The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 16, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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250 JBastors
in Americanization JBroeff am
disked to
The Portland AmeiicanlsaUon coun
cil haa Issued letter to 250 Portland
pastors asking them or Specific assist
njKe by furnishing the names of the
president of their-' woman's society,
from -whom it is planned to secure vol
unteer workers in the clty-wide survey
of the foreign-born population Which
the council proposes to make. -
' The council recently issued a folder
setting forth definite things that vari
ous groups of people can do to assist in
reaching the non-Knghsb speaking peo
ple of the city. , - " '
"Tinder the head, "What the Churches
Can Do," the pamphlet says: .
it into eeataet immediately with imini
rruti of rear own faith sad render saeh eerv
im aa may be needed, -
slake your enure center for American
isation acnvKiea. Are 70a not partly responal
ble if your communicants do not speak .English.'
a-e not dtiaena and do pot meet real Aawr
leans! As long as yon have no interest in the foreign-born
. they are forced - to . organize ' and
maintain churches and social organ uatioBS -of
, their own.
" Include in the study classes and programs the
need and work of Americanization.
- Appoint an Ameneanuatum committee to
(annulate plans and cooperate with the Port
land Americanization council, ,.
-Furnish volunteer workers for the various
forms of Amenraniaetioa work teachers, vis
itors, investigators, etc.
, He that the entire church membership is
regularly supplied with America mutton liter
ature. Write to the headquarters of your re
ligious denomination for, literature.
Cooperate with the Portland Ameriranisation
eouneri. not according to yosr religious beliefs,
feat according to the dictates of your conscience
as an Amewan-nf"-"-.- ; a.
Bible Classes :to
"t Quit Temporarily
The meetings or the Portland onion
Bible classes held in Calvary Presby
terian church will be discontinued dur
ing the holidays, Vie -session
for this term being on Wednesday aft
emoon at 2 o'clock. The classes wilt
not reopen until the 'middle of Janu
ary as the' first part of the month is
to be occupied -vith a Bible conference
which will begin- on January 7 and
continue for to days, The teacher of
the classes, the Iev. lv B. Sutcliffe.
Is arranging for both local and out
side speakers to ' the conference. The
program of speakers nd their subjects
will be announced soon. ;, -t
. - vuijt--' :-"
; The 1923. summer school for North
west Bible school workers will 'be held
at the College of Puget Sound. -Taco-ma.
Wash.. July 21 to August. 3.
.,' NORMAN Kendall TWLLT. ,
- MTJUSTERS -, ' "
- i ;-" - - - ...
. M0:8 jfe at." -r
i-Mi. . -
FEAR" 4:
. 11 A. m.
i ;The Vlue of Ideals"
T:o v, m.
"Christianity and BcneTolence"
. TNttltSOAV. 7:S0 F. M.
JFirst Congregational'
Church 1 , , '
Bdwy. and I. 3. Cars to Block of Chureh
T:4S . M. OR. StcKLVCCN Qlm lrW
.' ; ASdrsss.en ISrof. Oom, the Allrwcls Man
' - an Mia Rtatneds, and answers Z euss
' tlenst . , - . -. -
1. tf Olswinesaa Came U Fertlend What
SheuM He Be Frankly TM?
a. Mew Will It Mas the INeeneM -tUf
, , Death? . J. -
- OFFERS YOU ' " 1
;: r free
containing : authentic . informa
tion, as. to what the Catholic
Church really teaches and does
not teach on anynbjeet desired;
First Baptist
ft. . .A T I
Xtf'r. W-S-RtiRO 'SPlRITrKtllL "STEAL AWAT. sonjr Kyi the
?, J rSwi.L " 1 ' ' 1 T1 1 ? .l M
3tr:. Wildfer snii the Mel Oimrlel
-. .w s, s--priio .-kjio ana v.noras. tloom rop Jesusv : TfrOR A Pi D
5231IH1UT,,"T S,n ?f W Cwiss"; RARITO E M)LQ AHD
CHORl S, 'tThc Kings Bupinesj Ht.M'.ATHE," Ouartet aiid
M,,r",'on- "A. LfrTH7 "f Paradise," This Song Service is led try
.!. Villers speaks on "THE WORLD'S GREATEST lIX3f EaL"?f -
tit A. Mr-THK FAB EA3T Address by Dr. J. 34. Berof'orte
gole,- India. - ,. - . t i I
Tae Ordlaaae f Baptim TVIU Be AdmiaUtered T i
Bible ttehoni -., a. m.
Jf our 33ays2e m ain
Jf or Completion of
S23xllamette 23rive
Only four days remain In which Wilt
lamette university's forward movement
campaign for" an : endowment of t.
250.000 may be pushed td victory and
the ministers and laymen of the Meth
odist church in Oregon are determined
to make the most of the time. De
cember 20 is the last day '' on. which
pledges may be obtained.'t . ; ' j ' ..
If the full sum sought" fs -then in
hand. Willamette -university will also
iwrlw from the sreneral edu
cation board, this amount having. been
conditionally of lerea. -.- ine campaign
is being waged on the policy of win
ning all or losing -ail. - j s
Methodism in Oregon ; is throwing
all of its resources into the .campaign.
the success or which, wui mean tnat
Willamette, will be enabled to expand
and tn offer to vounar men and women
facilities the equal of any and to ex
tend its service in an Drancnes.
Th entire state is at work, so far
as Methodists are concerned. Bishop
Shepard. the district- supermtenaents,
ministers and laymeA devoting time to
the campaign. Portlajnd and Salem are
engaged in a race to see which may
nrst obtain pieages u me amuuui i
$300,000. Portland is ahead, but Salem
is doing well, size considered. -., v
The executive committee, of which
the bishop is chairman, has issued a
public- appeal for help and everything
possible 'Is being done to get pledges
that wtU put the drive over..
. Northwest Churches
rhf halls The new $45,000 Methodist
church here will be dedicated tomorrow
by Bishop fV. O. Shepard of Portland.
Special music will be furnished by Se
attle and locafr-masictous. The new
structure is of brick, has a large, audl-
tnrium. -' Rimrlav t school;' .room. Vestry
and other modern chuich building con
veniences, including af pipe organ. 11
stands "on the Pacific -highway -. near
the nvpp scnoou . . .
u'iUtnin a rmwitinn -wu flwn here .hut
Rintrtx ta tha Rrt and airs. Earl B. Cotton.
who ere -married ThankaeiTinc day in Frait
Und, Ids ho. The Rer, Mr. Cotton is Methodist
psstpe Jwst.- "st.? ' .
teueer .roe mesunss ior me ovinm,
Berths and Mojtrtoroah ooramnitr will'be eon.
tinued at -the Metiger Commonity - hH next
week.. Dr. W. 'S. Nichol -and the Rn. Walter
Daft will -pieseh. Tbe Sunday afternoon sub
ject is "Hearenly Real Estate." and Monday
Dibt at 8, "Tbe .Gospel and the 'State of
Ireland. " ' -,
Ijhutnn .Rct. Ktanler. Van 'Winkle, who
has been caDed as pastor of the lpanont Pres
bjrterian chnrcb. arnred here from his recent
pastorate at North Bend. Mr. Van -. Win Vie is
a son of tbe late J. fl.rVan Winkle and .has
hun jtinffirf in th. mfmfltrv for lffllfc TMr.
Willamette Unirersity, Salem-The WUlam
etts university deputation team,' working andsf
tbe atiwfion ot luiwin stocoioissy, puuu 01
WDlsmette. ooanty T. f. C. A. worker, is endeavoring-
to caver a much larger field than
last year. Meetings have- bees held at Wood
barn, Turner. SUvertoa and to nearly all points
within eay reach of Salem. Tbe work carried
on by tbe Willamette deputation team covers
nearly.-' every phaie of " " aotivitieii. The
penwnnel of the Willamette university team
is' aa follows: Olarerico Uliveg.- Joe Nee. Lloyd
Welts, Hugh Bell, John Brauer. Francis Eincb.
Franklin Tyler, Lerojr Hyatt and Carol Shawn.
atoant angei acaoemy, 01. seneoict. si
the convent Queen of. Angels, lireter Mary
Cecilia. U. S. H. . professed her religious vows
las fPusMiay morning. Sister Cecilia is the
youngest a later of Venerable Mother Anselms,
The. Kt. Key. Abbot Bernard Murphy. O. S. B ,
delivered the sermon,: .Alter this he officially
received the profession of the vows. In the
pontifical ceremonies. Father ' Thomas Meier,
O. S. B. . and Boater Vincent Koimert. O. 8. B:.
acted as deacon snd rub-descon, while Father
to Walsh. U. 8. and 1- rater sepasusn
Terhaar,- O. 8. B., were assistants.- Solemn
liifch mass wss sung by Father Udilo Ortmaan,
O. H. B. , -
Centralis. The city s churches will bold
Christmas p roc rams, and Cbiistawa trees for.
tbe children ot the chnrrhes in . their respec
tive buddings at ft o'clock p. sn. December 34.
AiT invitation has been extended to all the city's
needy to attend and receive gifts antf candies.
-ttreton Agricultural College, Corral Iva.
Chester Hartleti, secretary of the student vol
unteer movement of the T. M. C. A. and
a...t. C A. has been TUng the campus.
Student Christian work - in Xhe college and In
foreign fields was the subject -of an address
he gave before a joint meeting of the Y. M.
and V. W . on Wednesday. Student Christian
organisations which eaist on almost every cam
pus in the country , are being visited by Mr.
Harriett. - -
Kelso, Wash. Ifieutenant? Wat Baker, ' who
haa been -with the local Salvation Army since
the pest was established here,: has been, Inuw
f erred to Colorado. Her place has been taken
hei by I-aeufc. Clifford-of T acorns. , i
Verhoort, Or. The RiTv. Fraaria Van Clar
enbeck, pastor of the Catholic church Jiere for
the iat five years, left recently for Holland,
the land of his birth, where be will spend his
declining yes re. .
l-hanon. Or. Revival meetings sre- heng
held at the Church of Christ here by the Rev.
W. I Statib of- Eugenei. Music is in eharge
of rh Hev. T, K. Allison, resident pastor. ' -
Freewater. Or. The annual chicken- pie
supper and basaar of the Ladies' Aid of Free
water Federated church on December S netted
more than 200. V ' v-
- Orenoo.-The Orence ard . Reedville chnrrhes
held their annual bacaare )aat week tuvdrr the
auspices of the ladies' cirejes. . A total of
$220 was realised. Tbe next church activity
will - be the Christmas entertainment ss De
cember 2s. Decision day will be observed by
the Pnndsy scliool on December 17.:
Metzger. Wednesdsy .the ladies' Aid so
ciety of the Meutger church held aa all day
meeting at the charrh for : the . purpose of
tying eomforts, . ,: ..
Cniversity of Oregon. Eugene. Frank S.
Bay ley. Seattle lawyer and well known among
students of ' educational iustitations ef the
Northwest, will be the main speaker at union
meeting for students which wilt be held Under
the direction of the church cooperation com
mittee of .the campus Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.'s,
Sunday ereniog. ; - His subject will be "Cfcris-
tiemty- - front . the Business Man's Point of
-i , Willemrtte-' Cniverrtty. Bslem. rof.: Will
iam Henry Hertaog. farnlty member ot the
Kimball School of Theology, addressed the
West van, a Willamette university -organisation
-.students interested in homoletic. on
Thursday. Prof. Hertaog; pointed out the
definite field of work for those who tiejoired
to enter some Christian work. He emphasised
mcrt of all the ministry, and urged that all
who were preparing to be ministers bear ' inv
mind the . special training needed for rural
so in ist era and the special training for the city
ehuirhes. The needs of the atwo churches are
very oaterent.-oe said.
Calvary Presbyterian
V Church'
Rev; B. B. Sutcliffe, Pastor
? ' - OF FAITH. - -
" Stll "P. "M TH K BRIDK OF .
c CHRIST. Kphesiaaa 6. . - .:
Sunday Afternoon Meeting for: Men Onbv;S9
. ' Speaker F. - W. PARKER :
Subject, ;Tke Man With Hooe
(White Temple) ,
Twelfth aad
sTajlr btreets
8,1 "v Him""5 SI RPRISK
B," T, P. IV ( I.7 M.
Current Ilents of th
1 1 1 I. i ( .ii. .
'.-"Advent' Christian .; - - '
Next -Thwrsday k night the prayer
meeting will be held at the home ef the
pastor. No, 1061 Corbett street. Mrs.
M. McKinstry of Lisbon, N. fl.. has
been -engaged by the three Advent
Christian conferences on the coast to
grive her lectures en the "Worll's
Great EanTJires.? She will be at the
local church - December- 31 to January
1 4. Her . lectures. - are historical and
prophetical, illustrated by many large
maps and charts of symbols. r
Baptist ' " J
The Portland Baptist Sunday school
Superintendent's and- Workers" union
will meet for supper in- the Wbit
Temple on Tuesday at 8 :30 p. m with
an address at 7 :30 by Judge Jacob
Kanzler "of - the court of domestic rela
tions. His subject is "The Birthrig-nt
of Our tThildren." - -,
At the : White Temple Sunday evening, sev
ers! surprise features will be introduced. The
msle quartet will sing the Negro spiritual,
"Steal Away: an English hymn. Love
Him", set to the tune of "Old Black Joe'.',
will be sung by the congregation : a hymn.
"Room for Jesus", act to the melody of iSilver
Threads Among tbe Gold ", will be led by the
soprano soloist; a duet for tenor and contralto.
"Sing of the Cross" ; .baritone solo and chorus,
"The King's- Buanem"; hymn-anthem for the
church quartet and the ; congregation, 'A
Dream of Paradise." Dr. Titters-speaks' oa
The World's Greatest Dinner." ,
At the' morning service Dr. J. If. Baker of
Ongole, India, wa speak on "The Far East."
Mist Kate W. Failing, , a missionary, from the
White Temple, is now located at Ongole. Tbe
many friends of - the Failing family, who have
been associated with the White iemple from
the begkininz. will want to near 'and meet Dr.
Baker. At the close of jthe morning service.
Dr. Villers will baptize a minister and his
family. At 3:30 p. m. Sunday the young
people will conduct a service at the Pattoo
Homo for the aged people there. Miss -Maude
Conk leads the senior. B. Y. P. TJ. af' 8:3(fc
Special music will be furnished by the pupils
of Mr. F, C. Olsen. The leader -ef the In
termediate B. T. P.- V:- at the same hour is
Alien East Monday evening at the nsstnr'a
apartment in the Villa fit. . Clair, the young
mamea peoples uie class will bold a social.
The ' regular monthly business meeting of tbe
Women's society win be . held'-Wednesday at
2 p. m. in the church parlor. On JTnday eve
ning at 7:30 a pageant, "The Birth of Christ,"
with an electric Christmas tree, will be given
for the Bible school and all its friends.
In the Third Baotist church Bunds morn.
ine the Be v. W. Arnold Bennett will continue
his theme of last Sunday under the title "Like
Trees Planted." The choir will sing "O How
Lovely is ZkmT." The topic of the evening
sermon- will be "Sanson's. Riddle What wu
Third 'Sunday iru Advent
W'Jesus at Bethany' Luke 10:38-42.
Golden Text- "Te are- my friends, if ye do
tile things which.; command you." John
- " ' VOusa soaLBjs TOPICS
Christian Endeavor "The Glorious Gains of
Fidelity.", Rev. 2:1-10.
Epworth League "The Anticipated Christ."
Matt. 2rl-7.
-Baptist Union -"The Glorious Gains of Fi
delity." Rev. 2 :1-10.
First Whits Temple! 12th at Taylor. Dr.
T. J. Tillers, h 11. "The Far East," by Dr.
J. M. Baker of Ongole. India; 7:45, "The
World's Ores test Dinner." by Dr. Villera. -
Kast S'.Je E. 20th at Salmon. Dr. W. B.
KHinsoa. 11. "Only One Jesus"; 7;30, "Henry
Ford and-the Jew. ; - - -
' Thild Vanconver at Knots. Tter. W. At.
nold Bennett 11, "Like Trees Planted";
7 :80, "Samson's Riddle What Was the An
swer!? ":- 5
Arleta 48th ave. at 64th L S. E-V Her.
Owen T. Dsy. 11.7:30. i s .f .... .
Calvary E. 8th at Grant. Hev. J. E.
Thomas, - 11. "With Jesus m the School of
Prajer": 7:30, "The Folks Who Fear God."
- Uleocoe E. 45th at Main. ; Be. W. B.
Stewart. 11, 8. ; v :. -'
Sellwood E. 11th at Tacoma. Her. C 8.
TunnelL 11. 7:30. - ' .
Grace E. 76th at Ash. Rev. J.- F. Huckel
berry. II. 7:45.
Swedish 15th at Hoyt Rev. T. G. Sjolaa
der. 10:30. 7:30.
St Johns Chicago at Leonard. It, 7:tft.
Highland E. 6th at Alberta., Rev. Walter
L.', Wile-. 11.. "Why 1 Believe in the Virgin
BiTth"; 7:30. "Who I Called the Christ?" ,
. Tabernacle K. 45th ave. at 4 2d su 11.
Mt Olivet (colored) Bmtdwsy Everett.
Rev. J. W., Anderson. ,11. 8.
I.ents- 88th st- at 60th are Her. E. A.
Smith. 11. "Jesus the Light of the World";
7:SO. "The Star of the East.'.
fteoond 'German Rodney at Morris. Rev.
F. Hoffman. 11. 7:80.
Italian Mission K. 44th at Sherman. Bev,
Eugene Fantetti. 2:30. school; 8.
J-;iim Svedult 23d and eJumner. Uev.
A G. Saadblora, Tigard Oe. 10. 11.
8hilob--K. 7th and Everett. - Bev. G. W.
Smith. 11. 7 :30. .
Cathollo i, r .
- Cathedral 15th at Davia . Rev. George J.
Campbell. - 0. 7:15, 8:30. ft:46, 11.
St. Peters Lents. Rev. J. P. O'Flynn.
8, 10 :30 7 :30. -
Rt. Lawrence 3d at Slierman. Bev. J.- C
Hughes. 7:15. 8:30, 10:30, 7 :80.
. St. Francis E. 12th at Pine. Rev. X. M.
MeNaroee. . 8, 9. 10, 11.
Immaculate Heart of Mary WUlia ms at
Stanton. . Re. W. A. Daly.f 6, 8. 9. 11.
7 :30. - . . - 5
Holy Bosary E. 8d at Oackamas. Rer.
Arthur Townley. O. P. . 7? 8. . Al; 7 :30.
St Bo E. 63d at Alameda. Hev. J. M.
St.- Andrew E. 8th at Albert.
Thomas Kiernaa. S, 10:80. 7:80. -Tbe
Madeleine E. 24th at gwklyoa.
George F. Thompson. 6, 7 :80. 1 1.-
Ascension E. 7th at Tamhitt. Franciscan
Fathera. 8. 10:80, 7:30. . " - ,
-Blessed Sacrament Maryland at Bland ena
Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8, 10:30. 7:3.; -
Holy Croas 774 Bowdoin. Be. C Ray-
.. .. e is-sa -7ao. . .
SC Ignatius 8220 4Sd st. S. E. Jesuit
Fathers. :, s, i:sif, i. - ,
St. Stephens -E. 4?d at Taylor. ReT. War
.n a w.rft S. 8. 1:15. 11. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland bled, - at Taa-
couver ave. Be. P. Mregenxer C. a S, a
6, 8. 10:80, 7:30. -
St.- Phiiip Jferis XPsuHst Fathers) S. lth
at Hickory. - Rev. T. - F. Ryder, -C S. P.
7:80. , 10:30, 7:3. .
'--Church of the Assumption! S. Ssaith ava
t Newton, Berrite Fathers. 6, 8. 10:80.
7:80. ' .
- Sacred Heart E. 11th at Center.- Be.
Gregory Bobl. O. S. B. 8. 10:30. 7:80. --
St. Agstiia E. 15tb at Nehalem. Be.
,.i V- t e lo-an 7 -an .
St. Sanislaas Polish I Maryland at FauV
ing. Rev. F. Matasewaki. 8, 10:30. 7 30-
St Joseph (German) 18th at Coach. KeT.
JTVowin Epper. ,8. 10:30, 7:30.
- SU Michael (Italian) 4th at MilL Be.
M. Baleste. E. 1 8:. 10:80, 70.
St. Clara Capitol Hill. Father Aloysios,
O. F. M. 7:16. :15. -. :
St Charles E. S3d at Alberta. Bee M.
WaUace. 8. 10:30. , .
AH SainU K. 3th at Gliaao. : Be. WB
lim Onais IL lfl:S: .--
St, Patrick lth at Ssner.- Re. Charles
as. nmrui. . Masses, e. e :a, ii, i:i.
" 8U Birgitta's Chapel Lianton Gle Har
ber. . (Attended from tit Patricks).: :. --
Our lady of So n ew a E, -2d at WoouV
ateck.. Re. C. 3t Falm, 8. 0 :45. 7 .45.
. - St Anthony Chapel 7022 45th Boa
G. M." Sniderfaoro,- k a ra. - - -
.' Holy Family taperiK. 27th at Bag. Em,
O.- C, FaUax.- WA ,-
:.r! 4 r -- Chhrtta
First Snndsy . -services temporarily at the
Lhveeta high; school. Park and Market streets.
ReTHarohl ;nffw. pastof;- 11. "The Prmce
of IVae- T :4ii "The Most Original Kfhie. of
Jesue.3; - ----- s
-Kast "Ride E. 12th and Taylor. Rev. W.
S. Crockett 11 "Religkfn and Bjgtiteoasaese
in . the Home : 7:3w.. addreaa and pictarea en
Near Eat relief, by J. J, Handsaker. .. - :
"Cbnrch ef Chrfet-ARodney-and Knott. Re.
Joseph Bovd., 11,' t:8t. t .
? Moatavillavr-E. 76th at CUaaa. Be. Frank
L. Purnell. 1 1. 7 '39.
Kens Par Re.
G. rJ Ghonaley. 11,
St Johns Central sad Oswego. -Be. Her
bert Jones. 11. 8. - ,
kinaiewoort K. 85th at Killings! or thv Re.
Wi e- Ijewis. ft:45, 11. "The Supreme. Call
of the. Hoar." by Re B, B. Close; I;8. -.
- jteTlwood T wtn and Spokane, , Re.? J.
K,' Johnson. 11, 7 :30. -
Advent Chnstis it 438 2d. " Be.' George
Armstrvng. It, "Prophecies That Ixx-ate the
iMt Days"2 7:30 "Paul's Three-fold Admeni-
- hristma Sdenca
-"'Lewau fSubjert- "U the Cm verse. Including
Man. Kvolved by Atomic Fereer"
Fin lth and Everett. ' 11. 8. :; ' s
" Sead E. ih at Holladay. , 1 1 & -.".;'.
. Third E. 12th at Salmon. 1 1, 8.
FVmrth Vanwwver at fcarrna II. -8.--
Hfth S3 and 4a are. K. K. 11. '
hilts Pythiaa temple. 8SS lamtuiL 11. 8.
the Answer?"- This sermon will discuss the
necessity of the atonement, -the finished work
of Christ, en the' cross, and some of the phaves
of the present age. Tbe Lord's Supper, will
be observed and new "members received at the
evening service. . - - 1 -
- The CbHatmas entertainment by the Bible
school of the Highland Beptist church' will be
given next Friday evening.
Sunday morning in the East Side Baptist
church Dr. W. B. Hissoa will preach from the
subject "Only One Jesus." In She" evening hi
theme wiii be "Henry Ford and the Jew."
The night service will be- preceded by a 15
mtnnte organ ' recital by Mrs. Milly Perryu
Canfieid. Jack Jordahl will have charge of the
speciaj. service which the young people of thia
cburca sondact-at the -eonrity hospital at -S
'docs. At 8:15 the regular B. T. P. IT.
service will be held in the lower hall Jed by
Hiss - Evangeline McMillan. The Christmas
ezereisea of the Bible school will take place
next Friday at 7:30 p. m. An-exeellent pro
gram-haa beea prepared and a white gift Christ
mas is being provided by the aarkma classes,
which will - be . followed by a special offering
which will be taken on Sunday for the Near
East relief.- ,T - ; - ., - ' -
" : ' - ;
; Christian
All Sunday services ? of the First
Christian church- will be held in the
auditorium of the Lincoln high school.
In one of the smaller assembly rooms
of the hew building-, which is finished
and may be reached from the.. Columbia
street entrance,- the Bible school work
ers will hold their December conference
on Monday everting at , 8 o'clock.
Christmas will he observed by this congre
gation with a special offering for Near Kast
relief, the Bible school having set $830 for its
goal.. Tomorrow morning, the pastor, .the HerT
Harold H. Griffis, will preach en four characteristics-of
the Christmas spirit. In their
devotional meeting Sunday evening the : Chris
tian Endeavorera will have a Christmas lesson.
Miss Fye . Beery mill lead. - In the evening
worship the pastor will continue his historic
hymn studies by relating the story of tbe welt
known (tsul song, "Let the Lower Lights Be
Burning," The selection being rendered as a
duet. The evening sermon will he a discussion
of what Christ's coming into the world meant
for humanity. , ,
"The newly formed orchestra of young people
led by L. E4 Ansiow. provides a cheery greet
ing fcr attendants at the East Side Christian
Bible erhool. each Sunday morning. New of
fioera for the Bible school, recently elected, are:
Guy Fowler., aupeiintendent; C- IS, Fergus
son. - fiwt assistant superintendent; C A.
wrd. second assistant superintendent: J. L.
Kariey. score Ury ; . George McKeen, treasurer;
Lila Pieraon. librarian; Mrs. C. A. Ward. in.
termediate superintendent; Mrs. Hattie Dailey,
junior superintendent: Mr. Ralph Harris. - Pri
mary mperintendest; Mrv C. J. Emeriek,
eradle roil superintendent. 'Under-tbe niair
manship of Mr. T. F. Hsley, a hristmaa
Seventh Smith ave. and See Xork. rllw '
All churches Wednesday. 8 -p. aa. ' .
Oeneraeatlonal -,
- Kjst Park era Madison Dr. W. -T. Mo
Elveen. n, "The Pilgrims and Their Political
and Religions Achievements"; 7 :80 "'Professor
Cone, the Man; His Message and Methods,"
and question and answer service.
Suanyside E. 324 ana Taylor. Dr. -J. J.
Staub. H"Tho Power of God" i 7:4& "The
Real Hope of the Church." v -
Atkinson Memorial E- 20th and Everett
Re.. E. E. Flint. 11. "Tbe Birthday of
yesus";-7:15, "Christian Courage."-
Hitiiland E. 6th and Prescott. Re. Ed
ward Constant. 11. "Blazing the Trail": 7:30.
"The Lively Boy." -
Wtverleigh Heights E. 33d and Woodward.
Re.. Oliver Perry Avery. 1 1, 7 -.30. .
Lhureharood 45th ave. and 65th at S,.Ki
11. sermon by Dr. C." H, Harrison. - ' - ,
nlgrim-i Missouri and Shaver. - Re.: James J
vy . t ire. . rx, - rifrw voa nooses a Ijeaoet .-;
7 -JO, motion pictures by Re. J. J-. ' Haad-aaker.-
-.:.:;.-':.-,-'- ' ; '
,Dierity ' Park Haven : rat Lombard", at.
Be.- J. Sinclair , (supply). 11. 85. .
Finnish Mason and 'Albina. Bb. r. tJL
Hirjmt and r.,ia, . - V. itrMj
St Johns S. iTanhoa and Richmond. '. Ttv.
D." Klmer Nonrse. ,v, 1 !, t :30, concert; by Pilij
grun noji fnoras., .: , v ';
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner.
11, 7:30. v . ,
First German. EbeneaerE. 7th and Stan
ton. - Rev. George Zoeher. t 10:80, 7:80:
Second German K. 8th and Skidmote,
Bev. Henry, Hagelgan. 10:30, 7:30.
-Zion German E. 0th and Fremont Be.
John H- Hopp. - 10:30. 7:30.
Alameda Park Community E, 31st and
Mason. Rev. -Robert Alliugham. 11:15, "In
vincible ' Power of a Single Idea"!- 7 :30, ad
dress hy President Weir of Pacific ntdvereity.
Untmt-Parkrose. Rev. C. H. -Nellov, .11.
"The Messianic-Hope"; 7 :30, "Tho Challenge
of Chancei" .
(ierinan Evangelical Brethren Mall ory and
Beach. 1:30. 7:30. J
Church of, the Brethren Borthvrick and
Brainard. -Rcv.,J. W.Barnett -11, 7 -JO.. '.
- ;v : -Cplacaeal '
f5t Stephens Pro-Cathedral 13th and Clay
Right Re. Walter Taylor. Sumner, -bishop.
Dr. -Horace M. Ramsey, dean, 7:15, . 9:45,
11. 7:45. -.
' Trinity 19th and ' Everett' , Re. A. A.
Morriaon, rector. 8, holy -oommnnion; 11.
anniversary sermon: 8. ' .. ,
St Davids K. 12th and Belmont' ' Re.
Tfaema Jenkins, rector, 7:30. - Eucharist:
9:30. Eucharist and school; 11, "THssppointed
in God"-: : 7 :SO. "Thar God- of the Hebrew
lrophetV'V-i . , .
St Mark-2l5t and MarthaH. Be. W. R.
Ever tor, rector.- 7:30.-11, 7:80. v.
'St Philips 248 Russell. 10. 11.
'St " Andrswa Hereford St. Portsmouth. Be.
John D. Rice. S. 11. 7:3.
Grace Memorial East '. 17th ' and Weidler.
Bev. O. W, Taylor. ; 11.7:45.
8t- Mich ae la and AU Angela KL. 48d and
Broadway. Re. T. F. Bowen. 8, communion ;
11; "The Gospel and the Christian. Year"; 7,
young peoples meeting., .
Cha.-rh of Our S.v.or 60lh ave. and 41st
St. &. E.. -Archdeacon J. O. Black. 10,11.
"The Primary Stage of the Second Adrent
and Associated Events," by Be. A. Corbet.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital. Hev. J. G. JJatton. 7, :80 a. m.
St Paul Woodmen. Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4 p. ra. - , -.
St Johns Memorial 15 th ' and" Harney,
Sellwood. Archdeacon 1. C Black in charge.
10. 11. e ' ; , . . -St.
Matthews Corhett and Bancroft Rev.
F.- IL CUrk. vicar. 10, 11. -
-Good. Shepherd Tancouver.-end Graham.
Be. John Dawson, rector. 7:30. 11.
Mission of St Johns Riekner'a hall. Be.
John- D. Rice, vicar. 2 anil 3 p. m.
St Peters Chapel-K. 80th and Ash. Re.
Thomas Jenkins and E- Stockley. 10 a. m
St James Chapel B. - 72d st apd 87th
are. Re., -Thomas Jenkins and Stanley .Wade.
10 a.m. .
Church of the -Traasfiguration E. 55th sad
Diriaiou. Re. Thomas Jenkins, 3 p. au.
v f '" ' '!: - ' .? Krangeltaal' I ; : -i .
-Clay, Street 1 0th and Clay. Be. Jacob
Storker. 10:4 5, "The Master Passion of Paul";
t;30, "Be Te Beeoaeiied to God,"
East Market Street E. 6th and Market,
Be. Ezra Maarer. II, 7:30.
i First 1 United) E. 16th and Poplar. Be.
C P. Gates. 11. 70. ,
. Lent He. F. B, Gal-rer. It. 7:30.
' Ockley Green Willamette, blvd. and Gay'
Rev. A. R. Schmalle, 11, 7:30.
r jit. Johns Ivanhoa and John. Bev. H. H.
Famham. 11. 7.80. r
West Portland Multnomah station. IL,
7 JO.
f Wichnta Wiesita station. He. E. V. Farar
ham, 11. 7:80.
Swedish' Tabernacle X. 1 7th and Glisaa.
Be. O. J. Ledia. 10:30. 7:80.
Swedish, Free Missouri and Sumner. Rev,
George ii Rostrum. 11. 7:30 (English)...
Free atethedlst.
First E. 9th and Milt Be. 1. T." Taylor.
11. 8. -':- i. -.Oatnl
E. 55th and Flanders. Re. V. L.
Burna. 11. S. :..;
. Alberta E. 8 0th and Wygant Rev.- B. J.
Tatea (supply). - 11. 8.
Second -K. Bicbmond and, Hudson. Be.
IX. . M. Higbee. 11, 7:80.
, . Leota-eRev. O. N. Blair. 11, 7:30. -Frlanaa
- First E. 35th and Main. Re. Chester A.
Hadley. 11. 7:45.
' Second (Sd at and 61st ave. 8. E. Be.
F, J. Cope.- 11. 7:94). ' '
West Piwlroont J-e- Borthwick and Jeasqp.
Ra. Jtlarey Jeswp, -pll.' 7:8. ' - .
. - - JteMness Free Cauroh
v ' Scandiaaewn 948 Garfield, -, Be. H. O.
JarvhMMi. 1. 7:45. i
Mount Scott 54th street and 37th arernrst
2 p. mi 3. preacbjpahyKer, H. O. Jaeobsoo,
' - Congrvsatioa Beth forael '(Reformed) 12th
ad' Mam.. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Services
Friday 8 p. m,; Satarday. 10OO a. as.; Sun
day.. 11 a. as. - r - '-'-t -
- CongresaUoa AhavsK.; 8 howkas Park ' a ad
day sts. . Uabbl N. B. .-' Kraegec.- Friday; 8
p. m,; Saturday. tiJO a.- m.
Congregatoa Nnvah Kedek Tshaad Terjh
Sth and iiafL Rev. Abraham L -Jtosencrsnta
Friday. 8 l- nt. Saturday. t a m. v Sunday.
k a. at--' Kelnneua school. , - r.
-Latter Oay SalrrU
fbnrrh of Jrsus Chrut of latter Day Saints
Y Zlih and Mauison. -- lleber C Iverson.
i ... ii . .
program for tlie entire school wilt be given at
the church Christmas ev at 7 :S0. The charch
will be elaborately decorated. - "The Loyal
Bereans." a class ot young people taught by
Ralph Harris., will entertain a grnnp of folks
who axe away.freai kome, ail day Christmas
in the church. " A ""regular" Christmas dinner
will -be served, games will be provided and a
day of real cheer wis be enjoyed.' Any young
person who ai in Portland over the- holiday
season without "folks" and who would enjoy
the hospitality of the youngr people is invited
Itao get in touch with Mr. Harris. Broadway
!50&-i. : A large number of reaar rations have
already been made. Tomorrow .the regular
order of services will be observed. The -sermon
at It o'clock will be delivered by the
pastor. Rev. Waiter Scott, Crocket. At 7 :3U
J. J. Handsaker, director of Near Eaat selief,
Will . speak, illustrating ; his talk- with moving
pictures. . The choir win render -special music
at boih services, under direction of Mm, Fred
L Olson,-
The Rev. B. E. Close, assistaat superintend
ent Anti-Sajooa League of Oregon, is to oc
cupy the puhit of the Englewood Church of
Christ at the Sunday morning service.
'.: . - : . -
Congregational .
Dr. W. T. McBlveen of the First
Congregational church has announced.
a series of lectures on ror. turaiie
Coue's "Prastice of Auto Suggestion."
Sunday night he will give a 20-minute
introductory address - to- the series
which - begins on Thursday evening.
December 21.
. In addition to this address Sunday night
Dr. McElveen will answer two questions; 1
"If Clemenceau came to Portland what truths
should be frankly spoken to him?" and 2I
"How wiU it seem the moment after death ? "
The church win celebrate the landing of the
pilgrims Sunday morning and Monday evening.
Sunday morning Dr. McKlveen will preach an
appropriate sermon.' Monday night, in con
nection with the banquet that will be served.
Morris J Duryea, who managed the tercenten
ary celebration of the: landing of the pilgrims
in Plymouth, will speak. Dr. McElveen will
describe some of the notable children of tbe
Mayflower, and- the Rev. Edward Constant
will! recite Pierpont'a graphic poem, "The Pil
grim Fathers." Miss Orace Harding will play
two violin solos and Mr. ; Carrie B. Adams
will lead in a sins of old pilgrim eonga, H. .
Colton, president of the brotherhood, will pre
side. The Woman s association will serve the
banqnet. The Sunday school party will
Christmas Bible school or maslcal
program Intended for pabllcatioa
on The Jonraal's cbarch page neJt
Saturday must be la the hands of
the Church Editor, Editorial rooms
of The Journal, and not merely la
the malls, by noon aext Thursday.
mission president. lO, 6:30.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ K.
76th and Irving. Elder Nelson Wilson. 11.
St James W. Park and Jefferson. , Rev
William K. , Brinkman. 11. 7:46.
St Paul East 12th and Clintim. - Be. A.
Krause. 10:30 (Germanl, "'1 he Coming of
the Lord "; 7:30, (English), "The Right Kela-
Ition of Christians to Their Pastor.'
IT T1 ' .... ' i . . .-,1 Dim anil Tw
1 1 Ii 1 11 J iiuuii nj ... -t , . "j. - - - - .
Re. J. A. Rimbach. 10:15 (German) ; 7:30
Church for Deaf Rodney and Ivy- Re.
J. A. C. Beyer. 2:30.
Our Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. Christenten. 11 (English), "Some Advent
Questions" ; . 7 :30. Luther league.
Bethlehem 14th snC Dsvkv Re. H. J.
Thorpe. 11.
Bethel Free Church Wygant and Rod
ney. - Rev. Leif 11. Awes. 11 (Norwegian),
service ."-conducted hy the deacons.
Gree English (Mission Synod) E. 24 th
and Broedwaa, Rev. K. H. Bern hard. 11,
"Facing lleatti in- the New Way."
Bethany: Danish Evangelical Union and
Moms. - Re,- K. Itaaroussen. 10. 11.
v St : Jbhns-Pehimrala and Kilpa trick Re.
, L. Llldwig. 1 0:45.7 :30.
(Swedish Augustans-r-Htanton ana noaney.
Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:48.
-' Immanuel 19th and Irving. Be. A. Y.
Anderson.: IT; 8.
PortKmoath Trinity. Lerely and Fortune.
Ke. Kegurd Ci B. hmrtsen. 11 (Norwegian),
"The Messenger and His Message,"
C Zion Evangelirl Missouri Synod) Chap
,an and Salmon. - Be. H. IL Koppelmann.
$-.15, 10:15. 745.
Immanuel (Missouri Synod) E. 1Mb and
Leo. Rev. H. C. Ebelinc 10:80. 7:80.
. Church of the Redeemer (English) It
15th north and Wygant School 10, service 11.
- Finnish 179 Fsrgo. Re. A. Salminen,
10. Sunday school; 7, service.
, Mgthodirt Episcopal
' Carson Heights Eighth and Hume. Bev.
G 9. Brown. 11:16.
-'Centenary-Wilbur E. th and Pine. Dr.
Charles MacCaughey and Dr. H. T. Greene.
1 1 Sermon hy Dr. Dayton K. Mr lain of Phil
adrlpbul; 7:30. "The Inevitable (JucsUon," by
lr. C-.-- Msefaughry. -
-'' Central Vancouver at Fargo. Re. C. T.
Gibson; 11. 7:80.
Clinton-Kelly K. 40th at Powett. Re.
J. -41. Irvine. 11. 7 :SU1-
Epworth 26th at Havier. Re. C. B.
llarrir,on. tl. "The Child ol a Kuig": 7:30,
"The tither Wise Man" (Henry Vanlyke)..
Errol Heights Darlington halt. Sunday
acbooL 11:15 a. m.
Frist 12th and Taylor. Dr. B. Earle
Parker and Her. 'J'. t. Itendell. 11. "Loving
lioA and. Knowing r'olks, '. by Ke. Kl 8. Perry
of Chicago: 7 :3(, "Present Conditiona in the
Near East" by Mrs. Jennette Kmrich.
First Norwegian Dsnleh 18th and Hoyt
Be. F. A- Scarvie. 11. 8.
German Rodney and Stan ten. Be. F. A.
Schumann 10:45, 7:80
" Hoyt St 15th and Hoyt. Be. E. E.
Bertaler. 11. TiZO. S
-. Fremont Street East 27th at Fremont
I (public school auditorium) . ' Be. C 0. Rarick.
1, school; 11, sermon.
:'- Lsureiwood E. 63d and Foster. Be. F.
K. Finley. 11. 7:30.
' Leau 86th and 58th ave. Be. T. H.
Down v . 11. 7:3Vi
' Lincoln; 5 2d and Lincoln. Rev. W. Jr.
Byarj - 11, sermon by Rev. Stanley Logan of
Seattle; 7 :30, "Heroto Service Required." by
the pastor.
Linnton. Robert M. Gatke.1 11:7:30.
-Monuvilis E. 80th at Pine. Be. B, C
Myers. 11, 7:.
Mt Tshor E. 61th and.Stark. Be. D. L.
Fields. 11. 7:30. -
-Patton Alberta and Michigan. Be. George
H. Bennett 11, 7 :30.
Pioneer East Charlestaa and Leonard. Be.
W. K. Kkwter. 11,7 :30.
Rose CHy Park E. 58th and Alameda
Re. Cv W. Huett 1 1 ,. preaching by 1. W.
W. Toungson: 7:30. "Advice for t'hriatmas."
Sellwood E. 18th and Tacoma Re. J. E,
Purdy. 11. 7:30.
lav Sannyside E. 85th and Yamhill. Be. T.
it. lialiagiier and Rev. u. I . l'onr. II, preach
ing by Dr. Wv C. Scott of Chicago; 7:46. sa
cred concert ' . i
Swedish Beech and Borthwick. Be. G.
E. Kallstedt- 11, 7 :3 I Knghsh ) . "'ine Su
preme Call of the-Heur." by ltev. It K. Close.
-. University Park Finks and Lombard. Be.
H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7 SO.
Vancouver ave. Norwegian-Danish Skid
more at Vancowver. i Be. Gusta Btoraker
and Re. Kliss liierdmg. 11, "In the Fullness
of Time"; 7:30 (KngtaOi), "John the Bap
tist," '
WeaijaorelSDd -Milwauki and Midway. Rev.
G. U Tufta. -7:30.
Woodstock K. 44th jind Woodstock ave.
Re. Waltoa Skipworth. 7:30.
Woodiswa K. 10th near- Durham - ave.
Rev. K. S. Me.. 11, eermon by Dr. K. :.
J Ink man; 7;3U, address by Mks Mary A.
Boise. - -
African Zion 117 Williams ave. II. 7:30.
Bethel African Larrabee at McHillea. Re.
A. R. Fox. It, 8.. . ' .
: JapsBeae 87 N. 16th. " Bev. 8, Lemurs,
10. 11. 2. - .
Brentwood 67th st near McCoy. . Be.
B. G. Catney. ,11. t , ' - :
B. E. wetitlt . ..
" s'iist t Union and Multnomah. - Be. J. B.
Hams. 11. "The Iresent status of Proliitn.
ttoii and I jaw Enforcement" by Uct. - W. J.
Herwic: S. v
. v "' feazareno .
a Firstf 12th at Main, Rev. D. Hand Pierre.
Sell wood E. IStii at Spokane, t Ke. J. G.
Bnngdale. 11.- 7:30. .
Brrntwoed---6th ae. and 7th at 8. E.
Bev. S. Ladiow. II, 7:30. - -
- HighUnd Park E. 14 th and. 7arrett -Be.
Mack CahiU. 11. 7 :30.
Frrt--12th at Alder. I r. H. L. Soems
Laml Dr. .V. K.. Tally.-.," 10:80. -Mary s Coneept
of Her Son' ; -7 :3. "The Defeat ef Fear."
'Weatminste East 17th and Sr-bnyler. t JJr.
Edward it. lVore, IU.30. "Nurht Day and
Kierlaj-Ung " ; -7 :3t. "How taw Roman Slt&nn-
d.-itoed and Souglit ta.lHaMroy Cbnsbaaity
Oatral E.-13:h and Pine. Dr. W H. St
grot Services at Barkmaa schcol, E. 1 6th
and Pine- 11, "The Vaiue ef tdeahi"
"S'hfSstismtr and HeBevoieoce,"--v
- Calary lltb at day. Re. B. B. -Snt."
rltTfc- II Mr4. or tim tSchoet of t-arth'-:
3:XI, Th MrMtv-nt 'bnst" Kphcsiana ft.
Mt Tabor 1 ?ii!h and Belmont. - He.
Ward W. MscHt-uri. .. 11, 7:3(1.
. 'i' . . " , ' '
held next- Friday evening. There - will be
Christmas carols by the (iris' chorus, a Santa
Claus and a lighted tree. - i
Dr. J. 3.: Staub will occupy his pulpit both
Mtrniag and evening oa Sunday at.Sonuyside
Congregationat church. Rath Huntley wiil lead
the jur iors st 8. and Mias Virginia Trordman
and Miss Harriet Ogdea will lead , the inter
mediates; and , seniors, respectively. af 6 :0.
At the evening servioe. Gladys Morgan Farmer
will give a " prs senice - onma recital. - The
Thursday evening Bible studr hour wiC give
way aext -week- to a Joint meeting of all ihe
missioaary carles, this being - the. last meeting
e the, year. Oratifying results are being
achieved in a Sunday-school contest.
j,The Atkinson Memorial Congregational chareb
will present a pageant eaUUed, "Cbildrea Una
of the Bible," -Sunday,' December 24, at 11 a
m-.- aa a part of ila Christmas oelen ration.
Tomorrow the church will have the Christinas
spirit running through both services. At 7:15
P. m.' the six reel picture entitled "The I n
fcldment," containing chapter from the life
ef Jesus, will be shown. Next Wednesday the
Women's association will hold an all day meet
ing in the dining room of the church. A re
port from, the basaar and plana for the new
year will constitute -the important business.
Some articles not sold at the bazaar will be
on exhibition for sale.. . .
The service. Sunday night at Highland Con
gregational church will be in ' charge of a
large ela of hoys called "The Live Wires."
who will furnish a (program of m untie Pastor
Constant will give - a talk on "The Lively
Boy." Wednesday afternoon the ladies Aid
will bold a tea and Christmas gift party at
the home of Mrs. L. B. Scobee. No. 973 East
10th street north, ,-v - . ;
The Be. C H.;' Harrison.' superintendent
of the Congregational church extension board,
will preach at the Laurelwocd Congregational
church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Motion pictures of the Near East- will be
Shown Sunday night at the 7:30 o'clock serv
ice at Pilgrim Congregational church. Ross
Price will lead the . Christian Endeavor at
4:30 p. m.
: The Pilgrim ; Boy ' chorus of St. Johns will
give a concert at the St- Johns Community
church Sunday at T :30 p. m. They will be
assisted- by a few, boys- from other parts
of the city. - , . -1 -
President Weir of Pacifio uniTersity will
speak and 'the university male Quartet will
sing Sunday night at Alameda Congregational
church. The church school will give a con
cert Wednesday night, the proceeds- of which
will be given to the suffering children of
As a background to the Chratmaa themes
tr be used December 24 at Parkroae Com
munity church, two special sermons will be
preached tomorrow : by the pastor, .the - Rev.
C. H. Nellor. Tbe annual Christmas ezer
cires will be held next Thursday evening.
Pro-Cathedral and St. David's
- Vernon & 1 9th and Wygant Be. J. O.
Mergler. 11. 7:30.
Piedmont -Cleveland and Jarrett Be. I.
Francis Morgan. Preaching by Re. P. O.
Bonebrake. 11. .7:30.
" Fourth First and Gibbs. Pulpit supplied
by Se. Levi Johnson. lo:so. 13. :BO.
KenDworth E. 34 th and Gladstone. Re.
I.. K. Grimes. 11. 7:30.
Hope E. 78th and Everett Be. J. A.
Smith. 11. 7:80. ,
Rose City E. 45th and Hancock. Be.
Donald W. M. McCluer. 11, 7:80.
Forbes Graham at Gantenbein. Be. Lloyd
K. Carnck. 11. 7:3. .. .
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Be. John
D. McLennan.- 11. 7:30.
Arabs! 56th and 87 th ave. Be. John M.
Pax ton. 11. 7:30.
Marshall Street 17 th at MarahalL Be.
A. J. Hanna. 11.
Millard Avenue 65th ave. and 73d" at Dr.
Henry White. 11, ".Nuggets ot Gold From an
Old World Mine ": 7:30. "Meart't Desire.''
Mispah E. lfth and Division. Dr. W. A.
Stevenson. -11, "The World's Preparation for
the Coming of the Savior"; 7:48. "The Seoand
Coming oC the Lord: What It is; What it Is
Unity E. 71 s and Sandy. Be. S. W. See
msnn. . 11, 7:45.
Arbor Ledge Bryant and Curtis. Be.
Alexander R. Evans. 11, 7:80.
- Morelsnd Sellwood Community House E.
"The Law of Investment and Its Return";
7 :30. "Th Little Church by the Side of tbe
Road." i
-Grange Hall 82d and Division. Be. E.
B. D. HoUensted. 8 p. m. ,
Holt Chinese 4th and Burnsida. 7 and
8 p. at. :- - i
Reformed Evaneeilcci
Fitrt 13th and Clay. - Re. G. Hafaer,
10:45. 8. . -
Second E. 33d and Columbia blvd. 11.
Third Ients. Re. F. Lienkaempar. 11
(German); 8 (English).
Kef or Hied Presbyterian
First Minnesota and Aiasvrorth. Ba. F.
D. Frsxer. 11, 7:30.
seranth Oay Jtdventlsta
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E: 11th and Everett A. B. Ban,
minister. 0:45, 11:45.
Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. E. J.
Hibbsrd. minister!. 10, 11.
M on ta villa -K. 80th and Everett J. A
Gerhart . 1. 11.
Lents 84th at and 58th ave. D. J. Chit
wood. 10. 11.
St Johns Central ave. and Charleston. J.
M. Meiklejobn. 10. II.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory. Elder Jobs
Isaac. 10. 11.
Scandinavian 6 2d street and 8 8th avenue.
Andrew Johnson. 10, IL
-, Salvation Army
Corps No. 1. 6th and Ankeny. - Adyntant
and Mra Herbert CarroU. 11. 3, 8.
Corpa No. 4 128 hk 1st Easign Jessie
Millar and Captain Mrs. L. Upton. 11. 7:30.
First E 7th at -Haaaalo. Be. J. W.
Hill. 3, "Heaven and Hell How to Attain
One and Avoid tbe Other"; 7:30, "What la
the Spiritualistic Idear" ,;
The Mystte Church of Bethseda (09 Aider.
Re. W. W. Aber. 8. messages and a physical
demonstration. , -
The Personal Message 813 Central build
ing. C. W. Shaw. 8. conference;- 8, address. '
Scientific Christian 6020 Foster Road. B.
M. Sing'.eton, pastor.' 8," 7:80.
The Peoples ProgresetTe Labor ; Templa
Julian A. Kox. ,8, 5, 7 :3. '
Swsdenborelan . '
New Christian Labor temple. Fourth and
Jefieraon. ste. William K. Keese. 11, "'tbe
Second State of Man After Death."
Unitarian ' :
- Church of Onr Father Broadway and lam
hill. Re. W. G-. KUot 10:8". "The Sparrow,
the Man and the Lord tod of Hosts." , -r-Wnttad
Conference Superintendent Be. ; G. a?. Mc
Denald 89 E. 18th at
First K, 1 5th at Morrison. . Preaching by
Rev. X. D. Ni5ewbnder. 11. -7:80:
'Second K. 27tb and Sumner. Be. G.-K.
Hartman. 11, "A Pointed Question": 7:30,
sermon by Kev. Ii.. IS. Taylor.
Third 67th at and 82d ave." 8. E- Be.
K. O. Shrpherd. 11. 'todi Interpretation of
Uie Phaoaophy ot Revivals '.; 1 US. "The Only
Refuge en Analogy." -:
Fourth 62d ave. at 70th at 8. E. Re.
B. Rosa Krana. 11, "The Reward of a Good
Fight"; 7:9. "The First Radio Message.",
CloTerdale (Old Constituxioat 446 Jeaaup,
Re. Walter Reynolds. 10. 11. 6:30, 7 JO.
United fiailnleilii . ' -
First E. 37 th and Hawthorne. Be. H. W.
Givers 11.7JI0.
Church af the Stranger Grand ave. at
Wasco. Ke. S. Earl Da Hot. 10:3o. -The
Crge to High Thinking":' 7 ;SO, "A Uharaeter
Study for lonng People." " Y
Kenton Chatham and Lombard.! Be: Carl
cV-dtt Dunn. 11 8. . ..... i
Multnomah MnTtaomah Station. Bev. David
Steel Sbarpr 10, It. .45. 7:80.
Christian -and - Missionary Alliance i. , 8th
at Uaneocav Ke. John b. Fee. 11. 7 JO.
Apoetolic Faith 6th and Burn side streeOt;
Be. Flrewf.-tiawfotd and R. R. Crawford.
10:80. 2:SO, 7-30; daily 7:45. , ;
: Pentecostal Assembly 112 First Rev. Will
C Trotter. 11, 8. 8 : daily . 7 :4 ,
Volunteers of America 224 Bnraaida. Bva
nings ereept Monday. 8: Sunday 3, 8. ...
Bible SUndard 162 Second. Re. Fred
Hornafaua. 10:30. 2:30. 8. ,
"" MiwC6lr6mtsW9JtV -
fhurrh of God 863 Failing. Be. H. A.
Schlatter. 11. 7:48. -"K :
. Realization. Lea gne 148 13th. - Rev. H.
F.dward Mills. 11. "DuUes. Real and Imagia
ary"; ,.'Ho the Winners u; klva Great
Principiea ol Sueeesa." .. . . .
-. First Dsvrne-Seienee 816, K. Clay, 'Re.
T. M. Xinant- Addressee by Miae Helena Mar
tin of heaUle. 1). .
Greek Ortliodox BL-1 7th and Clinton. Re.
R. A. Karahales,- P. sehonl; lO. . - -
' CfarisUdetphien- 7 12 K 24th at- K.- ' 1 1.
- Society for spreading the Knowledge of Trne
Prayer 40 aneidner snt Monday. 8 p.
iaxe liawnuw, aueauaj. . a sjl .-aa.
Kpirrtualwt Church ot the 8enl 2H8
Third t - - Dr. , Me-L Augw.- 11. "Biblical
Bptrnaaham and Modern . Spiritualism ; A,
nrnxnam and nn eiges: 8, circles K. lertnTe,
-eehanslt te Prophet avtd Mediums of To
day. ' rotlowed hy Rtesaages and spiritual deva,
onetratioeis trcwa Rev. Dors little. Kev. Clara
I llaisey. -Leota La&draa and tne pastor. "
223 oman to Sell ol
CLildren s iHarcli
The new children's crusade toward
the Bible land" is the messag-e of Mrs.
Jeanette JK Elm rich to .the Sunday
schools and churches of - Portland,
where she speaks tomorrow. -
Hundreds of Christian srirls and' boys
are marchiner on to Palestine. : The
streets of Nasareth, Bethlehem - and
JerusaJem will . soon ring; with their
songs and laughter. Since the Smyrna
disaster and the ' return of tbe Turks
to power,, .the Near , Kast relief has
found it a part of wisdom to remove
all the orphans under its care from
Turkey. Children have traveled 600
miles from the interior down to the
seacoast.and new -orphanages have
been opened in the Lebanon mountains
and alorn? the coast. These new or
phanages were soon overcrowded B-nd
an orphanage in Jerusalem will be en
larged to accommodate as much of the
overflow as possible. Four hundred
12-year-old boys will be housed in an
orphanage at Nazareth, while nego
tiations are under way for an orphan
age at Bethlehem.
"What a challenge these surround
ings will be to tbe boys raised in the
very cities where Jesus lived." Mrs.
Emrich said. "They will share the
beauty of His hills, play on his streets,
pluck His flowers and visit His Gall
lee. Certainly the influence of His
life and character must weigh mightily
upon those children who owe their'
lives to the presence of His spirit in
the 'hearts of the boys and girls and
fathers and mothers in America."
Mm Emerlch's Sunday speaking pro
gram is: 9:45 a. m.. First Christian.
Sunday school : 1 1 a. m., Kast Side Bap
tist church: 2:15 p.m.. First Presby
terian Sunday ecnool ; :so p. m., f irst
Methodist church.
parish hope to complete their every
member canvass this week. - Nothing
has daunted the workers, even tee and
snow. From Ashland to Astoria en
couraarinsr reuorta come to. headauar-
ters. B. F. Stone, senior warden of
urace church. Astoria, teierrapnea as
fellows : "The parish work will con
tinue as originally outlined, including
the nation-wide camDalgn,"
By special desire, of Bishop Walter Taylor
Sumner offerings will be taken in all par
ishes and busuoos of the diocese Sunday to
raise a speciai I una to ne usea oy - tne Kev.
F. ' C. Taylor and wardens of Grace church.
Atone, for the relief of urgent eases.- On
Tuesday night the special cotnnutaee ap
pointed will plan for the : future. . with, the
L intention of helping the Astoria parish until
present eominons nave seen lmprovao. ine
citizens of Astoria have expressed their aenae
oi appreciation Ior uu prompt aympauty ten
dered by the dioceae.
' The Be. A. A, Morriaon. "ph. D.. rector
of Trinity church, has indorsed ' the nation
wide campaign . as fellows: "The nation-wide
program has a' world vision in ' harmony with
Gtmstisa obligations and world-wide - necessity.
Jr. means co-ordinated effort by a great body
to accomplish that wh)ch cannot be done in
any ether way."
The Christmas number of the Oregon
URuronman gires a symposium en uie nation
wide .campaign, in which the church leaden
give it their cordial approval. '
At St Davids pariah on Sunday morning
the Eucharist will be celebrated at 7i30 and
11 o'clock. At the latter service the rector
wig preach on Disappointment in God, and
In the eening on "The God of the Hebrew
Prophets." At 10:80 -a. m. Mm. J. W.
Emerich, lately returned from ' Turkey, will
apeak to the church school oa the need of
help in that land among- the orphans and
refugees. The school will make its Christmas
offering for that purpose. The new parish
calendars are on sale and may be had at
tbe church.
At the Church of St Michael and All
Angela, holy communion will be . celebrated
at 8 and 11 a. m. Sunday. At the II o'clock
service the Rev, T. F. Bowen will preach. The
young people's meeting at 7 p. m. will be led
by Miss Daisy Gerber. The principal speaker
will ba the Re. Mr. Bowen. who will talk on
"The Origin and Significance of Christmas
Customs." All young people in the neighbor-'
hood are invited.
The Episcopal Teung People'a aoeiety. for
merly f St. Stephens, will meet ta the Cen
tral library, room A, tomorrow evening at 8 :80.
Hi Lillian HoweUs will lead and Charles
Lewis will deliver the - principal address. A
meeting of the Christmas- committee is held
each week for the purpose of eewinc. This
year it is thought that instead of giving the
articlea to Portland families, it will be sent
to help those la need in Astoria. . Next Sun
day the eoeiety , will sing at the ' Good Sa
maritan hospital! A large attendanos - is re
quired to make tbe caml singing a success.
The Rev. Jacob Stocker, pastor of
Clay Street Kvangelical church, will
conduct a religious service "at 3 p. m.
Sunday in the Altcnhelm," East 80th
and 11 vision street, "
At' Grace Lutheran church Sunday
morning the Rev. C. H. Bernhard will
deliver the third sermon of his special
series on Advent, The Sunday school
will rehearse its Christmas program,
"Tho Christ Child." afr 9:45 a. m. and
2 p. m. Sunday. The Sunday school
teachers will meet Wednesday ' night,
the choir will rehearse Thursday night,
and a special young people's meeting
will be held Saturday night, Decem
ber 23.'
The Be. A. Krause will preach in Ger
man on Sunday morning and in Engttah fhin.
day night at 1 Paul Lutbaraa church. The
choir has prepared special mnsie for each
serriee. ' ' Confirmation -- classes meet Tuesday
and, Friday at 4 and S p. m. -
-': .I' ' VVJ . ;"
Methodist Episcopal . .
Dr. Knoch S. - Perry of Chicago.-"a
member of the general board of educa
tion of the Methodist church, will
preach Sunday morning at the First
Methodist church. Sunday night, Mrs.
Jeaimette Emerich. who has Just re
turned from the Near East, will give
a special address on Armenian condi
tions as she saw them.
Taesday evening a joint meeting of the
Sunday achool hoard, Oxford: and Epworth
League cabineta. and officers of the Young
Ladies Legion, will he held in the Oxford
parlora. - A 40-eent dinner will he served at
6:18 p. m., followed by a conference. The
paster will have a special Christmaa message
for the prayer meeting Thursday night Christ
mas carols wifl he sung. The Christmaa i en
tertainment of the Sunday sehonl - will be
given aext 'Friday " evening in the Oxford
The Sunday 'morning sermon at- Centenary
Wilbnr Methodist church will be delivered by
Dr. Dayton K. McClain of Philadelphia. The
evening serrV-e will he eangeUstie end .the
sermon preached by Dr. rharles MacCaughey,
paator. Servicea of the Kpworth League will
be conducted at 6:1 S p., ra-. following the
regular "open house" which k held in the
community house of the church each Sunday
afternoon. The adult clana of the Sunday
achool is celebrating the holiday season by
raring for-needy families. A. cantata will be
given next Friday night by the Sunday achool.
ta which all are mvited. ,
The Rev. Stanley Logan. 'nf Seattle will
eccupy the pnlpit at Lincoln Methodist church
Sunday enorning."- The pastor will preach at
nignt. -ine aancout tpwortn . League wtu pre-
tOonciaded on Page Five. Column, Three!
will speak at - the FIR NT ' !DIVI?f E
SCIENCE CHURCH, 816 Kast Clay St
near corner of East 25th, Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock and again at
P. M. - Hear . this wonderful teacher.
Be. T. MY Mlsard, Pastor ' '.
The New "Age Government aiid Its King"
Hear what the Bible foretells in regards conditions and systems
of new age, and when this will br as-pointed out by, -
,11th Street Bet. Washingtoa and Alder ;
' International Bible Students Association v
Seats Free - , - No Collection
- Multnomah county Sunday' - school
superintendents gathered last Monday
night at the Y. W. C A, far their
quarterly banquet,' beard with intsrest ...
a debate, on . the question, "Resolved,
That the Slinday School Superintendent
Is Doing His Full Duty." The affirma
tive was supported by the. Rev. H, F.
Given of the First United Presbytcriat ,
church and the 'Rev. Chester Ai! Hadk-y
of the . First - Friends church, - and thav
negative by the Rev. J. B. Harris of
the First Methodist Church, South, and
the Rev. P., O." Bonebrake, .assistant
pastor of -s Piedmont Presbyterian
church. ! " ' . . '.-.-..
Among the points raised by the af
firmative were: The Sunday school
superintendent Is generally a working
man and therefore a busy man and
faces a serious handicap through, lack
of time, and besides is required to work
with -average teachers, train the chil
dren of average parents and has for his
main support an average pastor. To
be successful . it -;waa contended th
superintendent , must always be on
time ; study his lesson ; be a praying
man, and must give much ' time at
home to the study of methods and
securement of teachers. All these the 7
affirmative claimed for the average
superintendent. It was also claimed
that 64 per cent of those brought to :
Christ were brought during the Sunday
school age and therefore indirectly
through the influence ot the superin
tendent. In view of the lack of co
operation between the home and Sun
day school, and often between church
officials and the superintendent, the
affirmative claimed the average super
intendent was doing Ills full duty.
The negative, to whom the decision
was given by a two ' to one i vote of
the judges, claimed .that a- majority .
of superintendents do nothing but rou
tine work: In the midst of the routine
the superintendent forgets that the .
real task of the Sunday school is not to
conduct "a lesson study and class reci
tation, but to lead children to Jesus
Christ, the ; negative claimed. They
asked the affirmative to point out the
superintendent who goes to his pastor
and begs for a revival service for the
Sunday school. -'" It was also declared
that the-superintendent ought to plant
himself . across the exit to the church
a-nrj-stop: "this xtxhis of children from
the church services." - Many superin
tendents have made no protest what
ever to, children staying away from the
church ; services, they argued. IThe '
superintendent was also charged to
provide - some way so that there will
not be a permanent loss to the church
of -four out of every five boys, as pres
ent records are said ,to disclose. Thi
superintendent's mission. It was d-'
clared, is to bridge the - chasm - be
tween the -Sunday ' school and the
church -and,-hold--..the -.children to tbe
church.': Some . -superintendents were
charged with having bad habits, and
with not living as strict at life as they
ask the children under them to. fol-.
low. Lack of efficiency in business ad
ministration, and use of methods "49
years old.? were other charges made.
Following, the debate, , from which
many superintendents present said they
gained valuabla pointers, a round table
discussion. 'was led. -by. A.'F. . Bittner,
religious educational director at Wtnt
minster Presbyterian church. I R.
Marvin, president of the Multnomah
County Sunday School Council of Re
ligious Education, presided.
It. A. M.--'ONLrj0flS J88U8. . ''
7:30 P. M. "MENBtv FORD A NO
' TH wCW." '
;,;'"3-: '.; yv-.r, V. :' V wLV
' VK0NC80AT CVENIlia,' T:S ! '
(East Morriaon or Hawthorne 'A ve. Cars)
moRsjinai se-PrviOE 4t a. m.
a.. M. TOPIO) "THE AN.
Apostolic Faith
Services: Sunday
10:30 A. M, 2:30 and 7:3Q P. M.
Meetings Every Evening
The full Crospel is preached on all
the fundamentals of the "Old Time
- - Crowds ranging from three to six
hundred every night. ,
.Piece Orchestra SBeelal Slagtag
"YouTl Enjoy Every Miaate"
!'- CoUertloag
Tbe Worklngmaa's Mist lorn
Sunder S.rrWl : Conference p. as.
Test circles B-S p. si. s
- . By JuUsa A. Fox...
MeMtages by Addie M." For. 7:80 p. rn.
isiUiig piedinnas and tbe pubbc weloonie.
VP.- g,-mma
... f