,: FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 SWELL CORNER 4 EM. APT.. $HO. ALSO ONK FOR. 453 MOSTtt ..BEAUTIFULLY tTRXHiHEI LARGE. LIGHT. WARM AND CONVESltXT. . ;' ; . . -r The. Columbian rt ' King Albert-Apts; R x .--.. J and 3 nwH furnished -c vofninbbsd. , til UUj, tlmtot UUi tt MotomTy. " Mra 359. '-- '- - ' " "i --. f t 'Stanfieid Apts..- ' Modem 2-robm corner apt Light.- heat, phone. - $26.50. Main 7892. APT. Vm.1v MiMitfr) . iImb - heated 3 modern furniibed apt. in 'brick baiidinf of ordy 8 siits. 927 Cnlo tw. N. 3 KM AFT. With beth; all larg woou; .tait.Mi aTTirm- rirmn t0 SchooL : , ml Auto. 617-63. : GLEN COURT ; -- Cure eT Park and Taylor. " S tld 8 meat Apts., doss is - - Main 198L flAW MARCO E. 8TH JJTD COtTCH, 8-RM. MOD APT.. WK. OH MO EAST 1900. ' H ADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL " 8 room. kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors. ' nrlrst bslconie. $35 up. Atwater 1160. i AND 3 Kteam heat. . hot t and 282T3 coia 2453 lTtb st ' :- : -a. nnniil furnished heated t, prrrsts v.- hath.- Adults. 667 E. Mi ; 6TEAM bested 2 And 372 Williaml at. , 3 rm. fura. East 2376. PU. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 30S BEABTim new Irrington 6 room apts..! ready about the 15th; electiW range ana ' water heaters, autotnatis heat, extra large . ' brims room and sun room; fireplace, tiled and shower bath. Phone East B803.r " t ; 3, -4 ob e rooms ; Attractive apt., on Kenton carlinejriui - sleepinc porch. Lombard st. at Albina are., 1 20 SLlto towa. sBdwy. 8070 or Walnut ' 8642. ' ' ' - - ' ' 1 VOB ItEST t-room apartment with sleepins porcn. Adjoins and presents beautiful tw of Wareriey goU rrouads and, upper Wil Blamette rirer. O'Sriera Apartsnenu,- end '", Ka.t 9th. Seflwood. Phone Sellwood 1030. . "! " 1JL.R08E APARTMENTB ," For-rent, unfurnished apartment, 4 roomi and bath, stoam heat; $45. -Aerosa from new Bnckman yhool. Apply 55 E. 16th st. vThe American Modern 4 and 5 room apartments. , '21st and Johnson. Broadway S3 60 FLATS FURNISHED 309 BEADTIFCLi, large, modem 6-room fumiahed flat; piaae. 230 Alberta, near Jeff anion high school. ' ' ' THREE large, light, attractive rooms in d sirabto home, light, water, telephone included. J' 1113 E. 15th st. X. Wahmt 8238. CLEAN 5 room furnished flat, the right price to the Tight people. Adults; walking dis : tance. 727 ESftt Stat. East 8310. VERT. desirable 6 room flat; 1 room reserved , by owner; adult only. 68 Cornell, Mala 8001. - ' ,2 ROOM flat. $18. 4 room flat. $37. nnt 1853.- 706 TaneonTer are. Wal- CLEA, weU furnished 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping . porch, garage. 854 H 1st st. FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 ;;- - . FOB RENT " " 5-room flat, 164 Beech st. east side, close to car. Rent $22.50 per month. " - The Lawrence Co., Realtors. 212 Corbet 1 bid. Main 6915. ' VPPEK 4 rm. and basement; mod. home; , ' Irrington Park; adults. Walnut 6281. 1185 E. 26th ?i. . EWLT built modern 6 rooms, upper flat; furnace,' linoleum, polished floors, garage. 794 4 Belmont at. East 6425. 4-HOOM modern flat, 772 H Osage are.. 1 ... block south 23d and Washington st.. west side. Main" 8988 or Bdwy. 7833. . ' 5-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT Comer Union arena and Ainsworth, rent $25 month. Phone owner. 628-62. tOK RENT dl Art " BUUWU, ( 5. room ine. . on flat, modeTB. - in new back building, on h-ghway reasonable - rent. Atwater SO 10. SlSH iiootn. uriturtilxtied flat. Adults, 307 E. nth. Call tip K. Clay. Bast 2i2 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, rtewly tinted. rrth or without garage. , Call East 6393. $20 -t'LEAV 4 room .upper flat, dose in. Adulta. 727 E. Stark. East 8310. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 MY tttracUrelir furnished 7-roora home in Irrmirton for rent, or wril fcase: player piano and phonograph; 1 block to Broadway car; - adults. 3j7-78 o East 0527. JIODEHS, furnished 6 room house, near Jef- fcnwin high school laundry trays, furnace ' and garbage removed. Adults. 1075 Kerby. Walnut 4221. , . MAPLEWOODv 4. blocks trom school. Mrs. Miller. aer. 6-r. house, furnished, small payment and rent money. Pay rent to your-y- self. 51 2 50 2-ROOM. furnished house at 4729 70th st. 8. Inquire upstairs at 1010 Kt Main st. - sag 8 ROOM house, furnished. Irrington. Phone East 5828, Sunday afternoon. Mon . 4s day evening and any time Tuesday. iXB. RENT 5 roPm furnished house and ga rage. Adults only. ,1842 Belmont st; 3 ROOM furuiahed house. in good , location. ' Tabor 7325. FOB. RENT- 5 room modern bungalow, riire-t- ry furnished; Hawthorne district. Ta. 1791. "HY HOME, modern 7 rooms, completely fur- nlshed. piano, garage. Aut. 631-43 VCRNISHED house for rent, west side soutE. Phone Atwater. 4431. 1081 Water. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 MOVE THE SECCR1TY WAX Extraordinary Service ; i For the ordinary price. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE EKcrtirry storage transfer CO.. 4th at Pine St.. Opp. Multnomah hotel. , Telephone Broadway 8715. KPRINKLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage. Store .youx goods; with us. Let us do your aaoriag and packmg. ;, M LAT 8. 'MORS B. Ea " Bdwy. 84TO. " 454-GBsaa .LIGHTNING EXPRESS -r - We haul anything, any place, any time. 1 Prtces right. East 4080. Ant, 626-27. 936 WOODWARD ATE., 6-rm. house with - garage 2 blka, Irom two carlinea. Owner, . 566 Hood st J Atwater 1962. Rent $23 - per month. - - KKAUTTJFTJL 9 loom home. 601 Arden road. 3 - t flrerdacev loveir bedrooms with sleeping .v vivb, jrro uwuwjuu 111.1. wuvutuvuu Metwer-rarer eowy. osoa. : FOR RENT A ' 5 - room modem bungalow. i-, $30 A month. 1604 Hoyt M. Apply .582 i latsop avenue. Adults only. ; Bsen. ' Isrze padded Crown Transfer Co.. Kast 507. " CUT KTB FCRNITCRB MOVING - Fireproof Storage 15 Pays Free ' JiONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. S445. WHEN MOVINiCi. city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans. Co,. Main 1 26 1. 202 H Alder at. STAR TRANSFER. East 6026. We con- ' tract your job or $2 pet hour, and fux- nisn z men. - ' t TORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Tru-jie, baggage, furniture moring, $1.50 ana x pervrinur. wvs nogg. - 6-ROOM bouse, (urnace. trays, garage, lawn. '- rme (adults). 1041 E. 15th St. N. r Owner here. PIANO MOVING $8. furniture .- $2.50 per hour: 2 men. large padded van. ' Call t'TOs Transfer Co., East 5047 . 6-KOOM house.., newly ueooratad. 3 bedrooms, all eoursnicwcM. S12 E. Ganteabeui at. Phone East 8780. W HEN moving all East 6026. W crm v tract yoer Jo ,oe f2 per and fur - man z $33.50 M0CERH &-room house. . 17th N. - -; - :' " 1136E: - MODERN 7 -room hooae ea paved street, $30, 8a B. 7ta St. s., la (kit sizs.- V ROOMS, modem. $Si. . :S29 E. iith at S. rexpiire -neat door J 5-ROOM bungalow and lt lots, ohickeai house. fmit and rtnjtn. Owner, phone Eat 3786. iXR REST House far rent. $13 A month. Inquire - 594 Front . : -a f- -.-------- 310VING Large Uluc for furniture, $1.50 VaX moriBg call Tabor 0256; ww contmet your job, or by the hour, : : . VOIi RENT 9-toom house And L garage. ttwner. Walnut 696. 6-ROOM hwtss. 835: garage. 6104 42d ave. S. K. aft. beert car to Stewarts. 6 ROOM bouse. 7306 Rochester, 316 per mouth. Phase Aut, 623-02, . . - ' FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 MODERN 8-room .. luee, newiy .deoutsted, furnace. uk tray, hardwood floor, large 2rmfc 127 E. 32d vC! Could be Mod lw wo families. i Modem 7-room -bouse. - nicer sod clean, wash jxrayav baft e,: patch i ktteheav tc 413 E. ,47tn at ' "609 1 ' or Tabor 3224. j '- SICE 8 room modem hoaae, cu, electricity, built-in dressers, laundry tray, ssxase.- 50. - 8034 67ta St.: Key Bezt idaor wti- Eert. HOUSES FOR RENT- R FURNITURE FOR SALE- 313 EIGHT room" boras t leeae, $60 per bumtUl . Clean, modem, west ide. Mr UaeolB hicb. 8 block from downtown district. 8 Toorat ' of np-to-date furniture' for kale, first eJ condition, live $650. Phone Mate 6719. e KOOM flat with - basement and attic lot - rent; famiture for aaie; naoden. 1 block from Central fhrair. Sacrifice. Call - At- water S02O. COMBINATION ranee. Howard's hot blast . heater, table and other jeoe of fwnittire. ' Eaet 5i28.- ' i- "-- ;-' - - ? ROOMS, sood fonutum and tease; low rent: boarders and reoBen: must sell oa ac eoont of sickness. 218 Graham eT, ' 6 ROOMS.- $2(H, H down, baiaace terms: rent $25: walkioc distance. East 5251. FCBXITCBE of a 6 room flat. : walkiji dis taace,.yent $32.80; bo dealer.1 East 8803. . " STORES AND HALLS 314 STORKS, west side, 10x20, Waihington and 19th, suitably for Tarioua repair ahopj; rea--. eonable rent--- -- - -" ; HAIX for rent. suiULle for lodges or danarti? Aut. 614-86. :- i CMON ATE. store for rent. $35. Guire, 545 Union. K. 5407. ' B 1. Mc- OFFICES DESK RQOM 315 DESK003iv"wftb - ferriee. Phone Bdwy.- 8715. : , BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 Doembecher iTirn. Co.. -conerew building, 3 storiea, 30x60. Will rent rra sonabfe to responsible party- and give lease for garage or storage buriiww. 8. B. Ous ts re. Bdwy. 4975. V WANTED TO RENT APARTMENTS 357 WIDOWER will share 6-room fumifthed Oat. 23d and .Washington st. j Main 8901 after 7 p. m. s . . REAL ESTATE; FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY i 402 TO CLOSE estate, 100x160, northeast oor - ner 14th and Taylor, west aide. East 2105. LOTS 403 Before Buying See Ladd'f Lots $1000 jand 'Up 2d Mortgage to Builders At last people are beginning to realise, the advantage of a home in thia beautiful ad dition. Visit the property. Note the ac tivity. m i Save Carfare Easy walking distance.' Improvements all in and paid- These prices won't last long, so hurry. A word to the wis should be sufficient. " SeeMr. Delafeuraty Ledd Estate' Co., 246, Stark St. Bdwy. 5754. Ere. East 3492. HANCOCK ST. near 33d beautiful level lot. all improvemetats in. $900. Second, mort gage privilege., . LATJRELHTJRST, Jf. E. corner" 89th and Flanders, 1 blk. to car, close to park. Bee this. Fnce reduced to $1600. Invest Ydur Money,, . Stop Paying Rent Close to Columbia park. Unfinished 2 room house . with water, gas and garage, 100x100 lot, close to Columbia park. Ground is worth $1000; idea place for your children, away from the traffic, and plenty of fresh air. Will sacrifics for $800. $50 down and $15 per month. - COE A. McKENNA tc CO. Established 1889. . ! 208 Artisans bldg: I Bdwy. 7522. . TWO ACRES $17 DOWN $17;M0STH PARKROS 13 -$1700 Rich silt garden land, no rocks or gravel; great for' garden truck, berries, etc. ; ideal place to raise chickens. Ton can build a little ehack here j no building re trictions, low county tax, trees: $17 is total monthly payment.. North . of i Sandy bird, and eartine. Parkrosa branch office open every day. Take Rose Qity- PaHt-Parkroso ear, go to end of earline. Tsbor 2904. J. U HARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6084. WESTMORELAND A fully improved district. Lots 3500 to $1000. Come to the office of the original owneis sod platters, of this fine subdivision for your homesit. We still hare many good tots to choose from in cluding a few corners. Easy terms, low s interest. Helps to horns builders. . v See Mr. Patterson. . i . - , Ladd - Estate Company Bdwy. 5754. 246 Stark Street $1.50 WEEKLY LOTS $225 Biggest lot bargains-T-mg i-loU 55x100 feet located Just outside the city limits, where you'U havo- bo city ; taxes or . ae sessments to pay. where you'll need no building permit, where Jon- can build any kind of a houM you choose; close to big school snd city car bne. i Just think. $225! Remember.: only 31.60 a, week- . Sea Mr. Pirns, today at 418 Spalding bldg. -Eve-nine, call East 3257. -Never Again - Wonderful "view lot, 100x100, level, 8. f . corner 60th and Alameda Drive. 1 blk. south of Sandy pi vd. Everything in and paid, at $2825. SEE THIS AT ONCE. .. COE A. McKENNA CO. - -Established . 188. ' v 208 Artisans bldg. r Bdwjj, 7523. DEAL DIRECT WITH PRACTICAL BlIITJiKRS . , Be one of our satisfied clients; Judg foe Tountelf. "4 conseeuovei houses for one client." Our - method insures your nr- tection, for we do not ur your honso over to a sub-contractor. Inspect onr work. We want your business. If . sou are seeking a home, well built and promptly completed. Soldiers bonus acceiw.ed. REIMERS JOLIVETTE. Sell. 2964. $595 PAVED ST. Paring, sidewalks, curbs and sewer all in - and included in price; 50x100, 1 block to . peuwooa ear, laces Aerta on Holgata street; Teal .value. ; . . JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. ?' Main 378T. PIEDMONT lot. block: north of Ains. worth avenue,, one block west of Williams ave. Corner lot 50x76 ft feet; ; beautiful trees; 1 assessment paid. Pnoe f or ouick sate, $57. $100 cash, ibalaoos $10 per aU -Ja-1 . - asnn . ! HAVE 3 loU in Sell wood district, with all iav- preremeuta. in,-; vviu tsAe lord or Chev- roiet as iirst payments. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. ! -Main 3787. 50x100, ROSE CITY PARK. 63th, 8 blocks north carliBe.1 2 blocks paved. $550. 383 oown, m monta. - - Tabor, 8598. MT. TABOR low wst slope. $300. Lot near Walnut Park, $825. Union are. business w. aw. vrwaer. aast e 99.. evenings. HOUSES 404 K. E.N TON bouss vacant.' newry decorated square -. pi , wuuu xrom bus. Full lot. Terms. ?East 6747. - ROSE CITT. Modern 5doom bungalow, sleeo t tng porcn, garage; buut last year. Soiuiet 6 ROOM house, lot -76x80., Pries SlSOu , 20O. eaah... 81 w 1,! " cent interest. 4a4 Behxtont - . $1650 $150 oasU balance 31 5 per moT, . buys good 4-tw.a plastered house and half acre of good ground. - Phono 612-29 3-ROOM jsedeim , aoyHt, . oOxlOO lot.' f rait , $2500, $150 mm.4;sm ,J4i4?SSl &W4 wacnanaa Mdg, MODERN bungalow, near car and school, low REAL; ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 ACHE TRACT . SHACK :: $20 IW'N 20 MONTH $150, i PAftKBOaE. Thia -daady little anbarban tract is just a abort distance nortb. of Sandy bird, and carliBe;- . kome ail - around; rih sin rarden land, shade tree; yor chance to boy your own hone on rent term; iow cnasty tax: ao bniidie taatrie Uonar hin and (rade school; 20 total monthly payment.' ' : : ;: . J. U HABTSiAW COMPAST -. S Chamber of Com. Bids. V t Kdwy. 0034. - :, . PABKROUE , ttfPROTEI ACRE TRACT ' 4 BOOM HOCBE-i-OARAGl! . Dandy little hooae, 3 bedroom, bath. large cherry 4rees, apple,' peach, plums, grape, cumnts and other fruit, best garden soil, no rocks. Thia is a corner tract and both streets are graveled. Price $3960, $1000 down. - Parkros branch offioe opes every day. Tike Rosa CUy Irt-ParluuB car, go to end"f line. Tabor 3904u. i. L. HARTMAN COMPANT ' - 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. r J ' ' v Bdwy. 6034. ' ;. NEAR PENINSULA PARK t $3500 $1000 cah, ,$25 monthly, in. eluding interest; 4 rooms snd sleeping porch, built-in Dutch kitchen, . full cement base ment, furnace; 5000 lot, nice lawn, -3 .native trees, pamed street., surrounded by , nice homes: fe' hlpck to Kenton car. JohnsonOodon Co. 333 N. W.' Bank Bldt ' ' Main 3787. ;- l '- "' ' $250 CASH ' ' I : ; And "you can, more in this new 4 room bungalow; has hardwood floors, , firep&ee, I hitch kitchen breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, on lot 60x100. i It is. a beauty;- only $85 per month, including interest. Call Sell. 1920. NEW SHINGLED BUNGALOW 4 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full plumbing, electric lights, built-ins. pergola . porch, scTeened-in- back porch. baaetnent . Price $2600, on easy terms; will take lot . as first payment. ' JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. - Main 8787. " . " ROSE CWT PARK WeQ built 6-room bungalow, large - Irvine room, fireplace, dining room. 2 bedrooma, hardwood floors throughout, - kitchen. -. and bathroom, linoleum, large attic -with 1 bed room, furnace,, full basement; vnot new, but in excellent condition; shrubbery, garage. STJT N., blocks south Sandy. $5750, easy terms. -Owner East 1875. . ... CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE $450D $1225 ssh. $40 monthly, - 6 ''room modem house, on EL. 24 th. between -M. V. and R. O. carlinea. In excellent re--. pair. Inside and outf 8 bedrooma and bath .' upstairs, extra, toilet, down; full basement, i furnace, garage. .- ... i TdIinsonDpdson. Co. . 638 N. W. Bank'BIdf. : . Main 878T. ''HandyMan :m ' . t OPPOBTUNITT 1 Foinj-iijomt house with attic and garage. -iBeeds 'repair.' - At a am all expense will make dandy litUe home or will show a nice profit to re-sell Price $726 -on terms. Call Walnut 8438. 388 Alberta street. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH - NEAR LAURfiLHUHST PARK $4800 $1250 cash, $5 monthly: ftre plaea. bookcases and buffet; sleeping -porch extra lartte: larea closets in all bedrooms. Full cement basement, cement garage, paved street: exceptionally well bout. Johnson-Dodson Co. 68$ N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITT PARK, new. 6 rooms; finished space' for 2 more: L.. R '13x24: D. H. 14x14; oak floors: 2 B. R-s first floor with nice closets; fireplace, t bookcase, buf fet, built-in kitchen with nook, furnace. uxtures, shades, laundry trays, fell un- .. ptovemento, ement porch, 7x28; $5500. 08 K. 56th st. N. NEW ALAMEDA PARK NEW 5 room bungalow jrkh attic, artistic built ins; select hardwootr floors throughout, -inlaid linoleum in kitchen' and bath ; yard graded and lawn in, $6800; terms to be gr- rangea. w JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main ST8T. x: $75 CASH. $15 month, .5 rooms. about 250 ft. south of Ryan ta- ion, O. E., 60x100 lot. elec. lights. gas city wsterf total price $975. This is an exceptionsl bargain; va- Jt nnt lt,tr (t7SA ' $2500 FURNISHED BUNGALOW 4 room buncalow. . beerimr frutr. large garage; extra good furniture; 3 blocks to ear, -i diocxs souui ot Lombard St.; $350 c casii, sou mouuiiy. Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. $3300. $350 CASH, balance termsT 4 fOdlll modern house, Uving room and. dining room combined. 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, full basement: lot 60x127 ft.; L block - from scnoot and church, 3 blk. from M. V. car. is a. 7tn st. . $2600 NEW BUNGALOW 4 room modem bungalow, breakfast nook. good basement: 50x1 0O lot. Vt block: south of Willamette blvd. ; $350 cash, $30 moath- j. uit-iuuiug mreresT. JohnsonDodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. CHOICE HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Brand new 5 room, all modern features, including nook, cement porch, tile bath, furnace, garage, electrio fixtures, shades, large -lot, improved street. Terms. 851- E. OfJ lb $2880-i-$EW. MODERN RTT!f fiATJTa.- 4 rooms and break fast nook, cement base. imaoaij xraya; graoed street, sewer, wulka and curbs in; 1 block to car; $400 wv wouuuy, lDCJoami interest. JolMisonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. - TT BX OWNER " 100x100 corner. 8 rm. howae. hssirr tnn gas, electricity, fruit, pared street; A bargain. rnce eaiow. vrainux uzsu, 8300 DOWN, $25 including interest oa con tract, i-room Dungaiow. plastered, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, ce ment nuemeni, pavea street, walking dis tance. 8&5Q0. : ' 202-8 Failing bldg. IRVINGTON PARK . New, t large, S "room hauss, with attic, doable eonstmeted, modem improvements paid, $4500; bargain. By owner; $50.0 cash, terms to suit; 2 blocks from car. 729 Liberty st E. N. - . " A REAL BARGAIN ' : $560 down, balance easy: 5-reom buaga low, bath, gss, electricity, cement basement lot 100x100, close to school and car. 504 Buchanan, bldg. , - ; A LET us sell your small homes. , We are Hv wires. Have a lsrgs waiting Hst in our of fice. - Can't get 8 and 4 -room honses fast . - enough to supply tha demand. Parkhurst Realtors. 1576 H E. Glissn. Tabor 8490. LET ma give yoa my figures on your new v house you're going ' to ; buiid. J will gave you money and help finance. Have 30 houses under way thia year;firt class work. H. H. Harris. 1016 Brooklyn.- -Sell. -2859. BY OWN ER 5 room bungalow, , in Irving ton Park,- modern exeapt -hardwood ' floors, furnace. attic built-in. Phocs Wsinut ". 2429.' ': t - .; i-'W :' .,.;-; A-NEW -Eastmorelaad home with every eon- . -rrnsevtcav exoepcHmauy ouilt, SZ300 ' will handlav H-J 6 8, Journal. $25,00 CASH, 31700 term. 3400, $35 no, good modem 3 room house, pavement ga rage; fruit Walnut 2896. 899 Montana: 4 ROOM modem bungalow, lot 100x160. beautiful ahrubberyj city improvements : near ear. -' Ea.y terms. Owner, East 6329. - 7-RM. HOUSE, partly furnished, 50x100 lot; . all toes for $3,300. $80O down; terms. W. V Justice. 25 Grand are,. East 550?. i - NEW, modem 5 room bungAlow, close in.. 1 block car. East 9974. - - BUILDER will take lot s pert payment oa Tabor 7884. ACREAGE 405 $10 DOWN. $5 mo. nuys 6 acres clnae to - Vaaconrer and Portland: 350 an acre and up. We have 6 and 10-acro tracts in this 1 addition. Bos land, free from rocks and gravel, close to Pacific highway; good loca- tion for poultry,' berries and general farm - ing. Charles Pdffl. : 818 Railway Ex. bldg. AT RYAN PLACE.. Oregon Electric, 4 acre, comer Baird ava, and Taylor 'a Ferry soad; U. payment Ion, Mian . anonuuy. Owner. -, ... . . . . 3-ACflE tracU in Rosa Park Acre, fmest of 5 aoU.' 3400 per a. 'Easy terms.- C L, Roar, 218 Knott st. Phone Eart 313. ACRE, 3 room house, at Bearerton, soma fruit good well; furniture . if -desired. - lav r entire 804 Sacramento st East 0671. 6 hk 'ACRES, unimproved, suitabl for sub . diriskm; bargain; tearing city. . Tahorsids addition.' Tsbor 5979. - FOR SAl-Ji -$10 caah. equity in good Vs - sera. Planted in berries. 2 buildings, ekes v in. Wsinut 1717. - ' - -'.- ACRE tracts on Oregon tnty line. $70tf. Terms. S traits n. 317 AMngtea haiiding. TIIH OIl-GON , DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OIILGON. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE ACREAGE 405 STOCKMEN, ATTENTION! 566 acres, in .the famous Eagle "raUsy, Baker eoonty. Oregon, about 20 acres under farigatma. about 150 acres iia alfalfa; two separate eem buildings: all feaeed. - This - has asm of the best water rights in Oregon, fully paid. The ranch-is located fast 4 miles from ths forest iwin and the land to the reserve can be owned or icoacroiled. msk-ing direct eormsctiopa with the forest Too writer of tin ad Has urea on m Oregon. Tsr.pnc n sou per acre, your own- terms. - Let me tell, you : about this. See W. V. Wymsn. with -. , , H. C. CLRICH CO.. INC.j ' . . 403 Stock Exchange BIdgj - 1 ,1 ri i' -i t y- Main 4364. - .-'"-v:- -; PRUN'E ANI CHICKED RASdll i - 10 acres. 700 trees, wrer 7 miles from . TsBeoavee, . H mSe I east - of Orchards sa Battle Crotmd highway, tiled weU, 3-rooai house, chicken hoot-a for 800, 187 chickens, " - 6 weeks' feed oa hand, everything goes for . 33700: might trade for Portland residence -or buainess. Call or address C L. Wolf. ' Orchards, Wash. . Routa'l. Box '4. ACREAGE EAST 2l &. , t 7-CENT CARFARE .Big tract, rich soil. Bull Ron i water, big school near, 7-cent carfare, paved and grav elcd roads. Prices $500. $675 to $700; pay $19 to $14 a month, j Let me show yoa how your rent money will pay for a boms. Phone Auto. 3i-z: or Auto. 4s-ws. 4- .. - BIG BARGAIN $1800, small pavment down, $15 month, 60x281 : ft., adjoining Franklin' high, rel. best sod. 20 choice fruit trees, walnuts, bea ries. grapes, small building, basement ready for house, two blocks from car, water, sewer, ' gas. electricity worth $2500. A D. Rein hard. Sell. 0789. -.;.'. H . - .i : ACRE TRACTS FOR SALk """" ' 3 blocks north, from' Gilbert station.! on good roads. . Gas, lights and -water, good school. Every acre in berries. $800 and so. For sale, by owners, Tabor 4501. W. M. Gilbert. Phone SUBURBAN HOMES! 408 i' STOP RENTING OWN YOliR HOMS .,-.. r :-$25 Ttows - 1 - r 310 'Per Month and Interest NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW COTTAGE On a nice tract of ground all in cultivation.. . Just outsida the city limits; 24 - minutes from downtown; closet to station and school; no sign ' city taxes : or assessments Here, Finish ths inside of this In your ispsre time and own home where garden and chickens will nay your grocery bills. ; Price) 31860. L' 630- Chamber of Commerce bldg. BY OWNER One acre! new nearly completed four room house, near school snd car, city water, gss snd electricity, finish yourself. 81660. tier Powell Valley road and Buck ley are. Tabor- 4592.i FARMS 407 87!Acres$2I54 S9 r Acres$ 1 90 2IfAcres$ 650 S2iAcres$ 400 of cut over land, beautiful rievr, 6 snow capoed mountains, broad expanse of Co lumbia river, 40 m. out on highway, 8 m. eood road : best of soih no roek.t no wsste. spring water; adapted to prunes, walnuts, pecans, potatoes, clover or any i garden or agricultural crop; writ for circular, photo graph of potatoes; 8 m. to town and R. R.; small payment daws, your own terms run in reason.- -JOHN A. MEISSNER, I 831 Gssco Bltg. ! ' 90 ACRES, -shout 28 in cult, 30 mora slsOied long time, ' very easy to clear; lays good. All -good soil; crop: in now snd looking good. 6 room house, bam, holds 18 cows, 4 horses and 40 tons hay; 'family orchard, close to H D., neighbors and school, telephone in house. 2000 cords! wood on 30 seres, worth 35 a cord in town 814 miles; . srarel road. , Price with, stock and crop, 34800, cash, bal. terms. I This is fin for , dairy: potatoes, fruit, j poultry and hogs. Plenty running water. Box 97. Castle Rock. Wash. ' ! FOR SALE 160 acres. $52.50 per acre. 130 in cultivation and irrfgatkmj 65 acres in alfalfa, near school and postoffiee, : oa public road, 2 mile to good market, 8 terms $2000 i cash, assume $4000 federal miles to R. Ri station, in Deschutes county, loan, balance terms to suit: purchaser. Ad dress P, O- Box 118J Redmond, pr. 4 OF AN ACRE" st Hysn Place, on Oregon - Electric. 10 fruit trees, berries, gas and , water; corner of Balrd ave. and Taylor Fefry road; small payment, balance monthly. Owner. j -I f" ' 50 ACRES 16 miles, paved road; . ings, spring. Tsbor 3879. . good build- FOR RENT FARMS 408 FOR RENT, sale or trad for Portland Income property. 27 acres improved wt j Cornelius, near station and paved highway!. Owner, J. Nelson, 188 First st. - SUBURBAN home of 8 acrea, 8 -room house and chicken house, msU creek. ! part fine celery or onion land. .$25 per month. Phone Milwaukie 81-Y. ' ' ! 48 CLOSE IN Paved road: take vTork 6as part of rental. . Tabor 3879. TIMBER LANDS 411 LUMBERMEN ! ATTENTION 84,000,000 ft of 'Pine, fir and cedar. 3 H miles from railroad, 200,000,000 ft Joins this tract, with; large percentage pine. Price for quick sale, 75 cents per 1000, SUMMERVILLE REALTY i CO. ; 605 Couch bldg. ! i EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 I Want a; Farm i I have , jnst traded two modern homes for farms and I have two morei to trade. What hare you to trad for a mod. 7 rm. house? All finished in hardwood, steam seat, on pared street close to Car in -one of toe "Deet ' location in roTtlancu On the ' corner of ! Willamette bird, and Denver am. 8 rm. house, close to Jeffer son high, corner lot 75x100, All paring and sewers in and paid. . If you want to lira fn town submit ma your proposition. McGee Dennis - Wfc SELL THE EARTH 69 UNION AVE. N. WALNUT 8684. Country Store ' Til health compels owner to sell his busi ness censistMar ot a general .storey Hardware, gas station, nice residence; 3 seres of ground adjoining store, warehouse : own) light and water system: will consider small farm and some cash; good terms on balance to right . party. ".-... . JOHN A. MEISSNER, J ' 821 fiasco Bldg. . 1 j. .; :j .Welcome; h:-x-' Stock SnoW Visitors Come ia and took over our exchange list of farms, acreage, homes and income property. We hero a. large number of 'exchanges, and feel sure we can please you. ; ; -Gokey & Wesch 8ST- Cham of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6706 I . .-. , MR. FARMER I Tf you want to- sell, buy or exchange a ' farm, see or writ m. I deal in farm ImmI, .ml aefvaes - exclnsiverr. Have aome .first class CANADIAN srm bads to. ex- changa for- OREtiON property, j . . ARCH T. PEN WARDEN; FARM LAND SPECIALIST, 806 Lewis bkig. ; ' - PortUnd. 65 ACRE arm. 50 acrea in cultivation; nir T room . jMouein nooss, iwi . rarn. mai ' stocked ard equipped- .All -the .hay, rrain snd everything oa the plan gsea tor $15.. OOO. .-Will take modem 6 or 6 'roam bun. gslow and some cash., balaaeo S 1 years at 6 - per cent. 1 c. a. irniirai, wvv . o. Ja. ; Ant 826-T8.-': ':''") Ka ACRES stood land. 85 in cultivation, extra , good '' building, city water, -electric lights ' ! and all modem convenience ; mil from aarlintv 2 miles from Oregon City, good road; price-$18,000. . D. F. Moesmke, Ore- won City. - ' - 464 ACRES vQ hnprored Alberta whest farm, best of. stul. 800 seres under cultivation. .7 r.n't handle this en account of poor health. Will irxehang for city property. Address ' 1068 E. dOth st N. . Walnut 8027. Or TOTJt havn good -city in com. property and want a' f irst-eiasav farm, call and sew - ; have Just what yoa wsnt , F.- R. UU V-a SI. P. - ,, "PBOPERTT EXCHA.wif, SPECIALIST .- , - A. GORDON ROSS. - Brosdwsy 3178. 624 Henry bldg. r , -REAL ESTATE i - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 IXR SALE or trade. 240 acres; -can be di - Tided. 10Q acres ia yiec or 140. Address Daa Grshsm, i Mist Or.-- : r -t - - f t . , , -i w hh ItMii. basement f -breakfast nook, garage, 50x190 lot: -will - trade for prane ranch.. 504 Buchanan bUg. 'f " ; 'REAL ESTATE . ' " '': FOR SALE OR. EXCHANGE 414 FOH SALK or trade for acreage, 7-room ntod- era house with full cement basement oa lot 60xl5i). fruit, flowers, aarohbery, lawn, on pared street, improvement all ia and paid. 5Q4 Buchanan bldg. r; ; : I ": - :- . : ' i- GOOD N. Dak. farm to ! trade for I m II acres with good buildings, something - within 5 to 30 miles f Portland. ; Sea Mrs. llay. ' den. 804 Buchanan bidg. --, : : NEW 4 room bungalow, .complete. garage : take tot or auto as part payment..: 833 K. 15th St. X.. on Irringtont carlipe WANTED REAxi ESTATE I CITY PROPERTY 450 MUST locate a home by Neremhec 15, Want , 3 or 8 bedrooms.. , Caa -pay 8200 cash and good monthly payment. Will ( furnish, best of reference, Y-l 88. Journal. ' -y WANTED from owner, 3 room bungalow, with a toe, : garage." full lot, dome to S. S. car. Address g-410. .Journal.-1 ' '- ' " . SMALL MOUSE OR SHACK . 7 Pa cash for baraaia. 380 Chamber Commerce bldg. ACREAGE 455 WANT to buy acreage with : small modem home., at Multnomah station, or this side. Wruo X-253. Journal.', r :, .. - , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TORES. GARAGES VOTE For-19274 Fair - Just . a word to my many friends : and business associates: I have had tha pleasure of dealing with in the last fifteen years; to my mind your: success or failure depends en whether yoa and your friends- exercise your rights and rote on the Fair question or not; be sure and vote as .it .is going to be close; if the bill came it will mean better buei I nees, your - pise Will double and treble in ' value: if it fails I would not care to state my opinion;, it is also of great importance . you rote for Governor Otcott and shore all defeat tha school : monopoly bill, termed under: the deceiving head on the official ballot! school compulsory bin. ( VOTE 315 No) for with the 1927 Worlds Fair as sured,: Governor Olcott for governor and the school bill defeated t nothing can stop US. 1 - - rr -.: : ' ' - ' J. Peters of Peters. Realty Oa and Surety "... Mortgage Co. ; ' " IS N. Fifth St Garage-Bargain r Concrete ' building,' capacity 85 '' cars, full of storage. WeU equipped ' repair shop in connection, rent only ' - 8 a month with lease, clearing f $350 a month or more; no better: buy in the city; price 31200; sum terms. H iller Bros., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 8626. BATTERY. ELECTBtC SERVICE ' ' AND REPAIR STATION Here, ts a splendid: opportunity for a steady nad reliable man So secur. an equal mterest in a busy battery and electrical re pair erice station, very beat snd complete equipment, no better location, right down town, : hare agency for : leading battery previous experience not ' essential- a the duties sre easily learned : right 'man will easily dear better than $175 per month for Mmself from .the start: only $450 required; investment fully secured; best buy in city, weU worth -double the price. I1 847 Pit-' tock block.' Washington t 16th st vpard Roomj and.v; : Confectioner Store j This is a very good: place, doing big business; will sell at a bargain for cash. See Mr. Rahoutis with 4 I - Quick-Sales Co.,: 401-2 Couch bldg. ' ! Auto. 311-09.S 'I :.'. t'J .i :" '1 BAKERY, DELICATESSEN AND i i V ' , GRCsCERY . . f In A residential; and ant. house district, lent $35. business', doing averazn 865 daily. Bakery has first Class j equipment Owner has to go south for the "winter and, has priced! this place at $2750 for a quick sale. uai. at i r . . l i 817 HENRY BLDG. , RESTAURANT OPPORTTJN VtY I" West side, close to Washington straat. do ing st u daily; counter ana tables; gsoo deposit on lease inclnated in price of 82250. This ia one of the best small places in the city.- tuoi cash and! easy terms on bal ance. A real buy. 1 i i . 317 HENRT BLDG. V Dairy-ion Highway ! Only 6 miles out from -court house fully equipped ; good lease; wholesale cus tomers; inocsne sround 8800 ner month splendid buildings; will trad for house and cash. JOHN A. MEISSNER, 821 Gssco Bldg. CIGAR STAND Located in west aids downtown hotel. good fixtures snd clean stoek. You -should easily i clear $2 50 per month here. The best small stand in Portland. Come in and see about it Price $1700. i 817 HENRY BLDG. CONTRACTING AND TEAMING PARTNER WANTED $1300 for H interest in this business with assets over $4000; man to look after office: and handle money. Really the best proposition we could- hope to offer. Boon 1, Railway Exchange. j-; "" GROCERY STORE AVERAGING BETTER THAN i $50 DAILY . Five Terr modem living rooms and bath rent $65. under lease; will invoice about $2300. A bona fide that win stand thor- ougn ' investigation. : ARTHUR L. SCOTT CO.. 880 Cham, of Com: Bdwy. 8668. " CARD ROOM AND LUNCH COTJjrTEW. I have a real proposition for a man who knows this kind of business. The best chance to get-in a place and make money that is offered in tha city. For further particulars, call at . I 817 HENRT BLDG. $500 WILL buy cash snd carry grocery, con fectionery and fixtures including lease, do- ing $18 to $20 business daily, rent $16, in cluding lights and water, : large dining room , opening Kmday in same! building, for sal by owner, 414 W.r 19th st GROCERY STORE ' , i NO FIXTURES : TO BUT I GoOd, clean stock, rent $10; corner lo4 cation resKienrisl district The. pries $750, I, ; ARTHUR L. 8COTT, .1 830 Cham, of Com.- T Bdwy. 8663J j. kAAA Drew r'n a v-sw CONFECTIONERY a LUNCH-ttanil ajVU -it rjO A AOIVAiv A fl. " West side, dose in, good aaipmentj 2 well furnished living rooms. I OLE O. KLETTEN. Realtor. "1 415 Railway Exchcsngs Bidg. WELTj located little grocery at invoice, with new house in connection r lot 50x100, wHh garage. - Cash takes everything at cost ac - count death. E. 84th and Jessup st.. block north i of Kulingaworth a. : CAUTION, BUYERS -Betor. eiosiag a deaToI -caUed interest in eetabllahed real eatsta : business, get sdrio of Portland ' Realty Board, . 421 Oregon blig. . Phona Bdwy. - :,... -. ifc' --:.-.j FOR SALE Store and postoffiee in small towa ire Eastern ' Oregon ;; stor ' doing ' busi ness f $11 500 a: month; will invoice around $8000. ' Rent for store, and living rooms $10- a ' month. Bor X" Summervillej Or. RESTAURANT for sale on account of health. It will pay, you! to in Testis te. Long lease snd terms..-: Radio Grille, 93 10th st,k near " Stark.1- i : ;:. -i : -- - t. ., GROCERY store, cash and carry, fresh, -clean . stock,! on of best locations on Yamhill at - market; about $2500 will handle; ao agenta. C-213, JoamaL1 ' :...: ..,...... .. .. Printing For ? Less ; ttyderj Printing Cot -Mate 6336. -193 3d st, SAWMILL far sale, 10,000.900. feet yellow . fir ut :$3 per thousand feet; pay as cut basis. ' Y-873. Journal, i -- .-';.- $600 'BUYS a dandy bakery and tench room; will take small car as part payment tha rest cash, t 413 Alberta at- RESTAURANT, money maker, business town an a pared i highway. Pric 84709, term. Owner f leaving. Zimmerman, 483 Ch. of Com. bUg RESTAURANT -Seats, 20 people, close Saav day. Good location, can anew pooka. R-828, Journal. ; - - - - - j - ; - - v - .- . - - YOUNG i man wfliing to -work, with little, cap. tal td inrwat in good astshltshsd business. 169 wst nn at. - - - -i - - f- v BUSlNJiSS CARDS . -. frfi A3 Wrinting pre-war rrricea. "if 8 aiLr Acorn Pres. 386 H Wash.- bet -4h and Bth. WANTED partner with 8eOO for half interest in ylaning mill and sash and door factory, - T-170. Jonml. - - LBNCHiaad coaiecCioaery; mast sell at once. n accoaat si sickneasi. wiii nvrj-ifice. Main ' 8393. BARt-AIN '.rocery atore for: aale, good looa- tioa, at 615 1st st, by owner. BUSINESS OPPORTUNTITCS STORES. GARAGES, ETC. 500 . . FOR SAIJS i . - General feed, seed, hay and grain store, with warehaoaw oa railroad. 8 tor. fully equipped . with seal., truck, offioe equip ments -and BB-toiate 1 hk -ton chopper per hour, newly installed, with t krti bias and light delivery track. . - ' -, Buiidmg leased for I fears with privilag of buyinav 31oo spar 50 by 1CM). Warehouse ha 3690 square feat floor space, also equipped fully. . with acaass ; and tmcka. - - i ,- - Did $60,060 last year and. has avwragvd $6000, per month this year. Is located la a poultry and dairy center"' with a lam condetiaary her. ' MUk truck reach for SO -miles in aU directions, from which it gats its trad. - . , i----...i-J.-'v-i-'-U.----v r. Tnts baiiness fa a buy for anyona. . . Prft $750O -. 'i OBTSrSESS BLOCK FOB BALK OS . --. TRADE - - - ;' PAYING BETTER THAIt 3 OX. -i Cotniata of 1 brick 28x100 feet 1 brick 36x100 feet and 1 fram 46x100 feet; all 3 are . 2-story with good hall above. ; all connacted, snaking a aoiid ; block 100a 100 feet, all in first class condition; all i lower floors si, leased, for. 6 years; halls : an rsaerred. . . . -' .' ' 'I Ar new occupied by lsrgs grocery, ' mast market and 'picture theatre... Will trad all $ buildings up to 316.000 for good wall i improved farm, balance cash. Price 825. 000. Or will trad corner brick 23x100 sand fram building 46x100 feet occupied .. by grocery and meat: market, up to $1$,. 300.- 'V . ..- ,. .-, - - !. - .- " : Prion on these 2 building $17,000. i Box 32. Scio, Or. - . ' Garage 'and Repair :-ShopP.trtaer9hip: . ' Here- is an opportunity for a man i mechanically inclined to secur art equal half interest in brick garage storing 35 cars. Storage mora .than pays all overhead expenses. No night r Sunday work. Owner is first ' clam mechanic snd has been In the same location for over four years. , Yu need not he expert, as b will . teach you the business. . Your earn - ings should never be less than 8175 4 per month.! . Long leas with cheap rent Full ' price only 8550. Do ': not. fail to see this before you buy. ; 1 See Mx. ' Senescu, with Hiller Bros., Realtors, . 211 Railway Exchanca bids. partner -Wanted Joo ftErilREir" AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS . : Her m absolutaly the very best oppor tunity in this city to secure an equal oa half interest in the busiest and beat squippsd small auto repair show; fin.-busy location; very tow rent: long established, steady trad: doing only guarnteed, first class- work; have more work than can handle ; prefer a steady and reliable partner to hired help; previous : experience not necessary U yoa are me- j chanically inclined and handy with tool; . need man more than money: this is your ' opportunity to learn the business sad aaa- ily clear better than $ 1 6 5 month for your- , self from, the start: -only $200 required to J secure an equal hah interest; don't fail to ; see this before yon buy: well worth double the investment : a genuin bargain. Call ' early at 847 Pittock block.. Washington at ; 10th st -" --' - - Anything You Want Grocery stores fr0m $500 to $6000. some term. -. Rooming houses from $700 upv u easy terms. ".' -- - .-. -: . - Several dandy little - city : bom to , trad or sell on easy terms. Come in and let us know what yen want- Wo bar' it ' , f : Quick Sales Co.; 401-403 COUCH BLDG. Aut 311-03. , ! ; : . Welcbnie ; K Stock SnowiVisltors " t Come in sad get acquainted with our list- ings and bargain prices. in 'hotels. apt houses and business opportunities. Our listings are complete. - ' - t '; Gokey Wesch-: 827 Chant of Com. fcMg. " Bdwy. 6708 J-' i. GARAGE GARA'GB '! I West aide ant honse district, brick bldg.. 1 00x1 00. low rent You can clear better than $500 per month her if you know the business. Present owner has other inter, est so has no tuns for this: $1300 cash required. Easy terms oh balance. ! lnrssti- gAtCU .-'-'-'-v- .::--:-- 1 ' :-'-- :?' , i: ' v-w i 81 T HENRT BLDG. 81000 GROCERY, "choice residential district clean stock, good fixtures; 3 living rooms . and : bath, low rent leas.; 1 .I . - Grocery and meat market, choice east side location, doing good business; 8 living 5 rooms,, low rent, lesse: $800. - , J ! OI.B O. 8LEETEN, Realtor.:' .. -J 413 Railway Exchange BMgv RESTAURANT BUT 1 tin a busy transient st..' doing $45 dairy. Seats 42 people. Fixmre worth double price asked, uoed reasons for selling, pnoa $ 1 ton some terms. 317 HENRY BLIXJ. $750 STEP in snd take possession of a beautifully furnished nine room bouse with a nir income, on West side. ; ' Gokey "&;-Wesch ' 827 Cham, of Com. bMg. dwy. 8706. RETAIL BAKERY OPPORTUNITT i Located on one of ithe best transfer car ners in the city; daily receipt arersge 876. For a good baker this is a real proposition. Come in and talk it over. ! i . - T 817 HENRY BLDG: " WANTED Someone to finance ma with a truck to enable me to market , 20 acres of Highland Burbanks; - dandy .track. Phone Automatic 629-79. ' GOOD grocery and meat market: will invoice $1800. will sell for 31650; might take some Bkig. tun. See Mrs. Harden. 60 4 Buchanan MOVING PICTURE SHOW for sale, or tax some trade. Room 2. 258 H Wsshington. GROCERY and confectionery stor doing a good business, by owner. Bdwy. - 4797. HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND i APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 Washington Street1 J 20 rooms new furrdsure. lionsa -, tinted and painted. 8-year - lea, -----$800 on leas. This is the nicest and neatest house in th city. ' ' R McCauley, , .. ! Hiller Bros;, Kealtors, 211 By. Ex. fcldg. ' Bdwy. 8628. Will' Lease My 3 5 -room ' furnished bote), 28 , , ' steady hoarders. . Thia place will net ' $350; will gire 5-year -lea..i,:- i .. '-'"-. Se McCauley, 4; if v. Miller Bros., Realtors, .211 Ry.' Ex. bldg. - Bdwy. 8626. PARTNER WANKl , " . . APARTMENT, HOUSE ' - r ' $850 rrhalf interest Will pay salary to ' manag house. ; V od Income: - in - working ,' msn's district : " ..i"-r " HARPER et MORRIS. 829 Ry Ex. Bldg. """" '. . ATTENTION I , - , , - Before haying consult our list of -finite , clam apartment - houses and hotel. . W 'handle th best in th city. At your lerr : ic for a square deal Be Mrs.1 Keller. GEO.' T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG. $1600 BUYS building with furnished rooms .-that.net $75 per month, ground rent $8 per- month; loe 4o: W. -C- Justice, 25 unin ar. - aat ovvz. TEN IE K. rooms, near Lincoln high, good in com;' win sell or trsd. Atwater 2769. ." 431 Market - J - --,:--'- - A. SNAP deal with owner. $200 give yon , Tjoaeession, of- 19 rooms partly famished, good lease, -modem and fnrnavoe. Bdw. 9265. H. K. ROOMS, ineems $113. rant $35. Wi3 pay for iueS in short lira, $750; terms. ' Owner, Main 8182. :- ' - 13 ROOMSj close 4a east side, rent $25; in. 'come 3115. ' 454 Behnent t E t 7389. BUSINESS OIWRTUNTITES r c-A WANTED": 550 Wanted Wairted Grocery store or restaurant up to $1600 onyera wsitinc: why not sell roaxaf . W asll others. t '. : harper morrts ---y. "jv'.viT $29 Railway "Exchange Bldg.v-V':; U Broadway 0578. , ; WANTED Suitable locatioa, with long lease, . ia high-claas neighborhood, for a modern. p wp-to-dat drug atom. Address, giving lo cation, length of tease, rental, etc. A-272, - Journal.. . . . . ... - 4 Monday j EUSINESS OPTOnT!JNlTirS ! I j :- WANTED .-- 5S0 WANTED UROCKR f STORES . ' Has Buyers With $SOO to 34603 j T----. ARTHUR L. SCOTT - I : 380 Chaaa. of Com. , , Bdwy. 8668. HOTELS; ROOMING HOUSES AND BUSxNESS OPPORTUNITIES i 1 v j TO EXCHANGE - - 503 H I Want a Business Will trad -my 80-aer ranch, 39 miles Jrout Portland, Or extra fin eoiL 43 acres in iculUvatian, 16 more very easily put ta Cultivation. - Prio $11,000. in umbraae (Suoa., runs for 8 year at 6. I: will grv scrnaoa the biggest bargain they rrer got in their Ufa if yoa win trad ms a nice little bn dnem. ' Don't h afraid to mak ma an offer. 8e Mr. Bahovt with ,v --.- " - ,. f- r Quick Sales Co., i 401-493: COUCH BLDG. Aut 811-08. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN f 1 - 1 j REAL ESTATE .601 CITT TjOANSI V 1; KO MMISSI03k I I On Improved psbpsrty, ar(qr imp rove meat purposes. . .. 4 . , v . !.- i The best and rail est method at paying loan ia xiur monthly payment plan. . . l ,. 832.26 per month for 86 months, a 1 $21.24 per month for 30 months, or ! $16.17 par month for 96 awnths. pay a roan o: xiuvo ana icursst . i Loans of othoc amounts ia saas propor RenaTment Pi4v11wm. XQUTTABLB SAVINGS A; LOAN A! 801-308 Stark St. Portland. Or. I PLENTY MONEY oa nand for small MOktT GAGE LOANS on city and suburb rem, dno property. ' 1 No red tape; low rata; quack action. Straight term loans cr nay as you please. 1 We bay small con tract and equities.! ill ssit- you to build your amaMaom.,:. ;Lpff.C: na i vnam.. oi v.m.r niui. navy, oaiy. t i BUILDING lor d n city and suburban prop erty : money advanced a work progresses. W. G. Book. 31$ Failing bldg. , Bdwy. 7407, $100. $2000. $8000 TO LOAN at 7 pa cent on ! good city home. - A. H. Aksrsoa, 43Q Henry bldg. Bdwy. 8349." - I l $200.: $400.: $500y $760. $1000 AND Up! Low rates, qaicx action, rna w. Uermaa Co.. 733 Chamber of Comaa.ro. 1 MONEY TO LOAN, MORTGAGES CONTRACTS BOUGHT. $500 TO 20OO, FRED S. WILLIAMS. 606 PANAMA MLiXi. $1000, $2000. $3000, 34000. $5000 M Ma delay. Wa ar Visaing our own money: y. H. laESHON. 1004-7 Spalding bldg. j SEE OREGON INV.7 V MORTGAGK CO.. bit Lumber I Exchange bids. -I $42,400 DIVIDE $1000. $1500: $2000 gaooti, sauou. fasuu. mpton, gAst 7U4. $100 TO $2500. ' Uuica . 231 . Morrisoa st, roai A. H. Belt; 10 snd 11. 1-1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 -i-1 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADS OK. . Automobiles FURNITURE. PIANO S,. HOUSEHOLD - GOODS. REAL' E8TATX. BONDS OK ANYTHING OF v ALUS SKCUR- . ' ITT USUALLY LEFT IN i ' TOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLR ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT BECUKITl, IF, YOUR PAY MBNT8 TO OTHER LOAN.COMPiNIES .' OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE -CONTRACTS ARB TOO LARGE. WK WILL "PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE TOO MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY,- AND YOU CAN PAY TJS IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVKM. '. . LEGAL RATES KO DEI JIT PORTLAND j LOAN ; CQl '' ,: - ": i LICENSED) ' ' 806-807 DE salaI DEKUM BLDG.. 3D WASH. BROADWAY 6857. ' BT f 11 M 1 1 . A ttT i I WK LOAN MONEY " to (slsritd and workingmen on tbVr psfn ! aonal notes, Rata mtonabls, aasy pari NO ISECTJHITT Nt INDOR8ER. ! 1 .Call iand inrestitat i our modem money Kraey 11 : lending methods. All 1 aineva eonllden COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, . I- 1 ILioensed)- ' Sl FtiUng Buudlng. koXEt tO!L6a1 ' I'oney loaned on household goods or msri- , chandu placed m gtorag with us at a reg ular bank-rate. ',,,., ,- V 111 SKCURI' :Y STORAGE aV TRANSFER , . i Foarth and Pin St. . Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phon Broadway 8716. MONEY LOANED AT BANK RAT v on household goods in -storags. , ALKRT TRANSFER STORAGE CXX I - 208 Oak st - I LOAN money on automobiles. ' . EAST SIDE AUTO (BROKER, $89 Belmont cor. Union st. WB LOAN MONEY n anto mobile. Grannlng a Treeca, 103 N. Broadway. . . MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL 605 WE BUY first and second mortgage and sell ers' contract. F.' E. Bowman fc Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg.j Bdwy. 6007. CASH PAXD for mortgagee sod sellers' eon? . tracts on real? estate to- Wsshington or Ore. gon H. E. Wobl. 816 Lumbermen bids. WILL sell $000 sal contract oa 3. room mode era cottage. Walnut 8552. ; , : - j WILL- buy small sellers contracts or , seoood .- mortgas, Gordon, 631 Chi of Com. bidg. i MONEY WANTED 651 WE CANosa yoivr" money on f irat-claa eseuxv .. ity to aam 10 per cent Guaranteed. , i 1 I ;; SKCL KITY STORAGE. -TxtA sol Kli W. 4th at Fin St, Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone ! Broadway 3715. Lou Dept.! WANT to 'borrow $3200 en, tin' new 6-rooi 3 bungalow in Lsdd's addition. Main- 4354: WANT to borrow $3200 on fins new 6-room bungalow in Ladd s addition. Main- 4354, SETS OREGON TNV. MORTGAGE CO.," 2i EXCHANGE BLDG. S-'i " 'I 1 4 -HORSES "AND VEHICLES 700 BARGAIN j 280O lb. young team, sound and 1 true: good harness -and wagon: bare moved in frem country sad have ao place to keep them; will take any reasonable oiler. 1 all .. at 4228: 41st are. Tak Woodstock ear to 4 2d street - ! 1 FARM IMPLEMENTS - EW AND SECOND HAND ' I .. SPECIAL PRICKS I r. E, ESBENSHADE 860-868 -K. MORRISON ST. 18 HEAD: of horse and mare., weiabt TT33 to 17001 lbs., ace 4 to 9 years; all In good - shape for hard work s- prices cbeapi for cashj 1 KEYSTONE STABLE , , I ' 981 Water st- " , - Corj MotitgomerlyJ 1 HORSES! HOBSESM . I 13 head of horses and mares, 8 to 8 years old. , weight 1 100 to 1 850 lbs. Will aU - ' cheap for cash, -. All bor guaranteed represented. 284 Front ft of Main. TEAM, mar and horse, weight 2900 lbs,, Tears old. rrain fed. right out of hard wo -Must be soki to stop feed bUl. Mare 7 year - old. , weight 1150 lbs. Quick aam. $35, 284 pront. foot of Main. '; ' t-j 3000 LH. TEAM, well built hones, no further as for-them; sell cheap. Kalk Bros., wood 'yard. 100s in vision sc. xaa tuenmond to 4tn 1st HANDSOME bar mare, weight , 100O lb. broken to rid or drtrej very gentle foe :- -women jand children. Price $50. . 881 Water st, cos. Montgomery. - $85 BUYS team of gelding. Weight about 2800 lbs., in good. work condition; grain ifed "' and shod; work any place; free trial alkiwed. - -No use for them. IOO East 9th t K.'i j SPAN of young blocky built mare, weight . about 2709 lb., weB broken to work snd " in goodi coodiooa. Price, t, $140. ---,.831' v Water st. cor. , Montgomery. ..,-,-: 4. . j KEY8TOXE Stables, norses tor sal or hir of sold on eomausaioa. Wagons and ham.1 881 Water t W. S. Atwster 851$. ) f mi, na goad 4rerehing ham, , 1. Stock saddle, CcJl 27Q E. TU t - : - : -- . ,-. . 1 j mtl , fllt.T. Inil for ' ear t emi. bin. black log horses, ' weight 3800 . lbs. ; also ... . w.1 T . . t, a a ' targe aog , vrni. riw'JW r.. do 1 i. nw c , 2300-LB.. TEAM, almost new harness and farm wagon: 8100 tor aJL 4019 87th 1st. lt Wcott car. ' : DOCBLB tna, 68 -way; ngi team. $l-a day. 646 Front st Msia 2208. . - FOR SALE or trade, horses. , harness wagons. I 24 E. 8th st ' ' 3000 LB. TEAM, $83: also 1400 lb. 845. 274 9th st near tiawtnora. FOR SALE, black team, 34O0. 8-9 yr. : gray --team, 280, is yr. . x-o t, journal. novemcei. c, 1:22; 3 HORS25 AND VnnCLES 7C3 Crown Stables Hare 40' head of hones Just returned from f grauing Job j which we will seU very cheap. They ar all; young, sound and m good eon - dltioh, batlw don't want to wintaw them. o year pries is oar pricv on tha . stock. : W bav barns i. a of all kinds, new and. ; second hand ; also wagons, grading tools. to. Everything guaranteed as npresenteo. Phil SaetterJ Mgr.. 286 Front st iUVESTOCK 701 80 HEAD registered Jerseys. Register or merit - nroaenr of -rmmvAm a t r,uhita suction Wednesday. Nor. 8. at 1 p. m. J Livestork sales pavilhon.' R A. RhoUn I -and C. D." Mtnton, sales manager. FOR SALE. 6 good, tran dairy and family aowa, also good .dairy and retail routes snd equipment 1584 Eaat CUsaa, Phoo la : bor 4655 land, call Sunday and evening Tbr 4005. j. . FRESH cows:i 1 Jersey, frwah 4 da: aJao . . HoUtein, fresh $ days, snd a JeiMy-Uuernsey , will t re Aies ; ia a few day. Than ar all -" good ynnng cows. T. B. trtd. 34ft K. 8th. FOR SALE 100 S. C Bbod L-dand Red pul- , lets. 32: cockerels. 84 snd $5 each. H. M. ' Robbins.' Bt 8, Oregon City, Or. Phone t Heaver Creek 11 -a 4- YOUNG frah cows, $65 and -up; will on- sider beef cattle in exchange. 420 8 2d St., - near .irirrsion. $ REGISTERED Jersey eow and on young burro,, one grade cow. Jacob Ke.se, Oak ;ror. Or.! Bdwy. 7685. - WANTED 1-aaur. for cow and yearling heifer far alnter. 1137 KUUngaworUi ar. B. - I UOOD Jersey', cow for al, good1 milker! . 963 Powell Valley mad, corner 8 2d, W oodstoc k Car. ' '': .It-' ' ' 1 : : ' ' ': ,fl REGISTERED Hamimhire Wa make l.rofltablj ham and bacon; cheap. Merryvaie. Barlow, I '; t r.gon. . SEVEN registered llolateina, 1 rg. Jersey bull, grade cows. . Phon SeUwood 1571. 6t4 Holxate st. f" t - - - LARGE fresh Holstein cow, heavy milker; lo 1 A-l family Jersey cow. fresh. $50. )967 East Stark st. cor. 78th. FOR SALE Uolstein-Jeoay cow," fresh in 3 months. 04 f ra'.f. 4 SO Ktllinesworth. FOR SALE, cheap. 8 auud family cow. 1850 Dana -at. Call Empire 0122. ' FOR SALE, : rery .cheap,' good, gertU fnnly cow, six years, inquire 1P2B fortsraont li. FOR SALE Milch goat at your own pries srul -mo.-oia am, 910. lu it k. 21st so. FRESH COWS, yards. Hansen. Tct barn. Union bluck Walnnt 4011. WANTED-r-BEEF. VEAt AND HOG 4 - : I a TABOR 7832. ONE, dosen White Leghorn hens for aale. 35s - each. Empire 2086. 1210 Macruoi are. REGISfERErTjar-ey bull. 8 years old.' $100." a. k,. mcnier, Hiageiieia. sn. POULTRY AND RABBITS 702 RHODis ISLAND RED I FARM W . tnvit you to visit our up-to-dst plant at West Portland, jnst beyond Mult, aomah ststjoa.: W ar xalusiv breeders of thoroughbred tingle comb- . Rhode Island . Red baby chick snd bate blag agga, . ! s Cockerels A few good bamdtng birds. If yen ar ta nd of on at a prio. ths is right W ar. now booking orders for baby chicks' for 1st fail and early spring de livery. AI stock sold oa j a monsy-back guarantee. I I RHODE ISLAND RED FARM B. No, 6, box 202, Portland. Main 4742. Rabbit Breeders x , - Attention . - Judg Fhr wishes to meet every rabbit, breeder who it connected with any national or local association, at Central library, room F, at 7:80 p.. m., Novi 7., Committee. Bab bit Boosters. - -'-, ! ' - V , I . PULLETS 1 Wa have' about 160 Whit Lghom pulr let 0 which -25 ar laying; they ars from a mating of- Hollywood cockerel and Tancred hen: an .exceptional: chance to get a start with real stock; also! 60 Rhode ' Il ia nd Red pullet. See theirt at our store. Portlend Seed Co.. 189 Front, Kast 3171 FOR BALK, $0 S. C- White Leghorn -Millet, 50 Whit I Wyandott -tmllets, . 80 S. .'. Whit Leghorn hens, year oldj George Keller, 1025 McKenn-v., Portland, or. FOR SALE Mallard ducks., fine for decoy.; $5 by pairl or- $2 apiece by t dnsen. Mrs. W. H, Pelkir. Bouts 1, Box 82, Salem. Or, Call 64F5. . CHOICE Barred Rok corkerels from pris winning stock. $2.50 sacTu II. 4. Feather). Clackamas. r. BANTAMS AND EGGS 22 varieties. Hen.i 2 stamp for circular. Fenni Bantam ttrd. Desk 144, !e!vn, Wisconsin, U. S. A. PARtRlDGK i WYANDOTTE8. - winter cms, beauty and I good eats; sKo Cornish gsnie ' for ale. Fair pricss. Metryvile., Barlovrr. Si C. WHlTi I.eghorns, yearling hens; also i roosters; good br-eder. 1176 PoweU l alley void. riellJ i. ES MdnarclJ wait ducks. O. I A.' C. year-old Plymouth Rook ben. Tbor:7414. PETS: DOGS, BIRDS, Eiu 70J ST. ANDREASBERG roUers. "the canary with a college eduction." Gurnterd genuine imported. L Will exchsnge unsatisfactory birds. Forf ev price $16 and $20. special nice $10. j Order now. Harts Mt rollers (imported) J $8 each ; imrUid female, t. I nd $3.50, Java Rir Bird (lore birdx-t. $3 pair. ,ToUnr tame J'snsma narrow. guarnteed.j $20. E. B. Flake, birds, flow ers, pets. 78 State st, Sslem. Or. Visit our new, rooaern piro von KEEP HIM rJlNtlfNG. Feed '"SONGSTER'S FAVOR1TE1 BEEU. mixea lor t era of theTworlds best seeda 'T'teinsno hemp, mustsrd or other harmful seed. Bone, gritanrf direction with each package. Special price to indue you to try It .8 lb, for 8 lT postpaid. K. B- Flke, birds, flowers, yete, 2 73 Stat st. Slem. Or. "THE BOSTON KENNELS OF 1'ORTLA SI) 407 Ainstrorth Are. Wsinut 6284. Boston J terriers -.exclusively; males fof service; coast agent 80-mlnute worm rem edy for dogs or cam; not a poison, a vre- . tsbl compound : odorless, testeless, harmlea. guaranteed Jto remove Up or any Kind of. worms in no minmca. FOR SALE Stock tr. First and Colli. Ah-edale, shepherd, fox, sananes, Leghorn puUeU, tvuines h Flemish Giant bbits. TWO male Airedale uuimw. 8 montli old, reg- IMerea. u r owf TOY BLACK AND TANjrEMALE .yi n v m f 6 monthsl cH, cheap. 83 2 11th st S. ST. ANDREASBERG roller canarie from im ported -Tierman .sroca; '-" i.- - - - Nehalem are. Bellwood lB2g. PORTLAND'S! t stock store. 1st and Wash ington sts.rBdv.-y. 8279. ! BLACK Persiain kitte for sl. j 1 126 Mcad- m st Tel. Atwater n i BOSTON brood matr ,Kt 15th kt N.; BEiISTEBED taint for sal maaonabi. 034 Iwalnut 0319. colli at stud.. 8-252. Journal. FOR SALE. Fox Terrier punpiss, good, stock. 4 2d Hsr mean MUwsukie, Or. ni.i , . Jig AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 800 WILL SELL my Chevrolet 400 toinaj er. In finest covKjWoni. with new tire, for Only $1 50 cl give om , trauv , Call ; Mr. "Rice, Broadway 8121. 1150 FORD BUG , Best buy in Portland. v BRALKY. IGRAHAM CHILD. InaVs rllin it at numsior. 192l .-DODGE TOURING, . . . Bargain lor cash, or will tak auto -and cash. Mnsd sell. Pborm- Mam 6486 - or address Box P6. Multnoman. trr. $273 DOIKJE TOURING i BRALEY. jGRAJIAM A flilLDi In.. 11th .T. et Humnioe. i $300 BUYS toy 1921 Maxwell. Need the money oaaiy. ' Csr is ' in splendid eonditloa - ana , wrwi wm.". - . , CHEVROLET Baby Grand touring, 1920. eon- dition first fclsas in twrf H 'arm a. EaM . 9908;- . " . ! ' ' gios 1913-14 CADIIiAC TOUR, 7 PASS. L95 1913-14 CADILIAC BRALEY, JGRAUAM a; i ' .... . lith t at Bui 2t Fcrd toitruig. ora 1 flllLD. lot... Bnrnxide. 1921 Fc rd toMriog. i ora cre outer .sira. eaey ttrmv. p'H owner. Wslnnt 6025. A LAtE 182 electric Ford touring for Eat H"- jjOr;E touniig rar. fir-, -c'aa. shape. Extra. , Most sacrifice. Private. Thr !. EQCITT in Ford coupe, vry cheap. lnquir 667 Hen f. - 1921 lXn.D,jtuuriug, , goud siiape, - Bredswsy. ' v - 108 N. FIHST CLASS 4) i'lievrolet cheap for cah. Phon East 7615. 471 E. Hsrrison-st. LATE FORD tjoariag with kUrter. $240. Auu - 83-68. - 3-PA8S. Chalmers. 5 good til timers. rood urea, giio price $125.. 18 E. 7 siiock ab'iKber an . T , , : k.- , n,.., ou ' run- ning order 6t.h N. i FORD rd oU,t-r . extras, best (of condition. Et 90 tig, DO VOU want a dm4 Ford! morey-vlng prtTcition. I'houe me for Eeet 6fiH. (Cnuaw4 an Fallowing Pay) -111 Portland Pet ' Washington au. ! fox terrier, toy en, laying w bit Ml 1 f