X .v.,.:- - . .? r . ? - - . - . ct M ioUKIIAU SUNDAY MORNING, ' DECEHBEXt : 17; 1922 X: 7 f. . m - r jj : 5XM 1 v.-.-...v- M : :';-i..-!K .S:':-;' A DELIGHTFUL bridge party was given Wednesday of last week, when Mrs. William Daughtrey Jr. enter tained. Mrs. Theodore J. Langtpn, who before her recent mairiage was Miss Beatrice Quackenbush, will leayel shortly to make her home in Los Angeles, CaL " Mrs. L. H. Hol man, a Portland matron who entertains frequently. Laurelhurst i Clufe to,.Give Nevv YearHop ' f 1UJS annual $ew Tear dano of -X t uralhurst tub win t triven 'Saturday eveeaing at th clubhouaa, undr tha auapicea of the Women'- ' roffrtt mitm Unit, vrlth Mrs. W. R. Stmons as chairman. Kewpie dolls, dressed by members of the club, will be on sale, the proceeds to be used for the purchase of the lot adjoining- the clubhouse, Tuesday the weekly meet ins1 of the Women's Progressive Unit 111 be held, with luncheon at 1 p. m. " A special card party will be held Thursday eveeninv as a culmination of the membership drive for the purpose of Introducing the -new members. OlOIOiOiOiOIdiOl Give, Her, Furs X for Xmas Hudson Bay TH GIFT OF ;GIFT& ' Radical Redactions' . 20W PREYAIL-';.:. HUDSON BAY FURCOe ' CcHabie Far Manafactorers West Park & Morrison I t t' t " " " " Two EnglisK Visitors Made Honor Guests TA JJQHTFyt. visitors who spendlnjr two or three months here are Mrs. WtUlam Watson Reid and her daughter. Mrs. J. Douglas Carrick. of Carlisle. Etaa-Iand. Roth ! - ed Portland before, and Mrs. Carrick. no is . remembered as Miss Jessie Reld.' spent a year on the. coast with her sister. Miss Helen, who now lives in Burma. She Is the wife of J. Les lie MoCaiium, a promtnant offloial for uie ngusn governments and as such played a leading part in entertaining of the Prince of Slam and also the Prince of Wales on their recent visits t Burma. Both Mrs." Reld - and Mrs. Carrick are greatly traveled and . have spent n urma. They are house guesu of Mrs. Raid's -brother, Mr. J. Thorbura Rosa, and are visiting other relatives In McMinnvUle and Astoria, and . hero la the city many friends, new and old. are entertaining then in many interesting ways. Among these social events Mr. and Mrs.. Row were hosts to 20 for a delightful family party. In honor of their guests Thanks giving day. ' Mrs. H C. , Wortman en tertained infonally at tea in honor os tae isitors last week. - -i . .... , . , . - . -- Miss Same Stuart- was . hostess for an attractive dinner Tuesday evening at Hotel Portland. Covers were placed for Judge and Mrs; Martin Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. fidgarW. Smith. Mr. ahd Mrs. James A. Coon, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Boqulst. Mr.- and Mrs. Xwls xiaoaii. Mr. and Mrt. Fred Noe, Mr. Wsadeu Kelgh PhiUipa and the hos- Lenore Thomas ells Betroth a to Mr. Kiefabef AT a charmingly appointed mncneoa . In the gold room of the Multnomah hotel. Saturday. Miss Ignore Thomas announced, her engagement to Mr. John Gilbert KJefaber of this city, v The ta bla was artistically decorated with rosea, and ferns. 1 - ' . Miss Thomas is the daughter of Mrs. Frances Thomas of this city and is a graduate of the College of Notre Dame, San Jose. CaL, a member of the Hunt olub and for . several years has ' been studying voic tmder John Clatre aeon- telth. - :. : - Mr. Klefaher. who ie assistant man ager of the Multwnnah hotel.: is the son of Mr. John Frank Kiefaber of Dayton, Ohio. 'He to a member of -the Sigma Chi fraternity and local civic- clubs and he served overseas in the ar wjth the 69th C a: C. Mr. Kiefaber was--- stu dent or the university or Mictuxan.c' j . .Therweadteg will, an event of the near sutura. The 'third of the series of subscrin- tlon dances " given by the Drill corps ot Oregon comraandery No. 1, Knights Templar, was held , at Chrlstensens ball last Monday evening. During tne intermission, the guests were fa vored .with a dance by liss Mary uzaoeui wiineim, swne is a very tal entea ntue dancer. . The foUowine attended: Messrs. and Mesdames F. W. Aries, W. B. Burton, William R. Boone. Verdi Berg. George -Cannon, w. 1. Cornell. George H. Crawford, Fred Cooper, George B. Cellars, A. B. Davidson, Elmer A. Droste, J. G. Durat, J. E. Davis, I R Eider, Ernest W. Ellis, A. G. Flndlay, C Emll Force. Gen F. Greene. A. Gleia, R. J. Gordon, Doy Gray,: O. A. Hess. F. w. Howell. Arthur H, John Bton. p ranch S. Jones. Robert Krohri, Kellogg, W. R. Kaser. Carl G. Liebe. j. I JLatture. Frank- ucaa. F. J. Laird, Frank M. McCriUis, Frank McJury, Charles Mills, Robert Martyn, T. L. Malloy, Dolph R. Norton, John C. Osborn, J. R. Oswald, P. P Popple ton, li. c Powaau, Wallace J. Phillips, cnaries Runyon, R. D. Rennie. Ed ward Reed. Albert H. Schmidt. Robert Skeen, Fred Simington, Russell H. Stephens, F. T. Stone, Win H. See. W. C. Stone, H. C. Thompson, A. H. Trego, Bn F. Van Klrkf Fred W.-Wagner Sard Wiest, C. W. Toung, R. T. Wing er, W. . Kincaid, W. C Smith. Henry Harlan and Messrs. C Hanzllk Jr George Meredith, Alexander M. Oliver, James A. Ormandy, E. R. -Rasmussen, Carl H. Sigglm, Randolph Simpson, G Stanat and Mesdames Mays, Weber, and the Misses Grace Walsh. Hart. Slgglin. Edna Tait. Lulu Woodland. and Lochridge. - A number of her friends who were members of a BOO club some 20 years ago gave a surprise party for Mrs. R. P. Graham at her home. Tuesday. The afternoon was spent at bridge, followed by luncheon.. Those Included In the guests' list were Mesdames A. L. Hasaler. W. J. Crain. W ' H Set ver. George P. Henderson,' .T." J. Mur phy, O. M.. Plum jtierand.J. H. Rich mond. - Mis Dorothy Cochran, who hae been the. bouse Yuest "of Miss Ruth Bruere, left Wednesday morning. for her home in Washington, D. C Miss Cochran was the incentive for many delightful social affairs during her stay and made many friends among the younger eel t- .- . -. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Robert ot the MaUory hotel are making an exten sive tour of the East and South. They will spend some time in Florida, later going, to; New Tork and may -visit .Bermuda berore returning to- Portland. v wH Scalps oy - . -: . . ; Assembly dub entertained with an enjoyable dancing party at Laurel hurst clubhouse, Friday evening. These affairs are given once a month and are siways largely - ; attended. ; Patrons and patronesses were Messrs. and Mesdames W. IL Masters, R. H. Camp, Guy Johnson. John Kelly, James A. C Tait and. Dr. Clifford Moor. " Mr.: and Mrs. Henry Hognes enter tained, a bridge club. which includes 16 merSbers of the younger married set, at their home "PTcdaesday cve- Aa&urg can Be Beffer aar . the remarkable . me of tltaf rimderfiulnett fom'c SCALP-TONER THE TJARltfELLQ . COSZ1ZTIC SHOP : .3rAT KMILT XKWJrAV", f"3 ErttaJwsy j":'-t 1 -. , . i,i. - v " - -- , ' , ' - t ' 1 j- , ' , - - Vt l u syrXJ . c But Music ! Wliat- 6iMM2 i si Duo-Art pianos 750 up. Steinways 925 up. . Player pianos 395 up. Upright pianos 3 50 up. . Grand pianos 645 up. Many other excellent pi anos at variety of prices. Music rolls cut to order Standand player rolls 75c to 1.50. Vktrolas 25 tip." Wonderful Victrola val , lies around 100 to 250. Victor records 75c up. . Piano benches 14.50 up. ' Music rolls and cabinets. T TiTA VE YOU remembered musk this jLjjf Chiisbiias Jrlaveyw joy throughput ' the year '&at music vdU Have you thought of the Duo-Art piano, thatjmarveloiis imtnimerit that givfes the mas tymrowh household as a breathless audienc . : , y : . --y--' r:: . -' - Have you thought of the i Pianola? The many: noble instruments that give complete command of music to hearts Aaryearni to gers that never learned: to play? v ' . " ' - ij -. - - - . . .t ' " - t .- " Have you thought of the Victrola? Of the dancing, the kughih the listening to melody that it will bring to your fireside?. Have you thought what a perfect small gift evena Victor record or a good player roll has become? Have you .thought of a musical merchandise able at this House up and down the coast? j. Convenient terms cordially extended. K vr . 1 - Sixth and Morrison Streets PORTLAND r ; r - '.- Opposite Postoffice .-1,- - SEATTLE -TACOMA - SPOKANE vi.:- J P