THE CHEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, .DECEMBER 17, 1922. GREAT LONG-BELL PROJECT VISITED BY PORTLANDERS Seventy-five Take Tripf Inspect- f . Ing Development of Mil! Site L at Mouth of Cowlitz River. xXelso, "Wash-, Deo. 16. Seventy-five Fortlandera, under th auspices of the Portland City dub, visited the Lon; BeU project at the month of the Cow lit river today as irueats of the Lone Bell Lumber company. The party came from Portland by train to Rainier and crossed the Co lombia river by the Long-Belt ferry. They inspected the Port of Portland dredre Colombia, at work hear the' 'Lonr-Bell dock, and went over the mill and industrial town site, including? - the new . $400,000 hotel of six stories, tinder construction. In the afternoon the party "was given a banquet by the Long-Bell com pany. Later the visitors were brought - by automobile to Kelso, where they saw the big Long-Bell project relief man, 'They were welcomed by Tv P. Klak. Long-Bel attorney. ' The inspection tour fwaa undertaken "t the suggestion of Major Richard Park, TJ. 8. army engineer in charge f the Second Portland district, and - James Polhemua. general manager and chief engineer of the port of Portland. r r v n rowers uoupie 01 Lebanon Are Hosts - At Golden Wedding . Lebanon, Dec. 16. Monday" evening the children and relatives celebrated vrilh a dinner: the ernlrln wvititlnv nf Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Powers were married December 11. 1372, at Fairfield. Or., at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Millsap. Mr. Powers was born December 11, 1847. at Marietta. 'hio. As a young man he served through the Civil war. Mrs. Powers was bora in 1854, at Fairfield, her par . cuts having crossed the plains by ox ' team, early in that year. The golden ' veddlng dinner was .served in the same house where the golden wedding of Mr. Powers' parents was celebrated, on March S, 1901. i Mr. and Mrs. Powers at the ages of -H 5 and 68 years, respectively, are great grandparents, having two great grand ' daughters living at Corvalfls. Or., whose mother, Lois .and Doris and Maxine Dalaba, are their grand chil dren. Present at the wedding an niversary were Mrs. Laura Dalaba, "WUliam and Eugene Powers, daughter fud sons, Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson, sis- 1fr tit Mra PflWAH ayrt t irn hmthAra and their families, Messrs. Byron and : Lert Millsap. Aged Priest Is Given High Honor by Pope Mount Angel College, St. Benedict, rx-c. 1. Archbishop Christie of Port land brought to the Rev. Peter De Roo the brief of Pope Pius XI appointing the venerable priest a member of the j-apal household with the title of mon- ignor, conferred in honor of the 60th anniversary of Father De Roo's ordl- - nation, which will occur next month, fr'ather De Roo is the author of two historical books and is 84 years old. Gazer at Hamburg Finds New Comet Hamburg. Dec 23. (By mail to United Press) Another comet has been discovered. Dr..W. Baade of the Ham burg observatory announces his find, declaring the comet may be seen through a telescope in western skies headed .in a southeastern direction. This makes the third comet of the year the otter two having been dis covered In South Africa the comet Be id on January 84 and the comet Skjenarap on May 17. Marsters New Head , Of Eoseburg Guard Roseburg, Dec 16. Lyle E. Mar kers was last night elected captain of Company D, Oregon National Guard. t to take the place of Avery L. Roscr. ' resigned. Captain Marsters is an ex service man, having served with the Canadian royal flying corps during the World war. He has been a lieuten ant in the local national guard com pany. Major White, Eugene, presided at the election. School Off icials Rap . Free Tetbook Plan Salem, Dec. 16. School district offl cers from ail sections of Marion county, who held their annual conference here today, unanimously adopted a resolu tion opposing free textbooks for the public schools. Discussion of school problems occupied the entire day. The conference was called by Mrs. Mary L. FnHcerson. county school super in ten ..-..- Maniac Attempts To Shoot Up Town . Montgomery. W. Va Dec. 18. (U. P.) Polica and armed cltisens were closing In on Tom Otey, alleged maniac w ho barricaded himself in his home - following a running gun fight with officers here tonight. "When Dr. Wil- " i'm J. Laid pronounced Otey dement- ' d-, he flew into a rage and tried to . t.sc3t up the town. L. JAMES HEEB Ashland, Dec. 18. Funeral services win be held Hunday afternoon for L. James Heer, 50,. who died Friday after a ffliort illness. Mr. Heer has lived in Aahiand for 11 years and was an em t!oye of the "American Express com pany. His wife and five children, Mrs. C L. Anderson. Mlss . Thelma Heer, Portland; Mrs. Carl Smith, Dunsmuir. Cel.; Leslie and Jtmmie Heer, -Ash- 'iind. survive. Mr. Heer was a mem !t of the Elks lodge and the Fraternal 1 'retherhood. 8OB0BJTT PLEDGES TWO University of Oregon, ' Eugene. Dec 16. Clea Bahe, Portland, and Esther Chnrch, Eugene, were pledged to Delta GArmra orority today. ' ; IDAHO JUDGE TO TRY SECOND LIGHTNER CASE .V'-JJULJUJ., MHJlJJIDIJilHWIW W..M.Mi.)'J'..-llJ. .y.'.'.'V,'W v tsw- sow----sjwwwm. W! "i 'i mm sj tsw 'iiim V II liMMnmilMj Federal Judge Frank S. Dietrich . The slates have been wiped clean of everybody who had any connection with theflrst trial of Dave Lightner, convicted narcotic dealer, and when he goes on trial Monday at 2 p. m. in the federal court he will face a new Judge and a new Jury. Federal Judge Frank 3. Dietrich of Boise, Idaho, has been ordered to change places temporarily with Judge R. S. Bean, and will arrive in Portland in time to convene court Monday. The order directing the change of benches was made by Judge "William B. Gilbert of Portland, presiding Judge of the circuit court of appeals for the Xlnth circuit. Lightner is to be tried this time for an alleged conspiracy ' to violate the Volstead act and Harrison narcotic law. He with three other men is said to have "high jacked" a Japanese sailing crew out of several thousand dollars' worth of narcotics and liquor and to have x brought the contraband ashore. The contraband has never been found. Lightner's first trial involved a dif ferent offense. He was convicted of violating the opium act and of con spiring to violate the narcotic laws. About 8100,000 worth of cocaine and opium which he assisted in bringing into the country were introduced at that trial. The first -trial created a sensation when Lightner as a defense charged corruption in the federal pro hibition and customs departments. Assistant United States Attorney Thomas Maguire will .have charge of the prosecution of the second trial, but will be assisted by his chief, Lester W. Humphreys. Paper Company's Sawmill to Rise Early Next Year Vancouver. Wash. Dec 16. Work on the Sawmill which will be the first unit! of the plant of the Columbia River Paper company, to be erected on the site of the old Pit took & Led better sawmill, is expected to begin soon after the first of the year. The resolution vacating Grant street from Fifth street to the public levee and Fourth street from Grant to Har ney will come before the council for final action Monday night and, after that phase Is settled legally, no obsta cle will remain In the way of actual construction work; The council voted to vacate the desired street ends and to grant the paper company the rigba to use the tracks on the city levee for reaching their log dumping ground, and the action to be taken Monday night is for the purpose of complying with the ordinance in the matter of vacating streets. The Pittock & Ledbetter property will be taken over by the new company and the street ends asked for are neces sary in order to have solid ground on which to set the heavy paper machines. An expenditure of SI, 500,000 for the plant is anticipated. Millionaire Will Lose Mansion if His Bond Money Unpaid Chicago, Dec IS. U. P.) William Brass Lloyd, millionaire radical, who was pardoned recently after a few days' stay in the Joliet penitentiary for violation of the state espionage law, was again the object of search by federal officials tonight The officers were seeking Lloyd to notify him he owes the government 820.000. his share of the bond of "Big Bill" Haywood and Charley Rothfisher, who fled to Russia to escape sentence. Officers who spent the day in an ef fort to locate the missing radical red declared tonight he could not be found to serve the warrant. If LI (5yd falls to meet the Daymen oy unnstmas day, according to an order by Federal Judge Qeorsre' T. Page, his North Shore mansion and its luxurious furnishings will be sold to eausry the bond. Churcli Damaged Uy Fire; Teacher's Hair Gets Singed Montesano. Wash. Dec l The Disciples of Christ church here was badly damaged by fire ahortlv after noon Friday. It had been used as a school room for the seventh grade of the public school, but only three of the 67 children were present with the teacher. Miss Jessie Reid. at the time of the fire. - The fire is believed to have resulted from an explosion of the stove about 11 o'clock and to have been burning between the ceiling -and Toof before it was discovered. When It did break through, it came so suddenly that Miss Reid a hair was singed. . All of the children's wraps and cloaks were saved, together with the records, pulpit, organ and communion vessels. Miss Reid'a purse, containing 825 in paper money, was destroyed and books and other school property were damaged. - ForB DEATHS REPORTED Salem. Dee. IS. Four workmen lost their lives tn Industry during the -week ending December 14, according to re ports of SOS industrial accidents filed with the industrial accident" commis sion, 11. H. Nestle, mill worker. Eu gene i W. W. Mead, logger. Mapleton A. R. Johnson, ifoundryman, Portland Frank Arnott. -ood buck. North Bend. GMIilGW AT HUM BEACH IS MADE TARGET M inisterial Association Asks Gov ernor of Florida to Close Up "American Monte Carlo." ; - (Br trnlrenat Perrtoa.) : West Palm Beach, Fhv. Dec. 1. America's 'Monte Carlo, the celebrated Beach club, operated In Palm Beach by Ed Bradley, is the subject of an at tack In a hot letter sent to Governor Gary A. Hardee, signed by the Mints terial association of Palm Beach, and indorsed by 2000 or more cltisens. The letter was read by Bob Jones, evan gelist, now conducting a series of mass meetings in the gay winter resort. It states In part: " , "Every season for over a Quarter of a century a gambling hell has been running at Palm Beach. "We are writing you to use your In fluence as governor of the state of Florida to attain law enforcement In the county of Long Beach. "Let us by the cooperation of the law-abiding cltisens and the peace of ficers of this county and yourself as governor close this gambling resort known as America's Monte Carlo. If our county officers will not1 en force our laws we ask that you remove them and appoint others who will. The law of Florida with regard to gambling formed the basis of appeal to Governor Hardee. It states : "If any sheriff, city marshal or chief of police has reason to believe that gambling is bemg carried on ' in any house or other place, he may enter the same, forcibly if necessary and without any warrant, and may arrest any person violating the provisions of this article. Vast sums are said to have been won .and lost at the Beach club.' Poker is the favorite game and win' ter homes are named in memory of great hands. One has the magic words 1 Royal Flush" over the door, another was named "Jack Pot." Ed Bradley has not yet arrived in town. No word has been received as yet from the governor. Berry Institute Resolution Urges Experiment Farm Woodburn, Dec 16. -A most interest ing, educational and well attended two-day berry Institute closed this evening. Among speakers and their subjects today was H. S. Gile of Salem, who spoke on The Future of the Lo ganberry Juice Industry.' He said l .v.. 4..i uuu iHwrnuj . ",;lu " lory, lu wnwu no umi wued ihmi, wwuu be operated next season ; that pressers can afford to pay a 6-cent minimum for loganberries, but It would be all the better for all if the price to grow ers was G cents. Professor A. L. Lov- ! ett, O. A. C. extension service, spoke on "Diseases and Insects," and J. C Owre of McKee on "Instructive Infor mation on -Gooseberries." "Filberts" was the topic of J. T. Nibler. who made 85000-in the disposal of products from his 17-acre tract this year. W. L. Bentley told on "Wine Loganberries." E. J. Forsythe, presi dent of the- local berry growers' asso ciation, said he considered the logan berry men Bhould get a fair profit next year. L. M. Bitney of Woodburn talked on "Loganberries and English I Walnuts." E. E. Towie, president and manager of the Gresham Berry Grow ers' association, spoke on '"Raspber ries." The institute Tossed a resolution urging the O. A. C experiment station and the Marion county legislative dele gation to use their utmost efforts to ; secure and provide for an experiment station at Woodburn for scientific re search and instruction, to the end that the great fruit enterprise of this sec-1 tion and other industries may be pre served and increased. An appropria tion is asked of the legislative assem-, bly. Norris Moves to Have Agriculture Replace Subsidy Washington. Dec 18. I. N. S- I The long expected move cf the "farm bloc" to displace the proposed ship subsidy bill with agricultural relief 1 legislation came la the senate this aft ernoon when Senator Norris." Repub- I lican of Nebraska, chairman of the senate agricultural committee, made a formal, motion that' the senate pro- ceed to the consideration of his bill. which would create a ! 110O.00a.TOO producers' and consumers' cooperaUve marketing corporation. Norria said ha would not nress JUS metiffli tmmcdiatalv. aa ha realised it was debatable, and would not ask for me mi It JuiCnra. WmiIIiv. BOtB nro. I ponents and opponents of the subsidy measure predicted the motion was likely to be carried, and the Norris hill used aa a basis for the agricultural credits legislation to wnlch both the farm bloc" and the administration forces are committed. Shortly after Norris made his motion the senate recessed until 11 a. m. Mon day. Gun Was .UiUoed'il Head, of 10-Year-Old Girl Is Blown Off Yuba City. Cal . Dec 1. TJ. P. Christmas cheer was .gone today from the nome si aaermsn vau-u.vsa- uu wife.- - Last night they returned to their home near here, their arms loaded with Christmas gifts for their litue caugn- ter Olive, aged 10. ' ; - ' At the door- of their home they were greeted by Hershel Clement, aged 20, crying and unable to speak. t Thev atepned Inside and there, on the floor Uy Olive's dead body, her head blown rr. . Later Hershel told the story of the "unloaded shotgun." : - r- , -j poiated it at her through the screen door and said, Tm going to shoot you'. he was Quoted as saying. Then the old story he pulled the trigger, the unloaded" gun contained sv full charre: and it struck Olive BC'jare'y ia the face. 4 State Auto License Bureau Moved Into County Courthouse The state auto license, bureau made preparations late Saturday afternoon to move from the police statioa to the court house, , where it will be housed for : the coming year. Motorists will hereafter go to room 145 ; court -v house, to secure their license plates, which are now available. The changa becomes effective Mon day. It was announced at police head quarters. The license bureau has been extreme ly busy the past few days taking ap plications for the - new. licenses. A large number - have been Issued and there is a considerable number of them at the bureau now which are -to be called for by applicants. - : woe be to any v motorist who gets over anxious and decorates his auto mobile with a new license plate before the end. of the year. It means arrest and probable fine, the police say. TAXI AXD TfctTCK CRASH New York. Dec 18. A 6-ton mail truck and a diminutive taxi crashed AUCTIONS ESTABLISHES 18M ON TUESDAY NEXT . - AT THE BAKES AUCTION HOUSE We shall sell the Furnishings from a home in Irvington. also part furnish' ings from another private home. Comnrisins-Overstuffed Living Room Suite in blue velour, vis: Davenport, Rocker and Chair; Spinet Desk, Hail Stand and Mirror, various Rockers suitable for the parlor and library, Oil Paintings, Antique Bronses and Brasses, Electric Table Lamps, Ma hogany Pedestal Parlor Table; Oak Library Furniture, Axminster Rugs in room sizes, large Body Brussels Car pet, Stair Carpet, Walnut Dining Room Suite as follows: Queen Ann Table, set of Chairs and Buffet: Dinner Set. Cut Glass Water Sets, also Dining Room Suite in auarter-sawed oak. Drop - Head Sewing Machine, Ivory and Walnut Bedroom Furniture, Iron Beds. Separate Dressers and Chii'onier. silk Floss and Felt Mattresses, Pillows, Comforts, Blankets. Sheets. Duofold Davenport. Gas Range, Utensils and many other lots. Auctioneer's Note The above adv. is only a small Dart of what we will have to sell, -so we wish you would come in Monday ant look over the full list of goods at your fCt win una f urniture oi Auction. ' if SALE TUESDAY 1TEIT AT 16 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT We will make a general clean-up of various consignments oi iurniture. Carpets, etc sale at 10 a. in. RETAIL DEPT. We have just added another lot of Rattan Furniture to our stock, vis: Rockers, Chairs, Tables, Settees, Fern eries. Floor Lamps, etc., also Dining Suite in Rattan Clvory finish), includ ing 48-inch Extension Table with oak top and set of Chairs with tapestry seats. We still have a few Electric Floor and Table Lamps on hand, also Hall - Console Table with aurror to match Book Blocks, etc. The above is real high-grade stock and our prices are sure low. Come in before they are all gone. We have a niiHltniA ett Kft.rffttn5 fftl Vmu nrjt- ents. Come in and be convinced. Tou will surely buy when you get our prices. W. C. BAKER AD W. H. DEAlf Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Tamhill and West Park Sts. PHOSE MAIS' S338 PTTHIAIf BTJILDISO) SON'S AUCTION HOUSE 1S9.H1 8EC0KD ST. General Auctioneers and Appraisers Three Big Sales This Week On MOVDAT, DEC 18, at IS A. in our salesrooms, i-ui Bctuaii 8T- we will sell a good lot of House- . J f- . nAltijlTnw T.ltnff T7rw, I riinlne- Room and Bedroom Furniture. J jare VICTOR PHOWOOBAPH, I some GOOD WOOD HEATERS, large ) Electric Heater, Bruui. ruttable for shop or store us , CarpetA. Linoleum. Dishes. Utensils, etc. I On WEDSERDAX. UttJ. SS, at IS I A. M- in our salesrooms we ww have several other good Jots of Furniture, MERCHANDISE AT AUCTION On FRIDAY, DEC M, at 10 A. M In our salesrooms, let-171 SECUAl ST we will sell the balance of a good stock .of SET OOODS, IfOTIONS SHOES, etc These goods POSITIVE v it at naT n w HrfeV.Tl wtthrmt resrani . - dfs: a-wssrsss! PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT Don't fail to see our 1 stock before J buying your CHRISTMAS FURNITURE -' Wt have 'many Items suitable for Gifts, including Spinet Iswks, tJonsoie and Davenport Tames, .basy vnaira, Phonographs, atc etc- ...... ah ' amedfl sold - at Private - Sale FrLLT OtrAkAXTEED and DELIV- EBEO Free or cnarge. . a smau ce nwit : will hold -your selection till Christmas-anal you can have TERMS on the btU. " , .. -".- - " - wilscts Aucncn house PH05E MAIX 1S . l.lll SECOSB ST. Wit on Fifth avenue. The truck was bowled over and five fire engines, a wreck ing crew and reserves .were required to right it. ... HOTAEIAJfS BiCK BILL Vancouver. Wash.. Dec 1 6 Allison Burnhsm, secretary of the local Ro tary club, received v a request from Frank H. Lamb of Hoquiam, . district governor of, the Rotary International, that the Vancouver Rotary club wire Albert Johnson, representative in con gress from this district, its approval NEW TODAY 80 "Merry Xmas WHT HOT ' SAT IT WITH IXOOBS"t Flooring A Practical Gift to the Whole Family COYER THE OLD FIR FLOOR WITH A GOOD OAK FLOOR Cheaper Than Carpets or Bags Tou can getgood Oak Flooring, Q enough for a room 10 ft. by 12 ft. w 45 Sixes and Grades la Oar Warehouse Good 15-lx2 Maple Flooring S75 per thousand leet. ROWELL, BROWN & CO. tlx E. Madison St. Fhoae East SS88. Itesldeaes Manager Tabor Ma $2950.00 Full cement Jbasement, Including cement iloor, sidewalks ana steps. Double construction throughout, with spruce or cedar siding, double floor. witn narrow vertical grain finish Iloor, hardwood in front room. Lots of built-ine, fireplace or fur nace, best of 6-piece set plumbing in cluding gas leads and plumbing con nected, as well as rain drains, electric light fixtures, enamel finish or latest stains and varnish, best of builders' hardware. We plan to suit your own ideas and help to finance. Will handle any or all the construction. We build quicker and better. DOWKTOWH- OFFICE 127-S Artisans Building Telephone Broadway ilci Tenner Ins of 1 For Rent A room suitable for either Doctor or Dentist. North Light 6th Floor Modern Bldg. Also" one single room, 4th Fleor. Adjoining doctor willing to share reception room. Inquire of MR. GEORGE HAMILTON Superintendent JOURNAL BUILDING Ever-Ready Auto Enclosure converts your Ford or Chevrolet Tour ing into a Sedan in a moment. Light in weight Comfort and Safety in any weather. Clear vision. Look It over before buying new cur tains or a closed car. Reduced From . " 443Vz BURN SIDE Fire Sale. of - Furniture. Rues. Carpets: Over staffed Davenports, Ldvingr-Boom, Bedroom and Parlor FumitHre at 25c fa 50c on the $ v 105-107 12th Street , Bet. Washington and Stark FLUFF, RUGS Msde from rout old wora-owt can Save hi If the price cf asst. twga " : ead yoor rags aad- woolsa dotha Mail Orders. Send fee Booklet. fralg Rues staaaw Cleaned 1 A WORTH MtslST "US CO. atvsa tsa cast ataj i ,a t.fasjs)si Hardwood 4s 845 . 35 MMUjsTtiaTrWimrritiw -niriiitfi mi nw M of the. bill for federal aid for Astoria. Burnham is asked to put the proposi tion before the local organisation. . w ' : 1 " 1 111 'The rich can ret all the Honor thev want the old story: "There's always rum at the top." Norfolk Virginian Pilot. - - .. -v NEW TODAY 50 MORTGAGE LOANS Baslaess nrsvertlss &. Residence loaas -lAW rates, IsitalLmeat repay, eats If ' desired, Learns premstly elosed, . A. H. BirreD-Gil Co. S18-I1B Xerta western Bank BmQdlsr TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 25 BABJWAJtUi and fcoildiiie la sunny Boothera idaae at IBTotee; (ood Hnne. attNaiM 18 yean, one owner. Vfill Uke ubbot1 suburbaa to 88000. with 88000 euh baV anee eay. B. U. Price. Wendell, ldahat WANTED H&iwnahte to beaia work betwo Decesaber Slat and 27tA. for two weeks or aore." . AppUoatleet by mail promptly an ' aweied. Correct wacfse. West Orecoa Lua- ber Company. IJnnton. Or. 825 S BOOSa eottaae. eleotrieitr. ru a itnn, 17tb and Quimby. en block to J either 16th or North aad Soeth ear. Owaar, 80S N. 1 Tth, aroond eeroef. " LOST A black beaded bag. between let aad . 2d on Morriaoa at., about T D. m. Batarday. : eontaiains parse and aaooey. - Finder pleaee eaH Tabor 0451. Reward. BTUDEB A KF.R '! 4 cyliBder, looks fioe, atw top. good Urea. 8200. Texas. 108 Haw thorne sre. Tabor 8882. " FCLLSB.. 6HOWEK, odwr - brasbea cheaper. Bioharda brushes, too. K-886. Jonrmai. ' BUSINESS PERSONALS WEDDING AND T1IITINO CARD ENuILaTaaS w. SallTR S CO. tit Uoraaa Bkia SPECIAL NOTICES 101 a STOCK of battery manalaotiiriac emiouea and equipment, batteries, aeeeesoriee and antomobila and SBiaoeUaaeotia eqoipmeot and toois, formerly property of the Thor - Battery cwBoany. located at 841 TJnion avenna north, Portland, Oregon., will - be old ia the of floes of the Thor Battery eom- nT. S4T IT man enne north- Portland. Oregon. Monday, at 11 a. m.. December 18. 1 U22. Ones bids will be reeeied on - the same. Delivery to be made oa date ot sale for cash only. Inventory may be seen at 441 Pittock block and stock may be inspected at time sale. (signed) O. A. Cote, auctioneer. SFALF.D BIDS will be received up to 11 a. m.. Tuesday. December IB. for a stock of general merchandise and fixtures located at tuageueia, Washington, ot an inventory value of S18.47fi.14. inventory ot which may be seen at oar office and stock in spected by appointment All bids most be accompanied by 10 per cent of the asoonat dio. 'ins right Is ressrvea to reject any or an bids. O. A Cote. 641 Pittock block. roruana, or. MEETING NOTICES 102 Anchor Council Xmas Tree Be sure and attend meet ing Tuesday night, another largo eiaas to Initistw See Captain Gates and bis mil lion dollar team Dotting jm their fancy drill. Be sure and bring a can didate: last chance for turkey. Captain Clark promises a fine program, Christmas tree. Ssnta Glaus aad present for every one who attends. Bring your children. Joa't forget the big masquerade ball December 20. A pail of wild mallard ducks for door prizes. Cards, "S KKFKKSHMENTS Eureka council No. Z04. B. B. A. Monday evening. Deo, 18, Best Sid W. O. W. haU. K. oth at Alder Fine grocery prizes I a large basket of groceries given away as door prise. Hot cof fee will bo served. All for 26e admission. Mo meeting Monday. Dee. 25. on account or rmlisl.v Members urged to brine the children ta our hi Christmas tree entertainment Tuesday, Dec So, st regular meeting place. OBECON assembly NaT. United Artisans, will cele brate Thursday crrcning, Ieo. 21, at W. 0.W. hall with Christmsa tree, . cards and dandng. A present not to cost over 15 cents will be the price of admission at toe aoor. There will be a present for everybody, wttb plenty of fan. Card prises, door prise. refreshments. -Everybody welcome. Come for a good time, E. E. VAN AL8TINE. 8ec CHRISTMAS MASK BALL zw nne Prizes KTRKPATRirK rrirrw. VIU Z-JZJ, Becnrity Benefit tasorisUon. Gnmd Benefit aiasg Bali next Friday, De aember 2 2d. in the fine large Swiss ball, 3d and Jefferson. Hock's famous union must. ft f in prizes. Admission only 8 So, including war m s" ior a reat good time. WOODLAWW LODGE, SO. 171. L O. O. F meets Monday evening. Dec IS. at 7 o'clock. 444 wnn are., t. u. O. F. hall. Special bnainess sessioa. Go ia a body to iNorth Portland lodge. No. 230 for the second de free. Visiting brothers wel R. W. TAPP. Sec WILLAMETTE T B I B E No. , Improved Order of Red Men, meets every Mon day evening at Wigwam, Bed Men hall. East Ninth and Hawthorne. Members are ur gently requested to be pres ent at our new balL Visit ing chiefs welcome -ALT1M SIEVEBS. tt of R. PENINSULA chapter No. 4. B. A It. Masonie b-alMaig. St. Johns. . Special convocation Mon day Dee. 18. at 7:30 p. m. In- staiiaaoa of officers followed by smuavr, enierxaining aisatar lit sons of peninsula district. Visiting com. paniona welcomed.' By order E. H. P G. H. LEMON. See, - DANCING at Uonu k.11 i 4 th and Taylor sta. (Hnal in prize waits contest, also two tuxkeya will be given away as -" irae Aueeoay evening, 1. - Begular dances every Tuesday. Thursday and pMaraay evenings. TUB MACCABEES. TENT No, 1. wffl hold a regular review at Maces bee hall. 8H8 Wash- ingroa sr.. next Tmrndar e ning. Dec 21. Drill by degree team. Two demrriea now work ing for new members. Brine ranr names oa jiroepecnve canoiaates. - XWX KINSELL. R. K. OMEGA BEBEKAH LODGE. NO. 67. L O. O. F. will hoed Ha regular meeting Tuesday. Dae. Id. at .. 6th and Alder sts. imnsnnn. CLARK LAURENS. Sec BOSS C1TT CAMP. M Vf. A. soeeta each Monday eve nine, ia the old K. of P. hali. 400 Aider street, near 11th, Work each waning. ' . Visitors F. B. SMITH. OonsnL J. W. STMMONS, Clerk, 1318 Teon bids. S00 PABTT given by Boyal Circle 528. K. of W., Wednesday evening. Dec 20th, at W. ot W. tentpte. 128 11th st. Everybody welcome Margaret Wertaeimer, caairman. BjOTAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. X guerite Camp. No. 144Q, meets every Twas- oay evenmc, iii unaa arcaaa NELLIE CCLPA. Recorder. MASQTJEBADB costumes tot rent at 355 B day. Madarae Le Boy. EMBLEM JEWBLBT a spocsalty; buttons. jaeger streak. ii-in ata sc. CARDS OF THANKS GRANDPA and Grandma Mayhead of 188 - Barrage st wish to thank publicly ah friends i who voted for "Mary Johnson.'' their first i Americas 'bom grand baby, who necesafully contested second plaee ia the great Shrine Popularity Baby Cooteet at The Auditorium, the largest ef its kind ever- held ia the " state of Oregon. - Respectfully yours, Mr. A T. Msybead. Mrs. E. A. Mayhead. WS WISH to express ta oar fnends our sio cere thanks for-the sympathy shown and aise for the beaatiful Coral tributes at the time ef the loss ef our beloved wife and 'mother. . Fran Crohasaa and Family. t JT ru m m a 103 &LSON LVo. 1. 1922, at tin raodeneel ot - Jtis sfeter, - 86 &. 12t& 'rt. N. Kelt Eiensbew Zu JJetenn. seed 3 yean. b- lord beshaad ot EjXeo Nalson. father of anna. Peui. Olga, Arrid. Osea Arnoid aad Beimer Nelson. -aQ tesidins ia Cart wright, N. XKi ai aortived by ee ster. Mn. Naana Btraad aad ot brother, Htarit Fian. both ot the above addreea. Remain at Pearson's nodartakins parion. PniU st.. at Lnino aTe. , .Notice ot -eeninn bara after. " WKJJ.EB Dee. IS. at tha Uf raidece. 620 w ew t f.. jaracs r. weiier, aeea 76 years, bosband of Agoea Waller - and father of Mrs. F. H. Thompson. Mrs. G. B. Uoemer and Stanley M. WaOsr of Porf land aad Theodore W. Wetter of Boeton, Mass. The funeral service wfll be held laonday. Dee. 18. at 1 p. aa, at Fhuey's Mortuary. Montgomery at 6th. Friends in vtted.. Conehtding service, Mt.- Scott eesne tery. The deceased was a member of George Wright Post. O. A B. XAJLOB, In this city. Dee. 1, Emily M. iwior, icw aa years, lata ot S3 jam street, beloved wife of Edward W. Taylor, mother of Vernaa w. ana Mjron i. Taylor, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs, V. i, Andersew of Michigan, sister ef Charles " Anderson ot Taneoavar, Wash.. WOham Anderson of Suliwatar, Wash., and Mrs. Ethel Anmatnt and Francis Andanoa , JTuiteral services wul be held Monday. Dee. IS, at S p. in. at the chapel of Mulee Tracer. Inter ment Boee City cemetery. ENIXGEK Dec 18, at the Uta residence street, Konu B aged se years, wife of Earl 3. Beninser. saotiur of Robert Jaeksoa Heninger and daoghter ot Ma Bobert L. and the late B. L Heninger. The fonaral service will be bki Monday, Dee. 18. it 1 n a, at the Portland Cre matorium, 14th aad Bybee street Friends : mvtted. . The remsnu are at the above resi dence. J. p. Flnley A Son. directors. NItnilUSTER At bar late residence, 140 - as. 'layior, ueo. IB, Augusta, aged 78 years, : mother of Mrs. Martha Wolle of PorUand. ! Karl ot New York and Bmtt Neameister of - Bakersfield. Cal. Remains at the chapel of :. Bnoofe Whaaldjuv Belmont at SStfc at. Pnaeral notice later. BXN'GHAU Dec 18, at her lata residence. S9S Clackamsa street, Mias Sadie Bingham, daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bmeham. Yrmtnl announcement will appear later. Re mains are at the residential faneral horn of Downing A Benefiel. . East 7th and Mnltaomah. SCMWALT In this city. Dee. IS, at her home, 10S1 E. 7th N Sarah Elizabeth Bum wait, beloved wife of Albert L. Bw wait, mother of Lillian N. Welsh aad Ores a. Snmwalt. Faneral notice later. HUNTER In this city. Vera Hunter, aged 19 years. The remains are at tfio eon serratory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES 104 GOSCH In this city. Dee. IS, Henry Coach. aged a years, beloved husband of Wn limina Gosch, father of Hans Coach and Mrs. Paula Janrck of this city. Tho de ceased was a member, of Multnomah cans. No. 77, W. O. W. The funeral services will be held Monday. Dee. 18, from the conservatory chapel of the East Sola Funeral Directors, Inc., 414 E. Alder st. Friends invited, oondnding services at Rose City cemetery. CONDOL In this city. Dee. 14. Julius Com Soi. aged 68 yeata. The fnnersi services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors Mon day, Dee. 18, at 2 p. m. Friends invited. Concluding services at Biverriew eemeterr. The deceased wss a member of the hospital I corps Wo division. Spanish-American war Veterans and a musician in Scout Xoung camp. PENAKT In this city, Deconber 16, Forrest Dal Penary, 4 years old,' son of Mr. aad Mrs. Ernest M. Penary of 6810 6 2d st. 6. E. Fnnersi will be held in the mortaary chapel December IS (Monday), at 3:S0 P. m., of A D. Kenworthy A Co., 5802-4 8 2d 8. E.. In Lents. . BENDALXr In this city, Dec 14, 1922, Francia J. Kendall. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Edward (Holman A Son, Third and Salmon sts., Tuesday, Dec IS, 1022. at 2-.SO p. m. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. CASE In this city, Dec 15, 1822, Edua Case. Funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium, Monday, Dec 18, chapei of Edward Holman A Son, Third and Salmon sts. BAILEY In this city. Dec 14. 1922. Ralph Bailey. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Edward Holman A Son, Third and eumon sis,, aaonoay, ; uec 19, m.., av z:Sv p. m. interment 1ft, Scott eemetery. LAKIX In this city, Dec 16, 1.922. Maggie A Dak in. Funeral services will bo held at the chapel of Edward Holman A Son, Third and Salman sts., Monday, Dec 18, 1922. at 1 p. m. Interment Greenwood cemetery. . BOLXDEN ThT remains of tUe hue Thomas Boulden will be forwarded under the di rection -of Miller A Trace j Sunday, Dec 17, at 7:40 . a. ra to Dayton, Or., wher services and interment will take place - GATES At hia late residence. 4603 73d st. B. L, Johnathaa F. Gates, aged 84 years. Bern sins will be shipped by P. IV Lerefa to Eugene. Or.. Sanday. where the faneral services will be held Monday. STJMWALT The funeral services of the late Sarah E. Sumwslt. . aged 55 years, will be held at P. L. Lerch mortuary Tnesday, Dec 19, at 2 :30 p. m. Friends invited. CEMERTERIES 104 A RIVE P. VIEW "CEMETEBT 835 ACRES Holly wfreaths for rravs decoratJons, SI each. Phone your orders to Atwater 1236. FUNERAL DIRECTORS East Side Funeral Directors F. CL DCNN1NO, Ufa Th Fsmiiy 6U the Price -414 M. Alder St. Phone East 0052. Edward Holman & Son THIRD AND SALMOIf MAIN O607. Snook & Whealdon FUNERAL DIRBCTOBS SUCCESSORS TO BREEZE A SNOOK BELMONT AT 85TH. CABOR I SB Si A D. KEXWOBTBT. L. 8. HENDERSON A D. Kenworthy & Co, aaua wzg st. B. K. Ant S18-JL Lerch, Undertaker EAST ELEVENTH AND HAWTHORNS PHONE EAST OT81. - MILLER A TRACK, laoepndent' funeral 'i ncwre. vompieva funerals (75 sod no Waal . st. bet. 80tb and 21rt fWTr aT kcENTEE A ELLEB3 faneral parlors with si ssa. Phone Bdwy. 3l2t, Auto. B21-88. Finleys Mortuarv MONTGOMERT AT FIFTH. MAIN 4SX R.-T. Bvrnes LKVf besidencb - ESTABLISHMENT SOt Williams Ave. WALNUT O220. Skewer UNDERTAKING CO. tJRCWCd Main 41B2. Cor. 8d Phone 8d st Clay. A I 7laf fV 682 WHlisms Ave V AvCIICr vUt phone East 1088. MONIJMENT5 106 SCHUMANN MARBLE rOQ8l t TlrVTXrTllifXBS SgTrrtRO IPIrta arm 9 HOjgK.T3. tTLORlSTS 107 Martin&Forbes s. Company S54 WASfTINGTON T. MA1N 026. -FTNT? FLOWERS FOB ALL OCCASIONS A B TTST1CALLX ARRANGED S71 Broadway, em Cadoa Ease 771 A FTcwers - for An -WB GROW OUB OWN" Charge Aeeoanta SobettedV Smithes Flower -Shop Tort-.'--s Plegiessrvj FVrrist,' . nower Ior AA Oeoe, -Kaia Tl. T- C Luke. Mgr.. eta and AMst Seilwcod Greenhouses Cut Flowers, Tirn and 6 prays . EELLTV'CCD 15; v Nehalera ava I DEATH NOTICES 107 k etisaiTW Prirlrcrin ouai. main 7it CllkKSOn caane aecoemte eotlctuel. 0S tmUAUWAX AT TAKiAja LOST AND FOUND - s 103 THE following articles were tooad on the cars os. too roruaad Bauwar. Light A rower eoaapany, December 14. 1022: 12 umbrellas, a lunch boxes, watch, 2 pins. 1 suites mi, wester, 3 pairs, S single) gloves. 4 books. 7 packages, thermos bottie. taraeoat, thimble. J earang. school tickets, anitted helmet. -1 pair scissors. Owners may obtain earns poa proper identification at Fiat and Alder pcrae suroon. TJiB foUowina art&lea were fooBxl oa the cars oc rortiand Bailway. Lagbt A Power company, December 18. 1923: S nmbreUas. iaaeh box. S parses. 2 pins, S suitcases, hsjrfhags, 1 pair. I siDtle glove. S books. X pan- glasses, nail fUe, bneketand sack, hat, , laiagle rubber. 2 boards, shopping bsg. Owners may obtain sme upon proper ident)" neatioa at First and Alder atreot station. IiOST Kioe black leather purse on. TajloA." retry roaa petweea Carsnn Heights - anu Fultoa car, contained cheek tor Mrs. K Wailie and papers of value to owner only: also glasses in case. Reward. C'aU At- -water 1114. t LOST Black leather pocketbook in Meier A rxaaks. between oth and Main flBora: con tained savings account book, check ISO ia cash, receipts; name ef Donald Mensnn. Be ward. 1854 R 84th W. Wslnot 57P0. LOST Spits dog., white with brown spots. aoont a aontnc eld. Answers to name m Trixia, lAoenae .No. 1DSU. Any Infor mation call Walnut 6488. ' Reward. LOST la vicinity of Estacada or Sandy, a gray mare beanng the brand fa 1) oa leit eh wilder. Reward. A Kelson. 686 Esst .18th et. ' LOST At Hawthorne bridge. 6 p..m- Dee. l suitcase marked . B. C. : address book inside; valuable to owner. Reward. Phone Tabor 8088. LOST December 14. on I von or Dirwioa st. between . 2 oth aad 15th. a red silk bsg . containing keys, S3 and change and ga bilL Phono BeOwood 8444. Reward. LADY'S black handbag containing a lady.' wrist watch and a gentleman's watch. 3 lady's rings, man's watch valued as ktepaafcr; liberal reward. East 9215. CUSTOMER who picked op diamond rig -at Shsnahsn's glove counter wsa seen. K now the address. Mo questions asked. Betarn to Bhsnahsn's. LOST la Lenu district, brown Cocker Spaniel dog. Answers name "Brownie." La Xirande license 280 oa collar. Beward. Phone Seil wood 2878. LOST A string of La Tausca pearls in or near Orpheum treatre Monday. - Sellwood 404T. Beward. " STRAYED 2 bounds, one black and one hrewn, big dogs. Call aenton Aenneia, Walnut C324. Beward. LOST Irish setter, female, license No. 182: reward for dog or informs uon leading to recovery. Walnut 4BS. LOST A few weeks ago, gold rim glasses. Jtetora to varia smool or uocx. 1 21st. Broadway 4780. Bewsrd. LOST One steel couch between 2d and Pin sts. ana leth ana m. Ankcny. j. v. i-kk, Bdwy. 0598. Reward. LOST Six New Tears' eve midnight ' show tickets to tho Hippodrwne. - Fboae Taber - Krwara: VEBT liberal reward oiiered to parties find- ' lng brown leather suitscase eontamlng ladies appareL . Phone Tabor S223. . LOST About Tuesday, the 6U. seek fur. Tabor 0018. Beward. '" LOST An Airedale dog. without collar, an. swers to name "Jack." Reward. Eset S615 LOST- Wire-haired fox terrier, licena No. East 0781.- Reward. - .776, LOST day. Bunch keys in downtown district Fri Phone E4!t 7540. Reward. FOUND Canoe. Owner hientify and psy for ' ad. George. Sellwood 2264. MINIATCBE brooch lost, with Florentine mounting: old keepeakc Beward. East 5733. LOST-i Big young Airedale dog. very short tail, no collar; reward. Main 6078: LOST Crescent shaped sapphire and pearl .. pin. Beward offered. East 7101. - FOUND Ladies' wedding ring. Walnut 8617. EDUCATIONAL 200 STEADY POSITIONS and :-: , -OOOD' SALARIES . ' '- ' -- . . ' - for - LIKOTTPE OPERATORS. L V.nwA-.s-A v eanawtsvaataswl Afvsrina si. 4bs samt yea esa r bvun:wHk v.vao ki- ready exisu and thousands oi typesetting machines will be installed wiUiav ts next . few years. Prepare now. ' Ton can learn to operate a linotype ia IS weeks. Printing in ail its branches taught in from 12 to 18 month. Easy terms. Address. NORTHWEST SCHOOL OF PRINTING. N. 216-24 Division St.. Spokane, Wash. - WHT BE OUT OF A JOB OR ' WORK AT AX; UNDERPAID POSITION f Trained auto repairmen and auto -Ice-1 tries! experts are now in demand. We have helped hundreds of our graduates to txg pay Jobs. We can help you, too. Call ncd inspect our school any day (except Satur day) at 10 a. m. or r p. m., or write tor large 112-page FBEE catalog. Ask f t Book No. 4. 1 ADCOX AUTO - AND AVIATION SCHOOL, Union Ave. and Wasco St -Woodlawn or Alberta Car. 3d Bt ENROLL any Monday for day or nigh, school. All business courses, and as soon aa eempe tent we vrttl place yon tn a paying poslUoa Bend ior free Success catalog. - Business College. 4th, near Morrison. Phone Msin 0590. LEARN MORE FOR LESS It will pay you to investigate HEMP HILL'S AUTO A TRACTOR SCHOOL be fore enrolling elsewhere. 126 N. Fifth St Near Union Depot. Wages paid after a weeks' training. WE TEACH you to know your ear. WAUGH SALON of AUTO ATTENTION, for saea and women, S21 Abington bldg.. Third l. bet. Wakku and Stark. A short course that saves dollars and gives AUTO SENSE, Not a trade schooL Nominal fee. LEARN auto work. Ouiek ana euy under new system. Pracaual training. . Low cost. Send for free book- Explains everything. "An la Department 42. National Automotive, Kll S. Figneroa. Los Angeles. , STEEN SEWING SCHOOLrr-Biek s system of lauies i i"r e wa wiwiiiii "is i . y.. terns est te.aneasure. Phone kut 286ft, ta. 8807, 152 Grand eve., near Belmont. . MODERN Barber College leschse uade in weeks: tools furnisbed. sessa pay; pnsittoa - Mcured; special rate this month. , WrK eg can 234 1st st MOLER BABBEB COLLEGE will teach yoa the trade in eight weeks; receive sosse pay while teaming: positiona secured. Write eg call for catalogue 284 Bnmside st SPECIAL ENGLISH CLASS DLCAER BUSINESS QOlAJUiM AUsky Bids. MEN. wonasn, kr barber trade wages whil tearniza . Oresoa Barber College. 2.8 M-d " learn telegraph! " Railway Telegraph Institute. 484 Railway Exchange bMg. Day and night class ta ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-as-t state supt xugr., ft. W. Bank bids. Into 512-13. - KELP WANTEX--4vlALE 201 WB HAVE eperdng for real salesman - with, car. A splendid opportunity for good sales- Everett Fhnpoo, Sslet-nsnsger, . NLILAN FAJtbJlllAj, 219 Lnmbermens blda Bdwy. 2S32. Ssndayt Cafl Wslnnt 7408. EXPERT snechaaie- in a good going auto npair shoo wants eongenisl partner: ' ex 'perienea Shot necessary, bat must be wfllutT - to work and learn. Ton can eaeiry clear Steo per month and up for yourself. PiK-e WANT IPAKTMENT HOUSE MANAGER One who thoroughly snderstaads the busi- aee: aerw building costing 8150,000; ennat ' Invest la eompaay 310.000. which will be. 1 fully secured; only a capable sua need apply. Address T-377. Jo-real. AGENTS Earn $75 to 3150 weekly taking orders far ear special price smashing; guaranteed union-made raincoats. Direct from factory. Best seller. CBAVENETTK MFG. CO.. S4 Booaevelt BL. Chicago. AN OPPORTUNITT . to make uick money foe salespeople - Jrmanent position. CsJi Mon day, 9 a. bl, at 518 SaUing bid., or phone Main 1878. '' ";- FOUR ealesnwn wanted, big money. Badnit Co.. 187 W. Park St. -- :. ': MATTRXSS MAKER, wanted. Coiled UJf. Co.. a&ttt ana xiuiiaaay air. ' FLORISTS