i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,.. DECEMBER. 17, 1922. v HEU WANTED T.iALE iOl fei'f :.-'s - -; -- : - . f- -. .- - : v.- , BOND SALESMAN. "Splendid orrportunfty for high class man with established clientele and executive abil ity to reyreseut western branch of prominent New York Investment banket in Washing ton end Oregon. Strictly confidential. Apply , box EX-306, Journal LARGE CORPOBATIOW HAS THBE OPENINGS FOR COLLEGE GRADUATES BETWEEN 22 AND 27 TEAKS OLD WHO HAVE GOOD APPEARANCE AND WHO DESIRE TO GET INTO SALES WORK: STRICTLY SALARY BASIS. AP PLICANTS MUST HAVE A KEEN DE SIRE TO SUCCEED AND BE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE OF SUCCESS THROCGH HARD WORK AND DILI GENT EFFORT. THESE POSITIONS CARRY AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLI CATIONS MUST BE MADE N AP PLICANT'S OWN HANDWRITING. STAT ING AGE. NAME OF COLLEGE FROM WHICH, GRADUATED, DEGREES KE CEIVED AND WHAT BUSINESS EX PERIENCE YOU HAVE HAD SINCE , LEAVING COLLEGE. PHOTOGRAPH OR SNAPSHOT MUST ALSO BE ATTACHED. WHICH WILL BE RETURNED. RE PLIES CONFIDENTIAL. T-897. JOURNAL. FORMER SALESPEOPLE - We invite former salespeople of this com pany who ere not now employed end who wish to assist as in giving Meier & Frank service to customers during the holiday sea son to apply at employment bureau, sixth floor, 9 a. m., ready to so to work. ; METER V FRANK COMPANY, New Oil Lannfp Bums 94 Air S. Y. Johnson, P. O. Box 38, Portland, Or., inventor oi wonderful new oil lamp that burns 94 per cent air and beats gas or electricity, is offering to give one free to first user in each locality who-.will help in trodnce it. Write him for particulars. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE to sell those Wonderful California Herbs for Rheu matism. People from all over the U. ' S. have written u the last five yeara about te extraordinary results' from these marvelous Herbs. Send for free booklet.- Pound SI, postpaid. RHEUMATISM HERB COMPANY. SAWTELLE, CALIFORNIA. WANTS! For city worse Millwrights for construction work. One operating millwright. Apply 4L Employment Office, 33 N. 3d st., near Burnside. and repair I WANT to talk to a yoong man at present employed and who desires to enter the field - of export and foreign trade as a life career. Must be of good character and willing to de vote some spare time to study for few months while in present employment. State ace, business experience, your object in life and give phone. N-263, Journal. HELP FURNISHED FREE We furnish" help free to employers. Skilled and unskilled mala and female. Licensed and bonded. IS years in busi ness. Write, wire or phone your orders. PORTLAND LABOR AGENCY. 11 Sorth Second St. STOP daily grind. To .slave U a crime. Punch no timeclock. Take nose off grind stone. Be independent. Start business of your own. Silver mirrors,' headlights, table ware. Replate stoves, jewelry, brass beds. Dependable plans free. Clarence Sprinkle, Dept. 93. Marion, Ind. - ADVERTISING The principles are grasped quickly as we teach them. Our course will open big opportunities for you in thn best paying field, in the business world. ' Prices, terms ou application. Page-Davis Corre spondence School, Pacific ceast office, 621 HoUingsworth bldg., Los Angeles, CaL EARN $10 daily silvering mirrors, plating and refinishuig tableware, headlights, chandeliers, bedstead, articles of silver, brass, copper. steel, iron, by improved methods. Complete work-ins ouuits furnished. Write for infor mation. Kenneth-Decie Laboratories, 1133 Broadway. New York. IMPORTANT manfacturing industry now ex panding to nation-wide business, desires siit Fiscal Agent in Portland. Apply at once, 8 to 10:30 a. m., 432 Worcester bids., 84 and Oak St. S. GOVERNMENT wants men. women over IT: steady work, $93 to $195 month: paid vacation; common education sufficient; ex perience unnecessary. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 863-R, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS $3 hour. Part time satisfactory. Distribute $3 household article free to fifty thousand new customers for our our guar anteed goods. Experience unnecessary. Send for free samples and start quirk. Jennings - Mfg. Co.. District B 2543, Dayton. Ohio. WANTED Boys and young men with wheels; steady er temporary work, bis nay: lust the thins for schoolboys who want work during holi days, nppiy now to atr. lxxp, 253 Oak LARGE SHIRT MANUFACTURER wants agents to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer: exclusive patterns; big values; free samples. MADISON MILLS. 60S Broadway. New York. GOVERNMENT railway mail clerks, men over 17; steady work: $183-195 month; com mon education sufficient; sample examina tion questions free. Apply today, sure. VX-841. Journal. ElSTRICT-MANAGER"" Exolusive opportu nity; big money, commission basis; new household article: small invesetment on prom-snaring pun. I. ft E. TRADE CO., u. dokoh, axass. MEN wihin mntinnt fitamA.. l. i colored train porters, on large Oregon roads. wnie lot uuunuauon. vlo-xiiuo month. Experience unnecessary. Inter-Rail way. i ept. eaa. mmanapofls. incL HAVE opening for capable man of experience to manage and operate large prune and apple orchard on share1 basis. - References required. See Mr. Hunter with John Ferguson, Gerhnger Bldg." YOlTARE WANTED. S 1 35 month oom- nsence. Government railway mail clerks steady: common education sufficient. Write immediately for list positions open. Frank lin institute, uept. aoa-tt. Rochester, n. y. ViORTH AMERICAN LIFE INS. CO. of Oow ha. Neb., wants salesmen for Oregon. )H . Line Reserve Co.; good territory, liberal commissions. Address George Young, stale msnsger. Junction City. Or.- WANTED Man with light car to take over . Dr. Kooh's Remedies in Yamhill" county, Oregon. Call at 998 H Commercial at.. Portland, i KEN for U. S. mail service, $115 to $190 per month. Experience, or correspondence course unnecessary. Write E. a. Bishop B x 391, Jopim, Mo. WANT AUTOMOBILS SALESMEN Want 4 experienced auto salesmen to sell used Star cars. If you are not a producer do not answer. - Can Grand ave. and E. Oaks. ONE young man, over 21, te take orders in 'Per and. Work In crew. Good pay When learning. Room 428. 162 2d et. W AS TED Experienced magaaine and new a j paper men. Pablbhera' . own offer. 42S Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. WANTED Experienced all-around auto me ehanio. - Call Co milt A Conaer Co.. Grand ' ave. and E. Oak st. W ANT ED A sasssmea so sail oil and gaa leaae of merit; a good pi position te live wires 303 Falling bMg. SEAL ESTAtB8ALSSMAN Most have small car and be good bustler.' SMITH-WAGONER CO. PARTNER in atab-sned wood saw barirniie. assail inveetment; make from $5 te 98 day, v 605 Buchanan bMg. WANTED First-class plumber for a partner. - ahop established. : or peroentage. T3E-809. journal. PLACE ORDERS .or food ruttera. land . dearer, etc Ptoaeer Emp. C Phone Bdwy, 2278. 14 North eeeoad t. WONDERFUL discovery. Cb rge batterise tn 1 minar l. tialktn free to agents. lite Co.. St. Panl. Minn. , EXPERIENCED ""advertising solicitors, ' bTg money, permanent employment. - Straight - - commtswton. " T-698, Journal. - i - : WANTED Neat meat cutter to operate- mar ket in connection with grocery. Tabor 6712. WANT experienced hothouse man. !. Bdwy. T829.' ' 248 Stark X iRST . CLASS, auto mechanic. Apply O SS4. iournal, and sive puone nnmoer. ; HELP WANTED -MALE 201 NEED steady sad reliable man to sire ma general assistance in busy ante repair chop ' Have . fine downtown location, well eouippsd shop. - Previous - experience- not e-ei' mis I B ' yon are villiM worker. Right man- showk dear 1180 or $300 per month. Only $300 and service required. Meet owner at 34? Pittoek block. - $60 TO $108 A WEEK . Is what all cur men average eeHins sim- j&f led accounting systems to small mer chants and doctors. Exclusive territory. Bis renewals. - Only high-class men considered, so sire details about yourself first letter. Beek-Nor Company. Saline. Kan. ARE Y0C interested ki connecting with a company that has the beat ellina propo sition in Omron today! This company offers yon certain advancement if yon make good. Apply Monday. THE BICKEN BACKER COMPANY, lac.' ' 1020 Gaeo Ride. - LIGHTNING-STBANGE BATTERY COM POUND Startles the scientific world better than sulphuric acid and charges discharged bat teries INSTANTLY; WILL not FREEZE or OVERCHARGE, -flail on free to agents. THE LIGHTNING CO.. 254 Grand -eve. MEN wanted for detective work; experience unnecessary. Write J. Ganor, former gov ernment detective, ot. Louis. hfcU- WANTED FEMALE 204 FORMER SALESPEOPLE i V, invitj. fnmer wlimrwonTn of this com pany who aee not Bow employed and who wish to assist US in gmng Meier c-rana service to customers during the- holiday season to apply at employment bureau, sixth floor, a. m., ready to so to work. MEIER FRANK COMPANY. Kimnr.rru Startling strange new BATTERY COM POUND rhanrps discharged- batteries in stant! v. nermanent charge: impossible to Harm Ht'rv niicm free to uest Write or call and have your battery charged while you wait. state, county vu vm-j salesmen wanted. RADIOLITE BATTERY CO. 290 Union ave.. Portland, Or. t n t. TOrturva v-TI-'J"T" T V IT, DrVlSION city of Portland, offers its services in all matters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection oi women and girls ; interviews con fidential 514 Worcester bldg., 3d and Osk sts. Phone Broadway 7423, - WANTED Would like to hear from a poor widow woman who would like a good home just for a companion: will give clothing and spending money; would like a near common woman, not one who dresses in the styles (71 luuaj. iBin. gi"v, w WANTED Women to do fancy work at home; spare hours; material furnished ; good Py: stamped envelope brings particulars. Un derwood Art Goods Co.. Portsmouth. Ohio. WANTED Girls to learn beauty culture and electrolysis; thoroughly taught; diplomas given. White School of Beauty Culture, 825 of today. Mrs. E. Stiennon, Allegany, vt. Fleidner blag. , v asningion ano xom. AT ONCE 5 ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers: $40 to $75 per week; raflw ay fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept 102BB. umipi, neo. HAVE openings for 3 lady solicitors to make better than $30 per week Belli mr fine food products. Permanent employment. Repeat business. 319 Artisans oiog. WANTED Young lady as office girl in large institute ton, $12 per week to start: good opportunity for advancement: state age, ref erences and schooling. J-291, Journal. LADIES, earn big money at spare time mail ing circulars for us: no canvassing; samble snd working plans 10c Weasner Co., 254 vasn.. nun aip, j. i NOTICE We furnish lady cooks, housekeep ers, waitresses, store nelp, factory help, etc.. free to employers. Phone Bdwy. 6498. Bus. Men"s Emu. Agcy .. 815 Wilcox bldg. WO MAS to assist with housework in country Good home. to right party. Small wages. Close to schooL No objection to 1 chiid. DX-329. Journal. AUTO KNITTERS I can teach you to run yocr machine and guarantee to do perfect work. Mrs. R. H. Hopkins, 6041 72d st. 8.E. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May 'air d .i . . .! r-i 4 I Kn " I r . - Aiexanaer Ha. irrxiig i oivv is-wn WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers, ap ply Monday morning, 7:30, Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. X2th snd Davis st. WANTED Ten bathing girls to compete for prises Hippodrome theatre. New Year's eve midnight shew. WAXTtlJ Experienced girl for general house work; good wages; small family. Portland Heights. Main 7928. DEPENDABLE girl or woman for general housework in exchange for first class music lessons and some pay. Aut 631-41. BRIGHT young woman for special investiga tion work. State phone, experience, nation -ality. G-294. Jonrnal., f GIRL for general housework, one that Is fond of children. Tabor 0564. WANTED High school girl to assist general housework. Tabor 7320. with TO ASSIST with housework, family 4 adults; good home for right party. Ant. 614-58. TWO lady barbers at 204 Jefferson St. 65 per cent GREGG shorthand taught privately by expert. Broadway 4116. - PIANO player to play with violin for practice and pastime. No rag time. N-262, Journal. MA ID for general housework ; references. Tabor 104 4 WAN TED Experienced girl for" general house work. Phone Atwater 8791. ELDERLY lady exchange room and board for light housework. Tabor 9403. MAID for general housework, country home, $2 per day, references.. ' HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 205 AGENTS wanted outside of Portland to sell White Wizard washing compound; washes clothes snow white without rubbing; con tains no lye or injurious chemicals. Women send for it from Idaho. California, Colorado and Washington. Must be a reason. Free sample. Manufactured by White Wisard Co.. 388 E. Washington St.. Portland. Or. MEN and women of good address anjd char acter can secure profitable employment as aalesmen for a large old line life, accident and health insurance company (either whole or part time) , Ask for Mr. LeFranje. 808-14 Wilcox bldg. WAN TED Man and wife to manage pet stock and seed business, wholesale, retail. or will sell; $300 will handle this: strict investigation can be made. 188 St.. near Front. TYPISTS Earn $25-$100 weekly, spare time, copying authors' manuscript. Write R. J. CARNES, Authors' Agent, Tallapoosa, Vra., lor parucntsns. SOLICITORS JJever-Bnrn Hot-PUtes. Sell like hot cakes. Guy Hudgins, 625 Everett. Broadway 4145. WANTED An acceptable Portland couple te wed on Hippodrome stage New Year's e. An appropriate prize given. SITUATIONS WANTEP--MALE , 251 PAINTING, paperhanging and tin'ing; prices reaionable; work guaranteed. Shop 1363 Hsw tlwuja ave. Tsbor 1722. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or contract references. 1498 Rodney ave. WaL 6632 CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR to build your home, or repair old one. Ant. 630-25. WE DIG cesspools an d connect eera,ail work - guaranteed. Ant. 632-01. PLASTERING, repairing a specialty; by day or contract; all work guaranteed. East 6891. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, TINTING. REPAIR WORK-SELL WOOD 3906. ' CEMENT WORK, ro aranteed, ail kinds. Battee & Co.. Bellwood Q919. . . Had PLUMBING done verjr -reasonably by the hoar or by the Job East 9838. PAINTING, TINTING, ALL BRANCHES. RKAgPfraru-lu. All. Brtoa.. W AL. 8336. KOOFS REPAIRED. $1 up; reahiaglins. Aa - tomatic 68-lQ. . BOY 17 wants work of any kind. n day. Lambert Flprin. 1098 Marguerite eve. GRADING. B ins and moving hrmwu. erete work. . Walnut 6894 Coa- W. E. WALKER, general contractor and job ber. KastSfae- . . FOB grading, excavatkts or general team work by experienced men, call Tabor 9063. carpenter . work wanted. ferred. Ant. 648-81. , COCRTB nanu. . two 4fc Work guaranteed- Taber 0552. ROOMS tinted frost $1 to $3. Pafntinir rea- sonatne, wora guaranteeai IS mad way toy KALSOMINING, pister repairutc paiatifc reejor Me- Main 2868. - - c. "" GUTTERS and down apeute .cleaned and. r pairect. r.ess ooio. fjHJNGLES-r-t-'W hen you want ahliwiiny AtmT cull Walntit 5 206,- morning or evening. MIDDLE-AG tD man. r trade, aa work winter, L24. Jw- , . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 251 EXPERIENCED battery man wants Job, have fesai and accounting training with experience in i"" r"a -e business ; graduate nniversity " and Oregon Institute of TecnnotDgy, 7 years : old; eaa report anywhere, anytime- G. W. ' Sargent, Box 1, Portland. ' y -GENERAL office nun. 80, married, thorough ly experienced. . reliable, best references, ca ' pah la K.ftg comphested set books, type 1 writer, very good ew figures, wanm rjerma. nent iob. Walnut 2093. 125 E. Farragnt. .HOUSE WIRING - Let as sire you an estimate ess yoer wir ing before Jetting your contra, electrician. Walnut 6691. CA3PENTEH work, bmh In fixtures, breakfaet. kitchen and nook tables, counters and meet combination counters and aheiving. All work done as agreed. JSeat P4. i - PLUMBER wants work, can do any 3ob repafrs. gas fitting, steam fitting. edUs of : stoppages, tanks. Jack McCurdy. Very tow price. Automatic sta-ie. MAN 32 would like position ss clerk in gen eral mdse. or manager of lumber company store. CB furnish awfereiwes and pesiaon in two weeks. VS.-18T. Journal. WIRING Let os figure yocr electricai work. , Sew er old bouses. - Walnut 114- Evesv inga. Walnut 8065. PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND NEW wpUK CHIMNEYS and furnaces cleaned and re paired. H. J. Emmert. 350 Oregon. K. 9711. CARPENTER Estimates givva on work; rcof. repaired ana tarsres built. 8 hop 1387 Hawthorne. Tabe 126Q. - CAHPENTEtf won., estimates given for day work; gaarrea built and garage door made to order. iSast 9384. ' " " PAINTING, paper haneing. P1"MLytcLiD tinting. Let me ma v jv- - Empire1528. ' BENSON stlldent, 1 5 wants y "r outside school hour 6 E. ist fctreet. Tabor 6542 WE BUILD smaU "houses and garages and ro pair old ones; rock bottom pneea. 735 East Main. East saov. wivTrn im kind of work by young handy with all kinds of toota Phone At- w mter ouau. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes position; references. East 4782. MARRIED man wants lawn or other work. 887 E. 75th St. n. LEAKY i ROOFS repaired and waterpmotea. . - a , n Automatic oxo-ov. PHONE Walnut 1763. Trees and vines trim med; trees mocuiateo- SHTNGLER Reahlngling. roof reasonable. East 2816. repairing. DRUGGIST, experienced, wishes position relief. Tabor 7435. MAN 26. wants work in confectionery, exp. ; car. furnish best references. Walnut 5130. PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, TINTING. REPAIR W'ORK. ATWATER OI 5 7. FHJPINO BOYS need work. Call Mr, i. W. Caasil. East 9620. except ponaay. CARPENTER wants work, new, or repair; satisfactoryw6rkand price. Tabor 8374. COOKING- Assist other work. No washing. 9-5. $1.50 paid -dauy. 516-73. PLUMBING Of any kind, by house or job; any time. Walnut 6084. PAINTINGj, paper banging and tinting; prices reasonable. Call Aut.6 17-43. - FROZEN WATER PIPES THAWED; RATES REASONABLE, E. 3487. ROBERTS. PLUMBING, teamfitung and repair eork. Phone Bdwy. 5109. CEMENT worn or remodelins basements waterproof. Bdwy. 1245. CARPENTER Handy man. email odds and ends, etc WaL 2211. 1330 Interstate. WANTED Papering, painting, tinting. 50c per hour or by the contract. Ant. 614-25. BASEMENTS, grading, " teaming: contract or aay wora. uv oaa-eo. aivster oooi. GOOD carpenter wishes work, price reasonable; day or contract. Tabor 1611. BAKER Long experience on bread, cake and pastry; local references. Bellwood 2762. ANYONE having trees to cut down, grubbed or trimmed call Aut. 024-48. SITUATIONS FEMALE 254 EXPERIENCED hotel housekeeper wants posi tion in or out oi town; can give references Address Mrs, Evans, 207 14th at., room 36. Main 1153. YOUNG WIDOW, small child, housekeeping for respectable man not over 40. not foreign, mora for home'. Please state particulars. R-870. Journal. UNINCUMBERED woman desires management ' of rooming house. I clean up things and "SELL IT" thafg why I am advertising; local ref. A. B. S.. Atwater 4055. EXPERT typewriting" specifications, aasmv scripts, briefs, etc., very reasonable charges. Phone East 8824. . SQUARE DEAL employment for women. Hotels and cafes promptly attended to. Mrs, Thomas, mgr., Bdwy. 7692. RELIABLE girl of 1 8 wishes position aa sten ographer or general office girl. . References. Some experience. "Phone Walnut. 0380. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants house cleaning, washing or other workj good work guaranteed. Walnut 6305. CAPABLE plain cook wants work in family of adults in Portland; good references: wages $35 to $40. Main 82 IS. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants house cleaning, washing or other work; good work guaranteed. Walnut 6303. LIGHT housework wanted by elderly person; prefer housekeeping or place as companion. K-470, Journal. LACK CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED.' 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE EAST 6196. LADY wants work as jani tress in buildings or theaters. Anto. 613-91. REFINED woman, alone, wants room in ex change for wnrk. V-167. Journal. STRONG, healthy woman of 25 needs work at once. Apt 5. Main 6476. evenines. HIGH school girl wants, work afternoons, Saturdays, in a store. Atwater 2218. PIANO TEACHER, with experience. Lessons at your home. Tabor 6542. ELDERLY lady desires cafe of shik n, whole or part time. East 1047. WILL CARE for small child during the day. Walnut 4024. 1024 K. 28th st. N. DAY work, 37 Ho per hour. Main 4857. Call any time. AN EXPERIENCED chambermaid work. Atwater 2105. wishes WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. PHONE AUTOMATIC 626-36. Sunday or eve. LADY WISHES DAY WORK. ATWATER 8342. ROOM 1. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. East WANTED Day work or nr. Call East 3949P. WANT to do practical nursing. Walnut 7275. DRESSMAKING 2561 DRESSMAKING, tailoring, remodelins; for guaranteed work at the right prices, call No. 1034 Vancouver ave. Phone Walnut 7458. LADIES' TAILORING Alterations, coats re lined. .Mrs. Muckler. 443 Morrison. Bdwy. 0430. PLEATING and button ahop now located 5th and Yamhill. 202 Goodnough bldg.. One yarn jiemsotcmng iree with tma ad. DRESSMAKING and alterations, hemstitching Sc while you wait. Work guaranteed. Pan! ama bldg.. 3d and Alder. Bdwy. 2338. WANTED Sewing to do at home; especially . gowns, aprons and children's apparel. East 1659 evenings. - DRESSMAKING reasonable, work giiaranteedl 601 Buchanan bldg.. Wash. bet. 4th 5th. Bdwy. 8378. , HEMSTITCHING any color. 6c lite. 403 Ralctgb bids; 827 Waih. Bdwy S742. HEMSTITCHING Special lunch cloths straight 5c per yard. 1006 Bdwy. blda. STRAIGHT hemrt tebing, 6c per yard. 209 Alteky bldg.. eattycorner Roberts Bros, HEMSTITCHING, wnhe. he per yard suaiaht Button St Plaiting Shop. 609 hcyal bldg NURSES 2S7 PRACTICAL nurse, 19 years' experience, best NURSE, 10 years' experience, wants mental patient in her .home. Wainot 3834.- EXPERIENCED NURSE. CALL EAST 64aTJ FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 30Q , LINCOIJ HOTtX ' ' 409 MORRISON ST. ' Tender New Management Furnishehd rooms, hot and cold water ta a neat. Price. $5 to $19 Phone Broadway 863$. HOTEL BRISTOL, It 12th sc. cVr.-. Stark! New management: enodern; private baths, free pboo. reasonable rsU e; $5 and up; hot and cold water; steam heat HOTEL- HARRISON, ear. Front and B-rrfeoa sts,. 5 story, fireproof imiMigJ nnder new -. management. Sleeping rooms, the best far the money. $2 and $2.50 per week. - - Sleeping Rooms . - Must be seen te be appreciated. ' Tll-71 Johnson. , Him 499T. LukKGE warm room, hk - blocs from Central library. 208 llth st. ROOMS 25e niltht er $1.60 weak, aw hotel 543 Hood St. W FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 THOROUGHLY clean ancle lows, day er . week; hot and cold water. : sta m beat. Chamberlain Hotel. 2 E. Stark. K. O0S2. NEWLY famished sleeping rooms, hot - and cold water. Walking distance. lift John - jr. 224. Main 4997. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 LARGE, sunny, furnace heated room, comfort able, for 1 or 2. Reasonable rent. Em ployed people preferred Waiting distance, J block from WA er BW car. 300 Hancock st East 9408. - KICE LARGE SLEEPING ROOM IN OUIET HOME. FURNACE HEAT, WITH OB WITHOUT BOARD .VERY REASON ABLE. CLOSE LV. AT WATER 8720. HEATED, li.hted rm.. with glassed fh dou ble si. porch: nice for 2 men. $20. X blk. from Haw, ave. East 927$. LARGE living room, bedroom, bathroom and use ' of cellar and kitchen; all very eonvens iemt and comfortable. $15 a month. 188 W. Alberta et Take St. J. car to Gay st. WARM. CLEAN, FURNISHED ROOM. 8 N. 22D ST.; 1 BLOCK FROM WASH IXGTON. MAIN 6036. VERY desirable attractively torn, room suitable for 1 oc 1 Private family and home privi leges; west side; walking distance. 2S t-verett, cor. Trinity. Bdvry. 2241. NICE H. K. room and kitchenette. Also sleep- lng room; garage. 654 verett. tKlwj. 2256. 2 ROOMS. $16 mo. ; hoi and cold water, gas ngnt, gas neater ana coating range, neeuy f urn. 64 Upshur at. " NICE, large, warm sleeping room, $15 month, if permanent. 747 Everett, near 23d at PLEASANT sleeping room, furnished, for gentleman -that wishes a quiet place; reason able. 4al lOtb 8. LARGE, warm, cozy, well furnished room. L0 in walk t M. a F. $20 for 1. $25 for 2. 353 Hall- Atwater 3400. NOB HILL? Inexpensive rooms on first and third floors, in a beautiful, refined home. 84 N. 21st, cor. Everett. Walking distance. PLEASANT room, suitable 1 or 2; private , family; walking due uice; aoas aaoiuon. Phone East 4809. NICE sleeping room with bath and phone, suit . able for lr 2 gentlemen; close to car. 250 N. 19th. side door. Phone Bdwy. 4294. NICELY furnished corner, front, furnace heat and fireplace, $8 per week and $30 per month. 274 Park. cor. Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms, with or without cooking privileges. 489 H . Washington. Bdwy. 6049. w CLEAN, well furnished front room $6 week. $25 month. 329 W. Broadway. ' Main 3901. WARM, comfortable- sleeping rooms for men, $13 and $18 per month. 9 E. 12th at. S., near Ankeny. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2; also single rooms in lovely modern home. " Walking distance. No. 8 E. 6th N. 1 ItOOM, twin beds, bath connecting; gentle men. 388 Grand ave. N. NEWLY furnished rooms, a real home, near hospitals ; reasonable. 283 24th st N. FURNISHED room, private garage; stove heat, central. East 81st; $15. East 8368. CLEAN, warm sleeping rooms: bath;-$2 per week. 400 N. 23rd et. Near Thurman. FURNISHED rooms. $1.50 and up. 15 N. 5 th st. Call Room 1. , LARGE room, furnace, fireplace. Home privi leges. Walnut Park district. Walnut 2770. CLEAN little sleeping room, $1.75 a week. 210 Mill st. Atwater 3612. SLEEPING rooms, clean, comfortable; meals . if desired. Main 2212. West side. NICE two-room apt. for couple; also eleeping room. ' 696 hk Hoyt. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortonia Hotel - Broadway off Washington. Bdwy.. 1180. Fortland's high-class downtown reskiea tial hotel We gie you the comforts of home. American and European plan. Rates reasonable. '- PARK VIEW HOTEL COR. W. PARK AND MONTGOMERY The highest standard of an American plan hotel. As a permanent place to live ft is unexcelled for the price in the city. Conveniently located for business and pro fessional people. . EXCLUSIVE residential hotel; rates $49 tt $00. 794 Loveioy. Main 8619. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 2 OR 3 RE3PECTABLE young gentlemen, to room and board in refined home with mother and daughter. Boys who appreciate real home life. 730 E. Ankeny st. 14W1. TWO young men to board and room. Lars front room, separate closet. Small, con genial family of young people. , Piano. Close in. Main 0698. ROOM and hoard tor working men. 897 Brown St., between Killing eori and Em erson, block east of Union. Walnut 1480. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO $7 per week each. East 2816. NICELY furnished rooms, twin beds. good home cooking and all home privileges suit able lot 1 or 2 refined people employed. 633 Kearney Broadway' 1509. NICE, warm, light room 3, suitable tor one or two, good borne cooking, piano, all home comforts. Board $35 for 1 or $60 for 2. Main 2074. 305 hi 14th. SMALL child to board and room, good home and best of care. $19 per month. OnU Tabor 7476. ROOM and board for business girts,' modern conveniences; walking distance; $o per week East 9730. 12 E 7th st. ' -WARM bedroom, hot water day and night, 2 well cooked meals, private family or three; one block to car; $45 for 1 or $40 each for 2. Garage. Tabor 8976. CHILDREN to board, beautiful country home. near acnoot. close in. i monuuy. rot particulars, write Peaceful Acres Farm. R . 1. Box 124-A, Hi-sboro. GENTLEMAN, do you want home comfort, good .food and a warm room at reasonable ratef 3 blocks east of Broadway bridge. Phone East 2683. 882 Ross at. BOOM AND BOARD; . SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOMS AT 772 MARSHALL. MAIN 1644 - BOOM for rent, board ff desired; H from MontarUla car. Tabor 0475. block WANTED 2 children. 4 to 13. near school. private home, good care, $35 for 1 or 2 for $50. 1481 Lancaster st. Take Ken ton-Miss, car, get off at Denver. BEST OF ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO YOUNG MEN OR MAN AND WIFE. WALKING DISTANCE. CLOSE IN. CHEAP. EAST 8218. LARGE front room with bath, breakfast if desired. '833 E. Caruthers. Phone Bellwood 2172. . - . SEE THIS TODAY BCST OF ROOM AND BOARD IN RE FINED HOME. CLOSE-IN. VERY SEA SONABLE. MAIN 8145. 769 IRVING ST. NICE, comfortable room: lota of -hot and cold water; home privileges. $38 per- mo. 325 Marguerite ave., just south, of Haw thorne car. Tabor 8181. NICE. LARGE BOOM. GOOD BED . AND BOAR D.-W ELL HEATKlt. COMFORTABLE HOME; PIANO. .HOME PRIVILEGES. CALL EAST 9065. - - - ALL'-the comforts and privileges of real home, excellent home cooking. lovely front room for two; walking distance;, very rea sonable. 63 N.1 21st St. BABY for $15 mo., room mother $22 me. Take care of baby while she works. Fur nish everything. . Her own room and do her own cooking. Walnut 5488.$ - . ALL HOME conveniences, furnace heat, phone. J piano, walking distance, close Jn. East 3825. 594 E. Main, cor, litlif v HOME for young men employed; home cook ing. Urine room, piano; close in; rates reas onable. 285 14U at., cor. Jefferson. BOY to room and board.1 near schools, good : home and surround inga. 5504 PoveQ val- .- ley road. - - - VERY delightful room with board for 1 or . 2 in west aide apartment. No other roota - era. Beferenees. Bdwy. 8833. . 1 LS THERE axe 2 young men who. would ap , preciale m clean, warm room; nice home good meals, ceil Bdwy. 8159. . DOUBLE or single rooms with- board and hoi privileges. Private, family. Furnace heat. bet water. (J iimn.i Atwater 44 1Z CHILDREN . to board." with Auto. 61S-81. Qotnejs care. BOARD and room for 2 young men hi private family, etoee in. " -Phone East 1314: ' - CHILDREN cared or la my home by day, week or month. East 0586. KICE cheerinl roons with or without board: clsee in. East 4949, . - ! . ,-t . ... v . ' - ' . - - , - 1 FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 503 WANTED, smalt child to board. G004 care given. 472 Jefferson st. j HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 LARGE front room and kitchenette, gaa annge. sink, washtray ; very nandy; alb, wita electrie bents, gas and water. 371 H &ue seU gt. SINGLE housekeeping or skepin rooma, $3 and $10 per month; clean, rosy 2 and S room suited, $10 to $18. Large lobby, well heated 41 Vth st N. BEAUTIFUL 1 and 2 room suites,' new ivory and mahogsny furniture, elegant looking borne, breakfast nook, modern, j reasanabie price. . 825 13th st. near Clay. TWO large clean rooms, furnished for nouse : keeping, dose in wett side. South. Portland; $18 per. month, light, bath, telephone free, Atwater 8836. " - j . NEWLY- furnished housekeeping rooms., fur nace heat, ohone. hot and cold water. Nob HU1 district. 741 Gluan at. bet. 2 2d and 23d ata. FOR RENT 2-room lia-ht hoosekeeDina anest ment. newly finished and fur Uhed, 290 12th St., between J. and C TWO very large clean housekeeping rooms. private bath, first floor, private entrance. $49 month. 489 Jefferson, near 14th. 3 LARGE rooms and pantry lower floor. 1 i block to car. 585 Commercial st. near Emanuel hospital. A SUITE of 3 rooms, housekeeping, furnished. $15. and 3 rooms at $10 per month. Gas or wood. Call Walnut 6097. 6 Revere at. LARGE front basement B K. room, suitable for 2 men; also sleeping rat, $8 per mo. 660 Glisan, cor. 17th. 1 OR 2-ROOM H. K. suites, also Bleeping porch; furnace heat; walking, distance; 360 Vancouver; cor. Broadway. ' i . -. ONE and 2-room.' housekeeping apartment, furnace heat; reasonable. 689 Commercial street. ? " TWO nice large furnished housekeeping roon reasonable; adults. 511 Rodney ave. ONE furnished housekeeping room, $12 per month. Place for ear. Call East 2949. 1 OR 2 ROOMS, clean, handy, all conven iences ; reasonable. 495 Da via. - ONE single H. K. room, with hkeat, $4.50, suitable for gentleman. 624 Flanders st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 TWO FINE housekeeping rooms, every thing furnished, furnace heat, electric light. for cooking; watting distance ; 2 people. o children. 441 E. Couch, cor. 7th, East 1316. FRONT large 2-room suite, weli famished, electricity, phone, fireplace, sink and gas range. 449 Montgomery, or call Atwater 8833 evenings. Also single housekeeping rocan. $17 TWO rooms, furnished for light house keeping!, one block from Hawthorne car on . S4th sL Tabor 5063. WARM, clean, housekeeping rooms, sink, hot and cold water. Phone, laundry, 306 12th it. T ' SEE THESE TODAY D? TOU WANT NICELY FtTRNISHED H. K. ROOMS VERY CLOSE IN, LIGHT. BATH, PHONE FREE. CALL EAST 16i3. 2 AND 3 room houseKeeping apts. ; heati light and9 phone, includes everything but cooking gas; all modern conveniences. 981 Haw thorne. Taror 3581. & FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, all con veniences, $25 month; on second floor; adulfe. - Phone Main 4 8 SO. 7bo York St. 23d st. car. THREE clean housekeeping rooms, gas range, heater, free wood, phone, bath, light and water; walking distance. 126 N. 16th st. Broadway 1173. - . ONE pleasant housekeeping room. weU fur nished, suitable for one, including fights, phone and gsa. All conveniences. 402 Ross st. Eat 9370. 1 AND 2 room housekeeping suites, each with kitchenette, newly papered and kalsomined. $14 and $15; light, water and phone fur nished. 1117 E. Market. Tabor 0426. ONE H. K. room. 1 sleeping room, dose in, very clean. Reasonable. 57 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 3741. T LARGE' room with kitchenette. 2 big closets, clean linen each week; furnace heat, gas lights, cey and clean, for man and wife, working. Walnut 4545. $15 FIRST floor, fronts room, furnished for nousekeeping; gas, electricity and water in room. 251 Fremont, 1 H blocks west of Williams ave. Wainot 1784. $3fi 3 FTTRNISHED housekeeping rooms; no children; no smokers. 425 E. 57th. $16 3 FL'lt.VlSHKD h. . rooms in private family; water, lights, bath furnished; walk ing distance; also garage. 344 E. 2d St. N. East 1326. TWO CHEERFUL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMSV CALL ATWATER 8005. CLOSE IN. 3-ROOM apt. with kitchenette to couple em ployed: everything furnished; also large room witli or without board to young lady. WaL 6807. ONE front room on first floor, sleeping or light housekeeping. Nice, clean H. K. room : running water; second floor. Main 8459. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, all cvmreni ences, second floor, fine ' attic, $15 per month. "Phone Main 4886. 780 York st. 23d st. car. MAKE your rent free. Lady has t rooms of 10 rm. house on west side, to rent for h. k. to single lady or man and wife. Ar ranged for subletting rm. At. 5678. CLEAN 2 ' room furnished apartment, with bath, porch, yard and basement: married couple or two ladies. 671 Gantenbein ave. W. A. car te raxgo. TWO H. K, rooms in private family; also sin gle H. K. rooms. .Walnut 7141. 985 is Albina ave, - - FRONT room, kitchenette, reasonable to work ing people; welkins distance. 689 Glisan, near.. 2 1st. : FOUR furnished H. K. rooms. 2 blocks from Peninsula school. 1557 Vincent. Walnut 2098. 3.-ROOM apt. nicely furnished, light, heat ' furnished, 616 Qlimby St., between 19th snd 20th. Bdwy. 8509. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, hot water, furnace heat, garage, 2 or more adults. 330 Weid ler. TWO TRUNKS moved, 75e downtown district. Fireproof storage 13 days free. Lous -distance hauling. Bdwy. 2445. HOUSEKEEPING room with running water; private entrance; 2 congenial people; refer- ences exchanged- 414 Market St.. cor. ' 11 th. CLOSE IN, on st side, single housekeeping room, hot and cold water, furnace heat. 508 E. Oak. East 5253i 2 OK 3 11. K. rooms. Clean, electric lights and bath; good car service, 3s9 Grand are. N. East 6UOO. TWO H. Kl rooms. $16 mo.; 1 sleeping room. $12. Modern. 786 Corbett st. Close in. li LOVELY rooms witu kitchenette; warm, comfortable home; first floor; very- reason able to working people. Atwater 2854. WALNUT PARK Two unfurnished house keepins rooms, in modern home; large closet and pantry. Wslnot 3774. : $20 THREE sunny furnished housekeeping rooms. 542 E. 27th ft. Richmond car to 27th. I blk. south. ' ' TWO-ROOM housekeeping suite. sE single housekeeping rooms. Close-in. 393 Grand Ave. S. East UUiU. TWO or 3 large well furnished rooms, modern home; water. light, - telephone -furnished. 1113 East 15th north. ' LARGE room, well furnished, good heat, plenty of hot and cold 'water; will share kitchen. 599 E. 64th st S. Tabor 7244. 2 FTTRNISHED h. k. rooms.) private bath. private family. 63 E. 19tB at. N., corner Davis. 3 OR 4 housekeeping rooms, with beat, and will care for child. 38th and Hawthorne Tabor 9306. ; F COZY housekeeping rooms, gas, . light, heat. and tone: 325. SeU. 3288. i $ HOUSEKEEPING rooms, whole j 2d floor; Mill st- Call 829 Salmon. NICE, clean, comfortable housepuig room for workins man. 106 X. 16th. HOUSEKEEPLyG . Dekum ave. rooms and .garage. 402 NICELY furniabed h. k. rooms: children . wea- 329 Montgomery at. FURNISHED . houekeepiiig v Washington. : v 253 H LARGE, light H. S- rooms, etectrio light, bath, pbonew 414 Salmon st- : - -- . -:; TWO front houaekeeptns rooma. beated, nice and clean. 414 r)lnmrua tt. Main 83iM). UNION AVE. and KUkncsworu. rum is hat apt.. $24. BO; all complete; concrete bldg & THREE clean H. K, rooms, ngnt, water, eloae-" m,: lis, zoo vjomroerciai st. OR 3 lovely furniabed housekeeping room, light, bath, $16 month. S86 1'ettygTove. FOR RENT, 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 592 1 4th et Phone At. 3262. FOU RENT Beauuful h, k. rooma, ail new lv turn. Waiting distance. . 546 Kearney. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FRIVATE FAMILY 308 IGHT dean, a-room apartment. it side. . close to -tontgotnery-Ward store; good furni ture, gaa and electricity, running water snem floor; reasonable rent, S40 Tharman near " 25tb at. ' - -. - - - - - . - - . SPECIAL RATE to woraing couple; clean, eoay, weU-furaiabed front h. k. suite; -sat. lifbt. e phoee,v gen tree; good yard for ear. oa Xtilamookv near Wiiaa ave. - FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 THE EVERETT f 644 EVERETT, BET. 20TH AND ELLA. r.iunt k.c. . i,. ntw turn, s-rnt. cor. apt., etriU 'mod., beautiful view, ele- -vator. i; mt. r ms na. nu. 3-ROOM Xuruiahed a. meut tn private Wne, . livin; room with tiWce. bedroom and kitchen; separate entla ue. including licnt. beat, phone, etc! no child n; reference. 453 E. 65th. near 1H vision ; Hawthorne oar. - Leeds Apartments Fireproof bids., modern. 2. t 4 room apta. Single rooma, elevator service, an i mi ., 3 ROOM apt. for rent, very reasonable, un- ;.K4. tnr U kM tBS - naif price. 41L Barker ApC. lt and Irving, LAMBROOK APTS 2 room furnished apt, j Price $27.50 per mootii. . iY eat vit- 'a TevOTWTrrrTf a k 4 ..4 utTflu E Gli&ftflL 2-room ap$utmnt, furiiie-U fl- rooixtB $20. part furiAiabed. NEW 2-room apt. for net, ftiriutara for - . t . (.Livne- lsM IsUmTJ. uaTOunwi, wtutaifaaj iiu., . Call eTeiiii-ga. 40 Paramount. 2S x- y-i n e roaawaj. can Stanfield Aists. ' Modern 2 rm. apt..nghti hea(Uphone, inndry t acuities, ezo. main mv . The American - Modern 4 and 8 room- apart enta. 21st and Johnson. Broadway 336Q. - . . . . , . ' rw T 1 ' .1 TU A T XX A I Am S rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. aoot. nrtvate balconies: 835 up. Atwater 1 ISO- CLEAN, completely rnisbd. 2 Of S room way 2839 CLEAN, well heated nicely furnished 2-rwm apt., lietit, cas turnisnea, i " t e riri, cor, rfgiigrauo. NEW. strictly modern 2 room apt-; oak floors, private bath, sleeping porch; east side, re- sonablo. Walnut 0800. CLOSE in. weU furnUued. apt. f urnace Beat, private path. Inquire 110 E. 20th at Aider. MARLBOROUGH & and 6 rm. unfum. apta.. all light, large rooma. . aiam yaw TWO trunks moved. Sc. downtown district. Long distance naming. - " I3eJ EFFERX My $18 2 rmur. apt $14. close in, cor, xtuasen ana 1 1 y.u ii. " FURNISHED apartments. Running water, clean. 214 13th st. i . . ..... A mf . o oTurv'T JiriSii. v . n-ru 4VH hUKNSIDB. y IX Tj flJjj$, JJ. AV J. ve-- r ELKGANX apt, by the week" or month; oil burner ; gooq neat. w .- GUILD APTS., $40. 3 lovely warm; rooms. private -Data, nail. mam iv. WALKING distance, 2 and' & rooms, private bath, 414 4tn st. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 2 AND 8 -room apartments, new and up-to- date. Hawthorne ave. ana r- im KEW 3-roomrtment vith bsth breskft jaas SU-IU VSl uei u is e,---. - FLATS FURNISHED -309 VERY pleasant 4 room. pr. bath, hot water, lights, laundry, blk. from car. faftms distance from S. P. shops. Adults. 68. Phone Tabor 5944 1087 y HAWTHORNE AVE. REASONABLE KENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED FLAT - MODERN. COZY, TABUlt bomj SMALL partly furnished flat, bath, elec tricity, laundry . trays,, range connecteo. screened porch, pleasant location on a car m.. .nif. nnW 6141 45th ave. B. E. 7 ROiM furnished flat, new. tor rent or sell furniture. 561 Everett St. cor. 17th. Bdwy. 8012. 5 ROOM bungalow flat; tile bath, hdw. floors; sleeping porch i flreplaoo and furnace. , Fine . location. 808 hi Glenn ave. Hawthorne car. ALL CONVENIENCES. 7 rm. turn. flat, good heating facilities, $4tt: right near Bdwy. bridge. East 9499. 251 Vk Halsey. LIGHT, clean flat, . suitable for 4. furnislted. Private bath, close in. near ear. Adults. 67 PV Belmont, ' ATTRACTIVELY furnished 5 rm. flat, fire- .... . . . 1 , T.-. , O MO nJBJe. n K. l&XB SC. i. ovva FURNISHED flat with beat. Special rate to couplo employed. Walnut 2696. CLEAN, modern, well furnished flat, everlook- ing river. 849 E. Glisan st, COZY 8 rooms, reasonable to deserrins widow or reliable couple. Tabor 1697. FLATS UNFTJRNISHEp .310 eno r n a DAAU V f TW.Tt V .lift fdi.Utf 1 JAW" mv ---- V Eart 12th and Dstu. Ha nice loer ing porch, linn and dinmc iwma, bath and cement basement; near Benson school; walk in liiitance to west side. - KMITH-WA(jv r. K. w. Biuvs. z. 5-ROOM flat close in on east side, light, airy ' rooms in good condition; $25. . Call Sell- wooa aai. - FOR RENT Furnished 4 -room house, with parage; no children. 987 Ainsworth ave. Walnut 4211. STEAM heated flat, good car service. 624 E. 26th st. 8. ' MODERN newly tinted 5 rooms. 653 tt Com mercial St. Walnut 0202. DESIRABLE west side 8 room flat. 1010 Savier st. Automatici644-86! MODERN, o rooms and" sleeping porch garage if desired). 741 Ivon. Bell. 1639. NICE 5-room fiat, close in, $20, four-room , flat. $15. 47tfH E. ; Yamhill. Call East I 9682. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 3 -room flat, modern, ' porch, view. Main 8879. -UNFURNISHED flat, $20; 5 rooms. 67th and Sandy bird. Tabor 2840. LOWER flat, 6 rooms, modern, furnace. West Side. 701 Everett, Beer 21st. -ROOM FLAT. 65 BEECH - STREET. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 , 1 1 , -i i.i - i - - FOR RENT Completely furnished .five room bunjalow, close in. furnace, fireplace and phonograph : four months or ' longer; -ready to occupy Jan. 1. Selhvood 2361. FOR RENT 7 room boose, furnace, elec. gas. No. 6406 4 2d street, 4 bias, south of Wood stock ave. $30 per month. RiUer, Lowe & Co.. 201 Board of Trade mdg. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room bungalow, ftnctly modern. , Rant $55 per month. Phone Walnut Z4i or peuwooq iii. FIVE - BOOM - semi-modern bungalow, piano, garage, to small responsible' family, $30. 1404 Vulcan et. Woodlawn. Walnut 2S88. 5 ROOM house, partly , furnished. No. 706 East 14th st. Apply 614 Broadway bids. Atwater 2554. . FOR RENT 4 room,, not modem house, at 1095 Marguerite ave., $9.60. Call Broad way 4887 HAWTHORNE district, completely furnished T room house. 8 . bedrooms, furnace. 305 Glenn ave.- MODERN S room bungalow, ivory woodwork, gas furnace, garage, 1 block' north Alameda Drive. $55. Tabor 105. ENTIRE lower floor. 4 rooms, nicely furnished. close in. 11 E. 10th at, N.. bet. Ankeny and Bnrnside. ' WELL furnished- 7 -room house, hi block to ear. dose fa $40 per month. 64$ E. 20th S. Can be seen Sunday. 5 ROOMS in the most modern duplex, weat - side, wonderful view. Oriental rugs, piano. '. - M as '-see to appreciate. Main 1528. - ' FOR RENT Small modern house, furnished. $WS; 2 lots, fruit, fresh cow, 100 hens tot sale. K. SirtSt. t -.'-. $2i.S0 6-KOOM notue, garage, paved street, en carline; Immefliate ; pnnswiiton. Walnut 3928. 6-ROOM modern bungaluw, furnished. : Haw thome ave.. $55; piano and garage. Tabor 8508. --; '- - - ''" - 4 ROOM house in rear, partly mmished. with .sarasw. suitable for 2; . rent $26. - 766 K. vtn st. a FOB, RENT Furnished house, $30. 6 rooms, . , modern, west side. Catt Wslnct 638-4 before noon,-call Mam bii alter noon. COZY little S room furraahed house,, to block '. to St." Johns car. Walnut 7408 Monday. FOR KENT a-rooa Biooern house, fnmiahed. 826 per month.. Call Ant. 632-88. : FCKTtlSHXD . 6-rooa house, for, rent. Call Sell wood 8 1 . LITTLE home for 2 people, cerage, near ear. furnished or unfurnished. 102 E. 8 2d N. 6-ROOM lower riat, well furnkiied, piano and garxre. 95 E. 24th, Cor. E. WasMnfton. FOR RENT H0USES--FURN1SHED 311 WESTOVER Beautiful view home can be had tot the hoUdaya and next 8 to 8 months durins owaera absence.- Four ttedtnonu and-two hatha, garagev BeaimnaMe to re sponsible party; referenees. HAROI-O JTJNGCK. REALTOR. V. . , ..... Bdwy. 9110. .-..... - - .. COMPLETE furnishings of spy home for SITS. rm. and kitchenette. - Terms to reuaoie parted Bangs low for rent, $27.50, blk. from oarl'jae.. 20 nun. ride. 1184 Omaha ave. Walnut 7478. !-. FOR RENT S room house, good location. nL - lZth at..- near Xaminu. reaaonaoie ren; private famUy. A. H.-. BIRRELL-GILL ' CO., ' ' SIS N. W. Bank Bid.' - Atwater 4114. - ATTRACTIVE Rose City Pack colonial home. overloosins city,' T rooms and ui S -room, garage, furnished in mahogany; baby krand piano. $135 per mo. - 1388 Wisteria are. none uarneia ssx. X ACRE, suburban plaoe' wita 3- m. furtsjahed house; lets of fruit: poultry house; near ear. gaa, water, electricity; $15 per month; 1 yr. lease. - See Mr. Hunter with. JOHNvFERGUSON. GERLLNGER BLDG. FIVE room house, do- in. on carline,' furnished, gas. electrify and piano. Call and see- thvl826 Belmont, . HOUSESUNnjRNg 312 """"two Hotsks' KENir'n"""'n"' 9 -room bungalow, UP to date, large lot, garage,- chicken -bouse, on 83d sU near .ear. rent 830 month.. : ',:. . : x Also 6-room , house, in Alberta, natn, toilet, gas range, gas heater, . window ahades. 2 H - blacks car, rent $15 month. . . ;. 3. H. RICHARDS , ' ; i J 808 McKay bids. " ' rRVWftTOX DISTRICT S room modern house to responsible ten ant. 850 per month. Everett Philpoe, Salesraenager, -NEILAN 4t PARKHlLLj 119 Lumbermens Bids- Bdwy. 2832. Sunday Call Walnut 7408. SPRINKLE RED WAHEHOU3K on trackaee Store your goods with us, Let ua de your movins and packing. TAY S. M0B3B. tsa ; Bdwy. 4T0. 464 Glisan at. MOVE THE SECURITY WAT Extraordinary Service j For the ordinary price. ' "PACTCINO Mf)VLNi. STORATB SECURITY STORAGE ec THANH tiR OO- u at rmt su. upp. luii urau Telephone Broadway 8718. . 8 ROOM house, on west side, close in; rent $22.50. Main 6916. THB LAWRENCE. CO.. REALTORS. AUMKIiA PARK 7 -room house, sleeping porch, white . enamel throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in cooler, gas -siove. refrigerator and garage, $65. 75 Maaon, -fibi AOS ft. WE HAVE desirable houses and flats to rent in an part of the city. - METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, REALTORS 26 Oak St Bdwy. 8358. MICE & room bungalow with saragw; also piano, in Richmond district, on Brooklyn St. near 29th. Rent $36. . Phone 8U- wood 2906. FOR RENT, 6 room house, tub and shower bath, wash trays, sleeping porch and furnace. 436 Boss st. Open evenings or call East 9384. - HOUSE for rent. rooms, partly furnished or - unfurnished; plenty of fruit on place. 1294 E. 28th su north. Rent $30. Main 6890. Freimaa A Stevens. 403 Ny W.-Bank bldg. 6 ROOM modern bungalow. Hawthorne dia- trict, furnace, sarase- Aaiuts, . RITTER, LOWE COR. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of - Trade Bids. WEST SIDE 1 large roams, bath, etc ; Vxxl location, walking distance; adults preferred; rent 'only $25. See them at 624. 6th sU. or call Automatic 827-02. 8-ROOM modem residence, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, all complete; ready to oc cupy. 688-E. 43d St. N. Tabor 2818. A bargain. ; - " - MT. SOOTT HOCSHV 84th st. Has 3 rooms, bath, eta, $12.88 month., SMITH-WAGONER CO. BlUUt rv, MODERN, 7 -room house, Dutch kitchen, buf f et, full basement, wash trays, etc, near grade and high schools. 4012 East 47th st Main 9091 or Tabor 3ZZ4. KENTON 6 room clean, warm, modern bun- - salow, sarase. pared st-, close carline. Take Kenton car, i w. maa n. 6-ROOM modern home, at 1162 Gladstone ave., at 89th st.: basement and furnace; on carline; only $26. Aut. 616-13; $50 4 -ROOM, newly remodeled lower flat; 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, paved st.t $30. M-V ear. Ill E. 79th st N. 4 BOOM 'bungalow, nearly new, modern con veniences, beautiful location, near cars and schools. Ess27. PIANO MOVING $3, furniture $2.60 per hour; 2 men, targe padded vans. Call Crown Transfer tjo.. kmx ami CUT RATA. :RNITURB MOVING innenraof Storase 16 Days Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. 2446 WHEN MOVING, city 'or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green 'trans, in.. 1261. 202 14 Alder st 2 NEW. large 6-room houses. Irvington Park. Near car, only $35. to responsible party. Owner at 729 Liberty St. K. N. L, A L. TRANSFER. East 6026.- We con tract your Job or $2 par hour, and fur nish 2 men. FOUR-ROOM modern bungalow, beater, gas range, adults, $25. Tabor 1816. 153 E. 76th st. N. $22.50 6-ROOM house, garage, paved street, on carline; .immediate possession. Walnut 8928. V- -""$12.60 4 ROOM HOUSE $12.60 Mt. Scott 'district, not modern. . SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. - YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving. $1.50 and $8. per-hour, cawy. pbb 7-ROOM house, unturuiihed, for rent, $36. in Brooklyn. Close to the shops and school. Call 680 Milwankie st. upen Bunoay. 9-ROOM modem boose, fireplace, furnace, some furniture for sale. 574 E, ' 'Taylor. East 9044. 4-ROOM modem house. South Portland, 1103 Kelly St.. tZIl; oenwooq aaia MODERN six-room house, furnace, fireplace, yard, $35. Walnut 0196. FOUR room cottage with sarage, 6036 Wood- stoek ave.- as sin zoso. 6-ROOM cottage. 867 E. Oak, $25. Adults. . isrs a a r A ptlOPg UPW 8-ROOM hooM pavrtly f urnih3d or unfurnished. tt? in mw. ut-to-iat house, near S. P. fihon. oeu. a - c o. i c .mi MODERN six room house, Fumaee, $40 per . - 1 . .Rnn monui. wmum ww MOVING by the Elks. Storage 30 days free; n mm ad machine $2 -Der hour. Main 8059. liva r. a.i-'v"J". " ' . paved street; $40 per month. Mam 8931. FTJKNITkjRE moved.- $2 a room, any part of . ii.j . . 1T.1.M i ft a city, yumw - .w - - - - - FOR BENT 3 room modem house. $18 1-.- -11 ICVA Ok.mt. ... miniui. .n. i j ..... . ... TRANSFER lQ X Vf times at lowest prices in the city. ' Bellwwod 8184. - - . - 4 room House near good1 school. CALL fjlH-S-J. 5ERX six, room bungalow. $30. Ryan, Electric Atwater JSuw. ROOMS, h. w. floors, fnrnece.- flreplsce. alo. porch, garage: 950 Hancock. NEW 8 room honee for rent, privilege of buy ing. Inqnire 692 Mallory ave. Owner. AT 966 Hawthorne te., 0 room house, oak fToers, 8 bedrooms, I urn ace. KEW 8 room house. 1255 Campbell st, near auvwenn. KEW house, 8 rooms, all conveniences, $30. y- Poenona Parte Bdwy. 2595. -----8 ROOM bungalow., fine, sightiy place. Sale or rent." $33. Aut. 681-SO. v - FOB RENT- S room house, close in, on Wil liams ave., $23 montn. envy, law FOR RENT -CnfuraiBhed eottage, equipped for 8 apta. close in. : Call Wslnot 394. MODERN 8 room residence, newly renovated; waming qistance. oio normrqp SIX room cottage. 343 E. 45th, near Hawthorne.- 6-11. $652 or Bdwy. 6442. 8 BOOM house, 100 E. 68th st. Bdwy. 2920. r HOUSES FOR RENT . I FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 FURNITURE for sale of 14 roons house. A - barrain. East 2560, any time. . House for vent. 'V ' " .. .", ' 8 BOOM house for rent end furniture for sale. -Can untfl Monday, trout iz antu t, Mala 8012, or 888 IMmbis tt FUKNITURE for sale and house . for rent. 2884 Grant, st. - - ..... FURNITURE of 6-room boose, all or by the piece; forced to seU- at onre. 830 Halsey. FURNITURE for sale, 6-room ilat for rent - Phone Main 6038. forenoons. - fURNITUKE of 4 rooms tor sale, house for rent. 683 Thurman St., west side.. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT v ,i FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 8-KOOil snodero noose lor rest. 835; exti una ruruHure ror sasa, lau caan, Daianr. terms; rooms all filled; nice apt, tor owner.; 181 Kearney -st. - a--. -. - - OOVPIETE furtushinga of my bunsalow fur; 8 tea, -4 rooms and kitchenette. Bungalow for rent, 1184 Timaha ave. block from cn. joiirts ear, vtamnt HJ5. GET SETTLED by. Christmas; rurnitnre for. aier ax rooni nous tor rent: pays rent and expenses with, room for silt. Call East esiu. - v - FURNITURE of 6 rm. house, house tot rent. . axno iiaa i . i - ii . " WWM. W. Wl . UUJ . m.oc a p- m.. 605 llnuera. Bdwy. F CRN ITCltE of 6-room fiat, for sale cheap. " wiwoB,.iiaa iiuii sxiwy. 2098 - STORES AND HALLS 314 FOH BENT Shop 40x200 ft. Jt aide jracx. traveling erane. 287 alawl borne. H. N. Burpee. 90S Wilcox bids. Bdwy. 6586. STORE auitahlj. f.r -K.ft-.rv a..M .11 . aones. eic,- incmains office with, desk and typewriter. 301- Hawthorne uve. FOR desirable anace in firanronX wasnhrnise pnone pro rway sti . STORE. 160 Russell st, living reoaa in rea; ligtit. basement $17. East 8359. . -680 UNION AVE. near RussfeB. $27.50. Will lease. Bdwy. v?80i. . - LODGE hall, afternoons and Monday evenings, r Awmvonnnt mil, sua A Sd at. Alain 8327. , OFFICES DESK ROOM 318 DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenogcapaie service. Phone Bdwy, 8716. ..' WANTED TO RENT ROOMS AND BOARD 352 WANTED Room end boird tor lady and child . years, between 2d tt g. E. and 70th at. ' 8. . on Hawthorne car line. 8-269. -Journal. HOUSES 361 BY JANUARY 1, modem, completely fur nished bungalow, with all up to date con-'' veniences. Give full particulars, , U-245, ' Journal. - WANTED TO RENT. 8 or 6 room bungalow f with garage, January 1. by responsible party, i Not ever $30. N-2 61. Journal. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE BEACH PROPERTY- 40O FOB SALE- Gearuart Beach eottage, 10 reonu, corner let, 79 ft, frontage, on ocean, large cloeeU, two batht, bis fireplace, double sarage. completely furnished, all city con veniences. Apply to 1L Ha radon. Astoria, Or. i ... ' . - . BUSWESS PROPERTY 401 INCOME property, leased for 4 "years,"- ia . account of recent fire loss will saerifioe th , splendid income property. $7600 ce.-ui will handler Balance terms. R. D. KELSON. Seaside. Or. " FOR SALB or ground lease for Ions peri.sl of years, llth and Ootnmercial, Aicoiu. Address 808 10th St.. Astoria, Or. y I APARTMPMTS kkin S7T IT . e e atesw ea eweiaaa W m e -M1s k SSMasTBs s PROPERTY " 402 WEST SIDE 4 FLATS V 22 rma.. hot water heat, south of Wash ington at. Big- income possihiUben. , k ' celient condition.". Ideal location. ; Bo' terms. East 7978 or Bdwv. 6011. ' r . .. K.AST RtTll irt.ai 1JUUU1. - Walking distance, double fireplace, SOx 1 100. Good speculation.. East 7978. e , " L O. BIRD. Bdwy. 8011.- LOTS 403 .; Builders Notce, -Restrictions in Ladd's s x : Do not forbid a duplex hcsjsd a ' v - bunealow or two-family flat. 1 BEADY SALE GOOD PROFIT' Several inquiries each day for this class of property. ' . 2d Mtg. Privilege Good bnildins loans- (n this high " elass oloseia. district, tnveagisate. See Mr. ' Delahunty Ladd Estate Co.. 248 Stark St. Bdwy. 6764,- Kva, East 3498 ' ' ; Your Rent Money WTLL DO IT Why buy a lot when I can sell yea a frig -piece of ground. 75x185. for $675 and sir you four years to pay for it? Water, cas, graveled street, no city taxes er assesamenta. See Mr. WSckens. 418 Spalding bids. Eve nings. Garfield 878. 300 CHRISTMAS GIFT Ws have two lota, 50x83.6 each, located on East 84th near Grant, that are pried ' at least $300 below their present market value. Owner' wants cash and will eel) them . both .for $1400. . W. I. GRIFFITH, RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors. - 201-2-3-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. , . $450 " ' ' ;.: Choice east facing ' lot. only 3 Uooka from Sandy blvd. This is a real bar -gain. Call Rose City Park branch office. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 826-10.1 j. u hah than company - ' ' . SELLWOOD CAR " 60x100, $595. terms;, all Improvements . fat and included fat price. Office, open 6un day. . . . . - ... - - . JohnsonDodson Co. eSSm w: Bank bids. Main 8787. HOSE IE CITY. PARK CORNER ...... ( S950 320O DOWN -v SEODNB MORTGAGE PRITTLEGB . Level 50x100 corner lot with all imp. tn and paid on both streets; only- $200 cash; will take second' mortgage for balance. HENDERSON-BANKCS CO., 228 Henry bldg. V Bdwy. 4754. ! ROSE CITY D1STRICT " $775 cash, on 87th near Knott: all im provements in and paid. Of f ioe open Sun day. .- Johnson-Dodson Co. , :' 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 87R7. LAURELHURST . SPECIAL 60x148 ft lot, located on - Multnomah . nrar 89th. Beautiful south front. .$1160. ' . " W. T. GRIFFITH, BeaHor. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-8-7 Board of Trade Mdg. I.At?nEI.mjRST LOT S9SO 1Sxl20', with all imp. la and paid; here sncarly, acre for only $850. on easy - HESDERSOS-BANKCS CO.. '"' 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754 ROSE CITY PARK $830 " Level 60x100 lot on East 62d street, --close to Sandy; - all Improvements In and. HETERS0K-BASiruS CO.. ' ' 228 Henry bids. ' Bdwy. 4784. ' ! ROSE CITY DISTRICT $350 cash. 60x100, aidewalka, enrna as graded street all paid.. Office open Sunday. ' JohnsonDodson- Co. : 638 Jf. W. Bsnk bldg. Msin 878T. "VESTMOREIvSD, $876 - CORNER LOT -AH improvements paid on both. this ts a choice, level lot. - - HENDEESON-BANKTJS CO 228 Henry bids. Bdwy. T8. ROSE CFFY PARK. $775 . ' ' ' BELOW THE HILL - . ' 5 All improvements paid at this price. HENDERSON-BANKCS CFO.. . 828 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4784. ALAMEDA PARK, $ 790 Level 50x100 lot on Skidraore street; all ' Improvements paid; easy terms. HENDERSOS-BASKUS CO.. - 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4784. $850 BUYS lot on Sijafwird st. 200 fevt from Union ave. Terms $100 down. Write owner. L. O. Levin. 219 jLSth at.. Van- eonver. Wash. , - ---- - Vi ACRE on 61st . it Will sacriiiee for $500, as I need the money. See tot egewte, v NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. ' 813 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY T381. FOR SALE by owner, corner lot, high else :. district, fine verw.. close to ear. A-bargain.. - : 847 East 29tb near Harrison. Pbeoe laoor '" 4480. ' '"-'-''" ' --'"- - LARGE Sot. Mt Tabor carttne, corner Haw . tborse and 78th. $250. , Hamsou, 612 Ger-, linger bkig. KENTON Unimproved property cheap, f- Front st. . S390Easv terms, , 4CxlOO, near 82d toweix vauey. rrmim, i j jji.ww. 50x100 LOT, S7tii St.. iuif. paid, $500; 819 down, $10 per month. IJwy. C231.