The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 17, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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thd ohegon suio)ay jouhnai PoiiTL ai;d, sunday. :.:o?:;i:;g.
! 1
But, Politics Aside, Mrs. Emrich
Says ; That Orphan Children
of Near East in Need of Help
' "It I could explain tb Near Eut-1
could exlain ' God," declared Mr.
Jeanette Emrich. recently from Con
t tantlnoplo. la addressing the Oreg-on
Cirio League at the Benson Saturday
"J looked at the rains there and
said. Christ crucified again.
-I ob served the trickery, deception
rand cruelty of the statesmanship and
1 X said. . 'They are weaving Hi
Khroud.' " ,
On the fateful first of September
last, there was but one nation in Eu
rope that gave sigra of a ainrle spark
. of Idealism, said Mrs. Emrich. That
was England.
"Because England stood at the Dar
danelles, I believe Europe was saved.
I don't believe that England was
' thinking of Mosopotamla and oil well,
but of endangered lives that must be
saved, she explained. ' -
. "But France sold her soul, bidding
' for a .place In ' the " new entente that
it now seems includes Russia, Turkey
and Germany. I don't see how a na
tion could "descend lower than France
descended when Turkey and France,
hand in hand, in Paris a short time
ago, dedicated a huge mosque, to the
worship of Mahomet."
- Mrs. Emrich said that people might
say they disliked Armenians or Greeks,
- they might say that they liked the
Turks, but regardless of personal likes
or dislikes, no one with, a heart could
- reject the massed, orphaned childhood
.'Of the Near East. The spectacle of
thousands and thousands of little
children, afflicted with all the diseases
-born of starvation and dirt, is one that
must move the hardest heart, she de
cla . "
tfessssssssssesai See Also Our Foil Page- Advertisement, Back Page' Sectfo
f . - - - -. r " 1 , . . : : . .: - - . t i t
Among the 6S member of the Oregon Cosmopolitan club comprising students banded' 'together on the 'Uni
versity of Oregon campus to promote friendship among those far from borne, a score or more of na
" tions are. represented. The picture above includes Btndenta from the United States,"Canada, China, Ger
many, England. France, Russia, Austria, Poland, Korea, Palestine, Nev Zealand,' Philippine, Islands,
India. Persia; Alaska, American Indian, and Egypt.; Officers shown In the front line are, left to right
Henry Derkson ( Persia) member of the executive council; Dalsie lieffler (United States), secretary;
C. S. Pll (Korea), president; Josephine Evans (England), treasurer; Liester Tnrnbaugb (England), -rice
president; Ida Flanders (United States), social chairman; Dr. Warren D. Smith (United States), faculty
" advisor; . ''''.' ,J ' v i '-. --"S
The continuance of - the Near East
emergency, she added, is due to the
systematic extermination of Christian
minorities by the - Turk.- Since 1814
3,000,000 Armenian - and 1,000,000
Greeks have fallen under the Turkish
tcimttar. according to her Csnn-e.-
The 100.000 orptuih whom America
las been supporting for several years
are regarded as the permanent work,
Th said.- About 95 pet cent of these
shevik territory and out of the reach
of the Turk, she explained, and within
a few years will become self support
ing. The big problem of today is car
ing for -the new widow and orphan
being made by the Turk on his return
to - Europe from Asia. The only way
to stop the, train of refugees, she said,
is for America and other leading na
tions to send an ultimatum to the Turk
'- 5f tt h til vniinei.
At the annual election, of officers
which I followed the Vegular program
members of the Oregon Civic league
selected the following to direct league
affairs next year: President. s A C.
NewiU. reelected; directors. Mis. G. X
Buland. Mrs. C. B. Cady, Arthur M.
Churchill. Miss Henrietta Failing. Miss
Julia Spooner and Charles A. Bice, The
league ha no' vice president and t)
xciHt board selects the secretary.
Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow, Win Go on January Accounts! Payable February 1 ' : t
-Say It '
With an O. W. K.
Bond or
Glove Order.
frhf? ft - iDTJr
: Suggestions
For the- Home '
Colonial de
lign as il
luat rated
inum finish.
$3.50 values
Special sale
at f2.98
1 1 II I -z)
V 1 Monthly
$575 Model $435
fit Cash, rt Jfoataty
The Wonderful Magnet That Has Drawn Piano
Purchasers to the Schwan Picmo Col
"Lower Prices and Lower Ter
for the
Latest 1923 Models
Upright Pianos
tat Models !(!
$10 Cash. $? Monthly U3U
ivxs jnoaeis CQOC
$10 Cash, $8 Monthly OOZO
Hit Models A fitS
$10 Cash, $9 Monthly Jr
Iks Meaeie ff4lQ
SIS Cash. S9.S0 Ms. JHTJO
$650 $1S Cash, $10 Monthly $487
$800 $25 Cash. $12 Monthly S595
CQnfl ' Model 07C
SUU '$25 Cnh. $13.60 Mo. dD O
$1000 tSLZtf $750
Grand Pianos
ini Models
$25 Cash. $17 Mo.
IMS Models
$25 Cash. $20 Mo.
Used Player
Player Pianos
IMS Models 4 Atr?
$15 Cash. $10 Monthlv
$800 . $15 Cash. $12 lMonth,y$595
tQnn 13S Models ftcTC
0UU $15 Cash. $13.50 Mo. J&O 4 O
$1050 $25 Cash. $15 Mo. $795
$1150 125 Cash. $1? Ma $862
New 1922 Model Players
$675 $15 Cash. $10 Mo, $495
$675 -JS1m $495
$800 .rvfgSttFSi $595
$900 $15 Cash, $12 Mo. $595
Toe caa afford to pay S3 to SIS cua. S3. S. S3 erS10 nontaly. Toe
1119 SIS Cash
Sit Monthly A. I .4
$975 ' ff JmV ",,
SSt Monthly Ijjj
As Also Good Quality Popular-Priced Ones , i
SENDS ONE H01VIB--Then $6, $8 or $10 Monthly
and $5 Sends Phonograph Home Then $2, $4, etc. Monthly
The World's Largest Factory Clearance Sale
New 1922. Models .
Upright Pianos , ... i
Beed So fQtS
$10 Cash, $9 Monthly "OtOO
Aeed So CIQt!
$15 Cash. $10 Monthly 0J70
ThoaiBsoa 6QQCS
110 Cash. $8 Monthly
Haines Bros. CfQC
$15 Cash, $10 Monthly WriO
Steavr Boat IS
$15 Cash. $10 Monthly 0VO
Sterer a Seat CCQCi
$25 Cash. $12 Monthly ODiJD
SehroeSer Bros. (OQE
$10 Cash. $8 Monthly OOI70
Fraakll COQC
Sit Ca.4k S8 Monthly OOiJ 3
$10 Cash. $8 Monthly
Halne Bros. CITfS
$15 Cash, $10 Monthly O1 9
Stager Soas CffQlS
$25 Cash. $12 Monthly
$ I 000$2t CashT$lS.50Mo. $675
$800 $15 Cash, $10 Monthly $495
$650 $10 CabtMonthly:$435
Baaralew o A
lift Cash. $7 Monthly
Vfeller S Co.
$10 CaFh. $8 Monthly
$15 Cash. $10 Mo. .
Sehroeder Bros.
$15 Cash. $10 Mo.
- TaoiBSse
$15. Cash. S10 Mo.
$inn 8lar, Wal. -
I U3U $25 Cash. $13. SO Mo.
Plaaola Player -
Sit Cash. S3 Monthly
$100 Cash. $10 Mo.
Factory Rebuilt, Used Pianos
Upright Pianos
v Estey Co. y
$10 Cash. $ Monthly
Chase, Oak (ohi
$10 Cash. $6 Monthly
HaUet Davlfe
$10 Cash; $5 Monthly
$10 Cash, $6 Monthly
Stelaway a Sobs
$10 Cash. $8 Monthly
- Sehroeder Bros.
110 Cash. $5 Monthly
Bora A Co.
$10 Cash. $7 Monthly
Stecer a Seas
$10 Cash. $8 Monthly
- Emersoa
$10 Cash. $t Monthly
Bee4 Seas . CQOC
$10 Cash. $8 Monthly
Beed Soas ttIQlS
$15 Cash. $10 Mo. OHrVO
$10 Cash. $7 Monthly
Parlor Organs
Golden Oak. Mirror
Walnvt. Mirror
- . KlmhaU
Walnut. Mirror
Storey a Clark
Oak, Mirror
A. B. Chase
v Bohert
Oak. Mirror
. - Walnnt. Mirror .
' Walnut
Great Wetter
phimognph or citj lot aba sa tint pmjmeat Tear bay or rid wnUat can St aioathb' and saeare a m
I--- '. '- . . i-. .;- -....-' i- .. .- ,- ..5.--- .V, -ov . ,t 1 ... .. -. .... ...
tuaae, ores,
SAVE $119 TO $400 BY BEING YOUR OWN SAIM2NThe Schwan Piano Co.
n but lor yo to any aae wa a mw Innrorad nnantv ntem tatni 'malarf i.UmwI m iikMhMa r
rt, for iaataora, crest aambara tat city or travetias aalasawa aad yam benefit by tbaaa tally 20 per cent to 23
, na are an uronrtatM m nn nan. and adrtTMa a aar 9.n Mnt i h.B m flmm u .. .uii ..
priora oa special tactnrr nboitt and used pisaos de not sell to. ,
ORDER YOUR PIANO BY MAIL Read, study and compare onr quality, prices, and
mt" as adrartlsed sad yo will eaderataad aray wm- bara thoaasada at mail-order bsyara. ' We prapsy baicht sad v
SZZit'33,jnm 2.wU' tl p. will b. ahlppad .oloaat StZZ, appnaJaadbet Tto .
arrtor. Bn piano or phurar Diaao sawehaaad tmrriaai arftli It tka r4iat ti.Tu. rw -a t .ha. i .1.1
al coarantaa fraaa the manaisctarac. m--: .. . v '
Sclhiwaini : Piamio.-Co.
Portland's Larrrett Piaae Blstrlkaton
lSl'lSS Teeth Street
, at Waaaiafrtea -. . " -: ;
' ad Stark Streets
f II - aaa
u - C ! I $ : 1 l 1 $675 U
$345 t e
$478 V
sis cam I f f" A
$1$ Monthly tyf 5f .
V - 57 Cfj 5 4
stdats as t I I til I
ar eeat -I V. I ra, I
y a six mo, j ii i 1
X V i i r 51 I T.
. Ta. i ! ai a
Gift Sale .of Kobes
Offering Values Extraordinary
Third' Floor Robes commend
themselves to those who $eek
something of practical value as
Christmaa gifts. Onr showing is
large and .varied, so that you
can be sure of finding just what
you have in mind for a gift.
All-Wool Robes
.and. Shawls
Very newest India and
novelty striped effects. Hun
dreds to select from. "All-wool
Robes and Shawls with fringed
edges. Specially priced for this
Gift Sale, at each, $.75,
S9.T5, f 13.5 and $15.00
Robe Blankets
AH-wool Bath Robe Blankets
in a large assortment of beauti
ful colors and patterns. Good,
large size. Regular $21.50 val
ues. Specially -priced at $14.50.
Motor Robes of Plush
. At Reduced Price
Third Floor Best makes in Plush Motor Robes in a special
sale at 1-3 off regular prices. Practical, serviceable' and most
attractive. Colors to match the upholstering of any car. These
Robes are' reversible which makes them the more desirable.
414.00 Plush Robes SO.SO $25.00 Plush Robes 16.50
$17.50 Plush Robes f 12.00 $35.00 Plush Robes 9?4.50
per Vstc Cleaner
Ideal Gift for the Home f
'"' TrtTTTXT j d "T ' ill
Electric Cleaner to your home for
Christmas. Then pay $5 month-
beginning January 1st. "It
would be difficult to select any
thing in the way of a home gift
that' would be more acceptable
than one of these labor and time
saving conveniences. As an add
ed inducement we will give
t wo
aU thi
with every Sweeper- '
Vac Cleaner sold dur
ing the month of De
cember. Every sna-
chfne serviced
FREE "for one' year
from date of' pur-
h9is. Pl vonr nA
der at once. We will deliver at once, or hold until later if de
sired. $1 Down, $S a Month and 1000 Extra Trading Stamps!
gs in the Small Sizes
Make Splendid Gifts lor the Home
inira noor tiere is as
sembled a wonderful col
lection of small Rugs suit
able for gift giving at
. prices that are very low.
Choose Practical Gifts
More people are baying useful presents this season than ever
before.Our big Housewares Store on the 3fL; Floor is filled
.to overflowing wwith Gift articles of the very best kinds.
Electric Curling
Third Floorw-Nickel-plated .rod
and clamp, -ebonized handle.
Keeps uniform heat. A useful
and appropriate gift for any wo
man. These . are regular $4.00
values.. Special at this CO OO
nrice onlv OaWeeO
Third; " Floor Nickel-plated!,
. with oven glass lining. A
very desirable size. Regular
selling price $5.00. JQ A Q
Special at each tDOelO
Gift Sale.
Third FloorOne of these Perco-.
la tors will make a gift sure to
please. 'Has improved aluminums'
inset and valve, also cast aluminum
spout. $5.00 values.
Special Gift Sale price
Electric .Toasters at $2,98
Gift Sale
A very handy , appli
ance. Can be used for
light cooking as well as
for toasting. 0 QQ
Special Sale ' tDaSeUO
27x54-inch, high-grade
Velvet Rugs in ; all the
most wanted colors. Spe
cial lot offered at under
prico. Special at f 2.95
Velvet Rugs
, 36x72-inch Velvet Rugs In
one of the best makes. - Mother
would, appreciate one of these!
Priced special at, each ? 5.90
Small Size j AxAinster Rugs
,--$4.69 -$4.98
-$7.95 -$8;65
At these prices you may choose from hundreds of fine Rugs
in all . the newest patterns-' and colors. Rugs of quality, that
will give best of service. Sizes 27x54 inches and 36x72 inches.
Extra - values at each $4.69, $4.98, f 7.95 . and f 8.65
Drapery and Upholstery Sample Lengths suitable for pillows,
cushions, table, runners, ; scarfs. r On Sale at BLAXiF ,RR1CE
Gift Sale of Fancy Pillows
Third Floor 150 Pillows with all-wool topsnkely trimmed.
Very appropriate fof gifts. Variety, of patterns. Special f 2.50
Attractive . Bed Lamps
Featured at $90
Third Floor A very attractive appliance -that fits over head
of bed for reading purposes or on the mirror of a dresser.
Made of rich colored silk and equipped withjstandard electric
Here's a gift item that
is both useful anoyorna
mentaL , Bed Lamp- as
sketched. QQ Kfl
Priced qnly Di7tJU
O e n u I n e Mahogany 4
Boudoir Stand- Lamps
with rich sflk - shades 'n
assorted col-. t C f(
on. Priced at OOaUU
Chocolate Sets,
Sets, Cake Sets
arid Berry Sets
Third ; Floor Imported
china? with floral. deco
ration. Sets consist of
. seven -pieceschoice, of
three patterns. These
are irom tines selling
formerly at $2.75 to
$30. Priced ?1 QQ
special, a set DAe70
Fancy Ghiria Special $1
Up to $2.00
Regular Values
Third Floor A wonderful as
sortment to select from j
Sugar and Cream sets, Cake
Plates, Salad ' Bowls, Marma- ,
lade Jars, etc Values to $2.
Specia. during Gift Sale fl :
Silver Bread Trays $3.75
Gift Sale
Heavily silver plated,
platinum finish. Hammered
effect. Bread trays or Sand-
v wich plates. Special ?3.75
Housewares Store, Third Floor.
Boston Bags at $2.48
Gift Special
. Another big lot just received. Ex
cellent Bags, well-made in every par-
' ticular. ... A useful gift and just the
thing for shopping; 13, 14 and 15-inch
sizes. Black and cordovan. Specially
priced at this Gift Sale, each $2.48
Luggage Section 3d. Floor.
$375 Mode
of Hood River Apples
- At IiOwerThan
Wholesale Prices
Direct from our own Hood River
Orchards. Every home should have
a box of apples on hand during the
Christmas season Telephone your
order " at once to Atwater 4800.'
Extra Fancy, special box 'f 2.25
lancy, priced special, box f 1.75
Choice, priced special, box ?XI5
Groceries J
4th Floor
Popcorn, 4 pounds for 25
New Datesv 2 pounds 35
Cluster Raisios, 2 pkg 45e
Libby's Mincemeat, lb. 25a
Libby's Plum Pudding. 35
Good Oranges, dozen 40c
Fruit Ccjie 75c Lb.
Made in our own Model
Bakery. Order Chnsmas sup
ply at 'once. It's delicious!
E x peri eneed Telephone
clerks at 8 a. m. "Order gro
ceries a early in the - week,
Monday's ..
Special Lunch
Service 11 :30 A. M. to 2 :30 P. M.
Chicken Gumbo Soup
- " Clam- Chowder ' . . t
Creamed Olympia Oysters on
Toast -
Baked Stuff edalmoa
New England Boiled IHaner
- Chicken Wltb Noodles v.
" Pot Roast of Beef with
. Potato Pan Cake 1
OWK Baked Beans and -Boston
Brown Bread
with -
- ..- ' - Creamed Corr
- PI " ' Ice Cream , Cake.
- Tea . Coffee - Milk.
ratt. ' -