I t FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED 309 FURNISHED 3-room. flat, $29.6; include wster ami lights, sos otn at. 5 $ 1 5 UO. Lower 2 room, electricity. V ; , pbou, sua. to waiKte mpit Tit F1ATS--UNFURNISHEP 10. NICE 5-room fist, close in, $20. f oar-room flit $15. 47tf . Ysmlull. CsU Esst tROQU flats, with esrages. 671-579 Lawn ara, north. East 2185. WANTED TORENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 2 YOL.NO aa deeir . board and separata rooms oat eut aid, month or Belmont: ass farther oat than 39th. Call Ess BB Dev. and 8 p. aa. , ' . : '' ''' HOUSES FURNISHED 311 ROOM modern, weh , famished residence. . . 5 minntes' car service. Lease. $50 per - mo. 12 12 - BeOmont.-.; Sin. Shayer, 1251 Belmont. . : --- 5-ROOM furnished cottage, piano, furnace, "garage, etc., en Mississippi eaiiine. eloae to ' park, $33: no. children... , Eugene Palmer, Walnut 1755. $200 DOWN. $25 month, buys family Xmas . pretest; 8 room bouse, furniture, turkey, V ' acre. . $49 Salmon. .; Coma alone, mora 'oxiar. FOR RENT -5-roora bungalow, fireplace, gas . . floor furnace, biultins. Dutch kitchen and garage; close in. Walnut 7475. . MY HOUU, modem, completely furnished, ' .room, furnace. Aut 631-43. - - - ;, 5 AND 10 H. K. room, good furniture; very tood proposition.- P-426. Journal. FJYE room house. 118 : East 80th. fail at ' 1981 East GHssn. near 80th. FOB RENT, fnm. .house on O. E. line. 20 , minutes from 5th at. Atwater 0327. 4 ROOM . furnished bungalow, 735 E. 75th st N. Aut 326-17. HOUSES UNFURNISHED .312 SPRINKLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage Store your goods with us. Let us do your moving and parting. CLAT 8. MOESH. IN a Bdwy. 94T0. 484GHss at MOVE THE SECURITY WAT t Extraordinary Service - For the ordinary price. BACKING. MOVING. 8TORAOE rECCBITY 8 TO RAG E A TBANa'SR OOl. ,4th at Pine it, Om. MoltaomaU Mrtsi. Telephone, Broadway 371$. - FOR RENT,- 5 room houae. tub and shower : bath, wash trays, sleeping porch and furnace. 436 Boa St. Open evenings or call Eaat i 9384. MODERN. 7 -room house. Dutch kitchen, buf fet, full basement, wash trays, etc, near '. grade and high schools, 4012 Kast 47th t ' Mam 6091 or 'labor 3224. FOR RENT 5-room bouse. 873 K. line, 2 . blocks frcan car, (10 per month. Otto & " Hark son. 413 Chamber - of - Commerce. Broadway 6389. FOR- KENT -room bungalow with fireplace, " furnace, laundry room and garage, 1 block to Kennedy school: rent $40. 1180 Glenn are. IS. Phone Walnut 4393. PIANO MOVING $3, furniture $2.50 per hour; v 2 men, large padded Ten. Call Crown " Transfer Co.. East 5047. CUT RATE eVRNITURE MOVING Fireproof Storage 15 Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. 2445. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Xrans. Co., Alain 1281. 202H Alder st 7 BOOMS, bat I), electric lights, gas, ( AT hertal on Emerson St.; $22.50. W-692. Joornil " . I L. TRANSFER, Bast 5026. We eon ...... tract your job or $2 per hour, and; fur pish 2 men. i t YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. $1.50 - and $2 per hour. Bdwy. 7688. - 1US RENT 4 room, not modern house, at - 1093 Marguerite are., $960. Call Bdwy. 4837. lOH KEN'l 4-rooms, not modem bouse, at 1095 Wsrrornte are.. $.0. Call Broad way 4837. ' - N1CB 6 room bunaalow with garage: also piano, in Richmond district, on Brooklyn -at., near 29th. Rent 35. Sell. 2906. BRAND new. up-to-date house, near 8. shops. SeU. 3266. 841 K. 24th at. ' FOR RENT Six room modern bungalow with garage, January 1. Owner. 1078 E. Grant. 5 ROOMS, garage, $33, 74th at.; 6 rooms, K. ath N.. $25. Tabor 547. MODERN siz-ruom bouse, nunace, fireplace, - yawl, $85. Walnut 0198. . 7-KM. HOL'SE. modera. 394 East Cth. st. Ooae in. ' MOVING by the Elks. Morage SO days free; 2 men and machine $2 per hour. Main 8059. -FCRN1TURE mofed, $2 a room, -any part .of ;. - city, padded ran. Walnut 5108. MODERN 6 room house. Furnace. $40 per '. month. Walnut 7 500. FOK KENi o-rsom bouse. 61 E. 21st st, - near Oak. Walnut 3528. , $254 ROOM modern cottage, built-in buf i fet; near M. V. cor. Broadway' 0799. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 rURNITLRE for sale and. bouse . tar rent. 288 H (Irant it - FURNITURE of two H. K. rooms lor sale: rent 15. 430 12th st. - FCllNITUIiE few sale of 14-room tiou-e. A . bargain. K. 256Q. any time. House for rent. FUBMIVRK of 4 rooms lor sale, house for .1 rent. 088 Thurman st., west side. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOR RENT, second flour, 661 lUwtborne. -: 100x100 ; can be ttsed -for any purpose. : Phone Kast. 4200. ' v ww FOR desirable . spare in fireproof warrhouse ? phone Bro lway 8715. : OFFICES -DESK ROOM 315 DESK BOOM, with telephone and stenoerapsua serrtca. Phone Bdwy. 8715. ; REAL ESTATEFOR SAI.E BUSINESS PROPERTY 4Q1 ARISTA business block, earning 15 per cent : on $19,500: some terms,' -Hollow Ue garage bklg. ; Income $100 per month. Price only $ 1 0.0O0. $2000 caan. r or appointment phone Tabor 0276. APARTMENTS AND FLAT - "PROPERTY 402 TO C1AXSE estate, 100x100 northeast comer ' 14th ami Taylor, west side. East 2105. LOTS' 403 -i?- Builders Notice Restriction.!. Ladd's -: . Addition - . - S - ' , ; ' r Do net forbid a daplrx bouse or bunrslow or two-family fiat. j.READT SALE tiOOD PROFIT Several inquiries each day for Una class of proiierty. ' ; 2d Mtg..Privilege - .' ' " Good - nnlkting'- loans in this high elaa Hosein uistrW-t. InTestigate. .See Mr, Delahunty l' , Idd EsUte Co.. 24 Stark 8U f Bdwy. 5751i.E"ee- East 3492 - , Lots I Lots! . Lots! 'tlOOxlOO S. W. eonser of atimoaii ate. .and KuaiboMt et: sewer and aidewalks ie 'and twtd. Price $1050. ; A few 50x100 S. E-comer ot Albina are. and Prescott ata. ; botii streets paled, sewer Pipe a lot-. Pnce $1050.. ' , , , - ALBERT HAJRAI.A. OOt - M waiMpti are. Walnut 1201. Your Rent Money " wnx no it 'Why tay kit when I ear. sell yoo a big . piece of -r-r.iwit 75xlS5. for $675 and gi jn four yesrt tu pay tor it r Water, gaa, gTareled; Slreet.- n -city taxes or assessmenta. See Mr. V"rke-ns. 41b Hiskkbng bib. -Efe itir, arfieKt AtK; LOTS . . '. Prt Colombta bii-tl. u-ervd) , between K. 29th and.E. 33d ?ts. N.. cesrenieat to cars; rich soil:-tine locatJo-n. - J. K ELU01. OWNER. H Ktark t. Ihcne Jdwy. 11K. FMK SALE by owner, corner lot, higb class ditrvt, fine new,- che to car. A. bargain. 34 7 ts& 2th pear iiamson. r-hoae Taboc REAL ESTATE FO SALE HOUSES .404 TOlB HOMB 18 HERE " - 2000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOB .. BALE ; ; - Erery District in the City.' - Buy Tour ... jliome and Start the NEW YEAR. nght. I'll Help Tea Hake 'Tsar Fust Payment ,-. If Necessary i , 90 Saieamen with auto. j : Open Ereomga. Until 9.00 . . $500 DOWN HAWTHORNE $4490 $50O down,, ft-rpom, artisuc bunga low on pared street, fireplace, -furnace, all biultina, 5 bed. rooms, ga rags, near i car and school, 80x100 lot, E. Car- rathers st. ; $530 CASH FOK;THIS i ' $2650 $550 down, very comfortable boms' in best of condition, 3 bed rooms, all on one floor, dandy Dutch kitchen, white enamel bath. East 60th street.. I00 AND YOU HATE A HOME? ' $2290 $100 down for this brand new artis tic 5-room bungalow in Ait. Scott, has lota of b nil tin feat ures. 2 light, airy bedrooms and bath; full, heary pillared front : porch. A real snap. 97 th at. BIG PENINSULA SPECIAL $2250 Think of this, a good, substantial. modern, 7 -room home, near car. 4 bedrooms and bath, full lot. terms.. SEE. THIS NOW. man with a big family. Ask for See FRANK L. McGUIKE To Buy Tour Home Realtor Abington Bide. 3d at., bet. Wash and Stark. Broadway 7171 WONDERFTJL WEST SIDE HOME n PRICEI AT A BARGAIN PRICE 0 ioc.ms and fii?e billiard room. 4 fine fireplaces, firat-clase furnace, oak iloort. built-ins that are nice, sightly corner, large reranda, shrubbery This is a real home and ao cheap at $9000; terms. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. V 352 Ankeny. near Broadway. ', Broaiva; 2045. ' ' 4 ROOM BUNGALOW . New and beautifully designed, hardwood floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, large kitch en finished in white; 2 bedrooms with bath between; screened-in back porch, unusually nice electric fixtures. Price $2600: rery easy payments. JoonsQnDodsori Co, 633 N. W. Bank Bklg. AtjLia 9787. SNAP $200 DOWS $200 i $3560, practically new -rbora attrac .tase bungalow, fireplace. Dutch' kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 nice bedrooms, cement basement. St lmpt, in "and paid. Owner leering city. Possession' at once. Hurry. iv. oojn.nnbi.1!;, Alain 8761 7 ROOM WEST SIDE HOUSE, $1750 Good 7 room house, 4 bedrooms, full base ment, bath, gas, etc.: lot 40x1 (IO: ni. Hens or mortgage to ns.mnie; welkins distance, on Porter tt ; price U big n,. at $1750; about SdOU csoh. balance to suit. ' . J. W. GRtSSI. 318 Board of Trade bide Bdwy. 74 5' You Can't. Beat This 6-rm. modera bongs low, bdw. floors, French doors, fireplace, buffet, book case, cement basement, trays, lot 60x lOO, nice lawn, 1 blk. to car. Terms $3260: cash $3000. East 8935. Cosy Bungalow Nearly new, 4 ran. and sleeping porch, French doors, built ins. cement basement, trays, corner lot. 75x100. 2 short blks. to ear. Only $3100, $1000 down, bal. $25 ur inc., including interest. r.at 8935 FIVE room thoroughly modrru bungalow,, gas iimarcr, iirepiaoe. narawooa fJoots, garage, corner lot. Rose City district, below the hill. Vacant More in. $5000. $800 cash. $40 per month. , OLE O. SI.ETTEN. iltealtor, 415 Ry. Enh bldg Bdwy. 340O. . A BUNGALOW BARGAIN , 0-roora modern bungalow, tornace. fire place, cement basement; pared street; in good condition; $3644. good terms; see owner at No. 9 E. 72a st, at Burnaide (llonta rills car). it, M. GATEWOOO ft CO., 165 H 4th St ! ROSE CITY SPECIAL ! t can ahow yon a bungalow.- new. that I beliexe is one of the best buys in the dis tract; strictly modern with hardwood floors throughout; big lmng room, expensive ta pestry paper, large basement: best furnace, garage. It is gome buy. Phone Ant 313-46. FOR SALE quick on account of going away - or will trade for Ford, my $130 equity in new modern 4 room bungalow with garage. Balance can be paid at (23 a nnati, in cluding interest This is a real Xmas gift 8216 36th are. S. E. IHllI fUrm hniu, 1 hlk t n. ln r,,-.,. ,i . - - . v.m. , Wfc mk-w appie trees, Demes, grapes, full base ment, not completed, gas, electricity, street t imp. in; price 1 . 33O0 cash, or $2nl cash and Ford car in good condition. .4 34 EvrrpTinvii. mncitu ' Were is a Christmas present worth while, strictly modern bungalow only $5250, terms; compelled to sell; come look inside; you'll like it 348 E. 38th N half block R-C car. No agent. TO CMlSE an estate wiU sell, senaratl. n. together, 2 6 room hauws. xauoo and 315(; $750 cash eachj walking distance : cast side. JOHNNON-KELLY. CO.. SO Hoard of Trada bide. Hdwy. 3Nu. , ROSE CITY $4250 See' this. A splendid boy; east front; near car; hardwood floors, fireplace fur nac. ivory finish, tapestry paper. Small cash payment A. G. Teepe Co., 40th and NEW 4 room taodrrn bmifaUxr. 2 Bwdrroms. lulHw.wl fln full W . . ... i " . ' . ' ""wmriiL, mi improve- - - I..- tuuu, ftfvvr casn, oai- t anee $40 f r mvnth (IT v n fit pt v ... - - - " . ' . tiraiuir, e l u. It y F.XTh. bldg. Bdw- 3400. Bl'NA"W ON .CARLINE $3300 ,'- "'v ram payment or lot aa first payment A neat little bungalow, nicely located. A splendid deal - See this. t.I'T:- j?fT cipfnce. ;40th jt rt-r i-pv'w $2893 com-etely fnrnisbed attractire bnngalow and garage; fireplace, all built-in features. Terms. R. SOMERVHJJr, Main .3761. UOSF, CIT1 By oer. new 5-reom bungalow . wwir mu up to uie minute i in -every detail; $3000; little down and 1 terms. Aiove right' in. Call after 5 HOME or investment; must sell my house tmir at aorne price; -a-rnonr bungalow. 2 nts With f nitt trees.' H block to . i Mortgage $750. Make an offer. Salmon. LAtJREpiURST. No,, 891 E. Hoyt, neae 33d. aw, sTuaea-ia steepsng porch, hardwood floors, garage, modera; all im provement in and paid, i $6000; terms. It nwm. MWlgt M8,r BUS. tW. 54 OO. LEI' ME give you my tigures on your sew ; vw mm iwbj w OISIKI. -4 Witt SSlVe 1 you money, and help finance. - Have 39 j bouses trader way this year; first class work. ,... Harris, 1016 Brooklyn. Beit. 2869. " BHJ SACRIFICE TTT" L . 8000 cash buy lO-room apt. heejv, - close in east side. 1 block to ear. 60x100 l. l?00- J 3U'. 252 XL Bdwy. 5-room modern house on paved street. 1' Nock from eartone: nnge and gas water heater go with house: a bargain at $2760: easy terms. Call Taber 8323. - , "AiatERTA ' 4-room cottage. 50x1 OO lot, near ear: $1C0; take small ear to $50O. U earh. ' X44w wiuw( ka ' " K. W. ;AlkmH) tc VtX 166H 4th St LEAVING city. M.ko your terms. 4 room """v. un'an, sarcr lot, garage, -i block Mt Seott car on 4J3d st . Improve- W HT pay rent f Nearly new 5 room btinjra - tow Beer Laarelbarst Senayside ear. $2SOO; small cah payment, balance. E. X. Clow steaity. ttat Belmont Taber 571.. MODERN, 4 room furnished house enLJot; ij, uuiM. ij a. i itiS. al-V tJ'JoO J KtKiil fumued bungalow variety , ; fruit, clo-s to ear end school.. 202 Fading WUB. tHTWJ. MV. ' - f $200 DOWN, $25 month, kivea family Xmai ; gift pf i 6-room houae. furniture, half acre. LEAVING Portland, mtut aarnfica S-room Ismeda home, easy term. Wataut 6012. REAL ESTATE FCT SALS HOUSES 404 Rose City;, Park and Laurelhurst . Buyers, . Attention! Now is the time to buy; don't wait trntfl the big demand a on; really some wonder ful opportunities bow. Take adnntaae of them. Pttooe sow lor ma appoxntsneBi. Too'll be under no - obligaoon positively. A. Q. Teepe Co: EOSE CUT OFFICE 1 40th and Sandy, Tabor 658$ - LAURELHCBST OFFICE S9th and Gliaan, Tabor S433 ' - $15 CASH. $15 MONTHLT ' Three lots, total area. 120x128. alley in rear, large 2 room aback cottage, painted and finr1"! with . beaserboard inside, - 6 -blocks to car.' Price $1099. Too. had bet ter hurry, gee Kenton with r - .: STW-y T32 Cham. f Com. A Real Bargain ONLY $2600. $500 CASH A dandy 5 - rm bungalow with fireplace, built ins, Dutch kitchen. Has nice large bed rooms with larce clothes closets, good plumb ing, full basemetit with cement floors and laundry trays. Surely a great bargain. In' quire 1824 E. Glisan -or Tabor 7647. PIEDMONT BARGAIN $4259 Dandy comer, imply sementa in and paid; 1 nice roams, ivory finish, fireplace, t lcnty built-ins. nice frail trees, garage, near -atf serriee nd schools; terras. J. IK HAIGHT FOB REAL ESTATE. 852 Ankeny. Bdwy. 2045. . Walnut 6621. 1347 t'nion Ae. Branch Office. Almost Unbelieveable " $2604. FURNISHED, $2600 S rms. . bath, garage and chicken house, on 100x117 ft. corner; berries, . fruit and garden spot On good macadam street Only $550 cash, balance easy, John F. Zuber, 1S34 . Gusan. xabor 7047. BY OWNER, 5-room bungalow in Piedmont: hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, built in tub, pedestal rtand, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, stationery tubs. 50x 100 lot Mtt see to appreciate. 1211 Cleveland ave. $6500. terms. BY OWNER- Fine 8-room Alameda home at . a sacrifice. vEaey terms. 916 E. 80th N. ACREAGE 40S 3 ACRES, cultivated; -Vi mile to city limits, station and school ; 9c fare; lights, water, gas, bearing orchard, prunes, apples, cherries-, pears, walnuts, filberts; in good con dition;' chicken house, 20x86; brooder house. $3150; easy terms. WANT HOUSE,' 1 acre, 7 miles west. Macadam road. 4' blocks to station,; 8 He fare. All city conveniences; 4 room house, large chicken house, garage. $3000. Consider Portland house about same value. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, ' Gertinger BUdg. Over 500 small places near Portland. FOR SALE BY OWNER ' acre on west side. Red Electric, 4 room coxy home, partly furnished ; fine wbodthed with Sin. plank floor; enough first growth fir wood cut and in to last all winter; 1 block to electric station and paved highway; must sell; phone sod I will take you In my car; price $1850, small down payment, balance like rent MERRICK k CO., REALTORS. 304 Panama bklg. Bdwy. 8230. $10 DOWN. $5 MONTH Buys 5 acres close to Vancouver and Portland; $50 an acre and up. We have 54and 10-acre tracts in this addition; fine lying land, free from rock or gravel, close to Pacific highway ; fine location for poultry, berries and general farming. Chaa. Delfel. ojis nanway Mcngnge Drag. LET on show you how your rent money will pay for acre and lumber for a little house; 7 -cent carfare, good school, water gas, no city taxes. Sss Mr. Haines, 420 Spalding bldg. Evenings phone Garfield 6810. FOR SALE OR LEASE Acreage, close in; good roads; rich river bottom lands. J. 0. ELR0D. Owner. 283 Stark St Phone Bdwy. 1188. FOR SALE by owner, 20 or SO acres, good land, on good road, close to paved highway, near city and cars. A bargain at $250 per rn. i i, journal. 3-ACRE tracts in Rose Park acres, finest of soil. $400 per acre. Easy terms.' G. U Bohr. 213 Knott st Phone East 3139. JSUjBURBAN HOMES .40g LARGE 6-room - semi-modern bungalow, va cant, Oregon tjity carhne, at Oak Grove; $2850. $100 casn. $16 per month; ref erences required. Call 324 E. Yamhill, or see Mr. Endicott at Oak Grove. FARMS 407 Nothing Down But Taxes and Interest - for Five Years 10-20-40 acre tracts, from $25 to $49 an acre, 21 00 acres to -choose from, down Columbia river, on Oregon side, close to highway. Some of these tracts have streams. Beautifully lying land. : Fine location for growing prunes, apples, ber ries, filbert nut, and English, walnuts. -Fine for dairying, bees, and poultry. CHARLES DELFEL - 318 Railway Exchange Bldg.. City.' COAST DAIRT RANCH, 42 acres, 1 M miles to town ami high school; rocked road; woven wine fences. 22 a. cultivated, bal ance pasture, no waste land: loam noil, bearing orchard, good new buildirurs; $4500, with 8 milk cows, young stork, cream separator. 11 bogs, machinery, etc. $ 1 200 down. Consitler property near, good town In Willamette ' valley. , SO acres, Clatsop county, at station; 8 acres cultivated. SO a. pasture ; spring . water piped , to good house with some plumbing; large Hani, chicken house, $3500 with equipment- Cmwhier Port land house, same or 1-sk value JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. , lierlineer bklg. Over 5QO H mil 11 Place Near Portland. 11 ACRES $ PER ACRE 14 MILES FROM PORTLAND CITY' HALL 46 acres cultivated. 3 acres of virgin timber (about 30OO cords! . balsnce pan ture, on highway, fenced and cross-fenced. - set of buildings, settled community, near small town and school, fin water,.' .--S-nice springs, fine family orchard, more M land ran be esurily -rultrreted. - Excellent market for all produce. This will nuke , one ofthe finest clew In dairy ranches. CALL IN US FOR PARTICULARS BE FORE BUYING ANYTHING ELSE AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY!! STAR REAL ESTATE 1NV. CO., Realtors. 513 Wilcox bkls. JUST LOOK AT THIS. Mr. Rancher and : Stockman: 100 acres of fine hind with fine spring and - creeks, part in cultivation, good 4-room houae. large barn, close to school, pkmty of outrarrtte, 4 anile from town. 1 mites from-railroad ; only $40 an acre. J. B. Holbrook, Realtor, 2 14-216 Panama bide. 11 ACRES, 6 acres In culUvslion. balance pas tttre; good soil, gxiod fences and city water. ... 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; one fourth mile .' from depot Price $4500; cash $1500;: balance mortgage at J 'Wa. E.'Kidder; CARLTON, OREGON. . ' SO ACRES. 16 in cultivation; good house and outbuildings; orchard, berries :f ereek never - dry :- Ideal chicken and dairy - ranch ; took pise on trade, camsot wse it: for price and further information address W,' H. Sanders. R 2, Beaverton, Ore-- FOR SALE 83 acres, 2000 cords wood; price $5700. $1500 .cash will turn the deal. : Writs tcr particulars to J. Gee. Salem, Or.. Gen.- Del - . - SNAP to acres.. partly improved, on highway; $1330. terms. Dubois. 4 SpawMlnc bids. FOR RENT FARMS 40 SO ACRE farm, about 30 a. in cuirrratsna ; . teams, harness and wagon, seme implements. :, Can cut Wod end clear land as part rent. ' Call Walnut 7249. ' - - 36 ACRES imp., i s E. Grrsham. Bargaiav .- Easy tersne. Owner. Broadway 1733.". HOMESTEADS -410 WANTED homestead relinquishment. Some ua a provemevtts. . will- pay cash. 222 Lumber. .Vauens bttHding.--- " EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 1 HAVE 7 seres- of laxims valley Und. Will "sell or trade ftr city property, Soma- cash. 355 K. 3d. Eat 9298. - I HAV K clear protwrty and cash to trade lor grocery. M. 8- Cobb. 1V60 AS. 15tat st IN. c::c: ixncz rtal estate 413 TIMBER.. LA NO FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY 249 aeres of timber land, it being the BE, H of the NW. lit the SW. 1 and the NE. of the SB. 4 Sec 8 To. 33 S. Range 7 West, it bring 240 acres. . Price 950O0. Will exchange for Portland prop. erty and sainsme incumbrance. JotinsonDodson Co. 3 N. w. Bank hid. Main 978T. 4 TO EXCHANGE. $12,000 v : We have an. east side comer. 1m nromd srith bungalow and More, ' paying 10 per cent net Will trade foe Portland bungalow and cash, or Southern ? California income property. - - ' . RALPH HARRIS CO . ? 316 Cham, of Com. Bklg. "Bdwy.- 6654. Berkeley, Cal., Home - WO! sell or trade my new modem ataceo bungalow - ia ; exclusive district overlooking Golden Gate. ; Want Portland bungalow. See Ookey & Wesch - 827 Cham, of Ccm. bldg. Bdwy. 6706. - EXCHANGE Portland 9 room house on bard street. , in Albina, $6000. 9 lota near Firlaod sU.. Mt Soott ear, $3000.. WiU trade- for (.registered. Jerseys. Herb .. Sharp, . Salem, Or. ' ' TRADE I - TRADE! TRADE! ' We have a, trad for you. Submit yours. '-v-, RALPH HARRIS CO. " 819 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. WHAT have you to trade for 4 room bunga low, fireplace,' white enamel finish, bath, j large lot, garage, fruit; improvements, in; car 1 block. Tabor 5713. .. - - PORTLAND lots to trade for good second mtg. or late light ear. 352- Ankeny. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WANT HOUSE Hare $900 first mortgage on 40 acres, - close in, as first payment on house up to $2500. ... . -I NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. " 512 Pensma; Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. NEW 4 room bungalow, in good district, not to exceed $4000. Win pay $300 down and t $35 per month; no mortgage. X-248, I WOULD like to buy a small new bunga. : low at once, not over $35O0. Must move Jan. 1. Can pay $1000 cash. C-128, : Journal. 1UVE CASH BUYER for level lot, Lauret hurst, near car, under $1000. Bdwy. 1264. WANTED MODERN BUNGALOW on Mt Tabor. - M-267, Journal. FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 EA.PERIENCED farmer wants to rent fur nished farm on shares, or will work farm for owner on share basis. L'X-259. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES, ETC. 500 AUTOMOBILE PAINTLN'G PARTNERSHIP Here is positively the very best oppor tunity in Portland to secure an equal half i interest in a ' large, well known automobile paint shop: fireproof building, best finish ing room in city; very low rent; long es tablished trade, doing a steady business with largest firms in the city; have more ' Work than ... n kandu -.. .1 t. : . ' f . ' uik TUatUUS t'JIl- stantly coming in; need reliable and in terested help previous experience not neces- FSTV if Vrai . . , K .. . -. 1 . . . " j , AMrauj aim witl ing to learn the business, ss you will be aiw:iu wimi an expert automobile painter " v i i'v c , fvH ciu easily char better than $180 every month for juumu irom tne fXATl; only 3300 required to secure an -equal half interest. If you want the best, don't fail to see this before i 1.' -Jwy at a 1. i-ittocx biocx .mjiuhto at. iviq ST. LEAHPsi I viurii il'ili'oi 6-year lease on new lOitxlOO garage, ready first of year. Heart of city. -5-year lease oil 85 room furnished, full of roomers and boarders. . To lease repair shop in large garage, in WW! Oft UIJ, See McCanley. , HILTON tc DANIEL CO. 270 Stark. ' BditT. 7800. Grocery For Auto Will take your auto as part payment oij- casn-an-carry grocery, doing $40 a day bviness; living rooms: lease, low rent. Qokey & Wesch 327 Chom. of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6706 ? PARTNER WANTED $230 REQUIRED AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS Here-U an exceptional opportunity to se : eure an equal half interest in a busy and j. Jong established auto repair shop; fine down- - . w , Tcjr iu. reox; rally equippea ; shop, atao large powerful towing ear. Have ' " ii Runup mone, preier - honest and steady partner to hired heip; prenons experience not essential IT you are . handy with tools and willing to work and - learn the business. Right man can easily ; clear, better than $100 every month for Limvlf from the start If you want the ; best buy in tbe city don't fail to see this kdlnp. 1 ... . 1 1 . . . . . , ... mm.. jnotfi, trwner at dl ( Pittock block. AVashington at lOth st .GRiM-citY sTnui' $600 down buys my place, neat and clean, doing a good business, rent $30, steam ' heated, bring rooms; must sett; owner leaving Portland. ARTHUR L. SCOTT, 330 Chamber of Commerce' Bldg. Bdwy. 3668. Merchandise, Store Close to Portland, for sale at invoice: will trade .for Portland home or small ranch close in. Se my agents. Gokey Wesch 327 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6706. ' $575 GROCERY $575 Large- living room, Ioor lease; rent $10. $350 pair of scale. $200; high plate glaaa ease, $35; Ice box. slielving. counters, stork. All goes for $575. See McAtee, ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Puna ma bldg. 3d and Alder. HAVE you $300 to invest with serrices in a gootl imying buiiness where there are un limited possibilities? Experience not abso lutely essential; you can-easily clear $175 a month for yourself. This is a wonderful buy and must be seen to be aiiprecied. Call 633 . Morgan bldg. - BAKERY CloK.' in on east side, has call trade c-f $50 per day; 121 loaf nrn, doushnnt cwt tvr. potato peeler.-good fixtures, etc $3000, with ternis- 3 NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. ' 512 Punsm.i Bldg. Bdwy. 7381. . ...CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS If you want a good stand alresdy equipped for cigar!, soft drinks and confectionery and a splendid location for a permanent business. See Ripper or Williams at once, 610 McKay hide.,, - A . REAL bargain, new building with 7 mod- ern nnnc rooms, store in front of hni'd- ing. double garage, lot 50x71. Price $3300 tor ouMaing , ana jot ; , stock ana fixtures she nt $4WOv or invoice, at 1336 Belmont Terms to soft INCOME $40 per month, $3250, $1550 casli, Daiance 4 yean at 7 fl will take Ford coupe, - sedan or touring car in place nf cash; 2 -story bklg.. gmcerr sod 5 mom apt., on csjline;'? good tocattoiu Empire 0424. - ' ' - ' AN OPPORTUNITY to get into a. high-class. wen eataonsnea otiice- nasmess; nice furniture- and a good clientele. - Price $350. Appointment tyour convenience. O-270, Journal. ' CAUTION. Bt'TESe Betore closing a deal of so-cauea in teres, m estaoasoed real estate business. . get advice or Portland Realty Board. 42 1 Oregon bldg. . Phone Bdwy. 1802. FOlt RENT- Frreproot garage 41t(J(J it: stock and equipment for sale at invoice: good locality, but most change climate. Eaxi Groahong.' Scott Mill. Or. ' $1100 -GROCERY, cash and carry, $30 nay custite; oanoy sunuroan location, liv- ius iwbs ui rear, tow rem. s t cash bahnwe. easy. Morri't. 413 Ry. Etch, blilg FOR SALE Furniture store, well located, at , osBiaess awl transier corner, in brick build , in. 1 Cheap rent and long lease, $20410 will handle. -N-290. JoarnaL - ' $373 WILL - handle restaurant and waffV . -. j .. . . , . uu,,,w j .. iwwn m ueart or cty( dandy equipment ; : First . time offered for sate. ..-See Morris, 41 Ry.' Kxch. ' bldg. 250 RESTAl RANT, j.it the place for man aea wire. m rent, 2io 24th st rvier sr. ear Darns. RK8T-C1-ASS restanrant fine Joeatuiui all in gooa coraiuoe; wmi sen reasonabiy, account of ssckness. 4 th st Bdwy. 2UK5. Printing For Less Ryder Prtntrng Co. Main 6536. 192 34 ss. SMALL grocery for sale, hving rooms,. $375. ' stock and fixtures. Owner. 772 Atissiasippi ave. " , MUST sell on account et SK-Aus, noe re rwir shop at sacrifice. ... 43 Grand are., cor. -' K Pine. . . ...... FOR SAIJ3 or trade, ash grocery, good loca tion. 3-year iee.se. and Ford touring car;-for -l 5-vw m bungalow. East 9344. BARBER shop for sale, 3 chairs sad 2 baths. Prire reasonable. 2t7 Couch st. GRtst'ERY for sale, doing $75 a oay, good lo caUon, its indoetrial dist W-6t2, Journal. CJn::z23 cppc.tu;,itiz3 STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 -N . RESIDENCE GROCERY - , N A Across the street- from large pub- , A T lie school, -5i large apartment houses T nose or. urge store bitug. on corner O lot . Has iirmg rooms and garage.' O N clean stock of groceries, goad fixtures.:-? N A Ail goes fo $5000. Some terms. . : A L NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. ' L I3 rxuiu Blug. .. s Bdwy.- 7381. HOTELS, ' ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT i . $250 puts you ia possessioB of 19 rooms that will pay year rent and something be- w atues. xunumre valued at $luUO. " APARTMENT ITOf-fBS: ',',';'.!:: 24 rooms., nicely funushed. long lease, . cheap rant, in brick bkilg. . Wul sell for eouuu. or rase .larger place.' ' NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. ' B12 Panama Bklg, Bdwy. 7581. NEW I.KijlV. . 6-year lease on 17 modern apts., unfur nished, possession Jan.: 1. -2$; ail equipped wiui eievtric t ranges, private batns, break r uw, TAOQBS. not Wiv .bMt mntfaliw .MS and of the best, ' and all apta, will be rented by tie first of the month.:- Ses to- sj. as ims won t last . t . J. TICE. REALTOR. Main 6601. . 632 Morgan bldg. To Exchange ( v;;, 24 rooms, strictly modern, all in I-room apartments. Nicely furnished. Ail rooms are lull and faavsrk. waiting list Good lease. Rent: 375 month. Want inalhr obM. .Have other business sad hare not the time to take care of place. Call 329 By. Exch. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 0573. " - ' Extra Extra r " A comfortable nicely famished apt. for yourseu ana income on the side can be had cor $700. part cash, balance srraosed. Gokey & Wesch 927 Cham, of Com. bide. Bdwy. 6706. 22Room Sacrifice Close in, w- all h. k. ; nets $135 and your apu. ; gross $240; rent $80; newly tinted; other business compels me to self my equity of 81500 for' $1100 cal or part tratla tor light Car. trtM. price $2170. Owner. Atw. 0491. 72 ROOMS, brick apt. east side. lease until is; my equity $4500: will take small house up to $2500 or eood auto, balance cash, for any equity; full price $8500. This place nets $400 or more per month. East to B0. $275 INCOME, CLEARING $140 NEED $750 CASH Large home and best of furniture, new run as boarding house, with lease. Call tast 6339. 664 Wasco st 45 ROOMS. 13 ssts.- 19 ainsles: nets S30A per mo. Brick bldg., good lease. Win take residence good district to $5000 or $6000. or smaller apt Must be in good condition ana location, cast 7 389. WANTED house or apt or will sell furniture oi id rooms. t-Z3, Journal. 18-R. APT. HOUSE, from' owner. A snap if taaeu mis nionin. Kussell st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 550 LISTINGS of merit are solicited on your busi ness chances, leases, rooming houses or prop erties, ss buyers sre waiting. Mccarty, maxwell a downey. Boom 1. Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 7519. FINANCIAL MONEY. TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 601 CITY LOANS! ' NO COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best- and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or 921.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 99 months, bus man of $1000 sad interest . - I-oens of other amounts in same propor tion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS . LOAN ASSN. $01-803 Stark St. Portland. Or. 1LENTY MONET on hand for 8 MALL MORTGAGE LOANS. . City and Suburban. We buy small contracts and equities. We make small building loans. s9avwa.3gsygi t m . ... . vox i-iiiB. c una, snog. Bdwy. 9370. SECOND MORTGAGE for ul.- liK..1 coiwit; $2500, payable $300 each year; se curity improved farm near Canby. P-425, .vuEuai $700 FIRST MORTGAGE on 24 acres for sale; 2 years 6 per cent; liberal discount for immediate sale. Call 612 Henry bldg. WE HAVE funds for fict mortgage loans on Willamette valley farms. No delay, no red tape, ao publicity. Williamette Valley t,u .ifc. Aurora, or. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts tm real estate in Washington and Oregon. r.- iiuutc. am juumpermens bldg. $200. $400. $300. $766. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES AND CONTRACTS BOUGHT. $500 TO $2000. mivr e nrnttiuo . na ......... T. . K O. - VV7J f IKIJM TO LOAN. $500. $1000. $2000. real estate . security. R. M. GATEWOOD A 7Q., 1634 4th at $1000, $2000. $sooo, $4ow, ssuuo No delay. We are loaning our own money. H. DESHON. 1004-7 gpakting bids" BUILDING loans on elLy and suburban prop, erty; money advanced as work progresses. v. oeca, m railing oiqg. tmwy. 7407. $100 TO $2500. (Juica ctuia. A. . BelL ' nwnacii nfc. . rainu xv and 11, LOANS 314 JOURNAL BLDG." McKENZIK AiMrKENZIE. $1HM TO $7000 on good security. J. C Kuratlt. 804 Spalding bldg SEE OREGON INV. At MORTGAGE CO.. 219 Lumber Exchang bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OX i, 1 Automobiles FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS OB ANYTHING OF VALUE SECUR ITY USUALLY LEFT- IN YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. . IF YOUR PAY MENT TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR i SI FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS ARB TOO LARGE. WE WIU. PAY THilM UP, ADVANCE YOU MOKC MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND XOU CAN PAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONY EN - . 1KNCE. - - .- 'LEGAL' PATES NO DELAY PORTLaAND LOAN! CO. (LICENSED) 806 807 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D A WASH, BROADWAY 6867. CHRISTMAS MONEY WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and working anen on their per sona) notes. Kates reasonable. NO MORTGAGE -NO 1NDORSER NO PUBLICITYNO SECURITY Call and itivestisate Mir aaodera money Jeeding methods. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT, COMPANY. . , Licensed. ' 218 Failing bldg. 8. E. Corner 3d and Wsi-hington sts. ' - MONEY TO LOAN T: eney loaned ss household soods e saer etisndise placed ia storage- with us at a aef nlar bank nta, . SECURITY HTORAGB TRANSFER CO. " Fourth and l ine 8ta. ' -: Oppa&ite MultnosBah HoteL - '. A-noa atroadway 4719. MONEY LOANED AT BANK KATES" , . on houae bold goods m storage. ALERT, TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. mi St. WE BUY first and arcosd mortgages sad sell- .iittiMi. - a w. n .. . a. m , a ime'gi w viwiianrg owiiaing. WE LOAN MONEY on sntossosUes. G manias A Treses. 102 N. Broadway. . WUX. bay small selltrs ecntraeta or ssortgagee. Gordon. 631 Ch. of Com, bklg. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 LOANS made on bonds, public nt'hty notes n pneitrrrea sxces. nut sua buy. 1213 Northwestern Bank bide. . -. ... MONEY WANTED 651 $800: 8's 5 v Toom bowse; .$3500, - 7 modern home, inttxlOO. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-8-JV-7 Board of Trade. 5E3 OREGON INV. A AiOBTGAGS CO- 219 FN ATi C I A L MONEY WANTED 651 HAVE client with $880 mortgage contract on 5 room house, drawing 1 interest and payable $20 a month and interest WlU diaconnt 19 per cent J, a. Holbrook, 214 ' 215 Panama Bldg. HORSES AND VEHICLES - 700 ANOTHER ahipment of bones st the folkvw . ing prices;. -Span of mules, weight -1959 lbs., free of blemishes, $110. Span of sound, i young, chunky-built geldings, weight 2400 lbs.. $160. Also some heavy draft teams at a very reasonable price. New a secure-hand harness at reduced nnosa.. G. E. Howitt, Columbia stahies. Front sad vmiimiiHl. - .... VFABM rMPLEMKNTS NEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICES P. E. ESBENSHADB 860-369 E. MORRISON ST. CROWN STABLES H3TaW for Sale, Hir or Kxehanse. UC3J "txs ' ww a,iiasja) t tyst TmM3 PHIL SUETTER. Mgr., 285 Front st BARGAIN, young team, about 2800. nearlv ' new harness 9ud farm wagon. Have moved to town, no place to keep them. 4228 41st ava. Woodstock ear to 424 st. FOR SALE chosp, 8 head of horses. 9 sets of good breeching," ha mew. X stock saddle. Call a i w tn st. K.EY8TONE sUbles. horse-, for sale or hire or mi cnBuiawn, n stun aea narsess. 381 Wltr W ltM Stlt HORSES, harness . and wagons of sll kinds. Mil tl i t n cw . DOUBLE team. $3 day; single team. $1.60 day. 546 Front st Mais 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 BARGAIN Jersey cow. just fresh. 9 gaL; also . mrmA familv .saw-san vssn ttawa . k.lfu IsT ft . sbvvu "' wvw wivh Xssy aSCIICi Vaa-IA t . f , T. B. tested; will deliver free of charge.- 240 E. 8th st. FAMILY or dairy cow. giving 3H gallons; ww mtx uina , must ecu. a ttn ave. p. j.., tjents. WILL trade for cow 1 Hawaiian steel guitar withernusie stand, value $35. 370 1 2d st. Phone Main 8009. FOR . SALE Durham-Holitein cow. milking 35 pounds a day. 1161 IHviaion st FRESH . dairy cows, heavy milkers. 765 E. MILCH GOAT, your own price if taken st once. 1208 E. Stark.' eor. 40th. WANTED Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 Rhode Island Red Farm, Inc. i SINGLE COMB R. I. REDS " From Thoroughbreds, by Exclusive Breeders. We promise yoa the biggest values la baby chicks sad hatching eggs for 1929. Our stock - is brad from winners; our commercisl breeders were awarded sev eral firsts snd one third at the recant Western Winter show. Cockerels If yon are in need of good breeding birds we have s few young cockerels st s price that is right. We invite you to visit our plant snd ' Inspect oar up-to-date equipment Send for catalogue snd price Hat. Rhode Island Bed Farm, Inc., B. No. 6, Box 202. Portland, Or. Main 4742. BABY CHICKS and hstcsmg eggs. Dr. Du- sssn a trapnestea Mr nita agnorn ana J. M. AfcCalebs' pure Hollwood stock, also tbe best of O. A. C Barred Plymouth Rock baby chicks. Catalogue on reuurst Mark A. Webster.- Corvaliis. Or. RADV "OREGON'S BEST AT KA USlaJ X SONABLE PRICES." Lesliorna. C 1H( I Beds. Aneonas, Black Minorca, V"'A Barred Rock. White Bocks, C. N. KEEDHAM, SALEM, OB. CAPONS for sale, one hundred capon lied Rhode Island Bed cockerels, about 8 pounds , each. Milk fattened. Phone Sell. 2042. Address 1005 S4tb st 8. FOR SALE White Muscovey. quack less ducks. tooq to eat M3v 7 1st ave. . K. 18 R. I. RED pullets, ready to lay; one roos ter; $1.50 s piece. Tabor 8097. PETSt DOGS, BIRDS, ETC 703 PORTLAND PET STOCK STORE FIRST AND WASH. STS. Toy bull terrier. English bull terrier. Eng lish pit bull, American pit bull. French bull, white collie, sable collie, Airedales all sixes. ids terriers, toy iox terriers. Taney spits. Llewellyn setters. Chesapeake Bay retrievers, Irish water soaniel. alutnherds .ilk nooril. ' English fox hound, fancy poultry snd breed ing stocs, pigeons and rabbits, guinea pigs and guinea hens, fancy canary singers, are just s lew or oar t nnstrnas suggestions. CHRISTMAS H ' Big shipment of 8t Andreasherg Rol P lers, T'the canary with a college education." R $10 each; Har!s Mountain Rollers, $8. 1 Prompt shipment i jibe parrots. : $1U. C Blue Java love birds, pet $3. Will s excoange if not pleased. F1.AKE S PETLAND. 273 S.'ate st., Salem, Oregon. WHEN YOU WANT s pup of anv kind, a ca nary bird, raDbits or a iiet or pet stock sup plies or any kind. Teed or remedies, call, phone or write. We are headanartem in tbe Northwest Routledge Seed A Floral Co.. 146 2d st. nesr Alder, or Routledge Bird, Pet A Animal Co, (East Side store). lit union are., cor. Oregon St. Portland. Oregon. . THE BOSTON KENNELS OK PORTLAND. 1U( A1ARWOKTH JIVK- WAI-NIIT r,"4 Boston terrier puppies for sale. Males' for service. coast agent 8ix,ty-Minute Worm Remedy for dogs snd cats, taateiess. barm less, easy to administer; guaranteed results, owe a not. POINTER puppies $15 and $10; Uiese pupes - 1 . . i . ,1... . - ' " " iTin utrinirn, amo Ankvimu set ter. 3 Vi years old. field dug tlist will point and retrieve. Beats Kennels. Rose City car to 79th st six. blocks south. Box 282. mute 4. ROSE CITY BIRDSEED Ct. 186 Madison St, Near Front Canaries, brsutitul singers, all guaranteed: Fox Terriers, at) breeds of dogs. aU puppies are guaranteed to be healthy and good con dition. COLLIES, slk-pberds. Iriili terriers. smaU pup Ptes. rrtler canaries, fsncy uigeoru. oarrots, cockateoa, larg assortment of bird nci, special 12 lb-i. rn.mws'. miie.! biriiseed $1. Canary bird tnlnirr, 8. Portland Seed Co.. 1 Frow. Cast 2171. - " , f 8 LOVELY Airedale pumiira from the best of slock, male $15. female $10 while they last If yon are In '.the- market for a real Airedale don't pass this up. Phone 814-47. tare of Butler Poultry farm, 74th sve. snd H2d st PURE bred rollers and Yorksliire Canaries for sale, also matched pair for breeding. Best birds at lowest, price. Inspection invited. IL Stanley. N. 9th sL E. 683 Killings worth are., Portland. DANDY FOX TERRIER PUPPIES 3 months old. for sale reasonable. 560 E. Morrison. Kast 1 663. AlRlTTkAt.E' DtTuu - Order yonr Christmas paps now; thor oughbreds with papers, $15 and $25. Tabor 6014. '- .' .BLACK and tan. hound and Boston bull cross pupa for sale: marking black and tan; males " $3. fcgrislee $3. Box S6. More. Or. ! ... IVY, BLACK AND TAN PUPPY" ' i-. old, weight 2 54 libs. 982' r. 1 th S. . - - r . . WANT very young male Persian kitten, pedi- ?T? ""necessary.- Must be reasonable. Auto. . I -r . I WHI' I ST. ANDREASBERG fojlers and lUru moun--! tain. d ai'd no. Oregon Seed store. 224 Yamhill. Main 6838. BE.tUTU.IT, white Collie puppies for sale. Oregon Seed store, 524 TsmhiU. Main 6838, TOY FOX TEHBIER punpsej.., 2U E."76t i at N. - ' - -.i- v.- DEEP W a -r. a . - Yjwysj ai, iw iUKEASBCR roUers. femt0 fre with COLLIIs: DOa FYR X ALU- TABOR 9449. FOR fcALK T1i3roucbbr-4 A.rlle Bupaie. 1 atsA V Aim. X.: wi i AK j ww -a e w ft. ,-v . j QJt" aa . f f (jrKM INK rr-rwiFf imputed fit. AerJrwbura - t - flitl V" S. ci.Ss .a.. sy rv-i . ty-i-sw .wsrtiMirfn TC tlt, 1 fl.U FOB SALE Yellow - csnariesv reaeonahie. ! 4109 66th st. S. E. ,-. r-. . SMAkL pups for sale, $2 each. The mother t? bull terrier. - Tabor 7893J'- BEGISTERED coliie at stud. Walnut' 0319. S-252. Jonrasl - . . GENUINE Mt Aadreasbarg rollers in full song CANARIES, best toc2 m city. $5 up. . Ftf males 76c. Tabor 1132. -V'-': EXTRA choice singers, roller sad whistlers. ,- Deep oosbts. ' 2ft Jefferson. s AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 STUTZ. sport model, looks like new;, ae rea - sonabl offer refused. Phone Jensen, Bdwy, i,' r.veirmgs vtawy. b 1 i, - 1 BTTVCVE .T .... .... . . w r j . . - , .-fa inn uwr tWWriltS. BpOtllglU, .1st class paint, tit and mechanical condt ttoa. Must sell. Mr. Stotts, Bdwy. 4233. autc::c LOOK THIS LINE-UP OVER 1919' LATE I 9-CYU BUICK TOl'R. i ING. MOTOR GONE OVER. GOOD TIRES ........... .$439 IIZO COLE AERO B. GOOD (tIKU TIR EH. MOTOR OVER HAULED, NEW PAINT. , . 1819 OVERLAND BOADSTER, A i . DAN 1)1 . LITTLE CAB ...... .859 175 1919. MODEL - 90 ' OVERLAND - . TOURING. 9 GOOD TIRES. THIS CAB IN GOOD CONDI TION . . 263 200 159 ISli . S-FAS8. HA YN ES s ....... . 1917 7 -PASS. MITCHELL TOUR- - LVG -. . . . . . . 1919 IXIDOE SEDAN, IN AvXCEL- . LENT CONDITION. WIRE WHEELS. GOOD TIKES . 695 395 1920 5-PASS. OAKLAND TOUR ING, MOTOR OVERHAULED. .1919 5-PA8S. OVERLAND TOUR ING. GOOD CONDITION 1912 5-PASS. PACKARD TOUR ING . 1917 BABY GBAND CHEVBOLET ntlURTNG. NEW CORD TIRES t REAR. NEW . RATTERY. 123 150 .THIS CAB BUNS tlOOD. . i ,. 100 1829 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET 4 TOURING IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. NEW COHn TIRES. A BARGAIN. . 495 1918 FRANKLIN TOURING. MOTOR OVERHAULED . 295 REO ROADSTER . : . . . .. . 160 li MiTfHKLL ROADSTER, THIS CAR RUNS , j. . ? 85 1817 GRANT 6 TOURING. GOOD CONDITION . 173 ! iHEVKtlUKX ROAD8TER. r v THIS CAB IS A BARGAIN " T: .' :- 150 AlND MANY OTHERS . WE HATE 83 USED FORDS BESIDES THE ABOVE TO CHOOSE FROM CABS TRADED LIBERAL TERMS Talbot & Casey. Inc. "AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS" ' E. Ankeny snd Grand ave. - East 8119. Open evenings till 8 :80. SviBdsy9 to 5. CHRISTIE The; Repair Man Has the following cars on bis floor for sale, prices sre front $50 to $200. Look them over. 1922 DODGE SEDAN Consider this s brsnd new ear; ft has one just 3160 miles, H. C. 8. COUPE -ew paint o new cord tires. Z spars wueeis. . THIS IS CLASS 1919 OAKLAND 5 PASS. Thoroughly overhauled, has never bees operated since completion of Job. . Will be sow for repairs. AN OVERLAND. CHEVROLET AND BRISCOE Will -be sold st your own quotation ; ' ne reasonable offer for these cars will bs tumea aown. CHRIsSTIE The Repair Man New Location, 11th snd Couch REAL BABGAINS 60 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1919 FORD touring, starter . .8245 1919 Ford touring, starter ........ ,$263 1920 Ford touring, starter $276 1921 Ford touring, starter ......... $8S 1918 Ford roadster ...... ....... $165 1919 Ford roadster, starter ...4. , . , $248 1920 Ford roadster, starter .. . . $265 1921 Ford roadster, starter ..... . ..$295 1921 Ford roadster, stsrter ........ $295 1919 Ford, coups ................ $375 1919 Ford coupe v. .............. $895 1920 Ford coupe ................ $460 1921 Fosd coupe ........ ....... ,$450 1920 Ford sedan $495 1920 Ford delivery i $245 1920 Ford delivery, starter ..,.....$350 1919 Fort delivery, starter ...... ,.$275. 102O Chevrolet touring ,..... ..., $326 7-0 Essex touring ............... $675 1918 - Dodge touring ... . . . .. .$$60 '1922 Dodge touring .. ........... $850 Overland touring ........ ,$126 bo tars to t noose From Francis Motor Car Co. Grand and Hawthorne sees. : East 8779 BOOM-JIAKINO . FORD BALE MUST HAVE ROOM MUST SELL ROME USED CARS BUY NOW WHILE THEY ARE CHEAP 1 - ;'f 1916 tourings .....9 95 to $110 1917 tourings ............ J00 to 165 1919 tourings .......... . 115 to 175 1920 tourings, starters . . . . . 223 to 275 1921 tourings, starters '250 to 295 1922 coupe, like new. real bargain... 476 text seaan. a i o in extras; another bargain 475 1920 roadster, starter and tail delivery 260 1917 roadster, overhauled, new rubber 180 Fordson tractor demonstrator, guaran teed ssme ss new 875 TERMS ss low ss $25 down and balance a Btuauu, ARAIENTROUT-WICKJ5 MOTOR CO.. 82dnd Foster Road. . Phone 638-48. 1918 FRANKLIN TOCBING, $600 This ear is equipped with wire ' wheels, hss been repainted snd is in alee shspe mechsnicsUy. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY Broadway and Davis sts. . Phone Broadway 8535. BICKENBACKER SEDAN Complete with full equipment Run only about s thousand miles. Not s scratch on it $2000. Apply to C. snd C. Garage. SS North 23d at. near Washington. 1920 HUFMOBILE TOURING. ' $800 This car is in A-l shspe meehanl. cslly, hss been repainted sad is -equipped with five cord Urea. WIU..YS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY ' Broadway and Davis sts.' Phone Broadway 3583. New Used Car Plan Pay 19 per cent down. " We store est free for 3 months. Balance paid la 18 psymentr. large stock of Ttodgei. BRA LEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. 11th st, st Burnaide. ... " 1929 FORD SEDAN With stsrter snd demountable rims; everything in dandy shape; nearly new; cords en rear; this at worth investigating. $423, terms. No brokerage. ' EAST SIDE AUTO BROKER. 889 Belmont , - KasV 9431. . f $195 TOURINa CAR $165 Christmas present of 1923 Pcense at , this price; motor Just overhauled, good tires, 1818 modeL. $83 first payment will handle this ear. " Mathis, East 9303, evenings Eaat 4603. ' . - CHEVROLET 4aO, with new top. plate glass rer, new upnoisiery, com tires, spar tire, bumper, spotlight motometer. $173. $79 down, $20 per mo. - East 9720. - 455 Haw thorne sve. - - - . - v-' . . CHEVROLET ROADSTER ' Is fine condition, all good tires sod me chanical!, right. Price $125 and on terms, Csil Walnut 8193. - 1921 NASH Sport, with & white wire wheels snd good cord tires snd I am only asking $759; Witt giv avewterms to responsible tatrtv. ' Csil private nhone Walnut 591. ; . - XOM "BCO ' . .. In fins siispe. new top sad storm ear tains: has generator vactram feed. Price - . . - 1, n- 1 . . . . . ...v , 1 u , yawn. mil TlUDUl .1.0 iXlRI CUUjVE, JflUO. rrt-rtc, denu rim: mood sastAW-m wi-ai' sw -a- , iTIIUe. fl. ' -.. -r - L. Y, BILLINGSLEY .MOTOR CO., J Hasrthorrie sve. st 8th.- ' - Esst 720. " 1920 FORD sedan tor saie: has wire wheels shock absorbers, spotlistit, , 9359.-- ' Call 1W1.J. . , . nmiw ,B1f. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, .completely over- nsoieu. sr, k ww ifwunt. two new tires. licerwie; 895 oown. bat easy. Tsbor 2862. FORD delivery car, 1922 model, paneled body, self stsrter; in first class condition. See , L. O. Boss, csre Alien A Lswia. .. T-r- " . a THINK CAR EFUT.T.Y OF THESE THINGS WHEN SB VYING A USED CAR . In the main, there sre two reasons " for a person buying a ased car from any . certain automobils company - , . "THB-B ELIABII, ITT OF THJ8 SELLER AND THE VALUE .. OFFER LD" , t - COVET MOTOR . CAR COMPANY . insists upoa absolute honesty ia sUdeal ' togs with Ms customers. . x. . "' Our sales policy 4s based on the most rapid turnover possible. Our values must be el tbe best an order to acoont- phsh this, Visit oar plant verify what we teB ' yon. ... , "ALWAYS THK BEST ' CARS' At THE LOWEST PRICES" - " COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.; ' i Main pUnt 21st at Washinston stay - Phone Bdwy. 6244.. Broadwsy branch, 28-80 Broadway. . vis hav cars to take you from saw piece to lbs other. . ., . 'A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION Buy sn automobile for your family. thy wiU enjoy it and use It the whole year and thea. you nave aa investment which re pre eats a saving or money you put into it .-. ','...' , . . .A email payment down and thea yoa hsv .19 or 12 months to pay the balance.' yjio Red Tape, N Brokerage. .-'.' ' '' 30 Cars , . 4 t . to select from. , . 8100 and up. . : y. nupmobU ' Buick -.r Dodga Ford : Chevrolet Mssrwril Oak lend Paige - SUide baker f Mitchell Velie, etc, etc -, MANLET AUTO CO., 1 1 th and Burnaide. . Hupmobil Corner. ' WHY NOT A GOOD USED CAB 1XR CHRISTMAS t ,)v' .r' '-'';' '"'':f ...i ' ' Why not make the who, family a Christmas present by purchasing one of Mitchell's good used cars st present low prices r We hav Fords, Chevrolets. Buicks, Gardners. Mitch ells and Jordan, and . many other makes for ss little or as much as you wsat to pay. A small payment down snd the balsao monthly while you ride. - . : . , . ? BEE MITCHELL'S STOCK FlBatT 40 Yesxs ia the "orthwest Broadway st,. Everett DON'T WORRY about frozen, radiators or pumps. A Franklin is just the car for ; these cold winter mornings. Why not buy good ased one on easy termsf- , We do not charge, any brokerage. . 1922 9B Franklin touring, iierfett condition . . . . s lftoo . 9B Franklin touring, new paint and .u,p " :,-.::, $1000 SB Franklin . demi sedan, just like . ,,..'.,$18! - Franklin touring, series 8 ..., 800 Chandler 7-pess, good tires .... 800 Franklin touring ............ 250 - Buick 4. new psiat snd in fine con dition ....... ........ .8 230 ; OldsmolxUe 8, '4-pssa. ........ 600 ! BRALT AUTO CO.. 14th snd Burnaide 8ts.''v' - .. EAST SIDE 1HRD RETAIL KT6rE V I PAY CASH TO GET THE BEST FORDS OBTAINABLE - ' 17 Roadster, del. box. $1 05 V 20 'Roadster with extras.! nnitwur, .ine snap ..'.. ',,, 1U : 20 . Roadster, starter, new top. .,.,,250 21 Roadster, like hew ...... i .... . . 355 ' zoo . J 8 Touring, cord tires ............ 210 18 Touring, good shape ........... 185 22 Touring, hke new 9.1 vxvw-oua .......... o . Overland touring, runt good. , 65 : Dodge Touring,, fin rlispe, chesnt ' i Other Big Cars Cheap. , We Recharge Ford Magnetos. .. '. UNIVERSAL AUTO EXCHANGE. ii--i oraaa at i am mil. Eaat 0471. Hen n.1 w,i.v, YOU eaa trad your automobfls, if s, small osr, on tny aarger sea satomobUs of tus . kind sad msks yoa wish. . . - -We have a MT stock of assay kinds to select- front. 8 mall automobiles are easy to . sell while larger ears do not sell so fast, that is why yoa esa do s well ia a trade and get a larger sad better ante mobile of -the kind yoa wsat fog a very small sdd clonal payment , C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILS COMPANY, 916-917 Washington Bt Portland. Or. 1921 FORD SEDAN. $475 -:.:. Ws have two of these sedans thtt can't bs best anywhere in town st that price. HIUilS-OVKRIANn PACIFIC ' COMPANY ' nii.iLj Bin XFSTIS STS. Phone Broadway 3635. , 1922 Ht'PMOBILB,""run leas thsn600nUles city unving,. a Dumpers, spotlight - snots- .. meter, extra ; tire. Osbnei simbbete. anto- . V - atAtia . window slid.;- Innk. lilrn im ... . sont ii oer new ear awatantea. k. i i iw.. nroaaway 2I7. . .. - ,' ' 'LOOK ' - - 1921 Ford touring with 1923 license; self stsrter. ' demountable rims, shock ab sorbers snd speedometer: $ 1 00 will handle; if yon are rooking for s snap snswer this, Wslrmt 1678. ford" sedAn " . We ' offer our Ford sedsn used by onr salesman, fine mechanical condition, just rs. ' painted, good tires,, spotlight etc. Price $425, $125 down, $25 a month, Ilystt laisitig MKmiie v ... ov AKier. 1920 1KDGE TOURING CAtl Thai car has- the original finish and is ia tin-top mechanical condition; s bants in. Will give easy terms. Phone Tsbor 6775,' mornings before 9, evenings, after- 780.. $215 MAXWELt, TOL.Kl.NG " Renewed. reUnatoed. $88 down, balaoee 10 payments. ' BRA LEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC T 1B2H Hl'PViiRiTJi!nrrJfTi7iv7f" Tilts ear la In fir.t .!. 1. . I UH - ditioo and has 9 good tires and lot of other ""i w"i sve, easy terma. f none Eaat 1962. " " . i . FORD SEDAN. 425, TERMS " Stsrtei', dem. rims, good tire-,- si '.re. . . U T. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR l.'o.. mwLCTv,in; . .q. mt Pin. r.t 117 211. 1920 Fold touring, starter, denaountab1. rim. inwunij wv eoTsi tires, loot nrotue, speedometer, good conditicn. $250. 1-9 down. giH w q.1. i, -J r. . t i ui st. WILL SACRIFICE'series 9B Franklin, In A-l iTHHiiim, ww ismi, soon ruooer. oumper. spotlight, spare tire, demountsble rims. , Mr. II1 - tx. . n... .. j '. . " tl 1 1 1 T IJ 1 1 LV . i. 1 M I. 1' ... ..... "I.,.," ' - wster 2516. - P.-.U-: - . . , . , FORD TOURING. 1921 - IVwsnnnVaWe rhiis. $89 cash, balance $21 monthly. Ptione 612-87. 1921 Baby Jwerlsel. Cwner mt sell. $275, . 1-8 down, balance-19 moutlis. Broad wsy - 6379. 103 N. lltli st ' FORD "wipe, .new tires, spotlight dashlight, . oelon tr. run texs ' than hOOO miles. $S3. ynovte rwivy, awns. LATE Chevorelt touring, extra fine condition. : . $78 cash. $12 per month; mnu be sold st onee. so set e.nlck. Sell. 9656. , 1923 CHEVROLET tooling, latest modeL lots -t of extrss1. Will ' take clieap Chevrelet r Ford to trade. Easy terms, Auto. f25-05. FORD BUG, Baby Bearcat See this for $T73. Cksted in top : ' many extras. . 90 46Lh st, eor. Wondwtock. (Continued an Foiiowlnt Page)