10 TflE once IUMJAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY riORNING, NOVEJIESR 10 1922. CHILDREN ARE TO.REMflOO BOOKS THIS WEEK IHs.Nbt Only Book Week, but : ;., Gco"(f Book Week; Besiter ture Recommended for Youth ? Bx Xanball 3T. Dana 1 ' A 'shockheaded boy drifted into' the library the other day. . He asked in the : children' department 'for' "Peck's Bad Boy." - . " ,--- "We have it," said Mi&s Jessile Hodge , Millard, the children's librarian, "but 3 don't want you to have it." y The boy went away. Presently!, his .father came. He stormed. Wihy can't my, boy have 'Peck's Bad B&yT ? - The librarian referred gently to certain ob jectionable 'passages in the book. Then , she said: - - - . - J ' 4 "I didn't want to take the responsi bility for letting your boy have the .-.book: But you may have it to give y : him If you wish to accept the esponsl- ' " biKty. i .. , The man took the book.' But "before s he?, left he read, at the librarian's re quest, some of the paragraph marked In It. ' ' I VBETTJBXS TO APOLOGIZE I T want to offer an apology," he said, coming back to the desk. "I . wouldnt let my boy read that book for a, thousand dollars, because of some of the things I have just seen in it. But I didn't see those things there when" I . read 'Peck'SaBad Boy as a youngster." - Seeking something to read, ; another boy came to Miss Mabel Harris, head of the children's . book department down at 'Gill's. He immediately began browsing among the blood and thim , tier stuff. Miss Harris took him, over to t looking glass. , '- v "Do you see that boy in the frame?" fshe asked. I -'., The boy grinned sheepishlyi . .' "That boy." persisted Misai Harris, -."has a. good head.' He has room for a Ktod mental work shop. But suppose lis Just throws trashy reading Into that '-work shop. He will soon have it as badly cluttered as an old attic won't he? But suppose .he reads things 'that - be will remember, things that iwiU fur- - Irish tools for him In the futnr.r H. .will be a good citizen, doing! good in ; the world. Which do you think would - be better?" - ..-- BOT GETS THE IDEA ' j , - The boy was bright He caught the : idea. ' BOOR! WEEK EiMPHASIZES-GQOb; READING --'Sal f 1 . - V- -v ' - v Lieft to right Iiss: Mable Harris, bead of children's dcpurtineiit J. K. GUI company, a, leader In the movement fo' better reading among children. Mrs. D. B. Kelly, president parent-Teacher assoeia tion, which ia promoting cause of good reading In schools. Ilss Jessie Hodge Millard, children's department of he public library, an important factor in directing the reading of boys and eirls. Forty thousand books .will be read by children in Portland this week. . ,Kor this is Children's Book week. N .Wrf have so- many "weeks" and "days" of various Kinds that it is al most impossible . to : keep track - of them. ' v . - . But Children's Book week is one of the best of them all. . . "More and better books' is the slo gan. Kach school child is to read one good book. j - To stimulate : the interest Parent Teacher associations i will, hold meet ings at the-library aind its branches. Interesting mother in what the boy or girl reads is the objective. Mrs. D. B. Kelly, president of ithe Portland Parent-Teacher 'association,. Is . actively directing this work. ' . : There will be talks at the business and civic clubs.. Giving father a tip that what ' his son reads' will make ' a lot of , difference; to son's future . is the idea. here. ;;. , . ' ; Ministers in their pulpits will stress the value of good reading -among children. Women's organizations will build ' programs around children's read ing. There will be book exhibits in the libraries and in : store windows. COJTTEST AT GII.I,S ; " On Friday evening a.t the library the Gill book . character contest will reach its climax with award of prizes by John Hotchkiss of that firm. Chil dren will present book' reviews. They have been -writing; stories " In which they imagined themselves in the place of famous story boolt characters. Don Quixote and perhaps Artagnan will come riding Into that -Friday evening assemblage and there isn't' a doubt that John Silver, Jlobln Hood and Red Riding Hood will be. present Under It Radiates Warmth" This exclusive I REGAL feature v large radiator j-pennits; the radia- tor to absorb more eat from the fuel, fire and smoke than a smaller radia tor can absorb. This is evident. , In turn, this laige radiator of the REGAL presents a GREATER HEATING SURFACE to the air in air chamber than a smaller radiator can present and. therefore, CON VEYS more Warmth. ' (NOTE ALScL-fhe casing of the fiEGAL stand hlghabcoe the radiator ' and far away frmlhe sides of radiator and rest of heating element of the far ' nace so that a very large volume of air constantly circulating above and around this entire heating element and absorbing i armth from this, heating element for the living rooms above.) , " 'l v Note Also the Large Air Space, Between Casing and; Furnace iji.iiiMiiiiiiiHiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinini-iiiiiiiiiHHiniiiuiininitiuimii 5 Visit . Your Nearest I REGAL Dealer , , j He is a reliable heating man. - Have him shew you ALL the points of REGAL l i Furnace efficiency. REGAL Warm the Air and Saves the Furnace The large area" jbf heaMransmitb!nslatac! i of the REQrXL direct: teuchmg f the Oarg volume of air in air chamber, readilr imoarts I ........X25 Columbia Boalerard warmthTio, the; air. It CARL'S SHEET METAL WORKS . . . 550 Washington St. a. K'ctt- -ujiuance or wanmii , to. the.; air. not only delivers your full moneyU worth of I warmth from any given unit of fuel, but also 1 SAVES YOUR JURNACE because -'you' I don't have to. heat your- furnace to hot" to get results!; .The large volume of air in air cham- -J ber absorbs more heat from the large heating I surface ana renas 10 reduce the temperature of the heating elementwhich I makes for : dura billty of the furnace. V " ' . The REGAL Warn Air Furnace embodies v many i other scientifically correct principles of caloric efficiency and eliminates -all defects that have come to the -notice of expert furnace builders daring an experience of forty years. Have a REGAL dealer show you. R 'SiLarafe HANSEN BROS . . . . :48t5 67th St. S. E." H. HIRSCHBERGER CO.. 247 Ankeny St. J. E. JOHNSON...:. 845 Williams Ave. M. JUCHEMICH . ....193 Gibbs Sfc" REYNOLDS & HUDSON .... .... . ". . . i. c:i....,.'..959-E. 29th St. N. FRED SCHWAN ... 353 Union Ave. N. G. H. TEMPLE. . . . 414 E. Morrison St. I " WILLA3IETTE SHEET METAL E -WORKS 106 N. Third St. - ' Forest Grove, Ore.... . . .Norman Armes , s. Vancouver, Wash , Vancouver Sheet 5IetaI Work . : s Astoria. Ore....... ......J. H. Hansen . s ; Corvallis Orte . i W. G. Wildig I I Gladstone, Ore..., i ..T..J. B." Williams - Hood River, Ore....... Peter Barger McMinnville. Ore..:. Miller & Davidson. . -The Dalles, Ore. . . .Charles Anderson I -'-,.. Mannfactared by ' . 1 - ? The W. G- McPherson Co. ; j 19th and Wilson Sts Portland. Or. . 2 the . direction. of James B. Brockway, Scout execotive, the 2300 Boy Scouts In xhe Portland counell will participate In this contest. -: - But don't ret the idea that readina CTood books means that children roust read naroby pamby books. They can read blood and thunder If it is realist tic and teaches a bit of chivalry, self reliance, kindness, protection of the weak. They can read romance, if it is pure nomance and not extravagant, perhaps suggestive, stuff. ' They can get In touch with real life safely at an early ape, provided it is' real life they find - in books and nflt unreal stuff that will make them self sym pathizers, selfish, brutal, coarse or dishonest. ,v. . ' - ? . . BBI5GS NEr.IDEA : ; : Children's J Boolf week brings but a new idea. Uferarles are mentioned flrst when there tare i discussions of reading. ; But hook" atores. it h'as been found. . share, freaponsibility with the libraries."?. Mabel Harris,' f or instance, says she finds she la' se!lmg:jnore than hooks. She " is selling . tools for the mentart workshop, v She ts selling vision; cour age, romance and steadfastness. There fore, she -hesitates to sell books that would poison ; the mind, just as an honest druggist hesitates to sell drugs - that - would ? poison the body. Thereforeithe book sellers' duty Is to snake close contact with the life and the personalities of customers and' fur nish that which . will provide best equipment at the most formative, period in life. Working on this idea. Gill's has developed a children's de partment that is one of the most un usual of Us kind In the country. SIGKS ESCOtTKAGIJfO Speaking from a long, experience in filling children's minds. Miss Jessie Hodge Millard, head of the juvenile reading department of. the . public li-' brary. Said: "It seems one of the most encour aging signs of the times in an epoch which we have grown to regard as so purely utilitarian that so many people are-strlving so earnestly and success fully to make childhood happier. This age has well been called the age of the-discovery of the child. Educators, parents and: others are awakening to thefact.'that 'Wat their children read and aftsorb into their minds is just as essential to the'ir growth and develop ment as their food and exercise. "So to make a child's mind healthy we must feed it on wholesome books. The' influence which' a book exerts on a -v -child's taste and - character should not. .-be' Ignored" and the best books should be furnished' at a time when the" reading will -prove especially at tractive to his inquiring mind." - Flower, Show Will ' 0pen With Private I : .Exhibit Tuesday 1 t - ' Portland's second snntial flower show will open in the Oregon building Tuesday - afternoon with a private showing for members of the Chamber of Commerce and : their guest. The jhow is being held by wholesale and retail. - flprists - under the auspices of the-chamber and will continue Wed nesday and Thursday, i At the exhibition Tuesday afternoon a -reception to members of the Cham ber will be held r with afternoon tea. Wives of members of the board of di rectors of the organisation will be on the receiving line. There will be spe-. cial music. ' ' In tin evening the house committee of i the organization and . the : florists will be stosts to the general public. Special invitations have been extended to patrons .of all the florists having exhibits.' s , - Students; Form w to r Boost 0. A.tl.in Coos .... ' . Oregon Agricultural uouege. uorvai lis. Nov. 11. ACoos County club has been organized by the students regis tering from that section in an effort to get- into -closer contact "with: the high, school, students- of Coos county intending to .enter college. ' Seniors of every - high; school - in the county wilL be invited to a dance given by the club in Marshf ield during the Christmas holidays. Rudolph Hlllstrom of Marsh- field r is president, and Mildred Saun-der,- Marshrield, secretary-treasurer. Twp From W; U. Are To Attend Meetings :. WUlametto TJniverslty,. Salem. , Nov, If. Tw representatives from Wil lamette university will attend the joint meeting of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press association and the Pacific Stu dent Presidents association on the University of California campus. - No vember 2 and 25. -Miss Grace Braln ard of Roeeburg. vice president, win attend, in plaoa of Bruce White, who win be In the lineup of the Bearcats in -: the Whltnian-WUlamette game. representing the student body and the Willamette Collegian weekly will- be represented by . aiiss Helen Hoover, editor, of " Portland. --.. f it. SEEIT XASED SfATOR . Willaiaina. Jov. H. The largest vote in years was polled here Tuesday at the city election.t R. VS. Neely was elected mayor ; R. H. Tates, recorder ;j George Ramsey, marshal and Charles ! Schaller. Oeorge Snipes : and Koberti Miller, councilmen. . . r j Pirs: which started from an unknown cause .Tuewday night dwtroyed th' resadence of K. O. lAiukinen. a rineheri resldipt- at FruhiU. about 10 mUesj east of Astoria. . i .v- .t - -. : ':.' . Challenge Evetit! ': - amid 73 . 0 veircoatLs 1 :M fi W n A Y nibrning the' 169 garments selected 4 for 'this ' challenge event'.' ' - .standard suit or overcoat that retails at anywhereiiear this price! ? r forThis Challenge Event .00 Men Compare These Wool SUITS and OVERCOATS With AnyOtherGarments in Portland atu Similar Price! We want you to give them your closest inspection.. We know f i they have .the materials, the .weight, the workmanship and the i ? style that makes them winners. You will be wearing : one of n these long after the ordinary garment has gone to pieces. Come , early, while choice is largest. Only 169 in the lot! All izes . . ' All the Wanted -Colors ; And the New Weaves A REAL BUYING EVENT i'f-.-i. Pay Cash di; Use Your Credit ' It won't cost you a red cent more if you prefer to pay a small amount down and the rest at your convenience. Pay us ascyou are paid by the month, twi6e monthly or weekly. 'Thousands of people use the con venience of Credit Gladly and it makes it easy to avail yourselves of events such as this one. .. .r1 TV if ;&-: A'i Nh., k:-- tEi-".l i JSSniWSSBBSSSSSSSS) Washington at 10th Facts about ; these garments Every suit and overcoat in the lot is this-season's. Every suit and overcoat is. made of WOOL. I The, fabrics are most dur able'. A fit is guaranteed. Workmanship is excellent. Eiiuiniiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuniniiiiiiiiiiuin We Give and Redeem S. & H. Green Stamps t . Prescriptions v ' : - - We are-jrepare'd to fill your pre scriptions promptly and correct ly. Our force of experienced, registered Pharmacists are .ready and anxious to render; you every possible service. "Eversharp Pencils and Fountain Pens Alder Street at West tark DRUGGISTS .Leather Goods - VThe Largest Complete Quality Line in the World. , Few Things are as Practical, Certainly none are more Wel come as Christmas Gifts. : , ' UKLY Leads in 'Luggage Needs' Ladies' Fine Silk Umbrellas - Telephbne Atwater 4700 Store Hours 8 to 6 I- New Complete lin AH Colors and Styles of Handles 1 Prices Moderate. . Popular Sellers : Lily Cup Service j ; v At Our Fountain. j -' Wi - I' Engrraved Gfeetinfj 'V'''V;;,':--'Cards ' :v, y ' . . 'i' Finer Than Ever 1 t - Lstrger Assortment- -L Reasonabla Prices By placing your order early you are -assured better results and prompt 'feUvery. , - , lidia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. isudium Phosphate, KMervescing. 4-o.. l pound ...' .,..... .... Albonol. 1 pint 50 1 quart.... Ironized Yeast 8 1.00 6 for .. Tanlac ...SX.OO 5 . Vitamon Tablets Castoria ............. Allenrhil. Swamp Root , Peptamangan ..... . . Cisterine Bromo Quinine ...... Scott's JSmuision Moone'a JSmerald Oil . .-. .Si.Via ........85r ...-85.00 A 89' .81.00 V ...... 33 .......... ...Sl.SO -SO and Sl.OO S1.12 ...48d snd 89e' ....25 -. 89 81.15 Nikk Marr And Peerless Velvet Quality Toilet Requisites The World Famous Nikk Marr Youthful- . Neo-Plastique Face Rejuvenator $2.50. Laiubert's f vNew Listerine Tooth Paste, the Original Fruit " f Acid Dentifrice 25c 'i Watch for their advertisement carrying COUPON to be redeemed here. Rubber Goods :, : , . 50c for your old Hot Water Bottle. "We -will' . allow you 50c for your old Hot Water Bottle and .Fountain Syringre on the price of a new one at $2.50 or over. $2.50 2-c.t.. Cloth Inserted Hot Water Bottle: 1 v -Two-year guarantee, i. Special..."... $1.49' 250 3-qt. Fountain Syringe, special.. $1.93 " fVORY , J f ll " ' - i - I vo r y P y r a 1 i n White; Shetl and Amber ': j , .We Invite your Inspection of our choice '.line, which is. essentially, adapted for solving the Gift Problem. -! Pyralin Ivory Toiletware has proven to be' extremely" popular and Shell and Amber colors are daily s gaining favor with the' public. Hair Brushes -Hat Brushes Powder Boxes ', Hair Receivers s Cuticlej Scissors Perfume Bottles a Talcum; Boxes jCream Boxes Combs . Mirrors " Nail Files - .Buffers Dresser Trays Jewel Boxes Shoe Hooks' v Clocks Military Brushes ;Dolk&toys '- 4.50 Horsman " Mamma ". .Dolls Special I -$3.49 . loSa'-Baby -Dolls 'with wig Special,. $5.49 . ' . .. . ' Christmas Suggestions ''')- HURD'S CABINET ' v " I ) 24 Sheets , Paper 24 Gilt ? Edged Cards Envelopes to Match . $1;25 ;l COMMONWEALTH ' ' . ; ! Pink Blue White Paper and Envelopes: com-' bined in one box. Special...., 98c ' QUALITY - LINEN i That Splendid Value-i-8 Sheets and.5o En veJop.es. Boxed. Special .,.. .... . .89ck ' S3 DOWNSTAIRS Bath MAZDAS! Cabinets ?Vi ". : .? 74 Electric Heater i '.-VSJ J rAnvIdeal';'- Turkish Bath. at Home k $10.00 ' - Prepare for the long evenings with ; BETTER LIGHTS . - - 10-t 5-25-40 and ; , so watt '-" Each 35c l Box of 5 . $1.75 Quick. Convenient Heat, just , '- j. - when you ' want it-, $6.75 to $15.00 Radiator Radiate More Warmth ! e V .;::iTHninnnsir:::i!in:nTii:iinit:iiii::ir:iiii:iiiiiiiiiM!:nt:!i::::::tiini::Mtii:::i:!M::::iint!:n:::::i! if0' J .-....-.,-.- - - - - . v. ,-. - t ' "-- -