4 V SECTION FOUR SOCIETY "SUNDAY" "NV. -'-. '-"V . ' -: ". TWELVE PAGES . !J 4 , " PORTEAND, ? OREGON,-, SUNDAY MORNINGrrDECEMBER 17, 1922.- 'it X:)) O K- if -X V '.:-S.-.v. .0-'. 'J i I r I ''Z : 1 , , ' w ' ' r V, ' . J" - V v X - " ,V - - - - - s" - ;f - v 5 .4 Socially.-.'to '. Be y lif'-r - - ... fit i Br Hmi Hur tfiV XJMEIIOXJS aanclngpartiBvaid bo- cial affairs are planned for the coming week' that the' holiday eqason trfay be uehered In "properly. -Thla reicn of fesUvitiep will coiltlnue'weU into the! New Tear, and will be marked- by,.! number' of brilliant affairs. The "pres ence in town 'of , many students whp have been away .to school "and ' who are borne for the holidays wUl he the . in spiration for much of the entertaining As a preliminary to the entertaining for the younger set was ' the dancing party at which Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Henningsen were hosts Friday eventriK, as a compliment to Mtsa Harriet Grif fith and Mr. Frits Henningsen. whose birthdays ocenrrea-on'that-datei----;' Another enjoyable affair for-the de . butante set was the farewell luncheon given In honor of Miss Dorothy" Coch ran, which announced the: engagement of Miss Roth Bruere to Mr. Charles Newel Hoggins. . , , . Monday : afternoon a large group ' of the prominent matrons' gathered at Trinity parish bouse for the reading of "loyalties., by Sarah TruaxJ Albert. From the first these readings hays been most popular, and it is with regret that Monday's entertainment will mark the last: of this interesting j series, tit "Is" planned, however, that Mrs. Albert wiU give a reading 'January, 6, as, a benefit for the People's Institute. The dancing party, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge-T. Gerlinger Sat urday will bring out. the younger set Of special, interest is the reading at the Hotel Multnomah Tuesday evening by Ruby Page Ferguson (Mrs. Anthony Euwer) of "A Bill of 'Divorcement.' - . : - - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris have as their bouse guest Mrs. C W. Niemeyer of Edmonton. - Alberta, who ' will go from here c to Salem for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Uston. . She will remain in Oregon over the holidays. Mrs; J; P. Thompson is now 'at Cor- onado. Cal , where she wiU spend the holidays with , her son-in-law and : daughter. Commander and Mrs. Kor--man Murray Bmith.. TJ. S.r N, at the Hotel del Orenadow - r-X'- i Mrs. Henry Fleckensteta and Mttle son. Robert, left Thursday to visit her sister. Mrs.. A. D. WlUoughby, In Tacoma for the holiday season. It. Fleckenstein will join them for Chiist- Cards are out "announcing that Mr! and Mrs. Elliott Rubles Corbett wiU be at home New Tear's day to their many friends from 4 to ( p. in. Ptj '--L r' fV-V "v:- 6 : , y jj, ! 5; :? -v :jWS;.;:;".!! . 1 f ;.i...t,.'-: '1 ft. it- fell" - . i .. . .- . 1 .i- Vne or tne surprises ot tae weetwallhe announcement a very lovely home weddmg: last cverans Miss Marjone McGuffe.becameltla bncfc husBaad. Capfairi Poage are among the pew arnYals at Vancouver barracks. One of the btere-VKltcrs Is Irs Qafr is -bemg "eitensrvely' feted. &t$ "-fM .zaoi i(?Bladcat amos (Hcleri Haller). uncement ot the engagement ot Miss Kuth Bruere, daughter of Dr.-and Mrsi Gustave lBraereiMi!Charesewel : Huggins; ; At iMry. G airns dsHsSStess"!' at . . ; ". v -. . t . MRS. JAMES W. CAIRXS was host-v. ess at a, iarge card 'party for the wives of-the officers at' Vancouver bar racks. .This is tthe first of - a series ot eardpartieswhichwiu 'be given by th various -women1 of the post this season. . Mrsi! .T. ;M Harris entertained ths women of the . poet. Friday , afternoon in the ;Serytoe'clubroofns--with a large., bridge- party. .. '. lYotij 4 "f to- S , o'clock Captain; and JkIrs.M Harris received the officers of the. pol and- were hosts at a .tha dan8aot..;nie affairs was uiven in honor of Mrs. James W. .Cairns. ,' ."'-' !:;t 'rt j . - - : vMrsi-r Philip Ovcrstreet.-was hostess Tuesday a&ernoea' r at t bridge, v Four tables' were . in play, ,tilje was . assisted " in entertaining br-vMrs. jAr C. Toung. Captain Overstree has received or-, ders.ta Reno,Ney. iTheyviU leave in a few ;days.-, - , . Captain and t Mrs.- Joljn rC-- Gllthere are .- among the, new, 'arrivals : at . ths peet. H Captain Glithero has just com pleted two year' tour pt. service la Alaska. ;rv"k;.V.';. - . - " One of the -many enjoyable 'social functions, whichafe" being planned for the pleasure of, th many - members oC the HUb-deb set who, are home for .the holidays." .will be . the dance, given, at the home of, Mr.V and Mr. .George T. Gerlinger,, Saturday ,e-enipg. - The af fair is . being given . by.' a .number of tAs school set who have been meeting at the different, homes for' little Fri day flight dancing parties. ' . Assisting Mrs, Gerlinger, i rt ' receiving will be Mrs..Lloyd .We;wrth arid Mrs. Jef fie .Powers,"" "'".'' Mrs. -John TC Kollock invited a Bum- -berf of, children to her home Friday for a ' party : given' in ' honor ' of little Miss " Betty Lre wis. daughter of Mrs. Caril;l. .I-ewis pf SeatUc. wbo with iter mother is the house guest of Mrs. W.iJordan. ijXJ -. Iu nonor of her jiinth birthday, Mrs. Harry W. Sharp ; will entertain with, ; a party Saturday ; for her daughter, Mies , Kdlth Sharp. Invitations hav been sent to 25 of Miss Sharp's- UtUe friends. - :TT , . . , . - -r The 5 Misses ' Elixabetlj and - Marie -Josephine Hobeo entertained-a group of friends at' .thet Hotel; Portland sup per dance Thursday evening,. ; Cover were .placed for -.Jtt. . ' - X ' i.' ; 'iplj S41?--:V;r 1 1 Mr. and Mrs, C.- It. Chambreau hsve returned t from California, where tbey have .been - for . some time, and will spend the holiday season.with Ir. and Mrs. ,M. Bouvy at La Grande, Or. .