THE QHZGOX SUNDAY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, 'DECEMBER 3, 1922. 5 rviington s .L Ball Magnet To Huridrjeds 0A VER SOO of Portland" social Mt were? present at the- : ball ""given Monday might at Christensen ball'for r the benefit, of the Jrrtagton elubtbulld- tng fund. '- Lovely, gowns m rainbow -hues blended softly with jth attractive , decorations of chrysanthemums m gold, broase. and orchid ; UnU - which, wers '' arranged In tall baskets! about -th , rooms ,:' . .;-, '" ,y : -- i! The committee In charge- wa eexa " posed of Meedame jr. L. Bowman, C '.B-force. Robert EL Karkeet. K. C Felter. HAB. Allman. J. - C. Boyer. Ii E. Cable. Frank Case, H. HCofoift. C. H. Greene, C. C. Hall. O. B Maris. k W. S. Nash. C. V, Stater W. H. Chat- ten. S. L. Eddy, Marion Versteeg, EL R. . Wiggins, L. Q. Haack, Thomas r Webb, and Mrs. W. C. Shearer. -A ' number of dinner parties wara- given . preceding the affair. - Mr, and Mrs. - Dean Vincent were hoots at dinner. I entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bow man, Mr. and Mra F. C Felter, Mr, . and Mra, X E. Cable, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. j. Amoa, ; and Mr, and Mrs, J. E. JMaxen, .."w- ..-'- -. . ' . , . j ; For Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and -Mrs. M. A.,M. Ashley entertained with a party of 12. - , , ' ' bj - ' A J - ..-.7' - t V v' y ..-r-?-.t:x..; , : , - t .c . v . X '. . i v ,.. J , ' . " , f i' V - . . a "v i 1 - -,. . z- I - DC. ' " -' s- - ' : smir - r - - 1 MRS. W. aV.;BANKS one of the patronesses for the formal daadng party given ,byt Miiltaomah club; Friday evening. ' One of PordanY attractive matrons who entertains frequently with attractive social functions is Mr Leslie Crouch. -l :;;V t Reception Is, 1 GivenTuesday: ? 9 By . Daughters ? : -ai-: . 1 , " . . . m ..' ' ' ' . , . fpUB Dtogh ters' of r Isabella were X : hostesses for, a formal ractoptloa Tuesday., eveninjr .la -Catnedrat hall. A honor! nr Miss Mails Murphyj frand rerent of the ordef.-who has Just re t tu rned from the national convention. , which was held in LooievUie, Kentucky this year. The halt was beauUfally dec orated with palms and largo baskets of chrysanthemums. Floor lamps were used effrettveiy la the- reivinjr lins -vere v Tis Mnrphy Mi Omevleve flyan, -Mlsa Catherine Roe, Miss Gas, sie Percber. Jfra, KiiM.bU KeUy. Miss Kstelle InsaUa. Mrs. 1 if. Carufel. Mis Lillian White and Miss Elisabeth - McOrath. A delightful rrntslcal program was of fered by Mrs, Marts Qiapman MeDon- ; . ald.- vtollrdstl Mrs. Jnata Heaton 1 - Judse, vorM-ano v soloist r Miss Helen t - Douciaa Q'DonneU, contralto, and Miss France Schneider jost, vlolintet. " V , "ITjo eerviee tabla woa daoorated with :; a centerpiece of baby- chrynihemams in yeUow and whit. Yellow tapers v added to tha color sch Am.,- Mesdamos John R arwrphy. J. M. RUey. Oscar - Ilorne. 'Waod, TPslter Adams. Eart KJeenabl P. O Donnell. McOiUvery jnd MaryrMsfphy -poured and . the Misses Mary O'Donnell, Iaora Oulette, ' ?ora DrtsooU Grce lUrschbtjhl. Ieona ZimmerMadgo Quinn.Mery McKIn- J.IC STERN . . - LADIES TAILOR special nnDucTic:: bob, Madeline Ryan, Helen O'Donnell, Victoria Thiebert and Gertrude Mc? Kay assisted. . Mlss-S" Noreftn? McDonald acted as chairman of the . general oommittss and-assieUntr her-were: Mrs. Sam Oorman. Mrs. Frasee, M. Madssn and the 1 Misses Florence Hishon. -Mary OTxmrilIr? AdeUide O'Hanlon.' NeOe Hickey. 'Grace Sweeney, LorKta Chap man, axane Meagher and Nellie Tobin. French organist, who reeentiy crave a 1 v w - prochs frriZetr removal - ERASETOR AVRIMLE LfcAintNT CezzSiaed f&e use of Crasetor t home d&ply ppitt posrBrercanse a rzsjt ,tiou imprtn'emeuf' "m . Fkose Awter t Stl - ( KAIIY E'lILY. UeWIIAU TlIZ 1 'ARIUZLLO - .'-...''-''I-' "! ' ' : A 1 J concert In Portland, Xr; and Mrs. JT. Sherwood satertalnsd a rroop of friends sarly last week. . A larjs num ber of Portland muslo lovers and pro fessional musicians crraeted the artiet. M-. tmpr dslietated the aueata by piayinr several nunroers on the . Sher wood, nouse orjan. t. Mrs. " wnilara Pollmaft with : her daughters, the Misses Edna and Louise Poilman, ratornea to- their -home - in Baker Thursday They were in Port land about weak, coming? down for the Jletsehan-Hawley noptials- Satur day, even loff. Dqrlnr -their stay they were exteiuuveiy entertained. it STE I N WAY fTHt INSTRUMLhiT OF THE IMMORTAL LS ylj I (HE Iovec of art who aspires to own : . ', " 'X a masterpiece of palnting'cannQt rea- - - lize hia dream unless he. is possessed of . . , wealth. The 'young violinist who longs for ' , - a Stradivaritas the masterpiece o violins (-cannot hope fot itif his means are mod- ; " . .' estv But the musk lover wholongs for a u ' v Stelnway is more fortunate. Though the - r . . .:StemWa7isty Instrumtof d.Ln;' .' .. - I. -tals still it cuv be purchased for a price, ;KA'jheUulixpontetra . v whose meatware modest. When youhuy f : . -j a Steinway you; know that you wiU never ' . have to buy another piano. You know, , , V that it wiU retain its unrivaled tone perfec-v-.V Confer a lifetime; that ifTadcrewsHlum. ' " . f self came to your house you would have A - ; an instrument worthyof his touch. ,:; " T "I r' -T '' ... - , . ' - , 1 - - -r: mcash'deposit of to per cent, ana the balance ' ; ; ' ; will bt extended crtr rr i. - -. Thexk ase several Steinway styles and sizes, - f: bit pCBieSteiaway quality.' r. '0: -1 is - - y: -T"t , ... . " ' . s - - . ' I I Ve - . w-. a.i Sixth and Tlorruon Sttcsts PORTLAND S.Z.KTTV2 TACC? IA SPCXAN3 . Washington Vet , L J' . O r'g an i z a t ion To Be National MONTE SANO. Wash- Iec 2. Ex pansion of tha United Veteran's club of WsablnstOB Into a national, or- fEanicatlon ts be - undertaken soon., ao cording to an announcement made here Saturday afternoon by F. W. Mela- tosh, state secretary. - ; The Unltad Veteran's club is suc cessor to the Bolo club, whifch has been factor In- Washington politics for several ysara It unites the veterans of all of the wars Of the United States Into a single arroup; organized to bring the weight of the veterans' opinions to bear -on political ojuestlona. The change of name was duo to the fact that, tha Bolo club was , formed by Spanish War veterans and it seemed better to have a new organisation to inclnde tha men who were tn the serv ice during the World "war. -? '-. The reorganisation was formally af fected at the biennial convention In Seattle on August 19 last, by unani mous vote of delegate from aU parts of the state, but due to the impending election, the council of administration did soa believe It advisable to court publicity under tha new naroe. pnta after these were past for fear that such publicity mlfrhiadvoreely affect candidates that had Jeen indorsed by the Bolo club, said. Mcintosh. Immediately . af tex the election measure were taken to III with the secretary of state , at Olympia notice of changs of nam? and prepare amend ed articles of Incorporation which will permit of too forming of a national or ganisation, - to . function . through na tional ffioera as tb stats organisai Uoo doea la Washington,- , i Mcintosh stated that thera has been much correspondence; with veterans in other states, which Indicate that the principles and method involved tn the preeent' plan to beiaft corfliaUy re ceived and subscribed to by toenv , - ' Portland post is making ready for. the aanoal New Tear Evs thov, This gala event la betng- staged toy that bee tle and hearty order known a the 40 and 's. This gang has always delivered the good .with a Httle1 over for good measure and while' the plan for the show are as yet confidential there is no doubt but that every one seeing-the performance will know that they have had a real ran or their, money. - " m '-- . , . Bert Cohan has been nominated for commander of the poet .at Marahfleld. The other rjomineea are; John Cokk. vice commander ; Arthur Peterson and Herbert . Thorn. . adjutant; . Chester I Clark, finance officer ; Xr.-A. B. Pea- I 1 VlU..- TT.m' Mair A. Xano 'and Charles Laxsen. exeoative eommittee. t Xtr-SL MIxikum was nominated as post historian.- The Dost membership drive ia already under way and from report is making good progress. . The post ; has , beenv ysry active all season. .' : Cooperating with the War Mothers of Albany; the American legion aux iliary recently sent nine convalescent suit to ex-service men in .the Port land hospitals. - J FRANICXJSZT -,f,- cbSceinwf a period of two yeari 4 ' . i r - Co. EducationWeek To Be Observed By Vets' Legion . - ." -. . v.,,-..-. .!. ." i 'j . BEGIKNINO today, the American Legion throusrhout tha 'United States starts ' celebratine- "American Legrlon Education Week." - ' v The program outlined by the national executive body-provides for talks in : the schools by members of the Lerion during the entlre-weeki -. It Is the plan 1 of the Legion, as outlined by the "com mit tee to eliminate illiteracy from the American nation by 1937. .-. ; . ": To do this concerted effort will be made to give the foreigner ah oppor tunity to learn American waye and the English language in view of their be coming citizens as soon as possible. This has been done tn Oregon by two posts, the one at Pendleton and the one at Astoria. - t A . " . - " - Both of these post have American ization - classes where aid is riven aliens wishing' to take naturalisation papers. When the alien is awarded' his certificate the posts hold appropriate ceremonies la tb courtroom. " All of the posts ln 4he state will co operate in the movement and every ef fort wiU be made to enow the alien the advantage of becoming an American citizen through diligent study, s ' v Considerable Interest is tteing shewn in the -various American "Legion-posts of the state ' over 1 the comings elec tions of officers for he ensuing; year. Nominations have been already made In many eases' and the " day of final reckoning is not far oft, . . - ,i Legion aotivitie have ? greatly r.ixn creased with the sproach of winter. Some of the post serve as communiftr 4 centerds for the districts la which Cicy. are located. Hr the greatest liveli ness ia shown;' -.; A . ' . - ,. ' Dances are beinr held on BchSduJes, shows are given and other forms of en tertainment prepared for the- legion naires and their friends, y These affair are often profitable to the posts giving them and the treasury funds show a marked increase throughout the state. .Newberg ; promises to ' defeat " an comers with the basketball team saw being1 trained by the pott. This year's team Is - composed of practically the same -members that .made up the vic torious team of two. years agov The members are Oswald Beet, Jo. Nel son, Howard Elliott Doa Craw, ; Har old Nichols, Carl Miller and Professor Jones. ' -' " - -j - " " Tuesday night at 9 o'clock Soout Toung- camp of' the United Spanish War Veterans wM 'elect officers for the next year. The nominees sx : Commander, Walter E. Eddy-T. R. Hamer, L.;D. Mahone j -aenior rice commander. Lee Harms ; junior vice commander. Bernard Rhodes; officer of the day, Alfred Ix Harriman and P. M. Rich; officer of the guard,- John- Altai Fickle-Fashion t Those of us who followed .Fash.'; ," Ion's . whim . and had our tresses' clipped found to our disappointment that she is a fickle lady. But alons comes Mary Elizabeth and assures us that we may wear ihe Sally bob, Rieta. puff, Trloxpuffijor the new ; old-fastUoned : coronet - braid - and i achieve the IovUeat of coif f eurs 1 ; . Have her "match" yours or "make up' the tresses-you usedto wear- .Portland Hotel Court.j;:;: " ". ' " - . ' t- ..- , A man's sis ; pongee oaakey - tucked loosely in erne's coat pocket is considered, ouit smarts ' . is considered, quit smarts Are you' wondering about 'gift 1 " 1- M ?ror tne roik oown fcoutn or aeK -v ,,- y. . East or wherever it i. year bestf. ',. iLArV . beloveds" live? Tou want' some- thing personal with a sort of "from ma tp you", atmosphere. N'est -ce the finest possible gift for them S The Haselwoods have taken their very finest sweetmeats c ream glaced ginger-, citron, orange peel, , bmioa peel, nuts of all kinds, pis- , tachios, pecans, glaced candies, chocolates, and then a half , dozen more kinds and boxed them in the duckiest gift box's, all tied p with, red and green t They're truly won- - derfnl and ao different - from . the ordinary gift! Or maybe you'd prefer a rifty tin of their English plum pudding or. fruit cakei .Positively the best you can even Imagine! .Both Haxel - woods, of course. Lovely! A gleaming wbJte neck and shoul ders to live up to that new evening gown ; a sktn free from blemishes, ta.n -and blackheads! The Benson -Improvement Shop, mezzanine of the Benson hotel, not only promises but positively accomplii-hes these charms with a very wonderf ul spe cial crearr. You ma v buy- .the cram srd V!" It j-otr'se.i, i ut f yf- re tt v oil 1 I aa i" " Roy and K. A. Collins : trnstee, I E. Beach, Charlee Stewart and C L. Mc Kenna; hi.ll committee, Nicholas Pier angeU Xsaao ecrist and Sam Jackson. Next Saturday night Portland vet erans of the 162d infantry will hold their annual 'golng over" "banquet at the Multnomah hotel. This event is held each - year . on December - 9, the day the outfit sailed from Hoboken piers for Sunny I ? JPrance. ;. The com mittee in charge of the affair consists of Robert De V. Morse, Tv A. Bow man. Prank Water. - Pete" Lauritsea and George X. Iioban.' . . r; ;.. ., . a Marshfield will have a community Christmas tree, it - was decided by a joint meeting of the Legion post and anxlllaryr A huge fir will be dec orated in one of the down-town streets and an appropriate program consist ing of carol-fiinging and other Tuletide celebrations prepared. - This post will also, observe - "Cooky day. Cookies and. cakes iwill be-' made and sent to Portland hospitals in which wounded ex-eervica men are billeted. . . ' - On December '11 Albany post win hold; its annual election of of fleer a Edwin F. Fortmiller has already been selected . as post commander. . He was the only man nominated for the po sition,. Others to bs balloted on are: C K. Jordan, P. C Stellmacber, Van Welder and ' J. 1 Bonwett, fo . vice commander: TBL F. Skinner, for - adju tant -George Cusick, for finance offi cer; -Wallace Eakin, C E. Jordan, A. L. Bostvjick and James vGrigsby, .for historian, and WV,K Wright,iW. B. Stevens, Clarence Collins, A. B. Coate, Wallace Eakin and Beid Walworth, fos the executive ' committee. :- Captain Wulfr wa nominated for chaplain.-;' v Centralla, WaslCDec.;g.'--A. F. Cor mier, commander of the Grant Hodge post. American Legion Tot ' Centralis, and Harry Robinson, 'chairman of the post's ?i O, U. committee, nave re- ported that a benefit dance for the Salvation Army Christina runa vnu b given In the Maple street auditori um Tuesday evening. ,; Centrallav Wash-.-Dec. I. The mem bers of the ' American - Legion auxil iary sent-boxes of Jam.-Jellie and canned fruit, to ; the ' ex-soldiers at Cushman hospital In Tacoma, and the soldiers at Camp Lewis. The boxes were used -to grace the Thanksgiving menus as both thejuospltal and camp. The American War Mother have been' busyall week assisting . ths -Daddy club tn filling bis market bas ket with all kind of -substantial food for , thoseJtx-eervlce- men and their families who need- .ssistanee. i About 40 baskets Were filled, and distributed. All members of the War Mothers will please remember our . next business meeting la - room 585 courthouse, on Wednesday : at S o'clock. , . . Oregon- City post' will elect its offi cers Monday eight. Those nominated are: W. B.; Hempstead. D. E. Heuder brook and Roy Mullan, for commandf er ; William Logus, vice commander ; JUUU9 t&paffie, ajuwni oaoisuQa sxo Donald, chaplain. Woilh Wallms For! Portland's blnest and finest mil linery shop has a. big surprise for you !. - They tell me they"r making an announcement of extraordinary Interest to women- la . tomorrow's tAionaayj journal. - Th.v'n niK, tn kffF.vrr hit ; In their beautiful biff stocks I y Evenlns hats, afterncon , hats, renins hats, afterncon , hats, . it hats, business hats, rainy hats., young girls' hat.- chU-.-. s hats, school hats, sports hats, " street day matrons' hat, every kind, shape and - color your heart may -wish for will go on sale at the lowest prices ver I. for one. will most surely be there very early Tuesday morning, because when Proctor's -have a sal I know it Will be a real sale.- Now the cat's cut of the bag I Yes, Proctor's ts the place 1 . One always feels well-batted when wearing on of their, hats. -They're ultra smart, usually one of a kind and always ia wh perfect taste. - Their store will be closed all day Monday in; preparation for tout visit. Tuesday i -, . ' r Cliauve Souris. embroidery- In yarn and thread treatments adorn tne, Boom or more e i eu x,t .-evening gown (: . ; ' - v : thei, bottom ot more elaborate mw- ana wraps. - i . " ' ' " "Vy' . a. '..I (. - v t Wa-a-a-a : -A iurprising number.- of women from all over the Northwest, come to Portland to -he Women's Hoe-: pital for confinement. Every care and attention - is givea - then, ar rangements mad for a good physi cian, and after baby comes his or "her habits are perfectly regulated . from the moment of arrival en this Ynundana tnbn 1 The cost is factually less than a' nurse haJf time . t home, and oh, the satisfaction of it! Write them, No. 144 North 18th . v; street, .for full - information and -y folder. i Ttiel waist line does fldtrett ,Kirt hi eh, then very low, where it has remained for a time, Too.V long a- time, think some of - the Parisian designers for rumors are -afloat that before long the waist line will be neither above nor below, but Jiormai. ' , ' -.eae ' IA fn Franc;co. -where woen tre famous fr tt''r clsthes, jFVirtJi re iifii1 -r ot y two or txiree iT- - v t a I -"i". 'r-I., an-i Post . Election Monday Night To Be Spirited AS "SPIRITED an election as has ever been held by Portland post No. 1 of the American Legion, is scheduled for Monday night in the dance hall on the eecond floor of the Armory,- Th Portland municipal boxing commission has a smoker billed for the drill hall but It in no way will confHct with .the meeting. of the ex-service men. Rival eamps ' have been formed among the . nominations and : tickets have- been printed v with. each , side's favorites.. , " Three candidates have been nomi nated for .commander during 1923 and each is hoping for victory. Nomina tions were - made at the November meeting, and since -that time several who Were placed on the executive eommittee list have had . their names withdrawn. The result ' .has . caused more excitement to prevail and a rec ord attendance is expected. The meet ing will be called to order at S o'clock by ' Commander Crossley and several Important matter other than the elec tion will com up for final settlement so that the incoming officers will have a clean slate to begin with. . -FoUowinc arethe nominations: For. commander, Dr. ? Eugene W, ,Buck Rockey, AAJO; t Monteith and James"; Morris is for- vice commander, Pat Tl. Allen, and C A. Bankhead ; for adju tant, E. t Ev Gar bad , and Andrew Koerner; for finance officer, J. - H. Llewellyn and Daniel tJpp; for execu tiva eommittee. Ben Morrow Allen T. Welsh, Kenneth -Cooper. R. L Mundell, Dr. 3. G. Abele, Eugene Oppenheimer. Barge Leonard, M. W. Case. A. K. Pixler, a W. Tate. Dexter Quesln berry. AT. Kurt. John Beckwith. T, M. Phelpa.sMartha i Randall, O. A. Green, v, Harry Brumbaugh, , Ernest Schumann and MUes McKee. Union posti la th proud: possessor of -the - banner -awarded by the La Grand Ad club for the , post having the largest representation ia the Ar mistice day parade. Union post bad Si out Of 19 members tn the .line of march. Twenty-one were In - uniform. With rehabilitated war veteran of this district being placed in- positions the United - States veterans", bureau in this state and the Pacific Northwest is making rapid strides toward elimi nating vocational handicap Imposed upon former service people 4by war injuries, Kenneth X. Coojper," Portland manager of the bureau, has announced. Colonel . Charles : R. Forbes of Washington.- D. -C, national head of the bureau, commended, employer - of thif district enthusiastically for the splea did showing being jnade her la offer, ing employment to rehabUitated vet eran, he: stated." r - --j-: . t' . ' A total of 20.80 former Service per sons throughout the -country have been - .j- -; - 4' . t' 4 - f- r" ' t 5lsfcBsssi r1 Help! Yesterdav" when-, I was taUclniT - with Mr; Walker, president of tho.-Behnke-Walker Business College, he -told me that he had a big surprised in store i for folks who are inter- . rated in SelUng"- and that's all r' th. aatisfaction I could aret from him. He Just said "You watch and ; wait 1 Tne tost of December I'm wait! .The tost of December -I'm swing to tell-th world something ; nw Sr..!,.. t.-' ; : -j . r New students ar enrolling every . day and very evening.- too. for ail; : tnIa business training. Behnke- Walker's absolutely guarantee every ' . r radii ate a Darin r position imme- . diately up" graduation, you know ! s v They supply a -surprising -number of Portland firms with" ."Help !" .v Fourth and Tcmhill is their address, . you know. t . f , , , .. ; - i. 1. " .- ," i ; -, ' , Designers relnrnlnr' from " Parts ouote the - rreater knportance of three piece dres types. Skirts trim ' 'about feet and sleeve show in- dividual: touches. - - - . . . - -, l -:" i v r i Noted ; recently dlnlns- at the . wore an opalescent crystal robe , Ver flesh colors The rows had no sleeves and a . rounded - neckline. , Mis Daniels' coat wa a full mink ' ' ne.. ... - - . , , i. v j.. y Th Lenglen band, -.seen most , often in metal, is also - worn in -.malina matching the hair., - , v Cood News! ? Guess? ' If ere is a bit of "talk".-. that will; delight many a seeker for , something individual ' but not too " - expensive. Isn't thatwhat we're all looking for? Mr. rost of the ' ? Famous told me, that owintr to th',' demand, they're continuing their "bisr ;. - cash discount sale of suits,, wrap end dresses 1 So if you've not already taken adV vantage of the low-red prices, do so at once ! Silk -dresses for after- noon and all informal wear, wools ; r scores of them, clinglne; wrans with i . huce luxurioas fur cnllan. Ia fact, any thirnr and everything roar taart : . may, wisn, for, , at very . modest . ' price! . .. - - -t ioe r amous.: i'arx sana AKier, gives CvP. A. votes, too, you knowj: . . -. f Fam polret Is to make his an-. pearane apaia on the - AnnTican stae. At tne opening of "Punch and Judy, Charles DiMlnfham's musical comedy, 30 Poiret gown will be worn.:. rehabilitated to date end P6.SC0 are now in training, it - was announced. A total of f 45,fS4S death and disability claims for compensation . have been made - through the veterans bureau. Medical action, was taken on 14,Sii cases -darlftg the month of October. Nearly mod new claims were filed during tvi same period despite the fact that U ' war ended more than four years, aio . ' . ' . . . Eugne, Dec Z. Lynn McCready, present vice commander -. of Eugane post, American Legion, has been nom inated for the position of commander and i4s election was practical. y assure ! et the last meeting - in December: Other nominations follow! Oeoris Love, Vice commander; S. S. George, sd JuJafit !J. Harold Beytien, financial officer; Wlllard A. Elklns, chaplain, and Miss EIna Ordahl, historian. Bey tien, Elklns and Miss Ordahl are in cumbents of the offices for which they were nominated. ,.......... ...... The American Women's ' Overseas league will meet at the Ex-Service Men's club Tuesday at S p. m. Misa Ethel Mullen Alexander and Miss Olive Olson will bo the hostesses. Mem bers are urged to attend; . ' Although defeated la their four games of the baseball season, the how itzer boys are not disheartened. They took each defeat a a matter of fact and waited patiently for the n-'tt. However, they have loaded "little Wil lie and only await .the timer's whistle to start their fight for the basketball cup. Last year they were chasing the leaders all over the armory and from reports they will catch them this year. Are You Tired? ' A ' f eelinff ' of weariness come3 too v often- upon many women, and com men; but if it la caused by shoes -that -bind - the feet, that check tha circulation or that strain the nervous system , by inducing Eoor earTiage, you can readily gain etter vitality and health. Change to Cantilever Shoesp : v Cantilever Shoes do not bind the, mnscles, checkcirculation or press on tha nerves. Taey give your feet absolute freedom to function nat urallyi. f.Th" Cantilever;, arch is mada 7 flexible, in harmony,- wi'-h your lodt arch which natura mada flexible.? ; Thusyi tho - muscles i. can exercisa properly in, walking; nor mal circulation is stimulated; .the nerves which run from your feet ' through -' your- body;ara comforted and nergizeJ, iV- -,..' Vi,.,.-. . FEEI BETTER AiL OVER . "The effect of wearing Cantilever Shoes is beneficial jipon your en tire state of - health, " for the im provement in the condition of your feet and in the strength of your arches reacts favorably over the whole body. Many people say-that they feel happier and more pleas antly disposed towards life since changing to Cantilevers. - Fine materials and workmanship go into all Cantilever Shoes. They give excellent service as shoes be sides having such a good effect cn youR personality. They are r.-it and stylish in appearance.- - Ccr. j and see how good looking they are. Sold in Portland only by - " . . J -- I----'".-. 1- j"-i- . .. s Cantilever She 3 Stcro r, 53 Aider' SC lledical E'.ij. Poland, Or. - t. tnih-tr:" rtacl .-jr.!; Dry I.' -it: 1..-. it; ' 'C iL r.;rt to fjf'.n- ; . :. f . .... , . .