her work, she said. V EDers Receiver Remains Federal Judte Bean refused Wednesday - to hear the petition of Fred Gronnert to discharge S. J. Btschoff as receiver for "the Oregon Kilers Music House, thus putting to an end the sale of as sets now In progress. ? The court held ? it was without jurisdiction, as certain matters involved in Gronnert's motion for the discharge of the receiver are now in the bands of the circuit, court of appeals. As i soon aa the mandate ' comes from the appellate court Judge j$ean said ne would be glad to ' con' sn,BS8.amH,Bwi,:iim II'ILIIEIBIE - - - v " - - -ij-'s . Fit. vVJT - -T-a. Jkewl. K R i S III -aW.w I 1 v. .. .1... ' ' - " ij ji '--v... V;: I ' J. .. .. 7 . . . ' -V.: V. ' " . - ' .: fjriafsiri iT' 17- t 7i, '-!f If AW The Dynamo Ftrs, arid Individual Style Shops Broadway at Morrison YOUR CHEERFUL (T . HftMF JLAVrXIAJbs . j Depends for its cheer upon four tlmigs, love, beauty, light and warmth. Charter Oak Stoves since granddaddie's time have supplied that cozy warmth at a low cost and have added a note of harmony as well. ISHERW00D Stoye Company SOLE DISTRIBUTORS 14th and GUaas, ForOaad ii Clearance i values in FROCKS grouped at frocks for merly priced to 39.50 . frocks ; for "tmerly priced to 45.00 frocks' for merly priced to 69.00 frocks for merly priced to 110XX) frocks for merly priced to 135XK) 19.75 29.50 49.50 69.00 89.00 : . . 1 . - Every Wihter CO A T reduced! coats for- C rotfxpriced 19. Z 5 r.CV5riced 29'.50 coats "for merly priced to 85.00 49.0 b Every SUIT reduced! SUitS fOr- 'aa. 00 sm stTPrd 29.50 suits for merly, priced to 69XX) t 3-piece suits formerly 79X)0 . - 49.00 4&.C0 r,'j"d 59.00 suits for to IIOjOO suits for suits for - ' - fC1- KMXa 74 Oil A special offering of -Camel's. Hair TOPCOATS . at:42.50 small group at this radical ,.underpricingf 100 pure camel's; hair topcoats as their labels will attest lined fully with sturdy crepe' de ; chine in two smart, mannish styles straightline belted, or with the? deep inverted back pleat so becoming to full figures ! I Reindeer, beaver and natural colors sizes 16 to 40.. A limited quantity at ? this excep tional price I, - , , , . . ' ' - - ' ', . - ' .-.... : t vi- , ... ' r Charge purchases billed ; February 1st . - sSri"d65.00 coats for- - merlv 150.00 J- to 275XH) Clearance values in BLOUSES i - grouped at . 9.85 13.85 c o s t u m e overblouses reduced to .. c o.s t u m e overblouses reduced to ' 1. Clearance of - CORSETS 1 I . SANK jtf I a a ; f o r m erl priced to 5XK)V ?at , 1.95 formerly ; , -a priced to 6JHJ, f vjfi 4 aSksfSAX , ESTABLISHED 184 S-13 DEPARTMENTS SAVINGS CHECKING EXCHANGE BOND SAFE , DEPOSIT , - What electricity, by changing -wasted force into useful -motive power, has done; for civilization a y savings account will do for the in - dividual. " ' A savings account builds your ; surplus fund the fund that will . some .day help you start business. But more thah that, it cultivates the . . ' saving habit upon which so much of ; 7 ' your success depends. It is the eas- iest and surest way to enter .the sun- : shine of security. frW A savings account , is - : r J ' , . the dynamo of success. , ' , ' ' : Open -your account in ' 1 i - this strong banl(- today. WS$Sb & TJDLTOH - .BANK Oldest In the Northwest , WASHINGTON AT THIRD. rrrwrrri'T tTttti v i t i v i v i v i v i v i 'rrr m 33atDEiusrr.t zi I ISl IT ST C II at i The One Way ; To See the! Beauties of the West Which no Other Land Can Duplicate -. "?""." -v -?'A..-V'.-rZ'X '': ' '"ii ;:; : ' -.i.. 'a : ' ,'. ' r Now you find a purple mouhtain capped. , with whitest snow. In another moment you ; :. ' . .V"'v'tch:av')(dsta.: of. blue Tollers stretching away , ( . : asYar as the eye can see. " " ' . , ' . - You swing into a rocky gorge with precipi tous cliffe rising on one side and 'a rushing i ; fountain brook on the other. ' . , r . ; - ' A tunnel cuts off your view for a moment and ' then before you lies a rolling valley growing v - choicest delicacies for the whole world to enjoy, v ' Such is a day aboard Southern Pacific trains. A ,Each moment provides its beauties. See All And Southern Pacific aervioe provides the one way tsj see. easily and comfortably, all that the Pacific Coast is so v famous for. . CJub, obsenration'and dining cars are available on many trains. " ..-"'-, - The schedules meet your convenience. There ars trains to take you whmrm you want to go whtt you want to go. . ' Seajthern'PaeificBerriceiseevrteoas.winm Southern Pacific men aire proud of it and strive always to ; it meet a usjr regmrrmcnts. otitlaefii I;