THE OnHGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY "I.IOHMNG, DIXUMEIZII 17, 1S22." I. v i UNIVERSITIES ARE SECURING OUTSIDE President Campbell of Univer sity of Oregon Finds Support ; From Taxation Insufficient. officers cf. 'number of national foundations. Ho reports that tbe (n eral education board la gratified at the progress of the , Unlreraitr of Oregon medical school and . is watching- its future , with Interest. ; He - found, all tbe foundation extremely- cordial and Interested la Oregon - institutions. - "A great' ' many '' influential - and wealthy men In America are nationally minded, belaid. Tber JelleTs there la-no tetter war of salTSt-for civilisa tion than to. give -their utmost support to education." K - . . . . - Emrick Trial for Alleged! Election Fraud Postponed University o Orejon, Eugene, Dec 18. Every large Eastern and Middle Western university and college of tbe number visited by President P. I. Campbell of tbe University of Oree-on and .Campbell Church of Eugene, who r turned here today after a month's trip in tbe East, axe hi the midst of big- campaigns, or have just completed them. President Campbell and Church studied the campaign plans of 13 creat institutions in order that the Oregon 1 effort 'for private endowments may meet wit& fullest success. ItrJAL SrFPOKT TOVSXt . "Wo found the broad " principle of dual-support for the state universities completely recognised,' eaid President Campbell. "Moneys from state taxes are being generously augmented' by private 'gifts, both from alumni and other friends : of the ; Institutions. It is realised there must be a vastly greater support or the alternative of the exclusion of students." : In 10 days $5,230,009 was raised in Buffalo, a city of 500,000, for Boston university, according to President Campbell's report. Columbia univer sity is Just completing a 130,000,000 campaign. Tale obtains $400,000 a year from alumni alone. - Harvard is In tbe midst of a $23,000,000 campaign. Massachusetts Tech recently obtained $1,000,000 in private gifts. Private gifts have been large in those states that were doing most through taxation for their institutions. FOUJDATIOKS SHOW INTEREST i President Campbell conferred with f The under trial of W, H. Emrick, who is Indictment by the Multnomah county grand Jury for alleged frauds in connection with the counting of bal lots in precinct 201 at tbe primary elec tion, was put over from December 20 to January 13 by Presiding CIscuit Judge Stapleton today. - Attorneys for Hrorich made the "mo tion for postponement of the trial and asked that the date bo fixed at about February 1. The district attorney's office objected to so long a. delay and the judge compromised for the parties. Five indictments hang over Emrtch'a head, the most serious one being frauL There was a discrepancly of 40 votes between the .totals handed in by Em rich, as chairman of the election board, and those arrived at when the ballots were recounted in the OIcott-Hall con test. ' , TAKES POBTLAKD F08T Pendttfton, Dec IS. Miss Esther Kelly, executive secretary of the Uma tilla county chapter of the Red Cross, has resigned to become chief of medical social service and representative of the Red Cross in the Veterans' Bureau hospital in Portland. Miss Purcelle Peck will succeed Miss Kelly here. 5Eff SECRETARY 2TAMED La Grande, Dec. 16. Earl Reynolds, O. A. C. graduate, has been elected to succeed a. W. Nelson, who resigned as secretary of the Union County Ad club to go into private business. NOTED SINN, FEIN V.. . " TO DEFEND PARTY -i. chief,' De Valera, telling why Ire land "fights on." Why the Irish Republic Fights On" will be the subject of the addresses of two distinguished visiting Irishmen Joseph CDoberty, member of con gress of "Republic of Ireland," who will speak at tabor Temple Sunday night on behalf of hisTacUon to show that Mrs. Xbaudy was at tha Labor Temple tonight' at 8 o'clock. ' :t ' k The sneaker are to bo Rev. Michael O'Klanain, -vice president of tha Sinn Fein, and Joseph 0Doherty. member of the congress of the v "Republic of ireiana. . amission is xree. : -v Do - Vaiera'a - disrupted government will be defended. O'Dobertr. tbouah only 21 years old. has led a Uf4 of ad venture. .He has been involved in the Irish votonteer movement sines its in ception. He was jailedv la tiie uprising of 191 and was held in the internment camps at Wakefield and Frongoeh. England. Later he was- at Arbor bill, then in Belfast and Derry prisons, and finally in BaUyklnlar camp. - , , , 'Emperor of Sahara' Left Estate Valued At 1513,368,985 New Tork, Dec. It A transfer tax appraisal filed hero today reveal that tha estate of Jacques Lebaudy, the ec centric Frenchman "who called himself the "Emperor of Sahara.' amounted to 818.368,985 at the time of his death. Lebaudy was shot and killed by hia wife, now Mrs. Marguerita A. Suareaa, when in 1919 ho attempted to force his way into her room at their house on Long Island.- Miss. Lebaudy was absolved from the murder when it was brought out that her husband con templated harming their daughter, Jacqueline, then 14 years Id. Depreciation of foreign securities, debts, expenses and legal deduction have reduced the cross estate by $5,968,870.50, so that about $$,000,000 will bo divided among the three heirs. Of the residue the widow receives $2,453,038.19, and the daughter, Jacque line, now Mrs. J., I Sudreau, J4,o&, 076.38. Under the terms of a compro mise arrangement, however, the wid ow and daughter have agreed to divide their shares equally with Countess Jean Mario do Fels of Paris, sister of the lata Emperor.' The countess at ons Urns brought an T an incompetent person and not, in fact. legally married to Lebaudy, Arrangements are under way to pro vide winter travel from Coos Bay to Bandon and southward to Arizona Inn, Ab miles south of, Banaon. DEFUNCT BATIK TO PAY OUT $140,000 Savings and ; Commercial Cred Utors. of French Bank at The ' --.Dalles to Get Coin. -:. The Dalles, Dec IS. A - Christmas present which will be eagerly accepted by hundreds of people In this city and vicinity will he handed out next week by O. B. Robertson, deputy stats super intendent of banks in charge of the liquidation of the defunct French A Co. bank, in the shape of checks ag gregating $140,000. Robertson today announced ; second dividends in both savings and com mercial departments of the Institution, Which failed on February 23. The pay ments will amount to 15 per cent in the commercial department and, 30 per cent on savings. Commercial cred itors will receive $100,000 and savings depositors $40,000. The customary period of 10 days for filing of objections against any of thb payments was cut down to five days by Circuit Judge Fred "W. Wilson in order that the dividends might be distributed before Christmas. Sines the last dividend payment was. made July 29 additional claims, aggregating $15,0L17, have been filed in 'the com mercial department and .. II claims. totaling $2538.48. n the savings side. Payment, of these dividends was originaSy scheduled f or October, but poor collections, doe largely to the bad crop season, enforced postponement.' -. Since ths bank failed, gross earnings. Robertson' reported, totaled 112,472, with a net. abor operating expenses. Of $8118. .s !,-..x'.-r"y-.r-S?r- - . With the payment of these dividends, there will still bs 10 - per cent owing depositors In ths savings " department and 00 per cent wing to the commer cial depositors. Assets remaining, the receiver stated.' are of such nature that liquidation will ho slow and another dividend may not be forthcoming for a year, be forecast .The percentage of settlement in the comparatively short period of 10 months is quits large, he added. Kobert Rosenblatt ; Extradition Case Is To Come Up Dec. 27 New Tork. Dec. 1&.43J. P.) Hear ing on tile case of Captain Robert Roaenbluth before Federal Commis sioner Hitchcock was adjourned today until December 27. when oral argu ment will be beard. The authorities are seeking to extradite Rosenblutn. to Taooma. Wash, in connection with the shooting and killing of Major ' Alexan- der "P. Cronkhite 4st" Camp Lewis In October. 1919. - - - , Rosenbiuth's attorney claims : that the government - did not na vtit:e Id Camp Lewis at the time of the tragedy and therefore has no jurisdiction.-'. Xmas Sale of Eastman .Np;; 1 Specials! Site 8Vix8i Iseaet, with Optimo ikittr ,m4 Basse A Lonb Ufi Teasar leas. Catalogs, pries 44s. : Special at $45.00 Hi?--1 SIse lini laches. wlU Optimo shatter ass Ko Sak Aaastigniat - lens. Catalogae . prise .-., Speelaf at . , ; $35i00 j ; TIetares Frames Xsm Cart Fomatal Pen aad Peaelli - v PORTLAND PHOTQ SUPPLY CD. 884 Ainrn KTREET, BETWFUX-BROADWAT ash park 5 mmmmmmmma ,i i j YOUR PIPES FROZEN v rTTN YOUR DRAINS CLOGGED pf YOU PROTECTED if they do O 1 SOc IZE SOc DRAIN PIPE . CLEANER t CLEARS SETTER FIFES AJTT TTLXL 7TOT IXJTJRE THE PIFES ; , Ask the nearest grocer, druggist, plumber, hardware dealer for COCOIZR, the can with the cocoanut on it. Oregon product mads In POBTLAJSD. COCOIZB PB0DUCT5 COMPACT, PorUaad, OrereB" Phono East 8319 150 East Seventh, Corner' of Belmont o A Musictatl. -S .e o e s o . o es o o es IS THE MOST APPRECIATED AND LASTING CHRISTMAS GIFT and one that will be a constant source of recreation and enjoy ment for many Christntases to come. We carry only the very best standard makes of all baud and orchestra instruments. -?Ri es , o e o .a) OS) OF ALL MUSICAL INSTRU1VIENTS THE HOLTON - I V. v . V. Saxophone is essentially the Instru ment of the home, the in strument of the family ; on which mother, father, son and daughter join in play ing. Mr. Bob Gordon and many other of Our best musicians use the HOLTON Saxo phone because it is the most improved, easiest to play, and the finest make of saxophone in the world. EVERY PURCHASER OF A LUDWIG DRUM OUTFIT will recely ' course of free lessons from one of Portland's best drummers. Think of the recreation and pleasure you can have in your home playing the drums, to the accompani ment of the piano or phono graph, and at the same time perfecting yourself in a profession which pays big salaries. IJK accessories are aeknowl- eagea to oe tne woriu s best. The GENERAL Directs the Santa Clans Army As It Marches in and Out the House of Gifts for Motorists : ft 5'v t DriTine Gloves Auto Mirrors : so. oo a Stop-Lights Windshield Wings i .50 SI fT.50 Flower Vases . ' .65 SO. 50 MS es o e Hilt es ; V The Paramount BANJO Is used in neariyevery or chestra in Portland, as well as the very best in the United States. I ' Mr. Ray Wilkinson and others have taught and played nearly every other make banjo, but after play ing the Paramount will use no other, and have pro nounced the PABAMOrHT the best in the world for tone, brilliancy, resonance, carrying power, workman ship, material and beauty. 4 HOLTON Revelation Trombones Cor ttefcs Tiruinnets and other hand Instruments are used in Portland's best orchestras and bands and are indorsed by the best symphony orchestra lead ers. Mr. Ralph Mainwaring of the Lyric theatre uses and Indorses the Holton Trombone. ' i Free Coarse' ef Xettoss Ash Receivers, attaches to dash $-1 .00 Q.OO tO sial HOLTON CORNETS, TRUMPETS, TROMBONES and other band instruments are used in jgy Portland and in the very best bands and orchestras in the United States; ' We are headquarters for Musical Instruments of all kinds and are sole agents for Portland for 52v 1 HQLTON BAND INSTRUMENTS BETTONY FLUTES O LUDWIG DRUMS AND ACCESSORIES PARAMOUNT BANJOS iJ LYON AND HEALY HARPS SALANTI ACCORDIONS UEAUFUKT UIjAKINETS - es 3 WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR FAVORfTE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT .Off) 1 o e o Your best insurance is to sret a first class, well known standard make and from a thoroughly reliable company. Come in and hear these instruments demonstrated. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL SECURE ANY INSTRUMENT FOR CHRISTMAS $ v . mm o S' OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS o o es -.est : o - 7 Everything Pertaining- to M usic BROADWAY AT ALDER BUSH k LANE BLDG. O s; - ' - - imstrinmeint I -BP e 'w . tLS O1 ( o & - ,o ' - SR3 : ' vo Mi ... it ":"-se Pfu T 4 1 Lights . Ad I I SO fTi x to O iS! Ill Cigar ,?- .50 PH Lighters . . . . . . JL a hi' I e. m JL riM s-i I J to W Auto Z? II i H Jacks if H ' O Pa V o i Pi lb 3 m w "-HI ..Bobes- .; ! I ?3-50to915-f ; 1 ? CiEN'EI Many men have' already joined the Gen eral's "army" of Xmas shoppers and YOUR enlistment is invited. Whether, you intend, being Santa ' Claus to your own car or 1 to' some other car owner, you will be happy if you take your "orders" from the General he will guide you wisely in your Xmas shop ping and make you Feel That You Have Done Your Season's Duty Well Windshield Visors ?3- ?15-0(? Fancy Aluminum $- Sten-plates. . . . Xup Ford Oversize Steering Wheels, aluminum and mahogany $Q.95 finish sW Easy-back Cushions . n .25 Channel pressed steel, nickel or black fljpr (f bumpers . ........ OtJeVIl Hoover double sprins bar. nickel plated bumper ...... Ford size . . . $8.95 ...i..$70 Porcelains pion X jPIngs . . . . Grease Guns for Cham- 35 -HP Tire Pumps Hydrometers" (battery testers Trouble Lights j with long cord j SI .20 SO. 00 X to " O Flashlights .00 SO .00 Electric Horns $ A .75 (motor driven) ft j . Ford Top ?O.05 Recovering. ... d up S1 .75 ..It Auto Theft Signals (spike $0.00 locks) !. O up Nickel bar radiator caps Ford size caps at ............SOc Nickel bar radiator lock caps fin at $2.9S to sDOeUU Motometers at $2.10 to .. $1.50 u $1.00 Schrader. Tire Air Gauges 95 Weed Chains 30x3 2 ...... $1 .45 j X up 90 ?3 $8.50 Weed Chains S4 .85 32x4 , Weed Chains 33x1 : . Weed Chains 34x4 40 Consider the Gift : The auto has grown to be the greatest source of pleasure in almost every family. One never tires of using it for business or pleasure. Men, women and children take pride in the correct and com plete appointment of the family auto. - It follows that you will feel right about choosing auto accessories as Xmas gifts because they are useful and will be appreciated to the fullest extent. Then, too, there's something distinctive about accessory: gifts. The .person- who is' fortunate enough to receive them will be thankful that he didn't receive something "common.'' The list here with affords ampler variety for choosing. Also note the low. prices. You can't get really;. Worth-While Gifts for Less Weed Chains 33x4 s 3 Weed Chains 34x4 ...... $g.80 Fire Extinguishers, standard auto size; filled and complete $r7.50 with bracket. .. I Spotlights, standard brands, many styles to select from ?3-5 ?11 .75 Parking .25 to Lights . Automatic Windshield . r Cleaners , .95 ?fT.00 ; to. Tool Kits every niotor-.': ist would like one:- f d to Windshield Cleaners 91 -50 Chime Exhaust Horns 10 ?5 Bullet Side SO75 iir.... w up 1 Lights, pair. up ral Auto Supply Go BROADWAY AT COUCH ST. (S. E. COR.) PORTLAND, OREGON Z: i siii'" in MiaSf iiTT n-n- -- r - "--