1. ru:-' crpoTtr.iTizs ' riOTIXJ. ROOMING HGU2S"AND AP AH TMLT TS FOR SALS S 22 ; . . - WET blllE 13 rxim," net 377.O0; $660 to hinSH; rent $."0 per month.-' - - a ... , .. . t na j . ' - , Htt( 350 nee month- ' - ' - ' - - 9 rnoau. rent 840, xnsking $S6. can b ... donMed. 8m as for hotew, -apartments aod ' rooming houses. .- lie Mm, Sbrpe.with r'j, 5 WIT. A. HUGHE CORfX. " 605 -f'OTvh ftldj. - Bdwy. .08.; BUY SELL EXCHANGE Approved mortgage, -tock,. bonds,'" lnts ef hoiBM taken a irt payment. -. Phone Main 1643. 131 Northwestern Bank bids. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 WANTED - 550 . WANT -A OKCB. ' Suburban store with about 1 acre of - around and S(d living quarter. Wo mean bn irws. ;- -V C!. J. CUI.LISON REAL ESTATB s-O... . - 203 .' Morrison at Maia-5478. , - . ' - a . i-, VAN WANTS to- buy, email milk basiatTwr aa partner. H-273. Journal. :.,. APARTMENTS WANTED 531 W trail fine piano a lint payment oa imH apartment or . rooming house. Tabor ; 8709. - - - ... WANTKl) 15 to 10 R K. rooms; must, be , reasonable price. ; K-4S4 Journal. " i FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN REAL' ESTATE 601 - CTTT LOANS! " RO COMMTSSI0W Oa improved property or fee iaprovaai pairpoaea - . Tba beat and eaaJeet method ' of paying . loan is our monthly payment plan. (32.29 par Booth for 36 month, a ' - $21-24 per month, for 66 month, oa t Ala.1T per mouth for 6 month, pay a wan c $1006 and Interest. , Loans of etiier amount ib asm propor- Repayment Prtrflefea. EeJUITABLE SAVLVG3 At LOAIT AlSS. . A01-A03 .Blaxk SW terUuo, Or. KB HAVE funds for first mortcage kana oa Willamette , TaUcy farma. Ne delay, so red tape, ao publietly. Williameua Valley ao XO fMtt private audejf to toaa; low. eet ratea; -or wiU caatt. eaaU lata, or aa . dtera eon tract, t. - A. K.. Hill, Luatler- jaonaaae lata .o., Aororit or. CA3U paid for mortcaceZnd aeUers cpauaeU oa real estate in Waahiagtoa and Oresao. 5 1L E. Noble, 816 Lnmbermenn bldg. JtO-ET TO SJQAH. - UORTOA6KS ANU 'ON"TBACT3 BOUGHT. JjOO TO 92000. FRKP S. -WtLtJAMB, 609 PANAMA BLIVJ-. 1000, S2000. 13000, S4000. 35000 No delay. We are our own moDey. j. aa. dkibw, ii'vt-i etpaiauic Mas. ? fcOlLrttNQ loasa oa elty and auburoaa proi any; money adranced aa work prosreaaea. w. t. ueea. axa jratuna aid.' sdwy. 7407. . 200. 400. C80. 37SU. 31000 At UP. Law rate. Quick aetioa. Fred W. 4araaaa 732 Uaamber of Coaimere,' 10 TO 12500. Vloics aetion. A. h. feei ' 231 Morrtaon at., rooaaa 10 and 11. . LOANS 814 JOURNAL BliDO. j. AtcKEXZIB A McKENZlg. ! 3VS3 OKJEUON INT. HOEIGACE CO.. 21 .. jaahei Kirhanre bids. , s: . -. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADS OX Automobiles - rcaxTTDKE. P I A S O s. nOTSITHOLD . GOODS. REAL KSTATS. BONDS OK v . AiiYlSINli OF VALUE SKODaW ' d , , JTY USUALLY LSITT IH r- YOUU WJoSKiialOJI , . Also Salkry . Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE OS THEIR NOTES WITHOUT 8ECCRITT. tt". YOUB PAT UBNT3 TO OTHER LOAJi COMPANIES OK C FUILNITURE OK AUTOMOBILB CON1 KACT3 ARB TOO LARGE. VM YVOJ. PAY TUiiM DP, ADVA.NCB TOU . mora; monsy up necessary, and ; you can pay 178 in small, monthly paymkntji to suit sowr convkn - ' . lalNCE. i - UCGAI. PATES XO DELAY PORTLAND LOAN CO. ' (LICENSED) '- S0O-30T DESTTM BLDU., 3D WA4H, 1 BROADWAY B867. - ' ' SALARY LOANS SALARY i AVe loan money to aalaned and workins - men co their p-"ronal notes; ratea reaeon- a able: caav pajment plan; no aecunty; no 1 call and inTeatisato our . tystem of . landius money. - , - : COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, " - - ' Lteenrcxl) 21 ft railinff Nd. . Btwy. 6994. MONEY TO LOAN " " "'ooey loaned on nousenoid cnoda a aaar einanrliae placed- in atorasa wijta Ba at a re uiar bank rate. aa.UORlXY STOSAQS 3a TRANSFER (XX. . . Fourth and Pin 84a. . - . Oppoaita Mnltnomah HotaL Fbona li road way 41 Im. 'kONEY LOJLnEU Ai BANk! RAtES " oa botaebold eooda in atorasa. - -t ALERT TRANSFER STORAGE CO. xo Oak at. V -BUY firut and aseosd aaortaasc and aeil era' cue tl acta. F. B. Baemta A Co.. 213 t'hatriber- or Commerce BBildlne. WE LOAN MONEY oa aatomobilaa, Qraaalaa A Treeaa. 102 N. Broadway. WILL b"y small tellen" contract or aecend aaortsaare Gordon. 631 Ch. of Corn. bids. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 MONEY WANTED 651 3100 TO AiiOOO on machinery securitr. F 684, Joornal j BE3 OREGON IN. A MORTGAGE CO., 21 EXCHANGE BLDG. . . , HORSES AND VEHICLES 700 - - - - SPAN of 1200 lb. young, aound farm chunks.; -Siee. v.' - .-.-...,) Spaa of young 1600 lb. mnlea, good worker and in toed eondiUoa 3110. - LO head of horses weighing from 1400 - to 1 600 lb, st a wery reasonable pnoe. - New "hud aeeoad bead haraaaa at re duoed prices. G. - K. Howit, Columbia ''' Stables. Front and Colnmbas sta . i - FARif IMPLEMENTS - RXW .AND SECOND HAND ' , 't ' SPECIAL PRICE I 1. K. ESB EN SHADS 666-866 E. MORRliSON ST. FOR SALE cheap, 8 bead of hones, 8 aetTof good breeching harness, 1 stock saddle. Call tEYSTO"E stable, hones for tale or hire or . sold on- aoormiaslos. Wagons and harness, 881 Water at. W. S. ' Atwater 8818. . HORSES, barnaea aud wagoaa ef all If 'tis.' wiQ sea cnesp. 240 c.. 5th at. DOUBLE team. 33 day: Mgie rasas,- 6L60 day. 546 Front st. Main 2208. LIVESTOCK .701 4 COWS 635, 855. 365 and 375; 8 heifer eatrea by eide. Vwh heavy milkers. Cor. 65th . sre. and 71st su Ut Scott ear to Tremont ataaoa. TWO 5-gsf cows, ; one 8-gsli springer to freshen in 2 days; two S-gaL cows.- Prica 340;- one block east of station Oak GroreUA FOR SALE Fir . fresh youn sows with : calre. . st Portland Lumber company barn. foot-of Harrison st- '- v . WANTED Pasture lour eowa' nntU AprO. H av Iui Nielsea, Corbett. Or,. . Rt. , 1, . DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE "- - 25 eews and route; in Rose . city Park. ui Am.- e x- t FOR SALE rirhia-lIolsti , cow, -inr.g 85 poo OAs a day. ,1 131 Dtrirfoa at, RIG.' f resit 6-gaL Holatein. also. 2 young eews to- fresata soan. - 766 E. Aaay-.. r -. - WAXTED- Beef, real and bogs. Tabor 7833L . POULTRY ANDRAITS 702 S, C WHITS LEGHORN BABY CHICXS ' " ; : ' . 1923 ' ' "We ' aae oaly 2-jear-eMI breeding" stock, trssa BsUywoed trapnested strain. t Reasonable Price. ..-: - i : . With the 1st of Jan.. 8-weeks-oid pulieta toe sale at VOc apiece. - ' autors Welerame Booking Ordera Now, t v ; ERV1NG"8 POULTRY FARM. . " " ' : ' ' Winloct. Wash.' tier i-mr Tsncmd aad Hollywood, heavy laymi ; frmin. AngeH'a Poultry harm, K. 1, Bx. 1 Q. Oregon City, Or. WAXTKD alb no rabbiu for breeiUog purposes, liepartment of soology. Cuiveraity of Ora goe, Kntene. Or. x - . - , L 1 1-iitiN ttiis itLb Wait Uwa Pw.,t. all ls:tu ia iirst-class viinon. SI earo. .!!; aaeouter 4&W-V. Mrs. s insoa. POULTRY AND RAZ2ITS " 702 C'Rhc'sfs Island Red'" . Farm, Inc : - SINGLE COMB R. t REDS ; v : , Ftoas iBoraashbreds, by Eaclaaiiw i : Rreedeta. We proaaia yon tbe Mssest Taloes ta f babr bjek sad batsoins assa foe 132S. Oor- atock ia bred from wtaneis; ' ' tnaasBeresal breeder war ; awarded . eral brau and ana Uurd ai to taosas -, Yb eater Wioter abow. . Cockerels ?' Tf yaw aiw fs need of too breedras ; .JW we Jtava a faw roans eweaanla at a -prir that Iff nl Wa mrit yon tn eiait awr pJaol and 7 .-fnapect our ap to-date avwipmenw 8ead ; f r eatalova aorl prwa Kat. Ubod lalaad . Xe Farm, law..'R.Ka. , RoK-,202. "C PqitJaacLTOl!, . , MI- 41Z. n A E VT "OREGON'S BEST AT &EA DtP a - SON ABLE" PRICES." Lesboma, f'HIV Rod.' Aseonaa, Black - Minrce Viliy. Berred Uock. "White Bork. 3 - , C N. KEEDHAM, SALEM, OB. : PETS: DOCS. BIRDS, ETC. 703 : CHRISTi,lAS H , Bis ahlpment of St, Andreaabers Rol P J leT. "tie esnary wili a eollese education.' R 310 each: Haita Monntam Rollers, fA. I Prompt abipment. s tJoba parrot, $10. O Bloe Jar lore birds, pet 33. " Will B : axcaaos K wot pleaaed. - - .. f -i- FLAKE S PETLAND. , - , ' . 373 State at..' Halem, Orestm. : - PORTLAND PET STOCK STORE ., TOT First and Waxbiaston - . J. An frraeds of docn. B0 pupa to pick from. 8-months-oid . AnatraBan ahepberd trained; , si) breeds of eonkerela ' and cock; . fancy palleted canary amgera and .females: canary eeed that will fceer yowr bird at n fins. ' ORANGE rrean, spotted and para yellow Ger man roller canaries, beautiful pluraasa and in faB eons. 38 and oj. Mr. Geo. Town- send, 4i utTKion t. BEAUTIFUL bnff collar Persian kitten , tor sale. Phone Watnat 4908. ' i)H SALE Fullblooded pedigreed brindla Bostoa Bull Temer puppiea. Kelt wood 153U. ST. ANDREASBERG roller, femalea 31. 308 E. Irrini mr First. Onick aaJ. - GENUINE iernmn uutrtd St. Andressbart rollers. -' 649 Nehalem are. SeR, 1620. REGISTERED colli Ct atnd. Wslnat 0lT &-2S2. JoamaL i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 " BUI SATISFACTION ' WHEN .YOU PURCHASE A TJolsD AUTOMOBILE - - Bny on with a warranty, or boy one renewed with, s ire trial plan. . 1. v i Satisfaetioa means a bsrtaln price ; a sood car also mean you are pleased with - your bay after you hare vied It. .. - ! . - - , WE ARE SELLING USED CAR SATISFACTION ' W are eellin- automobiles with a war ranty. - We BlEa are selhns them on a 1 0 . day fra trial plan, wber yon have time - to ee that yon bar both price and aatis- lacuon. . l CheTTolat tourins ,. 5 Maxwtll tonnnc Buick fi-oaaa. tounne. .$ 100 f aoo 1815 Hudson lisht 6. sood eondi tion and repainted .. ....... .8 285 1820 sood Baby Grand Chevrolet.. 8 400 .1915 Cadillac touring, fin shape.. 3 475 1915 Hudson light 6 .$ 825 1919 Liberty 6, a good one. .8 375 1919 Chalmers light 6 ............ 3 895 191T Cola 8. tsorias .... ......3 400 18l Eases: toiirins, good one ......8 5T5 1920 Eaaex, like new .8 700 1921 Keaex, lik new ....... ...3 80O 1920 Hop tourmc .............. 8 70 1920 Chandler touring .......... 3 550 1920 Olds 8 touring 3 675 if-w vuia o wunna oio 1920 Nash toorms ............. 8 675 191 Stude baker special ....8 675 l20 Psisw. fin eoodition ........8 660 iwzo aish touring ii 1920 .1 'AnnireEsary model ' AoDeraon. . ' lr like new ...........,...$ 800 1919 Cadillac 'touring, good ma- . cbamcai condition with good tire ...... 31000 1820 Hudson super 6, th greatest ; Tslua of all used sutomo- . ' biles v. 8 'T80 1920 Hudnou apeedater. - . . i , 4 , , $ 900 190 Hudson, coupe, an first class eondiuon, i repainted and a warranty,:.,.!..... 61478 OPEN EVENINGS J AND . SUNDAYS X IV BOSS AUTOMOBIJJ!! CO, - Used Car epartment .. . . 615-17 Washington at v , Phono Broadway 8067 ' DON'T FAIL TO SEE ,, VTHEE CARS 3 late model Ford touring, each f 106 1921 Ford eonpe . . ........... 85 1920 Ford touring, lots of extra. .. 275 t LU model Buick 4 ...... 250- Late model Olds 8 800 1920 Cherroiet roadster 225 1921 Ford sedan, 31 0O worth a , - extras : cannot be told from new. 825 - -These - cars bare been, toft .. with r . . sCondit & Confer Co. -Graad Are. and E.Oak " NEW STAR CARS - WiU fir term. New Used Car Plan Psy 10 per-- cent down. . We stars ear free for maatha. : Balsaca pakl ia IS payment. . Large atock of Dodges. B HALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. . 11th sts. at' Borcside t; Buy a Bargain Rcripps- Booth 6 eyl. ear. - 5 cord tires, spotlight. Just been thoroughly overhauled. Price -3375, ' 8100 down, balance easy . terms to reapeaaible party. Femrtli Street Garage, Fourth and Lincoln. New Used Car Plan Pay 10 per cent down. W stare car ' free for S months. - Balance paid ia 18 payments. Large stock of Dodges.. ' - -BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. -v . 11th st.- at Burnsidei . - -i. i - - - '( - i. -sa: GREATEST used ear vara for the last money. that ia Just what we are offering, aad w ta : , tend to keep ewr price belew what etbem ; after at their used car sales, a L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. ' ' 618-617 Washington L. Portlsad. ..... .... BUICK COUPE ' T , ; I ai sell this lata model Boick eoup. that- ha beew rna less than 7000 an ilea, rii eord tires, with otkar extras. Tma ear hko a -new: car.. A wonderful bargain. Atwater 4400,' apt. 808. evenings, OLDSSCOBTLE CHTMMY--$i75 - -,- , SOME EXTRAS BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD, ISO. " . - lltaat., at Burnawa MUST aeR my 1920 Chandler tearing ear. ia finest eonditioa. Just eat ef Ahe paint shop. 'I .Car like new in avery raapeet: Sacrifice for ;uck sale. Take small payment down, hal . ance easy tetrms. CaR Mr. Knowles, Broad way 8121. : 1918 MAXWELL . tonrin. AAr 'rJL , good top, new paint, new battery, good cord ,! tirea all aroond; 8180. tersss. 889 Bci ' moot. East. 94317- ; ... LATE 1923 : Caevraiet utility eonpe, 2800 , milas. Reason Wo. terms. Gear . Sernca m, e-a aioer st WAST TO TRADS my 1929 Ford sedan.' 8100 Pdter or tsmriux- 1922 CHEVROLET coupe run 2S0O mile, mast sell .365.- 3275 dewm.1 year M traislHVsT. eSeWSACrr n- iAc wn.ff. ouamApci- Havwer ; isixuCT .. lDwrevn; aew tsar; iMTiBg iL shears, .js." A wt?raj A mtsTV 99 Sf 1920 FORD tomrinp with Urtrr. mw' twp. rrod rabbr ran. nM Ika a.- oca Belmont. East 4sT V" ONB touring car, 8le; one 3ii5. Boa 5 , pea., i naaisi order;, good rubber. . Sea rwser. J0 K. R.wn. "WiTLI iiv; ' ' . mvr g T l NEW '22 lord touring body, bargain, 443 H BuTTuide. '-0 FORD too ring. UrUr. aew paint, ia fin itMna 91 as III a k. , '.r . . tj ... PTDTOViy. 19p0 BUICK tooriag. 5 cord tire and spot' UAUrJ.Ih r- . t unie. running evry i. tij. 31 l,ot. AUTOf!Cr:LES FC IC'-LZ Li J SURELY THERF. 13 A CAR IN ONE Of T"fc H. GROUPS THAT WILL MEET WITH TOUR REQUIREMENTS BOTH. AS TO QUALITY AND PRICE, f ' 610e At T-NTiER r.Rot-p , 1916 Mitrbel roadster, in good run-, - mng condition, tires aad ail...'... S 85 1916 (small) Overland touring, also - in good rannirtg rendition. , 90 1S6 Baby Grand Chevrolet touring. ' .. two aearly new cords oa rear, new bstsrry; r in good eoodition. . . - 100 1914 4-cI. Buiek roadster, new axles. : . rrananisaioa . overbasied, a lot of ' good in this ear yet.'. . j . . . .. . 83 4t-yl. Btudebaker bug, good tires. . . . - - 80 1912 Apperson touring. . Tlias motor" so good it will start on eompreanen. - - 6 good tires, good paint, not a break . , r !- in the anaotetery snd gned top ' v ; - This ear baa been used very Buie - and shows ft. ................ . : 100 . 1918 Ford chassis, good tires) and in , . v good mechanical condition ...... . , - 100 1-ton Abbot Detroit track, good opea ; acpreas ody. ;-This track runs. ' 73 . 8150 AND UNDER ROUP C-i".-., 1917 and 1318 Fiord tonrings, rosd- -aters, delirerie, from $100 to-X150 , . too nnmerou to list, .1918 Overland , roadster, a real dandy little car; . . 1 .. j ISO 1917 7-rwa. Mitchell touring. ..... ISO 1912 5-paas. Packard touring, good r - top, npholxtery and tires, motor " . In goad condition. . r; , 150 . Rebuilt Reo roadster.. .7. .'."'150 1919 Grant 6 touring, nearly aew " , res, good paint sad npbolsfery . . 1 56 1918 Caenolet roadster, a real buy at 150 " " AND ALSO '" 1918 (late) 6-cyL Buk touring. This ' . "reaI ..- ..... . 430 19f Cole Aero 8, nearly new cord - ? s- Urea, motor completely everhaslecL : i."". Paint and top, .......... . 8X6 191-7 5-pass. Haines touring. . . 299 1919 ' Dodge Sedan, in extraordinary condition. 5 wire wheels, nearly aew f ' - 'tires, a bargain tt.y. 698 1920 5-psss. Oakland touring, motor completely - overhauled, has good, - tires, a bargain at 895 1920 (iate) Baby Grand ' Chevrolet . ' tearing,' ia excellent .condition, aew cord tires. This car ha been Qbed - very httle and shows it 408 .1918. Hudson Super gis Speedster. -.Tma car in th sink oY eanditsoB ' throughout .... ... rf -- 750 ': t , ;- -. - i Also, We Have 80 Used Fords, Both Closed and O pen Pleasure Cars, Deliveries and Trucks - Remember that one never ts eoane tiling for nothing. - M bile you are ee-called given a 1923 license ft is added la th prica of th car. We do not. aire von a -1028 beanae but we will bny your 1923 license for yow ; WM liiwi. MIBV U. WU . n BS WIS III I IB monthly installments. Our care are all; priced at their real present market value. It will pay yoa well to aee out stock before yos bay. Talbot Casey, Inc.; " "Authorised Ford Dealers", i i - 4 XL Aakeny and Grand are. -" East 8118.. Cars traded. "Easy terms. ' Open every eve. till 8:30. Sundaya 9 to 5. BIT YOUR USED-CAB FROM COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY We dont pretend to sell yew a need car "just as good as aew,' there ia no such need ear. nor do wa have the only good cars, for sale. Wa do, however. -insist, that wa -offer - yon the . Best' Obtainable Yslne to be found ia tha -city. , ' " " ", . ' - - t ' ::a . Covey Motor Car Company win tsot : misrepresent any facta or conditions re- ' gsrding sny used ear wa nave for sale. Yoa must know, as far as w can sneer. ' tain for you. exactly what yon are buy ing. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW OUR MERCHANDISE. ... "THE BEST 'CARS AT THfc S LOWEST PRICES." , J COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY Main plant 21st at Washington Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway branch 28-86 Broadway We have cars to take yoa from eae place to tba other.' - i ; FORJDSl . FOKD4S1 , ?x,FOKD8i " ?J ' Year-end Fard - 8a r . 1914 Touring ............. i . . . .9 as 1915 Touring 85 1916 Touring, demeuntabi ruas . . . 110 1917 Tearing, sew rubber ........ 123 1917 Touring, new top 10 It) 1 8 Touring, demoontabl rima ....175 1922 Cope, extras ................ 475 1921 Sedan, extras, newly painted . , 476 1921 FordsoB tractor, guaranteed same . as new ............ , j 375 '!' - : ' ' ' .. t ' : :i . Many Other Bargains to Uhooaa From. - ARMENTROCr-WlCKE MOTOtt CO.. ' ' 82d and Foster road. Phone Ant. 6SH-46. TOU can. trade, year automobile, if a esc, oa sny larger used aaliannliQs at, the, . kind aad make yea wiah. -;. . -.. . . , ,.-';!'' . ' Wa htva a big stock of ausy Idads to -.. -fret from. Small automobile are. easy to aeU, while -larger cam do net sell so fast, that ia why yoa can do ee weft tn a trade and get a larger and better aatomobfle of the kind yoa want for a very small addi tioaal paymeat. ' ' t d L. BOSS AUTOMOBUB COMFANT,' i 616-617 Wtfihinttoa St Portland. Or. New Used Car Plan! Pay 10 per cent down. '. '; We storsv ear Tree for 8 months. Balance paid ia 13 payments. Large stock of Dodges. BRALBY. GRAHAM A CHILD INC. p ft j - not sw, at Durmae - 1920 FORD .touring car; just recently ever. hauled and now in ' mechanically first class - condition. Has spotlight, stop signs!,- shock absorbers; curtains open with doors. Will . eaenfjc .. for $275 aad. give term. Call Walnut f01. ' 1923 LICENSE t, $656 1919 NASH TOURING Renewed and Bef inisbed. ' " 1 BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. . INC.. 11th St., at Bnrnsid. , - 1920 HUPMOBILB TOURING v This car is in first-dam mechanical eon di Hon and has 5 good tires and lot of oilier extras; - will ait easy terms. . Phone East 1962. - .3215 MAXWELL TOURING Beawvd. , refinisaed. $86 down, balaaea 16 payments. - - - BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. ' 11th St., at Burnside 1921 NASH TOCBINO ' I wiS seU this 1921 Nash at a real 1ar ania; good cord tires sad other extra. Tuts car look and run Uke a new one. Pric. 3695; terms. Tsbor 9455. evenings- OLD8 8. . 4 psaaenser. neari a ray bods, black fenders, five good tires, bumper, spotlight. - metometer, mirror, sua visor and seat.eovem, dsady shape ................ . . . . $500 601 BURNSIDE ST. ' FORD TOURING $16 V ' BRALKT. ORAHAM A CHILD,' In. - , l lta. sC. at Bumaide c " 1420 DODGE T(5tfRIX3 "CAtt " This ear has the original finish and ia fa tip-top mecaaaical condition; a bargain. WIU air easy terms. Phone Tabor 6776. aanrnjnge oetore a. evenings alter i '39. $St5 liATE MODEL - FOjjr CoVPE ' BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. , - 11th st, at Bumaide -y , . I OWE 8225 en .late Laoerty touring H, payable $29 A anaaith. Will sell say equity for: 35. This car is in first clam condi tion. Call Tabor 9412. - USED TOPl Touring, roadster, bug. track top.' Bey ers! to pick from. B. B. Body A Top Works, 84 William are. - - WILI. SKIi, my 1921 Overland "4" eonpe. . looks sad runs inst Kk- a aew ear." T.k Vow prise for quick sale; easy laimi CaR jar.- eviev, unmqway am soaay. HAv E yoa been trying to sell year cac with no resulta! We eaa evil it beeaase w. know v bow. Imve in and see as. T. McDoasid, mi isnsq eve. 1820 JTOaD smu, with starter and dens, -rims, ia Al shape, excellent finish, nearly new cords on rear; for Quick sale., $375. Ar w ogiuremu suasc wI. - - LATK model OievroWt touring, newly painted f and i-acwndiaoned, new top end rubber; vss saarantee: anvee It sway. . jr br irajance. aoor .9112 FORD tounug, ali-weather top, dmeantahls . - rims, shock sbsorbers and xuany other ertras, 375 cash. $10 a mooLb. Scliwood 054. lii. r. urerunai cnommy. SAau. I eriect rariT-irg ojt g h ii-is-v. k .'i.il iv:ier.. . new r -r, 1 , r new tip. cirtju.-!, iUj. ,.w.t Vi AUTC 0 . t ' : . . ill , - t,i. W re malrm a i.i-iai offer lor" be .jrestef Artery ear . nevr closed -ear s-- sedans and coupes 316r down, baianre 12 nvrnv1 . .inciuding liutfbsori'a eiiiert service ' - . r " ' SPECIALS IN, USED CARS '. 1 " - .. ; - ? .Tost Name the- Term N Brokejge.'. : '1931 coupe, new paint ...... ...".".IS'S : J92I coupe,-new paint ........... 4T0 f 1920 sedan tU ; - J!t2l roadster, starter, etc . .v. . - 275 ; 1921 touring, starter, etc.' y ...' 0 11918- toiinng. starter etc, . . . . 1U0 : 1914 touring, starter, etc Stl 1922 bug special i ..." 47S 1921 delivery, 39 days old 475 i 1920 delivery r, .-.y. litt - " WM. L. HUGHSON COMPANY, ' ' ?." ".Y v. Broadway at Davis St. f ' Broadway 0821. x - "1 FSANTn.LN FRANKLIN ; W. funish a 1923 licens. with our. .. . aj. nseaj Jfraakuna. , ' ( . ' ' - - ' - 1 ' ." " ? :.! Frankna touring. . .. . .v. . 61306 ' f B Frankhn. 4 pesnenger .-'. . , . i MtO : 0B Frankhn totmng, new paint. Ot0 .. 9B FTankim 4-paa. new paint. 1100 , genes 6 touring. ....,.. , 3 fit) 1920 Hudson 7 passenger .'...', . j s 8TiO 19 18 Chandler 7 passenger . . i ' "' 3K : . S B Deuu sedan, ran 1100 miles 2300 T BRALY AUTO COMPANY' 14th. and Buraside Street HUDSON eedaju 1920 model;' new paint ; good lubber; 'gHewty o f extras; car looks and. runs like aew.- Will give easy term sad -consider- esr in trade. ' Must be sold by Sunday., Price 81250. T. McDonald. 191 Grand are. East 4114. . AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 601 Radiator . Specialists Body pairing, ng. . . and fender . es tops aad paint- ! Burness" w Auto Works 12th and Hverett. M. Be FISCH - Radiators, -fender, bodies, hoods.. . tanks, repaired aad re modeled aato sheet metal wwrk a apeeialty. . 106-67 W. 16th rt, Phone Broadwsy 2298 DONT-throw away that Um aged radiator or fenoer. W can aiehd H Uka new at a mod 'exate cost.'' ' RADIATOR SERVICE CO, Hawthorn at Union.. E. Bdwy. at Rose. THEiiFENDER --MAN ' 3. C DXtRHAM takes the kinks eat wh&e row wait: reaairs radiators and bodies: Lib rty radiator gores for all types wf eara ia stock, Phone Broadway 321. 80 , N. kl . t j . ..... . at., near Burnidde. nUlU l it reasonable prices. 825 Btimtn t.. between 6th and Broadway. 89x3 W CORD tires, guaranteed 10.600 mile. . 810.95. Valcaniaing; guaranteed work. OraMer Bros.. 210 4th et. Main 1368. -FORD motor for sate, cheap. 1138 Wood- wsrd sve. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 JCHEAPTRUCKS 'That most be? sold bef ore 1st of January at most any price. .... Make your own proposition. e ; - t . , - t - Vv .,...1 ton . ...1 toa. .2 toa ... ...Stt ton, : ' S'ederai .".". , FOrd JUa aja i Mack ..t...... Gary ia Pekstd e?:1(. w.,e.ji'.;.,8 ton. . Whit -A.. . . .... 6.-- " faa Sterling ........... .,..,-.3 toa . and many others, AR must be soTd even ' at a ridiculou sacrifice. A truck for every iieed. . First come first- erved. . ; ' Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 6691 ""-. ; sv Bdwy. 8361. -- , - '- - -' . " " ; -5 BECONDmONED USED TRUCKS AS Sixea - 'AB Maksa Lajgast AawrtacBt ..to Oreioavi --'.; ' ' g WENtWOBTH' mawmt'lNOs' S00 Second SU.jCov Taylor. ? .is fr : DODGE PANEL DEUTERT , r i llERrTt.T.nEirrvTsiJi'n earn : BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. EfCC '- - 11th st. at Burnside -' ; ' FOR BAT.E - F. W. IV 4-woel drive 8toa truck, good er-nditioa, will accept any good, reasonable offer; eoaajdey trade. .RX-85S, Journal. " - : ' :r 183 lACENSE " V i . i t -BEO SPEED WAGON Thoroughly - reconditioned, cord tires. $660. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC. . - 11th t. st-Burnside fVK)TORCYCLE5 EICYCLES 603 ' '.rOB MOTORCYer.ES OK" BICTOtJES -NEW OR USED SEE US ' - Goods right, prices right, term right. ' ' INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BICXCLa. CO., - ------ t09 Third at MOTORCYCLES, bicycles aad eappnea - - ,.t. SASI SIDB MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 GRAND AYR. . $100 .'19 "elect Barley. Extra spotlight, tan dem and sideear. 404 E. 56th st N. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS- 604 FORD OWNERS. Beginning Janaary 2, 1923. our repair . and service departmetita will be opea day aad sight - - . ROBIN'SON-SMITH CO., , - - Sixth st Msdison. CBIYEBAAX. AUTO REPAIR -COv. 216-12 Jef fersoa, M.T44. . Ftrd and Chevrolet Specialist, ' . , Ford msgneto recharged. 31. Bataar . ebatra-eA toe.: . - Labor $1 hour; work- gnaraateed. KORD and Cnevrolet overtiauied for $14.5o"; ; alt. work ruananteed, or ?6e per hoar. Aut a IB-no. CYLINDERS raborea. 2.5 each, in most ' ears, without r" 'f tTTk fnirifileail viainot zaos. l- cl atiiangswortn. YOU R AUTOMOBILE. OB . TRUCK1 " ' repaired or overhauled at home;, best of ref erences; 15 years' ecpeMence, Ant 615-60, AUTOS, reiiaisad -as yea It. w-wv. private hop, -with guarsnte. Tabor 803 '? AUTOS-FOR HIRE . 606 ACTOA FOR HTRB WITHOUT lSJVfc.avA CITY GARAGE ;:.;;., , -ltx'lttA St, -' broadway 840. . ' GARAGES AND PARKING 607 STORAGE. $3 month, in fireproof building. Will pay sash for yoar auto, 101 N. lltb ' St. B4wy. 8453. - iA STORAGE. $6 per month, brick -btuid-ing. 120 Union N. AUTOMOSILES WANTED - 8 SO 1 WANT - toarine cars and roadster, . also - .light tracks and deliveries. Will buy for .' cash ar eefl aw commission. Loan oe auto mobiles, too. East Side Auto Broker. 889 ' Belmont East 9481. CASH paid for used car, condition no -object : .Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 34- Grand are,. r. . a . . - . FORD touring ' '17 to '19 :model that will -stand trip to Cahfornis; will pay eash if price sa niRi. i-iicne sroasvay.30o.3. We tear 'em ti aad sell- the pieces. Port- aassg"sa t 't j , "j m Vand Asto Wreekifig Co.. 631 Alder, naal 17th. Broeoway 5254. Mail orier fuleaV. viLL pay cash F'-H f.-ii, . rfito. LETS AND OYi-K.LAND FOUI.3.- 10 BRAXP ATE., K., cor. East Bgrmriti. wanuf-ri e vrera; i.rui lor a cats fer , 1-". &. .. 4u'o i-ecikHis Co.. lj.ii at Aiuer. ' Lroaaway tu -v2Ar u:m PAINT V.: 'SALE .V": High 'rTade' paint; per gat .... . ; 32.66 Vamwh statn I all colon) , per ot.t.31.10 ; Wnue enamel, per qt. ... M ,.,.... 75c ktsrs roofing paper, per so, 51.10 - .c. Miller Paint Co r - 173 FIRST. NEAR YAM HILL ' 7i Dehreries t These Pnre " " " . 1 SEWING MACHINE rj-:, ; et.iporium ; - L.:f j - machines" sold foe hast. Wa agents employed. Guaranteed need . machines cheap. ' Parts and tw . pairing tfot all mskea. ' Msrhlnai rentcvi. jaaia vasx.7 1 $3 3d, near Taylor St. SnOWCASF.3." 'IS TURKS. BOXER TRADING CO. 129 FIRST ST.. NEAR WASH. BDWY. 7438. TIC AIL 13 BbAIKtl to IIa 1-lantatioa - jan- (on 12-Mile- House). Base Lin. road. BARNEY MEEKER, ehrf. one' of tbe fa mous Meeker, cla. is -tftere day and night to acrv. you ek-liciousty cooked chicken dia nera, family style. Jaxa raisie- dancing. Bpecml attention t dancin. dinner and alter theatre lunevt. partus. Fred 3C, Mer- f nil. mt -raoor f CEDAR CHESTS 'J - . V ' A . . . vhw-.hti . imcxnry - iv yonr ranaae. : Tenaessee and Port Orford cedar; sottd cop per trimmings; latast designs. Write .(or cstalogue. , , . ,. .... ; J. W. HIGOTNS A SON 1911-16-18 B. GLI8AN TABOB 80S V, - BUY HER THAT RING, .-' Meaning -there ia ultimately only one store to look for s diamond. and that's Miller's ; Big ; LttOe Jewelry Store. , r' .Sella for Lam Gifts That Last, . , " " Next Door txajertc Tfasntre. ' - WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR PARK. Tour "Favorite Orgsnisstion" Votes. v Furs.Rediiced ' I 6 ; . TTTR nTO" ianrin ' rmma fvi. t; MUST be, sold by MARCH 1ST. llxture for sale. Anything in place can.' be bought 60c .ON 1 81- - -- t REINER. Mgr. - -' Befc 10th arttj llta. ,05 Morrison. COMBINATION library, billiard and pool table, 4 hk -new, two sets Monarch cushions; ball for biUisrds, pool and snooker, oak library top. cheap for quick, -Bale. Also? have steel rsnge; -electria wssher, furniture,? Ford" car, rpil-totf ma bo any desk, chairs, filing . ease, Grspborihoae, tea wagon, player piano. - tax. pire 0151. - - - ,: t WALTZ "LESSON B FKEB Ihmng tne a evenings . 1 will teach you So be a winter - . ... wvu jova w VS m xoou mAtmmvAg ,sas, ;HIV lo a UOSva in a -cla; good musiei ' American and Irak ,ig lesson, 31- Fred '1'. Merrill, planta . tion Inn. Base Line-: road, 'paone. evening. . ., c u . POORS, Windowa. cupboard door, flour bins, ssh for sleeping porches, ' moldings, mill work, glass, roofing, hotbed sash.. ; See 'our - odd "took of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Oo-v downtown lumber store, 171 ( FRON T ST.. bet Morrison and YamhUL Mam 4218. f -''. Save i Your j Wife T - - Send your1 wet wash to the Snowflak .... laundry; clothes s washed snowy white ut seiiarst eompartmnts; Thnrs., Fri., 8at, 15 lbs. 60o. 4 each additiotial lb.; valuable yjremrain given, rnona r.ast 4S3 ': A DEPENDABLE PLACE To TRADE" au.Ii- tj. GUriS. i Miller Big Little Jewelry Store, ' t v 811 for Lens Gifts That Last ' "i-lP001 Majestic Theatre. , WASHINGTON ST., NEAR PARK. ' Tour Favorite Organisation" Vote. WS HAVE tbe largest stock ef need aewina" machine ia the city. Compare price. W rent and re pair. . 173 3d, near JsmaUJ. WRITE lor new catalogue of electric fixtures , and supplies; newest designs, lowest pnoea; , off the press la a few days. u Stanley ,Lutz 800 Chamber. 4f Commerce BIdg.- - LATEST dropbead - bingecs. Whites, . New Homes, $18 to $30. All other makes $13 to $22. stricUy guaranteed. RENTALS $8 month, Ws repair All makes. . ' ; i .j .. 193 4th st st Taylor. Mala 6883. -.. UAstPsfk CTuaCANUkU ' 9x12 rug steam cleaned. 81-25; mat Uesses made over; feather renovated; fluff rugs woven from old carpets. Pionasr Alattreea A Carpet Oman. Wks.. , 1072 Lineotn St. - , Tsbor 7902. : EiectHc Motors Bough, said, rented and repaired. Wslker Electric Works. 418 Bum side, eor. lOtbV Broadwsy 6674. 19 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach. mentav- a wesfca, ; -Doxxaoi aicctns smias tor rent; sewing machine cleaned aad re paired. S. K. Stoea, 163 - Graad av. aV 2866V"-'- " ! BEWEXa MACHINES, Easy terms. .Latest aiee- mmut 3 a tries, Repnig, Rented S i 63 mo. Motors. Parts. STORK 166 WEST PARK. ATWATER Y21 . ' DALTON .ADDING MACHINE -; Daitoa adding mircbinej eotaia to 89,999, ' 899.69. Ooet 5150v. Price $85' $20 -t down, $7.50 BMnthti fiystt TgUtii JMa- cbiiHi Co.. 860 ' Alder; J ' ?L.- THE JOURNAL 'has 14 eraacollto kmp-7ui? . tares, compieca and ia. good enter, earryiug 1 any. tamp ap to 200 amtt. for aala. Come 5 and see tbexa at The Oregon Jearnal baiaoV tng, as (or George rt. rtamilton. Bapt AilEii-THitATKiS aancissV dinuer or lunch eoa. Parties soiiorted; say .hear; mspls floor,' ' fine dancing orchestra, j Phone Tsbor 8623.' - Pisntatiort Inn, Base Lbe . rosd, Fred T. -'-MerrUl, manager, -i,..- -OFFICE FURNITjatE U Toa eaa save money on your office need for-th new year. Prices lowest in city. We rent office farnitare. D. C, Wax, 24-2$ is. rtth. Mroaaway 313V ELECTRIO fix tares, auppiuea, lowest' prices " ever beard of. - Send for big illustrated ba. letin to SUaley Lata, -Chamber of Commatt bldg.. Portlsad.- Or. PURE, .sweet home-made apple cider, 60c per -aat, ' oetivered. - -Apj-les. - 85c to $15. -Order- your holiday cider "now, 1635 E. DsviSi or Tabor 6988. f ELECTRld FIXTURES at wholesale:' 1-Ught easin, 7a; $-Ught fixture. $3. 76c porch light, 80c; we da alectrie wirlag, ReUsbla KJectnc. asz vjnion av. jt. sat aio-. AUTOMOBILEa. , LAUNCH 2.5. MOTOBCY- tu r sota are aepamte eiamitvrstions; a bvrge Bstiag win be found Under thssa " different eiassificationa. . .... , - - i FURRIER . , : Furs made to order, remodeled, reliaed and repaired. 18 -years' experience.' G. T, Lewi. -618 Mississippi. Walnut 0895. ' BUY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE ahotaun or Rifles. NEWMAN, 128 1ST. NEAR ALDER. APiTuES Spitaenbergs and Newtowiif, b5o to - 6i.iv; nrrfig eontaiaera. , d mssoo. ws- JlUb V WW.' CASH ,. resistem and compatiag scale bought, v- sold, axcbaied and repaired. -226 Stark at. between 1st and zd sts. Broadway loa. FOR SALE Vulcan - gas range. - Pxscticsliy - Bew.Pric $35. Deliver free to say . jaaaaa ' i- a aea.oa . ITTtW. )fV ' . AAAAAA A.lAtj AJAJ1A-W. " THREE heaters, 1 Radiaat fire. Radiant fire has been use 4 hours. All in first clam tym- uiuna. (pij. wa? arreacui.1- AUTOMATIC drophead standard sewing 'ma . chine, 320.590 Conch. Bdsvy. 3888. TRICOTLNE" dues, ail "wool, "navy, nix 40 -ens .eo. sea cheap, it t-ark BAKiiER'S furniture, 2 "baths, Rtiud neateV. . W ill sell at, yoar own price. 247 Conch at RADIAN fFTRE gas heater,- 10 eletnetUs. $ ! 6V Tabor "72 88. . SOME , Woaaan'a Chanoa for tplendid appar! buys-: smalt aire; pnv. party, nasty, sl.s. FOB . KST- Kieetnc . vacuum tk-sners. ae - ji- . ,i it e.iM asil,.-. ',-;. ... tt.l SALlv Cleaned peeood-band bricks; dry block wood- cneep- liner J.Jl. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. HOCHFELD. tiS 8D ST. biOVJS sad furnace. -rapainng. Repaired stove to sale. Brooklyn (Hove bbep. tietL 8061 7jow or bars -manure. Atwater 1808. Gt f your furnaee properly eleaaed and over 7608. . ..aauieu; eon v wt. aa mviuiu, a. NEW - triplex' aato knitung machine, . A A.' M . ' yra.103 E. 82d st N. FURNlTCRfi repairing, eabinst work, wsirrors, - etc Unioil Fnrn. hospital. Walnut 1487. - K EW TUP n your ota car. Oregon Aut " To Co.. 14th snd Couch at. FOR SALE, gas rar.ee and sewing ma chine, $35. W'slnHt 474a. Blli. beautiful Ixniciou. W. Banana, G. rn. 1 end tn-. 1360 E. Davis. Goid- ' I Ml I B 1 EW AND U8K9 .hi i a I - scales. ffi.J 1 1 I I i I -v" A S H RGAISTe'rS. " ' "j , 1 . lcrr-rSa. FULL T.IN'E fsTOkfl ' : tt-i :-- - .. r s-.-: i;..c, t iaiss are. . :ne $12. - . e. , . ..... ...i. $io TAff. t ,m n : 1 r tjiivs a t75 p....". . if . i . 1922. gaocel for - V or a !., j.. .i .-r fiaoo. used, for iav , .and lls.J m.-iel or $495. $15 etsh. 3$ and $10 monthly, during- this World's Unrest factory clearance sale r!;ht ' beta . in Portland - at .bctwaa - -- Piano" t o., 161 10th st. via. : ' - 6475 Estey end Co., upricbt. . . . . . .$-5 80 5iemway A Sons, orrwht . . . . . 895 , $573 Emersea upright anahosany. . . . S'5 $75 Weiler. player, asahetrary. Sw5 j0O Tbompeon player, maim sny. . . .. 496 Security. Storage Co.. closing out: x $275 Barrl A Co., aprighv, cash....$ 76 ' 8375 Haiiet A Davw, upright cash.. 165 ; j5 Bungamw player pasMi ...... A45 '"f?!6 P'snoi player piano, wal. . ' $3 V 3100, bboeinger organ, walnut , 23 ; $U6 A B. Chava ontan. wsmut. SS 103 Tenth St. comer Stark St "!, ' " PHONOGRAPH SALE $82.56 Columbia, 520. $5 cash, $3 motv -s0 Sonera, $30. $5 cash. . 32 monthly; "125 Colombia. $75. $5-cash. $3 -monthly; - 31o5 Btredivara, $83, $5 cash, $4Vmoath; $160 VictRMt. $116, $5 rash, $4 monthly; $260 Brenswick, $135. 53 wash. $5 moaih. . . BCHVVAN PIANO IU, j -t Corner 10th and fitar. r - ... .f, PAY AS UTTLB A3 WHEM - KENTrVG, ' $10 CASH AND $S TO $7 A MONTH. - W heelock, uprights mahogany ...,.$ 1 9 3 Haxeitan Bros., apright-, mahogany. . , 475 Kimball, upright, lara.. . ,...,.""... 845 .Cable A Co.. uprisbt, wamut.. :... ,265 Bsua A Us upright, mahogany...... 245 -,s Kimball, tipright, oay... s ?65 . Uhickenng A San. ......... ... . .'.47 Lipmaa. Wolfe A Co.. Bth and Wash. . - PHONOGRAPH SALJB $128 PsramouoA (hardly usedj - - - --, $65.00 SI 20 Pnlumi... mAvA. . .i v an llll fjr Ailghtly sued) 70.06 $260 White' new V. ........... 185.00 , . Marls Better Tone for Less Money - Bent a Pbooorraph for the Holidays X. ...nli-J , . . I . v... ... ... ".. I I'l'l UQ I UIV Iff,. 1 1 Vq fSO V.UOOB ! HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 107 West Park i" Piaaoa. Phonneranh - - ' . ' - Repaired. Rented, ' Sold. ' i .-- . 'r HOBNIJESS EDISON AND 100 : . ; : 2' ' -' RECORDS 365 : ," Just think! Hornless Edison, 'diamond -point reproducer end 100 like wew inde structible cy Under records, only 83-16 now.. 33 a month. . Hyatt Talking .Ma v chine Co., 850 Alder. ' - 4 BIG JANUARY PIANO SALE, - - ; . ' About 509 pianos, grand, player-and up tight pianos, many Tina make. 'Mnst.rai lota of money. Coma and make aa- offer on your favorite make. Ixits of aew ones, too. Terms. Brokerage Co., S12 Worces ter bldg. . 'a- - - ... v .......v., i .... ... SAXOPHONE - Fine Buescher saxophone, like new. " -Cost $165. Price $120. $25 down, 67.5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co-t 60 Alder. - - , . , SCHOOLS, churches, eol!egs and lodges boy . their good pianos at 312 Worcester bldg. why f Because they know, where to ssr hundreds of - doUsrs. v Why - don't .JouT T Tciroi n ven withis trasen. . .PLATER PIANO . r- -"A meat snagmficMt walnut ease. ' Farrand -player. Just like new. Cos about $800. Only 3K25: terms. Hystt Talking ; Machine . . . .;sa iu ?--7 '-.-- . . Tl' BTPivu-ivVrtivn I Good toned Steinway square ptano, only $78, $25. down,. $5 month. HysU Taik ing Machine Co., 350 Alder st : BUY,' SELL OR TRADE , -j..-- " Pnonograpfis hnd Records- '' " ,.' Z. "NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE v 128 1st Near Alder. - Bdwy:-7 161 Beutiful toned genuine ,-NetsmW piano, only t(H; easy terms. Hyatt- Talking Machine Co-.. 350 Alder. - ' - - GRAND piano ealy $500. equal 'to a nevrl on -na loess nxs new fs would ot you About $10t)0 st Lipmsn A Woife Co. Soam Snap. 8 1 2- Worcester bldg, " - - WHAT SHALL 1 GIVbTfOR NEW YEARt K record gift certificate solve, the ques- tion. Let us- take eare sof you, - Hyatt Talking Machine 336 Alder. -" - $800 GENUINE B. Shonioger player oiauo, s only used 3 month; . owner must have . money: only $32'; most wonderful aosp iu CLlul - AAA AA WUn . , t".rT9insr ...... 4;ik new Edison Chippendale. : Cost "aew : $295; now only 200. Easy tesst. Hyitt laismg Macpme c'o,, 3U im.,; s $600 HOB ART M. CABLE, just like a brand new one; only used 2 months; half price. siz Worcester ldg, NEW $125 mali.Columbia phonograph. ,10 new records, for 338.50. cash or term. A real bargain. Main 4771 $730 GENUINE Bush A Lane piano. only ,. 3365. Latest - Just compare with a -new owe uptown.-" 312 Worcester bldg. - "- EDISON DIAMOND DISC -; iArge rize, only $l5i easy termt Hjstt ixisnng atscmne jc, uv aiaer. Sobmsc, ScemwarT (bickering. Mason A Hamun or Everett grand,- Na dealers. S.-4VT, Journal. $1000, STEINWAY-piano ealy $410. Just . compare with a new one aptown; -terms. ai-jj Worcester piog. NEW $86 mb Columbia phonograph, 10 new , records, for $68.50, eash-or terms. Mala Sill. $800 ' FINE? ; HaUet A Davia 1 upright plana. $115, on easy terms. 613 Worcester bldg. $T50 LATE Yictrola and records, only $8C 312 Worcester bldg. ' $925 STEINWAY piano, only $250; upright, medium aise. 812 Worcester bldg. 4 PIANOS, uprights, $80 to $115 each. 312 woirwier Bias. $500 GILBERT psama, late mahogany. $175; terms, -j 312 - Worcester bMg.- ' 82.50 PER MO. rents phonograph. Late tec- T. . - ; mt ... a a i - wa a . . . . orua. x.mpire inns, aee sain. Davy, viae. $600 J. A C .FISCHER piano, fin maCI a, terms. - a tz Worcester piag. WANT C melody axaphone and eash for good tot in E. St Johns. DX-S13. Journal. ' TEN PIANOS. 8100 to $200 each. Many fine makes; terms. 812 Worcester bldg. PHOXOGRAPa repamng, tpnnga 2b ep; eirts wholesale end retail. 64 wash. Bdwy. 294. i600 SMITH A BARNES pisno, plain, mah-. s.'is, lerma.- aiie-wsrccstgr Diag. FOR SALE Steinway piaco, 3300;-, perfect - tone. , lnawire at 673 4th. st . . . 00 W. W. KIMBALL, plana, only $i65; torsss. -$12 Worcester; bldg. - WAN TED Bargain m used pianos for eash. osu uroaoway ins. $700 ' EMERSON . piano, plain mah.. only $235. Terms. 313 Worcester bldg. - -FOR SALE -88-note Lester player piaao,'ate3 .liin.. rJimnmnli- To Vw,. ArtSA $656- HENRY F. MILLER piano. Make an offer. Terms. - 312 Woreeeter bldg. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS ' 902 MISH FURNITURE 'CO.'-'-offers' . large shipment of sanitary W atona ' ' srt rugs at extremely low prica - .... " 9x12, $12.56; $1 ddwa and BOca ' a week bring ana to yout home, w ', - .-.-..,-.-.' - - : These rugs are sbaolutely water- proef , cleaned . with a mop. Ns tacking; will hot eari ee kick an; r beautiful design, colors, and all ' .i..,atses to choose from. . y ,.:.,,, i, Never' before have these gasr.'" " teed floor covering been offered -. in Partkaad at ear low prices and - easy terms 81 ' down aad 60e a- -: week 0x12. 612.60; other ; ia ' proportion.. -t.jf. 11 ' .;' ;.;; ;.'.-'. -'-.f -:- V - Misb Purhiture Co , - 188-190 FIRST ST. ' . COMBINATION range, overstuffed Jiving room set. walnut dating room eat, walnut bedroom est, mahogany graphopboa. brass bed. eoa, ' 6 springs; . best msttrem. rurs. .. Walnut 3389. - 973 B. 20th st. N WALNUT d.mng room table . aad Jog . ceucb and cover. Tabor 4484.. - -. -: HIGH GRADE furniture ior asie. latent "de- ngn. Prices eery - reasonable.- Tabor- 4f il. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 904 FISH BOAT for sale. 28 ft long. 10- H. P. engine, good shape. 201- Jefferson It-, cor. Front. C. -1 tlouer. -J, ... . , ..-. KORALE OR RENT . a TYPEWRsTEHS 'f COS -ALn$IA KES GUABAiiTELo" P.i. nClLi'" -- 36 to 7 5 per cent below ntSBafactnrer'f prices; TERMS $S sonthly tf desired. LAIS MODELS RENTED. 8 meet hi 37.60 wsv - WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321'Washmgton St - Brnawsf V41. A FEW PRACTICALLY NEW BEiSGlOX - PORTABLES. ALSO SOME STANDARD , MODELS 'SLIGHTLY SHOPW" IN. AT BARGAIN PRICES WHILE THEY LAST. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO, 88 BROADWAY. PHONE Ul'WT. 0621 REBUILT trpewntera. aR ktnds, fa sle. rant, exchange- We are - exciuiiva dtstributori ef Corona portable, 85s) complete na carry. In case. - aaippUa aad reuairs for S4 makes. Oregon Typawrusr sLa-64 fifth at - BJ- smy 7169. . - Rebuilt GUARANTEED TTFSW.irI3T cash - 1i4 FOUTH FT. PATSirT I-OA.NE 8 REi'AiiiiNG a Tcisitv. buy, M.i, ft; ii 1';-.,.. ctkcr In .' - xtj.. estimaie. . rental,, r , -a- I i t- i. a- a. .- ' a ) 1 '."U" i j.u st in t -c 1, ",'.: r ? r t 4 lir S. 1 0 and piat; Vioo o an .!. t-.-t Ut wnat it cost me. $5dd. Atu. ' L. Stennon. AHeghsny, Or. - . MANY varieties -of first- prise winning dnrkl and geese, for pm, lot, radio ctusical m- wmwirts sr. furniture, ot wliat bare you t East 2t2. '- . , ITRST-CfJtSS dental arrvires for "paper nB- ... ..finite. . WUie V4 riVS.l-1 JC4. VAVmAk way 720 5..- " . - - NO. 2 VICTRULA -snd teootd; -new; 1 eow for' sale or will trade both lor. Ford 4 ion . i FOR SALE 1-Um Ford ." truck ; win take Ford car as part payment ; T.i Campbell, Huber. Or. - - ; ' -., NEW Fairrsnisra-Jiiorae aiertric srasher. for sale i cheep or anil -trader What. have yesit ijk ;3 Journal. - - - ' oriian. .9 stops. Tor good fair aised imni. - aiv nay . t. i ucit Atwater ii $600 Jr.QUITY in awning Ixm-e.ut ia tniN. - fir lot cr auto. Bdwy. 3 ,. '.. - LATE model WiaHiester rifle to. trade for A -bed. Ant 632-01. 1RADK Ford lobnng tor isoy s, tut cust or , other. --. Mullen,. 334 Grand are; . WANTED--lISCELLANEOUS" 950 WANTEDPeopJ. of Portland to know tbxt I . pay. th h:,-hst cash price tor .second-haad household good; na lamonnt . too large ef toe aiaaij; prompt S'LTtioa. - , N. M. fckJtlEji, ' : Phone" East' 2203. - - l4s Rnsse'l -t , SFfXIND HAND CLOTHINO BUYER ' ' " 1. --YE 11 TUB IAUajR pay " mora for second i ,' I suits, suoerf evwrosta. va rail ("st or ' rung.. Atwater-' or-254 1 ' f noir 8t , bCAl a.S vai.!.-ii, aiimrils balvv- tt:.itii, 1 noue Aut.. 6J)rt-h7, ''--".. . . . -aj DIAMONDS and veid bought reliable eaU matea. - 720 SeBiug bWg. - - r. WANTE04nURNniJRE c 952 -v : m m SEATER- Bnya the best sv well aa the rbaaiiev Ctadea t-t .second-hand farnitura.' 286 Granrt tve. - aCasr 9 Si 7. ". ' Owl Furniture Co koL. Wa want your-psed farnitare, stow, ear- , pet aaa paino. tve-py'tne Dlgneet rasa prices, 166-168 FIeJt ST; tall kiaia 4637. FURNITURE, cook .stove, tsngea, earpets. rugs, ef., wanted for cash. Martaeil Fnmt tur A Hardware Co.. Atwtter 2675. 341-848-845 First st. I, BUY diamonds st highest market price for spot cash. K. Deeds. 340 Wash, at " -., TABOR 78iWrLi. BUT OLD CARPET PERSONALS 975 ia:- rsir.ssi au rj,r.t.A oi ri skim.t k ATi-f-v-Kwenisn ma. age. medical gymnastic. " elec tricity, .v.. my for jasMes only, by Swedish -graduate, specialist in -.rheumatism.. - stomach trouble, aaunoa, redacing. and building up -the figure. Dr. -Ruth Olson - Brown, in connection with the rVnnt. Dee Beauty Shot), 305 ' Pittock block. ,- Phone - Bdwy. 664S. ' v--. YOUR OPPORTUNITY '. '" " Beginntfig Jan; .6. T923, " class in fiydro ; Oisrsphy. aiectrotherspy and Swedish mes sage. Tli lsrje enrollment enables as to : - cut tbe price of the coarse to a fiiura that , is- in easy, reech t all. Don't fail to investi- - gate.- It mean, money to you. Consult. tion free and letters j rheerfully answered. - Call ee: -write, 700 Dekum . bldg. Auto "SM-41.-. '. '. - '. - . FOR LADIES exclusively, . Dr. Ruth- Olson Brown. M. G. late of Lafayette . Mineral -Sprincst- wishes : ber aid -and ,nw patient in need of massage, medical gymnastic and steam ;caoioct bath to know ahes is now locate, at SOi pittoek - bU., ; in eoaaeetioa with T3ie Bonnie. Dee Beauty Bhauoe. Daaae y. Pian;I?iayihg ? Popular son.' waltzes. bHds. harmony. rag. jaxa taught beguiuer r advanced. 12 iesoa, guaranteea. (.nroU bow Jannary else. Waterman Plana School. 318, Cium bia bldg. v - - - - '- - : . PERSONAL If the young Jady who "Signs ber-.i self Jane Dor in a letter to the chief of . police' wta call at -his. office and sea Chief i . L. V V. Jenkins himself J or will make u ip- pomtmeot to see him,: the information will pe trseq a eoniiuenuai. Stamps, -Albums Etc. : Scott stamp albums snd catalogues now' in. -Lara atock of ww ,et. AparorsJ a specialty.' Columbia Stamp A Coin Co., 94 North 16th t; J - ' "s Ay;Fino Playing. BEGINNERS. 10 - J sons sraaranteadL PonuU man immediately. -ADVANCED: Short course ioi business piano plsying. Honrs; 12 to 8 a. m. Practice rooms. Jsxs itrkcr, fT14-lfi.l-17 Eilers bldg.. Washington st at 4th, MEOIATEDy1pORBAT"HS pce'venr nesa. Nam attendant , Magna ttc massage, elee. treatment. ; DrciCi J. v SwarU. 808 nrwgwiy oigg. DO NOT 4hrw your watca away. ' I will re ., aai? and guaraate any. sxatch- 2 years' rincea ressonsblr: 20 years: experience. f' Harry Brbwn, 7 1 first st. ttesr YsmhUl. $1 GETS both feet fixed up, at Dr. Eaton' . A KeRVa Bainl CHIROPODISTS . and ARCH speeiaiista Beta. 3 yr. Exam. free. Blue Mouee Theatre bids . 11th at Wash: SUPERFLUOUS hair, moiea, blackheads, piss pies, large pores - removed, expert operator. - Diplmaas .Bostou..- Chios i. State " Medical. . "tlAri4 ir till n,fl.I.k, klt. J.t tlAb . . 1 , UWJA . . , AJAAAl - - MAmMfa . . V . , SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFERIN(Tv Jestl permanent hair naiiag, $25 Tor - allover wave. Bdvty. 6186. i ; V WANTEfif Home - with " responsible ' people " for . bright, bjsalthy boy 13. C. B Kennedy, Silverton. Or. - '" ; -' PR. ANN ROSE Steam ba&s. masssc; r- dnced rates i 6 eluroprscrie ad. liustment tl Bdwy. 8212. Zla tfwetisna bldg. FAT r remove the cause.- nature -doe the r. ' : reaulta guaranteed. '"Call or write kc MBfphf, 147 11th tJ' Wef dletinc.' j SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, . motes, warts, removed ,. by 10 needle method. Trial free. Josie Fin my. 6 U Bmk A Lata b)dg-r Min 03 68. WANTED A home for two good, . healthy : girts, age 6 and 12 years old; . For parueu- 1 ). r. nlma - lml fl9Ri txt 1 0 ifxf-lT-Se'd-V tU. a A " W., KEESE Casbi<Y ISIU WitUsilas at ar PAIN. Tear "TEETH SLEEP" while w syork. SAVE" your fuel. - I will in, tail a aew daniper in your old fireplace at a lower c&t thSa ' yoa think possible. " ; Tabor 83 2 1 . ' . - t ' A ""TfASSAGE .TOR LUMBAGO ETCt 1 ' i- . 415 -Bachaaaa bldg.. . Wash,,'- bet 4th dad 5th. -10 to. 8 p. en.; also Sunday. SIUI'T MASSAGE AND HYDROTHERAPY . .. Poreaad Sense! ef Massage, toe, 41415 Stock Exch. bldg. Msia2722. DR. PENNY, SPECIALIST . , " . . In electric- therapeutacavlOO ft " Belmont - at. Tabor 4623. - ' ' '. MASKAAJE AND VlBRAtORY "" v Room 615 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 9535. sZeDICATED -rVAPOB ; BATHS, MASSAGE ' Nurse. 808 Broadway Bldg.'- SALT vG LOW. a shower, snasssee; a:ientifw - nurse. 411 FHedner bldg.- Bdwy. f 3068. WHY BUFFER? .' Electrical freetmenSrthX -. Dr. Elna aoreneea, -oa Panama bldg. - - r.u i ATilE FT TVV ' Seff Frst at.'Matsage, electric rrestAent LSWyCr 404 Securities bldg., 84 6th st SWEDISH- autasage, by practical cur-e. ai - your Jiemeor my officer Atwater 2787. -DOESJt'T Tora. Dick- or Harry pay year . ja - Viererk. conpctor, -DekB blg. SIX. elsctro- iinai iraimwa, i ; , maasaae. VT. . aisniuj, . it U 4lt..v - Profession BusinecsDirctcry tCiD10l PtZBTII CUT. ShAM.eiieia. 0'iusa piest skirt tot 75e; bemstitclung c. etc; mad eroer Bcited, Kssern Novelty Mfg. Co., Ut Bth, Off ArM5 100 bXoCK. DEalGNS $10 araVAlais3 and tw." Others to order. . . . 0. M. 'AKEKS. 606-7 I- f-W 13 BLDG. ' ' Broadway 2049. ' ttlRK BOOB raAXIrt DA V i.5 A iiOLJjAX. LSC 108 2d at, blank - boi msaufaeturrn. a-iisa. xxiiry. -14 ' fHt AND SAOOt FtiiST giv.iu iJ. cut 16 iu. ccrd or tUMfw. 89 per fuH cord. - 4 rt, 2 rords tr nion. 37.75. Peacock Fuel Co.. Main 6I4. - WOOIiSAWING - PllOXli LAT 7S2 LRT, I t t -a!l Ms-r. ' ."1 oil jjrowth eoniwood. 17.50 k n.ir ,i...k - ui.t.ul i l , LINCOLN LVLll -COAL' -s- " THE tvt, OF o FEGrETS ;s;510 For Ten 'l!!TerVd right Into your bin. Low in : no e.inke, hone or riats. ' - Wl. TERN FULL COMPANY . -gST W. rpxa s Pbene Fst 2" " Rl T i-r.k LOAls " A i WrtfeHJ. m two LOAD lAJTS -T la-inch fir block aad slab, partly dry. i i furnaee of neater. - itdEAW 12-lNt H flH. 39.SJ IAIAP $140 .tocriCaU 514.1 J :: ' ' . - - Beat Grade y: lirtivervsl from csr to yeur bin. " tlKKGON Ft EL tHJ., VVStaat 4102 8. HO A'L6AO"lSi"TolOAD 16-inch block scd slab mUed. fiM k :T, Tlaw for furnaee or beeter. . . . i COAf. 310 PER TON CO st. , Good VVailunittoa )umi;oml ucurd eet fmra csr to yvr l -i. " BtST OLD GHOVv fil HI $.$ - DRY SHORT WOOD-s-PROM FT V'.Zm NATIONAL FUEL CO. - - EAST l4tn. ,- Coal, and - Briquets - AtSTB ALIA ."ROCK SPRINGS, UTAH I a. ' .. ASHINGT0N-$10 TON ""- T. 2,-8, 4-, $ sacks, "half ton and tM d. i emi anywhere; Aew Fuel Co., East 5 4 oil. t 1 PER XOAL. 2 LOAD-IAJT v Block and Rlsh thizeck 1'axwjr Dry. All kind of dry wood and eol. WOULD Fl EL StKViv EAST 84 53. - , Dry 'Wrecking-Weed Mixed hs'it snd heavy cot 16 .in, .ton. , , fel Tsbor H30,- rsrd K. 4 7th and O.-W. U. A N. viiicluct,: El-arti Wrwking t o. $4.C .1 U LOAD 4.i J ' Block and sktbamixed, la two kwd' lota; single BS.OO.'ucsj 2 cords tn double kwi - AH kind dry wood and cot Phoo Wsuiuf 4a 16. Sunset Wood Co. -- - - FULL COLw OkWOOU fed ft wood.-2 cords or more. 37.73; 1 in.Wood,, 2 cords pr more, $S"0; 12 in wood, 2 cords or more, 3D; also inns'! en! , , reat Northern Fuel Cn.f Main i7l. BOX WOOD OtJlOt'DELIVEaY - nrf.TON WOOD CO. Main 41TS. DRY 12 or 10-ia. iieaty country ,. hisotnl," , aa- $7' load; heevy 1 6-in. block and f.uomuM, mixed. bvsjt in : Portlanu. full 1 ; eo'n, . v H it). tiumner . Wooasard, Atwster "2!- a, WoodWeod Wood-.; v From tbwooy to .e eotummer, $8 si A8.6SV per eord. John Biuns, Atwter4tli,'.',. G t" A KAN TJED iW.poru of partly dr j2itL snd l-in. block and -slab -to each drill' a load $10. 1 cord d7' aUr Fuel - Yard. Broadway 8376. . ' - -, 16 IN. SLAB., 4;- aoywheni; aioe box,,( "i ; best heavy 1 2-16ia. partly -seasoned elsb, 35.50; heavy 4-foot, slab; aone., Sellwood , " 1709. -; -y - ; ;.- - . NO. -1 old growth cordwood. -' Special Jiri.-- i -ln-2 Card torn or more- Central liied Co. - , " Mala I60av --.,:":- --- ,- L fSHl I'er.aoad. Two Load Lots.: : i yeUJ' Big load block and slab mixed. Single ' lead 85. Wslnnt 13 9 K io iLVCK block snd, slab, $4.50 per load iii : . two-load lota; also Rock Springs and Kin coal, 616 to' $16 per ton. Walnut 744. - , -. WOOD AND COAL V -,'.-- WALNUT 8824. d3v country slab, lude block aud word. Main ; 2676. ' " -""""-. ' " -'- -EM MERER; Bock iSpriugs Of Castie Oat eoal eaU Wamut 8113. ' '. FOB DRY FIR,4 SLAB OR OAK , t" H walnut 31 13. -, DRY : 2a arewth fir, 37.50 per curd: r...b grewiA fir. 3P-35. 35 loal. Ant 543-21. HEAVY dry planer wood, $6.60. ; Best grade cf coal, $15. Holleday Tuel Ce.', st 7ual. $3 A. LOAD, cedar bioekwood. North PorUutid, . east aide. Walnut 8265. evening. . -BoNElDHY old " growth eerdwood. $8.60. ' rnoae swast axon. . - i - - GYAif KING COAL - ,.TT -:"-vv:" t Eart 8984.- - -' " "'" : BONE DRY box wood, ideal kindling, $3.75;t block and slab. 85 load. I all W.lnnt imi GOOD old growth fir cordwood $8,59 per card. Phoa. 617-68. OLD GROWTH FUR. 38.50 CORD. . MOOR B BROS.i Wstent 1498. DRY range wood, $3 50 pec load. &eUwo.x ) 3189 or Walnnt 2112. . - ' THE OLD RELIABLE, J. A. Melton A Co! office and storeixrures. FronU remodeled.' beoses repaired. - 482 Ceaeo st . BrosU-, -way 1774. - ..;'-..;.-..,- ...... :- - ' DAWOfWatBgeOwa f 66 Wk, GLAUAA 47t.ii to Aeaeb yoa to oaoc or refund your money, itingier Broad- s'Way chool.- Broadway-at Main. proles iod1 instructors. Aut. 618-89. ' - - - JiEN BUOWX. tacke ml 1.. ".f ballroom' dancing, : Childrea special class.. ' Bagdad. W. Park and Yamhili. E. 758S &8NTI6TS DR B. E. WR1QHT Third Floor Balelgh Wdg.. Corae 6U . aad Wasbiagton. ata. - - BroAdWav 721 a Dentistrv -.. .iHHis,; . , asr tjt W U1I08TX0I$ w 0 PAIN. ?TEKTH BLEEP" while, w, sorg :' POO, CAT AWD MORSE HOafiTAI. -"- liOSE CITY" TETER1NART HOSPITAL Esse. 184 7. K. 7th AT GRANT. -AuttlMI SV66IAWT 6POIAtl6T6 - DON "g TAAE CilANCLS -a. ,',vSf .'.- itu titasau HM' UJ..i'"V-A - -SPKUALI8T.' 1 V Vi. PRICES W ITHHf BEACH rK ALL errB Bftmrw DR. HARRY BROWN SEE BETTER 14 3d t, near Morrison. FLUFF B006 AND RAO RU8 4 OREGON XUrt RU0 CO. 1009 BELMONT. TABOB 7314. - - B4U6IO XMfltsA ; HAVE your POEMS at lo music. Daniel , Wilssa Music Stadio, 303 TUferd bidg. orroHrrni6T8 GLASSEai AT A SAVLNO 'Tbou-sods of satitflad r- ;troa caa testify to eur elii-- jf.. eiency and (air . dealing iii, ' IDS ism v years. s-uaa. Goodmsa, $09 Morrison, bet .: 1 At .as rant Dr. BSmuii Goodman. Asocte Optometrist. Mala ait. - . WHY pas stuusr - Glasses ta gold JUlsd frames, fitted to your eyes .with njodfta , .insi.ru tt.c ta .as to as ii.id! dous,, siriois' class st a yreat awt ; , slaes ia -TaU styles: satisfetlo gusmataed. , -- DR. E A HUBWITZ. 5ptomtnst 223 lt PAIMTIWC TIHTIwa, PAPCBIwa """ B. TERRIL,. bouse and siga painting. iwr-hanging aaa uuusg. - i Tab bor 21L PATfNT ATTO-lkf 6 C. a. gOLUB&RG, 'pateat,' trsdaaaaxka, eoys -. rlxbta. 480 Worcester. bldg. ' PHT6ICIAW .t VkL at A. A'HlLLli'S.Tn" strusdwsy BaUg.. . Oflie Practise Only. v PIPS HE PA I at . ; IOFI3 AAAAirtt by xpi; ,r If ii ftt Show. 272 w- -. PtUWRIUtt SUB 8TEAW FITTIfttt LOW pnee ca ai kinds plumbiag supiirs; ui ns fwur aa yout lawtauauuns. -Albert Plun. ' Co.. 517 Uaiua are, N, near RuasaU. A-ag n419 t - . . r "Pfa f Tlrfg, fsa BAVIWQ, tHrlH ra.:M4t.M w. balxaj a. co, aT a ASS,SSS, brat stoat. Bdwy. 4S4 1.T aa, iiivi-HODio.M COMPAAS .- -; .-'.- 887 Wasftington. . Brosdwy 8144. . - - A " hoop BRPAisiwa ROOFS , ret.i.litd lV'ndL ! lreiaIiad and . cof with roofing paper. Main 1683. 6HCTfCTAt WORK iiultnoirh Sfcestxnstr.1 AVorJaj:;:l : Rooting, guttering, spouting. JobWns, g-' eral repairtfis-. PUoa Bdwy. 93. - Aso. 6PCLTy HiWUfA0TI)8!fia ..v.Mstcl Spinnins , "a id 'tperlaliy - manufscttrring of ail ki-!. 1'stent aeeinrd. Ksnfl Moarserr. ire Co., 2il-2S3 irswthorwe sve. Ett 8 1 V ' ia. 6XCAVATIa 'ii.Aill.SG, t.UAi.iNG-AAU fckUVAii.. j. iUMAw.1 41S. ' " - TR.SfFt I0 STOw. - Oregon Transfer Cj. . 4H tiuxa et-l !'jV Brondvray lagi . ... iiKAtAGE ' ' MOHAGE Four Wsrelities on Tsri.i 1 'Incii MOVING PACKlNG-s For V TA t. !s W rr A1LA5 li.ANt . 1, Jt o t u .