10 I f SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE 2SI . J AM now o-an for potHiwn to- brcom -o-. dated Wife i-cme local ccwem wmrh is in need of en industrious and, responsible young ...-'" man.. Have experience in -advertising, sell-- ins and office m.nYnett. - Will stand roan? :. inv..-ti-tH, Write 11-849'. Journal.- - , IBiVEUNG . laia want pooitio snuh good hosM. Uw t line of merit Know - - the -trade ia Ida ho. Utah, Woaini. Uoo- .'' tana. Reference. Headquarter in Idaho; i-" TX-Otl. Journal. "-"' - - - - -- -;l'A:.'I"ENTEK vara, , in ruiure-v breakfast kitrhea ad nook tames, counter and " combination -counter and shelving. Ail work ' ' cn as agreed. fcst 9334.- " ...-- , - i house wiring ' Let M give you a estimate on your wir c rng before letting jomr contract Licensed i ;-( electrician. Walnut 5691, -"' OKI-HAN bo 14 ream -old. finished era: school and bookkeeping at night school. Call between H a. be. and 4 .p.. . - Cad HtJt- East. 41 87. I DIG rsaapouly ditches, and make cennectioaa. . Leave - luuik r at address it I'm not is, ". Auto. fltS-DO. -n ' '.-- -- :''-. ' T1'IHLG Let a figure yu-ir electrical work. New or old lawa Walnut 2114. , Lrcn-..j- jag. Warns. 306. - ' ' ... a,. "" - : y SrTOATIONSEMALE 254 .- KXPEIiiENCKD. - truworthy lady - want . hone cleaning, wabtng or other work;. good work guaranteed. Wslnnt 6895. . - LADY wihes boawkeeInc for elderly conjila or . rare for laatberies children. lira. - tiriaun, ' - ' V.C-. A. KOrSEYVORK hr tin hoar or dar; ood coar r - ante. Tabor T&S3. . ? yoifiEKKKrKR will look after bona whil " - torn are on trUK F-g55. Journal. "UjfT work, 27He an boat. Call any time - and leate number. Slajn 4837. DRESSMAKING 236 i -fatJaSTITCHISO tmr color. e. 401 . - - - KSieiaR oma- 7. JiEitSTlTCHING Epeeial luDcb cloth .traiaht &e per yard. 10U6 Bdwy. bal 'CrtESSM AkilNG. retnodielinc. eoabi lined, rea ' nortaMe. Kait 9'J. 648 H WllliamaaTe. i- hEMHTITCIHXG, wm.e, tie yaid atraai ' -. Button Plaitinc Hhop. 5'IU Ucl aids NURSES 257 .- EXl'KEIKS KI rraetieal nurse, best ot erew-. ' Call Main 1T2. ref L! KKIIABLK niuae wanU caaea. , iteaaunable cnarEea. 9e. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 I.BCOM HOTEfv j 40 MORRISON ST. I'nder New Manacement. Fnriiahed rooma. not and cold water in ; crery room, iteam beat.-- 1'ricea $5 to (10 per week. - . rhone Broadway 3633. HOTEL BRISTOL. 10 12th at., car. SUrk. New management ; modern; prrrata batba, y if phone, reaaonablo raters 83 and op: not and cold water; rteam beat. ; AHOROUtiHLT' clean atnclo rooma. day at - week; hot and cold waler, ataaxa baat. ' Cbambertein Hotel. 892 tL Stark. E. 00 SI. FURNISHED ROOMS . PRIVATE FAMILY 301 CLEA, COMFORT ABI.K BOOM IN PR1-.-- V ATE HOME FOR RKFTStU UADT. 889 I1TH BT. MAIN 5321 . . 5kICi'LT. forniebed front room, aeparata an . ; trance, walkinc distance to buaineea aection ; ' . Tent reaaonablc. 491 Montgomery, between 14th and 15th eta. - . fiii i . i i- i ii 2 FUENISaEI Tooma, priraU fimily. S3 v audi 810. 788 Vorfc Miin 4888. - SRK J.ARUK. WElJi.; HEATED ROOMS. CLOSE Tit. BATH. REASONABLE: CLOSE ; IN. WALKING mSTiNCE. EAST 4365. 830 HAL8ET. ; r ' . . , .. NOB Hir J Inerperaire rooma on first and .-. third floor, in a beautiful; refined home. 84 vr 21 at. cor. Ererett. Walking distance. IF you are tired of living, in a hotel 1 am aura . I bar a real home and a warm room you would bke., 83 and 80.30 week, tientle- men preferred. K. 2074 after 7 :30 p. m. J.KiHT. pleasant aleepinc rSbm; furnace heat: walkinc distance; also garare. 534 Everett. corner Irtlt. Broadway 225g. t?l.KAS, comfortable room, in nice home; beat '. fumiahed: private entrance, reasonable rent; '.1 ' i,-: gentlemeu preferred; close to car.' Call East u30I. ;. . ? -a COZT, extra warm 2-room suite; all conTeni ' t v - aneea; abm private garage. , 414 Hvet, r corner 11th. ' ' AT'IHAC llVfc; room, went aide, 1 block (rom library, not a rooming Itouac. for lady em p. ' Preferred. 1 per mo. Main 7ima. ONK farnnbed room, with kitctbenette, 1 blk. from Snnnyatde car: 84.30 per week. 174 . r K. S3th at. yhone Tabor 0302.. NICE (modern room, j minute to buainesa 4 diatftct. W. 8.. 812 np. Main 4877. . K"K cleajQ, heated sleeping room. 433 Weat - r- fatk. - , FRONT aleeping room, furnace beat, rloae to bath, (12 mo., 20 East 24tb t. North. 'TEACHERS Sleeping room tor 2 in home of Portland teacher. Ceil Mam 6263 S1N;LK front room, firat (lobr. furnace beat. 831 Montwomery at. r ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nbrtonia Hotel J " i 1 It off Washington. Broadway. J M0. . Portland's higew teas downtown reaidential - botel. We gira you the comforts of noma. - American --European plan. Kates reasonable. . " PARK VIEW HOTEL OOR. Vf. PARi AND MONTGOMEB1 Th higbeat siandard of sa ' American - plan kotaL Aa a permanent place to lie it is uneseoUad for tbe price in the city. Conveniently located for bunineas sad pro ' 'taeaional peopTf. . . - HOTEL, HEREcORD ; 788 Hoyt, .near 23d. Main ' 8803 Excellent- dming room aerrtco, under the direct aupervisioa of Mrs. McDougall. for '1 w merry of the Ramapo hotel. - tXCLCSlVE rautdaniiat hotel; rates 848 to , 8o0, 794 Ureeyoy, Mam 881 9. - - V ROOMS AND BOARD " : PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WflXAMETTB " HEIUHTS. wenderfal iew, front room, with norcb; 2 meals: piano and .T bom pcirilege; $ for one person; 370 for a. Atwater 0748. . iAUCiK alceiy furft. room m private family, - with or without board; 883 for I or (60 for , 2: by -day, week or- month. Main 2074. 808 H 14th t v -BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO TOCNU MEN OR MAN AND WIFE. . WALKINO DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. ': .'CHEAP. EAST 9218. . . yLEASANT moma. good hoard, furnish beat, netertrie hght, hot and cold water, walkinc diatance. Reaaonahle. 647 S 6th street. -- KOOM AND BOARD for genuemad working; nice heme: Just what you are looking for; i good sneabt. nice Sunday dmnara; . fumao .. beat. Walnut 4545. IN fine borne: room adjoining batb; good home rooaroa. Home pnvilece for young lady. ITioa 330 month. l'oent ut 2532. ' 3 Waaco. -- - a - - - : . . , -, .-v -. COMFORTABLE, well beaaed room with board. '- ' rn private, modem borne. Main 0308. - - ; - X OH 3 rabpeetabia young gentieuea tu room , board in refined- home with mother and ; v daughter. . Roy who appreciate real bean ' . rife. 780 E. Ante ay at. Eaat.1481. oOJ AND BOARD IS SfODERN HOME. 4. ; 70JI FLANDERS. , MAIN 1833. - iiOOM and board by weak or month and table . - f hoard. 2 blorb to Brbadway brtda. and , bridge tranafar, nr paaaas the door, .318 . '-.y ' ; Meat Ulan at. - - - - .- - - , -. Ijt THERE are 2 younc man who woold ap precaata clean, warm room, ntc horn - and good meal. Call Rdwy. 8131.- ' ;V'OMAN witli cbiid deairinc to. keep up her ' j. noma haa lorety Tooaa for rent, with board: 'vela tn.weet aide: oo other roomers; ref etencea. N-83t. J on mat " -ROOM AND BOARi: 'siNOLE 1ND : . KOCBLK ROOMS AT 772 MARSHALL ,i MAIN 1644. . iOfD ROOM AXD BOARD IN MODERN HOME XJR S MEN US MAN AND WIFE; ' MOMS PRIVILEGES. TABOR 3538. MT ANTED- Child 1 to 4 yearn to board. motaaer'a care in good bow; wiH do cbild's ' -"V-awsnnit,- -.SWW. S3. ' L KOOM and board for buaioes girls; mmlera oonvewienee; waiving dixLance;, 33 per week. ;: " ,7Sft- 13 R 7th st- ' iTllMi MAN to room and tmerd. small cva - cental family of young people piano, clues ' a. 88 week. Main Q98. . ; . LADY would like 2 or 3 ceotlemen to board. s m real home; asadrrn, clean and concemal; 330 per srmntb. Eaet Side. Wamut 6892. FTiR U.VDY. boan. room. iit. 310 montbT E!la Finney. Rt. 2. .eraii. Oreon. - -CHILDREN receive sosd care m i.nrale koase of recponaibli: - wuman. AaW 630-23.- FOR RENT -ROOMS AND EOAJRO PRIVATE FAMILY 303 VACANCY the : lth in real homo for tw : emvlored, west avie. rood - heat and aaaaia. a kla rabaU. AUin ;3S. .. tiPEItlEXCEii asotbar uu cbUdora to , ear for; baa fare . yard on quiet rtraet. - 1 block froaa car . line. ' 118 Atlantis at. E H and board - an modern homo in Boaa City." for and wife employed; wifl. care for chikl dnrinc day, Tabor 52. -S6S Kast tb at. -N.-- " f - '. - ': BKST OK KOOJ4 AMtr MO A Kir IS KE- i nsr.if Hoas, cixa; j, vsky iiw- K41SABUK. MAIN 14. J 1KV1NU T. M'TiSB win take 2 or b elderly or bsaineaa ... people in her con lenient boaa near 28U ' and Belmont i: aatonobito eerriee. Aato- SICE, cheerful room wUJt or without board; eloae in. Kaat 44S..f v ... XU'ELT farBHiiad' noma, twin beds, (ood V bom eookina- and all borne pnTileaea: enit . able for t or 2 refined people- employed. 633 Kearney. Broadway 150t. . i ICK room, wub boards wiihia walkinc d - tamcav Atwater wl57. ' 28S S. 24tb at. , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -FURNISHED. 304 MI 'K. mow like, . tars 2-rooaa anile, $28 .. month ; nice idaoe .to lire; phene, bath, . JiiibU. et". - i 67 K. ASH ST.; NEAR 1TH. - NICK clean H. K. room, all conreolewea, t montb; ramlt 11. K. room soitabla for baeba- THRKF turniabed baaenicat bonaekaenukg reomi fo' 2 or 3 adulu : carace if deairad. 1048 fc. H'aahineton. Tabor 8882. ONE aincie H. K. roam, wltb, bkeat, 84.50. "jital le for aeTrtleman. I24 Ktandera at. HOCSKKEKPIXti rooraa 82 per week and. up. 66a Hood .. near Artlior. v HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , -FURNISHED AND UNFUKJ ASHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30 BEACTIFL'LLY funsUhed houaekeepins . apta.. . single and double. 84.50 and 85.30 per week: first floor ; range; runnfnc water, eleetrie litrhta. phone; close in; nice loca tion. 807 Market t.- ' ' t TO 3 nice furnished housekeeping or Bleep ing rooma. garage, .1 block Fulton car; tele, phone, elertrtctty, etc., free: extremely rea- aonabie. lg."2 KrHy. Atwate r IL'04. CLEAN 2-room furnUhcd apartment, with bath, porch, yard and basement: married rouple or two ladies. 071 bantenbdh ate. - W. A. car to Fargiv ' 820 THREE pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms. 342 . 27th tu, Richmond car to 27th, one block south. TWO-ROOM apartment. steam heated parlor. free wood for kitchen, pantry, not and cold water. 162 North 224 at. Take either 23d at. or Depot-Morrison ear. 1 block from each. VERY largo .room ana kitchen, pantry ana closet, not and cold water, beat, light and ess incltided;- reasonable rent. 240 K. 50th. Hawthorne car. - CLEAN housekeepinc too bis and kitchenette, -83.75 per week and up; heat, light, batb, phono furniehed. 800 N. 26th. near Mont gomery xWard. Call Aatwater 2775. FOR RENT Two Urge famished house keep iog rooms, runmnc water in rooms. 493 Vancouver in., 1 blk front .Williams are. ra r. ONE large front room with kitchenette) well - furnished, all -conveniences, walkinc distance, .3 blocks from east end of Broadway bride. 402 Rosa at. East t370. .SEE THESE TODAY IF ' TOO WANT NICELY FURNISHED H. E. BOOMS VERY CLOSE IN, LIfJHT, BATH. I'HONB FREE. CALL EAST 4693 Snappy, clean, .Well furnished 2 room H. EL suite, aina. h. sad c. running water, heat, light, phone, gas, free; good 'yard for ear. 8o2 Tillamook, near Williams ave. UPPER floor, 4 large .unfurnished or partly . fumUhsd rooms for housekeeping ; all modern ; adults only; 1 block from Hawthorne. 611 r.. siamson. near I wtti. - Kast 6342. CA.EAN, turniabed It. K. rooms and kitcbeu ette. 314 and 815 par month; right, phone and water furnished. 1 1 7 E. Market st. near 87th. Tabor 6806. TWO OUTSIDE H. K. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, VERY . REASON -ABLE. 24 ALBINA ATE. EAST 1857. CLOSE IN, on east side. , room and kitchen'. ette. .hot and cold water, furnace heat. . 508 E. Osk. East 5253. - TWO NICELY furntshehd h. k, rooms in private residence, walking distance. 324 E. First St. N. East 7279. ' s. TWO furnished b. k. rooms with kitchenette, suitable for two. Price 320; near-William ieve. car. -, 267 Knott st - J' 2 RfMJMS AND KITCHENETTE . Adults,- : Hawthorne district : PHONK EAST 8441. 2 ROOM furn. 11. K. apt, light, heat. phoe, . and bath, hot and cold water; witJh sink; ' reasonable. 421 Otb st Atwater 2605. NEATLY fumiahed apartment,- H felock from Monta villa car. Phone. Tabor 0473. FOLK furnished H. K. rooms. 2 blocks from Peninsula school, , 1557 . Vincent - Walnut 2198. , - . . 2 TRUNKS moved, 75e aowntown- district; ; fireproof storage, 16 days tree ; lone dis tance naming, isawy, 2449 8 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, 820 month. Phone East 8385. (Jail D .. ... a. ,a : TWO comfortable rooms well furnished, down stairs, 316 per month. 607 Mississippi are -Resder Rambsy. - 1, 2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms, together or separated; with fireplace and coal rang; very reasonable. 85 10 Ik at ' TWO large front rooms, private entrance, clean; - lights, bath, gas, pbane free; reasonable: . adults. 183 E. 23d. East 7074. . CLEAN furnished room.- housekeeriine nritk leges: bath, phone, heat; reasonable walking!! distance. -78 Irving st - Main 9185. Y HOUSEKEEPING, priTste, (20; room and itrnen privileges; all home comforts r rtetuuiie party. Main OZ04. SUNN YSLDE 2 Urge light housekeeping rooms, furnace beet phone. -bath, not "JAVO large rooms. Weil furnished, walking dis tance. . reasons me. . iti rianaers st Main -4551.-" - - j . . AND 3 light bouse keeping rooms, 1 single; leetrio lights and gsrsgsv. . East 2619. 321 E. 8th st. N. - - I 3 FURNISHED H. K rooms, heat U.K. . and pnone. 830. .Walnut 3743.' 208 Mon roe as. 3 -Room Houaeaeeping AptT" Close in.' Rent Reasonable 50O Commercial St ONE housekeeping roam, 1 sleeping room, 1 basement room, not water heat- Tel. Hdwy. "I. i "g'vj piace. very reaaona Die. xao- itOUK KX h. fc. rooms, includinc light gas and neat: v employed couple. - 043 Hsigbt at Sell wood lOtiQ. - - . NICK. comforUble heuseceeping rooma lor working man. 106 N. 1 6th st UNION ATE. and KUlin-swotn. lurmished ant.' eae.oo; an complete ; eonctste Diss. Hof "SEKniLpING - rooms. 84 and 85 wT: furnace heat 821 Johnson st - 4 -ROOM apt, 1st floor; Das meet and furnace; cose m. si rtoaa st rnone East 8646. 8 Clean, hght room, pnone, private bath, gav - rag; close in; adults only. ! a. Alain. 3 ROOM nicely furnished a. k. suite in pri- miw. we - umrcq. laum Odes. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 -? CREKJHTON APARTMENTS ; . : 12TH AND HAWTHORNE AVE; ' - ' New house, just being eompeHed.' and now-open foe icpectioe, 2 and 3 room apts.. ufnrnished, te -rent at reasonable prices: potfeauci January 1, '23: all apta. nr equipped witn P. baths, lctrie lastie breakfaat nooks and afi modern coaveruenoea. Make your selection new, - . . 1- Leeds Apartments ?; Fireproof bMg.. modern 2. 8. 4-room apta. Single rooma. elevator mum. Atwabsr 3397. BOBTHWICK APTS. " - ' ' Hoost keeping rooms and apta. - rlos in. team, heat new and clean. 33 per week. 144 Russell st East 6345. . WAI.KLN'G DISTANCED One or two rooma. . kitchenette, privatsvbath. neat, pnone. 414 - Fourth at - - - FOR. RENT,, three and four room furnished apartments, light, heat and pnone; aett aide. Phone Atwater 0547. HADDON HAUL, 41TH AT, HALL ... : : - 3 room, kitchenetre. bath, (ndw. floors. private bak-onies; $35 np. Atwater 1180. FOB BENT Completely burnished 3 apt.; private bath; 323 month. Call W alnut 3 LARGE rooms end- pantry, lower floor, completely furnished. 535 ,: Comnaerciai. Wamnt -8107. - ' f - - . N 1CELY furtuahed 3 room apt, with bath; snimnie tor coiw. 344 HensoO "st. THE ALBERT Furnished apt. steam !"' oevn. rw mmw. eve. 3-KOOM hcnsekeepiivg . apt, hot, and oad water. $4.50 per week. 86H th rt 1 MODFRX 3 -room fnm. apt; close in. west ani;. 5-3. - Atwater 4164. .. - - FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED soa The Arnerlcan - Modem 4 and SIst and Johnson. m apartmevits. Broadway 3360. NEW, strictly modern 2-room apt., osk floors ' privste batn'and sleeping porch. East side; reasoname. - alrrat enow. FIVE room aparUnent, bardwoiHi flKr. bnilt . in. fireplBC, sleeping porch, laundry, fur- wnce. 546 East 7tB t.N. . MARLBOKOLGH 5 and 0-rm. nnfnm. apta., all tight, large roonuk Main 7516. FLATS FURNISHED 309 VERY preaxant 4-room; private bath, not i . ler. laundry; 4 blkfrotw ear; walkinc dwt. ; from B. P?sbous. r- 825. ,t Adulta. 343 Ureenwood new.'- -. - '" - . . - A HOMEY - 3 room 'modern fnrniahod flat. near Bnmstdev and atect brtogea: 3 .peas; reasonable at 342 30. ; East 2056. : 249 E. fjlisan t.- : v . - ; - ' -j - IF you want a real home in restricted district, & large rooms, ndw. floors, fireplace, buffet. -J- furnace, garage, alt modern, bangalow type. eaH Walnut 4IO; 355 - i'EST MDK -4 rooms, bath, caa..- aiecAricitj. 822.5ft: walkirg dietanee: adults. - 504 1 roadway, , aoove 34 v tjranr. eir. m. NICELY furnished 3 room lwer flaw , yard and perch. IQO E. - lHth gt. - 3 ROOM furnished flat, near WUliems a sc. car. 832.50. 'Walnut 5781. - REArTIFl"L, largo S room flat, piano. 239 Alberta at., near rfeiterson aucn. . - - O-ROtIM fUt. tumished or untunushed. 3 SO -Ji. 9tn nu Eaaf321. f i . . FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 GOOD-' modern 5-roona lower flat, furnace. lirepmea. sa ranee; we-- rarnisB water ana garbage. 238 E. 17th at. , CaU, Wal- rnot 2906. UNFURNISHED fat. 820; 3 rooms. oTth and Sandy bird. Tabor 5840. - FOUR large, clean rooms, 325. Inquire 204 & Moll illen st. - - - - MODKR.V 3-room flat, afl conveniences. 80S K. lottt". St. Pnone Sell. Bo is. 4 ROOM ; towr flat. 748 East Taylor St. Kent 325. falf- Walnnt 0709. 4-ROOM flats, with ca rages. 371-579 Union are-. ; nartn. - nnat 2195. - " HOUSES FURNISHED 311 MODERN, 2-rnr: bouse. - neWry painted: furni ture all new. suitable lor working eoupi or lady with child. . Will cans for child during da. Soil. 8509.- . - : 4-liOOM house rn rear, partly turniabed. with garage; rent 325; suitable for 2. 730. E. Vtb st. PARTLY furnished houfce at; 700 E. 14 th at. inquire J 14 uroadway Dldg. Atwater 2554. " 6 ' ROOM modern . bungalow, furnished and furnace. 3d . nous from Hawthorne car Hue., 263 E. 8 2d ft. 845. ' , FURNISHED home for rent, terms reasonable. Phone- Walnut 17-01. " ''J STKAN FLK.MSHED HOLSE. -4 903 75 St.. S. E. ' - MY some, modern.--completely furnished, 6 rooms, rtrreace, Ant. 031-43. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow.-: 735 E. 75th St. N. Ant. 32-lT. ' FURNISHED 5 room noute, 446 11th at. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3 1 2 8PRINELKRED 'VTAlffcrlOUSE en trackago. Stop yoor goods with an, , Let us do yor mering and nrkaig. ' , (Lai i MOB3B. ma Bfhry. 14T. 454 GUmn st MOVE THK SECCBTTY WAY Extraordinarr Seryc -' For the ordinary prtee. PACKING, MOVING, STORAOrS SECTTUTY STORAGE cc TRAN6R CO.. 4th t Pine at. Opp. Multnomab iUL Telephone Broadway 8718. 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace. ? floor furnace, hardwood floors, built-in, -panel dining room, I hitch kitchen and garage'; on 49th at. south of Division; unfurnished. Wal. 7475. LAURELHCRST 10-room modern house. , double garage; newly decorated and very desirable, 204 ft lot r references required. ' Room 305 Concord bldg. Bdwy. 1244. PIANO MOV1NO $3, turmtar 32.30 per hour; 2 men. Urge padded Tana, Call Crown Transfer Co.. East 6047. - ' CUT RATr. eUKNITURE MOVING r ' Fireproof Storage 13 Dayg Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. S44S 4 ROOMS, plastered; basement, gacage; 330. will sell furniture cheap. Atwater 0399. 1607 Virginia. " - -;- I; A L. TBANSk'KB, East 502. We con tract your yob .or 82 per buur, and fur nish S men. FOR RENT An 8 room houe at 501 E. 2th st N. . lnoirire of J. . Hertache, 828 ensmber ot commerce blag. FOR RENT 6-reom- modern bouse, furnace, cement basement,-- garage, paved st, lawn ' and toscs; Hswtliome district Main 8001. YORK EXPRESS gt TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. 31.80 and 82'per hour. Bdwy. 76. - ' FOR RENT, 6-room house, sleeping porch and .garage; one block f nam Union and Alberta cars. . Paved street ilione Walnut 4 688. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green - Trans. Co. -Main 1261. 202, Alder st. - - lent 5 ROOM for rent unfnrnished. no garage. 1467 E. Glisan. cor. 55th. M-V. car. MODERN room house; furnace; (35 per month. Walnut 7500. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. large orchard and large place for chickens. 116ft-- E: 18th N. KENTON 7 rooms, modern, si PC. porch, near ear and-school; rent 335. Kst 6747., - 830 NEW, mod. 5 rm. bungalow.' garage; I block Kose City car. - Tabor 055. FCRNITUR"E moved, $1.25 per hr.. any, part T siij. x ."ITM t.u. - . . m Ml. ..vo. FOR. RENT, 3 rm. house. 4704 65th 8. E. Ant 682-01. - FOR RENT. 5. 7. S rooms, modern house. Call st 824 Front st Phone Mam 7800 NEW HOUSE, hdw. - floor. firepUee, Dutch kitcWn, near g. P. shops. SelL 8260. 8-ROOM nous for rent, 1246 9th at. $25 month.; Wal. 4164. 6-ROOM bouse on east side. 1246 9 la at, 328 month. W'sX 4164. MOVING by the Elks. Storage 80 days free; S men and machine 82 per hour. Main 8059. HOUSES FOR RENT FRXITURE 5-roora fiat . for sale, " flat 'f or rent; dose in. west side; must be seen to be appreciated ; bargain for cash. Main 1285. FURNfTURE of 4 rooma for aal ; must aao rifice 5 room bouse for-rent 820; walking ' distance. - 828 feherman. corner 6th. EAST SIDE Close in. will rent unfurnished; fireplace, garage, furnace, all built ins. Days, Main 8452 evenings. Main 7 740. . .. . MUST SELL- AT ONCE ' -V -. ' - Farnrtnre for sale of 1 4-room hbtne. - A ' - bargain. E. 2560, any time. Mouse for rent STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT, second floor. 661 - Hawthorne. 100x100; can be need - far any purpose. - Pnone East 4200. - . ' . - - FOR desirable space in . fireproof warehous - aJ-wae Brc Nray 8T18. STOKE 4Oxl0,. shelving, eonuters; water free H $20 month.. 131 K. lstk at tNION AVE. store for rent B- 3. McGuireTl ... oo tmes. ust etui, j OFFICES DESK ROOM - 315 llESK ROOM, with telepboo and stenograph! esrtrice. Pnone Bdwy. 3713. - 4 WANTED TO ' RENT ROOMS - 350 ELDERLY MAN wants ouiet furn. room, rinse in. with space f orcarpester toolv Y-623 ' - Journal. . . i ?. -- ROOMS AND BOARD 352. ROOM with breakfaat. near Wamut telephone office. Call Walnut Ol A3. - APARTMENTS 357 WANl ED By January 1, partly furnished or - unfurnished 3 or 4. room apt. oa west - aide. Phone Wainat 4610. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' . BUSINESS PROPERTY '401 BUSlNKSi LOCATION ; ' Kicellent field foe- up-to-date anrlertaker; ; splendid location; - at reasonable price. KX 05. Journal. .- , ';- APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY ' '402 2 FAMILY FLATa 85OO0 f Walking distance, eat side, fireplaces, full nnmLs' lnft ' ivit; 50x1 no wrjrth ' (7t: clci!-g estate: terms, rVdwy7HOH. , T. O. BLKiJ. 32 CHAM, OF COM, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT . - PROPERTY 402 TO CLusK estate, iOUalou nortnaaat comer . 14 th and Tayiorr waat aada. Eaat.2185. - LOTS 403 ' LAI KkLHCRST. NEAR PARK IvU 58x160 lot on Oak Kt, east- of tb nark, -eitri. paved alley in rear. Here ts n K't oortauHiig nearly i acre, paved . on Loth cikU, for only 81700; on terms of . 8?20 down: and 820 asonthly, incmdinc in : tertot, br will dL-w-oont for cash. HENDr.RSON-BANKCS VO.. J . 22 Henry WHf. - Bdwy. 4754. SIO DOWN. CIO MONTHLY - t' - 56xIOO on E. 22d near Alberta, sJda : walks, curbs and sewer in and paid; -1 H blocks to ear, . 4 blocks to school: price Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bWg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY . CORNER. 3950 Level 5Oxl0 corner lot; all Imp. In and -laid -on both street; 8200 down; will take 'xeeoBd tnortcase- for balance HENPEKSON-BANKl'S CO.. 22S Hcnrj bWg-. Hdwy. 4734. 50x1 5ft NEAR . Irvine ton ear, 2 4 block a te achool." fine oil for; garden: sidewalka and euros in- ami tW; .price 82.oO. 910U cun, aru suontniy.' -- i JohnsonDodson 'Co. 833 N. W. Bank bWg.?' Main 878T. " AlJkE JLOTiJ ' " .jm Columbia blrtl. (paved), between. IS. 2VU - and js. - 83d f at. N..' convenient to cars; . rjen sou : fin location. - -t i , . ... O.. fcLUOI, OWNER. -2S3 Stark St, Phone Mdwy. 11 at. 80xl2 810 MONTHLY ' '' " Why buy a small lot wfirn I can sell you - 88x102 for 34 75 f rick garden .soil. Bull Ru .water, gravel street; no city taxes to pay. See Mr. , Kauk. 413 SpaUinc bide. evenings call Ant. B1S-93. AtAMEDA PARK.. 8900 - 50x100 lot on E. 24th St.. between tYe- wiont and JtcgenrA drive, below the bill ; all imp. in ami pml HENDETtSON-BANKCS CO.. 22 Henry bldr - , Bdwy. 4754. WILL TAKE 5100 for 8240 equity in 8830 W estmoreland lot. - with, -second morteage privileaea. - alt improvements in and ' naad. Will trade- for davenport and rictrola. Tabor , . . L, . o i o. - - " ! W ACRE. PAVED ST...89O0 )'' North. Mfc- . Tabor. " 82SO cash,- easy nicuuiiy peymetna on n lance. . HENDERSON-BAN KVS CO.. 22ft Henry bMg. IVlwy. 4754. FOlt SALE or trade by owner. $250 equity an lot in iaa aunttion. tbat Bav . youl . rat to. . .i FOR SALE by owner, corner lot hiah cli district fine tiew, close , to car. A bargain. 94? JS. 20111 neur Harrison. Tabor . 4430 HOUSES . 404 CHEAPER THAN RENT ' .: $25 DOWN -(IS PER MO. AND INT. COZY NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Cottage, on full sized lot. all cleared. Just outside city bmita. No high taxes or assessments here. Close to store and-ear. line. : Price $1180. Do a little work here and own your own borne at less than rent Also on with H acre ground.- See Mr. Ho tjuilkin. . ,-- 68Q Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLOSE IN ONE BLOCK TO SANDY BRAND NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW - 842 E. 88TH ST.- N. NEAR HALSEY ' Just completed, strictly modern, fireplace, hardwood floors, 'tile bath. recessed tub. - shower bath. tHe dainboards, 2 bedrooms. 'nee liTuig room, mien Kite pen, large Pullman dining nook, cement basement, . trays, plenty built-ins. all double construct ed, paving and sewers all paid, every con venience 1 block away, , See - this today. Deal direct with7 owner and . builder .on premises from 1 2 to f 6, or phono Auto. . 317-70. - - HOSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHLRST : . BUYERS If you are going to buy . in either of these district?, we wsnt jrou to mspeot our lutings, . Many splendid buys are offered now. Labor and materials are increasing in price; we Specialize in the sal of prop erty in these two sections and are equipped to give you splendid ervic. Let us show you You'll be under no obligations, nost-tiJy.;;-.-s.,,i ?. . . '-. A.- G TEEPB CO.. .- ''t " Rose City office. 40th and SsUdy. . Tabor 9586. Inrelhurt office, 39th and Gliaan. .Tabor 3433. 1 ' - - -4-ROOM BUNGALOW . New Knd bean ti fully designed, hardwood floors, firepiac, tapestiry paper, large kitch en, finished h white, 2 bedrooms with bath between, screened' in back porch, unusually nice electric fixtures ; price 82600. Very easy--terrna..-j't:i.'--- -.u.. s,-,---.j.- . Johnson-Dodson Co, 633 X. W. Bank bldg; Main 3787. ' 6 room new bungalow, 2 fireplaces, tare living room - hardwood floors throughout; no better home in ! the city for the money. ITice $0930. --i-.' .... ' v OORCORAX-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak St - Broadway 6008. y. House Wanted j I :i Hsva; party erith '82500,-cash wanting good home up1 to 88500. If: you have a - good home to- sell call us at once. -i i CORCORAN JONES REALTY CO. ' y 9.75 Oak St - ' : ' Broadway 6006. (4730 FOR SALE. 6 rm. beautiful new bungalow, full- cement basement fireplace, : hardwood floors in dining and living room. , com bi nation electric and wood range: shades and lmoienm, large garage,- lot 50x125. fell after 3 o'clock, 8020 62d st S. E. Hawthorne car. ' Irvingon 5 ROOM BUNGALOW ' i ' -New. never been lived in. Can sell this for 85500. Yon will tike th home. ' CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 278 Oak St "y- Broadway -6008. VACANT NEW." COZY BUNGALOW $500 CASH. BAL. DIKE RENT 2 2d street near Sandy . blvd., hardwood floors, lovely Duteh kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, buffet etc; all luipiuvenienta in; ideal location: a bargain. . Bdwy. .6011 or East -7978- evenings. " ' WEST SIDE SNAP ' S rooms, lot 30x100, on ear line, close in. ;Oitly 33400; easy- terms. . ... J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 852 Aukeny. near Broadway. Bdwy. 2048. GOOD 5 -room bouse. 1 block to can lot 50x 100; 4 nioe apple trees, berries, grapes, full basement mot completed; gas. electricity; : street imp. in;.. price $1900, $300 cash, or $200 cash and Ford car in good cctdition. 454 Belmont East 7889. - GOOD small- bouse. 100x104, on paved-st. sidewalk -and hnprevementa paid, good soil with large chicken house and run; chickens V and S cords wood; also furniture for sals; 81850. cash payment and- terms to suit Owner leaving city. - 1862 Portsmouth ave. PIEDMONT 8 ROOM. BUNGALOW : 1 Heart of. the district; furnace, firepUee, oak floors arkl garage. -;. - - -1. R. HAIGHT FOB, REAL' ESTATE" V '352 At keny.- - - ' - - Bdwy. -245; LAURi-LHURST, No. 991 E. Ho)i.( near 83d. ' fuse 6 room hosae, gUmed-m aleepipg porch, ' hardwood floor.-' garage, modern. aB fan . prevemenov fn and paid. 88000; term K. . F. Hunt Atwater Q64 8. Bus. Atw. 8400. 11 HOUSES for sale, watet windmill. 15.000 . gaL ooncxet reservoir, 300 feet from achool - house, railroad shop, postoffic:- rent 8220 month, sell for $18,000. ' Inquire Raeth, saregon ? aiouewo. : journal. JkOOMS MODERN r- CORNER LOT - A real fin property m E. 38 th t and we will sell ' for : 32 950 ; terms. . If yon . want a home don't miss this. Bdwy. 7359. - Ant 623-17 evenings. - " Utrr MB give yon. my turorea oa year new , bouse yoBfre going to bvuld. 1 - wul gevw -yon money ; and help) finance. - Hare AO bouse nnder way this year; tint Ham work. H, it Marrni, 1016 Brooklyn. . SeU. 2M89, FOR SALE very cheap. 6-room bungalow 8 Ox 120 g rare and barn:-aho fruit and br nes; will mcrific as I am compelled to re- tnrn to my former home in Indiana. CaU at 561 62d at, S. Woodstock car. $1475 3350 CASH Vacant 4 room pmatered cottage,' cement basement, sidewalks and sewer. 2 blk. to stm Mippi,.Kentoa an ? Rental '-nhie -$18.80. IVmsider tight anto. Owner. Walnnt 1201. A DANDY 6 room bouse furnace, fun base merU. 50x100 lot, everything in and paid. . Lots, of fruit Oily 83754. Uaoonabie terms."-- Tabor 3785.-'- ' -.. - STRICTLY modern room bungalow, all in . A-A eondiUont ctoae to Hawtbome car. Will accept - sToo rot nx i Letirelbnntt or i Rose Ctty as' part ryme-nt Tsbor 57S5.-1 ' - - hMAI.I. runcst aown. balance lite rent, base at- 4-vas.- bnngalow with garage; private 1 party, b-1 bu are. & . - , : REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 YOCR HOME IS HEBE S0OA pholoerajilis or Homea for Ssle. ' AMERICA'S Larscit Home Seller.: Every ' district in the eit -1. Hmn r vrp price. . - I'll help you make: your first -payment if necessary. - .-w: . ... . .-" .. . . 90 : Salesmen - witS Autcxc .; ' '- .. . - Open eveninss until . -. r Telepbane Hdwy. 7171. ' " -i0 IXWN VACANT! - -3220 Dandy practical, cozy, modern bun galow, just newly, iwinted and tinned, and ready for you to move " 1 int Linnc and din tag rooms eom ... bined;- white , Dntrb- kitchen., with ,s .Jots of ballt-inw;' 2 airy bedroom and white enamel bath; attie..5th , st (25W down, rest tike rentl - --. - ' i - ' (3008 ROOM HOI'RE ROSE CITY DISTRICT I ' (4730 $230 downl Here is a eery ar- , - tistic, practical 8-room bengalow; living room with tiretlace: dining room with built-in buffet;- hard- . wood floors. 2 bedrooms, nice bath down ; np are 3 light, airy bed- ' I.':: rooma,. furnace, garage. Only 1 H . i blocks to earline.: SEE THIS AT ONCE! 1C-44.) . ... A NEW YEAR SPECUL (loO down, $18. ir month, buys this -- room bouse. 3 blocks to carline; .. full basement; located on 60tl0l j lot - with jilenty of fruit in front f... and back vsrd. The price ia only $1790 inew listing). , 3d ave. . ' THESE v A BE TY PIC AD . of the many hundreds of interesting . home bargain . we have listed for sale. I'll help you make your fiit payment if neces sary . Phone and one of our salesmen will gladly call fori you in bis machine. - - - . see - FRANK L. McGUIIlE To Buy Ycnr Home :' '.." ' ' Realtor. -i -: . .' Abmgtpn Bldg. 5 Bdwy 7171 3d St. Ht wa.i. . .... u..i. I have an : opening on my galea force -v.. - wuromm wito car. r $500 DOWNt practically ne.w, 6 k , . rma and . breakfast' nook, garage connecting with houte. beautiful hdw. floors, furnace. -fireplace, full cement basement; iu fact everything , you will expect in a strictly mod. home; only the price is at least (1000 Tinder what yon would expect to pay for such a charming place. Paving and sewer in and everything paid. Jnet east of Xaureihurst 5 E. 62d at.. 230 ft N. of SUrk. V Owner on premises 1:30 to 4:30 p. Jv m. Atwater-0746. forenoons. . 34750, 750- cash, $40 month. Includ ing interest. AB rooms large snd light iu, wtrougoout; s bedrooms ami otn upstairs - and large ceiled attic, fuH ,w,tB cUnt furnace, garage, lot 50x90. . Some fruit, paved street Near bib barne. Near school and car. JonnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. . Main 3787. loss rrrr pur mucin.' 1 A new 5-room bungalow, located near Y i'"l posiuveiy '. one or too' best built bungalows in the district Built in dry . "KcjuoMuiy targe nving room, ricQ old ivory, wish, jtapestrjr paper, best . heat ing plant, garage. You can t find its equal in Kose City for the money. See it to e, 40th. and Sand,, , if 84500 ROSE CITY $4300 . " " ?A,' ew-5. rm.. bungalow, jtric-tty modern, -large living and .dining rm.. built-in. hnffst oak floors, , fireplace,. Dutch kitchen - and breakfast nook; full cement basement; oa paved, atreet Will take 1st as part pay ment or soldiers' loan. Tabor 2580. Eve- .i.H V.v. Ka-r , m tw wot. Alberta; Sacrifice, $260O rm. house in the heart - of Alberta, all imp. in and paid. Owner live In Idaho and want to dispose of Portland property. Easy terms can be arranged V - a - KJIERT A GIFKORD 7 388 ALBERTA -ST. WALNUT 8438. ; : FINE VIEW OF CITY7 T-rocen eoiomal. (3250. (ItltrO rash. $4.1 monthly, including interest ' Built-in buf fet and bookcases, hardwood floors, old ivory - ... luqiwx, ccau oasement, cpmer lot, -garage, paved street - Near Haw thorne ca.r .. ..:.-.:.--- v JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bMg. Main 8787. . Rose; City 'N.W ft -VVhrum him er In. ' ha.ni.Mj fir bath,-tile drain,. full basement. Boyntori lunnrv, one 01 . vse oesv. oargains- you ever looked at Price $5900. . CORCORAN JONES REALTY CO. 278 Oak 8t Broadway 6006. ALAMEDA HOME ., Newf -attractive 6 room with tm a room and large attic; 8 Windows, with hgbta and beat; . large, living , and dining room-, acroa front; east face, corner lot; shade, electric fixtures, bullt-ina. fireplace, comp. floor and pedestal stand -in bath ; br. - nook, furnace, garage. - Comer SGfh and Skidmore. Owner. E. 3280. $0750. Terms. , ALAMEDA ' PARK 'EXCELLENT - - ' - - -- BUNGALOW -' Three brocks front car, strictlv modem,' oak floors : thronghont; frunace, flretdace ga rage, cat to 8H0O0 for quick sale. J. R. HAIGHT I OR REAL ESTATE 352 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. -J5x UJ t.ti inne 8-room Alameda home at a sacnoce. jasy terms. . via - M. 30th N ACREAGE 405 THREB acres, cultivated: mSe to city luruua. iiHa - im . aracw; vc ' larea; . lights: water; gas: bearing orchard; ; filberts, in good condition; chicken house. , on.kl . li,:., itcA... . -"-"" s.-x. w"y. -ajr terms. CLOSE IN-h- H sere tract", cultivated : all city convenience f near station; 0c fare; good loam soil; 3350-per Vs a. and up; $50 down, balance 6. .Ask for Mr. Hunter.. John Ferguson. Realtor," Geriinger Bldg. Over 500 small place near Portland. BY OWNER 10 acres. 3 V mile east of city nmirs, sit revel, tine, ncn soil, no rock or gravel," fine 4-room house, modern in every way, electric lights, on good hard read, mail, baker, grocer and meat all come to the door; lota of fruit and berries and livestock and tools, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, wood, all goes; clear of incumbrarfcee ; only (1500 down, balance easy terms. Address Box 67 S.i Route 1. City.: ox phone Wl tmt 1615 after Monday. - '.."; (10 DOWN. (5 MONTH i ., Buys 6 acre close to Vancouver - and Portland: (50 an acre and up. We have S and 10-cr tract in this addition: fine .- lying land, free from rock or gravel, close so racne anuvir; line mrsaoB tor poultry. ,- berries and- general farming. Che. DelfeL ia. nauvay xx-jnance mag. - FOR SALE OR LEASE Acreexe. . fines in: eoorf eoad: rich riaw .bottom landa.'---1 . : ' . f. o. 1U.BU1', Owner. .-. . aSS Stark St - - Phone Bdwy. 118. - (ACRE traeta in Rose Park acres, finest of sou, per acre. ay terms. G. I Bohr, 218 Knott at, Phone East 8133. - SUBURBAN HOMES . 40? TWO-ACRE- place, near Reedrille. with a aut- room bungalow. 'Chicken nouse-' and garage. Owner is going away and will take $2200.00 with $58 0.O4 down. Near a fine roavd. Naae fruit trees. This m a good buy, so act ' . - - ' v OTTO A HARKSON . ' 413 Chamber of Com. Bldg.. Bdwy. 6389. " FARMS 40f , 41. "AV Bottomland ."" A-Farmer's Paradise - Only .14 miles from Portland on good t eravel road: on Clackamas river, near I ecliooL carHne' and R. -K. ; intensively eui-- t tivated. all can be xrngnted: 2 fine booses. . v barn and other ontbuildinga splendid -family orchard; finest soil, giving bamper rropa. Sew it and judge for yourself. -. Price $12,; terms jiuit, ? STAR- REAL ESTATE A ,INV. CO., "Farm Headquarters. ' , ' ' , Realtors. ' . 513 Wileog bklg. - FOR SALE 35 acres, 200O cord. wood; price . $5700. $1500 cash mil - turn the draL WriMf for particnlan to J. Gee. Salem, Or., n. Pei. - - - - BARGAIN -40 aTe-. om iuiproremcnts; on - bishvray; only $133u, terms. Dubois, bOl Statrdiag sudg.--, - - ...... 407 Nothing Down But ; Taxes .and Interest . ; for Five, Years -. 10-20-40 acre traeta, from $25 te (4 sa acre, 210O acres te chops froaa, down Columbia river, on Oreeoa aide, sines te highway. : So of .these: traeta faas ' Btrwama. " Beautifully lying land. - Fine location for growing prnnea. apples, ber riea, ftlbert nuts, and English walaata. Fine for dairying, bee, and pottUxjt. . , - CHARLES DELFEL . : 813 Railway Exchange tUaav. Ctt ON PAVEMENT. N. E. of Newberc; 4 blk. . to electric station; 13 acres good land; epnng and creek: 4 acres cultivated; 4 room bouse, good:- barn, chicken , honec: ' 33500. with 3 horses, cow. heifer, brood ,.. . sow, chickens and machinery,- or will sell . in small traeta; 1700 ft frontage on pave ment, good location for chickens.-' Might t consider -Portland house to $3 500. , ' - 86 eerei. Clstsoj county, at station; ft a ted; 0 acre pestnve; enrtng '. acre cultivated: 2 water piped to good house, with aome . .inumotai; aargw oirn, -- rnir.rn . vism;, " 35t)rswith equipment.' Consider . Port-; land house, seme or less values. r JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, i - - . Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Pisces Near Portland. FOR RENT FARMS ; 408 80 ACRE farm, 80 in cultivation. 8300 per year; can do clearing . for nail rent; goon house and nana en place ; good gravel road all way. v Walnut 7240. .--- HOMESTEADS 410 3 IMJUU homestead relinquishments, with im provements. 40, SO end 160 acres, on connly road.. . some valnable timber. The 180 will make dandy ranch s neighbors, good achool. 222 lumbermen bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 PORTLAND - LOTS FOE CANADIAN i .,, -. LAND . - ' V' Eastern Oregon' land or timber. 27 level lots, close to carline. just outside city lim its; city water tw1 electric light. Price 8123 each incumbrance $48 earth. 1 60 ACRES W HITE PINE TIMBER in Wheeler county : assessed varus ti on $1600. Price $3000. , Will trade for vacant tots, hoases or farm equity.' , - TIMBER FOR USED CAR 40 acres. 3 mi lea from Pacific highway. in Douglas county; price 8750; mtg. 8250 runs ror two years. want -car tor equity. CENTRAL ORKGON - STOCK RANCH 820 b-tm.- 75 in cultivation, -balance all fenced: bouse, barn and well: near town and school. ., Price $3200; mtg. 3L0OO. Want land in Willamette valley. : 60 ACRES IN LAKE COUNTY - - Free and clear of all incumbrances. Price $1000. Want Portland lot car Or timber. 20 ACRES CREEK-BOTTOM LAND ': Located ojs Uraya river. Pacific, sounty. vvasnington. Prtee Xoo; ., mtc. seuv, hst have yon to offer in exchange? - W have other, trade : and axe ha n res bo til large and small. - If .you have a trade of ment in can. Iota, houses or farm equity, we ran make A deal before yon Jeave our oiiiee. see Mr. Anderson. Baker .or xxyue, 824 Henry bldg: - Bdwy. 0779. or: evenings. air. uyrte at- 1'alaoe Hotel. 160 ACRES, m le south The Dalles, on Mill creek,' est 2,000,000 feet timber, 3 acres cleared, about 4. acres in strawberries, on creek; no incumbrance; 33500; exchange city property. . 20 acre Besverton, district: bargain ; near Ad, ha; price 8250O; good terms; 8500 cash. . will handle. - ? 7 -room house. -Mt. Scott district clear of incumbrance, let 100x100; garage; price $3500; will accept mortgage or good eon- - tract as first payment: term on balance. Have land and house equities to trade for light cars. - . Fine located , cigar stand; wilt accept acuer s contract and pay casn dttterence. 824 Henry bldg. Broadway 0779. 40 ACRES. 30 acres tinder cultivation, spar . building stocked, and etiuipped; want home Id Portland. . - ..' .... -t - - Abo 60 acres, 40 acres cultivation, stocked . and equipped; 2 sets of bailding. Will taks acreaae close in -or home in Portland. - Both places' free "of debt I am not ant agent No agent need answer. 4135. 04th at - O. K. AM, 630-47. i BUSINESS BLOCKS ,v: In) good,-live Eaatera Oregon "town. occa nied by 11 store rooms: n resent owner be ing her will -take Portland Property or any good town -in valley, or. Clarke county or uournan acreagsv-- rriee goooo. stock 408 Coach hide. . l : UK HAVE two dandy TualaUn vaUey farms. improved and equipped, every foot -in eulti . vation. WiB sell cither or . both ) on easy term;' or exchange,- for apartment or ether . city property or business. Address, C. S. layiory nnerwood; or.,- It. 4 WANT small improved acreage to $4 000 ia c.uit.M.o iw noue wna aavv,. neta ' value $1500. Davenport, Buchanan bldg. 10 ACHKO a in niltiiiiinii S,."T . berries, on good roadgT Sn0( j'-trade for nome np to iontiM.. ttJ4 -otieneh .- bldg. Bdwy. 6538 E. 3592. eve. REAL ESTATE . . - . ) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 WILL- TRADE for acreage, .or sell, a bakery doing a good business.' Clear-, bill off sale for . all equipment Oerber Bakery, 554 Will Ml ave. - . ; . i WANTTLV- REAL ESTATE" ' CITY PROPERTY 450 5-ROOM bungalow, -fireplace, fumac . and trays. ; Built ins. hdw." floor, atreet improve ments, sn ana paua. or $300 down. 825 per mo. at 6 per cent Not more than 3 block to car. Walnut 8S95 WANT at once, 4-room bungalow; must have t 2 bedrooms. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 X W. Bank bklg. Main 8787. ' MUST buy a home between now and January 15, preferably .now. Want assail bungalow, : new or not over 6 years old. - Prefer medium - priced home. . Will pay (1000 cash and $40 a month. U-129, Journal. - - WANT to trade good Rose City house for " small bearing prune and chicken ranch ; win assume or pay some cash. M-zeo, Journal, PRIVATE party wants 4 or 5 room house. $300 down, balance monthly. Condition no -object Owners only, A -80 8, Journal. - ACREAGE 455 WANT 1- or 2 acres with livable honse in ex change for 1 8-room apt bouse, paying over $100 net Davenport Buchanan bldg. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 4S7 WANT, prone ranch offer in exchange, modern apt, -nouae. . wotta f li.vDe, nets $50 a month. Davenport Buchanan bldg. WESTERN OREGON stock and grain farm. man w fii.it ja-o is, juui nai. . - BUSINESS CPPORTUNTTTES STORES. GARAGES. ETC. 500 GROCERY STORK ; , : CASH-AND-C ARB. V - ".'' :S ' Sent $20; Irving rooms; doing good, buai nt, JPriee $120. or will invoice.. - - ARTHUR Ii. ISCOTT , -3 830 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 3868. ? . $40O RESTAURANT $400 - ;) Fully. ..equipped - restaurant and '-- Innch counter: -two living room: rent only $25; - mast sen this week. Morri. 413 By. Each. mag. PARTNER WANTED Te join me in the snow tranness; good position, with salary and expense; show going East, noon..- Must snake a smalt investment. For mformauon. can og n.Hwgj r.xcnange -niog. CAUTION BVJYE&S -Before eaoeuag a deal o? . laiiiei . iiii.iaa eeiaiiiisiisu'-. reat esmta .:baanes, get advice of Portland Raavlty Beard, . 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1902. . ' - - V --. KOOM1G HOUSE BARGAINS - - We have some dandy little place gad W. can sell on terms to suit pnrchaser. , .-. . , QUICK SALES COMPANY - ' 401-403 Conch BMg.- -Ant 511-09. -: FOR SALE or trade, pool snooker, lunch and eonieraonery. -oms. -nawtnom -- ave.i- - East i;i EXTRA! . Going, to. CaJUarnisv- . Will. eeU. well ,-wwia,w m oiwii m , win -- earner shop at your own price. ' 247 Conch . Printing For Less Ryder Printing Co. Mtn 3588. 193 Sd st FOR. SAliv- Service atation on highway; an ideal loeattsyn; good farm and tourist trade. Phew Main 8897 - - - .(--- v - FIRST CLASS restaurant, fin location, ad in , good condition; will soil reasonably, account of sickness. 64 6th at Bdwy. 2085. FOR SALE -Good corner location, cigar store, j ewackLiiale, cheap. - Inquire 95 N. 6th at Phone Bdwy. ' 8217.'-. :'.' -., J- -. , -: - , CiTTLE grocery, store; for sale. . . Apply , at 30 I?tai WXm sell part or aU interest in fuel 261" Fremont FARMS CAP H -CARRY grocery. fine location, for 3I2.10. Onw-k action. G-2)l. Journal. . SMALix grocery tor sale, 2 nice living rooms. .Owner,- 772 . 11 issuiairpi avsv -- ... 4 EUSINESS OPPORTUNTITES STORES. GARAGES, ETC 500 PAHINEK WA.Vikli AUTO Ki-iJAlK Here ia an exceptional esiportumty te sk cure an equal -ba.f mtcreet in the busiest ,. and best equipped small aute repair ebon in Portland; f roe. busy location, etrtabliahed. steady trade. ' Have more, work than can handle alone, prefer an honest- and rrlulik partner to hired . tierp. i Previous expert enc not Beecamsry if yon are nxrcrianicalry . tnelhied and handy with tooUv. . Your op portunity to ream -the bueiness and tlesi better than $165 per month - for yourself froaa the start Only $200 rrxiuircd to se cure an eqnal half interest Dont fail to see this before yon buy ir yeas want ansn lately the beet tor the Investment. Call arty at 347 Pittock block.. Washington and corn. . .-';.-.... - PARTNER AT ONCK " Aato - repair shoi, fdHy equipped -with power machinery and small tools, and plenty of work for- two or three men.. Will take hottest, reliable maa as partner: you need - not be a mechanic bat yon mnat be willing. This shop is doing the : besriness and - yon will readily make $150 to $250 a month. This ia a businee that will make yen. inde rasndenxt working for yourself ; 3300 re- mveo. 33 Morgan bldg. 'PARtNEttJWAS-TKD-Atrfb J-AlN'flNG As t have more work than I can liandle alone and . I prefer a i reliable partner to hired help, will sell eqnal half interest in my automobile painting and top shop ; this ia an excellent opportunity for a steady man who. is willing to work and learn the bust, neaa. No trouble for you to clear $180 nd up every month for yourself. " Only $300 and aervices required. Be aura- and see . thi before locating . it yon want the best for a small investment - Apply at 347 Pittock block. Washington end ltltli treets. Forming a Company ? 1 Expert : services and. coun-cl la the or ' ganization and financing of any industrial enterprise.- If you. are contemplating form ing a company ts raise capital, ti will pay you to proenre nor service. Call or writ IXDUSTRL4L INVESTMENT CO.. IXC , ' 641' Monan BMg., Portland. Or. GUOCKKY eiPl-X'lAL. Nice little croeery, with nice living room, furnished; Just the lilace for lady; rent only (17 per month. : 8k-knrs forces sale. Full price for quick sale. 8700.-1 ,-. . See MrCauley. HILTON A DANIEL v 270 Stark St . Bdwy. 7800. MEAT MARKET, for .sale at Camas. Wash. This market is doing . a good business, but the owns is forced to sell same tm account :' of sickness. Owner will make you a very attractive propoaioon on this shop, Call and " OTTO A HARKSON CO. -'413 Chamber of t 'om. Bldg. Bdwy. H3"0. RESTAURANT GIVE IT.' AWAY ' The bert -equipped restaurant hi ei'-jr, a , dandy location, doing good business ; the owner is not. restaurant man f have got no use for it and give it away-for 81000; $1000 cash wiH- handle. - . - - 401-2 COUCH BLDG. Ant 5 1 1-09. FOR SALE By owner, restaurant. 882 . Buraeide; 835 and 340 business daily. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 Here You; Are!. . Just:-whatV'you -' want.S 40-rdom, atcam heated hotel, right - downtown, , hot and cold . water - in-4' all rooms, some private baths.- large net- income; only $3000 gives - you pemesston. balance arranged, good lease. -. Gokey & Wesch Wd 827 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6706. BOARD AND ROOMING HOUSE 10 rooms, good east side location,- on carline. Netting $80.00 per month; only ' (350 to handle. - WiU consider smaU busi- ness in exchange.' See this today. Seeck, with WM. A. HUGHES CORPORATION, 5 05 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6808. - ' Special Notice We have several good hotels ; for sale in Portland and also a number of other cities in Oregon. Washington And Califor nia., These hotels are priced right some trades: come in or write ns for particulars. Qokek'&'Wesch"--. - 82T Chirm, of Com. bMg. Bdwy. 6706. 72 ROOMS, brick apt, east side, lesse until 1926: my equity $45,000; will take small ' house up to (2500 or good auto, balance ''cash, for my equity; full price KS000; this nets $400 or more per month. East 7389. . Excellent -Buy 24 -room apt house, brick bldg.. 10 apt.. private baths, steem Iteat, long lease, mouey . maker, $2500 will handle. . - Qokey Wesch 827 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6700. ONE of the best bujs in the city: 3 -story brink east side:; Jot 100x100. 166 mi,; income $2800 per mo.; expenses $700; will take $30,000 cash, some trade, bsi. easy terms.- East 73H9. - 16 ROOMS, divided in one 5, 4. -3 awd two 2-room a part menu, 2 baths, double garage. . furnltnre extra good; give 5-year lease; good i income; price 31500; SlOOjO cash. Journal. GOOD 1 2 -room - house : and furniture, , half . block Grand- avenue. . On rented lot $8 i per month; nets $80 per- nrotith. Sell bldg. and furniture for $1500: some terms. . Call .- East 7389. n - - ! -- h :-: KOUUINK GETS A BARGAIN - 7 rooms, 3 rent $35, best White Temple ' location, never sold before; excellent fur- ' nisbings. Only $630; $2o0 hsndle. . Mrs. r Bowden, Bdwy. ' 8086. ' , t . a BUY SELL EXCHANGE . ; Approved Tnortgages, stocks, bonds. Iota or- homes taken -as psrt payment Phone Main 1643. - 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. ON . NOB HILL ft room -of - nice furniture . for sale at a bargain if taken by the first L-292, Journal. 13 ROOMS, H. K., all filled; shows net in corne $110, beside 2-room apartment; ; dean; investigate. L-281 ,- Journal. FURNTTURE and lease 'of 10 rooms, brick ' building; nets $65 and apartment Small payment down or trade. East 6397. - 1 . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 .' ,:. Ti' :'ivi--HrANT 'AT-OSCE' V ' Suburban i store with about I acre of ground and ; good living quarters. , We mean bnsiness. "'- -- -. -,-.- .. C. J CULLISON REAL. ESTATE CO.. I (20814 .Morrison st Main 6478. LISTINGS of merit are solicited -on your busi ness chances, leases, roommg bouses or prop erties, as buyers are waiting. - Mccarty, maxwell a Downey. Room 1. By. Exch. Bldg.- Bdwy. 75 1 8. : ' MAN WANTS to buy small milk business or as partner. H-273. Jonmal. APARTMENTS WANTED 551 WILL- trade fine piano aa first payment oa smstl spartmetit or rooming house. Tabor FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN : REAL ESTATE ' 60l CTTY LOANS t , - KO COMMISSION On improved piutiesty ar for improrssaeni The laaat and east inflinrt -ef aaavln. a, , toan i our monthly payment plan. 883.36 per month for 36 eaontba, or r - (21.24 per month for 60 taoatha, or 8 18a 7 per month for 96 months, pays ft loan of (1000 and fetors. of ether amount ia same (wopog V. Stan i Mil J " :, .... EQU7TABLJE SAVLN'GS LOAN ASSN. "! 801-303 Stark St, Portland, Or. .' WE HAVE fund for first mortgage loans on w l iia metre vauey t arm. jio detay. no red tape, no iMblieiiy. . WiiliameUa VaUey Mortgage Lean Co., Aarora. Or. ' CASH pair for nsortgages and aeiicra con traeta - oa real estate in Washington, and Oregon. 11. ti. fiome. bio Lnmbermen btdg. - MONEY TO MAN. MORTGAGES ' AND CONTRACTS BOUGHT. - 8500 TO $2000. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 500 PANAMA BLDG. ; 31000. 3200O. 68000, 840OO, 85009 xso aw- - vve ar memng oar own m y. at. umriosi. KH14-7 BpaMing Mda BU-LDING loans oa ctty and auburbaa prop- any. ' asoney Bavancea as won progresses, W. 43. afaek, 313 Failing bids. Bdwy. 7407. soon 1 aitiA .xsork ' a7a.ii. nann Jivn i:a Low rates, quses actio a. . red W. trmak CO-. .782 Chamber of Cotnmeree. --;--: (100 TO $2300. wuiea aenon.. A. R. BeU. Z9ik movrisswj .. vwrnas 10 ana i, - LOANS 314 JOURNAL BLDG. McKENZlE A McKENZlE. ' fsS OREGON INV. c MORTGAGE CO.. 31 I nmrr" r-Traane oaaa. .. .... MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 WE LOAN -MONET en antomoouea, G tanning at Treeee, juz Broadway.. WII-L buy email selltrs etDiract or econd xpertgae-e, GetOco, 631 Co. of Coss. bMg. FIANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN CI1ATTLXS 652 DO YOU NEED MONEYj LOANS MADS OX - Automobiles rCRNITURE. PIANOS,:' HOf'SB-HOLO COOD3, REAL. ESTATE, BONDS Oat , ANY1BINU OF VALUE SECUB a 1XY USUALLY LEFT IN j lOlitt POidhJiSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLB ON THEIR NOTES sTlTHOUT -SECURITY. IF TOUR PAY. MENU TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ( FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBlta CON1 8ACTS ARB ; TOO LAMU K. W M WIU. PAY THiiM CP, ADVANCE YOU MOB C - MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND ,: YOU CAN PAY US IN gtMALLi MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO lOUit CONVACv IENCE. - - .- - LEGAL PTKS DELAY PORTLaAND LOAN .CO, ' t LICENSED) ' S0S-307 JEKUM BLDG., 3D ak WASH. KHUAUWAl 8f 7. SAI.ARY LOANS 8 A LAKY - We loan money to salaried and srorking ' men c Uvu pei ronavl notes: -rate reason able: easy payment plan; ark aecurMy-; no lndoret ; all btrinese strictly- ounfHlt-Btial; rl atid - invcsag&tc; cur- tystem of JetusiusT money. - . CAiW-MBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, o (Licensed) '--21 Failing; Wdc. IMwy. 6994. .. MONEY .TO LOAli - . ' " 'ooey loened tm household goods or mar ehsnrlia placed ia slorsge with a at a rgr ajar bank rate. - "" . SAUUIUIY b TO RAG IS A TRANSFER CX ronrut ana i in nca. - ,4 upposxte janitneman rAotea, : Phone Broadway 371 A V MONEY LOANED AT BANK RATES on house hold goods in etorag. -ALEUT TRANSFER at STORAGE. CO, -: 209 Oak St.- WK BUY first and aweona aortgaae and aell era' eoo traeta. F. B. Jsowman, A C.. SI ' Chamber of Commerce building. - v MONEY WANTED 651 BE 15 OREGON INV. cc JiOUTUAGX CO- SIO EXCHANGE BIJJG. HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 SPAN of 1200. lb. young. Bound farm chunks 3100. - , Spaa of young 1000 lb. mures, . good workers and in good condition 8110. ' - 14 head of horse weighing from 14 00 to 1000 lbs. at a very reasonable price. New aud second hand harness at re duced price. G. - K. liowit Cblombia Stables. Front ami Columbia ats. ' FARM IMPTJCMKNTS SEW AND SECOND HAND 8PEC1AL , PRICES P. K. ESRENSHADS SCO-366 E. MORRISON ST. HEAVY work team, weight 3400 lbs., with neariy new . names, tnce reason sole, rlave no further use for them. 1087 Francis ave. Woodstock cae to 8Bth. Sell 1212. FOB SALE cheap, 8 head of horses. 8 sat of good breeching harness, 1 stock saddle. , Call 270 E. 7th st. , ... -- KEYSTO'E sUhlsk. horses for sale or hire ow old.en commission.,' Wsgooa and harnesa, 881 Water st W. S- Atwater 3318. GOOD heavy team, with : work; some term-.) t ait walnnt 7 249. v HORSES, harness and wagons of all kind, WiU sell cheap.- 240 8th at DOUBLE team. .53 day; single team.. $1.30 day. 540 Front st Main 2208. . UVESTOCK 701 4 COW8lf3$55 $"65n$?i7 3" "betfer calves by Hide, rich heavy milkers. Cor. 65th ave. and 71st st Mt Scott car to Tremoat station. "- - FOUR Jersey- cow jnst fresh; all yonng. rich, heavy milkers. T. B. tested.. 240 East : 8th St - '-- ' ' - - V ' TWO 5-gal. cows, just fresh; one 5-gaL springer . to freshen in 2 days; two S-gaJ. cows. Price $40; one block east of stauon Oak Grove. FOR . SALE- Five fresh young . rows with . -calve, at Portland Lumber, company barn. foot -of Harrison st ' WANTED- Pasture tour ' euwg . until April. Mrs. gouis Nielsen, Corbet t. Or., . Rt 1. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE " 23 oows and route ia Rose city Park, fall Aut. 314 37. BIG, tresli 6-gaI. -Holslein. also 2 oung cows to treshgn soon. 735 K. Ash. GOil rtolstein eerTice bull for sale, $33; Roth A Stciirller. R. 1. -box 8. Troutdale. WANTED FRESH OWV TABOTt 8683. WASTED Beef, v-al and lioga. Tabor 7832. - POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 . Rhode Island Re4 Farm, Inc. SINGLE COMB R. t REDS Fipm ThortMighbreda. by Exciuaive ' Breeden.' W premise you the biggest values In - baby chicks and hatching eggs for 1923, Our stock is- bred froaa winners; - our commercial breedera were , awarded aa-. -eral firsts and one . thud at the . reoens Western Winter show.. , - . ,, . 5 . Cockerels .... If yoov sre in need - of rood - VreedlM birds w have a few young cock arsis at a price that is right s , We invito yon to visit oar plant and inspect our up-to-date equipment Bead for catalogue and price list, Rhode Island Red Farm, Inc.. - R. rto. 6. Bos 303, .: PertiaBd. Ot - Main 474A ' CHAPTERS INCUBATORS Proanpg hipmerrt from Portland. Four sisea 540, 403, 270 and": 135 eggs. TRAPXESTED S. C. W HITB LEGHORN Xb A T sea- .vutej'evtfv a a. . w- w w a wj-a i i ta. i - . . , n ssai Lnitjipj A.ip nsit.ai.iu otitis. . ten.-l for 1 B2 . matin, list. Tnai ssim v be sati.sfled. - TWLN SPRINGS POULTHT FARM ": - Clackamas, Or. - - , B, Roy and Mane M. Putmsn, Props, t-none vrrgno taty. 1 0 - 1 . DADV "OREGON BEST AT REA X SONABLa? rBICE8.-: Legboma, f"lHfII Beds. Anconss, Black AUaorca. WJliaa. Bsrred Rock White Rock. C. N. NEEDHAM. SALEM, OR. BABY CH1X Tancred , aa Hollywood, ' heavy laying strains. Angeil's Poultry Farm, B, 1, Be, i io, Oregon city, vr.-' . - -i , 200 JUNE-BRED White; Leghorn pullets. ' $1.00 each, or trade. First honse oa tvlen- wood road off " Battleground highway. C. H. IIutto.: R. 2.. Box 77, Vancouver, Wah.. CAPONS for sale, a, few fine birds taft for .. New Years. Phone SeUwood 2042. 100 i K. 34th St. S. - ' . WANTED albino rabbit for breeding purpose ;- Department of gootogy, : University of Ore- - J ' r... n. - i 240 ii-MO.J.iiS OLD White Leghorn puIleU. ... sH laying in firvt-claaa condition, $1 each, fatt Vnconver 450-V. Mrs.. Williamson. LAYING White . Leghorn pullet and yonng - hens, $1 each. J. K. Msguirev 787 Oregon. " PETSt DOGS. BIRDS. ETC 703 ;"WAYNO" , - -KeaneaS and Kattery v Want Persiaa kittens to nil their' holiday orders. Give description, price and' pedi gree first letter. Ax stud. tTiny -. Boy,-, fog . terrier; Chubby, black Persiaa; Red B ots, orange tabby. Pt bearded; kittena foe sale. ,949 E. 64th N, by auto to 67th to Skidmore. TaL 816-R2. ' - -'- CHRISTMAS : - H Big sliipment of St Andraaaberg lol P ; lers, "the eansry with a coiiege edncation,''. R- (10 escb; iU:-MounU'in Keller,' (8. 1 Prompt - shipment ' Cobea, parrots, (IV. . C Bine Java lov birds, per r (8, .Will E exchange if not pleased. FLAKE'S' PETLAND. . 273 Stat t; fitem. Oregon. - . IOKTLAND PET STOCK STORE ; i" Firat and W'ashmgton if -'--All breeds of dogs, 50 pups to pick from. - -months-old Australian abepherd ' trained; all breeds of cockerels, and cocks; . fancy i pullets ( canary singer and females; canary seed that will keep yonr bird singing. BOSTON bull and fox terrier pups crossed, 83 , each. Stall 303 . Yamhill : Market A. Pottage. F6ll SALE TiioroJtred Boston bull puppie. 2 month old. ' Reasonable- Tsbor 65 51 MALE AIKKI1ALF.. 11 months old. well bred, $25. 674 K. Everett. . ftEAUTrj.-Ul. . buff collar recsian kitten for sale. Phone Walnut 4908. - ; FOR SALE -ruilblooded pedigreed bnn.lle ' ftstton Bnll Terrier poppies, tsdiwood 1 5 His, GENUINE :r5ian rmtKJi-tcd St! Andi-rn-heTg -rolr-rs. 1119 NeHalcm sve. S.-Tl. j52A. atGTSTEHED colli at stud. Wsinut . . , . 8 252, Jviutvai.