MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1022. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN aiATTELS 602 :" " : " ' "money to "loan" '.'T'" . Z'mef losamd ca household foods or met cbandts placed la storage with aa at a nf nlar bank rate, SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO, : Fourth ud line BtA. , . Opposite Mnlmnmah Hotel. " Phone Broadway 871. - MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 603 WE BUT tint and second Bonoia and sell er contract J. K. Bownis fe Co., 210 " Chamber of Commerce bid. Bdwy. 6007. CAH PAID for mortgage and aeltorx eon. tract it ml estate to Washington or re -gon. H. K- Noble. 816 UmbtnwM bldg. WILL,aeIl $600 ul cDtrict os S room mod em cottage. Walnut 8562. WILL, buy sellers' contracts or second asortgagea. Gordon, 621 Ch. of Cool Mag. MONEY WANTED 651 WE CAN lou -your money en H rt-elas secur ity to earn 10 per coot. 'Guaranteed. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 4th-at Pin St. Opp. Multcah Hotel. ' Phone Broadway 3710. Loan Dept PRIVATE party wishes to sell beautiful six ' carat diamond, perfect stone. Paid $4000 for this stone six year SCO. It is absolutely ' on of Use most beautiful in its class, No dealers. Moat hat cash. " V-144. Jocmal. $3000 ON firse-clae improved property worth 7000; in heart f Irriostop. it L. Yak. Main 417. 616 Gasco bids. .. "WAST 82000 to $350O on new home )a rood district, Geo. C. Howard, 1113 N. W. Bank. SEE OREGON INV. as MORTGAGE CO.. 210 EieiUSGK BLDg -, ... , HORSES AND VEHICLES 70O FABM IMPLEMENTS 1 XEW A NO SECOND HAND f SPECIAL PRICES P. E. ESBEXSHADE 800-368 E. MORRISON ST. HorsesHorses" : 10 bead horses and mares, 5 to years old. weight llOO to I860 Ibe. Will acO cheap for cash. AU horse guaranteed as represented. z4 r rovil e., loot. oiBiain 270O-LB. .TEAM; harness and farm wagon 8110. Will trade fop cow. Take MU Scott t. Tremout station, walk 4 blocks - south 65th ave, one block west 71st at. g. W. . corner. ' . - . - KEYSTONE stable, horse for sale af hire or sold on com mission. Wagons and harness. 881 Water at. W. H. Attratcr 8516. ONE gray mare, rood condition, Wright 1050 pounds, broka to names or saddle. Apply Vain 3490. - ' : FOR SALE cheap. 8 head of horses, 3 seta of food breeching harness. 1 stock saddle. Call 270 K. Ttn st SPAN of blacks, mare and horse, weight about 2500 lbs. Very gentle and well broke, 8125. 9 8 1 Water St.. west side. , TEAM bays, mare and Bona; weight 2600 lbs., 7 years old. .Quick sale, 8125. 234 Front, foot of Main. . 2900-L.B. TEAM of geldings; true, gentle and grain fed; good team for heavy hauling. 381 Water st, cor. Montgomery. TEAM of bay Belgians, weight about 2400 lb. Low built chunks; ideal orchard team. Price 8115. 381 Yater at., cor, of Montgomery; HORSES, harness and wagons of all tincls to be sold eheap. 240 E. 8th st : DOUBLE team, 83 oy; single team. 81.80 day. 648 Front St. Maim 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 BARGAIN Jersey cow and Guernsey cow, just fresh. T. B. tested; also good Holstein to freshes Not. 15. 3200-lb. team, in fins condition, cheat). 240 B. TH ST. FOR SALE 8 good Jersey-Holsteia cows, aU fresh. Chamberlain Feed Co., 1S64 JE. Cucan. Tabor 4655. Sunday and t nings call Tabor 4005. Jl'ST received a consignment of high grade Jersey cows, all fresh, henry milker and high testers. Must be sold- at. once. 234 Front, ft. of Main. TWO registered BUorthorn cows, one registered 4-year-old to freshen Dec. 18 and 1 roan beifer, 2 & yean, freshen is Fek Will sell at bargain. E. F. Coaoyer, Camas. Wash. BIG fresh dairy cows; young heTy milkers; fine big registered fresh Iloistein; 12 extra fine heifers, bred. TeL-East 8974. 769 East Ash. LARGE Jersey cow and calf. Heavy milker. Most be sold at .once. Price right. 302 Front ;' - - JEH8EY cow. Ju.l fresh, crrrn'r 6 gal. per day, test 9Te bHtter fat 234--Front, ft of Main. NICK big Hoktetn cow, freh with calf, milking 6H gallons per day. 234 Front ft. of .Main. tvo young fxesh cows, will consider beef cat- Ue in exchange. 420 82d st. near DiTision. FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow with 1 4 -day-old calf. Inquire 1483 Wall st " NICE gentle Jersey cow. young, extra rich milk. Walnut 4788. WAITED BEEF, VEAL AND HOGS ' TABOR 7832. 'f4r.SU cows. 3Jr5ejs, $55 each. Is Stockyard.. Hansen. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 HOW LONG bar yon been trying to get rati quality- in Rhode Island Redsf . If yea bar not been able to. do so, it is because you bate not yet tried RHODE ISLAND JUED FARM. INO. ' Our commercial breeders were awarded aa follows: Fiset -Old pen. Flrs--Toung pan. " First -Cockerel. First Pallet ' Third Old bea. At th Western winter show now being held in connection with, the Livestock show. Our special mating this season will in clude the first -cockerel in standard exhibi , tiosi class, also of this show, which will head our first pen. We are booking orders now for baby rhfe'ks and hatching eggs for lata fall and aprinr delivery. Send for catalog. - RHODE ISLAND RED FARM. INC.. Rout , Boa 202. Portland, Or. - TANCRED PULLETS LATINO TOO Whit - Leghorn pullets, of which 60 7 an laying front a mating of Tine red hens and Hollywood cockerels. These pul lets were raised by one of th best White Lghora breeders in the atata. See them at our store. Portland Seed Co.. 180 Front at Eaat 2171. D OV "OREGON 'S BEST AT . REA DiDl SONABLE PRICES. ' Leghorns, fHIY Reds. Anconas. Black Minorca, llfl. Barred Rock, White Rocks. C. N. NEEDHAM, SALEM. OR. J 00 HOG AN IZ ED White Leghorn yearling hens, 75c each; White Leghorn pallets, be ginning to lay, 31 each: Barred Rock and R. I. Red pullets, almost full grown, 81 to ; 81.25 each. J. R. M ami re. 78 T Oregon. FANCY White Leghorn pullata. laying. $1.25 . each. Portland Ptt Stock Store, FirM nod . 'W'Ah-' S". - - '- - ; FOl'E Flemish Giant doea. $2.60 apiece; 8 rabbit. 3 months oid. 60. each. Also . hutches. CaU Ant. 618-87. ' FOR SALE 200 bea utiful Rhode Island Red . pullets.rO to 8 month eld. Phone Belk 243 S. t'QR SaIe Fine ssrge tnctibator. Lee Kir chem. Oregon City, Ore. PETSi pOC BIRDS, ET& 703 TRAINED SINGERS AND ROLLERS Select your bird now for Christmas, whilg we nat a big stock to choose from; also n large supply of Hendryx bird cage at re. enable prices.. Buy from av reliable house. 31 years in Portland.- Ask for special mixed Diamond Brand bird seed, 3 lb, fee 25- Poniasd Seed Co., 180 Fronts East FOX TERRIER. Coliie ' AiroaJeT Spils." herd, fioand and Toy Fox Terrier mrrvs at Portlatul Pet &Uck Store. First and Wash- uigton sm. CHESAPEAKE BAT retriever pups, 2 to $ month old; registered cock. .. 1. B. Hae - gnire. far Oregon. ' . : -BIRD HOSPITAL. , ' Bird - treated by bird pecialist Madison." nr. Front st . - 180 8T. ANDREA&BE&O roUer canaries from irn - ported Oerman stock; als parrot. .840 Nekaiem are. Bell. 1520. - - - FOR SALE Faxes, fully pedigreed and re ' istered. sfieer black; buy the . best ; Read - Bros.. Bothwon. Ontario. " - ': REGISTERED coiii at stud. ' Walnut U31 ft. : S-262. Jenmal. . male Airedale puppies. S month old. reg tsteted. 9123 Foster road. t IOI BUCK ANDTAN FEMALE " month old, cheap. 832 F 11th st H BEAUTIFUL sinsing canaries; u' raaraEte3 or money rernnaeo:. isg Wadlwn. nr. Front ALL breed of dog. 183 Madison, nr. Front AUTOMOBFI F5 ' FOR SALE 800 . FIRST CLASS Chevrolet $283 cash, been ram am gs nio, ,71 k. Warraoa. 1921 Ford sedan., fine nMchanical alttMk ooi rubber, 3450. Call Empire 1752. ' NEW STYLE Ford touring bodv. WiU take old style iwedy a pswt peywienfe Emrnre IT 6a, PODGE murine. m.;wt Tirinant condi- Sood nOtbex. $473. Eouiire 1487. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 03 November 1st to 18th - Starting Ko. 1 b4' eontfaining natfl the 16th of Not. the (uQ owing ear will ba offered at the price and term l noted be low, and la addition. We will gire am tncor aace policy to- caca buyer: - ' 1821 Telie ( pa., 8750. 1150 dowa, S50 ' month, -i j . . 1818 Cadillac, T pars... $828, $200 down. $63. 60 nontJa. 1018 Baick 6 Mat. $550. $150 dow. - "$40 month. - ' 11 Oldsmobtk eyU pass.. $560. 8150 -down. 840 month. ... 1818 OldsmobO 8. $450. $100 down. $35 month. 181$ Nash 6-pas.. $700, $208 down. $60 moath. .- - 1820 Oakland madster, $850. flSO alown. : $40 aaoTtn. 1819 Oakland tooriac. $450. $100 down. $36 asontn, ' 1820 Btat , roadster. $1600. $400 daw. $120 moBLO. 181$ Bairi 7 pass., $876, $178 down. $40 month. ."-::;: 1818 fctudabaker T-paas., $250. $50 down. $20 m-t 181$ Dodge sedan, $$00, $1S0 down. $45 monUi. 1910 Apperson Sport. $850, $200 down. $65 month. 1918 Apparson. disk wheels, $550. 9160 down, $40 month. Portland Motor Car Co. lOta and BumsJde, . Bdwy. , 821. S25125125 (November) Fords4: Month- ' ETeTiDody H helping us. Ntae orders booked at 10:30 today. Watch got Bay now before, price sxfraace. FORDS lowest -in history. They may adranc. but never can go tower; 25 special bargain- in used Fords. From, $75 np. Coupes, gedana, tourings, roadsters, Serrice fifHwith e used ear. "Let's Go." WtLEIAM I HTTGHSON CO., . Oldest and Largest Ford Dealers. BILL STONES, MGR., Broadway ami Dam. Bdwy. 0321. KOTEMBER ITS 125 125 Month' Month Month Condit & Conser Co. Grand are. and E. Coach. East 6747. Will guarantee these can and (ire terms. 1921 CherroJet tearing with cord tires and other extras; will seen ice for $325 and gir terms., 1921 Font tearing in excellent shape throughout, cord tires, demountable rims, starter and other extras; will aacnfica for $325. 1 821 Chevrolet touring, curtains with doors, spotlight, 5 new tires and .extras, $350. open other m,K?.7ui mis PREMIER -1052 model passenger. T axtra tires, two spotlights, sunshade, rear -view .mirror, automatic -rajnawipe. double bump er, heater in tonneau, 80 per cent new- Only $1800. , A. C. STETEXS. Bdwy. 1614. S28 Washington st. REAL VALUE Studebaker six touring, in tip-top con dition, good top, good tires and rust re painted. Will take 850 down. hlnc on terms. East 2680. 354 .. Broadway near t mo a. 1 IAWSON AVtO CO. LATE UTTPMOBiLE. 8750 . Weatinghoaa ahorks, cord tare. wirv wheels. , m. Ligoi r ew t ar. , 5 Days' Free Trial. ERALEY. ORAHA3C A finrr.n. Bnrnaide. cor. 11th. Broadway 8S8j 1 HAVE a new 1923 Columbia, lieht ft tour. ing. run Jens than 500 miles, fully equipped - and perfect in every way. On- account of financial reverses wilt tell my equity at big sacrifice. H-l 50, Journal. , FREE 6jIAts TRIAL $445 1921 FORD SEDAN Cannot be told from iew. BEATS? OBAHAM It CH1LD8. lac 41m bt. at jturnside . IWi FOHD touring ear, bought new 2th day of May; it to in the best of condition, has : speedometer. daahUght. deraxrantAble rims, : self starter and good rubber, for $37$, with "SsTF terms. naiai, suae tMOS FREE 5 DATS TRIAL' " ' $260 1919 MODEL $0 OVERLAND Good tires and top, A-l mechanically. BRA LET, GRAHAM CHILD, Inc. ' 11th st at Bumtide 1921 CHEVROLET Will give aomeone m very good deal on this, car; extras, license and good tires, fae- "Tj iinun. call Mam ona. room 816, FREE 5 DATS TRIAL $1$ 1918-14 CADILLAC TQCB., 7 PASS. hulm. UKsiua childs, inc. ' 11th st at Burnside BUICK roadster with small delivery body; good running oroer, just pain tea : good rubber. 1922 license, $50 down, $10 per month. Aovarer ee.iv. - FREE ' 6 DATS TRIAL 8225 DOOGB TOTTRrxn BBALET, GRAHAM m CHILDS. Inc. iiu sx. as jfurnside tuau lasnnf reduced $5 each day until soid; started at $370; price today is $355. Armentrent-Wicke Motor Co.. 82d ana roster ra. X-l ) - - - uusvkolbt tounng, ran 1200 mile. Some extras. Will sacrifice for cash or trade in iignr car. iiuaxaixee wtu car. Mr. Fair East 0720. ' FREE 6 DATS TRY1L 8285 1820 CHEVOLET TOTTRING BRALET, GRAHAM . CHILDS, Inc. lit st a Burnside- CHEVROLET touring, at tuotie' x tnu and rjr?i t M car fvje gone, with waraa ana easy terms, jsau. 0856. , i . IfCST raise $120 at once. Will sell tbialOSO t . "-wiroi't souring, new paint, overhauled, -"and wfH - guarantee. Walnut $812, ero- '! xsoor ooy. 1921 FORD aedanT There, to nothing the maUer with the car. aa forced to tell. "d wiQ gitn tery easy term. Mate 8641 au tor Mr. rterain. I BOUGHT a eedea ChetroU Baby GranX lata '20, 4 new cert tires, excelleat cond? ??Sk OBS whbin reaaoa. ,Tbor FREE 6 DAYS .TRIAL 15 SAXON TOlTltlNG , BRAXEY. GRAHAM eV CHILDS. Inc. 11th at a KvmdiU FOR SALE ift ChetroW'VoadsUr. $e'(J! i'Ubiop ave. - Utaop ave. " 1920 FORi epea od".i!oditir wm mU cheap if taken that week, tery easy esc-a ansa. intu IWJ. ' r FORD coupe, tote "2a, need sheet time. Sio r- ; cotllno? Bd- kt.ST raise $l7i. tote moiii TUh. n wnwv.ww. .inew, S I J Atwater 4410. 1817 FORD, recently overUa'aled. A-l co0Z dttwn, a snap, 627 Kosetown tr Call after O p. at. . -. TAKE oaeof my conaigned Chevrolet tearing for '. Small eaan payment, Batosc eaey terrae. -E t 656S.- - r FOKD sedan otuy 60 day old: aeU at oBce"; 612-37 " ""cvaserg. jeiepnoae DODGE touring, took like new. Make "efie jut. wniu,, kv e, ear. trm - Bdwy. 91. eve. East 2418. PlERCE-ARROW or will tnd. fn real eetatts. Call East 4050. - DODGE ear. $330. Call at "914 E. Tarn hill we) see toe berrain : mm Ma.iee ttiea.- i$17, f ..paasetiger, cash. 'Sea car - These Are' Our':- Sale Prices ' . T0ena boy these GOOD cars ; t - at the lowest price ever Put est 3004 ' : seed ears. Special atle now on, 1917 Dodge touring' 42S 1918 Dort touring ........... 283 J 910 Nash touring ......... 393 ' 8 rude baker touring ..,' 210 1916 Mitchell tearing 95 1919 Mitchell tounng ....... 593 J918 Franklin touring ...... . 3150 ,1922 Jordan touring 180 '1019 Jordan touring ........ 830 1920 Chevrolet sedan .,.., 635 1920 Chevrolet touring ...... 346 . 1916 Mitchell roadster ...... 125 1919 Chevrolet tearing ..... . 333 1918 Oakland bug 280 . 1922 Mitchell touring ...... 1350 118 Wiiiys-Orerland ....... 43 191$ Max well touring 220 .1919 Briscoe tewing ....... 825 , 191T MitcneH toaring ...... 873 V 1921 Seripps-Bootn sedan ..,.1045 1919 MiteheU 6-passener .... 72S J918 Overland touring ...... 2t6 1920 Mitchell toaring ....... .933 1917 Grant sedan 896 1917 MaxweU toaring ....... 163 1920 Mitchell touring ...... 036 1918 Stnts touring ......... 119$ 1917 MitaheU touring ...... 374 1917 Mitchell touring -328 1918 Briscoe touring 2,0 1917 Mitchell touring ....... 226 EASY TERMS OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS DURING SALE Broadway At Everett st 40 Year in th Northwest BUY TOCR rSED CAB FROM COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY Are you a stxenger in the city? Hate won any REAL friend selling cars, who is able to tell yon the true condition of the ear yon want to buy 1 The most important thing you should consider, when purchasing a used car, is the RELIABILITY OF THE HOUSE FROM WHICH YOU BOY. Ton can't see the inside of the automobile yon are forced to depend 'Upon what, you are told. You CAN RELY upon ail statements made by any representatire -of this company. THINK THIS OVER! "ALWATii THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST TRICES. V COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY TWO .LOCATIONS: Main Plant, Washington St at 21st Plrorie Bdwy. 6244. Broadway Branch, 28-30 Broadway. We hava cars to take you from on place to th other. WHEN TOU BUY FROM VRANSON'S YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR 1917 Ford bng $125 1A17 Ford roadster 135 1918 Ford touring ....1 189 1919 Ford touring 195 1920 Ford touring, starter 250 1913 Chevrolet touring 125 117 Chevrolet touring 225 1917 Grant 6 touring 123 117 Dodge touring 250 1919 Dodge touring .. 485 1916 Hup 4, touring new top 185 1917 Hup. model N touring, overhauled 385 1918 Paige 6 touring 230 1920 Paige 6 touring 675 1917 Buick 6 coupe.' 895 1918 Buick 6 touring, overhauled. . 483 1920 Buick 6 touring, like new.... 700 1918 Chandlers chummy 450 1919 Chandler 6 coupe 675 1920 Chandler 6, touring .... 675 1919 NaaU 6 touring 675 1920 Olds 6 ton ring 643 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE Grand Are, and E. Main St CSED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS 1920 BUICK Car looks and to 90 new, $225 down, balance easy term 1921 BTJICK ROADSTER Best buy in city, $200 in extras, (300 down, balance easy terms. 1920 OAKLAND 0. our price only $875. easy terms. This ear worth $500 to anyone. 1910 STCDEBAKER- 4 This car will bear closest inspection and is n snap for someone, $200 down, balance terms. BRAND NEW NASH SEDAN No rea sons ble offer or trade refused. BUG, classiest in the city. Boys, look it over, only $250; easy term. NATIONAL SIX Powerful, snappy, eco nomic and a beauty, $200 down, balance easy. STCDEBAKER , thoroughly renewed, $200, on eay- terms. . . A pleasure to show our cars. Open ereninss. PACIFIC .MOTOR CO., Durant Dealers, 1 5th and Burnside. J. A. Randall, Used Car Manager. FIELDS MOTOR CAR COMPANY BROADWAY STORE BROADWAY AND COCCH STREETS ! First week sal make history 200 increased rated car sales Conditions and prices responsible Will continue Otis sale Buyer astounded at talus Come and be convinced Bring your mechanio Chaos and rid in year car Car and terms to fit purse We guarantee satisfaction Absolutely no misrepresentation Today's special a wonder 1920 Chevrolet reconditioned $290. Call Broadway 0240. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. BROADWAY STORE BROADWAY AND COPCH STS. 1 HAVE THE BEST ' 122 CHEVROLET THAT MONEY CAN BUT. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE WITH OVER $100 IN ACCESSORIES. ETC., MUST UNLOAD AT ONCE. CALL OR SEE R, S. M'CORD AT aHE OLDSMOBILE CO., BDWY. AND COUCH. BDWY. 2270. FREE 5 DAY8 TRIAL Winter Prices DODGE TOURING, ROADSTERS Come and be convinced, BRALEY, GRAHAM at CHILDS. Inc. iitn et. at Burruacie-' STOP INVESTIGATE Late 1920 touring, new paint 5 good tires and motor, in, dandy shape; need earn . cash, terms on balance. East 239. 334 xuast 15 roadway near union. -1 LAWSON AUTO CO: i WILL git you $10 dunng the winter for every prospect I or ui pnrciiSBa Of sa anto asobile that buy a new or used ear. Of course, if someone else has riven me the . name first this would not apply. Have the - e selling quality sua popular priced auto- moone on m marxet. f.ast sale. 1922 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET SEDAN' Current aaodel 5 -pass, sedan. Car anb . Ject to most rigid. Inspection. Financial eir- cumsuaee force as to eil this ear at nrtr. . Cash offer will recelt ertc eonsfctora- won. . vi tu give term to raeponslhi narty. PhoAe Mrs. Lewis, Walnut 3145. - . TRADE . Ford trmrirrr. lata 12$. snrti m. tiv. ' Ing wheel and speedometer; mr ased ant i i wn, , . .... . ! . ikuis, niu nue ota sore toarmg or road' J.'atr itt trade. Telephone 638-46. ... FREE DAYS TRIAL $500 DODGE LATE MODEL TOCRIXO . 8 days' free trial. - . . - BRALEY. GRAHAM CHILDS, Inc. -11th et at Bnrne LATK. MODEL 5 PA8.-J. SEDAN ', At k big - bergasay in finest ef msrhsakil condition - and can MU on easy torma. rbo?,,-l,b;. '7 7 taoraior before o'eteek aswl in th evenin .rtee 1 i OVERLAND touring, good tires, new pamZ in A-l condition; look aad run lik- East Broadway, near Union. . LAWSON AUTO CO ? - 1821 FORD TOURING - " Car to in first etoa condition, bea shock ar. spotlit bV-rtra trraTipeedoatetsr; ttosbnghk, Ueeneet looka tike new, factory finish. .Call Mam 0691. Js-k Bchfeler FREE 5 DAYS Tliar. $176 FORD TOURING Starter type. HRALaiX, O HA HAM at --'MILI, JJtg. llta st at Burnside BARGAIN LATE MODEL BUICiL. - Tiu car is in first clam condition and has a good finish and all good tires: 'trill sell on easy terms. Phone East 1962. 1920 FORD coupe, good condition. $375: f'aw terse Eee-w4r .- : ;T . AUTOMODUXSrORSALE 800 vjawennswskBe"B"pBvt GUARANTEED CSf I CARS EASY- TERMS NO BROKERAGE 4-paa. model 41 Cadiltoe. iike new, $809 Series 4 Atereer. 4-paas. ........ 1750 . Templar. 4-paaa, rponett. ... . . 1500 Templar, fl pass, toaring . -. . . . 900 . Haynes, 5 -pass., good hap. ...... 1000 . emptor, racing oar; if yon want speed f - see , this ear- -. j ..... ... .'1600 . . McCARLET UOTOB CO. 62 Cornea St - Main 3061. FREE S DAYS TRIAL . - j. $160 FORD BUG ' Besvbuy ra Portland - BRALET. GRAHAM CHILDS, Inc. llta t -'-at Burnside VEI.I3 light six toaring, excellent condiuou. - $270. $30 cash, easy payments. Tabor 5205 cvenier. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES 801 Radiator ' - Special ists ' Body 'and fender re pairing. ' top and paint. sag.-. .. , : "Burness . Auto: Works 12th and Everett. m. B. FISCH : Radiators, fenders, bodies, boods, tanks, repaired and re modeled: auto abeet metal work specialty. 105-OT W. lStn st Phone Broetrway 2290 THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM bike th kinks out while yon wait; repairs radiator and bodies; Lib erty radiator eorea for all type of cars in stock. Phone Broadway $214, 0 H. XI st. near Burnside. FIRST class auto painting and repairing; beat equipped shop on east side; all work guar, anteed. Auto Repair eV Paint Shop, 343 Vancouver ate, 1 Mk. off Bdwy. E. 4136. CSED TOPS Touring, roadster, bug. truck top. Sev eral to pick from. B. B. Body at - Top Works, 345 Williams. 30x8 H CORD tires, guaranteed 10.000 Utiles, $10.96. Vulcanising; guaranteed work. t Grabier Bros., 210 4th at Mam 1853. A4-A i u 'At0 a-ua,t X VJU& ,t reasonable prieea. 325 oajniou t. , oecween vim ana grwawty. 1'UKD block, crankshaft and pistoas for sale. Reasonable.: 267 lth st f WANTED Ford top, body and State price. XX-229. Journal. wirtdsliield, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 802 FORD CHAIN DRIVE TRUCK 1N GO0D RUNNING CONDITION $125 windshield p m Ford worm drive late model with eab and windshield . . .$175 Republic 1 ton on pneumatic tire with express body 800 Whit 1 y, ton on pneumatic tires with cab and body. .. 750 Republic 2 ton, completely ' over hauled late model 1350 Kleiner 8 V4 ton, in excellent condi tion, run about 9 months 1500 Standard 6 ton, in fine shape, ready for the road ..1750 ROBERTS MOTOR CAB CO., Park and Everest Sta. Bdwy. 1369 LIGHT DELIVERY A BARGAIN Four-cylinder Apperson delivery. Good rubber and In good mechanical condition. This is a bargain for some one that wants a let of good serrice cheap. 1661 Greeley st Phone Wat 6853. CHEAP TRUCKS Federal Wintber-Sterbog, Standard. White. Republic and many others, any size, any price, any term. Phone Jensen. .Bdwy. 0691. Evenings East 2418. REPUBLIC 3 V4 ton truck, in fine 8hpe,wi3 trade for a real good lot or 34 acre close in. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Evening East 2418. - FOR SALE or trad. SH-ton track, $600, and 2 ton 4-wbeei trailer, $100. 1500 Kaufman, Vancouver, Wash. , Phon 204 or 860 J. evenings. REPUBLIC 1 H TON $300 BRALET. GRAHAM tc CHILD, INC. 11th at Bnmskle - PIERCE-ARROW 2 ton. cheapest yon ever heard of. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691. Eve ning Esst 2418. 1919 DODGE PANEL $650 BRALET. GRAHAM A. CHILD, IXC. 11th St. at Burnside FORD 1 ton worm drive truck in running condition. A snap at 375. Empire 1732. DODGE .DELIVERY -2aa BRALET. GRAHAM A CHILD. INC. 1 rtk n.iH,.:. I WANT a Ford aa first payment en my 2-ton truck in good condition. Auto. 647-45. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 803 FOR MOTORCtCLES OR BICYCLES NEW OR USED SEE US Goods right Prices right, terms right INDIAN MOTORCYCLE A BICYCLE CO.. 209 Third st MOTORCTCLES. bicycles snd supplies. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 UKAJiD AVE. LATE model motorcycle cheap at your own terms. $35 down,' 209 3d at - j AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 804 ! FORD bands lined, $2: special prieea on U r ora work, with guarantee. Albina Garage, Walnut 6646. - CYLINDERS rebored, $2.5t each, in most cars, without removing; work guaranteed. Walnut 2352. 143 E. KUHngsworth. AUTOS repaired at your home or my private shop with guarantee.. Tabor 5063. AUTO STAGE LINES 805 IF YOU want an experienced mecbama - to work on your tar for 75c per hour call Tabor 8147 or 22 K. 50th st N., eor. Burnmde. . AUTOS FOR HIRE 806 AUTOS FOR HIRE WiTHOClT DRIVERS CITY GARAGE 182 12 th St Broadway 840. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 850 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. INVESTIGATE W'e are in a nosition to renaint. wtm. overhaul snotors and recondition yont car - ana seu xne same st no onuay to you. Caa or write for our quick selling plan. . LAWSON AUTO CO., 8S4 E. Broadway. fajj 230 WILL pay CASH FOR FORDS. CHEVRO LETS AND OVERLAND FOURS. 10 iuju A&. w., eor. East Bumeide. CABS wanted to wreck; part for all ears, for less. 8. sV 8. Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th at . nsagr, proa q way - , - WE TEAR. 'Eii UP and sell the pieces. Port land Ant Wreckieg Co.. 631 Alder. (Mat 17th. Broadway 6254. Mail order, filled. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 900 2 MEN'S food suits and on overcoat Size 42 stout, scarcely worn, cheap, Aut 516-77. 192 12th- at. - IVORY finish, dreasmg table and bed. high grade,, new. also wicker sulky, almost new. ceaeonaote, aj toa street, moor 4IZ. STOVSS and roxnaeea repaired. Hot . water heaters totalled. eoo jbt 1 East 0th, Phone East 3018. An'LES--Sf)iteri bergs, Newtows . smd leys from White Salmon valley. " at 65o a box; bring containers. 2883 71st st. 8. E POTATOES 35e sack. Bring sack and dig them or dig for: one-third... Mock farm. Willamette, bird. . :. v- - . . - . . FOR SALE Slightly used 2 -piece sink and wash , tray, cempisto, $15. Phone -Tabot PLAYER " PIANO. " Sft-not. Cameron walnal case, in good eoeAition. Price $275. Tabor 644T. ' '- - ' - '- - - V-il' OB TFNTAL. PEARLS 6$-.. ? Any shade. 'Call Tabor 869$. FOR - RENT Electric tncTJnm cfchrs. 754 a day, delivered Tabor 8581. - GET your furnao properly cleaned and over hauled; don't wit Call Leonajd. E. T608. SHINGLES Very good , grade, for siei3 OoucO streernoca. SVR SALE Qeaned, second hand bricks, "Tfl ,eer tnonsanu. - imaar - EOR fruit tree, wataiuts and evergreen shrubs. BEUNING and alterations a spec tally. Tabor 4oT or i. FOHSALE Tto oouLrkcrs lor drag or officer 5 First st- 4J. ; X FORD, ton truck, aiao Bnggs wooosaw attach- ment and Iscense. 65S Powell st FOR ' SALE Oak" dinirig room table, - $20. Tabor .7147- 7JN IV E AI. cast-irrv a ranre, nice warnaiug eten.; tii.'. Tsi 67$?. ""Good contSikin. , fou saix rjcixAxr:ous soo DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT Th proof of Mf extreme low price on ' - dmmendk - a -maintained in err money beck . agreement, in which we agree to re-purchase - for ceah at full amount ef sale price (toss - 15 per erst for- selling expense,- rent etc) any diamond' purchased front ua with ear money-back guarantee, f We also agree to -make full eiiowanc if .job tnata to make exchange. - Better Diamonds at Lower Prices. . ZELL BROS. A CO. ! The Leadinr Dtomond Brokers in the City. 283 Washington St. near 4dt. SEWINQ MACHINE - EMPORIUM - Machines sold for leasl If - agents employed. Guars ateed taaed machines cheap.; Parte and ro- - firing for all make. Machines rented. Main 9431. 1.90 3d, near-Taylor St SHOWCASES NEW AND USED SCALES. - TOTJNTAINS. CASH REGISTERS. FULL LINE STORE FCXTDRES. BOXER TRADING CO.. 129 FIRST ST.. NEAR ' WASH. BDWY. 7438. ; BIG SALE OFFICE- FURNTTTJEE OUR BIG ' SALE 4r LAST WEEK WILL BE ON FOR A FEW DATS MORE ;RATCjiT' OPPORTUNITT FOR YEARS .TO EQUIP YOUR OFFICE. COMPLETELY OR BUY THE SINGLE KCE YOU HAVE NEEDED FOR SO LONl. DESKS, , HAIRS, TABLES. FILING EQUIP. AT COST AND LESS. Ti. C WAX. 24-3$ N. 5th. BDWY. 2739. WHY WE SELL DIAMONDS FOR LfcgS Through our loan aad dtomond brokerage department we buy bargains and aell bar gains, in many instance the price to below wholesale. Think what this saving means to you. Let n convince yon. " ZELL BROS. V CO. - The, Leading Diamond Broker ia th City. 283 Washington St near 4ta St LATEST drophead Singers, Whites, New Homes, $18 to $30. All other makes $12 to $22, strictly guaranteed. RENTALS $3 month. We repair all makes, - ' n SINGER STORE, 193 4th tt. at Taylor. Main 6833. LIST YOUR DIAMONDS WITH US ' We bate a waiting list of diamond buy ers if price is rights or we'll buy them out right. Private office. Business confidential. ZELL BROS. & CO? The Leading Diamond Brokers in the Cityi 283 Washington St. near 4th St ELECTRICAL BEPATJIISG Authorized serrice station for Hamilton Beach appliances and Royal vacuum clean ers. We repair all make of rrona, heaters, toasters, curling irons, etc Hynsoa Elcctrie Co.. 62 6th st Broadway 4293. Speeial tets (n electrical repairing. - WE SAVE YOl7 MONEY Hons wiriag, lighting fixtures, and electrical reiiring. supplies. Third Street Electrio Store 224 Vk 3d at, near Salmon Main 606 CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factor, to Tour home. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid cop-' per trimmings; latest designs. Write :or catalogue. I. W. BIGGINS 4s SON 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN TABOR 808 9 WE HAVE th largest stock of used sewing machines, in the city. Compar prices. W rent and re pair. 172 3d. near Yamhill LEAKY ROOF. KHi Very aggravating. deed! Why not a comfortable and pen -v ent rooff We repair. RUBBER-BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, eracxea. weather-beaten, deteriorated and disintegrat ed, old. leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phon Broadway 5958. Cider and Apples Pure apple cider made daily. Apples, all kinds. $1 to $1.50 per box. We deliver. Columbia, boulevard and Portsmouth avenue. Empire 1722. - ' FURXACR BARGAIN I hava for aale a Toledo ox furnace, rood as new that cost 365. I will sell it for $22.50. Mr. Builder, this is your chance to buy a furnace cheap. Call Compt. sui 326-03 ; Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 41 side. cor. 10th. Broadway 6674 ELECTRIC FIXTURES at .wholesale ; 1 -light chain, 70c; 3 -light fixtures, 83.75: porch lights, 90c t we do electric wiring. Reliable Electric, 542 Union ate. ice Aut 610-44. Esst 3686. ' 10 DROPHEAD sewing macutne with attach menu. . $20 each; portable electric msehine lor rent; sewing machines cleanea aad re paired. E. B. S teen. 152 Grand at. E. 2359. GAS ENGINE for sale. Stover. 6, h. p. hopper copied. In first class condition. Used about one month for irrigating. Price $150. Box 27S. Route A, GreslMm, Or. On Section Line roaa. Phone 65A1.- OONCORD grapes. 4c. lb. on tine: large ouan tity if wanted. Apples 05c box. . Bring con tainers. 40th snd King, Milwaukie. Turn east on Harrison, follow main traveled road to utn. TJfcLfc. JOURNAL has 14 brasoolite lamp" fix , tures, complete and in good order, carrying any lamp up to 200 watt, for aale. Come and aee them at The Oregon Journal build- tng, ask for George N. Hamilton, Supt SEWING MACHINES, Easy terms. Latest ctoo- it r .... SB 83 mo. Motors. Parts. STORE 166 WEST PARK. ATWATER 721 BLACK FIGS 25-lb. boxes, new crop, special, $4.: Mail orders invited. COWLEY'S GROCERY 213 FOURTH ST. FUR TRIMMINGS collars, cuffs Furs re- s tiled, repaired to order. THE ICS SHOP 406' Morrison Bdwy. 4022 AUTOMOBILES, . LAUNCHES, HOTORCY CLES or boats are separate classiflcaUona a large listing will be found under the nflerent elamifiesQons. uvup second nana suung, ceimg, fioormit ana atmenston, lo. 1 bath tnb, gink and doer end windows on Job st 3d aad Haw- wiorae or call Tsbor SOW after- 6 o. m. EXECTRIO fixtures, suppliies. lowest prioe ever heard of. Send for big illustrated but ton to stantoy Luts, Chamber of Commerce omg., Portland. Or. 1.25 A ROLL ' Roofing paper, aU grade and prices. Now is ue. time to protect your leaky root and sate money. Paint Market 227 Alder st NOW" 8 the time to get your potatoes. 80 sack her In City. Big bam aa Mock's tana. v Ulamatte civu. GET ONE this week at the wholesale prioa, . i vjljc x cut neuaxwtJ Aatiskua, ' 6th Floor, Raleigh Bldg. Bdwy. 8840. CASH- registers, aad computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired, 20 Stark st : . . . . i , . ... - - iwiwera w anasq st. oroaqway I Odt. ITALIAN PRUNES 100 LBS.. $4.95; 15 LBS., $1.09, COWLEY'S GROCERY. 213 4th St "CLA8SY" CLOTHES FOR WOMEN Prices . tery. tow, slightly nsed. A calj win cmiTiai,. x-rTte- part. nqwy, ele. DRESSMAKER HASS NEW CHILDREN'S .UIEBWWIB, O AAU IKS., 47 AND 88. nrirvn, qi aa MRS. GOGO, LADIES' FURRIEivr" Furs repaired and remodelecL E. 19th st N. Waitrot $027. 1068 CHOICE white, smooth Burbank '-potatoes ' for - winter use; over 5 sacks deHtered $1.16. 110 Iba. 73 E. 16th st Enet 0858. ' WAYNE 2-gal. gasoline pump with 280-gaL tank: rjw; Mil cheap,. Aut $25-08. 1483 ; Sfekiyou. - . " . --- ' FOR SALE -4 beater hides, suitable lot isearf or coat- 1500 Katrfman are., Van tjonttr. Wash, :f Phone 360 -J. eteainx. OREGON champion geoesDerry plants. 2 rear Bb vuu per iwv. - aweiaioSRk fci "X. Porfl-nd. Tabor 223T. POTATOES Fine grade Borneo; excellent eooKexs. ex sku, mmencan gn Mia CVIIk. , 3 O'J. tasT--M aA -a mm.M ' - EauGllSv COLE'S hot-blast heater, like -new. to board sna yip,. ej. ania are., ,peu, HIS. BOOF painter' outfit, ladder, lacks, xtaint and pmsbes. Tsbof 9083. - FOR SALE A new 12-gaug Remington pumB - arnn cheep- Wsl 8430. TTT" U vacuum cleaner. TfATiuTT o ... tjt .TcwiT-tj. x-.. car. . K . . ' O M h . FOR SALJir Silver Universal ro, Aa good 'a new. 842 E. Lombard st. . -. WONDEBFTL VALUSo Ld,' nseV appskwi of all kinds in a home. Tabor 282 5. LARGE Charter Oak beater, pip complete : - good ss sw, $20. . 040 K.' Heyt aay tias. 8-STONB diamond 'sacrifice lor $60. Ant J 16-61. , - K NP.CQ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SCO! POORS, windows, eupboard doom, flour bins, .m vmw . wjtas RMwi, -wuv svacpoa our odd - Rock ef aaah and doors for price. I. B. Scully Co.. downtown lumber at ore, 171 FRONT ST.. bet -Morrison and lam hilL Main 4213. - CHRISTMAS CUT SUGGESTIONS 900-A GIVE HER A DIAMOND FOR XMAS -We now have on hand snme excellent bargains in diamonds and a ooaaplet - line ef high grade jewelry at price yon can afford. -Look -around' first, the some u and be conrioced. ' ZELL. BROS.- V CO.. 88$ Washington sf. wear 4th rt. CSEFUti gilts for friend'a auto; Robes, spot light mirrors, . auotoraeter, wiisdsbieid ' cleaners, - bttmpers. radiator caps. - ecieen. step Plates, skid chains, driving glotes. OEXERAL AVTO BVeflZ , W- . Broad---wy at tjewen.--- V JEWELRY For him, cuff links, pencil, knives, charms. For her.- ring, wrist watches, necklace. STAPLES WATCH SHOP. 461 Washington st, near 13th st START paying now on a Columbia bicycle, ve locipede, sheepskin coat, glove, puttee or Harley Datidec'n nsotorctela and bate it laid aside for Xmaa delivery.. Easy terms. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 200 3d si A KIMBALL phonograph, piano, player piano make a lasting aipreciatod gift for Xma. Special prices, easy tems. McCormick Mnsio Co.. Bdwy. 1750. 431 Wsh. st GIFTS in embroideries, lace and paintings at reduced prices. Order wsnted. 493 Waah. sfc ORDER your Fmd for Ema delitery. WM. L. It UGH SON CO.. Broadway at Datls. M.iEE Xmaa cheery for deaiie with Futd se dn. Robvoson Smith. 6th and Madison. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 901 $10 CASH, $5. $0 OB MORS MONTHLY buys a, $475 piano, need, for $195. and 1921 model for $295. or a $875 player Ptono, used, for $895, aad 1921 model Tor $495, $13 easn, $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory : clear ance sale .right here in Portland at Bchwan Piano Co., 101 10th at Vis.: $550 J. C. Fiat her upright ....... $S J $475 Estey m Co. upright........ 2ff BOO Steinway sV Sons upright . . . . . $95 $575 Enversoa upright ........... 295 - $750 Weiier player 895 $900 Thompson player j .4. 495 Security Storage Co., closing out: $295 Hard A Co. upright cash. . : . .$ 1 $375 Hallet A Davie upright cash, t 1 $575 Howard upright cash SIS (650 Bangalow player piano ...... $275 Pianola player . . . . .... ' (Including 86 playar rolte) ' ' $100 Scboeninger organ, walnut $ $113 A. B. Chase organ, walnut . . . . 8a 103 10th at.. Cor. Shark St PHONOGRAPH SALE $ 32.50 Columbia. $20; $5 casb, $2 mo. $ 60 Honor. $30; $5 cash, 2 monthly. $125 Columbia, $73; $3 ceah. $9 asonthly. $165 Btraditara. $S6; $5 cash, $4 monthly. $150 Victroto, $115, $6 easn, $4 BHmUUy. $260 Brunswick, $185; $5 cash. $3 month. SOHWAN PIANO CO.. Corner 10th and Stark Sts. PAY AS LITTLE AS WHEN RENTING $10 Cash and $6 to $7 a Month W nee lock, mahogany ,......$193 Willard, walnut 105 Haxelton Bros., mshogany ......... Kimball, large $43 Cable A Co., walnut 265 B.i us A Co., mahogany .... 245 Kimball: ebony 265 Smith A Banwi. nulutsuiv ..... 295 A. B. Chase player piano '495, (ISO player rolls included) LIPMAN. WOLFE et CO., -Fifth and Washington Sta. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS - Victrola style IX mahogany case $55 Victrola. style IX, mahogany case .... 50 Columbia, table model, best condition.. 75 Cremona, mahogany case, with records. . 63 Columbia, like new, oak case.;..... 60 And" Other Terms Svlven. SElBERLlNG-LTJCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St., Bet Wash, and Alder." FIVE GRAND PIANOS CHEAP Why pay a big price for a grand! We hate arreral of America' best makes, some brand new, none oteri $700. Value on used ones no to $2200 new: also a Stein -ivsy and a, fine A. B. Chase. Make an offer. Terins. 312 Worcester bldg. GOOD PIANOS Kinrrtmrr. fine shsne ......$187 Hamilton (oak) , tike new $200 Harold S. Gilbert. 10T West Park, near Washington. Player roll exchange. WHY not buy a suod piano cheap 1 You can if you go to the Brokerage Co., 812 Wor cester bldg. Hundred of piano are sold mere at wonderful bargains; terms. The Music Shop Stage Terminal bldg.. 854 YamhUI st Main 4771. USE good common sense and save hundred of dollars in, buymg a fine grand piano. Several to pick from at 812 Worcester biog. Terms gitern. FORCED to mote; sell out under price 3 pianos, phonograph, violins, guitars, man dolin, aecordeons, j records. Com and make offer. 254 Market st $730-- GENUINE Bueh A Lana iiiano. totest See : if you can tell them from ntw ones uptown. Onr price, about : terms. 812 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak, CLOSING out a lot of Edison. Columbia agd victor wi u jHwuuKnua, f, .cats sua np. 357 Ankeny st, near Bdwy. $2.50 PER MO. rents phonograph. Lte rec ords. Empire Transfer Co., 145 11th St rtrtwy. OJtoa. 30 PIANOS, $100 to $205 each. America's best makes: terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak. I PAY casb for used pianos and player rolls. tiaroid ct. feUDert, 1U7 west Park, near waenington. ttno repaires, rented, sold. 10 PIANOS, $115 to $200; many fine stsnd rd makes: Terms. 812 Worcester bldg. $650 IVERS &-POND piano, good upright; ; serma. a lit worceiiter mug. STEIN WAY. like new, make offer. 312 Wor- cester bldg., aa and Oak sts. $500 R. .S. HOWARD, $233; terms. $12 Worcester bldg. 3d and Oak. ' EMERSON, wonderful tone, mahogany. $200. 3 12 Worcester bldt.f 3d and Oak its. PHONOGRAPH repairing, spring 20e ap; ptrte wnoieaaie a no retail, peg wasn.- nowy. XU44, WANTED Good used piano for cash. Rroad- way 1548. before 0 p. m. 1 MUST sell my Fisher piano for $160 cash. Auto 818-88. $350 LATEST Thompson piano, $225; $35 down, sia.ou a montn, ia Worcester bidg. WANT to buy piaaor 9055. Caa pay canh. East SHUBERT upright grand, pUua ease, $235; tcrmt bi vtorcestay piag., aa ana oat. NICE toned piano for rent 14$ 18th st Bdwy. zooo. . . . KIMBAI.I. piano, fine condition, $165; term. 9 Worcester tuog., od and UaJt. t HOUSEHOLD GOODS 902 FTJRNTTUBE FROM TxtE DIBOTNTTIfTJED Oregon :fiotel Annex " On' Sato Neiw - 92 Broadway, Nr. Stark Across From Oregon Hotel BRASS FILLED-BEDS ......... t . . ,'$ 0 COIL SPRINGS ....$ S 40 LB. GRET CUKLED HAIB MATTREeS . ..... . . . . . .,$12 ENAMELED DRESSERS ....$17 GENUINE LEATHER TURKISH n ROCKERS .......i..;. ....... .r. . $25 RUGS CHAIRS MORRIS CHAIRS LIBRARY TABLES FOLD BEDS DESKS - And Many Other Item 2 BROADWAY, NEAR STARK BELL AUCTION CO. 421 E. Morrison st, near Grand ate. - WiU eU a full line of bowse hold aeds.-'-Tues. day. Nor, 14, 7:30 p. at, also Friday, Mot. 17. 2-$0 p. am.. . . -t -, - No. IS, kt 2 P. a., trfll aTI entire fw nishiegs of 7 room hons at 407 E. - Taylor st., eoDidstint of htlng room sef tuning room set, 4 complete bedroom arts, 0-faof Monarch range ,i nearly new) wills coils and reservoir, also 1 small range. Kitchen tjnean, . kitchen, ntensito and dish. Everything gas n reserve.' W .bny, set) and exchange household goods. 'Phone East 2617. . , - - , STORAGE SALS' ' 3ooda aaerifieed tor stbraasi - and lean charges. : Cavstetiflc - - farm tare. aoavtshnij ood. jewing raerhtnet, (bhee, piano, pheti era nik a. vaejunre cleaner. aaoMs. , ahlca- ia. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO- 4th at Pin St.. Opt, aftUtttomah betel. MUT SKLL Ivory bedroom set sestienal rjokc, ustenport, ran grid piano. 1033 Schuyler af .- "'"'.:.:;-.:; - ;':- ";- -, BEDROOM set, 8 , rug, tea wagon. 8 -piece otemtnlleSl snit. Ouung room act.-: 404 Coiiere at. aer lta-- " LIGHT oak (ami tore, either by piec or iuC 202 Mayor Apt. 603 H Union ate. N. - I BEDROOM SETS, dining and living room sets, rnre.- ftesgng etote. . Walaiit .1677. BED springs, mattresses, dining' table. low price. Tabor Z11 evenings. . 1S2 7 Halsey. OR SALE Oak diiung cootn table. $20. Tabor 7747. 1 LARGE - $100 Arcs-lie, rano,. $40. 62d a vs. S. Jw 0A DINING BOOM SET. WALXCT 6I0I.' HOUSEHOLD GOODS 6C2 j AIKT1GHT heater with nip. $3.50, electric mot Mu. vowu t.o. i.irnca caairs, gaa beatins plant, eto. $21 Margwente. Tabee aza. OVERSTUFFED living room act, walnut din . - Ing room set. mahogany grafotiola, rura. rocker, bedroom furniture, f Walnut 6389. j FOR SALE OR RENT TYPEWRITERS 90S ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 86 to 75 pet eeat below manufacturer's prices; TERMS $3 monthly if desired. LATE MODELS RENTED. S month $7.60 on, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER OO.V " $21 Wa-bmgton St - Broadway T48t. REBUILT typewriter. aU kinds, for aale. reat, . exehaage- - We are exehwv , aUstribntom ef Corona peetable, $60 eoaplese wttbt carry ing -ease.- Sappho 4 nparrs tor ail make. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 Fiftk at Brced way 7169.- ' ' ' T "Bebuat GCARA.MtEED TTPEW&ITEEi " " ! - All Makes . CAB1X 124 FOTJBTH ST, -L PAYMENTS ' DOANE'S. REPAIRING a specialty, eattsaatea, renuUs buy, sail. ex. ; sd machine repaired. ."Type writer Inspection Co.. 31-2 Stark. Bdwy. T340. 5k -KARAT diamond .for soaring car. - $420 62d ate. S. E. "' ' ' 16 ACRES fruib land worth $750 i trade for furniture, or what? T'SSlv Journal. ORG AN. to trad for eordweod. Phon East . K . . ; , BEAUTIFUL L)-nx fur, cost $126: furniture or what hat yont Walnut 2665. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 950 WANTED People or Portland to knew the I pay the highest cash prioe for aseend-haad household goods: no sraoant too large or too. amall; prompt attention. " -' "' J ' ... N. M. SEATEB. Phone' East 2208. 148 ' SECOND HAND CLOTHING BUYER MEYER THE . TAILOR pay more f for second band suits, sboea, overcoat. W call day or evening. Atwater j 1228, or 5$ " ' Madison at, -near 3d. - ' .- - I f DIAMONDS and gold tught, reliabi osii- aatea. G, Cramer. 720 Sailing bldg. WANTED njRNITURE 952 Me R. SEATER I Buy the best aa well : aa the cheaper grade of second-hand furniture. : : 888 Grana ate. jJant IVIT Owl! Furniture Co Near Mnrrisnn. Wa want mar used furniture, stove, ear. pets god painoa. m We pay the highest cash price. 168188 r itui ST. Call Main 4627. FURNITURE, cook atotea, ranges, carpets, rugs. etc.. wanted for cash. I Hsrtsell Furni ture t Hardware Co.. Atwater 2673. $41- S4i-84a nrst (t t BTjT diamonds at highest market price 'for spot cash.' E. Deed-. 340 Wa,b. st ' TABOR 784 WHXi "BOY e OLD CARPET. 5 ! PERSONALS 975 Battle Creek 1 , METHOD Ot TREATING ' Modern Turkish ; - -Baths 2or -women and asea. Fee- real feeling of real i ' LIVING i - CaO 633 Pittoek .block, J Bdwy. 0518. Nisbeth Institute i Etening and Sunday I by appoinUnent. ' PRoVecT T0TJR HEATyTM ''; i MINERAL VAPOR BATHS Massage, Electricity, Showers. ! DR. O. J.. BWABTZ. 808 Brotdway Bldg.. Bdwy.; and Morrison. -The perfect rug and carpet eteaaer. - It cleans and sixes it where it to a easy as sweeping. Modem nd sanitary. -t FREES. . ; DemonstTation. 5 Call Main . $497 or 200 eiienoo' sr. - i ACHIEVE suocesa througa a tnoroagh-nndet- atandtng of your higher self a taught by th Nancy Institnt of Psychology f Paris, Franc. Free torture Toeaday. Friday ana - Sunday, 2 p m, Pritat and elass lessons i- oio layior su . pr. sy jr. Ingram. Consu Ration free. j LEARN to ptoy th Cbristeasen way in 20 cany tossoaa; rag. rsrs and popular; advanced course lor stayers; pisuo. ioUn. saxophone, oanjo manaoiin. Open 8 a. m. to p. . ( nristetisen School, roam j 602-608 Eilers . uiag.. H87H Wsshtngton st' Practice room. FACE TREATMENT ' I want ick and dtoooarcged peopl ,whe jare suixenng from after afreets of muuensa to know what these wonderful treatment did tA - tj l . ,V . -v. .arc, " . ri ini U ,,J , uflV, VT, . I C ments given at 609 Ratofgh bldg. - Plastic Surgery Mm. J. 8. Courtrirht specialist: facial leatures correct ea. 404 Mentsoa st DO NOT throw your watch, away, pair and guarantee any watch X Will re ft years: price ; reasonable ; 20 years experience. JO srry Brown, 171 First st,-near YamhilL POPULAR SONGS. Ikarmoay. ooubto breaks, ending, beginners or advanced, 12 lessons. Low rates, easy terms. Enroll now. Watnan Ftono sebool. 01$ Columbla'tlgg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, blackheads, pia ..plea, -large pore removed,) expert operate (Diploma Boston. Chicago. . State" Medical Botm.) sol moagway bldg. Mala 6109. StanrpsY Coins, a Curios '- Bought aad soVL Open tefiinrm. v Celum- tna Btamp at t-iU Co., 4 North 16th t $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton 'a A Kelly painless CHIROPODISTS : and AisCxt spfzialista. Eatab. 8 yrs. Lxaa. free. : Blue Mouse Theatre bidg.,' tlth at Wash. GET ONE this week t the'wbelesato' prioa. iviAi mi hkssi-uk( atata, th Floor. Ratotoh Bid, i Bdvrv. a a A. 0 ELECTRO-ehiropiectio treatment. $5. a resalu, no sqaney. Ftrst tree tut ent and eon-. nutation int. vt. Murpny, it nth st MASSAGES FOB LCliBAGO. ETC ' 416 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet 4th and atn. iibmd p. m. i inn) Banna y. FREE 'DIAGNOSIS 1 DB, N0KBI3. 262 BfXTg ST, SAMPLE FREE Positive -trenef (ua rap teed for catarran, a cut or cflrooie. uaterraoin tjo., i S etn sc., j-ortianq. goom 4 EXPERIENCED nurse, gives steer baths, bat f er cola annwer ana swiaatitw asantmiairioUi ' $22 Fliedner bldg. - rh-B, grf V - P?" ; AT " XttkNaf lviMMOjr ssli WashinetM mt irs PAIN. Tour TEBTH SLEEP" while tee work. WHY SUFFER f Try electrical treatments and baths, Dr, um Sorensen, 608 Psja. ut VHig. (. ; i I . JACK KING'S mineral bai ti b -depi 7 Del now open even- ina for men. rtraent open 8 a. mj to o x, m. 207 sum blag. I GIVE) scalp treatments and facial in your nome; wtii cow yon lea than m the Tabor 4181.':. ' 1 . -. SbO LEAVING city by auto Tt aoout noea for Seattle; tody wmhtag to pay ha xpens -can ow journal. kttpk h sn.iiOTTa hairl ... - , ay w neea ia tnetnoa. 'inai free, jesto Fin. lev. 614 Bush Jk Laae btde. . ar.l-i, Ji JAZZ PIANO Beginners, 10 lessons, gueran- MMt.t viearttoB jaaa rarxer. $1$ Eiler bldg.. Waehingtoti atreet t 4tt DR- Vi 11.V.1AJIO, oter 14 tor. Wash. at. " m a ' SI ll 4 bet 4tn ana atn. Buchanan bMg. . BAtl Oiow,; snower, maaaage, acienUito Iivum-, th iiCTiwr mui. navy, gogfl 1 imrVPl1 ConsuTuoon free, Bdwy. '4 8 jUSWfy C404 Securltiek Mg., 34 $ tit St loo - treatments, chinmotitL mau; Oieetnoai Ty, . 1 'r. naeseu, tin tjelth-ig bio. MANICU&CaG. hair oreasiag. snare Li n. 17 1 itn st DOESN'T T om. Dtok er Harrv oa, m f LA Vtovaok. smUeetor. Xssknat bldg. j Professional .arid Business Dixecioiyt tlL'T. SEAM. hem. machine , pieat IV 1 A. Joi .J&c; hemstitelueg 5c. ere. S mail snurl so- licit ed. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. 88 1 Bth. AUTO WHECLS urif:EK ab.a 12.-1 , , - - . . ..t nwxa paired - aad rebuilt ., . . mn- ra- Very tea. onaoJ prieea. 49 If, 0th S"t, fimrr CoUeh, BToadasy $36$. PROFESSIONAL AND ZVClllZZZ DIRECTORY VILDIwa PLAN Hi AWe 10 STOCK LESIG-Xo i,i : a-a 4 J end i up. Others to ortier. X kC-AKERS. B04-7 LEWIS BLDU. . Broadway 2049 -v ' mn book imm DAVIS es.HOLMAN. INC, 109 2d .at.' b'.r book mannf seturers. j A -3 lbs, Bdwy. 714 j CARPET and rug eleanlng, modern aud saw toryj . aatufacuoa guaranteed. f ' "VAP0," :: '. V The Perfect Cleaner - Can MsM 8497. 2 Jefferson tt Vt AitO WOOD 4- 4J5Per Load$4.i:D 16-Inch fir block aud slab, partly dry, for furnace or beater, . r..- SOIJND. I'RY 2TVGR0WTH FIR ' - $$ PER CORD IS HEAVY -FiOT COUNTRY SLAB. $ PER CORD rtah- Rack Springs Coal; price right - OREGON FUEL CO.. Walnut 4103 $ a "Load Tn"two-load ij iS 10-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry. fin for furnace or heater. COAL $10 PER TON COAL Good Waabington lump coal deU tared dl. rect from ear to yonr bin. BEST OLD GROWTH FIR $8.50 TRT SHORT WOOD PROMPT PET ; NATIONAL FCEL fO. EAST 2041. WOOD AT OLD PRICES Xteaty 16-inch block and slab mixed. bet fa Portland. $6 load; double load. Ill: inside 16 inch block weed. $7 load. At water 98R5. BOX WOOD : ...... ' QUICK DELIVERY " ; t FTJLTON WOOD CO. ' Mstti 4173. TUB MAXWELL WOOD SAW Cut uniformly, eorrlwood. thtb, ole snd oM himbsc. i'hon Tabor 2788 for prompt service. .--:' BEST known method af carpet clesnin. sat- . HiMtloa guaranteed. - 26$ Jenextoa st Phone Mala 8497. DOUBLE-load of heavy block and slab roue l. i per eeni owes; fio; singt load, i. W'slnnt 7839.' B8T rtd of col. dry planer trimmings. No. i rorowooQ. oountry aiabwooo. 1 lion kvast 1769.- ; 16 IN. SLAB 61) and $4; box, tiuca, , anywuere; neavy iz-io-in. atab, $5.60: heavy 4 ft. slab. Pellwowl 17 t. $4.50 PER iOAD. block aud slab. . Wal- ut 2112. Sea 8189. BONE dry bog wood. Ideal kindling. 13.75; block and slab. $5 load. Call Walnut 8649, HEAVY block and slab wood, $4.50 for cut 1, $8 for two. Call Main 692. price . on coal delivered from car. $15; Utah or Roek Springs. Eaat 7921. BIG LOADS block and alao, mixed; two kUa. $9; one hed, $8. Walnut 1890. 16-INCH slab and block wood, a good load 1 5". Phono Walnut 664$. SHORT. dry block, slsb.. railroad tie ami cordwood. Main 27tl. FIRST growth cordwood 88.50. All grades short wood and coal. Walnut 6312. OLD GROWTH Flu, $8.60 COiili.' MOOliiJ BROS., Walnut 1498. $2.75 A LOAD, cedar blockwood. North Port tondi et Wfie. Watnwt 82go, etenings. . DRY abort wood, old growth fir iv country slab, smsll and large quantity. Main 6-:4 1. BONE DRY old growth cordwood., $6.60. Phon Esst 8206. : .- OANOfNa LKSSONS , ALISKT DANCING ACADEMY ' Private snd class lessons, latent ballroom and fancy daoaing taught Children a spe- oialtv. Clasa in totest ballroom every Tburs., 8 to 10:80 p. m. .Main 4614. Alisky biag at am 4014. Altai NAgne Summers.; 35 WE GUARANTEE to teach yuu to dBC; or refund your money. Ringlrr's Rj-oau. tray school, Broadway at Mam. Ifufee si on a I instructors. Aut 61 $-39. - 9KWTI8T8 ' DR. B. E. WRIGHT : Talrtl Floor B4Te!gfc blJf., Corner 0U . aad- Washington sta. . ' ' Broadway 7219 Dentistry 83 NO PAIN. TEETH SLEEP" while we work OOO, OAT AND H0R8C HOSPITAL "ROSE ClTY" T ETkUIAltf HOSllTAr Esaa 1847. K; 7th AT GRANT. Aut 219-63 " tLKOTRlOAL WONK ... LlCEN SED-- independent electririen wires 3 room $11.7$k 5 rooms $19.60; work guar-, anteed tt0. Phone East 6.122. ' f VR8I0MT 8POILI8Tti ixiN T take chances TOUR GLASSES ' FITTED BY A - SPECIALIST. PRICES WITHIN REACH OF ALL BfTH BROWN SEE BETTER DR. HABRY -BROWN ' 149 3d st, near Morrison. rturr wuao wo wso wuao ". OREGON FLUFF B"UOCO. 1009 BELMONT. TABOR 7814. ' musro ooMfonNO ' HAVE your POEMS set to music. Daniel l .Wilson Music Studio. 803 Tllford Md. MU0IO SOHOOtO AND TtAOHCRS TILFORD STUDIO Piano lessons. 201 Tilford bldg. Broad. tray 0482. Gladys Marie Baker. ' VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo in atru- menta. Kolkenbeck, 409 Yamhill. $ ui. EiPEBJE'XCED" piano teach, lessons at ruur hom 31. Phone E. 7122. orrowa-TBioTO GLASSES AT A SAVING ' Thousand of satisfied pa tron caO- testify to our tf.ii dency and fair dealing iu th tost 20 years. Chas. W. Goodman, 200 Morrison, bet . ti 1st ana ront. lr. oamaes Goodman, "Aaseciat Optometrist Main 2124. WHY PAY MORE 7 " GlaasM In oM filled frames, fitted to your, eyes with modern instru-menta.- a tow aa $2.60 doable vision glasses at a great aatuig; . all Styles: sati.if action guaranteed. IR. E. A. HURWITZ, Optometrist 223 Is 1st MINTING, T1NTINO. FAPRRINO fc." H. TERR1U house and sn pain ting, . unusg. aw a 7 to. bet 2611. PATENT ATT0RNEY0 C. S. GOLDBERG, paUntv. trademarks, copy. rgnta. sao worceeter bldg. , " tHV8IOIAW blL u. Jl, in IllIPb,' Broadway Bldg., Office Practice Only. ! RKPAININO f ' PIDIPQ atepatrad by I Tmmmmml a- pip shop. 72 Hut, ftUMBINa AND BTCAM FITTINO LOW prioe e-eii kinds plumhutg supplie,; 1 oa lis or, ea your inaiauatmna. Aioarta Plumb. Co., 617 Union at. near Russell. - Eaat 4888, . - -.: PRINTINa. KNORAVINa. BINDINO Printing V. W." BalTeS at CO." ' Firs at Utk . Bdwy. 4441. COMPAN X '-. 087 Washinrtew. Btoadwsy 8144. MOW? atCPAiniNOr ' LlsOoFs' reahiagled 1 and repaired and ' eota3 with tweting paper. Main l8. : OBKtTWKTAt. WOK Multnomah Sheetmetal .. ' ; Works-. - Hoofing, gnttering.. rrwrottng. lobblnc. gen- rat .repalrtTig. Phone atcwy. 92. 2 its Ash. PtOIAtTV. yMANUPAOTUrtlNQ METAi. spinning and specialty mauulcturti ' of all aimta. rate ate developed. Kaultmao Mssmfacturinw Co.; ns tjmon at. K. 8245. Otovc ui rami no HiOVE and lumaoe Vrepeiruig. itepalred stove Tar sale, atrooklyn atov fctioo. Sell, so ji TKAMINOK-aNAsMNO, CXOAVATINa TEAMINt WOODLAWN 4786. TRAIMrCfl SNO ITOR14I - Oregon Transfer Co. 474 lan t ' Eroadway 1281 DKA4AGS! - - kVfOKAUK , Kour WstenOsMes on Terminal Tracjsa REDCCED FHKiUH'JF rates to ail points on household goods. Paeilic oat If or warding Co., trtn and Hoyt Bmadway 7 4. GENERAL and lon :dmtan-e banting. ha i- wood 1182. 1300 fc. IVUi. We.tiiior.!ri,,. WOO PL 9AWI NjfJ WOODSAW INO at rsenabl pnoae. 4e --y- wnere. atain laa.