G REAL ESTATE FOR SAIX LOTS 403 IRVLSGluN DISTRICT i W have a number of choice V en J 5th, 10th, 17U. Ihlh. Fremont, Ciwli, Fail in and JS haver; easy tenu on most of these; m too extra, tore. , Johnson-Dodson Co.' 633 S. W. Bnk bM. . 1 v Main 8787.. - 8S23 $825 . . Makes you the owner of good tot tooted a njliiagsworth. avenn. near DeUwtn: eU improvement in and paid and f. carline. ,Baj new to ect exceptional -value. - , - W. I. GRDTFIT H Realtor. BITTER, LOWE ft CO., , Jfll-2-$--7- Bterd of Trade bBt' IBV.INGTON SPECIAL $1100 buy torrt tot fat 'trrinctoo aaaoog first class home. located , on East . llto, St. faciag cast, ISO It. south of Staa- .. KW. I. CBIFFITH, Realtor, - RITTE li, LOWE CO.. 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. . IRVIXGTON -, $200 euh, $10 mom Mr, 55x100. D Improvement paid; prica( $1600. Office opea Sunday. - lUllIISUIFlUUSUll - W 88 N. W. Bank bide. Main 8787. "-WEST SLOPE MT. TAHOB i $1000 EASY TERMS "TmI not I on int. an the west side of E. ' 88til atrwt nmr Hawthorn ae. ; all imp. la and paid, $200 down. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., '". ' 22S Henry bide. Bdwy. 4754. TATIijR NEAR 47TH . $750, eli improvement in and paid; may terms Office open Sunday. ' Johnson-Dodson- Co. ' $33 N. W. Bank bid. Main 8787. HOUSES 404 Paste this Ad iti -Your Hat W eannot show Ihii house before Saturday. Deo. 23 BUI RfAI FUKTHEK if yon want a REAL new JBOME cheap. ' 8 rooms, furnace, fireplace, warn trays, til bath, rosea tab shower, largo Bring rot-m, French door and windows, laws and thnibbery all in. fruit trees, pared street, 2 blocks to streetcar. 20 minute to town. Thie cannot be ' duplicated far les than 84500. Boy thia on. Sat.. Xeo. 23, at 83400 and pend the difference.' HILTON-DANIEL CO., 270 Stark at 5 Per Cent Interest 52895 Small Down lHki axtraordinaiyl Artirtlo. farn IVted bnnealow, garsse. corner lot; close to " car and school; sood aiaa tiTins room, fire placa. bnilt-in bed. 1 laree bedroom, white " bwirooD set, famished complete; yery artistic .'and good; no mortgage to assume; baL at 425 per month; owner leaving city; extra ' weH built; a real snap. Call unday. Tabor , tSomervi!Ie,Mn.3761 POlt BALM Beautiful 10-rootn modern reddence. Ground lUUxlOO. fuear highway and Port tend eleetrto. Oood school. 1 H miles Orecon City high school. This property i fully worth 36000.- Owner for bnainess reasons mtbt max a ehang. saya sell for 4760 (8000 cash, balance terms. U. O. DITJuMAS, Bealtor, root of alerator. Oregon City. IjATJBELHTJRST FORECLOSURE $5500 $500 CASH 3 Blocks from ear. hardwood floors throughout, ivory finish, tapestry pa per, full basement, best furnace. Tsepe't Laurelhont Tract Of flea, S8th and Glisan, Tbor 8438, or Tabor 8586. $495, Hawthorne Snap 7 room Queen A nni bungalow with hard- wood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-ina, cabinet kitchen, cement basement, wash trey, etc. (5 room down and 2 up). Lot is 60x100. Garage, paved streets and every thing. Price $4950. Terms easy. RTJMMELL As BTJMMELL, 39th and Sandy Automalio 320-60 274 Stark Street Broadway 6729 .OPEN FOB INSPECTION TODAY 1 p. m to 3 p. m. Modern 5-room Roe City bungalow; hardwood floor, built-in. fireplace, furnace, fuU cement basement; Kved street, close to car. Why pa? $5000 rd cash for an Inferior hams, when you can bay this weD built modem bungalow for leas money on terms f Call today. 726 East lt N. ROGER W. CART NEW LOCATION 142 Second St Main 2007. f WEST MT. TABOR Beautiful 7 room semi-bungalow, hdw. Honrs, full cement basement, laundry tray, furnace, fuel, shrubbery, garage, 60x100 tot, all Improvements in and paid, good Tiew of city. 1 block from car, near cehool. $6300. small down payment, or will con aide good hoot up to $4000 as part pay- Btar Keel Estate, Pis wueei oiog. WHY PAY BENTt ' When $400 win put you in a nice 5-rm. bungalow on 40x100 ft. tot in ML Scott, oa the ear Bnc $1800, $400 down. baL 41$ per mo.r and tat. H, W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS 432 Ch. of Com. Bldg. " Open eve and Sunday. Bdwy. 2641 -CASH TALKS Moat n this S room modern bungalow, Tjnllt one year am. and very nice lot with 4 bearing eherrv tree, right on Mt. Tabor earUne, near 82d st. Cast $1800. Will se'J for $12R0. half c.ih. Act quick on this. At- " water 3334. East 1364. $2300 STORK BDILDING $2200 Store building with 5 living- rooms, bath and beats: tot 50x100: on Interstate ave near Shaver. Price only 82200. $500 down win handle. Albert Harala, 801 Uls- tedppt ave. Walnut I Z 0 1. $100 DOWN BALANCE $20 PER MONTH . 4-room bunealow. bath. Vt acre rood snfl. 8 blocks to Errol Station on Grhm line. Price only 2lim. K roadway swiSO. 1043 t:namer otevromerce Dug. 11 HOrSES for sale, water, windniill. 13 000 ami. concrete reservoir, Su feet from school house, railroad shop, pottaffice; rent $220 month. Sell for $18,000. Inquire Beith - or A. l. Uortmtn. JournaS SMALL 4-ROOM ceiled house on backsvof 40x100 lot. fronting on roster road at 52. t. ; business location, good openinc for al most any nusutes. .uuu. uwner, ozs4 - Foater roau. . ALBERTA 4 room cottage, tot 50x100, en 21t SMaf Albert t-J $1200; $150 down. baL R. M: GaTEWOOD A CO.. 165H 4th St. Ifliian LOT. e" room furrasnea hous.. fruit! Ill i lii and nut; a blocks from car. 4 blocks ' from aohool; will rent for 335; all for " $2080; don't overtook thia. Owner. Walnut 70S. $4 S 50 NEW bungalow, $ rooms, strictly oWn; veiajli'lad district. Sacrifice ftlSOO equity, L Tabor 1873. Complete in every detail. JUST finished. 4 room hou with firwlace. . beeejrfaat nook. bath, half basement, on enr xwr tot. Make me an offer. 647 E. 37th 1 at. N. and Prencott. y owner. ! , BCNGAIXJW " Just room for $ with all built to, built " fee fcea md drear and wardrobe, furnished compieTeir. aaj w, terms. . i wyrrr aim, T-BOOM: bo(ie. 50x100 lot, walking dis tance ecj aat Cor.fh at.. 34500. $1500 - casta, balance 83UO. utg. 3 years. 3: Henry tyldg. Broadytay 0779. S-ROOM houa. electricity and gas: suitable on or two -laauus; wita earage. oa " Borthwick st. KEW 6 room modem boose, all white and ivory eaeineled, buiit-ins; $2300. Satan " payment down. East 9266, Owner. $200 DOWN. $25 month, give famsy Xbsss gift of 6-room hoswe, fumitare, ball acre. $49 Salmon. Move today. A BOOM bouse, ''lot SOklOv, Mocks St, John carline-, $1300, $400 rasa. 1881 Wilbu st. Phone Walnut 3427. - ' . - " $2 500 FURNISHED. Neat and coxy, E. Morrisoa sW Sunnydda,, . Imp. pd. ; Tabor ' 2189. ' : $350 EQUITY in S mom cortage for sal or ' take tete Ford. 1O206 SSth ave. S. E. - LEAVING Portaad, ma t kacriiio. S-room m Alamwta heme. eay terms. Wainttt 6912, BY OWN KB- Fine 8-rooe Alameda borne at a eacn;ic. . jJSy l-rat 915 E. 30ta N. S u "it SALE or trade. 4 roc in m-m buu--tow. good tocatton. terns. Last 6329. ; ' THE' OREGON SUNDAY JOUItNAlV POKTLi'AJND, SUNDAY- JIUKISIXSU, ' JLfKCEMBER 17, 1922. REAL ESTATE -FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 lESTATEOSALE; ggALOR-SAli , . REAL TAgOR SALE REAL ESTA?R SALE405 1 ,REAS' ESTtf' SALE407 hhikfq 1 7511 SniKES 4041 HOUSES ' -04 . l HOUSES 4Q4 - ; HOUSES 404 ACREAGE 40 1 - FARA13 ; 407 HOMES i HOMES I HOMES t Bisceat Horn Bareains in the Entire Cttyl A HOME IS THE BEST INTE8TMEOT TQU CAN MAKE I ' ....... 000 Pnototxapha of peraoiially Inspected noiwea tot aale. Ecry aection in Portland. Home at rrrry prioe. Eeriest poesiWe terms. IXI. HELP TOO MAKE XOt'K FIRST PATMEJI IF NECESAABI. Open Sondaya and'Eeninga 90 Salesmen WHh Auto -Telephoo Bdwy, .171 J ' 8500 Win MtkB This Tours! I I I BEAD AND BE GLAD lit 83090 Cheery, bright ROSE CITY BUNGA LOW on 1. SSth St.. una front is teres Brine room with, Cnptaee; hard wood floors: drains rows, a reauy wonderful Dutch, kitchen with all kinds of built-in: sunny bedroom with nieaty of window: axeeDent plumbing fixture: DOUBLE CONSTBUCTED AND WARM. -til WEST SIDE S40O DOWN ft! , ss -eaaao (4a0 down. Lire on the west side and don't waste time uuhujnu iu ' WOBKI Right on 24th st, on ear 1 line; 3 bedrooms; furnace: foil ce ment basement; all improvements in. WOSDEBFCL. KF.WI NEW! SEW! 847-50 8250 down. Move right inl FSv rooms with bath; full cement base ment; hardwood floors; paved street, all nald. WHY PAY RENT WHEN' . YOTJ CAN BUY A HOME FOB SO LITTLE DOWN! ; Greenwood are. 1 ! WILL TAKE TRADE I ! 83250 Cosy 5 room bungalow on hard sur faced street: reception hau; cioas room with mirror door; living room: dinins room: den: built-in buffet; large kitchen with many conveniences; 2 bedrooms: 2 lavatories: bath: full cement basement; chicken bouse and run; fruit: terg lot; near school and ear; paved street; near K. 20th at. A-10W I REAL BARGAIN ! -82S50 Ten easv terms, burs this comfort - able 7 room home on corner lot with garage: 4 bedrooms; convenient kitch- I en; close to Beed college; near car l Just the place for a large family. E. 38U st. E-1T3. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH 328503400 down. ' Wonderfully finished bun galow of o rooms-; not a specs or scratch in the whole thing 1 Finest of tapestry; ivory enamel tnrougnout; hardwood floors: white Dutch kitchen; breakfast nook; 2 bedrooms; full ce ment basement. Aak lor U--U-. ! ! 1 SEE THIS NOW ! ! ! $100 down gives possession of this cosy 4 room j house on 100x100 lot; eiectocitr; gai: toilet and bath; basement; hard surfaced street; cement walks; whole price is $2990 $100 down and $20 1 per month. E. Polk street. YOUR HOME IS HEBE COME IN AND SELECT IT TODAY. ni help you make your first payment if necessars. See FRANK L. McGUTRE To Buy Your Home AMnrtorTBldf. Bealtor. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. I have an opening in my sale sf ore for a uve salesman with ear. Irvington HOME FOB "PEOPLE WHO CARE" If yon are "a person of the tem perament who appreciates a NEW high-class home where even the most minute details have been taken care of, read this: Seven rooms, ivory finish, colonial type, strictly modern, hardwood floors throughout, full cement baaemenU Hess gaa furnace, double garage. Thia home is ready to move into at once. For appointment or further details call owner and builder, Sunday Walnut 2558; weekdays, 1 to 8:30 p. m.. Mala $725. TjAURELHTTRST NEW BUNGALOW $6400 Truly a genf. A wonderful home. Built by one of Portland's best build ers. Modern in the but detail. Hardwood throughout, til bath, re cessed tub, everything the best Gar age, too. Let us show you. Teepe Laurelhurst tract office. SSth and Glisan. Tabor 3433, or Tabor $586. ANOTHER BONA FIDE VALUE $3850 New 5 room double constructed bungalow, large rooms, fas cement base ment, garage, paved street, sewer, 3 blks. Mt Tabor car. Tabor 7608 today. Week days Bdwy. 7567. YOUB LAST CHANCE $4500 Grove land Park district, mod ern 5 room bungalow, furnace, garage, fine lot, improvements paid; very easy terms. W, D. RODABADGH BITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS 201-2-$-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. THERE seem te be a few people in Portland who do not know I am here yet ana for the benefit of those few win say I am located in the Couch bldg., ready and waiting to sell you or sell for you. anythmg from a vacant lot to a ranch large or small. I alao have some property in and out of Port land to trade. Come in and see me. Maybe wo can scare up a deal of some kind. 409 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 8810. - McCLAY REALTY CO. ' $200 DOWN $200 $2850 New attractive apt. bungalow, ex tra, weQ built, dbe. const., hdw. floor in lares bring room. - bedrnv, bath, handy Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook. FuU ce ment basement. Wdln. dist. Call Sunday, Tabor 7485. R. SOMERVTLLE. MAIN 8761 home Guilders For Diana, apecificatiens, material, bute. contract, superintendenc. financial - and building advice, consult. ulney Hawkins Broadway 834 8. 415 Abington Bldg. A BCNGALOW BARGAIN 6 room modern bunealow, furnace, fire place, cement bawment, paved Street, is good condition; $3544; good terra. See owner at No. 9 E. 724 st, st Burasiaa. Monta- vill ear. , - It- M. GATEWOOTi ft CO., 1654 4th St. $250 DOWN. 6 room house, walking distance, near Williams; new plumbing, gas. elec tricity and newly declared: at. improvements paid, basement and double rrsge: rents tor $33. Price $$150; payments, $25 anient. Mam 724 4. " ' EXCEPTIONAL BUY Must be seen inside to be appreciated; I thoreaghly modem, large living rooto, dea, buiit-ins; must be sold. Come see it, you'll hxe it 848 E. S9th N.. half block KU car. Only $5250, ' terms. No agents. IRVINGTON 5 large room.; colonial bungalow. .Lot I 55x100. alnst be seen to be aunreciatrtl. Just eompteted. 723 Ei 16th N. $150,01 wm narrni-. nmioer. wtmat ojcs. AN EXCELLENT opportunity to secure hocae. Win take $160 and give wife emptoy mit to earn balance of first payment oa new bungalow, balance easy. It will pay t yon to investigate this. M-254, Journal. ., NEW modem 6 room bangalow, $5000. $1 no, mocem bouse, 3tr. rm. mooem muse, oouru garage, sewoo. a cm. nouse. $12vO. 7 room boos. $2500. KurstH. R4 Spaldinc Ndg. A REMARKABLE BARGAIN 7-room Lsorethiirs homo, evcrytbins; wp to the minute; must seU, $10,040 ; 31SOO down. J. M, Weil, 600 Chamber of Commerce. :f - - - - - - NEW 6 rocm bunealow. in Rose- City. Mod- . era in every respect, loa can have this. worta tn money, as earner ss Ksaving oty. Call Auto. 634-94. - NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. AND 48D ST. ' rm. and -den, strictly nwdern.' furnace, garag and paved st In t-tov eoaditMu. ' PfiM tllAA - T.k.. fitter . FOUR roaea hem e, an furafehed, aesr ear, : aU isaprovemect in, $ir0 down and $3r a month., tacmding inUrest. Lot la worth mce- alone. - SO& RvtcHsravt tlv CAN build you a new 4 or S r onj bungalow i. (or a payment of $150 to $20O down. M-'- 253. JoornaL - -: - - ' T - - 7 ROOM tumw-. $2500.' S30 caeh; clooe - to car. 42218901 ave. S. E. - " a 1BVIXOTON SPECIAL - 8750O 81000 cash, 850 month. - Ai trartire newly built 6 room bnn " - ralow on beaatifaj 17th St. comae. 88000 Owner sacrifice 15oO. ' Urn colonial typo; S .ompleta bataa. enamel CoUa, earace ; fin for larca family. $8300 Owner's Priea was $11,000. Fine larva nearly new hone, tare liTinc room, son parlor, hardwood noon thronshoot, -double) plnaib ins. It's bis lain. -100x100 ooraer Xnott Street Home One of the finest locations in Irr incton. Larc jnoderB hoaie. U . ins room 35 feet tone, library, sun . parlor, .4 bedrooms, also aerrants quarter. Shown by appointment only. .Broadway 7567, . W. -D. KOUABAIOH ' BITTER. LOWE CO., BEALT0BB. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bde. P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PPPPPPFPlfPPPPPPPP PP - PP PP NEvt BUNGALOW PP PP PP PP $2300 $350 DOWN . PP PP ' . PP PP Brand new bungalow, finished la PP PP ivory woodwork and tapestry wall- PP PP paper, eombinatioak living and dining PP PP room 21 feet tone, with fireplace. PP PP indirect lighting, waxed floors, Duteb PP PP Kitchen, breakfast naofc. bathroom rr PP with white enamel fixture, basement. PP PP cheerful bedroom and tot 50x114. to- PP PP eated east of Alameda Park. Thia is PP PP not a misprint. The price is 811300 pp PP and the bungalow i double construct!- PP PP ed. See PP PP PARKE FOB PROPERTY PP PP SOS Artisans Bldg. Bjtwy. 4231, PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P P P P P P P P PPPPPPPPP BOSE CITY PARK SPECIAL $6250 Folks, where In this popular dis trict can you find another home like this- Built from the ground up. and finished, folks, lust like a piano. And you'll find all the modern fesj- . tnres, too; -tile bath, recessed tub, til drain boards, hardwood floors throughout, French doors, expensive tapestry paper, screens, elegant light fixtures, garage 'n everything, pee it this morning. A. Q. Teepe Co., Bose City Office, 40th and Sandy Tabor 85S6 WESTOVER VIEW HOME FOB CHRISTMAS 10 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2i floor, servant's room and bath on 8d floor, hot water heat, delightfully arranged: verj cheerful and commands a wonderful view ot cities, rivers and mountains; double garags Priced very reasonable for quick sale. HAROLD JUNGCK. BEALTOR Pjttock Block. Bdwy. QUO. $15 CASH. $15 MONTHLY Three lots, total area 120x128. alley in rear, large. 2 room shack cottage, painted and finished with beaverboard inside, 6 blocks to car. Price $1090. You bad bet ter hurry. See Kerston with 732 Cham, of Com. ' ' 4-ROOM BUNGALOW New and beautifully designed, hardwood floors. firerAace. taoestrv paper, large xi ten- en, finished In white, 2 bedrooms with bath between, screened-in back porch, un usually nioa electrio fixtures; price $2600. very easy payments. -JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 1500 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS $500 Dandy 4-rm. bugalow, 2 bed ran., liv. and din. rm. comb., Dutch kit., bath and toilet lovely 50x100 ft. lot. good furnace, laun dry trays, fruit and shrubbery. blk t car. on paved rt. $3200. $500 dowrr, baL $25 per mo. and int. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS 432 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Open Evga. end Sun.- Bdwy. 2641 ONLY 8100 CASH end be in your own home by Xmsa. Vacant, well built 4 room house, plastered, cement basement, sidewalks and newers paid. Walk ing distance to Kenton ' industries. 2 H blocks to MisfL-Kenton- car. Price only stouu. Substantial discount for larger cash pay ment or consider light auto. Owner, ttox .Miariwrippi ave. Walnut 1201. PRICE S900 $50 DOWN . BAT.AXCB 110 KKR MONTH S-room cottage, with enclosed sleeping porch, woodshed, fruit trees, water, gas. fencing; 50x100 tot. Will make a com-1 f ortable home on easy terms. Broadway 2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW S room modern buneatow. nearly new. tra weQ built, large finished attic, can hare I S extra rooms, builb-in bath ; separabs shower, nice modern buiit-ins; $4200; $500 down: M-V car. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 168 H 4th Bfc $500 DOWN PENINSULA $500 DOWN Lovely 7 rm. house. H. W. floors, furnace. f. c basement, every modern convenience, on 50x100. $4000. II. W. OSBORNE CO. REALTORS 432 Ch. of Corn.-Bldg. Open Eves, and Sunday. Bdwy. 2641 4 ROOMS $1250 - ' Nice corner. SOxl 00, with small 4 room house; non-resident owner will sell tor szou cash payment. baL 820 mo., including int. ! A. M. KIKUKIJU-Ullxt. --. 216 N. W. Bank bldg. Atwater 4114. BUNGALOW of five rooms, fireplace, . floor furnace, Dutch kitchen, built-ma. panel din ing room, cement oasemant; tot ouxiuv, street imororements in and oeJd- sarase. For quick sale. $4350, terms. Owner, Walnut 7475. - NewSy Weds See this brand new four-room Bungalow, ready to move right in. Located in Monta- villa district on paved st- Price $3150, $500 cash. Atwater 8324 or East 1364. i,rins ADMTION Owner lust finiheri nerfecthr built S room bunealow for own ue ATI modern buiit-ins. Must now leave city. Sacrifice at $5500. Ear? term. W. M. Cmbdenstock ft Co.: ZIO Oregon owe. Huwy. iea. WILL sacrifice 8 room home in Sunn ride for $2900. with down payment of $750 and monthly payments of $33 par month, includ ing interest. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. M2 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 7531. 6 ROOM house -with modern improvements: tot 120x115; garage, chicken bouse, fruit 1 trees: near car; win take trues: or auto-j mobile. Price $2000. Salmon, Lents, Ant. 631-57. ' ' . - NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE' $1000 cash, balance like rent, boys 9 1 rm. house, full tot, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. A real horn. Sutter, 252 E. Bdwy. East 9218. PRICE $3350. $500 dawn. 6-room modem j bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, j French doors, D. - kitchen, basemoat. L. I trays. This Is Bargain. . van lousy. Tabor 1322. REST BUY IN CITY If you hare $2000 cash you eaa buy new 6-room house snd furniture, tot 100x100, 1 ear 8 blocks, school 2 blocks, Call Auto- j . ma tic 644-93. " -- " - ' i FOR SALE Irvington district; equity $1150 modem 5 room bungalow;. $40 month, to-1 eluding interest. U at 60S Fremoatl stjeet. , ' ' '' f lilttTHOKNK DISTRICT A m. bnneatow. earaee. 60x100 lot, pared street, Priea $2550. $625 .down, T Tabor 8892." - ""' ' ' ; ' ' OWNER IJIAVING CITY "$300 down, balance easy payment, buys ej -a. planerea noose, rum m Bm Mr. 8utter.-232 B. Bdwy.' East 921a. nivnv a.tt himnlnv. -, nwwlam. Richmond ' diftnet $3150. $600 cash. Sunday call -. ..- iiu AmriA .1 wtuk ' aava Broad- l j 0773. . - j, .,l 'v .' . .-l-. . iiuu, "' . - fnll v. 21 ffiehtend at. Banram '" $216. Terms. ; J. W. Kertna, owner. 110 N. Ninth st. . Broadway 2297 roK RALEt-4 room buneatow (new), sUl twner in attendance Sunday. , E. 80th and I .n. ,H - finnuri mtl'I IUI uua. u. IK ( . ;:- Everett.- ' :- -. '. - .'- ' '" $300 cash takes povessioa at anee of a 4. room j. cottage; turmsojea, nuawm " m yv vm -w. ' Tinrrriinrr T-rn- ownev, aiaow - MODERN 6-room Rose City bungalow opea for inspection sooaj. a w o sv CB 76 Et Cl-t at. a. CHRISTMAS present, $100 down. $20 month ly- snd interest, i-roran nwse saw iu. . si, ; Johns. atsusi a - $3000 6 raw. on Harthorn ave. near 89th et. . Cement UMBtai ouxsvw k. amp. pd, .Tabor 8189. $ -.BOOM bouse, Woodlswn dintrict; $400 csshv Tabor 54 76. pnea A DAN"TY 4 rooin b'iniKw cliv i 47. a St.. Rose City Bungalow S5SOA Small cash payment, balance easy term. Vr . thutin wtirm . hmnta.' just Com- ptoted; thoroughly modern; teres living room with fireplace; a . beautiful separate , cirung roona kitchen with ail bfflit ms, break- fast Book, : 2 bedrooms, bathroom. - large floored attic. This home is extra, well bruit; bardwsod ftoor throughout, ' cement base- mint, a seel furnace, laundry, trays, garage. - fuU tot, street oprovements in ana paw- . t .. rBYINGTON PABK 83990 ' Small cash payment, balance nke rent, wnniri MkUv tmhinm . mfrmm nricedlva- -, rut lot in nan narnnit New buneatow with - large combination living room and dining f room, fireplace, hardwood floors, builtin bnf fet. ful) Dutch kitchen, with beautiful break :' fast nook. 2 bedrooms, large bathroom with ' whit enameled plumbing, floored attic, full ; basement with laundry trays. i. y . ALBINA - - SS90A Bern is wonderful buy within walking distance of the city; only $500 cash and balance lixa rent. A good 6 room house, ' reearjtion balL Hvine and drains' room, large totohea, 9 nice bedrooms, bathroom with I whit, -ananeled Drnmbinc. full cement base-1 meat. ; tenndry tray and garage. Large I tot 45x186. .Fruit and flowers. - Everett Philpo, 8alesmanager, NEILAN FABKHILL. 219 Lumbcrmens blda. Bdwy. 2832. Sunday Call Walnut. 7408. Attention; Prospective -Rose City rPark. and i ". Laurelliurst Buyers ; Now is the time to boy. The de mand is not great. Some splendid' buy are now to be had. , Don't wait and pay $500 more for a home. How about starting- the new year in your own borne? Don't put buying -; off luntil after, Christmas. We have two office. One in Bose City and the other in LsurelhunU We give all our time and attention towards the sale of home, of the better claas. Get in touch with ua. Our reputation for fair, dealing te our strongest recora- mendation. Phono now for an ap pointment. You'll be -under no obligations. Absolutely. , A. Q. Teepe Co., Bos City Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Laurelhurst Of ice, 39th and Glisan, Tabor 3433. G. C. TJLBICH CO.. IN 6. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. ' Main 4354-4355 A REAL BARGAIN Seven room home en Couch street; strictly modern: can be bought furnished or un furnished at a real honest sacrifice ; coin- completely furnished. This seven room, modern home for SoOU, siouo easn, very easy monthly payments: a reasonable re duction if furniture is not included. , BEAD THIS CAREFULLY Four lots snd seven room house on 68th. I street. This is a good, warm, comfortawe . home and the price is only $3200 and $300 win give you possession, then only sza pel month, - ' - G. C. ULBICH CO.. INC. Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354-4355 BOSE CITT PARK SPECIAL $5650. Folks, let us show you this super attractive bunealow, with hardwood floors throughout, large living room. extending entire width of house; best construction throughout; price in cludes light fixtures of exceptional beauty, shades, furnace and garage. $1000 cash. See this. A. G. Teepe co.. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 95S6. BOSE CITT SPECIAL $4250 New bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, tapestry pa per, etc East front. Ideally located. Email cash payment wiU handle. See this. A. G. Teepe -Co., 40th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. - PENN. SACRIFICE Reduced from $4500 to $3905. Lovely 4 rm, bungalow with 2 bedrms.. Hv. and din rm. comb., big Dutch kit. aU modern conveniences; furnace and fireplace, on 50x 100 ft, lot, imp. in and paid, on carhne. 8745 to handle. H. W. OSBORNE CO, litALIUKS 433 Ch. of Com. Bide. Open Eves, and Sunday. Bdwy. 2641 HEBJ! IS AN OPPORTUNITY A delightful home, close in. only $200 down, baL lea than rent; 5 rooms, with fireplace, attractive elec tric fixtures; house Js exceptionally well constructed and in fine condi tiou: clean as a pin. Total price only $2650. 492 A loins ave. Owner J Atwater 0746, forenoons. ROSE CITY LAURELHURST . " Two of the prettiest sew, modem homes I - in these districts, 44ta and Boardway and 44th and Glisan. Priced nght, terms good. Open Sunday p. m. Erenings by appoint-1 rnent. Geo. E. Welter, owner snd builder. Bdwy. 6231. Auto. 817-44, 224 tt of O. bldg. BOSS CITY BUNGALOW BOSK CITY Lovely new B-rm. bungalow with furnace and fireplace, finished old ivory and tapestrj paper, .3 blks. to car, on paved rt, $5660 $1000 down. ' " H. W. OSBORNE CO. REALTORS 432 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Open Eves, and Sunday. Bdwy. 2641 . 37th Street Snap Excellent 6 room home, strictly modern h every way, dandy furnace to keep house warm and cosy, oak floors, fireplace, double gangs, paved street, dose to car and school. Price $4860. $500 will handle, B. I McGREW. OPEN 8UNDAY. 1089 Hawthorne Are. . Tabor 8892. -150 Cash MT. TABOB 3 BOOM Comfortable house on paved at-, with ewer, half block to Mt Tabor carline, A snap at $1350. Atwater 3324, East 1864. NEEDS SOME FIXING 5 rm. plastered, full plumbing. fuB h ent, all imp, in and paid; 1 blk. to Mvw. irj 60x100 tot; abundance o fruit. - We meat. want 32000. Make us an offer. Terms. Geo, F. Crow, 801 Mississippi eta. Wdln. 1201. EUNNYSIDB S room modem bungalow, furnace. Ore place, corner, tot. 48x100 feet; P Jed it ; flowers, sarnbbery. See owner. 1198 East Taylor st Price $4200- Good terms. R M GATEWOOD ft CO.. 165 H 4 ARK YOU looking for a real homeT A new 6 room Bungalow vmn mw. -wwa v breakfast nook, DUUl-ina m skum, """. high ceiling, cement oesement. ft oiocs inira . carline - 2 block from njga scaooi. ni owner; terms. East 8312. . 2-ROOM HOMES LIKE RENT , . 60x118 $ T5 $ 25 Down ; 60x200 T50- - 25 Dowai ' . 100x100 1000 100 Down . BOOKS W. CABY NEW LOCATIOH " 42 Second, Main 2007. GOOD 6-raa. bouse, 1 blk to car. Lot 60x100. four sue appte trees, oerneav tin, iui basement, not1 eomrJteted, gas. electtuaty, street imp. in. Price $1900, $800 caah. . t?ftn cash and Ford car in good coditioa. 644 Belmont, toast . -v nian; aoaaa s wmtm .ixi faTk W i , -- vmw. uh room nke new. new paper, tint- inr and ivory- vvoedwork: the houve wfll be I m fraso, 1 to 4. 404 44th, St., -4 I block oata of Hawthorne, - - k5ft0. half cash, for wonderful 12 e .vlo modem hren. Mst be seen to be eprireciatsd, Davenport. East 8206. Broad way 6-8BW. ' - '' V . - :: $5250 New, aaodcrn, 6-room bungalow, lVi blks. a, of ttose taty ennm -a ui ?s. $1000 cash, balance teres. No aeents, Meet owner Sunday on premises at 402 E. 45th st. K. -- - -- -:- --. - - - - vvir nln 6 m. bunealow in Hawthorne dist. Small payment uown. i o vveponstoie party. No agents Owner. Tabor Boat. FOR SALE A nice come; witn income, rooms, l.n rarm-irei ?m-.im . , niiBce. Main 0253.----' - - - -:- - ' 5ACILTFIC-H to prevent foeeciowire 6 no. mod em rtousei e.suv; ie.nu. ja. n uniigs- worth. -. -'.-'.-" " -:;- ;-- :? ALAMEDA PARK $14,000 New, a eotonial house which ' embraces every modern x con vetuenc. isuacioua .nuance nail - through the center. This -cer tainly is a bouse do luxe. Cor . Bar lot 75x100, , r ' ALAMEDA ' PABK 4 A ; $4500 $350 cash give you. a corner tot, fruit tree aaad - a comfortable atom of ft rooms, Boored acOe , . and 1 room upstairs. This house is well built snd the rooms Are large and cheery. . All eon-X- TenieBcee, T-'''-'..: .":-lBVINGTON -'o'1 -$6500, with terms. Bungalow of S rooms and large entrance hall, .with , . hurdviiout. flour. downstain, . 4 bedrooms, bath and large steeping iwscn upstairs. Oarage. Location not to be cliscounted. East front- BOSE CITY PABK $4000 6-room bungato SBodern, with southern exposure. This bunga - low eaa be bought on reasonable '.:s,-. . terms, $5500 A new bungalow on E. 56th street. just . north of Sandy. Modern throughout. $6500 Corner, this modern bunealow has all the buDt-ins, fireplace, tspes try paper, floored attic and is a good buy. Garage. V FREMAN ft STEVENS 403 N. W. Bank Bldg. - " . Beautiful NewBung i , alow Snap Just completed. You can move right in. Close- in, on Sandy bird. It has 6 rooms. motlem, bath, lights snd gas, fireplace, bookcases. fine Ditch kitchen with break fast nook, cement basement, furnace heat, full lot. pared street, sewer n in and. Paid, all free and clear, no mortcaees or lintm of aay aina to assume, uood - garage. Only $5i00. $500 down payment." oalanee $45 per month. This tuyment includes the in terest. Bungalow will . rent for more than this. Why not start the new yeai in your own home r The sane money that pay your rent will buy this Beautiful modern home. For inspection re E. W. HUGHES,- 7 607 Journal bldg. Main 2858. Robnett &'McGlure BUILD Homes -TSjat Endure We are "STILL" interested in ' how well we can build, not how ranch we can get for buiMing. It is "STILL" cheaper to build than to buy. . Why pay two profits when onesi enough It. .See us before build ing or buying. f Robnett &McClure. CONTRACTING BUILDERS $02 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6574. CLOSE IN ONE BLOCK TO SANDY BRAND NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 342 E. 89TH ST. N NEAR HALSEY $3975TermsS397S Just completed, strictly modern, fireplace. hardwood floors, tile bath, recessed tub. shower bath, tile drainboards, 2 bedrooms, j ' large living room, Dutch kitchen, laree j Pullman dining nook, cement basement, tray, plenty buiit-ins, all double construct ed, with paving and sewers all' paid, every convenience 1 block away. See this today. Deal direct with owner and builder on premises from 12 to 6, or phone Aut. : S17-TO. - IRVTNGTON NEW BUNGALOW SPECIAL PRICE BY OWNER . 7 6 rooms and fine attic strictly modern. Very complete, Just finished and ready to occupy: 'earaee to match house, fme fur nace, lot 50x102. at. paved and all liens paid.. I must have money to rebuild in Astoria where I lost mv braidings by fire. hence I offer this bungalow at a sacrifice price of 37250 on terms. Open for in spection Sunday from 2 to 5. CaB 454 E. 27th north between Thompson and Tilla- mook. Close In, East Side $200 DOWN. $40 PER MONTH INCLUDING INTEREST A home that would rent foe more than the monthly payment. 6 rooms, modern throughout, furnace, fireplace, wash trays. garage, excellent location. . HILTON-DANIEL CO. 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. ROSE CITY PARK Never Been Occupied o-room ounsaiow on muuiiu vwuc, i hardwood floors throughout, finished in old ivory, tapestry -paper, larg breakfast room, buiit-ins, lots of them; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, terse attic, garag; lawn in. trees. 711 E. oUth at. PHONE OWNER SUN. ft EVENINGS TABOR 3534 ROSE CITY SPECIAL $5760 New C-rm. bungalow, complete, below the hilL It's a gem. folks, snd one of the best buys in thclis trict. See it now, tomorrow msy be too 1st. A. G. Teepe Co., -40th and Sandy, Tabor 9586. wi-rr rivvilT TlF.AT THIS viA-tiriil hnniralow oneomer lot. 50x100. Hss furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Price tAonn waailri coTi-ider subatastial down pay ment and monthly payments of $40 pet month, including interest. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO..V 612 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 7581. BOSS CITY MS TRICT. BELOW THE HILL, ft nil unDKio MljJlUAlAw. txn-naun, FIREPLACE. CEMENT BASEMENT, dt-ttT-TV BUFFET. HDW. FLOORS. $300 CASH. RENT TERM 8 ON BAL ANCE. TOTAL PRICE $4750. SEE IT TODAY. TABOR 2580 i. EVENINGS. TABOR 6087. $2500 VJCTPHT RII1E HOME A very comfortable 2 story. 6 room house bathroom snd toilet good dry basement , better house than 1 was bom in and Jived in lor over 10 yean. Vary reasonable terms. , GEORGE P. . j . 823-4 Cham, of Com, blng. uqwy. gjtsu.t WHY NOT be in your own home for Christ mas? Here, is your opportunity:, o room nif-l, arranged "bunealow. hardwood floors fh-eptece. large airy bedrooms, on a hard ranu- afreet. - close in on East Side and only $3950. I have many other desirable homes for the bomeseeker- J. B. Holbroos, Ttnltor. 214-215 Panama bldg. $4250 NEW bungalow, hardwood floor, fire- full cementbasement, 3 rooms; I fcna Workmau'ihip; comer lot, ! I 4 blocks from Jefferson hi .... nniiK iniirn k i ur mr.n. uic.ik wu.. 2 blocks from high school, i T. C. SHAW Wslnnt 8930. 293 SUdmare St. "tlTOt AT THIS t 4 room modem bonee, iurcace. hdw. floor Iti front mom, oa pavta street, wc.ni car. Only $3400. Terms to .suit. WAVERLY REALTY CO., SIT Clinton rt. SelL 3192. STRStSOO DOWN, buy a 4 rm. cottage. kstIoO tot. 9 bearing fruit tree, gaxaae . and good barn. The. lot alone is worth i .k nMm Rtvn navwie rent. Phono Son- i bit. E. . WUsoa, - soil, woooiiocs; are. 1 Aut flivi 3. 5 ROOMS, fuTvii-ed. in ' good district. " $2700. $900 . down. $25 per mo. too. int. Call Walnut ooBW Buntiay; ttawy. 6534 Monday. , ; ' ' ' ". "' " MULTNOMAH 8TATION r - amm-srviritJv nvilpm. -14 acre, earaee: ITAt) .jlovn. balance to suit, 34960. Inauisa at 612 Alberta St. WU1 caU and get you with ear. Phone Walnut 684. 1 IP YOU nave a little c.-h sod nut a rent- mmrrr 1 have a teree 4 room shack, 60x100 Int. fine location, good buy. for immediate I di-frpL Phone Walnut 7438. 6-ROOM bungalow.' partly furniibed. $2700; tsoe down. $25 sex month and interest;! dose in and to car in Alberts. Inquire 612 Alberta st. - . lOuxlOO ROOM HOUSE Lota of fruit, cement sidewalk. $1800.' $100 cash. I S M ITH- WAG ONE H CO.. BTOCS -flXCHi $1SOO -NEAT comfortable bouse, garage, on j paved street, one oioex w araiu owl k, oa 67th St.; $30O down, $25 per month. ' Tabor 2189. 2 GOOD bouse oa. valuable business tot ea - cartave,- eksa to on Williams are. . Cotsl price 34300, Lot alone vrorcn tn pnea. 81r50 ch. Ownrr. Bdwy. ISO.- - viirt KALE by owner., new. & rm, buneatow. all auilt-ins, adw. tieor; esuy jtv; easy terra -1371 E. 22d . RT OWNER Fted- toeated E. Buraid home, close in, 4 iv-Trocms, oax iioors. tur- nace. fireplace; c.t i -fcast 270 Down $375QWest Side Buy A new 4 room bungalow-, eomMnataovi I livir.e and dininv room. DutcB kitchen, all I buUt Ins. breakfast nook. S bedrooms, floored j attic, cement basemeaW launory traya, etc. j fnll tot; paved streets. Price $3750. vstta 8379 down, bateace hxe rent. " taOOO WTTH SS5 DOWN 1 acre on naved road, iust outside city I lisiiia, a new 4 rcom - bunealow, double . constructed throne hoot, cement basement, wash trays, cte Dutch kitchen, breakiast , nook, floored attic; finished in ivory end '.enamel: city water, liebta and gas.' PRICE Dt& QUICK SALJS J3000. $4500 ADJOINS IRVINGTON ' A vnssr K mnwm hnnnlrMr IvvrYi tsfvataff YnsTtflt an builtin, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, break-1 fast nook, floored attic, cement basement wasn trays, f mteneu m ivory ana tapestry paper: Imoteum in kitchen and bathroom; full -.lot. - Owners' leaving city, saes sell. $900 easa will handle, bslsncc terms. i . .. '; 85750 ROSE CITY $5750 t A new snd nifty $ room bunealow, oak 1 noon, an built ins, Dutch kitchen, turnsce. fireplace, breakfast nook and everything : finished in ivory and- tapestry papex. Full I lot. earaee. fcitr imcrovementa paid, A dandy I home oa reasonable terms. Lasy walking f durance ' Fernwood" school. 86300 IRVTNGTON SNAP A $ room house, ghused-ia sleepins; porch, furnace, fireplace., all builtin, cabinet kitch en, full cement basement, wash tray, etc TAi3Ai?T- nd ta Trondwfnl OBdito?, 80x j 100 tot: earaee and Tunwar: beautiful lawn. roses - and shrubbery. "ET.rything in and paid at $8300, terms easy. BCMMKLL ft BAJMMELL. r i 89th and Sandy. : Ant. 320-60. 274 Stark st. Broadway 672$. 24th and Khckitat. Gar. 6714. TLAURELHURST COLONIAL This distinctiv home, located on beautiful ' corner tot facing park. Money could not build it any better. Nothing could be added. .Com pre pared to : see the perfect home you'U not be disappointed. Teepe'a Laurelhurat Tract Office. 39th and Glisan. Tabor 8433 or Tabor "S5S6. Beautiful Laurelhurst A RARE OPPORTUNITY i S49lf0$S(D0 Dowii 5 room house, strictly modern, hardwood floors, 2 gas furnaces, firepiaee, full ce ment baJement, good garage See it today. HILTON-DANIEL. CO. 270 Stark St, Bdwy. 7800. Mr. Workingman ' 3-room new house, corner lot. on paved v street snd carline; close in. good district; cement foundation, sewers and street in snd paio. ion can get tois ror ieoi $25 r month incmdinV int at cent, so hurry. Thia won't last down, 6 net We Sell the Earths 969 Union Ave. N. Walnut 8684 si son pF.isTNsnLA 81400 4 RM., on 60x100 ft. lot, 2 blis from . nr lota of frnir. and chix yard. Would ac cent light machine as part- payment. ; $500 down. H, W. OSBORNE CO. REALTORS. 432 Ch. of .Com. Bldg. Open Eves, and Snnday. Bdwy. 2641 i.k.t ue xive von mv tisures on your new house you're going to build. 1 wul ssve von money and help flnanwa Have 80 house under wsy this year; On class work. H. li. Harris, 1010 Brooklyn. Bell. 2859. ACREAGE 405' $175 PER ACRE Located iust east of Buckley sve., and mrth nf KaiT mad. There are 78 acres in the tract, covered with .scattering brush mnA t-ras- ru) has a eentle slope to the north. Cleared land in tnis vuamij a worth from $500 to $1000 per acre. Never again wul you have the opportunity to buy good land so close to Portland at this price. Half cash. . B. H. CONFREx, Keanwr. - BITTEB, LOWE ft CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MY LOSS YOUB GAIN 11.60 Acres out Powall Valley road. lO miles from city hall; must have cash; wul sacrifice. Price $200 acre. See Gibson. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY REALTORS 269 OAK ST. BDWY. 6355 20 A.'' Close to Work Price S700$200 Down 20 acres ot stumpland level, good coil, dose to town snd R-R--: steady work at good wages short distance from plsos. $200 down, balance 5 years st 6 STAR REAL ESTATE ft INV. CO. Bealtors. 61$ Wilcox Bldg, mnnrvv t) iVf II sood road, good 1 bam, 1 cow. 500 chickens, personal prop erty, ail for soouu, uowo, l-"i- - -1 cent, 1H miles of HiUsboro, nesr Newton station, S. P. ana mgnway. k . imnnnl hotue and barn, enice- en house. 1 V acre strawberries nd frur 1 l W . -11 I-nHt- S4BOO. 112 0O I mortgage can' be assumed, $300 cash, near EASTERN EXCHANGB 202 Gerlinger bldg. ONE ACRE TRACT easn Section Line road, just east 824. M. f eitv limit, no city ssiii mi " cultivation, goad soil, hss water, gas si electric lights, easy terms. BAYLER E. SMITH, , 818 By. Exchange bids, 1 Evenings. Tabor 0513. $ BIG LOTS. $1150 - Jast outside the city no building permit, no restrictions, no city taxr-i taeing on graded and graveled atreet. Bull Bun water. See this tract today, 42d St.. just north of n . - tm. will im nar ,im. Small nayment down, then siw to ia per monm. B. H. CONFREY, Bealtor. HITTER. LOW, Ul ' 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldf- Tao irnrn mod rock road. Wsahingtoa county, near store, a acres cmi, timber, balance pasture; little rolling black n ia aorine: rannine water: bouse. l,2S! wocaahed. bam 18x24. chicken I 19tSO milk house, near school ill mile to church; orchard; 6 miles HiUsboro;! $2300. half cash. - . EASTERN EXCHANGE 202 Gerlinger bldg. . CHICKEN RANCH NEAR ALOHA. m Acres, all cleared; S-room plaatored aouse, with eaa, 2 chicken Bouses, barn, gar . - t.vwls hnua S4A hans. fin COW. This is a real bargain, priea $2560; half cash.' LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 314 Chamber of Commerce SEE THIS SNAP . T TUsntirrd 0 acres, best- berry audi fruit land, .excellent soil, no rock, partly cleared. 1 acre in berries, on mail county . road, right st" edge little town, on electrio oar. Inst beyond Grenham, 45 minutes from cen ter Portland; $1250 cash takes it. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lmnberm.ens bldg. ' 10 ACRES, nearly level; partly cleared, bal ance real easy clearing; oast ot toii; -n mile to Columbia river, school, store, P. O., boat landing. fries $400. $50 down, balance in work or terms. - - Abo 10 . acres of erreen. standing timber adjoinine. - Price $400. 138 H 1st St.. room 1. Neteon. "26 ACRE3CBEEK BOTTOM LAND Beautiful stream through place, near Co- hrmbia river, store, 'church, etc.; priea paly $690 on easy payment. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO. ' 683 N W; Bank bldg. Main 8787.' i.i '.t ma ahow rou how vour rent money vnJ pay for acre and lumber lor uttia ".-. heuae: 7 -cent carfsr. good school, water, i n no citv taxes. See Mr. Haines, 420 pklin bldg. . Evanings .phono . GarfieU W81Q. - ' a irRKS. CLOSE TO GILLIS- On Bull Run electrio and Mt. Hood Loop lriehway; fine aeil, bo gravel, all clrarea. - Priea only $90O. Terms, w. i Lramco- -' stock' Co.. 210 Oregon Bldg.. Bdwy. 1658. S ACRES near Aloha, with 4 room house, new . bam and X chicken houses,, splendid soil, WiU hU oa your own terras or -exchange for PortJai property. Mr. Meyer. Main I - 4364. ' . ' Li;r ma show you how your rent money win I Inn a IrtC ISIlt. IM DUllO VOUT BOTBe: dose to be tare, outaida limits.-. GarUeld I 6810-' ' - " S-ACRE tracts la .Ron sre acre, finest of wotl, itvv per a 1 - -F 1 . l 213 K.nott sc. rnosf taw 320 A., E. Ore. stock country, sac for eavhi mieht trade. Ma. natcgier, zo nare'ia. 1 ACiiS at ililwaaiu ior .ale or trade ft tela I modsi lotig eBV.-.inoBs.i.is-vsves- TKAlMs - - S seres, cdgbly improved. - Fruit, etc. (tood O-room modern noose, barn, - evmce. etucken aeuso, otuer outbuildings. Oood . water system. Bom. stock, dose to Oregon Oity. lxchang for good Portland residence or Income property. A -JeUN&X alAha-U. FOB SALR 20 sera, sll In eulii ration. -roem houee. barn, outbuiiulnc. X " acre - ecchard, 6 miles Oregon Crty. 4 cow, belters. 1U geese, li tarkeys, 10 daok. AU stocK high grade. Owner moving east and must sad. Price $3500 $1320 cash, balance terms. S. O. DILLMAN, ' Realtor, - Foot of elevator, OrecoO City. Pbone 427. ACRES -Cultivated. 13 miles booth. 1 miie to Orecon City car line, rocked road; bearing orchard, attractive 4-room bunga low, concrete foundation; good chick an house, barn; $2650. easy term. - - S acres, cultivated; 17 miles sotrtb, 1 , wile to station; 2 seres prunes, family -orchard, 14 acx crapes; buildings; $1540, $700 down, n, 1 H acres, cultivated: 0 miles out. So fare: new 3-room house with ateeping porch; chicken . house, barn: city convea- tonces: 320UO, terma. John- Ferxuson, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg, . Over 500 omall pincea nesr Portland. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 GOOD SUBURBAN HOME 7 acres, culti- vated; 14 miles southwest;. 1 V blocks to station and school, rocked- road: 2 acres good bearing orchard; 6-roona plastered house, basement, fireplace; targe chicken bouse, other building; $4200. terms, AT GRESHAM. OREGON 2 seres. en'tiTF- - h KicV; to Ttir: In am ifu; new. Bttrscrive 4 -room bunealow, whit enamel plumbing: gas, water, lights; $2800, $500 down. - Consider CorvaUis lots. ON PAVEMENT 1 acre. 2 miles out. V 4 mile to station; new 6-room modern, plastered, bungalow; basement, plumbing. v Sghu, water, gas,, garage, fruit, trees; $KTO0, fmail payment down. - " " John Ferguaon. Realtor, - Gerlinger Bldg. . Over 600 small places "near Portland, . Suburban Homes '' Beautiful view property,- river frontage. A few good business locations. Small farms.' A No. 1. AU kinds of property on our list ' Prices rieht, 10 down in most case. Finest electrio ear service. 25 min utes to Portland, on Pacifio highway. " Hall & Webster AERNI BLDG.. OSWEGO. Phone Oa. 881. 415,000 Suburban home; one of finest in county; 40 minutes drive from Portland on highway; gas. electric lights, all city eon leniences; seU for small payment down; terms on balance, or ewhanse for prui- orchard or prune tend or farm up to $7000; here is a beautiful home at a bargain price. Owner, P. O. Box 4841. SUBURBAN HOME - f 6 acre, choice level land -tivaUon 'nut. bemes; 6 room bungalow. arn. chick en house, near railway station, school: good road, 9 miles city: cow, chicken, tool; 34800. $1000 -down, balance per cent. R- M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 165 H . 4tn at. nil' nortT-i? uauc Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow.' Dutch kitchen, electric light, gas, private -water system; lot 100x138, 3 blocks to ear and stores. A Christmas gift at the price. P. O. Box 74, Oak Grove, Or ACRE FINE LAND Bnncalow ahark-With chimney: iust out side city. Alberta car; Kennedy school, $1050. 325 cash, 810 month. ROGER W. CABY, 142 Second St. Main 2007. OAK GROVE Half acre, 6 room house, 1 block off pavement, near station;, $2800, $200 cash. S16 per month. , , R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 165 H 4th st, SlOO DOWN 4-room bungalow, bath, H ' ears good soil. 3 blocks to Errol ststton on Estacada -line. Broadway 2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' THE HOME TOD WANT "t 8 man house on 2 -acres ground; ready . for chickens and garden. Pay like rent. Da Tenport. East 8266. Bdwy. osuo. FARMS 407 CLOSE-IN FARM 55 acres, cultivated; miles out a. r... rock road; y enue to station and school; & seres prunes, other fruit; buildings; exceptionally good land in favorable location; $6800, terms. Inspected by Hunter. 15 acres, 24 miles north; lO acres cultivated, balance pasture; creek, sprine; bearing orchard; acre strawberries i good ' buildings, stock, equipment, cream sepr arator. furniture, crops, etc.; $3000, some term. . - 10 8 acres Linn county, rocked road; 20 acre cultivated, no waste land, lots of timber; large bearing orchard; $4000. $500. down. Consider Portland property. AT CANBY 20 acres, close to station and school ; 9 seres cultivated, balance pasture; "good house, other - buildings; $3675, terms. . , . John Vireuson, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 800 small places near Portland. Going Farm NearNewberg $0 .level acres, with good creek, 28 miles from Portland, all in high state of cultivation ; 4 scree bearing prunes, bal ance in crops; on good road, good build ings. 7 room-, house, fine blooded fresh Jerseys and other stock, implements and 20 tons of hay. $8500, terms.. STAB REAL .ESTATE ft INT. CO. -Realtors. 61$ Wilcox Bldg. Just Look at This KB. BAN CHER AND MB. STOCKMAN $62 acres in the heart of the Willamette valley, in Linn county; part in cultiva tion, balance fine pasture and limber; 14 head cattle, 150 heep, 150 goats, 7 horse, machinery and implements; close to school and -town good buildings and only $3$ an acre. el. J. HOLBKOOK. REALTOR, - - 214-215. Panama Bldg. 1 a d.iuh , South America, colony. Wa have, instead. delightful climate, ample rainfall, rich prai rie land at $1 per acre, with.no taxes oa tend or improvements; railroads and markets soon -available. Get busy en this. Bolivia Colonisation Association, 600 Chamber of Commerce blng.. Portlana. or. Free Catalog Farm v Bargains . Selected" throughout SUNNY SOUTH ER.N JERSEY." ideal fruit, poultry and truck section. Map- and photos. Write to day, V US ELAND FARM AGENCY, 64 9-PC Lanon ave., vineiano, a. J. I ACRES, stock and equipment, excellent soil, encd 0 room hou-e. barn, good water, good orchard, 3 cow. S horses, harness, hay. grain, etc. On good road. 3t miles from Oregia City. $8600. Sell or take dear prop erty to $5000. Batence 20 year insurance loan. . - - - , - Waverly Realty Co. 81t CLINTON ST. SELL. 8192 FOR SALE 6 acres.- 86500: view of moun- tains, dty. lake, 135 bearing peaches, 139 ! young prunes, bearing apples, : cherriesi plums, ff- pears." walnuts and ouince, ion ,ru' issoberry. . Usckberrr. loganberry, and strawberry- bearing vine; 7 room, bath i roeox. not and eofd water : electric lights. bam, chicken house. Sickness Owner, boi 103-A. route 9. Vsncouver, Miib. tphone. 16-F-1S. . I j HAVE 73 acres in. Polk county,' 8 seres .prunes 1 year aid. 40 acres bottom tend, eood barn, fair huiiw. - . mile -from town, creek runs theouga place, water fiied on for irrigation, Fine out or berry ' propositirih. Ranch sold 2 yeers ago for $10,000. Will ; cell - today for $7000.' floor tarmv.- I'a ' cifte Finance- Co.. 320 Pittock block. " EXTRA CHOICE v SMALL FARMS 16 acres choice levet tend, all in cultiva tion: 6 acres totrrie, SO bearing fruit tree: a room plastered Bouse, large nam IS aaile Porttead. - near, railway town Washington county. Or.; $5250. $760 down, fialarui morteaee. " : -' R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO., 165 tth st. 40-acre valavy - tend. ' alt cleared, level and ready for plow, facing: on Pacific high way, (paved), 10 miles south of Eugene. 9 ' mi'lM tv' iMd- town. - Thte- Is a real bexsain. -.-Broadway 2030. . 1043 Chamber 'of Qpuiiiicrrw Dior. ' '-;'-- - ." " ' CELERY AND TRUCK LAND T 46 cn." 16 mile from dty. en psverTj - road rine pnrate overneaa trngsaon- ay tern. This property incl uied in the assets of large estate ana ronit pe sola., - H. C. LQNG, 319 Pittock blr. SEE OUR FA TIM AND ACREAGE N VTTONATf Is" VrlSTMrTNT CO.. " 612 1-ANAilAf -iKi. EliVYT, 7 SSI. FOR SAIJ2 r . -t THS FAMOUS JENSEN PLANT The 22-acre Jessess Poultry plant and T cow dairy; all full btooded stock; hatchery capacity thousands ol chicks.: warehouse ' overhead; milH, motors, .grinders, separators of grain and cream; machinery.- implements. . pumping plant, auto track, 'tools of all kinds, supplies of ail kinds, bay in bans, . corn in auo, graina snd suppBes of all kinda in warehouse: everything good, - It is the most complete plant yon ever saw. and it s " NEW. The beat markets foe all you can ' produce, and tan times more. It's snodern - from A to X. Seven-room bouse and all mother buildings Be wj lights, power, wster, ; cverywhero; Just outside city limita. Will, -consider some trade if good. ? Discount for cash. Don't writs so unless you. mes . businesa. Then full details will follow. Cost $26,850. Jensen Poultry Plant. La GranoB. Or., L. M. Jensen, owner. v Nothing Down But Taxes and Interest . for Five Years ' 10-20-40 sen tracts, from $3$ to $49 - as acre, 2100 acre to choose from, down , Columbia river, est Orecon side, close to . highway Some of these tracts - have streams. Beautifully lying tend. Fine location for growing prune, apple, ber ries, filbert nuts, Snd EnsUan walaata, Fine for dairying, bees, and poultry. 1 i CHARLES D ELF EL SIS Railway Ktchsngs Biug City. 100 Acres Close in ..$95 Per Acre , - -$11500 Down - 4 On good road. 16 miles from Portland' dty hall, electric depot oa place. 40 acres cultivated end in crops, balance pasture, fair buSd-ncs good creek; stock and im plement included. - Only $95 per acre. SOME SNAP!' , STAR REAL ESTATE ft TNT. CO. Bealtors, - . 613 Wilcox Bldg. 11 ACRES. 6 acres in cultivation, balance pas ture; good sou, good fences and city water. 6 room house, barn and outbuildings: one fourth me firm depot. Price $4500; cash $1500;" balance mortgage at 6 ft . We E. Kidder CARLTON. OREGON. CHOICE LITTLE FARM 1 ft acres ohoice land in cultivation, or chard, H acre berries; bouse, bam. chicken house, electric lights, near school and rail way station, 19 .miles Portland; $4500, easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 185 H 4th t. POULTRY AND BERET FALiI 10 acres level land in cultivation. 6, room ptesterefr house, double construction ; barn, chicken houses ; near store, 44 mil Clacka mas river; good road; 10 miles out. $5600; term. - It. M. GATEWOOD ft CO., 16$ H 4th st. ACRES.- 10 acres cleared; 6-room house. good barn, small- orchard, good weu; oa good road, near school, church and past office: selling to settle estate. H. 1 Barchus; K. 2. Box 206-D, Vsncouver, Wash. - 53 ACRES,. 6 clear, hou, two million ft. . timber, spring, creek, $2000, terms, 40 acres, $ cleared, balance pasture and timber, house, barn, $1300. term. J, C KuratU, R04 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE 35 acres. 200O cords wood; price C3TOO 31000 cash win turn the deal. Write for particulars to J. Gee, Salem, Or., Gen. Del. SNAP 40-acres, partly improved, on highway; $1350. terms. Dubois. 804 Spalding bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 408 Acres . ATI under cultivation, 2 seres or chard, good 6 room house, good barn; main graveled road; close to . school and church. Bent $250 per - year. $25 to secure tease. . ... 88 Acres at Woodland, Wash. .415 cultivated, balance pasture, new 5 room house, dairy barn tl'st wul hold 5.0 head cattle, 75 to 100 tons hay. teres silo. This is 11 fine river bottom diked tend, 1 mile from town. Bent $75 pee south. 880 Acres 880 acre, all fenced" with woven wire, 400 acres cult, plenty of running watef; new modem bun galow. ' terg dairy barn, 1 sheep . bam. This is an ideal stock or sheep proposition. Bent $750 per year. Half cash, balance monthly. 400 Acres, Stocked 400 acres, near Florence. Or.,. 300 acres bottom tend, good house, teree new barn, buildings electrio lighted, mils '.and half from rail-, road: cheane factory oa plao... Will leave 75 or 80 cows, horaoa, farm machinery, and lease on 60-50 baaia, $250 required for commission for making deaL . Owners' of place want $3000 as guarantee of leaf. Will pay 7 interest on jnoney, to be returned at expiration of lease. . This place is a big money maker. Evjstungs call Tabor T296. See K. ft. Blair, with Thompson, Swan & , Lee, Realtors, Vancoaver, Wash. 3d and Main Sta. 195; ACRES, mils from Wood land. Wash., part river bottom . 'land. 40 acre in cultivation, sot of buildings, 40 head; of stock; complete set of farm implements; .rental only $400 per year. Own er is unable to care for place and wfll " seU stock and equipment at very reasonable price - end terms, This farm is only 200 yards from paved Pacific hurbwsy and is - practically in Woodland, one of the beat smsB town in tliis "' vicinity. See Albert Miller. ' -v ... with ' Percival & .Watts '' 108 West 6th 8t Vsncouver, Ws&h. - -- A FINE money maker, rent ranch, bny stork snd eaurpmeni; a seres, vregon :iiy car-. line, .right at station; 6-room house, barn, oirtbuildiiu!. fruity' berries, abundance fut-l wood, fine span of . mares,' harness, wagon. 6 cows. 7 jMifers, 1 lares hogs, 150 chicken. 12 ducks, tons of feed and hay, all sinds of machinery and tools, cream separator, milk cans, furniture; fine income cows, boas, chickens, team earning $1 per hour. Every thuig goes for $1750; $1000 cash. C L. Becker,- 133 4 First at, SU ACRES oa pavement, 4 voiles from courthouse', -west side, good; 4-room house, barn, chicken runs,, plenty of berries snd frnit. Heat $20 per son. Main 6915. r The Lawrence Co.. Realtors,' . T .' - - FOB) RENT T mile north of Vsn-jouver, - Wssn.. a aiarter r-r uuU from- pavsa men war. 40 arrea. 12 acres cultivated, balance -pa-itorc Good place to rai chickens, cows and hoc. Orchard, modern room house partly furnished. Plenty cf waste word Jilacr Sear school and churfU. Rent $400 -a yir, payibte -in advance. Bex 11T. . 6. Vancoaver. Wfci., esil AtwsUr 2519, Polttend. ' -" - TWO acre.- 1 mile Katy lunits, S terwi house, plumbing, ea, ele-tncity, pve- merrt. e.l earttne. uooa o"um' iwa -. fraifc $27.60 per raontJh. See, Mr. Hunter -. with . - - - - - - - " - t Jobs ; Fwrgusop, Orifngwe bldg. - ; . 60 ACRES near Dallas, unusually good propo- -? sition. Long teawt 8, P. Wondwsrd with : - WILBUR F. JOO'O. Inc. 224 Henry bid., Broadway 483T. 20 ACRES, dairy, near Vancouver, cows, hoes - and machinery, $850. Rent -reasonable. S. ' p Woodward with WILBUR F. JOCNO. - IneK. 224 lenry bldg., Broadway 4837. f.a A. 30 a, ia cult,,, S a. orchard, house. ? barrL ' $250; , W-:rim workv - Bdwy. 6 23 L-. Seschrest. 60 ACRES, 40 in cultivation, on good road, . l mi. f rom ity iflmita of Portland, year. - for gaWo, BJ lin ve., pi u orwi car.' FOB RLNT-r 4 2-acre ianu, 22 cuiSijatcl,. $Zvo year; ojmou w uj. . wihi Kiihiieswortb, ... - . S : I . : 1 s