The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    7. 1 -
I Tentative plans for" the sale or more
f .thajj 00 lQW.wWclXi.tbe city ha had
- ulMfclsteJto oirjjrWp ktaie of
1 u. paid asssijevjs . .'""J"
;diKi3sed..f i Wernc lield Wt!om
.miskioaer tter' oWe .today", ejwen
tiUtfauentXta etmrmjtte f :te
'city touncil,' eompos?i- -ot Commission
ers 3Plr od'JBJglow.tid ,Clty Audlr
to inilC committee represent-.
, rag -th-Fortltaa Realty bearaV f?This
a comptWBOf H. Beokwitlu'l'aal C
Murphy.. Co JC MKenna and Albert
Rr RtUtrV ---f --- f '-' - t; " '
After th proposed plan were fully
discussed the city committee toofc the
matter under consideration, but . de
clared that it intend to make ita re
port to the city council "Within a com
paratively short time.
", The funeral proposition of the Realty
board le to form a corporation for
ttie expres purpose f baadUngth
: fa lea of city properties. - This it is pro
posed to eapitaiis at $25,000. making
the shares at $25 each, so that no
member of the board need stay out of
t-,m mrmrulnn. It will take to the
, leading; feait..flnn Of Portland but
' an ' invitation will De extenaea to an
other luembera -t take shares. y
li is proposed to establish a sep-
nMr-m tnr tfci nornoratlon and
'to carry on an "extensive advertising
campaign, parceling out the lots in
various sections of the city to firms
specialising in lots in thoss terri
lories. ie City would handle the de
rail of making the collections and
ti e corporation would devote itself to
taking the initiative and making the
The Realty board committee stated
that fhtt rairnrtMi is to -UB met&OdS
that will not upset the-reAlty market
of Portland, yet to push'.dheee sales
juntil the city-held properties .Are got
ten back on the tax oH e pslBr
flTT . HESITATES , 5f i.f ' "; ".
The matter of compensatjon was one
on .which there was theVntosVdleeus
. slop. The Realty board committee
declared that 20 per cent commission
wiuM ha reaulred to iuetify the pro
posed campaign, while the eily'S eoffl-
in It tee stated that it ha received r
tt-rm in handle the- Sales t!-a eonsid
crahiy less flgtirt byt:retf stable real
estate firms of Portland, and It dues-
. ttons as to whether it wouia oe justi
: fld in making a contract for pay
ment of $0 per cent commission in the
face of such A condition. ' .
The Realty board committee urged
' that the proposed organisation would
put practically the entf e realty sell
iti force of Portland - back of the
project, and that thin of itself would
t,e well worth the difference in the
- iimnnnul rammtinlOTL as Well SS hS
I ropoied corporation's intention of
, Fttaklns- to the campaign until the
city's list Of lots is cleaned Up.,
(niilVINTtlTOR op PEiTtoJf
- The extended litigation of a tax levy
. triln.t TirftfWrtV Milder control of Wil
liam Raid, administrator of the tevis
. . . . ...... . . a .
,. c- reiton estate, was semea a urauj
when Held paid $4014.81 In. fines and
1 delinquent taxes, thereby accepting a
100 rebate allowed by Commissioner
Hudeen and Holmafi, " Reid was ac
- used of falling to mak a complete
return of the total value Bf'tjbe estate
when he took control. -t-, 5
. The ae tats had been disfrlettted when
the discovery was -made";tTh addi
-ttonal tag wag assessed agaihst Reld'S
freperty. Be fought V assessment
tn court and at first vo, tut later
lost In the supreme couftliVhett he
-" ileslred to sell his erwtfcwopertyhe
reuld not obtain a clfsr v title,- .and
finally made. an offer t the coram Is
. f loners to compromlsej XwaUsh. aftel1
many hearings, was fin&Uy accented'
-.. iour com pie tea piecry - or -puduo
work are to be considered feisaecept'
- anco by the city counciVafelts met
1 Ing next , Wednesday. ; Theyilncludo
the Improvement " of Halght avenue
from Blandena to Albert streey tlahn
- ft Rebman contractors tinTprovement
of Kast it street from Kast 0sa to
Hassalo street. Hahn sVltebraan con'
tractor t improvement 4df Bat r SaU
mon street from Kast tdast Mthl
: ; street. Oregon Construe! o eornpany
contractors, and tmprovwuent- of Dor-
' tions of East th and BJklyou streatai
C Q. Randies contractor.!: Notification
... was Issued today to.. the reperty owa
: era In the respective- districts of rthtf
. proposed consideration of thssamat-
, : tors bp the city council. -r. -ASSP.SSMKWTS
j - City Auditor Funk today Issued ho-
tifieation-to the property owners dN
. rectly interested that th proposeof as4
.- ''sessments tiave been apportioned' and
the rolls or now subject to Ingpection
on tn roiiowtng public work:
For- the Improvement of Oottage
' court rrom H tan ton to M6rti-treet.
$1)S.SS; for improvemeat tVlUst
8th. street from -Franca avenue to
Rhone street, 7429.71 ; for ' Improve
mant Of Maryland avenue from Ktt-
llngswortn v to AinswortH aveauev
J644&4I ; for improvement of Wood'
stock avenue from 62d to 2d street
southeast. . $1?.423.J9 : for the district
Improvement of portions of East 60tH
and Siskiyou atreets. lSXS. ;
' LOSES $8W BIA3I05D ,
City Commlm loner 8. C Pier Is sor
rowing over the Joss of an 9800 dia
mond setting'ia a ring whfch was pre
sented to him by the employes of the
MarshAU Wens eompany just ; previ
ous to his entering the city's service.
The setting was lost from the ring- be
tween and a ; o'clock last Tuesday
evening somewhere between" the city
hail and the old poetof flee or, the lat
ter place and. hl home. Xo. 187" East
81st street. --.t i;:--,
A Detltlon has been filed at tba citv
hail asking for the -construction -of a
sewer in id street southeast from 170
feet south Of 29th avenue southwest to
the proposed. . extension of the north
branch at . the . Rhine. ; street trunk
A MUtlofi is to be HfesentAd to the
city council at r it meeting next
Wednesday asking for the vacation of
All Uat portion of Kast JSverett street
which lies between the east line of
East Wth and the West line .of Kast
17th street, except 10 feet at the' inter
section of East ltth . street. ' Thf. Is
asked for by W. Ei.. Watson and others.
uity -rreasurer jLaams today issued
call for the presentation for redeniD
tion of Portland Improvement bonds
numbered consecutively from 30373 to
8044 i. Inclusive, and tor St. Johns imv
provement bonds numbered from ''J
State of Oregon
Leads in Sending
Students to College
ne , state or uregon sends ; more
students to collegs in proportion to Hs
population than any other state th iha
Union,1 declared W. J. Kerr, president
Of th Oregon Agricultural college, to
day in discussing American Education
week. "With the exception of Cali-
forla, thd State of Oregqp: educates
more of these students in the blither
institution within Br. own- borders
ihn 2t-r titfef .state lft,;eie Jniori.1
vTBese strikih fActi At, brought twt,
President; Kerf explains, ia 'a f scent
report ol Df, George F. zonk, specialist
In higher education of the tJnited
States Jbureau of education who make
a survey if the higher educational ln
stutions'lbf Oregon along with, those
of. the rest of the tates,'? ... . i-
. on, out or every 112 persons, in the
St&te Attended a college- or, university
laat.ysar, according -tp Dft. .Zook's re-
IPoftlaiid's Paving v
Plantj inspected by
: 'Tacoma Officials
'Portland ha T Most Valuable asset
in its municipal paving plant, and Ta-
cpma wUl profit by the experience here
In it management." ;
-This was- the declaration of o. w.
Burrows, commissioner of public works
of Tacoma.' today, after be. and 11. J.
Hoffman. Washington stat examiner,
and 3 SL Roberts, City controller of
Tacoma had spent . aT day in studying
the municipal paving plant ? ana its
methods of cost accounting, etc i Th
statement of .Burrows was aco.uiec
in by the other two visitors. .
Tbev also highly commendedL the per
sonnel of the city departmenu of Port
land witn whtcb they cam in contact..
"We have found most noticeable
spirit Of cooperation ber. said the
visitors, rano louna every city employe
we have met desirous of. giving us
every possible ' aid. ' It seems to u
you have a very happy family In the
city hall employes.'? ; . v. . .
MCJfiClPAi. cownnttT datk
Because bi the usa of The Auditorium
all this Week And until late Saturday
night byuthe Shrine circus, Hal M.
White, "manager Of The Auditorium.
announoed today that , it will b - Im
possible to get the place cleared up in
ttm for the-regular Sunday afternoon
concert, and ' this will have to be
omitted next Sunday. The next munic
tpal concert Will be held on the after
noon of. December 17. T,
cusslons Pranea ha taken a concilia
tory attitude. M. Barrere'has asked
tfie Russians and Turk to find A way
acceptaU to all. . - -
rrSETS TH1XGS ',' -
Wednesday session seen) to have
split the Turk from the ftueaiana, for
Ismet Pasha and JUord Ourxon had a
long conversation, - resulting In the
Turks stating that the Curson proposJ-
tton would serve as a basis tor con
tinuing the discuaBion. - .
M. Tchitcherin seems to be trying to
throw a bolt in the conference msvehin
ery, for every time he speaks he utters
a stronger threat. Now ne says, "Wait
until tomorrow and I will say aome
thing. llefor M. Tchitcherni cams to
Lausanne the other delegates moved tn
an atmosphere of peace and gentleness.
It " was only the calm before tfle
storm. The first thing' be did w&s to
threaten abnormat ' condition ' If the
Russians war kept apart from the en
ure cofif erence. At tn first session on
the strait question he acted in a can
tankerous manner And accused the in
viting . powers : of withholding : their
plan. . i , . i - t - v
CodtiiiUef Ptosi Plj One)
enough to have he capital and Wealth!
est City with ls schools .and arsenals
on the -highway to the Black sea. . For
centuries Great Britain And Russia
have Btruggled to control the highway,
thus endangering Constantinople and
threatening Turkey's existence. Today
Turfcey I running the same danger
of being crushed between, .tn two
rivals. - ' ' :. 'f rrpE pi,Air. .- - ! i
W do not want Russia or Great
Britain to control the straits, W wall t
a regime which will guarantee Turklfth
integrity and permit commerce. v?
think that fortification of the str alt
wfll -be 4h surest way. but it ith
powers guarantee tha Inviolability ,? of
the strait and If Aid wiU coin prompt
hffto orotect Lth tralts-tha .we are
willing to adopt dcmllltarla Uon WOUld
tha -United State end a , neat to pro
tect' the straits and dnstantinopla If
another power attacksf .Friday,
shall offer our plan, but Wfc at afs
the Ufilted States is against us," 1
f Foreign dommisssi Tchitcherm , Ad
much-less to say regarding Ambassa
rii rrhHd's statement. - . .
v "The declaration h "saJdViYqulri
explanation. X am disposed to. exelftdS
Warships from all international watrSvf
It is true thAt warships can pureue
pacifie Aims but since no guaranty fan
be given that a fleet Will not b de
voted to war purpose on must beilev
that Mr. Child means only to permit
warships to enter the Black BeA singly
juet a the American relief adtninls
tration men cam to Russia." '
lAter M. Tehitcherin said that Lord
Curson ' plan was inacceptable to
Sla. but that She IS prepared to discuss
other propositions. Throughout the din
Multnomah Group
To Legislature Is
b Called for Meeting
-iTfle Jdultnomah delegations' of the
senate and house win be. c&licd to xneet
ir cgaiuiwuaii -as jne. vnuiw? oi
Commerce i next. Monday AVenirtg by
Representative K.' jv.' Kdb! ST chairman
6f! thA joint dftlsgatioh At 4hA test ses
sion. Chairman Kubli will notify the
senators- and representative - compos-
inerj the : deleaauon . of the. time and
place of the meeting andvit. on Mon-,
day evening, :will Clcr Chairman;;
And secretary tor -the coming session.
and determine 'Whether it desire o
hold Informal hearings oft prospective
legislation prior to the convention of
the legislature. ' -
Inasmuch ad the chairmanship Was
Held by a house member last time. It is
expected, provided the custom be fol
lowed, that A member of the senate
delegation . will be given the position
at this tune.
Peter B. Kyne to 3
Be One of Speakers
, At Club Banquet
At the first banquet to-be given by
th Portland Lumbermen' eiub next
Monday night in the Crystal room of
the eBftsoh hotel, 'Peter B. Kyne; f
mon author, Wfll b on of the speak
er. Mr. Kyn ts coming to Portland
expressly in response to an urgent in
vitation of the -club. It bo t&ppened
that Attce upon a time Itr, Kyne was a
Columbia River district lumberman,
having - been in th employ 4f the
Bridal 'eil - Lumbering company prior
to budding as an author. Other speak
er will be aJck iMonne. publisher of
th Oulf 5ost LiUmberraan of Hous
ton. . Texas, and ; jr."; Russell. ;. whole
sale lumberman of Sn Francisco, for
merly of portiAnd. i F W RObbin f
the t A Menefee iLumber eompapy,
has been7 appointed toastmaster. t In
vitations are now being mailed- - -
An opium party at No. 15S Korth
14th street wa broken up and seven
persons, three of whom were negroes,
were arrested-by the police In a raid
early today. U. G. Smith, a : negro.
was charged with maintaining fc nar
is bet" for children' coughs and
cold. SIO as first-prize wiU be
given for best answers why - thjs
cough syrup' i superior.- Contest
alostta Dasu 22. t v . r ?-r
r sfltoMAA XXetef Parmaey"''''-;
45 third Multnomah Hotel
V ii
Woman, Auto Driver
funk, Police Say
or the first .ilme in-the memory of
police off kiala .and court7 attaches at
headquarters, a woman has been ar--.
rested on -a charge f driving .While-
tn toxica tedV. Mrs, William Uregor, No
161 fcast - 12th street north, wa ar
rested early today en Union avennd
dciving t :wIl automobile. Officer:
Oeil, - wha . made th arrest, reported:
She had been driving the madhlna with
the throttle annarentlv onened to tha
limit te was released later on ball
of 1100. ;
"Salesmanship , Methods for Realty
Brokers" is the subject of the address
which J. Legie RlcllardsoTi, .vice 6resl4
dent of the PortiAnd Realty board, Will
deliver FHday noon at the semi
monthly! luncheon of th Women'
Realty board in the Oregon drill.
I-3EY,- m
1 - w
, i
v-- tips.
-it S
. , ....... . . W-
,u"- S " "V -' ; --t .-J
: -i .f- , : "v,,. ,
' - - -A
.. W ...5 J.
. g- , l t't'l
$35 v- $40 .S:,l$45
These "are??heayywefeht'' values in two ways
thh coats drethe bi; impressive sort that fit in
this period of theyear. That's one thincr: then
'.they're .heavyweight" from a value point ac,
- Jlt-. A Z . -.I ill:-- Jl : t-f-vTi'.. -.::. v-vi .";,
, coramg- io aouarsana cenxs., ;j?me warm au-
vool: fabrics ithaf' look well and wear well,
.There" is tvlot to be had here't any of thgse
three low prices, r
. . lntcrwoycn Hose
for Gifts ;
' A widafangQ of styles in lisle, silk,
v silk and tvrolrYand clocked , Bilk.
. liuy theni by the box or pair. ;
v rnced irom - -. , -
New Fashionlchit Ties
: Just Arrived
Jn stock now for early -Christmar'
'shoppers in 15 .smart new patterns"
and in:frbm 6 to, 10 colors. to each"
pattern,-. t u .-.' :
$2.50 to $3.50
n,rTScnAmiERr"t? aix qotiies 02.
280 141
cotic nuisance and with possession of
the drug. He is said to be the ring
leader. Cary Galloway, : negro, was
charged with aasisting' to maintain a
nuisance. . - -
Dental Association' -
Of .Oregon fleets
' In Annual Session
A few year ag th wool tendency
wa to pull out th bad teeth now th
pendulum lias swung to the pthef ex
treme and the whole tendency is to
fill th bad teeth Wherever possible.
according to Dr.1 John K. 3uriey. di
reAor bt the department of children's
dentistry. Pacific Jental college, who
addressed, the Oregon Stat IMntal as
sociation when that body assembled
In the green room of the Chamber of
Commerce this morning for it annual
convention. -. - " -
At noon 124 dentists had registered.
Dentists, Inc. 1
V Written G vara tee WitA All Work
.Vu4BAirTl!1r FtATEt
, - AS-LOW AS 1M
Oar Fafar. Fiat the lightest
'and strongest rubber Plate that was
Y ever produced is in m clafes by It-
seit. Ha ureiyae carved gums
and is constructed out of Our
famous. Feather Rubber. . ,
roreelsm Crews.... 3.BO to 05
t8K Oold Crowss.. .03.50 to 5
Ca-X ttold Brldve.. . .H3.50 to S5
Come to dur office and prove to
your own satlsfacuon. the results
you will bave at one-lfalf
other dentist enarge.
231J4 Morrison, Cor. 2nd
took for tn Big rule siga
s Br. Whetstone, Mgr
Portlasd, Ore. ageae. Ore.
th price
representing virtually every commu
nity of importance. . ,
Dr. Ourley spoke after a short' ad
dress of welcome by Dr. Clyde Mount
of Oregon City, president. - -v.
To Pay Informants v
z In Dry Law : Cases
Informants, for federal prohibition
agent will hereafter get mora than, a
mer ."thank . yon, . provided tha de
fendant 1 convicted and fined, ac
cording to Information ' given out by
Dr. Joseph A. Linville. federal prohi-
bltlQ!! director for Oregron. Accc-r .r-s
to . Linvillrt n1 bin v !cral (iv;.-i r. e
Franlt Alitchell. liquor '. pxosecuUora
will s hereafter be brought under the
tariff law" as well as the Volstead act.
thus permitting the court to give tha'
informant ber cent of the fines col
lected. - , 1
i t li, I JL.
Washington. Dee. 7.I. N. S.)
rorm vIaj-tif James Couens 6f.Be-
troiteei jth"eoith of offtoe as United
State aenAts this afternoon. He iuc-
ceeded to the eat vacated by the res
ignation of former Senator Truman
H. Newberry.- Republican at Michi
gan. .
Who's your Stoker?
-: At present jras ratesr bills for 5 homes heated
by 8-Section GASCO Furnaces would run for the
entire past season t
$113.06 ft 100i E. Wiuh-n 1st.
$110.53 far 581 Wtahlntton St. "
$1 183 for 587 East ' itd fiu ..
? $10370 for hom At Roekspur . .
. $124.61 for 11M EAAt DAyUSu; ' ; :
Theit loeatlont were Ukea from tho book at random.
Cheap enough, isn't it? ' ' . L -
Why be your own Stoker? . f
' Let Hi figure lor you,5" N bH4Ationa, . - T V
- Portland Gas & Coke Co
r -1' . ...... .
Bmmmmmmm!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmme I . . : ........ . ....... ... (" m
',7" ' ' - - - - - -:
m m aMTfc JM.ifA 1tf V-Mskba a aft - 1 ' i rV-... ' - - J
sac lee J.. - .-r - 4' ' - - 'I i
HannmiSM delirhttnliv IK Mr
ftjrslsbtor. All Uuane see beata!nl sad
Z-Atacnatk Rorol EJactbr
iaaet M liisrrs far M s
A ldl alae lot
SUaUriHwiMs -iei
lTtM Cssitiol Lj -
sassfMitl r atwKg cossaoL.
C 11 UJt.jJ ft llllSSH -
wtoich tives -asturat ecacy't
- ., u c street. to
. vreaer lie
OStniAk TM
which ellowe the
laily d anisWf wiJmpseed by jaasts
r ' - - ' and rtticttassii Irsa the tue - they- are
ticMt J th mm tul they essesg
khth ssss tree ad
8ta as destga
f M
8 DUpUytlobw
Brake '(to stse rcf) pt rates in 4
rare est.- iessis
Sasy t U r d..
Is SiSMt types. US
wecai iiininasi
10 V Ham 5 Ab.f tis Stay ,
clM ssete.wttlMSt U.
as tsishsd playiag.
- s'WVVeNstM
.... . ....-,..:..,... .... ,. - - u . '
, A HOltE wttiOUt trresic of tome kind is a pretty f Citni tsrl t!?
XtL place thessjdc peppy foa-trot of new
And what li patody on home, borne is, without
. the big joyooa, happy time of the year, when ifs as easy to btan oc-
ring or whistle as It to thick, v So thia year instead cf wcmclerifi;
"What will I give them for Oariatmaa? just'aay to yotrrself, Til civs
v 'm a year-round gift aa t21ftzx eacrte of fqmrMna gad hapfingna a
Columbia Grafoaola. " ' . ..I- , v -a , :
First Buy a Columbia for the educational value of music in the .
horae" Palpable to the youngsters and to the older folks ..y
Second Bay a Columbia for the purity of ita voice, its .perfection
of rfmxhictioa, its decoratxrt beauty. Buy ir because it has ten re-
4 -.markable points of twrperioffty that put it at the tap of the list of
worth vjhilo phonographs made to-day. ' j- - '',";. :; , ,
'" You can't begin to estimate the joy and happiness a, Columbia will
give your folks every day in the year. You won't hesitate when we
tell ycn CohtmbU Prices Hire Hit Bottom, i - v ; -s
: See the Columbia Dealer In your vicinity to-day and get the facts---'
prices and termayou'll be surprised and pleased at the opportunity .
he. will offer you to own the most improved phonograph at a cost you
auBaga?a ' iliiwiMTi ff:'' j
:S4 E. H. Bottemiller " - Remick Song anid Gift v McCk)rmick Music Co.
751 Thurman 4t Twenry-third V Shop' ' - , 429"31 JYSn?!1
f Broadway 780 - w 324 Yahington Broadway 1750 ! .V
' " ' ' " v Broadway 72S9 -'- ' " i '"
Bush & Lane Piano Co. Hpn - r-y; Hyatt Talking Machine
musical instruments" .f? wE,ons - Company ,
Schwan Piano Company . ' . Vern L. Wehger V
101 Tenth at Vasir.-ton and tark J 241 Aider, Half Ctcc!i fieri Tl.'rJ