The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 30, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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TiiuncDAY noye:,:i;:::v co, 1:22.
lower telephd;:e
Technically the order of the public
service commission lowering party- line
' telephone rates In Oregon J effective
Sat midnight tonight, regardless of the
temporary injunction allowed 'Against
the order last Monday by the federal
' court, The condition Is due to the
failure of the Pacific Telephoned &
; r' Telegraph company to file a bond, as
- required by the terms of the - opinion,
: , which specified that, the Injunction
- would not be effective until the .bond
was filed.
The commission does hot intend to
. put the order into effect at midnight
- as the opposing lawyers have been try
Ins since last Monday to agree on a
few legal points regarding the exact
: : woro tng or the Injunction order, before
asking the court to set the amount of
' 'bond and. sign the injunction,
K, M. Esteriy, counsel for the com
mission said today ,in response to an
inquiry from The Journal that ha had
stipulated with attorneys for the 'tele
phone company not to insist upon the
? injunction being-operative at midnight
tonight, as the telephone company at
I torneys expect to present their bond to
'- Judge J, S. Bean at 10 o'clock Friday
: morning. . Bond In this case is expected
.- to be quite high, as the annual earn
ings to the company will be cut about
. $200,000 as soon as the new order- be
comes operative. Should the court re-
voke the temporary injunction at. a
latter " hearing telephone ; subscribers
.. wUl be refunded by the court out of
'. the bond which the company , has been
' asked to post, - -
Murdered Woman's
Body Found. Buried
Under Lot Eefuse
' New Tork, ' Nov.- 30. (I, -N. -S.)-
story of sordid and fruilty love 'lies be-
hind the murder ' rf "Mrs. Abraham
Becker, , whose death' has' txen. cleared
. up after' six ."-months', mystery,, dctec-'
"tives- declared today, v ' . t'- '
Mrs. Becker disappeared from'-'het
home here last April. The confession!
'ot Reuben Norkin, a friend ot-'Beckeri
s chauffeur, led to the discovery Of the
.body last night," buried under si Xeet,
of refuse in a vacant lot. .
. District Attorney Edward Glenpon
Portland's Oldest Specialty Shop "
. .... . ... . t . . .. : . k : ; .
artMometo -Co.
Washington at Tenth
ifX That Emphasizes Remarkable Economies
;m Pnces of Hgh
r' "iif 4 '
. it.
' 1 - - ,v
- . t . .
Woman Finds Her
Nickel; but Flames
Eat Up S600 Eoll
' -'Jersey City, N. J.. Nov,
X. Thanksgiving , day for' some
folk, but just plain Thursday for
&ra, Mary Cycyk.
Bhe dropped a nickel under faer
bed. Jit a match to find it and set.
fire to the mattress. Six hundred
dollars In bills banked in the feath
ers went up in smoke. -
But she found the nickel.
of Bronx county said he would 'seek
Becker's Indictment on a charge of
first degree murder. j' ', . ,
According: to information in 'posses
sion of the. police. Becker was infatu
ated with a woman younger and pret
tier than his. wife. They are said to
have lived together In Cleveland, Ohio.
two years ago. , -
-, Becker and Norkln are under arrest.
Premiers to Confer
In Early December
Pari. Kov. 30. (U, P.) A Joint
conference of premiers of Great Brit
ain. France, Italy, and Belgium will
convene in -London-early in December,
it -was learned seml-offlclally today.
The purpose is to discuss interallied
debts and reparations. , :
Jack Johnson to
Flay Othello Role
: , , , . -. ,
- New ''York, Nov. 30. U. P.) Jack
Johnson has decided to give up pu
gilism - and become a Shakespearean
actor, he stated just before leaving for
Detroit. - .
- "I anri going to play Othello," said
XTl" Ahthuh." . -
He said he would start rehearsing
right away and - hoped to stage his
show by next October.
Says Prince Lives
J - On Farm in U. S.
' . ,-' Br Voinssl Serriwl- '
IxfidonL Nov. SO. The "Daily .Tele
graph's Copenhagen, correspondent," in
a'" dispatch o his paper, states that
Prince Erik of Denmark, who is trav
eling incognito, is living on a, ranch in
the United States. The , prince.-' has
decided to stay in America for several
years and Is selling "his "estates in
Kokkedal in Jutland.
Reductions in
Character Fashions
Representing Savings of
' Representatives from : eight Western
colleges and universities "were present
when the Far Western Conference of
the ; Intercollegiate Menorah -i society
convened morning under xhe
auspices of th Portland Menorah so
ciety. Delegates registering at the opening
session of the meeting in Temple Beth
Israel this morning were : Miss Juli
etta ' Kahn, ' intercollegiate secretary ;
Sam Xr, Fendel, "Intercollegiate' vice
president; I. Arnold Persteln and Sol
Silverman ' "University of California;
Samuel Cohen, University of Southern
California; Nathan Einhorn. : Uni
versity of Colorado i Samuel Ooldberg;
University . of Iever ;; Harry Wein
etein. Miss leather Wise," Jeffrey Hei
men,', Lawrenc Seltzer; Harry Berg
man -and.. Leon Lewis, University of
Washington; Mies . Pearl Baron of
Portland, Rubin, Ratnor of North Pa
cific rental college. Frank Michael of
the -University of Oregon extension and
Max Gordon and . Jacob Welnstejn of
Reed college. - -'
Following thanksgiving services. Dr.
Edward O, Slsson, head of the depart
ment of -education - at - Reed : college,
struck the keynote of the conference
in an address upon . the 'Prtc.e ? of
Democracy." -
Alfred Keller, prominent Portland
violinist, accompanied by Miss Char
lotte Kramer, contributed a solo at
this morning's' program.
. The visitors' are- being -conducted
about the city in automobiles this
afternoon, and will this evening be
honored at a reception In the B'nai
B'rith building.
; The first business session' of the con
ference will be held tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock in the B'nai B'rith build
ing, when Miss Julietta Kahn, inter
collegiate secretary of the association.
wuL present, an- address.--, jtteporta - or
the; delegates.;-will be heard at that
time. " ' v j ',-'
-' Asymposiunrt-for ther discussion t
papery . presented - by the delegates
from -their various- institutions -will be
held tomorrow after noon,, when Jack
Levin of the Portland society will lead
the discussion upon "Ther Inner Cir
cle.' - - ' v 1 .
Regular Menorah service ' will - be
held .at Temple .Beth Israel .tomorrow
evening. Rabbi Samuer Koch of Se
attle ; will .deliver tht i sermon 'upon
une irt in Jewry," i : .
Music for tomorrow's meetings - will
be furnished - by George" Natanson, vo
calist ; Miss Gertrude Lakef ish, pian
ist, and Miss Helen Levoff, vocalist.
24 Buildings Are
Wrecked as Fire
: Menace, in Month
'-The : la'st jnonthly report of Fire
: MarshaV,' GresfeU's office shows that
18 buildings were condemned and 24
were wrecked as fire- hazards. The
wrecked structures wero located as
Three-story buildinr at 304-310 Sec-
end street, Front and Flanders t reefs
and S3-3 North Fifth street; two
story structures at S70 Grant street,
28C East Morrison street, 291 Third
street, 366 Russell street, foot of
Dakota street,, 160-166 Union avenue.
t85 First street; one-story structures
at 298 Main street. 90 North 11th' street.
S41 East Alder street, S90-294 First
street, .447 North 21st street, 360 East
Eighth street and 416 Union avenue.
:. The structures which were con
demned during the month included
356 East Emerson street, 350-254 Mar
ket street. 270 12th street, 5ot Nortarup
ctreet, . 428 Killingworth avenue, 270
12th street, 621 East 13th street, 368
Broadway. 268 Fourth street, 493 Mill
street, 291 Third street." 388 East Lin
coln street. 415 East Eighth street,
104-108 North Third street, 627 Jetfer
son street. 637 Jefferson street. East
Washington street and Union avenue.
Chapman and Mill streets, zu-24
First street. 83-35 North Fifth street,
447 North 21st ' street, 160-16 -ITnioa
avenue, 295 ; First street. 4ii union
Community Hospital
Is Gift to Ashland
"Ashland, Nov. SO.-The Granite City
hospital, recently purchased by Jesse
Winburn. and which be has renovated
and improved, baa been opened to all
physicians and dentists with . equal
privileges and service. When finished
the hospital will be the most com
plete and modern In Southern Oregon.
It will be called the Community hos
pital. ' At a meeting of the physicians
and dentists "Tuesday appreciation for
this gift to Ashland and the medical
profession was voiced and a - plan ' to
buy ' a community . ambulance was
launched. Winburn, while - a - patient
In this hospital, conceived the plan.
Alleged Tiolator
Of Mann Act Freed
: Thanksgiving was made brighter for
Albert Tanner late 'Wednesday after
noon by a federal court jury, when
they purged hini -?f a charge of white
slavery by returning a verdict of not
guilty after about two hours deliber
ations. ' Tanner was charged with
transporting Mrs. Margaret Wilkin
and her two children from Jjos
Angeles to Falla City, Or. Both Tan
ner and the woman dented any im
nroucr conduct, the woman contending
she came to Oregon upon the Invita
tion of her sister, and not upon solici
tation from Tanner. f
t- REPORTS 03T " "
Smokers' carelessness caused five
fires, according to the last monthly
report of the-fire marshal's office, and
carelessness with matches resulted In
six fires. Five fires were of inceomary
grigln. One fire in a dwelling house
was caused oy: a. ourgiar, .ana wo
ivere from overheated furnaces. Food
boiled dry was the cause of one house
fire. - - t
I f rmm
Changes in School
L'aw Recommended
By Lane Teachers
Eugene. Nov. SO. The' report of the
legisiation committee,- which recom
mended six' important changes in text
books and school management, was
adopted by the Iane county teachers'
institute, which cioeed weonescay.
About 400 teachers attended.
Recommendations were: That the
state legislature enact a law authoris
ing the school districts ef the state of
Oregon to furnish : free text-books to
n pupils in the public schools neiow
ihe ninth grade, that school laws of
Oregon be amended to strike out any
or all property qualifications for legal
voters In any school election ; that the
section in the school law pertaining to
the S5 per cent of funds to be- need for
teaehers salaries Txs airoenoea to in
clude 8S oer- cent of the 2 mill element
ary school tax ; that echool districts of
the first class be authorized to estab
lish as a part of the regular public
school system kindergarten schools tor
CBlldren between the ages of 4 and
6 ; that nly one-third of the text books
4k changed each eix years instead of
all. an now,- and that the -dates of
this change start November 1924, with
adoption in September of the following
year, instead of changes in June, 1925,
and adoption in September ef that
same year, as is now provmea.
Th tpirlolat iv committee was com
ppsad ot E. F.. Caxleton, M. E. Hays
and F. M. Roth.
No U. S. Warships
Will Be Scrapped
Until Pact Signed
B United Jfem ' "
Washington. Nov. 30.-trolding the
view that the naval disarmament treaty
does not become effective until ail five
signatories have ratified It, this govT
eminent tag taken no steps to scrap
j-hips specified other than the obso
lete, craft which would have been dis
mantled in .the normal course, -r
Great Britain, in announcing- that no
more of her ships will he scrapped un
til the treaty is ratified, appears to be
following the example of this govern
ment. .
. , Unless- France and; Italy ratify the
ermametit -treaties within, a reasonable
time the -United States is prepared to
revise the naval .scrapping Agreement.
Into three power form, so that-It, will
bo effective :upott. the three , nations
which have already - given final ap
proval the United Mates, Great Brit
ain anu va-ptui.
Court Orders Girl
To Wear Silk Hose
24 Hours, as Test
San Francisco. Nov. 30. (U. P.) If
Miss Ruby Adams' stockings don't get
torn today. Salvatore Bonen, No. 8
Fifth avenue. New Tork, will have
cause to be thankful.
M. Oershon of San Franoisco suea
to force Bonet to take back three
dosen pairs ot openwork hoee, liko
Ruby is wearing today, saying tney
are no good. "
"1 don't know anything about silk
stockings," said Justice Prendergast,
"Ail -wa can do is tvM. them." . "J
"I'm on," said Gershon. He brought
Miss Adams into court, first fitting
her out with a pair of Bonen' s stock-
' Wear them S hours." instructed
Judce Frendergast. after close .inspec
tion.'' If they have a hole in them at
the end of that time, Gershon gets ma
money back for the stockings. Other
wise Bonen wins."
"They look- fin,' commented the
bailiff as Miss Adams left the court
- 1." ' -. - T '' '" ' " '' ' " ' N'"'
18 of Fastest of -Auto
Drivers Are,
Lined Up for Eace
Speedway, Las Angeles, Nov: 30I.
N. 8.) Eighteen of America's fastest
automobile drivers were lined up here
this afternoon t do their stuff : n
the national championship 250-mile
contest. The entry list of 20 drivers
was cut down to 13 at the last minute
when &oui Hansen Jr- and Bobby
Dunn were taken out of the running
because they wer unable to make the
jos mile , an how pace required to
Ideal weather of a cool c I ear after
noon greeted the drivers as they wait
ed for the crack of the starter's pistoL
An estimates crowa of better than 60,-
000 cheering - racing fans were in the
Such racing driving class as en
tered th race here this afternoon has
never neen seen oetore in tne west.
Such drivers as Jimmy Murnhv. Tom.
my Milton, Ralph do Palm a, Joe
Thomas. Art Klein, Earl Cooper, Cliff
Ouran and others mads up the entry
that will battle for gold and glory.
Chief . interest was centered as the
race started around the famous Durant
team, eonsisttag of Durant himself.
tiea me, cooper, Alurpny ana Klein.
De Valerain Hiding;
To Flee to America
Belfast. Nov. S0.U. P. Eamonn
de Valera is hiding in Carlingf&rd
mountains waiting a chance to -escape
to America, :t was reported, net e to
day.. Free KtAte troops are hunting
him. Meanwhile a large force of in
surgents is planning a new attack m
both North ad South Ireland to facUl
tat his escape.
Sid Graiiman la HI;
Fear Appendicitis
Los Angeles, Nov. 39. (I, ht: S.)
SSd Granman, well Jcnown motion pic
ture theatre owner, la seriously ill and
has been confined to - his suite in a
local - hotel for - th past two days.
Trained nurses are in attendance,- The
theatre manager f s threatened with
appendicitis and his. physicians are
endeavoring tor ward off a major p-
crauoa. .- -
Athens. Nov. -'30. Foltawtnc their
execution ot members of the cabinet
who served under former King Con
exantine. Greek revolutionista hi ,r.
rested former Generalissimo Papoulas.
Papoulas is charged bv the new rnv.
eanment with resnonsibility for much
ot the Greek army Inefficiency, which
Led to defeat by the Turks.
Hillsboro. Nov. 3A.x-Thanks?ivinr
brought winter to.XliUsboro and vi-4
c:niiy this morning for at 7 o'clock
eoow eaa failing heaviljv -. '
Members of the tschool board of Dis
trict No. 1 will support the proposed
legtalailofi, for free text cooks, and per
mitting- all electors, regardless ' of
property qualifications! to vote - On
school bond measures, j This support
was- assured William" !F. Woodward,
member of the board and " legislator-
elect, at a meeting of the hoard
Wednesday evening.
Woodward bad placed before the
school board a letter in which h out
lined featuiea of a bUlwhieh he pro-
pobcs to ii-troduce i.-i the next legis
laturc , Besides free text books and the
extension of voting privileges, the bill
win : provido tnr ho?dl g of the school
elections at the Same time as general
elections ana with the unit polling
places. It Also would tn&Ke tro terra
of members of the school board four
years, tle em& as that for other pub
lic officials. ,
Notices of completion have been filed
on nine- pieces ot publio work and
property owners in the respective dis
tricts were notified today that th city
council . will . consider , acceptance of
the work from the., contractors, at its
session on December The . list in
Construction of the Vaughn street
and SZd street sewer system, Jensen &
Rasmussen, contractors"; Improvement
of Kast 31st street, from Siskiyou -to
Klickitat streets. Hahn & Rebman,
contractors : improvement of 42d ave
nue southeast, from 42d to 48th streets
southeast. Luitdstrom & Carlson, con
tractors ; improvement, of Fessenden
street, from Edison- to Jersey streets,
Hahn -& Rebman, contractors ; im-
fprovement of 70th street ' southeast.
from ths avenue southeast to Foster
road. Oregon Construction, . company,
contractors 5, Improvement . of , Forest
street, from the wes line of Overlook
bouJevard -to -its westerly terminus,
Lundstrom & Carlson, contractor's; (Im
provement of Bast Oak street, from
East fi5th to East 5?th , streets. John
Greider qo., contractors V Improve
ment of East 18th street, from Skid
more to "Preseott streets. Cochran Con
struction company, . contractors ; dis
trict improvement of portions 01 utsj
avenue and Ogden avenue; Hahn &
Rebman, contractors f sewer in alley of
block U Walnut park, between Emer
son and Klllingsworth avenues. Jensen
& ftasmussen, contractors. .
Gunners HitPlane
Tareet Going at
Rate of 80 Miles
Br-tlvnuLl Bertlee .
Washington. Nov. 80.The war de
partment today announced the success
of perhaps th most dangerous mitl
tary maneuver ever attempted the
firing of loaded shell by anti-aircraft
gunner at a target www uwmjo u
air oy a navai piane. s
. t Jeutenant. W. 3. Patterson volrntt'
teered to Pilot the plane, lis eluded
17 of th 2Z shots fired, but tne xivs
hits - registered are said by reports
to have demonstrated the ef f eotiveness
of anti-air craft defense of the coast.
Patterson would, have been; killed If
the-gunners-had fired directly at tn
plane instead or at tne target,;.
The i tests wer conducted "at ; Fort
Monroe Va., by the JSixty-tirst arui
lery. patulion -,Th targer was towed
by a. .seaplane irom ins, Hampton
Roads naval air station. .
"Ths tarret was in th shape of a
sleeve three feet in oiameter ana x
feet longv It was towed through the
air at a speed et 60 to 80 miles, an
hour by a cable 2500 feet long, which
was fastened to Lieutenant Patterson's
plane. '
"Sight courses were flown from rip
raps to Back - river light at : an alti
tudaVarvins- front 500 to 7000 feet. Th
sky-was overcast and "the target which
at times, was obscured' by clouds, ap
peared scarcely as large as a lady's
. "Anti-aircraft " troeps opened fir
with - both t inch guns and machine
guns. - The average range for firing
was 5 000 yards:- .-
Rum Ship Wrecked;
Beachcombers Get
Thanksgiving Cheer
- : By Taitod Mewtt
New Tork, Nov. 80. A rock rye baby
and a mm ship on the rocks have
helped to put a kick into Thanksgiving
for residents hereabouts.
Th rye baby, was literally that.
Frank and Chris Narlcaranko, of New-
RooheliOi wheeled th infant about in.
a gocart, singing Italian lullabyes to
it and greeting rrlenas. They stopped
two men en the street' and pulled
aside ths little whit and bin checked
blanket for a closer inspection. The
men happened to b dry agents. They
arrested Frank and Chris. In court
later they said th baby consisted ef
48 bottle o-whiskey and doll's head.
The - rum ship, Virginia, also fell
into dry raiders' hands. That is. the
ship did, but the rum didn't. A heavy
gai blew th vetjei nto a reef off
Millers Place. Long island. Farmers
and ftahermen found it before prohi
bition agent did. They had removed
550 cases of bended liquor .when - the
axy oxiicer amvea.
Woman and' Son 111
From Poison Candy
Washington, No. SQ. (XT, . P.) An
nvestigation' was begun by the police
today, into the mysterious circulation
of poisoned' candy among" the' family
of Paul Schwettxer-'ter.7 resulting m
serious illness to two. , Mrs. Schweit
zer and her 8-year-old son bean vio
lently III after having eaten chocolate-
coated candy which was found in a
box in their apartment several days
' " T" ' ' a 11 1 iT u 1 11 . .1 " '
Russ and Balkans to
Talk Disarmament
Moscow, Nov. JO. I, N". S.) Russia
and the Baltic states will discuss dis
armament her -tomorrow. Finland,
Poland. Esthonla. Ijatvia. and Lith
uania have been iirviied to participate.
Naval experts hav betj sent to Vladi
vostok to attempt to raise the Russian
fleet that was sunk there. . .
Woodrow Wilson1
, Sees Big Victory ,
Ahead for Party
"" North. Baltimore. Ohio, Nov. 80. A
"glorious -victory'; for the Democratic
party is seen by former President
Woodrow Wilson, "if all party workers
keep steadily at it." - . -
Th ' prediction of. success for his
party was made in a little note sent
to Mrs. J.' W. Borough, prominent
Democratic woman party worker, who
revealed ' the content of the - note at
a meeting of woman' club here today.
Th text of th message was as fol
lows ; . - .
"Mr. Wilson asks me to say that
the brief letter from the little woman
who took an active part In the just
closed campaign gave me a great -deal
of pleasure. It is his belief that if. all
party workers keep steadily at it for
th next two years the fight, so well
begun last Tuesday, will end in a
glorious victory In 1924.
i C Signed) ' v '
- WruTM t? -Rm.i.TTCfi.
-- - Secretary,"
Bliss Carmen, Djean :
Of Minor Poets, Is
Jacob Kamm Guest
Bliss Carmen, dean of the . minor
poets, naturalist and novelist, was the
guest of Jacob G. Kamm at the Uni
versity club this week while on his way
to spend the winter in California after
several months in British Columbia.
The poet attended- th David Thomp
son, celebration at. Windemere lake in
memory of the discovery of th head
waters of the Columbia river by David
Thompson.- Since August he has bean
camping In the- Canadian forests and
exploring the headwaters of numerous
streams in 1 British Columbia. - Kamm
and Carmen were friends in ; New
Canaan, Conn., which is the poet's
home. CarmenMs the author of ''Songs
of Vagabondia," "Th Pipes of Pan"
and numerous other volumes of light
Verse and several novel
Firemen Overcome
In, Theatra Fire
Pittsburg, Pa' Nov. 80. (U, P.)
Fir broke out in the cellar of the
Pearl theatre on. Fifth avenue here
this afternoon, while hundreds were
viewing a motion picture perform
ance. There was no disorder and th
audience filed Into the street to safety.
Flv firemen were overcome by
smoke.- - . -
Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. SO. (U. P.)
Frank Willis, alias ' Ed Lewis, fourth
member of the bandit gang that killed
to,(bast .
: Szn.FranExaimner::
Shows at 10:43, 12:50, 2:55,
. 5:00, 7:05, :10.r ' -
Prices 55e to $10 (more
than 30 lower than in Cali
fornia or th East). No
seats referred.
, Augmented " Orchestra playing ?
- specially composed score. ,
Attendants costumed - In" the
same manner as is Marion -Davies
in this photograph from
'the play.
'1 7r-'
-.KH2 -
f 4 a f S
: ) ) ,ij
J- -" v.. , J ' W
Patrolman D. P, Zvoehler and wounded
Corporal Roscoe Frlddle in a' street
battle in Columbus, Tuesday , morning,
was captured here today. WiUis-was
arrested at his boms here, II was
near exhaustion ; from eluding police
posses more than 4S hours In South
western Ohio, -
WILEY B. ALLEN GO. Since 1 073
The New
Your cars can tell you more about them than our Ian-
guage or your own eyes.- " - ,
- i . .
Come in tind Hear Them !
:, -v. i- " - , ' ; '
We take pride iri haying the most complete stock. Our
records axe always nen unused and perfect w
,148 Fifth Street. Near Morrison .
Otker Stores San Francisoo, Oakland, Sacramento, ,
San Joss, Fresno, Xjos Angeles and San Piego
to WmSsfal &
j r
BowU Race TracU JI4Nov, 80. i
tT. P.) O. L. BSackforUs Maximal
won th llisnksgivhig haedkap by
bit over i ienyth from IIerAaItos
Rock Minister favorite, was a wl ' .
beaten 'third, a" couple of lengths bej
hind, whit Nedna wa fourth.
" k
' ' ff
eat and a !