The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 27, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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T -v. T" "
Jii.i A . lj.
II 1
I i
ililKES TO
l Kconomic , condition la Um Orient
are such UuU - th t Philippine - islands
" m ust furnish the - greatest portion, by
far, of the return cargoes- on tip-
Pacific p;;"!;.;; : :: 'iTl;?
.The islands have ofdy 15 per cent of
their, trade possibilities with Pacific
coast, porta developed. wita 85 Pr
; ctnt if potential business opportunities
a, ai tins development, the Philippines
are capable of supplying- return car
goes.. , U.;- -v v , - Kv : ;
This is briefly the trans-Pacifife snip
pins 'situation, as -outlined by J. F.
Marias, reneral, agent of the shipping
board in the Philippine Islands, who is
. here in the interest of Philippine conj-
merce. . , -: , - - -
While copra, is being returned to the
Columbia river In large quantities,
greater return cargoes are available in
litis commodity, . Marias said, and a
rreat field of activity m bringing in
hard woods, sugar,- vegetable oils, ka-
- pok, -or tree cotton, hemp and other
island products is just beginning to be
touched. : ''.r '
With proper trade lines organized,
Portland and the Philippine islands
could find profit-In -a, direct line of
communication, declared Marias, who
predicts that such service will be a
reality within two or three years.
.-; Filling ships outbound to Japan and
; North China, in the Philippines for re
turn., is merely a matter of organ iza-
: tion pf trade lines. Marias declared.
Chins, he said, is in such an economic
state that her resources ' will not be
developed for foreign trade for years,
while Japan cannot be expected 'in the
.near future to export much more than
at, present, making it necessary for
trans-Pacifio vessels to look elsewhere
-for-cargo, -
Marias is expected to leave tonight
for Seattle, returning Friday: for a
luncheon at the' Chamber of Com
merce, where he will meet Portland
chipping men and discuss trade possi
bilities of the Philippines.
.. Withdrawal of the Williams Line
- .steamship service from Portland and
Columbia river ports was announced
today, by the Oregon-Pacific company,
local agents. '
' The elimination of the Columbia and
Willamette rivers Is said to be due to
increased freight demands In the inter
coastal trade, which makes it possi
ble for the Williams nne to obtain full
cargoes at other Pacific ports. With
the Columbia river -stricken from the
Williams schedule, ' other ' ports served
- v ill benefit by a speeding' up Of sev
'eral days in schedule.
' Inasmuch as heavy bookings of Port
land ' cargo have been moved in the
past by the Williams line, the. an
nouncement is not 'regarded by ship-;
- Pitig men or port officials to indicate
any slowing up in space demands lo
cally, ; '
."Three more Williams liners will re
port before the schedule is closed.
They are the Evelyn, due to sail from
the river early in January ; Wlllhilo,
- scheduled' to leave Portland January 8,
and the Willsolo, due-to depart Jan
uary 21-. ' ' ;:
Return of.tfi Wjniama line to Port
land 1st Included "In a general"1 policy of
.expansion by the company; ft la de
clared., 'Recent negotiations for addi
tional strips t for. the Williams -fleet,
w hich ; would ,naveV meant that - Port
land yould be retained on the, Williams
schedule; had they been- consummated,
are said' to aaW beeh; abandoned.
'" 'San Francisco, Dec. 27. Advices re
' eelved by the marine department' Of
the Chamber of Commerce today
'stated the steamer Muscoota, Everett
to Sydney, had arrived at Wilsaif a
promontory in a - damaged condition.
Details were not given. 1
. . -,-. .-. ; s
Kelso, 'Wash., Dec. W. The ' dredge
Columbia, of the Port of- Portland,
v. hich has- been in use. teythe Leng-
- Bell jLumoer company ,at the dock at
the , mill site, has moved into the
mouth of the Cowlits river, where It
H excavating dirt and pumping; it into
t- Udng-Bell dike. It will be engaged
Our ;.
for 1923 ;
- j -.- vr
"Be lite ithc bird X:
that, halting on A' -
Z its flight while , ,
, on boughs too
slight, : feels'
them give : way
beneath him, yet
singsj knowing -he
hath wings." ;'
: ' J
t i . ?x ?
, - - ' , - -
ft i -t
on this work. for several .months,, and
will be transferred to. the Cowiita
river 'channel this summer. The dredge
Tualatin is continuing, Its work on
the. dike near, Cbffin;,Rock. . :.
Investigation of the damaging of the
steamer' West Keats .as "-a result of
smashing into piers of the Broadway
and Steel bridges while 'being-moved
in the river bx towboats,.will be under;
taken Thursday by Inspectors Edwards
and Wyhn of the federal bureau. The
vessel suffered damage to several hull
plates, as a result of which she will be
placed In drydock Thursday.
The Kentuckian, which grounded
last week at 'Astoria, 'waSf docked to
day for examination, while, the Colonel
P. S. Mlsche,, government dredge, which
wil be repaired as a) reult of ground
ing at the! moUth of the rtver. was also
placed on dock af the Port of Portland
plant today.' . " -
K.B.I3f6Al,LS,PKJrEEE i r -.
Napoleon Bonaparte- In galls, old time
riverman, died Tuesday at the 'Mann
home at the age of 89 year He came ,
to Oregon from the East in lS5J.-.and
since 'that 'time has . been, associated
with the river trade" n'fhe Willamette
and Columbia, rivers. - His ; first serv
ices were on the steamers Belle and
Eagle ' on "the Oregon iClty run,- as
purser. -. '. , ' f:"",l
Ingalls ie survived by, 'a-daughter
and son. livingf at , Ajftacdnda,t Mont,
and Oakland. Cal respectively. Fu
neral arrangements are in charge of
the East' Side Undertaking parlors.
". The- Japanese steamer Klhkasan
Mara of the Mltaut - fleet , moved i to
Rainier today to load aurober.' for the
Orient. She arrived, Tuesday, evening
at Astoria. " - . - ' : .
- The McsCbrmict wteamer Meltnomah
began loading - lumber for .California
port today at (he. Linntou-Beaver.
dumber compahy' dock. ;- She "wlH fin
ish her cargo at St. Helens.. "
. The steamer Admiral Farragut, , en
route to San Frandsoo, .was dis
patched this morning. from Municipal
Terminal No. 1 iwith ft: good,-Ust of
passengers and full cargo:
Shipment tof 25 cases.of canned
proods - to - Rantoon,' Bormt, ' by the
Kings - Food' Products i company, as
samples, is expected to pen -up si new
field for Oregon products. ,The con
signment -was dispatched on) the
steamer Hannawa. '..i . .
v. i i . . I t
J- DMesiber ' 2. S - p. av Maksw8. '.St.
Rel-D for SMttle, eft Ship Poiat, :4 p.m.
. Stanley umiir, Ml; iitscienit .BWHit,
Id mil fnaa - HiUk. ... .
Saa irieso. Tteoma fer L'Saa -Peeo, 2T
tip, fmm Asm ldrA. ' ' p- '-' -
Yomnita Saa - Fraacuee Jar PortTGeatbla,
$3 anlloa f torn Port 4"- ft : s
Paw let. Portland ' far -Soirahima. J 18. aUe
irem t oltimMa mar.
Foresf Kins. ! towuis ; bart ; rarest Dreast,
at rort ansctca, .
- Alameda, da at Sfattlc. ill. 9.
Usbre. Saa .Pudre tot -Pnlaca 28S. aula
- Romaa Star. Saetue 'for ParUaad,' : SO
aailn from Hrattl. - T-
- Victoria.' Wrassau'' for ? Jnnaao, lOS sauas
from tlnoeaa. . .. - : i t : - v ..
AVartaha. Yokohama for Saa 'PraBdaco,
Z5S -milea from 3n ItntMa
- Prcsideat Marti-oo. 8attla for, Tokobastt,
204S miics from attm.
Latoucr. leaTiaa -Cordora foa. fetnonba.
Atarr. diachanins at Kanatak. . - .
Premlt Jaekaon. Yokohama ."for Saattlo,
S4T5 milea from 8-attla, .' "t
Want Orowa. Portland tor Tokoliama.50
rnila 'from cotumma .in : ..: -. :V-.
-t IN'.
(Br Paderal Tetecrapk Co.)
" nawmbar '2S. S- d. m.: . .
Ernest H. Myr.- Vaacoevar, B. C,fo
Baa Padre, lie milas Mrta Baa. Fiaaaaa
Loa Aaealaa, Baa Padre tor Martiaaa. 40
mflaa from marrmaa. : ' .
Horse H. Baxter," Saa- Francisco for Xagw
Harosr. zso aiM nraaa - Laat Harbor.
Prank H. Bnek. Pert Baa Lais for Avea,
175 mUea from Atoo. ; . ; . .-
Hamboidt.- 8aa Podro for ' Baa 'Praaciaeav
wm mua aoots of Baa rraneiaco. .
. TVdlamra. Etmtt for . Saa Fmnameek 81
mSVa aorta of Baa- Fraacneo. ?
Yarba Lutda, Point Orwnt for v Seattle.
ltiima narta rmt wml
kfamnoo. farake . f or Saa - PraBemgo - M
milaa from Koraka. ; . . .- '
Kraratt. Taeniae for Bedoedo. SM eau
rrora laeoma. - t . ?
- BoobTalla.TPorUaad foe Baa Ftamlma,
awea naru of Baa- Franatara.. --
Ohm. afartteas for Sea Padre;. SSi mQaa
Bmniu Cu . aluilla tor f Kami Pedro.
1TSO ada mt of Baa Padra.
FrHdcat WflioM . Yokohama ' ' for - Baa.
rraaeiaee. S0 mua Waat ef Saa :
. Labae. Baa Padre for ParUaad. 38 milaa
sertk of San Pedro. -
Kannawa. porrmml for Yokohama! 411
aim ot ot twiaba rrarr lirht&hi- -Warn
Praaerrt. Otare for Saa Padro, 1SSS
mite waat- of Baa Padrat 11 . -
PraMdmt rim!aad..Baa4Fnuieiaee (or Ta,
lanuu, I2t muaa vaat af Saa Fteaeamet,
Nonhlaad, Port -Aaralaa for Baa Fiaacmsot
uo muea nerui or eaa rTtacueo.
j -
lit -.
).. .Kit..
Clik, San Franclaoo,", for St.'- Helena,'- 40
mflaa from- St. "Helena. ' " ' - -
La Purisima, Portland for Oleum. 540 milea
from Oleumf . ' ' J.-ri'
Ecuador. New York for Saa Fraaciaco, 518
mile, south of Jadro.5 ' "
' Harnrd, Ban Franpfceo tor San Padro, 70
miles aouta f - Saa- Fraaciaeo. .--vv-m.
IVtember S5, 8 p.aa,:
Prmident Taft. Kobe for ? Sbajiahai. 1 48
miles -from1 Kobe. . .
Samuel O. Brown. rSear '- York . for ' Baa
Pedro 1748 mitea south of - Saa Pedro.
Charlton, Hall. Nov York' for ' Baav Pedro.
1080 : miles northwest of Balboa.- , -
Oommereial Guide, ew York for San." Pe
dro, 1575 miles ' aostbeaai, of' Saa . Pedro,
Howick .Hall,; San Pedro- for Kew York,
1000 i mile 'northsreat of Balboa.
Derolenti, Fbiladeiphia for -f Saa - Padre,
1100 i miles northwest of Balboa.
Baarport. ''Saa. Pedro ' for .Yokohama, 2008
miles -wear of Ban' Pedro. .
. Thomas. San Francisco for Manila, 8258
milea ; west of Saa Franeiaea , .
Logan. Saa Fraaciaeo for Mew York, -1420
miles south of Saa Pedro.
Corinto, San Francisco for -Balboa.- at Aca
Jotla, y , . . .,-, -.f.- . tr&Srf
OeSba Saa Franefseo ' for'-38albosv 8780
milea soatb or San; Fraacteoo. - -i
Main. Manila , for .Hoaainlo. -.800 mUas
west of Honolulu. ' . '
' Sonoma San llWraiwiwA far Ssdaas. -'tiift
Honoinln at ' 6 :80 p. m. ' - " r:
Sabine .Sun; noon. &i York .for Baa .Fa-
dro.. 1676 miks aoetbeayt -of. San Podrr. -
Santa afana. 'Fors San Lais'- lor TsJtal.
S01 .milaa aottth of Baa Franciseo.
Stoektan.-Poat San Leis for. Manua. 1595
milea west ef Port San . Luia. j . ' ' '
News ofthe"Pdrt
ArHrats Oaoambar XT
Kinkamn Mara. " Jananesa ataamar. -from
Miiko; 'ballast. ... ' 't
Edward Pierce. A marioan . sUamar, from
Kew York and war porta: renanO.
Paaarturaa Deoemker S7
Admiral ' Farraaut. American ataamar.. for
Baa Lieao and mi nam - nimmiii mil s-ii
a. , . t - .
- V
Mraathae aa. hWi afautls
aT the axmtfa of the (iolambU riVer at aooa:
m soain, ausas aa aoar usat,ma;sta
i -t
A M., Pacific Tlaa . .-
if It
8"! 1.
VmaUUa, .T7
UYZl l.Wi'U.S,O.0i af
Eorona .
Aibanj .
1 .
30 l!f .kO.O.I8 '6
.i ii.2.2i.e...
18" J .l.t0.S0 65
iMccoe -Ctty!
h -'-B.taElt FORECAST
Tne WilUtmattaH river - at : Portland wUl' rSsm
Tbundar and probablr Frdaj. -
V , W A? WOKXIVS POETS .. " v-,.
Attria,Dee, 27. Arrired' dowa at' 8 a. av.
steamer. Admiral Goodrich. Sailed tl va,
ataamar W. ' 8. Porter. , for Sam Fraariaeo. taft
np :at t pa. m.., Jstianaaa steamer Kinkaaaa
afar. i. -v.-.-.,. '. . A s .
AatormT Xe& '2.-rA"rrtTed "ai ld":58 el.ail
and . left .op i at 8 p. aa., atraurer Ed Pairof ,
front New Ywrt 'and" way porta. Bailed ' at
p. am., ataamar L Pariaiua, for Saa Fraa-tiea-
Arrived at B-'p; ra..- Japanese eteame
Kinkaraa Mans, ' from afiika. Arrired at
8 p. m. ataamar FUrat, from Baa Padro.
for Kassiaa, i -ir: v- - v- ti;;.
- Baa FmnraieB. Dae.. 87. its !... Ar
riTed todar- fftaemar Wtftantatte, Kaerctt.
2:1 a. of; Hxuaboldt. . Loa Angeles,: 4 :OS a.
m.: .Talbot, Eareaa. 8 a, as.; Xaia, Los Aa
saieat 10:08 a. a. . - i s.-- ' - ' ; .
. Bailed today : Binpinrham City. Loadoa.
8 i.ta' ,
- Sam .FraarSoo. f Dee. 88. Arrived atl p.
m.f ateamar F. 8. Loop, from' Cctumbia rir.
SaCed at 1 p, m.; steamer ' Soar Cty.. tor
Portlaad. Saitsd at . av. staaarar Tsxan.
finta Portland, for liOndoo and army ports.
Arrived at .8 p. m.. -steamer , KtsIO. trora
New York and war wU. for Portland. ' Ar
rived, matorahsp- Mirsonriaa. front , Hambaue.
for ' Pncet Sound " and. Portland. Arrived.
BrrUaa aftearsrc MenaoUra PriRoe. froni, Ant
werp, for Pnset ' etoand ' aud Portia nd. Ar
rivad, motorsiip Bahiprla. from Baa Padrcv fa
Purtssad .
. Tsetaria, Dee."- S Paasad at 8 V '
Doteh etaarasr remrtJk. from Taaooevar.. for
Porciamd. ..i,T.-.v;- i . .
Eureka, Dee. 88. Sailed. sUsuear Vamaoa,
froem Portland ad Grave Harbor, for Salvador.
Baa , Pedrev Paa, A Arrived, ataaaoar
Bhaata.: from Colnmble river. Arrlvad. ataam
ar Aansla "Uoiph. froem Portland via' Ban
Francmroj, Arrlvad' and, TS'lsi stiannsr i
mini Evans, from Portland, for Saa- Diaro,
Sailed, atsamsr Molwama. from Baltimore.' for
Baa -Fraaewoat Sailed, - etaasaer P"m man Ial
Patknadar. from Portlaad .and FasM SansuL
Mor Mas. -York. and way porta. ' - -
' Beam rtJua. Dee. 74. Arrrvad, , s4aaaer
BV4ordev from . PoTtiaad. . . , .,k
. Bahia. ... Dae." 24 Sailed, steamer - Vast
Japps. k from Baeaoa' Aires, far. PorUaad. '
Para, eo. z.---esa. steamar Waat
for' Fsartsaae. . . . s
ata. t Isse. 84. Arrived, - Ji
Xtma. M am. ' from" Portlasxt. -
daa.. Jeo. S3. Arrived.
sTf. Tina frmsi Pnrrlsiid
,Naw;'Yora -.Dea28. Arrived, .'ataamar
Rofeia Adair, fmm Boston, far ParUaad. .Ar
rived, ataamar lewis Loekenbech. from Port-
lend. .- ' . ' "- , -
Saa Pedro. Dee- - X?. Arrived, - taamar
"Wfiiaue Casooioa. i flea Mobile, for ' Port
mad aad r,j-sVov--'--.-.i---.-.
Seartis. iee, . 88. Arrived Ln Lnekre
haek from Boston via Portland. 1 :1 i a. m.;
&rtheroy, : front Tvne, aona; Bessemer City
. ? Tides a -Astorta ,Tairsdr
" High Water ' ' Low Water
:27 ik-m.,' 8.4-ft. 3:02 a-'ttu. 3.1 fU
8 .'23 p.; m.t-6.Xft.w:S4 p. nui 2.0'tU
from Baltimore, via Portland B :S0 a. m.;
Santa Mata . from - Baltimore, 8 :20 a. m.
Sailed -Admiral Schley for Vancouver, 4 a.
ra. , Arrf ived December 25 William F. Mil
ler from , Saa Francisco. 4 :80 a. ra: W. 8.
MiQav; .from Saa Pedro. 7 p. m. Jefferson
from Soutbeastern Alaska. 8:18 p. m.
Vaaeouver. B C Dee. 8e. Arrived Paris
City from Buenos Aires,' 12 T10 a.i m. Ar
rived DeeembST 25 Arisoniaa from Seattle,
7 a. m.; Caaadiaa Beott jsh . from Helbourne,
8. sC- m.. i i ' . i .
i Balboa, Dee, j 28 .- Arrived San i Francisco
from New York. : Sailed Alvarado for Seattle
via Portland; . Brae Triansla for Seattle.
Aberdeen. Dae. 25, Arrived 'Wspetfena
from Redondo, 8:80. p. m. Hartwood from
Saa Pedro, noon; Neoalem, from San Pedro,
noon; Grays Harbor from San Francisco, noon.
, Cristobal. Dsei 28. Sailed Edward Lock
on bach for New York.
Albert Jeffrea , . New Orleaas
.'.Dee. 27
Steel Exporter Ban FTem .
Kinkaaan Mara ......Orient
HomanstaT . . J. . .Ixmdoa . . .
Kdcar F. iAakanbaeh .Boeton . . .
Oelilo ....... j, ... .San Free.
Eemdyk ; . . . i .London . ..
. .IHc 27
..Dee, 27
. Dec 27
..Dec? 27
..Dee. 27
. . Uec SO
. .Dec iSO
. .Dae.' 80
. ,Dao. 80
, Dec. 80
. .Dec 80
.-.Dae. 80
...Dae., 81
..Dec 81
..Jan." 1
.'..Jan.-1. 1
..Jan. 1
...Jan. 1
..Jan.. 1
..Jan. 1
. .Jan. . 1
..Jan.- 2
. .Jan. - 2
Habinda . . . .. . .Sen Fran . .
K. L Lnckenback . . . . New York
Rose Qtj . r. San Fran
Floridian . . .. .-..t. New York .
Daisy' Matthews i,., . . . San Fraa ." .
Ariaonian, ........... Boston ....
Kvelyn . . ....... '. .New York f. ,
Annette Selph ...San Fran, '. .
Ryokai. Hare . . . . ... Japan- t. . . .
Admixal . Evans - . . . ,8an Diets . .
'West J easup ., Buenos Aires
Waiter Lackeabaeia, . j.New York. , .
Redondo . .. . .v.MobQe .
Gaersje ABea " . i , . 'i . Phils deipbla '
Kasenra . . . .. . ,. .Europe . . . :
Munsoara . . ... .;, .....Baltimore . .
Kaebseroy, ......... .London .. . .
- - . Vsanete te Pee era
'aeaet " .' , , --wee '
F.' D. -Stout-, . .-;-. .-. Saa Fraa .. .
Ueorfioa kolpa . ..... Baa kran . .
Admiral Farrarat. . . . . Saa Fraa. .
Albert Jeffrea . , . . : Mobile .-. . .
TJikeboet V.i-. . j... .Batavia .. . .
Edward FWree. . . . . . . Saa Fran. .
Vtapama.. ; . .. . a aYaav. . .
KL F. Luckanbaeh .. ..Boston
Roien ..,..-.'..., .Australia ..
Multnomah '. i'. . , Saa- Fraa .. .
Northern Star New York . .
Steal Experts . . . . . . New York .. ,
Kenraekiaa. ....New -York .; .
CelUo . Saa Fraa . .
'West Keats. . . . .. .Japan . . . ,
Eemdyk , Europe . ..
K. I. Laekeabech. . .New York .
Floridian ,........ .New .York .
Evelra". s .......... New York " .
Kasensn . , ....... . .Europe . .
Roman Star ....... .Europe
Redondo-. . . . . . ... .Mobile ... . .
Hose City. ....Baa Fraa ..-
..Dee. 2T
. .Deo. s
. .ec 27
..Dec' 28
..Dee. 28
..Dec 28
. .Dec 28
. .Dec 2
..Dec 29
. . Dee. 2w
..Dec 2
:.Dec 80
. .Dec 80
..Dae. 80
..Dec 81
. .Jan. 1
. .Jan. 1
. .Jan. 2
. . Jan. 2
. .Jan. : 3
..Jan. 2
.Jaa. 2
..Jan. 8
' Berth
Left down
.Left Up
. . Westport'
dmimi Farraxut . . . . . . ,
Albert- Jeffrea ;...... .
laaasssa' :.
Edward Plaree Terminal Ncl
Beria ......... .Eastern, A Western Mill
Fiaval .v.'. . . . .77.; . .'. . . . . . . Kalama
Frank D. . Stout , . .......... Kslsraa
Oworsina Roipb. . . r. . , . . - . . .Coeeh St. Dock
Kentuckian- i ....... . Drydock
Kinkaaen Mara ...... ...... .' Rainier
La Atereed ... . -. ....'..'.... ,v ' Astoria
Lima .... .. ....... . .Portland Flour Mills
Moatacae-' . , . . , . . . . . ... . , . Dryaock
Multnomah-, Z . . ........ . Linntoa-Beaver
Northern Star . . . Terminal So. 1
Oreeonian . , ..... . . v. .SC Johns Lam'uat
Bolane . . .-.. ( v. v.-i . . . Lrnntoa
Hamulus . ... .......... . , .Inmaa Poakwa
Roxea . . . Fastsns ek Western Mill
Ryder Hanifr . . . Westport
Scotland Mare ..... iT Irvine Dock
Steef Exporter- . . -w. . . . , ...... I Left Up
Tamoe MaraNc IS . . . . . Emersoa Hdwl Co.
Tjileboet .......... . .pTetsainal No. '4
n'aptns . -St. Helens
Wawaiona : .......... Ieman-Ponl?ea
VTeat Kuats . . . ....... Drydoek
Yayoi Mara. , ... . . . .. . . .Korth Beak Dock
j. . - ' -r- 'n i.
.' .. 0oaeladad. From Pas Oaew.
school and the sub ject. of the movies in
the school program, will be .introduced
by Mrs. V F. J. Kane, chairman, of the
better films and visual edeucation de
partment - of. the P rent-Teacher asso
dation. -- -" - " '
At thU- morning's executive session
the credentials committee, found sev
eral groups or ; instructors , from dif
ferent parts -of the state who did ' not
include lor- their -number a" classroom
instruct or; Some dlseusaton - arose avs
ttv whether theee.gToaps should be seat
ed, because the State Teachers" asso
ciation has endeavored: to keep the o?
gamxauon oemocraxie aaa each delega
tioa la required to have a teacher-in its
cumber, who has no. supervision beeide
actual classroom swork. Theeonstita
tion was revised to" permit the Beating
of tnese delegations tr. is year.
From all corners ' of the ttate the
i-K -V.
s U N 4
wV V v!
; :.-::; X':-:.-' - '
.veANiK ::: .;.. .
i -
General wlew of the T& S. mint at
' ' Denver, with diagram showing
' how robbers held up governrnent
automobile - and.: after killing
"Guard' Cliarles IT. IJnton, shown
below, : escaped with $ 200,000 ln
. new. $5 bills, j. Many shpt;iwere
exchanged between , the . govern-
xnent guards and the .bandits and
, one of the, latter was wounded..
teachers '. hava. assembled. '.Today's
meeting -was attended .by about 660 In
structors 'and ' 'Thursday ' mere - than
2000 are expected!. From . JLakeview
tame J. Carl Bowman, - city superin
tendent of schools, who traveled 110
miles by stage 'over the snow.1 atrlv-Ing-at
Klamath Falls, where he spent
the night and then followed a day's
trip on the train. - . - ,
-, Miss:' Pearl i Hall. 'X -county i superintendent.;-and
Hugh Naldrett of Paias
ley are expected to 'arrive today.
Naldrett will travel by stage totBend.
Miss Marjorie Alexander, bead of the
home' economics department at Enterprise.-
came 350 miles, as did Principal
R- W. Travenner and D, R White, city
superintendent of Wallowa, of " Wal
lowa county. - ";.. r r
The temperature in Portland seemed
to these travelers, almost tropic after
the bracing air of 15 degrees below
aero whic hthey left.1 . s -
Charles E. Oliver, principal of Taft
high school, Lincoln county,-made the
trip by mail '.boat from' Taft to
Mowry's landing, by horse team to the
Siletx agency and by automobile to
Albany. Oliver is greatly anticipating
the benefits of the new Roosevelt high
way which will make Taft store ac
cessible' next, year.''. :..f
From La. Grande came A. C. Hamp
ton, city .superintendent of Xa Grande,
who was president of. the State Teach
ers' association two years ago. He has
supervision r the work of 62 teachers
in Grande.! one of them is . the
daughter of Governor-elect Pierce and
ls..aut Instructor 4n history. Another
daughter is a, student In the city
schools. l , ' . : - ,
S . . vf " . ' -- ' ' ' ' , - r " -"":" Jf '"
'0 !. CATTLE ABE :t;BjnE ti. ' v
; Medford, Dec. 2fi Fire destroyed 11
head of cattle and; the . barn on . the
George' B,x"ouog place, south of Med
ford, Saturday night. . The Medf ord
chemical; engine saved- the -silo aa no
water was, available. The loss is 8?00
with. $600 insurance. ' ,-, . 'fC
' 6RAJL!r &ATS. WEAK i, f -'.
i New. TbrkC Iee 17.' (l lCsf)
Frelgshts-r-Ocean (steam) grain, weak.
United Kingdom, Zs to te 2d : Germany,
Hamburg IS; France, ts Atfantie, - 18 ;
alediterranean, 20 to 23 ; Holland. Rot
terdam 4,. Antwerp. 14. .' . r..;v
... Saiem, . Dae. 27. rPaymeot of the salaries
and ,sips uses of dlstriet Sealirs fna tkt ra
eral fond of the stats' instead of kr th' va
nous, ou am ties inctadod sm Use dietrk -at rseom
meadad by Wilinua A. Dalziel. depety- state
sealer, in his biennial report to 0.:P.Hof,
state treasurer. The peasant arstem reauita fca
rnach rnooavenience:. to the- district, men and
has proven to be vry autsatisfsetory. Dateil
points amt. .Increase .in tne enpenva -attow-amos.
of -the .district : sealers, ta also recom
mended, by -DalxieL'tC.,. --- fr? r,,. f
The report also" contains a reoomraanda
tlsa for seriemtica ereatae a standard peach
box ta orect the Terr Unas ria factory sale eoav
ditioa now , existina in ttae dispoaai of , this
eomaMditr. ; - . .:. -.
AsaerieaaB Wateiiag . Ferelga WoeU
Bestoa. Dee.' 27. -The wool market here
conunued - te shew ; a - firm uadertone, Trana
aeuons ware eomparativaly small aa the in
veatorr .parsed is hosains; down aotinty 'but
f neve was a fair -demaatd. fee aaadrum and low
svado woots, The fomrs markets are be ins
esosalr watched in anticipation of a good de
mand here after January l. v, ,. - .
:tjy..i. :.-.s .' -:-'.
H-;F..te lastsJl-Bloesi Rigaals i
" SmkasM. WssB.. Dec. ST. The Xoitheta
racif m rauroad wilt speed 0,eo. srt
amne in inatalbne automatic block sirnals
from Spokane U Pasco to eemplete its main
line safety apraritna. It will be the first trans
enntinental raiiroed to have fts eaure main
Jina jjrotected by biocM -'pfi , . ,
(B VaWerssl Service 1 ' I .(
Washington, v. Dec 27.Reciprocity
between all states of the .United States
and; the District of Columbia in the
matter of ; automobile licenses - will . be
sought in an amendment to be pro--posed
to the pending agricultural bill.
It was announced today by Representa
tive Charles F. Curry, Republican,, of
California. -" -
. In the rush to complete considera
tion of the bill In the house before the
Christmas holidays, the proposal was
allowed to go over, but Representative
Curry stated that he will take . It up
with members of the senate appropria
tions sub-committee, that , will handle
the measure. 1 He is hopeful v that he
can interest them in- the . wisdom of
the amendment " and -confident -that If
the 'bill comes back to the. house "with
the proposition , Included, the . house
will- accept it- . ;- '
v Representative Curry's idea is that
reciprocity can be - brought , about
through an amendment to the- section
spproprlating $29,300,000 for . state aid
In road - censtrdetkm. "s The -proposed
amendment would provide that no al
lotment sbould be made from the fed
eral road, fund to. any state .which; did
not J v extend reciprocity Ih motor
licenses to all other , states and . the
District of Columbia. As all states
have been getting millions of dollars
from the national government for road
construction, he, does not believe any
of them would give up this aid by re
fusing te grant reciprocity, i
Success for Representative - Curry's
plan would - be tot -great benefit - to
motorists over the country who suffer
from friction -existing between some
states that refuse to honor one an
other's licenses. fc --.;-..;f :-. k
Vancouver, Wash., Dec 27,- The fol
lowing marriage licenses f were Issued
here Tuesday: Henry: Philpot, 21, and
Melba Barrows, - 19, Bindon, Or. ;
Charles P. Freeholm, 88, ahd Mable B.
Benson, 24, Portland : Fred F. Peder
son. 35 and Sadie AC Hill. 84, . Port
land ; Charles H. Colburn. 36,' and Reba
Peyton, 23, Portland i Leroy Quesness,
33, and Helen Dutten, legal,' Portland ;
C. id Young. 38. and Juana Rodregues.
18, Portland : O. S. ' Manero. legal,
Nyssa, Or., and Nellie B. Cassel. legal,
Vancouver; Alexander - Kossak, 28,
Portland, and ETlla Myers." 19. Wll.
Train Service
n. f i esses, t '--:
Lighted Trains
Two' Daily Each Way
Nos. 401, 402, 407. 403
Ml operaUng- wia The "Scenic
foint Defiance Lin .
Convenient Morning and
Dining and Observation Car
onTrSins 407-408 V '
Northern Pacific Ry.
eV. D. Chariton,' Cen. Pass." Act.
531 Northwestern Bank Bid. ..
- Phena Br'dway 5760, Partland
. . tOW u Leave Portlaad atae Tenainal,
. Park and Yamhill streets, T:30 a. aa.
. ia.00 a. jn.. 12 aooa, 4:18 e. av and
';, 12 :S0 a., aa, 'daSr. Direct cotuecUoa
'at - Astoria for Seaside and Clatsop
: beach points. Leave Astoria tor Port -land
Z a. a lO a. nv. 12 aooa, 8.9
-' pl m., 8:30 p. aa. - For ferther later
-I saation. Colmabia Stasea,,, Mala -8811.
OOLUBiaiA - STAatS PurUandlt. HaV
. ens local. Leave Port! and Staee Ter
' auaal, Psfk aad TamhiU streets, 1 a.
: so. for St. Hsleas and 5:15 p. m. daily
i and 11:1S p. an. Satonlava, Snndava
- aad hoUdava to St. Helens only. Leavr
;inc St. Helene 7:80 a. m. and 1:80 p.
t;as. daily, 8:18' Saturdays, Snndavs aad
bohdava Wot informarJoa paoae Ce
" luaabia Stages. Itaia 8811. . - .
rfrTLANO-SALCM STAOES Tveave staea
Tenamal. Park - and TaialiUl, hourly
4 f reaa 7:08 a. , as. te . 7:08 p. av aad
, Owl car at 10 p. aa. dailr. Sa tarda rs.
j Soadaje. aad holidays. 8 :SO 'p. rau ana
10 p. 'sa.. T:0B. 8:08, 11:63. 1:0.
8:0ft make-direct eooaeetions for
v ene. Corvaflis and Albany. Main 861JU;
..f ' J"' " 1 '- .-j. a
- sasli . Palls-Hood Kiver-Tha Dallea divi-
awa Leave Portlaad Stase Tersaiaal.
i Park sad Tsmbill streeta, S:SO a. aa..
i ll:Se. a.- as.. 2:30 p. m. .-dally to
Hood Biver, and 8:00 p. as. daily te
Mnltnoattaa : Falls, except , - Saturdays,
- v Snndava aad holidays; 11:18 p. as. Sat-
' rdays, Sundays and bolidaya to Ifatt-
Besaah Falls. Leave - Muitnonafc Falls
.. for Portlaad 7:80 a.' as. aad 11:18 a.'
.'.ja. 1:18 p. at, 4:18 p. av daily. Dt
red coaaections with all atases to
j fambia stasea. Maia 8811,-
PoiprTVAaa-TtLvAsvoovt trus luc
j Stas depot. Park and Yamhill atraeta;
7-4S av an. and S.SO p. aa. daily; 12:80
p. aa. daily sneapt San day. stasa 881 It
. leca stase terminal for still -Gays- So. U
' 7:8 a. m.j No. 8. 10:30 a. av; So.
i 8. ; 4 J p. av Ko. I eonnrets with
veatbonnd train at Mill Oty. Joa. H sa
il a, rmp. ,
lamette. Or.; Alfred S. Manaasa. legal,
and Bertha A. Manaasa. legal, Port
land : Bert F. Prigmore, 39, and lone
Ravborn, 19, Portland ; George B,
Watkins, 22. and lona. Keyes, 18, .Ev
erett. Wash. " - -
Declared Co mat oa Carrier "
, Saleas, Or. Dm.' ST. The railroad of tb
Paeifie Spnwe corpo ration oparatine kstwesa
South Beach and Weld port "in Liacola eeeaty,
baa eeea declared te ear a eommea carrier, la
aa1 order issued - by the public sen ice eaan
mission . and the company H ordered te file
tariffs ceverinc - passmrrr fares, and freisht
rates, The road was bailt by the , Vntted
States Spruce . Prod action corporation aa a
losfine read in 1818. Request that the-roae
be pwdaimed fsamm carrier -was filed
with the commission by the Port of A lees' and
tha WsJdport t'ossss unity a-vaocistloa.
50U7C3 xrinniCA
v.; -. ca ksw srsvica
Sailings from Seattle; Portland,
. San Francisco, ? Loa Angeles
ea enperier U. a Ooverornent ships to'
Modejenefre and Boenoe Aires vie Pea
eaaa Canal aad Porte Rioo, alee canine ea
retnra verage at Montevidoe aad Snatoa.
B, a President Ravee ' : . " . Jan. 25
8. S. President Harrisea ; . Mar. S
S. s. aaaenehanoa . . . . ' . Apr. 13
v Saxftns everr (Area) vrawee f AaresJter
, . JPor- dcriptiv booklet octdreat .
430 Sansonia St, ; , San Francisco
Mttimiini Operefors for
U. S. Shipping Board
Comfortable v-; Insured Car
riers Running; on Frequent "
Regrolar Schedules
O. A fS. SUses To Ht. Ansel, aad Silrarton.
Cemas . Stase Os. To Camas, WaahougaU
Kelso. ChebalU and Olympia, Wash.
Oelumbla States i To - Astoria,' 8b Helena,
. Rainier, Seaside, Moltnomah calls, Hood
River and The Dalle.
Oresham ataee Co. To Greeham.
Newberfl-McMinneiHe Staees To Ksnrberc aad
MeMinnville. - j .
PerUand-Saiem-Albany Staea Line Te Salem,
Albany. CorvaHia and Euteae.
Portia nd-Tlltamak Stase Una To SharJdaa
and. Tillamook. - v
Reilanos Mu Mood Stasee To Sandy aad
Ut.. Hood. 7
Vsnoeuver State Line Te Vancouver. Wash.
Wert Port land -and Multnomah Staees To
V est Portland and Jdultnomsb Station.
Informatlen, Tloksts end ' Waltlnt : Roam at
Park and Yamhill Sts. x Phone MAIn 8811
Astoria and ' Way Points
Para to' Astoria 81.88 One Way 88.00
Bound Trip Week-End Roond Trip 82,80
The Dalles & Hood River
j'MOM WIDf PRIDAr, 11:80 P. M.
Sleepina Aceommodatioss Ready, 9 P. it.
rare The Dalles 81.28; Hood Biver $1.00
Bdwy. e44 . . JIMer St. Deck
: to EUROPE ,
"? Wsw Teek Ohsrbours -"
Southampton , Mamnure
. ORSITA , , .Jan. SI Mar. 14 May
OROUNA . ..Feb. S1 Apr. 14 Msy SO
ORCA . , . -. Mar1 OHIO, . . . Apr. SI
From Pseffle Coast Ports te U. K.
- e - : Rseelar Sal linos . ;
Tae Beval Man Steam Packet Ce.
Rainier aide, Bsssttls or Leoal Assets
Spend "Yuletide
. ax .
Why not surprise the folks at home with a
visit at Yuletida. It will make them happy, -
and you too.
25 o Reduction
- - cMsy Round Trip Tickets ; T
Between all stations where one way fare is $30 or less f
Saiem $2.25,, Eugene $5.75, Medford 17.80 ;
Sale dates Dfic.4 22-23-24-25-29-30U31vJan. : 1st !
.' Final return limit Jan. 3d. - , . -
s For farther - particulars inquire of
C W. StinjrerCity Ticket Agent; 101
4th street, at Stark. Phone Mairi 8800.
- . , f ." JOHN M. SCOTT, -
General Pasenger Agent
I : r
S3 West Keata....Zecl L'SSB 83 West Kader. , M: .Feb. -1
SS Wawaiona .....Jan., . ., U4iSB S3 Montague ......Jan. 15
S Ka stern Sailor ............. ,..,.. ....Feb. 1$
, .'"or" rates, spaceetc appiy to '-' 'l.' , ' ' ; "
': r- - tuaFFIC DEPARTMENT -
P. road
way SStl - iet-HS Beard
WHY not get cxperanced and tc
carate information from ont .
who his trtvelea , extenslrely for
the benefit of bis. pitronsf . - FREB v"
Secur Steamship Reaerea j '
- tions aiui Tickets From
Journal Travel Bureau
ICO - Broadway, Portland, Or:
Pbone ATrater 1979.!
alls frem Munlelsef Oesfc Ms. M
Wedneaday, Dee. 8T, 10 A.M.
(vary Wadnasday TtssreeWee
7 A
Tuesday, Deoambee SSUi. 7 P. 88.
, untini in if orminr I
x- nuituLULU ocnwiuc .
Salllnes front San Prenolsee
. H. P. Alexander. .Jan. . B P. 88.
M. F. Alexander, .gas. SO, P. M.
" TICKET orncB
Phene roadway 83481 'j
Xeavlnr Seattle, Portland, early
Xe Dreary, direct to BrlUth Ports J
. First and intermediate class
, , passengers carried. ; '
.; . , .OS
804-808 Balaier BMr, Seattle, -.vVasli..
Phoae Ulett 844
$ t-
. " i! .' . f '
wjvm'm- 'V--.
t V'-; 'Tjs.aJ, V
North China Line
Opera tin- United States Government Ships
. POJbIlVAKI. OK(iOJr . . I
(Tleatslal BAIRJEK
of Trade Bid;. PorKsse. Ort res