AUTOMOBILES FCIi SALE SO. - HONEST BARGAINS ...... - , TO UltZ BOOM FOB SEW .- " MODELS . i V - ; 1 .;,v iaa - -.' .". . -BEGON MOTORS, INC. - - - . Y 100 North Broadway, at Flanders. .;-. Distributors, v CHANDLER- DISPATCH. $34 , down. tli HI nnnth. . CHANDLEK , TOURING. $30$ 148.40 month. . . . , CLEVELAND TOURING,- $260 tit O.I month. - ' - - OVERLAND 1922 touring. $2SO drnvn. t5.50 month. BUICK touring. 1300 xkrwa. , $$1.9$ 'CHEVROLET TOUBTSe, $120 819.35 montfw - MAXWELL. TOURING. $106 down. "-?"r .... - - These can Ilka BOW. are MonidttlouA and iu Come fa and tnr any of them out. V will take your old tar in trade, OREGON MOTORS. INC. 100 North Broadway. . Phono Broadway IT 53. A SAFE "PLACE TO BUY "BEQAimAY f BURlSIDBJ: BAXGAIXS IX CLOSED CARS v i Bare are aome exoeptioaal aargaina ia lata aaodel cioaed can. almost new. ' Jtat a . awiatl payment down and balaacd ea easy " torn drea one away. Call at aw ail rooma aad iaspect. the followinc can, or tout pboaa and wall call for yon. 1 B20 Stride baker special aiz aedaa. Jrut nit oew. tow pnea . Jizi. aao aad uaed very HUM. sedan," ; complete Jy equipped. 1921 llainas bTOOgham. a wonderful ear aj a ery low " price. . 1921 Ore Hand coupe. plenUd m ioc iiltle car at a anap price. . FINEST SELECTION OF CAM CTTT T. K. DeLAT MOTOE COMPAKT. EJC ' IXstributor Velia and reerleaa. A SAFE PLACE TO BUX Broadway at Bornaide Phooe Broadway 3121. Renewed Car - . ;" - ' " Fields Motor Car Co, 8A CRITICS THKIB FRTCB8 BTJT NOT TBI I MPCTATIOS Jtl Chevrolet, saw paint ........$225 1920 Chevrolet tsarta S00 1921 Chevrolet touring 860 1922 Chevrolet touring .'450 1919 Font tmriaa .............. 165 1920 Ford toarisc, extras ......... 250 1920 Chevrolet roadster . ......... 800 1920 Ford roadster 250 1920 Boick roadster ............. 650 Broadway and Couch OPES ETENBTCS AMD BCtDAT. MUST BB SOLD - Finance Company has instructed ma to sell taw following can thi month and to. accept any reasonable offer. - regardless of lass to them; - Cadillaa $9. 3-elI. touring, with new . OMs $ pacemaket, 6-pasg., ia dandy ahape; a swell locker. . , . ' Chalarers, g pew., new pain and top. - Terms' t6 suit: no brokerage. EAST SIDE AOTO BROKER 889 Belmont. East 9431. BUT A BESEWED DODGE - " WITH 11923 License Want Fords er Charreiets ia Cars sold P 5 days' free trial. BRA LET, GRAHAM At CHILD. INC., 11th at Burnside. SEE THE KEW TTPtS CHEVROLET. REDAW. TOCRINO AND COUPE, BETTER VALUE IN F.VEBT WAT. DELIVER T MADS WITHOUT DELAT. L T. BILLING RLET MOTOR CO. Hawtnorna ava, at 8th, East 0730. GREATEST tiiwd ear varos for the last asoasy. that is just what we are offering, aad we in tend to keep our prices below what other offer at their used ear sales. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington st.. Portland. 1J3 CHEVROLET TOCRIWQ CAtt All new tires, vseaaas feed. Alemita avs . taas, spare tire, aatomatia shield swipe, good : canaioon. e; (arms. I T. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. . East 0720. I 1923 LICENSE ' . $4$5 1921 FORD SEDAN y " telJw n"'h. load . Una, perfect meehaa- BRALCT GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. 11th St., at Bamside. CADILLAC bargaia ' ' If yon are looking for a Cadillac and a reel baxxaia. be sans and , call me an this onev baa new . cord tires all arormd. with extra, A wonderful bay at t si. : lersa. juwater stuu, Apt. i0S, 193$ LICENSE '. $28$ 1920 FORD TOURING Exceptionally good ear. BRALEY. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. 11th st. at Barnsidn. $ t 0 CHE VROLSV-$ 1 $0 roaring car ready to go u t vtamus ; II 21, DODGE A wonderful bay ia , this Doago toariag. - This care ia just as goad as a new see; 5 new card tires and othee ainss r-nce aiza, senaa. aktwater tlUv, spt, ewo, avenj y 9i ford TorarNG ito f Anyone can bay , this car if taken aaee. CaU Strong, Waiant 4602. HUDSON SPEEDSTER $7 This ear is an fine eeaditloa aad has esongneuse air annsgs and other extzaa. Best buy in town. Will give terms. . Phone saas ae IT20 FORD SEDAN, starter. desnT rima.'"gVJod .... wi.. sw mmoBoa iixa; teraea. U. T. BILLINGSLKY MOTOR CO., Hswthoraa Are, at Sta. - East 0720v lta STUDSBAKER six touring, new' paint . ... . awow EaaHiaoa,, sis am, .('oa balance. 934 EL Broadway. East 2639. 920 CHEVROLET" Tj;,,r ' ,ifr. ZJr axm ooa U Y. BILLINGSLET MOTOR CO.. Hawthorwe Ave. at 801. . Kaj 07. 19'20 LLBERTT SIX TOUBTNg'ixts J? Itaiesr as ia firat-clasa ooadiaaei gad -- Phone Tabor 977 S. mornings and fiTUTZ Sport model, in perfect shape, sare , late ear and auut be sold inimediaieiy ; make 1T31 OVERLAND oaby 4 1278. good 'ia Owner maet sell at soe. saw pay. Broadway 6378. merit down. ' balance easy. asU. teunag. good tires, ia coed raa- 'ng coaditioa. $30 down will handle. 364 E. Broajwal. , , ,r - " East 2630. v0 ton tiuek. Lr4 clasa eoadiUua. Going im n. asaev. laoor W844 FORD aew rubber. kZuI KTuk-lc. w uy, II J. VTSiBOT OZJ. COCH 1916 Dodge tearing:; god ehsoet ea tag city, aon sacrUiee. Maia 7779. -FORD ROArTERTEl5T l MAIWfifuL. $il5. . Bralev. Graham -- "". inc.. uta a at Burnside. J18 rUiLUianoo share. 2 AUTOMCrlXS FOR SALE BOO DON'T WUKXT about treses radiator, or pumps. A Fraukba ta just the car for these cold win tar morning. by not boy cood used on n : easy terms? , W a do not chars aay brokerage, . , ' i ' 132 : 9-B- Franklin ' towto.' : " perfect eoadiUoii ' . i. . ...$I50 - 9-B rracklis tearing, new , P. ..; paint and- tap- .......... lOOO, 9-B fc-xaaklia touring, coed m Kirmr ; ....... i .... 1150 '--,. -B ksenkim deml sedaa. jat -- . - tike 'Mr.: . . .s i . . . 185 9-B Franklin sedan. n only 4M mtlas- ....... w . 2350. . Frenkhn touring, series Brwi ... Franklin touring 260 ' ' Chandler 7-Paaem(ar,., aooia .- uree , . .......... 300 Bniefc V saw "paint and . 1st - .r fine- coadiaon ......... 290 12-peasenger baa an Wmtou .. -s ... 1000 " BRALY AUTO CO.. l4an aad Baruette Sta. -Wt ere ope (torn 9-13 on Sunday. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 Radiator . , i Specialists Body and fender ra psirtBav tea aad, pates. tag, Eurness Auto Works lgta aatt Kverett. ; Be FISCH ' Badiatora, feader. . kodiea. hoods, tanks, repatred and rw saeoetea: anto aaeas an a apeciatty. -. ioa-97 w. int st. i Broadway 2299 THE FENDER TMAN . J. E. DURHAM takes the kicks oat while 7 yon wait: repairs radiaton aad baBs Lib erty radiator eorae for all types : ef aara as stock. Phone Broadway $214. SO K, 11 a., near Bnrnride. .. " DON'T throw away that dam aoed radiator or fender. We ea mead it like aew at a rate eost. BADIATOB SERVICE CO. Hawthorne at Union. E. Bdwy. at Ross. LET W. S. kaymond. the auto wheel specialist. repair or rebuild your auto wheels; lowest prtcea ea all work. 18S Is. Sta at, a Hoyt Bdwy 1296. USED TOP Touring, roadster, bag. track top 8v- ersl to pick from. B. B. Body sV Top Works, 843 Williams. A aTV TarXTrAa9 a Vii seasonable prieea, 4i Balm on at., between 6th and Broadway. $0x3 COED tires, guaranteed 10,000 milesT $10.9$. - Volranizina : guaranteed Crabiar Broa, 210 4th st. Main 1363. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 l-TOW Beo, new block, high tension ssagneio, food tires 230 1-ton GMC, pneumatic body and top. . . . tires, express 630 1-ton Republic, pneumatic tires, re built aad guaranteed ' 1 k -ton Whits, pen lunatic tires, new blocks, eab aad express body.. 800 750 1 M -ton Republic, same as new, aataed . . , . late model, tires rebuilt and guar- 1150 2 -torn Republic, late model, com plete witn urjee express body, re built and guaranteed 1350 S H -ton Kleiber with eab sad flat ' bed. used but 10 atoatoa. . . . . . 150$ B0BERTS MOTOR CAR CO. . Park and Everett St. . . Broadway 1368 . RECOJTDlTICrNKD CSED TRUCKS AQ Sixes ATI Wake. The Largest Aassrtraea,t ia Oregon. WENTWORTH as IBWT. INC.. GMC Distribatora Jos Oregon. 100 Second St.. Cex. Taylor. ' . Ford Truck ' 1820 Ford truck, pneumatic r solid tires. Brand 'new cab-and platform stake body; $376 with pneumatics, $350 with solids. Talbot &: Casey, Inc. X. Ankeny aad Grand are. 8118. 1923 LICENSE 1921 RET 8PEED WAGON CHASSIS Reconditioned. - Cannot be told ram aew car. $925. BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD, INC.. 11th. st at Burnside. Packard 8-ton. $860: Gary SW-ton. Win- ther X Vs -ton and many others; they must be son stuck, raoas Jensen, Bdwy. ol. Eve. East 2418. 1928 LICENSE 1919 DODGEl PANEL DELTVERT REBUILT- REFINISHED, $650 . BRALKY, GRAHAM CHILD. 1NCL. f - ' 11th st. at BormMe. ' . ' MACK 2 hk -ton, guaraaxeed same as aew, ea&y terms, no brokerage. Paooa Jensen, Bdwy. 069L Kva. East 2418. ! 1928 LICENSE RIO SPEED WAGON Thoroughly reeonditioaed, cord tires, $650 BRALEY, GRAHAM A CHILD. INC.. 11th st. at Burnside. MACK. 2V aad 3 4 -ton, jiut, like near, to be sold at a sacrifice if takes at once. Phone J ease. Bdwy. vl. hive. Kast 2418. BEPL'BLIO SVton. looks lias new, 3650 and it's yours. . Paaaa Hansen, JWwy. 0691. Eve. East 2418. v. MOTORCYCIXSEICYCLES 803 , FOB OR BICYCLES . NEW OR USED SEE CS (Jeeda riant, nvioea riebt. t,m. rletik anxnyaxt ailUKt. l( LK ek BICkCLal COu 200 Third at FTB PsT.E fik W Hariev-DaVidann irT blcyesr, coa SeO. S81T, $69.60. Will sell fog $19.50. MorcycleVU .- YCLES. cicyeies end supplies. EAST 6 foB MOTORCYCLE CO. e UnaAU avs. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 I cars repaired on nnuui haasa or $1 aa hoar: Fords overhauled. A 17. AO: valves ground. 2.50; era caa stop your car. rrom pnnw sai;- au worx gaamteeo. 190$ . Hswthoraa ave. at Msrrnorita Tabor 2948. " UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210-12 Jefferson. M. 7644. i . t Ford aad Cbevrotst Specialists. -s ... , Aord magneto recharged. $1, . Battery charged, 50c TAboT $1 hour; work guaranteed. . , WELI1N( - BllAZINO - GENERAL REPAIRING - And Bmcksmithiag Bay Expert- Mechanic . . ' AU taa Foster Forge Co., $ta at, . - - - Corner 47th ave. -- ' - CTSLbtDEKS" reborsJ. ' f i.40"" each, ia moat ears, withotrt removing; . wars ausrantard Walnut S8S2. 143 E. Kmingswort. TOUR AUTOMOBILE OR TRUCK Tsui is i a ev e-rvrhaaied at beane: best of re erencea; 15 years experience.' Aat. 615-HO. BDRD and Chevrolet overhauled for $14.50; tT?- $TeW4, PT 76a per fconjt Aut. RICHMOND ' BROWN, general auto repeir- ing.. Call day or night. 103$ E. Aider. Pboae day. Tabor 74ST: night. East 1729. XTOS repaired at your boaae wiv nnni. shjop With gnaesnteet xaoor au. C. "alnut 2474. Night and day serv- Repairing at res son hie prlcaa. 'AUTOS FOR H7RS ' 80S AJJTOS FOR HIHB WITHOOT iistlVkJiA - - jCITT- 6ARAGK 18t I2tk St. Broadway 849. - - GARAGES AND PARKING 807 E storsga $5. dead storage $4 per month; m garaee. fwie t,. I2. X-SA.D FTcJACE, per anocUt. fcrict bBiid- GARAGES AfG PARKI?2 80? GA RAfa. i.. at B. lint and WeuUer ata, at 14 7T. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 8S0 CASH FOB CAKS r 1 ra m cub lor ears. late (tfpalar makes. If yon have yoar car mart (iftd see en I can aave it, foe a. 618-87. Call 16th and Alder at. - MCKFHT MOTOa CO. ' ; I WAST tooling can and roadsters, alw . ; Sght tracks and deliveries. Villi boy for cash or sell ' on commission. Loan oa auto mobaea. too. East Bide Auto Broker. &9 Belmont. East 9431. IF TOO have a ear to trade for land. Iota; aaongaa or bsttfa equity, sec $34 Henry blag. CAES wanted to wreck; parts for all ears for teas. S. 8. Anto Wrecking Co.. 15tk at Alder. ' Broadway 0638. ; WE TKAK EM FF and aeO the pwcea. For. asa ana wrecamg VAX . i Man, mi 17th. Breeaway B254. Mali orders filled. CAUH paid- for nsad ears, condition ao oc. leet. Oreaon Anto Wrecking Co.. $4 Grand Ave. ?r. East 9476. WASTED. FOED BOADSTEB Pay cash for late Ford roadster. Most have starter. Phase La Telle. 51 $-6 7. WILL pay CASH FlH FORDS. CHEYBfV LETS AND OTEBLAND FOHHS. 19 ?RAM AVI.. S.. ear. East Bamside. WILL take good standard make auto ia ex eharige for acreage near Base Line mad. " East 7076. ' BBJJiG yoor ear in before Saturday for 80 gtiaranteed paint job. 146- . 7th at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 YEAR END PAINT SALE. ' High rrade paint, per aaL ........ .$2-09 Varnish stain iall colors) , per i..$1.10 -White enamel, per nt. 75e liars roofing paper, per aq. $1.10 ' Miller Paint Co. ' . 178 FIRST, NBAS YAMHILL . No Dehveriea t These Prices u. s. Materials- AU kinds electrical goods and parts, air taak and storage tanks of ail sties, other materials-; sell cheap. Brass material, braa pipe, lumber trucks and dolUea. fire hose reels, railing fittings, iron cots and ail kinds ol manne supplies, ladders, toola. babbit metal. 208 HALL ST. SEWINQ mACHINE EMPORIUM ; Machines aoU tea lesal We agents employed. Guars a teed uaed aaachinea cheap. Parts and re pairing for all makes. Msrrhrasa rented. Main 948 L J 90 3d. near Taylor St. SHOWCASES SEW AND USED . SCALES, rOCSTAINS. CASH REGISTERS. FULL LINE 8TOBB FIXTURES. BOXER TRADLNO CO., 129 FIRST ST.. 1TEAB WaSH. BPWT. 7438. BUT. SELL. BENT OR TBADB Shotguns or Rifles TEXTS. FISHING TACKLE, TRUNKS. ETC AND A-NT THING OF VALUE Newman's Exchange 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER, BDWT. Tl$l. EDAR; CHESTS Direct from factory ta roar Tennessee, aad Port Orford cedar: solid cop per trimmings; latest designs, Writ fog catalogue. J. W. HWSOrNS di SOW 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN TABOR 80S LEAKY ROOF. EH t very aggravsung. in deed! Why not a comfortable and perma nent roof I We repair. RUBBER-BOND -and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, eras feed. weather-beaten, deteriorated and disintegrat ed, old, leaky roofs: work guaranteed. Phone xtensdway os. SOORS, . windows, clipboard doors, flour biaal sash for sleeping porches, moldings, mill Work,, glass roof mg. hotbed sash. Sea our oaa stock of sash end doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lumber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bat. Morrison and Yam- LATEST drepbeid" Sinrers, ' Whites, New Homes. $18 to $8uVAU ethef saakes (12 to $22, strictly guaranteed. bcx iaxjs ss mom 11 wa all makes. SINGER STORE. 1 193 4th at. at Taylor. Main 8888. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADB SAVE MONET ON XMAS GIFTS, Miller's Big Little jewelry Store. Sells for Lew Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theatre. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR PARK. Tour "Rsvorit Organisation" Votes. WE HAVE the hurt est stack of nsed sewing machines ia the city. Compare prices,- We rent aad re pair. 17 d, near TamluU, 1 ' CAKPliT OUsAiilkG axis' runs steam cleaned, $1.25: tresses msde over; feathers renovated; fluff rugs woven from old carpets. ' Pioneer Mattresa at Carpet Clean. Wkm. 1072 E. Lincoln St. Tabor 7902, MAKE1 this Xmas gilt one that will give pleas furt and. nseluhiess the entire yean Give aa order for a pair of perfect- fitting glasses. Dr. Wheat, optometrist, suite au t Morgan blog. - ; Eiectric Motors BoMgbt. mid, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Bara side, cor. 10th. Broadway $674. 10 DROPHEAD sewing machines with attach ments, $20 each; portable elect rie assrhias for rent; sewing asacninea nesnen aaa paired. K. B. taaa. 16$ eirand aya, 2869V SEWING MACHINES, Easy terms. Latest cue tries, Reprng. Boated S3 sno. Motors, farts. STORE 166 WEST PARK. ATWATER T21 THE JOURXAL baa 14 orascoUta lamp hx- . tares, complete and ia good order, earryiaa ' aay lamp up ta 200 watt, for sale. Come .and see them at The Oregon Journal build ing, ak foe George rV iiaasilum, nupt. FRED i. WELLS, the bee man, can ao supply, yoa with pure Coast Range honey. 80a per quart. 413 Alain at. Phone . water 4S77. PURE APPLE CIDER . Apples, all kinds. $1 to $2 per box; we 'deliver. Portsmouth ave. at Columbia tared. Empire 1T23. .. MAN'S SMOEING JACKET. large sise. new, 82.75; leas thaa 1-8 of cost; 1 pair of very best brown rubber hoots, size 8 H $1.75. Walnut 7478. PENINSULA KNITTING WORKS. We make sweaters, wool stockings, leggings. Special prices for hign school and ball players. 1 o v m reninsuia. - -- DESKS, TABLES. CHAIRS. SAFES For one) mora weeau sou can bar equipment for less thaa price of used. O. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2789. IX. GET a typewriter for the children, instead of a toy; ttiey will learn while they play; wa aave guarantees mac nines at toy su:biliit Typewriter Co.. 804 Oak FOR SALE,' 1 Savage caliber 300 bolt AcHoa rule, lever shot, also 1 cartridge belt and box of eartTidgee, cost $96.25. want $4S. lieaKerby. Walnut 4163. - v A B COMBINATION gas and fuel''1 auZ kitchen heater with coil, copper coll watar ORIENTAL indestructible pearia,. $3 a string a wonderful gift. 145 11th at, s Brned- 1 WW !, '.:'"' SPLENDID. almost new black, heavy - coat. Sise 46. Walaut 5695. f rnos : asu. jia Mi S-BL RNEK Kew Perfection oil store tla AS II cfaickea fencing $8.2$; boXA aa asaao- out coocnuan. t.. 7 1st w.. cor.-Hat-ay. A. B. COMBINATION aaa and furi'isael . kitchen heater with aoU. caapag cod TTer beater. East 4852. ' " WOOD heater $; boy s overcoat, ls-yr. sue. 4.ot; .23 wateoestar rxtto $8.6U. Gar- UULLY for sale." cheap!' Wt id toi 'ID St. f hone asf 2949. ii IKON BED. springs and mattress;, maai as steer; $5. - 807 Market at. $3 ORIENTAL PEARLS $$ Any shade. Call Tabor 2693. HIGHEST CA&H PRICE PAID FOR RIFL&d, r.ttOTGt a. rt-. rtr lli, b 3D ST. sVTOa and tumaca repairing. Karsimrt staves - tor sale, ureoaiya CHove boop. eU. S91. FUKNITCRE RQaliing. cabinet work, mirrors. eta vnitm jwn. rtospitai. vitarat 14 ST. SHLNG !-E.S Very good - grade, Conch street dock. NEW HOME sewin, machine. $6. cvercoat, sire 8S, $6. 354 3d st. TWO : v w -erasy iimiva ttfm. rr-Te. FOR SAT F MISCELLANEOUS 90S ; HOLIDAY GIFT : , SPECIALS OPEN EVENESGS TJNTD1 O'SLOCK Cut to 315c . CUT TO. 4e DOZ. " Don't Fail to Ley ia a Supply t , All Bias. CHRISTMAS TREK LIGHTS Cut to S2.00 Faacy Beta ia Stock. rrxB urns From 14.I0 VP. AU UBiveml Make U Best Ever J KEVEKSUtLE I NIVEHSAL TOASTER Nothing Battarl nit to S7.00 UNIVERSAL WAFFUfi IRON WAFFLE IKON $13.00 HOT POINT IRON Cut to PEKFECL'MA. CUT TO $2.46 EDISON .CUT TO $6.50 UNIVERSAL -CUT TO $6.60 n4 Compare This With Anything In the State! Mid east stand ; painted shade ta bias, pink or yellow, and CO triplet With 60 watt lamp and cord cut to 2.95- - (Staada eosna ta aiaay diTtagttt finishaa.) STANLEY LUTZ 20O-3-5-7 Chamber 'Comraerca Bide, ,v Broadway 4263 ELECTRIO fixtures, suppiiles, lowest prices ear beard of. Bead for big lllastrated bea- fetia to fioxaley Lata, t.hsmhar of Coaamerca bldg.. Portland. Or. CHRISTMAS trees tot sale, from 1 to 1000; price reasonable. - At Frank Irwin raaca. - la aula want Scappoena, Sea or wriie J. . Bchooiey. Ecappixiee, yr. ELECTRIC FIXTURES at wacAesale: l-Sgng chain, 70e; 8 -light futures, $$.78; porch . lights. 90c; wa do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, 542 Union ave. N. Ant 810-44. AUTOMOBILES. LAUNCHES. MOTORCY CLES or boata are separate alaasificatinaa; i a Urge listing will be tound aadec thaw different ejaaauicel VAUGHN : exagsaw. DeLaval ercanv separator r No. 16. IMt alio SO U; all A-L- Atwater " 0739. U Pitta. 34 Grssrt at. HOLLY." Oregoa Grape and Christmaa tre-s with colored basal delivered. 1 Last 8138, call evemngs. CALL BROADWAY 763$ . . " Expert tailoring. Highest price fog aeed cloUung. oaa wasrangtoa ax ita et CASH registers and com p ting scales sought. . sold, exchaawed and repaired. 328 Stark at, betweea 1st aad 2d sta. Broadway 7634. PRACTICALLY Dew Smgeg' sewing saaehmeT"? ,$0 Coach FOB VSALS Sextant good ooadl iitioa, ... Tory oaablsv Main $609. LADIES SAVE Smart used apparel fat ' home. Prices low. Tabor 2825. FOR RENT Electric vacuum rJeeJoars. ., Tie a day. deBvered- Tabor 81. FOR SALE -de laed. aecoodhand bricks, 812 Tabor 8237. - . per thousand. FCRNITCRE 6-room hoase, cheap. . 2104 Sheridan. 2d floor. After 6. SPECIAL prices oa oU psinengs. A. O. Both weli. 403 E.P.erf ide. - - . v WOMEN'S seloct appareL real bargains. Win pay 40 iaspeet; private party. Bdwy. 913$. BOY'S blue setgs Norfolk suit for ago 12-14. aew. Call Aat. 317-67. - v -: -,v-... SINGER sewing machines, 3 mor.U $3. Ersi . pire Tvansfer. 145 11th st Broadway 9163 GET your furnace properly c'.eanfda:id veiv hauled; dout wait Ceil Leonard, EL 7908. ,3r"5SAxEs I.x rer.t and rile. JUactoo xdl 1 1 '.1. i ri-'k-oT';. .X -t r l;t'. - rWaeameassjsiasssmswisBBasewawswsa ! oooooood gin -,, - ; aag: FOR SALF, ISTTSCFI I ANTOUS BOO Saye Vour Wife Send your wet wash to the Snowflxke laundry; . clothe . washed - snowy watt ta aeparaaa cotnpartmeoU; Tbora Ftt,. 8at 1 iba. uo. 4 eaebr srytinarrai Ik; valtsabsa "premiums given. Phoae fast 8433. TWO grocery counters. 1 Xi. long: National cash register, sea cheap. Auto. 613-90. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS 9C0-A ViftlJUPHO Y Best by Test 10 RECORDS FREE of the ToUowraa; ' bsjsmfa vaXu- pbonographa accepted : ia j trade New ivduaa, a gaap ............. .$140 Columbia 90 $216 Hoaerai new ....I.... 180 BrnmrwicA . .............. . T5 $35 Columbia ....... I ........... 16 Edison, used ........ ij ....... $0 The House of Valuei Perry iVlusic Co. 401 Phoenix Bids.. Cor. 5th 4 Oak BEAUTIFUL Ivory an aos alectma- aaadla- suctca, 8S.OO each. - Electric riaanrnu the Hear Bea Van, fog only $3B.:s:, -New chandelier for the dining at living room, priced from $360 Bp. Hand-pa iated boudoir a Bbraxy axsapa, $1Q np. Large select! on of rrreessni er nun ties ta all newest finishes (without shade) , priced from $2.60 up. Have your old chandeliers aad lamps re finished in tas- latest colors and styles at aery emaH eost. Phase for estimate. Stanley Lutz ; 200-$-5-7 Chamber Ccmmerea bids. ; Broadway 4253 Frele Christbias Gift a of 25 10-inch double - disc records ' with every Victrola and Columbus GrafoBola sold before Christmas, : $60 to $160: $10 : down. 85 a month. No interest. Tour choice) ef walnut, mahogany or i oak finish. Mish Furniture Co. 188-10 First street. GTVE SOMETHING USEFUL , FIFTY SLIGHTLT USED AND REBUTTyT CORONAS AT TRT REASONABLE PRICES Also New Coronas 860 . An Ideal Chriatmaa GifU Oregon Typewriter Co. 94 BTH, BET. STAEK: AND OAK STS. "re-PKW'RlTRTts TYPEWRITERS FOR CJtlKlij l MAS. USEFUL PKEaE.liTS Portable Remingtons and underwoods. Smith Premiers and Remingtons, 810 UP. Back-spscer Undbrwoods, viiiblev $6Q np Remingtons, nsihtaa, $36 and oa L. C Smith, visible. $85 and ubv . Olivers. $22.50 and up. "Royals, $26 and up. Year Gasrsntee on say selected. DO AN E" 3 UPSTArRS." 124 4th St BUT HER THAT RDff Meaning there is ultimately " only- c store to ook for a diamond, aad that's Miller s Big - Uttie . Jewelry atora, Sells for Less Gifts-That Last. - Next Door to Majestie Theatre. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR PARK. Tour "Favorite. Organization" Votes. GIVE HER A DIAMOND FOB XMAS We Bow ha a on hand some excellent bargains ia diamonds aad a cosnpiere line of- high grade jewelry at prices you caa afford. Look around first, than eosaa ta as and be convinced. . ZELL BROS. CO.. 28$ Washington st.. near 4th rt. KODAKS MAKE USEFUL GIFTS SAVE 3ffr to 59. IN BUYING 8-A $150; GRAFLEX 4.5 LENS $90: 1-A $125; ORAFLEX 4.6 leas $66. - OTHER KODAKS. CAMERAS $2 UP. HOCHFELD -88- THIRD NEAR OAK . " AN XMAS PRESENT TOUR 1923 LICENSE FURNISHED FREE WHEN YOU PURCHASE A . USED CAR AT MAMLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Burnside. MAKE THIS A MUSICAL XMAS Buy your iastrument here. A full line of pianos, players, grands, phonographs, violins, saxophones.- - If it makes music no have it. Sold for cash or terras. G. V. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th Street, SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS -v bux ana sen sweaters, snpovers, ruga, grade silk lingerie, full-faahioned silk boat aad gaany other novelties, at the RELIABLE. DRESS SHOP 178 Park St. USEFUL gifts for Incnd's sute: ' Jlobes, spot light, mirrors, nwicomeiexs, wtmsniew cleaners, bumiiers, radiator cape, rovem, step pistes, skid chains, driving gloves. General Auto Svpply Co.. Bdwy. at Coach. JEWELRY " Just good Jewelry you win like to give; anility, watch repairing. Open evening. STAPLES WATCH SHOP - Wash at 13th. Bdwy. 0429. START paying now cn a Columbia bicycle, ve locrpede, eneepakia enat, gloves, pattees or Harley Davidson motorcycle and have it 1 laid aside for Xmas delivery. : Eay terms. MOTORCYCLE St PPI.Y CO.j 20 Bd . GIFTS ."Sometliing different." See Awde'a fancy trimmed leather ehoppina bags, band bags, brooxed omamacts. etc.; also feather : bats, AU very low-priced. 455 Alder st, oor. 13 th. v- -. A RECORD gift certificate wUl solve the gilt problem. Let ue help yoa. . SEIBERLTSO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st Bdwy. 6576. DAYTON, Hudson, Pssrco. Beading bicycles; gloves, lesbter clothing, puttees aad acces sories. Indian Mutorcycla , AV Bicycla Co. ' 209 Sd a. WE SOLVE th. . problem ; mexpenaive. . aa- preciattve gifts. . ...... TH- TOT A NOVELTY EMTOBIUM. 464 Washington, near l$th. ; . - A KIMBALL phcaograpn, piano, player piano - niakea a issting appreciated gift for Xmas. Special prices, easy terms. . McCormick Mrrie Co., Bdwy. 1T80. 481 Wa-h. t- DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, silverware and art glass; agate jewelry at uuality; lowest prices; ideal Xmas gifts. F. Tan DiMca. 463 " Washingtoa. bet. 12th and 13 flu RADIOPTICAN, boy's pool table, jigsaw, set wireless telegraphy instruction records. . Ta bor 9353. ROSA VERA, dioice Hsvaoa cigars, $1. $2, $3.50. $6 box .postpaid. John Heitkcmper, maker. 151 Porter st BVbV KkLAL Edison hornless diamoad-poiat phot . aograpba with records, 31 each. gAl An keny at, near Broadway. - EXPERT photo oil tinting carefully - done? Holly wreaths made. ksa embroidering. Wal nut 2911 ' tBAGS AND SUITCASES FOB LESS v a larn mauier smeei cow ssis $7.60: The Baggage Shop. 288 3d at. HAVK you seen the bcantiful gift at the Ho , Rae Petticcat Parlor, 171 loth. nv Yam. hillt '' - - j -- ' ';- HAND DECORATED GIFTS Incense, tea , sets, vases, etc.; orders; seasons: firing. $9$ - Merchants Trust bldg. "1 FOOTSTOOLS to match ,iour xaraltaiw; - upholstectng, repairing, niont Upholsterers Call East 458$. Bet- BIG musical instrument aale . as oa. ' Bay :- Xmas gifts now and save. Free trssona. Mc-DougaB-CosB Co., 129 10th' st NEW : TOP on your aid car. , Oregoa Top Co.. 14th and Conch ata. ' ORDER yonr Ford for Xmas delivery. WE i. ML'GHSON CO.. Broadway at Devi-. yixg Xmaa cheery tor Wrts with Ford ae- asn. Bobicsori Smlta, tt ana aaadisoa. ORIENTAL indestructiable pearia, $3 a string, A wonderful gift. $43 11th st. Bdwy. 0165. MUSICAL INSTRUBAXOTS 90t PIANO far sale er rent.' Bent to apply oa ; purr-haee a dssirej. 1A8 18th. . Bdwy. 2556. - " - : TEN triaaov $100 to $20O each. Many fiae make. Terms. 812 Wo r Lester hldg. $5O0 Gilbert piano, lata ' I2 Worcester bidg. If WASTED Gsed pian for ail - Broadway 1548 before 5 p. ax. $660 Luawig piano, late, geah. Tsl 313 W orcester Wd. - , - - - s. $2.30 PER ih). rents phoaographt Late vec area. Empine Trxne-i 145 llta. Bdwy. 9153. $600 BaiUi Jk Bansea piano, plana ansa . $215. Term.- 812 Worcester bldg. BARGAINS in player pianos, upright pianos .uu sris imuauRrspus. vvw . di'jb ave. c. $475 Honard pinro. just aew. 812 Worcester- bMg. $230, terms. plrts ? -44. 1IUSICAL CrmUMZNTS 901 $1 CA&H, t- UOJI'b MONIiaLY puys a piano, used, tor iso, ana 1923 reod.1 for $299. or a. $675 prayer Piano, used, for $395. and 1922 model tor $495. $15 cash. $S and $1 monthly, daufag tii. wastd'a largest facaory ciearaaee aale rtght here la Fortaucd at Scawaa Piano Co. 101 10th at., via.: $475 Estey and Co.. upright- . ...$25 $900 Steiaway At Sons, upright...,. 895 $573 Emerson "apriaat. mahogany ... . 299 $750 VVdier player, mahogany. . .. $93 $900 Thompson alayer. jrrahoany . . . . 45 Security Storage Co.. ciosiac out; $27$ Bard at Co.. oprigbk.. eaah....t 7 $375 Iiailct A Davis, aprhV gaa. 163 8659 . Bungalow player-- piaaa., $45 $27$ Pianola amyer piano, wal..... 85 $100 Shoeing r organ, walnut u ...: 25 .11$ A, B. Caasa ergaa. walnut. ... $ 103 Tenth St., eoraer Starh St. PHONOGRAPH SALE s $32.50 Columbia. $20. $5 cash. $2 $60 SoaoYa. $30. $8 ease, $J monthry-. 125 Columbia, $75. $S cash. $4 anoathly: $165 Stradivara, $85. $5 cash. $4 month; $130 Victrola. $115. $5 cash. $4 monthly; $260 Brururwick. $185, $6 cash. $5 month. 8CHWAN PIANO ' tXWisa,.,,:rrf Comer- 10th and Stark. - - PAT AS LITTLE AS WH15N . BENTTNa. $10 CASH AND $5 TO $7 A MONTH. Wheelock, upright, mahogany ..$195 Hazeiton Broa.. upright, majgsay. . . 476 KirnbaU. - upright, large . . . . . ...... 845 Cable At Co.. upright, walnut.. ...... 266 Bans at Co., upright, mahogany...... 244 KnvibaU. upright, ebony. . . . . . ...... 263 Cbx-kermg A Sous.. ...... i. . 47 Lirmsn. Wolfe A Ceil. 6th and Wash. USED PHONOGRAPHS $275 Vicuna, oak case. 1175 $275 Victrola. famed oak case-. .... 4J 8293 Edison. laboratory model..... 225 $175 Edison, oak ease.. . . ..... M : 125, $130 Victor, sashogany caas...... 110 $125 Victor, mahogany easa. ....... '5 $1 25 Brasseries, mahecacy case. . . . 76 $115 Edison, mahogany case. . . . . . . f a And many ethar table tnachjnaa froga $16 a4 ,BPt Terms.-. ,, -v 3 ,F.- JOHNSON PIAN) CO.. 149 Sixth St - ' - - ' PHONOGRAPH SAUS 8123 Paramount (hardly asedk : $68.00 $129 Columbia (latest style) ...... 67.60 $123 Victor (slightly ascdi ........ 70.0O $259 ww tieT.7rr;.:n::::ii$.06i Much Better Tone for Leas Money ... Heat a Panama-nob far tha Rabdavs Bent Applied on Purchase if Ton So Choosa OAJ1ULD . GILBERT, 107 West Park . . " Pianos. . Pho&osrraohs r Repaired, Rented. Sold. $1350 wonderful grand piano, one of America's . very best makes, only $760. Why pay sev eral hundred more! You can't buy a bat- , ter one. Take, old piano part payment. 313 ) STUDENT'S violin outfit, includes violin, bow. easa, extra strings, ream and chin rest, only $25. - - . .:- ;: G. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. : . BEAUTIFUL GRAND PIANO, $487.50 Baldwia make, lata style J fast compare . with a new eae uptown for about $1000-. Why pay double price f Tate old piano a part payment. Terms- 812 Worcester Mg, rVE REPAIR aU kinds of mtuieai iriatrusaaAtst Game in aad get ear prices. - . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. ' 149 Sixth Sti SCHOOLS, churches, eollegea and lodges buy their good pianos at 812 Worcester bid. Why! Beeaoae they know where to save hundreds of dollars. .Why doa't yoa? Terms gsvea wtcmn veeeon. -ELLINGTON player piano, mahofany aota, and extra rolls, $425, terms. U. JOHNSOS PLANO CO.. 149 Sixth St. $860 purer piano. Vast get easa. Call at S13 Worcester bide , fio fair offer refused. This is the, very latest piano and perfect. CONN a meiedy, sdver and gold bell saxo- .i a, a- . w injuw, fi.i wnm. -G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth St, $730 genuine Bush Jk Lane piano only $$$. . Latest. Just compere with a aew oaa up town. 812 Worcester bWg. ONE Martin C melody saxophone, silver and cold beU. 8125. terms. , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. $1069 SUiuwey pis a. only $410. lust com pare with a new one uptown. Terms. 812 Worcester niag. CONN alto saxophone, silver and gold bejl and seys, viza, terms.- " G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth st. WILL BUT Sohmer. Bteinway. Chickering, i At Hamlin er ErecarA axand. Ma oeaiera. av-ex, journal. - PRACTICALLY:. NEW Story m Clark pianj,. masogany case, saiu, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. - ' '. ; 149 Sixth St. ' ' " ' $875 Weber piano, -plain case. $300. $13 vr oitveier ouig. $500 Singer piano, latest make, $175. Worcester bid. - I? $650 AHrich piano, latest maU., $276. Terms. Il Worcester oidg. . $&00 piaao, vary ' latest, perfect. Must have cmso. ow st ?s price, sitaec esoz. 8600 W. W. Kimbaa piano, only $163. $12 Worcester bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS : 902 OVERSTUFFED BED DAVENPORTS AT . . - MAUFACTURER'S PRICES Ah S kinds of hiaVgrade davenports gad chairs at maBufactarers' to consumers prices. Come out to 82d and Foster road is aa them. It means money to yoa. The - beat auiholstered furniture ebtsthahle is made try as ia our own factory at the most rea eoriable price. We carry a fall line of sam plea. Opea all day Bandera, aad evenings .. by appointment W. W. WEBEB FURN. MFG. CO, ..-: : 82d aad Foster Bead. Phone Ant 616-29. 1 - DAVENPORTS Marrufscturer's asmplaa. asast he sold be fore first of year at saannfacturer'a cost , These samples are ALL HAIR and ia At "condition, denim and tapestry coverings. We will sell these dose euta - oa terms. We also manufacture a huge tine of Davea r porta dad chairs and regular manufacturer's prices aad sell direct to yoa. Large assort laent of coverings. : MICHAELSOS-MATSON INC. 64th aad Foster road. - Opea . evenings. Phoae evxungs er Sua days 685-27. Newly paved Foster Road Mvd. now osea. CHINESE RUGS For sale at 63 Fourth at, opp. Muitaomah. hotel. 2d floor. Bdwy. - $716. FOR SALE F. W D. 4-wheet drive 8H-toa rack, good condition, will accept any good. . . reasonable after; consider Hade. BJE-66J. - Joe no si. - MUST sell 3 seamless ax minster ruga, over stuffed Amvencork and ehaira Sao ma. hogany graionoia, $50, and ail fnrnitnre at 8$6 Covieh ot. Apt 4. Phoae Bdwy. 1B36. OVERSTUFFED living room eat. walnut dinina- ;.. rooat set, rugs, tjsahogaay graphonoia, ehUd's .owe. ranga. nee room rurmture, a suitcases, 2 ' handbaga. Walnut 6889. 973 E. 2Ui-X. FURNITURE- of $ oota flat, iu fine condi tion, very reasonable for cash 1 . "Dec. 27; leaving city.. 353 E. 17th near Madbon. East S5$7. - S PIECE brocaded arasra velour davenport set. a oaa tva oeeat cssnpsste. 4 ivory oedrwo: set - 404 College, near 19th. . GAS range. 325.: &4-lnea onsrto - aaa-ea sac 01 rung taota; 9 e&atra and carvwr. lis, ,nLU. mi k.rr eta . x . , WICKER chairs tabia, lamp; obean. Empire Transfer, 145 11th st Broadway 015$. FtloirixKhi tor sale ot 144oon house;-a East X6a4. WOOD heating atoee, good condition; ale ace i axates. - nmn isss, HOUSEHOLD fornitar for sale: private party laqairo SV68 Tayioe, aear 13th at FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S REBUILT typewrMeaa, aB kinds, for sale, teat rvcrtsnge We are exclawve distributan of avecoaa aaetahio. asa roeapicte with carry ing easa. Bsrpphea and sepairs fof sat -rr-t Oregoa Typewriter Co, $4 Fifth 'at airoad- way riov. - - . ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT SA 80 76 saf oat below maentacturer prices; TERMS $$ BMOthly if desired. LATB yutr.Lj KKSTtii, g raoertns T.aa up. - WriOLLSAUS aXl'tWHITKR - CSX. 821 Wa-bnrroa Ct- Broatlwaf 4S1. KebUHt GUARANTEED TYPEWRITERS CASH 124 rw'Kra ft. "PAYMENTS DOANE'S, RLPAIRLSO a apec Jelly, est! ma ten. -xentau; - buy, sell, ex.; ad oirn-on reoaired.: Trpe- Wl' T Jn- ef rn o . X I 2 f- srtc t -w S25 t HA VK a fine tea ea Oaklaaa, Cafe: wul tavdei ror f iuu arid player piano or wui sen icr yvt what it cost are. $350. " Mrs. E. Stennon, Alleghany. Or. ..... . . : ... tiEN'iS 17-jewei 16-auus Walthasa watch. Want phoriograjili or sewing Mrs. mtwer. Bell wood HAVE lota ef thiags to trade; what have yoa - gotf - Box 866. Portland. . - - ' ' F. W. D. A-wheel drive $H-tort true,, sell or trade; consider car. PX-4 03. Journal. CLASSY Buick body aa Ford caaasia for 1 ton t Ford truck. A twater 383 T. JLl GOOD roadster, cliaap." Couid'uie a' piaud . a fuautans. K-377. Jeuraak, WArmnSCIXLANEOUS 9S0 WANTED Peosuw e Portia ad to knew that I pay to. atgneet cash pnoe tor aeeoBd-aeaa asnssiisia goads; aa aaaoant ae AVaw i tea ssaalU prompt attrarioav . N. AC SKATKB. Phone East 203. - 148 Ba ell SECOND HAND CLOTHING SUTER 'i.-asisa ins xslujum pay. aee see . second hand suits, ahoer, overcoauk . We call day or evening. A twater 1$2. $"64 Msdisoa at; -near !tL tlBL PITCS'W AN IED State euantity, auaL i-j uu pnoe i. e. o. rrortxana tirsa seuer. wnte Box 8775. Portland, Or., or phone I DOSS. " CALL BROADWAY 7633 . - Expert tailoring; highest prices far need i etettung. 4S4 Wash. 14th, Call any time. WANTED 560 to 700 folding chairs. Must be strong aud first-class condition. K. A. I Mirier. Greeham. Or. ; DIAMONDS and cold bought, reliable es li ma tea. -j-u Helling Bldg. WATTEI FURNrilJRE 9S2 -M. R-SEATER ' Buya - the best as . well aa the cheaper grades ef , second-band . furniture. - 886 ersnd iva Eart 9817. sTnawel S. Nea VV71 lUl 1IUUIC taU. Morrisoa. v Wa erat your used furniture, stoves, car-1 pets aad raiaos. We pay tb. hisheat cash'! pnoe. I e-l 68 FIRST ST. -Can Maia 4 62 7. tliR-MTUKJC. cook stoves, ranges, carpets.: ruga, ete., wanted for cash. . HartaeU furni ture ak Mardwsro Co., A twater 2676. - 841-843-843 First st . BuK diamaada at highest market price wij -easa. ah. sheens, aev vssn. s& TABOR 7314 WUA, BUY"1 OLD CARPET PERSONALS 978 MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS BREAK VP COLDS ELIMLNATE TOXIN I-OIS0N8 . NURSE ATTENDANT Main 2478. 80S Broadway Bldff. Ott LAiilfcJ exclusively. Ur. Kutn. .Olaon Brown, AL; late of Ufsyetts sliiMnl SDiiBK-ekhM 1 iiULuJ near narJenta I ftpringa; ' wishes her old t aad new patienu in aeed of ntasssge, medical gymnastics and in Beets, oi massage.- meoicai gymnaauca wn t steam cabinet baths to know she is now I located at 209 Pittock blk., in connection with The Bonnie Dee Reauty Shoppe, phone ouwyi owwo., Stan3pS9All5umst, Etc. f Scott's sump albums and catlaae now ; in. Large slock of new aota. Approvals a ; specialty. Columbia Stamp ek toia Go., 94 North I6th st - 177 Pigno Playing. BEGINNERS, i.10 1 rMl lessons guarsriteed. Popular songs I immediately. AOWANCEI); Short coarse tor business piano' playing. Hours: 13 to 8 p. m. I Practice rooms. - Jaxs Parker, 61 4-15-1 6-17 isuers bldg., washwgtpa st. at 4th. THANKS Aat getting free clinic treatmenta at the J ' -Oreaoa State Chironractie eeileae. 6th and Oak sta.. Sutbbs bldg Portlaad. Tell Elsie I am better." The treatmenta are all free.- - . CLARA glial S and overcoats cleaned and pressed, $l:j lames ooata and suits. 81.60: suits pressed. 85c; men's and women's garments repaired and. made aver. Home Cleaning at Dyeing Co., Broadway 1181, 81 N. loot at. DO NOT thro your watch aaay. I anil re- j pair and guarantee any watch 1 2 years: : prices reasonable; 20 - years, experience. Harry Brown, 171 First et. Bear Ysmhiu. : $1 GETS bote, feet: fixed bp at Dr. Eaton's ak Keily a painless CHlKOFOpiSTS and ARCH specialists. Estab. S ynv Exam, free Bine Mouse Theatre bldg., 11th at Wash. SUPERFLUOUS hair, aassea. plackheada, pim ples, largea poree removed, expert operator. - f Diplomas Boston. sJrncaso. State Med real Board.) 801 Broadway bldg. Maia 509. , LIGHT radiatioB in the ' body is health; in - i raei your rsrharioa; new eietriod; postpaid 81. Addxeas "Light", 86$ Bowdoin at, Porv ;- lead. Ore. - - 1 , SIX ELECTRO sniaal treatments. 86: mina hatha. ' Yy& i Anna McLeoa 147 k 11m at nest ressrua. PR. ANN BOSE Steam hatha, massage; re- j . ottcea races; a eniropraerac aajnstmenis sa, 1 Bdwy. 8212. 215 Swetlsnd bklg. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles, warts, removed by 19 needle method. Trial tree. Josie Fin- ' my, 61 Beam at Lars pjdg. atata . Fkj.M41if4.ff - OB. A. W. KEEiK- lCIlaA8.J S51H Waahmrtoa st NO PAIN, ffssr TEETH SLEEP" while we work. $15(1 BUT a1 office couipnieot and established auxness centrauy soeatao. aattaote lor bosw or lady arugiess doctor, nqwy. tutu. JOHN Sl-TLLIVAN, it living, Please communi cate 'with' his sister, Julia Sullivan Martin, ISO vumnerlana ave., jP!tiana.i Maine. . MASSAGB FOR LUMBAGO, ETC 418 Buchanah bldg.. . Wash., bet thl and 6th. 10 to 9 p. an-: also Sunday.' STUDY MASSAGE AND HTDROTHEBAPY . Purtmnd School of Maseage, lac. 414-13 etOCa JACQ. Hitn aaMa . I A. '' '. massage: scientific nurse. 411 FUedner foMg.. Bdwy, 3068, ELECTRO chttuyreetie. aaassage; mdy seat; na. suos gusprws. aw. sKusaeay. m s ue at. WHY SCFFKRf Electrical treatments, hatha. Dr. Elna eorensen, out fa name bldg. WILL drive your car to any part of Califor- good raferencea. f Phona stdwy. 4IAU. o esrvraf vjeaauitarsoa aaee. er,dwy. 49 LSWyC 4 04 Securities bldg.. 84 6th 49987 DOESN'T Tom. Dick et Harry pay yuaf Vierecg, couecuiva. iiaanMi tuua. Professional and . Business Pirectory e4Kmeroi tt.ftTvtei CUT. SKAM,' hem. machine pleat Set ' in 76e: heroatiuiiuog 6c. etc : snail oraera so-1 BcMed, iiAatarn moveity stig. jo.. ao ath, AUTO WHEELS LET W. S-. Raymond, the auto wheel specialist WW or briild TOr ntcr wtieeJo; low est pncea ea n werav., ft at, at xioyt Bdwy. 1290.. DI AMQ 100 8TOCK DESIGNS IT Lm4J ana in, Others to order $10! a M. AKEWS. 60-T LEWIS BLDG. Broadway 3049. ia"r moon wKtw LaVIs jk HOLAiAN.' leTtzT109 3d at. blank j book awjrnriaeturera. A-l $. Bdwy. 7148 eHlttoaOOfSTw DR.- 1SHAM, licensed by Proa, aad Wash state boards, f irmerly of Seattle. Wash Iccsted 947 ilorgaa Oidg. asaeaiL -COAL AND aVOOO) : 1A-INCH block and slab. $4.50 sec seed. Ia two teed lots, kindling wood $4.50; coal, i $ 1 3 to tlo.QV per ton, leu walnut 7424. I,HT Basse wood. $4.60 Per load; dry 12-in. 1 t block, and slab. $6,60 per koad. Walnut J ' 69Q4. -'-. - ' - - - . -.' ' - - $$ A LOAD, eedar-biockwood. North Portland, eaa aiae. wamns .w, evemnaa, - --. BONE DRY eld growth cordwood. $$.50. Phoae Eat;S206. ; . - : - -. BONE DRY box wood, ideal kind Eng. $3.75; block and eUfc. $5 load. .Call Walnat 649. DRY 3x13 wood. $8 cd. ; 3x12 vlanking, 18 ft, '88 per Kiou rt. at sniii. Empire 1867. ; . UTAH KINO GOAL East g&84. KEMMERER, Bock Spnuga or CasUo Gate coal J call Wslnut liu. . - -. FIRST growth cordwood. $6-60 cord; aU I gradea eg coal ana cry wooa. was, eg 12. HEAVY dry planer wood. $6,59. Best grade of eoal, $15. Hollattay kucl U. East 7921. $4.50 PER LOAD, block and slab. Walnat 2113. Sell. $159.. GOOD furnace end Leeier wood. $9 doable 1 load. Phose Walnut 6686. sOORe! OLD GROWTH FIR $8.50 CORU BROS.. Walnut 14 98. WOOD AND COAL ' .... . " - WALNUT 3824. ' - t DKY, iir.t di4 I;! srtiwth corijwcod,' 37.50. SWAPS PROFESSIONAl. AND L'JZIXZZS DIRECTORY - 9Mt 89 909 FRIENDLY CHEERY HoC . :-'LINCOln.;lump: COAL ' 1 THE COAT, OF NO REGRETS $10 Per. Ten DsUvered U into your Mb. Low la ashl ao clinkers, bnae or alata, . WESTERN FCfci. COMPANY 28T B. Morrison . Pbone F.ajt 226. i4eSir TUULXIAU LOTS ' S4esL") 16-uck fir block aad, slab, partly dry, lot HEAVY 12-lNCHl SLAB. ' si$ tiOAO SHaa-Mc1W3I4.a:3 '.i , Best Grade DeMveved frons car ta pan W- ,OKKGON Ft 10 CO.. Walnut 4103 ' f , A LOAD IN TWO-LOaX LOTS 16-inch block and slab gUxed. partly dxy, fine for furnace or beateii COAL $10 PEB TON COAL ; Oeott washingtoa MOP ooai oeuient. (at frees car ta your bia. BEST OLD GROWTH FIB $8,50 DRY SHORT WOODPROMPT DEXei NATIONAL FUEL CO. EAST 1400. r WOOD SPECIAL. SALE -Dry 1 2 and Id in. heavy eountrr slaa- -Wood, $7. load, or doable load $18; heavy. J in. nJoch and slab mixed, nan green. ' half bone dry, $6.86. load. Somnet Wood Yard, Atwater 2835. - ; OA $?.fk l'ER LOAD. 3 LOAD LOTS I r-iJW Block and Slab mixed. Paniy Dry- All kjads of dry wood, end eoaL - WORLD FUEL SEUVlCal -' - EAST $453. : TRY ONE load ef this 13 and 14 in. wood.' Best ia city. $6 ast ouie; : avees Side. Also dry -country slab, 1? aad 16 in, QuKk Service Fuel lard. Atwatar -1156. - " : -- $4.60 PES LOAD $4.60 ' Block and slab mixed, ia two load tots: singles $5.00; near 2 cords In double load. AU kiads dry wood and coal. . Phono Walnut 4616. Suaaet Wood Co, . . 16-tNCH block aad slab. $4.60 per load, m two load lets; dry. T; kindling, wood. 84.50; coal. $13 to $16.60 per ton. Jail Walnut 7424. . BOX-WOOD ; ' tit; ICBT DELI VEST " ' - ' ' FULTON WOOD CO! Mara 4179, : COAXe OOAIe COAL T Ana., Utah. Rack Springs. Wash., briquets, etc, any amount 1 sack up. delivered any where. Aeo Fuel Co East C4Q0. ' Wood WoodWood From the woods to the coususoer. $S and $8.R( per cord. John Finns. Atwater 4085. I l-LCiI block and 'iab, $4.50 per load, la two load lots. Lry ; xinaiing wood ae.ou; coal. $13 to $15.50 per toa, Call Walnut 7434. . - : -- -' -. - . ' ' BLOCK" AND SLAB MIXED AT1 Cfl KfTn I'EH LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. PlreaSU' ALSO COAL - WALNUT 1 890 - a, . . , .j r ,5 1iL lit erVdTer aiarT -- - f JPer full cord. -4K. J CorOA or .more. - $7.75. Peacock Fuel Co. Main 6194. , - - j,; m , . v DOUBLE load of heavy block, and slab mixed. ' 75 per cent block. $12: aiagle fcad $6.60. Walnat 7839. ! GUARANTEED 1 cord of partiy dry 124nl and . la-uir-- oloca and. eiao to eaea double load, $ lo. Single load $ .60. Bdwy. ?. DRY 3d 'growth fix, $T.50 per onl;' old growth fir, $S.3A: $4,64 and 5 per load. Aat 548-21. : - . - T - - - - l gffh Per Load, Two Load Lou. Vre4iUf Big load block and slab mixed. Single load $5. Walnut 1390. J 6-IN. SLAB $$.50 and $4; box, iie-in. tnicx, anywnere; neavy lx-io-in. siao. $6.60; hesvy 4-ft sUb. SeBwood 17'j. BEST grade ol coal, dry planer No. 1 cordwood, oonntry slahwood. East 1769. GOOD Void" growth tr cordwood., $8.60 per cord. Phone 617-6S. DhNOteia LKSSOItS $6 WE G U ARAN TEA) to taach yoa to dance ' or rafnnsl . your money. . AUugier Broads way acboot, Broadway st skis, Pxofee, sional instructors. Aat 518-89. A II J. FEN BROWNTteacher .- of fanoy and ballroom dancing. Children special classes. " Bagdad,. W. Park and Yamhill. E. 7838. 9ENTISTS DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh hldg., Onraar th and Wasbiagtna ata, - ' . Broadway 7219 - ! - - Dentistry x tStiJZ. SO PAIN, "TEETH SLEEP"; whBe we work POO. CAT AIIO HQRil HQ8PITAt 'ROSE CITY VETERlNAXfT HOSPITAL " East 1847. B. 7th AT GRANT. Aut 219-6$ Ct-KCTBIOAWS - FINISHED : bouses wired -complete,' with "Chain Fixtures," for $5 pet im. Moron or ranges, etc, in : PbiIUpa.-I stalled reasonably. G. rL. EJeetxical Contractor. 131 Staatoa Phoae Walnut 7093. EYESiaHT 6PKOALi6T9 DON'T TAKE CHANCES . . aovft GLABStsa - FITTED BY ' A SPECIALIST. PRICES WITHIN BEACH OF AIA, Sent BROWN DB. HAJtHY BROWS SEE BETTER 149 a t. near anmiw. FtUy WUQ9 AflP wao wua9 . OREGON I'LUITC BUG CO. 1009 BELMONT. TABOR 7314. '-- ' ' eatlOtC- COMro9IW4" HAVE your POEMS set to mosie. Daniel B, wuspb Atoaie atoaio. joa iniorq -vug, . 4AU810 SCHOOLB AND TEACHCR9 I una rKi nniifivtTXinfYure.- ni,n.! I JTiilZ. So i uin ii-..J. 8rraasVkAe aTe4. jyrags ifa asm sails away en iai aavwaaaa 8103.-, ' - - -'" - TD-FORI) studio- piano , lessons, - Broadway V432. is oor sv, , jui xuiora UKig. Gladys Marie Baker; - VIOLIN,- tuano. mandolin, guitar, banjo,, bar-: mony school. - aiol fAenbeek. 40 yamaut ; "" 4vTOMrTl9T " GLASSKS AT A SAVING Thoassads of sstisfled pa oaa caa testify to our ef f deney aad fair dealing ia . ..1.. : .-- .'I... W ?r ef Goodman. 299 Morrison, bet ,'!'- :V' 1st and Front - Dr. Samuel Goodman, Associate Optometrist-Main 31. WHY PAY MORKI , - Glasses in gold tilled frames, fitted to your eyes, with modem intru aa low as 32.60: ' double viskra glasses at a great eeeiag; glssnri all atyles;. sstisfsctkm maranteed. , - . DR. E. A. BURWITZ. Optometrist 22 $ 1st, pAAHTtwa, TtwTiw, PAPtmwa C H. TEER1L, house and alga painting, ea abor 2611.-- .-" ' .-''' -'- ;-'-. . esvrsv srraasiM i, - nfa nneke 'tr.Aesnaxks: 'aS:. 1 - JZrIaT, ' DR. it A. ft'ULLLU'a. . Broadway Bidg., . r -Office Practice Oely. FtFC ftEA!RIN O Ti IP Zmiti by ax per la, , 8T Ik 6 I'rpe a nop, 272 Wasa. - ftUaglnO AhO wTEAAt .fflTTiWO Low pncea oa ail kinds plnnsiiing auppues; let' aa figure on your invtsusuuas. Alberta iiuma. Co.. $17 Luton aeo. N Bear RuseeU. Aaat 4285 ' I . r FBIWTtWO. BWOBSVIWQ, BIWPIW4I - Tvi At v HAL 1 Ed A CO. I ffA 111 4.AI1 JT, kSrst sx Oak. Bdwy 4641. Till. lUVVL-HUinUN LUMP AN t 887 Ws.r.inrton. Broadway 3144. ROOFS rjaliingd and repaired with roofing ir HCKTWCTAL WORK Multnoiriah Sheetmst&l - Works ' - spout ing. obtrtnx. cral repairing. rone Bdwy.' 92. SPCCIAlTf esANUrAOTURtWa . '- Metal Spinning - s-d specialty autnaJacroring af all kinds. '.Patents developed. Kauf man kl an us-ri! r ' ing Co.. 2al- Hawthorne sve. 1st 8 2 6. 7UMIIIQ, BRAPtWa, EXCAVATIH9 1 LAMING, GRADING AND EACAVA1 1 A is. WOODLAWN 4736. TWAWSFEW tun tTomai Oregon Transfer Co. 474 Giisan of - - -Brueawsy 1281 . liRA k AGK 'v ... blOKAGK r af Hsrehoaee en Terminal Tracks MOVIXJ PACKING -STORAGE Iran sad - t For First Ciss Work (see Le. AT I. A "I 1 i'AN"r 1 . FHONOGRAPH rerwannx, springs gne up; IP-'---.'- j je - -.j t.J. T - a i '. $',- I -iTO. ! . .. v. j ' ... 5X2 '. . ?r rr ? t. t Siu.e4 t-inn, l&ld, go :on; A snap. 4 513 L. TJta st. k1 cos 1 t nn N." G-illAi. -i l'ii-k . t-i 1:; Co., .1 ii 0 - i per lili. AusA V'tf.