?nmrorjGOX etjnday journal, Portland, Sunday morning, December .17, 1922. r ' " r - -:,K::.?ii-.&-ixr:Vy:... y t' .r 4 " - - '. -5 I 4 " " I X . ..V 4. , X. i !'. ' ... s (, . . . .. 'v : . v ,v 'jv"'... 41 .... x-x- .:::.-. -i-:-:..: ...-..:.v;.;.;-:-:.:. "? -vv :o-. ; :-::. ::-.'4-:-.v.- .-- -5 - . w V M r "l, " """C V ' ' MRS. THOMAS SHARP JR. is one of the patronesses for the Chi Oinega ball .at the Hotel Multnomah, De cember 27. Another affair which is causing a vwide stir of interest in Portland is the American Legion. New Year's fete, "A Night in Paris," for which Mrs. C. D.'Bruuh is one of the patronesses.- , ": ; :',J'v,' . ' Annual Dance Will Be Held At Waverley APKOGRAM of interest is ,beiriR plinoed for tha members and their friends of Waverley Country "club "for th holiday season. , Saturday evening, receinber 30. tfee annual New Tear's dancing party will be held preceded by a number of large dinner parties. Many attractive features in keeping with -the season are. being planned to make the evening a success. New Tear's day the club will hold open house from -2 :30 P- m. until" 5 :30 p. m. A buffet luncheon Will be served and all members and their families are urged to attend. ... Mrs. .William A. Rood and little daughter. Joy. have Just returned from a four months sojourn in Hono lulu, where they . visited Mrs. Rood's daughter," Mrs. Jack O. Nelson (Mar jory Rood). : . . -.- ; . , Wisconsin State society will hold its Christmas ' party Wednesday. " evening at Turn Verein halU 13th . and Maio streets. A fSiristmaa program has been arranged by Miss Gertrude Ost and there will be ;' refrcshrnents, dancini and cards.-- ' J - - ";. ..'--! tDiir T.ow;t SPECIAL ) REDUCTIONS ON COATSi AND. SUITS Fresh Try'day Morrison. St. BU 4th and 5th Fancy Dress Ball to Be Gala Affair ONE of the largest and most brilliant of the many holiday entertain ments will be the fancrv dress ball at which Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis will entertain New Tear's ' eve. As New Tear's falls on Monday, the festivities will not bepin until the stroke of 18, heralding the new year. Many novel and attractive costumes ara i being planned for the affair, which wilt be preceded by a number of large dinner parties. Among those who will enter tain are Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires. Mrs. red H. OreA and Mr, and Mrs. Henry L Chaney. ; . TSe are expert in dyeing hair with Inecto Hair " Dyeing,- the only dye that cant be detected, that dyes any shade.1 Scientific scalp- treatment. Tjry ti3 when others, have failed. Graduate operators in alj lines. Also spe cUliata in acaip treatments, i . Mra; WHITE m?2 FLEIPXER BLDGi . iothatid vAs:::::3ra srs. r MissMcGuire Is Married to Dr. St. Pierre TWO little flower girls, Marjorie Cherry in dainty white et with French roses and Marienne Cherry in auaint pink taffeta frock, both carry ing tiny colonial bouquets, escorted the bride. Miss Marjorie McGuire, at her wedding to Dr. Edward Walter St. Pierre, which occurred at the borne of the bride's parents, Mr. and air, uugn McGuire, Saturday' evening. Gowned In m Imvlr crution jf brocaded velvet onVctolffon, her veil arrangetlf from a. Spanish comb fashioned from rare old lace, a family heirloom, juie onoe ao vanced to the improvised alUr of rose and orchid chrysanthemums, with trail lne smilax and palms as a background. Miss Dorothy McGuire, sister of the bride, wearing orchid chiffon with crys tal trimmliwr and carrying an. arm bouquet of Ophelia roses, was maid of honor. ' Little Lane Monson. in black velvet suit, bore the. ring. Or. Harold Leonard Bowman officiated , and Dr. Ralph St, .Pierre attended his. brother as best man. : Miss Theodora Stoppenbach . played Lohengrin's , wedding march. . accom panied by "the Thalia stringed orches tra. Mrs. Blanche - Williams Seger strom sang "Because", during the cere- moor. The drawing room where the bridal ceremony took - place was a mass of chrysanthemums' in rose and orchid tones, ' Christmas decoration of holly and red berries were used,. in the re- Celying room and a color scheme of rosea, lilies -of-the-valley and pal ma in the .-dining, room. Receiving with the bridal party were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGuire and Mrs. Blla K. St Pierre , of Salem. At the refreshment ' table : were Mesdames James P. Honeyman. T. "N.: Stoppen bach. Charles Monson. Charles Cherry William Bldon Furnish. Girald Bishop. Frank Loomia Beach and Henry Trow bridge. Mrs. Kates Snedecor, Mrs. J. R. Coffee, Mrs. Robert ilcMurray and' Miss Mary Blossom presided at the punch bowl. Assisting in serving were the Mi-sea Lucile Mabel. Ella Si- Pierre, Leone - McLaughlin, Margaret Hawkins." Myrtle , Smith. Alice Wtl helm:: Mary Long. , Katherine Laiiliaw Henriette Weber and. Louise-Manning. Out-of-town eruests were Mrs.. Sam uel B. Monson of Sah Francisco,' Mrs. Charles Cherry of Oakland, Mrs. Emma Macklin of Pasadena and Dr." and Mrs. Ralph St. Pierre of Anacortes. Wash. Miss Jeanette Dentler and Mr. John Dentler came up from Corvallis, where they are students at Oregon Agricul tural college, to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents, Colonel and- Mrs.. Clarence E. Dentler.. Miss Rachel Coleman , of Long Beach. Cal. Is . the house guest of Miss Dentler for the mid-winter' vacation. Fine" Picture Framing - QUICK 8EKTICE " ; , Large AitortneBt ef . Christmas Garids J Ortglaal urn JDUtlaeUve PICTURES PAINTINGS : Ftae Arts 469 Washi Near 14th . OspesiU Taa Ger4ers ; r . OPES ETE515GS ' ' Announcement of Engagement Great Surprise "OMING as a complete surprise to l a her many friends was the announce ment of the engagement of Miss Ruth Bruere to Mr. Charles Newel Hoggins, which was told at a bridge luncheon for which Miss '.Bruere wa. hostess Tuesday. The news was told at a novel fashion. At a srgnal from the young hostess, the guests pulled on the silken streamer which , extended : from ae lovely flora centerpiece to each place. at the end or wntcnt were attacnea dainty corsages with little cards bear ing the announcement. A color scheme of rose and orchid was used in the ta ble ..decoration. , : . t ' The. affair wae given in honor of Miss Dorothy Cochran : of Washington. D. C who returned to her home Thurs day, and the guests included the Misses Mary Helen Spaulding, Dorothy and Lillian Mitchell. Eioise Huggins. Har riet Griffith. Georgianna Mears, Edith Marshall, Janet House.: Margaret Cook, Snsanne Caswell, Louise Hoyt and Mrs. fieverin Harkson. ; " Miss Bruere is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gustavo E. Broere and is one of the popular members of the debu tante set In Portland, f . She graduated from Knox's school this passed June. Mr. Huggins la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nathaniel Hugirins, is a grad uate of Worcester Polytechnic Insti tute of Massachusetts: and a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He served overseas in the late war.- The wedding will take place in June. An interesting engagement la that of Miss Ruth Eulalla Glrard and Mr. William N. Toung, announcement of which was made last week" in Inde pendence, the home of the bride-elect Mies Glrard Is an attractive and pop ular girl with a wide circle of friends. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Glrard of Independence. The marriage will take place in March. Mr. Toung is the son: of Mr. John E. Toung, chief of Portland's fire bureau He Is a graduate of Hill Military academy and attended Oregon Agri cultural college. ! '. -. . A wedding of wide interest in college circles will be that of Miss Helen May Goodwin, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Goodwin of i Veneta. to , Mr. Hugh Neal McCallum, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. McCallum of Eugene. The wedding will take place December. 22 t the Christian church in Eugene. Both young people are graduates of the University of Oregon. The exhibit of painting which has been held at the home of Mrs. Alice Welster, No. "55 Stanton street, for the past week, will be continued from Tuesday until Thursday, inclusive, this coming week. Not only painting,' but many articles of hand painted china will be on display. . Take Broadway car. i Mr. and Mrs. Max : Friendenthal left Saturday for Los Angeles, where they will spend the holidays with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Armer. Miss Maxine Frieden- thai has been visiting her sister In the South for some weeks. Miss Alberta Bair was hostess to a delightful luncheon Saturday week when she entertained 14 intimate friends of Mrs Luis A bell I at luncheon. She also entertained with a bridge luncheon Monday, covers being , laid for 14. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H Martyn of Chicago are receiving congratulations from many Portland friends on the ar rival of a daughter, bom November SO. She has been called Nancy. Governor and MrsL Ben Olcott, who are now in the East, are planning to return via Los Angeles and will spend the holidays there with relatives. Mrs. Henry I- Chaney is expected to arrive home Monday. She has been visiting in the East.; ! The marriage of Miss Inez A. Howell to Mr. Peter J. Schabert was aolem nized at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. B. Schuman, Wednesday eve , " Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gibson are now domiciled at the Stelwyn apartments. Christmas 'Gift "A gift to the baby is a gift to the whole t family." Below Toe offer sugges tions, at prices ranging from 25c to $9.50. ! Bootees 25c io $1 .85. Hood and Toques 65c to $3.25. Sqcques $1.25 to $3.95. Mittens 50c to $ .35. Bibs 35c to $130.: l' Blankets 95c to $5.95. . Silk Shoes 95c to $125. Ribbon Novelties 35c to $325. : Carters 35c to 75c. . Comb and Brush Sets 65c to $1.75. , Sleeping Bags $4.95 to r-, . $9.50. ;-v - Silk Quits $2S5 to $6.75. The Rose Baby Shop 388 Morrison Street Babys ning, December . Rev. William T. McElveea officiated. - Before the oere-; monjr Miss Rose Miller sang and the wedding march was played by Mrs. A. C Harris, The bride's attendants were i Mrs. E. A. Freeman and Mrs. W. B. Schuman. Mr. Arthur Beckman acted , as best man and little Nadine S"fr"Tntti and - Lorain c Freeman were flower girls. The ring bearer was .Marjorie HoweXL A reception followed with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levis, -parents of the bride, receiving with -the bridal party. Miss Gertrude. Schabert and Mrs. Ar thur Beckman cut the tees and Mrs. A. C Harris presided at the coffee urn, : 4 ' . ." ' -. . A surprise Party was riven for Miss Evelyn Blessing, at her home recently when- It - members - of Franklin v high school entertained with an evening party and buffet supper itn her honor. Miss : Blessing . was recently appointed head of the- editorial exchange and personnel." department of the school Weekly paper,' "School Daze." v WestmoVeland Community club held a bazaar at Bohemian hall.' Saturday, December 9, the net receipts "of which were about 9900. This sum will go to rthe clubhouse building fund. Mrs. D. C Haaden was in charge of the dto- l-gram and Mrs. H. Booth sponsored the affair. ';. . ; . Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Rossiter Hinea will entertain with a dinner party pre ceding the dancing party at which Mr. and Mrs W. B. Roberson will enter tain December 27. - - w wwifisMwi Furs and Individual Style Shops Gauntlets of imported kid of almost caressing soft ness, with the beaded back and caff, with the striped cuff, the clown cuff, the lily cuff, the barred cuff or the brace let cuff. 2-clasp kid gloves in all colors and every, smart style.. Gauntlets, priced 2.65-7.50 2-clasp gloves, 1.85 to .50 STREET FLOOR Pullover woolen sweaters, in firm close weaves; in smart, natural brushed wool, in the colorful "Dab-dab" patterns, all priced 5.95. Masculine brushed wool buttoned sweaters, worn beltless, priced from 7.95. -'-. Silk scarfs A colorful lot of wide, fringed silk scarfs, with " Roman striped ends, is very specially priced 8.95, STREET FLOOR Remarkable for its sturdy quality is a lotof silk Jer sey petticoats, specially priced 3.95 ,.': Slender skirts in radium crepe, with embroidered scalloped finish, or a saw tooth hem formed of. hem stitching, in any ' lovely color yon. could name- -t priced 5.75. Legion Rageant Dec.3bWillBe THE t -Pageant of the . Nations," a American Legion benefit December' 80. promises to be a riot of color and from the marked interest - shown by ' large groups, of local people will be huge access. Miss" Josephine Dillon, late of the Metro Pictures corporation,' will direct the pageant. Another , feature which -Is always cause 'for ''merriment will be the .Country Fair. Prominent society matrons, groups from the sev eral women's dubs sad college sorori ties are lending their untiring efforts to make this year's celebration more successful, and enjoyable than the one given to usher to 1922.' -. : Mr. and Mrfctwuham". Lewis Brunei (Madeleine ' Barratte) are being con gratulated on the birth of a daughter; Monday. The .' tittle i on - has been named Virginia. ji. :' S i .. - . A delightful luncheon was given Sat urday as a compliment to Miss Myrtle MacLean. a popular bride-elect, when the Misses . El vera and Lillian . Ander son entertained ; in her honor.. Seated Negligees house robes There is warmth, charm and color in our choice of robes and negligees; for gifts as you will agree, once you've seen them I " , Changeable satin breakfast robes ... . . . . ..... . . . . . . 6.95 Crepe, de Chine negligees, from ................ ... .15.00 Padded -satin lounging robes ........... . 13.85 Warm corduroy robes unlined . . . ....... . . . . . 430 to 5.95 Lined at ...5.95 to 1030 . - STREET FLOOR ' - : ' Silver lace,- bits of ostrich, silk buds, shirred satin rib bons combine to exquisite effect in delightful negligee garters. The price 'range is 125 to 395. Brassieres Lace of a firmness that be lies its delicate appearance, r fashions a number of prac ' tical brassieres that fit well over the top "of . the lowest of corsets. These sell for 130 :i30.; ; ; .. Satin brassieres, with eyelet embroidery, sell for 330. : I Write Harriet Lee for STREET about the attractively appointed- table were Mesdame T. A. Gar bade. Ward A. Irviaa, Owen - Maris. Thomas H. Banfield.. 'Arthur Rudeen. . Lawrence Cunningham and Sari Zimmerman, .the Misses Edna Cobb, Hilma Fox. Mildred Pegg, Dorothy Anderson, the , honor guest, and the hostesses. :A '. y" .-',' '" " " . The Salem O. A. tXclub will sponsor a dance for students of the college and their friends on the evening of December-d in Salem. - AH Coos county -high school seniors have bera invited to . at tend the dance ' in Marahfleld to be given -by Koostuh. the college Coos county club, -December tX.- Students, alumni and former students andhlgh school seniors numbering 200 are ex pected to attend this event., according to Mr. ; Rudolph HUlstrom of Marsh field, president Attn ,labf '?.ii ' Dr. and Mrs. E. C Roeeman. No. 1080 Cleveland avenue, , entertained - at a family dinner, last Sunday. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rosaman, Dr. A. G. Rossman of this dty and Dr. and Mrs. J. H.. Rossman, of. HUlsboro, Oregon. . V ' Mr. and Mrs.; Henry Clay Judd will spend Christmas with Mrs. Judd'a fam ily in" Pendleton. She will: leave Wednesday for Pendleton and Mr. Judd will Join her at the end of the week. ' ; ; ' -.. - .1 . - v:,- ' r Dr. and Mra Charles L. Stolte who recently returned from their wedding tour have ' taken apartments at the Stelwyn.'---.:.;;:.": ' ,: . mm Slippers Black quilted satin gives .firmness to chic little mules with perky French heels ; or slippers lined with rose, blue or violet ; Mates ZS0 Slippers 4S5 ; Glovesilk Vests that finish their bodice tops" with filet or Irish edg ing, sell for 2.45. . - Bloomers,: with knee ruffle finished with lace,' at 355.. I Vests .with filet or Irisl in . sertion, topped with lace, at -3.95.sThe bloomers 4.95. Christmas suggestions!: FLOOR V - " ' Mrs.v Eiiwef to Read Play? by Glemence Bane SOCIETT folk; are . keenly interested in, the draroatie impersonation to ha given ' by-Ruby Pag Terguson (Mrs. Anthony.Euwer) 'of Clemenc Bane's gripping play, ; A Bill' of Divorcement, at the Multnomah hotel ballroom, Tues day evening. This paly proved the sen sation of ,New. Tork' last season, and under Mrs. Euwers clever Impersona tion will lose no whit of. its dramatic intensity.-. Mrs Euwer? is a; dramatic reader of national note, and as this is. the first play she has given this season more than the usual interest is attached to the event. Among the prominent society matrons who are Sponsoring the recital - are : Mrs. - Margaret Burrell Bid die, Mrs. A." A. Morrison Mrs.- Lee Hoffman, Mrs. Ernest WUlard, Mrs. Warren E. Thomas. Mrs. W. A. T. Bu shong, Mrs. Donald Spencer. Mrs. Elisa beth -; Andrus, Mrs. Charles Edwin Sears, Mrs. Edwin Seetey Parsons, Mrs. Natt McDougall, Mrs. Emery Olmstead, Mrs. F, S. Belcher, Mrs. George T. Ger linger. Mrs.'Xucy Dodd Ram berg and Mr. Walter Cook. ' ' US SUE. ZD Broadway at jtlorrisorf A ' special holiday price . tags a select group of stone marten scarfs- , . 1- skin scarfs. . .... .3930 2- skin scarfs 7730 ' Foxes in all the newer '. dyes of beige, platinum, . and:Wue,;variou$ly. priced ' -at.; IV.,.. v75X)& to 110.00 There, is - ho' choicer gift than the - Liebes quality fur! t . street floor Overblouses in flat crepe, satin and crepe de chine, brilliant - hued or deeply coloredan ideal , assort ment. t , .Matelasse jacquettes, priced from 10J00. ' Beaded overblouses, priced from 10XK). Printed v crepes, , priced - from 10XK). . . Embroidered types priced from 10J00. Tailored blouses " Faultlessly tailored of sturdy tub silks with Peggy neck or shawl col lar, priced from 830. STREET FLOOR ' Nightgowns of soft silks," priced from 4.95 to 1930; . Sets. of silk chemise and ' drawers, priced from 4.95 . to 6.95 the garment. Envelope chemise,, in silk," ; priced from 330 to 1930 ' a truly exquisite array I