The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 20, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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v w
Full -amount ot wge demanded py
It 1 borers against- Otto Jlanaencoo
tractor, was awarded tbera today in
verdict .returned hy a-Jury in Federal
Judge Wolverton's court The aplin
Uffs were hired by Hansen to work
on the Sliver Lake i nidation district
dam at S4 a day. with -the . under
standing that they would receive 1
per day bonus If they remained until
the completion of the dam. . When the
work was completed Hansen 3a said to
have refused the bonus which- amount
ed to $3231.35. for the, 10-wen. .The
jury not only allowed the men.' the
bonus, but also f35(V for attorney's
fees..'.- The plaintiffs were- William
Hedstrora, Ben Janasqn, jred'' Ander
son . and John Larson. V The ..Aetna
Casualty A Surety company was' made
a party defendant , because they went
$40,000 bond for Hansen.,-. The Judg
nient 'will be paid out of the , bond.- -
Repeal of the city ordinance prohibit
ing treatment of tubercular patients in
hospitals within Portland 1 asked for
by Dr. Frederick- JD. Striker, state
health officer, in a letter sent to the
city council today. -;w ; J
The matter was referred tf the city
health officer," Dr. George Parrish.'but
members of the council were emphatic
in their declaration against any let
ting down of the bars. f Jn recent ac
tion on this line,-permission to treat
tubercular patients in hospitals within
the city was confined only to those con
trolled and operated by the federal gov
ernment. This action was taken in
response to a direct request therefor
from the officials in control of the
TCahnnetnan hospital, now under lease
by the governments r : -
- V
The first new narcotic case to come
Into j the i federal court" for ' several
weeks appeared this morning when
t wo policemen', took. 43ecr ge Wilson of
N. 264 Jefferson street before United
States Commissioner Krascr. Wilson
was charged with being- a small dealer
in drugs. Bond was set at 93500 by
the commissioner' pending a hearing at
2 o'clock Friday. Marie Davis. Betty
Cameron and ; Mamie Wynaan were
held, as witnesses. -'J' . -i. :-- -
- S t - T-
Circuit Judge Tazwell today sus
tained the judgment of the municipal
.court and ordered Lena Miller confined
in the city jail for CO days on a charge
of conducting a disorderly house. -Presiding
Judge Stapleton received a plea
of rulltj from Arthur Dunn, on ap
peal from the' judgment of the mu
nicipal court on a charge of . manu
facturing liquor, and suspending a jail
sentence- of 30 days, ordered Dunn to
pay the fine of $250 imposed by the
lower court. - .
I Health Is Given by .
Lovell as Keasoir
" . For Quitting Post
, k Salem, Dec. SO, The resignation of
Frank. K. XiovetTIas state ta commis
sioner is in the hands -of the state tax
commission, -awaiting-' aetioa. on a suc
cessor. It, became (known , here this
- morning, jveu. who has. been tax
commissioner - since 1119, succeeding
. Charles -V., Galloway, declared this
: morning : that the condition ; of his
- - health i would not permit the cotiinua
tion of present-position longer, and be
plans to spend several months in Cali
fornia recuperatiBg. before taking up
any: other duties., '-' . : ,
-Lovell la. ons. -of the 'oldest employes
of the state in point of service having
- .served for-more than 30 years: in one
capacity r another. -f He entered the
; service of' the: state Jn .1S9D: aa -auditor
; under Secretary ef State McBrlde, be
ing' promoted to; the position of chief
clerk under Secretary of State Dunbar,:
"served 'as calendar -clerk in .the state
senate In 1S11 and became secretary to
: the state 'tax commission ' that same
jyear. ' r --' -"ftiJs r-
;P eystol CDiitiiiuef
ux&jMore Amiable
:, 'Lausanne, Dec. 10. LN. -B.y Lord
Cursoo announced this afternoon that
the rfNear . East .conference will con
tinue and the . Turks have adopted a
.conciliatory attitude toward the allied
plane for the settlement of the straits
Earlier it was reported that the
- "forks would mot yield., and the con
ference was likely to break up.
V Lsmot "Pasha today announced that
. the American colleges and Institutions
-in Smyrna win be permitted to reopen
- under the Angora regime.
i? J, comedy
- A,
2 Firms in7ar to . "
, ' ControkQutput of
41 L a u gh-i n gs Gas1
i " . t ,
' Portland.- has : been, smad- tbe center
dt one of th most' unique industrial
battles ever waged, following an
nouncement today that two manufac
turing organizations have . started
drives to control the ''laughing g&s"
business of .the Pacific coast.
Business men have watched bitter
competitive battles in the past, bat -expressed
the opinion todaw that "laugh
ing gas' was to be taken seriously,' -
The battle was precipitated when R.
F. Piatt, head of the Portland Nitro
gen , Sc Oxygen company, announced
that Hurley-Mason , & - Co. bad been
awarded a. contract to erect a factory
at Bast 17th and Center streets for
the manufacture of nitrous oxide, bet
ter known as "laughing gas." -
, Piatt ha made a - survey of . the-i
tnedical 'and -dental profeaipns , and
fouhd-thar;The pacific "coast m de?
pendent ; upon ?asteTOi11aaghing- gas."!
He determined- to develop his owa"
laughiu'g gas'"buslne8a 'and.'obtained
940,000 for that purpose. ,;.' . ;
i Meanwhile ' the fi, eastern organiaa
tion had an agent In the field and immediately-
after "Piatt- made , hla an
nouncement, this agent eaid the east
ern company already had machinery in
the city for the manufacture of this
product.":-Th agent reported that a
location for this branch factory would
be announced within a few days. .
Belief Plans, for
Astoria Coming TJpi
At Saturday Meet
Plans for stats relief for - stricken
Astoria will be considered in detail at
a meeting to be held in Portland next
Saturday by the committee of five ap
pointed at a meeting of members of
the state legislature Monday. This
meeting has been called by Senator
Robert S. FarreU, chairman of the
committee. The -other members ' are
Senator Robertson, Condon ; Represen- J
tatives Graham or Forest tirove, aura
of Seaside and Fletcher of Indepen
dence. I . i
The report formulated at this time
will be forwarded to Senator Klepper,
who was chairman of the general as
sembly responsible for -the formation
of the special committee, and -tie prob
ably . will again call-the members t
the legislature to assemble to consider
the report. ?;.-:-i j v". j.
"Inspection of Astoria will be made
by Senators KJepper-and FarreU Fri
day, .and they; will then confer with
the Astoria executive committee as to
the most practical step to take to af
ford state relief to , the burned city.
,: Hoquiam,-"Wash. -Dec 20. Nearly
$600 has been contributed here, to
fund . for Astoria, relief, started : less
than a week ago. The total was swelled
yesterdayvby a $100 contribution from
the Grays" Harbor Lumber c company
and $250 from hte Poison Logging com
pany. . This week . will mark the end
of the campaign, and--the money, will
be forwarded in the form of a Christ
mas present. -. -
. The Knights -of Columbus, Portland
council No. 678, will hold , an Initiation
of the three degrees- of the "order tomorrow-
night at ' the headquarters,
when a class of over 45 will Hake the
work. . The of fleers at the -council will
have charge of the first and second de
grees and Supreme Director' Frank J.
City Attorney Grant laid before the
city council today the proposed: agree
ment between the city and the Port
land Railway, Light & Power company
respecting the old Ford street viaduct,
whereby the city is to cancel certain
assessments against the company for
street improvement work, and the com
pany is. to -assume certain obligations
in connection with the construction, of
a new viaduct. : 1 2 - -. -
Under tl present plan. It i . pro
posed that the property owners of
Portland Heights shall be assessed for
SD per ent f -the $140,000 which it la
estimated-tbe new brWge-will cost.
The Portland RailwayLight A Power
company is to pay 25 per cent of the
cost and the remainder is to be pro
vided out of a special bridge appropria
tion from city funds. A portion of this
1 sallowed in the 1923 city budget, and
the- remainder -will : be included in the
budget for 19 ft.
The . new structure wiln be erected
west .of thew present viaduct, . and tbe
old one will be kept In us until it is
completed, It is to be of concrete with
length, including- approaches, of
about 600 feet. The main arch will be
250 feet loner and it-will arise 90 feet
above Jefferson street. .
It is estimated that the engineers
will require about five months to com
plete the plans and that the actual con
struction work will take approximately
10 months. The bridge will have a 40
foot, roadway and, two six-foot side
walks.'. - v . -
On behalf of the St. Johns Commun
ity dub D. C. Xewis appeared before
the city, council today, asking .that
Bteps be taken to provide temporary
board walks reaching - to tbe .new
Roosevelt high school building along
streets that cannot be Improved until
next season. Commissioner Barbur,
to whom the matter was referred, in
dicated a willingness to have the pub
lic works department lay the -walks if
the school board provides the material
An -opportunity is open for a quali
ifed man and his wife te secure , per
manent positions at the isolation hos
pital at Kelly Butte. They are wanted
for cook and to handle the janitor
and laundry work. The pay is S 150
a month for the two with room and
board. - The hospital Is equipped wltn
model laundry machinery. Persons in
terested should get in touch at once
with the city health bureau..
; ' i
McNary Measure ;
On Reclamation Is
:. Given Indorsement
-- Indorsement of the Smith-McNary
reclamation measure was made, appro
val of soil, drainage and irrigation sur
veys being made by the state was given
and objections: were adopted against
the - upper - lake - irrigation project . in
Klamath county in resolutions passed
at the eighth annual session, of the
Oregon Drainage association, which
concluded its meeting Tuesday nighu
- The objection against the upper Lake
project was that 50,000 acres of land
would ' be destroyed by back-water.
while" the stored water wowld -perused
Egg Prices Drop; .
Witli Production
Egg prices are dropping very fast
with wholesalers and retailers un
able to keep up with the decinUrtjr,
figures. The greatest egg produc
tion ever known at this period is
shewn. ' resulting . in t complete de
moralization of prices. -
.- Wholesale prices dropped from S
to 7 cents a dosen. within 34 bours.
i At the same time a greater sup
ply of turkeys than has ever been
known for the Christmas trade has
arrived. Prices are lower at whole
saler On the public market the best
is selling at Ss cents a pound, while
private firms are asking from 40c
to 50c a pound. '
There are plenty of ducks geese
and chickens available at r lower
prices than normal.- .. '
Branch of Federal
Labor Bureau Is
Urged; for Astoria
Ramiest for the establishment of a
branch office of the federal labor bu
reau T at Astoria - has been . made to
Washington by WV-H. Fitzgerald, gov
ernment labor representative i In the
Portland ; district - ana ju-uiui- .... tt.
Jones, director of the Portland mu-
.irfiui omnlnvmnnt hurean. -' The re
quest was,- forwarded following .the
recent survey of thcr lire-aevastatea
city by the Portland representatives.
A considerable number of skilled
and nnaqiUed - workers will be needed
in the.' immediate consxrucuou oi
porary buildings at Astoria, It Jsbe
lieved. however, that there are
enough needy Astorlana to supply- this
first demand. - Later, when . recon
struction 'is undertaken' on ai perma
nent . scale;" craftsmen - from outside
points will be required, it is said.
Pierce to Address
. Jackson Day Meet
AM it7aT4m lit YirrA will he
the chief speaker at the Jackson day
n. a th iha mhr of Commerce.
January 8, on which occasion, the
Democrats of the state wiu noio jum-
1. .nr- t),. uisnicea of the j JackSOtt
club of Oregon. This is thei .party's
red letter day. Harvey G,' Stark
weather, president of the club, .will be
toastmaster. aia assistants win -as
hosts and hostesses. X31d Hickory's"
followers from every corner; of - the
state are expected to attend, r Demo
cratic simplicity win . do ooservea.
Tifinttmn anil Mta.t TXTtitt:TfiinlMWtT1
' " . J .L WWW PLUlA 'WCfcfcC WVUH -fttWCl
represent- the .council-1 the italor,Jde..r-i irrintinr - land, .in TWorthej-Ti tiaii.
gree JSarly id January "a class of -1001 orala. - About - 40 delegates, attended
will be Initiated. ; - - A the "meeting. -V, - .
-nbttf J J CyvJj VlA tsjfej
Comedy- ;.
(UclselBg war
. tax) 1
EVE8-, Sie ,
. Always tee
Xvealag Priee .
PrevaU at AH
Skews em Sat'
Ssa. and. Holi
days. , - .
: "Toe ;
- v.-.- - - -.---.. ' !-
with Hesinald Denny
10 Discount at the Box
. Office
Ttli theatre ha for sale at tbe
Box Of flee AdmUMoa Boeks good
at aay itow. at asy time, at aay
of tbe f olio wis g theatrest Peoples,
Liberty, Rl veil, StajetUe, Colam
bla. Book Contaialar $5.S la
Admission are, IS.M
Books CeatalSlBg 9.7S la
i Admisiioa ara .....fse
i They save yea meaeyi they are
good forever, aad they make
The Blue
Ribbon Event
f tb
. Season and
One of .the
' Bifg-eet
. Racing , I
Pictures Brer
On Wood and Coal
Grates, Andirons, Spark Guards and
Fire Sets. A good time to equip your
fireplace. ; :;;v : ,
Opmd Ev4asunt T2J - Chris tlnas
106 4th, Bat.4 WasW and Stark
Aadirem,' Gate Repair ad asWL ,
Like It!
Last night my wife and I
.,. -i
Thought -we'd forget our
Xmas shopping for a while
And enjoy the evening
;- - -. - - i
At a theatre, ao we went
Down-town tother: l..'.--
Where we f elt'we would find
The best show in town,
Knowing the Rivoli's policy,
And we saw a real, honest-to-goodness
It was one of the best we
' over saw i - ' -
We were tired of cheap mel
odrama And hokum and bunkum
- .
And "Omar, the Tentmaker"
with its 1
v . 1
Persian mystery, wonderful
.' -. story , - - ,. :
Of love, sacrifice and devo
. tion . .
And the best acting we've .
seen -
. . e
-on the screen with' San
Uella's -
', H " -
exceptional musical score of
t . . - j .
06 classical selections made
. . ; ""'I
it a real big treat for us and
' ' - v t-
- ' t ' 1 i
believe that everybody ' i N
..should i -.,-..
'See this drama
Because it is a master-piece
Mr. and Mrs. Portland.
New Sterilization
Bill , Proposed by
Dr. Owens-Adair
Salem,' Dec. 2a Sterilisation "of all
feeble-minded, insane, epileptic persona,
habitual crinuaals, moral degenerate
and sexual perverts is provided for in
a bill which Dr." Owens Adair , of Jorti
land has prepared for consideration by
the forth com In legislature, s-1
- A similar measure, drafted by Dr.
Adair and passed by the legislature in
19L9. was declared uncostitutlonal be
cause it provided for no day la court
The "sliinirig morning
face h r e a ks i nto
smiles and the unwill
ing step to school is
quickened when, the
schoolboy's bread is
spread with
'try :: - ') ' ' i
- The Qreat Enerjy Spread
for those affected. Tbe new bill over
comes . this objection. -- . " y
The bill would include lit ; its -pro
visions not only Inmates of state ' in
stitutions but any persoa whose mental
or physical condition,, . would justify
such an operation.' .;
Another proposed measurs drafted
by Dr. Owens - Adair would require a
physical and mental test for both men
and women aa a requisite to the issu
ance of a .. marriage . license, women
over 45 years of age , only being ex
empted,, ' . ;.
"Kearlngs before the Interstate com
merce commission " recently on the
Southern " Pacific-Central Pacific un
merger case had a .larger attendance
than any hearings, ever held before
theNnational body and a total of 400a
sheets of transcript was obtained in
testimony and. cross-examination, ac
cording U IL K Lounbury, general
freight agent of the Union Pacific,
who returned today from the heartnsa
Arthur C ' Spencer, . general -, counsel
for the O-W. w . V, will return to
night. - - . .
Oregon CUy, Dec 20. -Word of the
death of J. N. Fields, 7IM son -f early
Oregon pioneers, has been received by
Mrs. Harry Ilardinc of this city "from
.Clarkston. Waib. ! ; - '
t Mi1 wl mm ' y 1 '. ." "
1 rr
u-Xl "Hill
for Christmas
give the game that all America is playing ! . v
V4ah-orig2 makes the ideal 'Christmss Citt ,
Insist upon Babeock9$ Dook cf uUs!
Aothoriied dealers in Jertlaad: ;
J. K. Gill Csapsay . i ' ' '-
Canton Bazaar '
Meier & Frank Co. Upman. Wolfe & Co. - '
s r . Olds, Wortmaa & King
r Trade-Mark
Contented Eyes!
YOVn EYES are either
- y, comioruDie ana
U reet-r. irritated and
strained, and ialwaya on
four mind. Lt us give you
comfort witn jlaseea. We
- V. '
aliiee ??rr Xtnt
yJr ' institute:
tf te til Ceraett Sslldlag
F1IU aad Morrison Street
. Since isot , :
: ': Chas. A. Ruses ,
: , Pres. aad Geo. Mgr. v.-
u ' - -
WaltaW tU Blswe. -. WaRx. t .1 From."U00ro White. Bean- I . . X .'Tr", ' " A f II
AS UmUUi Uav Pox-Trot.,
tU Blswe. Wafts, , '
3pkt mud Bit Or- '
aJUefira. A-SdO-JTSe
la tlsalioraias. -
3vw 9 . : FaxvTrota,!'-.;
EddU JTXtW OrtkmUu. Vf
' A4T3T y
a Saaa (TU SUk mi Ah : -
tua'). Fox-Tkots.
reT iVsevet mm Him Band.
r Pa9Ea0Ot(. "
TlaslBatUai'Do, (Woof Woo. I).
Intro. "WaJXlrie; tha Doc."
Uedley Fox-Trot, frmmk
Wmttphal amd Hi Orchestra.
' A-3T43 75
Hawrailasi Blawo. ,. Fex-Trota.
Jehmtw Dm OriffinaZ Jazs
Hvmmdu A-ST 7U
t Ponaul Foejr Leaf CXovw, ;
S From n3aorco WhHi Sean
- dais.- v .
WQ Tea. Iatro, "Oh.
How ra tlissad Ywa Hary.5 -From
Salljr, Irons and -Mary.
'. : FasTrots. .
Th Hipp St. A-74V JId
Talnk el Too). Intro. Sveet- 2
, v. heart - Immr Uedlsy -Fox-;
.Trot. . TkChMMam.
Ts nun Kbralafi Fox-Twt- '
. ' EddU MStbu? Ork4tra.
Clek ha tW Umnimg
Wattaas. Prtw m
DtMM OreAssCro. A-3724 TS
Tad Ltwim tend Bit Band.
A Draaaa of It leaf. Fax-Trot.
Fevttl 8p0kt aa4 BU Or
oAestra. . A71t ft
Tai Cast Ilanw Uka, 1 Doal Wan
ISaa, DUUH Lnv l!lat Amf
SeAendb. A7XS T8m
Al Solum.
ff Tew IXal TUak So, YcVr-
Frank Crvma.
- A-3744 Itm
Nyi. 1NM UTU. a
ajMaaas Catjiem. Cy From
"QMea o Uaarts.'
Nmru Bam. A-374X
Ifleelaefpyi Oiso Choo.
'Way Dm YoseW la Now Or-
A-37S1 7S
Fewf&aSakaaff AaU!
K2fienLSr. .
. EdwtmpaU. AXTSd TSd
Aoass. Ob. " - Fnlav -
1 Seansi!""" '
IWapeXSasa Pafkak..- - Aaoordioa
aoleav hddDmf. .
r A-3T2S TS
I Cnoar I Ilaw A a WjeJMIng-
i Waad te WFa V. llala Qoar'
.te. Safc UrtwOj JnKU
. Shmfrrm. . . A-)7ld Yt
Tela Soaet vL&mt Nev 1Yal 7:
BoeJa, WW U Upi Good
' algVt Harvard! Btaro CU -YaUi
Oom tk Field.
YaU Sonssi Ueley Ne. X
Wakev FraskaB. Wakes -
Waits- I AsnMi Crwrn tlmthmr Yale
nasaw ' TJkslela Soloa. I -Srlaa CaOas Yea.
A7X 78e flaawioa Xesjn. . A-XTX Tad
5Ttni:o:rr ai cencrrrr enrrnons .
EU AZalr. tcxfcZ AX 4
Wkew t Was g nlssn. Stradkk
folk sony Ffersnoe Macbeth. '
- A-3733 91.00
m. (In Tnesa Soft '
.SCxra Ctrrtaina.) Puccini) -.
a PvMtU. T9971 x $1X9
La CiocosJ. "CUlo ifr"
. , (Heavm and Ocean.) (Pon
onki) - Cherl HacUtU .
" ' v CP4w; $1X9
ConnlaX. D4k?) 7
OPiunaUeitU. (DaXdT
Cm ihi.ts Powga, AC73 tXX9
Ssir.ait CWaal Ftotn Pattstf --
(Gonaod) leordpotaan Opm
Hou0 Ortkettraj -
A-C224 tlJ&d
Wkr tk tier Lax Ciarlee
TwIsm Arweoad ilia Dost. .
I Wj IerCw CU FoT A -ax
lleaaa, .. Oiosr aU. '
cl fr , c. zu ;(r
sss) .
CenaetSB. Fran Conearto in. .
D Uajor, Op. SS. -.-,-.
. - (Ttchaikowiky) Violin Eolc.
ScuehA Jacobuen. A22'$1JS9
v v The Joy, of dccprd , :
that io Virtually Noicolecs
' .r ' . . . ' r :i f J I
- ' - .'"" . -u
THOSIS grindlsjr seratchin urf&c
noises that hara so insixtontly mxds
thtznaelvts heard through the music yon
lore win now annoy you no mors. Bo
cause Colombia has discovered a process
which produces phonograph record ear
face so fine in texture, so marrelon&ly
: smooth that tha needle travels 9vcr 1
almost inaudibly.
This new and unbeKevxb qoiet sur
face xsaixs the pbonosraph what it should
be. a musical instrument of the highest
: and purest type ivina you every in
flection, the most delicate phrasing, ex-
, quisitely expressed-shades of harmony
that have previously been Host In ob-
' ,truslve surface sounds.
The new Colombia. Record tout to
. jtlay are all maul VUh this ultra Cxxm,
tdtrm smooth amd quiet, new surface. . '
ir, Alld amono; them Are two youll want ;
at the very first whirl J"All for the Love
of .Mike" and "You Can Have Him. I
Don't Want Him, Didnt Love Him Any
how Blues. Both are by Van and Schcnck
' ainjrfnir in their happiest of happy
. ' harmonies. And they are delidously. frea
jCrcsi irritating scratch or scrapa. ,
- Tear out the accompanyine; list, take it
to a Columbia Deafer and listen to any
; or all of th&se New Process Columbia
Records. 2ot3 the smoothness and full-.
ness of tcna. 2ota the, beauty of. ex
; prcsdoa. OlaNewlWessColuiabi
XUccrdi will 7u find this new aad ukt
tsrtit. Tt jrrcccrs is patcatad.
p . . "