THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 182: AMERICAN BANKERS' DECISION NOT TO LOAN TO GERMANY CREATES DULLNESS IN SECURITIES 20 STOCK MARKET IN A WAITING MOOD ; 'a fresh . J", -i OB rn- i. lataVi West ' YVaH (L Sew Tortr, lire. : 19. The tnuit of today aaarket augzested a dispoid liort on all sirle t set la down around present levels and a vast some impulse in the general situation. bad been noted at the close of last week that soda an impulse on. But enLhristm . , ; on rnu suinecx rapiaiy ' 4 cooled when it was "7-made clear that Amer ican hankers would not CO into nrh an enter prise until the repara tion orient ion ia satis factorily nettled. TtUs means that nothing more will be done recarding a ;ermaa bond issue until tiw next meeting of the premiers in January and only torn in -ease the Fivivli attitude ia radically changed - from what it ia supposed to be at present. . Mark Suffer kaa . Inasmuch ax tba hop of an International loan waa the ebief incentive back of the angnt recovery in tha German mark, it wa not rar J. trains that the rate should hare fallen back from Saturday's- high or approximately two - one-hundredth of a rent to less than one and one-half one-hundredth. French exchange. L however, stood it gronnd fairly well. It was qwa H from last weeks high but was still it or a half cent from the tow of two weeks - ago , tight pnoa Changes "As a role price changes tn the stock market today were not of much importance. The profession Is had the field entirely to thenr- . selves and bent their energies shout. eqnaSy to advancing certain stocks and depressing others but in general the market displayed in creasing inertia. I". 8. Steel common was i eomparatiTely indifferent' to the official denial of a stock dividend: on the other hand, shares 3cf the independent steel companies were under man or leas pressure because of uncertainty aa to) Whether they are making much money .under the present pries schedules. "all equipment Strong Baldwin Locomotive and the equipment shares appeared to hare recovered from the effect of sadden liquidation precipitated by the failure on Monday of a prominent Western house. . . - " , . Hallway shares Were again unsettled with weakness In. caws like lielaware & Hudson, where the earnings are particularly favorable. . The npward tendency In the metal market waa illustrated again by another advance in the price of lead. Metal shares were steady. 1 v Cotton at High Mark . The advance in the grain markets was for the ' time being at least becked' but cotton reached a new high tor the season. To what stent the Western grain raisers and Southern cotton growers hare r got the advantage of the nor recent rise ia debatable, for the greater A . M ... n.l .wxtnm n.nn, war- - surketcd a month ago. Nevertheless the fact . .that wheat is selling over 21) cents a bushel Big tier ana cotton o to n cents a pouna more than a rear sgo i of significance, first, for the Jtttutv buying newer of the agricultural com- - munttiea. second, for the wealth of the coun try la general and third, for its bearing upon political sentiment. y. j Afetrnoon Trad Dull Tile, afternoon stock market was a very dull affair and so was the bond market. In neither waa there any indication of the pres ence of the investment demand which often appears at this time of the year, anticipating the first of January corporation payments. New security offering!!, to be' urp. are being taken readily eramsra and there is no evidence cf sn accumulation of unsold aa;jplics. But another forward movement in investment val ues cannot lie expected unless money ratei come down and. Judging by the present out look in the demand for fund' for trade pur poses, will certainly nnt diminish but wilt rather increase in coming months. NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS ' - Baported by Thai JoanaTa Wan SUrat Bona 0;:'?V'-;t v New York. Dec. 19.. What little baying power was availabl in today's bond market waa largely absorbed by the new effermga including Carotiaa-Cbnchfield at Ohio Bailway per cent bonds, the Detroit Edison per cent debentures and a new block of Electric bond and share preferred. Both Uw two first named issues were reported disposed of early fa the day. It is an interesting fact m the relativw at tractiveness of the railroad and utility f f eriugs to nbeerve that the mortaam secured railway I bond waa offend oft a higher yielding basis than tbe nusecarea oongauou or an eectnc light and powr company. It is true that the Utter will becanrertibla into aa 8 per cent dividend-paying common stock at par, but it is also true that the demand is this market is for utility, and not for railroad, securities. Un less the railroad rarnine increase substantially next year, railroad financing will cave to be done-at rates out of proportion to the general market. Along this same Una the demand for old issues well secured by the obligations of prosperous utilities is greater than the supply. Kor instance, the other day 110 Vs waa bid on the board for Kings County Electric Light & Power purchase money 6s and none offered. Almost any amount of such bonds as New Tork Gas A Electric Light, Heat A Power first 2s can he sold on a 5 per cent basis or slightly better. The general market today exhibited the saroa characteristics as for a fortnight past. tit. Paul issues were weak again without any new reason being advanced. International Great Northern Adjustments, which' were so) active when the announcement was first made of the deal with the 8t. Louis-San Francisco, dropped more than a point today. - St. Loais-San Fran cisco Incomes reacted further. On the other hand, Erie bonds gained. The Erie ia said to have been more fortunate than some of its com petitors in its relations with its shop forces. Minneapolis. St. Paul A Sanlt Ste Marie 6 s sold up sharply. The Soo's recovery ia earning power has been one of the notable achievements of the railway year. ' Manhattan Kailway 4s lost a point. This is tiie bond secured by first mortgage on the elevated roads in the Boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. It sold today at 63 V on a 6.3 per cent basis nearer the low than the high of the year. Back in 1906 it sold aa high as 103. It is still a legal investment for sav ings banks in New York state, but traction se curities sre riot in favor. It is different with the Hudson A Manhattan, which operates under the Interstate Commerce commission, and is classed as a railway. Both issues of "this road's bonds, the refunding 5s and the adjustment 5s, sold higher today in response to the very favor able earnings ttatement for November. There was nothing very particularly notable in foreign bonds or in V. 8. government issues. Prices of the latter moved irregular, but mostly down. , FOUEIOX EXCHANGE RATES Corrected dally by the foreign exchange department of the United Ststw National bank jQuotations below (except the ponnd sterling) srs quoted on the basis of 100 uniU foreign currency. . Opening nominal rate on bank transactions: Draft Cable Par Checks. Tranfers. Value, London Lbs. sterling t 4.(12 Paris, francs 7.36 W Belgium, francs 6.76 Berlin, marks .0140 ijenoa, hre. Athens- Drachmas. Copenhagen - Kroner. . . Christians Kroner. . . Stockholm Kroner. . . . Hongkong currency.. Japan, yen ; 5.09 4s 1.36 20.75 lf 03 20 89 52.75 4R.D0 Shanghai, taels 70.40 ) 5.63 7.37 6.764 .0140 5.10 1.3S 20.80 19 08 26.94 53.00 49.05 70.70 $ 4.S06 19.30 19.30 23.81 19.30 19. 30' 28.70 26.70 26.70 Canadian dollar discount. 4 to Per eent. " BOSTON . ' Reported I Bid. Art Com. 7 Ts ArlTenturc 50 AhraeeV 87 AlacHnah, 3. AUouex . . 28 A rradnn . 3 4 Bmg. Um 17 Cal A Art 56 -Cal ' A H2H1 New Cora 17 . v. . , Davis IUy 3 Fkln Mu t H Helvetia. f0 Ixiaad fr.107 Keawanaw 1 Kerr Lake S Vi I Sails. t Michigan. 2 COPPEB STOCKS by Overbeck-Cooke Co. 1 Ask. 8 80 57to 40 25 34 8i4 C8 285 17 37 S 3'i 1 108 1 to X 1 to 2to Mohawk . . Ma01d('ei ManVal X Bntte. . Xiiiisving. X Lake . . tikllhnCop (HccolaMg JuinoyMg. L ie Reval m.ShMch. do ptd . . 4 Il.ic W mi ITTirityfcp t isnjlet. Utah. Con Winona. . Wolveir . . . Wyandot . Bid. 57 4Vi 1 a H 5 SO 18 1 36 ait 42 to 28 to i to i 82 1 1 to 7 to 25 38 uto 6 40 19 - 3to 22 to 42 to 27 1 to 94 24 t to n 35 sloiiey and Exchange ""w Tork. Dep. 1 . r ( t. X. S. Cl Menuy on the floor of (lie "ew Tcrk Mock cv lunge today ruled at 4 to per cent; high, 4 to iter cent; low. 4 to per cent. Time money mas iteady., were 4 to to 5 per cent. Thi markif for prime mercantile imjict waa ptcsdy. . -i - , Call mane in London tciiav was 1 to !er .. Sler'ing exclwnge vai steady with busi wtat in bai-krr-' bills at $1.63 to for demand. Build Up Your Income By investing in a few ' - shares of. our ' -7 Prior Preference r stock - 7: Which will net you - WiM ON YOUR MONEY $10.00 Down and. $10.00 '.. v.- v, aMonth It's a Safe and Sound Xn : .vestment... . 4 l Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. : Room 605 : X Electric - Building: -. Portfand, Oregon. New York, Dec. 19 Following :s an of ficial list of bonds traded in on the New York stock exchange today with prices up to and including the close of the market. Total les todiy nr-re 69,108,000 against (12,162, 000 yesterday, $12,447,000 a week ago, $10, 751, 0OO a year ago and $34,441,000 two ytar-i ijo. From January 1 . to date $4,121,327,000 against $3,234,714,000 a vesr ago and $3,752,454,000 two years ago. LIBERTY BONDS SaJes. In $1000 459Lib 3tos '32-47110058 3 do3tos rg '32-47 10030 7to 1D8 II I 600 1 20 I 317 to I 3,' 6691 311 18 do 2il 4s 27-42" do2d4s r '27-42 do let 4tos reg '32-4 7 d2d 4 s'27-421 ilo 2d 4 to a re '27-42 1 3o 3.1 4 hi t '28! lo 3d 1 Vi s r do 4th 4 Us it4t.ti4Hs r Vir- 4s '23 I High, j Low. Close. 10048110048 1003010030 9804! 9912 9878 998S I 98701 9870 98081 9810 I 9800( 9812 9876' 9873 9N60I 0860 9842 9148 9834! 9846 2si 381 38 981 baio 98T0I 98!6 P812 9884! OS60I 98521 9461 . !10O34ilOO32!lOO34 8 do 4i re '23 . !1000r,!1 00041 1 0004 lSliUS.V 4 Hi '47-521 08M)j 9874j 9878 21 Areentine 7s '27 34iBelgium 7 to-s '45 72i do 8 '4(L 20: do 6s 5 . 14!B?rne Ss '45 . . . 32(Bolivia 8s '47. . 12Bord?aux 6s '3,4. 13 Brazil 8s '4 1 . . . . 26 to do 7tos rot. '52 15 do 7tos 1 r '52 24 Chile 8s '41 . . . 10 Copen 5 tos '44 .. 48 ('xechofilv 8s c '51 9 Denmark 8s '45. do cfs 6s '42 . . . '42 52 i Seme 7s tc ID C 54 s nte '29 do 5 '26 do 5s '52 do 5s "31 . . 59jlMitchEI rt 6st '47 51 do rt fia '62 . . . nilFrench 7tos '41. 2i do 8s '4.1 85 ) Haiti 0s '52. . .-. 114,Jp 2d 4 toe '25. 8 do str hi 4s '31 l!Lyons 6a '34 . . . 9j Marseilles. 6s '34. 1 6 ! .Mexico 5s '45. . 6Montivideo 7s '52 eUlXeth rts 6s '52. 13!Norway 8s '40. . 75 do 6s ctie "52. 25jPras 7tos cfs '52 5jiteenfdand 7s '41 S do 6s cfs 47. . 2fRio fir de S 8 '46 OlRio de J 8. cfs '47 12,'S Paulo 8t 8s '36 1 6 SidsMim 6s '36. 1 "ISweden Os '39 . . . SOiSwiio 8s '40 . . . 10Tokio us '52. . . 7Ijl'n Ksm 5tos '29 60) do 5 Ss '37 . . . . 6Hruguay 8s '46. 2. Zurich 8s '45 . . . NEW YORK CITY KOXDS 3 X. Y. C. 4 tos'b3;10Gto '100 4 2o du 4tos "60. . ..iooto lioo to 5; do 4'4s '64... if 02 102 5 do 4 tos '68. . .1102 102 MISCELLANEOUS AND BONDS 100to 101 to 101 96 to 111 to 93 to 78to 98 H 98 to 96 103 to 90 86to 110 98 to 87 ioi to Ottto 99 to 89 to 93 to 93 to 94 to ok to 00 to loo 81 to 78 T 78 to 5to 91 98 ill to lOO 74 to 10ft to 101 to 96 to 90 98 to 78to 104 to 110 113H 104 to 105 to 1 12 to lOOto llOOto Bale in lOOOs ioi to loito iooto iooto 96 96 llltolllto 93 93 78H 78to 98 to 98 to 95 to 96 96 96 103 1103 to 89 to 89 to 86 86 109 109 I 98 to' 9a 86 to 87 lot IOI to I 99 to 90 to 99 99 to 87 to 87 to 92 to 93 to 92 to 92 to 94 to 94 M 98 to 98 96 to 96 to 994 90 to 81 to 81 to 78to 784 ! 78 to 78 to r.o 50 to 90 to 91 97 to 07 to 111 111 99 to 99 to 74 to 74 to 108 to 108 to 101 to 101 to I fid to 96 to i 96 to 9i to 98 98 78 73to 104 to 104 to 118to 118H I 72 72 113 113to 104 104 to 105to 105 to 112toill2to 106 to 100 to 102 102 INDUSTRIAL- SiAjsx Rub 8s '36 IS A A Ch 7tos41. 15 A Smelt 1st 5s'47 21Am Mac s '37.. I9IAT&T col tr5s'46 27 do col 4s '29 . . . liAnAVrPsper 6s '8 9 115 Anton J U M cvt i rct.s '47. . . . Armour 4tos 39 Atl Fruit cvt 7s Sta cfs '84 . . . I A U Kef deb 5s '37 JBell of Pa 7a '45 Barnsdall 8s A 31 iBeth St P M5s'36 Uo 6 '4 8 Brier H 8t 5 to '42 wi 2 Bklyn Ed gen 7 I ser C '30 . liBklyn Ed 7D 40 5 do 5s 40 5;Bkln l'n;i5s '45 HiishTrmBld 5srt) 7 Cal;ssAEl 5s 87 1 lCanal.SSI.ines7s42 4 Cent Di Tel 5s'43 4 5iCerr. de Pas cvtl ! 8, 31 (137 14 9 7 4 11 10 25 96 to loto 93 to 102 H 92 84 83 89to 99 to 108 to 102 92 to 98 to ,94 to 106 to 108 to 97 to 95 to 93 97 9.1 100 i 98 to 102to 92 to 102 to 98 to 91 to 84 82 89 to 29 99 108 to 102 92 to 98 94 106to 107 to 97 to 05 to 92 to 96 to 95 100 134 to 96 H 102 to 92 to 102 to 98H 92 84 82 to 8to 29 99 to 108 to 102 92 98 to 94 106 to 108 to 97 to 95 to 93 to 97 95 100 51 Chile Copevr7s '23)114 tojll3to113to 1 :Cin ;as 5s '56 . . 2( do iE 5 tos C"I( 2!Col U4K 5s '37. i 1! do 5s sta '27. .j j omweaitnt os 4T 3:'Vmn At. Rimow 1 Ttos '37 .....10O (100 23 :ConsolCoalMd550 '88 to ! 87 to j orsueu fowas 02l S3 to 1 92 S.CornProd 5s 'Sl.ilUO flOO Mn 4m 1 UK I UM r 87 to f 87 V I ST V. 984 j 98 to I 98 to 6 to! 96 to 96 to 96 I 96 96 89 to 1 88 j 89 ll do SF 5s '34. . I frown Cork .A I t 42 . ; . . . 1 ttiba C Sug cvt dbt;. 100 88 92 to IOO i 100 to (100 to 1 100 to 2H S7'to 107 H 92 to 103 to 93 to . S7to i 92 to 107 2 ' 103 94 to 1074l7to t 7 '30 SvliCnba CScSista'SO ISiCub AmMg 8s "81 4CumbTT5s '37. l DeU Ed rfg 6 '40 , ?j do 5s . '4i. . . . 4Iia M deb 7 to a 35 2;Doa Steel r 7s '42 l rint de N7toa"31 TlltMnu. AIM. .-MA 2iKart -CbSg7s S7 41 KtiAFcti tows7 iiifvi it co8a '41. 12 F I D d7tos '42. , E deb 6s '4. 1( do deb 5 "52. 101 tos'47esi'101 to lRftJoodyr T 8s'41H4to 13! io 8s 'SI . s; . 89 8t A D cvt 7 '321 97 S Meish- C a '43? 97 to 20'Holl A V s r 47 88 to HO R D tos"32t 98 25,1 S deb 4to '40( 91 to If Aa a. '59 1 HAS 1' r c 8 '2. ; . ios to no to 89 108 49(104 97 to 94 to JlOtt to 9to 92 to 92 to 5i l7to 103 to 96 to 93 T 106 90 to 105 to 105 1U1 101 114 98 to 96 96 to r 88 , 8S 91 to IIP s A 47. Ill do 5s B "47 v 1 . . Htfller ;'41 ;$C S T '31 -oil. h a vi. v' , TKW pel w3 . U Is '441. 3 Lonllard S"'l. 2.M C esrt'7 '82.. 14 M S d 7to e "42 8!M U S wars '31. II k 7toa war '31 19'M P 8a '36. . . S.M S evt 5s 13 M t Ut '43. : 8. Morris 4tos"3. SiXat Tube 5sv-'52. 1 IjN K T A T 1st id 87 to 92 107 92 to 13 to. 94 107 89 lt7 103 to 96 93 to 106 90 rjo3 Jill 101 fH4 8 97 9T 91 101 108 ,88V S81 88 87 Hi 87 89 tot 89 108 f.oto 92 111 97 lli 8.. 102 $ !' 8T l9 110. 90 to 92 - 116 7' 115 7 88 I2 18 88 -97 S7 iooto 87 to 89 ton 80 9 11 1?5 97 88 12 108 8 to 98 87 1 to 1 Stl BTV Si 111 illOtotllt I 111 JIIO? 13 - 8 26 1 S 13 25 15 12 18 IO 20 1 1 N T.. 8 team 6s 47 iNTTel deb '49 do gea 4s '39 do ref 6s '41 .. Xiag Falls P s'32 uo bs '33 NAmEd a rrU'52 N O T A T s'47 N St P 1st 8s 41 N Bell Tel 7s '4 1 Pae O A El 5s '42 Pac T A T 5a '37 do ref 6s "52. . . Packard Mot 8a 31 P Am PAT 7 'SO PCACCb, Sa '47 Phil Co ref 6a '34 Pierce Oil 8s '31 97 106 3 to 105 1103 99 93 94 2to !18- 93 07 91 195 1103 l ilo , 97 6,Pug S N J 6 '59 85 IIP A Scvdb7s'37!107 lllProd A Ref Hr '31 11 OS i " no os war aa. 21Prov See 4s '57 II Bog Brown I7s'42! StSaks A Co 7a '42 i Sine C Oil5 tos'25 37 do TS '37 Z3SintP Li 5s efs'47 88baron St H8s '41 30,8 P B Sug7s '41 15;8B T A TSs '41 5 StandO Ca)db7s'31il06 IOI to llto 97 1104 112 97 9 80 100 '301108 - - I 88 'High. Ixmt. Cloaa, 97 I 97 106 1106 S3 tot 93 105 to 1105 103 to 1103 99 to I 99 to 93l 93 93 to I 94 . 91 to I 92 107to107to 2 14. 1 Z It 97 97 91 to I 91 105 1105 102 102 91 I 91 99 I 99 97 I 97 84 1 85, ; 107 1107 4. 93 93 88 98 93 195 96 101 89 97 99 . 106 101 106 97 104 112 97 99 90 foo 108 88 93 88 93 103 88 lei 89 98 89 96 105. 98 100 . 88 97 89 96 105 101 to 106 97 103 112 97 9 SO 100 108 88 to I 102 to 102 lIStAT Co of A 7 51 2Tol Ed 1st 7s '41 5 TnioBABCs cfs'42 Sjl'n T 7s '30... Utd Drc 8 '81.. 2Un F U Ht '86. 20 USBAI 5s '24 . . l!UnSS6s cfs '37. 10jUn St Kl 6s '42 1U 8 K 7tos 33! do .5s '47.. . 35U 8 S a f 5s '631103 I 5U PAL 5s '301 91 I 91 I 91 1V-C C 5s 23. -HOOtoilOOtollOOto 22 do 7s ser A '471 96 i 95 i 96 10 docr7sA'37( 84 84 84 3j War S B 7s '41(103 to U03 J103 1W P P 7s '58tl03103:103 11 !W U col 5 '88 97 I 97 j 97 81 do r 4 'JiOl 91 to I 91 I 01 ll dc 6s '36. . .1110 110to110to iW-stghs El 7s '8s(107 117 1107 to 14Wick S 8 7s "35 94 I 91 1 92 to 14 Wilson 1st 6s '411101 to (101 101 At cvt 6s '281 94 I 03 94 C do 7tos '31. .102 1102 102 RAILROAD BONDS 13ATASF gn 4s95 21 do cvt 4i '55.. 3j do cvt 4s '60. . 17ACL 1st con4s'52 51 do LAN c t4s'52 2 Atl Danv 4s '48. 12jB 4 16 IO"! i 31 A O do ref 5s '95. do cvt 4 to s '33. do gold 4s '48. do pr In 3 to 825 do4sPLEWVd'41 do 4a TAU d 'I do 3 Swn d': 89j 89 89 81( 81 81 101 . 101 101 88 87 to 87 81 81 81 77 77 77 ,100 100 100to I 83to 83 83 I 80 80 80 79 79 79 I 93 03 ( 93 I 78 78 78 ' 67 66 67 I 91 91 1 70 70 70 j 55 55 55 j 52 I 62 ( 52 I 88 I 88 88 I 92) 92 92 1 89f. 89 89 I 98 97 97 112lllill2 2Bdw7thAv e 5s'43 1 iBklRTr 5s '45 4 1 do 6s cfs '45.. lOlBRT 7 '21... 7 Buff R 4P4 s'57 2 'Rush T con5s'55 3:Can Sou 5s 'G2 13t'an Xor 7s '40 20 do deb 6s '46)11 1 to ill 1 to ill 1 to 2.1 Can Pac 4s p.. 79 79 79 84 Caro CI A O 5s'38 94 93 1 93 38IC Ry ofBzl7s '52j 86 86 86 13C of G Ry 6s '2;100 -A 99 99 3iC Pac s sf 38'29j 91 91 91 1( do 1st ref 4s'49 86 ! 86 86 18IC AO cvt 5s '46 94 94 94 5i do gent 4s '921 86 to 85 85 10 do cvt 4s 30 89 88 88 8!C A Arfg 3s '49 52 52 "52 to 11 do JBs '50... 24 23 24 7C B Q gen 4s '58 88 88 88 9.;CBl ref 5s '71.. 100 100 100 2! do 4s 111 div '49. 88 88 88 12PAEI 5s '51 80 79 80 liCAErie 1st 5s '82,' 95 95 95 6hT Gt W 4s '59.. I 62 f 51 52 to IICIndALr 1st 6s66l 97 I 97 I 97 a;CJloiU' 4S ..( 51 do 4 tos '88. . . .1 851 do cvt 4 tos '32. 931 do rf4 A 20141 81 do cvt 5sB 2014! 22 ao 4s 25 24! do deb 4s '34 . . I 2C N W 7s '30. . .1109 4 do 6s '36 fH0 101 do t an 4s '87.) 85 1 do gen 5s '87. .1105 17Chi By Co 5s '271 78 33ICKI rfg 4s '34 CStPMAOdb 5s30 71 H 71 71 80 I 64 58 66tol 76 to I ooto 1 3 7 5 12 ChiUSta 4 tos '65 do 6 to s '63 . . . do Ben 5 '65 .'. ChiAWI 7 tos '35 do con 4a '52 . . CCCAStL am 4s '93 31 do sA "29. . . .1 It do StLdiv 4s '90 ClevUnT 5 tos '72 10 ColAS rf 4 s '3 DelAHtid cv ua '35 4IDiitAR rf 3s '55 481 do con 4s -'36. . 11 DetURy 4 tot "32 4'E 1st c 7s e '30 114 82 90 91 114 100 102 to 74 81 I IOI to 80 104 to 86 97 116 73 83 103 43 55 42 43 44 86 73to 112 104 to 90 102 82 80 63 I 57 65 to I 76 to 55 to I 108 11 I 85 105 77 I 82 to 96 91 114 100 102 74 81 101 80 103 86 97 116 72 82 103 43 55 42 42 42 81 73 112 to 104 to 80 03 58 65 to 76to 55to 109 110 I 85 105 77 82 to 96 91 114 100 102 74 81 101 to 80 103 86 97 116 72 83 103 43 55 42 42 42 S3 73 112 104 to do gen li 4s '96 do pr 4s '98.1 47 do cvt 4s A '53 611 do cvt 4s B '53. 1!! do cvt 4s D '53. 6' do Pa col 4s '51 5F J A O 4 tos '52 llj T of C 7s '40.; 21 do 6s '36 3iiG North 7s '36 . 110 11 10 !1 10 5 Co 4s 61... 90 90 90 231 do 5s '52. . .I102I102 102 5 HERLP 5s 54.. 82 I 82 82 4.-lH&M iff 3d A '57 81 to' 84 j 84 to 67 do alj inc 5 '57 61 I f.O to I 61 to 7IU Cent 5 tos '34 1101 to )101 to 101 to 4011 C A O 3 I. A Nl 1 i ! O jt 5. A f3 . . j 3 IH Cent rfg 4s 55; 211 do 4 '53 4iln Met 4 s '53 172) do cf 4 tos it '561 2nj do4 tos t e cfs'6! 67I K T cv. 7s wi "321 ll do ref 5s 66 . . 35 do ref 5s b c "V6I 111 dr. 6s i -32. . 82IKSN adj Os wi Ti21 2IU i'ent 1st 5s '38 1 :1 do ref 4s '5l UK A if 2d 5s '271 ItKCFS A M 6s '281103 25IK C T 1st 4 'f.l 83 96 b8 I -81 "4 i 9 H 1 io to ; 10s i to ! 73 to 73 to I 74 9l 71 SS i tol 5IKeo ADM 5?'23 81.SAMS deb 4s'28 6I-ehigh V 6s '23. 7 1 Long Is deb 5s'37 7.VMrn Ky.-n 4 '91 lOIMStX, 1st rf 4s'49 32MStP88M 6s-35)10 2IMKAT 1st 4s'90 79 211 do 5s sr A vri'42 134( doadj5ssrAwi'67 6 do 6s tr C wi'4 2 15)M P 6s '49 11XYC deb 6s "35. 81 j do r i 5s C 20131 BN Xt KJ-S 4 to s S3 7XYXHAHd4s '4 4 do rieb 4s '5 ll'N YSKcon4 tos'62 14IN Y WAB4s'46 IH X4H RR L is '44 9'X Pr.c 0s B2047 101PLMRR 6s cf '38 SPenn R R 7 SO. SI do Ss '68 10 do gold 6 tos 111 dog m 4tos '65 StPere Maq 4s 56. .6 Reading gen4s '07 8j SttLIM A.Sgrn5s 3 1 17jSt L A 8 F pr lien j 4SA ftO 6! do 5B '50 ... . 26j rio adj 6s '55. . . 8) do ire 6j '60 . . 3 St L 8o Is 4s '31 7. SAL gold sta 4.- '30 5 do rfg 4s '59. . . 181SAL adj 5s 49. 28 do con 6s '45, 4 SPac cvt 4s '29. 4lj do rfg 4s '5.. 24j do col tr 4s '49. 4HS Ry gen 4s '56. 291 do 6 tos '36. . . 35Third A a 5s '60 5 Vt By '62 . . 4 West Md 4s 52 . lljWest Pac 5s 4 96 I 98 88 88 81 I 81 4s 9 to 9 to to to I 10 l-ito loto 94 I 95 73 73 i . t 73 M 7.3 49 I 49 70 j 70 88 j 38 DO to I 90 to 103 )103 83 to ; 83 1 91 91 91 95 94 95 104 103 to 1034 80 80 to 80 to 6.-1 to ! 8 to i S 88 I 87 I 87'. 105 105 79 79 83 H 83 59 60 96 06 98 l ysto 103 '103 97 97 89 89 50 50 40 40 i 67 to 7 to 45to 4 88 88 108 10R 74 I 73 119 tlOV. 101 to UOl ilHl 6 llOto llOtoillOto 92 I 92! 92 50 to I 50 tot 50 to 84 to ; to 97 to! 98 83 60 96 98 to 103to 97 8ft 50 40 67 46 88 ioa 75 110 84 i 88 70 85 76 58 78 73 89 to 23 59 92 87 84 68 to 101 36 97 ,62 80 to 70 85 76 58 78 73 3to 22 58 92 86 84 8 IOI 56 96 61 80 500 1800 200 IOO 1900 70 i 85 r 76 I 58 to I 78 ! 73 ? 39 S 22 i 69 i 92 86 84 68 101 --. 97 61 80 . Record Apple Cr Harete4 Wenatche. Wash., Dec 19. - A record prle crop was harvested on tie Schneirls Brothers' , ranch at Sepnei this year, according to Walter Schneiria. who is here. This year a total of 1T.O00 packed, boxes was harvested, while last season they pat-ked 900Q, boxes. 1 ' I 1 " 1 i " J , Ml 'I n -1 . . . - m - 'P 2491 Railway Kxchantrm Uasakwa- CAic iloard mt . STOCKS BONDS fSiTAtl JLKAJSkS W1K8 T i. f. iiutton & Co, ME1IBKH9 Alt FRlf CIPAi .-. Kxcujkjtama .vSaUclt laafrlws An Iitu liacarlUM WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS - ' ' Beportad by Oiwtiaa.' 4fc Ccok Ca. f-'-?':,:i. Sales, t STOCK- . . . . . Lftdama Expresa . . .. . lAdvance Ram . High. xVwr. Bid. I 66 ,1 !-... 200 llOOLtm iAat SOOiAastia Nichols . . 6000 (Air llwis 100 do pfd ....... lOOAjax Rubber r... ,100 AhuAa 4ioM Alaska Juneara . . 12OOjAlUed Chem . . ovjju- n aimers . . . do pfd . . ... Am Beet Sugar Bosch Can Co ... do pfd Am OAF .... do pfd ...... I Am (Jot Oil ... do pfd ....... lAm I rug Synd . . Am H A Li .... do pfd .. .... Am Ice . . , . . . Am lntl Corp . . lAra Linseed ... Am Loco ..... do pfd ....... Am Saf Razor . . I A 31 SAO Am Smelter . . . . do pfd ....... A Snuff ...... Am Steel Fdy .. Am Snzax ..... IOO do pfd 600 Am Sumatra ... 2O00Am T A T 600Am Tobacco lOOlAm Tobacco B... 1400 Am Wool do pfd ....... 8IH do W P pfd . . . 1(H) A hi Zinc 4800LAnaconda ...... lOOTAssd Oil 11 IOO I Atchison 600 do pfd 4O0 Atl Coast Line.. 1800 Atl Gulf A W I.. 55500 Baldwin Loco . . . do pfd . 2600 Balto A Ohio do pfd .... lOO'Bam Cor A O0 do B pfd 129O0 Beth Steel B 200 Booth Fish B R T 2900 Butte C & Z... Butte A Hap . . Burns Bros A... do B pfd Caddo Oil Calif Packing . . . do Pet . do pfd C Z A L Canadian Pac . . . 4000fCen Leather Cerro de Pasco . Chandler Motor . tehgo A N W. . . Chicago Ot W . . . do pfd ....... Chile Cop Cuino C M St P do pfd Coca Cola C A O Colo F & I Colo .Sou Col Gas A Elec . . Columbia Graph . . Con Gas Cons Cigars .... Cons Textile Contl Can Corn Prod Cosden Oil C K I A P do "A" pfd do "B" pfd . Crucible do pfd Cuba Carre do pfd Cuban Amn Sug. . lianaon Chem . . . Del A Hudson. . . lel A Lack Dome Mines .... E!ec Stor Bay . . . 800iEndicoU Johnson. . 170OErie 1500 do 1st pfd 1 4 00 Famous Players . Fed Min A Smjt. pfd Tire Tires Elec Motor .... 0 Asphalt . . . 7001 Uiidden Paint. . 800'Goodrich TAR. .... Gen Alden 100;Granby 10OOGt Xor Ore 4500 Gt Nor pfd ' lO0Greene Cananea. . 2700Gnlf 8 Steel... 300 Houston Oil . 700:Huj)p Motor ... 200,nis Cent 12 00 1 Inspiration . . . . lint Agr Corp cm . . . . I do ptd 1400jlnterbcro 5001 do pfd Harv Merc Marine. Ifd Nickel Paper Comb 11600 80 31 82 39 74 isi" " . . . . 18 35 23 125 80 30 .. j.. "80 38 "72 180 17 34 , 20 28 '123 19 "37 "87" "zs" "26 125 124 153 152 "95 ,'95" "28 28" "50 "56" ioi" ioo" 91 91 111 110 22 21 131 126. 300 400 2700 10O0 3100 1200 400 900 ...... I do 1100Fi-k I Gen 1730Oit-n 68OO Gen 60O do 63O0Gen 62 15 144 44 57 " "9 141 33 "62 78 " '9 28 26 21 33 76 70 105 37 110 131 51 to 31 70 39 26 to 32 to 116 131 43 55 86 10 14 92 800Hnt. 8O0jInt 8 IOO! do 10O0 Int 600 Int Int Comb Eog . 1500 Invincible Oil .. Ilsland Oil lOOj Jewel Tea 500!K C Ssouthern.i IOO I do pfd 700iKav6r J 120OIKeUy-Spgfld .... 4900 Kennecott 2800jKeystcme Tire... Iack Steel lOOjLee Tire 1700jLebigh Yalley. . . !I.orilard 400Loew Theatres . . . 190 13 83 47 10 34 31 77 27 79 67 108 35 91 11 14" 53 to 14 18 "43' ' 43 to 37 to ' 10 60 13 84 i43 43 5 " "9 140 31 ,61 76 ' '" 2 26 20 82 75 69 24 ios"" 87 iid" ' 129 50 30 68 38 28 31 113 180 43 54 85 lOto 14 to 89 to 183 13 82 to 45to 0 33 to 80 to 76 27 78 67 107 33 90 11 13 52 14 ' 18 4i to 43 37 9 : 64 I 62 ! !-!- i 19toi 18 to I 14 i 30 81 69 12 to 1 80 43 96 38 40 -73 to 113 ism 121 J7 84 6 lOH 108 28 81 25 18 19 86 97 i. 142 36 74 07 27to 123 152 102 95 -111 28 16 50 115 100 01 110 22 130 111 41 67 80 19 61 4 15 31 142 43 7 81 56 98 Oto 141 32 43 62 78 4 8 28 26 21 83 76 70 24 41 105 2 to 118 37 12 lioto 130 to 51 30 89 80 70 87 14 39 26 32 114 130 43 54 85 10 14 90 9 52 12 82 s4 1184 13 83 46 9 33 54 26 31 77 27 78 67 24 to 107 35 6 32 90 11 48 13 51 23 14 20 17 43 4 2 to 43 37 9 74 25 I 64 167 1 9 STOCK 100IL- A 1800, Li 11900 - 100 200 2100 200 9O0 N Loco. Mariand Oil....' Maxwell M "A". do "B" May Stores Mex Pet; Mex Seaboard. . j Miami ........ Middle States Oil Mid vale Steel. . M K A T Wi... Mack Truck..... Power. ... . Mont Ward Mo. Pac do pfd ........ M St P A 8SM Nat Bia "Wi". . . Nat Enamel. ... Nat Lead. j Nevada Con..... New Haven Norfolk A W... 2300Kor American... lOOOiN Pacific. . ... ..Nova Scotia Steel 800N x Air Brake. 4800 N X Central 6300Okla Prod ref.. SOOrOrpheum ....... 200 Ontario A W. . . . 1000 (Otis Steel 1 500 Piecly Wiggly , . . I Pac Gas A Kl 3900 Pac Oil 23700 Pan Am Pet .... 84200j do B" 1200Penna .....1251 12 1000 3400 8300 60O lOOiMont 8BOO . 1700 ; 2600 'iiob 1700 5000 300 3100 400 3400 2800 100 -820 700 Penn Sea Steel .. Peo Gas Pere Marquette. . Philadelphia Co .. Phillips Pete . . . Pierce- Arrow 700 1 Pierce Oil 700 700 300 7300 3100 1200 2100 4500 Pitts Coal Pitt A West Vs. Pressed Steel Car. Punta Alegre Pullman Pure Oil ....... Ray Cons ...... Reading aOOIRemington 600 5000 .....! 2800 4000 "2966 .....I 900 "iodo 3200 24400 High. 1 Low. 88 2? 68 17 27 11 28 14 65 22" 16 42 ST " 654 129 15 iio" 93 75 28 93 17 51 44 80 39 46 3 85 41 13 4 58 33 47' " 131 27 14 78 35 46 82 51 89 31 lOOfReoloele Steel . . 3300 Republic I A S. . 200 do pfd . . 3100 Royal Dutch OiL . 100 Ry Steel SDrinas. lOOlSaxon Motors . . . 81001Sears Roebuck .. Shattuck A Ariz.. Shell T A T Sinclair Sloss Shef Sou Pacific .... Sou Ry Sterling Prod . . . Stand Oil Cal Stand Oil I rid . Stand Oil N J . . . Stand Oil Ky . . . . St L A S F Stromberg Carb. . Studebaker ISwift A Co 200ITenn Cop A Chem 4000Texas Oil 200 Texas Pac 00Tex Pac O AO. . 3600 Tob Products . . . 4600lTran Gont Oil.. 400)Timken R B . 1 900 i Union Oil Del. . . 8800IITnien Pac lUnited Alloy .... I 300 j United Drug 20OI United Food Prod. 300!United Fruit . . . . United Rds of N J I do pfd 5000jUnited R Stores. . 200U SCI Pipe 2400U SInd Alcohol. 1200iU 8 Rub 6001 do 1st. pfd iU 8 Smelting. . . .1 . WOOOC 8 Steel 200) do pfd . 2800Utah Copper . . . 200Va Chem 400 Vanadium Steel.. IVivandou 1 500 1 Wabash 15.O0I do A pfd 4 do pfd IWells Fargo 4O0 Western Pac. . . . I do pfd lOOOIWesttra Union.. 113 1000Westinghoue ABI114 6800( do E&M I 01 to 1600West Md I 11 to S200White Eagle il. 31 to 300 White Motors ... 4!to 2100White OU 3 2000 Willys-Overland . . 6 200 do pfd I IWilson Packing . . ( j Wisconsin Centrall SOOiWoolworth 28 to 12O0Worthingtn . Pumpl 31 to 200W ALE I Money i 4 87 114 ids' ' 2i 63 133 106 47 20 55 12 to 32 17 135 'si 4 157 71 60 to 52 96 to 106 56 26 to 7 !49 17 27 11 27 14 65 22 15 1 36 64 ss. 122 15 109 91 74 26" ' 82 1 17 60 '43" 87 83 46 3 35 ' 46 12 4 57 33 46 to ISO 27 14 77to 34 to 44 81 61 87 '3i '86 112 193 20 "to 6i to Cloaa. 130 68 26 43 14 67 to 251 174 27 11 H 27 14 55 7 22 15 41 62 86 65 Vk 127 15 2 Oto 109 83 76 26 26 93 1 17 20 8 51 86 44 90 85 40 3 93 35 40 41 12 4 57 33 79 46 1130 27 14 78 84 to 24 45 81 51 to 115 1 88 8 37 31 39 86 22 621 11.1U 115 105 117 20 62 13lll33 106 47 20 54" " 11 32 17 to 134 to 81 " ' 4 to 157 64 35 to " 8 "to" 23' 106to 9to 47 20 20 to 54 12 32 17 13 34 8(1 4 V. 156 11 25 71 26 66 51 95 36 V. 106 120 63 25 35 13to 8to 22 to 16 88 15 5 1112 113 113 to 1112 66 I 65 to 51 to) 96 I 105 63 35 8 V 22 to I 15 15 50 . I IO I 1 ,1 49 ' 1 3) 6 to 59 4 IO to 31 48 to 3 0 42 35 I I 27 1201 to 207 I 30 to I 30 to ! I 9 I 4 4 Sales I 70 100 ISalBuckeye P L STANDARD In $1000 Anglo Am Oil. . Atlantic Iobos OIL ISSUES I High. I Low. 17to 6 86 45 44 161 114 90 to ORDERS FOR OIL ARE INCREASING y L. O. Talmas Huston. Teraa. Dee.- 19. Ref me re hers to day reported a surprisingly large number of orders for lubricant and gas oil is sold up well ahead with price firm at 4c a gallon. Fuel oil is iteady around 81.30 a barrel. The- condition of the cattle range in Texas shewed great improvement ia recent weeks. Cattle have dona fairly well bat the condi tion of sheep ia excellent. This section of the country followed the- gen eral tread of stock dividends and increase of capitalisation when the Humble Oil company stockholders voted a 70 per eent stock dividend and increased the capital stock from 325,000, 000 to $4 3,750,000. The outlook here ia f or a plentiful supply of holiday turkeys and prices have dropped to 32o a pound for live birds. Lumber Freight Bates Take All Prof it From Trade Eugene. Dec. 1 9.- Despite recent reductions in lumber freight rates, many Vf the opera tors of small mills in this section are com plaining that the freight is taking all the profit out of the., business. They declare that ir. is next to impossible to even get a ear load of ties or low grade lumber over the state line without the railroad taking half the selling price for freight charges. One operator sold a carload of 781 ties in Frient. Calif., for $731, cf which ha received $340. while the railroad cot $411 as freight taxiii. Another aoM a carload of lumber in N vada for - $476 and received $226 for his product, as the railroad deducted $250 as freight charges. The rate lately has been $23.73 a thou sand feet to Chicago leaving Ui millman about $12 a thousand when be received the market price. Railroad ties laid down in New York cost $31 for transportation charge and the shipper gets about $15 for tie per thou sand feet, the freight bill being twice the amount received for the material. It's cheaper to ship lumber to Honolulu than to Salt Lake, they bare found. To the Utah capital the rate is $16.75, while to Honolulu it is .$13. South Africa and the Orient are closer by steamer than Kansas City by rail. It costs $19 to ship to South ainca. Thsse lumbermen declare that only the highest grade product can be shipped with a Knowigqge tnat they will make some profit. 17 6 86 45 43 159 111 90 25 (Continental Oil 60 1 Crescent PL.. 701111 PL 570 Imp Oil of Can 40 Ind P L... .. 2600!Int Pet Co Ltd. . i 20! 20 to 200.Nat Transit ....I 2 4 40IN Y Transit . . . .J131 50Prairie P I. 1316 70 Sou Penn Oil ...1161 101 do L (102 2900S O Cal new. . . . 57 to 12400! do Ind ...... .ill 1 00 j do Kansas new .1 4 2 to 400! do Ky new .... 1117 to 10! do Xeb 190 I700; do X Y new. ... 46 to 200Yacuum Oil new.l 40 to 20 130 311 160 102 56 to 114 42 to I 117 yt ' 190 i 45 j 40 T Close, 17 to 6 86to 45 44 160 113 00 20 '4 26 130 312 161 102 57 114to 2 to 117 190 45 40 to Total Total sales stocks, 84 5,1 00. sales oonds, 8,717.000. This Christmas Give Dividends Consider Northwestern Elec tric Co. 7 Cumulative First Preferred Stock in the light of an investment as well as a last ing remembrance one that will be renewed four times a year when dividend checks are received. Northwestern Electric Company 7 Cumulative First Preferred Stock Sold for cash at $ 1 00 per share and on our interest-bearing sav ings plan. Northwestern Electric Co. J. G. TAVARES Manager of Stock Bales 213 Pittork Block, Broadway 0580 X peTlflf " ' - , .LsTao7 .".'-".'. N. BAIOC ! ' t i " v ; faasswMCKiaBai j EjuarSTCHad The Baby Bond Holder The same sound bonds that capitalists buy, ju& the bonds you have always wanted to buy, but couldn't. And now we make it pos sible for you to own a bond. : It's our Partial Payment Plan. Call at our Bond Department TODAY and see how easy it is to become a satisfied investor. - Buy Bonds By Bits - 19 face value of bond at time of payment, 19 monthly, i interest oa deferred pay mentsin some instances more than covered by bond's earning. Bonds $190 and up. Ml & TBLTON Oldest lit the Northwest Washington at Third V -S Curb Trade rIs ; Dull for Session; Trend Is Lower By William P. Heft era an -New York. Dev. 1 9. .-Traduic oa th Curb exchanaw today was extremely dull. After the sharp reaction in the final hoar Monday, prices for the aaost part were stain inclined to ward tower ieveis. except In the rasa of some of the Standard Oil and independents. . - Golf Oil of Pennsylvania waa aa active leader of the independent oils and regained a food part of it toss of Monday In response to the declara tion of a quarterly dividend of 37c a share oa the new stock at 025 par Tahiev Announcement that stockholders of HamMe Od had approved the plan whereby tlie com pany will distribute a stock dividend of 73 per cent had little effect on the share concerned. . ' Muuna shares lost a cood deal of buoyancy, and in some instance were silently lower. The new S8.0O0.000 issne of Carolina, Clhwhfield Ohio railway 30-year per cent sold bonds were admitted to tredinx. The bonds went of 'crT5 for pubhc subscription at 36 to to yield 6.2 i per cent. , NEW INCORPORATIONS . Salem. Or.. Dec 19. The Maris IVebber Lumber company of Oak Ridge. Lane county, with a capitalisation of $50,000. filed articles of incorporation with the state corporation de partment here Monday. E. Davis, A. E. Web Derand W. H. Buoy are the incorporators. OJJier corporations fihng articles were: T TT. Ho,'r,w,TO Conned of Portland; Mrs. Joeephine Othns Mrs. E. M. Simonton and airs. A. L. Morris. iiMrtJn",!. Lnmber company. Portland. 27e.- C. Fnsbie. W. C Palmer and Marvin K. Holland. LABOR SHORTAGE ; IN LOGGING WORK - By Ear O. Janeka St. Paul, Dee. l. Deenita aa increase at SO per cent in wssea since the- openiac of the saason lumber companies ope ratine la Minnesota, and Wisconsin ara unable to avar. coma a shortage of woodsmen. Common labor is in especial demand with 040 and S0 a month and all expenses behur freely offered with nteacer response. l'rodueUoa of W ia expected to be double that of a jrear aro. . While farmer nnyina is beina onafined laraw ly to necessities a present. automobUe deaiMrs are preparins for Increased business in raral communties next sprins. Holiday retail sad mail order business is exeAnrimuilv f.n mm.. parins favorably with' record years. HasdV ware sale ara about 10 per cent ireater k Tojame than last year. BASK Clearinea Balance CSeartn Balances Cleartns Cleartncs Balances Clearing Clearings Tuesday's STATEMENT OF rortland Banks Monday .0 6,o03.b.3 0' Monday.:- l.a7,K2 Tuesday. . 8.990.782: Tuesday. . 1.206.331 - San. Francisco Bank Tuesday ...0! Saattay Bank 'Tuesday , ...0 5 Tuesday . . 1, Oakland Banks Tuesday 0 2, Los Angela Banks Tuesday .....$20 Tacoma Bank transactions ........0 3, COAST .269.791 ,677.2ft ,812.771 910.071 3.400.00V 700.114 .179.61T 924.400 577.540 .212.604) e.t To Yield 6.25 Income Tax Exempt We are now offering a General Obliga tion Municipal Bond with these strong features: Principal and interest payable from taxes. Prior lien on 83 7 acres valuable land. Ranks ahead of first mortgages, including those securing" Federal Land Bank Bonds. Free from all Federal Income Taxes. Legal investment for Savings Bank and Trust Funds in Washington and Oregon. 6. Legal as security for public deposits hi Wash ington. Phgne, telegraph or write for complete detailed information.' Ralph Schneeloch Company 2. 3. 4. 5. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Second Floor LUNBERMENS BLDG. A general obligation -of the gov ernment, backed by the full faith and credit of over 2,000,000 people Kingdom of Norway 30-year, Sinking Fund, External GOLD JBONDS Principal and Interest PAYABLE IN U. S. GOLD The srreat wealth of Norway. Its excellent credit, itu light national debt and stabil ized sources of income make its bonds not only safe but desirable as well. Price 100, Yield 6 -Broadway and Oak I.T.rr.T.I.Ll.L!.M.!...T...M 1 Irrigation Bonds General Municipal Obligations Payable ' From Direct -Taxes! . Income, ax Exempt Price to Yield 6 to 6i Irrigation in Oregon is a suc cess. We have authentic fig ures and signed letters from bankers and farmers in bene fitted districts" in our files which will prove it to any in terested party., Irrigation in creases crop yields, property values,, population and pros perity. The cost in compari son is nominal. The Bonds of: Municipal Irri gation Districts have demon strated their excellence in years of depression They have suffered less in market value than either cor poration or municipal bonds. Get the facts! G'E'MILLER & COMPANY Portland Seattle flUC-EATIs-1.: jiif ',: San Francisco lvs AiiKcies 2d Fir. N."W. Bank Bldg. . PORTLAND - Phone Main 4195 " i -a 2 7;nT11 ret H'41 3'X f 6 E! 141 AP - I 6s 4H . - i 99