1 TOWN TOPICS .i 1 ' eOtttKO EVENTS -- - ' Northwest Amociattoa of Sheriffs asd "Fe lice. Portland. Janus ry IS to 20,- Oregon State Christian Endegvr t eonven eons. Ashland. April. 1 to 234 b UnUas, April 26 .to 2S. -. ' ., -J . ., " " " WEATHER FORECAST . - Portland and vicinity: ': Tonight and fiundaj. ram; southerly winds.- ?.)' : Oregon r. Tonight and Sunday, 'fair couth - portion. rain - northwest portion and snow - northeast portion : moderate sootrjerly winds. .. Washington t Tomcat and Sunday, rain west ljortion, probably hh aut parboil imoderaU ' souuierty wind. . .WEATHER COXDITIOTTS Lew pressure overlies western' Canada., feat over nwt of the United State tha riniaiim is, high, the highest readings being in Nevada and in the apptr Ohio valley. Precipitation lias -occurred over a large part of the Pacific slope, in . parte of Alberta and Saskatchewan and fa tb- lower lake region, tipper Ohio Taller and - Tennessee. Snow is falling at a number of plaeea in tba northern Rocky lion tain region. ( The weather is much, milder in the extreme ('northern Plains -region, in parts of i tba northern Bocky Mountain regum- and in enstern Tennessee, and i much colder in the lower Lake region, upper Ohio valley and the North Atlantic states and is eaat central Wusbingtosi. . - , . - - RelauT hamidity at Portland : Noon yes terday. 85 par cent; p. m. yesterday. 83 per cent; 5 a- ra. today. 84 per cent. . - Precipitation aine January 1: Total, 29.49 inches; normal, 38.24 inches: deficiency, 8.77 inches. v . EDWARD 1 WELLS.. : : - v OBSERVATIONS : ' ..t ' , Tamp. b aS it .... J" 3 a7 ATATI0X5 r E If rr Raker. Or. 84 23 Huston, Maes, s. . SO 40 !? Buffalo, N- T. 6 SO TCI" Calcary. AlberU ......... 84 4 0 Chicago, IU. , 43 SO O Denver. Colo. .... . 4 28 U lies Moines. Iowa ........ 40 28 0 llodgo City, Kan. .... 22 0 Edmonton, Alberts, ....... 83 14 .03 Fresno. CaL 88 46 .08 Retveston. Texas ......... 74 8 0 Havre. Mont. ........... 28 20 Honoluln. T. H. 78 .-.V. O King, 8. T. ........... .82 24 0 'Juneau. Alaska ... 88 .... i Kansas City, Mo. . . . i . . . t 48 88 0 I M Angeles, Cal. ......... 66 64 .1 Mtrshfield, Or. ........ . 5 $9 . Madfort, Or, , . 42 20 Memphis, tenn. ......... 70 82 .01 New Orleans, la, ....... ., . 80 64 0. New Tork. K. TT. 66 88 0- Nome. Alaska .......... 80 . . . North Head. Wash. 48 - 40 .84 North Platte. Neb. ........ 48 22 O Oklahoma City, Okla. . 64 60 0 Phoenix, ATik. .... 64 42 0 Pittsburg. Pa. 60 82 .01 Poeatello,. Idaho 88 30 .0 Portland, Or. ....... ...f 41 40 .01 rrtnee Rupert, B. C. 44 82 .04 Roaeburg, Or. ,. 46 1 40 .Od HosweU, ,N. M. .......... 58 34 O Sacrtmento. Cat .,4. 86 48 O ft. Louis, Mo. 88 40 0 ft Paul. Mintt. . ...... 28 2 O Rait Lake i City, Utah . . . . . 88 84 Ran TMecm, CaL ......... 68 64 O Kan Francieoo, CaL ....... 68 46 Heattle, Wash. ........... 40 40 0 Sheridaa,Wya. ...44 18 0 Sitka. Alaska ......... ... 40 .30 Spokane. Wash, i ......... I 30 28 Tanana. Alaska ....... . . 22 . . .-. .02 Tatoosh Island. Wash. ..... 48 42 .08 Tonopah. NeT. S3 28 O VanooBTer, B. C 38 36 .18 Walla Walla. Wab. ...... 38 34 0 Washington. L. C. 64 44 , 0 Winnemucca. NaT. ....... . 88' IS" .01 AVmnipeg. Man. ......... . 14 , 0 Yakima. Wash. . ...... 86 14 O 'P. M. report of preceding day. Firemen's Ball .Tolnght-- Extensive preparations have been -made for the annual masquerade ball and oarnival of ' the Portland . Fire Fighters' Bene - ficiary , association, . to be held- tonight at the Labor Temple. The purpose is to increase" the: fund for care of in- ' jured firemen and to give aid to wld owi : of 'firemen. The committee In charge is composed of P P. Kumpf, George W. AUen, William Taggart and Kd ward Boa tright, : -Prises mre to Jbe - awarded for the bestcostumes and the best dancers" and there are " to be a number r ot ; attractive entertainment features. - '".. . Colambia Stages Portland-ilultno-mah Palls-Hood River-The Dalles divi- - nlotr Leave Portland Stage Terminal, Park and TarnJBU streets. 8 :S0 a. l 11:30 a, m., 2 :30 p. itu, 4:45 p. m. dally to Hood River, and :10 p. ra. -datly to Multnomah Falls. . except- Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 11 :15 p. m. Sat urdays, Sundays and holidays to Mult nomah Falls. Leave Multnomah Falls for Portland :15 a. rtu, 1:15 p. m., 4:15 p. m. and :S0 p. m. daily. Direct connections with all stages to and from The "Dalles. Main 861L Adv. ' Mist Heathone to Speak Miss O. E. Henthorne will be' the speaker at the Men's Resort Sunday at 4 p. m. Mnsi cal numbers -will "be given by- Mr. and ' Mrs. John Long "and gospel songs will , be sung by the men. At T:30 tbe.Rev Levi .Johnson will give an illustrated lecture on "Noted Men," and on , Wednesday at ;S p. m. the San Grael society - of s First Presbyterian - church -will hold itsfmonthty meeting, ".v : . loses PoeketboolE. With J. An . drew Arnett. asuociated with the Wil lamette university,' loat his pocketbook - containing 350 bat has hope of getting - it : ba.ck In . the next f few years. The rjocketboolc contained a card bearing his former-address at "Vrtnfield.- Kani ! -Arnett is in hopes that the purs will , be- sent - to his address in the Artisans building instead of to Kansas. -; ; Colsabia Stages Portland St,' ? Helena local, -leave PorUand Stage ; Terminal. Park and Yamhill streets, '. 10 a. m. for St. Helens and 6:1& p. m, daily and 11 tlo p. m. Saturdays, Sun. I days and kolidays to St Helens only. Leaving St. Helens 7dtt a. m. and 1:30 I P. m. dally. 6 :15 Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. For information phone : Columbia Stages. Main 8811. Adv. ' Fortlaad-Astorla.SeasIds DlTisloa- Leave Portland Stage Terminal; Park and Yaarihlll streets, 7:30 a. ra, 100 a. nVfiS noon. 4:15 p. m. and 12:30 a. " m. daily. Direct connections at As- torla for Seaside and Clatsop beach points Leave Astoria for Portland 7 ' a. TL, 10 a. rn 12 noon. 30 p. . 6 :30 p. ra.- Fop further fnformatlon. Columbia. Stages Main 8811. Adv. G to Moore Saaltariara Wonderful ; result by milk diet treatment: or gen ; eral diet mder your physician's diree- tioo. Hawthorne at 27th. Ad.' -' A Bto river Ateased William Qulne, age 34. a mechanic. wa arrested Fri tlay night on a charge of driving while intoxicated after he had drtTer his au 'Dry Slab Wood Dry Blodk ood Green Slab Wood Greeii Block . Wood CO) AL ". PKf.TVERlE TO All. -. PARTS OF THE CIII " SUPERIOR : FUEL CO. E. 45th and Halsey . PHOXE TABOB li; ' 7 M Long-Watsted Blouse Has Been Fashioned lor the Smart Short Coat - -. - - . , ; ; . .- , '-. '' One of the most popular modes 'of the season is the short? coat which is here shown in cinnamon brown matelasse. The collar is worn open or can be buttoned tightly about the throat Hugging , the hips. itsi only, apparent fastening; is the seal brown , velvet -ribbon which ties in a! loose -bow and exactly matches the skirt. An admirable companion - for this coat is ; the blouse so popular at Deauville this season. It is made Of tan crepe de Chine, and its only trimming is the stitching oa the collar, cuffs, aad the banding, which is drawn snugly about the hips., : i' - tomobile into a parked truck, owned by H C. Warren, No. 52 Second street, at Second and Kverett streets. His car was wrecked and was towed to a garage by the police. ;t Pipe Organist Gaest Warren I. Al len, organist at- Stanford university, is spending the Thankssiving holidays with friends in -Portland. Sunday aft ernoon he, will play a complimentary recital to a grout) of invited guests on the pipe organ it the Becker Conserva tory Of MUSiC. f ..'T f j..; FertUad-Salem f Stage Leave Stage Terminal, Park and Yamhill, hourly from , 7:05 a. m. to;7:03 p. xn. and Owl car ; at ; 10 i p sBt daily. Saturdays, Sunday and holidays, 8 :30 p. m. and 10 p. ro, 7:05, 9 505, 11:05. 1:05, 3:05 make direct connections tor Eugene, Corvallis and Albany Main 8611. Adv. Te Attend - -i Meeting. Capt,1 A E. Burahduf f, state - game warden, -- will leaf e tonight for . Sacramento, where he win attend the meeting of the West ern association of game commission- era SurghduTX is, scheduled to return by the latter part of next week. Hease Bobbed Second Time A. sneak thtef entered the home f Mrs. Mary Keller, No. 208 Grant street, and stole $4.50 In cash, a watch, a traveUng bag and -several other articles. ; ;TWsj?lace has been entered twice in '$bjnkt , 30 aayaw:vs;'.;;:fc s Teterans is Olf t M Sale Overvthe-Top auxiliary to) Post No. 8I;Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold a gift sale and basaar in room 525 courthouse, Decem ber 4 and 5. with a business luncheon between.:ll and 12.. . .' - . s Salent. MHI City Stare Leaves Salem stage j terminal for-Mill r Gity : s Nv 1, 7 :30 a. m. ; No. 3, ,10 :30 a. m.: .No. 5, 4 :30 p. in. No. 1 connects, with east bound train at Mill City. Jos. Ham nMtnPropA4vw-h...;.'.4. .. , . . . We Have for Sale 'the library, office and laboratory equipment of the late Doctor; J. Klecan. s in the Stevens building. Kxami nation by appointment only. Portland Trust Company of Ore gon.. ,G.sH.. Charters, Trust Of ficer-r-Ad. Portland TlUamook Stag tine Stage depow Park and Yamhill streets. 7 :45 a. m. daUy except Sunday.. 12 :30 and 3 :30 p. m.- Special : arrangements for .fishing parties. ' Main 8SIL Adv. Str. America St. Helens via Colum bia riven 3 :80 p. nt. daily; 11:80 a. m.. Sunday. Alder dock. Main 8323 xAdv. Three -Great ' Paintings : in the De cember, Ladies', Home Journal, each one worthy of framing, on sale now. Adv. - Mrs. Henderson's Crown Feint Chalet, serving the 'usual dinners. Open fires and hospitality. Dancing. Adv. , Roofing, bnildlag paper, baildisg materials..: Cress - St Co, Ino. - Front and Stark streets. Adv. ;5 i " Every Winter Hat, inc. patterns, re duced one-third. Tifft's, 128 10th. AdyJ Xo Clatses.for Eye TroVbles. ; Good Sight lnatirute, 30 Alisky bldg. Adv. J S. A H. Green Stamps for Caik Hol- man Fuel Cot Bdwy. C353. 660-21 Adv. Dr. Measles moved to Medical build ingt Adv. ; . - ! . , v KGG-KGN EaQock 4 - Watson Radio Srrica Northwestern Radio jLliff. Co, Broadcasting OlSEGON' JOURNAL NEWS United States. Health Bulletins. Radio Advice: and Instruction! Agriculture Dept. Agrigrams' Official Police Theft Report Daily Market Reports. ana ns 4Ued ' Dativ stoanAM v -1 Of all sUBoasr . - cvery arrrsjaooa) - i: u Iroa. C.-oo KQV, Ioatrnsaenul sad veeal .- leetioas,. . ' a-OO- Sra rEO.. Muslo snd terarsn. -.-00- IMQ. lasUnaMBtal and veeal " . - selections. , s t " i VOMJOHT - ' " sea a t jwiwsi eMmss . wiH saund the skit i act taraa, -. KrO- 70 LAte vocal and isiatrunteatal sa- - muosi. .- x Tree- T:e SJ-et boor. 7-V SAmbOO. .. The s:o. eo aea. j n. Ha nock or c , , . H. Watsan wili answer esastion ...-.; -f on radio addressed to Tba Jooxv ' ' - s nat or ta Uallock s Watson. SrCO-ie.-Oa Qaiet boar. Far raala stows raad tba raafls- dasartwaam af The eanSay Journal. .-;. . MlBTiXMU 'Ns' Kalama. Wash., Dec P, R." Mar tin dale, SR. died Wednesday. He was unmarried and - had lived in Cowlita county for nearly 40 years. " A nephew and a niece In Portland survive, y " T RELIGIOUS CIRCLES (Continued From Pas Fourteen) se at the :J"Irst .Presbyterian churoK together with reception 'of membe The associate minister, Rev. Norman K. Tuny, D. J., will preach in the eve ning. . : , - " . "At Westminster- 3 Presj-ttrisn cbureh, Tr. E. H. , Pace aanowniys another series of three sermons that deal nrith- Christianity's Con flict With Heatheniam in the First Century." Sunday night fa speaks oa "What Has Come tp Pass in Palestine. " Jeans of Nasareth"; Deeesaber 10. "How. Christianity Overflowed to the Roman W'artd Sanl of Tarsus"; De eember IT. "How tba Ksman Mtsnnderstood and Sought te Destroy hristianjty Nero," The- Bible school emphasised Near East re he' Sunday and was .able t raise 6123, which wiH be considerably increased this coming Sunday.. The -school's attendance passed the 600 mark last Sunday, with 72 in tiw be ginners, 128 in , the primary, 248" in the grade, 118 in the senior and 38 in the adult department. .Tuesday - evening tba scoutmas ter. assistants and troop committeemen of the Irnngtoa district will meet in tba chapel room 'of the church for supper, business and discussion of plans. Mr. Oaks of scoot bead quarters and F. - R, Harrigan, district' com misstooer, will ha vj charge. ' - The women of the . Vntrsl Tnh.t.n church will hold a sniper and Chrkttmss aie at tno ast Bito Business Men's club on Saturday evening. December 6. . The pro ceeds will go to paring the pledge the women made on the new siu which the church has pnrchased. - 1 -, .' " - - ' ' , At the 8nnday morning nerviee! in Calvary Presbyterian church the reglar . communion will, be observed ' with the reoeption of new members. Preceding this service the 8unday school hold U. session at l6 o'clock, with departments for all Jgea, and at tba close of the hour idionnu I. th. ihm.h nh... tba pastor, the Bev. B. B. Snteliffe. talks for a abort time, eiplainmg soma Bible pas sagaa and giving Cheat memory-texts. The children are eager to answer question and recite the verses assigned, . and the adults present seem rally as much interested as the children.. After this feature the children ant free ; to- retire. ' sad. - the . usual program ia carried on. At 8:86 p. m Dr.-Sutcliffe will eeetinua his exposition of the-fourth chapter 01 x-poesiane.- ana at-t: p." nu. Tfiursday, the regular prayer -meeting will be held. - ..Mra. Charles W. Wiiliama, executive secre tary of tba Woman's North Pacirkt Bnial b Foreign . Missions, win speak at tba annual praise service: or . ta Women's Missionary so ciety of Hope , Presbyterian church on Sun day evening. The women'a doubio onartet will provide special snusu-. t , -i-' At the Rose City Parte Community church we ounoay morning servnte wui be the regu lar - Bsnninos - ana reoxpupn .of members. There win also be the -Ksptisni of children. Ouibs a number ec new anembeia are ta t received at - this ervice.f f At the evening service ina paanor wtu oesm-a series of three sermons on ; Taa 'Present' Relations of - Science and Religion The topic will be as fol lowst -:- -"Did Man ; vnlVa at Was' He Pr. atedT": ".Was There a Ftopdfi TDhe Ancient Osairls.' K-i : -s ,j.?v.-T-, ... . Tba .Rev.i Henry 'White of the stiUsrrl Av enue Presbyterian . church will occupy -. his inupu. morning ana eTenmg. : r ai me morsmf servica the - Rev. . Boadinat ' ' Seeley will ad dress the eararregatioa. Dr. Whits "will speak at- the evening service. Wcrkem' conference meets in the cbKreh. Tuesday evenmg at 8 o'clock, t, -Organised. X adult 4 classes meet Wednesday evenlnr at T:8.' j The Ladies' Aid society will bold, a baxaarr on Friday after noon m the oanrch. Doors open at 2 p. m. A fine, display of useful artielea wiii be found en the tables for the Christmas season. Din ner wdl- be served front 6 to 8 at , 60 esnts a plate. ,- i.. i -.. 4- i-'i ,,r r 4 :; . At MLzpah Presyterian. church Sunday night Dr. W; A. Stevenson will- continne . his Bible study lectures on i "Neglected Portions - of Seriptsrra,"; speaking on "The Resurrections." His lecture is founded on a number of pas sscer which be says have been neglected by many Bible teachers sad exlgetev , H pro poses to. shew that, tba,. recognition of these passages make the Bible very easily and er st ood in studying the future of the human soul. The ladies Aid wiU bokt its annnai basaar .and dinner Friday aflernoon and eve nine. Dinner will he -served at 6 p. m, A muste eonwittee has , been appointed, con-aistinc- of J. K. kaartin, W. B, Walker. Ura. U. C; Knhlmaa. Mrs. 1 r: Xruhnlt Mies' Anna Hawaii, .who will have in -charge tba matter erf purebasing and installins - the i Spiritualist - J - The Rev. JWiUard HiDa. pastor First Spir itual ehureh. win speak en the topic "Decs Spirituehsm Embody 1 Christianity Sunday svatnns at 7:30 o'ctnek, foUewed by spiritual mesaagea by Rev. Irene kiarrcbe and Rev., jr. Wilavrd HiUa. Vocal solo by Lester Davis. Afternoon tsereiea will be devoted t a short diaeoame on the pliiloeophy of aTiritualiam by Warren MiUer, preaKieot, folkwed with . mes sages by Rev. Hills, and Mrs; kiarrche. Per soaal messages will be given after tba service. The Women's Psychic dub will bold Ra an nuel basaar December 7. 8 and ft. A comedy sketch will bo given Thursday night. Friday night a playlet, "Too Know I .Know." wig be given, fallowed wit lancheoat and dancing, together With a musical program, te tba dub rooms adjacent, to the church. , Saturday night a chicken dinner will be given, . followed with a grand baB. prises wul also be awarded. Tonight the Toung People's Kismet chtb is giv ing, an impromptu bail. , i' r' j S3 v.. -" f . - ' .5' . UmtarianV? . ;. .'j - Laymen's graihT vriif be ubssiasd Sunday at 16:30 a. m. in the Church f Our Father and tn - aH the eburrbes of this . denominatiosi throoghant the country tba errriee will be ia etiargw of iarmen. Dr. K- .O. issoo win apeak and Clarence J. Toung will aacMt in the service Lllav A", Lawreace- wis apeak before the- mew 'a class at soon on the work f the Architects', Bonders' and Contractors' association. At 4 -Jt the choir will- aing in the caonthr Sunday afternoon mmdcale. held hi tba cbureh school raesa. n Weaaeaday at 8 p. m.. at tba meet ing of the Wotaen's Alliance. Mas lone imaian will iva aa Uiustrsted lecture on lier work CURREN EVENTS CilniiES MM MID APOLLO CLUB GIVEN APPLAUSE v Win i . 1 '! ; f-m-m Cbarles Hackett, ' tenor,4 who aang last night at- The JLudltorium as the soloist for the . first Apollo dab con cert of the season, la a great singer. with; power range and accuracy.- If he is lacking In anything, it is in the human quality of , his voice a virtue which a very few of the best eingers combine with their technique. ' ' The-- Auditorium ' -was - well . filled, even to -part of the upper balcony, and both Hackett and the Apollo dab were received with good will, 'fi Hackett was called upon for four encores at the end of his second aeries of songs. He won the: approval of the audi ence '-'with his opening ' number. - the exquisite "Ah. I.eve-Toi. " "SoleU V (Gounod), as- the - club" -did with 'its harmonious and powerful interpret-; tion of "Trakes Dream. The club sang" a series - of weird, adventurous songs, a type - of which the public hears -- far too little. "Reveries" (Storch), and "It Was Not In the Win ter" (Hadley),T; followed the first num ber. T&taay Duparc- was the club's next number, with slow moving hiumu BUAav "e uv . o n . that Carmen's . trannlntion tells of. In the "Chorus of Spirits and Hours" Hackett sang with, the club,.' and the long ' number was 1 one succession of perfect choruses, solo work and har mony. 1 ' ;.. Hackett then gave ,are Keive. (Handel). Tlappy Ixiver" XOld Eng lish). "The Kiss" (Beethoven) ' and "Have You Seen but a Lily?" (Old Eng lish). x Four encores followed, each calling out a storm of applause. Per haps the most enthusiastically received was "Duna" (McGill). In this one, at least, it must be stated that Hackett did achieve feeling in his voice, and every listener was carried out to sea for the moment on the singer's clear, rich tones, and set to wearying for the lights of Duna. Just' as "Duna" brought down the house for Hackett, so the Apollo club won its biggest hand with "Gentle Friend Pierrot" (Leoncavallo). The words fell lightly and sweetly: When the rsJbon Is shining, Gentle friend Pierrot. How can you be flouting Her who loves you so? You my best and dearest,' .: drowning use a otowi The club closed " with - "God1: Bless Thee . love J Forever" - (Podbertsky), which is 'too long and too. full of re turns and repetitions to sing at the end and send the audience home with. But the club did excellently and the cooperation of the members reflected the good fellowship-that reifrns and the deft, master training? of William H. Boyer, the conductor.- : v in the Art Museum with tba public school children. : . , jf " United Brethren "' The ladies' Aid of Second United Brethren church will' hold a basaar and pastry ssla Seat Tuesday and Wednesday at 86 Us Alberta street. Beautiful fancywork - and -Aome-baked foods will be offered, p The Christian Endeavor society of the Second United Brethren ehnrcfa will have a krasy social ia tba church base ment. ast 27 th and 8nraner streeta.' Friday evening. An evening of fun and fellowship for all friends cf the chnrct win fallow. in-, u. js. neuoraia, tregon comerence. sa perintendeut, and the Ras. B. K. Emerick' will have charge of both services Sundsy at First and Jturfl Ltutaa jsretnren enurcnes. - , . j. ' -''TK-'-. iSt .:--., .i' ' .K-, jf - . - . -i r, -yP . - ' :7r. -i- - - Divine Science y.: j James H. Pataman of Australia wffl apeak in the First Invine" Science .cbureh at 11 o'clock 8undsy. He will also give a course of lectures ia the church building every evening next week excepting- Saturday. The topic for Monday evening is "Fata and Destiny" ; Tues day, "Lew of 'Health": Wednesday, flaw of Success": Thursday, "Law of Opulence"; Fri day, i'TXfficulties Explsined.' : The public is cordially .invited- . - ' s- . '- j Northwest Churches University of Oregon,1 Eugena The Buddhist, Nasarene and . Universalist churches are three creeds that are rep resented on the university campus this year in. addition to the IS that had stu dents attending last year. Of a total of 2183 students registered this wrnv-16T8 expressed church preference, as compared with 1569 who signified their in clinations in 1921-22. The Presbyterian de nomination leada with 890, Methodist are next with 328. Christian 2 1 7. Catholic 144, Congregational 143, Baptist 99 and Congra- gational 82. v - '- Milton. Or. Rev. IT. S. Shangle. ' president of Columbia eollege. Is' in L Orande this week. Where be assisted in tha reopening of the Methodist church, Bouth. ' Willamette : University, Salem The "Win-My-Ohum" week services proved successful at Willamette university. ' Through: the various Methodist churches of Sakvn 20 young people signified their intentions of entering some- life service work of the Christian faith. Each .year thia campaign ia put on at Willamette univer sity with the result pleasing fo the leaders. . B kirn field.' Wash. Tbo tadiee' Aid society of the Salmon Creek Methodist - church will hold its annual basaar,. food sale and supper in the society's hall. December 8, at 7 :30 O'clock., ,,r; ' - . - - Sweet Home." Otf-A revival has opened at thai Christian .church here, and win continue for three weeks. s -; Bid gc field, . Wash, Opening of Ridge field's new 3500O Nasarene church Sras observed mat Sunday afternoon. Every cbureh here partici pated In the ceremony. Which - wast witnessed by about 300 people. - Tha - new church is built bf tile, and was practically constructed by labor -within its membership. , It will be form ally dedicated tomorrow mcming at 31 o'clock by the Rev. O. 8. Hunt, district superintendent of the North. Pacific district, PorUand division. Sandy. On The Ladies' Aid of the Meth odist church at Pleasant Home cleared 8108 at their basaar last Saturday night. : : Ridgefieid, Wash. The -annual basaar and supper of the Ridgefieid Community church will be given December 7 by the Ladies' In dustrial society of which Mrs. Ralph 8. Stryker is president. The basaar will bo held at the manse and supper f rem. 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. at tba ehureh annex. - , 'V . . . Bandon, Or. The Episcopal Guild and La dies' Aid of the Presbyterian church wul hold bazaars sere en- December 2 and , respectively. Centralis, Sash. The new Baptist church, erected at a cost of 827,900. was dedicated butt Sunday. The eerrnon was delivered by the Rev. C A. Cook, D. .. if Seattle. - V 4 -' Metsser. Or. Thirty-three dollars was added te the treasury of the Metxger Ladies' Aid so ciety by a concert given November 22 by the music department of Washington high school under the direction of Georga D. Ingram, Kelso, Wssh. The Methodist church here has installed new beating system. Camas, Wash. The St. Johns Presbyterian Sundsy school ha enlarged to such an extent that a small bunding was built on Hie south east corner of the present site to hrxaa th Junior departments , , . . i Aberdeen, Wash. Priests from Elms, Lscy, Hoquiam and ilontesano joined with parvhoners of St. Marys Cathoiic church here Sunday avening, seat, in giving a welcome and receptioa to Father Michael O'Docoell. formerly of Vsa oouver. Wash., who baa succeeded to the pas torate Of tba. church, i,. . ... . . . .v - STATE - MEETIKCN CALLED . The trustees of -the Congregational conference of Oregon will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. to: conduct state business. Two items of , business on the pro gram are the arrangement? to secore the services of Junes H. . Price to or' gantse Pilgrim! Boys 'choruses In. nil the :. Congregational churches -aC-'.'the state, and the forrnuIaUon of the plan to raise 210,000 for the new University church -that is to be built next year at Ehigene,- Dr. W. T. McElveen of the First Congregational church is chair man of the Vniversiry church commit-tee- . - . ' t , ,--J" si g j" &'- f j. k. MIX1STF.RI4L- MEET CALLE1 -The Portland MinisteriaT association will meet Monday at 16:45 a. rrw in the Y M. C. A-. for its regular monthly meeting. Dr. Georgc IL Young. Dr4 W. L. i. Van Xv and the Rev. . F. M. Jasper : will . deliver addresses on - the organisation and program . of the - re cently organised Oregon Sunday school council of religious instruction. - f np PAEJt wormed his way in behind X the outspread pages of the morn ing - paper and wedged - himself 'into the sear! with a sigh of satisfaction. : - "Keep on hoIdin-r it up." he ' said cheerfully aa the; Fat Man. glared at him. "I'm just as ashamed of doln it as you are.' f i -- - - 1 "Ashamed of whatr "the Fat Man growled. "Who says Pm ashamed of anything?" . . - : "Well, come to think of It." T.; Paer replied- ambiguously, "1 don't know as you are." - , - "What're yoo driving at thenT - the Fat Man. demanded pointedly., i "You got 'a seat, ain't you?". - . , ."Part . of - one, T.- Paer grinned amiably. Td have a little more of, my share If you'd pull your knees in a litUe blt- "Humph !" the Fat ' Man : - grunted. "What do you want, - the whole ear?" -JVO T. Paer- assured him. "I ain't so ' ambitious , as some fellahs ; X see ridln'. oa . em every day." "Then - get your- elbows in - and sit still," the .Fat Mart advised, r Tm reading about the fight." - "Don't viet me bother yoaJr T. Paer replied genially, "unless you'd let me borrow . the page . with - the sermons On it" - .. :., -- ' . i'! ':K "Wtint the devil do you want them' things for TT the Fat Man aslced in surprise. ."I didn't know, anybody, ever read them except women and preach ers." . . ' "I don't want to read ro," T. Paer told him.: "but some way Pd rather hide- behind ' a " sermon Jn a - sportin page." ."What's the difference what page it is?" the Fat Man asked curiously as he. handed the -desired page over to the little man. "Nobody can see through one any easier than the other." "Well," TV Paer answered craftily, "when the woman, that's hangm onto the strap . in .front of you reads that dope abo.ut doin' unto others as you'd have "erri do ' to you, she aint quite as liable to stamp pn your corns as if Pfeter Tburnps .and Bf Thornton W. Bnrsress He .bravest is who for a friend His very life will freely lend. Old Mother Nature, OETER RABBIT tingled all over with JL excitement as he watched what he had supposed to be an old lag lying la. the moonlight in an open place back of the new dam of Paddy the Beaver. Peter tingled, with more than excitement. There was: some thing of fear'1 mingled wtih that ex citement : You - - see, that log 'had moved. Peter was sure of it; He? didn't take his eyes from it, Hfr vs watching for it to move again.. Pres ently it did. Yes, sir it did. It moved forward' just a wee bit. Peter knew then that it wasn't a . log, - "Itls Yowler, the Bobcat, - as sure as I am. alive l"L muttered Peter under his breath. "He is, after Paddy the Beaver or Mrs. Paddy. He knows that they have to climb over this dam, ancLohe is planning to catch be as acceptable llf! - I-,' reasonable 'prices. t I v4 A, ' Every Purpose, , 11 I . In' the whole cate- J ' fs , I gory of gifts .you- WSi I will find few arti- fi-JfVn beautiful Lamp. . . " .". ' xfQ V L- t ' amps bring warmth of tone es ... feiAMfiMMAfs -: 1 v:''-;;-p; J-f: .: 1. ., -.'..1 ,. r.V ,':"! . .' a. t3V RALFW VJATSOfrL she . saw , a picture of one walloper give the other a" upper' cut oa - the chin." . - t "I hadn't thought" It out that fine." the Fat Man admitted, "but . maybe you're right spora the .way they walk on me every time. I ride on one of these blamed cars." "Did you ever stop to think." T. Paer asked from behind his protect ing page,, "what a lot of camouflage they la in this car readin' stunt -- "I don't have to hide behind no, pa per," the -Fat Man said ; testily. "1 can ; sit here 'nd look em - right In the eye nd never turn a hair." ? -, "Maybe you caa," T. Paer conceded, "but most of the (eHahsve,got to have some breastwork to keep their cour age up behind." "That's old stuff." the -Fat Man grunted. -. "Women'vo been yelling for equal rights till they got 'em, lid standing up in cars is one ot "em," t "I ain't goln to quarrel about that,". T. Paer told him, "but It Just strikes aoe funny to watch them studious guy a that's all." ftr " -.- "A guy loses-darned near a hour a day on these rattlers.". Fat Man argued. "Why" can't he shoot a little info into his dome while he's bump nig down town nd back?". r.s.- "Some of 'em caa." C Paer admitted., i "but mostly they're the dyspeptic look- : In goofs , with the soup plate glasses that start to work before the women've got their hair curled. , vWhen- you see one of them 9 o'clock boys with The Merchant of: Venice' propped up in front of him he's- thinkin- of how, much hogs cost on the hoof 'nd not about strainin' the quality of mercy, or the gentle dew from heaven." ; J , "f ain't no- hypocrite," the Fat Han barked, stuffing his"' piper in - his pocket. ! "I'm 1 hoggin?"' this seat Just because I paid 8 cents tor it 'nd beat the Test to it..-: - .-.'. "Thafs the stuff " T.Paer grinned complacently. "If a fellah's goin to be a hog, what's the use of tryin t6 Jilda i his -bristles?" . . fc:; . :Trake; to His' Heels " , '' . of them doing it !" - . - f Little by, little 'Yowler moved across that open , place untit he wan within good Jumping distance of the place where Paddy and Mrs. Paddy weVe in the habit of crossing that dam.. Then he didn't move. He was partly in the shadow c there, and looked u more th an ever like a log. He had chosen this time to try tor. one of those Beavers because he knew, that they r were not together, and - tha Wmeantr . that only one nose : and , one pair of ears , and one - pair Of eyes would be watching for danger.- And he hoped that these would not be watching very sharply, for' those Reavers had' been working so long ; without much 'being fright ened that . be felt ' sure they1; must have made up their, minds : that' there was ho danger.-- - You may be' sure that Peter didn't move.- ; No, .indeed Peter didn't move. He squatted In ' that Black Shadow and was thankful that he. was On that as a i ELECTRIC sfw. an. mm ' v " M . - ::: V Wires - " a - ; KT - CHHIGTMAS .-mw: Ks .11 ( it .J Eleclrify! rvv t -w t side --'ot the: "Laughing" Brook 'instead of on the side where Yowler was. Then he began to think of Paddy the Beaver, It was almost time for Paddy to return. "- Peter shivered : when he thought, of what might happen when Paddy started to climb over that dam. "He won't see Yowler. No. sir he wont see - him, for -even - if - his eyes were ' better than ' they are, Yowler would still ' look , like an old log there.. He won't hear him, for Yowler won't make a sound. - He . won't smell him, - for f the Uttle t Night Breeses are blowing the other way. Oh. dear I Oh, dear! , Paddy wUI 1 be caughtf thought Peter. i ' By and ; by Peter . heard ' a sound of a 'tiny splaah down the Laughing Brook. He knew, that "Yowler- must have - heard - it. too. He knew :; that Yowsers ear -were raven better than his own. ; Paddy was'. coming.; t. Peter stared , down the Laughing ' Brook; In a , moment - or . two he saw va; little saver Une ; on the i water. He knew it was made by Paddy swimming up the -Laughing Brook. If only one of those' Little ISTight Breeses would blow ;;' .' f"v';' i "It's Yowler the Bob Cat, as sure i.aa -1 sun alrret". muttered; Peter mrithte-' hie Jbrcatlu i-:-? y ..;: ,; , ; ' :. . -'"''. s -..'Vrf '. the , other way and carry .the . scent of Yowler to -paddy t; But none, did.' Pe ter's heart began to thump. 1 Paddy must Tm f warned. Yes,-4 slrwPaddy must . be Warned. ' And tier was ' no one. to; do it but 'hlriueuV:-j::-':;-''t, Peter waited fax moment j; more and then he thumped the ground 'with his hind feet aa -hard as he could, f It was his danger , signal. t H knew y that Paddy would -understand It. I He knew that Yowler the -Bobcat would under stand it, too. He thumped twice, and then, 'without stopping to see what wouTd. happen,.- he ; took to . his heels. My, how he did run! He wanted to get aa far away from Yowler-the Bob cat aa na eould. - - ', j (Copyright, 12. by, T. W. Burgees) , The next story: "Yowler Loses His Temper and Misses a Dinner." j- r Twq Escape Unhurt In Plunge 'of 'Auto - After a :40 foot plunge- over ian em-' bankment SOO feet-from the Interstate bridge on tho Portland side, air auto mobile belonging . to Dr. R. D. Wls wall. . Vancouver. - was abandoned last night. -The accident occurred;, as Dr. Wiswall's son, Henry Wlswall, and a young Vancouver woman were . en route to a PorUand. theatre. Wlswall lost control -when the car. skidded on the wet . pavement and It went over the' bank, backing -to .the - bottom. Neither occupant was injured and the car was liftle damaged.. i , Bese-s i laasasnegsmBBBageaaeanssnsager feeling t hat makes rooms - - more liveable. Awaiting your in- pection here rare - eye ry description - . and for every pur- ' pose Select your . - .Gift Lamp now. - . " I' , - 4 ' a .j iswassJasawaawasswana. " - " - - , TAFHO? - ,'-. ;;'.::, v 4 S.aaaalAs-a-4-f ROADSHOW ;: ' HETLKJ Broadway at Taylor,' ' John GsN-" worthy's "Tha -Skin Osms. " Mauova i.fao , p. as. Evening 8:13 p an. '1- - '' ' ' VACDEV1LTJB '.-.'. "' . PANTAGT3 Broa.twsy at Akier High grade , vaudTuls ard pbotnpiay features. Al-.r-- noon nd evenmg Progrxm changes Mondsy r aftcrnson, ; . . ' .- - HTPPOOROME Broadway at TsmhilL 1 Vaude ville and Fritsi Brunette, ia "A WTfes Awakening." ConUnuous, vl to 11 p. m STOCK ; BAKER- Elsventh at Morrison. Lyrie Ifnsl cal Comedy oompacy, in "Oa, Suiia," 2. 7 '..'and S, p, aa.,- ; , . , . f. P1TOTOPLATS -.' ""'.'' '" ", BLUB cMOCSE Eleventh . at Waahington. , Ethel Clayton.-. in 1 -were Queea." 11 t n. to II p, a Opinion later. - ' LIBERTX Broadway , at Stark. EatMeen rkacDonald. In "White Shoulders. 'v it m. to 1 1 p. m. Opinion later. - COLUMBIA Sixth .near Waahington. Betty Compsoa. in "To bava and to sseld." 11 a. m. to 11 P. m. Thoroughly tine. MAJEbTIO Washington at Park. iiarold Lloyd, in "Dr. Jack."- 11 a at. to 11 P. m. UproarlouaJr funny. PEOPLES Wast Ptrk near Washington. "When Knighthood Was tn Flower." 1 1 r' a aa to 11 P. m. Spsctacular and beau- UfuL -. ,. ,:'.:-. CIRCLB Fourth near Washington. Moot -Gibson, in "Tha Lena Hand, 8 a. m. to 4 o'clock 'the next moroing. j ICeepYpurSIda-Pcrc: AcuveimdHcdlliy Willi Gxiticiira Sc ; SOnBOstrtXnVnnhrt, t efJOrTi , W5. Wff'srrWr "Se"! AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT The 10 ifing-Pbo . v ... , 3 ; ' With His Great American Dance ORCHESTRA ' -, ' ! PAR-EXCELLEKCE ' ',..-. -. And the Million Dollar 1 Singing Cornetlst X MXT0N G. - BUTTERFIELD . - With All the'Latest Song Hits BROADWAY PAVILION ' .. i ?UBAU7 BEAUTIFUL" --, . ertlad's raat Danoa Hlaposrame . DANOINO CVINV W1IK HlflHT. . - , FOFUkAR FRIOKS aaoapwav AT WAIfl STWHT JTlIrfl&elU Paeae Mala 16 S iiS T0NISHT 8:15 . .l v; .-,'. ::'';. Prevents iv ..- AVERY HOPWOOTFd -. : 3J BRILLIANT COM-EDV ,', Prfcee, Inerndlng Wnr Taxt Floor, tS.7i Baleosy. lt.2B, L8tt 1.1. - uausrji sec, aac. -. f : TICKETS WOW SELLI3T0 -BUT TICKETS A T- BMRMIH.CLAY'S store Lb til 6 P. M. After t . PsfbUe.Anditorlnm , Public v Auditorium 50P CHILDREN '', " I3T - fa aciw ATTIC o ' ., ' . FAIRY TALE - "".;' ,'.': CINDERELLA PRICES etc. Me, fLle V TTT A TVT-T A -O ( , asata. SsSSr MtobW'T- , . 1 , Bensee and Baird Chabot and Tortini -; ,3. Th Great Maurice ... ' THrtCg OTHEH SIO ACTS '-; Tbraa Shows Daily, aSO, T and rt LYRIC! MEW SHOW TOMORROW MU8IOAL SHOWS Now Fieyln, at ' BAKER SHEATHE M.;::tnV V'.'.Ftartaf This Weak-"Oh, Suilaf . Mat. Today at 8 Tonight 7 and Opens V"-: Closes at morning , .. atornlag y' ' ,IOMOBBOW, j-r ' "LOVE ISi All AWFUL TC"' WOODLAWK EndefWoedlawnCanine , . Evenlaga, f to 11 P. M. " ' ' Tnnlrrl1ne, 1 te 11 P. W. TEE lOl'K HOESF.MKV OF TUB APOCALYFbi. ' . Also Friday and Satarday. 7 to 11 P.M. Sunday and Monday I . "QL'LEJf OF bilLBA ' D)anceTcz:3i:2 COTILLIOII ILUL Bob Gordon's Orchcctrr,