;2 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING,: DLCET.IBER 17, 1S22. i I -., VV j ' 1 I i ,r rr XV ; J - nlRS. :0LEMAN H. WHEELER left this week for V4 California for the holidays. She will make aa exten sive trip abroad, with her daughter before returning to -her Portland boiae Mr, Robert Tucker wa$ hostess for a de lightful Christmas party recently. WilsoffloBe Horibred at Gathering AN KVENT of social airniflcaece wilt b a testimonial and "silver shower' for the benefit of the Wllen foundation fund, which will Meur on the ltr- j sixth anniversary of Weedrow Wll- i aon'fl hirthdav. December IX. fa the t parlors t th. Hotel , Portland at t p. ef the large? cities -of the nation. The Portland gathering will be unusually ( brilliant ii Its arrangement. Mr. J. RoeeFargo and Hiss Nina Dressel will entertain with a series of selected son-. A small group of the Whitney Boys' chorus will sins a' special ar rangement of the "Holy City" and other carols, reflecting the yuletide season. "Open -f.ouse, will bo kept. Tributes "will be paid the ex-president by representative inert and ..women tn all -walks of life. The vim torn will be received by Messrs.. and Mesdames Joseph Nathan Teal. Henry "B. Van J Dumer. Harvey G. Starkweather, Ou- wald Wett, Charlos ,J, Smith. .J. W. J Morrow, Bert E. - Haney, Elton Wat Jkina, F. C. "Whltten. George A. Love- Joy. Fredk Vojrler, Richard W. Monta- J rue. Cos .I-- McKerma,v D. Chambers, 4 Lotus L. LangIey.Wm Moerv-ia T. I Hedlund, George P. Alexander, W. S. TJren.-J, D. Ma it. -.Mesdames C. a J Jackson, J. CouUen Harre and I K. Paetrotrich, Mies Helen West and Mr. Frederick V. Holman. - 1 1 iA weddins of inUrest in Portland is that of Miss Elixabeth Meacham Red dinfton and Mr. Donald Joseph Stew- J Alpha Delta Phi sorority houxe at the University of Wasaincton. Satur- day. The bride-elect is a member of .3 Alpha Delta Phi and the daughter of I Mrs. - Elinor Meacham Reddlngton of I Seattle and with her mother has been I vtslUng in Portland for the passed few months. Mr. mewartls formerly of I Spokane, bat la now associated with 'A. . Doyle, archlteota, f this city. J He is a member of Beta Theta PI ira- temtty and both, young people are graduates of Washington State coUeg. They.rUl reside in Portland. 5 I J . V- ; i ' ' n siuisuiu anuiv Lea was given Saturday afternoon -as a complUaent I to Mrs. Pred p. Gram, who will leave shorUy to spend the holidays ta Call- foraif. Mra Carl Z. Hansen Jr. was V Che- hostess and guests were Invited to make op four tables. During' the after noon Miss La Belle Epperiy. enter f tained with a group of songa, i A tea nv aars. uenry nartje prestaed at tba tea Bra and Mrs, H. ' P. Rudd eut tcea, Mrs. Ernest Stoppleman, Mrs. David WQlls Bowles. Mrs. .Walter ! Baoon and Miss LaBeUe Epperty as e " ' Ctopla Social club will meet at the kome of Mr. and Mrs, M. Steele, No. Mt Xaat Taylor street, Monday evening to arrange for it next dance and card Mrty, to be held in Linnea hall. No. I cet Irving street. Saturday evening, January . VThe returns of their dance and card party- or .December t will fee gtvea. Those winning at cards ware Mrs. Mabel -Angel and C P. -Johnson, first prises ; - Mrs. B. 'S. Coa and E. Helmer, secoad prises. SIrs Feed P. Gram entertained re cently with a attractive bridge lunchaoa. e o ve o a FOR YOUR -CHRISTMAS' PICTURES Wa have added a larva Iere ef rea ef .Over the most exacting tastes, wer Frames fa ail the late polyehroaia karry-sp er4rs-.Oar Xjaas Cares I N I I Junior League Members To Give Show 11 134ffE3t8 ef th Junior league are 1X busy with plan tor, ahow to be given at the Helllg theaUe February I and I, which win be more or lees of a potpourri , of t musical numbers and clever 'aklU.! iilwiHll New York, who Has staged number : of similar producUohs-for ihe : Junior league in that metropolis very suc cessfully, will come to direct the local performance. She will arrive about January 4. The Christmas dinner of the Reed, college community in the commons Thursday evening was a jolly affair, with Mr. Howard Smyth of Portland as a jocose Santa CI ana A mammoth Christmas tree in the eenter of the room glistened with shlntng tinsel and electrio ernamenta Red tapers and holly on the tables added to the Yule tide atmosphere. St Nicholas ap peared; in the midst of the dinner to an accompaniment of ringing sleigh bells. -and out of a bulging sack took appropriate gifts for members of the faculty and campus eelebriUes, which evoked hilarious Applause and mirth. The annual Christmas concert of the chorus tn the chapel followed,. Miss Verda MeCaUum and Mis Hasel Pearcy of Portland wore la charge of the affair. . : e The pre-hollday week-end on the Reed college campus was a full one. A dance ta the men' social room pre ceded the presentation of "A Doctor in Spite of Himself." y Hellers, by the Reed Drama elub 1 the chapel Friday night. The freshman held a farewell supper party in , the Japanese room of the commons the same evening. Saturdajr hight the Quest staff . had a press "busf at the home- of the editor. Festivities began with a hike from the campus, the scribes starting at S ostoek and Arriving la time for a buffet supper at a'elfek. Dancing followed the busineet meeting, at which. Eastern Bothweli. Quest gate tO th Pacific Intercollegiate Press conference at tha TJalversiry of California, diacussed the work oi, tae ConvOntiOB,. .' y - -4 - - ' Mr. and Mrs. An tone Freidrteb ef tlie Reed eonege faeulty . entertained at an Informal dinner party at their home Tuesday eveninf . Those pros ent wwre Mtss Rachel Crenaulst. Miss Frances Barbey. Miss Alice Lathrop, Miss Margaret Westsats, Miss Bar bara Tram ball. Miss AUcs-aooov aar. F. W. Bacaraan, . Mr. A. T. Flegel Jr. wa boat for an attractive dinner danea jrivea at Hotel Portland, Thursday evening. Covers wens placed for Captain and Mm kl C PiSffeL Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Perctval. Mrs, dward DOlea of 1m Angeles,- who was turn Conor guest Mrs. Katharine Maua Captain Paul Hathaway, and tha bost, ... InvHattoaa are but for tarn etaaa Ing party at which Mis Gertrude Wood and ansa Bale fjiiinrtoa wui entertain, Tuesday evening, paoembe XI The affair will taka place la tha Arcadian garden ef tha Hotel Mult nomah, members at tat) high school and college sat aelaf Jnaluded U tha tn- vttauonai oat. . isssssaaessasssBaasBasasPssassi -a experleaeed mea aad ema satisfy lee ready-ssade Stand aad Wail experleaeed mea aad ema satis iee reaey-ssade Stand aad Wi aad aatiaee gold tialshso tmr m ' are different, with aew seattsaeata. e Girls Are Expected HereThis Week fiTHK sub-debutante set will be great- A ly increased over tha holiday sea son by the presence in town of a num ber of young misses'" who have been away to school. Among those who will arrive during the coming week will ba Mist Leslie Kerns, from Miaa Finch's school. New- York ; the Misses leo Tavts and Sara Jane Talbot are coming from Miss Ransom's school in California. The Misses Lois N itchy. Janet Griffith, Vlrgtnia Pittock, Helen airnsw rrancea bDauldinsr. Dorothy Reed. Margaret Devinson and Mary uriinta will arrive about Friday from aims college, California, and Miss Anna Adams, who la attending Bishop's school at La-Jolla, will be at home about-, the - same , ntna. . Among those oomlng from the University of Oregon are tha Misses Helen Ban and Virginia Pearson. , a. number of social activities arapjaiiwa; ot-hitettammeiit Ar&l Jinks'', party was: given py tha Alpha Beta Theta and . Gamma Sigma 1 societies of the Oreron State College of Chiropraetic at the Portland hotel, Saturday evening week. A pro gram was lurmanea py th toaoving Vocal solos, (soprano), Mrs. Mary Oor don Forbes; reading, Mrs. Rose Elliott: vocai t contralto. Miss Nellie Wehoef- fer; reading. Miss Margaret Getty : vocal (baritone), Mf, H. E. Smith 1 vo cal (soprano), Mra Mary Price, Mrs. Mary Holder Williamson was the ac companist fof the evening. Games, cards and dancing followed. This is tna beginning or a number of social events to be held by tha society. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Nordsy were hosts Monday evening at Hotel Port land for a beautifully appointed din ner of jb covers. Mra, Coiemaa h. Wheeler, who will leave soon for an extended visit abroad, was the inspir ation ror the occasion. Following the dinner tha party attended - tha Or- pheum. . INDIAN CHARACTERS - Mike Beastifsl XMAS GIFT V Hand-made, dresced In bright Beacon Indian Blankets, and with each character is a history on the -American Indian. GENUINE) NAVAJO RUGS, PENDLETON INDIAN BLANKSTS (of Round-U Fame), MoC easina and other novelties. -1600 of Pur Chief Multnomah have been purchased by tha King Food Products Company for Xmaa presents. 4 r WOODS INDIAN VILliAGE C0fi9TEK UTH AHO WASODTSTOH STIUKSTS (Originators, raakera and sol distributor af Woods Xndlaa Doll aad Novel Ueo) : Gift Furniture of Reed At Manuf acturer's Prices Opea Today (Sunday ... . . , - men 1 .mil 1 : I 1 . .. I I I Y I wi rV- Writlae Desks i , r i i i J ' J'-'.i Tafela Floor -77 I TT v.- Wilcox Family Sails to Join TourofWcorld jt,rK.- AND MRS. THEODORE? B. WILCOX. Mra, T. B. WBeox and Miss Flora : Jane Menefea embarked from ' Vancotrver, B. G, Thursdajr t or Shanghai.! China, - where they will board tha Laoonla for a world tour, A number ef Portlanders left last week oa this tour. ;v.:f? I -. University of Oregon Dainty cards bearing tha news of tha betrothal of Mlas Clara Scharpf, 24. and Mr. Wil liam Haselttne, It. both of Portlafid. appeared on tha dinner table of Kappa Alpha : Theta sorority. Wednesday night, Miea Scharf Is the daughter of Mra. M. -E. Scharpf ef Portland and Mr. Hasel tine is - wan known in tha circles of Portland hardware trade. She la a pledge in the Theta sorority house, having- entered the university for tha first time this fall, after two yearn at Monmouth. Tha announce ment of the engagement occasioned a short Informal get-together of tha two interested houses after dinner Wednea- day. . - '.- . . . . ' W W . - Mrs. .William Cadsby gave tha first Of a series of brldga luncheons at Ber home Friday, at which aha ntrtainea guests to make no four, table or bridge. Seated about tha attractive luncheon table were Mesdames O. M. Clark. Charles Laa Boss, A. C CaTiaa. George ; Simpson, McKonley autcbeo. Benjamin Gadsby," F. L. gtinson. John Annaad. Walter Gadsby, John Man nine. J. H. McKenzie. Cbarlea K. Run- yon. Kathleen Bailey. Bosooa R. GUt- ner, Aixrea t. jsonney, w. . wiggjiss sod tha bos teas. Wlllametta UalveraJty XateTrs temitv onen bouse at WlllametU uni versity resulted ta the three fraterni ties entertaining mora than 400 guests, This) g an annual occasion at Willam ette aad much Interest ta shown by tha student body aad tha friends of the university. Tba Sigma Ta. Kappa Gamma Rho and the pat Kappa PI entertained. Tha Alpha Fst Delta did not receive visitors on account ox aa lUneas to one of their memoara. e . e A lanra brldrt toa was given by Mra, JanriAa a. t.vodj at her bmM in Irrtaar- ton, Saturday, whan aba complimented Mrs. E. C Bteinman ef New York, a charming and popular visitor in Port land. Mrs. Bteinman is visinng nor narenta. Mr. and Mra, Henri Keatea. Saras tables were tn piay ana aaoi tionsj guests war Invited for tha tea hour. Mrs. W. J. Lyons, Mm' Clifton Logaa Lamping and Mrs, J. Kansas Matschelc assist ad taa nosxeas. Formal snnouttcetnent t mads by Mrs. J, Gorf inkle ef tha SBgagemant of her daughter, Miaa Sadie oornakia, to Mr. Sklward Braahem of Los An gelas. Tha wadding data aae not yet been get. v a a i Members of tho ChrisUrUon club art looking forward with eagerness to tba annual Christmas party to be given Monday evening at Christe neon's ball. The committee for tha coming party includes Misses Eleanor Blohia. Daaae Vogler, Ruth Sheldon, and Messra. Fred Rooney; Dr. Robert I onee ana Charles Merten. who are planning many features in keeping with tha holiday spirit Tha halt will be spe cially decorated for this popular elub. The next regular party has been post poned on account of New Year's day and wQI be held Jannarr f instead. ; iMr. and Mrs. Loula D. EhrP and on, Louis Jr., of Sacrametito, will ar rive today to visit Mrs. Ehrep'a sister, Mra. Nellie Glutsch and Miss Gertrude Dntsk Glutseh for tha holidays. - ' e e Tba fteirly alerted Officer of tba hi ontaaa club are Mr, George L. Mae Gibbon, president: Mra. M. F. Sloper, vice president : Miss M. C Church, sec retary;. Miaa B. M, Taylor, treasurers Messra o. T. iees. j. b. Bevan. ur, George w. King. o. k. waiter and J, 1 Cahlll, directors, Tha club extendi a welcome to ail Its members, the members of the various 17 state soda ties and all frieflds to a social dance and card party at tha Portland Social Turn Verein hall, No. Iht llth street. Thurodsy evening at to clock. A i large wedding reception at the Laufelhurst home Of Finnish Consul John Saart followed tha marriage of Dr. Emma Makl Wiekstrom and Mr, Eioeh M. Cox, which was solemnized t First Methodist church by Dr. Earl B. Parker Saturday evening. The . w w jr TJOB CHRISTMAS, any Woman would lev some dainty Reed Farnitura to add to tha charm and interest tt her home, - Today, drfva aver to Ur ehop at S19 WUliama arenua and sea what an un usually attractira variety at gift ypu can (iiwl, ' - ' 1 '" Come today3arly if yon can, and look pver, , Chairs, Rockers - m- X naisa Loantea . , Tea Cait;-, . Fletrer A-iakets Mid Basket les. Stands Bird Cares Lamps Linns' . ns. KtooU : Flower Boxes, etc. : .-- ....: : Specialty 319 Williams . Tab cre fTTTYvV mm m m 'SeW ..I' Avenue brida ia a graduata ef University of Ore -on saedicaj aphaol aad baa taxaa peat gradusta work a tha Chicago Northwaotera aad the Datvarsity- of Vieansw Dwmg fiva jus. psicUco tn Chicago ah aerved aa a cirairaJ staff of tha Pkyatana and Sorgaeaa eoiiege. TJtarvaratty af Iinaeis. aad waa cn Oregon's eSalcal stafT after vatwar tas to Portland. . During aar eight years pracUe here aha baa? bees iden tified with many iitHciaanrta meaaurea ha eluding lecturing for tha Oregon So cial Hygiene, society smd efieerahtp ta the court . ef domestic, relations. Air. Cox ia a native of Louisville, Ky wnere no nracucea law axter recetv- iner hia degree " from University of Georgetown. WaAhlngboa. D. -C- He also held elective efffces M Lowis- vflto before enterinar tha cevamorcial field. Mr. and Mra. Coa win spena the holiday seaaaa w4tn the bridea sister. Mra. B. A. Fisher of Stocktoa and Saa Franciaoow where ranch enter taining has aeaa arranged ror - caeca. On their return earry ia January, tha Urida win resume her aaadicai prac tice. Mrs. Georrff A. NichoUs aatertainad with -a. aurnrise aartr in hoaor of her huaband'e birthday. Friday even ing. at their home. ffo. 261 h street south. Cards were the diversion of the evening. High honors were award ed to Mrs. Roy L. Moore aael Mr. R. B, Sheperd- the consolation prxse romg ta Mr. Frank T. Stone. At ta sapper warn asrved. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames R. S. Sheperd. W. J BetL F. JT. Stone. R. 1 Moore, Mies Betty sTtssa and Messra. R. R. LaaghBa. E. Thomne ana Masxer aem ard Michalia. : . - . Mlaa Loataa A. Watneyar tt boner guest at a orpriaa party given by her mother, Mra. Nina G. NVemeyer, at her home Menday stftersoon. the occaatos t"e in as Nleneyeve Mrtb-day.- , Covers wer placed for Mes dames MeUta ' B. Gordon, EBa U Wimble, Eugenia- Westerbery. Gracla Sondeleaf Valeria. Betrrie, Margaret Hotdesw Effie M. Lerwia. Irene Doty. Daisy Abraham. X3va Tiofeener. Elixev betk 3, Seattle, the Utile Missee Bea trice Doty and Helena Abraham, the honor gae st aad the hestesev Oregon AgrictUtaral Cenganie e Wk ' rVnnlnrliM, af Mereed, Cat, ta Mr. Arneid Graamoaa, also ef Merced, ansa aaaawnced at a dinner party given at tba Chi Omega sorority bouse by Mlaa Carrie Ocunr pmagn of Portland, house mother for taa t vnagts, '. wss vsbbbsiwii u s Junior in home economiea at the Mn.n wTtfle Vr. Craasaeaa is a aenlnr at tha University of CaJtfornie. - , . -. e e e " . Oregon AgrleaKara College The en gageruewt ef Miss Fiesta Henderson of Amsty to Mr, Alfred Rudig. also of Amity, area announced at a Christmaa dinsey gtven at tha BeU Alpha sorority house. The news waa discovered in packages freea the Christmas tree. Miss Henderson, a member of Beta Alpha sorority, ia a'aophomore in commerce, aad Mr, Rudig a freshman In com- Mr, Hsgh Wallace, son of Mr. and Mra, W. H. Wallace, will arrive today from Los Angeles for tba holidays. He la attending school in tha Southern city. Mr. and Mra Wallace will en tertain with a dancing party for tha young friends of . their son. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Henry ef Stockton, CaX, aae the house guests of Mr, Henry's parents,- Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Henry. They win also visit Mra C. Edward Grelle, Mr. Henry's Sister. Mra. Eleanor Rockwell is the. house guest of Mra Carl Da vies. No. 82, SJast't 9th street north. Extra Men 's Socks Large assortment iVpjp 3 Pain for $2.50 'ABoxof Silk Hose Makes aV e r y Acceptable pffo Christrrm Gift Spcdcl mjfe Heather Hose $150 io $3 J 5 Leland Sixiith Takes French , i :Girl as "Bride OF TJfTEKEST, ta . ev trid , circJa of friends in Portland, is the news ef the . wedding of Mademoiselle Gilberte Garros ixJlMirl.f invitations for which war recelvad ta Portland Jaat weX; Ttta weddljig data waa set for, November JT to be bald ft SaJgaa FTench.5 Indo-na, where Mr.: Smith la United States consul Tha bride ia a -charming French- girl, tha daughter of Lieutenant Colonel and Madame Lehaile, aecond in command af -the French ; forcea at that placet. She waa educated in VersaiQea aad is an aceomDllalied. moaician. r Her brother. Roland Garraaw: waa aa af the celebrated acea la the 'Freneb air service darinkr tba lata wsr. -Mr. Smith la the son of Mr. aad Mra. Walter V. Smith of Portland and had e notable war career. . He is a CtsseeUer e the Legion ef Honor aad also received tha Roumanian war eroaav - He served aa a Heotenant ia taa American forcea and saw service ta ltBsaia aad Rouraama aa weu as France. Followtnar the war he entered tba United States consular service- It la expected that Mr- aad Mrs.' Smith wm visit peruana cany va .ta cca las year. mjfrm 1 -. ' Tta : spirit ' of Christmaa reigned Friday-Bight at the home ef Mr. aad Bars. A. P. Henningsen. tba occasion betes; a dancing party given for their sea : FHts Heaniagnen and . Mlaa Harrtet OrlfOth,,to, honor of their birthdays, whicl wwr oa ins; saa data.. Dwarfed - Christmaa tree . ia glittering decoratkma- wIf- toy bal toeaa auliiBg a gay soler . were used effectively aaoat . the xoosar r to give tba propeff esirra v touch, Fbitowing an evtilnz of. daxcing- s buffet gup per eraa served. About fiity ef tha iOioidioiOiOioioj Give Her Fura for Xma Hiidson Bay TUB GUT OP GIFTS Radical Redactions NOW PREVAIL HUDSON BAY ; FUR CO. Reliable Fpr Manof actareni West Park & Morrison fOiOIOfOfO? Men's Comfy : Felts with Comfy Sole $2.00 and$2J5 TV -Women's Comfy Felts With Comfy sole. Pink, Eaii$ Taupe, Old Rose, Light Blue, and .Copen hagen, all $250 - young- txiaaia of tba - trm p sored euesta weta preaat. " ' r v . Mr. And Mra. OF. Andrae an nounce the eacagement er. their daughter, . Mlaa Gertrude KSojee An erae. to Mr. Erio E. Hopgori,' 0B ft Mr. and Mra. C G. Hopaon. Miss An drea ta a Delta Zeta from: the Omega chapter end. Mr. Bopeoa ta a graduate of the University af Washington and a member of Sigma pru upsiioa xracer aity. The data far tba wadding WW be. set tater. - , - e e Mr. - aad Mra, Charles L Smith ef No. 174 Dana street, are reoeiviag congratalationa upon 4lje arrival of a baby daughter, bora Sunday. Decern ber la. The Utile lass has been named Laa Satta Ruth Smith. - - v, , . Mr. aad Mra. J. A. Prsjr have re turned from Califemia, where they spent : Thaakagivtng risiting their daaghtere, the Miasm Eeeiy . and ieoa rvasj wba- aura aatsasdiasf '-IfmTTBsQS Jabwates) ejrtartaiaed la- tiess) - tevteaVtsI flsVstW $mW& - ttetst fytttJ aembera ef taa anattaa eomsattte for toa Sjestarai' piscopal centry Bain ha Mra. WL K. be wtth par sistar. J. X, Grsgsay. ever, tba iwQsays, Captaia and! Mrs.' Galrs TfaSsaell - fev,a . -- u i t-TX2TM 5C Ucafcl.Giffcj c Practical Utility, Are Afrynyo Appreciated DUR AECODTXIENT INCLUDES EVKitY'liUNG FASHIONABLE m v xm?T xx i W:XXXi, rassssssls'isssssw'11- J w S' - X r Completer' 111 i- : r I 6 '- I All Kinds of VicIcer Furniture Including ' ' " i ' JARDINIERES FERNERIES DOW, BUGGIES CHILD ROCKERS DOG AND CAT BASKETS .SMOKE STANDS TABLES . CHAIRS, ETC, ETC . Manufacturer in Consumer Prices Portland VidccrFurniturie Co. I N. W. Cor. E.'- Broadway and ' i jmmnmm? sj S)J Deschutea - Tliey will return after Christmaa and erUl be the house guesta af Mr. aad Mra .J. P. O'Brien before tea vine for Saa Francisco, where Cap taia Woodward. Will be attached to the Presidio. , , - Fat -Ganuna chapter pf Gamma- Eta Kappa - will entertain ' with 1 New TeaVa daaee ar the Laarethurat ctab house, Friday. December 29. a.. Announcement: Faiarreaieat of Present LoeaOoa ' 2k'ee4ii Ui Inconvenience. .-, nassaAUsg , ; .. v ritiwo this jsriot , SOLD AT COKSIDEBABLT SLOWER PRICES A. R. PEUTHERT rr6aa4a Fraart sstva Farrlar ; 1S1 TcnOi St;J r atetweea Morrison aad Alder -trVX JMOELISl FOJi AD9 r JtBIEF, bat Oar -.- FAy& AS4$ LAtGK r resses yarns' Too S1 find hem a "smart gown for practically every daytime need! Tailored xrocks of Poiret Twill, distinct! v aad slender in line; wool jersey frocks, and gtrwna of Canton Crepe for afternoon. acb has aborxt it aa i envied tonch of t4-;i; :Xxmi-- ' :X' -'X :X l:-XiXXy,;- ? . - Choice Coats Stylish Coats 5TtTrf' as tha mode is slender. And as yon will be. too. Jn these coats. Sump tuous as the- mod is aumptuoua. And as :.-3roa--iinHe-teoL''. In these coats. EVery whimsicality of sleeve style. And aiay lrijhtly croamerrt. 'tt 'rrifr ilKftklslsiisiiiisiisiiisssssisM A BEAUTIFUL and USEFUL 1 XMAS GIFT One of our hand-made Wicker a vnarrs, made in our own lactory jj oy uie uwt vxpers wore men on- ji tainabla. Wa have them ready 3 made or will make them to your 3 U.4tn.l .-J Ttr. all to visit out factory and show- Sj room. . Stock of Union Ave Phono East S994 1 His Cigars YOU would probably , give -him a box of cigars if it weren't for the fact that the onen women buy are prov ' erbiaHy poor. Let as help " you select them. - Ve hare his brand, . ;.q.)y-Then, Too, There Aro Razors " -;' ;; JVashlights h Thermos Sefs : Traretin g Toile t Cases " ; . Flasks , Sharing Sets r- Knives Purses and Billfolds Ton may shop here at 'your . most convenient hour, too, f for of course we sever close. - xr- " Morrison, Near Broadway - 4i$ WAS H 1 3f G TO X S7T.TZT, BETWEE2t 1JTH ATTD 11TH Lest 7e Never C7"3