THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, -SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1922. 3 SNOW RETARD1HG LUMBER LOADING ' IN LOCAL HARBOR Slippery Timbers Dangerous to Handle j, Captairt Li nd Recalls Days of the Windjammer. Snow . conditions in the harbor last week resulted (reinerallln -a,- slowing u of lumber loading Slippery- tim bers were dangerous; and cold chains and steel machinery were disagreeable. All of which was annoying to Cap tain O. IJnd of the Norwegian steamer Orande Oaard, which was delayed a day or two on that account. It if certainly different kind of weather than we experienced when I waa here before," commented the cap tain. Which took him back for 30 years, when he first saw Portland one bright spring: morning' from the decks of the Dramxner, an old windjammer. He had not. been back since he sailed out of Portland on that wheat carrier, until his ship moved Into the river last - week. "1 would never have known It was the same place, declared the caDtain. Thirty years has made a wonderful difference." But the difference in the port, of 182 and the port Tf 1923 is not great er than the difference of Captain Ldnd'a two snips. Instead of the little sea- tossed sailing vessel, with few con veniences and many discomforts, he is now aboard a splendily equipped steamer 420 feet iong. His cabin is or mahogany finish lnps. with deep car pets everywhere.. The quarters are turnisned with elegant and expensivo curios from many lands. Among the latest equipment of which tne ship boasts, is an electric log. From a drum on the bottom of the ship, electricity records the speed of the vessel and the miles, traversed, on a dial in front of the captain's desk. The uninitiated can read It, as if it were a speedometer on an automobile. The vessel is also equipped with submarine signals. And not the least of all by any means, is a cyclonometer, which, in connection with the barometer is used to determine the distance the vessel is from the center of a cyclone br similar disturbance. "It saved us once in particular," the captain said. Ve were in the Indian tocean, sailing with two other vessels. V storm arose, and the Instrument In dicated that we would cross directlv in the center of it. We shifted out of (he course, and our wireless operator suggested to the others to do the same. :but they kept right on. "As It was, we beat them to port in .spite of our round-about course. When they did show up. each had lost everv lifeboat, and things on deck were unused arounu generally. "Since then I have trusted to it entirely." The Grande Gaard is in Portland for the first time, as she is only two ; years old, and is making her first trip ' up the Oregon coast. The vessel came here with 6000 tons of general mer chandise from the East in transit fo 'he Orient, and finished her cargo Saturday at the Inman-Poulsen mill .rfhe Is loaded altogether with 1.970,000 feet of lumber in Portland, valued at 41.475. The vessel moved to the Shell oil 'docks Saturday, and was scheduled to sail for the Orient today. COAST SHIP FIXED tle.Dv FOR QUARASIIS E VIOLATION Seattle. Dec. 16. (U. P.) The steam ship Dorothy Alexander, plying be :wren Soattle and California points, has been fined 110,000 by the United States quarantine service for violation of the . federal quarantine regulations. Under a revived rulinpr vessels com ing from Southern California i-orts : lust obtain a bill of health from the 'American consulate at Victoria, B. C. t ad pass quarantine at Port Townsend !efor!. they will be allowed to enter Seattle. Vessels plying from Seattle to' Southern California must pass quar antine ct San Frar.clsco. "There is no smallpox or yellow .fever epidemic in Southern California r.nd we are at a loss to know what the 'move is all about," said-one steamship 'official tonight. t- Ths ruling is taken -from section 1 -f the act of February J, 189J, which : as not oeen eniorcec in years. "Beyond admitting- that a fine total Ming SH'.rtOo had been levied against fihe company owning the Dorothy Al exander, federal officials refused to ,"make comment tonight. ro RECASTS Portland and Vw-inltT nnday. fair and con--tinned cold: easterly winds. '., Oregon and WaaUincton Sunday. now west ,4 orttoa, fair eot portion; moderate north ,.: astarly winds. OBSERVATION'S Wind. U as STATIONS ;Baker ..... Hon ' Hnston " Valcary . . . . Vhicaro . . .. V IK-nrrr . . . . IW Uoiuea . jfEnreaa ; lialTMton . . Helena . Jnoaa . . . Knsaa City. . ' Ui Angls , ' ManhfieW .. f Medford . , . . 18 1 34 -10 SO 44 as 64 28 28 0 44 30 lO T S 40 es 2a 2 40 48 34 34 61 S4 ss se 3 SS 14 S 38 0 o o "CV? "a". ' K Pt. cloady SW 1 Cloudy .02 n O O o SE X N 8 E SW xw SW 8 SW N SW s E W f) E NE SW E O Xff E NE XW SB K SW E SW KB CJoadj Clear Snow Ckxutr Cloudjr Clear . Snow C-knnly ('toad; tToody Ckmity Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Kaia Snow ' Cloody Cloudy Rain Clear CioadV Clear Clear cWaV CloiKly Clear .08 0 .15 .04 0 .02 0 0 O O 0 O o 1( Minneapolis . - New Orteana. Xew York . . " North Head . Pboettix . . . . PoeatoUo . . '.Portland .... 10 ouiiuuii . . . Hacrameoto . .06 .12 Salt Lake.. . tun Pieo . . e 10 .34 eatUs g Sitka ..... ' v"pokano . . Taooro Tatormh Id. . :'Vakie :.'i' . rValla WaBa o 0 10 30 .16 9 o 'tVinnipcs .. 1-10 axassa 13 Pt. rioqdy Afteraoa raport of pewrwdinc day. i';hwr twadtes. a. sa 1 tawt:' eWwTte : la 34 ktmxav !& 0.4 bet. Total raiafan j S pi. m. tn S p. BB-) . hri: tatal caiofea aertember 1. lfTT II HI ! htm, aaw- ' mail I auiow mubwow a. wfirawary ef Tamfail awacw 8'liitii 1. lJt, ','.11 iaelH. Baaia. T:47 a.- aa.; m i. p. wj-; fatal anUat awora asss- iwaaj paaauia nuadman. mm iooawwe-. fionday. (44 a aa. 4anr. 3 Bl . rtainaawfaa I 'mi) i D. .. SO.Sit tm aa T.l.iii. S a. m.. T2 per acaC; saaav iS par wat; . - -;, 45 oar awaw. - - . ... . , ;'.Trt Trwwa xrovtt f CMrakU Slrvr Mrn. wna. i Ml tHIow -wf a; wind , 4 aaiioa. aatrmtea. aaavwe. Sau te ana SNOW RETARDS LOADING i -' i 1 1 1 i i it I? f !-: i 1 - - v At left Delay in lumber loading, former visit to Portland 30 on lumber at the was taken out of Portland, vessel is shown at Municipal A record European flour shipment for the cereal year of 1922-23, since July 1. was set Saturday with the departure of the Norwegian motorship Theodore Roosevelt, which carried 22,780 barrels of flour for Christiania, Antwerp and Finland. In addition, the vessel carried 97,331 LOG RAFT ENTERS RIVER FROM SEA FOR FIRST TIE Patented Method Used in Bind ing Raft Consigned to Multno mah Lumber & Box Company. What is declared to be the first log raft ever brought into the mouth of the Columbia river from sea is tied up at Stella, Wash., awaiting improve ment in ice conditions on the river before it is brought to Portland, The raft contains 560 logs from 40 to 160 feet long, representing a total of 800,000 board feet. It is consigned to the plant of the Multnomah Lum ber & Box company from the compa ny's timber holdings on Yaquina bay. Besides being the first log raft to be brought into the river, it is a nov elty in th manner of construction. More than a mile or cable 65to leet was used in binding the logs to gether. CAN RIDE HIGH SEAS Instead of being built in a crib, as seagoing rafts from the Columbia river have been, the raft is made by weav ing the logs together with the logging cables. One layer, of logs is placed on top of the first, and so on, each layer being two logs less in width than the one directly under it. The raft is topped off in a ridge. Heavy chains are then thrown around the whole. , The raft is perfectly rigid and capa ble of riding in heavy swells at sea. It is the invention of O. G. Davis. a Vancouver lumberman, who patented his method of raft- construction. He superintended the building of the first raft at Yaquina and is now in Port land to supervise tearing up the raft at the mill. TO REPEAT VENTURE It is the plan of the Multnomah Lumber fc Box company to bring loirs from Its holdings on Yaquina bay and Coos bay by this method. - The tug Talbot, of 00 horsepower, which has the raft In tow. was recently pur chased for the purpose of bringing the logs into the Columbia. The raft did not become jammed in the ice at Stella, but conditions were such that little progress could be made by the tug. It was decided to tie up for a time. 1I3?ES NAME ANNOUNCED -Reports that the new intercoastal line Of the Garland Steamship corporation- will be known as the United States Intercoastal line, have been re ceived In Portland. No official com munication regarding the name' baa been received by the offices ot the McCormick Steamship line, local rep resentatives of the Garland interests. News of the Rort Arrfcrato Dacambae 1 ' Robert Xockaabach, American steamer, from Sew Tort aad way ports, general. Kattma. British earner, from Havana via Ptafet Sound, cenarai. ' H. T. Harper. American rootorahip. from Saa Pedro, 'oil. . : . Oepartaifwe Daceenaer 1 .... Theodora Haoateelt, NorwesSaa aaotofaulj, for Europe, floor aad general. - HoUywoad, American tearoer. for Am trajia. Tia Graya Harhor. reneral. ' AT" WORLD'S POSTS ' Aautria. Der. 18. Sailed at . last night, tteamer Hawaaaa. for New York and Boston Sailed at 3 a, .m., steamer afacnaoa, far Val paraiso Sailed at S a. a.. Japanese steamer Mandaaaa Mara, for Jarjaa via Facet Sooad. Arrived at 6 a. nv. rWsk steamer Katana. froaa Haras ria Facet Soand. Arrived at al. left BP at a. m.,te&mer Robert Locfean bcli'fr" Saw fork and war porta, r Arrired at 10:30 a. a. Jiptutt tttuwr Scotland Mars, from Muroran. Arrired at 1 and k-tt wyatilSjp. m-. mofanhip H. t Harper. fraa.Saa fWro. Amral tt,;l ad Wl P at v -aa.. ataaaaer rhattaaoocs City, from New Tors. for - Portland. - Last bp at 12 '3e p. ol. Brltfch cteamer ir.n. - . .." . Saa FTanciico. Dee. !. Arrired at 3 a- aa., at earner- Jab. tAckeaoacb, from Port toad, for Sow Tare 'and waj pnrtv- Arrreed at 5 a, at. ataamer Admiral Coodrica. from Fert Jaad via Cooa Bay and Euraka. Arrtred at a. ra.. ateanwr West Koana. from Jortlad and Pwawt Sound., for Baanoa Aim. lrrirf at ft a. aa.. at earner .Adaairai Fanaant. frocs Portiasd. foe 8a n XHecn. , , a - Pedro. Dae. I Arrirnd. sleaater Kowick Kail, frma Port 1 and Focet Soand. - -4. mev a on. account of snow and icy decks, years ago, when the weather and Inman-Poulsen mill just after a buzzard. Saturday, on tho Norwegian motor terminal-No. 4 loading dried prunes for Europe. -- bushels of wheat, 160 tons of dried prunes, and 21,352 feet of lumber. Her entire Portland cargo, amounting to 6358-short tons, was valued at 1275, 695. Previous to the departure of the Theodore Roosevelt, the season's rec ord , European shipment of flour was Tides at Astoria Monday High water. Low' water. 0:51a.m. 8.1 ft 6 :39 a. m. 3.0 ft 12 :25 p. nii 10.1 ft 7 :29 p. m. o. ft 'oa Vanchester. Arrired. steamer - Edward Pierre, from Baltimore, for Portland and Fnaet Sound. Arrired. ft earner West Jewip, from Bnenna Aires, for Puiret Sound and Portland. Sailed. Santa Cms for Tacoma; Lebec, for Krerett: FToridian, for Sea.tlle ria Portland; Huth Alexander, for Seattle. New Tork. Dec 15. Arrired. ateamer Munaires. from Pacific Coast porta. . Arrired, rteamer N era dan, from Portland. Sailed, Will bilo, for Portland. Boston. Dee. 14. Sailed, steamer Steel Sea farer, from New York, for Portland and waj porta. Philadelphia. Dec. 14. Sailed, steamer Blue Trianale. from Portland, Me., for Poruand and-Puset Sound." Kobe, Dec. 14. Arrtred, JapaSea ateamer Taiba Maru, from Portland; Arabia alaru. from Seattle. ' ; Seattle. Dee. 16. Arrired, Dorothy Alex ander, from Tacoma, 11 a. jm. : Pomona, from Honckonr... noon; Kaca Maru. frouf Vaoconrer, 0:5u a. m. ..Sailed. Admiral Watson, from Southwestern Alaska. IS a. m. ; Jefferson, from Southeastern Alaska. J) a. m. Arrind. Dee. 15. Santa. Kita. from San Pedro, 6-40 l. nv ; St'akena. from British Columbia ports, 4 a. m. Sailed. Dec. 1 5.. Oreeonian, for Sew York ria Portland, 2:16 p. m.; Labrea, for San Pedro, 7 p. m. Ketchikaa, De. 15 Sailed. Alameda, northbound, 10:80 a. m. Petarsburc, Dec 15. Sailed. Spokane, northbound, 4 p. m. Krerett, Dec 1 8. Sailed, Fred Baxter, for San Pedro, 5:45 p. m. Arrired. Dec. 15, Vikinc, towinc schooner W. H. Talbot, from San Pedro. 7:15 a- m. Port Gamble. Dec. 15. Sailed, Tyrerton. for San lYancisco. 8 a. m. Victoria. .Dec. 1 5.- Passed out. Captain A. F. tucaa. for San Pedro, 2:15 p. m. Vancourer, Dec 15. -Sailed China Mara, for United Kingdom, 4 p. m. Aberdeen, Dec. 15. Sailed, Florence Olsen. for San Pedro. S:3M a. m, Arrired, Dec. 14, San Jacinto, from Ventura, 5 p. m. Raymond. Dec. 15. Sailed. Charlea Christ- r risen, lor San Pedro. 8 a. m. Sailed, ec. 14. Annie Hanify. for San Pedro, 8 a- m. ; Raymond, for San Pedro. 1 a. m. Honolulu, Dec. 14. Sailed. Meteor, for Pueet Sound porta. Shanghai, Deo. 14. Arrired, Be fraud, from Portland. Honzkonc Dec. 14. Sailed. President Jack son, for Seattle. Melbourne, Dec. 14. Arrired, Waiotapu, from Vancourer. Balboa. Dec IS. Sailed, Santa Eulalia, for Seattle ria Portland. Cristobal. Dec 13. -Sailed. Dakotan, for New Tork. Harre. Dec 13. ArriTed, City . of 'Durham, from Vancourer. Vessels Teaaele Oreeonian Wahkeena Admiral Eraaa Northern Star ...... itoxen lxicr F. I.uckenbach. Barry tackaobaet. . Tjiteboet Lena tnckenbacb, . . . Rose City Itaiay Putnam ...... Boohyalla . Multnomah Bessemer City Oeorcina Kolph ... Wanama Tamon Mara Albert aeiireaa .... Kentuckiaa Uomotua Cowiche .... ta Aerhre From Data ..Baltimore ....Dec 17 ..San Fran. .Daeu 19 . .San Fran. -. . .Dae. 18 . Philadelphia ..Pee. 21 .Honolulu Dec. 20 . .Boston ...... Dec 24 ..Sew York. . . .lJac. 18 . .Bataria ......Dec IS , .San Fran. :...lec 18 , .San Fran. , .San Fran. , . San Pedro . .-San Fran.. ..New Tork. . . San Fran . Fran .'Japan . . . Dee. 19 ..Dec 18 . .Dec. ltt .Dec 20 ..Dec 21 ..Dec 2V . .Dec 21 I ltec IS ..Mew uneant. .Dec .'J ...New York. ....Dee. 22 ..Vatparaiao . . . Uec 22 ..San Fran. Dec. 23 ...Saa Fran. Dec. 28 ..Guayaquil ... .Dec 23 Admiral Goodrich. . . Baja Caliraof nia .... Kinkaaan Maru Edward Pierce Vessels .Onent .......Dec. 23 ..Boston . , .Dee. 24 la DenarV x Date . Kurope .. , . .. .Dec 18 ..Japan ...... .Dee. 1 . . Sad Fran. . . . Dec 1 s MEnroper ..-..-..Dec 18 . . Europe . ..... Dec 1 T ..New Yerk.. .Dec 18 ..New York.,.. Doc 21 ..8. America. .. Dec 18 ..San Fran. ...Dec 20 ..New Tork. ...Dee. 22 .New Tork. ...Dec 21 ..Moatoa Dec 22 . .Honolulu .... .Dec 22 ..Bataria ......Dec 21 ..New Tork.. .Dee. 21 ..San Fran. . .'Dec 22 ..Orient ....... Dee. 17 . . San Fran. .... Dec 1 7 r ..New York .... Iee. 2 1 . .Saa Fran.. . . . .Iee. 23 iiNew Tork'. . . .Dec 24 ltatuna Basnaara ........ Annette Kolph. . . . . Texaa Indiana Moawzt laMkaebaca, Oreeonian ....... Toanida Mara No. 1 Admiral Eras ttarry I rnrsenhacn.. Laa Luokenbach E. P. Zjockuibaeh . Boxen .......... Tjueboe ......... Northern Star .... Bee City ,.. Grande Gaard. Bessemer City. . . - BoobyaUa Northern Star. . . . Baia "Cauf oraia . .. Mexico ... ; , . .Dec 24 Teasel Annette Koiph . Babinda . . . . . . Daisy Mitthewa Daisy Frscsaaa . Berth .Couch St. Itock ......... .Suppiea Deck ............St Hetona ............ Warren ton ............. Astoria Shell OA Dock ....... Terminal 1 . . . . Inmsn Poolaen , .Globe ... . .Columbia City . . . . .Yee-etable Oil Milla Terminal No. 4 - - - - c, - - - yFaatport . . St, Johns Lumber Co, . . . , Terminal Sn 1 ........ Karsma Grande Gaard ..... ttannawa ........ KUuka Mara ., La M erred .:. . Montacata .... Pawlet . . .. . . Shasta Sola no. . . . . .. . Texan Trinidad ...... Wawainaja .... West Keats . . ,.. bl ioaai Msormci ..... . i. peninsula Mua .Frabcett ....... .Tarmisal No. 1 Yoaluda Mara . . . . Bebcrt Lockanback -Katana. - . . v . . . . . . Chattanoosa City - i H. T. Harpar . . . . ..isrnuaai 1 (.Terminal XW 1 . . . , . . . .Lianton ALIf' ALONG . THK" : WATEEFEOUT 1 Loaded with 1043 tons of newsprint paper and approximately 200 tons of SHIP TAKES FLOUR CARGO JwPwwSwwS(wl!(HWr v ' , serve to recall to Captain O. .Ulnd the city were both different.' The At rg-iht A record European flour ship Theodore Roosevelt, which held by the Birmingham City, which took 17,148 barrels. Flour shipments from the Columbia river have increased !n the last few weeks, although shipments for 1922 have not been as great as in 1921, when the wheat crop of the Northwest was general cargo, the Ocean Motorship company s vessel Babinda is due to sail for Astoria early this morning. Her cargo is consigned to California ports. The McCormick steamer Annette Rolph will sail for San Francisco Monday after having been delayed on account of Ice which she encountered coming up the Columbia river. The vessel was forced to stop In the lower river while her bows were covered with sheet metal to prevent the ice from cutting the wooden hulL The motorship L Merced cleared Saturday at the local customs house for Los Angeles with 1,200,000 feet of lumber loaded at St Helena. She is expected to sail within a day or two. The steamer Chattanooga City, in bound from the east coast arrived at Astoria at 6 o"clock Saturday night and was due to arrive in Portland this morning with general cargo. She will discharge at municipal terminal No. 1. The Swayne & Hoyt steamer Holly wood, after loading 1,500,000 feet of lumber and general cargo, sailed Sat urday for Australia. Arrivine: at Portland Saturday even ing, the steamer Katuna, of Ellerman's Wilson line, doc'ted at terminal No. 1 to discharge and load general cargo. She is scheduled to sail for Havre, London and Hull today. Charles P. Brown, manager of Swayne & Hoyt steamship operators, will be in Portland Monday on busi ness affairs with A. M. Gillespie. Inc.. local representatives of Swayne & Hoyt While here he will be guest of honor at the men's forum Monday at the Chamber of Commerce. The oil tanker H. T. Harper arrived at Astoria Saturday afternoon and was scheduled to arrive at Portland late at night while the tanker La Purisima, after completing discharg ing oil at Willbridge, is scheduled to sail from Portland today. IXDIA3TA WILL SAIL Carrying 12.287 barrels of flour, 200 tons of prunes and 274.299 feet of lumber, the French line steamer . Indi ana, which cleared Saturday, will eail today for Bordeaux. Havre, Lei th and Antwerp. . The vessel completed load ing lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill Friday night, and attempted to eail Saturday, but dredging operations in the channel crowded her out when she attempted to pass, and she returned to her dock. ' POSITIONS OF VESSELS (By Federal Telegraph Company.) from Monterey for an Francisco, 28 miles Labrea. from fn- (.Unn c r 1 1 from Oleum. Frank G. Drum, from San Pedro for Aron. 240 miles north of San Pedro. lorahiinda. from San Pedro for Richmond. 13o miles from San Pedro. .c fro St. Helens for San Francisco. 28 miles north of San Francisco E,1pet- froB Guaymas for San Francisco. '0 miles south of San Francisco. ErB W Twin. . fcrerett. 310 miles north of San Francisco. r.i.iiuno iron, nonccong lor Saa Pedro 812 miles from San Pedro. Christmas Ship to SAN FRANCISCO .& PORTLAND STEABISHIP COMPANY . Steamer - LEAVES PORTLAND,' AINSWORTH DOCK, 10 A: M. FRIDAY, DECEJIBER 22 - ARRIVES SAN FRANCISCO ABOUT NOON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 Jost in Time for Xmas OTHER SAII.IKOS " Lv. San- Francisco '...Dec 26 At. Portland.. i. .'.ii.'.DeCrf iS Lv. Portland "..'....'.Dec ai - Ar. San Francisco Jan. " Z And every nine days thereafter from each port.. CITYvTICKET OFFICE THIRD AND WASHINGTON STREETS . . " Phone- Broadway 5631 ' " m . ' : i; I i Freight Of f ice, Ainaworth Dock. Phone Broadway 0268- - 4 of the- steamer Grande Gaard. his Grande Gaard is shown here taking cargo for the present cereal year carried 22,780 barrels' of flour. The more - than a third larger than this year's. The big market for flour has been In the Orient, where entire shiploads have been dispatched, amounting to more than 50,000 barrels. Flour ship ments to Europe have been confined to parcels. Grant! from Manila for San Francisco, 986 miles from San Francisco. Frank H. Buck, from San Pedro for Monte rey, 75 mues from Monterey. Tale, from San Francisco for San Pedro, 70 miles south of San 1 rauciaco. Jeptha, from San Francisco for Tacoma, 274 miles north of San Francisco. Dil worth, from Port San Luis for Honolulu. 104 milea west of Port San Luis. Atlanta City, from Portland for San Fran cisco, 235 miles north of San Francisco. Cuba, from San Francisco for Cristobal, 23 miles south of San Frtuicwoo. Sierra, from Vancourer for San Pedro, 80 miles south of Cape Mederino. Coalinga, from Port San Luis for Hahu kona, 1690 miles from Mahukona. Dryden, from Port Arthur for Honolulu. 2070 mile west of Balboa. Venezuela, from San Francisco for New York, 50 miles south of San Francisco. Lebec, from Sao Pedro for Everett, 401 milea north of San Pedro. Willamette from San Francisco for Seattle, vO miles north of San Francisco. San Francisco. Dec 15. S d. m.. Colom bia, from San Francisco for New York, left tunas at i a. m. President Taft, from San Francisco for Yokohama, 1547 milea west of Honolulu. West Prospect, from Otoru -for Saa Pedro, 3598 miles west of San Pedro. Bohemian Club, from Manila for San Pedro, 4100 milea west of San Pedro. President Wilion, from Yokohama for San TRANSPORTATION rpRAVEL WHY not jet experienced and ac t curate information from- one ; who - has traveled extensively for the benefit of his patrons? FREE INFORMATION, - Secure Steamship Reserva tions and Tickets From DORSEY B. SMITH. Manager Journal Travel Bureau 180 Broadway, Portland, Orefom. Phono ATwater 1979. iTornta - PASSAGE. FARE FROM PORTLAND i ' Promenade Deck ' . . . ; ... .'.$28.85 Outside Saloon Deck...... 26.40 Inside Saloon Deck. 24.00 t Hound Trip (first class).. 60.09 STEERAGE FAS3KNGKRS ' Third Class ,. I C nfl (Males Only) . . . J. .. . ) I UUU All fares include berth . . ;, ; and meals while at sea. FraacieV 98MwrfteAvst of: Honolulu. . Pre. ident Ijntjoia, fnxa San Frabewco for Yokohama. 3315 mik wart of HonoJulu. Ecowior, ttomLiJsum Yorki lor flan, Fnuv eiara. left Balboa, at midnight. West Orowa. from FwtlaiKl Tor locooama. 1840- axils wart ot Oolanbha yiwmr. -ry William Penn. from loootala - for Manila, 53 aouea. weat wf; UoDotaiQ.1 - r Dry Agents Asked ' To Glean Cincinnati X:: & ' - (By International Xawa Service) - Cincinnati., Ohio, .Dec 1. Spectac ular xaida on a number of roadhouaea In Kentucky 'and the subsequent con viction of those) arrested have re- sulted in numerous, letters being sent to tho federal, : prohibition officers, whose headquarters are in Covington, asking them to come across the river and j etean up" Cincinnati, : The out come of these requests has been a. con ference between the officers stationed In Kentucky and those assigned to the Ohio side pf the river and a statement by the latter that conditions ' which prevailed in the Kentucky roadbousea are not to be found in the vicinity of Cincinnati. ORCHESTRA TO PLAY Philomath, Dec. 1C A musical pro gram will be given by the 'Philomath college orchestra at vesper services at the Congregational church in CorvallU tomorrow. The orchestra is comprised of 35 -players, directed by Professor R. C Norton. TRANSPORTATION w53r RATTLE THE ORIENT onllSQovcrtimmtShips Snort Northern Routs Yokohama. Kobe, 'Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manias in prase tiaae. American temla, proTlcVlna; nnaxcelled American food, sen ilea, comfort. Sailing from Pier B. Smith! Cove Terminal. Seattle, Wash. . . . . Dee. St Praasilaat McJCladay .... Jmm. X PinUial Ji il us .... Ju,14 Craaat ....... Jam. 20 laffsasmi a a Feb. T : Aad every IS days thereafter For descriptive booklet address local agent The AUMIBAL-OKIEKTAl LINE 17 State St.. N. v. city. Tel. Bowline. Green 8XS4. L. C. Smith Bldg., aaattla, Wash. 112 W. Adams 8U, Chicago, TaU 'anaoipn 7 7ao ewbrk to onUjSi(jouernmentShips New Reduced Rates Fastest Time Aswerieaa Food AnMrwjamcosBsotta.aail ios from Pier 1, Hobofcao. 8- S. Wectwrn World . . Dec. 33 a . . uec.33 I . . Jan. 6 am . . Jan. ao ... Feb. 3 S. S. Soatbern Cross S. S. Amriram IegioB B.s.aa Amwrica Fortnlrfitly Pur if., hi I'.rfr. n N.W.I tmf Munson Steamship Lines 7 Wan at. Mew Task Ctty SS. ADMIRAL EVANS Balls from Municipal Dock No. X Wodnssdav. Dae. 20. 10 A. M. Erary Wednoaday Trtaroaftar FOR SAM FHANCISCO. LOS ANOCLES. SAM DIEGO, HONOLULU SERVICE Saltine Trom San Francisco H. F. Alexander. . .Jan. . B P. M. M. F. Alosandae. . .Jan. 20, P. M. Ttokst OrficS 101 THIRD ST. COR. STARK Phona Broadwar f4S1 ComtortaDitTAitaui t Carriers Running at Frequent Intervals h O. at M. Stegaa To Sit.-. Angel sad SUrerton. Camas Stags Co. To Camas. Waaboosai. Kelso. Cbehalis aad Olranpia, Waab. Columbia Staoaa To Astoria, St. Haleas. Rainier. 8easid. Multnomah Fails. Hood Hirer and Tho PaUea. , , -eroaaam Slaos Oo- To O realism. Nawbars-McMinnTlll Stages To Kewberg aad McMmnriUe. t Portland-Salem-A rban j SUa Llna To Salam. Albanr. Corrailia aad Eusene. Portland-Tillainaok Stag t-irto To ' Eheridan arid Tillamooa. . . - : - .v Kallanca Mt, Hood Stag as , To Saady and Mt Hood. Vancouver State Llna T Vanconrer, Wash. aVoat Portland - and Murlnomah Staiai To West Portia nd sod Uultnomah Station. Information, . Ttekets and Waltinf Room at STAGE DEPOT Park and Yamhill Sts. Phone stata SSIt aiW IIAUWD MB SOUTH Vie taaiaj mam Hialoina. Psatna Tea SsMtM Seas. ' arataa, sees, pirn Visas -V T VfflOls S. a. CO. OP MKaV ZKALATO aao oalitaania ac Saa wr Astoria and Way : Points STRS. LURUNE! AND UNDINE ;' Dally, Saeapt . Satordar. 7:80 P. tk , r t. Aitsra I1J5 Om War SS.0 Bocad Trip -Waok-Ead Boms Trip S2.6A fN EMARKIRS TftAH SPORT ATIOSJ CO. i4wr- 34. . ; A War St. Dock U.S. Shipping Boakd ouuiimsnca Sfaaa, Opmmtorm tor I I 11 VS. Shipping Bqard m Y d AUSTRALIA AAtf TRAJTSPOnTATION cSijiew service . front '-l&cific Jhs? SEND the formation blank below and find out about the new -direct service to South America from Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles I " If you have planned to go to South America, learn . how you can go now conveniently and luxuriously on magnificent new U. S. Government chips. They are operated for the Government by the Pacifio ArgentineBrazil Line, and go via the Panama Canal and Porto Rico a delightful sea route that cannot be surpassed! , . World's Fair at Rio Tlie great World's Fair bow in procreaa in Rio d Jraciro b makiao; that always brilliant capital tnorealhiring' taja rcrt The sunshine of Porto Rifco's tropic beauty is now, mm mbmmyt ' . the joy of the tourist. -v If yon hare been thinking of a trip. end the hrlotmadoa blanlr. for a complete description of this pew terrica. Yea " will be delighted and surprised at the minimum of fim and ' expense inrolred, the superior accommodations and equip- : merit of the ships, the fastidious standard, epicurean cuisine, unparalleled enricel Write today. You incur do obligation. Send This Blajik INFORMATION BLANK " To TT. S. Shipping Board Information Depuuuant 131 P.A.B. San TVasaeawca. CaaL Pleas send witbont eblicattoa Of V. S. Ouetuaieut Booklet llm travel facta. I am eoniiderinsT a tri to South a,mrW to rmrw K.ico I would travel 1st class D. sd . I ro date wiU be khana ' ' - Butinm or prorasioak. Jddrmm " ' , Managing Operators - Pacific-Argentine-Brazil Line StDoyn tf Hoyt 430 Sanson SC San Famc$cc Cat -- Ftr tmJfmmHmm mmrmHnt aansssJsiKiaaw sW sarfifaff mititn U. S. SHIPPING BOARD Informatloa DepauUucnt 149 Pine Street Sam Francsaco, CaliforaJs) i i : with ARISTCfTLE, DEMOSTHENES! One of the many AMERICAN EXPRESS Luxury Cruise on the 'Mauretania to the From New York Felrrwtry 7th 66 Days of Enchantment . The MAURETANIA your home all the way Visiting Azcrre,Maderra,Cadii,Seville,aibraltar,TangleT. AIgieT,Vlont . Carlo, Nice, Naples, Pompeii, Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt, CoEtica, Lisbon, Southampton, London (5 days), Cherbourg. . Send for Illustrated announcement I 1 1- DIRECT FASSEXGEK SEBVICE PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL, SOUTHAMPTON and LONDON ' First Class Kate MSiS . Intermediate Class Rate. ...... - - i 8. S. "HIGHLAND HEATHEE" ealy - M. SLOCH KATRINE" Sw) (Llrerpool) ..Jam. IS K. S. "HIGHUSIl HEATHEH" (Koataaoipton) Jan. t5 : M. S. "tOCH COIL" (Xw) (Londos) ....Feb. M - OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY ;- - Aa-eats .'-- -V Broadwar- 42 ! Wlleex Bldr. OREGON-PACIHC COMP.ANY TOYO IOSEN KAISHA A3n joiitt sebtice of. . HOLLAND-AMERICA . LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY v- Saniars for Jspaa, Calaa aad West Coast rVoata Asserlea, . aad I'aiUd KlBfdom aad Earepeaa Ports . - GENERAL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER OFFICE 203 Wilcox m&& Bdwy,i4529 Portlands Ore. . "SHIP BY WATER" . HLLIAMS LINE EEGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE - ;-. '."'between r -'."', New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk'and San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Lbs Anf eles ' Harbor, Seattle,. Tacoma. v - OREGON-PACIFIC COIVIPANY . - Portland and Columbia River General Arents J 203 Wilcox Bnildinj - - - - TRANSPORTATION ARISTOPHANES, "8T PAUL,' . . rare experiences offered try the' AMERICAN EXPRESS Travel Department Cer. Sixth aad Oak Sts ildwy. MS, or Olds, Wartjaaa M Jtlug. Atwater 48M - Portland, Ore. , Phone Broadway 4529