u:;day joltal, rc::TLAiiD, sukday iioiinin G, DZ If. II) 10 GOHORSOulT ACTION ON; U Last Session Marked . by - Fiery Verbal Attacks on Orgariiza ' tion; Gov. Olcott Takes Part White Sulphur Springs, w. Vs., Dec. U P. Without ! taking formal action on the Ku Klux Klan or prohi bition enforcement, or any. of the state Issues confronting them, the governors er a.; score of states today adjourned their annual conference here. - The imaj session was marked by a (concerted verbal attack on the Ku Klux Klan. during-which several gov ernors warned that If the klan caused - trouble in their states they would take extreme measures against it - Governor McCray, Indiana, said that If the klan caused law violations in Indiana he would go the limit In fight ing it. Governor Morrison, North Car olina. also declared that if klansmen were found responsible there for dep- redatlone, they would quickly - find themselves in the chain gang. WA3TTS BOKE DEI C02TTB0L : Jnst before the conference closed, Samuel Adams, president of the Farm , Editor's association, created a stir among the governors! by announcing that . a campaign to insure bone dry control of the Republican national con en tion and the nomination of a dry farmer candidate would be started i soon. The campaign is designed to prevent the Republican party from weakening its stand on the prohibition issue. Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas would be an acceptable presidential - candidate to tnis group. Adams said. The klan discussion followed a speech by Governor Allen.. Kansas, in which he denounced the organization and its doctrines a "religious bigotry and race prejudice wrapped in the American flag, - labelled one hundred per cent Americanism ana sola ror 910." Governor Morrison of North Caro lina asked Allen whether the klan in dorsed manifestations of lawlessness or, showed a, desire to stop theco. 8AT8 .THEY BtTT WIT . "No," said Alien, 1 "The men who belong -to this organization think they are doing a noble .'work. When : yon charge them - with an - outrage, they say the klan did not commit it. - xnen taev una a contribution to some toose- minded preacher and he says "Thank God for the klan.' -. , . Governor Olcott of Oregon inquired whether Kansas had . used troops in meeting the activities of the klan. Allen said troops were cauea. . irai the klan "faded" .when it heard they were coming.' ' i . Allen said three Judges .in tux state had -been forced to resign from the klan or face removal from their offices. Be declared his belief that ' vigorous state opposition to the Jclan would re sult In Its early extinction. In a brief executive session follow ing this decision Governor Channing Cox of Massachusetts was elected chairman of the executive committee. Governor McCray of Indiana Invited the governors to hold their 1923 con ference at French Lick. The decision was left to the executive committee. HAIliiG RECEIVES RESIGNATION OF E! SUPR ME JUSTICE Judge Mahlon jPitney'si Action Due to Ill-Health ; Is 4th Va . cancy Since Harding Went In Woman Says He Promised to Wed, Sues for $JL00,000 Omaha, Dec 16. (U. P.) John K. Bachelor, ranch king of Valentine, Neb., owner of thousands of anres of Cherry county land and one time can didate for governor, was sued for $100, 000 heart balm by Mrs. Emma J. An derson, a youthful and beautiful di vorcee, In district court here today. In her petition Mrs. Anderson de clares that her wedding to the wealthy rancher had been planned for Decem ber II, that Bachelor had suggested a postponement until December 14, but that on December 10 he told her that he would never marry her. Mrs. Anderson recently divorced her husband, who is engaged 'in the mo tion picture business in Los Angeles. Bachelor is prominent in the Republi can party In Nebraska. His name was suggested two years ago for governor, but he wthdrew in favor of Governor McKelvie. He Is a widower and has three children. ; POSITIONS OF VESSELS Astoria. Dee. 16, 8 p. ' m.- Cbattanoosa City, from San Francisco lor Portland. 87 miles south of Columbia river. - Cold Harbor, from Ban Francisco for Grays Harbor, 80 miles sooth of Colnmbia tint. f Washington, Dec -? A. (U. P. President Harding today received the resignation or Associate Justice Mah- lon Pitney of the supreme court, It was announced at the White House. -The resignation Is ? to take effect January 1, 1923. Usder & special, act of. congress Pitney was allowed 60 days in which te arrange hia retire ment from the bencB. although he has not reached the retirement age. The decision as to the date of '. retirement was reached alter, a - conxerence 01 Chief Justice Taft and'the president and Justice Pitney. ? Justice Pitney has been in ill health for some months and has spent much time at his home in Morris town, N. J. Ten days ago congress passed a special bill permitting hia retirement. The retirement of Justice Pitney creates- another vacancy jfu the su preme bench, .the fourth that has oc curred during the present administration. President Harding has hot selected a successor to Justice Pitney, it was stated at the White House. The two leading candidates are understood to be Governor Nathan I Miller of New York, who retired from office on Janu ary 1, and Judge Robert von Mosch- klsker of Pennsylvania. Justice Pitney has been it member of the nation's highest tribunal since March 18, 1912, having been appointed to the bench by President Taft. MISS HUGHES REPORTED CTTEED Toronto, Ont, Dec 16. L'N. a) Apparently cured of diabetes, 16-year-t old Kliaabeth Hughes, daughter of 'Sec retary of State Hughes, left, hero to day for Washington. - PortlandVoittue initiates Members VWithBig Ceremony iy.y : it ' '-''S:S Portland Voiture No. 25, La Societe des 40 Hommea et 8 Chevaux. the sun shine order of the American Legion, held the most enthusiastic . Initiation of it history Saturday when 13 candi dates were . admitted. Preliminary ceremonies " started . in the Armory at S o'clock and the wind ud was the. bannuet in the- Multnomah hotel, i More .than 75 "voyageurs made np the party, ate, smoked and listened to the vaudeville acta and speeches. Kenneth Hauser was appointed -toast-master by- Dr. Eugrene W. Rockey, chef de gare and commander elect or Fore land Post No.; 1, American Legion. Pat H. Allen, chairman, of the com mittee in charge of the "Night " In Paris- celebration scheduled for The Aiirftrnriuni- December 20 ' boosted f Or I the show. -i'k' ' , i The initiates were: Admiral H. T. Mayo, Robert J. wooa, jaajor ueorge Mayo. Rupert V. Ha user. Robert Ha- maker, William N. Burgara..F. Boyce Fenton. Major A. J. CanapbeU Ray mond T. Cox, Alfred J. O'Brien, Paul Giesy, Major A. B. Richeson and Dr. J.-.G. Abelc . , - The Sew Eveready Flashlight Will Threw a Light 0 Feet. A Fine Present for Man er Boy. Slckel Cass With Battery sad Two Extra Bulbs, 83.75 Useful Xmas Presents on Special Sale E 1 1 b c It if i c si 11 Percolators S6.5o o S21.SO tier trie Toasters S4.45 to 87.0O all next week Hotpoint, Universal, Westinghouse electric irons, toasters, grills, percolators, waffle irons, curling irons, electric Xmas tree , lighting sets, electric heaters, flashlights, globes for Xmas tree sets at a big saving. 1 ASTORIA BILL IS TO AWAIT REPORT (Continued From Fat One) hasten federal relief and to obtain the Quickest possible result, and with the senate resolution before It the house may be spurred to use greater speed. F.lertrle Heater S4.89 to 812.50 $1.00 Quality Double Sockets 44c Special Sale $1.00 Quality Double Sockets 44c- Waffle Iross -S11.50 to 816.00 ASTORIA'S COMMITTEE OF 1 IS COMING HERE M05DAI Astoria's reconstruction, committee of 10, which has In charge the rehabill tation of the rained business section of the lower coiumoia river city, wm come to: Portland. Monday . to confer with' the Chamber of Commerce's As toria relief committee. This - advicejras; received. : Saturday afternoon by W. D. B. Dodaon, general manager; of the chamber, from Major William S Gilbert, chairman i ot,, the committee. "The visiting Astorians will be guests of the chamber forum lunch eon Monday noon. i f - The. purpose of the trip -'was not detailed in the message,- but H. B. Van Duser, chairman of the Portland com mittee, said that means ' of using the relief fund raised - by the chamber would be .discussed. "The relief fund listed two subscrip tions Saturday afternoon In addition to the list announced earlier in the- day. These subscriptions were : O. A. Ritan, $150, and Mrs. Cora E. Wheeler, 50. The total of the relief fund is now $48,879.94 In cash and about 823,000 in pledges. Saturday afternoon the chamber re lief committee received two messages from Senator Charles L. McNary, one saying that Admiral Coontx had issued notice that the destroyer Tarborough has been placed under orders of com mandant of the Thirteenth naval base for duty at Astoria until the emergency is passed The other message notified the com mittee of the passage of Astoria relief measures by the government. This mes sage read as follows : "Today we obtained a favorable com mittee report and the senate passed my resolution ,f or relief of the suf ferers from fire in Astoria. The amount to be expended was eliminated, that being left in accordance with rules of the senate to the secretary of war. -the amount . expended to be carried later In a deficiency bill." - y Supplies for the Astoria relief, com mittee will be carried free by the-) Union Pacific railway system, accord ing to ah announcement . roads' Satur day by A. S. Edmonds, assistant traf fic manager for the system. Supplies originating from points on the system lines or beyond will take this free rate. larger that practically AWl down-town stores have, had- to put on inexperi enced help, to augment their regular force. Buyers are: asked to. ; be as pa tient as possible -with these "people and to watch the new help carefully that they make no errors, especially in taking down ; tneir aeirvery. ad dresses. Service 'cart, also be speeded op considerably if the public will carry small : packages. - Notorious Head of : ; Moonshine Gang Captured by Posse Lexington. Ky, Decs. 18. Charles Ballard ia a prisoner. The notorious moonshine band leader ' was captured by a sherif rs posse in Menifee county late today, and ' is being brought' to Lexington. Three ' other moonshiners were taken with him. Ballard's band killed three prohibi tion agents in the last week. His brother. "Bad Bob," one of the most feared men in the mountains, was slain in a battle yesterday. I Bail Workers Lose -v 'In Board Decision Chicago, Dec 16. (X N. &) Over time pay for maintenance of way men on ralh-oads will not be changed as a result .of the decision cf the United States railroad labor board in uphold ing Its former stand against time and a half for such work. A. K. Wharton dissented from the opinion, claiming that during the entire existence of the board only one decision has been made that would better the conditions of rail employes. Mrs. Grace Torrey Pens Word-Picture Of People for Post "Mrs. Grace Torrey.. wife of Profes sor Barry Beal- Torrey, biological In structor at the -tmrrerslty of Oregon medical school, is receiving many com pliments over a Short story from, her pea appearing in the current Issue of the Saturday Evening Post. The story Is entitled "Cheap People" and deals with many characters -of eon tempor ary life with pertinent reflections on nresent-day affairs. "I did sot consciously give the story a Portland flavor.- Mrs. Torrey ex plained la answer to the suggestion that some of her characters may have been drawn from the people shout her. "Of course, living here. I may have been influenced by the people X meet. but X have not copied the foibles or specific persons. . Broker Cleans Up $30,000 in Momentf - un clock xicuange New Torlc, Pea Tie. A new record for s Quick turnover on the stock ex change was set up today when Joe Manning, -credited with - being one of the most alert traders on the exenange, grasped the speculative possibilities in connection with a zo- per cent oivi dend on Pan-American Petroleum. At the opening Manning was In the middle of the crowd bidding 80 for 6000 shares. "Sold," cried a broker. Within 30 seconds the bid waa 86 "Sold.; cried Manning, who in that half minutes had cleaned up 150,000. Dr. Campbell Is to Quit Observatory To Head University - V v- I nil . San Francisco, Dec 1. (TJ." P. Well defined reports were In circula tion here today that Dr. W. W. Camp bell, head of LIsk observatory, had been offered and- had accepted the presi dency of the University of .California to succeed David P- Barrow, resigned. Dr. Campbell's formal election will take, place next week, these. . reports had it. Neither the members of the board of regents of the university nor Dr. Camp bell had any comment to make. - $5.00 Xmas Tree en on Lighting Sets cj 'It One hundred 8-light Xmas Tree Sets formerly priced at $5.00 per set on special sale Monday and Tuesday at. . . .$3.39 This is a special three-wire set,!the best quality it is possible for us to buy. The special ,15-volt Mazda lamp in this set will not burn out as quicldy as -the cheaper outfits. Simply 'by screwing the pltig of one outfit into the extra socket of the set; 8, 16-or 24 lights can be lighted from one lamp socket. The set cante extended like the links of a cham until a maxi mum of 8Q lamps are burning. Every set tested and guaran teed in good working order. If you wish a cheaper set we have them as low as $1.98. Our advice is to buy the best at our bargain price. They will last for years. ' Fancy Lamps, Fruits arid Flowers. .25 Extra Bulbs for Xmas Tree Sets, regular 25c. , . i8, 20 7 " Carbon Lamps .. .. . ... . . ;12, 15, 18f Red, Blue and Green House Lamns for homi dtrrmiinn We repair Xmas Tree Lighting Sets if brought in before the rush. , : mo Evimnrnidle Electoic ' Oae Block From Merrisoa street Bridge - "'. -' 211 MORRISON, Near FirstLook iot the Sign "ELECTRIC .Open. Evenings Until Xmas Mail Orders Filled C O. D. Parcel Post BLANKETS IX BEM ATT1 Salem. Or.. Dec. 16. The detachment of Oregon National Guard on duty at Astoria since the fire will be main tained in Astoria as -long as needed. Adjutant- General White said teday. SANTA GLAUS BEING BURDENED WITH GIFTS ( Continued From Pass Os) do their Christmas shopping early in the week and early in the day. Per sons who wait nntil the last three days of this week need not look for first- class service," they warn. The right time to shop and get service will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 to 11 a- rru. all agree. MAT HALT DELIVERIES Another warning was Issued against late deliveries. Should the weather continue cold and another snow storm come up about next - Wednesday or Thursday, deliveries to the suburbs will be slow, and difficult, and in some cases probably Impossible. The Christmas rush has been so PLAYS ALL RECORDS BEtTER I- UN' -S-SJ "Fundamentally i in thaws of phono ; Fundamentally olcl is the way of science. RgTiKnIcdMywipeTioTia the way of arc OJktChBNEYI Style No. 3 $150 Tone quality so superior that - it is difficult to describe TIxaaewbohegTbgCbeneyfcrtJb seldom prepared for its rich, sweet quality of tone, strikingly superior to that of any other phouogispb. ' Words alone can not picture hoar it brings txtt a voice, a violin or piano or even a whole orchestra with aA of the reality of the original A rr mailable series of inventiona has made The Cheney ''The Master lnatrnment supreme in the art of tone reproduction. Before you buys-hear . Tax, MAsixr Entsukent Cheney cabinets are so finely deigned and made that they have estahlished new sundards; yet Cheney prices are within the reach of every home. Regular Models $110 to $300 Complete Models in a Variety of Styles tFJohnsonPiani3Co. 149 Sixth, Between Alder and Morrison Chickering- Packard Bond PianoM - or. STrarrst.-' Lebanon. Or., Je& 1C. Funeral serv ices were . held here last Sunday for J. B. 8tlxnpeon, 5who was klUed by an automobile at Seattle, December 6. also on sale. Mr. Stimpson. was a native of Lino county and for SO years lived near Sani Ridge. Mrs. Bruce HeaJy of Cobur? ' Is a sister. ; " , Hdnd'Work Made by St,ndeiits: Displayed - .Oregon Agricultural College Hand work made by stndents In' home eeo omlcs and art departments was on dis play in Shepard haS Thursday after noon. Some of the articles were for sale and orders are being taken for others,- The exhibit Included batik pieces, band painted cards, tie and dye work, hand painted flowers, hats, decorated bamboo trays, hand woven table runners, and cushion covers. Sat sumi lacquered trays. s -embroidered, linen, handkerchiefs, napkins, and' beads' sent from China by Ava B. Mi lam, dean et home economics, wer a ; Norman - j " r:"lb "rt""" . Brothers . s JY' A " are- tailors to. men : l 1 ' . who know the ad- l I ' - , ' vantages of wearing . I t U distinctively de-- , rl l . , ' - .Jl signed and correctly l - . rJ.- . " ; fitted overcoats. " Jjlwp I 103-108 Mezzanine Floor . : , 1 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ,d Gifts Worth While 1 The day of impractical, gifts has passed. 'Gone is the time when trinkets were acceptable as a gift Today something like iewelrv. some thin 2 both useful and rieau- : tiful, is the ideal .Christmas gift ' I am proud of my i present selectbn. My one idea has been to assemble " f an abundant stock of popular-priced articles of jewelry -sold to you by a reliable Jewelry- Storewhere qualr - 6 ity is never sacrificed for price. I invite your inspection t -and comparison. i CREDIT ACCOMMODATIONS es. em o es. OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL XMAS j ssssssass "' J " Klsa - " , ' . Diamond Specialist -'" 348 Washington 5frec( Morgan Bldg, e o e o 1 f : The Best Xmas Gift A iiwiii i 1 , Ai..l tmuiftf I .Hw - ewte-. esssssw 1 . v.. of All A Combi nation -Range with 2 ovens and broiler at Special -Price Set up . complete with coil in and all connections made. . Reed Rockers at S Prices Large assortment oi -Wing .Rockers and Chairs; also Windsor Rockers and Chairs . in solid mahogany. Do Your Xmas Buying at Calef Bros., 68 Fifth Street Your money- goes - farther, your gifts will be more appreciated by adding more comforts for years to come. A beautiful 2-tone Walnut Bedroom Suite at a price. Also Ivory Silver tone and Walnut, ; Solid Oak Suites in new1 frosted; gray and walnut brown. A solid walnut or Mahogany pining Suite in Queen Anne, William and Mary or two-tone: walnut in Italian, AT A PRICE UNEQUALED ANYWHERE 5 - ti