THE OHEGOTT SUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOItNING, riUCZTILZTZ 1022. m I l' ' V . ' IN A-1 1 ) ; Ilk I nisi If V. ' . - j. i . ' t 4 y S3 UniversityGlub Gives Its First Dinner Dartre fpiIE Unl-ersity club w tft; wserte i. of a merry gathering ' TbaSnksslT' In when ... club meifcbersC we. 1 hoBta for the first dinner dane i&fthft season. A large eroup of society- folic attended. Those who eaterta,ine4 guests for dinner are : ; Mr ad Mrs. ' Katt McDougall, Jacofc O. JKamrn. C. -A. "Braaell, Alexander Xinthlcuin Mr.' and Mm. A. D. Nortia Majoc4 and Mrs. Richard Park, Robert H-- Atkin son. Tl. H. Baldwin, H. G, i-JCendalt. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Goodwin, Jame son Parker, Herbert IV Sessions fJDr, and MmC Joseph I McCooi, 'Jerome S. Mann.-Mr; and Mrs. Inrtng M.-liPr ton, Mrs. A. -T. Thatcher and Lieu tenant H. .B. .Marr. i The Portland Menorah society held a reception at 9 o'clock Thursday, evening- at the B'nai B'rith club for the visiting delegates to the . Far Western conference of Menor ah societies being held here thts week. The affalrwas attended Ty about ... SO : couples,- The rooms were attractively decorated with Thanksgiving suggestions and Menor&h symbols. Dancing provided entertain ment for the evening. . The receiving line consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Selllng,-Rabbi and Mrs. Jonah B. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Louisson, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Weinstetn. Mr. and Mrs. I If. Blumenthaler, Mr. -and Mrs.- Al Welnstein, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ehr man, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cohen, and Dr. J. C. BrilL Guests of honor were 'Miss Julletfa Kahn, Sol Silverman, Arnold Terateta. Miss Dorothy Wein steln, Harry Weinsteln, Jeffry Heifnan, ' Harry Bergman, Leon Lewis,. Jack Vid goff, Sam Sendel, Ernest Markwita, Miss Harriet Calkins and Miss Esther Wise. : .-iv--'" ' r'i-i ':': 4r i - .: ' i : The marriage ef Miss Gladys Blaine to Mr. Fred B. 1 Chambers will - be sol emnated Thursday evening, C December 7. at 8 ;89 o'clock In'tihe Reed, college vhapeL Miss Ruth Chambers,- arecent graduate ef Reed college, iwlll act, as bridesmaid ; Dr. D. A- Chambers, bro ther of the . bridegroom, will -be. best man. and the bride will ;be given away by her brother, - Mr. J. : J, Blaine f Seattle. The ceremony will - be 1 per formed by Rev. William I Rlley Miss Alice Johnson, ; a. student of Reed col lege, will play ' thee wedding march. A short reception In the chapel will" foU low the ceremony. ' One hundred invi tations have been sent out. Miss Blaine graduated from Reed college last June. ' She was prominent In college dramat ics, having been an officer of , the . drama club and a participant in: many productions. Mr. and Mrs. Dean . Kline entertained Thursday evening at - the Michigan hotel with an attractive parte tn honor of their eon. Dean Jr.'a 18th birthday. Musk?, and dancing were enjoyed by about SO guests. . Jack WUcox and Al . Ciirtmll! ? played several numbers en the banjo and ; mandolin, which were enjoyed. Clog v dancing '-x by -' Archie ' HoUle was also a novel feature. . Mr. San Powell sang-two ' selecUona.'and' . Mr. 4 J. Kapha and 'Bill Young 'also . ba&cvv - Late in the , evening ; refresh menta were served. ..i . .-. . ., . . . . . - ' -. . . v Mr and Mre.lRobrtyt.tBeckwith were hosts for a beautifully "appointed dinner Thanksgiving day at Hotel Portland;" Covers -were lafeed for Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beckwith. Mr. and4 Airs, wuuam Beckwith, Mr. and Mra Paul C Mortoiu Mlsa Ruth Beckwith, Mra. mraa Morton and the hosts. O. T. S. cliib, which baa for Its mem bers a smair group of the younger- eet. gave Its first of a aerlea: of dances Tueaday evening at Linnton ball. -:. A large group of their t rieada enjoyed the affair. . t ' - - v In" honor of M rs. Frank ;. Loom is Feaoh Eliabeti Boyd,, Mra Henry Itoy-J will entTtaLa with a larr-e t , . - 'ir, - "r V si 1 -4: - t H Tyf ISS IREN E STEELE was a recent luncheon hostess. One of the newly, engaged girls is Miss Maurine Bal lard. Mrs Edgar Newall (Evah Frances Hadley) was married recently at an elaborate wedding in Newberg. i ......,.i...i,,.ii...Fl.iif1ilp,,,,i,,irP f ,,.,Trr iilimi 0? HtOEBES & CO Fnrs and individual style shops ' Broadway at Morrison i--, BieJjes tat sKpp ' !''is -showing new : : ; sports hats ; ; ; y i ;i ;. ; ' f roiri Weyhiari--T ; . . -V(J Master of the difficult art of sports headf gear -.Weymaa. . has developed with : .much ' chic and originality not alone .sports v hats - but I hats V with ; m atching Jiandbags; hatswith scarfs; hats them seJre of the utmost charmrand with that i true jauntiness all real sportswear boasts I Prices are most moderate. ' -' si WO Mrs. Cairns : To Be Guest : AtGardParty ' ........ .i : i'-- . ABA COMPLIMENT to Mra. James Cairns, who la visiting her broth ec Colonel T. Anderson.- at Vancouver barracks, Mrs. James F. Melndoe has invited guests to soake up str tables of brtdge Tuesday afternoon- Addi tional guests have been Invited for the tea . hour. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. George Mayo and Mrs. Richard Park. ,-. -k .. . . . - Miss Charlie Fentan. bride-elect, wsa the Inspiration for a, lovely bridge tea Tuesday. Miss Vallere Coffey Invited friends to make up three tables of bridge and later others called for, the tea hour. Presiding; at the tea urn were Mrs. George ' Judson, Beggs (Caroline Montague) and Miss Gerald lne Hlnkelson. Assisting them swere the- Misses Annamay, Bronaugh and MareeU Carlock. . ' Preceding tba Zrrlngton club dance Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Eddy were hosts to a -dinner of 14 covers at the University, elub. -The guests Included Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wayne Watts, Mr. and Mra Joseph Reiech, Mr. and Mrs. George Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hickman, Mrs. .Charles B. Stetson and Mr. Jr C Parker. .- . t;v. . Mrs, Ellis T. Lawrence entertained with a delightful luncheon at the Uni versity elub Tuesday, in honor of Miss Maude Kerns of, the fine arts depart ment. of the University of" Oregon. Miss Kerns was In charge of the exhibit of w ork of that department which wsa oa display Monday .at Trinity parish house on the. occasion of Sarah Truaa read ing. . . ,.- . . . Lieutenant William Ludlow of the U. S. S. New Tork, now stationed at Bremerton, Is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot for the holidays. " Mrs. Margaret. Biddle, with her daughter. Miss Margaret Biddle, and Miss Louise Llnthicum went down to Neah-kah-nle for Thanksgiving. Saturday evening, November 25, tn the presence of about 85 relatives and close friends of the couple. Miss Muriel Amelia XJnnett daughter of ..Mr., and Mrs. Walter Ernest Linnext. became the bride of Mr. Clarence Henry Hopp at the home ef her parents. JVo.- 1TS1 East 17th street south. - Rev:; W. S. McCullagb of the. Moreland Presby terian church officiating. The impres sive ring ceremony- was performed -under- a bower .of greenery and white chrysanthemums, and immediately pre- dins Miss Genevieve Tovng sang "At Dawning.' The bride wore taffeta la bouffant style with a trimming of sil ver lace. Her long veil was adorned with a coronet of orange blossoms and She carried v shower of Bride roses and lUiee-of-the-valiey.-: Miss Erma Latham, bridesmaid.' wore , pink' satin with white lace and carried ;OpheUa roees.' Little Martha. Jean waS a dain ty flower girl. Mr.- OrviDe Hopp dieted as his brother's beat man. Miss Jessica Jones played Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," The Misses Morelock, Meyer, Calef. Ruth ; Shepperd and - Loia Lin- nett. assisted -rn serving refreshments. Mrs. Hodd Is a member of ' the last graduating t class of old; Washington high. June, 1922. 'Mr. Hopp ,1s an em ploye of the Portland Worsted Mills; They win reside In SellwoodL i , V'-.v "'-: -; - . i?" i ::- A pleasartt surprise party " was gi ven Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. :. Bradley, on the-; occasion of their, fiffla wedding anniversary. Mu sic, sames and dancing were the diver sions of the evening, sifter- whlch'a -buffet supper was served.'-Those. present were : Mri. - A. f Howitt Mrs. J Bradley, Mrs. W. Lester Mrs. A, No lan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds, Mrs. a. BUck, Mrs. N. Donls, Mra O. Hardahl,. Mrs. WBegula, :Mr. and Mrs. P.- IJar sev Mrs. Mj Peterson, and the Misses Gertlna Hembre, Eva and Mary Wlrts, Vivian and Florence Reynolds, Wini fred Bradley," lone and Geraldine How- ItU.Beth Hardahl; Ruth lonU. , Mary Agnes vLacey celebrated her third birthday with : a party at i the home of Mrs.. Sadie Wilcox. No. 6&S Market street, Friday afternoon week. The afternoon was spent in musie snd games, after wtiich a birthday lunch eon was: spread. "v Those present in cluded : . Bertha Leonhardt. Theresa Saldana. Mary Miller. Vida AUer, Bus ter Brown,' Frank Glaneltt , and Harold and William Leonhardt, ,v . : Mr. Peter T. McCarter of Vanconver, B. C. has come to remain for the win- ter with her sister and .brother-ln-lawt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Brackett. Mr. and Mrsl A. A.: Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp JV., and Mr. and Mrs, Robert O. Morrison' were guests of Major and Mrs. John Cabean Beatty for Thanksgiving dinner.- , nnnniimimniM.....,,,,,..,.,.,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,;; O H'LIEBE S & CO O Fnrs and Individual Styte Shops Broadway at Morson REDUCTIONS of paramount on importance Liebes quality SUITS - GOATS FROCKS TTT V7 T g in the soft silk crepes that M? XVV-I WIVO Winter has favored ; frocks in twill, in well tailored models ; dinner and evening frocks in soft-hued silks ; reduced to make way for incoming Spring stocks! Prices are 19.75 29.50 39.50 V Off formerly to 39.50 formerly to 5.00 formerly to 75.00 formerly 85 to 1 75.00 'im A npg in " "marvelous Winter fabrics, Vy X i3 trimmed with only - the finest furs including representative types from the most noted American designers and copies from the better French model houses!. 19.75 49.00 65.00 V4 Off formerly to 39.50 formerly to 69.00 formerly to 89.00 formerly 165 to 275.00 CT TTTC n tw an tricotine, tailored' fault Ov X X O lessly and elegant, pile fabric suits i-.: " , with or without fur, A group, also, of splendid, Apiece costume suits. Astounding values! - formerly to 69.00 59.00 : formerly to 85.00 V4 Off formerly 79.00 1 to 225.00 Reductions of : like importance in ; many ; other departments! &0 - A- 9. St.'.- - - .- H o n ey m a n s;" ; rGather; at : HoflrieDinner Tl rn.' AND MRS. THOMAS I. HON If A ETMAN . were -hosts to a laree entertained he members' of the Honey man y family 1 i- Thanksgiving- dinner. 'I 'ft. a v. . S 1 1 a . . . . ftu6. ,10. muuucu jrir. auiu un. David f Ti Honeyman, .Mr.-3 aWt' Mrs. Jamea r- Hltmimiaii 1- T.inA Mm Walter Honeyman. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred -v. .. ar.r ana an, woraan v. r - Society Is evincinsi. much interest in the - subscription dance, scheduled - for December ,1 at; the Wavefley Coun try club. . This will be the first of a series: to be given " at the chib this winter. .. The invitation list - Includes members of the debutante set and. a number of the. young married folic The affair will be preceded by many large dinner pares.'V f .. ' . -,-- ,e ' -Poro54M,sh' M1 Strain and,Mr. Blafor -Thornton,- both of yvwev j!urrld . Sunday In Asotin. Theys are the son anddaugh ter of pioneer Garfield county families. Thtelr wedding was a surprise both to their parents and their friends. ? Mrs. ptWioe' NeTl JSimmons was r?" w f, Tnkagrvlns; dinner party at the Mallory Thursday evening "J KV""aftt nlversltypen-notse by-the four fraternities at Willamette "fir", W!U Saturdayvl! nlng. This is an annual function at Willamette wherein .the fraternities ex tend, openhouse' and invite the stu dents and friends of Willamette uni versity -, to ; call. . The line of, march from, the- different:, fraternity i houses has been selected this year to-be frrn the Sigma -Tau to the Kappa Gamma Rho, thence to the Phi Kappa Pi- and last to the .Alpha'. Psi Delta.-- -Mrs. Bruce White is president of -the Sigma Tauu Jamea Reed of the Phi. Kappa. Pt. Robert Notson of the Kappa Gamma Rho. and" Elsworth Anslow, -president of ,the Alpha Pst Delta, - . ' ' , , 1 . ';".". 1 V HateboroThursday; c evening ; pupils of the -two "iclasses of 'domestic science served an eiabroate three course -. din ner tolhe'membera of the school beard and. teachers and Jtaculty of all llllle lor6 ischooJs.-H The rooms were decorat ed with vorn shocks, pufnpkins and fir bougrhs. Table dseratlons were .bas kets 'of fruit with, autumn -leaves. ' The place cards were -sketched and painted by -Vivienne Rasmusoen, a member, ef the" domestic art class. The members of the domestic aft class had on dis play, a number of "beautiful .hand-made ladies' ; noveltieBi Music, readings . and toasts by the-iiir-Jty and members of the board followed the dinner. - t " - - v -"A group women, all members of the Alameda club, entertained with a beautifully: arranged dinner for their husbands early in the week: at . the hom -otj Mnv.. Robert W. Neighbor. The dinner was followed try bridge and dancing.: - Sixty -guests- enjoyed the affair.,.., . , t , -..J. -.V - i J - , . Mr.7 and Trs. Henry Hughes enters talned recently with, an Informal sup per: danced at 1 their s home on Cornel road. - 4T.lrty ueslH enjoyed i their hoapitallty. . , "t r V i 7 -".' , ' Mtsj. Edwin- -CShvlJn eifiertalned with aparty of 13 fcr dinner TuesdaJ Col." Leader to Sail Dec. iO i ;Fdr: England IT .IS with regret that the many friends -of Colonel Joan Leader ancf Mra.'Iader l4i them farewell last week tipbn Ct 'r d'eparturb trover Ore gon.r .They,' ' h their three children. will,-sailDecember 19. from. St. Johns. Neva JBrunswick.J! for. Esgiand, ..where they win reside permanently. They stopped en route to witness ' the Oregon-Washington footbair game . In Se-attleand-tor spend Thanksgiving with friends there, ri : ...... . ."-'f VMrs. .Richard F.l Schols was. hostess for a delightful tea Friday afternoon coraplimentir Mrs. JEUchard - McMa hon and . Mrs. Edwin Guthrie, charm ing Seattle "snetrons. wives of faculty members cf . tle University . of Wash ington; .who are spending, the . Thank a gixins" Jielldays 1 with) friends on the Reed coVlege campus. Presiding at the artistically aii imted" tea table Fri day were Mrs., Wilson Wallis snd Mrs. Charles McKinley. A ' ' - . . Mr. . and ' Mrs. - Chester A. Ilooree entertained members' of a bridge club Recently at -their home. Four tat or brtdge were enjoyea. ' - ' -Mr. Edwin I.Shevlftt of. Bend, Or., was' a guest of his -parents; Mr. and Mrs, Edwla G. Shevlln ton the week end, coming down .to. Join them -.for Thanksghring dinner,' . .Mr.anor 'Mra Landor -Penne - ara nome-from a trip to the East 'v Furs and r individual style7 shops i Broadway, at 'Morriscn 4 i- : ' JO ,1 , 1 'fi J.. .Jot" lovely erie was never so Crenc 'satio is used to charming effect in nihttf owns, chemises and . . ' , : " " . . 7. :- ., ... ... ...... V.. ....... i:. '- - thcncw and much liked sets ;of; drawers and chemise, that match. . ; Crepe'de Chine of a Equality wt seen foryears is employed ; and soft xadiumcrepe,- that launders Iso well ani lasts so indefinitely, add'jhe -practical quality t combinations of -lace, and silk so ingenious as to ,-'"cV defv descriotion! -in coral, turquoise, pcacn, ncsn ana wane; Chemises from 235 Chemise anddrawer sets the garment, from 4JSQ Nightgowns from 4.95: v.v BecSmihg negligees' ' in. soft silks - v . " and' restful' ' han d. like nanels.'f ar below the hem : tfarlanrli and corsger -silk "flowers 4 unoxs tne nmcn-ioveQ shades of French blue and old rose . these' bring added charm to grace ful negligees. Among the many; .'; -i Satin breakfast i!odSr jT6m 6S5 tM, "i- Padded lounging robes, from 13&5 V;: . Crepe deChuie negligees, from 15 J00 . - I . and-net ; isettes ' : wnHtH ufU,:;;-,'; For all they tombineUh the richest of ? i Myriads . of beads In : aay? number of k ' ? hand-made ' laces ; " with hand-embroi-:.:-' colors combine wim exquisite jJartistry ' aery hand-crocheted buttons; for all m charming. creations ffrorjpiParis;:";;1 " they've the -full: net; back that there '' steel beads glisten on navy, crepe satin, ; . , are ruffled, shawl collared 1 or ' P& gy many in' the new yoked' ef f ecf A . -v- , neck models,' and still others, with the v number of excellent overblonse i "rapdels peplum vest you may purchase them -vpriced from ;-.-. s . ' .- ; , for as little as JOJOO .IN- " y 3 r'i