The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1922, Page 38, Image 38

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St "t
rrHAXKSGIV3NG day was tbo occa
X alonr for, many Informal pinner
parties at Vancouver barracks,; Major
Gerald ' D. ByTtte and. his iOtb; Mtaj
Annie Byma. erflertainod -triOi a de
lisntful holiday dinner, hortorSn the
medical officers and their, wives; itajor
v. If. C. Brown was host for a larejein
ner party Thursday avenlrij " x
v Captain and Mra Thomas Harris
entertained at a four-tabl btidse
" party - Saturday .evening: at 'their
Quarters in the post. A number' Of
Portland people were among the
: rueats.
Mrs.VWIUiam Lawaon DttUe enter.
; -nalned . informally Tuesday, Aftenooli
1 . Captain and Mrs. John. C Qltthero
, A arrived- at Vancouvef barracks ' this
t week froni- Alaska, ' where Captain
Glithero has, been stationed 1
Captain and Mrs, Charles, Bond left
this week for the East, where they ex
pect to make their homey
I Arrangements for the pest Christmas
i ' trea to ba held At the ne PoAt tHeaore
I on Christmas eve are virtually, com-
I pleted. It is, planned to make tha it-
i fair an interesting; soclat event for, the
j- ' rrowno-ups of the barracks as well as
I for the very young. "
f ; .;-.:: :
) ' Mr, and Mrs. C T. Hoge entertaJna
I ' with a' dinner party Tuesday evening:
? for Mr. Charles Dixon, a cousin of Mr.
Hose's; Miss. Helen Goodhue, Mjv Wil-
Hard A. JUee and Mr. and Mrs. Guy. K.
i Ktynolds. Mr, Dixon ia the manager,
f - of the. American XJrh Opera, company
i which Just concluded an engagement at
: 1 be AudKbrium. Mr. Lea is a Portland
( boy and a former member of the Baker
j Stock company, v He, with Miaa Good-
i hue. played tla leads in tha sketch,
i "Parlor, Bedroom And. Bath" at the Or
pheuui, ,
s Mis Karcusea " Hobertson. entei
tarried 'or the pleasure of. Mis Flora
: W'AtkinA, bride-elect, Saturday evening
i ithai surprise miscellaneous ' shower.
5 Th srueat tUit included, the Misses Xucy
i Chaffin."AUce Chaffln, Lydia Schalen,
. ,.lda Marquardt, 'MU '.Eilets, Laura
; V ytein. Louise Fisher, Cliarlotta Bland.
. Kathertne ABen. Gertrude Anderson.
nna UalV Magdaltea-Hall, Bertha
4 Korslner, 'JfimoA Cbykendall. ' Mrs. " M."
Kins!ey. Mrs. XjT Hall, Mr." Murdoch
Jtooerraon, Mrs. y HJ Robertson. Mrs.
K. Watkins. Mra' A;
Wat bin
' Miss
. . . ...... r Tri
x-iora wimns ana u hostesa ?
Mrs. Martin T!' Pratt entertained r
rentry with deiighttuV luncheon at
her home in Laureihuret in honor of
hr mother. JtfnC Paulina Waidt. Those
present Were Mies Nannia E. Taylor.
Jtrs,"Dwislas W.' Taylor, Mrs. George
C?den Mrm 'Chrtstianson. Mrs. Harry
P. Taylor Mrs.'nca Richards. Mrs.
IZlsner Mrs. 'Alateoen, Mrs. Wells, Mra
"Douglas It. -Pratt Mrs. i Bertha
Ijnpr, Mrs. PauIlnsF Waidt. Mrs. Mar
tid T. Pratt- ' ,s. s.-.v - - ."
Mra George H. Batterfield and her
J wo children. Mary jane and George
H. ir, are spending the winter at Sea
side. Mis Elisabeth Patton of Port-'
land la Mrs. ButterQeld a guest at the
"cottag this " week. "Mrs. BUtterfleld
Mill return 9 Poryand for. the holi
days, .' J
Tha aumnaa member
;pKilon, national music ' i
ot M Phi
KpKtlon, sationat.musio' society, will
gather at Ure home of ili Edna Mes
ensrer In irvingtoni nexfT Tuesday eve
ning. - All Portland Ma Phi members
are Invited.
Miss ..Delight . -Ingold spent the
Thanksgiving"' holidays in Seattle.
where aha attended the' Orego.a-vVash-
insrton football gam and too varsity
ball. ' She will return to Portland to
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Feldenhclmer
were hosts . for an ' Attractive family
.': nner given at Hotel Portland
1 i sntsgivinc Covers were placed for
Wendel were
.. J "
..'v. : t
, i
: a v -1' i. ' j.
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M" ISS RlAH:VOOpHrwa$?a.rcccnt;to
PottlincI from N(c4ford :.SKi VC" &e houscguesrf
het aujat. MrW Marsarct , BidcQe- MisXeot Day of Vrc-t
tora p. C. , lbrj!houseuesVof aunt, Mial Frank ;y
Swantoiu MrVGordQi M21et I?ft recently to'xbit tH EV
q Tea
Feure'd by .
A.. RARE arUrtlo treat was the exhi
. bitlcn ot pictures given tn connec
tion with a studio tea -by Sidney Bel
Tuesday aTid Wednesday aftemoona,
The exhtbrtlon was principally a loan
collection of js work sines ha hss re
sided ia Portland. There rero' a turn
ber of cartoon studies In" black ' and
white of famous En gUsh sta t earn t
. Tha tea table, 'which was attract' va
in red roses, was la --charge? t "Me
dames C Edward Grella. Mrs. KeTen
Ladd Corbett Mrs. Charles F. Adafrss,
Mrs. George T Grlinrer,. Mrs- Charles
H. Carey. Mrs, Lee Ha wley Hoffman,'
Mrs. David T. ,HoneymaiV Mrs.' Ed
mund I. Devereaux and Mrs. Pierre
Rossfter Mines. ; .
CaptaisT and Mrs. Harry Barnwell
of Everett and Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Sim of Port Townaend. Wash., mere
tn town tor. a few. daya tha past week.
uoua captain itamweii and Mr: Sims
. are members: o tha board ot fisheries
for the state of "Washington and were
aown on otnciai ousine&a, f , . - - ' " '
- . ' -
' Mr. and. Mrs. Elton Watkins gave
a dallghtful supper party last Sunday
evening tn honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Ehanki OXaberKorenj.- -who Save
returned front their wedd'r, tour.
Twenty-four, guess wera Invite I.
l r
were placed for Mr, and Mrs, Maurice
Crumpacker, Mrs. George Carter Ster
ling. Mrs. Mary Scarborough, Miss. Cor
nelia. Cook. Dr. Ltye. ft. Klngery" Dr.
Andrew" Hall, Mr. "Don Sterling' and
Mr; Kennth "McDonnell.' - " . ' .'
If $ou axeplarjvinZ to-ldidcn a motW's
ftecrrf irffA a &ffor hahy, j?ou o?3 be Je
lishlei tflih thi many dainty gifts to se
feet ron tri otnr exciiihye ere
. , fsWt
ll' - ' " " j'j'" ""2 ' "j
3o f
o o
o r r i son
vv. I
Engagement of
Is Announced
npHSJ : engagement ot Miss Frances
'4- tousbury to air. tUs Hixon was
announced yesteray Afternoon, ata
Floyd Maxwell (Mildred Laudefdalel
was hosteea. ' CArds hearing the news
of the bethothalere set at each phce
At the luncheoa table.' ' hica was
adorned with' yellow and. rtlto
anlhemurns. ? Sixteen, thembeti b th.
colles set wetC presenV' v' jll'.'t..
daughter of Mt. 4 Vff.
Befort Aft improvl8ClJ lUf bftnkeJ
wlff SESnX Vna isnd chrysanthemum
Missveiyrt M- V-JnmSatwS
arldo ot syleter "E. Vir4
A evening" At the home, o Mt and
Va4 w5 LaVrence ih Laurerhurst.
-Lloyd Carrick ot tha Forbej
Dorothy LAwtcne played ths wedding
match and La Verne SeverenC sng
At Dawning.- the brtds was charm
ing5 to V Sown t ivory repe satin
fafhlned if long Unfc r
tulle veil- was held 1M W
wreath ot orange blossom s 6h e cari
ried a showet bou9U ? :I?a? 2
and Biles 6tth Wr- Allss' Kuth
t?etch. hr oTOy "ntrl0rwiath
ffecttvr grenlt taffeU' C2tf
Liver' girdle:5 Sh ' carried OphAlla
rotes, puane Lswrepee Ttt4best
of lnCcrest in'tho dancing circles Is
th pre-hotiday party td bo feiven
ri fchristiUioTi club, $n Monday eve
ning at Christens-ti hall. Elaborate
6rSarattoT'bave'teen taade by the
corhrntttee In charge, with fcnusUs as the
coecUt attraction. Those on the, com
mutes are Messrs. Cook, Lewis. .Gaf
nerC'Thornaag " Bestland, HacVng- and
piristenseru- 'j. , . , ,
An vaht which society folk are much
interested to for tha coming week. Is the
Chamber Music Trio concert scheduled
for Monday evening at th Portland
Woman's club auditorium. .This Is the
rd of a scries Of concerts to bd of-
ferad by the" trio this season. - -
v " 1 - r v
near 1 cnt h Street "
Redding to
- Be Wednt
AWKDDIXG of tjnusuftl Interest for
the comins week will l that of
Charlie Keatn tid Mr. tutlley
Ci-i Weanes4ay eveninjf at the tuSme
of Dr.7 Mrs. Hicks C. Fentoa on
TTUJamette Hei:bta. 'TLa oeremony will
fca attended by relaU'Tes ' ajid close
friends of th. couple. Virginia Fentoa
And llargraret Fentoq, cousma of the
bride.' will be the attendants. Dr.
Horace B. Fehton will bo best man.
The wedding march, will b played by
Mafyixet HAwaina and Irene Sulli
van.'. Marion XJan- of- Eugene will
Dr. , A. A- Morrison - will oiil-
elate.. - A
recestlon will follow the
ceremony . v . - , -1 1
-Mis Fentoa aa been tn irspira
tlon for' many, smart affairs. Frhiay
niffht Mr and lira H- Ix. Keller lion
ored Miss Fenton and 11 r. Clark with
. dinner cart r at thi Benson hoteL
.On Monday Zlt, And Ira Dean Hayes
will be fcosti at th UnlverKity clulj
In-their ionon ilr" And Mrs. Ed?ar
B. Piper also 4 dinner for Miss
FenoA Ana ies tlance, ' ' '
' , - , .
Tha WB!a'ttta.' chapMr" ot ' the
Daughterg o tiia Atoericail Revolu
tion rta" t4 second 6t A eenes ot
benef t card, parties at the home of
Mrs. Georre A. Hopp recently. ' JJfra
G. J San:eV lira. li.CJ.ii Cornish
And lt T. jU Stoeckle wr' Joint
tcter-es. ChrysaKthemams and ferns
were as 4 In the decorations. During
tha tea'bdur Mrs.'Fletcher tilnn, -ave
an Interesting taik. a .
Itefsnw Aft altar ; Banked with fellow
cTiryg inthemurr.' " 1 And, palms, Miss
' 7 V.
, 4 p7etighifut CJuisima SurprU for '
igifei'fiothGr, Daughter or Sister, .
v, '-, - - . .
' . " -
vi7 Sa! n -
Vt iv'j f it -
5r6.. 1 "v. ' '
- e-v -a 1 --11
,t "jl "m ji U A
fWw w ..t., ,. r...- .v-.- : y I -'. V '--"-' . . '",:'-1- I
f Jjl J ' ThiakIcowJpIetiBrl "
of only four cants, for faL The Simplex not only ' '
- ' - f j ' , - ' ; . i-" ft.-t , irons flat pieces perfectly, but it kes shirts an4 soft -,r- -
j, ' ' f . , ' . -' pg. ' , I' f nHs'is'lulYirffk rrrrirnnts, rhiHrrn's rlr-m ling "V '
' 3PmL-- . - aria 'faisct : pTactcaU)r; yraryUua't in. th ordin. 'i jr
' " -4 a ' W"-???5-! ,",'iS23S. aryiTOnin', ,r7'1'i - ' . 1
I " ?:"''4':Vv-i. v c;V,v--the- best- roonERv - .
' TnatV exactly what W9 mean send you this splendid, brand new, smootli running family size
SIMPLEX IROER on 10 daysrVee trial. Remernbcrthi?i means absolutely no cost. and no, oblisatioa
to you. AVc even pay the delivery charges. We simply wan you to see for yourself what it can do. s We want
you to try it oa your own house dresses, childrents clothes, and bvy table linens. Then if you da not wish to
keepiVwe.vVTll snd "r . ' ..t ; T
But if you deckb that this is just what you4 loye
monthly installments. - . . ,
The carapaisn has
therefore it is continued
Gladys Oliva Is'eal became the bride of
Clyde A. Ituegg - Thanksgiving "taght.
Tho'llev. MelvUle T. Wir of Astoria
performed tha ceremony at the home
of the bride in Gresham. Miss Pearl
Hoegg, sister of the groom, u in&ld
of honor. : , Little. Virginia Jelken waq
flower girl. - Master Thomas Lea Shaw
carried tha ring. Mr. Marion Huxley,
cousin of - the brida, wa best man.
Tha : wedding inarch was played by
Miss Dorothea Wotfken. - Mrs. Lois
Elsa liaUdorsoa sang VVheffi "Song Is
Sweet." Following- the ceremony a
bufl'et supper was served. " -
'-Ot Interest to a largo number of,
Portland friends was "the ' marriage
Saturday, ct Miss Daisy Arlene free
man and Hoyal Avery, Dr. ?J. J.
Staub. performed the ceremony at the
borne of Mr. and lira,, Edwin Millard
oa Council Crest. .Miss Frecmaa is a
popular .Lm Angeles girt who . has
mads her . heme . m. Portland for the
past "year. ,, Mr. Avery Is a member
ot ait' old - pioneer family -r : r
. .-r ' ; " . - .
' Th Informal afternoon tea ' given
for Reed college women every Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday. and Friday, from
4 to 4 sSO o'clock In Anna Mann cottage
by the. Amanda Reed associaudn, have
proved Unusually popular. One upper
Class girl acts as hostess for each tea
and is assisted by a freshman or soph
omore girl. In this way the duty of
hostess falls upon, each upperclass girl
About, twice a year. - -
" . 'j - -1 ; 1
Miss Winifred M. Goodrich, daughter
of Mr. and lira, tf. C, Goodrich, No.
SoS East 47th -street, was married to
Mr. Edwin John Squire Saturday after
noon, Kovember 5, at the horns' of the
bride. Rev.W. T. MCElveert officiated.
The bride is a graduate of Pomona col
lege, later being director ot physical
education there, Tha bridegroom, is A
Stanford man. they will make their
home In Ventura," CaL - ' . , '
Pictura th delight ot A-woman
stifroundcd by dainty artist id reed
furniture. In exquisite taste har
monizing 'tritb. all other kinds ol
furniture, it ia really a gift for the
home for-the trtioler family. " . v
,. . It add to. the" charm of Tery
day: life, axf essential in thd homes
of people of tasta aad refinement.
Can , be : tised in any. Toom, living
.room; bedroom, gun room etcV :
Orders 'for Christmas should be
placed at once' to assura prompt
delivery" Selections Irocf'th fol
lowing may be made now at our
.saop. at Si? Williams ave. ?
. :-. ,g... 9ff V H'.--l. A.-f lS
Chaise tongues. Writing Desks,
K.nmra ana, rcocKers, tiover -Baskets!
Boxes and Stands.1
Moor, and Tcbte Lamps, Wood
ua&kets, l abies and stands,
tsirtd Cages, stools and, --
, 'Many Others -
been, such a success that we have been unable to. catch up with
one week . "
Three Score ;
Are Guests 1
At; Theatre
' 11 TRSL PAT ALLEM1 entertained with
J.TJL large theatre party Tuesday eve
For Dress Wear
- V:.
Brown, Kid, Clack' Kid, and
effects walking heeltt, . .
Oilier-MqZcU at $8.50
Paient Leathery Two-Strap, Black Kid
" Two-Strap, Brown Kid Two-Strap
,:Tfte f practical jmd always iQi
apprectateaAU.en A, vmach , -
' ' - Caf", m Gordon's. -
V. "
, 342 Morrison,
to have, all you have to pay is
' , - .
ning at tha lata perform ano of "TPhaa,
Knighthood Was In Flower at th
People's Uieatre. Over 3 people war
present - as Mrs. Allen's guest, tha "
entire log section ing reserved for
them, A number of prominent people
engaged, tn community arvle and
various club and ' charitable aettvttle
ln tha city wera Included In thA guest -list..
i Mr. ,' and - Mrs. ," W. - J. ; lntfihsa ar
receiving congratulations upon tha
birth of a ion.,
Elack Satin Colonial
i Black Satin One-Strap ,
tlack Kid Two-Strap
'Patent Leather TwchStrap
- All Tern Soles. . 11040
Patentone and two-strap
. v . . . . . . flQJOO
Near Broadway - -
$7.50 down, balance in
the home demonstrations ; "
and Mrs.
f r -i
! PO T r7 r-rv
Ail V -J JU W4 U44 4- A i-' H.. - Uii,