THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SUNDAY ilORNING, DZCtllLZIt S, 1922. EXaiANGE REAL ESTATE 413 20 Acres, Trade for --. House and Lot ' AR level, fim aoO oa gwd rack md, 4 4 miles of Oregon City and -1 44 mii to ear line and score; 15 , tent in cult bel. alee frott ot tim ber, food spring -water en place; 8 most-, font boon been bout about 8 yean, ail building m time; fine track barn, ail painted ; good hog, hoias. wood house, has house, f rait lioua ; tout fruit; food well at bouse -and bam; this ie-aa ideal home for. some ana; at good load. 'close - to school and town and a fine place to -live: will trade it even up tor a good model boaaa and Jot is Port land thai ia - actually - worth tlia money: price of place ia goOOO. all eiear. E P. Elliott at Son. 7 th, and Main st., Oxegoa City, Or. .. . ... Match These Exchanges Fully Stocked and - Equipped ONE OP THE-BE9T STOCK KANCHE3 - IN OREGON 1)00 acne, 270 acre wader cultivation. .-' 40 aeres in clover, 8 SO a. fine bottom land, , balance ' fine pasture and timber: 3 million -, feet of aaw timber and mill; 70,000 feet of lumber: -4 acraa bearing orchard; 7 -room hens with . bath: spring water piped to buiidmes: 73 head of cattle. 40 milk cows, 8 head of hones, 100 Urns of bar in bam, '' plenty of grata; will exchange thia for city ineom Or sell on good terms. v KELLER DEAL. 425 Luxnber Ex. Bldg.. Portlaad. Ore. r - B-6908 Hotel for nueh. -Reaidenoa for grocery. Residence and cash for hotel Ijotm and- cash' for resilience Hardware store for ranch. Anartmant hooae for ranch. K41 uhl COO. earns in aroltivaticrii. 200 acrea in wheat, good bruldiAa, electric light. 28 cows, hogs, 6. boraea, tractor, ail kinds farm implements : $35,000. Govern ment loan S 10,000. Want Portland or Se attle property. S CHAM Or OOJI. Do You leed; Cash 1 iiave a fine prune orenard, foil bear ing, with good evaporator. Anrmal eam iugs abont 8700O net. No incTimbrance. Pries 833.000. Will add 886,000 eaah for a good piece of business property, prefer west side. See Gibson. MetzgerParker Co. BEALT0B8 289 Oak St Bdwy. 83B5. TSADE COR PORTLAND REALTY 20 acres. 10 miles Vancouver. Wash., 10 clear, baL timber. 800 cords wood, lots nice eedar, 4 room house, barn 60x50; two goad wells, family orchard coming in bear ing. 7 acres vetch and wheat, on good grav eled , road, 2 cows, 2 heifers, one horse, -100 chickens. This land is all level, the very best soil, no rock, no stone. Price 84000; will take Portland realty to value $2560. balance three and five years 6 per cent. 1. H. RICHARDS. 80S McKay Bldg. 240 ACRES tJtbou 10 miles from Salem, in cnlH vatktn, 15 acres prunes; one 8 and one 4 room modern bungalow; good water system with water in all buildings; place aU fenced and cross-fenced: 10 cows. 2 good horses, chicken snd all farm .machinery. Will accept houses in Portland for my equity, mortgage $15,000, 92000 now due, hutxnee long tune. I expect to sacrifice. . make any proposition. ANCHOR 1NVESTMXST CO., Kealtora. 405-8 Panama bldg., 3d and Aider.. JVOULU ACCEPT HIOH GRADK ACTO- MOBILE OH OTHER PROPERTY AS FIRST PAT MEN T ON MODERN 42 H ACRaj DAIRT FARM near Vp.Mmnnlle. nearly new 8 room plas- . tered house with sleeping porch, bath, full cement basement and laundry-trays, chicken houses, hoghouee, and other outbtiildings, -' nuaiern barn with silo: well painted and ' cared for. Beautiful all year creek on place) soma standing white oaf tnnoer. JOHN M. KROO CO.. 4 12 W floor bldg. Bdwy. 13TB. ' 1 i " 1 LOT 86x105 and 8-room house, base ment, hot ahd cold water, bath and . toilet, garage, half .block to hard surface , street, at University Park. Price 34500. mortgage $1400; trade equity for smaller place or small acreage place. Bee Gibson, -MetzgerFarker Co. - REALTORS 288 Oak St Bowy. 8358. r calItOrnia Irrigated . - Alfalfa and fruit land. 84 acres. aU lev eled and irrigated by 18-inch well with con Ainnous flow of 1000 gallons per minute. Sufficient for twice the acrsage. Soil sandy loam, good for alfalfa, and all of the fruits grown in California. Price $160 per acre. Pederal loan of $6500.' Will exchange for clear city property in Oregon. Johnson-Dodson Co. ' 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 5 ROOif house, on corner lot 6 Ox 120. east aide, strictly business lo , cation on Belmont at.; want 5 or 6 room bungalow. Rosa Ctty. Laurel hunt or W'ahvut Park. Win assume. BOBNETT HcCLCHE. REALTORS, 802 Couch bios. Bdwy. 8574. SO ACRES ' 48 aeres cleared. 20 i near Brush Prairie, Wash. ; good 8-room-bona, large barn, fenced and cross-fenced; , $16,000. Federal loan $4700. to run S3 years. To exchange my equity for .Portland property. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 406-6 Panama bldg.. 8d and Alder. LOS ANGELES' INCOME FOB PORTLAND - Splendid 14-room residence In Log A relea, leased $200 par month: price $80, OOO; trade for Portland residence, hotel, .rooming house, etc HARGROV7E REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 6381. ' ' S-K.OOMT M0rEBN HOCSfi Except hardwocd floors; in Piedmont dis trict, All improvements in and paid; now lnased for $50 per month. Value $6000. W ill exchange - tor giuceiy stock, gents' faniahiiiga or income property. What have you ? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Kealtora, 408-8 Panama bldg., 3d and AMer. Canadian ' Farm 480 acres, all fine level land, big crops wheat, oats, parley, flax; fine prairia out- ; range lor stock; a. better moneymaker tftaa i an Iowa farm; azchsnge tor farm here. Sea owner, O. Oole,-426 Lumbermena bldg. ,XVJl.l exchange city reailence, 0 rooms, gar ae and auhetantial 100x100 corner, aB improvement., ebec district. ' select leca- tJri. . fro. ex feacaimttraiiee, for s farm 49 fa 6 O acre. more or tmprov8 I- pBrtlarid. What hare youf Owner, 8- 315, JourrjaL . FLOUR and feed miu. 5 scree, 17 miles Port land: net ineonte $350 month: wants acre :. ago trade or farm equipped: $10,000, mors ; saa. $1800: best money-maker m eoaat: present owner 8 years. - 202 Ger linear baig.. funitxcBiBia. VB 1-ton, Republic truck, lot 75x100 and somo cash: take hsao hooae. . U you want to evil or trade your farm r acreare for city property, sea me. that is my pumnsss, u. Eaimon, 8126 Woodstock : ave. aw. eat-oi. . MODERN 8 room' bungalow, all eonvenienceat hardwooa Tloors, lurmice. all kinds of ber ries, imp, in and raid. 1 block to ear. 84800 or trade fee improved. eai,t side acreage. ' Phone Sen. 3663. -. T a Have $40,000 apt. bouse bide, to trade -Jot- good ranch; no phone Information. See o l auux. n y iu-i.r. nt At ii t,o. u ycuca rung. MONTANA wheat ranrm for Eastern Oregosi or Washington, around $11,000. What have J. bVwqut; 41T-18 Henry Bid. . 8-ACRS apple orchard, near XnhM buildings: win trad for nngt house or haws , "1.'o fo iaww. aoww mtg, sTsstrrn Muiaim, za ,eninger niog. Want City Property - mil imi isnas .anu acreage to ex- ' -i Jolg- v-" aqmoermena bldg. LEAVING coir. Will sell beure beo. 3, my 7 ,, room home. Win aecept part trade, eay t-, terms, T. I. r.orjinaoa. 52 S. 12th N. K i,j r-i tufa, ... Hor'sE wanted . 1 " ' Win take hens ia cxrhenga for say , uwwvwwji euwvy; aavuw, wm aa- sureo Kima E-33. JoornaL 1,XJ1 LOTS and up to S100U caaJi fin't payment on or o P-436, Journal. - Vi il.t. trsce lot 5Jxl it Ni:na Fir On, fcr lc or Unit car. ""i S'-itert fsnr'j, Cat. V E. 1. f. S. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 liigfi Class Irrigated Farm ' ' 70 acre near Peace. Tfash-J all wi der irrigation;, 20 acree Aw alfalfa. 8 acre potatoes, b lance in general crone and pasture; good, .new modern 7 . room bouse, good dairy baza, other bldg; 16 - cows, reciatered bolls foil line of - ma chinery. N. P. rail road i at Paseo, takes most ait output of thia farm. Big W-ooel-maker. Owner is sick and moat change rttmate, and will - sell everything ior 323,000, or accept ' apartment or gen eral merchandise business to fuU Tain in exchange See Gibson, MetzgerParker Co. REALTORS . 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. 860 ACSES. atncrjy up-to-date raach: 11 room bungalow, modem in every respect; over 100 acres under cultivation, rest first growth timber) fiseat stock reach in state - of Washington; 12 miiea from Taneonrer; government loan of $Sl00, 85 years at 6 I 2-scre family orchard; Terr large barn, will hoki about ISO tons at bay; huge shod, will bold around 600 sheep; all bag-tight fence; amines.-' wall water: cart-vina- 37000 insur ance; contracted ior 8000 cords of wood; will trade for city or elaae-ia property, stores. merchandise or an vthinat of value : price $30.OO. . Eastern Exchange, ' 2VJ . Cer- fanger Mag. . , - TES acres, , Tisard district, Modem 0 room boncalnw, electric nghta, hot and cold water. 800 thoroughbred White-Leghorna. goos cuicker. house, other outbuiMinirs. 50 bear ing fruit trees, aR kind berries, Hring stream. 8 seres in cultivation. 2 acrea timber: Gcernscy cow, J good horse, fine water system piped to . ontbuiWingm. Thia - iac aB in good shape. Beautiful profitable country heme. . "4 mil frosn electric- atsa I d?Dc in restricted district aa part payment. Price 12 ,000 Owner, Walnut 9139 G. C. Ulrich Co., Inc. Salts 406 Stock Exchanes.BJdg., Alain 4858-1355 , Highly improved berry ranch on high way; sir-room house; a going proposition; will exchange lor rooming bouse. What , have you? c G. C. CLBICH CO.. INC., Suite 405 Stock Kxchango Bids. Main 4354-4355 78 ACRES Near 7aS City. 60 acres in cultivation. 8 acres prunes, 40 acres ot bottom land. 40 acres now seeded to fall grain; of mile to high school: good 8-room house and barn water piped to house and barn: team and farm implements go. Value $8500. To exchange my $5000 equity for property m Portland. Oregon dry or crugene. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, -405-6 Panama bldg.. 8d and Aider. PBl'XE RANCH FOR CHICKEN RANCH 42 acre. 3 miles 8heridsn. all cleared but 4 acres, 10 sans bearurg prunes, 6 room plastered bungalow, bath, good out buildinzs. It is equipped: pric $11,000; $600 Union Central loan, 20 yean, 6 " ; trade equity for email acreage or city home and assume small mortsage. HARGROVE BEALTT CO. 122 X. Cth st. Phone Broadway 4381. WANT RESIDENCE 12 seres, fine sail, all in. cult., orchard, berries, etc. Good 6 r. house, barn, chicken house, well, outbuildings, all tools and im plement. Well located, near good town. 20 miles from Portland. Paved road. Price $4000. Easy terms, or will accept resi dence. NATIONAL INV. CO., 612 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. FINE EQUIPPED FARM 37 acres, all coed level land and is culti vation except 3 acrea timber; good 6-rootn house, bam, etc. ; 5 graded cows, 2 heifers, fine team; alt necessary implements; on cod road, 16 mites from courthouse; price $9i00; win tske in residence sw part pay. LrEDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. 42 ACRES ; Near Sheridan, good 6-rcom plastered ccngilow, with batn ana toilet; good barn and aU other outbuildings. Place under high stata of curdvsitnn but about 10 acres, on good road. Price $11,000, includ ing stock. want Portland property. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Psnaraa bkig., 3d and Alder. COCNCIL CREST RESIDENCE 8 large rooms, 20x30 living room, 2 bath rooms, hot air furnace, automatic gaa burner lot 140x300 ft facing paved street; mtg. $3200. Pries $18,000. Want to exchange for California improved ranch. Prefer So noma Co. . Will consider other districts. Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8737. SAI.EM FOR PORTLAND Nice 8-room house on Capitol street dose to business center, 4 rooms and bath 'down stain. 4 rooms shove; can leave $1500 mortgage oa place or pay it off to suit; price $4500: STEWART JOHNSON. REALTORS, 815 Northwestern Bsnk bklg. -BOOi"Hot)S4 FOR ACREAGE EAST SIDE 6-room house, paved street, all paid, cor ner lot 66HX100. block to car; pries $8500: want 1 to 6 acres, east side, some improvements. HARGROVK REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th st Phone Broadway 4881. Timber for House 160 seres bf pine timber south of Bep pner. Or., will trade this at $2000 as part payment on good house, balance cash, must be good bur. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO. 633 Railway Exchange' Bldg. CALIFORNIA PROPERTY FOR Portland property. 21 acre under irrigation, at Portervflle. Cal. Some fruit including seedling oranges. My $5500 equity to ex change for home in Portland or suburban acreage. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. 60 ACRES Near Dallas, 15 acres under cultivation; good team and farm implements. ' Value $8750. Will accept country hotel, meat market grocery or similar business for say $2500 equity. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. RraKors, - 405-6 Panama bldg., 8d and Airier. 20 A. GOOD hud, near Taneonrer. Wash., about 6 a. cleared. Win trade for house ' or bouse equity. This will be a snap for somebody. -McGEE DENNIS. WE SELL THE EARTH 6 TTnion ave. N. Was. 5684. 4 ACRES FOR CHEAP HOUSE 4 acres, all cleared, 1 sere potatoes, 1 acre kale, shack ' 12x14. between Beed viTle and Orenee; price $1000; want hooae around tlBOO. HARGROVE REAl.TT CO. " 132 N. 6U t -i , Broadway 4381. $3600 10 ACRES near Reodins, CaL; im proved. part eultiTated; for ia or near PorUsed. . $ 800 lO aeres unimproved, ae debt for small partly improved, edge of city; M. T, STRATTpy. 21T Abtngtoa aasnme. 1 ALBERTA RAkGAJS S Team smii-modern bungs. low ott jsvrd street, 1 block to car. $tl50. Ht'e about $1400 equity and soldiers' boons of $3000 to trade for 20 sores or more with bous and stock, done to Gresham or Sandy. Iaquir at 612 Alberta at, - , , Ca:Oj3alaxd " Partly improved, title clear, at enly $16 per acre. Will etching for Oregon prop erty r Portland bcrwe or lota, ' JohnsonDodsoh Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' " Vain 8787. . WANT ACREAGE . ' TIsv. t r., very modem house and $3 beautiful lota,, cash, value 85500, -clear. Will exchange for acreage. Might pay cash difference. NATION Alt TN V E8TM ENT CO., fe 613 Panama, bldg. - Bdwy. 7581. " - "... 'si acSE3 : Near AUalia, Wash., nnrler ditch; also - 8 -room house) oa lot 50x120 in Attaiia: value for all. 80000. Will exchange oa ranrvis vauey vr axw.onu or ill eo& ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtota. 405-6 Panama Mag., 3d and Alder. EXCHANGE RENT OR LEASE - 23 acres, all cultivated: Ov E. mJ. et statioa; 10 seres eosuberries: 8 mUes west jiuooam; : $6o. mortgage $1500; trade ior store or,t-noa mm and aw Eastern Exchange. 20 GeriirTger bldg. 116 ACRES. 1 anDe from towm and railway . statien; 40 acres bottom land. 80 1s, colt. : v Boca, barn, ereek. fas pear orchard. Win ' exohaoge for city property. - 826 Exchange . Drug., j. a ira orara. ; 1 ACRE, 4 -room hooae. 2 small bouses; paved V street; gas, eaty water; oota. at; 83600, . : saortgar $700; waat 4, or-6-room. 1 or 2 f lots; will aasume: close ia. Eaatsra Ex- change, SOSGerfiBareT cidg. - 66 ACRES. Bear Turner. 60 in cult, AC lies . wall;- fine soiL good ' bmldjurs ; 1 H miles from R, R. Will exchange for equal vahie icity prooerty.' 323 Exchange bldg., 2nd ana rjierx. WANTED . -' Cor-iwood nvopeaiuoB, not over 2 miles - irosa rau. . . , fiKKCM JORDAN. 32S-4 Chsm. cf Com. bMg. Bdwy. S241 W E IMJ NOT WAN T KKC-I.rsVF 1 fSTCS'GS f, ':i u 1'" t f 'i-.ii i XAi!'':'v' t i :.-;I5'. vt EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 HAVE good acreage just outside city limits. eioso to car, to exchange ton cause ana Kit. A at 626-73. It. i. O'Connor. 6QQ& 6 2d at. 8. K. - 25 ACRES, ail culuvated; 10 -room: modern plastered boose and garage; land, level; 23 miiea from Saiem; trado for- most anything. Eastern Exchange. 203 GeriiBger bldg. 15 ACRES of eord wood. hnd. located right, nut trado for someUung. tvtwy. 4t4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 A- VALLEY RANCH - 770 ACRES ' ' f -J , $65,000 " . One of the best randies in, the Willamette valley, eo mud ring soil, drainage, roads, trans, portatum. About 600 acres A-1 sandy loam, with yoat tmotigh slope for good" drairj age. Balance at part rolling and part cougn, with some timber, makinaT good, pastursg. Was owned by a cattle man for ova 20 years until recently and used a a cattle ranch; baa not been gun down, . Good build ings; fenced f creek and wells. On good caoadtm road, running to Eugenew. Will exchange. Owner wiR eon&ider good FXstern OresM or WssbingtoB wheat ranch or city . income, or a smaller valley ranch, or xaer chanuiEO stock ia part or full parmtnt - . E. MCRRAY v .':if-; Broadway 2080. 104S Cham, of Com. ' BRICK ' HOTEL AN 1 APARTMENT BUILZHNU - -Fnrnisbed ' Price $75,008 Clearing $1100 Per Month - Owner wants good stocked and equipped ranch up to $30,000 foe bis son. This is a real money maker. -: Located in good col lege town. Photo at offige. See Clearwater. Broadway 2080. : 104$'. Cham, of Com. .. MODERN DUPLEX HOUSE 38800 v ' Free sad CUm""" ; Has separata furnace. lomtiln2. 3 ga r&eea. . 6 rooms each. Leased to 1923 at $75 per month. Win exchange. Want apartment lease or noteL E. MURRAY Broadway 2030. 1043 Cham, of Com. hXIU. SALE or trade, 0 siuci lroiuTBend, Or., lo acrea tm gated land, $011 per acre, water rigbt paid; level, good- soil. ISO acres cultivated, alfalfa, seeded pasture fenced, 6 room' house, cistern, phone, mail route. school near; want in coma property id Port- laud. Pbone Walnut Mils or write Mrs. Mary E. Knotfa, 0111 43d ave., Portland. TIMBER FOB EXCHANGE Have timber tracts, in different locations, and varying sixes, to exchange for city and farm property., Will eonsiSer Eastern Ore gon or Waabington property, , K. MURRAY " 1043 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2030. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acres, good creek, some timber, orchard, berries, 2 horses, 4 cows, 78 chickens, 5 sroom house, fireplace, fine large barn, ' chicken houses, , milk house, separator, incubator, furniture, age. selling reason. Owner,- lit 1, Box 81, Oregon Ctty. Or. :' SAVE COMMISSION Owner will exchange half choice 15 acres sear Vanecaverr also 20 near Oregon City, improved and unin cumbered; bargain - for immediate action, $ 1 8 7 5-$3500 ; accept residence, Mil reason able terms. Tabor 7055. 141 E. 60th N. IOR SALE or trade for Portland property, 80 aeres, 40 cleared; good buildings,- good wa . ter, orchard; will sell all or part on terms to suit purchaser, with or without stock and implements. Writs or inquire of John Sho- bers. Cotton, Or. FOR SALE or exchsnge, 281 acres in IdauoT fenced and cross, fenced, small house and bgrn, about 75 acres under cultivation, bal ance ecsy to plow, fine clirnatt. Will take good car and ome ch. balance your own Terms. Price $3600, Phone East 8138. 14 ACRES, all colt., 1 anile depot. Albany; 3-r. h. and barn; rm. for 18 h. stock; plen ty water, g. gravel rd. : $4000, mtg. $1000; will trade for city property, or sell on terms. Eastern Exchange. 202 Oerlinger bldg. 5 -ACRE apple orchard; no buildings Hew berg; good buy, or trade for rooming house; 830O0. $600 mtg. Eastern Exchange, 202 Oerlirger bldg. - . I HAVE a fine lot in Oakland, Cal. W1B trad for $100 and player piano or will sell for just what it cost rce. $560. Mrs, E. Stien non, Allegvny, Or. ' ALFALFA land. teem, toola, feed, aome town property; want hotel, music store or rssi denee. Box 87, Irrigon, Or.! ' . WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 WE NEED HOMES --- , , Ldst your hi.e with us FOR RESULTS - . . We spend thousands of , dollars advertis ing and are in touch with the' majority ot home seekers. No charge except the standard com mission of 6 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale; 2 expert appraisers to in spect, appraise and photograph your house within 24 hours after listing; 90 experienced, energetio salesmen devotina their tune toward finding purchasers for you. We take care of the interests of out-of-town owners. Call or write, but see FRANK Zx VcGTJTRE.. To Sen Your Home. . Abingtoa Bldg. Broadway TX7X, Third St.. Bet Wash, and Stark. WE HAVE clients wanting to pur chase store building with apart ments above, or modern- living rooms in rear. Any good district consider ed, bat mast be priced rigbt Will give fine modern 8-room house on lot 100x100, value $6500. and substan tia; cash payment i BOBNETT A McCLUTiE, Realtor 802 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6574. LIST your suburban homes and acreage with us. We have buyers. Personal inspection. see tiara, wita ...... , , c , FKOLTOWI mi,'. . . "732 Chamber of Commerce WANT lot ia Alameda Park, eaat front 2515 st. to wienaw ave. and south of Sammore. Must be cheap for cash.- See Dvryer with 732 Cham, of Cora. Have Cash Buyers for lots in Irving-ton and Alameda Park at attractive prices. See ma if yoa really want to sell. . J. G. Rainey ! B1T-18 Abingtoa BMg. Bdwy.- 6268. HAVE 63 a. in full bearing prunes. Good . dryer and 8 rm. mod, .house. Good barn and other outbuildings: will exohancre for apt bouse in good location. , Auto. 626-75. F. R. Fenton, 6003 82d S. E. BEATTTDJTTL 7-naas. Hal ar: iMUnt dittos; will trade for corner 100100 lot sa .Alameda, Rose City, Parky Irvintrton or Laurelhuret or acreage fast .outside the city hmits. V-176, Journal, i 3 STBURBAN HOME, close to errctrio car, not more tha 83000. on, eaar terms. See lit Phillips, with J. I. HARTMAM CO.. H t. namoer ot oemmeree bldg. WANTED 6 ortt room bouse up to $400U; bare 1923 WUlys-Krugtit. run 20OO miles. ' and $500 caSt 25 Granj ate. S-. near - Ash. ; - . " WANTED or 7 room house up to $4600. Mare Uuick ear -and will ' girs good eorner lot and -pay aoma eaah. . Si Grata ave. S, Bear Ash. , - . . ... -- - "T norsa wasted' U 1 ! - Win take house ia ; exchange ' tot say dfrwa-town hotel equity: 8-5000, 1 will aa- journal. WANTED 5-room modera house, garage. Al , berta or alias.; must be gooS; value $3500, r $300 down.- - . EASTERN ESCH.. 202 CerBnger bldg. HAVE a client tor a modem 6 room bungalow, Hawthorne or , R. C, district - 804- SpaM- tng bidg.- i ' WANT good rea, lot or aalT aereaae Bear , Portland, as part- peysaeet en iiae new bungalow. Builder. East 67. . WANTED To hay on easy Monthly payments, house that needs repair, with large ground. A-285. Journal. - WANTED Lot. ia Irv" ington. or Laure',hart , Will pay eaah. G-2I2, 4ottraal. o Walnut 3S4. WANT WEST fciDE FLAT - Must he bargain. 3 c g 41ata, Caa pay half csjh. F-at,778. il200 SEOONO aaortgate 1 Xeyable $30 per saa.- aa payment moaera krm - hoaae; net HKil .1, V , , ,,M WANT to buy cheap house Trc-m owner, with little down. Call or wnt, 5221 . 80th at. 8. EL : . - : ALL CAS"H"W lot. reinebAl 'district; mast be bargain. V-198, J ouri t WANT amait house; desenbu iuiiy state' trmi. 8-277. Joarwal. WILL TRADR Forj tnuij'bg car for " lot. G-273, Journal. . - " JCREAG 435 TliAMij") One or t V " - y road; -ea-ty t 6ya si. y 4.. WANTED REAL. ESTATE , ACREAGE 45S O. C. Ulrich Co., Inc. Suite 403 Stock Exchange Bldg. ' ; Main, 4354-4355 . : . ' "..V -r ,-' -.' i ' ! ' ! ' ' , : Want' Cve. to-' ten' seres with house-: meat bare lisims, gas and water if not ta must be available; $509 1st payment' What have yon. ' - . . , - C tXHtCH CO.. INC., Suite 40S titork Exrbanga Bldg. ' ' , . Main 4354-4355. . . - FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 t WANTED TO RENT 8 MA IX. PLACES i ' Have several people wanting to. rent I acreage or small farms, close ta Portland . preferred. - Some people will, buy the place f ter leasiDg for . year or more; we .make Jots' of sales this way; will buy ': eqaiprhent if pucej right. . JOHN FERGLSON. GerHnger Bldg. lergest farm dealer ' as J"a4-tiie Coast, WANTED To. rent on, share large- wheat or stork ranch by two experienced men; can -give best of r?ferer.oes. O. C- Crowley, wood, r., Route 1. Box 60. WE hare tenant for good Wills metis valley -Uxm at lews 200 r 800 acres. v WILBUR V. JOUNO. Inc. Bdwy. 4837. 224 Henry Bide, WANTED TO KENT, 20 to 40 aeres with . bmldlcga, near Portland; prefer Oswego, or Lake Grove . OKtrict. E. H, Peik. Oawego. Or. K. 1. ' , WANTED- To .rent equipped , ranch. any size, on shares; good references. 418' E. Everett st . ' - - --V- .. ' - -WAXTED Small farm of 40 to bO. acres. near Portland. ' R-820, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTTIES STORES, GARAGES. ETC. 500 Guaranteed $50 Daily ts CASH AND CARRY GROCERY Store has 7 neat in conjunction, rout for all $75 month; has lease; sublet for $45; in between two large apartment houses; has clean, , up-to-date stock. Can be bought for about $2650.. Dekuni & Jordan Broadway 2249. S23 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. Stores, roomings houses, business oppor- tounities and city home, any aize and any price you want either ior sale on easy terms or for trade. Quick Sales Company 401-402 Coacn Wig. Anto. 511-09. $4200 Near Williams ave. and E. Russell. st 2 room, apartment in basement rent ed at $15; 4 room first floor atao . bath, rented at $30; 4, room and bath up, rented at $25, and -.only SSO0 eashi-reqmred. Thi3 incluJei home, lot and furniture J. A. WICKMAN CO., 861 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 6794. Sun. call Ttbor 0718. ONE OF THEfBEST T.OCATED RE3- TATJ HANTS IN THE CITY This place is owned by two partner that do not agree and is being offered at a price that ia right It is clean and the equipment is of the best; cheap rent and a good income. Will sell all or either part ner. Call Bdwy. 4664. 320 Lumbermens bldg. - ' - . BUSINESS SALESMAN A man willing to work and earn from $50 to $100 a week can make aa unusually profitable and satisfactory connection with a hih aclapa organization handling businwi . sales. Call 1 to 3 Sunday, after 10 a. mJ Monday. Ask for Mr. Wood. INDUSTRIAL "INVESTMENT CO.. INC, ' 827 Morgan bldg., Bdwy. at Wash. Restaurant and Delicatessen,, $750, full price, netting $250 a mo.. L living room and garage, fine place for couple. Gokey Wesch 327 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6706. WISH to hear from established business or new money-making opportunity needing - around thirty thousand dollcrs additional capital; those having legitimate opportunity for investment Write fully; no fake schemes considered; references exchanged. J. E. Ben nett. 40 Saa Fernando Bldz., Los Anzeles. Calif. 2 STORES IN 1. Groo., cortf., good iocaiion. brick bldg.. ateam heated - living room, good fixtures, clean stock, $776 handles, doing food bu&L , Bess; buy this place and you wilt Bre oa the avenue which leads to EASY 8TREET. ARTHUR I SCOTT CO.. 8R0 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 866S. ' REAL ESTATE OFFICE T. Young woman must be accustomed meet ing public. Business sbility would be an asset or win teach. Bonafide proposition. Don't take up my time or yours unless sin cere. Can make good money. $500 m interest EASTERN EXCHANGE 202 Gerhnger Bldg. , CAFETERIA DELICATESSEN SACRIFICE Fine west side. Washington st corner. Equipment cost $4300. Sickness necessitates sacrifice so will take $2000, with some terms Rent only $65. SIMMS 610 HENRY BLDG. Restaurant, Terms A working man's place on a busy street Good new stuff and the ntnt ia only $50 ' a month and a lease. W. S. NICHOLS. 602 Conch bMg. - $600 GKOCKitl" $000 ' i ,' with dandy living rooms, rent only $10 ; eld established place: good fix tores and atoek. Owner ' has other business. . bee Ai cA tee, 1 . ANCHOR INVESTMENT OO., Realtors, 403-6 Panama bldg.. Sd and Alder. BOTTLING, MANUFACTURING PLANT .Makes all kinds of soft drinks which are copyrighted. Trade my- 1-8 interest for house equity "or acreage. ' - ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6 Panama bldg.. 3d and Abler. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT " First class equipment. 4 year lease, loca tion on Broadway, $1300. A real bargain. See .MeAtee. - -' - ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Hesltors, , 405-B Panama bldg.. Jld and Alder, 1'LNti O3portnruty for good reliable industrious nts. Must be worker. . If yew are hustler and honest wiQ take yoa into xny of fieri and aril yon eunal half loterert for $200 and L guarantee ytra better thaa Wsgea. . laveeti- gsta. 814 ptoem rzxenange Mog. " gENERaI, isjkCHAVu!sis SfOkg '- For sale or trade. Will consider home equity for part Invoice about 63&00, See McAt. ANLHOS INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor, a 405- Panama bldg., Sd and Aider. DANDY bootblack -stand in front of fine bar ber ehop. w Genuine leathca chairs and raar ble, loo ranirf put " this stand in for the pose asked. - Will take " 450 - and give some ternrt- if nccemary. Further particulars at 814 Stock Exchange- Udg. ltotrkocEitY $lb6oA' J"- - r 8 Urine rooms, good fixtures and fresh stock, rent 315 per month. Caaa. and .carry. - See MeAtee. --- - --: : ANCHOK iNVESTMKNT CO., KeaRora, -' 406-6 Panama bldg.,- Sd and Alder. YOG caa become your own boas with an in .. come of $5000 a year from a busmen ef your ewa; tend a post card for illustrated free ' book; full of facta and Inspiration. Hamilton Beach - Mtg,.. Co., 870 -Rapids Drive, Raetoe, Wis. - - RESTATJBJLTT AND CAFETERIA This ie a coutff place don: $30 dsily. . TTsa eood string: ef steady customers. Price $1700. Rent only 835. ' SIMMS 610 HBXRT ' BLDG. . WES? $llH COGAK STORal' ' - 8 year lease, first -class fixturee. . fresh tock. Pric $ 1 700. Including . two months' tent ' Se - MeAtee. . . ' ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO..' Reartort, 406-6 Panama bid-. 3d and Aider. WE IIA'fE several tood bujs in grocery stocks wttaascsood locsoaua and cheap rent and leases . Come ia sad ret as tell yoa about -it, McCLAY REALTY CO..V. COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 6318. " " RES'lAljRATl'rRANiilt PttS'T f" " - Also street ar barn, $5o will bi1I Doing $ L800 a snonta buness, - . ; ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. ifealtor, 40a-ri Panama bldg.. 8d and Alder. L- - wood an! coal ' ' v : " Partper wanted to- tend yard,-etc Owae claim t 82O0 month -profit fcr each part- fter. Tiaem -401 DeiruMi bldr; v.-twy. IXiH- SALE. or trade, cash grocery . and coa feetivnery, food locarlon, ;4 kvfng rooms; cheap rent ; l'i-ene Tabcr- O053. SaKEBT for, j jut or sale, aLua 4302 or . Aut 631-3'. ' - . GKfiCEItT '-ore, s - i ter. lT"!e "11 ti inch c-raa-v.. f '. EUSIMSS CProRTTJNITTZS STORES. GARAGES. ETC. 500 PA&TNEK WANTED $200 KKUC1HED. . ACTHJ REPAIR BCSINEaS Here is absnloaeiy the very beat orporta t Bity ta thia city to secure aa equal one-half interest m - ta easiest and best equewjed i smaQ ani repair shop; fine, busy- location; ; very "low ' rent; long eatsbhahed,'. steady .- trade; doing only guaraateed first class work) have- snore work than eea - handle:- prefer J a steady, reliable - partner to hired help: ; prwriows experreooe aot necessary - if - you . are asechaBJcally inclined sad bandy -with ; tools; Bead- man more . than money ; yonr opportunity jto faarna the buainese anal easily ; clear better than 318&- a month for your :Seli from the, start r only $200 required to , matrt sua equal half interest: don t fad . see this before yeav buy;. well worth, uou : ble the ipveetaaan.; a gonuuia bargairur Call early at 347. Pittock block. Waahjactoa 'at Tenthvrt -' - Capital Lean and investment Co. 328-329 Railway Ex.- Bids. . We Loan: You Half . , Phone Broadway 0373 f , . No. 24 - Restaurant Snap WeR equipped and lorated oa one of the best traffic streets ' in the city: disagreement .ot-partBercause of sale, ani. ofiered at a eeenfica pric of its. , . - -; - - , - 328 ' Bailway.. Ex. Bldg i, Sev 18 Grocery bargsin. West Bidis loeatioat' and doing a good business. 1 Laving- ronre. wall furnished. . Tbie piece is a- good buy Deo ter hurry if you are looking for a grocery, CAPITAL LOAN A3TI INVESTMENT CO. 32 i Railway Ex. Bkht Fhone Bdwy. 0573, ' ' ACTO PAINTING PAUTXERSHUV Here Is positively:" the -very best oppor - tnmty in PorUand to secure 'est equal half . interest in a large, welt known automobile paint shop; loot; established .trade, dame a steady business with, largest firms -in" city; hare more work.- than can handle and big volume constantly comint ia; need interested . help: Dievioua experience aot aeceasars if yoa ere trustworthy, - steady and willingto learn the prognose, aa yoa wal be associated with aa expert aatemcbile painter with years of experience : yea, can easily clear better than $175 every month for yourself Irom the start; only 8300 required to seenrf an equal half iaterest. Why pay more f If you want the best don't fail to see this be fore M buy. Apply 347 Pittock blk.; Washingtcn at Tenth st c . c c c h Out of town, ' good ' lea. Tbia garage is folly equipped ; will invoice about $7500. Will take good house and lot. Or, what haTe sou- to offer in exchange? "Culiison, Realtor 206 H MORRISON. " o o c ' c c c c c c Groceries .Groceries $500 for fixtures, invoice stock, 4 romm and bath, rent only $25. a ma, averaging 3d a oay. -- : $10 e month rent, good location, large daily receipts; make aa offer. Will, trade 1 my grocery, averaging $35 daily, for good auto aa part payment Gokey & Wesch 827 Cham, ot Com. bldg. Bdwy. 70: - '. ' : OPPORTUNITY -Watrhmaker OntometrUt W. C. Godard, Dayton, Wash. ; retinue from business; good -location, moderate rent, - established. Splendid run ot bench and optical work. Fixtures. tool. materials. .Erade. equipment (except optical) $1000 which is a Ixint one half renlacement cost Jewelry stock remaining, clean, up-to-date ' mfhe, $2000. Will sell with or without mdse. atock. A snap for quick action. Fur ther detail upon inquiry, bunch Counler j- $660 A real dlscc. first fime offered for sale; average $40 s day. For two people this Is a real buy. We Loan Ycu Half. . Capital Loan and Investment Co. 828-9 Railway Ex. Bldg. - Hotels -: r Hotels - - 76' rooms, cor., brick; steam heat' netting ' $7 Oil a too.; can oo naaaiea pr eavvv. 32 rooms, brick bldg-. N. W. heat center of business district; netting over . $300 mo. 3620O will handle. X. Gokey Sl -Wesch 827 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6706. S2S! 'Sacrifice$2S - rw,. r w. k t inMtlmm tn eitv. Well ntrtnnrf:: Snintr S3S daily. Balance $00 easy payments. See Morrfe, 416 Ry. Exch bide iOeen Sunday. 10 to .V PICTURE THEATKE EQC1PPED ,1lnlin, .tmildlnM Sod aTOlind. GOOU IO cation on east side thoranehfare. Building f brick and concrete. 2 operating m-tcbinea, ninmn rtianr, tjs. Te move - this at ence. Will sell for abort 2-3 actual value or take catar nroperty for part. sea. mvi. on Clinton t -'- ' ' v ;$S2Srocery and Mekt Market,:- ry i -.!,i,ell xisfeicf A modera liv- ina rooms. Low rent. Lease. Morris, 41 5 Rv. Exch. bldg. I Open Sunday. IO to 13.J PtMIL raaaL vwnt 84$: 2 wall cases, bar. com plete, soda fountain, foot J?er barrel, other nnrt-clax. fixturen. dandy : stock, rte- Price $2000; terms. See MeAtee. ANCHOR INVES'fMJ!.Nr OO.. Sealtora, 405-6 Panama bldg.,JiMd. aad Alder. -PfMIl,' HALL " West sidat' first cmss. tixturcais-beautifiil place.- Ownea saa cardrocm and cannot rt run both. Prise- HSU,-?ou aoww, - oai nrii nil. Hee MeAtee. Vt' : .-- ANOHOK INVK8TMISNT CO.. Keeitora. rfc- 40B-O Panama piog., a ana aiurr, sViTir-KTi t a... established variety store . Chriatma fines are going ; big; elean. new atook; no iuas: $300 will handle. Owner " leaving for Europe. ... Livffcg quarters in "warr- low .-rent; brick building; close -in ,,eat aide. ' RedEnger, 821 Wasco at, cor, ' WilHamg. East 34 56. . ' . r lllWN'Kit POiL MALL - , " Brick bids., rood lease. .Urge snooker table. 8 pool, tables, bar. other iixtorea. Price $2600, terms..' .See MeAtee. - -"AlCHOtfc, INVsiS'rMKJjT yo KeeJtors. 405-6 Panama bide. 3danrl Aider. v WK.ST SIDK POOL ' ., T tahia Tviatjt sdsa showcases, open front laree stock. $2600 wtU handle. .Old : sBtabU&hed, See MeAtee, ; y ' ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, -405-6 Panama bldg., 8d and Alder. 65Restaurant . Folly equipped, best of fixtures, choice 1o- estioa. Invest! Kate, see aiorns, ii.V 3' " Exeh. bide: Open -Sunday. , 10 to t2-r"v- - a. t i Ti-rf'c-n tvavTrv '--''A ' xoodera taraee. - Sell pas, e4&. antr naita. tc -0 car -steady rlorage. Good lease an law profit. $1000 handles it. trinm-tOt XVkum blda. - - -. t f3TST-rSE GROCERY. 4ota a ooi ibusi- . nest; if m t good iocs woe wan cneap rem. 4 -".NATIONAL IN VESTMENT? CO., 612 Panama bldg. 1 Bdwy. 7681. $976 BUYS confectionery and grocery witar r Kvirieriaiter, doing $20 to $30 a day; - i: will show on Sunday; iaretce; teraw. Call East 6339. - CHTROPRACTOR 8 of fice, complete : eatab- lished IV yeara in my; woman cntreprac- '- ter preferred; good ' reaaoa. . for : N-827, JournaL . ' J ifPSTirRiXT and confectionery for aa will invoice abmit $3000; wiU selj the twa alacea lor stvuw csot or wm -wen vue ' rwUurant atone. Box 28. Kewborg, Or. MANrFACTCRISG-. s Partner wanted for 8 grown btsrinesp. 'A starle prcdact Draw rci'--id salary : besidet pn,fit. Call room 401 Dekwm bhlg. 8IIOOMS ef the best furniture, ciose in west aide, eood building.- cheap rpnt; mast eeil cn account of aickasea. $600, $200 down ' and $25 a month. 505 BncnaBaa awgv , :. : ,, . A. 60x100 GAUAGK- -i Oa busy street Sell gas, otla, aeuesiuiies, . K-.. 11 J . lwfi. ,lli, WMwf : S120H handiea it Koom 4i iiexam olds. PARTNER iu established wcodsaw business ; small investment. Make from $3 to $8 a 'day. -SOS Bucbatisn bidg. ' - NOLAN , Ot lALtTY STOKE, grocer and- eow. - f?crjcaery: will invoice stock or lump, about $2700. ' 1430 Union ave.- , SHEET metal works, eqairwd for ail hindH - aheet metal work : other buainaas to attend to. W-, Jonrnsl. . . - LADY or geatiemaa partner, good proposition; small investment and B exprneaee. 825 -4th at. . .'- - - - - - r tiS , SALE SraaU weekly paper ia Marion -j connty, - doing good business. - Act quick. A' Vt"X 15.1, TtrrneT. Or. bAKLK S ejiiii meiit saia, send for Lt cf f -rr.ii 1 s;;i e'-.i.,;iment c'-erel st a ,4t'o v- , , f, EUSINTSS CPFORTTJMTirS STORES. GARAGES ETC. . 500 - t - . ' Grocery- $803.1 CO Cash andJ i -Carry r. 'V"; - i, ' Beet $35, beat furnished, in-i--Toce -stock about '836O0; fixtures ; t. ' $1200;- verygood dwtnet oa east: - aale, ttiickry populatagL , . i, - Jekum&.elordan ;.. - Broadway- 2249. Z ' , ' . 323 Chcta. of -Cosu.. Alig. ,-: ' ' a : 5 BATTERY. EIJiCTlltC " SERVIGE TTT JtND REPAIR. 8TATION-. - . 'is Here ia a apwaalxt opportunity ' fw a steady and rehabie man t secure aa- equal half interest ia a bayr battery and elec trical, repair eernce station, very best-and eomplete equipment, ao better jocation. jright downtowa; hare agency for leading battery; previous experience not fwsentiU. a the . duties an easily learned: right aoaa wilt eae- jly clear' better thaa $175 per month tfor himself from the start Only $850 ra quired; investment fully secured: best buy ia city, well wort!, double th price. Call ,347 Pittock- block. Wwownrtea at lOtfi it. ; Grocery- Buv $I250-AB clean stock and a seal good sinene.- avwuina til , - il . buy. thia; iirit tim ap for sale. --i Capitol Loan and : investment Co. J ; 828-8 Railway Ex. Jlldg. ; "ffl IUOO, beautifully iuraiahed UL K. apts., fur- nace, close in, low rent, nice income. '31000 will handle 18 wom H. k. apta., netong over $lu a mo.;, walaiag distance, - rent only $40. ... ' - , . . . ,' . Gokey ?&WeschM 327 Cham, of Com. bldg, Bdwy. 67067 HALF interest ia biuas paint aboB ia Portlsu ior sale by- owner., , I always have plenry ex wora tae year arottna; It is not that "yoa be a first class painter, as the .. remainaxc party, is one of the heat oa the f scifio- eaast. . Here a chance for., aa , inside eb which will pay- yoa a good salary ' if yoa are a good rustler and worker. Paedc East3198 for interview. For Sale orTrade ; General msrchandij atore, 12, miles from Portland; want city 'propertv. My price eavuv: wnas-aave sour " ; -i iiv -i -Gokey Wesch ? w 827 Caans. ot.Jom, bldg. - Bdwy. 6706. $IS0rocery Store A danay wcrts side socatioo, doing good bufiiress;. Will ' consider a good light car , and oasa,vi.,j'- , ,Tj , . . vr. S. KtCHOlJi. ; 63 Conch . bUg. . joori xtoo k5 ,y? : ' 7 .V- . dd. u round floor, hasir wtreet" 'coed utoies, in can ooodiuoa. 4 year lease. Reasoaablo rent A-snap . at $1000. Only ..' aa reqtrirea" v- - - ' -- . 31 7 HENRY . BLDG". - "f i5.otto POPLLAtiOi r..y- Pool hall, clearing $BOO pee montM; beau- . hi ui riatos-es, -can eauusiisnco -place, iw miles from Portland. Price. $7500, terms. See MeAtee, - ----- t ' - .' ANCHOR INVESTMENT 0., Kfaltorv, 406-6 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. HARDWARE Ati22 - East 28th at . .. must be sold for eaah before Wednesday; -on account of sickneea. )Okl ctabliihed coins business, - fine location and good lease. In voice about $870O including fixtures. Call rr phone East 8323 or residence next door, fait avaa.n C raawslt Vno - $ 4 S5 GROCERY oonlcctlonery. . .' novel ties, .. prodace, chile parlor, get holiday business: new. clean store, stock: some i terms: rent $16: 2 large living room, if .wanted, fur nished. $6; etoekv fixtures cheap. 772 Missusippi ave. cor Beech.- . By owner, who neons money, who goes to aospitai. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS We have several high class openings for .men wisnmg to get-in bnsiaea for them selves or buy tnteresta in good,-going con cerns. Call and- .talk the matter over. : . INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., -827 'Morgan bldg. MANX' FACTLKIXO.' DISTRICT Pool halt 6 "yeaf lease, rent $30; 4 pool vaoiea, oar complete,, otner iirst Class x tores. $2500, See MeAtee. ANCHOR INVESTMENT tXA, Kealton. -- 406- Panama bMg..- Md and Alder. Lunch Counter .si" . Depot loeatioB. jnst.the place for man and. wife, worth $400 Jiut on sceount of wai give away iost ivo, . terms. feters, la-' ef. otn sc ? BESTATJBANT OPPORTtrNITY Waat side, close to 4WahiBBtoa et. Doing $70 daily. Good ; Hxiures Counter and 317 HENRY BLDG. v.5-: - 4 "" WEaf 1 Aim Vpool' hall " Modera thtaaghoat' S Poot table, '. snooker tables, ether ilxtures,' $3600 - will L. 1 k'lf 111 ltfVlA,UL-tliil iUlS, . . T i . iiw , xmom iuuti tvv; aeiiajserTr "r POOL HALL.- .:$60fT DOWN Vi: . .' '. 4 show cases, cash register, soda fountain. 8 pool tablea. other first ems fixture sad ANCHOR INVESTMENT -., Realtors, -4Q5-6 Paaama bldg., 8d and Alder,-' MJIOAK'" STAND . Wsst Jede office building. Rnt2B; Geed ffxtarea and lots of stock. Owner must sea A real buy 4t 81100. ;Ca aV at -- BIT HENRI HI I Hi. -' - i CAUTION. BuTEESBeiore Closing a deal of so-called intersst In .estshlixaed - real estate j. business, get .advice of , Pertlaod , Healty i jaoaru, iu vw was. v, rni ssx iwu-i. WELL lacatsd little grocery at invoice, with i uew . heuse in connection r lot 60x100, with , garage. Cash takes everything at eost ' E. , S4th and Jeasup sts.. block north of Kiilings- - vonti ave. ' -f :. -fa Indristrl-il di'trlct. A fine' chance for a hu-rtki. Frits. 550, Some tcrau. ' Kent IMM3--610 HENRY PLDG. -v SOaSURJUAii POULHALE Kent 33. 8 yea ease,, eieartng $20 per month,'- Price $1500,. See MeAtee, ' ANCHOR -Ci VESTMENT xXt, Realtors, ' 606-6 Panama bldg.,,3d and Aldert CMTLI AND T A M ALE PARLOR ? --..J- .Doing retail and wnolaval benn-m. 825 $26 datly -Price $79 Some terms. lmt wSIMTsSlOj xTrSNTTT BLPG. Y 7? CXI)ErT2KJ:RS-- Onethair interest i good undertaking .etahlishment , in . a . good lie ': 4ovb, watb the ccroner 'a eiffice; caa be Asaght riebt - McCLAY REALTY CO .OOLCH BLDG; B1WY."831. ixAVE'TVeal opening for party who has $1000 cash to. latest, a opportunity that-fat offered '. enly once in a lifetime; for a man who- ha -hadrareaa buine-a expenenc or Ja -faixty well edacatwa.- .F-165. Jouraat. " SEVERAL rood buys in eniirecusuery stores, . grocery rtcre arid-restaurant ; from $600 viup-to 82000 - . v EDWIN JACOpSON. 318 Botri ef Trade. BEST buy r in PorUand. amaQ- grocer and ...i e-onfectionrry stock and fix tares; 650; -rUi , lease or, eD building- at a bargain, with iia p euir .s man neimoax, oiener. FOR BENT A stare roam, eoraesv aew boiidr - ing, auitabl for arrag store. : , .y - ... - J. E. BENNETT,' m'fy ' 243 Tamhiil at VVi.?, WORTH . vr?tigatloa, e.taik.hed , paying - grccary. Best town in Oregon. Sicknats forces sate, Irvine a Grocery, - McMinnville, Or. REST AURANT f'or aaleu W e. ia Heht! half casft and easy psymentiC By owner. , 42 H- n. oost.. irom i a. gi. v z p.- at. FOR ' SALEi'irH class shoe - repalsiag shop : all : aew ; maehinery, toll stock; rent .:- $30 iOBtn.- roone wtissi 2yvs. SPLENDID -epportanity for Uve druggiat to take aver an ntablinned basiness ia growing Printing For Less 5 V ' Brdcr Printing Co. alr 8686. 13 3d st GOiOCERY; doing - a nice baaiBes, will sell -bldg, arr will rent a half Interest to respen sibie partiesv R-flt, JounuL -. - FOR S ALE Garsga. ja" cmaS town averaging $2000 wer'montot best eonirrrted garsge in town; 6 year lease given, ,lX-384. Jourcal. OLD ESTABLWHED real e-ist office, good - latinos; i li-rirfB room- sdjoialng, : ftiriiisLed; barcaij. F-7tt0. Jonraal. ;,-' ' . . WILiT-Jt 2 j.Urej . NorrAwe Mm Klrt ,1 st preL T -pei' cent tWlow par. S.-. ileraun, 6 - E. 71 t. N. TsbTT 5086, - , FOR SAIX or trsde, pool, lunch and eon-fevrtioce-ry. Plicme Eart 7272 r cal are-. - aires at 9?3 Us wuiome ave. 1 - " FOR 8ALE- Eslf interest ia good wooduw Misine": . V. i ' tmaU" Investment.- Walnut 0560. i: I ' . fl.; ;i " v f -,-i;:e iiiLeij-t ia CUSINTSS CPPORTUNTTTES STORES. CARAGESv ETC 500 ' , - t-t-: -- - .uMeat Market ' $353 Cash .. ; " ; BALANCE EASY . , ' . , Now it the time while owner is fa - ,1 the mtnd to seU. Toss is the piac to bay-,si We have many atuera, ; ' Come ia,' and tell oa your trouble. . We , are. in position - to-, place yoa .:. right.- - . . -Dekum" & Jordan 323 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . TF YOU1 HAVE a few dollar and are willing l to take aa ursllicwot risk I have a prepoai ; Aieav that 'will interest yeaa, Other people " under exactly the same conditio as Gave re jreiTed as, high as $inOO for every -dollar j invested. - " Let . m lay the facta before yea' and ran will- see the mast attractive " mveetment ever -offered ia Portland. No waiting: atther a tcrtna or-som inside 6 Tj xooothe, with the chances far winning 138 to.1 against losiagi "-All I ask is 1 5 minutes' time tu lay any carvlaffaoe up then yea take f - your awa . time ta-. thoroathly . toveatigate - before iaveatirnt" a eaat , Keptiea abvalutcly eotifideatiaL . A-340. JeoraaL n NEAR LArCEIAftRaT PARK $T0OO Coaapleteiy furnisbed buna, divided , -Jmt apartsaenn aad rented la 8 . . i -j'room .. spartmcnts with bath t. . bflswanant, 2 3-rooa apartment, and ISfcj.V' !th i int flonr, roo-n oa sec and K -s :'' :noorV'aH fumi htd and reutctl, IS -i- r' V- i-.tuon ia aB, Doable garage reated -v "--'j : - at-8T per nxHitli. Here is ajt'-ia-,5'- ::' ieoma. of - $112 per month beudes ';?: your ewa apartmeat ot -three bath. -Rcqui-s sat fesa thaa nan an. j . . , ' -s- --yy -'-' j. a. widbiAX bo:. - ' v , 801 Board of- Trade. ? -:.; , Bdwy.' 6T94. Sun. cell Tsbir 6718. - ACTO PA"E5TING PARTXaTRSSlP .Here the best epportanity - in ctty to secure aa -equal, bait interest ia one - ef . the.: busient and Beat , ahora in - Portland . run by first claen auto Painter: , fine loea tion with low rental: owner kaa more work :-thaa : he caa handle alone; prefer, steady ana amortioits'Tjartaer to iilred help; expen enoe in thii line net required it willing to wert and lieirn'; will easily clear: $175 .-moirth: fcr -each partner; bsnt buy in city: v$300 bandTev Call 620 Chamber of Com. . bldg., - 4th and Stark. .-''fl"V. Xlftfcraws ,rASSUAr i : o ot lease wants tarade for a sood : equity , ia Portland. Bdwy. 4664. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS fOR SALE 50Z S' dc o c bee c c c.c ? 1crS1a"c7c O - -, ? -.- - " ,-'- c : C COOD WELL rURXISHED HOTEL "' O 0;' -aTHA- IS A MONEY MAKER v-' C Jtl '?-,-;.-; IWV E-.-ltW-' I1AS1)L 11'- -.tx C c o o o,.: :f '"I v;!- -t. ., . ' .- . . . C '-' ' Good 2' story hotel, well -furnished, 45 fine corner 100x123, heat looatioa in, the town, two liia h ways by the C dear. . lobby and restaaraat an' the C O. the-, upper fteer, some neatvinth'. C ;,4J private betb.- Rata $1 Jaer-rday ? C O , and -ap. , Income) is seeond toaoaa u kO - O r Irs class. - Good 5-year Uaso at .only? C ,0 ? 8150 a -aanoth, ThJaiaa "f irst- C O-C, class buy and a real- money: makerv. o OT Aar live,. up-to-date hotel at thatC O will look this hotel up will bay iv O 3 for be can't' h4p but make good, "-C C Price $5006. ttrw 63O0O cash, bal- C O ance to suit Wilt eonsJer good C O house, ia exeHange. -:V . , r-- ' ... a ww., W . . , I . . . ,1,11.1, u n - v. C. eJ.Cullison R. E. Po. J:.V;.. SOeritti. 8t - c -c ' - -vi'yvr-- 'i 1 a c o c dx c e o-c oocccc ceo ' " ' ! 1 'esi ' m 1. -, t, '-fc..C"-"'-'e"""W' -2 -.'---' I $ ' .. - A AA J " ' ' W ' a ' ' .. Attention, 41 otel v Sr, '''i-wt-'-riss.'liewt locaRoa In city;'' asodern good-urrusune ; five year .''' " , lease. Can be secured on basis where -t rent of -hotel coato . nothing, -jlcsT,: r1. over $fJOO pes. aaonth; coma In and A . get partuulara.1 Tbia wropontion bv : ' .a- money maker and., priced-eight. .- v See, Mr,; Marble, with . t jj xM B; Me - Ellit,C:, 1 Lease Specialfcte, . , 428; Morgan. Mdg, . Maip 5060. V. " JfBruce Goddard v ' 4-- " "boi-s cotca itxxs: - - ; s; K TRANSIENT HOTEL ' ' 70 roorns, crBer -brick location,, located on one of our principal streets, always full and turning i people away, famaee -tieat hot and cold running water in rooass, some prtvate baths, all ,oa -2T floors, long lease, I'ull prioe $6500 foe cash. - Will consider trade fair frrnall apajtatent or rooming hous. See Mr.- Templemsn. with if,- Brace Godr dard, 601-2 oach bMg.. v " ' . f :Caplta4lLoan and invesimen-jwo; LH' -2-82tV RATXWAY, EXCIT. -BT-JW1. ' :VW Loan You Half-' - Hotels, '. Boomina 'Ifanaat. Btaratt,S Groceries, City Property-v , s ja .ratihgBgra. , - .Foreclosure, --'CT s?.-w raom,lc rd; yaar ! at t' $45: raaaferable,, "hkaly furnished. I sold -' thav place far $ 2000, Jhave' taken ft back oa.a $799 BMfrtaage. - First one b-ha- sees this cin have it for $783, some-terms. Fix H up and double', yout'- money f .new, TUb and Market' Peteya of course, 18- N, Mh. HAYEfroo flat rent $43.. . I rent one g ' room-- apt, . sleeping ; poreb , -tot ' $48.50. Good furniture.', Price $06, or. Will trade for cast aide-liraner and sf, . i - '- . , ' "JEAN'.aPJSS BREAIf. --- -:lVEw Spencer & Co-1 .. . . i tTTrSs Tv-t';nytAPAUTUEXT'' ? v7 -West, rme.-'close vn, eonisinlng Lt "afH. ' ; .mostly 2s; -rent xoo; good, ieasa '-t nis - is . nrf a fcoasa' fixed . over, ' but was built -.-'aa aa apartnteat Ihoa; net- ' above Uextiene. and .4- tooiat foL-oBer. V Fall prxe M!500; som, terras. Caiia a4 .': talk it overV i'v- -.i -'J- LOCATORS tjJjkVtXC&.'tii jhrtofft blk: -- ; . - " A REAL .BARGAIN : ' 'v'SJ'wimt, "-alt rt;-Lv -I, -2' an. 3 room anta.. snodaam. .lean ,'and A wall - fum w hd. f -'.oentraUy located"; boas in good - coudnipn. . Bent IA; bae: neu-hett thaa 200; J - .;- v. .il'SEE MRS; J3AX - 1 v BOO Henry - trldr , jiawy. ttio. ..APARTMENT AJiD GROCERY' SNAP. 1 -i. : 21 rbcass apt 'modern and nicely fur-' tabbed.,' together with good gracery doing a .' sp'endid burin-iw: rent - $100, with ; lease. ' $328, .Prir $4500. eairy terwi, . -5EE MRS, HAUO 80O Hhry bhlg. P4wy.. 1004i a RsTU Sacrifice . rta-eTt side ,atl ;H. at- snitav C136 and your spts.; gro-a $240. Bent, $80; clean hoaie, cOa aceonnt of other .businej'' will seil air -exrairy far 1200 caah. er trad $1070. -Atwtter oiM. $32,500 BUV8 bOll 00 with residential hotel : ..iof . 55 roouur leased-ta -1826, bat r;:1'--; lease : 3w4H .aeR. a kss than acteat -t;jjv,ae of furmtnre. s rxperuacra nnti man cb. make - this net - - IU0Q mtiatWy.- - ' J. A. WICKMAN" CO CO., 89. Board of TrH. CANTypT" BEAT IT?' , ' :V;i?-romv, j.mostJy roon. autfer,.' brick ' building. H on- ots (tor; ra r7x, m,i iee: nets $125 . rail price S22wO, with -- $1000 erW-- li.-.-'-V - . f LOCATORS BKAT.fY CO., 828 PV.Vick Vi. 10 H- K. kioio", near Uncola high, frlcsajwrti.. is faraacej always j,f uUT: tbie Je a barsain; if terarsf --. flesn, r ' -.'- J. El'GKB HEDGES. Bealtor x Artisan Bld8 ''Ai!.-- Bdwy, '6044. -$ JSOOOR 80-roonr-heasekeeri pg heir e Preut . $40; $500 ett balance $35 per month. t ; 11!Hl Hood t -. Also 16-room himse keeplng with 8 sieepini rooms; 1274 Hood prioe $200. hk cash..;. -Call Atwater -'.6864; -.- . . ' '". .- :,.s:w:iWEST SiDP i- 'r.SS roca m,;!- arverig .furniture. rbotly i? H. . -rent. ;:' showing nn income of $185. Fall pre $2480. with ne half Veai ' --i"-'-t ,-'-. s.- UjATOfeS Itr-A' TX - 2 PltW b-k. !TXKt incsra, good 'ikiu and living c,-; , ll-rot-r-i beard Bf b'S e. near Good SemtrF '. tan: wocd . rtrat 8year t leas : boit just ''-painted, in - A-l condition. . Mr. P Gardner, . rwa'.cr 0416. -' - "'v "N03 HILL IOCATION ,-..:. ?. 13vvm,."8 yr l?e, eery good fuml ' tare. Foil prfcr $1S00. . Will Uk jichi 'car srd some ci h first payment. LOCATOR! REALTY CO.. pmoHt b"k $7600 WEST UliK Four f t buudiiix, located at V23-227 1: .i. 3iu.-t be " ' '-- a-j'-l t'i:i Vf f. . J, A. WI'KMAN ' .., S I '. , ! 1 . EUSINrrS CPPC7.TUNITI-3 HOTELS. ROO:UNG 1IOUSZ3 ATO . APARTMENTS FOR SALE C2 FOR hotels ant apt. houses. v t LEASE AND , PROPERTIES. .Nona toe lartre. or too small Tske tadvaaiage f our yean of personal et , tiarienee ia. thia hue. See us before buy- - $ as we have many .exclusive; listings, i. It toata yoa aothuig. i. c ulricit co., inc. " " - Saite 405 Stork Exchsnge Bldg. t -u Main 4354-4355. J.. Bruce Goddard 'V ant- mrrr-rr wiv. . Ow roosa apartment house, on of the hart located on . th et-t aide, south of Washington st. ail aandr-ru outside aueiv manta, solid bnck bonding, every apart ment is. in the very b.t condiana and furnished with, the best, always fait long leexe. with reasonable rent. Will consMier trade for small apartm.nt hou ar bote!. See Mr. .Temiifemaw, aaih J. Bruce God dard. 602 C-nuoli bid. . SNAP 8 rooms and double gsrsffe, ' nice fitnuture, fine looatioa. Miut tail;. ifuH price $700, soma terms. ea McCauiey. with - . - . f Hiller Bros. RY. EX. BLDG. i BChT,' AfABTMKNT HOUSE BUY IN - . . TUB CITY . .. - 5 ear leas and furnishing of a whit El"?" hrtt- apt- house, rent a little over ' - -pv'' room, beat . of reasons for selling. , ,SJ Mrj Becker at - - . SUMMER V1LLE BEAtTTiCO. - . -.. jt - nan sr-.u ri " v VlUt LA XJ m , v Ba rgai n H unters - Brand aew foraitor in a swell dat near Lincoln high achool, strictly modem, brand new fnrnh.ure, cost er $1600 to furnish; I took this back oo a at-, so will aell it for just the amount of loan, $545: on year ewa terms. - Peters, of coarse,-16 N. 5th st. Modern ' Brick Apt, ' t ... 150 rriomv income $1630. u-veer Wm. taess- thaB $6 per room; $4230 eaah to - handle. See - Southwick, I E Spencer & Co. 817 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 'BLDG. .- SACRIFICE FURNITURE AND LEASE - : Strictly modarn apartmeut house, good furniture, long lease, big income, close tn, . ... low, rent y owner leaving city ; will aacnf ice - foevejuick sala. t V V NATIONAL' INVESTMENT CO. 612 Panama bldg. ' Bros way 7681. -. APARTMENT and lease for sale; must LTre t Jie ttrty. . Win seU at a aaorifSo 34 rooms, alt,-in apartriK-nta. ta on of the very beit reuting districts- ia the city. All anart . jBiem are fall and bar a waiting lint. -: VV-! W1 tor $3000 gad give good term. -:i 830 BAILWAY EXCH.-. BLDG. A'Sacrif ice , i"i On. ecount of (ickneaa. 1 H room room . ing and -boarding.' house oa E. Bdwy. near Vndc;. Bnocey ruaker. . Pric 31500; ome "teraw. - Sutter, 2 R. Bdwy. Flast 6213. -:. ' " ' A- GOOD .BUY ' I- xooma, aU H. K., welt famished. bet x,-ot Jocatma: rant $4 5. with jease, NeU $b5. Price $310t $60O eash, - 1 SEE , MRS. HAUO S ' 606 'Henry bide. Bdwv" 1!4. r ATTENTION. Before baying consult ear list ef first - .class apartment -house nd hot). W , handle the best ia the eity. At your serv. . W-.- for a square deaj. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORS CO., tlQQT TEON BLDO. . ' -.JUST WHAT a'OC WANT 8 rooms. U H. K.i beactifally furnished, good location, rent reasonable, good income. .Pric only $850. $200 cah, K. SEE MBS, HAUO - . ' BOO Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1004, -112 Rms., Rent $20 AU oa one floor, transient, tn factory dis trict ia heart of west aide.. 'all for $395; terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th t " 72-RiOOM apartment, east side, brick building : - .5 -year lease: $8500. $400O eash; nets $400 per moath. Can trade thia place for $17. " 000 ranch in CaDtornia. but I don't wart a ranch. Come and tee m at 454 Belmont'. OWNER will sell for eash or part cash aud srasll business, wall furnished 10 roomi aad kitchenettes at net cost furn. ; above average - - good home and incoms; 9 year lease. E.t '-.1477. -. : - 10 ROOMS hoasekeepiBg, aU funuahed. clean ; Inside-iBd- out . Leaving city. Will sell fo $.60. .-Take late Chevrolet a psrt ' ,paymat, or give good discount for eaah. , , nuiiv wnner, aiwiirr ao.o. TO'CLOSE ESTAfR " $19,000 will buy 27 room apirtmsnt hout of :'v 1 1' apartments, close to Broadway bridge 't ' on east (id. .- ';- -- - . .:-!- , . J. A. r WICKMAN' Q.,-' 801 Board of Trad.. "CLOSE IN W EST SIDE : ' .. - " 1 twim, aH- H. K., Beat aad clrsn. Price sednced to $70O for quick sale, with ' . $350 eash. - This is a pfekap. '' 1X;AT0R8? RHALTYCOw S23 Pittock blk WILL sell or trade 7 Tovjris nicely furnirheU. -' clean, good income. 2 blocks of public h--.brary. as first payment on larger place. nt ? ting $i;S or more,- cloro ia. I'honw owner, a .Mam 3544--'' -j. , . afYToWNElt: in neikborhood of fine apart . menta and hemes, 7 apt... 2 tpta, pays rent : hot - aut furnae-, fin basement, good liriiiii Jt quarters nd iDcome svured ; $800 hndlr: "Price $1250.: East 8186. 171 . 13th S. " & Rooms-$345 A.. ia, w aire -temrJwS atstnet- aew rumitnre: t nt on'" esr terms. Peters,, 15 N. 5th. 2tTjlOOMde -WEST a ID K Take good lot or ... car and seal cash. Nice and clean. Jut j, right ior young, man and wife..- 454 Bel . mont --East 886. - 11 ROOMS housekeeping, $1200. $350 easb; . - terms - to snit on balsnce, west aid. - He ' Wlthrp.'?77 Taylor st ' Phone Atwater -1236 ' v- ; '-' -'- --- " 8 ROOM fist nicely furn., modern, with ateam hrat, i reasonable rent walking diet, cost - A800,' $500 down. . Easy payments on ba', . 'ante.- By owner. -Bdwy. 8344.- .WANTED 12 to 18 H. K. room from ewa- rr; hsva $800 first payment B-C90, Jour- ' t"1'.'- ' ' ' tTBXITL'RE and lea, of 10 room, brick ; hnildunr; nem $65 and apartment. - Small payment down .or trade. East 6397. FOB SALE or trade, 10 rooms furnished for - ixmscieeping, . small amount . will handle, vEt 1811. : ' ' ' - WHITNEY"" like new. walnut hirh - grade;: wiy trade for rooming house, equity or lumaart. gaa 12th. Mala 1434. Hi ROOMS. houekevpirig rent 870; pric -. $600; lease;, 8 block from Journal build v ing. ' Atwater 4078. - OW XEB .ick, mnt fell 11 houekepinr' i noma, cleao-j well . turnltbed ; no reaaon , able offer refused. Bdwy. 6777.- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , WANTED 5S0 MLLTNOMAH INVESTMENT CO. ' . 814 Stock Erch. Bldg. - Vrt have aeveral clients for small bni . Be and partnersbips; . must be lecitimst. ' aad able to allow op. We do aot ask for rf'a long vcrnaive Ihrting NO ACTO PATNT SHOPS WANTED . ,r JPbon . n and w will com and. look Jow your propoaitiem. - . - Financing rusnutacturing tmaine aad ' patenftt er specialty. Phone Main 7546; - . WANTED, GENERAL MERCHANDISE , - STORES - , "s.Wa-rpcuiBxeiin country stores, aad have i, buyers- waiting. - Whe -writiug p lease giv full details a ta srnoont ef stock, ' ' " ' . JOHN M. KROU CO. " ; -.4 12 Wilecx bldg. Bdwy. 1375 "" lOI'Xt; businea. maav recently from the EasU -. .win tovea. wp to $100 - with services in --any good bnsinesa showing profits and good future i rmderstaud bookkeeping and . jng. A-33,'JouTnat. " - - FOIt SALE Bow 6tour!ng. 1021 model, ia fin cond ticn, $300. Would consider a -'trade Ior r!l store, confectionery, eta. '" M-308. Jocrn!. ' Vr have dent for every kind ti buaaiess; if yours is fcr sale, we will-sell it. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. 'wig PANAMA BLTK;. BKOADWAT 75t. 5 ACRES" Hood. River, 42 acres near Bedmonil. 'rxcliauge for re-'anrar. t. confecturaery or ' hous. Owner, 1230 Milwaukie street. WANT;D Shoe repair shop; aot Ofr $6u0.' XX-242. Journal. APARTMENTS WANTED 31 WAB iEi Fr-na owntr, 8 or 16 room Uou.. J Cs iidwy. 3648. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ' REAL ESTATE 631 $100 TO $250O. t'Bics acooa. A. M. heii, 231 Sk St., to-una 10 and 11. CLIENTS wi-h to buy sum. mories, Vmo, 'crev, 407 Pskl'ng bit lunger Liciisfts I. e.