THE OHEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1322. t 3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- HOUSES 404 Special This Week - ft room modem home, clow in,, en Wil lamette bhrd.; .furnace, fireplace, good gar . runt- Isspi. ail la and paid, Paved street, claw to car. Thia week niy. $35ou, 3 4off8 r . - . ttnnm rrrr park. v. ? A Inud new S noa. strictly modem MntUD, hdw. floors, Iirepferiev cement itiranf, ioUe4 rue. roof. 52 50, $1000 v " Strictly mod. -r 4 room bungalow, bdw. floor throughout, w fosnaee. fUiepiaee. , bookcase, ratlmu omUMt bom,, wiu : Pullman disappearing window; plastered ga rage. . M-t b seen to be appreciated, $500 - a own, - (46 per- month, including interest, ' McQee& Dennis WBS BELL 'THE EARTH -;' 969 Union A to. N. .Walont 6684. - Beautiful New Bungalow" $500 Will Ststrt You Clout fa ' on Rose City caxtibe.' It ha I large room, modern in every detaiL It --" has fireplace, furnace, fine cement basement, -elegant Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, niod em plumbing, beautiful hsrht fixtures, bnf : let. bookcaiee, hardwood floors in. the hv . in and dining room. Thie bungalow is v double, constructed throughout: full lot sad -' garage. All eity- improvements .are in . paid. So mortgage -to assume, $5230 ceta : this eteeaat bone, only $60 down payment ". $45 per month win make roar total month - 1y payment. It ia ready foe immediate ' piwreiii See ' -.' E. W. HUGHES , " : B07 Jtnnul Bonding. Main 2 858. KOSB CTTT PARE SPECIAL $6250 Folks, wfaera ia this popular dia-, . trict can 700 fled another noma like this Built from tie ground up -end finished, f oiks. Just like ' puna.; And you'll find all the mod em features, too, tila bath, re . inl, tab, tile drain boards Hard wood floor, throughout, French door.' arpenaira tapestry paper, . acreena, elegant light fixtures, ga- are., - In fast, everything. Sao it thj jj&onunr. A. C. Teepo Co.. ; Rceef City Office, 4 Oth and Sandy. . Tabor 9580. , , ' COUNCIL- CHEST PARK SNAP 85O00 EAST TERMS. : T'iwwn and - glans enoloaed ' ran porch, hardwood floor, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays and - K :od furnace; bouse is in splendid condi tio; irregular shaped lot 65 feat frontage. ,eevuc location, garage, about three and .ball blocks from car. The noose could Dot be buCt for the price of the property and the street improvements cost oyer 700. If you are looking for a bareain net this place, E. M. BROWN. -11J2 5.W. Bank bldg. Main 2423. EAST YAMHILL, XEABT20TH 5 room ia first class condition, new : I'i imbing and light fixtnras, 2500. Good f ma, . . WillametU bld., niee 4 room bungalow. JStfxioo tot, saraes, all intproTemeuta in and paid. 36.0. terms. ,, East 18th, near' and of Irrington ear line, 6 room, all newly done orer, new roof, new plumbing, fresh coat of paint tU; tinlot, (2650, easy terms. labor 1811. W. H. SAWTEIX. $4000 FURNISHED, or UNFURNISHED S3BOU 7 room modern brme. gangs. 60x100 lot, ona large bedroom and baUi on tim - floor. S bedrooms on econd floor. Thta ia a well built home. New paint outside, clean neat and well finished inside, located near r- Itosa 1'ity ear. 500 down, easy terms on balance,. Johnson-Dodson Co, 633 ..;w. tJank blue. Main 3787. mi i tee open Sunday. Rose City Park " Near Sandy Blvd. - $3650. $750 DOWN A oocy 4 room bungalow, fireplaee. .natural finish. tHitnh kitchen: lota of built ins. cameo beaecaent. pipe furnace, 60x100 JlV Ted trot 1 block to car. An ex oellent, boy 4ar a smaU family. ir hr U"'R'. OPEN SUNDAY. Hawthorne avw. - Tabor 8882. . A REAL SHACKT HaCk" Threa lota and 150 ft. frontage so mac damiaad street, clone to arhool. some wative 11 treefc,Pncf 725, terms, $9 down. 8 reonthly. See Kertaon with "-lTO"w T3 Cham, of Com. - . SACRIFICE IN' - - '' Close-in new noma of 7 large rooms, all bar inlaid oak floor, has large sleeping porea, garage; 1 block of Rose City carline. Can show actual cost to be over $9000. Will fll' for $6500 and $2000 cash will handle. Atwater 8324. East 1364. Brown Mc jregor Co.. Gaaco bldg. , v 1 Bungalow Home , : 120x125 Lot Strictly modern 6 room bungalow -with an built-in effects, inlaid oak floors. Fur naoe. axoellent O. A. C. chick house; near 62d at, " Prica $4500: terms. Brown Mc V.,S2r. Co Al"atr 3324. East 1S64. 610-611 Gaaco Mdg. "" " 1 AimcbA'"PAiX Hw J -room and attic, artistic bungalow. " 60x106, taeea eaet, located in'commun Hy of xpaiT. wu kept homes. Near Broadway ear. Pziea $6100, terma to ba arranged. JohnsonDodson Co. 6 M. W, Bank Mdg. Main S78T. v Otfice open unday. - (4660 -READ TRISW$4950 New- ft room bungalow radnced $200 if old by Dea.. 6. $450 down, bat. like rent: no aaortgage; an imp. in and paid; garage and furnaeev flreplac. Give as a can. Ad ply your bonus if yon wih TK W. RKSHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy bird. Gn,Vladuet. Auto. 315-44. 'ft;..'- ".. . . - Vt YOU are interested in a high class new borne, in the heart of - Irrmirtun. which printed words will - not d Initio call met Mob day. - Main 3725. - HOME BUILDERS - For plana, -apeeificattcn, rnatraets, superintendence, buildina- advice, eonault. msteriaL financial bin. and Olney Hawkins TrvaTWty 6348. 413 Abinrton jjgg. IN LAURELHURST 6 ROOMS, I ST. FLOOR; fvAat lXOOES S ROOM9 fiECOND FLQdSl tVARAGE; , T1LH BATH. FURNACE; FUliT-BASE- ' MENTj BREAKFAST NOOK; SHADES ; AND) FTXTC&KS: NEA& CAR LINE. ,TA , BOB 7883. ONE-HALF ACRE . j- Modern 6 room home, enamel tinish, Dutch kitchen, aament baaement, furnace, built-in, aleepinr. poroh a real heeae. On E. Tth at. Only a small down payment rsnuired, balance easy. See Mr, PhUlisa. with U HARTMAJf CO., S Clianv. of vt-va. omg. jQQwy. ouae -MI7Si VVS1 1,1-'""' ' 1 8 room modern bang alow, furnace, fire plaee. eomar lot, .-4Sxl0O ft, paved st. ; flower, abrubbery. eee ewner, 119 East taylog street, prtre 6430U, Good term. -R M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165-H 4th rt. . jEFFEHSOX HI6U , 5 Torunx. at Dn one floor, moderej coe . venieneea; 100x1 0 gronnda, half biock to Msiippt car. near Jefteraon high. Price $2250, terms. Can yon beat itf" o. r. t row, gqi Mlsinaonpi av. WaInntT201 atreet, near ear, ia lit. Tabor district; will take $209 down or auto as first payment. WATERLY REALTY CO. ?V StT Cnintoo at. SeOwood !. StK.1t Tnia Tirxna mniv Chnrming new - welHant bungalow at . 1314 E. 80th at. N. Take rood rwi denca lot part vayaumt . Bnflder. : East e tug. - -: - . . ' J : i-lKJil Baodern house, elose te oar. ia first rtaas ooodiUoo; priee $2000; win aeH en eaev terma. Ant. 620-73, D. 4. O'Connor, viOnS f2d at. S. E. KJki Kl SALK, ty owner,' 6 iwa noiicni fTu. aaehaet mnd Paved atreet, 1700. 32t t2 tit, SK. . , FOR SALE $1000 equity to. $600; priee 12540; 4-roota horn, garage, lot 56x100, vw raved . street. Call 613-82. ' - 4 1i hjM eotUg bungalow, near Sanriv, at $00 cash, pajntent sad terms. Price $2400. 1 i 6.4 l.B r tr4a, 6 room liioci-m buac. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Mta Tabor Bargain $4,730 Eay terms. Good seven room bouse, frry large lirina rooss. dininc room, kitchen, and one bedroom en fust floor. ' Three niea bedrooms and bath oa second. Cement basement, garare, largo lot 60t1S with lots of fruit and shrubbery. This property is located on the west slope of Mt. Tabor and ia two blacks from car. Street improrw aaenta in and paid. A Terr choice bur on easy terms, - - - . Six Room Bungalow , $4,500 On East 7th street near Aiusworth. Very attractiya bungalow. Extra lrg BTinaT room, dinma" room, white enameled kitchen, three bedrooms and bath. Fornaoa and fireplace. Nic basement; laundry trays; garaxa. , Lot . fiSalOO. Easy term. . - ; ' , : . New Hawthorne ; ! Bungalow ?" X;: 7-: V.i'. 4,990 v. Terr atrractira new bungalow. Large- Br ine room With fireplace, dining room, beauti ful white enameled kitchen with breakfast nook, two large bedrooms, sorely bathroom, reeesa tub. beautiful built-in fixtures hard wood floors, tapestry paper, full floored and finished attic, earnest basement, comer lot. This is a yerr , special buy-" and can be bandied on" easy terms. ' ,,y , J vNew Bungalow 3.est Only $500 cash balance Ska rent. A Tery attractlTO new fire room bungalow. Laying' room with. - fireplace, dining1 room, built-in buffet, : hardwood . floors, beaatif ul kitchen with breakfast nook, two xrfce bed rooms, large bathroom with white enameled plumbing, floored attic, full cement base ment wis laundry trays. Vary special. Everett Fhiluoe. Paleamanarer " -. Neilan a Parkhill 219 Lumbermen BUg.! Bdwy 2832. . Sunday Call Walnut 7408. AUiMEDA PARK BUNGALOW $8500 Let us ahow yon for comparison in value tlii beautiful, new, modern - up-to-date home. ' FiTe rooms and attic, also breakfast nook. Living t and oining room across the - front, rementr porch, plate vlass windows. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace cement basements Improvementa in and paid. s. J. A. WICKlfAS CO. i Broadway 6704. Rase City Office, 4 2d and Sandy. Open Sunday. Phone Tabor 0718. . LRTIXGTON SPECIAL. DUTCH COLONIAL, We trust this ad will come to the attention af that particular individual who appreciate real honest con struction. The good looka of this distinctive home, those eostly fea tures that one would expect, to find in a homo of this type ara at once apparent but the hidden features ecetly, too, in this, cose are es pecially to be called to your at- . tention. Located in the heart of Irrineton. A. G. Teews Co., 40th and Sandy. Ta&or 05S6 or Tabor 3483. Close to Hawthorne Beautiful Bungalow $5200. TERMS $5200 Baa living mom across front, large dining room, attractive buffet. Dutch kitchen, all builtins, tile drain boards, large breakfast nook. 2 lar?e bedroom, excellent bath room, large close!.. Finiih in ivory and tapestry paper. Floor are all oak. Large floored attic, cement basement, cement porch and garage. 14 L. McGUKW. OPEN gCDAT lOS'J iUTrthorne ave. Tabor 8892. GUOVliLAjiO PARK DiS'fUlCT FLNK- VIEW (IK CITY $5250, J 1000 cash. $45 monthly includ ing interest; 7 -room colonial., built about 2 yaan; hardwood floors, built in book casea and buffet; built in kitchen; 1 bedroom downstairs, 3 up 'cement basement, furnace, garage, corner lot, on carline at E. Lincoln street. JohnsonDo4son Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 676T. Rose City Park . Never Been Occupied 5 -room bungalow on beautiful corner, hardwood floors throughout, finished in old ivory, tapestry paper, large breakfast room, built-in, lots of them; full cement base ment, furnace, firepaee. largo attic garage; lawn in, trees. 711 E. 5th at. N. PHONE OWNER SUN. & ETENINGS TABOR 8584 A DANDY LITTLE HOME 4 room housa, nice lot, 40x100, only 2 blocks to ear, cement basement, cement walka, waahtraya, bath, toilet, gas, light, lavatory, garaga, soma berries. Will- sell for $2200, giv terms. Also, 6-room housa, in Alberta, lot 26x100: water, lights, gas. bath, toilet, gaa. stov and heater. Prica $1550, $20 down. baL easy payments. This is a bar gain. Is only 2 H blocks to car. J. H. RICHARDS, 308 McKay Bldg. ROSE CITX BUNGALOW MUST UK SOLD $37tH. $40 cash, balance monthly; modorn 5' room bupjalow with attic, hard wood floors; built In, built in white kitchen, cement basement, laundry tray ; corner lot, paved street, 2 blocks south, of Sandy bird., below the hill. Johnson-Dodsont Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHURST New six-room modern bungalow. plet in every detail with full tesentent and garage for ears; $2000 oaah will handle. 119b E. Pin at., owner on property. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW New 6 room, well built, ready to am in, extra large living room, French doors, opening to dining room, aouth gunroom, b. nook, composition floor in bath, pedestal stand, firepiaca. furnace-, electric fixture, shades, larg-i attic, wita heat; garage. E. face cor. 26th and Skidmore; $6750. terms. Open today. Owner, East 3280. A SNAP 8 rm. house, 1 bli. to ear; living and dming room, kitchen and 2 bedroom down stairs; 3 bedroom upstairs; furnace, full basement Price $3200: term. DAD S REAL ESTATE ljt.88 Division at. Tabor 7378." ' -MODERN BUNGALOW 6 room modern bungalow, nearly sew, extra well built, large finished attic, can have 8 extra rooms, boil tin bath, separate abower, nice modern built ins; $4200. $500 down, UV ear. it. U. GAXEWOOD 4k CO., 163 t 4tb at. ACREAGE 40S $1000 fe acre, very near atation, O. C, line easy twtra: city water. . v--. tlOO 1 acre, unit, line, unimpreved, fine locality; term. " . M. N. STRATTON. - " 217 Abington bhlg. . " ' ACRKAGE for sal or trade. 3 aerea beaver- oam hi no. l acre toganserriea. s - young fruit trees, bro, chicken house, room plastered house, gaa hgbm, 6 blocks aontn west of Huber station. $1000. $2100 will handle. C. K. Moffatt. EIGUI AT O. K. SIAT16N1 I ' 10 acres -level, clear, - fine loganberry land, a real nan for $1504; think of terms, $800 down, . bab . $100 per year; ' think of location a well aa terma. 2. H. Bicbarda. 808 McKay Mdg. -' s' 't- --- ? FUR SALE 10 acres, facing Beavertoa high way, for $6000 ; 4 aerea in orchard. eaab, bamDce 4 years t : er eny part of 13 acres; price according te location. In uuire Witchbazel Store. ; M. T. Oataxneau, owner, . 4, ueaverten. 0XE acre out FeweS Valley road; covered with be tt tiful grove of native, trees; in good neigjioornood- TOl easy terms. -? it. II. CONFRET, KEALTOB, ; ni4 i r.l,, ia' w j . .u. - -f 201-S-8-5-T Board cf Trade Bldg. 10 Acres on Highway - Want ride, S H miles, i A beaut ifal home - site. ; will take auto or lot as part pay- mens. journal. .1300 BUtS 20 AfRES iood'lirei land with" . wood enough to pay for land; pas ; tore, wea. at paved road. 8 miles from YaBr - eouver. Priced sbaaioteiy right, - . J. . wuu. iiti tienry wag.- 46 AlKRF.S. 4 krLtS TUALAlfcf 1300 EAbX TERMS - Hard road: neaf stauon, J. C. X)RBIN CO . 305-6-7 Lewi Vdg, TWO 4 H acre. Hj iwilen wet Bear-ulon , e cleared, balance brush.' City wtr and -' a, i k road. $45 acre. a. F Wray, R. 4. BravMPTna : - .. .. . 1 is ACRE on 51st txet. ' Will sacrifice fpr wv, as i neea toe money. $ee my acuta. NATIONAL INVESTMENT Ctk. i -312 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 7SS1. STrl-INE.'Hi, umt soli 5 aires; iiuiu hoiue an3 barn; ner k,!acHjla; nal rtjunegt (-iTa, -.tana; -eiil rra,.. tr bua.-c. Eas4 1 54 7. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 . Q. C. Ullrich Co., Inc. Suit. 405 Stock Exchange "Btlg. -Uan 4334-aiS , Must Be Sold : 13 acres four blorks from stttion near . Graham: 10 acres in bemea, 2 pear trees; -SO cherry trees:' family orchard; good six-roan noose furniened; house for berry pJckent; will accommodate about 60 people: 1 hone, kirsas and small toota. This is . real going, buainess; cam ar range temiav ' 'sr. t'i " 8 acres, four-room none, new bam. 2 chicken nooaea-. near highway and dee trio etauou; s bargain at 9750; jour ewa. terma. - 1 a ere. near Clackamas: 6 acres under cultivation, 4- aerea in- berriee; atream. beautiful grove, no buildings but a beau-, tiful spot: price) only $2600; will con sider vacant lota or any term. i .": -v. -., ,; t , - '-A going cUrken ranrb: H acre right in the city; good fonr-room house and floored attic; chicken housa for 1000 1 chickens: lota of fruit, and berries; ; about 406 laying hena on place; price $4500, good terma. - ' ; ' ,t , G. C. TJLEICH CO.. IXr.. ; Suite 403 Stock Exchang Blug. Main -4354-4356 I - ' 20 ACRES$2S00 : $1000 Cash", , Best buy in Clarke county. Fine place for cbickana and wLl maka a good home. On god road. 4 uuloa from Camas, the paper mill town. Fair buildings. , orchard and small fruit; good well with plerty of water. 10 acres in cultivation. 10 acre, pas ture, all good soil fin prune landv " Atkinson & Porter Oal'MainSt Vancouver, Wash. 10 ACHES, ; cultivated,'! 17 miles south; macadam road; 2 a. berries; acre prunes, other iruit; good buildings; ctock, equip-, ment; $3500. -Inspected by Hunter. , ALBKHTA DISTRICT. H cr. culti Tated. 4 room bnase, lights, water, gas; chicken house and runway. gloOO, $3DU down, Alas Ik acra In fimt for.$1300. terms. i , . ' ' . 4 HILUSBORO, ORKJOS, 1 aera, cuia v&ted, rocked road, new 4 room housa, other buildings; good, productire land. $00, terms. . . -)s . '' 6 acres, cultivated. 17 miles aouth, I mile to station; 2 acres prunes, family orehatd. 4 ac grapes, building-; $1340, $7S0 down. - 1UHH rKMUUSON. Realtor, Oerlinger bldg. Over 600 small planes near Portland. 18-100 ACRES, fronting ra the Clack- ' una river, 1 block from paved highway: very rich garden land, will rai any thing; 13 bearing English walnuts, 1 butternut, complete lin. of family fruit, grapes and berrie J, rata everything a family needs; 6 room house, chicken house, cow, bars; elactrio lights, city water and gas at door. Surrounding the. house are beautiful maple, vin maple and native trees, beautiful lawn and shrub bery. Good fishing at door. Price for quick sal $1800; $1000 down, balance . very 'easy. Freyta'g-Meeds .Co. . Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon City 2 6 8-J. SMALL CREEK GOOD SOIL $25 cash, $10 per mo. buy 1 94-100 acre, 1 mile fnan city limits. Prica $950. 732 Cham.ef Coin. 7.40 ACRES, good rock rd., Washington CO.. near store, 3 V a. cleared, 1 acre timber, balance pasture; littl rolling black soil, well and spring; running water bouse, 16x28 w, shed, , barn. 18x24 chicken house. I2x3 milk house, near school, 1 mi, . church; orcuaxu; w ini nuuiinjni. ttiirv 7M EASTERN EXCUANCiB, 202 liexllnger blug. 17 Acres Cleared Land Wet aide Vloae in. will sell at hig sacri fice, now is the time to buy this tract, will subdivide in fine shape, close to car, school, electricity. and. Bull Run water. Broad way 2571; " PORTLAND HOME CO.. 638 Railway Exchange Bldg. ' A PRICE THAT WILL SELL 18 ACRES On Powell Valley road. S miles from city limits: city water, gaa, electria- lights and telephone. : : ' $560 PER ACRE Other lands oa this road selling at $1000 per act and np; yon can double your money on this acreage: bruins calls owner away. Call Tabor 6277 ' Close In, West Side The most aiahtly acre near the eity.i and price only $1250- on easy terms, knmense walnut trees, wonderful view, paved goad, ail city conveniences, near station, 0a fare; restricted district. J. Q. Rainey- 517-13 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. . $25 cash. $10 per me. buys S 55-100 acres, total price $1030. - Close to dec sta.. uresham ear. 732 Cham, of Com. I CAM sell you nearly an acre of good garden land right at the edge ef the city, where igeu'Il not be compelled to pay city taxes and aaaessmenta and where you can keep chick ens and raise your own garden - track. If you can pay $18 monthly I will get yon credit for lumber to build your little home. See xne today at 422 Spalding blug. Evenings phone Mr. Boahm, East 9956. CHICKEN RANCH NEAR ALOHA 2H acres, -all cleared.. 8 room plaa tered house, with gaa, -3 chicken houses. barn, garage, brooder hosue, 240 hens, fine cow. TUU is a real Bargain; price aaav, A cash, ' "". ' . LCEDDEMASN OOMPANY " 814 Chamber of Commree.'; , Acres $225 14 ml Irani city hall, all cteared. a rough land. gvJSO cash down. - STAR REAL ESTATE INT. CO., " Kealtora.. 613 V Uoox Wdg. . . ON It -r vith 195 fi- frontace db VilJa M. ast Guaan t. sear Kocawooa roau: eoverea with nice grove of native trees, C33; $3 cash and 87 per roootn. - R. H. CONFREY. REAtTOB, j 1 .RITTEBV LOWE a CO. 1 gQl-2-3-S-T Board ef Trade Bldg. Vs. CMOICK LITTLE HOME" Two acres -choice garden land. 4 room new. modem bungalow, large thicken eute fit, cow bam,- en the pavement, ifeaventin . district, at rty. atauon; gaaww, j uw sows, - halaBee to euit. ' - - K. M. GATE WOOD CO., 1694 4th st. FARM AND CORD WOOD OPPORTUNITY : 1T acres. IS mile Portland, 14 cleared, rnmiina water, snrincs. best farm land. n ' rock, crowed nearly 4,000.000 . feet saw :y timber, also 24 growth, hardwood; $6500. .$10OU down. ,.;,.- .- , C. CORBET CO., 363-S-T Lewis hMg. 310 DOWN,, 65 month, buys S acres do, te vansonver ana korxiasa; sou an acre ana I nn. We have &- and 10-ecre tracts in this i addition, fine land, free from rock a ad ; gravel, close to Pacifle highway; good loea, rtUKt for poultry, berries and general farm ing, caartea iwni. aia wauway fci.. max. 1 i v ACRES on KiilienwOTth arc, outsri. - city limits: eleetrieity and crty water, closa ite Kennedy school and Alberts ear; rmad boo.-, bars and chicken ooua en piae ' SmaU IiM payment, balance to snrt sttyer. - - Walnut 3T32, , jwi 12J, city. . ACRES. CLOSE IN - East aktei nice view, main street, email i Cra, no stamp or gravel. Bun .Ran ia front, gas ana eicrtnniy near; gguuv. .-. a'COHBEf CO.. 803-6-7 Lewis blJg. FOR it g On grcount of sickness, 100x300. south of Knot Hagnxs, on za sr., cleared, under cnlavation: gas and Bail Ran water. 8900, $250 eaah, $10 per nwnrj and la, tnwt tail int. tins r seii. os ALMOST one aer, 125 fu trontac est Powail v alley xoaaion enravation. jssoho. R. 11. ' ITONJ BI, REALTOR, - E1TTH11. LOWE er CO. 261 2-3-&j7 Board of Trade Bldg, a ACRES T ACRES ''-424 and Simpson, water, gaa, eleetrieity. 'fruit. 610 payments; 2 tracts witn shack. Roger W. Cary. 1424 2d M. Main 2007. 19 H .ACRES on- creek and good road, com bottom land; sear school, charch. etc On y '$30 an acre. : Easy terms. - Webster, 3 3 ' N. W. Bank M'ig. S77. TilX ac; .3 inii-rnve-1 lavd, 6 barn and -att-uj,ir;s. -i-;;! f.7 1. i REAL ESTATEFOR SALE ACREAGE 405 ;' FOR TRADE t - 820 acres in Ben toe O.. Wash- , ington. T trade fct goewt ranch f and ana stock and impleiaenta. This "i land coma under the new irrigation t project. . When omr!ctc4 will b worth $150 $200. SUBMIT YCH.Il OFFERS. t 124 acre near Crabtrea, Or. 76 acres fan wheat, good house, bam and . ether build-ng. Soil A-l. Will take inooase property or small acre age up t $7000,. balaae - easy S1$,000. . . For Sale Beautiful 9 room modern subur ban noace. Near highway, scttoos and i carline. Ground 100 by 100.' Price for all less than coat of house.' $4750, some terms. 46 acre, 18 in eultivatioo. Soil fine, 2 2-room houses, barn 30 by 4 0. Good school, uteres. Located on good rock road. $4000. $1000 cash, balance terms.. ......:., S. O. Dillman REALTOR, ' y, 214 7TH ST., FHON'E 427. - OBEGONCITY, OR, $800 19 acre, close to Vancouver and high way; small payment down, balance monthly. (900 -3 in cultivation : acre, barn. email hens S60O 40 acres, SO level ; well watered, clone to ; graveled road, 83 mile S. E. from Port land, 6 mile from Moilala. ' - ! V 31800 20 aerea. close to electric station, per- fectly level, good soil; your own terma, FRANK T. BERRY, Owner, 728 Chamber of Commerce. - Bdwy. 6443. or evenings East 9721. , ': $100 "CASH H acre, aQ cultivated; fine building cite. Price $600. balance easy payment. On paved highway. $300 CASH 2 acres, all cultivated, no stumps; en paved road, closa in. The finest place for chicken or to build a fin home. Price 31700, balance easy payments, ' $200 CASH On acre, all cultivated, no stomps 'or Brush; Tared street, dose in. Price $1000, easy payment. Keller 4k Deal. 425 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts.. Portland. Oregon. Don't Look .Further It isn't necessary if you want an acre with real class. This ia it, close-in on Powell Vslley road, with front in cultivation and sloping back to beautiful trees with the ideal spread of form and size. City con venience Snap for 1250. on terms you can meet. J. O. Rainey . , 617-18 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 6269. CHICKEN RANCH 5 a.. 6 K. M, good rd. good barn, 1 eow. 600 chickens, personal property, all for $3000, H down, balance 6 per cent; 1 H mi. : Milliboro, near Newton station, S. P. and highway, S a., improved, house and bam, chicken house, 1 H a. strawberries snd fruit, hay in barn; all cleared: $4600, $12uO mtg. can be assumed. $300 cash., near HiRabor. EASTERN EXCHANGE, 202 Gelling er bldg. A COMFY HOME AND A LIVING on this beautiful little acre ranch of rich dark soil, all level bigh Rate pf etuti ration, with a cozy Utile 4 room bungalow, iIl fur nished ready, to- move in; ngii on paved highway, only X miles front Oregon, City, dose to school., church and tiaras, nearly acres in prunea, apples, pears,' cherries, and all kinds of barries and grapes; de sirable neighbors. Prioe $3040. half cash. JOHN A. ME1SSNEB. 821 GASCO BLDG. 82d Street 2-Acres. Chicken ranch right on paved highway; house, chick houses, lot of chickens; price $2850; will exchange for house near-car-line or -sell oa terms; hi electrio lights. Phone Atwater 3324. East 1364. 610 uasco mug. "You Can't Beat It for attractiveness and price. Sightly, el eared U acre on corner, only 1 block of Dosch station. S. P. west side.. 8 1-Sc fan. Side walks, all city conveniences. 800. $50 cash, 10 per month. J. Q. Rainey . 517-18 Abtngtcn bldg. Bdwy. 6269. 12 H ACRE IDEAL COUNTRY . HOME A-l seal, all la cultivation,, noose, barn, chicken house, broader, eta.; almost level; living stream, can irrigate 11 acres; hone, eow, 75 chickens, implement, eta.; hk mile to good school, 14 mile to town and electrio depot. 24 milsa to Portland. Price $2600, $1100 down, balance long tim. Act quickly. JOHN A. METSSNER, 821 QABCO BLDG. Genuine Snap 80 minutes' drive out Sandy road; 4 acres very best of land, near ear and school, elec tricity and gaaj aback full of furniture, 2 acre in spuds; good reason fer offering at $1650. Easy terms. 8. P. Osburn,' 610 McKsy bldg. - - - t CHEER UP BERRIES ARE RIPE: Nice, juicy, red raspberries on this tittle 8 aer ranch within 20 miles of Portland, on good road; rich, dark shot soil, raised 8 crops this year; 5 room house, good barn, 1 cow,. 85 chickens, etc; $2600, part eaah, balance swmthhr. JOHN A. MEISSNER. 821 GASCO BLDG. B BIG lota just outside city oa good read near Heattmont sebooi ana carhne. Small pay. ment down and $10 to $15 per month. R. H. CON FRET. RKALTOR. BITTER, LOWE &, CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $5 PER ACRE, 480 ACRES, 2 miles from store and P. O. : good. oil, plenty water . and feed, good for-stock or dairy ranch er speculation : cash i "wanned; no trades. 3. R. WOLFF, 417-19 Henry Wdg. FOR SALE 320 acres in Klamath count v, Oregon; would take auto. Good for stack raising. Address 7 E. 9th st. N. Phong Esst T188. W. M. Chandler. 8-ACRJE tracts in Roae Pars acres, finest of aoiL 840O per a. Easy terms. O. L. Rohr. ' 213 Knott St. Phone East 3189. " ACRES FOSTER ROAD $1800 , $100 cash. Roger W. Cary. 142 2d t. Mala 200T. SUBURBAN HOMES 406 2 ACRES, cultivated. 2 mile east; ff.-jnn- road: 1 block to ataboa; large, bearing orchard ; good 7-rooaa bungalow, eoncrete basement, white enamel plumbing; water, tight, gas; garage; chicken house; no reck er gravel; dear; -easy terms. - - - . "-: - - -' - - . -'-.-' " H acre, cultivated. S blocks to station: rocked road; close in; bearing orchard: 4 -room bangalow, full plumbing, built-in races, . uresis, au, city exmveuV $3150, terms. 1 acre, 2 mile out: V mug te station: -: paved road; city convenience; 'new ft room ' -plastared bungalow, plumbing; basement; garage; fruit trees; $500 down, balance " monthly. - ...... JQHH FERGUSON. Realtor. Gernngwr Bldg. xrrmr oira araau puce near roruano. Suburban Homes "A Beautiful view property, rtvef frontage. A - few goed bunness location. Small tar, A No. I. AU kinds of property on our list. Prices right. 10ft down ha anost ease. Finert electric car service, 25 saw ries to Portland, oar Pacific highway. Hall & Webster AERNt BLDG.. OS WE CO. Pben Oa. SSL' .. .:.,.'..,- $5900 -. By owner suburban heme, an aere, beau : tifaily located on . Bandy boulevard. Park lns - . . .. ... - Madera S room bungalow' garage, chick ' en honces, large choice Btmwberry bed. vari . ty fruit trees, gmpes. large aaparagu bed. : 2 -year-old plants, - $2600 eaah payment a needed. - Ceil Tabor 3233. ANOTHER new beautiful modem bungalow . en Oregon.: City . eariin. Partly in trees. Woodertui styl; sere. Commutaiioa fare ft 4 cents. . $2740. Easy terms. Will -. take, small car as fint payment, : Woaderfat ' view. luruire at Kvergiea ststlbav grocery 1 or wuiiam. AspiawaiL SiETGXll sfAXioS One acre ia eultivatioa. frtut berries, ft J mem bangalow, fireplace, a nice lKXi home. g-SOO. mnly 8S down - 1C U. tiilKWUlD "CO., l3As 4th rt. ATTCTlViheme wiin income features. On . ft room end One 3 room bungalows, mod em. Cl-ean, Trsn. Oak Grova, Or. P. O. B;rt 74 ' ' --- FOR SAL& Pouitry plant, 2 acres, orchard, garage, sVrorea bungalow, water vstem : 8 to PortlaTri; sp;d:(i chase fc-r money. Gwbct. sdjre ZX-4 70. journaX REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -v l2 Acre and ' New Bungalow ; : r Nearly H acre, aaw bengabw, 4 large rooms and bathroom, eancren fonndatagg,, plaster fxniah; beautiful grove native trees: 2 blocks to ear, between Stark and Gllsen, sts., ontsida city, with -all city convenience: no better buy or the market t $2100,' terms; xaor Uhd if desired. S. P. O&BURN. 1 McKay - $240 5-BOOM bungalow, 1 acre, at Metz ger. -Walnut -S3 96. - .---. FARMS ?407 FOR SALE To close an estate, 128- aerea, $29,000; H cash, balance terms; M snim fronts BattaegTouad highway; electric station on tim. place; 11 miles to Portland; 3 H miles te Vancouver; private electrio light and water system, 7 room, comfortable , hovuje, ' iarsre diary barn. 40x100 St., aHe, granary, garage, machine shed. woodehed. - improved chicken house for 269 bene;,lsu acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber, running water fer stock and to irirgate 5 . acres, 30 aerea clover, 15 acres cat and etch, 4 good horse. 15 . cows, 1 bull, 6 bead hogs, 6 doaea hens, wagons and farm Implement, feed crusher, woodaawg, cream separator and dairy equipments S00 bushels grain, 40 tons of hay, lota of apples, -panm. prunes, eherries, aH kinds of bemea; good soil, no rock. Thia, i a good farm but heirs un abie to handle it. The atock will be sold aoon at public auction and the fanu aom separate. . " J. B. TELLER. Administrator - R No. 3, Box No. 70, Vancouver. Waahv FARM -BARGAIN. , - A good dairy ranch ef 90 acres, most bottom land. 80 in eultivatioa, 10 in tim ber; . located at Sharon, 12 miles, from Spokane, Wash. Pa louse highway, public and high school near. Eleetrie railroad sta., store, postoffic, sidetrack, fruit house oa place; 7-roem house, full basement. . bath. roosa, water system, aty tBJepnooe, Darn, granary, poultry house, silo, some machinery.- ... ' '; 6 seres of Bine and Lambert cherries; 14 scrag af ehoic apples, peaches and pears; balance, in grain, alfalfa, corn and pota toes. . Place is subdivided into tracts: will eeil part or alL Price $18,000; $5,000 down. Easy terms. Might consider a good apt. or income property to $12,000. store but neaa. W. I. Hartford, Bx. 2034. St. Johns, Or. " Nothing Down But Taxes and Interest for Five Years,'- 10-20-40 aer tracts, from $29 te 846 an acre. 2100 acres to choose from, down Columbia river, on Oregon ski, cms to highway. Sora of these tracts have streams. Beautifully lying Mad. - Fine location for growing prunes, apples, bar ries, filbert nuts, snd English walnuts. Fine for dairying, bees,-. and poultry. CHARLES DELFEL ; 318 Bailway Exchange Bldg., City- WHERE CAN IOU BEAT JT-f Twenty acres, first class soil, in Sher wood district, 18 miles from town, near eiec. station, new 4 room house with con crete foundation, woodshed, poultry house. etc., over 6 acres In cultivation, some ber ries, balance land easy to clear. iooa spring and well Pric only $2600, $309 cash. See Hurd, with .. 732 Uham. of Cora. $15,000 SACRIFICE t 612 acres, only 80 mile from Portland, 800 acres river bottom land. 150 acres cul tivated and shout 200 acre finest grass land you ever saw, balance upland and tim ber; no better place anywhere for stocs or dairying: good 9 -room Dlastered house. fair barn, new silo; fine stream - through barnyard and pasture; gravity water sys tem; price $2 5,000, easy terms. I.CEDDEMANN COMPANY, 814 Chamber of Commerce. EXTRA CHOICE HOME 20 acres extra tine upland, ft acres good onion land, can Irrigate, 4 acres prune, loaded with fruit; 10O other trees, all culti vated; 6 room modern bouse, bungalow style, coat 80600: barn and outbuilding 9 muea eonrtaouse, good road, 810,000, terma; take income city np to goouo, bal ance mortgage. - . K. M. OATEWOOD CO., 165 4th St. 31800 OS PACIFIC HIGHWAY 43 acres of valley land, all cleared and all level and tillable, facing on the Pacifio highway (paved). No buildings. Ten miles to Eugene and 2 miles to C re swell. Hare cut this price and would like cash, but will consider part caaa ana give terms on balance. Broadway 2030. 1043 Chamber of Com merce bldg. ' JUST look at thia. Mr. Rancher and stockman 160 acres of fine land with . fin springs and creeks;- part in cultivation, good 4 room house, " Urge, barn, close to school, plenty ef outrange, 4 miles from town and 1 Vt nvues irom rauroaa. uniy w 3. B. HOLBROOK. Bealtor. 214-315 Panama Bldg. 'POULTRY FARM" 10 aerea choice land. 4 a. ia cultivation, baL pasture, creek, well, fruit, berries, 4 room house with outbuildings, - 200 .ft, chicken hottue and runs. 2 brooders, 2 Vi miles Oregon -City; good road; price $25001 $500 cash, baL to suit. This piece cost owner S44 0O. - ' K. M. (UTKWOOD tt CO., 163 4th st. LIVE in comfort ; save money in purchasing your land; profit by continuous advance in land values; make big money from crop produced at low cost; for the present this land is selling at 61 per acre la our no li rim colony. Bolivia Colonization Aaaoria tiun, 600 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. FOR wat.TB Prune ranch, 8 acres bearing, 7 aerea non-bearing, 6 acres apples, domestic fruits and berries; acre timber; good 5 room house, barn and outbuildings; on stone road. 8 miles from mood town. school and church mile: owner has other business, must sell. Phone or writ W. K. Corbin. Estacada Oiv AN EXTRA CHOIUK SMALL, FARM - 16 acre choice level land, all in culti vation, ft acres ktgsnberries, 60 bearing fruit trees, 6 suom plastered house, large bam. 13 mtles Portland, near Ry. town. wasningtoa co.. ur. io:v, t iau aown, baL ntortgage. ,; R. M. GATKWOOD & CO., 166H 4th st. 70- ACRES AT DAMASCUS BO acres in crop, be lance good pasture and timber: good orchard, 6-room bungalow. 8 years cud : gooa bam ana ontouuaings; good roads; stock -and equipment. Goes at $15,000; $6000 cash, balance ferma, CORCORAN-JONE3 REALTY CO. . 275 Oak St. Broadway 6006." " DAIRYING AND SEED POTATOES- On Central Oregon irrigated farms are bTmxmg prostieTlty to owners., present low land prices . won't last long, when ethers otsco-ver cms. Biate wnat equipment ana operating capital you have and I'll Inform yon what we have that will suit yon. Box 813. Bend. Or. - - 95 ACRE farm. 90 cleared. 30 acres river bot torn land, 35 acres seeded; 5 cow, 3 horse, some chickens, stock,., beets, potatoes, 19 ton hay. aom farm imp; will sell stock. .. etc and rent farm for cash rent; give lease i- er Will seu place and give goon terms to re liable party. Address Box 4, R. 2, Sheri- dan, ur.- - - , r 200 ACRE atock and cattle ranch, one family lived - on this place --30 year; 40 acre cultivation, mora- easy dear; -1600 acres outrange joining water; Wafer is piped to buildings, ' Oat - greeks sli the ytser; va air xw vw1 eouasnuaj $4000. half cash, 222 Lumbermen. bldg. FOR LEASE, exchange er sale, one ef th beet f arms in the vaney, 865 acres, about - 250 acres fat cultivation; will lease for lose j flC short time. ' BL . KMBUB CO. ' ' '' 413" Chamher of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALfl Or will trad for merchasdise - stock. 10 a. mach, B mi. from Sheridan. Or. Good building, good road. 1 Oa, orchard. bargainv 79 a. under plowr balance) timber and pasture, inquire Kox l is, tSbemdan. Or. - 40 Acres$SC0 Sew 6-room house, rich soil, lays Idea, close to actiooi, spring water; a Bargain. C. Col. 4Z aAtmoermens bldg. - 12 ACRES. SO in cultivation; small house. large bara; good well and creek; seme tim ber; good orchard: only 19 miles out ea , good roaa. , giuuo, nail caaa.- imiv : Journal. - .-'?:-' '; --''- -' FOR RALE.' trade or tent. 43 ti acre. 3 mile - frma Forest Grcve, Or. ; good baUdiug. near ': school; price $5500; an have S years tune - to pay astw,. ssvemngs s:ter . , ociocx. Call at 1283 EJ 14th st N. aft'ST sell 34 aerea near atation, Wsslungton - county i tsartlv cultivated, bouse, bam. ent- : buildir.g. siiring. creek, timber;- $3.60 per day - steady job; ' r $ll6", term. Dnhou, S04 -PpeWSTig. BWg. t ' :- j'--; " -. 70. Acre FaiaW S29C0 . Katripped; a iij"'X";olft 43 Lain irrTRerLs i?Kzg. j . :" FOR SALE cheap, . one ef th best 20 acre farms near Trout A io and IS muea frnm court houuc Bam Jiulit, B. 2, box 4,- LUU--' boro. Or; '-;' -' ; -- : . -- KATS i-se and facixis for fc- fee reiiL cOt S;.ding bias. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 66 Acres, Bargain AO lays fin for drainage, mostly aU level. 83 aerea in cult,. baL- nice timber. Fine eott. oa - good 1 rock road. 4 miles of Oregon City. -'Good . ft room frame house, good bam. haa house, hog hoase, cellar, weod hense, ahedr fruit of all kinds; good well at house; fine teem, 2 eow. ft hoes. -chickens, all tool. This place ft years : age owner refused $22,000, for it. to- " day we will sen it for $14,000. Mast close the estate, H essh; here iayour chance to get a real buy est mail and eream' rod to, phone and on en .of th best traveled roads la to eounty. Tea cannot find a finer , located and laying farm than this;'' not an inch of wast land. Let -as show yon that bargain. Yea cannot improve it for the price asked. E. P. Elliott at Son. 7th and Main , Oregon City, Or. - ON CAPITA! HIGHWAY. 20 , acres, good land, southwest; near statin and school; Isrg frontage on pavement; loam soil ; 'Hi A. cultivated; sightly location ; young fruit trees-, 2 seta boishnga. . 38000, terms. . . . 20 sreea, Columbia ceaaty; 4 mile to post office snd store near macadam road; S A. cultivated: all good land, loam soil; 3 houses, spring water piped in. 392; clear; vasy terms. . 1 3 acres . near Oregon City ; rocked road; 4 A.- cultivated. . bslr. Umber; woven wire fences; young orchard;- amaii new DttUutngs, 82200 : Y4MHHX COUNTY: 40 seres miles to .town; ft A. cultivated; 10 A. timber; 33 A. pasture; spring and creek; buildings; $1500, 8650 down, , JOHN FERGUSON, Gerhnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. ' A Farm for You . We have them, any kind you want, and we will trade them to yon for your city property. If you ever expect to gt a good , iarm in On gon, why not gat it now f Do yon know they are 00 the bar gain counter f .They are a vafa investment and a nice thing to own. We can furnish them either with atock and equipment tr wMhouL Quick Sales Company 401-402 Coach bhg. Into. Bll-09. 12 ACRES 3400 or 14 acres 8440; 21 acres 8660: 63 acres 81900; 87 acres 82500; eutover land, beau tiful view of 6 snow-capped mountains, broad expanse of Columbia river, 40 milea out ea highway, 3 milea good road; best of soil, no rock, no waste, spring water, adapted to prunes, walnuts, pecans, potatoes, clover or sny garden or agricultural crop; writ for circular, photograph of potatoes; 8 miles to town and R. IW-email paianant down, your 1 own terms within reason. JOHN A. MEIS8NER, 821 Geeeo bldg. 40 ACRES IMPROVED FARM ' 83 acres cultivated, balance fin pastnrs with about 1200 cords of first growth tim ber; dandy spring in pasture, fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; good roads, 4 miles from Boring, Or. ; milk and mail route by place; good family orchard, dandy 6-raora house, barn. and outbuildings, fin -well with pump at hooae; aeheol and church close by. Priee 84500; $1600 eaah, bs ance terms. No trade. COROORAN-JONES CO. 275 Oak St. -: 40 ACRES FOR, SALE, ALL- EQUIPPED. fuu gzsuu, givvv lash Located 1 mil from thriving town and high school; lots of work: 2. small bouses, large barn, 2 poultry houses, city water, 8 cows, 2 heifers, 1 horse, wagon, buggy, gaa -aaw. small tools, 16 tons of hay. 160 chickens, IS geese, wheat snd mlllfeed for winter, also vegetable all this for 82200, $1000 cash, f STEWART & JOHNSONV KEAIT0BS, ' - SIS Northwestern Bank Mdg. FARM FOR . SALE YAMHILLY COUNTY . IT urea, close to Canton, 14 acres la cultivation, tnotly in crop. Boiling land, best of sou,. Modern bungalow, with fire nlace. barn, garage, chicken hooae snd out building. Including 400 selected O. A. O. J yiumj ana n m i miw ii.., w, ness, farm tools, 3 caws, 15 tons of hay and grain for feed.. Priee only $5000. Good terms at 6 . W. E. KIDDER. Carlton. Or. IF YOU nave $1500 eaah and aaram $2000 mortgage, will give yon my 8V : acre farm, including implements, hay, potatoes, cow, chickens, separator, some furniture. Must sell st once. P. O. Box. 8375. FOR RENT FARMS 408 Acres for Lease on the Coast 400 aores, 300 under cultivation er open . pasture, large new oam, - good boose, buildings aU painted. Will give lease for 5 yean at $2000 peri year. Personal lor sale: 91 Bead cattle, mostly cows, 8 head hone, complete line of farm ma chinery. Prios $8000. Can mak attractive terms. There ia a cheese 'factory on the place. that will pay the highest market price) for the milk. Would consider leasing, stocked and equipped, on a 50-50 basis if one would buy the bay and teed, or will take: $3000 to' guarantee lease and can replace hay and feed . at end of term. ; Will pay en money- snd return the $3000 at , 'end of lease. Acres, Stocked ; and Equipped ; " 40 A., 30 A. under culHratiori. -fair house and barn.. Will leav 6 cows, - ft er ft tons of -hay, give free rent until first of March and ' will lease from March' 1 for ft years at 8379 per year, 3100 cash, balance can be arranged; $50 r uuired to secure lessev 170 Acres Vi Miles From Newberg 140 , under cultivation, ' balaae pasture, 9 room house, will give attractive rent for this year. - -- We have several . ether place f sk leas with or without personal prop v rtv - . Acres, With Retail Milk-RouteVC- 100 A., rent $50 per month, in come $800 per month, $4300 worth of pereonal property: to buy. - Can ' mak good -term. See K.' B. 1 Blair, with THOMPSON, SWAN- LEE. EEALTORS. - . Snndaya and Evening, . Phone Tabor 7296. Sd and Main Sta, Vancouver, Wash. 11 FOB RENT . 87 acres west of Portland. n good road: IS acres in cultivation, balgnc pasture; running water: family orehard and berries; .100 sacks potatoes and 2 acres in ground : 4 bead cattle, ! horse, 2 wagons, cart, 2 act of harness, 3 plows, harrow, cooking vat. separator, lota of email tools, 200 hens: 4 -room house, - bara, new poultry house for 700 chicken all for $300, in cluding rent to April, 1923 : rent 8200 year, , STEWART as JOHNSON. REALTORS, r " 815 Northwestern Bsnk bldg. - HAKE proposition. Rent place, purchase etook . and equipment. ".Fin money maker, Oregon City carline, cloa in. at station, 20 aerea; good buildings, n ' kind; . good span - of , mares, barnees, wagon, ft good cows, T heifers, movtly with calf ; 1 calf 7 larr ' hog. 160 chicken, 20 tons bay. 2 "n mill feed. ton heUd corn, potatoes, 13 ducks, fruit, berries, cream separator, all kinds .of machinery and tools: fine income from cows. : hog. - poultry; team now earning 1 per Bortr. mce lor an iov. jasn rent $23 monthly. C, L. Becker, 183 H let et. 90 ACIiES, all ia cultivation, close to good town. hot. good road; 2-acres fall grain; , winter's wood; modera house, suitable out- . bnUding: splendid bearingwwalnat orcluird. , also fruit: caaipment for sale reasonable; rent paid up to October 1. 1925: 81650 :- takes everything- See a. p, WOODWARD, ' With - vrrLBua f. jocno. ma. Broadway 483 7. - 224 Henry bldg. 160 . ACRES in Waahington county, larg dairy bsra. best ef soil, good read: long lease. - 8700 per year: if you want to mat some money, reme ana -loog tnu over. . nee a. jr. WOODWARD, with i WILBUR, F. . J0UNO. INC.. - Broadway 4837. 224 Henry bldg. FOR KENT. 200-scT daisy farm, equipment far mle. 15 milk cow, ft heifers, horses. ' implement and feed. About $8000, rent -640 per monui. . .In. v. Jones, Crabtree, - Oregon. - . . .. 7 TlOF.a IT PAY TO RENTT vliM - vnti -esa buy ims-nted dairr - farre. with eow. en eaeier term : References re quired. Box Sit, Bend. Or. - 100 ACRES. m3es sot Yaeiiiili, near si- tion, 14 acre prunes, 8-rooxa house, bam, fenced; fine rsnrb, $5 year, i , Eastern I;i-iisrri, 202 GH-Tline-r VAz. 10-ACu farm for rent, $10 pel mooiii. C . re i.T9 Arc e aw la- IRRIGATED LANDS 409 80 Acres, Irrigated, BflTl rfffl - ' ' . ' - 7 ' Best buy in Takim vaEey. 43 wnder ditch, IO aerea of er- eellent orchard OVineaaps. Delicions ' ' fad Kewtowual. 1ft acre alfalfa,. 23 . acres under ditch uiim proved. 8 7. aerea pastur. 4 won house, email barn. 1 mile erhool. store and alup--f ping . point. 6 mile to Prosserj .- - terms can be arranged. ;-.. ' -.".v . . 20 acre near Kcnnewiek. ail tm- der ditrh, fair buildings, mil R. V -- K. aiatioa, $6000; will trade for house tn . Portland - or Vancouver. , . -"'Want smaS toproved pbo near ' good town for irrigated - improved piac in Yaiiava valley. Atkinson Porter . 70S Mam at., Vancouver, Wash. CHOICE TRACT NEAR REDMOND 46 acres, ail tinder irrigation and In cultivation ; SO aerea in alfalfa and blue grass; small house, big barn. An ideal dairy ranch, Family orchard, buildings set in pretty, grove: 1 H miles from Redmond. Price 85000: 3509 down, balance easy. . Writ Deschutes Valley Realty Co., ed . mond. Or. . - ...;'' -I: t- - - . v. - HOMESTEADS 410 RELINQUISHMENT for sale. Easy acceasibi. suitable for general agriculture and especial ' ly good for fruit and grape. Located 4 A miles from town, raiirosd, Pacifio highway and high school, 1 -mil oft of mail route. Ha several acres cleared; a new 2 -room bouse and a good well. Address W. V. Rakeatraw. care M. M, Terrell. K. No. 1. Uogn River, Or. -' - HOMESTEAD relinQuiahracnt for sale. 40 acres. 28 milea from Portland. 3100. 1855. Journal. TIMBER LANDS 160 ACRES mile to railroad aiding, priced $12,000 or sell $3 per M-. pay as scaled, with a email down payment. P. Lv Han, nen. 253 H Washington et., Portland. ' SMAIJ, logging, cordwood.' piling proposition, close to river, switch.-hirhway. Main 4551. HAVE fine plaos for sawmill, cloa to Port- land, Seaehrest. Broadway 5231. WANTED Timber; alder, abh. maple, oottou wood. Preble,' 1586 Milton t. Portland. Or. EXCHANGE REAL' ESTATE 413 OOOCCCCUCCCOO CO occo o o o o o o o o o C o o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o- O 3 ; o o ,0 o o o o o o o o $28,0031 Stock of ".Merchandise This stock is located m Portland and in th downtown part ef the city; a vlong lease at a low rent; good ' fixtures, sod doing a good business; will take trade in er doe to Portland up to $1800. bai- ft-ROOM BUNGALOW IN 1RVINGTON Also a 5 0x1 00 lot. located near 43d and Wygant, and an anto that cost around 840O0; win trade aU on a home up to 810.000; total price en above $12,000; all clear xoept $3800 on bungalow. ' . WEST BIDS 1 2-ROOM HOUSE This is a dandy fnoom property and in good condition: 88000 er will take email chicken ranch er im proved acreage, dose to -carline and dry. LOTS . OF OTHER TRADES Com in and have a talk with us or wnte us full particulars about your farm, "home or anything that has merit. , , f ' C. J. Cullison R. I?. Co. Realtors 1 205 Vi Morrison C-.. ..Main 5478. o ocooocooooocooooooo " XT IS HARD TO FIND a more complete farm home than these 47.5 acre in Douglaa Co. 7: ra the Pacifio Uighway and but 1-3 . . mil from good towh ' with station. High school, bank and buainess bouses The land lies 'level with a rich team free soil; 85 sere are in . cultivation, .a small creek passes through it with a sic grove of oak snd ash bor- -dering the stream. Th place is fenced Into 4 fields with woven wire. Th buildings are good, -an attractive T room boas, new bara, 50x50; hog house, chicken bouse and other bldgs. There is a family orchard of- all kinds -of fruit, berries plenty, and a fine garden plat. Th soil and climate make it suitable for dairy and hogs, poultry and turkey, f rait, berries or garden, . -' - Price 3190 per acre and will, take ia exchange a house nr tmburbaa acreage. MAO TNNE8, EXCHANGE- DEPT. ' BITTER LOWE db CO., 201 2, 3. 9. T Board. of Trad bldg. Where Trade Are made 20 Acres", Trade Thia is 2 mile of La Grande,. Or., 30 seres ia cultivation, 40 acres more tillable, balance pasture, fine, large creek on place, can ir -rigat 40 acre, fin clover, spud, fruit, wheat, oat, garden, com land, in feet, will grow anything: good 8 room noose, hot snd 00 Id water, bath. fin, large barn, all outhouses, fruit, pise fully - CQtiipped. - prica 88500; will -trade. for valley farm even np: fine, place for stock; this ia fine alfalfa land alee, E. P. El Uott ft Son, 7th and Main at.. Ore-.' gon City, Or. :j : BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN - HOME, PRICE $91100 TO TRADE FOR CITY HOME OB 1 EQUAL VALUE Near Vfrwaukie, ea fine road, 2 blocks from electric station, modern . house of 6 room, with every thinkable convenience: - 1 acre beautiful lawn, shrubbery and fruit; absolutely no of the prettiest places around Portland. Free of H incumbrance; Photo ' graphs on hand at office,-" JOHN M. KROG fXX, 412 Wileox bldg. Bdwy. 1376. 10 ACBS BARGAIN ' ' AH ta cultivation, oa good road, ft miles from Portland; 6 room house, fin bam, room for ft cows, chicken bouse, aU painted - and in fine condition; orchard and fin . shrubbery. This is a dandy suburban bom and cheap at $5500. Will take small place ia exchange. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY " 814 Chamber of Commerce. WAST CTTY . PROPERTY 194 acres fine land, part in cultivation, V balance timber and pasture, orchard, stream, one 8 r. saodara hoase. ; one 6 r. hooae. . on Urge and one small bam. all out buildings; s on good road, 28 mile from .Portland. snap at $16,000. Will as some en good property. ,, '..- NATIONAL) INVESTMENT CO.. : 512 Panama Bldg. 4 Bdwy. 7681. 23 ACRES alfalfa, 2 mias Henniston. good : .- ft-rocga - plsstored house. - basement; bam, chicken, atoos. douots garage: X cows; au fenced: : orchard. V H aer amps, berries 87500k' mortgage $3000; for store, any . kind. Eastera Exchange, 202 GerUager ' bldg. 1 F :.'-.. " '-..'- 37 ACRES, with tock, $10,000; take Fort land an to 46O00, .balance long time-. 5 V scree improved, $4360; will take house and ' lot la Portland up to $S00O. $124 mort gage, balance cash. Eastern Exchange, 202 " Gcrlinger bidg. -- y - ' --' FOR SALE or exchange, at Junction City. 5 : room house, S tots, good barn, well with trnmo aa porch, - fruit trees bearing... value , $1300. - Would onic5r -timber, cheap -' acreage or what have eyouf ? P. O. box 218. Greaham. Or. 3406 ACRES, 1760 tillable, level tractor Sand; - 800 in erop; near Condon, Gilliam county; - federal loea $27,000. 30 years it Hi some equipment; . bkSgs. ; -creek, springs ; " trad for apt, boos bldg.; euuity $74,250. Eastern Exchange, 202 Gerlineer bidg. '- 1 - 1 1-3 ACRES , "- Beavertoa, on pavad street, value $1500. T exehang for ho as ia PorUcnd and irumi some.'-' .. ,'-' 'ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, -405-ft Panama bldg..' 3d and A 'dev. WANT lot ea paved street a first payment . rm now atnctiy moo em o room bungalow; .Marge lot. bargain at $4500. Et 6548 Sunday and eveninga, -Ant. 627-66 week- &A a'PTtF..- Waeuinrtba county. 20 m enlt. 1.000,000 fine cedar, some good fir; good creek through lilac, fine soil, no reek. Ex- -- change for city - property. - 323 - Exchange bidg., 2d SM Stark. -. - - ' : S3 AGHS giaiig Carru for grocery rtre, rooio-ir-,i-"e. iotV- hoofH, anytiung of value '- 4. i j. 1 I- tt. N. . - EXCrLAJViGE REAL ESTATE 413 ft ACKca. cuiuvatffd. at nuiea east, 3 Kk. 1 to atation; rocked road; good laud; bear- . -,. lug orchard; acre strawberries; new 4 room house, full plumbing, caty eonveni enoe; garage, chlckaa house 2U duok- . ens, eow. 5St0. terma, CotiMder dairy -ranch near Tillamook co, to bOOO. ' WANT MEDFOBD HOU8B - ' -f 0 acres Lincoln county; 20 acres cnW . . tlvatad. woven wire fenced, balaoce tim ber; bearing orchard, npniig, assail attrao, xiv house, 3160O, clear, wita tool and some furniture. Also 6 room cottage wita - plnmbiiig. fruit, in Woodburn, clear, tor ' horn ta. Ashland or Medierd. . New, ft loom modern bungalow, ft blks, , to rt. Johns bullae" secOoaj large lot. 1 S 86WO. 3170U- equity. r Goneiuer light - car. small tarn or acreage with equiiev - ment, to $6000. . x .- -; . MERCHANDISE STOCK FOU FARM, 34000 stock giuceriea, - haraware. fJnirs - -, etn. In good - town; 15 . mil. out of - j Portland; clear.'' and aom eaah lor email : farm of 10 acres UP. equipped. Oregoa City district only. ... . - JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, ' " J. OarBager BUdg. Ore 600 small place near Fortland. ; '"OO COCOO'CCOCCOCti trc& o . - .-, c -C -. . '. C sJs .. "-.Farmers' -: 7 Jj, "-Headquarters' - c c " - . - -' - C O 'W hav farms stocked and giiirped o O from 0 acres to 200 acres to ex- O 47 chause for Portland property cloM te U O Portland: rem IB snd get a ha oa O C aom real trades. O . o 41 O o o o o C.J. Cullison .R. E. Co. REALTORS - 303 14 Morruoo st, .- OOOOCOOOOOO C3 O OCCU Acres, Trade - All tillable Mnd. fine clover and , -potato land. 30 aerea In cultivation. 49 a. all open, sot hard, to clear, place all well fenced, i-room tram, house, : c bam. wood bouse, hen honse. cei lar. 4 acre f ruit, . goed - well and t : spring water, place. en main grav- ' eled road, 4 H milea of Caaby. Or., price $8500; will take $5000 in trade in any good, dear property. balance 6 yearn at 6. E P. . EUiott. cV Son. 7th and Maia ata., :. Oregoa City; Or. Alfalfa" Is King - - ' ISO scraa. 8 milei southesat of Wcierr, -Idaho; all under the Crane creek imgsy - tion project; 120 acres cleared ready to level and plant to alfalfa. Thia as all - under th ditch and all good alfalfa land. and will produce T ton aer year. Price , $130 per acre. Trad for Portland prop- . arty np to $12,000.. balance payable ia 20 Tsars. Be-Gibson, - , . MetzgerParker Co. - - - REALTORS .'" ;":--V 268 Oak St. .Bdwy. 6355. Four Room Bungalow , $2,500 Four rooms, bath, whit enameled plumb ing and large dressing room. Large lot 7Sx 100. lots of fruit trees. A real buy at. $2500.. Owner would like to-exchange for modern five-room bungalow. Will pay up to $2000 cash difference. - Everett Philpoe, SsJesmsnager Neilan &"Parkhill 219 Lnmbermens Bldg." Bdwy. 2832. . Sundsy Call Wslnut 7408. londs; C! Jarke'Cd - 138tLevel" Acres No Wast Mnd; 50 .acres under cultivation,- a going farm,.- got! buildings, stock and equipment included. $16,000, free from incumbrances. Will take Port land reeideac or hardware or grocery store. Will assume if worth the money.. STAJt KKAU J68T1TK LN'V.. CO., . Kealtora. 618 Wilcox bldg.v 646 A. FOB $50,000 WANT APARTMENT AROUND 380.00O 64 ft acres, 100 miles south, one of b?l . producing farm in th state, 200 clearw!. balance timber and pasture. 4 muea gond town. Price $50,600. Federal loan. 1. 60O. Put equity a 1st ptyment bi apr ment house and assume around 310.000. Farm t equipped. . HARGROVE EUALTY CO. 133 K. 6th St. Broadwsy 43S1 WANTJBUSINESS PBOPERT HUlsboro. Forest Grove er Portland, for weU improved 320 acre stock ranch near one of the best county- seat ' town in the Willamette valley. There ia 200 -sere fer tile black soil ia. cultivation. New modern bungalow style house, 8 rooms snd full ce ment basement with one year's supply wood. Good barn. Fully stocked snd equipped. ' Price $40,000. Mtg. Federal loan $17,500. ' JohnsonDodson Co. 63$ N. W. Bank nk Bldg. Main 3787. rroKj BOOMING liftUSB FINE 130 A. ur araaiui 10 A., near LaFayHte. Or.,-and ia ott of the best farms in Yamhill county, 100 cleared, 80 timber, with stream, good bldgs. ' Fully . equipped, ' with atock H tractor, etc Prioe 28.000. :.- dear. Want incorna, rooming- house, or apartment. t HARGROVE REALTY CO. -122 North, 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381, : v 11 ia aOkks""" : Cowlits county. Wash.. 2 H miles from waved highway, near Carrol la; . 4 acres cleared: 16 acres slashed and 1 burned; 4 room bungalow, other outbuilding; 8 acres seeded to clover, strawberry, and raspberry plants; 1 cow, 1 pi, about 2 dozen chick- en; drag caw, stomp puller, Pric 83500. Will take Portland hotue TQ to $3000. ANCHOR- INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4 06-6 Panama bldg., d and Alder. - WANTS OTHER PROPERTY for 100 acres, 2 V miles from MeMmnvUle on good road; ; nearly aB cleared and in eultivatioa: good house: any amount of outbuilding, all in good shape, No better land anywhere. Value' $22,800, incumbrance 89600. Will consider city property or smaller .place, "i -- '-:" '-'-- JOHN M. KROG CO.. - 412 Wilcox bMg. - Bdwy. 1373. . . " DOUBLE YOUR MONEY 31ft cere of the best land near Port land. PartJy improved. A fine platting proposition, near good town, 20 mile from Portland, . Price $21.000. , What hare yea to exchange? ?ATIONAt, TNT. "CO., B12 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 7681. ORCHARD AND CHICKEN RANCH ' 20- scree, 17- acres in fin bearing an plss, 3 seres ubirrigafced for gardes ; good hoase. barn and. other buildings. A bsr. at S8VOU. nui mu xor city pros- erty. IUEDDF.MANN COMPANY V 314 Chamber of Commerce. y FAICIPPED, 80 A. FO a INCOME. 60 A., 20 milea out, about all cleared. -8 -room, plastered honse, barn, silo, garaee. team, 13 eow. implement. 45 tons bay, silo full com ensilage, $12,500. Trade for resi oence, inor-me. romning house. , HARGROVE. JiEALiT X Vt. 122 North 6th St. Bdwy. 4881, " . Sd ACRES ALFALFA LAND -70 aere fa aUalf now, water on place. near HermUton. Or.; 3200 per acre. Will accept, good hoase ' in Portland aa first payment, balance long tim. - ANCHOR" INVESTMENT CO.. Bealtor. 405-6 Panama bldg., aa ana A liter. 80 ACRES timberlsnd, 12 mile from Jugens; : lots of cordwood and some good saw timber; ' 1 am not in a shap to handle it, will trad ,- for vacant lot, rooming house,' or hous.; equity; this is free and clear; priee 623 per acre. See my -agents 323 pittock Bile, -Bdwy. 7632.. : - --'- , . - .- Irvington Bargain - :-' Strictly mod. 9-rm. bora on E. 11th ea N. two garages; wiU take smaller boose to .1. xchang pric 46500. . - fcUTTEil V lACET -y -253-E. Bdwy.- - East 9313 10 ACRES, near Bmvrton. all cultivated ; 6-room house, barn, good condition; chernea, . ' apples,: prunes, berries: mile from achooi. station, store, near highway; $5500, mort gage $2.'00s want la trad 1- or 2 acre and small bouse, not too fr out. Eaatsra Exchange, 202 Geriinger bWg. BICKSMITH SHOP, stock, took and bui-. ne, together with 8 room home, ground ''240x120, $3000 fr difference: only shop la town, - YBibi3 " Coi, 36 miles out. , J.R. WOLFF. 417-19 Henry Bldg. BUICK aedau, fine condition, like hew, trm. rle car at say heme, 46 E. 40th. N., near bandy blvd. .':; ; - 12 ACRES-fine cultivated land, near Clacka- in a station, to exchange for Portland borne. Roger W. Cery. 1 42 H 2d St.' Mam 2t'y7... WILL trade wheat ranch, fre. and e!t-ar, rtocked - and eq-uipped. - for , your eiuity. Bdwy. 46H4t 9 HOOM hou., giiod baieinetit, tOi.. lot 100 ft. to cr, f.r cheap lar. i r-f Cst, iu Cr--'a. loi i. . i t V t 1 I t