If go: DAILY CUTTING . OF GOVERNMENT; EXPENSES;: CREATES EXCELLENT BUYING IN LIBERTX SECURITIES ' ' m- at. WaU Street. New Ts. Ic. -Tta tbrea etosf incidanta i lb financial attuation tods tbe eaBtianed atrengtn J- ." ""T ..... neat kand. ttx tur- -...,, . ., ,.,. yvW Umt rise of starling es- 'f cba.vzK mm) the aotsbie remarks of tb Sterw- jftary of taa Treasury on itbe bestaess sad fineo trial na&m of Ow oat report to ' ?cowitr ! ' 1hia an j Loongreas. . ' .' In -put. we . saging 4 of liberties w doebt was tie January ren -V aJ vestraeat demand is its nor tarsal n louawau the praideat revenne on jaoaaav letting forth tbe w I d action ia government I r inandJ turea and - fore- lahadowtna- a sarplus , - - during tba Bast fiscal -'rar. i"' The aignifjoenca ot thia of eoores that bajfand taa finaneiDg aamrlowed today by tfca treasury baad to tab earn of autaring oeLigaUaaa there wiH be ao aaad af any future goveraaaent loam, -, tWlInt Faroe U ' Beaching t.6X at oa Urn today, for the firs time la nearly four years, sterling eom- Mated a riom et -nearly aaaaa cants within a -malt aad f nearly 20 cents from tba low ot ' isuffln.' This upward aanwM ia anita the memt iirakiBaad of idi sine tba remarkable ! advance la tba carta Dart of tbe year. It ahem that with tba passing of to season of hravv atanle tbimBenta and with no prearare as :" from c 3 ri.o ration for the nest interest . installment oa tba American war debt tba . starling market ia responding readily ta the influences which sro losuaOly carrying it back to the. pre-war footing. - Trade . vWvleer - Pleases - ,' Watt ' Street couid scarcely attach ranch uwtiMl immrtaiMe to Heeretarr Melloa'i tux- eetkn that sur-taxee be raduoed to a maxi mum of act oaer 85 per oent, beeanao tbia will be tar tba dew eoncreae to detarmina and ia tba new aoacress tba raideal element op. wu4 4n an uirh action- will hare the baianre nf the cower. Bat eaeoaraBenwnt was to be - faant in-tbe secretary's review of the present bnainem pesitioa, in which be emphasiaed the me in laTetttorfeai tbe iDcraaaa la the- Tohime rf tnda and tba. fall employment of labor. tlu in Bbniiu eontnat to hvatericsl predii tions resairdinf the European aitnatioa be refer to the waste of war beinf repaired and siem of procrssa in economic restoration hating appeared abroad.- ' ataaaaea. aanda Market Us - Tlie stock - market went np after the pubUk iif tha . bumk. whereas . oreionl it had bean difpoaad to r. Frofraaional traders at the oatset of the day renewed their effort to feroe a deeUae. They met wtu aome tern - orary soceeas among the railroad stocks which - were more' or" less united by the prospect of nnlimntila aetion of the Oreat Northern diri- ' dend and the eonaeqaent weakness ia this and ether of the Northwest railway shares, but in tba end operations for lower prices failed to -make any headway,, and in the subeeoaent re eoeery a good part of the industrial lists mora . than retained tea -early loss. - Motor tores were the traders in the alter- ' noon Studebaker, Hupp, Moon, Chandler and .: tierca Arrow. Tbe profession ?iew of this movement was that it was getting ready for 1 tba traditional demonstration preeeding the ' ?ew Tear with its annual automobile show and Its inrueh of new orders. Market Look OwarieM Tba stock market for the tint three hoars -; had- been the dullest sad stnpidest the Wail ; street people had seen in moo tha. . Tbe abrupt change into a lirely buying movement which characterised . the hist two hoars was to be . explained simply on one ground and that was an oversold condition within the market itself. for days the professionals had been' pounding . away trying to get -prices down. They - had - been able to give tbe list at times an appear : arte of heaeineas and even weaknees. bat it 'was only, an appearance. What really hap pened was that no hqmdaMon was brought oat - and that the ahort interest waa increased ao - that it bad reached nncomiortabia dlmen stone, r . , J karu San, to Cover "Tha result was. as it always is. under such ' ctmimfttaacaa. that when short seUers awoke U the truth that they wees going to. find dif ' fieultysla edvening their eommitments at high er prieea they started t bid for stocks with : considerable argeney. - The rise began with . the motors but quickly spread to other diree tions. i . : Tbe Psn-amerVan rose violently. Wall By George T. Huahea - " WaU Street. 'w Tech. Iae- ,- Heavy selling of St. Paul issaea featared the bond market today. . Not only tba mora tpaeiua tiv bat the underlying bonds of this road in supply. The gwnerai asongage e Ted by first Hew on the system exeep tba Paget Sonnl extension : were preesed for sale at a loaa of a point sad a half. Tbe con vertible 6s. tbe- eoovertibio 4s. toe as at 1925 sad the debeaton 4s aH auffered laeasa, The source of this aliing couia not 6 Jeerned nor neither eras there any reason ap parent ia the ant, - la some auartera it-waa believed that- the preeaes was tee ia sing ,oi knees f or income tax purpoeea. j" i-,.. Bonds of both tbe Seaboard Airline ana toe St. Louis Baa Francisco company were also weak and lower. . , ; ' SesaaaMI Airline ts dropped to a. Tbe St it S. F. aid. went below 74 and the income sold down to 6ov Kna prior ilea 4s slao lost fractionally. . High exade raibroad aonda ware latriy acave and firm. Examples were Kr Tork Central 6s. ' Burhsgtoa bs and -. Northern - Pacific gs. Oa the other hand Norfolk at Western eosv. 6, bowvven. tost a point. '. Kansas City Term. one or tha nest or trie terminal nonoa. wans up poipt.. lireat nortaera . o i uu b. at tt. eonv. ba abw made gains. Among uUIiUes. Public bemee of W. - I- 3s went down and Hudsoa m Man. adi went an. Interboro Ss were firm. The statement of President Hedley showing the earnings pos sible under . the readjuatmeat . plan -waa very encouraging. If the plan bad been ia effect far the fiical year ending June 80 hut. inter est on tbe Interboreugb ba and 7e sad the Ht-i,f.. 4a would have - beea earned with balance left over 4.000,O0tf. There was no very great c Us age among in dustrial. " . ' ' - - Among to ibTOifu Donas u anton vurgen G were the feature. Tbey went sbove 78. Liberty were steady sad higher. Nw York. Dee. '. Following ia as official list of bonds traded ia on the New York stock Exchanae today, with Drier up to and includ ing tbe dote of the market. -Total sales today were ell.B4S.uoo, against io.o.oo-yesterday, 10,95 1.000 a week ago. 18,868.000 year ago and gig.BBjs.uuu two year ago. From January 1 to data S.086.OS.OOO. against $3,079,463,000 a year ago,, and V blZ.DOl.uov two years ago. , ... LIBERTY BONDS r LV $1000 1 High. Low. Close! street. raeeiQag intimation recently made of a Urge extra cash dividend oa , Vexican Pe- traieam." Stocks like Betbtehem Steet and Cru eibie -Steel which bad seemed to be so sea attive ea previous days to speculative pressure, regained in half. an hour what it bad taken - a week to lose, : Even the raUa come back raadihf.'''. : . n . It wag a lively afternoon aanubu on the stock exchange -today. - Active buying ia tha last hour and a half representing in a large mea ; sure the bidding for stocks by . an uneasy short interest brought about a rapM ad- vaaoa. i Tbia advance waa still in progi as the market dosed. Final pncea were near their best. : - Mlalac GtbMir Emtilar Baker, JDac. . The Delaware Mining company ia completing: a fine bunk house, barn - and la also rushing wrork on tha boiler nouse. compressor and blacksmith shop. According: to word from there the sawmill-is runntna; full capacity in order to keep up with the material needed. - The mining; property is oniy a xew nuies irom jjaker. Y Timers TJatea Had In gaokaa Soekana. wash. J Dec. TL R ,mH tbe energetic Georgian who ia president of the nauonu earmera uuoa, naa readied Spo kane from the East, and for tha next two wees vrut go, about toe -Northwest, eonsider abia of ha time beina aivaa to an inmtin. tion of the Columbia basin project. He a for the prelect, that muca be aam mat sight. As to which method -is best for applying water to caa ana isans wunia tna asin. that ig matter to ha decided, in hia opinioa. : National City Recommendations A catalogue of careful ly selected BONDS for, your December funds Telephone or write oar near est office for your copy . The National City -v Company 7 i . OrtleM la aior than u cIUm ' - Yeoa BtindiBforUjBfl .v Telephone 6072 Mats W WA . w-A tO. aywaa6 VUi TTf ssoxxss 1 s r- - stccxs, c::::s, CXSZCZ JPXUT4TS XTULZt LcTsin z Bryan NEW YORIC BOND TRANSACTIONS! Eeported- by Tha Journal's wall Street Bureau . Salea. !' $1000 i High. Low. t Ckoa. Sale 456 Ub las ' 2-4 7 1 'Lib S H rg '3 2- 7 4Ub jst4tts'Sa47 2jLib 1st 4 K s rag "a-4i ...... 1 Lib Zd 4M '8a 47 .-. 902 .Lib 2d 4 Ha f "Z7-4SC ....... S4S!Ub 3d 4 a-'28 2ILib Sd 4Hs rg '28 ei8!Lib 4th 414 '38 8.Ub 4th 4 Ha regi I ' 193 TVs 4Ke, '23 Vie 44a -22. . . . 17 Vie 4As reg 23. a: Vic 4Aa reg '22 a n a a, rn,n "r. 099iU S of A 4Hsf J '47-ba ..... - FOREIGN 23Argeatiae Ts '27.' SSjBelgiom 7 Hi '45 8 do 8s 41..'.f - 24 do s. '28 18Bergea 8s '45. . . zb Berne as a . . 100401 10020' 84 836 930 816 0874 9844 800 828 10080 10000 10004 88 10212 10082 10020 896 816 9301 708 985 0842 8832 10032 10020 860 816 8980 816 870 0844 802 824 9828 88 '27 28 81 6 8 10 12 47 Bolivia 8s '4T Bordeaux as '34 BnuU 8s '41... do 7 Ha rcU'52 . do isrge rcts'52 Chile 8s '28... Chile 8a '41... do t '... Chin GvRyS 'SI 16iChrlUania 8a 48 4tCopen-a H ' 14Juba4a '49. 14 Csecboalv 8s cfBl ft, Dan Man 8s A'46 0! do 8s B 38. .. . 18 Denmark 8a '48. 10 do cfs 6s '42.. 84iTeptSeineTs tc'42! 8iDmCasa Ha ots'29 20 do bs '28. 80 do 8a '82. i do 8s '31. 19ID I reta be 47 40 do rets s '02. 63 French 7Ha 41. 108 do 8a '48 .... 826 Haiti 6s '62. . . 1 Italy 6 Ha A '45 48 Jap star In 4s '8l 6 Lyons s '84 It iMaraeiUes 6e '84 . 38 Mexico 0 45.. 2 do 4s 84 . .. . 4 Montevideo Ts '52 174 Neth reu s '62. 2 Norway 8s '40 30 ' do s ctfs '62 . . ePragueTHs cfs'82 8 Q'siand 6s efs '47 1 Rio Gr de S 8s46 8 Bio de J 8a '44.. 7 do 8a cfs .'47. . . 7 S Pan City 6s '52 ' do itate 8s '36.. 1 Soissong 6a '36 . . 1 Sweden 6s '89 . . , Swim 8s 40 . . . 1 Tokio 5s '62 . . . 88 U K BHt '29. . . 10 do 5Hs "37 l;Cruguay 8 46. SZnrich M '45. 9980 BONDS 100 H 100 H 100H 5 H 108H 110H 98 H 77 98 H an 93 H 101 H 103 H OH 108 H OH 84 87H 108 108 110 98 H 66 101H 99 H 99 , 100 '- 4H 93 H 4H 8H 9H 98 H 81 H 78 T7H 49H 83 OH 99 110 100 72 101 H 98 H 97 H 97 H 98 H 8H 104 117H 60 111 104 H 112 10024 10000 10O04 88 10212 9972 10030 10000 10004 988 10212 972 100HI100H 99 100 95 108 H 110H 95 H 77 98 H 3 08 H 101 H 103 H H SO 108 84 87 10TH 107 H 109H 98H 85 101 99 H 98H 9H 4' 3 93 H 7H 6 3H 80 H 77. TTH 49 35 OH 8H no 9 72 101 98 H 08 8 II 104 117 69 H 111H 102 A 104 H 112 100 100 6H 108 H 110H 83 77 H 98 H 93 H 93 H 1101 H 193 99 H S0H 108 H 90 : 84 87 H 108 107 110 ; 98 H 86 H 101 H 99 H 99 99 H 94 H 98 H 4 8H 6 S3 H 81 H 77 H ITS 4H 35 SA 110 100 ,T2f 98H 6H 7H 98 8 7TH 104 11TH 9H 111H 102 104 H 112 NEW YORK CITT nrtvrva 10IN I O 8Ha N'84( 89HI 8BHI 8H MISOTLLASEOrS AND INDUSTRIAL BIAE eel tc 4s '5'47 llAiax Rub 8s '88 2AAC 7 Ha '41. . 8 AS 1st 6a '47. . 18 20 1 16 1 88 16 : 5 28 10 3 2 18 AS 6a 'ST (ATT evt 6 '25. . do ooi tr 6a '46. do evt 4s '36. . do col 4s '29. . AWW 6 '34.. . . AJUM et 6s r '47 Ar m Co 4Hs39 AR deb Ss 'ST. .. Bell of Pa Ts '45 B 8 let axt 5 '28 do ref 5a '42. . do P M 6s '36 do 6s '48..... BHS 6 Ha '43 wi 8B hi 7S ser 1 40 71 do 5s '40. ... . 10!Bk Ua G 5s '454 lltat U at K 5s '37 lJaa 88 U-Ta '42 21ICn Le gea be '25 C D P evt 8a '31 100Chile O evt 7s 23 66) do eot tr 6s '32 HCot Ind 6s '34. .1 . 24 C GaVB 6a at '27 SlOom'w P 6a 47 liO As B THa '37 - 60-Tab Roe 6a '41 T0 Coal bid 6a 50 ; 1 jCuasum Po 6a 52 , 8 cm r s r i '14 . HO Ck- V 8 a 4210S iSKJUba O 8 evt debt : -1 "7s.. O v. 26 Cuba fl ifiagar stl I sta -so .. lrr Ts '42 I Det C Gee 6a '23 80 . 6 102 93 102 H 116 98 87 1 84 T f 80 99 108 9 94 H 3 98H 5 107 98 H 5 5H 4 - 8 128 112 98 H TTH 8 80 99 H T 88H 2H 99 H 86 0 8 100 H ,8Det Ed rf r 40 102 i OO Ttg OS '40. If do rfg 6s 'Ba 4 .Diamond Mtoh dbi 7Hs '86 Distillers Beg erti : St -2T. . i . , Donnr St rf Ts'42 iDupcmtDeN THa3t167 laejues UP 6'4t!103 H I 95 H t ma 107 4 89 T DmLAP T Vfca-ag ., i Saatara Cuba Sgr f IMS 'if '... SOiEmp Gar Hj i" I Cfs -37 ...... 2 Fink Rub Co8s'41 ' lOiFram I Ddb THaj I ' '42 . 1 . 25 Ftaneiseo Sg 7 s t efs 4Z. ...... 2jGenl Fdee deb 6s. ...( '40 1 do deb 6s -92.. 14!Goodrieh 1st H Goodyear I 8s 41 107 H 5 SH 105 101 H 105 101 101-115 3 80 96 : 102 92 H 101 114 87 87 84 78 89 99 107 99 94 H 8 8 4 107 9 3 95 4-:-. 98 H 127 111 95 TTH 5 89 H 99 H 9H 88 2H 9H ies 33 68 7 I100H 102 5 99 14)7 46 107 108 iwj H 4 do 8a 11 a!Gt Falla Pnarap aai 4 lO'Henhy Cbs 6a'48 98 30 i Hoi AL a re '471 88 H V17H O 4VRd5HaS2 97 SOInd Bteel 5a.62fl01 8 Intl Pa 6a A '47 87 Of UO OS K -4T.,j T -.12,lnU M USr3s'41 90 .Ket Bp T 8s '31 106 tatck Steel 60-33.1 B oo as . lea . 1 Lehigh V G as'SSilOTH 2;Mar V Tbtril. !! SS Mex. PeC8a '36.107 131;Midvala8tevt6s'3 6 3,M Powlst6a'43.. T 3 MorrKkOo 4Ha89 8T 10, Nat oama 5a.. 97 l;.Vat Tube ss 52. 100 , 24..M S T a T 1K - 8A -52 1 99 ltXTAirKkeCT 6s 2. 191 4 tl-S T IA Co reft i f 6Hs '41 1IU1 f!SIHB LH API 1 : 1 Stauhrp 6a'47 Ti T 19 STTelueb 6s "4 .1106 l6 do gen 4 H '39 . . 94 H i 94 all ref '41 . . .JlO J H ilOS 8 3 105 68 161 les-V ix l'er ' 114 ss 8 B0 7H 10H 86 H 86 89 H 106 9 10H 107 101 106 89 8T T- 100 98 H 101 80. 6 102 92 102 H 115 7 8T 91 84 78 89 99 108 99 4 93 8 4 107 96 H 5 5 9 98 127H 112 96 TTH 95 69 99H 96 88 H 92 H 193 86 89 98 100 192 S 107 46b 88 107 103 5 SH 106 8 101 .ww ... 101 101 114 88 98 88 H ITS 101 86 87 89 H 106 99 100 10TH 101 197 89 8T 100 SH il , itlOH "7 106 94 lv.H 4j.lag Fls P 6a '32102 fl02 " Jj'AmKd 6a ret '52 " 1t Norte tf lat 6s '41 sVTiNorBeuTel Ts -41il7 lOtOntLAP a 4S.- 94 , PacOAEU ea '2. 92 SPaerXatT 6a 'ST. . 9T -. 16) do ref 6a '52. . . 91 ltPAmFeYT Ts '30. 102 ilFhUJo ref oa '34.rivu 14;Pieros Oil 8 '31.1 97 93 93 91t 91H 17 94 91 97 H 91 102 H 9 96 9IPSXJ 5a '59.. f 85 Hi 85' l.PAS et deb 7a '371107 187 4 FAR as 31,...-ll08Hl7H 3;KiiI 7s -?...,. 8Hf 93 3jS A V 7 '42...ilOOilO t CO S H i VbHI H 33f do Ts ST...,.aolH 33I8PL S cf "41 .4 89 4 SSM OS '41. t llsI'RS Ts 41i.. I18BTT 8s 41... 1 H(rE OV OS ,SM 6a '30. l.oOC deb Te-'Sl. . 6!TC'A- 79 '61... .1100 OfSEU Ta t 97 H 10ITUO 6HS '81...il8 a:T tat 7a '41. . .HOT liTP 7a 31... ; ..tlv3 I7RP 6a efa '42. .1 98 2 Union Else 5s 3( 93 t 9 99 - 6 28.-4 99 H wa K at -.19 89 H 8 99 94l 99HI vHH 96l.HtH 100 HI101 10ttir 102 tl2 loaHil id tlVSHIISo t 7j;i7 3 ;.7Uni Drug 8a '31 . 112 112 Jl'.lH . 7 (Jif.uu oa oo. 1 e t Kll-BM. Sa '42 . . . ; . il H ilW it I ll 8 Rub 7Ha 01108HilVH!, 8H 18 do 6s '47 1 be Hi 81H 8 . MOirSSmitRAllOa-attjlOa jlol )f 2 ia 63. 1 , 5s 'Sit 1 THtAl 8lt-38t s X 6a '63 .(108 llOSJt 21 UtahP aliti 1 t I aw ts 12 do 5s '4... i '.I 87 Hi 87 H . 4 Va CsrCh f 24t 5t.H 12 Va C, H ev t warm '37 1 5 j 4 f d ear A "87. .f 95 94 10 Wash W P 6a '89( 97 r 97j 7 81W eg ref 7s '41jl02 il02 H 2 liW Pa P BS -58.. t t "a f o 1 do 7s '68 .,.,.ll08H,108ilH 8,W V col 6s 8.i 97 97 Hi 1.1 i:w V Ha-'31..4llO .fil- ill?: 8Wath EI 7s '81.107HJ107. ilI 12 !7H ,5H is 1 .Win & A 7 He 411101 H , 2iWk Bp 8U Ta.'35 94 9Wil C 1st 6s '41100H lot do en 6s '26.. r 95 191 do,7Hs 'SI... 104 RAILROAD BONDS SIAUegbey V -4 '96 t; 43ATmSF gea 4s'5l B9 It do adi 4a '95 . . 82 1 A C AL 6s B'44t 99 14A 0 L 4Hs '64 4 8H 4A C.L, L S coli - tvj 4t '52..t,1.81H 43lB O 6a '20.:.100 681 do evt a HS SB e ih lOlHjlUlH 94.H) 94 100 100H 4i 96 108 1103 PROFITVlDEtllilG ' lit TRADE LlliES 1H 93 78 xoi do aold 4a 4 18 do p la 25 61 do 4a P L B V I W V div 41. Ill do 8Hs 8'vm dir - I "25 ootn ft T .7. '21 15 do Ts tr co ef -1 1 '21 ........) a R ITn X3 lat 5'20i liBuah Term con 5aj '53 ....... 4 Can 8ou 6s '62 HiCsa Nor 7s -40 . lat a (tab 6 Ha '40 lOiCaa I Pac 4s perp) 7H ilCaro CI ek O baj 1 I 88 . ... . i . -. I Mb 3810 Ry Bras Ts '52 7 1H 1 89 89 H 1 88 82 88 H 81 100 80 81 93 1 89 ' 82 99 -88 81H 100 . 80 : 1 93 ,78 7H 91h'1H 0 i o 8 f I 89 80 Ht 89 H 87 r 87 I 87 9 f jT0 7 111 r.2 98 H 112 112 4 C of Ga My as '2910 H C P 1st ret s ;i aiCea MR NJ 6s "87110,0 H r ItO as O rig 6s .'201 97 42 do crt '46... I 33 do gent 4 He '92 83 a2 do evt 4 Ha '80i 89 .'lltO.es. A rfg a "49 52 18r do 8 Ha '60. S5 H ' llC B Q gea 4a '68 87 H 29C B t ref 6a71 99 61 do 8HJdiv'49. 81H 2 do is 49..-l 81 H ltC at K 1st 6 -b2J 6 85C U-W 4s '59. 1 51 UO M St P 4s'89 71 64! do 4Hs '89... 82 62, do 8 Ha '89. . . 3 233 do- evt 4 Ha '82 07 ' I do Tfg4 HaA2014 2 20 docrt 5s U2014) 70 311 do 4s 25.i . . . 77 H , 201 do deb 4s '34. .1 69 ( do V ek M R dw.j 1 - 1st ba '25. . . . 1 97 ' 5 1C lift lst4s'4 7 i 10 N W 7i '30..I108H It do A- m 4s '87 83 3fC S W C SHf87 IT lSiCbl By Co 6a '271 81 163iC R 1 rtg4a,84.. 88 (U T H 8. q I - am as ou.i oa !ir at v M A o I eon as .-. .iv 7 0 fl Hi Hi 1 1 ' 3 121 tt Ch V Sta 4H'65 90 do 6 Ha '63 do gea 6s '65 . . CAW I eon 4 '52 116H 99 T4H CCCAStL4sA "291101 H 4IUv UaT5s 72 1 9G at 8 rfg 4HS"85! 5Cuban & R 6s '62 61 do 1st In A ret 7Hs '37 5D A U 5 H '87. 1 do 7a '30 . . . . . 25DARU imp 5 '28 41 do ref 6s '65... j 0 do con 4s '36. . Det V Ry 4"32 1B 1st co 7 a '30 108 H 8H 89 H 88 36. 13 8 37 79 do g 1 4s '96. do 4-a... . . . do evt 4s A 'S3 . de evt 4s B '63. do evt 4s D '68. IG V G 6s "82. . 6G T of C 7 '40 11 do 6s '36 . . . . 68tO N 7 '86. . 38 76 76 "7 do 4Ha '61.. do 8a '62. UudAMref SaA'57 d adi inc a -T Hi cent 6Ht '34. 101 do 6H '36... ISi do 4a '53. . . . 88IMet cfa4Haata56 98!IntRTr ev 7a wi'82 18i do ref 6s '6tt lOj do rf5s bkrefs66 16 do 6a wi '82. s . . lllGtN adi 6a wi '62 SIKCBoa 0s '8. 101 do 1st 6s '59 v 25KCTerra 1st 460 I K. A D at 5S -23, . 2 LEW 2d 5a 4 l.i ' 1 L8M8 deb 4s '28. 10L V C 4HS "28. . 4L V gea 4s 2003. 1 8 18 6 1 .oa . LAB g-s '65. . L I deb 6a '37. LAN uni 4a '40 LX4SAKO OiV '95 IA-RNA 5s '86 Louis A H W Ss 6; Man Ry coa 4s. 105 101' 112 88 H 46 74 78 102 44 H 55 H 42 42 H 43 90 112 104 110H 101 102 H 84 61 IOI H 110 81 11 96H 75 H 74 75 64 -89 69 82HI 2 5 SH 94 -81 7 83 0 85 7 77 63 81W ban 82 105 !4 90 115H 99 74 H 101 103 98H lv4 i 101 112 83 H 46H 73 78 102 H 48 65H 42 H 42. 1 42 0H 112 108 110 101 101 84 61 -f 101 110 79 H B0 ST 1 10 l! H SS 1ST a 1W0 87 92 H 85 H 88 62 25. 87 H 99 1H 81 61 71 81 63 ; 62 69 77 68 '7' 67 '108 l 85 H V li "V8H 85 It '25 87 H :! -81 96 61 71 -1 68 166 -62 . 6 , as . 67 '.08H 186 r-77 ' 81 88. Ho"5 90 115 9 '74 j01 '.03 98 H KU it ;05 iOl IIS ab3H v 173 Tiaikt at Sv con fisi 91 1 1 do s .......( 94 H . 1 Mich Cent deb 4s 91 H 13 U 8t L 1st rfg 44 0 : 12illBtP ABSktbat 98 5 do 6Hs -,..1103 2( do ref 61. . . . .1187 13 'do 4s . i.i 87 H 15 M K A.T 1st 4a. 79 A do 4s aer B w tl. 86 H 2.'o 2d 4s ...., 68H ' V 3 do 6 ser A w i 83 H ! Ill k mAi & m l . 1 w i ..-I 5 143 do 6a aer C w i j 96 1 11 Faa 5a -...! 8f 101 aa 6a '49. ....I 99 M 40) da gea 4e 75.. 63 ' ll'It Trm rl 6s '4l 95 10!N R afex 4Hsl j Jul eou '57. . .1 88 .- 14i! Or. trm 4a 68l 78 Si NOT AM baaoa '85 76 ' 5iN T O eou 4e 93i 81 l do deb 6a '35.. f 105 S12IK T O ref A tmpf Ba 8e C 2WIB! N T O a H R rfg: Aim4Hs 2013 31 do gea 8 Hs 'OT t tr 3Hs -98 ' 8LJ Y Chi A St T i lat 4 87 13 STSHAH dbas'48 - 9' do evt 8a '6 1". d deb 4s "91. 60 NY WAR 4Hs'46 26.NA vTRRea s 29 1;S P s sarB2047 . 12t da prt la 4e 97 ' 16, Nor Pac ref andf I - vmo- BS X04.T. . 5 OrACal let 6.'27 . liO 8 L 1st eoagtd, s so ..i, . . ' 250 S L rfg 4s 26 j llHJ-WRAN- 4a 1. il2T,Parw LMBJt 6a i efs 58 ! Peaa BR 7s -30. do as '8 ..... de eoa 4a 60! da cold I Hi 'SO 10 H 96 T4 74 75 B4 aa afUH (4-t '65 42 H 42 H 142 - 90 112 103 102 H 84 H 01 H 101 110 81 Hi 81 11 96 74 74 11 88 89 ' 69; 69 82 H i 82 H 92 H? 92 H 5 i 03 91 81 97 83 0 8a 97 76 62 0 4 1 Of 8 f5 103 H 107 H 87 H 68 83 68 5 87 98 63., 5 76 gt 8 8 11 24 14 do ra 4 H C5 I F O C A Et L 6f I ser - A "70. . . . STSSt. L I aft A 8 I ref 4 '29... i;l do Bair d:v4s33 60 St L A f F pc m . 4s A 'SO . . ... 18 do 6a B.'SO, :. 10 do geu 6s C '28 8ft 00 atii 6s '65... 151 00 iJc bs .'AO. . s: l tea 4i s: TH 88 - 76 80 74 48! 40 46 r I1J 109 8i SH 100 H a - 81 72 11 101 T 110 , 91 8 . 8TH 84 TI 86 5 93 93 81- 7 ' 83 0 85 97 77 83 90 04 91 BO . 8 103 107 87 H 79 86 H .68 H 83 -. ,-U aty.ei. . "oylw. , - (Copyright, 122. by' Tha Journal)? -New Tot. Dec 6. Tbe difference be tweea doing, busiaeaa and doing businesa at a pmtlt jneannre exactly tbe progress of baav- neei envna iim ' yvm and , but. TJo to lata faH the ' improvement coa id be counted in al rect ratio to volume of iroducUon. Merchant mora money ba they sold more goods:, iobbera and wholeaalers made mora money became they dis inbtited more aoeds and maauXsetarers mads mora they aad consequently made them cheaper. . N Mi - however. "tba f margin of. profit ' . It widening. Thia factor S is - joining . forces with ,j,-,'-rrr:V 1 v-,y.abninaaa volume . in - bringing prosperity to the merchandisers, o These profita give every uiuicauon 01 - increasing rawer tnan growing less. Pricee are rising gradually and ateadily. Reports from all sections of the country give oatu mr toe behef that tats trend will eon tiaua at least' well into the new -year. - Cbstl are riding gkm but the margin of profit, aided by tha tremendous, increase in the volume .of transactions h kept ahead, of iucreaaing Peawa and - w insuring greater aad better returns. -- -. ., ProaueUM, tt . Heavier v , ? Capacity producuoB u being reported fa hundreds of different factories. afanv rilsnta which have been held back by inadequate fuel uppiies ana isnity tramtpertstioB now are running at top apeed. Tbe swarms of shopper ana Buyer are taxing ear ot tnat production and . orders and inaiury now in sight make it evident that tie present condition of busi ness will be maintained or bettered throughout uie iirst quarter OT 1 vzs. The wrest basie Jndustrles have been, the first to rasDond to the betterment nf aim. facturing conditJona. . Tha innntau arlvm he forced - draft operation ia the ateel milla and cotton woolen mula have taken effect on tbe smaller factories making other lines Unfilled oraert are mounuug la nearly every una.- al though output is at a rate which would have pees record breaking before 1914 .-Not ail omuaeeamen are vet mulv in V scribe publicly to these eoncrasiona. but while it i sometimea sste to discount what a buai ceeamaa says, it never is safe to discount what rut ooea. xnis u wbst he hss dona, Ia- veeugauons conciuded . today embracing over lou compames in two score different iruin. trie in all sectiona of the country show that or .every company -wale tt nas reported a de crease ia earning as compared with 1921 were are lour waicn snow an increase. Eighty Per OanC Report Increase For every company which reported as op erating deficit last year there were 10 which reported increased incomes this year. Free vn.-uij " companies wmcn Had been on a dividend basis were forced to suspend or lower dividends, whereas over 20 per cent increased their dividend rate or declared extra dividends. while about 8 per cent, which had eBspended uivjoeraos previously nave resumed their psy meat. 1 . Inventory Period Near . The inventory period Is approaching and the betterment of prieea will also mesa aa in crease in inventory values. Rut having Just iiuirara uiv swuuui procea or writing oil nign price inventories, moat businessmen will h tremoly careful of the weight thev olaca m Oie inventory estimates. Tha advance in price muunan - etcengxa m primary markets, prieea at the sales in many lines were below ivpiacvmeat costs. . The- snn'ounoement of plans by which Jones A Laughba Steel company will increaoe its capital from 330.000.000 to 3120.000.000 indicates the confidence of the steel industry . GLASS . TTfntnm' D. W. E. Barer of urn i-itieuurg nmxm uiam company said today that enlargement of the Creighton plant, now fa Pittsburg, will make ft the center of the company' works. When- completed the plant's output will be one-third of tbe company's pro- ducuoa. ; one reason for tbe . enlargement is tne increaaea aemaod lor piste glass to ba used im auvu cunauucuoB. - ... - - CHRISTMAS TREES - PhiladelDhia. Dec 8. -Oiriatmaa Vr" . gaa today to arrive in this city from Vermont in quantity. 1 no outlook is for somewhat higher prices than last year when they were auiiojcu ucrw. i ' ; , . ROOFING Eaat Walpde, Mass.. Dec, 6 -The factories ot sua ec son, manuiactorera of roofing, build ing papera and other building materiale, is ruauing at ivv per. cent 01 capacity today, . WOOL Fort Worth. Texas. Dec. 6. Texas wool- growers will not contract for the 1023 wool clip in advance, according 1 to a statement today by J. E- Boogecott. head of the Texas Wool growers aaaociatioa. - They are -holding for jugner pncea." ': CARPETS Philadelphia. Dee. . Cartwt and roe sake are extremely neavy ana carpet muis are work ing at nearly top speed today. . POULTRY New Orleans. Dec. 6. Turkev raieera ta Louisiana did not ship their birds extensively lor TnanxagivtiHC.- 'iney t are more pteatiful wan ever oeiore. aeaiers ststea today, CANNED GOODS New York. Dec - 6. Canned peas. eore. and tomatoes are strong and active here today, due to the wise necking of the growers. Backers and moners wis jeasv -'BTEEL Pitmbnra-. Dec. . A oriee of US tar abeet bars after tbe first -of the year would not be enrprieing. according to statements by steelmea hers today. Bines tha drop from 340 and ra- Krta of.aales at 888, the market has been avy. - All Carnegie steel mills at Homestead and Duquesne are operating la full. J COAL PU-rartton. Ta.. Dec. 6. It is renortad here today tnaa- antnrecite operators contemplate a mail .increase to price 01 tneir product to abaovb the additional clerical exDense entailed by the decision 'upholding the, state proditcUoa tax on antnracitc , Bsles. I . STOCK 400Adama Expre. . . '. . (Advaaee -Rum, . 400Aastia- Nichois. . . , lAgr Chem . . .! do rrfd. . . . . . . . 1 200Ajax Bobber. . . BmniAlMlra. 3nU ... . . '. eu)Att jnneau. . I 8 H 03 H 5 i. 4;.. 78 74 81 104HU63 7 7 8 ' ,76 0, 73 H 48 40 45 111 108 H 85 98 il00i! 162 IV. 81 V 711' 110 uoo 7 109 i 86 71 56 100H!10 76-j 75 61 J - 73 U 3 S " 76 0 73 48 , 112 169 85 9 ' 10 102 91 b 72 11a 101 7 11 w 1 84 H .71 at 1-0 1 Genc3 really Dull Trade on the Curb; Quotations Narrow r Wn. f. NefTernan New York. Dee. 0. Today's trading on the curb was extremely dull, with price chsnges anutraltr confined to narrow . limits. There was . nothing ia the -overeuigbt ' hews o simu late . public participatioB and the market was left almost entirely hi the hands ot profession ii operators aad floor traders. . : . , jLnnouncemeni mat a special meeang 01 stockboklera of the Cumberland Pipeline one of the Standard Oil subaidariee has been called for December. 27 - to vote oa increaaing its capital stock 100 per cent, after which a dividend of 10O per east ia stock will be de clared, had no affect oa tha stock concerned. But it did serve to -check what little selling there had been in other Standard Oil stock. aad ia - a few - instances . higher prices were leached. . - Standard of Indiana wag depreaMd in - the first half of the cession and so were the Ken tucky share. But these stocks mors than made up, tneur, early Ineae tn the afternoon. New York Transit selling ex-div. S3 held firm at 135. Vacaum oil started over-7 point tugner. ont east uus gain later. . Jmdeoemleat this- dtapiavad fair resistanea the aelliag. Seuthera atatea oil advsnciag sub- HtnuiilT. - . , ' ' 8eeretaxy Mellon "s annual report helped stimulate, buying in -the iBdaaTnal aecQeu tna esarxet ana wnst losess occurred were more, taaa regained aa tne day west an. - galea. 1 . V 31000 t High. ) Low. Cloaa 6. SAL gold ta 4'50 1 54 H tj;At. say OS as.-. ' ? 451 do eoa ws '45.. .-112 SP evt 4 '20. ; 6S( do rfg 4s '65.. 101 do col tr 4c '49. ; 6) do BFT 4 '50.. - 28,8 Rjr gea 4 '68. 69i da eoa 6a '94. . - 25 do a Ha S6. . . 6iThinl A rfg 4s '60 24! dm adi 6a '60... blTri'Oty R A Lj , 13 0 P lat 4a 47.. ' 28 do evt a 27... , 181 do ref 4s 2008.. " .6 Ya Rt 6s '62 6 Wabash 1st 5s '39 6 Went Md 4s '52 2 West Pse 5s '46 1 lOi do 61 '46 - West bT 4DSfll li.Vts tea ga 4 '4? I 73 75 t ClS I 54 H 64 " 54- 21 21 21 60 H 60 60 1H 81 1H 87- 86 87 86 84 1 65 62 82 ,82 67 H 67 67 97 H 4 96 . lul J9l 101 . 42 62 62 ! 67 66 56 81 1 9i 5 95 95 86 63 86 ' 4 94 96 7 7 87 63 62 63 814 91 61" 94 H 93 ft 4 82 82 92 54 6l 69 , iS 60 80 BULL FACTORS 111 " tl. Y. STOCK TRADE WALL STREET STOCK QUOTATIONS ,-. ... jUportc4 by Tba JFournaX' Wall Street Bareau - IHIgB. 1 Low. 400 700 11600 300 800 200 200 400 iieo .... 8200 700 600 Jooo , 100 100 1700 600 200 Allied Chem.... Ailis-Clialawra do pfd.....i4. Beet Sugar. Bosch. Lav. -n - do pfd ........ ua C A - Fdy... do ... pfd . ....... ct,oa.... do pfd........ Am Drat Byad Am It . do. pfd Am Am li t .Corp. i Am Linseed. . . . 12 - ... . 73 7 .a a lea.."...'.,. do pfd.. . .... I Am Saf i- Razor. lb Ship A. Cos in : Smelt . . . . do pfd....... Am ' Snuff . Am-,. Steel Pdy. Am Sugar; .... JAW - PUUUttl. .... . 60OjAm T A T.. 300 2900 'zoo 100 34001 100 5000 800 8200 6 00! Alt Gulf 23200 Am Tobacco., do B" . . . , Am Wool do pfd . . . . , Am W P pfd. . Am zma Anseonda aw tru . . . . . , , Atchison ....... ! do pfd ....... Atl Coast Line.:. W I. Baldwin Loco ,. . . do pfd . . . . , . . 3300 Balto A Ohio; ... . 100 do pfd . . . . 600 Bamsdea Corp A, . .. do B , . . . . Beth Steel B. ... . . 1.. 'Booth fish 1700 B R T , , 00 Butte C A Z. . . . 200 Butte A Sup. . , . 1800 Barns .Bros A... 1700 Csddo Oil IDO Cslif Pack 8600 Calif Pet ..... . 100 do pfd 400 CaUatita E A L. . SI 00 Canadian Pac . . . . . . .(Cent Leather . . . 7300Cerro da Pasco. . . 63001-Chandler Motor . . 2700 Chicago A N W. . 200 Chgo Gt W 800 do pfd . 4200 Chili Cop ...... 700 Chino ...i.;'. .. 1400 CUSP ........ 3500 do pfd 8300 Coco Cola ...... 900 C! A O 100 Colo.P A I 100 Colo Sou 1300 Col Gas A Else. . lOOfOot Graph . 3800 Con Gas ...... 600 Cons Cigars . .... do pfd ....... 4000 Com Textile lOftOOiContl Can 78001Com Prod . . ... . . . .- do pfd . i . . . . . 6000 Ccsden Oil ... 3800 C R I & P.... 300 do A pfd ..... 500 do B pfd . . . . . 3000 Crucible ....... -.. . . do . pfd ....... 400 Cuba Cane . . . . . 1000 do pfd . . . . 4400 Cub Am Sugar . . 400 Davison Chem . . . 300 Del A. Hudson. . . 1900 Del A Ick 15 00 1 Dome Mines . . . . 8600iElee Star Battery. 8700 Endioott Johnson . 6100 Brio . . . . . . 2000 do 1st pfd 2500 Famous Players . Fed M AS..... do pfd ....... risk Tire ...... Gea Cigars . . . . . Gen. Eieo ...... Gen Motor . . . -. do 6 . t . . Gen Asphalt . . . Gliddin Paint . . . Goodrich TAB. G4en Alden . . . . . Granby . , - . . . Gt. Nor Ore i Gt Nor pfd . . . . Greene Caaanea. . Gulf 8 Steel ... Houston Oil Hupp Motor . . . . Ills -Cent Inspiration . ... 1 Int ; Agr com do pfd ....... Interboro . . . . . , do pfd Int Harv Int Her Marina. . do pfd i Int Nickel Int Psner . . T Int Comb Kng . . , Invincible Oil . . , Island Oil Jewel Tea ...... IE O Southern . . , do pfd ....... Kayaer 3 ...... I Kelly. Rpgfld '. . llSOOIKennecott .- 8900!Keytone Tire .. 100!Lack Steel . .. . 200!Lee Tire . .' 2200Lehigh Yslley . . . 200ILoriUsrd . . . . . , . 800'Loew Theatres . . 200IL A N 1 400Lima Loco . . . . 8400MarIaad Oil 700! Maxwell Motor 'A 80 do "B" , ; SOO May Stores . . . . ISOOIMex Pet ftOOlMer Seaboard . . 400lMiami ........ 3700!Mid State Oil.., SSOOjMidVale Steal . . , SSfJOlM K A T wi... 1200Mac Track . . . ; . IMont Power . , . . 20001 Mont Ward . , .' 00Mo- Pan . . j . . . . 7001 d)pfd . . . . . . . jXa" Biscuit . . . 2O0jNat Knamel . . SOOjNat Lead 200l'eada Cob ... 7S0ONew Haven . . . ISOOIXorfoJk A W. . 700IVor c American . . 8 ' 104H S8H 29 122 H . . 52 44 76 28 128 25 48 100 90 113 24 . 121 a 41 . 32 21 62 15 '2H 145 o H '60 "iii 141 42 62 81 4 27 24 28 77 ' ' 65 78 89 k,..k. 31 11 42 104 27 29 119 52. 48 74 27 123 82 47 100 H 96 U 1118 23 116H ' 81 20 60 -a. . . . 16 7 29 144 7 'H" 7 138 '42 60 78 4 "26 23 23 "75 06 600 800 8200 5300 10200 100 700 200 1800 1400 2700 49O0 1000 100 1500 1100 1200 1100 "00 : 500 iioo iioo 100 800 500 1500 SSOOINor Pea IXoval Scotia Steel! INiT iir Brake. 6500I.V Y Central... 1 700Okla Prod . ref . . . 700jOrpheum ; . . . . . . lOOIOntario A W . fiOOjOtis Steel " KOOiPaeific Dev. . . . . 800:Pae Gag A Eleo. . nROOi Pacific OH . . . . 4(M00Pan Ann Pet. .. 803001 do "H" , 1700!Penua- ........ OOtPeBBB Sea; Steel. lSOOiPee Ga 1800iPere Marquette.. SOOiPbiladelphia Co. . SOAIPhiUipa Pete. . . . -1, 700 Pierce Arrow ,.-s . -' 800 Pierce Oil . . 4 ;8800!Pitta Coal ..... 400 PiOs A West Ya. ..... iPreased Steel Csr.. SOOfPunta, Alegra . - S600!Pullmaa . -i . . 1 400iPura OS . . . . flOOiRaya Cons ..... S O0OI Reading ..... . . 1000 Remington - ."... 9001Replogl- Steel . . OOO Republio I A S . . ....i do pff ..;.. 3 10O Royal Dutch Oil. . . . . . (Ry Steet Spg ... .6100! Saxon Motors . , . " 3 00 : Sear Robock . . . , J..iahattuek A Aria. HOOiSheU TAT... 8100Sieeiair ...... 'Sloes She . 3200Rou Pacific .... , SOOiSoa By 18001 do pfd ...... 300. Stand Oil tal... t.-'-L tl 4aa Tlld 8600! do S J . .1?; . do Ky .......... 400'St L A S P. . .. ISOOiHtromberg -Carb.. 9TOOO Stodebaker ..... .tSwift A Co - ffOOlTetw Cop A Chem; Z900 'Texas Oil .-... SOOITexaa Par 1 700'Tex. Pae C A O. 1300!Tob Products.-. .. 3500'Tran Cont OH. . . . . . . - irniou Rag A Papi 10 l imn OH I el . . STOO.TJnioa Pae .... -i.iCnited Alley . f 300 United Drue . . , . . trmted, ITood Prod 500 i nited rTUit .....rmted P.ds of S J . . , . ,i do tl i 101 125 H 36 12 108 H 124 48 " 32 87" ' 64 13 I 88 aa ts 26 120 8 86 10 15 90 11 185 14 45H 32 80 80 74' 69 25 108 34 1 11 49 14 52 H is V son 41 42 35 8 , 76 26- 4' ; 169 18 65 27 48 18 283 16 J2H 38 13 54 '20 16 42 H 65 21 H 116 4 i 76 85 2 19 - 1 85 46 4 44 5 2 32 40 48 12 60 100 H H 85 ' 12' ' 103 126 '47 82 "06" ' 60 is 1 86 24 H 25 120 56 84 0 14 89 11 179 13 4i i 80 77 '71" 65 23 H 107 33 89 11 -47 14 62 - 14 i ; 40 41 34 8 74 I 23 2 167 18 64 H 25 46 15 226 16 H 12H 7 15 63 20 H 16H 41 65 20 109 93 74 V e '- 8 2 1 I -84 45 3 s 88 46 -.8 89 H 31 48 41H 18-. 69 46 125 27 18 76 86 24 46 82 '.' S 81 84 31 87 64 Tt 114 117 ' 197 129 siai 131 10B. 47 22 H 24 83 12 46 122 27 13 75 5 , 23 . 43 ri a 61 "i 76 '84 81 B6 64-111 114 194 12 - 55 125 108 - -44 1 19 S2H 11 16 16 138 1136 '78 J77 15a. 153 Bid 67 13 32 38 68 12 " 71 48 & 39 -83 71 119 . 182 122 18 87 e 10 62 104 H 28 29 122 119 19 52 H : 14.. 44, 75 ; 28 128 152 160 - 94 108 H 25 15 -48 115 ' 10O OO 118 23 120 110 42 67 81 21 62 4 13 8 20 145 -8 80 60 93 H 7H 140 88 42 62 80 4 27 28 86 H 76 63 25 44 101 2 125 85 Rtf 12 105 129 119 48 32 5 87 64 80 13 37 23 26 120 132 44 57 86 10 14 90 9 51 11 81 183H 13 83 45 10 31 01 24' 30 80 24 78 68 H 24H 107H 83 . 7 32 90 11 49H 14 52 23 H 14 20 19 63 40 42 84 8 76 ,26 64 167 18 H 133H 55 26 48 H 15 164 233 16 26 12H 28 15 64 68 H 20 16H 42 H 245 65 115 14 20 110 93 76 28 28 4 z 19 20 ..7 1 85 4 90 H 4 46 8 1 32 40 48 12 4 0 84 76 44 125 27 ISH 76 85 IT? 46 .83 52 111 .'jwj 81 7 84 H 1 4 87 23 64 114 117 17 128 H 21 58 H 131 1U 46 21 20 52 69 16 H 137 3 77 3i 154 II 5000 Cni Retail SOO u SC I Pine. . . 5700417 8 Ind Aieohol, 250;u S Bub. . . .... SOOl Aa. las nM.l ' . 200ITJ ft Smaltine- .- wzveiu B Kteet 8TOCK- - 1 High. 1 Low. Suai S8H 700 15 00 Utah Copper 800 100 700 do pfd Va Chem do pfd ...... Vanadium Steel aOOjVivaodou. lOOi TOO lOOi 100 4200 4 120O 100 1500 700 Wabash do A pfd . -. . do B pfd A, . .4 Well Fargo . . . Weatern Pac . . . do pfd ... . Westers Cniou . Westiaghouse A B do K at. Ml West Md White Eagle Oil. White Motors 65 1 lib 62 f 80 ' 61 4fta 95 05 H S9 38 H 102 101 121H1121 68 Hi 62 84 14 -9H 24 60 13 81 48 4H 8 1600J White Oil 4 uv Willys-Overland lOOj do pfd Wilsou Packing I Wlsconsia Centrsl 600(Woolworth . . . i . 1207 H '400Worthingto Pump 600' W ALE 33 H 13 9 24 69 L2 S1H "48 4 is . . . - . . t . 207 87 - H Bid. "67 35 61 91 5 38 102 120 2 28 68 33 13 9H 24 17 88 . 16. 67 114 89 , 66 HH 81 48 - 4 5 39 37 28 207 27 STAN-DART OIL 1RSITKS 1 SOO Anglo Am Oil 9O0 AUantio Lobes ISOlBuckeye P L. . . BUiureaeeut J L. ... 20 Cumberland P L. 0!Eureka P L. . . . . 10 ia P L. . 280 Imp 0U of Can., O'lnd P L 8400 Int Pet Co Ltd. . -70lMagao)ia Pet . . . 400 Nat Transit . -S0;x T Transit .... 'SOiXorthern PL... 3!Ohh Oil ; 70 115i 20 10 Prairie OH A Gas do P L. Sou Pann Oil . .-. Sou PL.. 100O IS O Cal new 16200! 400 2600 10 1100 4100 190 8800 do Ind do Ktma new 1 do Ky saw. . do Neb .-. do N J near . , do If T new Vacuum Oil . . . da Oil new . . . 19 . 7 ' 88 43 U65 . 167 111 89 20 240 25 182 624 310 158 100 57 114 42 125 . 190 89 46 637 ' 40 . 19 7 ,. 89 44 165 100 17- 114 90 20 43 25 132 , 101 292 639 313 160 100 57 H 117 42 128 10 39 48 646 40 New Cement Plant For Baker County Baker. Dec. 8. Bakes county is to have new cement plant at Home. Or., on the Snake river. . harirjs been oraaniaed with capital stock -of 81.000,000. . The company is incorporated under the laws of Nevada and the articles of incorporation are to be filed in uregon una week. M. A. Hem of Victoria. R. C. ia president, L. C. Newlands of Oswego. Or., nee president; George McDonald, Port land, secretary i H. L. Knappenberg of Home, treasurer. - The entire stock is reported snbserbed and the subscribers of - tbe new corporation ia- ciuue: 11. nutcuart. 01 Victoria, B. t). Carl Leonsrdt of Los Angeles. Herbert Fleisch acker of San Francisco. Chester Thorno of Taeoma. Edward Cookingham. J. C Ainawortli. e. a. trniiita, a. u. tievers. lr, Chester Moore, George Lawrence. ' C T. W. Hnlilxter. A. L. Lucas. J. N. Teal. F. a Ifaluaa and A. L. Uilh of Portland. . The company plan n" outpnt of 1000 barrels per day and Is . expected to be in ov ration next summer.: LCLL TS COTTOS CLOTHS CONTINUES! PRICES SOFTER Kew York. Dec 6. Tbe lull in cotton cloth continued ia the worsted market today and once tendencies were sligbtly softer; : The e tag of bnces. however, waa lanrelv confined to second bands for prompt delivery. - Sheetings were in slightly larger supply.. Cotton -ducks were isiriy strong. . rne raw silk markets both here and at losofiama were quiet and fairly steady, al though most of tbe grades were - off aliehtlv with XXA at 88.50: XXB at 38.45: best No. 1 at S8 80; Ksnsai No. 1 at 38.27 Ht sua van ton zu-zs at eJ.su. uanton . 14-16 was uncnangeo. - DULLJfESS PRETAILIKG IW . WOOIj MABKET . AT BOSTOST iIostOB. ilea. H Tbe meat ' wl d-mark umwed no change today, although dullness prevailed. The London aalea which close thi week were reported to have ahown a slight softening for finer merinos, but traders hers expect prices to oe fairly weu maintained London until the close.' . (considerable buying - for American account is reponeu irom south America. s. BANK STATEMENT OE 1 Portland . Banks ; ' ' ;, --'1922 l'T..-. Clearings, Monday- $ 8,516,443 $ naianoes. Monday - 1,025,810 Clearings. Tuesday. f 5,414,250. V Kalsnces Tuesday. ' 818.298 COAST 1921- 6.665,906 1.094,097 4,476.183 b8,5 Clearings Wednesday 6.850. 88 Balances Wednesday 1.0H6,Xt Oakland aka . Clearings Wednesday ..... . . 3,135,700 Xas Angeles Bank ' Clearings Wednesday . t . . . 1 . . . . $2 1.486.1 86 .... Baja .. arMnelaaat glanka Clearings Wednesday . .-. . . . . . . 827,100,000 . 5.I99.060 i 1.039.343 Clearings Wednesday 4,343,017 Balances WedneMiay ......... . 893,093 . Teoome rMMlgt Wednesday's trgnactaoas ...... 3 8,015,000 Slag-nesHe CotopaiiT fiesmm - Work Spokane. Wash.. ' Dec. 6. Tha XorMieM Magnesita company at Chewelah has. put 165 mea to work preparing for a general resamp- uou ot ma company aeunuea . 00. jaaoary 1, At that time the crew. will be enlarged to 850 men .or more. The comma baa been in active Jor two years...- ..... . BUSINESS SLOW III CALIFORillA By Linn C Slmpton Ssa Fraacisco. .Dec. .- Holiday trade has been a little alow in starting tiui season la ihi section. - - Miab orieea fur Itot'Iav aooda and relatively low prieea for agneultuml products are fac tor ia tne ertuaxion, but tne aoaence ot any arrioas anemploymeat problem and tha high rate of wages prvvailuig are counted ea to bring trade to noomaL, Bonding materials continue . their aovrard movement and the convictiou tliat prices will S- stiil higher is increasing building activity, sney t for ' building construction financing is easy and loans for that purpose increased about three-ouarters af a miUioa dollars last week. , . Cool weather in tba -rine-vurd - districts . has prolonged the grspe-ahipping season -, beyond tbe usual period. COLDlMIIEfllS HEEDED li! SQUTI1 v. Sly I. V. Shannon Xew Orleans, Dee- 6. Colder weather "is badly: seeded here to aid merchants ia moving the heavier clothing sad anparcV - Buyers are turatag more to holiday - good and sales ia these lines are briJL, etpc-iaily in leather goods, furs, -millinery and children's clothing. . Collection in the countrj tlutricts have fallen off somewhat. Wholesale grocers aid today : that business . ia their lines hat reached the high point of the year with nift 25 to 80 per .went ahead of laiit year si this tima. - FOREIGN EXCHANGE BATES -Oorrected daily by the-foreign exchange da- pa rtrnent of tha United States Natiooal bank. uuotstioua eeiow lexceiit the pound ster ling) are cjuoted oa- the basis of 100 units fol eiga currency, ' " - - Opening nom trial rates on bank transactions: v ..-,. tlimft. I'ihh - Par London " . therka. , Tranafers. Value. Lbs. sterling. 8 4.56 8 4.56 8 4.866 Pans Francs.. 8.9SV 6.99 H 190 Belgium rraacs 8.42 H' 6.43 19.30 .01 H " .01 . 28.81 4.0S . 4.08 . 19.80 Berlin Marks Oenoa Lire . ... . Athena . tnaehmaa. . ., Capenhagen 7 Kroner ... ChriTiani Kroner . . . . Stockholm Kroner . . . Honskong Currencr i . Jspan Xen . . Bhanghai Tael: 1.12 ; 20.50 18.73 27.0 54aC0 48.70 72.30 1.14 20.55 18.78 27.05" 19,30 26.70 28.70 26.70 Canadian dollar discount. 54.40 ..... -48.85 - ....... 72:60 r per cent TO CO TO WEST FOIST - Oreg-on AgTieultural College, Corval Ul . Dec. 6. Edgar Eneer of ' Browns ville, sophomore- In commerce,- has re ceived an appointment to West Point Military academy and will enter In June. - . - . BET. AJ.C7JII7 HEIBEL HOKE ' Mount Ang-el College. SL Benedict. Dec 6. Rev. Alcuip HeibeL O. S. B., dean of studies at Mount Ang-el col- leg-e, na returned from Jordan. Minn.. where he Jias been vlsltlne;" hia mother. who naa been ill. .. ... - Portland Boy Is on 0. A, C. Debate Team Oregon Agricultural College. Corval lis. Dec. -Chester Merklin. Portland, and three Corvallis men. John Gray. Paul ICnolS and Paul Dickey, have been chosen for the. vai-rtity teams to debate Monday with the University ot Oregon. All are experienced In Intercollegiate debate except Dickey. C. B. Mitchell la ccach. University Students Earn $4000 a Month TJntversUy of Oregon, Eupene. Dec. 6. University r students working ; their way - received more than $4000 more per month this year than they received last year, according to the employment bureau of the University T. M. C A. The total la 10,812, asralnat 86500 last year. ' Regular Jobs bring $9312. The monthly wage ranga from 160 to S12. "THE KNOCKOUT JTTJMBEB University of Oregon. Eugene. Dee. 8. "The Knockout iNumber" Is th name of -the Christmas edition of , Lemon. Punch, whlcb -will appear on the cam pa s December- "11, according to Doc Braddock, Puyallup, Wash., editor of the University comic sheet Forelga Exchange Market New york. Dec 6. -II. Jf,: 8, .Denianil sterling, 84.56 H ; franc cables. 6.99; checks. 0.88 H ; lira cables. 4.08 H i checks, 4.88. Belgisa cables, 6.44; checas, 6.43 H. Marks. .0001 H- -Guilder cables. 80.04 ; checks. 80.81; Sweden kronen cables, 27.05; checks, Dean MiUer WiU Address Students "University f Oregon. Kugene. Dec. $. "GraUtude to the Past" la the sub ject which Dean Stephen .X Miller Jr. of the University of Washington; school of a. business administration v will dis cuss before the student body assembly Thursday. xean Miller is president of the Seattle Klwanis club. A student body meeting will be held following; the dean's talK. according to John Mac Gregor, Portland, student body presi dent. . HEATT SHOWS EORCE COWLITZ AOOOIKO COMPAKT TO CLOSE Kelso, Wastu. Dae. 6. Owing to the heavy . snowfall .- tha . . Xnman-Poulsen Lumber Co. camp at Mt. JSolo shut down : Tuesday morning and win not operate until after tha holidays. There has been considerable snow falling at tha higher levels for several days, and last -night's, tali was .very deep and moist making working conditions very disagreeable. - The JSuTauU. Co. camp near here is seeking to operate until December 15th before -shutting down. There was a thin layer of gaow on the ground Tuea-r day-morning and have been flurries of snow gal day, but ft ha quickly melted. leaving the ground very sloppy: -The mils nearby are covered with snow. . .231 uauutuy xenons lisaabaa' Calcara Boargt af TiLto ; stcgss e:::2s ; . C3nc.i ; rmxTATK aolaskj wikxs r F. Hutton & Co, KEXBE ALL TTTSCtTA. , EXCJAHfii . " faSclt Xaastrlag Alt Laeal . 1 Invest for Safety Not for Yield Occasionally investors come to us and saf : "I have a sum of money, to invest. I depend upon the income from my. investments for my livingj. I must have a large'return. What is the largest return I can get?". . . , ' ' Frequently, however, people come to us and . , say : "I have a sum of money to invest. I de f pend upon the income from my investments for my living. Safety is, therefore, of utmost importance, I must have safety of principal ' and certainty of income." That's where the emphasis belongs on safety, not on yield. , Surely if you depended : - upon the income from your investments for the comforts' and' necessities of life, yon would rather have a certain income of, say v $600 a year, with the integrity of your prin- cipal unimpaired than a promised income of : $800 at the risk of your principal. Invest for safety-r-not for yield.' In seleci ; - ing bonds, put the emphasis where it belongs on s a i e t y, conservatism, - fundamental soundness stability, security.; We haye.pre--V pared a list of safe, conservative securities, ' shown in our monthly. booklet, "Investments." JMail us this ad with your name and address , written across it and you will receive your copy. REMEMBER THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE ' FOR " SAFETY Blyth, Witter ' GOVERN MENT-MUNiaPAL-CORPORATION BONDS FOURTH AND STARK , PORTLAND BROADWAY 6481 . . SAN FRANCISCO . NEW YORK f - V SEATTLE , LOS ANGELES CHICAGO PORTLAND THE MORAL1 RISK Serial Maturities Denominations $100, $500, 41000 Portland Trust Co. Trustee The management of the But terfield 1 Livestock Company is vested in men of long and successful business experi ence." The properties which are pledged as security for their FirstJ Mortgage Bonds have been " accumulated as 'a re sult of careful and conserva tive business operations cov ering a period of many years. Price Par, to Yield 7 Call; write or phone Main 4195 I -for further information' Gr'E'MILLER F- COMPANY Pertlaad SeatUe 8. Francisco' Los Angeles 2d Floor N. W. Bank Elds, PORTLAND. Phcne Ilain 4IC3 it ss