23 c::lgc:; daily juu ilnal, i'u;:tla:-l u-uu.v. S : - 200 WHI BK'OUT OP A JOB OB WORK -.AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION! fid sot " tries! expert are sow ta demand. W bar helped hundreds of' our graduate to . y be,- V can help you, fan. Gall and inspect ear acbool any day . (except Satar iy at JO a. at. or S p. an., or write iot ,arge 1 12-psga jntEE catalog. Ask 1 .Book No. 4. ADCUX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL. Unlo) Ave. .and Whn St. . Wondlawn, ar Alberta Car. 3d St LSARX MORE " ' - FOB LESS Jt will pay yam to investigate i HEMPHILL AUTO A IKACTOF. , ;.r , - , SCHOOLS 'Before Enrolling Elsewhere. 125 31 6th at.. NEAR liXIOM DEPOT. . W B TEACH yc-l to know your ear. ,. W AUG II j SALON of AUTO ATTENTION, for awa :..,aed wao. 411 Abiagtan bldg.. Third .. bet. Waeo. ana. Stark. A abort coarse that stares dollars ami (ires AUTO ot a trada school. Nominal fee. --' ' -' " HELP WANTED-MALE 201 AGENTS WANTED ETIBIWHKBK to efcll - thorn Wonderful California Harba for Bneu- matwia. People froat all aver the V. 8. hv written a tbo teat fir yaata about le extraordinary results from thaaa marvelous Herb. Send for free booklet Pound $1. - BOtnoM. '. ' f ; RHEUMATISM ' HERB "' COMPANT. . . BAWTELI.E. CALIFORNIA. - WANTED Experienced stockroom man, ca pable? taking charge large stock parti; posi tion require thought, knowledge, purchasing, twk ledger, accounting; tndu-try. initiative. - personality: apportunity for right man with the above qoalii kratitons. '. Mack Track Oik. 418 Davie at. Mr. Harwood. ONKneat appearing young man, over 21. with -. ami allinc. experleneo,. to take order la Portland; eatiafird to earn. S23 par .weak ' to itart. Room 48 12 H 2d at. RAT.ES - aaiuiK wanted to tale erjarro of district of Orecoa : -little capital needed. 8eo rtxxn 434 Imperial otet between 4 . . and 1 P, ' " Y - - ' EXTERIENCEn oucauaa or newepaper man, wnrk in Portland: new -propoairJon; bi pay. 428 Ezchene Bldr... 2nd, and Stark. WANTElaeetrj welder. 8-,0'tlock Thnra iiay . mominc. Weat lkat Iron Ac Steel Worta. Sfl and Olwan. - t'ACE ORDERS k lor' food enUanv. land . trarera, ate. .Pioaee Eatp. C'Qk. Fboao Bdwy. ' J278, 14 Xortiv-Seeond at. -- Ut'AT KL Il.LitR Want man to build SOxS intU .aabia, boat ; in tpare tane. - 0-2tii Jowrnat. -, ' . ' - 'tt ANTlO aaieaaaea o aaO oil and a ..Inaa-a of merit; aood prcpoaiuoo to.Ura wirea 80S Failing bid. K IRIVER- wanted, with track. CJ . 9 Aucr. EXPERIENCEO 'oraaa. moulder wanted. Apply Oregon Braaa Worka. Becond and Ererett. WANTED Cement (ini.ber. CaU Eaat 8198 after A p. an. ' - - ' MEf.P WANTED FEMALE 204 THE WOMEN'S PROTECTIVE- DtTISION. EDUCATIONAL j c city or innaao. oiiera iv "v ' .. . . -..lK;p A fi wlfan mnA t-Tn- v tectioa of women and iri; tnterriewa . ton lideatiaJ. 514 Woroester bWe. . 84 and Sj v Oak Ma Phone Broadway T422.' ' WANTED Would like to bear from a poor -- widow woman who would Use- a goad borne jtnt for a companion : wfll aire elotbin and : pendin money; would like a near common - woman sot one wuo dreaaei in the atylea tf today. Mra. E. Btienoon. AHeraay, Or. NOTICE We furnlsb lady cooka. honaekaa'p- era. waJtreaaea, atore De'.p. factory help etc.. ' free to employere. Phone Bdwy. S408. ' Bus. Men'a Emp. A try.. 815 WUeo Mda. WANTED By widower with S-year-old daugh ter tiring near Ashland, refined, neat houae- keeper 840 per mouth and railroad fare. 'lX-28t. Journal WASTED Woman to do light housework and rare for children; parents both work; 828 per mo. Write to Mrs. Harold Getndorf, Maplewooa. ur., u. c rt. ta. - Wll.l. aire elderly lady room in exchange for . roamirkm to an 8-year-Md girl after school ..... Kt.K K.1 mir M2-XO Uiil'urk'VRPlLlt nntl. widower with eirl A ycara old; ,'aUU , wagea wanted.- K.-806 i ornal. . ' ANT GIRL, in need ot a friend, apply to the U Balratsoa Army Raeeoe Home. Mayfeir ad Alexander sta. rnone un aeeo. s-sa i A MIDDLE AGED lady to etay with old coo pie on farm; .wage ; 81& -pe" month, J-827, Journal. . HOl'SEKEEPEU for country home. Ho other - woman In charge, wages reasonaoie a-xi , Jmniti Glllt. living on St. Johns carline., for light . . . . i am'-t on o K t lartory wora. rimiv wunm vo. WANTED Girl for general boTtsework, orer J M years; wagea 825. Eaat 8027.-. . . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 2S1 TBAVELINO salesman vChts posiUon with .. good betts. Must, be line ef merit Knows . the trade ill Idaho, Utah. Wyoming, Mon tana. Refejencea, ' Headquarters in Idaho. rx-911. Journal. FAMILY man waaU position for first of year f ai clerk, warehouseman r something simi- uir; can aaaae vona or smaii .wTrnawn., S.od referenoaa; fair education: Vi-804. nomal. CA :FENTER work, boilt in flxtorea. breakfast. t kttrnen and nook tables, counters and meat V combination counters and shelving. Ail. worb - stone aa agreed. East Stfe14, HOUSE WIRING. -- Let me give yea an estimate an yon wir " ing before letting your contract licensed ehtrtrVrJan. Walnut 51. ' Oltl'ilAN boy 14 year old, finished grammar - -chool -end bookkeeping at night school. ( all between 8 a. as. and . 4 P- m. Carl II. -It. East 418T. I liiG cesspools, ditches, snd.make eennectiona. Leave , number or address if I'm not in. Auto, ni.'-aw. - WIRINU I'Ct ns figure your, electrical work. VI INW or osb oouses. . visum a.-. incs. Walnut 80H5. - - CAHPENXEK work, eaumatea given for nay -. nort; -gaargaa built and garage doors made ' Qfder. East W8S4. CAni'ENTKR Eaumataa given eat repair oek; roofs repaired . aad aa rates . built. tti-p JSJ Hawtnorne. tac-or ig. t'AlNTi.NU. vapernauaias and tin tine; prieaa , .'fJloBable; week guaranteed. Shop 1305 M-.wthorn eve. ' Tabor 1 7-3. VLUMBINU. REPAIRINU ASD NEW WORK CHIMNEYS and furnace cleaned 'and rw paired. H. J. Eansert. 850 Oregon. E. 8711, T CEMENT WORK Kates with mixer. - WaL ' 8880. " I'M' USING aad heating repair work. D. XI Orr, Tahor 9129. HARD WOOD FLOORS oy day or contract . reteveneaa. -1498 Rodney av. WaL 8888, CEMENT WORK, guaraateed. all kind. Karl 1 ce Co.. Bellwood 09IO. - VIA ; IR1NO uoee ery reaaonably y the boat '.., hi the job. East 9838. - PAINTING. T1NT1NO. ALL BRANCHES. J. ..ASONABUS. alli KKUS.. WiL. 88J0. WANTaUPaiiac. painting, tinting. (On I - - (ec hour t by the oontract. Ant 314-28. UtMilS REPAIRED. 81 np; reshingling tomatm naa-tq. - BASEMENTS, grading, t essoins I eon tract eg day work. Aut 682-38. Atwater S887. PAPKRHANGING. KLPA1R WORK. ..PAINTING. TINTING. ATWATER 0157. : PA I KFtLNG. tnaide -, jpajnting. kalsominiai - -ekeep. before, -spring ruaht Tabor S238. I'LAMTKKl.NG.. rmtchuis a apecially; day raaeswe; work guaranteed. - Main 8A37. - I'LATF.RING, repairing a specialty; hy day r fwnvael.; aH work gusranreed. East 8891. VI. I. WALK Kit. genera- contractor and Joh- PJ1 grading, cxesvatiuf or geweral team work - b-. expervmeeii- men, eatl' Osrfietd 97 89. 1 v riiCRTt , rournsav (we - 4 W ork guaranteed - Tabor 0858. SlfKUBBER Y planting, pruning, lawn . wnrs p; experts.- ranns Ni.l e,i2 1. ' SITUATIONS ITlMALE tS4 t KKlliSt;Eirirr trnstaxMTthy Vaady! " want . e'nise earaaing. washing or Cher work: good w- guaranteed. w s'wat nSOR. HOC SEWO R K hy the hour or day; good guar- . ant e. i rrr idoa. : - HOV'SKKtF.rER will Wk, after home whiie . are wi mg; ; r -ee, . journal. -- lTFj-3!LY Is-It waois light boneework; no ak-k-a . fhone E., 4720. y v i PAT wntkt 27e an hoar. - Call any tua asw. leave mawr. . aaam ssai.- DRESSMAKING. 258 HK VlSTtTCHlNO any eoioc. . iitm. 483 P.eigh bidg. 387 Wash. -Bdwy. 8749.- HFJlSTITCHtNG Sperisl ranea cloths trantnt e per yam. ,lcow Bawy. ldg. K JHTITUlNi. !', e per yard strata a Bwrtsai A Htainne itaon, 39 kteyal bid: - NURSES 257 LA.ri Rir.M 1.D rretirt nure. beat .of ref-'iHfw.- ' Pill Mini HT3. - - A lb 1 .LI A RLE .nurse, wsnta caaea. Reasoualiia ciMrgea. Auuv 64i-e6. . ''fOR KENT- FURNISHED ROOMS 3C0 MX COLS H0TET . ' . : 46 MORBISCOf ST. '' . ' TJader New Management. Tarnished moana.-hot and cold "water" in ' eeery room, eteana heat. Pricea 88 to. 1 Phone Broadway- 838. - - - HOTEb BRISTOL. 18 12th at. cor. Stark. New . xaanagemeat; modem; prirate hatha, - free phoee. raaaoaable rater; 85 and ap; hot and cold water; steam beat. THOROLGHLT rieaa aiscie rooasa. 4a et week; hot -and cold water, auam beat ' Chamberiaia Hotet SBZ E. Stark. K. OifiX njRNlSHZD ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY' 301 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ROOMT IX PRI VATE HOME FOR REFINED LADT. 88 11TH ST. MAIN -5821. - -' - - ' - -; ----- . NICELY furnished front room, separate en trance, walking distance to tosameea aectioa: " rent reasonable. 491 Montgomery, between 14th and loth its. - - - ' - X IJaRGE FRONT SLEEPrSO ROOMS. TCU 'ACB HEAT. BATH,, EAST -284- S FURNISHED rwonxa. prirate"; family.? 88 and 810. 78 lora. ; Main 486. NICE LARGE. - W'ELa HEATED BOMS. CLOSE TO BATH. REASONABLE; CLOSES IX. WALKING DISSANCE.. EAST 4383. 830 HALSEY. - - -.- - : ; NOB HTLL InexpenaiTe rooms on first and third Hoon, in a beantif al. refined home. 84 N. 21st. cor. Ererett, Walking distance,. A, REAL HOME FOB THE BIGHT PABTT. - BOOMS ADJOIN BATH. RENT REASON - ABLE. PHONE EAST g074. : - Uf yea are tired of liring h a hotel I am aure : I hare a real home, and a warm room yon wen Id like. 8S and 86-60 week. GeoUe aen preferred. - E. 2074 after-7:80 p. m. LIGHT, pleasant sleeping room; fnmace heat: walking diatanee; also garage. 054 Ererett. corner 17th. - Broadway 2'J58. - - - COZY, eatra-waena 2-raom suite; all conveni ences; aifo pri rate garage. 414 Market. corner 11th. - --:- ."- ; ATTKACT1VK room. wt side. 1 block 'from library, not a rooming house, tor lady ran. - C S. preferred. 818 per nan Alain 73S. TWO warm rooms, wHu atore,. for men; walk ing distance; bet.. Williams and. Union ares. 863 Hancock at. ONE furnished room, with kitcthenette. 1 blk. from Spnnyside car; 84.50 per Week. 174 K 85th at. Phone Tabor -O302. ' . NICE modern room.- a minutes to buaineaa district W. B., 31t wp. Main 4377. NICE clean, heated, sleeping room. , 455 West - Park. - - . : -- ' FRONT sleeping; room, furnace beat, close to bath. 312 mo.. 20 East 4th at. North. TEACHER& Sleeping room for 3 in home of Portland teacher. Call Main 0265. SINGLE fronts room, first floor, furnace heat. . 381 Montgomery sU - - . . . ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel 4 llth oft Washington. Bdwy. 1180. ' Fertland'g higb-claes downtown reairlan ttal hotel. We give yon the comforts ef aenne. American and European plan. Rates reasonable. PARK VIEW HOTEL COR. W. PARE. AND MONTGOMERY The highest - standard of an Aaserieaa plan hotel.- Aa n permanent place to lire it is unexcelled for the price in the city. Conveniently located for bun in eat and pro fextonal people. " - ' . HOTEL HEREFORD , 785 Hoyt, near 23d. - Main 8305 Excellent dining room service, under the .direct supervision ef Mra. MeDoagalL for merly of the Ramapo hotel. EXCLUSIVE residenUal hoUl; rata 848. te 840. 704 Lovejoy. Main 81. FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 VACANCY the 18th in real bom for two employed,- west aide, good -heat and meals. 888 Marshall. Main 6953. . EXPERIENCED mother -want children to ; care for; has large yard on qniet street. 1 Mock from car line. 11S Atlantic at Walnut 2895. BOOM and board kt modern home in , Rosa City, for man and wife employed; will care for child during day. Tabor 8582. 368 Eaat 89th at N. BKK TMia TOOAI BEST Oil' ROOM AMD BOARD IN RE FINED HOMM, CLOSE IN. VERY REA SONABLE. MAIN 14. 79 1KVING 8 T. NURSE will take 2 or h elderly or business people m her convenient home near 28th and Belmont; automobile service. . Auto matic 628-90. SICE, 'cheerful room with or without hoard; cloaa in.- Eaat 484s.. - NICELY furnished rooms. twin beds, good nome coonrng ana alt noma priruegea; amt sMe ' for 1 or 2 refined people employed. 088 Kearney. Broadway 1509. - WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. wonderful view. front room. -wltb porch: X anaaJa; piano and home .privileges; 340 for , one person: 3 TO for 2. Atwater 0740. LARGE nicely fejrn. room in nrivate. family. wttq or without board; 385 fog l or 380 for z; ty day. wees or, month. Mam 2074. SOBMT 14th st. BEST OF BOOM AND BOARD FOR fW5 YOTJNO MEN OB MJB .AND WIFE. WALKING DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. CHEAP. EAST 9218.- PLE AS ANT rooms, good board, .furnish- heat rivCTnv u lit, not iiiq vvm water, waiaing distance. . Reasonable. - 547 , 6th street BOOM AND BOARD for gentleman working; nic home: Just what you are looking for; - good meals, nice Sundsy- dinners; furnace heat' Walnut 4545. i IN fine home: rootn. adjoiruag bath; good home rooaing- xtoaae privuece lor young lady. Price SG0 menth. , - flume East 25 5 3. LADY would like 3 or 3 gentlemen to board. in real aome ;. modem, clean, and congenial, lis yn montn. cast moe. walnut 0893. FOR LADY; board, room, lire, 810 mouth. cii rinney, rtt. g. vjervais, tjregon, ROOMS with break faat, near Walnut telephone .. ,f . , ...it , -1 . a., ok t - . . wiirevioTiBinHbwisiit NICE rooaa. with board., within walking dia- COa-LTO RTABLE. wU-hktl room irith board. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ' : FURNISHED 304 SICK clean H. K. room, all convenienrea. 8tS . month; amall H. K. room suitabss for bache-t 33 week. S4t llth st 3 XKMSHED H. K. rooms; walking distance; linen, light, fernare heat,! eooking utcusils; 325. 404 Park rt. - ' THREF furnished hssement housekeeping room iow - er sauna; garage ir oseared. lnnn su. yrasmnggra. - Taper atigz, ONE single H. K. room, with hkeat, . 34.50. - aultar.i fnr SMiunina ' SftA VUiiAiM - i- HOUSEKEEPING rooms $2 per week and up. vo xawu w, uric anaur, . , r HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS" "' FUBMSHED AND UNFUIiNlSHED rrVATE FAMILY ' 308 3 NICELY furnished hometeeping rooms, first floor. 320 month. - - Phone East 8835. Call Sunday or after B:8Q eeentnr-. reoma well f arninht Omm, Flair. 816 per month. 507 Mississippi ssi neiwr niam. I. 2 OR S housekeeping rooasa, , togetherer separated ; with fireplace and coal rang; ' very reasonable. 83 10th at . TWO large rooms. wJJ furnished, walking disJ tsnfe. reasonabls. .OT riandera gt : Main 4551. - - . . AND 3 light bonsekeepnig rooms. 1 sini!; elertrie hshts and garage. East 2618.- 321 E. 8th at. -N. ...... i j . FURNISHKD H. K, rooms, heat, light and phone. 330. . Waiaat 3743. 208 Mon- a d is '. . 1 AteweepiBaj Apt. , 'iTy'""'""f Clos-4a- -Kent Ressortable -' -.- ; - -fO Cowimenvl! nt. . T. - - ONE housekeeping .room. 1 sleeping room."' t ? J. T""- " heat M JMty. , 3471. 8T Trrnity piece, Tory Teaawnehle. 8u 3 MUDKarN n, a. rooms, including ligh. X "PloTd - conpie. ,n,J i-S'i. priiwiiTO smiv. -i- j CLOSE IN. on east-side., room and kitchen j ett. hot and ld water, furnace heat AOS m. saw ass. KER pleasant H hi. rooms, all eoaveniencee, walking distance. 38.50 te . 84.40. 403 - Second t.. Mr. rsndsl;. MCE. comfortable bousekeepiag roonu "for working msn. 103 N. 16ih t - tJi-T.M. VE-..,mt slillmgawortn. rurniahed at-. 324.30; sH complete-, eowcrete btdg . HOI. Sl.at-t.riMi room. 84 and ti week: furnace beat 521 Johnson at. FOR RUNT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UIVFUKIIISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 30S $47 FURNISHED. Ivory finish. 4-roata lowei floor. Private toilet and bath, furnace and . fireplace. Hasrtbome distinct. Free- phone. - light and water. Krsr , store and ahowa. X Tabor" 9049. ' . - f -- : 1 TO 4 nice furnished housekeeuing or sleep ing rooms, garage, 1 biock Fulcen cart tele phone, clectneuy, jetc, free; extremely rea sonable. 13b 1 Kelly. Atwater izu CLEAN 2-rooai furnilied apartment, s with . bath. ' perch, -yard and basemem; enarned couple or two- ladies. - 671 Gsntenhein are. W. A. car to Fargo. ! - $20 THREE pleasant furnished housekeeping - rooms. - 542 E. 27th -st.. - Rtciimood car t27th, one block south. TWO-ROOM apartment, eteam heated parlor. free wood "for kitchen, pantry,' hot and . cold . water. 103 North 2d.t Take either 23d at- or Depot-Morrison car. 1 block from each. VERY large room ana - aiuUeu. pantry, and t closet, hot aad cold water, neat.-light and gas included; reasona big rent.. - 240 E. 60th. - Hawthorne car. - - ' - CLEAN housekeeping roouis and kitchenette, - 33.75 per werk and up; heat, light, hathA . phono furnished. 396 N. 20th, near Mont- i gomery Ward.- Call Aatwater 27"5.: FOR KENT Two laraw (orutshedl heuiiekoep ; ing rooms,' running water in rootiu 493 - Vaacourer av 1 blk front WiUikMts are. ONE large front! room with, kitchenette well . rurvuaiied, all con reo irncea, walking distance. 8 blocks from east end of Broadway bndce. 482 Roes St. "East 9370. . ..). 8EE THESE TODAY ' ' IF TOU WANT NICELY FURNISHED lit E!: ROOMS VERY CLOSE IN. IJ'JHT, " BATH, PHONE FREE. CALL EAST 1693. SNAPPY, clean, weU furnished 2 room H. Kl suite, sink. h. and e. runolng water, beat. ,: light, phone, C as. free: good yard for oar. 3o2 Tillamook, near William are. 2 OR 3 respectable young gentlemen to . board m refined home with uiothci room- uiothcr and daughter. Boys who appreciate real - heme life. -730 E. Ankeny st. East 1431. BOOM AND BOARD IN MODERN HOME. 706 FLANDERS. MAIN 1833. GOOD HOME COOKING AND ROOM FOR 88 A WEEK. 24 A LB IN A AVE. EAST ' 1857. -"' - , . BOOM and board by week or month and tabic board. 2 blorfca to - Broadway bridge,' and bridge tranaiev ear payees the; door, 215 McMillan st IF THERE are 2 young men who would ap preciate' a clean,- warm ; room, nice home and good meals. Call Bdwy. 815! UPPER floor, 4 largo unfurnished or partly furnished rooms for housekeeping; all modern : adults only; 1 block from Hawthorne, fill E. Madison, near 16th. - East 0342. a ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE Adults. Hawthorne district. PHONE EAST 8441. ROOM with or without board, suitable for 1 or 2 persons; rates reasonable. 22 E. 10th at East 6593. BOOM AND BOARD; , SINGLE AND ' DOUBLE ROOMS AT ?72. MARSHALL. MAIN 1644. "- . 2 ROOM furn. H. E. apt. light, beat, phone, i and bath, hot and cotd water; with sink; reasonable. 421 H th st. Atwater '. GOOD ROOM AND BOARD IN MODERN HOME FOB 2 MEN 4JK MAN AND WIFE; xxuaan. rni v u.&tin.a. i Atiutt zsss, WANTED Child 1 to . 4. years to board, mother' care, in good home; will do child's sewing. Sell. 236. BOOM and board for business girls; modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. East 8780. 12 E. 7th st YOUNG MAN to room and board, amall con genial family of young people, piano. close in, 38 week. Main 098. NEATLY furnasbed apartment, H block Iron Montavilla car. Phone Tabor 0475.- FOUR furnished H. K, rooms. 2 blocks from Peninsula schooL 1557 ? Vincent. Walnut 2098. 2 TRUNKS moved, 75c nowntown disUlct; fireproof storage, 1ft days tree; long dis tance hauling. Bdwy. 244 5. 4-ROOM apt. 1 at floor : basement and furnace; close in. 381 Roes kt Phone East 8646. 4 Clean light rooms, peons, private bath, ga- rage; close in; adults only, 078 E: Alain: 3 ROOM nicely furnished b. k. suite in pri vate home, garage if -desired. Walnut 5338. APARTMENTS-FURNISHED 307 CREIGHTuS APARTMEXT S . 12TH AND HAWTHORNE. AVE. New house., just being - completed, and now open for inspection.- 2 and 3 room apts. , unfurnished, to rent ar, reasonabi prices; possession January 1. '28: all apts. are equipped with P.- baths, electric ranges, breakfast nocks and all modern conveniences. Make your selection now. - ; Leeds Apartments ' Fireproof bldg.. modern 2, 3, 4-room apts. Single rooms, elevator service. Atwater 8507. ' ; -TH E. STANFIELD - Modern 2 room apt, tight.' heat, phone, lanndry facilities. 324. Main 73.92. BORTHWICK APTS. ' Housekeeping rooms snd apts. - close in. steam heat, new and clean, 33 per Week. 144 Russell st East 0345. 3-ROOM furnished apt. with -private. -bath, lights, water sod phone free. 334). 882 E. Ash. WALKING DISTANCE One or two rooms, kitchenette, , private- bath. heat, phone. ,414 ' Fourth st. FpR RENT, three and four room furnished apartments, light, beat and phone; west aide. rnone Atwater U34T. 2 ROOMS,-large chnnes press, steam heat, hot and cold water;- 822.50. . Broadway 4292. ' Jennings apartment. 245 N. 17th st HADDON HALL. 1 1TH- AT. HALL ' kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors. private naiconiesi gsa np. Atwater lioo, AVAILABLE Jan. . 1st. 3 -room corner apt ,. PrivaU bathJ and, phone; steam heat. - Call Tabor oa4o FOR RENT .Completely famished 5 -room ant; private bath; $25 month.. CaU Walnut 2138. --. - - - THE ALBERT- rurniahed apt. private bath, 840 H Mies, are. steam heat 2-ROOM houekepuig at.. hot and . cold water, 34.50 per week. 668 6th st 1 MODERN 3-roora fum. apt; ckwe in, west abtei $2j. Atwater 4166. . ' ? APARTMENTS ' -UNFURNISHED - - 308 The:Anierican Modern 4 and t room apartments, v. x 1st ana joaoson. - Broadway 8SOO. NEW. strictly modern 2-room apt.,', oak floors - . private-bath end sleeping porch, . East side; reasonable. Wahmt 0800. - '-, MARLBOROUGH S and 6-rm. on fum. apts., all light, large rooms. Main 751. ' FLATS TORN1SHED ' 309 VERY plesatant 4-room; private bath,-hot wa tet. laundry; H blk. from car; walking dist ?. t rem S4. P. shop. 82 i- . . Adult. ,'643 you want a real home in restricted- district S large rooms, hdw. f loorsj fireplace, btif fet furnace, garage, all ' modern, bungalow -. type. mi warrmt 4Bft. ao. WEST SIDE 4 rooms, bath. gas., electricity. -. 322.50: , walking- distance; adulta. 54 t Broadway, above 344 Grant. Belt 1370. -ROOM llat. furnished or aninmiaaied. 380 H. 9th at East -0328..- ; . v ITATS--WJTaJRNISHEl 310 GOOD modern. . 6-room sower, fist, farnaos, fireplace, gas ranges we furnish water and 'garbage. 253 E. 17th.-. at ,- 4JaU Wal- waf 2999. UNFURNISHED fat, 820; 5 reeena.! 47tl end frendy Mrd. . Tabor -840. FOUR larre, riean rooms, $25. lwsaire 204 k - McMillen st - --- 4-ROOM flats, with gavseea. ' 671-579 U ave. north.- East 2195. .' -;--. . HOUSES FURNISHED 311 MODERN.-, 2-rn. ibonse. -newtv painted: turni- tnrw all new. suitable for working couple or lady with nhi.'l. ill care for etuid during ' day. KeiJ. 8309.; v -.,-, :., . . .. ... ... 4-ROOM bouse in rear, partly furuuhed. with garage; rent $23; siulsNe far 2. 7 K. - Pth s." ' - - - -- -- '---- - 813 ROSE CITY bungalow, some furniture! X 825. tarnished heme. Owner, 42 E. S7ih t 8. MontsTilla, ear. - , MT home, modern, completely . f nrniabed. n rooms, -fiirnace.: Ant 63I-48'. - ; 4-ROOM - furishd bnngaiow. 785 E. 75th at. "X. ? Ant FURNISHED 5 roam house,. 446 llth. at Main O40.V -xx , --,....,, ff . r HOUSl--UlTXaSfI13J 312 4, 5 and 4 KOOM eottages. fTtmtshed or un fimiwtwsf, 315 tn $24. Inquire 7931st rt.. Rciith Portlsod. i . $15.t;9: wsier d.' &618 oai ct S. E. FOR RENT HOUSES UNI URN IS RED 312 SPRINKLE HED WAKEUOCSE an trackage - Store yetu gooda wuh las. Let aa en jjoi niovine aad pf fnfi - - ' - " ' LAT ft. WOBSB. TXtt Bdwy. 4TO. 484 -gnsan at. MOVE THE SECURITY WAY , - . Extraordinary Serrire ' For the ordinary pure. ' PACKING j MOVING, STORATB SECTJBITY STORAGE- V TRANjCR ttO--4th at Pine at, Opp.- Mnltnomatk tsL .- Tele poo na- Broadway 3716. 5-liOOM : buniialow. f irepieee. ( floor furnace. -: hardwood floors, huilt-ms. panel dining room. Ihitrli kitchen and garage; on 49th st. south of IMrhiiou; tmfurnnlied. Wal. 7473. 1 LAURKLHURST v 10-room modern - hoswe. double garage; newly decorated aad very desirable, 2O0 ft lot: references reuuired. " Room 80S- Concord bldg. Bdwy. 1244. PIANO MOVING $8, Inrnitare 32.30 per boar-. - 2 men,, large padded vane. ' Call Ctwws Transfer Co.. Eat 6047. . , .. CUT RA11S t'RNITURR MOVING . - - Fireproof Storage IS Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. 244$ 4 ROOMS," plastered; basement, garage; $30. . will sell furniture . cheap. . Atwater 0398. l no r v lrxmie. L. V U TRANSFER, East 3t2. We con .. tract your job , or . 32 per hour, and fur- ; man 2 men. - FOR RENT An 8 room house at 501 E. 26th st N. Inquire-of J. '. Hertacne, 328 v iiamiTeT Ol Miminrm Diua. lUKa EXPKESjJ 4c TUANalKEU CO. " Ironka, baggage," furniture moving. 81.50 ana s per nous-, atdwy. voa. FOR RENT. 4-room houae.. sleeping porch and garage; one block from Union and Alberta cars. - Paved street; Phone Walnut 4888. WHEN'MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Co. AUun 1 281 202 Alder st. ' - 5 ; ROOM for rent, unfurnished, no gamge. 1467 E. Offaan, cor. 55th. - M-V. car. 4 ROOM cottage. No. 7 E. 78th at N., Montavilla. 816. Phone East 7 820. - MODERN. O room house; tumace; $35 per month. Walnut 7500. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, large! orchard and large pleee for chickens. 1169 E. 18th N. FURNITURE moved; $2 a room; any part of city, Padded van, Walnut 5108. 7-RM. HOUSE, modern. 894 East Cth at Close in. FOR RENT. S-rm. house. 4704 65th S. E. Ant. ss-oi. NEW" 1KJUSE. - hdw. floors, iireplsoe, Dutch sitcnen. near n. I . an ope. wen. a;n 6-ROOM house for rent, 1246 DUt st. $25 niyi.ni. - vtai. llDf 8-RGOM honaa on east side. 1246 6th at, I $25 month. WaL 4164. MOVING by the Elks, storage SO oaya free; ; 2 men and machine $2 per hour. Main 8059. HOUSES FOR RENT : FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 FURNITURE 4-room flat for. sale, flat for rent; close in, west aide; mu?t be seen to be - Appreciated; bargain for ca.b. Main -1283. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale: mast ssc . rifice; 5 room house for rent, $20; walking ' distance. 320 Sherman, corner 0th. EXTRA clean, modern.- 0 rooms, 318: walk : ing distance, west side; furniture for sale cheap. - Atwater 3088. - . ' MUST SELL AT ONCE ' Furniture, for aale of 1 4-room house. A - bargain. E. 2380, any time. House for rent STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT, second floor, 561 Hawthorne. 100x100; can be used for any . purpose. Phone East 4200. FOR desirable apace in fireproof warehouse i nfcmi. Wrr wsv 8715. ., , - STOKE 40x10. shelving, counters; water free; - 320 month. 131 E. 18th st UNION AVE. store for rent R. J. McGuirs. - 645 Union. Esst 6407. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographat service. Phone Bdwy. 3713. ROOMS 3 SO ELDERLY MAN wants quiet furn. room, close .4. in. with space for carpenter tools. . Y-622 Journal. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENTS 357 WAN1ED By January 1. partly furnished or unfurnished 3 or 4 room apt. on west side. Phone Walnut 4610. , -. '. -ks-s REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 BUSINESS LOCATION . . i . Ereellent field for np-to-date nndertsker; Splendid location; at reasonable price. &X 505. Journal. APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY . 402 2-FAMILY FLATS. 35000 Walking distance,'' east aide, fireplaces, full basements. hsrge attic; 50x100; ..worth , 37000; closing estate; term. Bdwy. 6011. ' T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. TO CLOiE estate. 100x100 northeast corner : 14th and Taylor, west aide. , East 2195. LOTS 403 . t lRVlNGTON DISTRICT $904. Terms; on ear; 3 blocks to school; - all improvements in and paid; surrt-unded by new homes. On East 15th near Beech. Jotsnson-Dodson Co. 633 N, W. Bank bUg. Main 8787. $10 CASH. 10 monthly. 50x100 on East s 22d near - Alberta : sidewslks. curbs and aewer in and paid: good graded street ; 2 , blks. to cr, 4 blks. to school,. $300 -cash. . JohnsonDodsors Co. - 63 N. W." Bank "bldg. Main 3T87. ' ACRE LOTS on Columbia blvd. (paved), between E. 29th and E. 33d sts. N., convenient to cars; rich soil; fine location. - J, O. KLKOO. OWNEK. 2 Stark tit. - Phone ltdwy. 1188. ' KENTON 3450 8 blocks - to car:- and-- school, sidewalks, curbs and sewer in and paid; eaMi. 633 N. W. fiank bldg. Main 8787. ' Joh"nsonDodson Co. FOR SALE by owner, corner lot. high class district, fme -new, close to car. 'A bargain. 847 E. - 30th near: Harrison. Tabor 4450. KENTON Unimproved : property cheap. 78 v Front at HOUSES 404 NEW Rose City: bungalow. Buy now snd i have finished to suit; 2 bedrooms; con 's binstioa living and .dining room. Duieh , kitchen and ' bk. - nook; cement basement. : Price 34100. with only $500 cash, balance . $40 per month, including interest. . Call Tabor 071 H. .:- - . 2 PIEDMONT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW r . -.. Heart of the distract; furnace, fireplace, I oak floors and garage. - - : 1 J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 352: Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. (3300 Close-in 7 rocm home, with 2 room - rented for light housekeeping ; enn- . - vcHient te Ankeny. carbarns. ' A real -' .bargain, but roust tisre a little bec ... ter than S100O aaa down.. .Ta - bor 0718. -. ,- - ' .- 7 ROOMS MODERN CORNER LOT - Ax real fine property on ..E. 38th st, and wn will sell for $2950; terms. - If yon '. want a home don't miss this. Bdwy. 7959. - Ant. ;3-u evenings LET MS. gtre you my tiguree en your new I. bona you're going to build. 1 mil an J- yon money and help finance. Have SO ! - houses under. wsy tins year; trrat ctaaa- work. M. H. HsrriS. 1O10 Brooklyn.- BU. 2S59. for' raTS? very rhesp, 6-room bungalow 80s" .129 gs'Sge and barn: also fruit and ber - rwn; will sacrifice as I ant eonmelled to re ; turn tm my former home in Indiana. Call at, 661. 2d at K. E.. Woodstock car. . $SA50 BUYS this dandy mo-iern 4 room i bungalow, located fn Rove City Park. ;; Full '-kit with aH- Improvement in. v Close te , ear. i; Eay term . rich party.- i For ap- poinrmewr ey'I jsdot Hilt. $1473 3330 CASH Vacant 4 room plastered . cottage, cement haserneet, sidewalkx and vewer. 2 blks, to Mia- sawippi.-Kenton car Rental rame 318.50. tVmwIer- Hght sn". Owner. Wahrnt-1201. 84200 BUYS kvsngalow home of 4 rooms and - ; bath down, oaet, tarn room , np: farasce, ; fireplace. -Dutch kitrben. Imp, pass; terms. TsNw '1.;---.;---'---'-;- --v-.-y- TF SOLD this week will take $275 for swell : new 6-room bungalow that cost 83409 r now . vacant: $1000- cash;, act quick., : Phone Tabor 27. - - - - ... - , A DANDY 9 room bouse, rurwsee. foil be . merit, SOxlP lot, everything in and past IxiLs ; t.f fruit. .tnly, $3750. Beasonabie . term-s. Tabor $7.i. " &MA1.U nsjmei.t down, balance like sent bus nol. 4j-rm. bungalow with garage; -private party. 8216 3atn ave. 1i. E. GOOD 5 room htufp. el'e m. 82750; $300 cah. Darcnport. Bixadtray 6S90.' REAL ESTATE TOR SALE HOUSES 404 THE NEW YEAR HOLDS Real Happiness' in Yonr Own Hons 200O Photographs nf Homes for Sal America g Larrett Home Seller E very -type ef ,home Is. represented in :; our enormous range of listings, every price, every district in the, city. Terms that you , eaa meet I'll help you make tony, first payment if necessary. .-," i ,.x Open evenings until 9:0ft u v: 90 Salesmen with aatox. - . - : -,.V;- Catt Bdwy. 7171 for aervica ' . . '- HEADS THE LIST ' - ' " - -$400 down takes this besutiful Colonial . Hose City apartment, bungalow, entire price -. being ,83390; living aad dining rooms combined;-, big . fire place: white enamel Dutch : kitchen with breakfast nook ; sunny bad room and. bath; full lot, 4400 down and terms like sent (8 40) . - ; ' - - ' " APT. DWELLER LOOK! ' ' -- 8130 down and yon can move into" this pleasant.., comfortable ' home, - with dandy garden;: abundance of fruit, etc.: room for " coir kens; great big piece of ground; price is $3790 gad only $140 down, (A 115) , $250 DOWN NEW BUNGALOWl , - 84750. 8250 down. This wonderful new bungalow ia a decided snap. -uirasually ar. t tube . hnea; massive pillared - front porch; , living room with fireplace; dining room; - tapestry paper; hardwood floors and old ivory finish ; bath and 2 airy Wd rooms; only H block to car. "Vacant. It't your move. Greenwood street . - v. - x ONLY 8100 DOWN! ' ' ; 82290 See this resl snap in a , new bungalow in Mt Scott district that yon can buy for only $10O down and rest hka rent; very artistic;, buiitina; ivory . finish; white enamel bath; electricity; attic, Vacant, 97th - street . ' - - HUNDRElis OF OTHERS Your bom is here at the price yen can pay. - I've helped scores of contented home owners realise their ambition. I'll help you with your first payment if necessary . - . See i FRANK L. , Met; U IRE. -. To Buy Your Home., ' Realtor, Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171, ' 8d st. bet Wash.-and Stark " V - There is an opening on . my sales, force for a tlive salesman with car. - . CHEAPER THAN BENT 825 DOWN , $10 PER MO. AND INT. COZY NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW i Cottage,- on full sued lot. all cleared. Just outside eity limits. No high taxes or assessments' here. Close to store and- car line. . Price $1180.- Do a little work here and own your own home at less than rent Also one with acre ground. See Mr. Mc Quilkin. - - . , GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - CLOSE IN ONE BLOCK TO SANDY BRAND EW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW ' 342 E. 89TH ST. N.; NEAR HALSEY Just completed, strictly modern, fireplace, -hardwood floors, tile- bath, recessed tub, shower bath, tile darn boards, 2 bedrooms, large living room. .'Dutch kitchen, large Pullman . dining nook, cement basement, trays, plenty buflt-ins, all .double" construct ed.' paring and sewers alt paid, every con , venience 1 block away.. Bee this today. Deal direct with owner -and builder on premises from 12 to 6. or phone-Auto. 317-76. ROSE CITY - PARK AND LAURELUURST BUYERS ' I If you "are going to boy in. either of , these districts, we want yon to inspect our listings. Many splendid buys are offered now. Labor and materials . are increasing in .price: we specialise in the sale of prop erty in these two sactioRs and are equipped to give you . splendid service. Let ns show you You'll be under no obligations, posi tively. .. , 3 A. O. TEEPE CO.. Rose" City office. 40th and Sandy, Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst office, 30th and GlUan. Tabor 3438. Rose-City 1 New 5-room bungalow; this is close to Sandy and below the hill: you will like 4 this , home; never been Itred in; best -of . termv - --T-t- - . .- ' , CORCORAN-JONE8 REALTY CO.. . 275 Osk Street. Phone Bdwy. 6006. ALAMEDA PARK EXCELLENT ' . BUNGALOW Three block from car, strictly modern, oak. floors throughout: furnace, fireplace, garage, cut to 36OO0 tor ' quick -sale. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL. -ESTATE 852 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. , 84600 ROSE CITY 84500 - - - . A new 8 -rtn. ' bungalow, strictly modern, large living, and dining rm., built-in buffet, oak - floors, " fsreplsc. Dutch kitchen, and breakfast nook; -full cement basement; en paved street. Wi'l take laf as part pay ment or soldiers loan.. Tsbor ,2580. Eve nings Tabor 6087. - " Irvington 5-room new - bungalow, never - been - Heed in ; this is well located arid priced to sell CORCORAN JONES REALTY CO.. 275 Oak Street - Phone Bdwy. 6006. Alberta Sacrifice, $2600 6 rm. bouse in the heart of Alberta, all imp.- in- and paid. Owner-lives in Idaho and wants to dispose of Portland property. ,Eaay terms can be arranged. EMERT eV tilFFORD 888 ALBERT A ST. - - WALNUT 548$. AlamJdXhome , New,: attractive 3 rooms .with ran room and large attic; 8 windows, with lights and heat: large riving and dining room across front; east face, corner' lot; shades, electric fixtures, - bnitt-ma. fireplace, camn. floor aad pedestal stand- in bath; br. nook., fu mace garage.' Corner 26th and Skidmor. Owner. E. 3280. $0750. Terms. A FIXE i. room modem bungalow with all the ' modern conveniences; hot - wafer beat, fireplace, it. W. floors, full basement This - is truly a fine pjaee and is priced -below Its - real value.3 44300 will bay -. it with 8600 down. Call -su for an appointment . OTTO 4V HABESON CO. 413 Chamber ef Com. bldg. Bdwy. 68R9. - 7 ROOM WE3T SIDE HOC8E. $1760 -- Good 7 room honaa, A bedrooms, foil base ment bath, gas, etc.; lot 40x106; no bens er mortgage to assume, walking distance, on Porter s. ; price as big swap at 81750; about $304 cash, balance to suit - - 3. W. CRITSSI, 318 Board of Trade Wdg. " Bdwy, T4 52. NEAR LAURELHCRST PARK .,:., On account of sudden death of husband. . .. widow must sell Imngalow- bom mt 4 rooms and bath. - incradwia; on! 'bedroom down. 2 ' rooms up. This hem complete, except hard---" ware, fixtnrea and soma painting. - Pnee very low for quick sale.- Tabor 0718. , VACANT NEW. 'COZT BUSCAIAW. A - $500 CASH. B-AJ LIKR RENT. - .V , r- 22d street, near Bandy bird..' hardwood -floors, lovely Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, : fireplace.- - buffet, .- etc;. all hnprwamenta-ia ; .ideal location; a bargain., Bdwy. 601 1 or Eat 7978 evewings. t , ' t WEST 45 IDE : SXA ' t ' '"-'' - - - . 5 rooms, lot 80x100. en carline,' etc in. Only $840; easy terms. , 1 J.' R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE . 832 Ankeny neer Brnedwav. Bdwr. 2043. ..... REMODEL THIS INTO, FLATS , j $3400 r-Near 'Rodney save.- and Hsneeck et. 7 room bonne.- re esceflrar condition, ,i whichf . eouid , readily be mad ,hro flats. - Owner leaving city - and price reduced for - tmmediat cssfc sale. Tabor 9713. LAURELHURST. No. 991 E. Hovtf near 33d. fine 6 room hmiil, glaseed-rs steeping porch, hardwood flenra, garage, wtodern, all faa ' piulsiiMute in and paid. $4)0; teraas. - It " F. Hunt, Atwater Q64 8. Bay Atw. 6400. , $8350 NEARLY NEW 83354 - Cosy ' $ rwwn-moder hwera low. fireplace, :' enilt-tB. hdwdV floorsV"Fvneh doors, base : anenC 4-1 convtrnrtion, small payment down, " bat rike reet, 1 bk. vo car. Broadway lg04 11 HOrSES for aale. water windmilL 1.00 gal. eoncrete i tas i ulr SOO feet from arhool-house.- railroad slwip. rfcoffice: rent 8229 ' anocMtt. sell, for 31,0tHJ. W'..18 Jottrnat W-l . Journal. ' ' STRICTLY, modern 6 room bwncafow, all in A-l condition, close l& Hawthorne car. Will accept good let an Iurrlhnrvt or - Base Citv as rrt pavwient. Tabor. 575. BY OWVFR a bacnlice. -Fine 8-1 Alameda home at 915 L. 30ta N. Lafy terms,. REAL ESTATE FC 71 SALE HOUSES 404 ' - -GOOD HOUSE BUTS- . " v 6 room ntodern bunsalow, furnace, fire place, nice tmilt-ins, paved street, 83544; . good, terms. " See ' eowner, 9 East 7 2d st. at Burnsid. M-V car. 4 room modern bungalow, nearly new. v extra well built, large bath with separate - ahuwer. large frniahed attic. Can. have 4 extra rooms. 84200, $5oO down. - 8 room new modern bungalow, furnace . fireplace, hardwood floors paved ttreet 100 ' feet Hawthorne ear. 67 th aj-, $4600. Easy ': terms. . ".. . v - 6 room nsodern smngaleav Tull basement. : pergola, garage, atom . yard. 49x117 feet -A toots villa, 33300; terms. ? ' 4 room cottage, tot 50x104 feet. Slat st. near. Alberta. $1200; $160 down. , 8 room modern wnngaww, comer lot. paved sts., flowers, ahrwbbcry. trees, 84200, good terms. See -owner;, 1198 East Taylor at,, cut 4 n tit. - -I .-,...':.- (f :- ... ' R. M. GATE WOOD at CO.. 163H 4th st 84000 EASY TERMS. ," " Kew 5 .; room - bnngaiow, doable const Full cement basement, fnrnace, - garage, pared St., sewer paid. 8 blks. car. $4500 EAST TERMS ' G BO V ELAN l PARK DISTRICT Large 5 room bucgalow, F. P.. furnace, garage, 50x110 lot-; lmprovensenu paid. . . 88000. TERMS - ' 1RVINGTON " ; Large,- modern home, enamel finish, 2 complete baths, garage. -" Bdwy. Y&67. W. D. RODEBAUGH . JITTER, LOWE CO., REALTORS ssoara oi - rage niuf 4500 ' DOWN, practically new, 4 . k - - rma. and- ivreakiaac neek, garage "-: -connecting, with . house, beautiful hdw. floors, furnace, fireplace, full - , . cement basements in fact everything - - Jou will expect an a strictly mod. cuts only th .: pric as st - least .' 81UOO under what you would expect -to oay for such s charming place. . . Paving and eewer in and everything . ' paid. Just east- of Laurelhamt. 3 E. 6 2d st. 250 ft N. of Stark, "a ' Owner on premises 1:80 to 4:30 P- irV m. Atwater 47 46. forenoons. " Laurelhurst 6-R. New Bungalow ' - Tilts is one of the best buys in Laurel hum; hot water beat;, the beat of plumbing and -we have a price on this home that will .Sell It. - - ' -i-A- ;,.- , CORCORANJONES REALTY CO., S75 Osk Street ' Phone Bdwy. 6006. 77. , 4 ROOM BIINGAIA1W -. . New and beautifully designed, ha: floors, -' fireplace. - tapestry . paper, - large kitchen, finished in white; 2 bedrooms with bath between; screened-in back porch; un usually nice electric- fixtures. Price' $2600. Yerv aasv aswiiitntt . v. - --r . - Johnson-Dodson Co. -! 683 N. W. Bank bldg; - Maru 3787. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN 85650 . A new. 5-room bungalow, located near new city park ; positively one of the best built bungalows in the district Built In dry weather; exceptionally large living room, rvcfa old ivory llnl&u. tapestry paper, best -heat ing plant Ka race. Ton can't find its canal in. Rose City for the money: - 8ee it to. day. A. J. Teepe Co.. 40th. and ' Sandy. Tabor BS80. : . - - , BARGAINS IN CITY HOMES We have some dandy bargains in good homes. We can sell yon a 12 room bouse, furnished, for $7500. Yon can rent enough of. this hense to finish paying for it and have plenty left to live in ; $2000 cash, balance terms. We also have many others, either large er email, on very easy terms. QUICK SALES CO. , f ; 401-402 Couch bklg. Auto. 511-04- PHONE builder. East 6700, regarding fine new bungalow for sals on terms; na com mission to pay. -. . -. ACREAGE 405 5, 10, 20Acre; Tracts $25 an Acre Up $10 down and $3 per month buys "a -S acre -tract in this addition of 800 . sores, down the Columbia river, en the Oregon side, close to Columbia high-', way and rivr, - fine trartsportstion, railroad, river,' aaso -stage aad truck. Beautiful laying land free from rock or gravel. Some tract have beauti ful view of river. There are also soma with streams; - fin location for chick ns, dairy, berries, fruit and vege tables. Have 5 , snd 10 acre tracts on the aame term" to, other loeatiooa. -CHARLiES DELFEL. a ' $18 BaUway Exchange Bldg. 10 ACRES. 8 miles south. U Vfc a. cultivated; hi a. timber. 2 a. bearing fruat: grapes, . loganberries and atrawbemes. W- a. each; -buildings, stock, equipment 83150, clear, 3 acre, cultivated : 5 blocks to station at Vancouver; fruit and berries; 6-roora ; hoosa. enamel . plumbing; barn, v garage, chicken house; $3000. " terms. ; - AT MEA VERTON,. 18 seres, cultivat ed: roek road: orchard; aood 6-rm. plaat ered bungalow, .electric lights, gas; ether buildings; Z good cowsj 56500. ; -. . JOHN FKKffCSON, RKAlfOR, ' . .- GKKXJNUEU BtdiG.-.- il Over' 400 emsll Ptsoes " Near Portland, . , ONE ACRE TRACT . . - ' ' -850 .-. -V-J--"- 8ection Lin road, just east of SJd,' out side of eity limits, no eity aasesKraanU, all in : cultivation,', good soil, has water, gas; sod , aleetrio lights, easy terms. - .. , t SAYT.ER E. SMITH: . J . 4 . X $18 R-. Exchange Mdg. . -r; f '- : Evenings. Tabor Q513.- - x iQ:rpregon CITV 10 acres, 4 a. fitbcultivation, baL pasture. . creek.-well, 4 room Turn se, garage. 200 feet chicken houses, brooders, fruit grapes, ber ries. 2 miles' Oregon City, $2500; $500 ." ' ch, bal.'tn aitit - . . - 1 B. M. OATEWOOD 4c CO.. 1 63 H 4th st. " ' FOB-SALE OR LEASE T " Acreage, close in; good roads; rich .river bottom lands. ... r J.. O. .ELB0D. Owner. - " 283 Htark St. - Phone Bdwy." 1188. 8-ACRB tracts in 'Rose Park acres, finest of soil. 340O per acre. Easy terms. O. L. Sohr, - 213 Knott st Phone East 4139. FARMS 407 12 ACRES. 1 5 miles touta: 1 mile to sta tion, rocked -road ; tl a. cultivated, balance -timber and pasture: 2 acres logaabeiiles. -- other fruit; n-room house, barn, chicken house: stock, equipment; 83300. . Ask for Nelson, -. ... - . : Xj ' . -i - TILIMMOOE DAIRY. 120 acres, on ; . highway: 40 a. bottom land in meadow; good buildings; H nil left cows, chickens, dairy equipment, Kovd car and arnitur; ' -.consider.. Portland " Pfoperty.-(..;,.:',;-.. .. .. -.;,. ... s) ecTea. " cultivated: - near t Newberg; . rock -road; creek i 4 a, beanng... prunes;, good buildings: lots of stork, equipment . and feed: $60iKI, terms; consider I'ort vUnd nous to $475. s ;" JOHN FERGUSON,' REALTOR, ' GKKL1NGEK BLDG. -.'f ;':i: : Over- 801 Small Place Near Portland. ' t i SMALli FARM NEAR BULL. RUN"5""" 40 acres,..: With g,l few acre cleared,; '. room hensf , 2 i fcinu. spring water, r ati fenced, 6 - seres beavevdam land. - Owner lives oat of -th state and will aaeriflce for 82000. with - only 840O -down, f,-- -Can you beat it? . . '- t- " : -' - - - ' Two acre place, wear Reedville, , wth 6 - mora buagahyw aad ".ehirkenhouse and -garage for $2200. with only 350O-down. ThM ia near a fine road, and baa fine f rait treea. - - We consider- thia a good buy. and ; worth . yonr wnaiileiatiori.- - . . -. ... - OTTO aV - HABESON O..' "-"-- ' 41$ "Chamber of Own. Bldg. Bwy 83.' ; ; . . - Just LookatThis; mt; RANCHER AND MR. 8TOCKMAS . 863 acres in the, heart ef the Wilhim etts vslVy. in TJnn eonnsy, part in ruRiva tk. bslsrtce fine pasture-and timhor. 1 4 bend Of cattle. 1 59 vheer.. ISO goat, XJ bun.? machinery ; and . hwpleaaent. . Close to school and . town, uGeed - bsntdrngsi . and 'only 8S9 an acre,- --. - ! -xf. HOI,BBOK. - REAtTOB, Wfjf 314-ria Panama- bang. ONE mile aooth ef Tacalt WsH.l. eevenf-r-eoe acres. 49 acres under cmtivetion,. 30 -acres pastsrre.. practicaHy clear; -11 acres standing timber; good 6 room bouse. 76x4a ktni and wood shed: ground lies flat and .: fronts ow the hard surface, road; plenty of . frost trees; owner will secrifice and take 44004 for a ow-sal. v ... . s t . . . . arir-xrirr svaaiE--. ' . 16 th ..)r8gonifelrt.yr Or. . An Opportunity. for the ngbt man to buy one of the best lO aerw wnprored 'xanchea- ht Oregon, on nsain highway. -2 f miles from Portland. Thepfce. will aarprre yc.-i flee as 'at .once. Thi place -will vww. mat feng... .1, Gokey z Wesch SJT Chsm. of Com, BldX, - B4wy. 706 FOR SALE 35 acres. 2000 cords wood; price - 85TOO. 916O0 cash wiU turn the deL : Write for parucular to J. Gee, Salem, Or., Leu. Del. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS f 4or 118 Acres; $50 Per Acre, 14 Miles From ' City Hal! 40 acres cultivated. 36 acres of virgin timber t about SO HO cords, I balance paw. . lure, on highway, fenced and cross-fenced, set ot building,, settled conunnaity. near; aoiaU town and school, fin water. 3 nice springs, fine family orchard, more "land ' ran be easily cultivated. Exrelient mar - bet for all produce. This will make on : . ef the fluest ckse-in dairy ranchex. CALL , N US FOR PARTICULARS BEFORB BUYING ANYTHING ELSE AND .YOU WILL SAVE MONEY! . STAR REAL ESTATE A TNV. CO. ' i Realtors. . . 413 W ilcox Bide, : - - E.V1UA CHOICL toilAU. FARMS ' IV acres choice level hind, all us enlO- . vationt 6 acre. -loganbemeH, 60 bearing fruit trees; tt-reom plastered houe. targe barn: 13 miles. Portland, near Ky. town, Wa.'hinton county. Or.; $3230; $751 down, baL mortgage. - 1 1C M. OATEWOOD t?CO.. 165H 4th st FOR RENT FARMS 40S 4 ACRES in cult, t 6 room house; 12 mile -. -out clou to hipliwsy, 8134 per year. ' See Smith. 413, By. Exchange bldg, ... Broad- way 3400. - t EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 PORTLAND LOTS FOR CANADIAN - . ---.LAND..-.' - -,..",.- Eastern Orecon land er timber, 27" level lota, dose to carline, -Just outside city lim its: city water' and electric lights. Price 9125 each incumbrance 848 each. , . 160 ACRES WUITB PINE TIMBER in Wheeler county: assessed valuation 81600. 'Price 330OO, - Will Uade for vacant kxa, house or farm equity. TIMBER FOR USED CAR 1 ' -40 acres. 4 miles from Pacific highway. ' Is Douglaa county; price $750; mtg. $230 runs for two years. Want carfor enuny. " -. CENTRAL OREGON STOCK RANCH ' r. 320 acres, 73 'in culuvabun, balance all fenced; house, bam and weu: near town i amd school. : Price $3200; mtg. . $1000. . Want land In Wlllamette-valley. 80 ACHES IN LAKE COUNTY - -1 "" Free and clear of all incumbrances. Price $1000.. Want Portland lot, car or timber. 20 ACRES CREEK BOTTOM LAND Located on Gray nver. Pacific sonnty. Waslttngton. Price $2500; - intg. 3600. What have yon to offer in exchange -- We have other trades, and exchanges, . -both large and smalL If yon have a trade of merit is cars, lots, houses or farm equity. we can make a deal before yon leave our office. See Mr. nderson. Baker- or Hyde. 324 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 0778, or evenings, Mr. Hyde at Palace hotel. -. - - Alfalfa Is Kjng x 160 acres, 6 miles southeast uf Waiaer, .' Idaho, all under the -Crane creek xmga . ticn project; 120 acre cleared and ready to plant to alfalfa.- This is all under the . ditcu and all good alfalfa bind and will -pnluce. 7 tons per acre pet year. Price . $180 per acre. Wilt--trade for Portland properly up. to- $12.S0O, . balunce payable , in 20 yeans. See. Gibson. ' , ... kr. , .aaiAU&a-rauaaa v,v '.-.'..:.'.'. 269 Oak st - - Bdwy. 4855. 40 ACRES. 30 acres under culuvation, spare . building stocked and equipped -want bun la Portland. - ," , . Also 00 acres. 40 acres' cultivation, stocked . and equipped; 2 sets of building. Will take - acreage close in or home in,- Portland, Both plaoes free of debt I am not an ; agent. No agent need answer. 4134 84th, st, 8. E. Aut. 630-4. , - Farm Bargain , 63 acres near Wilkuhina, 20 ceres were tn - cultivation this year, balunce pasture, fair hou-e and barn. Kood fences, $ springs: would make dandy dairy ranch.- Price only $4200 mortgage. $2100. take small house lor eoMitv. See Gibson. , . METZGEK-PARKER COMPANY, - - -Realtor- . 969 Oak at. Bdwy. 6855. A SNAP FOR SOMEpNK We want city homes, or a Doziness. We will give in exchange for aame -vVM) acre in Coos county and assume. What .hare you to offer f ' ... r. QUICK SALES CO.. ' 401-40?" Ccut4i bldg. - Awo. Sll-09 Do You Need Cash ? - X have a fine prune orchard, full bear ing. . with - good evaporator, . annual earn ings " about $7000 - net; ; no incumbrance; price 835.000; will add $35. 00O cash for a xood piecs of business- property. Prefer - -.west in. Be- i-iitwm. - ,-.:-, -:,:- . i METZGER-PARKER COMPANT. : ,- ...--. Realtors-- .'-"i.; 269 Oak st - " Bdwy. 6335. HAVE four vacant lots, corner 63d and Free . mont sts, worth $2000; mortgaged for SOOO. will take equity in good automobile : Buick or- Dodge preferred; also- four- vacant Iocs ia Aewberg. ur., equity gnoo. would - sell or exchange. Edgar Demon, Box 631, t. Helens, or. - . Exchanges ; We make exchange of all kinds. If yon have property ot merit to" exchange, write xs at once. If. W. - OSBORNE CO.. 482 Cliam of Com. bldg. Bdwy 2641. SPOKANE, WASH. 5 rocm house, strictly modern, 'basement garage, chicken bouse ; lot 75x102. 20O feet" from Genaaga carline. :r Trade for acreage or seil on- terms.: - ... EASTERN EXCHANGE. 202 GerHnger Bldg. 2 ACRES cnoice ground, in cultivation; new 8-room - house", city- water; fenced;, beapng fruit; owner- in business here will exchange or selL Bdwy 08. 425 Exchange bldg.. t- at star. FOR TRADE -8 -room house in - Caldwell, . . Idaho, for property in or near Portland. 608 -. r.. r,vere St.. romtno. WANT 18 room apt bouse. 82800. for small ' a v -a 1 V 1 g O AA acRBjKf? ana oici ttoiiM. orutuwij votu.. :. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 - FOB SALE OR TRADE 90 acre on paved highway and electric line. 20 ores of A-l be verdam land, spring water sufficient for. irrigation. Will tak " 820O per acre for QUICK aale. Best of terms. Make a sub-division and double your money.' Jaaa DeeBreau. Bdwy. 4911. - With ; 'ji -x J. E.lSpericerCo. t;; 5 BIT Chamber of Commerce Blttg. t : WIU, TRADE for acreage, or seU. s bakery doing a good .business. -Clear bill ef sale for all equipment. Oerber's Bakery, 654 Will anas eve..-. -,-" , i ' WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 -.-..-: i!--, . -. --S,'- --- - l-i :-?. -.- ::: VWANT ' a 4-ior 4-room,. 'moder house ' i;, .-vtnew' preferred! , that 8150 cash pay-' " ment down -will buy witlp a 835 per ' .. mentn payment; out Piedmont way pre f erred; no sgvnts. Phone Walnut : : 4589, or East 7559.if,- ' .". . . ' .-, , - , HOME .WANTED ': - Have party with $2500. Will' buy good bouse no to 885O0. , If - yoo have sumt thing - good to offer- phone ns at onoev TORCOR.4N JONES REALTY .. 275 Onk st '" Phone Bdwy 6006. MUST buy a home between now and January -, 15. preferably now. Want small bungalow, ' . new, or not ever 4 year eld.- Prefer medinm priced home. .Will pay $1000.. eash and - 840. a rnontli.1 U-l 29, 'Journal. ""--- WANT at iwce.-4. room bungahnr. Hurt have ", 3 bedrooms. - ; .--..--.j- . f JOHNSON-DODSON vO : 638 N. W. Bank bVbr. 1 Main 3787. WANT good - res, kxt er : small acreage near -Portland part payment on fine new bunga low. BuiMer, Kast OT99 PRIVATE party wants, 4 or 5 room house. 3804 down, balance fcooth 1 v. Condition no nrdee,' "- Owners- only. A-A0, JourvtaV - WANT lot bargain.. Main 17H5. EU5LNESS CPPORTUN1T1ES STORES GARAGES. ETC 500 - -." -. -r '-; - CIGAR STAND - - West ssdev" in avtbby. f downtown office friutlding: rent": $35; good ,fHtn-r; a good buy at 311" b. CaB st 817 Henrv bldg. Gtxil I cicsr , stand m cn ol be-t office bmlil . ings; wiH aocept sell s contrsct to. $12110 and pay rash difference. 4824 Henry bldg Bdwy. 0779. v r .X- - - -,r x MEN, get rn'0 tlie shew buines. Make mora money. . IT yon nave a Wile mony and want to vaeke It-crow, call room 329 Rail way F.vehawee hide. - Printing Fcr Less r KyAsr Prtnth-g Co. Main 8536. ,199 Mai FIRST CLAS.4 rwtaiirsnt. fine. location, all in good -condition ; will seu reasonably, account of sickness. 14 - -tn t. Bdwy. 2tS3 FOR SALE Good comer location ri.sr. store. eroe-a an-, xumr. -lwiiuus? a . ntn ' u '.': I'bone tviwr. 8217. - CAS H-CAKRY iocrjrr. fm. bstion. iot 312.1W. tjiir-k action, i; :1. Jaurnsl. 6MA1J, grocery Tor isle. 2 Mice,-Imng rotvats. 172 Missiriwr4 ave. FtR RALE Hy owner, restaarant. t 3R3 - E. Barn-nie; $35 and $10 business dally. - cusintss cppotl rri" STORES. GARAGES. ETC 0 PARTNER . WANTED AUTO "REPAIR .- tier as an exceptional opportunity to e . cure aa equal bait; interest in the busiest . and best equipped small ante repair shop in l"ortlajad; fine, busy locattoa. established, steady trad. . Have snore -work than cam - bandla aleae, prefer aa honest and reliable -; partner to ' hired help. Piai kiaa exuen- enee not aeoejuuiry if yen are "mechanically Inclined and handy with tools. s Your op- . portanity to learn, the buaineaa and dear ; barter than 4165 per month for yourself : from the start. Only - $204 yeqnired toee- . ewe an. equal, naif autereet -Doot fail tat - see thia before you buy ir you want aho- - lutely the best for the inveetment. Call ,: early mt 847 Pittock block, Washington and iinji. -- - x'- - - - - .Must Sell This Week - One ef the best cigsr and 'oonfeetionefy afands- in the vHty. Splendidly eqnipped. fine location for lunch, light grocen. etc. Will take auto for part payment 3300 will handle. -Yen will ha-va to act quick. -It k i barcaia and won't rat Sew Jlin pey -or Williams, 610-11 McKay Wdg.. M mm ptara. - Piosdwiy I . . - PARXNKB, WANTED AUTO PAINTING As I have snore -work than 1 can handle alone and 1 prefer a- reliable partner to lured help, will weH equal halt interest tn my aatoasobiie painting and top -shop: thia kt an excellent opportunity for a steady man : who ia willing to work and leans the busi ness. No trouble for you-to dear $180 ami up , every month for yourself. Only 9300. and eervieea required. Be eore and see this before locating if you want the - best for a small investment. Apply at 34 7 '. Pitroeh block. Washington and 10th streets. Combination Shop? i I A Moneymaker' - Unequivocally the- best ante repair chop, .paint remover wrerk and auto lanndry;, douut good business; requires- the' services of a . common sense man desirous' of making big money on stnsfl investment of $290. Act 1 nnh-kly. all 033 Morgan bldg. Forming' i Company ? - Expert services and -connsel in the or ganization and financing of any industrial enterprise. - , If yon are contemplating form- ing a company to raise capital, it will -pay e you to procure our services. -. CaU er writs INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., 'INC 641 Morgan BWg., Portland. Or. Grocery Special 8650 will buy fine. future, in 'first-class grocery. Invoice atock; one of the best loca tion in Portland. -. - . Gokey & Wesch 827 Cham, of im. Bldg. Bdwy. 6706. GARAGE OPPORTUS IT Y . Brick fcldg., 50x201; good leate, at low rental; owner going south and will nil ae eesaories snd squiwneut at inventory. This . ia one of the best chances for a man to get a business that is established in Portland to day. Books open for inspection. Call at 817 HENRY BMm; - RESTAURANT IIVE IT AWAY - The best equipped restaurant in cityr a 'dandy location. . doiug good business; the owner Is not restaurs nt man; have got no - use for it and give it away for. $16001 $1000 cash vrlU handle. ? 401-8 COUCH BLDG. AUTO. ' Bit 09. . POOL ROOM SACRIFICE , ' , " West side, ground floor, - busy street, 4 year lease; 4 moll tables , and one large : .. so. tier table, ' Owner lias larger bunness ; . -must let this -one go; should easily clear J $4O0 -net per month.- Only - $700 Cash re- . ' ' ooiretl 817 Henry tilde - - - V- .- GARAGE PARTNER WANTED I have a new 10OX10O eoncret garage in heart ef west tide; must have good part- , ner: garage ready Jan. 10. If you want ' a snap see McCauly. - HILTON DANIEL CO.. 270 Sterk. Bdwy. 7800.- ' WANTED Partner to take half interest with . me in a good road show. I own aevaral of , .' the very beef money . getting films now-'on the road. Too much business for -one man. : Must make .small investment . Call . 329 Railway Exchange bldg. FINE opening, in good atabiifttted ftien bui nese.. No experience necesssry, but must be tlioroucbly honest and reliable. Need man more than- money, so will tei; equ&l half n- . : ten-st for 8150 cash. Full particulars at 314 Stock Exchange bldg. - - - - - GROCERY. we.it i-ide - location, good clean stock, businesa about $40 per day; rent J18-. per month. Ptice 31 800. Will take en half " cash - and ' carry balsnce. Csm!! -' Ixian- and Investment' Co.. : 329 " Railway -, Exchange bklg: - ----- - GROCERY STORK i . . - CArW-AND-CARRY t - , Rent $20: living rooms,- doing good buai- nes. Price $I20, or will invoice, . J j. ; v ARTHUR U SCOTT " 830 Cham, of Com. Bldg. " Bdwy. 3088, CIGAR stand in lobby of a downtown hotel; swell place for lady. Price 8900. , Main 4354. . .-...-'." ; . -- ' A PARTNER WT ANTED i , - A' fuel business: owner operates the struck hsuling wood; needs a steady nun to tend office and yard; claims each can clear $200 month. Call room 401 Dekunx bW. - - WANTED Mi to: take half interest In- a resl road' show; must be a hr wire and be - able to make smsll investment. If Jron eaa nnalify, can show yon -some real - money. Call 320 Railway Exchange bldg. . CAUTION. Bit YEKS Betore esoaana a deal ef ee-called Interest in establishad real estate business, gat advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon , bklg. Phone Bdwy. WANTED -Perf ormers with amateur eiperi- ence, btween ages- el In and is: - must hsve parents' consent. To those accepted ,'will pay good money, v Must travel. - Call Broadway 0578 for appointment. - RESTAURANT, located in the heart of the. city, doing nice business sna abort hoars. Price .$1600, some term.. Capital Loan and Investment Co., 329 ,f Railway , Ex. bhlg. A POOLHAU. . . In fine country town ;' - big .payroll ; con fectionery, card tables, etc.; profits la raw; 82500 handles it Room 401 Dekum Bldg- EXTRA! Going to California. Will sell well establsbed 8 chairs and 2 baths barber shop at yonr own price. 247 Couch st . HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 -.-s v .:.--, SACRIFICE , - . IS room apt., all on one floor; no -eancies; rent $60 with tease; -netting $1 25 per month.- $800 cub, small balance. Might consider trade.'j: X:x. -,,;-. . -. i , ? 330O DOWN ''I' - IT room, sleeping and H. K., on Wash, ington at. Hag good lea. .-.:-.: , . . x make Differ ; ', room. Knob Hill, all ft K 2 hatha, furnace heat, snappy bny. See Newton. j Was.. -A. II I'l.H . wsr.1 ... 605 Conch Bldg. ForSale, ' 24 roonis' 10 etrta., private" baths; rent $150;: lease to 1926; $3004 handles. J eaa DesRreati. Bdwy. 5911. - - - J. E. Spencer & Co. 51 T aimr4r of Commrtr fttdf. - - 96000 CAH - ..". - - . Balance on- easy term, give poewtow of dandy apartment bouse in Nob HiU dis trict, netting $S0O per month. Phone for appointment, C. R. Meyer, Main 4354. Excellent Buy 24 room apt house, brick Wdg.,' 14 apta. private baths, steam hear, long lease, money maker. $2500 wiU handle. , .-'. -- Gokey z Wesch 827 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ' Bdwy. 6706. ' ' 16 ROOMS ' - . - i . ' -' - Tn splendid west aid coe ia location ; netting over 4100" per month. . Pnee snd terms en request, v Mr. Meyer, Main 4354. 16 rooms of new furniture. 4-year Vmaw, Tide place ranet be sold- FuH price $2100; $1000 will handle. , ' . SET McCAUT.ET. 2TO fttark street. Broadwav T8f. 72 ROOM, brvck ant., east skl. Jesse nntil ,-, 1926; wiy eqmty $461100: will take small ;. hnnse up to- $2600 or good suo. balance ; cash, for my eonity: full pnee $xoi; this nets $M or eaoew per month. K.at 7X RfHlMING HOUSE BARGAINS We have amw dandy little places snd w " can sell rv term to aitit rnirrhesT. -". OlTIK BAIEH t!OMPANT. - 401-402 OiH-h BMg. k Ant. 51109. rc r p. 'ti , r in . tore. Inns, ieasei- s-ejj located en Aider. Will ' aceep sisjan plac s part pa meat i or nwirtgBe and carry 1sck. , CsrtsI Loan Invevtnvnt Co.. 8"i Rsilwsy Exchange bids. WANT rooming house for cleat 2 a res, store : and i room hnss-v Value $JJ,i00. Bdwy. 6890. - '" FX7RNITURE and kas of l iwms brik building; wets $63- and apartment. Saaa'l .payment down or trsde. lsst. 43 9T. ( Continued on Following Fas) -J