! i i I It I" t V s.. - .. V V - i I 4 t is S u f f I ! - a - I i t i i; f e I K- f I I ' f ; . ! t f ? - . - fc ' fe I ; ' t i - i : . f GOLOilED F.1AU ; , I CONFESSES HE KILLED VIM Oranre,- N.? X, Dec 18. L X. S.) William Battle, - negro, - this afternoon confessed assaulting and killing- Mrs. Eleanor Brfrham, mother ot three, and then crowding her bottp la a closet In , her home yesterday. t Battle's confession was made whan , he was confronted with- the garments - of the murdered woman.' He probably will be arraigned tomorrow morning on a first decree murder charge. ' , P -. Discovery of the murder , came when Brlgham, on his return tronv Business, found his wife missing. . ' Battle r was .; arrested ' 'arfter Mar caret, the 7-year-old daughter of the Brighams. had identified nmr a a man iWho had been working aDout the home during the day. - " ' Mrs. Brfeham's body, horribly muti lated, evidently bad been crammed hastily-, into the closet by 'the mur derer before he fled. Her clothing was badly torn. - - Brlgham collapsed after : he-had found his wife's body' and .today -was nearly wild with grief. He" is a well known and prosperous business man. Mrs. Brlgham was a good looking woman, quiet and domestic, and a de voted mother to their three little chil dren. -ho were asleep - when their mother met ber frightful fate. ; The children were all confined to their rooms upstairs by themselves. TbeV told their father that they 'had heard no sound. . The police say the evidence is that the woman was either attacked in her kitchen and dragged to the cellar, or was attacked suddenly by a concealed, assailant in the cellar when she went there on some household errand. . j j 1 CONFESS OUTRAGES AT IV IER ROUG (Continued From Pt On) for him. After I left I heard he had associated with the lawless element. But X didn't know It when I used to meet and josh with him : on the Streets." ... .? H laughs rather grimly when dis cussing Governor Parker. . "1I . seems strong on helping com munities i purge themselves of out lawry, but he was not in evidence when I was trying to clean up my own little city," declared McKoin. The doctor says he was one of the organisers' of the Arkansas-Louisiana Law Enforcement leegoe, but explains it had nothing to do wttji the klan be ing formed to combat cattlo and hog thieves who bad burned' a farmer In his bed. ' .He has been a. deacon in "the Baptist church, a Shriner and a mem ber of several fraternal . organisations. Three Clackamas. ' . Boys Are Jlissing; . Parents W o r r i d Oregon City, Dec 2t.- Parents of tares Clackamas county .' boys who started Tuesday for LarA mountain for a snowshee trip up the mountain are alarmed over the non-return of .the boys. ' The ' boys,-: Alfred JRowaa of Gladstone, WilTard Bradley of West Linn, and 3eerge Nelson of Jennings Lodge, were to have returned Wednes day or telephoned to their parents at that time. ,-t , "When they failed " to return or - im port at a late hour Wednesday. A. K. Rowan, father of '-the.- tHad stone lad : Dave Catto and Elvtn Catto, -also ot Gladstone ' started : for" Multnomah falls, - where the , boy were - to obtain snowshoes.- They 'i -telephoned back early Thursday-. morning? that no snowshoes had beer, rented at Multnomah,- falls-Lwitbinv a T week, -and - no trace had been seen o the. boys At that.' place. : The tboys were to have gone by train to Multnomah falls ac cording to their plans. . ; y ::i:-rm-t. ...... V-v;i :'C- Accused's Bail Is Raised and He Goes To Jail in Default Somebody , talked,' and a ta result James Martin. Astoria fire victim and alleged narcotic peddler, is 1n the Multnomah county jaiL. -- .-. . Martin was arrested last September for saddling ' two bindles of cocaine. Two Astorians put np $2000 bail for him. to permit him to return to his second hand store.' ' The . fire burned 'out "M."ThraJ, one of the bondsmen, and Martin. Thral heard that Martin was going to collect Ills insurance and "beat it." Thral ad vised government officials that he had been burned out. was no longer compe tent as a bopdsman. - - ... . Martin, hearing of; Tnral s action, had a doctor's certificate prepared stating that ' he was - in ' poor health and unable to be confmed in Jail. Fed eral agents were informed that Mar' tin appeared to be in good- health,. - 'Martin . Wednesday. : night was brought to Portland by Deputy United States Marshal C. Ci Wells, bail was raised to $3000 and Martin was commit ted to the county jail by Judge Bean in default. . , -; , Wells also brought up Jimmie Don Tee, a Chinese, charged with sale and possession of opium. : Tee is. in the county JlaL ' ' . KEEP CHECK o;: '. SPIRITUAL KEEO , Individual attention to the spiritual needs of every member of the ' MetJfio diaf Episcopal church1'. In the .Pacific Northwest IS required of every Metn odlst pastor la - the area' In a - motion passed this mornltigj at the First Methodist church by ' Northwest -district ' superintendents at - the c losing session of their annual conference with Bishop '"W. O. Shepard, . The presiding elders also called upon the; pastors , to especially sound the evangelistic note during the first three mohths of 1923. " It was the consensus of opinion that each pastor should be the evangelist of his own congrega tion. -' -v - Attention - of both clergy and laity was 'called .'in another motion to the unsightly.'3 condition', of some parson, ages and 'churches and a reo&mmonda tion made that the week of March 2 be observed as cleanup week by Meth odist churches of the Northwest. Where buildings ed painting and repairs, it is recommended that .the work be, con tracted for. by that time. ."-.- Needs of the Sunday school also re ceived an important part tn the confer ence, it being i determined . that many adult members do not realize the im portance of tha branch of work. Ways of educating the church; to an active support of the Bible school work were dlsoussedt under the leadership of the Rev. M.j J, Purdue of Spokane, Sun day school superintendent for the Co lumbia river conference. The Cen tenary work was presented by Dr. Av li. Jiowartah-area secretary; the Pa cific Christian Advocate by "Dr. Ed ward Laird MUla. editor i and KimhaU School of Theology by Dr. E C. Hick man, .. . -- A' 10 per cent increase fa membership was set as the 1923 goal In that line. , Following adjournment at neon' the district superintendents were taken for a ride over the city. They will re turn to their homes tonight. TrappersTleieing; rLIan-Eating Volvc3; 3 Men Are Killed - , (By t'Bttsd NewyJ Fort WilUanv OnU Dec JX Trap pers, and Indian guides are fleefng in terror' from -ar' man h anting - woLt ttacK i 70-miles nOt-Ut of Ignace. ' - - I A Canadian hunter and two - Indian guides have been killed and devoured by the bloodthirsty pack; sine Christ mas day. .Although warned of the pack's ap proach, they wars outmanaavered and trapped by the pack's leader. The leader. Is monster : wolf with dog markings and Is the most vicious of the lupine pack; according-to couriers who bought the news of the presenee of the marauders here. , .. . Dismiss" Charges Against A. D. Barbur A " charge of . disorderly condaet against ' A. . D- Barbur, son of City Commissioner Barbur, . was dismissed In municipal -.court today by Judge KkwalL The charge ' war placed by Patrolman ' Shaylor ' early Sunday morning after a brief altercation.' The trouble started , when the policeman asked Barbur. I whtf was accompanied by J. V. Cosgrif f , and Barbur's two sisters, to move from in. front of the Liberty Belt restaurant, No. 142 sec ond street, where - they were waiting for Btreetcar. .. The hearing was held in the judge's private chambers and was attended by Commissioner Barbur, ' r - ,-.-" j. t l. . . m - ... i -'i''r-..-;;j DEMAND f IMS ROYALTIES ' Suit to collect $14,ttf.S in payment of royalties -was filed against Oskar Huber and the United States Fidelity A Guaranty company of Baltimore, Md., in the federal court this . morn ing -by-Warren Brothers, paving con tractors. According to the complaint ; ' -' "' " i ' --- -'.- It- , The Eastern.' Outfitting Co." plans on selling all 'its winter merdiandise- be l :. tween now and . January 20th: 1 " As an V extra inducement to the buying public u '- we're now offering substantial reduce uons mrougnout our store. . iuwc cAceeuuigiy lenient credit terms are good from now. until January 20th, at which time we' expect to be show-' ing all new Spring styles. Those still needing winter clothes will benefit greatly bybuyingat : these; reduced prices. ; A suggestive iable of payments follows: - - f x I : Purchase of, : V Pay ts Only ; I $20 to $30 . $1.25 wk. or $5 mo. $30 to:$50: $I.50"wE ot $6 mo; $50 to $70 $2.25 Wk. or $9 mo. $70 to . $90 $3.0Qwlc.or:$12iTKv 1 $90 to $125 $5.00 wk. or $20 mo. . i -' ' til t these fermx nrt nn if tn vnrfr inrliiiiefrtrrt no-e ; iosmA 'f Uf' . : r - and, arrange yotir- own'ternisi' , i:- -t :hl ': Men's Suits - r f - Canton I . or fTwill Frocks v. r .V. , jien,i nere are some wonderful : suit .Women who demand that their frocks have: r r, .values. Every one a genuine Bradbury 2 y that air of elegant distinction about: them I; System suit excellently tailored and -will enjoy seeing this assortment of street ' made from quality materials. - Two and afternoon dresses. Some attain individu- ; button . models, as well as snort. "Jazz" - ality. by long basque vraist line effects , - and Norfolk styles, Scores'and scores - " r ' others "with flowing sleeves, and many of ,., . of neat pin .stripe effects for the more: conservative dresser. Come and see,-; rvv . ii . t l . ... a . - . ., . . . :( t.fiAm rioira iha nAW lATi"'eilft rt-n-e 4-rl - Alt ox neat pm.sinpe enectsior the more- J c.rrr0;.:,,' . - r -m-mm- ST S-W SII IJ1 " i :.t-w;- - a 4. ii. : j A them T-.-T w,.. , . . w. emu tijr uti sume ui tiiee sLiuming . . . i fA(ALL:iFutwe: Dec to ; Y oil February 1, 1923 (2,. fx i Huber has neglected to pay royalties on pavement laid. In Benton county between Corvallls and the Polk county line, about February 131 Huber laid th . pavement for Vhet state highway commission. ' The. guaranty ' company is -made 'a defendant because it went li fiber's bond. -!-" . - v -:- , How, Starting in :0hurQli Leads to Fine ;fof tValet . f ' ' . ; : . -. "v William iTurner. valet ;BL' p. King, superintendent of the Southern .PacUle rallwar. 'wa fined' $H ft jjnualcCAl court today on a. charge of disorderly conduct. The trouble Inolnded series of three battles between htm and Mor ris Matthews, usher of the Jlrst Af rican ' Methodist chtirch at Larrabee and McMillan street., ' Matthews said Turner's ? rder . was. bad" at the Christmas morning services and he asked him to be quiet. One fight fol lowed .and another- was narrowly averted. Matthews produced a long scar on the side of his head as evi dence and the' wound -was largely re sponsible for the fight.' - v - - . " e V r CHAJaLXS A OABJtiSOK - Prlnevllle. Dec f IS. Charles Bene dict Garrlaort. 78, son of -a pioneer Wisconsin lumberman, died her Fri day, . Mr. Garrison ' formerly Ured .- in Portland.. .His wife and two sons. Paul -C Garrison, repreaentatlTe- ot the Roger Lumber company of Min neapolis here, and Frank Q. jQarrison of Seattle, survive. Mr. Garrison was s Mason .for 64 years.- His body was taken- to Portland for cremation. x I:., I Iicse vno haye Gacco :Furnacea : r Will tell you that they ire 9 ' .. it . Jiinicg-siseiniBii 1 ', :.,' 4 r- v to operate. : Let uVprove this to you. .Call or phone. .. f Hour cheating Division . ; , . f f .- Portland Gas & Coke Co. ;: v Maiii 6500 s ' ' e t " ' T7- L - YCf7T7 A STr? i I 1 m -i.-r-r : v- 1 7 x 7 ) This "MeanisThe: Lbwest:EriceGi in Years X Si- With our regular -prices to the, lowest levels and now an additional 10 to '; ; ' 40' reduction on hundreds of them, furniture prices are certainly down to a point where you can well afford 'to anticipate your future as well as . your, present needs. ;; ' - r. : ' - - f - -- -. " ; Hundreds of pieces are marked with special 1 tags; showingydur savings by buying now. ".'4 ' ?T -.; We. List Here Only ya "Few o the Items ..3 There Are Hundreds' of 'Others; -V f f t $116.00 overstuffed tapestry davenports Rfl " $31;50 ivory enameled idressera;, with A rjfff - ..-..! in choice of four coyers at. . . . D .1 I till r : v s r,: larse mirror at I. ..'$ X7. I O $37.00 to $47.00- period wood beds m (POO CA ivory enamel at ............ . ti7aWsWJ v ; $39.75 wralnut or mahogany writing ta- 2 O O 1 A v -J - bles in period designs for. ..,., ;tJU. ' 9x12 .seamless printed pestry Brussels igjgg rugs a ................ . . ..... $350.00 3-pc. t period suite In ivory - - i ... 1 J . .J , J aM'tei. ' - i enamei ueu, uresser anu tuu- w t nc1 fill' ' ferette for . l 0UU -,; $48.75 9x12 seamless' velvet rugsVysdme lOQ OK - ; r l .with fringed ends at.-. . . . . . . OO.tO ;. ; $50.00 to $55 jOO- "mahogany; library J&jQ O Q r7f . ; bles, a choice of 8 patterns, at pJ O .l ,$89.00 genuine .leather 1 Kroehler bed It f K( .davenports at .i. V.;t. I)OxOU $59.50 walnut or mahogany period suite C0? 7K. 5 .'? - dressers, at .;'.. . . I . . . tDOD I D rUp to $ll)0 odd chamber chairs in walnut, (Jf - QC ' v. ivory or oak at.. . . r. . T)fa;00 C $48.50 period dining tables in American GCA 77 - ; " TV.walnut for ...,...-: tDaWb. 4 D ,.$36.50, to $41.00. mahogany upholstered C0"v CA'' , rockers, choice of 6 patterns, at $aWOU - . $388.T)0 10-pci . walnut period dining ( c M tj. A f . , , room suites for . . . V. 1 V.tDic U $21.00 tiouble-deck coil bed springs, fin t , . .. fl bed springs, fin- d1) OP wuwv . v. , a v J. ..... . . .-a... mtmtmKm V .. $20000 3-pcl chamber Buiteih two t fT Cf A tone walnut for; ........... tP 11 4 cJU $11.00 Queen Anne Jeatherseat dining 'ig r ; A A . f v' , chairs finished in Amer. walnut t)9lf $230.00 Karpen overstuffed mohair C "I CT A A A . davenports for t . . ... . tDXO7Ull. $39.75 -mahogany period davneport ta (?0"l CA 8 styles of used Wood and Coal Ranges' " .. " . priced, when hew, at from $60 (TQO Ef A 'to $88, used price. fp06DJ - Matched , Chamber Suites I Greatly Reduced I Upholstered Furniture l Greatly Reduced ! h - S' . f Iisnngfon.2f 7eiLri Street T J ..... ' - - . " " - ;'.. - : . .- -