The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 19, 1922, Page 43, Image 43

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Community. ; N. ews
Carson Heights " ' .
Last week the property owners along
Seventh street. In Carson Heights,
from the Taylors Perry road to the
church, got - together and decided to
take action to repair their road, which
la at present the despair of mil mo
torists. The road will be graded and
covered with Jroo cinders. Mr. Coffin
bains to charge of the work.
Mrs. Conrad Price "entertained the
Ootid of the Good Shepherd church at
her home ; last , Wednesday afternoon,
the-occasion being a silver tea. v
'- The Owl -club met Tuesday evening
for the election of officers for the com
ing year. . Mrs. K. 8chJerelmil8ch. as
president, and Mr. F. W. Finke as
vice president, were reelected, with
' Mrs. G. E. Tipsword . treasurer, and
Mr. F. A. Doern secretary. -
Margaret Merrick entertained Iter
school friends with a party last Sat
vrday afternoon, the - occasion being
her birthday. ,
-. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kapischka. broth
er of Mrs. J. L. Wandler. celebrated
their eighth wedding anniversary, and
Mrs. Goodie, Mrs.-- Kaptscbla's sister's
birthday, at their home in Vancouver,
Mrs. E. L. Brotchl while Visiting inT?W!ning to go to California to meet
aav"'1- .wiu area -i, lc , auiv chs,,-i
law. Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Dickenson, had
the misfortune when stepping from the
car to break her right arm. An: x-ray
taken shows both bones broken.
Sinclair's Roman Catholic church
at Capitol Hill will hold its annual
bazaar at the church on November 22
end: S3, The ladies of the parish will
serve a chicken dinner both evenings,
and two dozen or more turkeys will be
S. raffled off. Mr. Coffey of the Cotfey
Plumbing company has charge.
- t' Elaine Howard Is suffering from the
results of running a nail in her .foot
some time ago. Hhe is now under the
doctor's care, 4 and unable to attend
school. -
-Mra Manning Spiker, president of
the Capitol Hill Parent-Teacher oun,-j
cil, attended the meeting held at. the
courthouse under the direction of the
Parent-Teachers, last Wednesday aft
ernoon, to make further arrangements
for the. entertainment to be given at
The Auditorium November 24.
' Mr, and Mrs. Oachs and son, who
have been living; with Mrs. Oachs eis-ter-in-law
are moving to TIgard, to be
near her mother.
A board meeting of the Sunday
school teachers of the Carson Heights
Community church was held at the
home of Mrs. J., Kirker, last Wednes
day evening.
It was a most' enthusiastic group of
mothers who gathered at the home of
Mrs. La Vey Kohlhase at the meeting
of the Mothers council of Brownie
troop No. 1. Many plans were - dis
cussed for the development of the
troop. The quilt for the bazaar is
Bearing completion, and material for
the uniforms has been purchased. A
donation of 75 cents per Brownie by
the parents was given to cover ex
pensea Mrs. E. Plank, first grade
teacher at Capitol Hill school. Mrs. J.
V. Patton and Mrs. George Smith
Brown were elected honorary mothers.
The troop is to be congratulated upon
their leaders. Mrs. R. Bruce Horsfal
ae captain is an indefatigable worker
for their, welfare, and Mrs. La Vey
. Kohlhase has proved herself a most
Charming, capable lieutenant.
Good Book week was celebrated at
the Capitol Hill school by the children
dressing up to represent various char
acters in books which they have., re
cently read, each child being allowed
to give a brief outline of theirs story,
A meeting of the committee on elec
tric service ws held last Thursday
evening. It - was found that over 60
have wired their homes. - George Hart
man waa delegated to call oh Mr. San
son of the P. R. L A P. Co. Everyone
is urged to wire ' at - once. "Electric
service for Thanksgiving" is the slo-
Mrs. Pax ton. a librarian from Port-
. land, visited at the Capitol Hill achool.
telling stories to the children In honor
of Book week.
Woodstock . .
The Ladles' Aid society of the Wood
stock M. E. Church will meet Wednes
day, November 23, in the parlors of the
church. .
. Mrs. Mary B. Jennings and Mrs. C.
E. Pa$e gave a "600" party for the
benefit of the Ladies guild of the
vnurcn of our savior at Mrs.: Jen
nings' home. No. 6422 40th street south
east. Mrs. Robean won ladies'- first
prise and Dave Beeson won gentle
man's first prise. - - -
The Parent-Teacher association held
an at-home at the Woodstock library
Thursday afternoon, November 1.
As out 100 attended. Mrs. Akers, Mrs.
Lewis and Mrs. Fred Curry served tea,
Mr and Mrs." Avrll Hobson are en
Joying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. OrvUle
Swally of Pendleton. Mrs. Swally Is
Mr. Hobson's sister. ,
Mrs Lucy Smith of No. 6303 45th
street southeast is home from Walla
Walla, where she spent the summer.
Thomas Walker of No. 46S0 64th
avenue is very sick with la grippe.
Mrs. Clarence Bixby. who has been
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Val
. J Fipe, No. 6113 4th street, has gone
to Spokane to join her husband, who
has a position with the Pacific Fruit
and Produce company there.
- A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
R, Stout otv No. 528 63d street south
east. October l , 4
Mr. ana Mrs. Will Robson of No.
8305 62d street southeast are visiting
friends and . relatives In Los - Angeles.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. F. R, DeYery of No. ' 131 45th
Street southeast. November 3.
Mrs. J. C. Nash of No. 4911 58th
avehue has returned home from Kerry,
Or., where she visited relative. -V
The Woodstock gym class will have
an open meeting next Thursday night
at Woodstock school. Husbands . end
friends win be invited. The meeting
will be in the form of a box social.
The Parent-Teacher association will
hold a gingham and overall dance Ko
'vember 25 at the .Woodstock school.
" A farewell party was held November
31 for Mrs. Kilgore at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Daniels 41st street
And 66th avenue southeast. .The eve
ning was spent - in dancing and cards.
A birthday party was given for Mrs
J. Wesley at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. O. F. Selgenthaler'Sanday eve
ning, November 12. The evening was
Pent -In' dancing and cards. .-: Light
refreshments were served.
.The Woodstock senior foot ban team
played a tie game with Highland No
vember It.- .The score was 0 to 0.
The Woodstock Juniors defeated
Overlook. 3 to 0. s -
The Woodstock Midgets defeated
Taekson Park,' 20 to 0.
The Lents waiting room was , very
popular place- elecuon evening as the
election reports were- received there
by about SO end seemed to satisfy the
majority. The Lents precincts were
Strong for Pierce. The reports were
given but through the courtesy of The
Oergoa Journal, through their carrier
In this district, Gordon Purviance."
The pew Lents postoffice on 60th
avenue , and 3 2d . street is advancing
rapidly and will be completed- by the
middle of January
A big surprise party was held at the
texns of Mrs, J. Hall of 10311 61st a ve
nue, Thursday evening, Mrs. Hall was
one of the first to settle in- this dis
trict. ; This event was her 5th birth
day.; She received many valuable pres
ents, such as dresses, etc. The refresh
ments were of high quality, and were
brought by her many friends and
served after a very delightful evening.
A very mysterious accident ; occurred
east of Lenta on Buckley ovenue last
week, when f large automobile ran
Into a telephone pole and' broke ..It in
two, : throwing- It several yards. No
one saw the accident, as it occurred,
according to - the neighbors, about. 4
a.' m. The owners of the car disap
peared and ordered an automobile com
pany In Portland to clear the .wreck
age, but the car was seized by the
sheriff before they could get away with
it. - There is much suspicion, about It
being -a boose car.. -s --:.
A party was given at the home of
Miss Lena Summers of 10343 60lh ave
nue southeast, Saturday evening. The
evening was spent in playing games,
after which refreshments were served.
The daughter of Mrs. Andrew Proeb
stal of 76th street, who was hurt in
a fall which Broke her hip several
months ago. is much improved and la
able to walk again. Mrs. Proebstal is
her husband.
Dr. J. F. Ohorraiey spoke last 'Sun
day evening at the Kern Park Chris
tie, nchurch on I Indai. Dr. Ghormley
was formerly a missionary to India
and is well known, in this district, w;
Good Book week in Lents has been
shown by the large increase in the
number of book taken from the Lents
branch1 library this week. The pupils
of ; Lents school were all required to
read at least-one .book this week and
beable to tell about it.
The Lenta Par ent-Teaeher associa
tion held a meeting in the Lenta school
auditorium Friday, November ; 10, to
discuss many important problems of
the .echool. ,
Lents school beat Marysville scrlool
ln a game of soccer at Lents park last
Tuesday evening. The score was 5-0.
Mrs. II. W. Bangs of Lents is almost
fully recovered from her recent opera
tion and is able to be around .to do
her - work again, ' s A
Mr.' and - Mrs. C. Hazeltine of Lents
had as their visitors recently Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Dray of Seattle and Mr.
and Mrs. 'A. Ba.dger. Mr. . and Mrs.
Dray are making preparations to live
in Lents. . . . ... -' " .
il rs. Bertha Wbitcomb " entertained
the Baptist Women's union Wednes
day with an all- day meeting: Quilting
and sewing for the bazaar were done.
Mrs. Sarah McManns and sons,
James and Clarence, and Mrs. Emma
Adams are in California.'
Mr. and Mrs. John Rolle, Mr, and
Mrs. Charles Buckby and Miss Sally
Turell have been fishing at Deep creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave-Ca.Ua have been
recent guests of relatives in SU Johns,
Leslie, Beard, son Of Mr. and Mrs.
B. ; L. Beard t West Gladstone, se
verely cut his kneecap while splitting
wood, last Sunday.
'Mrs. Mary Whiteomb, who has been
the guest of her sister, Sirs. A. F.
Parker, local postmistre'ss, durirg the
summer, has. .gone to California to
spend the winter.
Mrs. and Mrs Eldon AUdredge en
tertained t the entertainment and re
freshment committee, of the Security
Benefit association at their home
Wednesday evening;. . .
Mrs.- Alio B, Hempstead, wife of
Dr. Hempstead . ' Gladetqrte, is a
member of thev Clackamas, county
grand Jury, now - sitting in Oregon
City. ; : v;i; i .
Leo Schorer, a well known resident
of Gladstone, ha purchased the meat
market from J. C. Saulsbury. the pro
prietor for the past three months.
Mrs. W. E. Hessler of Rlsley station
was luncheon guest last Friday of
Mrs. W. J. Rowan.
After visiting Rev. and Mrs. Q. E.
Williams tn Gladstone for two weeks.
Miss Flora Gelchell is on a visit with
her brother in Woodburn, following
which she will return to- her home, in
Lebanon. Or. ' "
Mrs. 11. E. Turner and infant child
have been guests at the -home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd of
Forest Grove. :
Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Baker' have
moved to their farm near Oak Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Recksecker have
moved to. Modesto. Cal. - -
Mrs. Cora Niles sustained a painful
injury .tocher hand, - when s needle
broke into several pieces while wash
ing a , garment. Dr.. 'Mount dressed
the injured member. . '
Glenn Barker, a former resident of
Gladstone and at present a student at
the Eugene Bible school, occupied the
pulpit of the Christian ".church last
Oak Grove
A new rolling door has been placed
between the auditroium and. the annex
of the Community church.
Mr. and Mns. H- MilHern and children
have been guests of Mrs. George Big
ham, enroute to Kelso, Wash., their
future home.
' Several Oak Grove ladies heard the
lecture of Sister : Lucretia, delivered In
Oregon City last Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Davies of Port
land were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Smith. - The families were
former friends in Nebraska. 1 .
F. A. Robb of Sweetwater, Texas, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. F; B. Pick.
Mrs. George Sprawkin, sister of A. A.
Eustec of Courtney, died at her home
in Lewiston, Idaho, Tuesday. Her
mother, Mrs. Bertha Euster, left at
once to accompany the body to Port
land for interment.
Mrs; Sprawkin was a farmer resident
of Oak Grove. She is survived by a
husband and Infant sen, beside a
brother and her mother. - ;
A moving picture has been Installed
in the school building. - v
Several new bocks from the state
library have bees placed on the shelves
ef the school library, by the school
librarian, Mr. KndlcotUJ " -
Park Place
CecilShaw and William Coyrull. two
young lads of ; Clackamas Heights.
hv been wnteeoi to the Industrial
farm t Salem for such depredations
as stealing motorcycles, robbing houses
and holding up pedestrians.
Stanley; Klyce 5 and sister, -Virginia;
ef Portland, soeat Saturdav ajntt Run.
day with their graadparentsr Mr. and
Mrs. Maod . Rittezshouse ondanmit
a serious operation in the Oregon City
hospital Saturday morning. ;
lira. C Booker has returned to her
home in Brownsville after attending
her sister. Mrs. Kidwell. during a recent-Illness..
' I ;,.:':
Mr. and Mrsw Inrermanser- enter
tained .over Sunday his Barents from
Independence. - . i . - . - '
The sewiB- club Of . Abernethv
Grange met Thursday for an all-day
meeting at the home of Mrs. Rivers.
Quilting end making aprons for the
bazaar occupied, the day.. Luncheon
was served. ' i - - -
Grace Male snenf the week-end wit
friends in Gervais.
Mrs. M- Saitell of Clackamas
En and.
Heights Is -visiting relatives la New
Tork state, v : :
The'Parent-Teacher association met
to the school building , Friday after?
noon. It was voted to Join with the
ladies of the Grange in giving a ba
zaar .Saturday,' December 16, - In the
assembly room. 1 . . - . ,'.';-'
Frederick and Margaret Rosebraugh
are confined to their horn with chlck-
fenpoxt i :-;: vv.-. v
Lowrle MQls underwent an operation
for acute - appendicitis - performed
Thursday In St Vincents hospital.
Portland. '. - v ..
'Mr a Sara Wyrick is ill in St. Vin
cents hospital, as the result of an op
eration performed Thursday : morning.
---: Robert Barnett, formerly principal
of the Park Place school, is teaching
in Portland. - s - .
Mrs, Lewis San tell 'and, baby of
Clackamas. Heights are with her moth
er, Mrs. R. Solomon, of Gladstone.
t E. B. Heath, proprietor of the Park
Place grocery, charged with operating
a punch board, has been held to await
the action of the grand Jury. Bonds
were placed at 1500. - ..- s
. - Plans were made at the last meeting
of the . Willamette Valley Chautauqua
association, by the board of directors,
for the erection of a lodge for a care
taker who will reside permanently cm
the Chautauqua grounds. .
Along tKe Moorage
Old-time mooragers note with Inter
est that moorage homes are now the
permanent homes of their owners. Mr.
and Mrs. J. Van Tuyl, who have been
Willamette : residents for seven years,
recollect the - time when nearly all
homes were abandoned during the win
ter months. ! .-.v;. I'jVt.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. , Case.- recently
of Nam pa, Idaho, are occupying ? the
Seeley house on Holgate . . . :,
Mrs. A. G. Mathews was hostess at
a luncheon Wednesday to the O. T. C.
ladies bridge club. First prize was
awarded to Mrs. Balhach and second
to Mrs. W. C Robertson. -
Mrs. George Petterson Is eonvaieseing
at her home on uoigate from a recent
operation for appendicitis performed
at Emanuel hospital.
The first skating party of the sea
son given by the Oregon Yacht elub
at the Oaks rink Tuesday evening was
t marked by a, - large attendance : of
members and their friends. ; . , -a
Officer Charles Tennant of the traf
fic squad received a very badly cut
1 hand while splitting wood at his home
on P. R. C. -
Mr. and Mrs.: Fred Barker of WIU-
amette entertained friends with a din
ner dance at the Portland hotel Ar
mistice night- -
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Han of Pendle
ton. Oregon, ' are visiting . with Mrs.
Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Hubbard on Holg&te. Mrs. Hall Is
recuperating from a recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pratt of O. T. C.
entertained with a dancing party at
the club house Saturday eevnlngi There
were about 40 guests present and an
elaborate buffet supper was served.
Franklin high orchestra furnished .ex
cellent music . -
Mrs. Charles Wltherspoon of Willam
ette left Wednesday for Washington,
D. C. where she will Join her hushandr
Mr. Witherspoon Is with the Western
Marine and Salvage company of Alex
andria, Va.. and Is general superin
tendent In charge of dismantling ships
purchased from the United States
shipping board. They expect to re
main In Washington at least for two
years,,. - -"- -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Tuyl enter
tained the Willamette "S00" club at
their home Monday evening. Mrs.' Le
roy Huntley won the first prize and
Huntley the consolation.
Mrs. Harry Pratt and Mrs. Ronald
Sherman, who have both been on the
sick list are recuperating at theft O.
T. C homes. ;
River traffic along the n moorage
channel Is very quiet at present owing
to the extremely low water.
Central East Side ,
-Orville Macdonald, who resides on
East Everett street, is going to cele
brate his fifteenth birthday anlversary
next Saturday. November 25. The
form, this celebrtaion wUl take is a
golf match between himself and his
guests who are; Eddie Hamilton.
Charles Runes and Thomas Dugan.
The match is to be played on the East
moreland municipal golf links in the
morning. ; ' 1
Since the burning of Washington
high school on October 28 the work
of removing the wreckage has been
steadily going , on. To facilitate the
Immediate completion of the work a
scaffold has been erected on the ast
side of what was the former high
school, so that the stonework can be
more readily loosened. The streets In
the vicinity have been roped off com
pletely, so that there will be no. dan
ger of accidents occurring from the
wreck ape in the streets. On account
of the. blockade of the streets 14th
street between Stark and' Alder streets
and Stark street between 13th and 14th
streets) there has been great difficulty
with the traffle problem since Stark
street especially haa always been an
extremely ; busy street. j ,
Miss Dorothy Kurtzenacker, who re
sides on East Ash street between East
20th and East 23d, has been ill since
the first of the month with leakage of
the heart. Her Illness was so serious
and severe at first that great appre
hension was felt .'and many doubts
were expressed as to her entire re
covery. However, her physicians have
since decided that she may return to
school and continue her Interrupted
studies Until another absence is nec
essitated by an operation that Is soon
to be performed. V
Mrs. XJhlig And Miss Isabel TJhMg.
formerly of Portland and Chlco,,CaL,
returned alter about a year's absence
to Portland twe months ago. They
visited friends and relatives here for
about a month, then left for San
Francisco where Miss : Isabel ; TJhlig
was to attendy high , school. After
reaching San- Francisco Miss Uhlig
decided she would rather be educated
in a Portland high school, so she and
Mrs. TJhlig returned to Portland about
two weeks ago and are planning to
make an indefinite stay here. -Miss
TJhlig, enrolled as a "student of Wash
ington high school ' at Lincoln 1 high
school a week ago. Both Miss TJhlig
and her mother have expressed - a de
sire to remain 1 Portland. ;
All the friends and mothers of girls
who are freshmen who are attending
Washington high school (who are reg
istered tn the Hawthorne .grammar
school) were entertained last Thurs
day afternoon. November 1, : after
school hours at a tea given by the girls
at the community house next to the
schooL- Some of the committees in
charge of this affair : were : Refresh
ment, receiving, entertainment, decora
tion : and program committees. The
girls' whose efforts contributed greatly
to the success of this affair were : Na
dene Mayfield. Ellen Frost. Helen Ma
gers. Mary Riggings," Martha Stevens.
Vivian Werschkul. Marion Armitage,
Helen Minor, Lillian Nelson. - Dorothy
Mikado, Sarah Runes. Lily O',
Dorothy La Roise, La Wanda Fenla
son. Miss Gray, who Is dean of the
freshman girls of Washington high
school, deserves much credit for bee
untiring efforts ' tn . connection with
making this tea a success. . 5
The t next "regular, dance ef Kerns-J
school, which is sponsored - by - the:
Kerns "Parent Teacher association,
which was scheduled for Friday night.
November 24, is to be postponed until
ecember t on account of some, en
tertainment which ifl to be given that
particular night. : vi.v?
eta '
The Parent-Teacher association of
Joseph Kellogg school held a bazaar
and program Friday, November 17.
Charles Thomas, 42. of 6705 47th
avenue held a btrtbtday party recently.
About 20 were in attendance.
On Saturdays November 11, Theodore
Turple was married to Jeston Quesln
berry. The ceremony took place at the
home of Rev. Brace Evans, 7131 69th
avenue, who officiated. -
U large delegation of members of the
Kern Park Christian church attended
the Chinese mission Friday when all
the Christian churches of this city vis
ited It. - ";r:i ': -
Rev. 3. F. Ghormley stated in a letter
recently received by Ward Swope that
he would return to his pastorate about
the first Sunday to December.- Rev,
Mr. Ghormley left about a month ago
to eecomnany his daughter and grand
son to the south, due to his grandson's
illness. The lad Is reported to be much
better. . .-, . .
The Women's gymnasium class meets
at Franklin high school every Tuesday
evening at o'clock. -A very able in-
struetor has been, secured from tne
M. A. A. C. to .thstmct the , class. A
few more women are -deBtred.
: The Boy Scout -troop t the Anabel
Presbyterian t church- has reorganizea,
with Scoutmaster Phillips as leader.
' Next Wednesday a : special t Pre-
LChristmas meeting will be held at the
Afleta Baptist churcn. m iners-wui do
special music by the chorus choir and
a short sermon by the pastor. - v
- The Ladles Aid of the Third United
Brethren church held a bazaar Wednes
day, November 15. - '
The Arleta ; Bantlstchnrch held
father and son banquet at'the church
Thursday eveenloE. ' .
The Gleaners of the Anabel Presby
terian church will hold a bazaar No
vember 24-25 at 6414 Foster road. On
November 28 they wUl also conduct a
cooked food sale.
The A- D. S. class of the Arleta
BaDtist church put on an entertain
ment Friday evening. November 17.
A missionary Institute will be held
Sunday, November 10, at the Tremont
U. B. church, beginning at 4 o'clock-Mrs-
Bell, general secretary cf the
Woman's Missionary association, with
offices is Dayton. O., will speak.
At the B. T. B. U. meeting of the
Arleta Baptist church November IS.
Miss Beulah Tong, from the Baptist
ChinnR. mission who haa lust returned
from a six-months' trip to China, will f
Lawrence Moore of 6029 52d street
is In the Good Samaritan hospital and
is threatened with typhoid fever.
Mrs. S. J. Handsaker, who first vis
ited Portland in U54, on her arrival
from Iowa, is the guest of her son, Mr.
J - J. Handsaker of 5630 44th avertue.
The, following' student body officers
were- elected at Franklin high school
last -Monday for the rest of the school
year: ..President, Irving Brown vice-
president. Perry Avery jr sergeant-at-arnis.
Carl Klippel J advisory commit
tee, Sylvia Seymors and Harry Leavitt.
St Johns
Mrs. R. D. Gould returned last week
from Hood River where she has" been
visiting her daughter, Mrs., J. D. Mc-
Lucas Nlor several weeks. Mrs. Mc
Lucas and two daughters., Betty Ann
and Peggy, returned boras with her
and will remain until after Christmas.
1 Mr. and Mrs. O. Moore and family
of Glenwood Springs, Colo., are guests
of Mrs. Moore's sister. Mra I. VV. ixar.
In celebration of the 14th birthday
of Margaret Roberts on the Tri-Wor-Soc.
,high school , girl reserves club,
gave her a pleasant birthday party on
Tuesday afternoon in the Su . Johns
branch of the T. W. C. A. A beauti
ful birthday cake, bearing 14 candles,
was presented atthe supper. Fourteen
girls were present.
-The St. Johns Community club win
serve dinner-at t:S on Tuesday eve
ning at Municipal -terminal No. 4. A
musical program will be given during
the dinner.
Mr, and Mrs. L. St. Johns and small
daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hyde
and two children, motored to Willam
ette onSunday to visit friends.
Miss Kathleen Haggerty. who Is tak
ing a nurse's training course at St
Vincents hospital, is the guest of Mrs
C. L. Holmes, 303 Fessenden street
while she is recovering from a recent
Mrs. L. E. Gee ef Beaverton was the
guest of Mrs. B. MlUer, No. 41$ N.
Leonard street, for a few days last
Mr. and Mrs Fred Thompson, who
have been farming near Vancouver for
the oast year and a hair, have returned
to their home on South Leonard street.
Mr. Thompson has taken his old posi
tion with the Western Cooperage and
will remain here at least until spring.
1 Miss Minnie Plaskett, who has been
ccnflnea to her room for the past three
weeks with a sprained ankle, is not
yet able to be at her work at Bonham
& Curriers' store. , --V"
Mr. and -Mrs. L. V. Graves, . ot iNe.
1215-outh Princeton street, are being
f elicited -upon the birth of a daughter,
on Tuesday morning. Graves recently
purchased an Interest in Bonham-and
Curriers. ' . . ';
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Foster, N.
$18 Allegheny street, are the parents
of a daughter, born on October 3L
Mr. and Mrs C JU woimes, . inou sua
Fessenden street, entertained Informal
ly on Monday evening, honoring Mr,
and Mrs. Clarence Anderson of Lewis
ton. Idaho, who are visiting Mrs. An
derson's mother In Portland. Fourteen
guests were present. ' -
Mra - Hend&rson,- N. 17 Willam
ette boulevard, will entertain the Royal
Neighbors club on November 23. -Neighbors
of Woodcraft held a 508
card party on Wednesday evening.".
TMra Sarah- Fones. - with Mras Jane
CaJdwell as aseUtant. hostess, enter
tained members of the Debonair club
at -Ail o'clock-luncheon at her home
n Hartmart street on Thursday. - --
The Friendship club was entertained,
at the home of Mrs. E. SL -'Currier on
rhifiua-atntt oa Friday afternoon.
This club- is -making plana for sending!
Thanksgiving baskets fto tne x-isgan
? George'.and Cliff ord Thomas from
Dee, OrW Visited: at the home of their
brother, C. L Thomas, last week and
attended the stock show In Portland.
Nearly everyone in Troutdale at
tended the stock show last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans visited Mrs.
Evans mother, Mrs. Ruth Brink. In St.
Johns Sunday.
The Parent-Teacher association held
a very interesting meeting on Friday.
There was a large number attending.
Officers were elected at the M. E.
Sabbath school last Sunday as fol
low: r.ev. - Smith, . superintendent ;
Mrs. H. Holmes, assistant superintend
ent ; Winston AUard. secretary and
treasures; Lyle Sherling. librarian.
Mrs. C E. Scott was appointed singing
leader and Mrs. J. R. Knarr was asked
to ; appoint a Camp Fire Girl each-
Sunday for organist-. Thefe was a
large attendance and much Interest
ahown.s-r f-.iz?-;, -i f
John McGinnia, Milton pox and Rich
ard Knarr made a trip to Arlington,
Or., last week goose hunting.' They
report geese plentiful but hard to get.
They brought a few large ones home
with them. ..---j, ..-
; A recent arrival in the Victory dis
trict ts Alvtn Adolph, at the home of
F. H. . Hoecker.i The l little - man
weighed eight pounds.
Some time Friday night a Ford was
stolen from Mr. Goes, living en the
Hensley road. . It was taken from his
barn. Officers found the car on Sec
tion Line and Barker roads on Sun
day. It will cost $100 to replace the
parts stolen from the car. '.. .
The Camp. Fire Girls met at the
home of Mrs. J.- K. Knarr o Satur
day. Among other things enjoyed was
a welnie roast and a hike.
- Jennings Xdge:
Tt.w. Pollock has exchanged his
property on Addle street for the Sev
enth street hoted of Oregon City, owned
by T. . H. Mattley. Mr. PoUock took
possession Tuesday.
W. A Rush, a student at Monmouth
Normal, spent last week wtih his
Mrs. Carl Slarker, entertained the
Luncheon club on Tuesday. -
J. B. Clbrand of the -River road,
lost the end. of his finger In a mitre
machine of the Central Sash & Door
company, where he is employed.
Dr. J. L. Scriptdrs of Portland has
been a guest at tba Hugh. Roberts
home. - - , . ' -.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tagley, former
residents of Jennings Lodge, have re
turned from an extended visit in Be
rn id jl, Minn. They were accompanied
by their daughter, Jennie Tagley,
recent graduate nurse. '
- Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Schatz, r
cent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Shelton
BechteL have returned to their home
tn Aaams, jnano.
Rev, Ruel Snider preached In the
University Park church, Portland, last
Sunday evening;
The Parent-Teacher council met In
MUwaukie, last Thursday. - Judge -Jacob
Kanzler and. W. S. TJren of Port
land, spoke. A 1 o'clock luncheon was
served. The next council will meet in
Woodstock. -
Mrs. Richardson has gone to Rose
burg to assist In the care of her
brother, John Singleton, who Is a par
alytic . -
Mrs. Edith Truscott will- leave eooni
for an extendde visit" wtih relatives
In ths Middle West.
Mrs. F. 8. Nodstrdm entertained the
members of her Sunday school class
with a costume party at the church,
on Saturday afternoon.
; Mra Claire Maple entertanied 14
little boys with an, attractive party at
her home Monday evening.
Mr.' and Mrs. Hugh Flamming en.
tertalned with a radio dancing party
Monday evening, honoring, four Seattle
guests. .. ' ',
Mr. and Mrs.- Hammond Stewart
and babv son have moved to Chehalia.
v The residence of John E. Wetsler
on the River road, Roathe etatlonwas
burned,, with contents, Wednesday
night, entalUng a loss of approximately
Lake Grove
The most -disastrous fire which has
ever visited, the Goodin-Laka Grove
region was one which destroyed the
villa residence of Mr. and Mra Fred
Sheldon, located on the lake front east
of Good in. in less than an hour. The
loss was about $2500, partially insured.
; The fire occurred while Mrs. Sheldon
and her young son and Infant daughter
were out for a walk.. November 4. and
is supposed to have originated from an
overheated stove. Mr. Sheldon, who
Is a prominent member of the Elks'
lodge of Portland, was at the lodge
rooms on committee work.
The fire caused a great deal of ex
citement In the neighborhood. ' A will
ing volunteer fire department worked
hard to subdue the flames, but i its
efforts in this direction, were useless,
and attention was turned to saving
adjoining homes and shrubbery, Whictt
would have "been tn great danger had
the wind shifted. Ths Sheldon home
occupied what is conceded to be the
most beautiful site on the lake front.
Negotiations for Its sale were pending,
It is possible that the prospective pur
chasers may buy the beautiful site and
erect, a home of their own designing.
Eugene Bowen of Seattle has been
the house guest of Mr. and Mra S. B.
Vincent., on his way to Home Coming
week at the University of Oregon. At
Eugene he win visit his fraternity at
the Phi Gamma Delta house.
The regular dance at the community
house was held 1 November 18. The
committees were composed of .. the
young people? of the .neighborhood
under the general supervision of Mra
C A. MacFarland. Considerable "pep"
developed and the .younger generation
lived- up to a promise to "wake the old
folks up."
t Mra Louise W. Wells complimented
Mrs. Fred , Hayward f Portland prior
to her departure for San Francisco, at
a dinner recently. Mrs. Hayward will
remain in the- Bay City several vl
and will be. Joined by her husband at
Thanksgiving.) Mrs. Wells' guests at
the dinner were: Mra- Martha p.
White.. Mr. and Mra Fred Hayward
and Mr. and Mra Orrin Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs., R. L. Herrick are re
ceiving congratulations at the arrival
of another baby -girl. Mrs. Herrick and
the baby are weU to a maternity home
In Portlands Mrs. Rodney L Herrick
of San Francisco is visitin-' at th
home of Mr, and Mra ; Herrick, where
she will remain indefinitely. ,
- air. ?anr Mra ' George Simpler - and
Mr. and Mra James Williams were
hsts at a recent community house
danced- A ? four-Dieee orchestra mail
the dancing delightful. if was a -very
successful party and from all reports
everyone had a delightful time.
. Mr- and Mrs. J. P. Johnson, after
having spent several months to Olym
pia Waah have returned to the lake
sido ' colony. ; They - have' . rented the
Holdea - cottage near Good in station
and win remain there over the winter.
Mr. . and Mrs. J. ' E. MuUer - have
nought several acres near Cook station.
iney nave erected a modem four-room
bungalow and are- now domiciled in
their aew -home. ':-::-- .'::; .-.
Mr. and Mra G. E. Thayer nave re
turned to, their home at Lake Grove
after an absence, of nearly two yeara
Mr. Tharer has given up his interests
in Eastern Oregon and will enter busi
ness m peruana. -
Mra W. E. Slmonton spent, several
days last week at. The Dalles, visiting
her parents, : Mr. and Mrs." Cv L.
Schmltt. The trip was made at that
time so she could help celebrate Mr.
Schmitt's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter and Mr.
and Mrs. -Carroll MacFarland attended
the - veteran sr ball at the Multnomah
hotel on Armistice night. .
A break in the routine of the bi
weekly dances given at the Community
House was made last, even ir-sr. It
n as been customary for two Starriest
couples to sponsor : each affair.JyBat
last evening the dance' was given by
the young -people otthe community.
Under the ehaperonage of Mrs. CarroU
MacFarland - committees . ..were- : ar
ranged, the result being; well con
ducted affair. ; Dances, a tnrkey raf
fle, a -pumpkin prise, older and. cakes
helped make a . most enjoyable eve
ning. The committee was the MJssa
Marvel i K Simpler, . Bernice - Schmltt.
Leona Johnson. Graes Mollssen. Alice
Leekley, Ethel O'Brien and Messra
Spencer Greatwood.'- Walter Moffltt,
George- Sknpietv Raymond Stanton.
Carol Johnson, John Larson, Fred Mac-
jrariaaxx. y ' '. -;T "i
f "The mooted question ef whether or
no - the Lake v Grove "pablie school
should - nave -a - play ' shed was decided
jaVa the affirmative at - meeting of the
Parent-Teacher association held Thurs
day night to conjunction with ths
school board of the district. - The mat
ter will now go-to the county snpertn
tendent. who wiii be asked: to approve
plans and specifications prepared by
.WMie Tounsr f PorUand-. .
- Ths play shed will be. constructed' on
the unit system, it "being the Idea f
the residents of the district who - at
tended - the meeting ' that four units
25x50 feet will be constructed. - Funds
for ths construction of ths - first unit
were , provided by the Parent-Teacher
association. Who rave a series of en
tertainments for the purpose f rais
ing - the necessary money.'- Ths first
unit will cost- to the -neighborhood of
$400. The school district tinder - the
management f the present school
board has shown wonderful progress,
and has been a considerable factor in
increasing the population of ths dis
trict. Kenton'
Mra Nettle Weeks suffered a broken
wrist last" week while trying to crank
her auto preparatory to going home
after a visit with her sister, Mra Bes
sie PUlard In Woodstock. Nevertheless
Mra Weeks drove tan , the way: home
despite the Injury." v . : ..V"
Mra 5. ; E. . Everts " ? and daughter
Pearl- entsrtalned ' the Inmates pt ths
Patton 'home with several musical -lections
recently, " -J '
Mr. and. Mra W. Lommssson, No. 595
WUlis boulevard, are the proud par
en ts of a son born. November 2, -
Ths many -friends of George Fassett
wars grieved to hear of his death, last
week. Mr. Fassett was, an Iron mould
er at the Montag stove works and bad
been .there the past two-yeara-. He waa
the father- of Mrs.- C M. Eaton, Harry
and Lincoln Fassett of Portland,', also
a daughter. .Mrs. A. E.-4 Johnson, of
Charles town, - wash. . Mr, y-assew.. naa
been a resident of Portland for ths past
20 yean, -coming here from Newark,
Ohio. Hie rife passed away In 191.-.
A fire on the root of the Peninsula
school last. Monday -brought out . three
departments. Slight damage resulted
from the blaze and the excitement was
over - before the- children knew . what
had .happened.; v - ) -. ' '-'-
A 40-acre patch of potatoes .between
Lombard and Willamette boulevards
was the scene of, great activity the past
few days when It became known that
potatoes were going for 85 cents a sack
and- dlg , them - yourself. Wheelbar
rows and cars of aU makes were lined
up on , both sides of -the patch while
their dwners dug the tuber a On .the
last day when the diggers were way
out,,-the: autoa .were there too waiting
to . carry -ths precious loads to ths
Davement or home. f:: v:'?;
, A -quiet wedding was solemnized on
Tuesday.Novemberf--'14.vat-; s p.-:sa4
when Miss Ruth L. Ferguson and Ed
ward L. Plouff were Joined - in holy
wedlock by Rer. C & Dunn " at ths
home of the bride's -parents, Mr. and
Mra Daniel Fergusonv- No 152 - Oat
man street.-only Immediate relatives
being present. Mra Plouff is widely
known, having ; been with Eftlands
Mercantlla for some time past., Ths
young couple are ' now to their own
home oa Brandon street. : m -
Stanley Johnson lias been quite - 111
the past week with a severs case of
L&lccoug-bs. -
Mra Floyd Tooker. No. 1S93 Denver
avenue, will be hostess at the commun
ity dance and social on Wednesday
evening, at the Kenton club. - .
Herbert McCoy, son. of Mrs: J. D.
Smith, -was chairman -of the Bon- Firs
committee on , home coming week at
the Ot A. C : Herbert le working bis
way through, college and -will not be
home for Thanksgiving. .
There win be a sacred concert at the
Kenton, Presbyterian church by the
choir this evening. Also there win be
af play and box social by . the young
people,' also a musical program some
time during' the first" week In Decem
ber. -- ' . .
Miss Esther Peilee left on Thursday
for Corvallls to attend the Home-Corn-tng
week at O. A. C.
Mra W. R. Corbett read an article
on ths meaning of church membership,
Sunday evening at Arbor Lodge Pres
byterian church. .
The young peoples class at the Ock
ley Green Evangelical church has been
divided and recently the young ladies
gave a banquet to the young men, fol
lowed by musto, , games -and speeehea'
Mr. Farnum has charge of the young
men's class while Mrs. W. R. Corbett.
has charge of the young ladies.
The Peninsula theatre entertains' a
certain number of scholars from the
Peninsula school on each Thursday
afternoon. - ", ' . - -
- Ardenwald r
Mrs. James Neeley went to Van
couver, Wash., for a few days to visit
with her sister, Mrs. Tonne
- Measers Gladstone Symier and - Ho
mer Johnson, who were guests of Mr.
and Mra J. P. Fletcher, have returned
to their home in Los Angelas.
Last Tuesday evening ths . Tuesday
Evening Card club was entertained by
Mr. and MrsT Ortley Plympton. The
guests played "500," the prises being
wonJ- by Mra Charles Kane and Mr.
W. H. Dutton. The party was Informal-
The hostess served refresh
ments. . - - .
The Parent-Teachers circle of Dis
trict 123 held Its regular meeting in the
Ajaenwaw ecbooineuae Friday eve
ning. - There was an entertaining pro
gram furnished, after which the meet
ing was called to order and several
subjects' advancing' Ideas- for various
Improvements "were discussed,- The
meeting was well attended, and a keen
interest shown. -
- "" Milwaukie
The town council held Its . reenlar
meeting Friday night, postponed from
Aiiuryuay. - : .: .- .'-'. . .....
The munlalnal election ' will tuvmr
Monday, Dec 4. . It la understood that
a warns campaign -will ensue, though
aevota or rorrner mtternesa
Sell wood
Sellwood was represented - by two
young people in the east for Washing
ton high school's class play. Dulcy.
which was given before large audi
ence in The Auditorium, Friday' eve
ning. They were Mildred Copenaafer,
who took the. part of "Mra Forbes,
and Jack Price, who enacted the part
Of the lawyer, ."Blair Patterson. The
play was sponsored by the January 23
class. - - -
A section crew Is working hard on
the construction of a good road on Ta
eoma avenue between 17th and 22d
streets. This street leading to Wlils-
burgr &r,J on to 82.1 etrcet I ns t? in
miserable condition, and the citizen ot
Sajjwood welcome its completion, t
The Woman's Missionary society- of
ths Moreland- PresbyteHan church met
with Mra Patter and Mrs, Price. Jov
$lt Maiden avsnuaA Friday, afternoon.
A pot luck luncheon was served and
was followed Jy a program. A good
crowd turned out despnite j adverse
weather conditions, f . -:y L . ?
- Miss'shvf"N'o; 1495 East
11th street, spent, the week-end with
relatives te.Attany.i v v
Another monster mass meeting, was
held tn the Sellwood Community house
to discuss further action relative to the
Professor 'Morgan ease., -Many-former
Sellwood students were thre, and all
spoke highly of the principal. Resolu
tion and ether data. were drawn up,
Mra Clo Parrlsh of Madras Or
Is spending the week, at the home of
her mother-ln-law. Mra Z. N. Parrish.
No. 1495 East 11th street. ,
- Mr, and Mra J. H. Bryant of No. S3
Rex avenue left .Tuesday for a, com
biaed business and. pleasure trip in .the
East, they plan on visiting in South
Daksta, Iowa and Illlnoia They win
be gone for an. Indefinite tlma.- : - -
--V iui i i i ' i i -i " i -':7,
Disss tisfactl en Is felt by the Oswego
people -at what they declare to be an
attempt of the Southern Paclflo com
pany to quiet the-agitation for- lower
fares by cutting the- round trip, stogie
fare- from 40 cents to so cents. The
sing Is fare ons way remains wlthln-va
cent of the $teak war time rata, which
was 21.:eents, ths monthly commutation
ticket book remains at the peak price
as.-- also do the . six-months - family
ticket and the school children tickets.
The complaint Is made by working
men that wages have dropped about
50 per cent and that those who are not
steadily: employed In . Portland - are
compelled to paw about 10 per cent of
their -day's wages la . -fare.:. . . f-
Oswegoana were persuaded to op
pose the establishment of ' .motor bus
linen1 to Portland and Oregon City
two years 1 ago, -but It -Ib) openly an
nounced that effort Is to- be made to
secure a bus 11ns If It wUl tniarantes
more freftuent" service at practically
ths same, fare: and not: cut off? late
evening service at $lW''.:i.f.;;
Another "comparison that" rankles 1s
that across the river front Oswego- the
Portland Railway, Light &' Power
company give a half-hour dairy serv
ice at a one way single fare of 15
cents, with Corresponding redactions
If commutation ticket books are pur
chased. ' ,:' ' -. - : -
Mra" ' Johir ' Bullock-, of Monmonth
spent Tuesday with- Mrs,- George Bul
lock In South iOswego. -v' r "
Mr. and Mra ..RConfer were the
dinner guests of Mr. and Mra Xonald
Richarda Wednesday evening.
- Mr., and Mrs. A. McDonald,'-; who
have been v tailing their brother; M.
J. MeDonald, for the past week, left
for Seattle, - Wash!. . where r, they , win
make their future home.: '- j ..s ,
. Mrs. H.-L- Shepard was hostess on
Tuesday at -her - home in Glenmorrla,
where she entertained a - number of
friends MlnMsheon.,5.:v, -.-i
-Mrs. Ludi Witherspoon, ' who, was
operated on for appendicitis at ths
Oregon City hospitai, is improving.
The past week was - '"Library week
at the . Oswego-" " grammar school.
Quite a, ti umber of good books were
donated , by the friends .of the chil
dren. - ' ' -.
Mr; and : Mra Robert Fulton and
children spent Sunday with ths Con
fers. .v:-;?i.:vf-?H;.S;::v:; : v'fr-i L- --
. Mra Harry' Raff erty was ths guest
Of her parents. Mr.. and Mrs. John
Erlckson- on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock were
hosts at an evening of cards, enter
taining the members of, the "500"
club.' Tliose present were Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Larserif Mr. 'and Mra Pets Em
met t, MK' and Mrs. David Nelson Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs.. Sam COx. Mr. and Mra
Vernon Centers and the hosta,-
The Women's club - held ' Its last
meeting at the home of Mra W. 8.
Wessling on- Wednesday. " Next meet
ing of the club will be at the' horns of
Mra George Thomas on Wednesday,
December 6. '
Mr. and . Mra OUver. " Worthlngtoa
and son Clauds of Lake Grove-were
ths guests Saturday and Sunday at ths
Peter Emmett homel ..... -.Mrs.
Ruban Confer gave a "E00"
party for a number of friends Wed
nesday afternoon at her : home to
Glenmorrie. 'Prizes were won by Mra
L Ford, Mra Henry ; Borghoret and
Mra'Albert Rosen treter. Delicious re
freshments were served after an en
joyable afternoon at cards. - .
The Campfira Girls held a cere
monial meeting at Mra LesUe Sav
age's house on Wednesday.
The EL E. club met Tuesday at the
boms' of Mrs. George Thomas, prises
at ''500 were won by Mra Fred Nor
mand and Mrs. John Bickner.
T Ths Evening '600 club was enter
tained by Mr." and Mra L H. Lord
on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Borghorst, Dr. ' Sumption and
Mra FnWonjeaptnred the prises, - -
The s Oswego girls basketball club,
meets Monday and Tuesday of one
week ' and Monday , and Thursday of
the next, r, The girls are working hard
learning' the game, and expect to do
some fins 'work befors the winter is
over. -. - i '
A parent-teacher association was
organized last Friday at the Oswego
school, '
The : Ladles Aid of the Methodist
church held a bazaar and silver tea
at the horns of Mrs. John Haines-Jr
on Thursday. The money , mads will
be used for church needs. - . , r
Mrs. George -Batdorf and Mra WU
liams were Portland visiters last
Wednesday.. WhUe there they visited
the stock show, where Mra satoorrs
sister, LueUa Hill, had a large exhibit
of poultry -which drew several first
- HMtam Hilt wh fornuirW re
sided in WiUamette, has a Urge chicken
ranch on the Powell Valley road, near
BSd street, and la having much suc
cess to raising fancy chickens.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Blala of Stettler.
Canada, accompanied by "Joe . Baker
and Mr Rauch, wno-have been visit
ing at the horns of Mr. and Mra E. J.
WiQiams, left Tuesday morning for
Los Angeles, where they will spend ths
winter."- The trip made by
automobile and . they - have found the
roads' In good condition. , Mr. Blala
is a brother of Mra rWUliama.
Mr, snd , Mra 'Albert Ad am son left
WlUametts Tuesday ' morning for Har-
rlsburg to attend the funeral services
of Mr. Adamson's niece, Haxel Bloe
som. ;They: remained for several days.
On Sunday, . November Is, at a sim
ple and beautiful service. Lorraine
Martin became the bride - of . Uord
Mathers,tha Rev, Mr. Edgar, wstor
of the Presbyterian church to Oregon
City;- officiating. The Impresslvs ring
ceremony was performed -at -the horns
ef the bride's parents, Mr. en Mra
Martin, at First and Center streets, in
Oregon City, which was becomingly
decorated with fail flowera . The bride
was lovely to a gown of blue taffeta
and: carried an arm bouquet of
chrysanthemums. She waa attended by
Saidie Surfus as bridesmaid while Hes-
den Martin was best man. Immediately
feHowing the ceremony Mr. and Mra
Mathers left for their home in Pres-
cott. Or. - J.
. Mrs. Zertle died at tr.e fami!y home
in .'.--I. en TupJ.iy rr:orr.:ns
after having two strokes of paraiis.
The' funeral services were held at the
Holman & ' Pace undertaking parlors -In
Oregon City on -Thursday.'
"Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Robinson were . ,
among the Willamette people who vis
Ited. ; the : Paclflo International Stock
show In Portland last week.
Mrs. E. S. Kruse and children. Betty
Belle and Stanley, of Frogpond spent
Tuesday ; of "last week in Willamette,
visiting "relatives; '- v-
Harol and Lydia Gertrude, chil
dren v cf Mayor jj and Mra Harry
Greaves, entertained their little cou
sins on Saturday -afternoon at their
home.- The children were invited for
the afternoon. : and upon - arriving .
found the shades drawn and the. rooms- 1
lighted ' by- jack-o'-lanterns, to keep- -tng
with .the Halioween -spirit. About
1 o'clock dinner was served, the din-.
Ing table, which was lighted only by
candles; presenting ' a ' very, attractive
appearances Jn the afternoon games
were played. Those present- were. Le
tha : Catherine and Virginia' Shadle.
Dorothys Baty, Gerald Baty, - Kenneth
Montgomery,' Silas Blato Shadle Jr
and the- host and hostess,- Harold and
Lydia Greaves. -
-As a result ot the city election held
last Tuesday four- of the councilmen
for the, city of West Linn are from
Willamette. They are Melvin Young,
John Ream Jr Bert Barnes and C B.
WiUson. - The largest number of votes
cast on the city ticket were for Melvin -Toang,
who also received a majority in
the other preclcts. .
The largest number, ef votes ever
east in Willamette 'were counted last
Tuesday,' a large t percentage of the :
people? being : interested in the city
election. There were seven-candidates
on the West Linn ticket from the Wll-
lamette precinct, four ot whom were
One of the Jolllest parties of the sea
son was riven Bernard Davis last. Fri
day " everting In honor, of his tenth
birthday anniversary. . '.Games were
played ' and . later in - the evening ro-
freshments were served -to' the follow
ing ! ' Frances Carpenter, Mary Strong.
Gladys Mootry, Gladys Davist Maxine
Tuor, Sonora Brown. Clem Dollar Jr .
Robert Carter, Robert WiUson. Clara
Bartholomew, Mra Carpenter, Mr. and
Ma W.- W Davis and their son, Kd-
wirt.-v.- - v
Vena Barnes visited at thetorae of
Mrs. Charles .... L Raker . In Gladstone
last Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mra W. W. Davis had as
their bouse guests several days last '
week Mra Frank Telecky and three
children, whose home to in Washing
ton. , '.-. . .
Mrs. . Glen Rhodes of Ocean FaUs,
B. CW who is a I guest of her mother, v
Mra LlndouisVbas been having her
eyes treated try Dr. Braere. eye spe-
dallst of Portland, ' daring the last
week. She has also been visiting rela
tives to Portland. .
- J. R. - Bow land was entertained at
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mra .
Olaf Jjarsen last Thursday, v ?
Rex- GUford. son of Mr. and Mrs, (
Dick Gilford, former residents of Wll-, '
lamette now making their home In
Eastern Oregon, is visiting at the home t
of his grandmother. Mra Anna Dollar,
Rex Is one of the members of the boys' .
and girls' club, who has been sent to :
several of the county fairs to assist in
Judging stock. He spent -several days -
at tne , jfactno international Livestock
show to Portland Judging stock.
- Last week Ewald Lelsman -pur- j
chased the . John Turner , property,
which Is now occupied by the King ;
family. . Mr. Lelsman will continue to
rent the place. , '
. Mrs. Pete Olson and two children of ,
Portland vjslted aU last week with -,
relatives and friends In WUlamette. -Mrs.
Olsen was formerly Miss Marie
Britton. , -s ,
Mr. and Mrs. St Johns and Mr. andw "
Mrs.: Hyde of SL Johns motored to ,
Willamette on Sunday, where they7
visited at the home of Mr. and Mra
Charles Bidder. - ,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernert are re- i
Jolcing over the arrival of a daugh- 'a
ter,' born on Sunday ; rnorntofci' No-
vember 12.
Cantilevers Add to
Your Vitality
Shoej that fit your fdot comfort-
ably and by flexing at the arch allow '
the foot to flex in walking as nature '
requires give a constant stimulus to!
your ability. Contrariwise, shoes that
distort the foot and rigidly prevent
Its natural flexing movement tend to -draiiTTyour
nervous enerfy and by 1
frequent irritation lower your vital
ity and your ability to concentrate '
and work.
If you prefer buoyant strength and ;
achievement, change to the comfortable,-helpful
Cantilever Shoe. ,
-It Is well built on a last that con-.;
forms to the contours of the foot.
With the natural Inner sole line, the
toes, point - straight - ahead and are
comfortable; a share of the weight of
the body. falls easily on the ball of
the foot, i
. The well-set heel encourages gooa
posture, mhich Jn tarn encourages
good health.' ,
The shank of a Cantilever Shoe Ts
drawn up, by lacing the shoe, to fit
we instep ana. provide resttul sup
port. -And it FLEXES WITH. THE
FOOT. It does not bind the mus
cles and Impede circulation as a rigid ,
sole does, it strengtaens the mus--cles
by allowing them freedom to .
exercise, thus preventing of correct-'
Ing weak arches. .
Sold in Portland only by the
Cantilever Shoe Store'
233 Aider St, IleeaJ Clij.
- p n,t...j r . "
T "