10. 1922. i . t . . I I . a g -a. s . g . w i i ' -j jm a a " a a . r i i u m v pi ? i i ; ' - fc c i : . r CLAMS THAT AUTO SATURATION HAS NOT BEEN REACHED AUTO DEMAND IS HOT YET FILLED Henry Ford Reports MoreOr - ders for Automobiles Than He is Able to Turn Out f 1 1 - XT 1 'V, By J. c. Boyle ' (Copyright, 1922. by . The Journal) Ifew Tork. . Sot. 2. Henry : rord, the largest manufacturer of ttotor an ta the . . n-i M ' ai the country wee. a long way from being led op oa automobilea, He did not say that (or publication. He aid it to the reader of the Portland Jour nal to show that be e not worry'ag .boat the saturation point in automobile jsnnatActiOtt. . Ford said today i.fc orders mra com ln( into hie plant faster than they could be takni car of and that to htm this was .n indication of the betterment of eondi- uons sH over tin ..nntrf. Rumors m- - k - .1 Vi.v bMit rue oi ne- . SOUations for additional coal Plants DJ , l ord company, hite ha declined to discuss the, report! Ford stated today that ined--. ji.. ,.n- (tha naada of the company's plants, the company . 55' ' to ita employes at a pries of 88.60 too a ; compared with a current price of ie a ton, by Detroit deaiara. and . atUJ not loata Cotton Mill May oamolidato i : Only4 tha tremendooa roJumo of antbmoUTe bodneia by which Mr. Ford 'a statement todi- V . eatoa and tha unprecedented Tolnmo of Cbxto . n maa ahopptca bminena by the Jobbera and wholenalera reported this week could obacore ' - the importance of the larre moemonr under way to the textile Industrie a. Northern textile mill intereata are negoUtin for the purchaae ' tf Southern mill. In eventual ecope theaa i, . dealings may mean expansion and eonaolioa ; tkm of cotton mills which will reach nego h Uationa of national i-portance. ' Kon-diridend cotton mill propertiea. which hare been barren for aereral yeara to their " ctoekholden, are in position to pay - dindenda front anooeasful operations of the last Quarter at 1922. The more prceperona tanta are preparinf for stock dirtdends to aroid exactions 1 of federal taxes and recent rolinga of the ' ' internal . rerenne -departments. Tha M artel ' mills of New Tork today announced the pur : : chase of the Southern mills in Georgia and the ' Carolinaa and . many . Southern, , plants made Mraaltaneoua announcements of ambitious plans of expansion. - The reason is plain. The ' Southern, mills, knowing the spot cotton ahorV ia .was eomins. corered their requirements in '.' time and are now reaping the Benefit. ft. v Purchase ef Steel Mllla Surprlsa !- An announcement of the purchase of the AlidTaje Steet Ordinance company and the Cambria Steel company by tha Bethlehem ' Steel corporation was anything but ' unes ' pected. In fact, financiers and Wall atreet v ' wondered why there was so much delay in ' " the federal trade commission, which was based 'cn the Clayton act The Tery fact that the reorgaalzatioa and merger provided for acauisi tioii of the plants and other physical assets of the aUdvale and Cambria companies, without specifying acquisition at stock, clearly brought - the merger within the requirements ao of ton laid down by the federal trade commission. ; . 3' be oommissioa has always held that aoquisi-.- tion of physical assets did not. ; - Ooei erka BeJna Reduced - - Further, encouragement of "the industrial ait-- uation is sees in the unireraal reduction of coal and coke - prices all over the United ' tales. Production has more than caught up " with, demand and the railroads handicapped in respect to other shtpmeota hare been able p.'. to pour a .Tolume of coal into retail markets, which has been sufficient to more than meet ' leouiremente. Hardware all over the country la in ex- cellent demand. This is especially true of builders hardware, but supplies for ' farm re ' uuirements has not been a whit behind. The Mouth has signalized this demand by aa especial rush on the retail saarketa. ' .Building ' operaUona have bees' ao extensive as to require formation of new . -building and , loan associations which have been chartered in 1 ' unprecedented-numbers in the last two weeks. PRODUCE. . Grand Isle. La.. Nov. 25. The cauliflower crop here is the best in -yeara and planta are :- . beginning to head. Shipments to northern ; market will begin shortly. MtTGOODS. Boston. Nov. 25. The stocks of goods held bv the leading Boston department stores.ro . day are below normal for this season of the rear, but retail trade is extremely -active. Zt . ' ' LUMBER. - Fort Worth, Texas. Nov. 25. lumbermen ' foday reported increasing . trade, especially in , the small towns where construction of homes . - has been resumed. - - . CUOTUING. Ilotuton, Texas, Nov. 25. Women's ready-o-wesr clothing has declined in pnee to nearly the level of piece goods and the volume -cf sales of suits today has increaaed in conse quence. Wholesale drygood houses today re port a big increase in orders in this territory since the cotton has been marketed. - Collec tions are rood. ,. New Orleans, Nov. 25. Alvanee sale of factories manufacturing summer clothing t.t far ahead of-any previous year. All such fac- tones here are assured of operation on full time for months to come. . . , f . ,. . STEEL. Taungstown. O., Nov. 25. Steel operations ' in the Mahoning valley continue at about 73 per cent of ' capacity. Independent manu facturers . reported today that the labor situ ation baa been relieved to some extent by the influx of men from the outside with the ar rival of cold weather. ' ' LUMBER. Kansas City. Nov. -25. Buying of lumber in the rural districts of the midd west today does not compare favorably with the sales, in the cities. Building activities are largely con fined to, the urban districts. - , Boad Sal Option Extended Madras, Nov. 25. At a special meeting of " the board of directors of the Jefferson water id- conservation district held in Madras November -' 22, the board confirmed ita action of N'o- ' - vrmber 21. in Portland, when it extended the option en the sale of the bonds of the - district to the Ralph Schenoeloch company lor "i'niv mcnthv which will be from December 1, ' 1822. to June 1. 1923. Ji . .- JSew Tork Poultry Market New Tork. Nov. 25. I. N. S.) Dressed i. . poultry Market weak. Chickens. i840c: -r: fowl. 15 y32e: turkeys, 30 60e; docks, 2 -8Sc: geese, 18 32c. . - . ; live poultry Market firm. Chickens, 30 9 f: 23a: fowls, l2Se: turkeys, 4752e: , rrxwter. 1 6c ; ducks, 19 32c; geese, 19 2c. '' mianeaBoUs.Bslutk Flax . Minneapolis Nov. 25. (I. N. S- Flax ' November. 52.40; IVcember. $2.40 H ; May, 2.ff9; track, . 52.42 2 44 H; arrive. Duluth. Nov. 23. (I. Ni 8-" Flax No vember. 32 42; December. $2.36; May. 82.27 H : track. $3.44 H arrive, $2.37 H- IOverbeck & Cooke Co. BROKERS - t i Members Chicago Board i of Trade - ' Board of Trade Bldg, . .. P"Ctlnd Pendleton, Orts, . Walla Wallsv'Wash. , . ' a . Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton iJlKECT PKITATE WIHES - Lrogtih fe, Bryan SBW TORK XKD CHICAGO FOREIGN LUMBER TRADE Increased Consumption of Lum ber Shown in United 'Kingdom; Sign of Increased Activity. . ' - Br aisBaa4a V. Djw - ' - ' , . ; (U. 8- Trade Uwniniiaaloner. IxndoD) . Increased consumptlea was . tha .. most lns portant feature of tha lumber industry to the United Kingdom during September. Although Imports were lass taaa in - August, with tha exception of those from Kuaeia, the total im ports for the erst nine mouths of this year were Oonbta whet they -vera during the corre. tpoadmc period last ' year. Southern yellow pise,' mahogany, American oak planks and ply wood.' aspects rty birch, -were ta demand, while the market was not so good tor Douglas fir, quartered oeJc and other American hardwoods. Tha' increased . cozatumptlon of .lumber t in the United Kingdom u not a "boom" bat a helpful sign of improved activity during the remainder of the year in a market that aas lagged far behind the advance shown in the demand in the United cVtates. -There was a alight but noticeable ; Increase in honsebuildV ing in this country . and a crowing opinion that prices have reached their lowest level. In fact, it is the financial - and political coadi tlona in Koropa which cause importers to hesi tate before maktig . larger purchases rather than conditions pertaining partly to the luss ber tedostry. - . i - Prices for American lumber generally' were stronger during the month, due) to a aught in crease in ocean frets-tat rates, reported diffi culties in railway transportation In America, a rise ill American exchange,- sad, most of sIL das to increased demand and a exmsaqnent hardening of prices in the United btatea. . - Don ear lea ef American aVsftsroods . The Improvement was perhaps most strongly marked in sou thorn yellow pine. At laverpool and Manchester 171,0u eubio feet arrived in September this year, as compared with tsooo cubic feet last year.: , DeUveriea were gopd.. con sumption was in excess of Imports, stocks were moderate, and values, fairly steady. . The imports were small and deliveries were not heavy in Douglaa fir. but stocks at Liver pool and Manchester are relatively very light, being only 16.OOoeeTibi0 fee oa September SO, as compared with 467. tKt cuhio feet on tha .same data last year, and 755,00V cabin feet oa September S0r 120. ; . . , WALLA WALLA FALL WpEAT ABEA HAS BEES lLA3rTBl Waila, Walla. Wash., Nov. " 25. Wheat farmers of this section have practically' com pleted their fall sowings, according .to farm ers of the Eureka Flat and Snake River re gions. Farmers of the foothill regions' of the Blue mountains have been able to work later this year than usual and it is ex pected that a greater areeage will have been planted in those regions than was expected before the November rams set in. The weath er, which became cooler this week, has been ideal for fall work and much nas been done by the wheat growers in completing their fall plantings during the last two weeks. . , The wheat market showed little aims of activity here during the last week in spite of the rise of Bluestem and Early Baart back to $1.10 after a drop of -from 4 to 6 cents Thursday. Japanese Erecting More Foreign .Style B ulldings ; . S ash, Door Trade Not Very Brisk. ', - '' V'': -: m BV HV Dickers- i J . U. B. Consul. Kobe. Japan) ; : The market la Japea for saabes, doors, mold ings, eta, has never been large, do to the fact that Japanese' houses are eooetructed on lines suited to the peculiar living conditions in Japan.' The houses in Japan are probably more- standardised thas is any other country e that worli. The rooms va parHcalar are al ways ef standard eisee, usually from 4 to 10 or mora "jo" or mats. ' The J spa news do act have wooden floors in their homes, tout instead use thick mats., approximately o by s feet in size, and the rooms era invariably built to fit a certain number ef three mats. - Tha height of thai mesas is the- same ia all native houses, except those -built la semMoreign style by the wealthier Japanese. The usual or eomra- Japanese bouse is partitioned off. by standard, ised slfrl'ng doors which when ' pushed open practically convert all cotnmnnlcating rooms into ess large room. Tha windows are never of uniform atxe, bat may extend from the floor to the calUng or tromthe ceiling to several, feet below it. according to the design of the house.. - These windows . are all made to slide into a boxlike receptacle built oa a corner of the exterior of the house. Ail the wiadows, as well ss the sliding doors, may be slid back. thas exposing the whole side of the house to toe weather. ; ., "--t '. roeelonwtyie Bulldlnos Unareastna ; Of lata there has been a email but gradu ally 'increasing demand for foreign style office buildings, warehouses and" ' factory -buildings. These, however, usually use the latest style of steel sash, which is imported from A marina or manufactured ia Japan. Some foreign houses, for the -use of resident foreigners sad wealthy Japanese, are being erected, but the demand thus crested for sashes, doors, eto., is ao small ss to be negligible. As far as can be ascer tained, there are so statistics of imports of these goods.' " i The oustoms duty' oa materials for the con struction of buildings is high. The import duty on building material other than metals is 25 per cent. ad rsJorem, - . -.i . - 'Japan Takes rkv . s Exports ef Douglaa fir lumber to Japan In creased during September almost l.OUD.OOO board feet, while the Chinese market fell off over 7,500,000 feet, . Other markets taking an increased amount were xinaan etouxa avmca, Australia. United Kingdom, Canada and Mexico. Argentina continued to take the largest amount of southern yellow pine lumber,, witn ' juds and United Kingdom, aa seoond and third. Ex uorta of oak lumber to the United Kingdom decreased during September, aa did exports to all the other principal consuming eountnss. - Exports of box thooks were less than half what they were Is August and wee over 1.000.000 board feet below the year's monthly average, amounting 'to 3,079,838 board feet valued at 101, 69 S. While exports of tight cooperage s hooks and heading Increaaed silently, shipments of slack cooperage shoots and empty barrels, casks and hagsheada showed a considerable- decrease. : Tight staves decreased .la number from 2,504, 914 ia August to 1.46. 081 in September, and in value from $435,007 to $109,054; slack staves decreased from 3,700,437 to 1.524.700 in number, but they Increased in value from $48,708 to $87,873. There was very little change in either amount or value of veneers and plywoods. New York Curb Stock Quotations New Tork. Nov. 25. Following is a list of today's highest, lowest and closing prices for the moat sctive stocks dealt in en the New York Curb market: - Uih.-1 Low. 1 Close. T8 "Sale" 4 .2 7 2 1 8 S 6 2 1 2 8 3 5 2 1 8 o 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 IS 20 2 S .4 BONUS Allied Packers 8s s7rT2H ... 883s Am 6 E 8s. . .1 07 Am T 4 T 6s '24(100 Anaconda 6s . . . .1100 do 7s 29. . . . . 108 Ang Am Oil TttslOSH Armour & Co 7s. 104 AtGeVWISS 6s 51 Beth Steel 7s '28 104 do 7s '35 .... 102 Cent Steel g. t 8s 105 Col Graph Ss. . . 82 Cons Text -8s. . . 99 Cop, Exp 8s 24. 101 do '25....'. .. 103 Vi Deere eV Go 7Hsl02 Det; Cy Gsa ,o. 100 H Dot Ed 6s 10214 kJulf Oil- Pa -5s. 97 Gulf Oil 3 103 llnterb RT 8s '22! 00 lutnsas city rower Light 6a...... 00 Laclede Gas 7. . . 101 Lehigh Pow Cs. . 92 Manitoba Prod 7s 98 Mo Pao By 6a D 98 Nat Acme 7a. . 94 SIKHlHIi 79 do 7s franc. . . 67 Pub Ser of N J 7s)l02 Seara-Roeb 7s Shawsheen 7s 7)fthef Farms 6 si 1 1 Sloes Sheff Ss. . . 718 O N T 7s '25. do 7s '27. . . : . do 7s 29. .'. . . 4J do 7s 30 ...... 81 do 7s '31. .,.. 10 do s Si Southwest BeU 7s L2iSun- Oil 7s ljswift A Co 7s '31 83) do 5s . . . . 14iUn OU Prod 8s. 3fCn R of He 7sl aivalvorine Uil - 7s FOREIGN 6 Argentina 7s '23 25 King ef Keth'ds 6s 80 King of Serbs 10 Mex Govt Ss '88 6'Mex Govt 5s '94 Hep of Peru 8s. 24Rep of Chile 7s lOIRuas Govt 5s.. II do s . , l8wiss - Govt 5s 35IU 8 of Mex 4s.. leiAcme Coal , ... 101 104 100 97 104 105 107 108 109 100 102 102 102 94 101 105 101 BONDS 83 98 100 100 108 103 104 51 104 102 105 32 97 101 ie 102 100 102 97 103 9S 00 101 82 98 98 94 79 67 1-02 101 104 100 97 103 1.05 107 108 109 106 102 102 102 83 101 105 101 86 96 100 100 103'' 103 104 104 102 105 32 99 101 103 102 100 102 97 103 96 00 101 92 98 98 "94 79 67 102 101 104 100 87. 104 105 107 108 109 106 102 103 102 93 101 105 141 10 Acme Pack 4 Arnold Coa. ": ... 2 Bklvu City R R. 5 Buddy Buds. 1 Celluloid Co 4 Chic Nipple . . . 15 Cont Mot ... 8 'Cub Don can Sug 1 Denv Rio ti pfu 24 Duraut Mot . .. lIGoodyeer Tire pfd a i ao prior pia . l'Kendeu C3m . 4Lucey refg .... K; Mesa hi Iron . . . l.Nat Leather 1HN F Pub new . 8 i Peerless Motor . 1'jPerfectioa 1 ee lSiPhihp Morris . . 2; Prime Radio Co. t, UPao H Pfd .... - liPxcesw Mfg .... 33! Radio Corp . --. j Radio Corp pfd . 4t;schulto Stores '. . 40io C A 1. i. . . . ?; Standard Motor. , Technleot lne wi. . 3 Technical Prods . ' 4iTob Prod Exports lOH'aited Pft Bh ;tnited Ret Oaiidyl . 3)41 S Lt eV Heat i 51 do pM . . . . . 7 West End Chem 7jD- P Realty j . . ' 1! do ; pfd ...... lrWiltys Corp I lstl I pfd oertf i of d . SiC Ziae .,.. .. iWlnthers Motor- 66 8sl 71 11 16 98 96 11 12 101 87 68 34 21 8 108 10 .5 55 56 2 1 7 11 7 9 7 1 17 1 .10O i- 10 s 8 13 Ml , 2 S5 ; i a 1 5 -1 103 99 90 70 10. 16 ' 7 6 11 12 101 87 55 84 20 8 1 108 S 10 5 55 53 26 -'-. 1 6 11 -7 . 6 r i i 17 ( 1 3-ltfi 10 1100 10) 10 SHI 8 16-1 8)2 15-16 MJXINO 11 11 . 99 96 71 11 16 98 96 11 12 101 87 . 34 21 8 1 108 3 10 5 55 55 26 60 1 tt 11 . 7 67 1 17 1 15 Araaka-Ri-Colo 1 5 i A Ipha - Mines , 20. Bison . iif, . 20'Rig riedge'v. 20 Pat Mont . . . 451 Boat A Mont Corp C Canaria Copper 2 i. 16 . : 67 :- 2 68 84 V- 2 ,25 . 5 "6 ' .. , 1 5.-1 es - i 103 11 ;' a 10 , : ' 1 '- 5 a "' 2 6 35 2 25 . If '. 5 - 1 . t 63 1 103 lt ' a 10 a-.: 4 1 16 h 8 6 69 2 : 2 Sales. BONDS High. ) Low. Close . SOiCandelaria Mia 1 (Columbia Emerald 1 ! Cons Cop Mtm cfs OiContl Mines . . . 10 Cork Prov Mines. 1 Corp Mines of A 23 Cortes Silver .. 4 C reason Gold . . . 13 (Dear Cons 14 Dolores Esper ., 80 Fortune Mines . . 30 Gold Zone 20 Hardshell Mia. . . 5 Hollinger ...... 10 Hecia Mine 2 Howe Sound . . . 40 ludepend Lead . . 1 Jerome Devel . . . 20 Knox Divide . . . . 20 Lone Star -. .. . 2 Mason Val - ,;. '. . . 20 AtcNam Cres Dev. 40 National Din . . . 9 New Domin Cop' 5iN x Porcupine. . 10Nev Oihir 60 Nev Sil Horn. . 24;NipiaBiDg ....... 30 Ohio Cop 28 Ray Bets Inc... 120IRich Cop . . SO'Silver M of Am 10 Silver Pick .. 1 OjS Silver Lead 10 Simon Silver lSo Am Gold A P lOSpeaxtuad Gold.. SOSuccese. Mines... 1 1 Teck Hughes . . 20 Terriskaniug " 10 Tono Cash Boy. 21 Tononeh rHvide . 6 Tottopah Extern?. 1 TonoDsh ' Mia . . 10 Tono North Star 50 Tri Bulhou lO'Tulounlne ...... 17ilinited tSsaera. . 30 ill C Continental. Uont. 3 West End 101 v do ext . 10 White) Cans INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS eO!AHem Oil 140 1 8 0 Boone Oil V 9 Boston Wyo Oil I 82 Csrib 8 ynd ... f 4 ifCitSert 183 2!Ctt 8erv B" etfs .19 do BB pfd i 60 2iCreole Synd . ...I 1 190 Engineers P..... 18 6 Rederal Oil 84 12 Gilliland Oil ... 23 1 - Glen Rock O.... 13 13 Granada Oil ... 12 14 Gulf OU of Pa.. 61 10 " Hudson Oili.... 11 30 Keystone Ranger. . I 33 lO I Lane a Creek j 8 10 ltin Am. i-57 88 lLavingstone P. . . . 1100 11 , Lyons Pet, .... .1 65 41 Mammoth OU ...( 42 19 Maria nd ... 8 24 Mars, Oil I 16 1 IMerritfi Oil ....I 78 3 Mex. Oil . . . . . . . ) 8 20 Midwest-Tex. " O. l 20 8 Mount Prod. . . . .L 10 30 ) Mutual Oil...... 11 1 New Eng Fuel Oil 64 lOiNortliwest Oil N t on ..... liiOmar Oil A Gas 4'Pennock Oil .. lOiRed Bank OH . . 6; Salt 4-k 86 I 85, 85 55 65 55 3 3 : .8 ' 4 4 4 19, 19 19 69 69 69 1 1 1 2 2 2 70 68 68 2 2 2 1 15 15 15 11 10 10 f 9 9 9 11 11 11 9 9 O . 2 2 2 81 - 23 28 2 2 2 3 3 3 5, ,5 6 i m ' i 8 . 8 8 - 25 ,25 ' 25 SV H 8 60 60 eo 10 10 10 21 21" 21 6 -- 5 31 30 30 1 1 1 SO 28 28 20. 19 20 7 7 7 23 23 23 32 82 ' 82 . 8 - 8 3 ' 5 " " 6. 5 49 48 ' 49 88 88 88 31 31 . 81 11 11 11 ,73 73 73 UK 8 3 2 2" 2 7 7 . . 7- - 12 10 10 40 40 40 1 1 9-16 1 9-16 19 10 19 1 1 5-16 1 5-16 5 5 5 10 10 10 14 3T Seaboard Shell Cn OH .. Oil W 21iSimms Pet.. 24Sou States Oil . . lOOjTexon Oil A Land liThurman Oil . . . 1 2 Wilcox Oil Gas aojY" Oil 14 16 1 3-16 8 16 1 - 2i 9; 12 16 35 0 8 92 4 182 19 66 1 1 : 84 28 IS 12 - 60 11 82. 8 . 57 60 62 40 3 16 7 81 I 16 16 10 64 14 f 15 1 8 16 19 . 2 9 11 19 34 3-16113-16 10 ( 8 20 8 92 4 1182, ' 19' 66 1 13 84 23 18 12 61 11 32 67 85 ' 82 40 3 16 7 83 120 16 10 64 14' 13 1 3-16 8 16 ' 1 2 ' 11 16 94 . o -9 ' - S. P. TorataWe Completed - Brownsville, Or... Jtttr.-25. -Th: Bouthera Pacific railroad has completed a , large, im proved turntable here, of ate-!. 70 feet long and large enough to aecesnmodate the largest engine. n the division. .It was brought here from Oakland. Cel.. to replace toe" old wooden turntable which wore out. During the peat month, while construction has been la progress, the evening train to Brownsville . has been obliged to run backward from Lebanon, mak ing it SO minute late. . I'M AppUeatloa for Bcserrolr - Baker, Nov. , 23. Leon Brown and 'XosephJ j. iiay uave ruea apphcaxioa ior coriscrucuiig a reservoir for the storage of 1 20 feet of water of Beagle sad Wisdom creeks for irrt gmting 638 acres of land in Baker county. Tha estimated cost is $14,000. -r - - -.-. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Monday Tivaday Wedue-rfaT Thnrlay , Vruiay Saturday , . " Week.,' Mmday .4 , Tuesday WaJneRdajr'., IhttKiUy '.' Friday i-. aararday ' . . fcrtld aanks . . 1922 P. ,6f8.79S t4S3,02o e.34f.81.T . 5.921.876 ...j4.370.54O . 4.8CC.402 1921 - 4.274.6 3.231.780 4.766.500 Holiday 6,51 6.81'3 4,754.743 Bala 1922 $1,505,771 v 97S.164 620.410 - 1.408.614 748.8? 1 - 1.043.220- ... 5' , .... 4 . . . . . 9 $32,535,451 $23,543,523 ftoaule Berks ,t 7.187.B01 5.8O8.015 1121 ' t a l50.488 $78,086 : 1,305.017 Holiday 1,822.189 v . 873.881 --i i I -i .I..... t 86.305.1 83 $5,329,663 ,1I3.410 . 6.040. ill 5.119.099 6.928,774 4.633.7 88 5.47...47S a ttAfi in?! J . Holiday 6.514.301 5.0S0.942 82.185.O04 1.7S.2 .1.442.332 ' 1.352.056 .2.105.465 1,892.360 ai.af7.4i: . 1.O50.217 1.1,716 , Holiday 2.183.433 1.2 .7,973 ; VVaki. ,wJ;4....iV.,35,022.241 I,Tl,;:i $10,214,532 $7.4S,27 WALL STREET STOCIC QUOTATIONS " Beportsd by.Tk Journal's Wall Siae Baxasa " Nev Tork. Kov. 25.-At the dose of the stock market today, the following table was cwm piled shsnrkoaT low sad "g prtos fox the svees, sad the not cauuas-e. - - The total tranaawfanas ia abares for the week were 4,38.20O, ss eosBparsd with 6,881,653 las, week; $.215,449 sasaa week a year ace and S,5d,l&6 two years ago. . ' '- ' - INDUSTRIALS STOCKS. Exo.. . . . Adv. Ram ley ... do ptd . Air Redue Ajax Rubber .. All Am Cable , Allied Cham . . do 'vfd , Allis Chalmers do pfd . .. Am Agr- Cheat. do pfd ..... Am - Bank Note. do pfd . . Am Beet Sac.. do pfd . Am Bosch Am Br Shoe. .. Am Can . ... ... do pfd ....... ia Chicle . . . Am Cotton Oil., do pfd ...... Am DrugTSya.. Am Exp ...... A H s ji...,. do pfd ...... Am Intern! . Cor . Am Ice ...... . do Bid Am La France . Am Lia OU . . . . do pfd -'.. Am Melt ...... Am Radiator .-. , do pfd ..... Am Safe Basor . Am Ship A Com Am Snuff , . . . . Am Sugar ..... - do pfd , Am Sumatra . . . dd pfd ..... Am Tel AO. . , Am T AT.... Am Tobacco ... do B ,.. - do nfd new '. . Am Water Wks . . do 6 pect pfd . Am Wholesale pf Am Wool ...... Am W Paper pfd. Assets Realty ... Assd Dry Goods . do 1st pfd . . . Assd Oil ........ AU Fruit do etf , , , , , , t Atlas Powder ... . do pfd ...... Atl Gulf A W I.. do pfd AU Rfmlng .... do pfd ....... Atlas Tack ....I Austin Ntehols .! do pfd . Auto Sales Cor. . . Bank of Cemmarot Bamsdall A do B - . . -. Bamat Lea . . .. Bayuk Bros . do pfd ctf . i , . . Beech, Nut Booth Fish Brkya Edison . . . Brklyn TS Gss Brown Shoe . . . . Brunswick Co . . . Burns Bros A . .. doB , . do pfd Butterick (Jo . . Caddo Oil ...... Calif Pkg ...... Calif Pet ....... do pfd ....... Case U I) .... Case Plow Wks . . Cent Leather do pfd ....... Certain-teed Chandler MO.. Chi Pnea Tod.. Cluett-Peabody . . Col Graph . . . . do pfd CooarCbla ctf. . . Col G A H . . . Com put T R Cons Distrih . , . Cons dear . . . do pfd ....... Cons Gas Cont Can . . . . . Cont Ins Condon OB - - . . do pfd ...... Coos Textile . . . Cora. Products do pfd ....... Cuba O Sugar . . do pfd ...... Cub-Am Sugar. . do pfd ...... Davison Chem . . . Detroit Ed Co.. do rets . . . .. Dupont deb Eastman Kod Co. Eleo Storage Bat. Elkhom Corp pfd Emerson Brant. do pfd ....... Endioott, Johnson ' do pfd ,....'. Famous P L ... do pfd ....... Fisherbody C ... ;. do pfd . . , . do Ohio pfd. . . Fnk Rubber .... Free-port. Tex ... Gen Asphalt .... do pfd ....... Gen Raking Gen Cig do pfd do deb pfd Gen Elec do Special W I. Gen Motors .... ' do pfd ....... do 6 pa pfd. . do 7 (PC pfd.. GUdden Goodrich Rubber. do pfd ....... Gray A -Davis . . . Guaatanam-, Sugar do pfd ....... Habirahaw . . i . . . Hartman 'Co . .. Hendee , ....... Houston Oil Hudson Motor . . . Hupp Motor . . . Int Age pfd , . . Indiahoma ...... Indian Bef Int Cement Inter Cons , do pfd Inter Harvester . . do pfd ...... Inter Mer Marine. - do pfd ...... In Paper- ...... do pfd stpd . . . Invincible- Oil , . . Island Oil ...... Jewell Tea do pfd- Jones Bros Jul Kayser A Co. do pfd Kan A Gulf Co . . Kelly Tire Kelsey Wheel Keystone Tire . . Kresge Laclede jGss . . . . Lee Rubber . . . -Liggett A Myers Loew's etf ..... Loft Irwr ctf .... Loose-Wiles do -1st . pfd . , -. '. Loriliard Co ; . . . Mackay C ...... do pfd ...... Mack Truck ..... r do 1st pfd do 2d pfd . . MTliusnn do pfd . . :.' . . . Man Elec Supply Man Sbirt . . . . Msniti Sugar..... Marlextd Oil . Martin Rock .... Uartia-Parry Cor Mathisoa Alkili W Maxwell Motors A do -B ..... . May Dept Stores Mex-Pet i ...... Mex See, Oil ;, . 4 . - do pfd , . . . ... Mid Btate Oil Mooa Motor . . . . Montgomery Ward kf OSt PoMS? , . , , Mtulm Gog .... Nat Acme ...... Nat Biscuit .... do art ........ Nat (.look A Bait! do pfd . . , Nat Conduit J High. I Low. 8 do pfd a air ''.:.. .- , N I Dock - ..... do pfd ... . . . , North Amen caw. . do pfd ....... do rctk ....... Nunna&y ...... Ohio Fuel Sup. . . , lwi. MB m. Close. J Chag. . 77J.75I 7I -1 . 12itol 12(-1 , 44 48 44-1H 58 63 66 .... 12 Alls 11 tt .120 1 , 72 66 69 -2 . 110 109 110 -3 . 43 40 41 ' -H , 95 4 94 , 82 28 26 -2 , 62 60 60 . 90 tT ' 0 1 , SS 65 SS f ..... , as ax .?- as 1 , 77 ..... ..... -a , 34 at 88 i . 71 68 68 -3 , 76" T -1 , 110 110 110 . - 7 - m s , 19 14 16 -3 , 40 84 34 -4 6 6 6 r . 144 . 186 187 -7 , 11 10 10 ".:"-4 , 67 65 66 -1 , 29 86 36 -3 , 107 102 102 -1 , 87 85 85 -1 11 11 11 . , 81 28 ' 29 - - 60 48 49 .4... . 47 - 44 45 113 112 112 . 119 119 119 1 7 6 7 1 - 21 B6 0 -1 141 140 141 8 72 68 72 ,4 108 107 107 . - . 29 35 25 -8 57 67 57 . 62 60 60 , 123 121 122 -2 151 146 148 -14 14 146 146 , 106 106 106 . 29 28 29 ...... 40 47 47 - 1 87 87 87 . 94 91 . 91 2 28 27 87 -2 1 1' 1 ..... . 68 66 66 ..... . 84 84 84 ..... 114 112 112 -1 1 1 1 - a - 2 a , - 16S 165 155 -a . 91 91 91 -1 24 22 28 -1 18 17 18 - 1550 13tt 1860 .4... 118 118 11 . 16 16 16 - 81 28 29 1 84 84 84 -2 8 8 8 1 15 111 18 ... .. 8 27" 28 - 20 . 19 - -19 ..... '47 4S 47 -8 v .48 48 (S -4 114 114 114 ..... 60 1 42 47 4 6f 4 - 118 116 115 -S 116 115 115 09 67 69 S 8 2 2 139 18ft 188 S 46 44- 45 103 102 108 1 17 16 16 -2 7 - 7 7 - 81 T T 1 49 46 46 - 2 1 80 90 U - "30 80 80 i-1 s a a 4 H 85 83 83 -1 72 .68 70 -2 45 40 46 . 6 61 68 68. 81 77 81 1 63 61 62 1 8 2 2 11 78 74 75 1 105 97 97 -6 68 64 64 - . . . . 85 83 88 ,-1 83 83 88 4 126 120 124 1 103 98 99 92 92 92 ; -6 47 45 45 100 100 100 al 13 10 18 a2 133 126 126 -8 122 120 120- -2 , 14 12 18 1 86 84 35 -8 H 23 20 22 99 98 89- t 29.' 23 23 -4 110 109 109 5- 86 85 -85 - 86 84 85 58 65 58 1 89 89 , 89 , .... 6 6 5 27 27 27 88 85 85 118 118 118 ..... 92 87 88 -3 98 97 97 ' 165 157 164 8 111 111 111 ' - 94 93 94 1 12 11 11 1 -21 19 19 -1 44 87 87 -6 75 68, 68 -7 145 142 145 -3 79 78 78 ..... 110 106 106 -1-103 103 103 -1 177 173 173 1 11 10 10 15 - 14 14 - 85 . 83 84 88 81 81 - 07 86 7 10 9 10 ..... 81 28 28 -2 80 79 80 10 9 9 - 11 '9 11 1 96 95 95 1 1 - 81 81 81 " 18 17 . JI7 ' 68 61 61 -4 24 21 22 1 23 22 22 , 30 29 29 -1 17 14 16. 7 ..... ...4. 84 84 84 . ..... .1 101 98 98 - 116 116 116 3 12 11 11 61 47 48 -iV 49 47 47 -8 74 71 71 -1 14 18 14 - " H . 20 18 18 -1 64 60 62 2 60 48 49 42 98 8 -2 104 103 103 .2 3 - a 42 89 89 -1 89 , 99 99 -2 6 6 188 180 182 -2 25 25 25 ..." 199 199 199 8 18 18 18 12 -11 12- - 48 44 47 -8 109 107. 108 , 164 160 181 5 i 106 13 " fl3 ..... 71 78 70 - 5 82 5J - 91 90 80 - 82 81.. 81 88 80 Jl - 14 92 82 - 82 - -1 82 62 52 - 55 40 40 -13 43 41 41 -1 St 80 81 18 18. IS - 27 28 26 68 49 61 4S 42 42 -1 14. 12 IS ..... 164 161 1 61: ..... 218 208 204 -8 17. 15 15 2t 16 14 14 -2 12 t 11 11 - 16 16 15 -1 22 2 20 -1 9. 67 67 18 17 17 - .11 11 I 11 2S - fS 2S 4 38 ' I 86f 36 .67 66 63 -2 101 101 !101 "1 11 ll 1 ... 63 - 68 t 61 -1 181 lot 101 -1 38' 27 I XT 26 2 : SO 8 1 I 48 :- 4 -46-, iN 86 88 2 1 45 44 46 i I 25 28 35 . e1 10 lO 10 - t 69 6 5 -1 , S - X r X - i 1 6 . J...... 8TOCS8. ' High, t Low. Oosa. Chng. Orphemn ctf ,';., '20 '19 " 19 l -l"' Pas Dee Cor ... 1 1 j 1 - Pee Gas Eleo.... s -811 81 Pao Mafl ...... 14 IS - -IS. 1 Pao Oil ....... 42 ..... Psa-Am Pet B... 64 78 8014 -8 PsnhanrTIa aat . . 5 6 5 ..... do pfd ....... 62 62 62 -8 Pariah-lJtnghssB. .. 10 . IO 3 Peoples Gee .... 84 1 81 -1 Phila Ca 46 37 88 " -8 Philip Jones, pfd. 86 95 96 "4 Philips Pet 43 40 41 2 Piwce.ArroW .... 11 10 11 8 do pfd ....... 27 24 26 1 Pierce 0U .... 6 4 4 ..... da pfd ....... 89 88 38 4 Piggly Wiggly A 44 89 44 2 Pitta Coal ..... 67 65 66': Pond Creek CoeX. 18 18 18 . - Poetum Cereal .. 111 108- 108 ' do pfd ....... Ill 111 111 ..... Producers A. Bet.. 41' 88 86 2 do pfd ,...4.. 42 42 42 -1 Pub Berr N J... 100 95 86 do pfd i...... 106 104 105 1 Paota Alegre Ba.. 46 43 45 . S Pare OU ctf. . .. 28 27- 27 ; do pfd ....... 88 88 98 - Beia etf 1514 15, 16 de ist pfd..... 78 78 78 Beta Typewriter .. 82 81 82 1 do 1st -pfd..... 10O 10O 100 ..... Beyaolda Bprlngs. 18 12 18 1 Reynolds Tob B. 68 68 j 62 4 do pfd 118 118 118 - Roy Dutch O .. 54 62 681 8anta Ceeeha Sug 2 2 8 -- Savage Arms ... 18 17 1T - Saxea Motors ... 2 14 1..... BesBeebaek .. 82 78 78 '-8 Shall Trans Co. . . 37 86 35 -1 Shell U Oil pfd A 98 98 98 amclsir Oil 82 80 80 -1 so pfd....... 99 88 98..... Skelly-OO 0 8 8 - So Porta Bio Sag 89 83 88 5 da pfd ...J... 88 ' 88 88 Sptoer kfg ..... 17 15 16 -1 Standard Mill ... 185 180 135 S do .pfd ....... 75 76 75 -1 Bterting Prod ... 61 68 69 ..... Steward W Spd M 60 66 '67 -1 Strom berg 58 60 61 4 Btudebakar -. . . . 4 125 116 118 -8 do pfd ....... 116 116 116 Sshmarine Boat. . 8 7 7 Superior Oil ... , 4 4 4 - Stand Oil of Calll8 110 110 -S do of H J .... 200 183 184 -14 do pfd ....... 119 116 115 -2 Sweets Co..... 2 1 1 Texae Co ...... 47 4514 46 - Texas A Gulf... 64 59 69 -8 Tex Pao CceJAO 20 18 18 -1 TWswator Oil. . . 180 130 ; ISO Tobaooo Fred 64 60 51 - do A 8f 77 77 4- Trans Ooa Oil. . 12 11 11 - TJnd Typewriter. 141 189 139 4 Union BAP... 67 66 66 Union OU . ... 16 13 14 -3 Union Tank .... 118 118 118 -3 do pfd 111 109 109 - United Gig S pfd 115 115 115 .... . United Drue Sm 76 74 78 ! do 1st pfd .. 46 46 4 -1 United Fruit Co. 153 149- 150 -8 Unit Ret Stores. 72 67 67 -2 U S Express . . . T 7 7 . U S Food Prod. 6 6 6..... U S Bid Alcohol. 64 59 60 do pfd ...... 100 - 100 100 V S Realty ... 86 82 83 e2 IT ' S Rubber .. 60 46 46 -a do 1st pfd.... 95 92 93 - V- 8 Tob 68 58 58 - i do Pfd 110 -110 110 -2 Tan Bsalto .... 64 60 60 8 TaJCar Ohem .. 27 28 24 -1 do pfd 62 60 60 -2 do pfd B 16 13 15 1 Ta I A O A O. 66 66 66 -1 do pfd ...... 81 81 81 - Tivaudou ...... 14 18 13 -1 Webber Hefibrn. 11 11 11 - Wells Fargo Ex . 90 . 89 90 - West Elec pfd ... 112 - 111 113 Westghs Airbrake. 96 93 95 Weatghs Etoe .. 59 58 68 - ' do pfd 78 73 73 Western Union .. 110 108 109 -1 White Eagle Oil . 83 80 82 1 White Oil 9 4 4 Wilson A Co 40 85 85 2 Willys-Overland .. 5 3 5 do pfd 89 38 88 1 ' Woorworth pfd 113 115 115 I Worth Pump ... 28 27 28 - ' .dot Pfd B .... 65 63 83 -2 ' Wright Aero .... 10 9 9 ' METALS AND EQUIPMENTS Alaska- Gold . v, . a, ..... Alaaka Juno . ... 1 f a. a. 1 Am Csr A Fdy .. 180 178 176 -3 ' do pfd . 124 124 t 124 ..... ,Aa Locomotive .. 123 117 117 -5' doI'3, - ill 121 ... 7. Am-Metals 47 44 45 do pfd 109 108 10 -4 ' Am Smelting 64 60 50 -3 ' do pfd B 101 101 101 , -do pfd ...... 100 10O 100 1 Aiai Steel Fdy .. . 43 42 42 do-pfd ...... 105 105 .105 AsaZinc 15 14 14 -1 . pfd 6O 40 60 ..... ' A,BS2d. 000 48 45 45 -2 Baldwin Looo ... 126aio2 117 52 1 Batopilaa Min . . . ' Bethlehem Steel . 6t 82 3 , 1 U. '' I H 61 -3 do pfd new ... 94 94 94 - do 8, pfd . .. . 107 106 106 -S BnO K SU 1st pfd 68 68 68 do 2d pfd . . 28 I 26 37 - Mutts Copper ... 7 7 7...'.. .M?,. Kupertor. 81 26 26 -2 Callahan Zinc ... 7 7 - 7 Oal A Aria ..... 65 (62 55 1 Carson Hill ..... 61 a Cerro de Pas Cop 8 38 88 ..... Chile Cop .... 2T 27 27 - Chino Cop 24 22 22 -1 Col FA I..... 28e24 25 ..7 Crucible Steel .. .1 66 6 61 -2 do .pfd 2 I 80 91 "1 De Beers Mine . , 28 22 23 -1 Dome Mines ....( 41 40 41 Fed Min A 8 J 10 10 10 -1 do pfd 62 ( 60 60 -2 Gen Am Tank Oof 78 60- 00 2 do pfd 102. 102 13 Uranby Min , 24 J 22 I 22 .. Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 84 I 29 30 Greene Cananea . 24 23 24 Gulf , SUtes Steer. 77 1 72 . 72 - Homestake M ... 81 i 80 I 80 I -1 Hydraulic Steel . , 4f 8 8 InspirmUon O ... $4 J 31 81 -2 Int Com Eng. . .s 24 J 28) 28 Int .Nickel 14i 13 18 - do pfd .-, 75 75 75 Iron Prod 41 38 89 -2 Kennecott Copper 82 80 81 - Lackawanna Steel 78 75 75 -1 Lima Loco 66 '52 62 -3 Mclntyre Per M.. 17 16 16 - Miami Cop . . . . 25 2fl 25 Midvale Steel .. 82 28 29 4 Mother' Lode .... 10 10 10 ..... Nat Lead v. 118 113 114 - do pfdi 114 113 113 Nev Cons 14 18 13 . Ontario.. Silver ... 6" 6 6 Otis Steel 9 , 8 8 - do pfd ...... . 40 40 40 -5 Pa Seaboard 3 8 3 - Pressed Steel ... SO 77 77 -2 do pfd ....... 100 100 ' 100 ..... Pullman 127 128 123 4 By-Steel Spg.... 113 119- 110 - do pfd . . 118 118' lt8 -2 Rsy Cons ...... 13 J2 13 Rsad Mine .... 84 34 34 - Replogis SU 24 21 22 Rep IAS 50 45 45 -2 do pfd-. .4.... 85 82 83 3 8t Joseph Lead.. 18 18 18 - Seneca -Copper ... : 8 7 .7 3 - Sat Aria Copper, . 7 7 7 .... . Skws-Sbeffield ... 40 88 88 -1 do pfd ....... 76 76 76 -2 Suaerior Steel ... 28 28 28'-l , Tenn Cop A C. . 8 . 8 8 ..... TAWmsSteelF 32 , 32 S2 - Unit Alloy Steel. 85 34 84 -1 C 8C i P" 26 24 24 i . do pfd . 4 62 59 60 -8 U S Hoffman 19 19 19 V S '-Smelting.. 36 . 38 86 ..... U S Steet ..j. 165 101 101 -3 do pfd 1 121 121 121 Utah Coppeo .. 62 60 60 -1 Utah. Securities .. 16 15 16 - Tanadhus ..... 85 81 81 -S WkAwire Steel . . 8f 8J 8 . BA2LBOADS Am Arbor pfd.. 34 84 1 34 -2 AU Birm A Atl 2 1 I 1 A T AS P.... 161 88 98 -2 do pfd:,..... 82 90 I 90 -2 B AO, 46 39) 39 -6 do.pfd 69 57 67 2 B R T ....... 14 13) 13 -H do ctf ...... 12 11 12 Buff Roch A P. 62 62 j 62 Caa Paeifle . . . 142 183 139. -2 ." 8. 7k ''. '- - - . .....-.-- V:" --' - a--",: " J:', 1 . " ' 201 Railway Exchanva eaaber CAscstgw Board at Trsau STOCKS E0.'DS : ClAaa COTTM FsUTATK JUASKJ WIRES TO rJ. F. Hufton & Co, , XaOtBEB! ALL rHTNCnPAL . v EXCHAKGKS) . sVsttett Xaqwlrtea AB taral ' ; V efeemrUiaa - - - . -. ' e r . we- ...' ' -. .'. ' " I i BTOCK3. HarK Low. Close. ) Chng. I Can By of N J..1210 1209 210 j . I O A A ...... 2 2 2 - .) pfd ...... a a - h 10 A I new. . 42 S8 ; 88. l do pfd ...... ss ss as '- ..... COW ....... 4 l 4 ' ;4 - do pfd. .4.... 11 8- 8 O M A Et P... 26 28 23 -1 do pfd ....... 40 85 35 4 O A N W . ... . 86 78 79 -6 do pfd ........ 122 120 122- ..... OAO. ....... 69 64 65 -6 Colo A Sow .... 44 42 48 - O R I A P .... 86 81 31 -4 do 6 pet pfd.. 87 84 84...., do 7 pet pfd 97 92 92 -3 O St P M A O.. 75 72 72 -2 do pfd ....... 101 101 101 -1 Del A Had .... 124 117 1181a - " D L A W ...... 131 12S14 129 . 6 Iulttth SSAAt pfd 6 8 6 Brie ......... 11 10 10 do 1st. pfd 17 16 16 -,' do 2d pfd ... 12S 18 12..... Great Nor pfd ... 82 bO f SO , 7 t Gulf Mob A N.. 14 14 14 ..... do pfd....... 42 42 42 - Illinois Cent .... 109 105 106 -3 do pfo W X ... US 113 118 1 do rights L I. . 74 74 74..... lexer A GN W I 22 30 30 -1 K G South .... 19 17 17 1 do pfd ....... 63 83 63 -1 Lake El AW.... 32 80 80 -1 Lehigh Val .... 71 70 70 -2 L A N ........ 181 , 124 124 -6 Man Elaw Guar . 60 46- 60 4 do ctf 48 46 8 Mkt St By .... 8 8 a do pfd ...... 89 , 88 88 -1 do 2d pfd 85 25- 28 ! do pr pfd .... 70 87 67 -4.3 Ulna A St L .. 7 6 6 If St P A 8 B Tat 65 , 63 68 - -4 do pfd 87 86 86 - do.L L ...... S7H 7 7H UK AT...... 8 8 8 -3 do pfd f 83 81 81 -2 MKATwl.. 15 IS. 13 do pf d w i . . . . 40 ST'" SS , -1 Mo pao ...... 17 15 16 ..... do pfd ...... 46 40 40 1 NstRRMex 1st pfd 6 i 8 r 6 - do 2d pfd.... . 3 2 .2 - N O T A Mex .'. 85' 82 82 - NT Cont...... 84 89 80. -4 NTOAStL.. 82 . 83 83 - - do 2d pfd -.... 86 86 86 -3 NTNHAH.. 23 20 30 -2 N T O A W ... 31 20 20 . Norf A West .. 117 118 118 8 do pfd ...... 77 76 "78 -8 Nor Pse 80 74 74 -6 Peoria. A East . . 16 18 18 -3 Penna 47 46 46 - Pere Mar'...... 81 28 29 do pfd pfd.... 74 78 78 -il do pfd ....... 66 68 84 PAW Va. .... 87 88 83 -8 do pfd ....... 81 91 91 -1. Beading ....... 78 74 74 -4 do 1st pfd.... 60 49 60 ..... do 2d pfd .... . 50 60 I 60 Rutland Ball pfd. .28 28 28 -1 Hit See Co (Dl ' - Cent) 69 69 , 69 ...... StDASF..... 28f 20 21 -1 do pfd ....... 40 84 88 -3 8t L South W. . . S8 28 29 -2 do pfd ....... 80 64 68 . 8 A L,. ...... . 6 ; - 6 . . . . . do pfd 8 7 7 - Sou Ry 23 21 21 -1 do pfd 68 61 61 -1 South Paw ..... 91 88 88 -2 Texas A Pao.,.. 21 .19 19 ..... Third Ave ...... 16 14 14 -1 Tul St L A W... 65 -. 64 64 -lH do pfd etf B... 84 84 ' 64 '. - Union Pao 142 187 187 -4 do pfd ....... 76 74 74 -8 Unl Hy Inv ..... 18 11 11 do pfd ....... 126 25 35 -1 Wabash ....... 8 8 8 .;- do pfd A.,... 36 "S 34 .-1 do pfd B ..... 17 17 17 1 West Md ...... 12HI 10 11 do 2d pfd..... 23 21 21 1 West Pao ...... 16! 15 ' I 1B 1 do pfd ....... 87 66 68 -8 WALK. H 8 I 8 1 do pfd .J..... -1J 13 12 4saA Wis Cent ...... 28 37 27 1 Increase. Decrease, Pacific. Northwest Securities .. Resetted: by Jordan. Wentworth A Co. " , BANK. STOCKS Bid. Bank ef California Si 202 Citizens Bank ............ i 10 Canadian Bank of Commerce. 183 . First National Bank. Portland 200 1st Nat l Bank. Freewater, Or. 290 ; Uibemia Com A Savings bank 175 Ladd A Ttttoat bank........ 800 : Lsvsstock Ststo bank ...... 150 ' Lambermeas Trust Co...... 90 Multnomah State bank ....150 - Nortowestsra National bank. 185 Pan insula rstinnsl bank.... 125 . D S Netsoeal bank . . . . . 4 . 820 . - PUBLIC UTILITIES Northwestern Elec trio com . . . 1 8 K do 6 pfd .....''. J- ,80". ' do 7 ptd.. .v 90 Pacific Pow A Light 7 pfd 85 . Portland Gas A Coke 744 pfd 86 ' Portland Ry L A P Oe com 14 do com ... , 9 eO ''. do 3d pfd ........v.; ; 46 t do prior pfd 88 - LUMJU1&, PULP - AfSD PAPER Central Coal A Coke com,... 79 82 do pfd 4. . . .. . . 4 f 78 , :f 85 Croww-Wulamette Pulp A Pa 400 .... do pfd "A" . 4 . . . , . ... . 93 -,.-, 100 Mawiey a-aip at paper. . . 310 Asked. 207' 180 v 190 210 825 : 190 850 176 , 100 175 : 150 1S8 . 840 ao ' 85 96v 99 99 16 -55 60 81 Mult Lbr A Box special coat. .60 - co 10 P! a 4 . , .- 80 -. Oregoa Pulp A Paper, com.. 200 ; do pfd ........... 4 .-.,,? .95 ". Paoifio Box pfd .......... 95 ' Peninsula Lumber pfd . . . ... i ' 95 Tum-a-Lum Lumber . eom, ... - . 75 . - do 8 - pfd ..4. '. . . .4. . m- 95 v" do 10 pfd '.... 4 . .i'. mm ' 1 00 Alaska Steamship 82 Alaaka Packers .......... 137 Albers Bros. -eom ........ .45 . do pfA . . ............ Centeonial Mills........... Coast Tire com. .......... Denaos Food' of Portland . . Denny-Rentou Clay A Coal . Fairbanks-Morse com...... Kelso H1U to Bo Sold Kelso, Waah., - Noe. 25. The Thompson- Kelso Hotel Project trader Way Kelso. Wssh., Nor.- 25. The Kelso - club, ; a meeting Thursday appointed the following mmitte to confer with E. M. ktowen of SeatUe-. regarding a $300,000 hotet project for this city: C A, Peters, Frank G. Barnes, Hi E. McKenney, K. W. Ross, L. is. Le Vsaseur, C u. itashor and Ai w surer, air A campaign to sell the stock - will do Did Federal System Bakeries . , Fisher Flouring Mills pfd ' .'. Fleishmsna Co. : pfd . ..... Hartman Co., J. L. gen. pfd - do Redeemable pfd .... 4 . Kings Food Products Units . . Lilly Co.. Chaa. H-, pfd 75 ; 107 ' 4 - ' 8 15 47 93 7 87 " 86 " . 95 60 86 Luc kU King A Cake Soap . . s 100 Morgan bldg . 60 Oregoa Port, Cement Units . . 90 Oregon Worsted MiQs .... 85" , Owi Drug Co. eom. ...... 75 - do pfd 108 Pacific-Alaska Navigation ... 60 Pscifio Car A Foundry .... 65 Pacifie Coast Bmult .... 115 Palm OMve Co. 7 pfd .' 9.7 r Paraffine Go's, pfd , .-. . . . 82 do com. .............. 20 Portland Cattle Loan ...... 60 Portland Feeder Oe 90 Portland Realty AasoMates .. ... Portland Vegetable Oil .... 80 8 perry Flour Mills com. - .... ... de pfd . . . . . , i . . 97 Western Bond A Mortgngs . ; 95 Albers Bros. THs, 1942. . . . 99H Broadway-Tamhill bkig 7Hs 1925 4-.i'... .100 Broadway-TamhlU bldg 7a- 1926 102 CeutrakPaciflo 1st 4s. ... . 90 . Centra 1-Pacifio Co. stocks 4s 1948 68 City of Astoria 6s 1927-42, 100 City of Tillamook 6s 1942,. 100 Danny-Renton 8s 1929 .... 100 Fed. Telegraph 7s 1928-27.. 83 Heme Tel. A Tel. Spokane 1st mortgage 6s. ..... . 94 Morgan bldg. 7s 1926 . , . r 99 Northwestern Eleoirto 1st mtg. s 1936 ........ .100 Oregon Electno 1st mtg ss 1936 OwT Drue 6. ote. ..4.. Pacific Coast Biscuit 6e 19SS Pac. Power A Light 5s 103O Pao. Power A Light Ss 1980 Plttock block 6s .1940.., -Port of Astoria 6s 1925. . . . . Portland Gas A Coke 7s 1940 Portland Gas A Coke 6s 1940 Portland Gas A Coke 6s lwSl S perry Flour- Mills 1st mtg 6s 1984 Willamette Valley Southern, i . 6s 1939, 88 50 90 00 o , 00 93 96 82 82 92 96 ' 82 US 100 100 .108 .85 .105 110 87 150 61 80 15 4 8 80 : 62 87 H 102 ( 105 95 . 100 60 90 115 166 . 100 85 110 75 , 75 185 , 102' 87 28 65 100 75 90 - 66 100 1 103 101 10s 103 91 i 70 : 101 102 101 95 96 102 181 57 100 05 4 4 96 ; 4 94 93 87 90 SAYS CflWIPAKIES" INCREASE OUTPUT Demand for Local Made Soap Is ; Heavier? 5 Two Manufacturers '-' Plan Larger Factories. ; - The Increased demand for soap has becei so large in the last year that two local soap companies are planning sew factories ta the near future. The Mount -Hood Soap com pany, . whose present output ia approximately 68.000 bar per day, has already purchased a tract for their new factory which they are planning oa erecting ia the spring. - The Luckel. King A Cake Soap company are also planning oe a large factory, but have aot ye decided oa. where the new building will be. or the siaa of tt, but it win be aereral times the sise of their present place. - The volume of business transacted bat In creased almost four times that ef what it was in 1918, according to L. P. King of the Lockel company. A good buainees Is reported with Honolulu, despite the fact that the soap must be shipped from Portland to Astoria to be loaded on the boats. About 2000 esses of soap are shipped to the islands each month, Portland manu factured soap is bow being sold ia, California. Washington. Idaho. Montana, and throughout Oregoa, - - (Tha amount mt tinsln. Atwim with lanwIWM is also picking up. A special soap, which re quires only three days'- boiling, ia made tor the jDune. warn soap, f or uires about aix oays in the vat. - Aa much milini mm i.ia.llil. f. in Oregon by the Mount Hood Soap company. wrapping paper, cardboard. cartons, vegetable oils, and other materials are bought locally, but .ingredients tor - higher grade soap are shipped to tha factories from the East. Local companies are - now manufaetarina laundry soap, soap chips, toilet soap, glycerine soap, lys, and Soap for general household ess. Clinton L. Shorno Is Firm Member TILLAMOOK CHEESE LABEL BELONGS TO THE COUNTY Salam. Nov. 25. In in ODinlan to 'Gov ernor . Olcott, - Attorney 4 General Van Winkle holds that there is no law to oreveut the use of the words ''Tillamook cheese" or Tilla mook county eneese -' by anyone manuiac turing cheese ia Tillamook county. .. ' ' -it ' Forelgrn Exchanire Market ; New" Tork. Nov. 26. fL1 N. ' . Demsnd vterling, $4.49 1 frane cables, 7.15; checks, 7.14; lire cables, 4.79 ; checks. , 4.78, Belgian cables. ' 6. 6 1 ; checks, 6.60; marks, .(001: guilder cables. 89-40; . eheeka. 88.87;-Sweden-cables, 26.90;- checks, 26.86; Norwegian cables. 18.42: checks. 18.38t Dan- Mi cables, 20.80; ebeoks. 20.26V , yeara and is ber of clubs erally. 1 CJlntoa . Lt Shor ao, for many yoarg Ktmerai aajaa man-ax-er for tbeBlake. McFaJl - . company, baa aoctired an in terest in tha Cres cent i Paper com pany, , associating hlmaalf with Chau-lea R. Praxler and -Ralph I, Brackett, present owners. Shorne baa! been a resident ot Portland for many affiliated with a sum avnd cirio activities aen- Local Securities WANTED SO Paclflo Power A Light af A ' 0 Portland Oss A Ceks pfd. , SO Psclfla autes 'Ire Insurance, r 6 Albsrs Bros, pfd, , FOR SALE 80 Luckel, King Cake.'. 10 Western Bond A Mortsate. 4 Portland Vegetable Oil. : Hellla Theatre 8s. B Northwestera Clectrie 4 Pfd. ' S Rsuch Lang (unlU), 40,000 Andsrson Bros., lne. Our local department for the resale ef unlisted securities ef merit Is Indispensable to holders ef these shares. T Highest Prices Obtainable Anywhers. ' Direct private wire to E.' F. Hutton A Co., Btembers Nsw York Stock Kscnanos. r J ' ORDAW'WeNTWORTK &(g I - STOOK8 UNO SjOMOS MOt- Railway Ei; SWf' sMwy. 4788 We offer, when as and if Issued 7 First Mortgage Serial Gold Bonds' Dominion CreosotingandLumber Ltd. . Vancouver,5B. C. , . Dated Dec 1, 1922 ; Due Ser. June and Dec, 1925-1932 ; , Denominations $1,000, $500, $100 ,--..(' f ........-- . ' .' - -1 Principal and Interest Payable in U, S. Cold. . Company Pays Federal Normal income Tax to 26 '"- : ': - , r !'J i '.-'.--' -ri , ' - i -i - . ri,T'f '- - .. . j .' Company and Security This company has been in successful operation for 23 years as a manu facturer of lumber. It started with an initial investment of $5,000 and its consistent growth is reflected by the fact that it has created, entirely out of earningsVfixeJ assets' which today exceed $550,000. , This $100,000 issue will be secured by CLOSED FIRST MORTGAGE on entire fixed assets and properties now owned or hereafter acquired. Properties include its biff lumbering mill and 21 acres of valuable waterfront property on the Frazer River; and?entire capital stock and assets of Elk' Bay Timber Co., together with logging railroad, locomotives, timber equities and equipment. i . Values, Earnings, Insuranqe r Although the General Appraisal Company has placed a replacement value of $438,165.67 on. the company's plant, for; loaning purposes we have de preciated it to $310,000. The Tnist Indenture provides for, $236,500 fire ' insurance. In" addition $93,000 additional insurance is carried on stocks and $100,000 against loss by "shut down of plant. , For .the past 13 years .the average annual net. earnings have been $20,000 after payment of fixed charges,,operajtion, and provisions for depreciation. After giving effect to this financing the balance as of Sept. 30, 1922, will show assets 'of $686,914.86 and after- deduction ' for current and fixed liabilities : a NET WORTH OF $490,670.84 practically 5 times the amount of this issue. Fall information covering all phases of v the business will be mailed on request. ' ' ' LIsTMBBRi , . ' BROADWAY AND OAK ; Robert E. Smith, President Lnmbermen Trust Co., rortland. Trustee. PRICE 100-YIELD 7 UU10 B A Jil '. . .1