V ae-.Ul A TT : A TMT,Tr, Q X A. JA -BAX AJ. JL JL Vi '' UXinJLVViJLLULf JL JLI.VX 1.LJ , JL J.mmJU I I II 1 1 I II II III HI INI TUUinLHULULIHL ItESDAT BAttT TRADtf , : Better. Eg gsv Cfeeese. ' - : Csr F.xVBeWet. Flats. Portlaad .... . 47Ve 4c " S2e tot Francisco ...13 .iMt'.: tH Chicago ...... ...He - - 4e : lie Hew Twt . ...... 649 . Jle 284 Ls Angeles f . .Me .; bee .. . , . Seattle ...........46 44c - S$e - Farther inml waaknea 1 diplred b th nuttt (or eggs t the week's business opening. . TwadtT Borate showed e uw aautatioa f arrival since mat Saturday, te sultrng ta general price eonoaaion. - - White baying valuee were unchanged for "the day with 8e for ewrrent receipt an 40c far henneries, selling figure were eat 3 by madias -operator, with select dm to k 4T. firsts or candied at 45c and pallet 40c per dosen. Others were still nominally trying t obtaia 49a foe eelecta, but business waa not sufficient bov 4 7e to quota. However tb market was late in starting at- any ark. la rrabudanc of tggs is now brine of fered and eoewumptfv demand at-' th price la by no mean sufficient to taka earo of of- . tarings. Bom egga ktx been shipped to the East end have brought excellent return. ape eially for tha select. Practically noaa of la Mow Tork pack at available in the local toaxkat. ' . - . . ' .-. . Those desiring special information regarding any market should writ the Commercial Ed itor. Oregon Journal, inclosing Mua for raply. BUTTE SELLING TO,THB SOUTH While fa aono quarter an easier tone was Indicated (or butter, other reported a steady to firm tone. One firm repotted ' ihipmenti hurW aa 4T0TU to evbea. Output of batter very beary bera. with aceaaaaJaUona f oroed. - v 'T'- . SrGAtt HASKET 18 A. DIME LOWES Ten oaata radaettea a abowta in tha priea of all aradea of rafinad aoaar am; a belated Ohrtotaaaa araaauf to eonaaaaera. Tha cbaae waa Boa oaly aaada aloas tbm PecUio eoaat bat throachout the cation. TCHKET TBADE EHTIBEtT CLE A erer. tha JioHday. althowb aoato belated atock came ria parcel port. These fonnd a rather fair demand, at;, prtcea , fraetioaaily , better Top around 3 So lb. tenerally. Hint HiBKF.T flKHERAI,I,TDOW!f With Iwdldav weakneaa fa the trade, tha market price for fcidre ia depraaaed bere. with Taluet about lo a lb. tower. Country ealeea are turn quoted M a Sc , Improvement soled ia ahaep pelta. : - - CHICKEX , SCFFLIES ABB BVE ATT Very 'beary MippUee of ebickea were carried over the hoUday. While moat of theae eoa aisted Of lire bird, eome atneka of dr r 1 ware unsold. Cnteat there are Uberal auppliea dur iog the. next few daya these will likely clean up tor Sew Tear' a. BRIEF TSOTES PROOCCE TBADE Market well stocked with .cauliflower and lettuce. - . Celery stocks ample for ell requirements. Boe-te quoting ad ranee for oranges. Apple trad continues steady at former low figures. . Cranberries atul in an overrapply here. LEAD TBICE8 SHOWING RISE Advance of tie a pound, earh ia announced in the price of lead berev The advance in cludes whit lead, red Tead. lith erase and or ne aunenkU The ,nw prices are Sow ia effect . - - . . SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advised Taeaday : Protect shipments duriac the next td hour against the following minimum , tempera turea: Ooinc north to Seattle. 42 degrees: northeast to Spo kane. 2 degrees:- east to Baker. 24 degrees. and south te Ashland, 39 degrees. Minimum . temperature at Portland tomorrow, about 43 dcareea, . " ' , : , FOBlLa-KD' '. WBOliESAliB FBlCES - 1 Thaaa are - pricea ' retailaea hi except as otnervniie noteu j BUTTER 8e)lln prices, ot lots: : Cream ery prices Prints, extras, 81o lb, for. plais wrappers; cubes, 45 47 ttt pet lb.; daii ry Diulill price. 3 so per lb. BLTTSRF AT Portland delivery basis 1 grade, 3o; So. 2, 6051c;No. 1 No. le for A grade. - CHEESE Selling: Tillamook, triplets, 88 S3e lb. : Toung America. 33c per lb.: Oregon triplets. 21 e27e. Buying price, f. o. b. Tillamook: Tripleta, 80e; Toung America and Longhornes, 31c. Selling price: Block Swus, Wiscosuin, SO 82c; imported, SOe lb. . Umburger, 25 at 26c j cream brick, Ore gon, 23 9 25c; Eaatera, J Oc. EGOS Buying price, Pront street: Cnr revit recerpta. Western Oregon, SSc per dosen; pullets. 83o per dos.; henneries, 4 Oc per dot. Belling prices: Select, 48 4 7a per dosen; candled. 45c per dos.; pullets, 40a per 'dos.; storage. 82e per dosen, RGGS Association selling price: . Select. 48c: brown, 4c; firsts, 45c; pullets, i . LlVK POULTRT SeUmg price: Heavy bens. 21 22c; Bght hens. 14 15c par lb.; broilers.. 20e tier lb.: serines. 17 a 18e nee lb.: ducks, l91ge per Jh.; geese. 180170 lb.; turtSTs, live, 27c; drees 30 0 33a lb. Freeh Fnrita aad Vaeatabta . FRESH FRUITS Oranges, new navels. 83.7505.OO per box: lemons. 88.00 0 8.60 a case; grapefruit, Florida, 83.00 0 7.04; peers, 82.00 0 2 80 per box; grapes. 8010 per lb. BERRIES Cranberries.- Northwest, 85 00 08.50 par box: Ksetern. 818.60 0 20.00 bbL DRIED BRUTTS Dates.' $7.0Oi figs, black, 17 019c per lb.; prunes. 40 and 60. 25-lb. bos, 12Hc; 60s snd Sva. lOe lb. OSIOX8 Selling nrlee to retailen: Ore gon, 32.eW0 2.6U per cental; garlic. 16 0 20c IS. : green entona, 904Oe per dos. enaonea. PUTAlXiCS Seiung price to retails ra: Ore gon potatoes, 75c 491.09 pee eeatal; sweet potatoes. Slitttto per lb. ' : VbiETABLES Beets. 11.60 aaok: eab- bags. 2 per. IK; lettuce. 84.00 0 8.78; crate; carrots, 11.73 per sack; tomatoes, Caii fnmia. 34.00 04.60 per lug: horseradish. 16 01e per IK: artichokes, $2.00 par dosen; es si if lower, $1,00 par. dosen; celery. 61.00 0 1.36-per desv: eggplant. le per PX APPLES Cookers. 70 0 85 box; face and fill. 31.00 01.26 box; taacy snd extra faacy packs, $1.60 0 2.26 box. COTjNTRT MEAT Selling price: Country noaa. llH S ISc per lb. : heavy etuff lees seal top (about 80 to 106 lbs) . 13K018e par lb.; heavy Murr less; lames, 1 Bo it. SMOKED .MEATS Ham. 25 027a lb.; breakfaet baeoo, 27 0 42e lb. . PACKING HOUSE MEATS Strec beef, 1JH 0l$e lb.; hetfera, 11011 lb.; eows. 8 010 lb.; lsmbf 1S0 2OS is.; ewas, iwaj W apy ;vmj aaAa g SsV' -T. su ZT a m lea lb.: hogs, 16018H lb. LARD Kettle rendered. 16 Ho lb.; tierce 14c. UKAXK Smn white. ST.B0? large white. 87.S0; pink. 67.60; lima, $10.60, bayou. $8.50: red. 37.50.- k HOVF.T New. 4 SO a 6 60 Mf ' case. RICE Japan No. 1. c; Sltt Rose, Se lb.; New Ortean head, int. COP! EE Roasted, 34 H 0 J Ho lb. la " aatkt r dntma. , HALT Costs, half ground. TOW. 1 18.00 pertoa: 60a, S1T.SS; tabiedairy, 6U. 827.60; bales, 83.60 04.OS: fancy table aad dairy, 1X4.S0: Isusuiu S2a.no . SCGAfc Cuba. 88.88; trait aad ' berry. INTELLIGENT PRODUCE v MARKETING r t means higher returns for farm produce. ' Quit aid kit or raise pas aad try our new methods before sending any prod ace te saarsat. Write, rind eat when aad how to skip.. Result wilt sarprit roe. Oar It years', xptciaaos m at your eernce. - ' - RU3Y & CO., 215 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, ORE. ; . . No Commission, Prompt Returns. - Today's market pricea for tap quality. Otherwise according te ,oaatv. ; . . . Maa 1a , - ;- j Vaal r - -J - . - Veal mm te SOO task, Se te 6s s Pee ssi I lasna ISO te SOe; r ' Dressed mattae te W can us hre aad dreosad turkeys, leeee, ducks, aad all kind of chicken et market price.- also hides Sad pelta. - FRO L SMITH MEAT CO. PIhtfnu the Reef Trust," RKW LOCATIOet 107 -0IT STREET PORTLAND. Oft COON 17 AlRsCfc A mi tT?TTTVIP! PRTlHFQ ijf.v.r.::iT Br Hrau U. Coka V -To ct that . turkey taste oat of the moath. why not try aoroe ot tha old taahioned onea. uctv. aa xm pett and CHbbafA. Not only will th appetite regpond to tba change but it'e vrery inexpensive. - In fact corn beef con tinues to aeE. : unuaually low-priced in the retail ahops and while there boa been, an advance in the price of cb oag since the recent Creese, N values are still rather low. " Then , acain tha- .market ' has fair Stocks of cauliflower of good, quality. California tomatoes have a rather favorable taste at this time and values are not hlffh. -"'vf Brnssell sprouts from the south are of better Quality tharf of late, . ' ' f Spinnach is offering, with axiallty the best known for this period of t!ie season. Sales at 15c pound. Potter Fresh. CTeamery, tSTo. ' " rt Salmon. ; black cod. le; halibut. ao lb. rioar Best local, patent. 12.00 9 2.2 S per 4-lb. aaek. " , : Potatoes Jfew. Ifflc per tt. Oniooa S ft a - per lb. Yanlhill street prices: Carrots. 1 H So lb.; cabbage, W 5 lb.; eauliftower. 15S5e per bead: lettuoa. 19 91Se head; potatoes, le lb.; eetery. 10 2ue bunch: tomatoes, 15a pee Jb. -. Hooey Com h, private) stores. 20e; pob&a market.. 20c; quart, 0i pint. 5e. 7 . Kgg Public market, 60c: private store, 48 ) 2e par doaen. . t- - . Poultry Light bene. 22a, lb. I heavy bens. over ios.. xm ib-; iryers, sua jr..: orouers. izs 10-. turkeya, taacy. . ptutne private atneaa. 45e Tb-i draaaed 4a o lb.; CUemad geese, see 1U. - ,, : ' . New Tort Batter, amd Ecgs Sew Tart. Dee. 2. tt N. B.) Butter Market weak. Creamery, eirtraa, 84 S6e: do firsts. i 47kS4Ho: do higher scoring. 63 5SH1 state dairy tube, S 93 ladel. frash extras, 88 89c. , Cheese Market quiet -gut Whole milk eneeiaU, flat, 37H28; average ran, 37 27H: lower grades. 21 2S. Wisoon sln Whela milk, faaey Teuog Amerieas, held 2828tsi. Btata Bkiass. epecisls. . held 21 21 54: do choice, fresh, 20 20 H. - Eggs Market easier. Nearby vrbite, fancy. 70 11; do bro-rn fancy, l62e; extra, 64 v S6c; firsts. 48 0 ftOe. ' , Milk Tfee nominal wholesale price ia 2-90 wt, , . 8aa Frasclsce Poaltry Market San Francisco, ree. 2. W. P.T Broilers, 1 to 1 4 lbs.. S8S5e: 1H to t4 lbs., SO 82; fryers, 3S9 28e: young rooettn. S lbs and up, 827e; etaggy. 21 r 8c: eolored oht roostera.. IT 9 last Leg horn old twite ra, 14 16r; - Leghorn hena. 2 H to A lbs.. I820cr 3 lbs. and over, 232&ei Urge entored bens, 3e28: ducks, young, 18 8 50c; geese, young. 25 28c; "ve turkeys, 80 0S4e; dressed eurksrs, 30 &; tquab. Use. faacy, Sa 60c Dried Fruit aad Beass Kew Tork, Dee. 8. ft N. S.l Beans Market firm. Msrrow choice. 810.00 10.50: pea, ehotce, $7.508.00: red kidney, choice, 88.28 bid. . Dried rruit Market dull Apricots, choice to extra fancy, 24y46e; apples, evaporated, prim to fancy. 1QK CI 2c; prunes, 80s to 60s, tIM18He; do 80s to 100, 7Me; peach fs. choice to extra fancy, 12tt$19c; seediest raisins, choice to fancy, 20 $ 22c , -. a .ii i ' i ' . Sew Terk Fealtry Market New Tork. Dec 26 (I. N. S.) Dressed Poulttr Market steady; . ebjeken 1 5 BOe ; fowls 18 t 80c; turkeys 80 8 54c; ducks 20 4 80! geese 2080c Live Poultry Market week.' nominal; Chick -ens 20S6c; fowls 170 24c; turkey 40c asked; ducks 22 26c; gees 2225. ' Kew Terk Weel and Hides New Tork. Dee. 28. L N. 8.1 Wool Market firm. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 48 9 Sftc: do pulled, scoured batfiv 78e 81.20: do Texas, scoured nasi. $1.05 1.38; territory Staple. Scoured basis, $1.83 1.40. Hide Market quiet. Native steers, ISM 21 He; branded steers, 18c bid. ""Sew Terk Soger and Coffee NSw Tork. Dee. 28. (U. P.l dull; - raw. 85.53; refined, dull; granulated. $7.i07.25. Coffee We, 7 Rio; 11 H 0 Her Na. d Ssatoa. 15 0 He- Hops Sell for Elevea Cents Chahalia. Wash.. Dec. 24. The Klaber In vestment company, operating -a big hop yard at Klaber west of Ohehalis has sold 508 bales of the 1922 bop- crop to th Wolff interests at 8an Francisco far 11 csnta per pound, accord' ing the announcement Just made by Manager H, A. laaulsxan. Estreae Business Improvisr Xugene, Dec. 26. A return of batter times is seen by Kugene business me a in snalymnc their balance sheets for the Christ mas shorpieg seajoa. Although the indi vidual sale were small,' they totalled mora in actual eaah than for any previous Christ- mas seaaca in ante years. MlaaeapoUs-DBlBth Flax Minneapolis Dec- 2 (I. N. a TT.t May. 82.43; December, $2.61 1 track, 32. 60 sex.ci; arrive, iz.ti. , Duluth, Dee.,2. (t N. G. FUx; Dc cember 32.80: January. 8,68 H; May. 32.44;' July. 82 41H: txaokT '$2 S; ar rive; sr.sOH; amved, nacetnber. (2.60. 37.85; yellow C. $7.30: beet granulated. extra v. st.so; roiden v, 6 7. SO. CANNED MILK Talla, $5.00; baby aixc. ee-ev case; site, sw.ee case. SODA CRACKERS In bulk. 15e Th. M'TS Wslnats. Slc lb.: almonds, 20 9 SSc lb.; mbertavi7e lb.; peanuts, se lb.; pecans, sae in.; Brazils, IS He iB. : caestasts. eaiwneae, i- w aec in, - s,- , Ftsfi and Shsrtfle ' ' - FRESH PISH SUveraide salmon. 18 020c per lb.; steel head, 2 2Se per lb.; halibut. 20 0 32o per lb. ; black cod. S 0 lOo per lb. ; sturgeon, 20s per lb. ; baskets kippered cod, $2.00: basket kippered aaimoo, $3.00; lint cod, 7 o la. ; oM. log lb.; torn cod, 10c id.: auver asaeit, xze per ia. - OTSTERa Eastarn, $4.60 gal : Olympla, $. gaL. 3L60 qt.; crabs, large, 3e.ee do,. SSulU, z.0 dox. , - HOPS 1923 crop, nominal. 8 01e A. HIDES Calfskia, lSo lb.; kips,, lee IK; green rnoes. -Jo in.; salted, a Ho lb. MOHAUt Nominal. 2 6 4 Se lb. SHEEP PELTS Long dry pelts, S5e lb.; swt petui, aiaa to.; rang aair goat peua, 26e lb. : short hair goat pelta, 26 06OO each. WOOL Wills met te valley coarse. 250 27c; medlasw 82085c lb.; fine, 40 045e in. ; M stern tnegoa-Idaho. 40 6 4 o le, - , TALLOW" AND GREASX NO. Se: No. 2. 4c: rreewi. SUe ner lb. 1 tallow, - CASOARa ARK 1922 pel,i 8c; 1921 pw. os arrxpe xooi, te in. Paints. Oim. sTto- " RAW ' UNSEED OIL Barrels, par tal, r". per gal., sua., s BOILED LINSEED OIL Barrels, per gsi. 11.12: 5-fal. cans, par gst; 31.27. . -, TCRPENTLNE -Dmms, pet . sal, . $)!! 8-gal cans, per gat, 1.7. - . , WITK LKAAW100 lb., ket.. per L smeef' and tMnsfst Latest carload la in her uw k mannf.A. tuvera. sraotaeieae repraaenting fir e. b. miU vahiea le direct sales to retainers and -'n'"g selling expense FLOO RDfOJ rTieb lm . sra 1x4 Now 2 . g... S5S.ee sae.ea saa.oe " " ...e 89.00 SS.es t:LU4AU : Hxt No. k and bet.. 41.66 S7.0S . DROP SlDINiS: (. , .. lx No. 2 and bet.., 42.0S 40.00 BOARDS 5 AND BHIPLAP; US IS sis ( ti . . .... 20.60 lS.Sf DIMENSION: , 1 2X4 12-14 .' 19.6S .18.50 " SMALL TfMBEat; 434 12-16 . . . 22.8S 19.56 LATH; - .. ." ' ft. No. 1 fir..... S.0S ' 4.TS SHTNOLE8: . ; A shmglae ...... 8.2S S.2S Total sales, 21 millt, 4.00.490 feet. 39. 46.00 1S.IS 18.10 31.80 4.T6 tus f07ertcckfi&;o!.eCo.: stccxs, c::::3, . : , D1RBCT PRIVkTI WlRS l-osran & Bryan I JiJaW , BVatAV Jk.AU CHICAGO SPOT FIIOIIE IS LOWER Ii J EAST """ Bf William M ContinBed slnt imhnim m shown tm the. sear. let tor pruiee all sfoag the- Pscifio slop. W on bout taa Uresna sad th California association continue to ask previous price foe tneir orienngs, apectat ware received acre indicate that spot prunes are available ea the New Tork market at lower prise tbaa what new purchase on the coast eaa be sanded at In other words, there appears oractiealle a Incentive , far buyers-along the Atlantic toast to purchase prunes ia the West, especially whs quick delivery, supplies of similar prune stay be obtained at home for lose money. : Despite this showing of inactivity there ar pears to be.x desire oa the part of the coast aasoeiatioBS te do ether than maintain former figures. For January delivery coast .praase am besag offered: - - . - . .' . -0-40.....i lie M-T:...... TH 8 el70s-8s;. IH MhvOOs... .... Se I - , Thee pries are for tmTk atnesr wttli the usual differential for paw-kages. oevurxe snoioate ana. inocpeanrats an still offering soma of tha km - ssaea. -' hiat aaaociation hare none to offer, ia fact were anauia to eeuver east they aad previoualv sold.- BECOBD COTTOST PRICES MADE;' .... HEA.TT BTJTIKO IS CAUSE Kew Terk, Dee. 24. A rssamptioa et the heavy buring which atsrtsd - Just- before ; the dose PHday ceurred when the cotton etrhansa opened today. .-;v. - '::. - i. Not sine the culmlnsnoa of ta ptevioe upward movasseat early in November ha there appeared so aggremiv a general absorption of eontracU. On block of 1000 May at 2B.80 waa taken at the start, sew high at vet for the ssasnn. Even March aaid above any pre vious figure recorded, while outside trade east specula tire demand Increases aa the day wore on. Though various lilies of 60OO bales each appeared oa the market from am te time, eeauaisgtoa fhoese buying , reached proportions which wit ton realising with hardly any iat preseioa o valaea. . Pricea would react I 6 point only i to swoop oa upward, passing each pvevtoua high figure in tee proses. A' feature of tea morning was mere active buyi&s of JtO uary bow that notice day hat passed. ' CenUderinf price being paid for spot cot ton and the limited offering at Southern point the local stock is valuable,-' A growing appreciation of this fact waa reflected in spot house baying in the near positions. July sold shore 28 H cents and March touched 26. by midday. Undoubtedly one of the most pa tent in today s activity has been reports from eB directions as. te the extent of .the Cartet mea diatribe tie of textiles.- - , . New buyers were compelled to advance -seo- tations sharply ia order 4 to bring out the quantity o cotton aeceasary to fill orders. v lrtuauy aa reports trom Beatoera pomts re flected htti eoUon available. Steady' buying throosboat the aejarkrn finallv eauaed e half -cent advance, with a great deal of cotton oraerea asar . too close, raxing it all in all, it-was one of tha atmngset markats witnessed his season. - - Open. . , .260 , . 2645 , . 250 ,. 2630 High. 25S 2683 2695 2870 Tw. . Clone. 2600 2654 January Marca May . . July . . 2688 ' 2680 2647 2687 2625 2635 244S ' 2474 October 244S 2475 New Tork spot market 2680: steady, SO ap. AMERICAN" LITEBTOCX: , F BICES Chlese Mesa SSOO Chicago. Dec. 26. 1 N. S. 8. it, N. Mine, a AAA U--w- , 1 s.ib se ka a 8.60; top $g".60; heavyweight, $8.85 0 8.50; medium weight, 8,40 0 8.45 . light weight. $8.458.60; light Tights. 38.fi08.60: heavy packing sows, smooth, 37.76 0 8.00; packing owe, rouga. i.ovi.t; pigs, ss.eesyg.40. uauue -Kecerpts. zz,vvv; market, steady. Beef Steer.- Choice and prime, 812.26 0 1 a 4 a - 1 ; 1 1 . j . e,Ae4 ka. good and choice, 312.25 018.25; common sad medium. 37.50911.00. Butcher cattle Heifer. 36.000 10.00: rows. $4.00 v 8.00: bulls, $8.60 07.00. fanners and Cutter Cow and heifers, $2.25 0 3,60: canner steers. 84.00 08.OO; veal calves (light and handy, weight) 89.00 011.00; feeder steers, 85.50 0 S.0O ; ateckae steers, 36.OO 0 7,7 6 1 atockes oaws ana Dealers. . ge.ou a s v j . atocker salves, i.trogl.co. . R.h 11 Ana. ' .. - Pat Lambs, $14.590 IS'.SO; cpU snd'oosuaon. I eii.vucyie.uu; -yeernnaa. .ll.uosi is.oo; I wether. v.0O .H r ewe. -86.6O0 7.60 1 1 en 11. And SHnis.n IB A a AA - ' - 1 $13.50 014.65. w . ;rT ' s i sHrivor Heft fS.SS f; ?v Denver. 'Dee. 28. -(V. V. ) Cattle Re ceipts. 1200: market 16025c higher. Steers, 84.5008.60; oow and heifers, 83.0007.76; ffckers mjxd t tsedea, 33,60 0 7 J 6 S calvea. 35.OO0S.6O. Hogs ' Receipts, 1800; . market 10020c higher. Top. 38.S5; bulk. 38.00 08.25. . Sheep Receipts. 7600; market steady te 15c higher. Irhb, 312.60 014.25; ewes. 84.00 m 6-75; feeders. $12.00 & 14.20. San Prawalma Has S10.00 San Francisco. Deo. 20 (O. P.) Cattle Beef steers, good, $7,76 0 8.00 ; medium, $7.00 0 7.60; common. 38.00 06,76; beef cows, good. $5.78 06.00: medium, $5,230 5.50; common. 64,00 0 5.00; canners aad oot tera. 82.00 08.50; calves, 150-200 lbs., $7.60 07.76; 200-250 lb., 37.2801.60; 250-80O lbs. $6.73 0 7.25; ever SOO Bk,. 88.600 8.50. i Hogs Crain-rd. light, $9.78 0 lO.OOj heavy, $7.90 07.50. . Sheep Lambs. $18.50 S 14.00; 39.40 0 6.50; wetbera, 38.50016.00. Omaha Hesss Baa , ' ' South 'Omaha. Dec 96. H. 850e: market 16e to 20c higher. . Bulk 67.VOajS.15; top, 58.20. Cattle Recei pta, 700; market beef steers, steady te 15c Sower; best yearlings, $10.00; heavy steer. 310.5: ah stock, 4uUr steady; bulls, lOo to 15e higher; vealav Steadyt stock ers and feeders, strong to lOe higher, Sheep Receipts. 12.000; market lambs' toady; bulk. 314.25 014.50; top, 814.60; sheepv. strong; ,,. top, 6L76 feauara, steady.- .... Kansas City He S8.SS Kansas City. Dec. 28. L N. S.) Cattle receipta, 11.000; steady. Steers, 81.260 8.75; cows and heifers. $4.507.90; stock era and feedta, $6.15 0 7.26: calves, $7,60 0 8.60. Hoc receteu. 1 8.000 ; dull. Bulk of ale. 67.1808 80; top, $8.85; heavies, 37.90 Shghts. $7.60 0 8.16; audiusas, SS.1S ..Sheep receipt, 6000; aotiv. , Lambs, 313.10014.75. -- S.sSlls lllim SS Sll Seattle. Dae, 26. (t N. S.) Hogs Re-J aeataVw-kSa AAA anaaanms sw -. Sltwa. -I (rvB wva ewaeae ac - stoawj, , At aisaaw IlIl L, $9.20 09.40.; smooth beaviss, $7.60 07.76; rough heavies, $6.0007.00. , - CaUl ' Receipta, 100: market steady. Prim steers, heavy, $8.75 0 7.23;, aaedium to choice, $6.5007.00; fair to good, 33.750 8.50; feeder steers, 84.50 05.00; prime cows. $4.76 05.00- good. $4.2504.75; calvea, light. $7.50 08.00; heavy. $4.80 0 6.00. -,- Sheep Receipt. 225 ; market . steady. Prim larolw, $11.50012.00: feeders, $10.00 011.00: cuU lambs, $7.00 0 9.00; yeaxKngs, 39 00 0. 0; feeders, 3 8.6S0S 50; wethers; bght. 88 0O 0 6.50 ; heavy, $7.0007.60; V7Z 5, ,1 f.i Hi . tV heavy. $4,76 0 5.60; eulie, $3.60 0 8.60. : 'i Aaxerlei Grata Tlslbl : ' ' tBsarirea srJn vfadbla supply, is. bushels: : . ' WHEAT - '.'-ji- - - :-- v .'. t . . - Total' , . Iiwirease, 12 81,781.00 - 628,000 1921 ...... ......49.431.000 1.86I.OO0 J92S ............46,171.eoe-2J0.0O IBIS ........... .77.708.008 4.90.S0e CORN - 1822 ............14,492,006 1,677.000 i21 ........... .21.56S.0OS 3.8 IS .000 .:. .. .. ... , ... A1T9 1S52 'TliiAiiMMfiWi 1921 '. ........... ,67.271,00s 172,000 .4- sTh - - ;, 1022 ....i......l0.e84.0O s 1S4.SOS ;si v-.A.-... t.- '2.oos ess.ode BARLET 1922 ... ., 2,4 It, O0 476.000 l2l .fc...e,is S.l 13.000 167.000 'Decrease. IrrljratiOB Besea A nailed Fee i Salem, Os-, Dec' 26. The xn-ath Drain- ae aenin, uumpixsmg is,oe acre la avia math county, has applied to tha state trriga- ."rr" " cowamssmea tor tee remtir-atsan os sius.vt xa . . " yew Tork-Loidea Silver . Kew "Tork. Dec, 2. (L N. S.) Commer cial bar silver: Domestic uneaaagad at 89 He: foreign unchanged at 62 He. ' - tFa1r I L S.) Bar sSrwr unchanged gt, 8 a He. , ' TTsval Stores Market " Kew Terk. Dee. 2 . TsneTitte: Ravaa tmh. fl.21 01.28; New Xork. $1.34 -to - Rjejas ftevsjrnsh $4.S3; Kew Tstk. t.SS ' 3few Terk CO t to s seed Oil - 5 New - Tork, Dec. 28. Cottonseed Oit pe lfMie bid-. Jau.. 1O1O01OU; frtL, l"'j0ie3et - llerch. 1050 is 1052; May, lueiay 1069: July, 10860107, TITO A PFI? TR A TT ; cTiflJ A QT -'-.Via l IA -a-. JUXt."'.!. WIIEfiTTPJIKG-. BASIS IS HOrilAL TTJESD AT WHEAT. TBADE ; r '- - - - - - - - Tea 'i' . C1"" BldeXota. Are. Hard while ,....f..,..UI le 81.97 Sort white U 1c, LSI Western whits irlJI le Ml Hard - winter .,...; U8 f'TI.8t Kerther series; ........ US , . . 1.8T Wsstork read ....... I.IA 1.91 5 NORTHWEST G RA IN BECETPTS -- i Compiled, by th Merchants Esebsage Wheat. Barisy, Florra. Oatn. Ha v. 1.1 .-St .,'". - SIS.... 'SI- - Si- 18 tadata 11246 . 32 5 45 1140 T. aca 19845 1ST 12S 641 : 72 v.. Saturday ... . 11 Tsar age . . -S3 Season to date 8911 Tear age .. 41 Seattle r s - ---Saturday 0 IS Tear age . .- - 89 Season to data 306$ Tear - ago . . ,5011 " B . . . 9 S82 21 ilS 642 4 S7B. 89 SOS It 2t 1442 131 1826 "i - - -4 - -44 . 886: S61 284 "S32 Astoria BstuTdav Seaeon tedate- AS 41 - With fegn"aarke-cied,-there was little outside influence ia the wheat trade for th dev. Lack of etteatsaa waa indicated eeaerally ia the local market. - Chicago options snowed a little price bead way daring the Tuesday morning session bat ther waa a ting of wisknea indicated. There waa ao general demand for - wheat here at th resumption of the market. Her and there appear, a limited call front millers hut that ft as to be the extent of tee busi- -- So far as knewa there is so haying fr ex port grain shipment because prevailing price here are etxt or line with foreign valwaa. Only the buying by millers who had previoosly sold flour te foreigners keeps say sort ef activity ia the trade, - Fleer market ta very lrrw for export but fairly steady at maintained values for local Blades. - - ; - . WHEAT Buying price, tidewater, track delivery: Club. $1.2401.28 per bushel! blue stem, $1.86 bushel; Big Bend braesum. $1.60 0 1.6$: Turkey red. $1.34 01.26; red Bus aian, $1.23. DOMESTIC PTjOtTR Selling price, f mill door: Patent- 37. SO; Willamette valley brand. 86.80 06.60: looal straight,- 86.06; bakers' nam wneat, (.nu ; paxers ntuestem, X iu; bakers' pastry, $6.60; grahass, 66.69; wboto wheat. $8.89; rye, -38.80 bbl. Price for city delivery, 1 5c extra; suburbsa, SOe extra. EXPORT PLOCR Chtb straight, SS.S0; blueatera. cut-off, 35.60. HAT Buying price r Willamette Untotby, fancy, $22.00 0 23.00': Eastern Oregon ten ethy, $28.00024.00 too: clover. 320.00; straw, 38.00; alfalfsT $20,50 621.00,; srala hay, $22.00. - GRAIN SACKS Nomiaal, Ke, 1 Calcutta. lOe for aew crop delivery. Domestic has, 10c each. MTfXSTCFPS Mill rttn at mill.' aeeked, ton lots. 385.00; carload lota, $30.00;- mid dlings, 842.00 0 4 $.00 per ton. OAT8 Per ton.- buying price: t Feed. $33. X: milling. $88.00. - - BARLEY Buying price:. Feed,- $$4.00; brewing. 384.50. - i PEEDSTtrFPS-e-F. O. B. mills: Roiled barley, $37.00; whole barley. 336.00; alfalfa Basal, $ 30.00; coconut meal, 889.00; cracked oorn,. ob.uo; wnoie corn. SSO-VU. Merchants Exchange bids: - . - - . wheat;- ': - - ' - Dec Jan. 'r Feb. Hard white BS Baart..8 1.89 3 1.48 $ 1.49 Soft whit 1,24 1 1.24 ,124 Western white .. . ... . 1.23 1.28 Xl.23 Hard winter "148 1.18 i 1.18 Northern spring ..... 1.19 -LIS Westera red ... V-1S 1-18 PEED OATS No. 2 88 Bx naturaia..386.00 335.00 $35.00 SS Th. aatarahi 37.00 37.00 87.00 ... . BARLET ' v f ', (N bids) .;..,' J i CORN ; No. 2 B T. shlpmeat-$32.5 $88.00 $38.00 Ke. S K. T. shipment.. 82.00 32.00 82.00 Wheat Prices at Chicago Erratic In Narrow Limit Cokago. Dee. SS. Wheat -trade wu dnB and it looked eg if tha bulk of the operators were atill in a holiday spirit end not disposed to reassume the burdens of business. . There was good support given the aaarket at th tart which encouraged looal buying bat af ter emoderat advaace . there was, wheat tot ssl but support again made its appearance after a break of a cant from the sop. Foraaga markets were closed aad this tended to check activity ia export circle but th Seaboard told of a Genoa cable requesting offers oa number S Manitoba wheat for May, ' Jane sad July shipments. It looks as if the fsrmers' friend lay Washington are not ee keen about loaning money to foreigners, sot at the present at least. Senator Capper, backing up Borah ia his effort te have a world economic conference celled to solve the problems arising front, Ger many's bankrupt coaditioa aad fail are to pay reparations. France ia expected te Insist upon Germany making good on January 15 and ac cording te Jetest information, is te hinted that Stinn' and other war millionaires may be arsad te back ap their Gevaxaa gevemsaent-in a material way. Cash wheat premiums were unchanged, hat Minneapolis premiums- were 1 te 2e lower. Primary receipta were enormous end this tended to create a feeling of uncer tainty among tongs. - Cora was without taaah change. A similar condition prevailed ia - this pit waa noted in above for wheat, Ther waa good support when Heeded but hedging prsaenr was felt ee the bulges. Receipt were estimated at 1600 cars but there waa a seed demand for spot aura at H 0 He red action la the basis. Coun try -Offerings to arrive were ngbt. Shipping demand waa fair.. Seaboard reported some bide in the market carried ever from Satur day etaae te a working basis. - - . . - Oat were quiet and followed other grama A htti bodging pressure waa felt. Shipping de mand was light. . Sale of 16.000 .bushels et contract eats were reported to go t store. Buying by, totalise packer gar the pre vision market a firm tone. ,? . ..r.. Wheat bad a tally during the last irxata utea of trading oa covering - by short., - Last pricea were aaohaaged te 4 He higher. Dec., 1.2S H: May, $1.26 H to, Hi July. $1-14 H to - - . - . . . . ' -3. - Cora eloswdviMhejaawd to He higher; Deo., 72 He; May, 72 H to He July. T2e. . -'T Oate wera'He higher to He tower; Dec. 43 He: May. 48 H to Ha; July. 43 He Lard closed 7H to 12He higher aad ribs IS to 2$a, higher. ' - . - 'J'"CMbBO: rang by t-sited Pre; . v - - - . WHEAT 'ow'-f CI Dec. ... .... 125H llsH 1 245 T26i My..V......: 124H 136H '124- i 125H July. ...... 118 Hl 14 H , 118 114 H iii-v CORN Dec. .... 4 T2 T2t .11 T24 Msy.. ....... . IlTi 72H Tl4 72H July......... T1H tSH f ?1H tS ' OATS - - '. - pec 44 44 . 48H 43H May.......,.;;:'548fl" 40 r: 46 H '46 H July..,.... jjr;: dSis Sla D.o-s e sag. vrs . m . . , ' ' A " . May......... ;S1S2H - S1H - SSfH LARD Mav......... J087 WST-V UBS I'Tr Jan,i.-4.;... v.'.y'iSTs ? t - . ABMOTTB A CO. TO ASK . CHARTER FOR BIO MERGER Chicate, Dec 20. (L K. 8.) prepara tion ware atade today to obtain a charter la the state ef Delaware sad issue stock ta the Amount of tl 19,909,009 as tha preoxohiary step toward the final merger of the. pac slog plant at Arnsoor A Co. and Morris Ac Co. The stock of the Dele were corporation, which will be a sahssdisvy exsrperaxioa ta tha present fires., wis be owned by Armour 4 Co. of iukwaia, - Thin was mad known today through s statemeat awacd by the Mw firm ef Mayer, Mayer. Aestriaa, A Piatt. B08T03T TTOOD MABEET MORE ! ACTIVE AFTER B OLID AT Boston, Dec. SO. The local woor market apaaad ep af tar the holiday firm aad a trifle more active than last week. No heavy lot et woof were moved but there as a decided opin ion, that with the tern of the year demand aad pricea -ua cuing higher. - Mill continued in quiries today aa aaticinatioa ef teqnreaxaets for tha heavyweight sessea. Tb . New Zealand asarhets are expected te show anirwal stzextgth after bnring day. , Kevr Tork Fotato Market i New Tork, Dec 28. (L W.,6. Potatoes' hx bntk.crrel or bag) Martlet stear; near py wnite si.e ar b.bo ; rwrmudaa $4,00 0 19.99; southern 6A.99 bid. - AJU.U 1 V4 VfX JU JL' ACTIVE TRADii.G'; III HOG ALLEYS TTJESDAT UTE STOCK TBADE nese. Steers. Lambs. FoTtUBd .f tUS f 8.60 SlUO cbicaro so . iui ; IMS Beaver -8A :;.SAS , 16tS Saa Fraaclsee .. 16.69 8JS 149 Oaiaha' ......... r MS - 10US - 1CSS Kansas City .... Ml . ; S.1S 14.IS PORTLAND MVESTWTB RCJt . Hogs. Cattar Calves. Sheeo. Care Tuesday..... 2816 1143 47 ... 61 Weak ago.. ,4 ....... 1989), S S weeks ag. 1740 ... ... ... IS 4 weeks ago. 338 SO ... .. S Tear ago....' 2824 Til SS 8185 SO z year ago.. 1 xtonoay S year. ago. ; 64 ' St -...... 1 4 years sew... 257 194 S 70S S Sixty-cam loads - of hrsetork." oa of the smallest known here for the week's opening. put in appearance at North Portland ever. Sun day. For tee xueeaay saormng opening oaly 67 iced were available as load were direct .htcBMSt to outside killers. - Practleallv - an price change was ahowa for the start- of the trading. . - - . " Ia the hog alley there was a run of 2818 bead ever Sundav at North Portland. doe- ride rable activity w shown la th trading at th start and wefi maiataued values were show in initial dears, - - - . - ... qsaeral hoe aaarket ranee: Prim bght ........... 9.250 9.60 Sasootk Heavy, zso-see lb. . , 8.CO m 9.99 Smooth heavy, SOO ice. Bp... - 7.690. S.09 Rough heavy ... 6 00 7.50 Pat pig 8.60 0 9.09 Feeder pigs .............. S. OA 6 8.50 Stags 4.00 0 9.99 Cattle Shesrt Steady Cattle shewed a teaersSy steady teae far the week' initial areasaotione at North Pert land Tuseday. There was a rather fair rue ef 1182 head ia the alleys .end early gales were made within the former pries rang. General cattle market range: Choice steer .....$ 7.25 0 8.90 Medium to good steer Fair to medium steers ....... Common to fair steers. ...... Choice heifers Choir cows sad keif en Medium to good coca-heifr. . Pair to medium eow-heifer. . Common to fair oowvhelf r . . Os a nets ...... .r. . . Bull Choice feeders .-1 , 9.23 0 T.25 a. sow e.zs 4.09 0 5.69 S.O9 0. 6.26 4.50 0 6.00 4.09 0 4.50 2.50 0 8.80 8.59 at 8.59 1.59 0 2.69 8.000 4.25 6.90 0 S.69 4.00 0 S.90 8.900 S.59 .8.900 S.69 ,7.69 0 S.09 4.00 0 7.50 Fsir to good feeders ........ Choice dairy, calves Prime light calvea Medium light calva. .,, . iai j -caAvea ..'- We Sheep ni Not a single carload of staff rem into the sheep Hnd lamb alleys at North Portland from Saturday until Tueadav. This left th trade fat S BommaUy steady poaitioo, former priee be- lug nsuBvwu. General mutton marset range: Prim -east of mountain lamb. $10.60 0 12.59 Choice valley lamb ..... 4 . . 10.50012.50 Medium valley lamos. , e.ee ayxo.se Common valley lambs ....... . 8.50 0 9.60 Cull lamb ............... A.750 8.59 Haavy veartinae . . . 9.50 (ft 1O.O0 Light yearlings s.vo s s.SO Heavy wether . , ........... 7.00 0 7.60 Light Wethers l.ous B.au Ewes S.O90 7.00 Tuesday: Mernlnt Seles ''$k'X-':-J- ' COWS Ha. Av. lbs. Price. I Ke. Av. Tha. Price ... 577 S 4.25 I 1...1010 6 3.69 S... 886 ,. 8.00 I 1., 810 2.60 1...1140 S.OO I HEIFERS S 4.59 i 1... 430 S 000 T CALVES ' 8. , 1.. 881 450 170 $ 8.59 1 v S... 299 7.60 I HOGS 219 S 7.59 4... fS5.. f .. 136.. j 8.. 14. . 250 $ 7.60 47... 165 S S.89 IBS 9.SS I. .. 609 6. SO 128 174 141 295 405 75 9.40 9.00 7.60 9.60 -S.69 90. .. 184 9.50 129..'.: 182 0.68 27... 171 9.86 . .. . 846 8.75 2. 8... 131 8.60 1,.. 160 COTTOTT GOODS MARKET OPEJTS ACTITEf PRICES MAINTAINED New Tork, Dec 29. The faotiday interval bad no weakening effect on the 'price ef cot ton goods and trading was fsirly active today with price advances maintained and no great amount of goads in sight for spot deliveries. Some mills are sot prepared to sell standard nrint cloth construction at present figures be yond February. Sheeting were fairly active with bag manufacturers th chief bey era. rjat sens, drills and twills were strong but soaae what dutt. . The raw silk market was exceedingly qaiet both her aad ia Yokohama with only Can ton showing say change from Friday' levels. Canton 14-19 and 20-22 eaoh advanced 19 cent a pound te 7.75 and 7.16 respectively. There were ao quotations cm XXA 30-23 duuet. . , , ' . . POTATOES AL03TG THE aw Frunclsce Market COAST San Praecito. Dec. 2.- (U. P. Onion, Stockton Red, $1.5901.73: Globe. 31.60 01.75; Tellcws. per ewt,. S1.SO01.7S. roiaroee. ravw xsncy, eivQvei.Aw, ,uen Waahisgton Netted Gems, $1.39 01.86: Sa unas, $1.05 0 1.S5. - t.attls SJerkot 11 aeatile. TW. 26. (I. N. S.l Onio California. 2 H 0 3c; Walla Walla, Se lb. Potatoes Takima Gem. $23.00026.90 local. $15,020.00 ton; California . sweats. SH0SHS lb. ' ' Aa Ana Market Los Angeles, Dec 26. Potatoes Northern river. 31.60 01.78: poorer, low as $1.40; Idaho. Bassets, 6L50 01-76. DAIBT PRODUCE OF THE COAST San Franeito eterkst San Francisco. Dec 26. iU. P. Butter Extra. 68 He; prime firsts, 53e: I 1114 c. . ( Kgajs Extras.' . 58e; extra pallets, '. 53c; unaersixao puuets. 41 , . . Cheese Californis fUt.f-faacy, 24 He. . .; steatite stark SeetU. Dee. 26. Eggx Select rtneh, 45a Burred Cirv enisun. Sle: brick. 52c ' . Cheese Oregon triplet. 30c; .Tmamook mpksta, ssei xoung emene.-as. . 1-ea. Anaelaa Market - t ! Los 'Angeles. Dec SO. (7, Ke- 8.) Bat. tr 62 pe-T' 10. 'r --, - ' - EgrsExtrav' SOe; case count 4 7e; pul W. IT. n. ! . . ,.- . - Poultry Hens, 20e; bfomwa, 30c; fryavs. zee pet us - ... -Eastern Cask Wheat - CTiicago, Dec 26. Caah wheat: No." 2 red. li.3ii; ao, 9 reo, fuviw; fa. a naru, 81.2614 at 1.27; . No- 3 hard. 81.26 H 0 1.26 H; No. S hard, tl.lt: NO. 1 MooUaa, $1.24; Ke 2 Montana, 81.28 H. -Winnirjet Deo- 26. Cash wheat: No. 1 Karthera, $1.12; No. 2 northern. $1.09 H : No. 8 aorthera, $1.97: No. 4 xwrtaara, 81.97 Hi Nc 6 northern. 94 H; No. S northern. 87e: track, 61-10 H. i Miaaaepolit, Dec 4 Caah Wheat: dfo. 1 dark aorthera, 61.25 H 0 1.3Z H i No. northern.. $1.22 H 0 1.80 H i Ke. S - dark aorthera, $1.21 H 0 1.28 H ! No. 2 northern, 1.19H01.S6H; Ke. 8 dark aeethera. i.iTji9i.iu xvev- w aeruiera. si.lSH 01.2SH: No. 1 dark hard Moauaa, $l.2SH 01,81: No. 1 hard Meatea, 61.21 A a 11 H ; No. 1 duraxa. 61.02 U1 Hi pi a aarasv i.inwi.t4. Saa Fraacisco Grain Market " 8a Francisco, Dec 26. Barley closed at aeon, December, oooel May sales at $1.66; feed barley. $1.6001.66; ahipptng. 81.66 0 1.60 H : CaleaUa gtala bags, JuaeJuly, 19H hid. lOHe asked; apei, lOHe bid. 10H asked. !-,.- . Spot feed, per cental, $1.4 60 1,4 T H ship- pinV 61.SWV - - - ; , - ., Caasers Cossatittee Appolated Salem. Daav 26. H. H. Corey. pwbHa service commisaiaaB, ana been notified of his ap pointment ae.a saember Of the western state transportation eemmittee ef the Northwest Caaaers smnwatioe. A W. Stone of Meed River is the ether Oregon saataber of the eeav i Bacsos Aires Wheat ' i Aires. 'Dee. - T Wnrat onsiA Februacy. , 8.lrH, dowu le from Friday; March. $1.29. .down ,HV Corn, January. 76c, down Hr: -May. 71c down Hctlex, February. 81.69 H. down 2e; Match, $1.67. ""w- -c. ; rsuruary, , ae, ' chsnavd. , Wsathex fine . .,' 3T9W Tor MetsJ Market i New Tor. Dec 2S. (t N. 8) Firm: all position IS H 0 14 H c Lead Unlet: an ooriticeia IT.MOf.U. Rpeltev Quiet; spot to Deesnsxber. $6,99 0 .vv. w viisnm ae.ee. . ..... J Liverpool Cotton Market 09601 T.iwvunnL Dec 26. It N- a.-Stwst insi rinasn suaay.ea accoujox ot tag ntiii-y OU;aridIJotors; Show Activity-in . 'Curb Market Trade By Was. ' . MafTarwe- J- 1 -New Tork. Dee. 28. Trading oat th curb csebanee today waa active. Higher price were again the tula wader the lead of Staaoard Oil aad indepondents, i Several ef the teeter stock were also coa sptcBeas - b the upward saoveaaant. . Durant issoa were again th leaders, the Indiana share setting up te a slew aiga record while Durant of Delaware waa actively bought at its top price, under the ssene sort ad pool epeva ttoae that have besa aoans ea ia these tock tar soaie time. There were ao iadiesticoa that any treat diatrtbtmoa had yet eeeurred. Cleve Had Motors, although sot seavely traded in, gained further ground and active buying of Mercer aad tha voting trust eertafioste was sttributad to the buying of this stock by ether bis sutosaohile in (areata. - Belial That further advaace la oil price are te be announced shortly led to active buy ing of the oil .hares, with Standard of Indiana, Standard of New Terk and Standard ef Caa feraie, aew, the active Madam among the tut san aroUD... South Penasvtvenia- OS waa aa exception, to. the general tendency aad de clined. Salt Creek producer, among the tn depaadents. dupUcated its high buying tor the year ax at ana xoammota tni. ciaas a. Gulf . Oil of panrlvaaiv Maraeaibo and Simma Petroleum were ethers that wen. m at . higher prices, mflueueed by th the staetlard group, - in tee early afternoon, however, trading quieted down and - prof it-taking brought about . rcwuctwna from the highest ia maay. of the leaders of the fursBoua advaace.' Aaaaaaeemeet that ; director af - ventart Consolidated Oil . had . declared a quarterly divideBd of 76 centa a share failed to effeet the atock aad ep to a lata boor no salsa had taken olaoa. With the exeeDtioa "of - the ' more grorrp. ther waa little of iatereot in she tradfag of the industrial section. Fifth Avenue Bus, voting trust certificates were .removed from trading today. A few shares of Martin Fire Arms rose fractionally but were lea active while th piefeiied waa practically' neglected. Short cove ring ia- New, Fiction Publiehing brought about aa advance ot a point wmio tiuieua Safety Raaor reacted 2 point from it high of Mat week..:.-, . .:.,',-? ' B08T0X C0FPEB STOCKS ; Reported bv Overbeck Cooke C,: Bid. Bid. Ask. .iH S 86 36 4i 44 St. 10- 10 ... 99 3 88 Arfg ... . 7H Advntr.. . 69 Ahnvaek. S7H e Nipissing 5H 76 68 40 : 38 4H Q I COp IB Oseo Ma 31 Ahromah 26 AUooes. 23 Arcadiaa 4 : Obijswa. 1H Ola Ma - 844 Pond Ot 87 Laka. 40 ChUkAria 87 as Cel A H.283 289 New Cra 17H 18 Ceat'nl.. S S Sp Boston IK Un 8 Mo 43 H do pfd. 26 H S Utah, A Cop Ate IT ' ' 87H Davis ixy - a SHISup CP. ' S K Butter . St4 9 Trtn Cp. 1 Tuolumne 47 Ctah MS 90 ' Utah Con 1 H U S Mng 87 do ofd. 46 H TVaktn M , 1 H ' 1 H Hancock. ze -2 Isl Crk. 101 H 10 Koreans. 1H 1H Kerr Lk 2H 3 46 le Sella.' MH::iH Ventura . 29 H : 28 H Victoria.; 1 . i i tc Michigan 114 - S4 Mohawk. 97 H ..68 May O O SH 4 Winona. 1 i 1 H Wolverine 74 ' 6 Wysadott 26 S3 Mason TI SH S BASK STATEMENT OF ' COAST 0SrthMtd?Bans . .'''-. : isart . toot " - Clearings Tues. ..86.71 1.109 35.659 SRS Balance Tue. . . 1.688.957 . 1.692.774 Saw Fi'anulsa Bank a Clearings Taceday 824,600.000 Best tie Bank Clearing Tuesday . ... 8 6.668.71 6 Balance Tuesday , 2,680,449 - tTakiane stanka - Cls rings Tuesday. $ 1.872.900 . Tacoma Banks - Tueeday't transaction ..,..,..$ 2.595.000 Forels-a Ezchaare Market ; New Tork. Dae.' 2 A fL N. S.l flnuial rerrmg, $4.4H; franc esbles,$7.89 ; checks. f'.so 7 . tire csoies, t,u ; enecas, oeiarsu cBsneav. en. e: cnecas. 819.06; eebts. 329.78; 320.74. Wlsslpef Wheat OsUon Winnipeg, Dec 2A Wlieatt r Open. High. ' Low. Close, Dec......... 111H 112H lllHr114 Mar..,...t. 114H 114 114 114H July. ....A. .. 112 H '118H 112H 118H a. 'i is i a.b. .--"" iir , , , "T " - T . " " - as, - - t I 1 - , .e . . T A : ... . . c- . 001 LIOE!! LilLL Xcjot 1st ions " for' the. purchase or- of the Jorth Pacific Lrember company mill, at the foot of Sherlock avenue, by J. A. Ryan of the Neha lem Timber company. Percy Allen of the Murphy - Ttanber compauiy - and other local toffKlne; interests dtave been under way fur several weeks, and. ao cording to Anen; efforts are being msd9 to dose the deal today." The mill have a capacity of roor. tharr 300, 000 feet per eirht-hour shift, and the property is valued at approximately Jl.2w0.000. - The North Pacific s mill baa been closed down for a hoot two years, and an Investment of several thousand dol lars . would be required to place It in operation. Allen stated. When In op eration the plant employed about 850 men. It- Is understood that If the pendlnc deVI la made, repairs on the plant will bo made iiomediately and operations started late in January. . . A,mort4tae for $800,000 on the prop erty of the North Pacific Lumber com pany Is held by the Security -Trust A Savlnca company, smd nesotiations for the propoeed lease are beinar bandied by officials of the trust company. : The lease would ru for a 10-year period and carriea an option for-the purchase of the property, it Is understood. Tb9 North Pacific mlU. was erected in 1882 by Donald Mackay and his as-eociates,- and was operated for many years under his manacement. In 1918 the property w as leased to G. T. 6wt- cert and: was returned to the owners in 1920. f. Since that time the plant has been closed -dowlf 'vf 44; . v n 11 i - 1 1 r. r e, ' J ' I 11 11 i J '- '. ' CAMFGBOlTSDb LEASE U An ordinance which i Commissioner Pier - will or sent to the cite- council Wednesday-provides fop the closing of A lease for sv two.yAf period with the' cease investment company. for the 24 acres of land used fey the city as an auto park ; or campground, opposite peninsula park. The rental la to bo the same as for tbo past .wo years, 1:2; s month, and the option - to purchssa is renewed. - Ptor recornxneode- that as soon aa possible the city purchase these land for a permanent auto camp loca tion. He is now negotiating with the company on ihs purchase price. PLEAD FOR ASTORIA Appeals for all commercial organi sations oT th coast to support the war department In Its proposal of a 91,200, 000 pppropriation for Astoria recon struction, were sent but today by the Chamber of Commerce, The war de partment mad its appropriation pro posal following an Investigation con ducted t the - lower Columbia river city by Colonel Anderson of Vancou ver barracks. - MORROW SUCCEEDS WO01 Mayor Baker baa appointed Dr, Earl V. Morrow as a member of th Fort- land municipal boxing- commission to flu the ' vacancy caused by the resig nation of. Joseph Wood. . Wood served as secretary, but he Is now to be busi ness manager and E. 8. Higgins will be the new secretary. . Mayor Baker will send official notice of the appoint ment of Or. Morrow to the city coun ell at It session Wednesday. . V e" :X MlsssapoUs Wheat OpUoa V lnnfmH Thru 9 9 -TTTis t Open. High. Low. Clooe. nee. ........ 121H 133 - 121H 122 . May...,...., 122 -122 H 121 H 182 July......... 117 H 118 H 117 H T18H m " ' v : Here's something we i never forget-afcty night and clay, in good weather and badrrra&V sleet, fog; or other unfavorable conditions Note these six mjor classes of precaution: wtsy s gasVexW tOsTxTJkplXCSS BsSCX SsCTW Tjsawj m dt pwrross ana tanpeoycasi, we stirarulats tbAMEbs os thSfMrt eTata i try icwrardixsc them lac tjeir Uests. a.. a - " wt tzequexir. mcerrsus est roertc. f3LFTiw6Snil smsftxkes SxTe lsest art at fcigh stsaxdard ot e5cteccT by daCw lis ' ycTiosi regt-rrf srsn of'iiMftiii twanrrititMM. 1 ately indicated by tb mataaMtjc Uock aicnaiis, ayith which our aifMsskre fullj ' ' 4. Bridge maa iTesOes are -xX2xnx-tcd in mccerdiate wi'Jk the Itsgtsrat degree os safety, nod are tMrt-sughly irispeeted a$ ' recular irttn-vals, . . . - -. 1 Is-. j43 P tr fcsrpl la perfect Of def. ktsrj UStzdiLZ?, 6. . go-try tamoyee ia rxurrerl tn raw tnmttimtjnp th lywacaJ atrad c booA of rulM Ey) ' : nod car testa xasBare; isfarmaJ wiairwi awvt hsssartrtg. A3 rules ar , strictly enforced arod froqua-rrt eilcicxicy tests atr -nade to ia , ' vsrsj law Dexit: cysgrruea rrai. . : . . V V .? eri5f CHx to miire far yoar safty And f , t - -tsUcit your ide, suciestions snd cocperation to the end th.it . , v cn slifflinatg dnrery rsrsBsfllj risk no rnatter how faoksll U NOTE OFFERS SOLUT ":: (Caatinurd Prom Pege One) attacked her, tearing off : her ttist. Caslk Weir Interfered,; the letter says, and 4 Mrs. Learjr. left " about the , time ISari Weir arrtved, TEXT OF LETTER r Th letter follows : ' ' ' ' "' " "Chief of Potto Jenkina. vj - - Der Strj My folks arf all in be J. so I tm wlUnj these few linei to k t you know that Helen Leery Is a liar, for X am not dead and my body Is not weighted down by a ton of rock, but 1 am very much alive and rm friad of it. To think that poorold: fellow Is getting the blarnd , for something ho, dldnt do. tt'a 'a big aham,- - "I did run away fromkhore,f 'I.WEs in Mr. ; Welra houseboat nd . tfecre wsa n acufXle, but Helen . Xeary- was ther too. v ' 1 v: - "It waa her that started the fight, f was tasking to MP, .Weir about Imv 1ns bis son take ;mto Rainier: as t have relatives in Rainier, when, Helen butted In and said, 'I should say be won't take, you to Rainier. Earl i my, husband 8nd X don't stand to soe Un te anywhere with any girls." When Mr, Wtlr said, My son Is too good for ,ei girt, like yott- Why.' he wouldn't even Tnem wr thory .words, v DESCRIBES F1QHT ? , -Helen got mad-and called Mr. Weir all kinds of names and then they started fighting. I felt sorry for the eld man, so I butted in and she grabbed me by the waist And tore it off of tnev It was teer. not Mr. Wet r, that tore it. When I saw that th fight was growing more serious than ever I ran out and beat it home. I made all right with my folks. That why I don't want to go to th police station,- because X don't want my folks to know -what kind of a girl I was st that tlm. . liar. She was pretty drunk when she mm up there the first time, as for the jewelry, I never saw that Jewelry before in my life. I guess shs just mad thst tip. s -:..' Wben X first saw th ease- In -the paper. X was going to the police sta tion in person, but I don't want my name in the papers because it would break yny mother's heart. CAlLS HELEK BETEK6EFCX. "At first X wasn't going to write, but now I see that you're going to why, I am writing - to let you know that Helen Leary is a liar, a Jealous and revengeful woman.. She says my eyes are blue. My eyes aren't blue they're brown. , Sh say I weighed 80 pounds. ; I weigh ISO. - I want you to believe ray story, as Tm telling the, truth and nothing bot the truth, so help me God. (Signed ) "JANE DOE." -; The letter was written on cheap tab let paper and mailed In a cheap en velope. It was written in pencil. - . CONCERT IS AWAITED - Vancouver, Wssru, Dec 2 A The concert of the Orpheus mads chorus to be given In the Presbyterian church January 10 will be on of tb leading musical events of th year. Th chorua is composed of 40 voices and Is belnir Ualned by John ' Todd,- diiwctor of T. "M. C A. BlSCTJSSIOTr Th9 Witnessing of , Paul" will be the subject for; discussion ia he Y. M. C! A lohbw Wednesdiv st ? o. m. Lstsue fjranbourn win nrenirifi ITflOllusS bOl COBSsudg Stlreg(Jejsi0 ' . . - Mi