the o: ;o:' Sunday jouhnal, pu::tlai;d, su:cd ay ::o:i:a:;a, dixi::::;: , - JL . MLVREID MASTERS 'DOPE' ; HABIT FOR WIFE Film Star Said to Be Recovering After Close Cfall From Death j Friends Blamed for Condition Los Angeles, Xec 16. (U- P.) A creator human Interest story than any ever depicted on the silver screen came to light the heart of Holly wood, when reports were confirmed that "Wally Reid. one of the best known stars in 1 filmdom, aftr break ing physically 'through the convivi ality of his "fair weather" f i lends, has. 'redeemed himself through the love of Dorothy Davenport, his wife, who stuck by him through thick and thin, for better or for worse. Although lying weak and ill at a Hollywood sanatorium. Wally has conquered the narcotic habit, con tracted by overwork and Insomnia, ' and Is on the upgrade road to health ' and sane living, according to his wife and mother-in-law, who tonight are happy despite all the notoriety that has come to the star. WOOD TO I'BIESBS V About two years ago when Wally was skyrocketing to success and fame, according to Mrs. Held, he began to be surrounded by "friends" who im posed on his' good nature. At the same time he was working almost twice as hard as most movie stars, producing no less than' 10 big pictures in one year. In addition his "friends" made his homo a regular roadhouse," accord ing to Mrs. lie id. They dropped in j day or night, and the genial Wally never turned -them down. Me had a ; large supply of liquor when prohibi tion came into effect and his "friends" swarmed day and night to help him consume it. Wally tried to entertain them and burned the candle at both ends, she explained. ."About three months ago Wally be gan to realize what condition he was in and that the thing simply couldn't go on. He decided to leave the films for a time and fight the great fight' with himself. He was put on half pay ' by Laskys and first went to the moun tains with a trainer, away from his friends, liquor and everything else.' (It was at this time that Laskys an nounced that Keid had left because of "Kleig eyes," caused by the severe Kleig lights used in filming interiors. Wally wore a pair of dark glasses to aid the belief.) FIGHTS KABCOTICS "He came back feeling fine," Mrs. Beid continued, 'and even reported for work. His narcotic fight was over and Wally was a mighty happy boy, "Then he was taken ill again. His present illness is a puzzle to physicians and we have called in the best ones in the country. . "In ail probability It is the nervous chock due to the sudden stopping of stimulants the body had become accus tomed to. Although physicians almost gave up hope last week, the crisis was passed two days ago, and he is now showing marked improvement. We hope that ha can go automobile riding ia about two weeks." j WILL HATS SILIIfT Los Angeles. Dec. 16. U. P.J " "There is nothing for me to say at this time." declared Will H. Hays, mentor of the movies, when asked con cerning his views on- the plight -of Wally" Re Id. "except to say that I Join with the others in hoping that Keid will win back his health and be his old self again." Colonel Noble Betires After a Notable Career Colonel Robert H. Xoble, infantry U. S. army, who has been stationed at Vancouver barracks as officer In charge of national guard affairs, ninth corps area, was retired from active service this month upon his own ap plication, after 42 years of service. He will make hi home in San Francisco. : During the World war Colonel Noble served as a temporary .brigadier gen eral in France-with the SOth, 77th and 79th divisions and with other troops. His career has been varied and he is a veteran of Indian and Spanish American wars, the, Philippine insur rection and of the Mexican border trouble. , i He was graduated in the class of -1884 from West Point and was as signed to the infantry. In 1890 and for four years thereafter, be was mill-, tary instructor at Annapolis. t Colonel Noble was stationed at Van couver barracks with the first infantry . i . 1 I-.... .1 . k. .w. i o . v. Infantry. From 1914 to 1917 he served on tne .Mexican roraer ana later was in command of troops during labor troubles In Chattanooga, Term., in 1917. Action on Bonus Scandal Inquiry Is Due This Week : Action on the Bend bonus "scandal Investigation by the federal grand Jury is expected some day this week.- The grand Jury adjourned Thursday night after excusing all the witnesses from land for about 10 days. The body -will reconvene Monday. Alt ia auita likelv that anv rnort which the grand jury may make in the bonus matter will be secret, especi ally if indictments are returned, as the- Investigation Is an original one. and no person is at present under bond Thla would .mean that news of the arrest of any defendants to Indictments would not be released until the United States' marshal had made arrests. A Christmas Gift of EdUf sen's Merchandise Order creates comfort and f cheer forty o u r relatives and friends. ' ", Agents for Butterick Patterns . V .I i r 11 THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE JT SELLS FOR CASH" BE SURE TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING JUST AS EARLY IN THE DAY AS POSSIBLE All Mail? Orders Promptly Filled LAST CAI JJLf T:CmiSTMA TMEDTD) Gift Bonds Issued for Any Amount 1 When in doubt as to what to give or as to the size or color -desired, youH find the Gift Bond very appropriate, as the recipient ran make selection at any time of just the Sift that will please best. U 4 I An Ideal Gift! m i jL ' m reriumes and Toilet Requisites J 7rf Attrartivplv KnTM fajjOi uene i aimer s jjregun Made Preparations A very attractive' gift can be selected from these chemically pure beauty helps. Boxed Toilet Water $1.00 3-piece Combination Set $3.50 8-oz. bottle of Toilet Water .3.50 Powders and Creams at $1.00 Vanity Powder Compacts, twin, triple, single 65 to $2.00 Visit our demonstration booths where your purchase radiates faith and good will to Oregon-Made Goods. Your consideration will make merry the men and " women oa their local pay roll. Finds Portliaiid's &eiatfe Ecbnor Store Ready to Serve You Promptly and ' Efficiently at This Our Most Important You Can Safely Shop by Mail Send your mail order direct to mp store and ezper U eneed shoppers will make selections for you as directed in your instructions. Make first and second - choice when possible. Msil Orders Prepaid. v-v Only Six Shopping Days Before Christmas Only six shopping days before Christmas and during these remaining days you can get more sat isfaction and much more personal comfort by shopping in the mornings. The store is less crowded at this time and you will have much more of an opportunity of selecting gifts with greater care and . will receive greater service from our salespeople a store different in plans of merchandising that has won patronage on the basis of quality and .the best at the price, no matter what the price. These are the attributes that are continually making this a greater shopping place, not only through the Christmas season, but all the time. 1 , ADD MANY AN ADDITIONAL GIFT TO YOUR LIST BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE SAVINGS THAT WILL ACCRUE TO YOU THROUGH THESE SPECIAL OFFERINGS PearlBead (Imitation) v Necklaces . 7f ' k 219 --SSI 24 and 27-Inch Lengths in Gift Boxes For one day only Monday -we offer this ex traordinary underpriced special in beautifully fin ished, indestructible Pearl Bead Necklacea in 24 "and 27-inch lengths. They come in cream color and have a lustrous finish. Each necklace comes, in a nice gift box and at this sale you pay (JO. "j A only . . .. . ,pd mJLU Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen An ideal gift for man, woman or chill all prices.-. ....... . .$2.75 to $7.00 Special Demonstrator in Attendance . - . , Books, Dolls, Toys, Games These Special Offerings 18-inch Celluloid Baby Doll with hair, jointed hip and fZQ r shoulder No. 1 Konstructo Building OQ. Blocks No. 2 Konstructo Building T(i Blocks OC 4-inch Decorated Colored O C Rubber Balls, only OOC 11-inch Jessie McCutcheon ?Q Character Dolls with hair.. 16-inch Horsman't Dressed Dolls; hair, shoes and (1 QS stockings ... X i 6-piece Aluminum Toy Tea OQ- Set . 11-piece Aluminum Toy Tea TC Set IOC Rubber Dolls, IOCS 15, CAo ?i5 and OUC 2-inch Stockinet Dolls S0c Large Paint Books, Sun Bonnet Sue. Wild Flower and OA Buster Brown OC Large Story Books., Alice in Won derland and Children's QQ Firy Tales .i OSJC Bandeaux and Boudoir Caps in Holly Boxes $1 upto $350 Very acceptable gifts pretty and inexpensive Boudoir Caps of fine quality silk combined with lace and ribbon trimmings, also the popular Bandeaux in dozens of colors each in a fancy holi day box. Other special values in Bou doir caps at 69c and 95c. v unsurpassea values m an Unequalled Showing: the Season's Best Stvles Few gifts are more charming than a dainty bit of Neckwear whether it be a collar, set, gnimpe or vestees.' Most XmaS Gifts everv woman would be delighted with the opportunity to add new Neckwear to her wardrobe, and this special show- tug tiiu 2cuc auu uccu cspcioiij aiidiicu iu doaidi juu 111 juui ocicvwuiia ucc uui ttiuuviv uiDiiaj t WOMEN' S NECKWEAR New Vestee Sets Styles With Roll or Buster Fine Nets combined with Val Venise Lace, at Fine Nets combined with real Irish Filet Lace, at Others in Natural Linen, em broidered in colors, at Hand Loom Embroidered Nets combined with real lace, at. . . Handsome Allover Venise Lace Vestees in cream and ecru, at. . . Colt or ar 98c $1.59 $1.75 $2.39 $2.59 J- QQ For Net Guimps, trimmed with 9xa70 fine. Val or real Irish or Filet Laces in cream and white. (gQ J7C For Net Guimps in the styles OO I 3 with, the jpopular Bertha collar arid fine real lace trimmings. Virr CQ 'QP or Guimps made of hand Or XlTlflS WPill DOsJ loom embroidered nets, trimmed x ui vuiod ii CfU with ie&l Irish Filet laces Irish Lace Cascades $5.75 to $6.75 Another shipment just received of these popular Net Guimps consisting of the latest effects, made .with handsome frills of real Irish laces. New Bertha Collars $1.00 to $5.95 An extensive variety of the best styles in the extremely fashionable Bertha Collars, made of fine laces and nets. Collar and Cuff Sets $1.00 to $1.25' An endless assortment to select from, in cluding: all the best styles in all popular materials handsome laces, linens, piques, organdies, etc., in tuxedo Bramley and Buster shapes. The New Collarings -All Prices Crisp, new and dainty Collarings in round neck and Bertha effects in fine nets, laces, georgettes, - etc also the popular embroidered effects in white or colors. . All moderately priced. Spanish Scarfs $3.50 to $5.95 A' gift sure to be appreciated one of these handsome Spanish Lace Scarfs in black or white. All Fiber Silk Scarfs This Sale at Price . A timely half-price ' sale . of our entire stock of Fiber Silk Scarfs, including all staple and new. colors, , sport effects, and stripe novelties narrow, medium wide and the large Mantella effects with fringed ends. OUR HANDKERCHIEF SALE IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN! . Astonishing Are the Values and Unlimited Styles See Our Morrison Street Window Display Don't make a single purchase before you have inspected the special displays and offerings now on sale in our Fancy Goods Section. You have.ehoice from thousands and thousands of Handkerchiefs for women and children at the lowest prices ever quoted in this city on equal qualities. Many lines are attractively put up in holiday boxes. Come and see them. .. . " Gift Suggestions in '. Household -Necessities Housekeepers Will Appreciate Pillow Cases Fruit of the Loom, hand trimmed, on sale at, pair . . .$1.48 and $1.98 All Linen Hack Towels, guest sizes at, each..$l afid $1.25 All Linen Huck Towels, in standard sizes, on sale at, each 75c up to $1.75 36-Inch Colored Linen in all wanted shades at, yard $1.50 36-Inch Round Thread Colored Linen for towels, yard $1.25 Beacon Bath Robe Blankets, all colors at, each ...... .$5.50 Turkish Towels, guest size, with fancy border, on sale now at 40c and 45c Fancy Turkish Towels, very at tractive at, each.. 60c to $2 Practical Qif ts for Men Something good -something useful in proper style and quality such are the gifts men like best. Here you'll find unlim ited selections in attractive, practical gifts. Men's Plain white Imported Lawn handkerchiefs Men's White or Colored Initial Lawn handkerchiefs Men's Plain White, pure Linen handkerchiefs, with initial . ........ . Men's Plain White, pure Linen handkerchiefs with initial . , Men's Plain White handker chiefs all pure linen . . . . . Men's Plain White Handker chiefs all pure linen 35c or 3 Men's Plain White Handker chiefs all pure linen ...... Men's Cut Silk four-in-hand PO fif ties Soc to ...... :Oi5Ull Men's Knit four-in-hand ties CO Cf 50c to wuUU Men's Knit WoeM Gloves, 50c to Men's Kum-A-Part Cuff Buttons, 5 0c to .......... Men's Cashmere and . Wool Mixed Socks, 5 be to . . . . Men's Cashmere Heather Mixed Socks, pair 50C to 25c $1.00 50c $1.50 $1.50 75c $1.00 Men's Phoenix Silk Socks, pair 75c to Men's Wool Mixed Flannel Shirts $2.25 to ;., Men's All Wool Flannel Shirts, $4.50 to ........ Men's AH Wool Sweaters, 54.50 to ..4 Men's Bath Robes, 4.9S to Boy's Cut Silk and Knit Ties .i-. Boy's Wool Mixed Flannel Blouses . . .... . i . Boy's Wool Mixed Flannel Shirts .......... Boy's All Wool Sweaters, 3.00 to ......... $1.10 .84.00 .$5.50 $9.45 $18.00 .:50c .$2.00 ;$2.75 .$8.45 Exquisitely Dainty Camisoles at 95c at $1.19 at $1.9$ at $2.59 Over 50 Different Styles in These Four Groups A i. fg 1 You have choice from Values to VC 7tlCT"double this figure in all shades of hemstitched satins, poplins, lace insertions and ribbon novelties of Taffeta. .... A f 1 Q You have cnoice frora x Beauti- t. Dx.X7 , ful rang of dainty single and double elestic satins in both tailored and lavish Calais Val styles, ribbon shoulder straps and tailored. - A. i. Qt QQ You have choice from a wonder rxl. u)X.70 ous assortment' of Fine Novelty Satine Camisoles in both fine Filet and Calais Val or semi tailored effects. Af- J0 CTf Vou have choice from the best JxL tDitJtJ t values obtainable jn heavy bro caded Satin-Radiums-Pussywillow 5 thread Crepe De Chlne-Mellansons High Lustre overweight Satin in every kind of Lace and Tailored Model imaginable. - EXTRA! Attend Our Great Half -Price Sale- Crepe de Chine and Satin Envelope Chemise and Gowns at $3.95 and $2.95 A Wonderful Opportunity to Select a Beautiful Gift at Exactly One-Half Regular Price You'lt Be Tempted to Purchase for Personal Wear; as' Well ; Gift Suggestions at Notion Counter 4 -ounce bottie Sylvan 7C Toilet Water In boxes..... I wC 1-ounce bottle florianna ' . y Perfume ; i OC Mother Goose Perfum. for en. children OUC Colgate Week-nd Pack- ng. ago awC Fancr Spanish Combs 1 Ofi priced 9 X .43 Prophylactic Hair Brushes JC- for SOC Gem Safety Raaor priced Sheaffer'a Fountain i f f Pens. S2.50 to...... OIU.UU Sheaffer's bharp Point (HA ff Pencils. Sl.OO to...... dUU Gem Shaving Set priced 25 Auto Sp"safeV"Raxor. 7C model C ....i. lOC, Set of 6 for $U0 Just the thing for the housekeeper. Set of C Hand Painted Cups and ia?. $1.50 GIFT SLIPPERS For Every Member of the Family - Slippers are on the list of most every holi day shopper, for such is a crift lone: to be re membered. Here you'll find the most popular styles for every member of the family. All of good quality and without any fancy prices- in : fact, you II be surpneed at the values of- a sale.- Of v Q K For Women' Felt Slipper D00 in ; ribbon ; trimmed styles with padded moccasin or chrome padded soles- they come in all colors and -sizes. . - . .... , - O-t rjf? For Men's Felt SUppmn in OJL.f J brown and trey. colors styles in tbe turn-down cuff and padded sote ail sizesan exceptional value.- CI fill For Woman's Fait SiesU: OX.UU SCppers in ribbon trim med styles, in all colors and . sizes they come with wool padded chrome leather soles.' Q1 H fl - For ClliU,' Felt Slippers tDX.UI " , in styles with chrome padded soISs they come in old rose, red and blue and. are neatly trimmed. Men's Leather Slippers $2.50 and $3.00 2.So and $3.00 Men's Leather Slippers. Both black and brown kid leathers in the best of -styles, with McKay or hand turn soles, all sizes, 6 to tt. - - - Boys' and Girls Red Top Robber Boots, Size 7 to 10 ft at $3.00 Pair Gifts for. Particular Women I 'Rich sand attractive ? rarmentssuid in many designs Blouses, Waists, Petticoats, Bathrobes in just the quality and . style to suit the' particular woman. , - - ; A For. Crepe de Chine Waists and lAJ .Blouses some very wonderful val ues in beautifully hand beaded styles all sizes and the most popular colors. ' - : d ol rTp? For Women's Corduroy Break (POtlO fast Coats in beautiful styles and colorings in shades of Copenhagen, Firefly and Fuchsia very attractive garments. A - A t For Handsome i Silk tp41ro7tX Petticoats in Taffeta and Jersey Silks-r-dozens and dozens of pleasing styles and col ors to select from plain shades and novelties. - 1 Children's Bath Robes, sizes 2 to 6 This Sale at Q2.45 Girls' Bath Robes, sizes 6 to 14 ' This Sale at $2.98 Here Are Delightful Se lections in Charming Gifts rorfler, Christ- mas Remembrance Everything desirable in. style and of worthy quality at a range of prices which insures you unsurpassed values and the added sat isfaction, that your gift will be received with lasting ap preciation. Check over tiiese items and then inspect our special displays. - - Clove Silk Vests ' rf $2.50 np to .... tD4.UU GIot. Silk Bloom r $3.50 to ..... Phoenix Silk Hot. t$10Po ReveUtion Sak Hose st $1 to . . Silk .and Wool CO fTA Hoe $1.50 to . . OO.DU Kid, SuxU or Mo ' cka Glores $1.50 Saede Lisle Cloves NorelU., S1.25 Vsnity $7.00 .. S4.50 $3.50 $7.50 $2.75 ty Boses, " tflfT PA t $1.50 up o iDJLi .UU $12.50 Leather Bsfs, Parses, $1.95 to S3k- Velvet or Duvetra Bess priced stS,.. J" f '. fTfk $Z.95 up to. , . OXlOlf Music' RMm. $12.50 i sll colors. $10.00 kinds end $12.50 Hst Seta, Novelty Leether Priced st $1.50 P to .. Silk UmbrelUs is priced at . $3.95 p to ... Wool Scsrfs, sU colors, priced " $2.25 p to .. Wool Scsrf sad $9.50 p to. .? $12.50 Men's Gift ChUdren's Umbrellas Umbrellas $40 to $1.00 to $10.00 ; $35 ' . '" ' CMIdren's Purses and v Vanity Boxes From 35 np to $1.75 Children's Knit Toques at 35 np to $1 '0:;': A I