,vTHE ! OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL .PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 5..'1922.i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- HOUSES 404 . s : HOMES! HOMES 1 HOMES 1 200O Photographs of Homes for Sale JJlRGEST HOME SELLER IN AMEKiCA EVERT DISTRICT IX THE CITT V HOMES OF EVERY PRICK ASD TYPE ' Viol's HOME IS HERE PES ALL JAT SUNDAY One?p evenings Until 9 Oft 96. SALESMEN WITH AUTOS AX IRVIXGTOX BEAUTY! 8T490 Truly a wonderful home is this beau tiful - bungalow of 7 - reoms in Irivwg ton: fin-t conn rictioii and material employed throughout, especially large living room with .fireplace; dining room with , massive' buffet, hardwood floors, white, enamel, Dutch kitchen. t immaculate' inter finish. 2 bedrooms j down. 2 sip; file bath, fnrtxane, dmfble garage. Unas. A HOME FOR D1S CRIMlNATINfJ PEOPLE. E. lth St. Ask for -98. DISTINCTIVE HAWTHORNE 86990 Iaraw 8 ream, beaotiful, strictly mod ern heme. ja tadjoining Murrymeade. Has evervtliang tliat heart could wish for. SIGHTLY VIEW LOT. K. 2Sth St. . Present owner is very desirous of selling and will sirs terms. Ask for Y 73. NEW I $500 DOWN SPECIAL 852508500 down. Here's one at the finest new 1 bungalows built hi Portland this vter. Hsa 5 room with hardwood floors, built ins. living room 16x20. with fireplace, large dining room with massive mirror buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen; furnace; and bltd. . HEART OF SUNXYSIDE Comolet.lv Furnished S4 890 Too can more richt in to this at tractive modern home and not worry about any furniture at all; 8 rooon. . la fee and clean, and airy; built in conveniences, 5 bedroom, sleeping '. porch and white enamel bath, garage improvements are paid: 1 bis. to car. E. Yamhul st WILL ARRANGE TERMS. A HAWTHORNE BEAUTIFUL 4760 HAPPY, HAWTHORNE HOME is welcoming yen. use oi me prettiest homiest bungalows ever built; 7 .rms.. nestling snugly on its pretty' grounds, with foliage, roses, trees, making an attractive setting: low. rambling, rustic lines; builtins. music room,- 3 bed rooms and bath; AN UNDUPLI CATED VALUE. Terms. E. Yam hill St. Ask for H 81. COZY SELL WOOD HOME 4760 --This is a Isrje, cheerful semi-bungalow. ' with an unusual ome atmo sphere; 7 airy rooms, reception hall, living room, diuing room, fireplace, very . convenient kitchen with larce pantry, pleasant breakfast room, full cement basement with furnace, laun dry -trays, oversize lot, with shrub bery; fruit, flowers, 2 blks. to car and- 3 to school; raved street- A SPIiENDJDLY COM F O R T A BLK PI.ACE FOR A LARGE FAMILY. Terms. E. F6th sc. WEST SIDE. FUKXISHED $500 DOWN'. WALKING DISTANCE $4490 $:0I down. Clone to Multnomah club. very plra-iaiit, practical 5 room home. comnl"tpty furntehed. Former price i000. MUST BE SQLD: Nartuia t. XKW HOME AT SACRIFICE $4490 Will tat- lot or close in acreage as . part payment. Very artistic new 6 room modern bungalow, with hard wood floors, fireplace, buiitin book . eases, nice white Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, ivory filuxb, 1 airy bedroom down and 2 up ; garage : corner lot 75x100. THIS HOME CAN KK WOLD ON VERY EASY TERMS. VACANT. IMMEDIATE - POSSES SION 4 7 th tu SEE THIS NOW. BROOKLYN HOME BARGAIX (4490 $500 down. I.arge substantial modern borne of 7 rooms in Brooklyn district, nice corner lot. on carline, reception ball, living room, dining room with ihasslve buffet: large convenient Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath, newly tiuted and in good shape; E. lOUi at FURNISHED ALBERTA HOME (4180 I . am leaving city ami must sell my ifme, completely . furnished. AT tlNCE. Very cheerful modern 5 mom , bungalow in. heart of Alberta, just 1 blk. to car; lota of builtins, -bedrooms, bath, furnace, garage. E. 2 4 til t,; WILL CilVE TERMS. Ask LARUE PENINSULA HOME (3910 Easy terms. Mau with family, why nay rent? Here's a way out of it. Very attractive large modern home in Peninsula district; 7 rooms; hard wood floors, nice living and dining ruoms. fireplace, lots of builtins, 4 Nsirooms with roomy closets, garage, 1110x100. with roses, tniit, garden. THIS IS A WONDERFUL BAR GAIN V Delaware ave. ACROSS THE BROADWAY BRIDGE (3900 Here's a barajn in a substantial modern 7 room home.. cloee in on East First street. . You can rent rooms mt all of the time, all conveniences. furnace. WALK OVER TO WEST SIDE AND SAVE MONEY. Terms. WALK AND SAVE MONEY 50O Down. Se This Today (3950 Good substanti modern 6 room house, close in. just a few minutes waik to west side and near schools, Oetc. on E. 12th st,, all improve ments are in and paid. We have several other home adjoining this that can also be sold so very easy terms. HNHJ 8EI.LWOOn BUNGALOW $3750 (500 DOWN. You'll rove to move in and fix ftp t"is eland v new bunga low in HEART OF SEIA.WOOD. 5 nwms. hardwood floors, builtins, French doom, dainty interior finish. - airy bedrooms and bath, close to car. A FINK LITTLE HOME. 500 dtwnand REST VERY EASY. Miller CHEERY ROSE PITT EASY TERMS CORNER LOT (2990 Attractive modern 6 room bungsjow. builtins, furnace, garage. E. 76th st. :0 DOWN. (25 PER MONTH! (1D90 $200 down, gives you posessic4i of this modern 5 room comfortable cot tage, living room, dining room, kit chen and 2 light airy bedrooms and bath: electric lights and gas-, garage, full lot. 2 big, to car, 1 to school. PAVED STREET ASD SEWERS ARE IS AND PAfll. THIS IS A REAL SNAP. SEE IT TODAY WITHOUT FAIL. E. Stark st. $323 DOWN. MT. SCOTT SXAP (1625 CHEERY 4 room, neat and practical. livmg ad dining rooms combined, lmtch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, electricity, gaa. 94th et. - r MT. SCOTT $475 DOWN (1575 Neat. 3 room cottage, very eogy and practical. 62d are,'" ' ' w HUNDREDS OP OTHERS BEE r t4A. Ij. H'litlKE, ' To Buy Your Home Realtor. Abington bklc. . Bdwy. TlTl. 3d st. bet. Wash and Stark. . J -THESE IS "AN OPENIXO - On our sales fore tor a live, salesman with ' ear. (i50 down KEN ILWORTH PARK ADD. A toveiy -t m. bungalow on paved St., -walking distance Brooklyn car eheps; comb, living and dining rms.. 2 large bedrms,, large . Hutch kit., hardwood . firs., furnace, fail cesoent basement.. I. trv; 50x100 lot. . H. W. lSBORXE CO.. REALTORS 432 Vh. of Com. bWg. . Open eves, and San. Rdwy. 24l. HOME with aa income; 5-rooa bungalow, 6 lota, best of garden soil: 19 bearing fruit trees; chicken houvrw for 500 : 1 S chsckens. rm ivu, aawuw castu tan xiam 14, V (230 LAURkuiCRST , COLONIAL fix vrooma and attic, UTe'.y Urge rooms, M beautiful site and dandy location, garage. Never dreamed before of selling for this. PhctwiTabor 21S9. . (24u4 NEAR Laureihitnt. Five rooaw. on corner .lot 73x12 teet; paved streec $1000 down. Tabor 21B. BUILDER wiU take lot aa part payment va ivew bungs lew. Tabor TSS- BEArnruL home, near kex'ilworth PARK, OX EASY TERM.S. SelL 40IO. i kOOM - fnmisoed house for saio. IFwaer. ( "ROOM aew i-ntoCern house. 125x165 lot" i; eloee in. WIU aacrific. , Tabor (557. REAL ESTATE FOR- SALE HOUSES 404 Piedmont "-.i.-r-t A Ncvv Home Jwt 2 short blocks to ear. 1 block to Peninsula park, an fin 6Oxl00 corner; 5 -room highly modern bungalow. Hardwood floor, old ivory finish, tagwstry Vper. fire place, full cement basement, furnace, latra dry trays, pedestal wash basin, baa 'bathtub, large breakfast nook, large attic, all built ins, apaeioua badrpomi, garage, etc This is indeed a.' fine I piace snd rea:iy worth the money; (1500 eaah, balance like rent. Phone Broadway 7522. fJEBVICE l REUABttJTT COK A. MdKEXNA S CO. Establahad lSSO S0g Artisans Bldt Broadway at Oak. Adjoining Laurelhurst : S46S0 No. 90 E. 3Sth-i 5., near Stark at.. room modern, residence, 3 fine bedrooms, hardwood floors, natural finish, fall cement basement, furnace. aU built-ins; improve ment In and paid, no mortgage, will sign straight contract; small down payment, bal ance like rent. ' Phone Broadway 7522 (exclusive listing). SERVICE RELIABILITY COB A. McKEXXA A CO. Established 18 89 ' 208 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP - NEW BUNGALOW (3650 (850 DOWN Cozy, well built, brand new bungalow on hard surface, street. Sewer-connected. Hardwood floors. French door?, fireplace, concrete lasement, attic. 2 bedrooms. One block to carUne. Near Reed col lege. See PARKER FOR PROPERTY 505 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 4231. PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPP. P .P P P P P P P P P P V ACRE TRACT SHACK (20 DOWN $20" MONTH $1850. PARK ROSE. This dandy Uttle suburban tract is just a abort distance north of Sandy; bird, and carline; homes all around; rich silt garden land, shade trees; your chance to buy your own home on rent terms: low county tax; no building restric tions; high and grade school; (20 total mouth ly payment. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdy. 6034. ROSE CITY BARGAIN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW THIS IS BELOW HILL, block to Bandy, modern in every respect, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, ivory fin ish, tapestry paper, nice electric fix tures, plenty builtins, garage,' nice yard with shrubbery; priced low at $5200, (1500 rash. Bdwy. 2045; Sundays, Tabor 01 7 8. BIGGEST BARGAIN WE HAVE 5 -room, very attractive modern bungalow and a half acre, of fine ground in the city on paring for only (4500. Close to one of the busiest streetsand in one of the choicest districts; adjoins a beautiful place. Small cash payment will handle. Easy terms on balance. Certainly you can't expect a better buy. Lot us show you. MERRICK & CO., REALTORS. " Distinctive Homes in Desirable Districts." "S04 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 8230. LAURELHURST DISTRICT $4450 This attraetivo California bungalow, all completed and ready for occupancy, is a splendid value. 5 large rooms and break -fept ttom. oak floor, fireplace, tapetry paper, lighting fixtures and shades, garage, full basement and a wonderful view. Soldier's bonus or easy term. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sapdy bird. tOu Viaduct.) Auto. 315-44. PENN. CLOSE IN New 4 Tdom racdera bungalow, all imp. in and paid: OB carline; 50x100 lot: living and dining rm. comb., lovely Dutch kit., break, nook, 2 large bed rms., furnace,, fire place .buffetj hardwood firs., bookcases, full cement basement, laundry trays. Price $4500; $1000 down. bal. $30 and int. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS 4 32 Ch. of Com. bldg. Otien eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. BEAUTIFUL 4 ROOM SHINGLED 1 BUNGALOW Living room has tapestry paper, frieplace. hardwoed floors, large inverted Bght: full plumbing, basement: beautiful fir trees; $2000, (500 cs.-h. balance monthly. Never been occupied. You can move in at once. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 X, W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WEST SIDE CLOSE IX 5-ROOM HOUSE (6500 i This is in excellent condition, ivory fin ish, tapestry paper, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. 50x100 lot; this is a real buy at price asked, and will be well worth tout true to investigate. Broadway 2Q45: Sunday. Main 3062. $350 DOWN MT. SCOTT $330 DOWN Dandy 4 rm. bungalow on 80x100 lot. lfv. rm., 2 bedrms., kit. and toilet. $1350. ' with (350 down, bal. (15 per mo., with 7 per cent mt- H. W. OSBORNE CtL. REALTORS 432 Cb. of Com. bldg. Open eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. A HOME WITH AN INCOME Strictly modern and up to date two story flat, and store building on good east side business street. For a quick tale this is going at the price of a residence. Built for a business and home combined. Rent from store alone will pay big interest on the entire investment. Phone owner. Tabor 1154. FOR SALE by tender, being compelled to sell ray residence property at 846 Diruion St., I have decided to accept the best offer re ceived before w p. ni.. Nov. 7. 7 room plastered hettse, modern; garage and fruit. Call and inspect and leave your bids. It costs you nothing and someone is going to get it. ROSE CITY PARK $550O Five-room bungalow, cement basement, garage, cement driveway. This U one of the famous: "Taylor made" houses just completed by Will T. Tay.'or, designer and builder of more than 2OO0 hou-ies. . Dis tinctive and ttniaue. 704 E. 46th st. X. East 1351 . Owoc? on premises daily. . FOR SALS; By owner, new modern 5 room bungalow. Foil cement basement, breakfast nook, fireplace, linen closets and other binlt-ins. Garage in basement. 50x100 cor ner lot. Price (4700. $1000 cash and terms. Inquire 1094 Veruou ave. Phone Walnut 0232. NEW modern 4 room bouse, nicely finished, bath and all "fine electric fa In res. See it; you will buy at first sight if you - know a bargain! Price $2500, small payment down, balance like rent. 1 block from ?Powell ValLey. 315 5th st. 8- E. Owner. M,. Al. rooman. NEW corner BUNGALOW, double garage, best double constructed HOME in Rcse City Park: big rooms, French windows, beautiful furniture, draperies. Oriental rug. Owner going hack. Bargain. Some terms. A utcma tic 334-14. 50x20O. COMFORTABLE TENTHOUSE Water, gats, esn4ricily. Sumner St., bet aim and sBtn. (759. (10 cash. No Tnents to assume. ROGER W. CART, XEW i-OCATTON 142, 2d. Main 2007. FOR SALE Ivory finished bungalow, all built in. 4 rooms downstairs, 2 partly finished up; furnace, wean 'trays, gkxage, dose to car and Jefferson high. Some elegant fur nishings included for short time at (4500. Terms. Phone Walnnt Q225. ' 1365 K. 23D ST. X. 7 rooms, and ur to the minute, for (4800, easy terms: block from oaf, walking dbtaace from 3 different pciioote.; if yoa want to see It today, call Sellwood 0702. J. C. OORBIX CO.. S05--7 Lewie Bldg. NIFTY AND CLEAN 3 root cottage, newly papered, electric lights, nice 50x100 lot, paved st- Not 81 W. Alberta st. Price (1650; (200 gash, bal. $20 per month. Albert Harala. oWaer, SOT MsisslEg4 ave- Walnnt 1291. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Take Arlington Heights lot fc '(2000. good terms oa balance, for wvy modern bungalow i; oa Champ'ain drive; (8500. Main - 7844. , FOR SALE OK TRADE Modern -mm - house, full basement, in- improved street. ' '5s W. Iltt sw "Vancouver. SHACK and H sere;: gas, eiee.. good school ; troiU safe. $S2J, i tabor 143. 345 E, 8th. i ' ! ROOM plastered bouse, with to acre of excellent i groand; $26 dowa a ad (25 a month.' Uahs 8615. " P P P P P P I' P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P IF YOU WANT A BABvAEi IN A 5 OR ROOM HUXGALOW 1A, LACRELHUBST. . CALL AUTO 621 91. "71 - - 4 - j. ' - , '''-. i , s - - . , ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES . 404 Piedmont Kb, 84 Weak Chart at-, new modem 5-rooo bungalow, large attic, spac for 2 rooms, hardwood floors, natural finish, large kitchen, ail bui it-ins, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays ; improve ments all in, pared street; reasonable down payment, balance like zest -. leiHnaire list ing). : . SERVICE RELIABILITY COB A. McKEXNA 4k CO. s - Established 1889 208 Artisans Bldg. f Broadway at Oak: w Well Built Double Constructed BRAND NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $390Terms $39 BEST BUY IX ROSE CITY PARK 761 E. 64 Til ST. X. ROSE CITY CAB Just completed, strictly tuodern 4 room bungalow, extra large- living room. 2 fine bedrooms, hardwoed flooff. fireplace, iDutch kitchen, breakfast nook. built-in,: tine plurabing and electric fixtures, shades and liuaieum, double constructed throughout, fine locality, close to car. See this today. Will be on premises from 12 to 5 daily. Phone Auto, 317-76, mornings or evenings. PARKROSE IMPROVED ACRE TRACT i 4 ROOM HOUSE GARAOE V Dandy little house, 2 bedrooms, bath, 6 large cherry trees, apple, peach, plums, grapes, currants and other fruit, best garden soil, no rocks. This is a corner tract and both streets are graveled. Price (3950, $1000 down. Parkrose branch office open every day. Take t Hose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end of tine. Tabor 21104. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Blag. Bdwy. 6034. Fine Bungalow Modern 1 in every respect. Half Cash Sellwood 3626 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3950 $1060 cash. (40 and interest monthly; 6 rooms and attic: hardwood floors. built- buffet and bookcases, built-in Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays; corner lofc, near Sandy boulevard. This is a very neat bungalow. Owner needs money. . JohnsoaiDodson Co. 633 X. W.Bank Bldg. Main 3787. , Immediate Possession Dandy little 4 -room home with big floored attic, good plumbiag. sewer and sidewalk mid Kn'xiltft lot aune nice, trees, a regu lar home I Very easy payments. Owner leU town, must sacrifice. Sidney G. Lathrop 414 ABINGTOX BLDG. HERE is a good buy for a strictly modern home for ((900: has 6 large rooms, hall, plenty of built-ins, close' in on ved st. and all assessments paid. You can have . 10 years an of purchase price, balance terms. WilVtake a lot in good district as first payment. Phone or call. Bdwy. 0534. ,517 EXCHANGE BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK 530 E. 41ST NORTH Four rooms and bath down stairs, two rooms and sleeping porch up, another un finished. Builtins. French doors. Ivory woodwork. Full cement basement, laundry Firenhvce. furnace. large porch. vines, shrubs, big trees, grapes, trellis, fence and pergola. Garage and concrete driveway. (4950. Terms Owner. ROSE CITY PARK This is an exceptionally well built, pew, . o -room bungalow, with large attic, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, gar age, large breakfast room; finished in ivory, tapestry paper, best oak floors, all built-ins, on beautiful corner, lawn in. trees; open all day. 711 E. 69th st. X. - Phone Tabor 3584 YOU CAX OWN THIS FOR (300 DOWN V p. 1 R.rnnm tmnealow .close to Car. ga me- irood district. Only $3800. $200 down and balance easy. If you want a real snap see this. MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS, "Distinctive Homes in Desirable Districts." 304 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 8230. 00 down ALB. $600 down New 5 room bungalow. .31st st. ., near Alb., cor. lot 40x100, living r., dining r.. 2 bedims., Dutch kit, break- nook, fire place, buffet, old ivory finishn cemeftt base ment, 1. tray-, garage. H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS 432 Ch. of Com. bldg. Open eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. By Owner "fin carline, just east of city limits, with all city conveniences. New bungalow. 4 large rooms and bathroom, front and bark porch, concrete foundation, planter fini-di, with nearly H acre. Native trees. (2100. More land if desired. S. P. Oslrarn, 610 Mc Kay bldg. i SUNNYSIDE In fin;t location, close Bel mont street, an opportunity only seldom offered as owner moving away will sell very good modern 6-room house, almost com pletely furnished, for say (3600. one-third tash down. Seeing is believing. Open only for few days at this price. H. H. Staub. 1027 Belmont: week, phone Tabor 0319. WEST BIDE OX 23D 9 ROOMS (4200 In Terminal district, suitable for room ing house; 50x100 lot; this is a buy at price: terms. Broadway 2045; "Sunday. Main 8062. . ROSE CITY BEAUTIFUL 6-RM. BUNGALOW (52.SO EASY TEHMS Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, built ns: all newly finished inside and out; This k a bargain : see us at once. FISHER REALTY CO. 515 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 4026 NEW BUNGALOW (4000 5 lmge rooms, double constructed, plate class windows, breskfast room, full cement basement, furnace, garage, paved streets. Broadway 7567. Let a show you. RIT TER. LOWH'ft CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3- 5-7 Board of Trade bMg. CHOICE HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Brand new 5 ruom, all modern features, including nook, cement porch, tile bath, furnace, garage,- electric fixtures, shades, large lot, improved street. Terms. S51 E. 52d st. A HOME far the price of a shack. 7 rooms, good location. (3000. A small orchard and 5 room hous-. Right in the cify. (SOOO. Discount for all cash. Phone Tabor 0270 MODERN i story bungalow, Lenta diet-: chance for rood rental income. Reasonable payment down, bah like rest. Price (2100. Abo three loom house for (900, term. Both houses half blockj from carhae. Call Aut. 620-21, or write T-l 7 6. Journal. BEST BARGAIN" IX PORTLAND Modern bungalow on corner 100x100, high and sightly. Most be seen to be ap- predated. Owner leaving city and will sac rifice for cash or will make easy terms. Ccrner E. 40th st. X. and Hancock st. fi ROOM HOUSE (2500 . 1 H story' fal basement, electric lights, , bath, furnace. So. 753 Missouri ave. (500 iU handle, j Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi Isve. Wsmnt 1201. 4 ROOM house, all famished near car; all improvements in. sewer, cement walks, etc. Larger tot Only $1200; (2SO down. (25 a month including interest Must sell at caee. 505 fjrwetland bldg. GET OUT; OF THE CITY Small -payment down bun 6 roota house near station. Lots of room for cows and rHcken. Tabor 34 60. - WOODSTOCK New 4 room bungalow. 2 bedrooms, bath, closets, built-iajs, fareplaee, hardwood floors, .basement, trays: (3106. terms- Owner. Tanor 4427. T -WANT SMALL GROCERY, living quarters in coaneetioa. as initial payment oa beautiful -room home at (6509. J. C. OORBIX CO.. 308-6 7 Lewis BMg. ; (2950 $500 DOWN. 5-rooos house, 2 blocks to SSd and Hawthorn, paved street; eement basement, furnace. sleeping porch and garage. Main 7244.1 " 4 (StoOO, $500 j CASH, balance like ! renfc -boose, gas range, linoleum.. 3 iota UOx -199. block from - Woodstock carline. Phone fwocd 6528. 1 206 47th are. 8. g. MODERN S ropat bungalow, full basement Price $302S. Easy- term. -Also portable ; garage. 12x20.. slightly used. T Mi I blocks to Mtaswsrppr car. 16 Mississippi 'ave. 428 GLENN AVE. Go soak today,, then be the fust in ear office, ur the- morning. ' 5 .. roams for (290O. and yust lie paying rent J. X CORBJJi CXX. aOi-o-7 Laws Kate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Robnetti &tMcClure Homes That Endure JWer "STILL' Interested ia hew - well we can build, not how much we can get for building. It. ia "STILL" cheaper to build than to bay. . Why pay two profits wheat one is enough! as before buiid iac or buying, 1 Robnett & McClure CONTRACTING BUILDERS 802 Couch bade Bawy. 657. BARGAIN SUBURBAX HOME (1450 S blocks east . of Mllwaukie city limits; 6 full lots, 500 ft. frontage on road. 68 as sorted bearing fruit trees 8 years old, 5 kinds of berries, 3 kinds of grapes, 4 room plas tered bouse, BuH Rum water and gas, bam 18x24. " , OWNER NEEDS MONEY This place is a BONA FIDE BARGAIX at (1450. Must have $950 cash, balance 7 per oent. Buy this for A HOME OR IXVESTSIEJSf You'll make mofaey either way BE COX VjXCED Let ns show you. Bdwy. 7567. RITTEB, LOWE CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Wdg. ' Delightful Home ' $5m Cash ' The classiest little home In Portland. 4 room English colonial, bungalow roof, bard wood floors, old ivory finish, tapestry paper, fireplace, breakfast nook, full cement base ment, laundry trays, all built-ins, fine 'bath room, fixtures, recess tub; a very complete home. Total price (4650; (500 cash, balance (40 monthly. Phone Broadway 7522. SERVICE RELIABILITY COE A. McKEXNA & CO. Established 1889 208 Artisans Bldg. Brosdwsy at Oak. LAURELHURST NEW 3 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BREAKFAST NOOK; FRONT ROOM 15x26. PLATE GLASS WINDOWS; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT; COSTLY PLUMBING; TILE BATH AND DRAIN BOARD; FOX FURNACE; LIGHT FIXTURES: WINDOW SHADES; SOLID RUNWAY -AND GARAGE; READY TO OCCUPY. 144 E. 43D ST. X.. HALF BLOCK NORTH OF GLISAX. OPEN' 2 F. II. TO 5. HERMAN NELSON. OWNER, BUILDER. WALNUT 4841. BARGAIX BY OWNER Beautiful new 5 room bungalow with modern conveniences, hdw. floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, prettiest break fast nook, artistic lighting fixtures, fin ished in ivory and tapestry paper. Two bedrooms, linen closet, bathroom. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, large attic, nice lawn. 1 block from car and 4 blocks from Laurelhurst school. This house is furnished with walnut and tapestry furniture. Must sell at one. Price (4 900. (1300 cash. (45 monthly including interest. Phone Tabor 3394. READ THIS BARGAIN f NEW ALAMEDA BUXGALOW $500, and it is yours. 5 rooms snd attic, breakfast , nook, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, plenty of built ins. ivory finish, tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen; this is brand new, and only $520. Bdwy. 2045; Sunday. Tabor 0178. TEN ROOMS LAURELHURST This is a wonderful home, right up to the minute in finish and convenience. We built this for our own home and know it is built right; has four bedrooms upstairs and two down. Nice large bath down; lava tory and wash room upstairs and room for bath. Bathroom and large closets, all have built-ins: a wonderful kitchen, beautiful large hying and dining rooms, buffet; best oak floors, full cement basement, garage, large lot; only (9000. Phone Tabor 2189 for appointment. Xo phone information. A Real Bargain Only $350-. Cash Balance easy, buys, a dandy 5 room bun galow, with living room, dining room, 2 bed rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen,, laundry trays, basement and garage. Only 1 block to ag. Vacant, ready to move in. , JOHN F. ZUBER, 1824 E. Gliaan. Tabor 7547. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW (5250 $1550 cash, $25 and interest monthly; 5 rooms, reception hall- and break fast nook ; old ivory finish, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors be tween living and dining rooms; cement basement, furnace, garage. On car line. JohnsonBodson Co. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. e LITTLE GEM $3750, $500 DOWN NEW BUNGA LOW ON PAVED STREET AND CAR LINE. NEAR PENINSULA PARK; HARIi WOOD FLOORS. BUILTINS. DUTCH KITCHEN. 2 BEDROOMS, ENAMELED WOODWORK, FULL BA.SKMEXT. LAUN DRY TRAYS; GARAGE, ETC. : A DREAM OF A SMALL HOME. OWNER, WAL NUT 5035. Laurelhurst NEW, COMPLETELY FURNISHED If you want to more right into one of the neatest homes in Laurelhurst, just com pleted and newly furnished, let us show you this home today. COItCORAX-JOXES REALTY CO., , 275 Oak at. Phone Bdwy. BOOR, -r DESIRABLE PART OF PORTLAND fiTS. New 7 -room ultra-modern, exceptionally well - arranged house with fine view; oak floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, best plumbing, garage. Hose to car; offered for a few days only: (3500 cash, balance easy. Bdwy. 2045; Sunday, Walnut 6260.' HOME BUILDERS For plans, rpecificatirns. material, bills, contracts, superintendence, financial and building advice, consult Olney Hawkins Brosdwsy 5848. 415 Abington Bldg. BEAUTIFUL WAVERLY HEIGHTS (4500 $500 CASH New 4 room bungalow- with - fireplace, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, 2 airy bedrooms, cement -basement, furnace and garage. See this downright bargain today. R, I,. McGREW. OPEN SUNDAY 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. $2750 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT Fine modern 4 room bungalow, govd con dition. 2 big' porches, large living room, 2 nice bedrooms, dandy Dutch kitchen, A-l plumbing. Nicy fixtures, w-h trays in base ment Fine 50x100 tot, lawn, shrubbery. truit. Tapor 48UH (3150 $500 CASH Z Big bungalow, near Franklin high. 5 room's fireplace, builtvins, cement base ment east front lot, fruit Vacant Key at this office. Broadway 7567. Let us show ytu. RITTER. LOWE A CO,, 201-2-3-5-7 Boe-d of Trade btdg. BUILT FOR A HOME ' A beautiful designed house, both ia and outside. Must sell furniture and all. cor. lot; garage, furnace, all built-ins. finiahed 4 mos. sgo. Cash or terms. 890 Capital ave. BY OWNER 100x100 corner, 8 ns. house. laundry trays, gas; electricity, fruit.; paved street; a bargain Price (3750. Walnut 0230. KENTOX S room house, ileepins porch, bath double constructed,! full lot, paved street. (21 OO. Terms.! Sunday or1 emuingv 1608 Omaha ave. 1 ! NICE HOME FOR ACREAGE $3000 equity for acreage lor suburban home. NicbolL J 1 - GODPARrrS OFFICE. 501-3 iCoTich Bldg. (4200 LAURELHURST (4200 5 rooms and floored attic. (100U down'; only two blocks from car. Hurry if you want this. A. Allen: real estate. Tabor SI8P DEAL direct with owner and save agent's em mission, modern heme on large corner lot ia Piedmont :- hot water beat. Price aad terms attractive. 12(3 Union ave. I (759 CASH buys : 8 room furnisoed house, close ia cast side;; lot 60x100; terras en baiaace easy. If you want a (bargain, see as Sutter, S3 X K. Broadway' East 9213. BEAUTIFUL bungalow corner. 25th and E. Taylor. This is a line hoasa and a sacri . See. -: Only 5OOi r Terms can be' had If desired. Phone East 118. i (20 DOWN Lsiyi wonderful little ti room cot tage, close to car. Just remodeled Tabor ' (460. ,' .. ' :-. FOR SALE New & room bungalow, nearly -modern; street improvements all paid. See mm. aa tteypotds st sar (230 DOW, bnnwalow. atfa t,m1 e4rww vw ; tVC&A- . Iwt,il . ea&. TH0M3OX. hawk bide. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 - (4540 BOSS CITY BUY A aww 4-rooss bungalow, com tn nation liv ing and dining room, two bed rocens, all built-ma, Dwtck kitchen, breakfast nook, full basement, wash txaya. furnace, fire place, full lot, 1 blocks car. (800 cash ,- will handle. .'-....! . (STOOAXOTHER DAXDY BUT A 5-roonv bungalow, hardwood- floors, all built-ins, fwrnaee, fireplace, cabinet kitchen and everytiiing. Cement ; basement, . wash trays; full lot, garage: (East front.) It's a dandy little home; let us show yoa this. (6200-w-ROSE CITY PARK , " Yes, it's strictly modern, has 5 targe airy rooms, all built-in features, floored atlic, eement basement, laundry trays, fur nace, fireplace, tiled bath, and tiled sink. Dutch kitchen, cheery breakfast nook, fin ished in ivory and tapestry paper; full lot aad a garage; city improvements paid; your terms cas ta Arranged. $9500 ALAMEDA REAL HOME A. wonderful home, strictly modern in very respect, hardwood flora throughout, fine furnace and beautiful fireplace; if yoa are oa the market for a real home, let our salesmea show you this; it's new and loca tion is ideal. ' (5000 WITH (300 DOWS . A 7 -room semi -bungalow with oak floors, all built-in. furnaoe, fireplace, eement baa meat, laundry traya. etc., 50x100 lot, on 3 7th. at, near Knott. (Fern wood school district) ; a good buy on easy terms. RUMMELL A BTTMMELL 274 Stark St Bdwy. 6729. S9th A Sandy Blvd. Auto. 320-60 24th A Klickitat Sta, PHONE JrOR A SALESMAN : We will call after yon. Rose City Heres A Real Bargain 7 -room modern spacious bungalow, hard wood floors, old ivory finish, fireplace, break fast nook, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, all built-ins, garage, etc. This house is offered for a few days at (5750, and it is a real home; (1000 cash, bejaoee like rent. Phone Broadway 7522. SERVICE RELIABILITY COE A. McKEXNA A CO. . Established 1889 208 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. PARKROSB (20 DOWN. (20 MONTH. Small house, acre tract, just outside city limits; low county tax; best garden soil (no rocks). Your rent money pays for St all. Price (1650. Parkrose branch office open every day. ' Take Rose City Park-Psrkroee car. go to end of carline. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com, Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. IX CLASSY BEAUMONT 1 story 8 room bungalow, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, full basement, very sightly lot; p.'ace is in first class condi tion; vacant, ready to move into. Only (730 cah, balance to suit Photograph st office. : : See Lamb with ' 732 ( ham. of Com. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $6500 (1500 cash $50 monthW on balance; 0 rooms and extra large flooredf attic, everything strictly modern and up to date; old ivory finish, fireplace, oak floors, breakfast nook, extra closets, cooler; large light basement with furnace equipped to burn coal, wood or gag. Garage. 50x100 lot, niee lawn, pared street JohnsonBodson Co. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Rose City Sacrifice MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS We ere going to sell this artistic 6 room bungalow at once. ' Owner is leaving city. 3 bedrooms (all on 1 ftoor) . finest location in Rose City, close to . Sandy blvd, , below the hill; garage and ' furnace. R.Somerviile,Main 376 i ' 6 Rooms$3500 Brand new, double constructed, 3. bed rooms, polished oak floors, linoleums, shades. et xixtures, cement basement, best plumbing, paving paid. Sellwood car to Ellis ave., S blocks east to 711. Sidney Q. Lathrop 414 ABTNGTOX BLDG. 1 BLOCK TO CAR 5 - room modern bungalow 100x100 ground, cement walks and sewer in; this home is just beina finished and was built for a home, but owing to sickness owner is torced to sell: pnee (3700, 11100 cash balance like rent Broadway 2571. Portland Home Co. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. $500 down WOODSTOCK $500 down 6 room modern bungalow, new; 100x100 lot living rm.. dining rm., Dutch kit 1 bedroom down, 2 bedrms. up; built-ins and buffet bath and toilet; large basement cement; floored attic. H. W. OSBORNE CO., REALTORS 432 Ch. of Com. bldg. Open eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. 6RM. BUNQ, $295 VACANT. READY TO MOVE IX Living room, dining room. 3 bedrooms bath and kitchen. Only 2 blocks to 2 cur- lmes, on 50x100 lot Hard surface street Very attractive, easy terms. JOHN k ZUBER. 1824 E. Glissn St.- Tabor 7547. 7 ROOM PIEDMONT. CORifER LOT Paving oa both tades, large rooms, newly painted and decorated, furnace, fireplace, garage, and fine lot of fruit, (4250, (1000 J. B, HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE Branch office: 1347 Union are., Wai. 6621. iipen Sunday rrom 2 to 5. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT New 5 room modern bungalow, oak floors throughout, living room serosa front Dutch kitchen with tile drain boards, break- fast nook, eement basement garage, large noorea attic, r-nce eo-oo; terms. R. L. McGBEW. OPEN SUNDAYS. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. $4500 (750 CASH West- Mt Tabor bungalow. Large rooms, fireplace, built-ins. Dutch kitchen furnace, attic, garage, beautifid lotpaved streets and sewer paid. Vj block to car. Among fine homes. Broadway 7567. Glad to., .how vmi Immediate possession. RITTFR, LOWE & CO.. 2PI-2-3-5-T Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE ' Owner must sell 865 B razee street, near East 27th street Large grounds with 122 feet rentage on B razee street, 6 room resi dence, all kinds of berries, fruit, grapes, ahrubs and roses. Lobk it over. For a bargain call at 401-2 SwefJand bldg. Phone -Bdwy. 6859 or Tabor 255S. HOME BUYERS: here is a snap you have been looking for. Six room cottage, good basement, Iota of fruit, lot 50x92 . on car line. Step out and get on car; $1800. (1150 cash, balance (15 a month snd inter, est 6 per cent, P. L. Miller, 19S1 E. Gli san st $250 DOWN New. substantially built 5 room modern bungalow, good district, near car. 1 5 . min utes out west side. Real snap st (2750, (250 cafh, balance rent terms. Xo phone information. See A, K. Hill. 4 26 Lumber mens bMgl MUST SEIJi AT 0XCK Modern & room bungalow. If looking for bargain, see this. Hardwood floors, fireplace. ' built-in buffet white enamel Dutoh kitchen. Best location in city. (4500; (100O down. Terms. .Tabor '3490 or Atwater 2673. 1521 E. Glisan. OWNER must sell Alberta home, newly paint ed ami decorated throughout 4 rooms down, 3 rooms and bath up. Furnace, full base ment, garage, alley, sewer, ndewalfcs and curb in and paid. Lots of fruit, 2 -blocks to oar. (350 cash. Small monthly peyments. full Auto. 327-9S. BY OWNER. (5S50 cash, on terms. Dew 5 room bungalow, in restricted district; hard wood floors, fnrnftce, fireplace, built-ins. breakfast nock, full cement basement and garage. Close to school, library. Pen msnla Park.. 1213 Height: Walnut !. $3O0 CASH! PRICE (2750. 7 Here's a dandy buy ia a S-room modern home, with fireplace eement basement and garage: vacant, E. 74th at. Montaviila car, call Mr. Marsters, East 1193. Owner Will Sell 7-ROOM HOUSE IX TJlLTtELIiTBST. TVKRYTHIXG IX. TABOR 7882. HAWTHORNE H room house, with eak floors. aen. Gases furnace, garagew 4oxlua,lot; a snap, is tip-top shape. , Price 4 750. Tabor 88 S. IRVIXGTOX . r --? A-ral new acute. ,Go Jook. corner f 19th and Braxee. Sunday. ; &-ROOM ; zaodera house. . aOxieO iot,' fruit, . (2500, (150 down. See . Mrs. Hayden, SB4 Kaestanaa r-:. FIVE rooan hnme for vale by owner, .Terms to suit buyer. At 401 Monroe-st. NEW, modern 6 room bungalow, close in, 1 . block car. East 374. . - - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Close In Laurelhurst New modem S-room bungalow, complete In every detail, hardwood floors, fireiiiaee. old . ivory tuusb. tapestry paper. Dutch kitchen, B builtctna. The -hous fa ar ranged lor light housekeeping apartments upstairs, and The income would pay for the home. Foe' full perucuiars, phone .Broadway 7522. - 1 ; SERVICB , RELIABILITY COE A. McKEXXA A CO. , Established 1889 i , 208 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at Oak. . PARKROSE BARGAIN (1680 .. I 4 rm, bungalow, garage, Just! outside city limits and only 1 blk. off Sandy bled. Fine living room, -dining room, kitchen, good aise bedroom, large closet and, child' room; cor ner lot, nice lawn, flowers' and garden. This is a gsnuino snap; (8O0 dowu, balance like rent Parkrose branch office I opea every day. Take Rosa City Park-Park rose car, go to end of carline. Tabor. 2904. ' i. L. HARTMAX COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bids. - Bdwy. 6034, PPPPPPPP PPJ P P P P P P PPPPPPPPP PP P P P P P F P P f P1 P P P MOUNT SCOTT P P P P (2300 (200 DOWN P P P P 6 large, bright nwna with a-l P" P P P tbe built-ins: fireplace, built-in P P P P buffet, Dutch kitchen, white enam- P P P P el bathroom fixtures. A real P P P P home. Notice the price and terms. P P P . P See T P P P P PARKER FOR PROPERTY P P P P 50 Artisans bldg. Bdwy 42A1. P P P P s P P PPPPPPPPPPPPIPPPPP P P PPPPPPPPPPPPP P. P 7 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW I (6900 i One of the best bargains 'jla the city. Owner leaving city. Someone: will get a beautiful home, priced worth rlhe money. ' COROORAN-JONES REALTY CO., it 275 Oak st - Phone Bdwy. 6006. ROSE CITY PARK Well bnflt 6-room bungalow, large ffring room, fireplace, dining room. ' 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout kitchen and bathroom, linoleum, large attic with 1 bed room, furnace, full basement; not new, but in excellent condition; shrubbery, gsrsge. 391 E. 45th X.. lb blocks south Sandy. (5750'. easy terms. .Owner. East 1875. (5O0 DOWX, BAL. LIKE REXT I tire (5000. direct from builder. 5 no. bungalow, Dutch kitchen, buffet, fireplace, lidw. floors, electric fixtures, I shades, fur nace, cement floor in basement, wash trays, garage. Will consider small car as part first payment 1026 Clinton st ! Take Rich mond car to 85th st Builder. H. Jitr Harris. 1016 Brooklyn st SelL 2859. HOME building; If you contemplate owning! a home see our latest floor plans and designs, Caa help you finance. W. M. UXBDENSTOCK Sc CO. Built over 200 Homes in Portland Special Service to ex-Service Men 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. AUTOMOBILE WANTED ' Neat 4 rooms and breakfast nook, hdw. floors, building one year old, lot 100x120, paved sts., in Rose City Park Price (5500. Will take good auto to $1500 or cheaper car and some esah. Balance contract, (40 month, including interest. Owner. Mr. Fisher, room 521 Perkins hotel. , SUXXYSIDE HOME BARGAIX 7 large rooms and sleeping porch, full basement hardwood floors, large porch, fruit, furnace, all overhauled, like new. Wonderful bargain at (4200. See it. 1120 E. Taylor st East 5679. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW 5 room bungalow and garage, built in buffet, "fireplace, breakfast nook, Pullman kitchen, hardwood floors, furnace; (5750, $1000 cash, balance easy. East 7829. 964 Oregon st. near 31st IRVINGTON Home of character and distinction. Brand new. 5 beautiful rooms, of unusual pleasing architecture and construction. Best . loca tion. Let us show you. Total price only $7650. Broadway 7667. RITTEB, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. MUST be sold at once. Will take as little as $150 down. New and never occupied bun galow with combination living and dining rorm, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms and bath, basement, wash' trays, fireplace. Price reduced to (2950. Call Auto. 334-60. . i-i w v t ivn . vt. a ,.. i, choice corner location, all improvements ia ana pal a. vwner irr tne r-aat, must sell. (4300. Terms can be arranged. OLE O. SLETTEN, REALTOR 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. , Bdwy. 3400. COMMERCIAL ST $2700. 1 rooms, modern convenierces. full lot, garage, abundance of fruit all imp.i in: and paid, easy terms. Geo. IF. Crow, with Al bert Harala, -01 Mississippi are. i Walnut 1201. $2700 BUNGALOW Five rcoms and sleeping porch; house in nice shape; full basement; large lot. gas snd wood range and electric beater. (500 down. Tabor 2189. BY OWNER New modern Ji-room house. garage, large lot: fine location near Franklin high and two car lines. Must be sold. Any reasonable offer .considered. 1450 Division St. Phone Tabor 6558. A WONDERFUL new Colonial bungalow. 7 rooms, breakfast nook, hardwood floors taronghotit, tile bath, recess tub, tile drains; garage; lot oil ttO; paved ally; easy terms. 1184 K. Oak. $300 DOWN, $25 including interest on con tract, f - room bungalow, plastered, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, ce ment basement, paved street, walking dis tance. (3500. 202-8 Failing bldg. WANTED NOW . Houses in godei locations, east and -"west now, trom S3oo to 5tM0. Bdwy. 7567, RITTER, LOWE A CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. (2250 (4 00 DOWN', buys a new tosy room mod. bungalow with every conventenesT. plastered, white enamel finish, basement. x om. uj car inu pwveu screen, sraewaias in. 5621 Woodstock ave. Auto. 615-18. IRVIXGTOX PARK - New, large. 9 room house, with attic, double constructed, modern improvements paid, (4500; bargain. By owner; (500 cash, terms to suit; 2, blocks rrom car. xjoerty st JS. A REAL BARGAIN t $250 down, balance easy; 5 -room bunga- jdv. nam. gas, fni-inniy. cement oasement lot 100x100. close to school and car. s S04 nuensnan bldg. LET us sell your small homes. We are live - 1 witc iTuiif iiai in our OI s fire. Can't get 3 and 4 -room houses fast --"-"' w --'-!", , -j uviia nn. a-aranursr. Realtors, 1576 E. Glisan. Tabor 8490. WHV PAY KET) - New modern 3 na. bungalow, near Ala- meoa, sman (town payment rent terms on balance, (2500.- Tabor 2380, evenings Tabor 508.7. s i.r-1 me give yon my iigurea on your new house you're going to build. I will save yoa money and help finance. Hare SO S houses nnder way this year; first class work. H. H. Harris, 1016 Brooklyn. Sell. 2859. (200 BUYS a new, modern, 5 -room bunga low on aet slope - Mt Tabor. Fireplace, French doors, hardwood floors, nifty break fast nook, ivory woodwork, wash trays and iota ot Dum-ras. tall la nor S04O. (400- DOWN', modern 8 room house, 6. P. garage, paved street; take good lot ' 834 3th st. 8. (3750. Broadway 8336. East 3592. ; VACAXT $1000 A dandy 4 room plastered cottage. 2H blocks t car. in Kenton. Easy terms. Owner, bl Misrasrppi ave. Walnut 1201 5-ROOM cottage ia Lents. 6303 94th- st. will lease for one- year furnished. Call St - 7733 64th Place 8. E.. 2 blocks north of Wood racre school. Mount Scott car. ROSE tilTY DISTRICT ' Small place, nice location,' dose to car, dandy lot. (800; (190 down. Sea Royal. 7 2d at Handy pitu. Tt!r OlS.i. BY OWNER 5 room - bungalow, in Irving ton Park, modern except hardwood floors, furnace, attio, bujlt-ina. Phone Walnnt au . 7-ROOM : house. &OH25 lot, at 2048 E. , Multnomah st, by owaer, B. H. Langworthy, Xewberg. Or. ROSE CITY Modem S-room bungalow, sleep ing porch, garage: built last year. Soldier bonus accepted. Owner, Tabor 2035. MODERN bunealow, (20 cash, (50 month ; . trays snd basement, bungalow, paved st, aad ear line. Snap. 202 Gerlinger bldg. (1650 $150 cash, balance $13 per mo., bays good 4-room piasfesed bouse aad half - acre ;ot gooo aroo.nci. t-povte w iz-;w. - (1250 (123- down, (15 per month, bays i 4-raem Iwnff. y-10. . HOUSE ef 4 roams "and lot, easy terms, close to car. Owner, 1395 Msryland eve. ere ot gooa sroung. rtase siz-;i. FUK SALE 3 -room mooern bouse, 50x100 lot aad fruit 237 W. Winchell st , MODERN home. 10 rooms. (0. 1140 Mai lory. Tabor 5770. - - J ' --- ;' (150 DOWN1 r lot a part payment oa hoiksal 6-K. KTKXtTLY modera. at 6th. (. S. E.; -. (50O dwa .: 262 Uerlinger Bldg.: REAL ESTATE-FOR SALE HOUSES 404 Laurelhurst' Specials Mighty i Good Buys '; (5450 ( reams and large attie. near ear. - Heavy hardwood floors throughout large piste glass windows, tapee . try paper, saodera bath, eoaven tent kitcfaen with breakfast nook, full cement basement - with beet . furnace. (506 cash will baudle. ' Surely, this will appeal to you. . (650 7 root bungalow practically aew, , near park, Fclka, this as modera to the last detail tile hath, recessed - . - tub, doable garage u averytlunaj. Built by one' of Portland's beat j builders. Xothmg like it in Laurel hurst for the money. Let us - -. show you. -.' ' r (7256 Dutch oolonlal modera tn every way t double garage. Located near 'park: double plumbing, lanre brine room. 4 bedrooms, it's s real, buy 1 SEE US FOR LAI KELllUHSr HOMES ; A. Q, Teepe Co. Laurelhurst office. 8 9th .and lUuaa&t, : Tabor S43S. -Rose City offtce. 40th and Sandy Blvd., Tabor 68. Why Pay Rent? 4 Rose City (500 cash handles this fine new modera 4-room bungalow, hardwood doors, old ivory finish, fireplace, all built-ins, tile bathroom, breakfast nook, cement basement laundry trays, etc. You - cannot possibly beat this for the aaonay. Very easy terms. Phone Broadway 7522. - SERVICE ' . : ' RELIABILITY COE A. McKEXNA A CO. I , Established 1889 208 Artisans Bldg. Broadway at; Oak. BEAUTIFUL EAST i 8 DDE HOME OX 50 ISO LOT. PRICE $4750 Large living and dining room with arch between; hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, bookcases, massive buffat kiichea with all built-in features. . four sieepihg rooms and bath above, with large closets: full eement basement, laundry tubs, furnace heat, good light fixtures: large windows, lota of light beautiful lawn on level with street Will give terms. STEWART A JOHNSON. REALTORS ; SI 5 Northwestern Bank bldg. (4500 HOT WATER BEAT 6 rooms. Urge living and dining rooms full . length of house with , windows on g aides; light kitchen, aad pantry, extra toilet downstairs: S light airy ; bedrooms, bath aad sleeping porch . with heated dressing room adjoining, upstairs. . In district of good homes. Wide pared street, near car; (600 -will handle, terms reasonable. JohnsonDodson Co. 6SS X. W. Bank Bldg. - Main S78T. LAURELHURST BARGAIX FOR SALE RT OWNER 8 room house, opposite beautiful Laurel hurst park. On first floor. living room, musio room, dining room.- bedroom, bath and lava tory, large linen closet aad kitenen. ivory enamel and mahogany. Second, floor: Three bedrooms, trunk room, lavatory and large hall ( could be used sa sewing room). Also two fireplaces, full eement basement, with excellent, hot air furnace. .. Address 8 East 89th st. No agents. - - (29(0 ' ' 4 BLKS. TO MONTAVILLA- CAR New 4 na, house; it has 2 bedrooms. Br ing room, kitchen and breakfast nook, ce ment and laundry trays. If you are looking for a good cheap bouse en easy terms, come and see us oa 45 th and Sandy bled. Auto. S26-10. , . i. L. HARTMAX COMPANY t ONLY (750 down buys modem 8 room f T bungalow in restricted district This tl I it I real bargain for (5800. It is ia ! f T Al condition, baa fine furnace, fire- - f f place, sleeping poroh. builtins, shades, ? T linoleum, hardwood floors, big porches, T t fruit and shrubs. Close to school aad 2 T T blocks from car. See it at 688 E. 4 3d f T st. X. Sunday; later call Auto. 443-72. t T t t T 1 t I T T I (19 DOWN. (19 MONTHLY Xeat little S room cottage, else trio Bghts and gas, vicinity of Reed college. Price (990. See Kerston with 733 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON Just completed, bungalow with 5 large rooms, fireplace, furnace, full basement; complete bath with dresser and shower. kitchen and bath have -cork floors, hardwood floors in all other rooms : lars. attic, earace. light fixtures in and wind for range, Caa be -een evening by appointment Lot 55x i ou. si list tie seen to be appreciated. Builder. Walnut 6228. Laurelhurst j (7000-r-New English colonial, with 8 bed rooms, tale ostproom . and recess tub, every modern convenience; a beautiful home wtth long steep i-ngliili roof; fine location; lib eral terms. v ) R.Sqmerville, Main 376 1 tTso 4-rsom 1800 AMONG THE FIRS rm - modern bunealow. all modern conveniences, Dutch kitchen,: full basement; built & rears, 50x100 lot good lawn; 2 blocks from car, close to macadam' street $180O; (290 down; (20 and interest m Johnson-Bodsoo Co. 63S X. W. Bank Bldg. Mam' 8787. Open for Inspection SUNDAY AFTERNOON FROM -i r 2 CXTIL B P. M. ' B reora new bungalow on 4 8d'st N.. be tween Thompson and Brsvse. Come and look this home over and if you want a good bar gain you will buy this at once. , H. C Jones, owner. Auto. .834-97." NEW PIEDMONT BUNGALOW On the pavement, 1 block from car. fur nace, fi replace, oak floors, lota of built in. with attic, built for tbe owner and ia well done. Conditione necessitate a sale and some one gets a good house for cheap price. J. JL HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE Branch office: 1847 Union are,, Wai. 6621. Open Sunday from 2 to IV. ' (3850 6-ROOM BUNGALOW (38500 B Nice rooms, with attio and full base ment. 40x110 lot, si) improvements in and paid. (700 -cash win handle. Balance easy. The Lawrence Co. REALTORS 212 Corbett Bldg. Mam Q015 (1585 A REAL SACRIFICE 4-room cottage. 3 H blacks to Irvington car, all improvements in and paid; $575 cash, (20 monthly and 6 per cent interest, JohnsonDodson Co. 683 X. W. Bank Bldg. i Main 3787." 5 ROOM modern home, fireplace, eement basement, good location. ' Bear car and school. (3 500,. $300 cash. Ten terms on balance. - ' OLE 0- 8LETTEX, REALTOR, 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. S400. OWNER most raise some cash and will aell.l on easy terms, west side liar, close-in, on Mill st", with 4 flats of 5 rooms and bath each. This property can be bad fcr lees than (7000 if i sold at once. Call Auto. 824-14. ' FROM OWNER S-room house on fine oor ner at 38th and Iron, . 1 block north of Richmond ear; can be finiahed; 8 rooms on 2d floor; if in tb. market for a house, eee this beftvre you bay. 7 ROOM fum. bungalow, hkrdwood floors, built-ins. 82950, (500 down, with easy payments, 1941 E. VVaahiugton at 76th st Tsbor 4208. ? , KENTON 3 rm. j bungalow, m blks. from carline, all imp. tin and paid, (2300. 8200 down. baL terms. Would pay difference on larger house close in. Walnut 2976. - ' NEED MONEY FOR BUSINESS Will sacrifice ; my almost new modern 8 room , bungalow, - Cash or terms,-. Walnut 4SOO. i- iv , . . .:;'.- - . ONLY (200 CASH r! . A new 5 room bung, fir floors, sidewalk snd sewer in and 2 V . blks. to ear and pavement, ! -Tabor 4392. - ' . SEE THE charming new B room, bungalow at 1214 . E. aothi at N. today. Right price. Xo commission, j Builder. Eaat 6799. 4 ROOM modero' bungalow, lot 100x150. 7 beautiful shrubbery, city improvements; near ear.. - eagy - irnaa - . Mwner, - xsss saa. BARGAIN Must i seH to close estate. . only (3500. lot 60x100. two B room bouses. ; west side. Call 621 6th st Auto 520-81 (2250 OX MT. TABOR CARLINE --' SmaH, easy home. Owner. 1990 East Yamhill. . . . . . . . 7-K. MODERN, nr. Beaeoa st; 4 bed -rooms; It ( $2500. (500 dowa. 202 Gerltnger Bldg.: ,: A NEW EasUnore iand home with every eon . venwset, exceptionally - built, $2500 - cash wiU handles. 11-158, JcmrnaJL $2300 CASH. (2701 terms, (400. (35 mo good . modem 5 room bouse, , pavement ga . rage; fruit. Walnut S996. 899 Montana, REAL ESTATE FOR SALS HOUSES . Rose City Park Specie! j Every One a Real Buy. . $3500 Practically new - bungalow wr. d , hardwood floor. Ivory finish. Dutch. ,' kltcfeen witn breaktast nook, ce- i aaent - baaewient. - wash traya. eto.t east: freak lot, near Sandy; unu&ual ' -terma - - :'. -,! . - . ' J460W New room bungalow wita Hring room serosa " entire f mat; excen . twinally Weil built wall finished. . ' tapestry . paper, hardwood . floors, practical' fireplace, larew eemeng basement, tarnaoe. etc. Easy terms. ''.- toe i .--.,.,----..-.. . i, 94630 Tea owner baUt this for his ewa ;. - home; completed last spring; the ' workmanahip and matsnaia vised '...; ' '-will compare favorably with yeal high priced . bouse; oompieta, too, s in every way. This as a colonial , type, wtth cement porch, plate giasa. . .' windewa, heavy hardwood floors. -full cement basemen furnace and ' - . garage. Someone is (otng to- gee - - a wonderful Home and it might aa ". well be you.-' - , .. (5730 Here, folks, is ene of these truly .. ' modern bungalow homes you ston to admire:. honeaUy budt, wita every eoavenleaoe.. eompieta, w-iu - - farnaoe. light fixtures and carage; kdeaUy Jocated below tbe hill, swar new city park. ' (1000 easA anil Xtn BPWIAtilXD II THB BALK VV ItOSB CITY PARK AND LAURELHUltS V HOMKS. i U.T US hvXOW WHAT XOU WANT. -.' A. Q. Teepe Co.- , , ROSE rClTY OFFICE 40th st aad Bandy 1 hlvd. Tabor 958S LAURELHURST OFriCB 89th, mad Glisan streets. Tabor 84(3. Q. C. Ulrich Co., Inc. ' Bulta 405. Stock Exchange. Bldg. " , .- Main 4864 4865 KOSK CITY SPECIAL .! : Beven rooms aad leeptns; porch; extra large full cement basement; hdwd. fibers: . strictly modern; lust one block oft Sandy. - Thia as a leal home and Is at least (15011 .under value. Price (5500. good terms. (890 Seveit rooms; aew and modern ; oak floors; breakfast nook; up-to-tbe-mlnnte; . a good new home at A moderate (sloe. Good t terma, - : . ' ! - ' ' - ' -i (4730 Ffve room modern bungalow; H Mock off . Handy xn Rose City; below tn hill. ..Pleased ta show. Ueod terms.; A beautiful seven room brick horn, la Irvington; the present owner needs a larger home, will exchange this borne clear of all encumbrance fog- a larger horn, and pay , cash difference. What Lara you I . - Eight room ' home is ' South - Portland; dear of encumbrance; to exchange for a larger borne on the east aide: lrvingtoa. Laurelhurst or Rose City ptaferrsd. 'Two-family flat, just across tbe Brosdwsy bridge; eompletely furnished; will show aa Income of (1140 per year or 10 per cent on (11,400. Our mica 88000. ood terma . ; ; Here's a Rare" k 'Opportunity. ; $2G0 Cash Modern 8-rootn bungalow, ftsHweafl floors, eld ivory finish, fireplace, fall cement basement furnace, laundry traya. built-la : buffet all modern built-ina. A eery eom pieta home, eompletely furnished with fine . rugs, piano, mahogany dining hall set. elec tro water heater, fine' bedroom furniture, all dishes, ' etc, - included. Total pnee ef (8500: 12000 cash, balance like rent. I vocation. 88 W. Webster st ( exclusive listing) .or phone Broadway 7522. SERVICE RELIABILITY . COE A. McKEXNA A CO. . Established 1(89 308 Artisans Bldg. Broadway "at Oak. New Beautiful -Piedmont .'t Bungalow B large rooms, all oak floors, flrea . place, bookcases, buffet, ptax. glass. tapestry paper, beautiful fixtures, ex ' ' cellent Dutch kitchen, breakfast aihove. extra length tile drain boards, tile "batli, pedestal-lavatory, large basement, - I'm furnace,- txaya, - garage: - all im- prove men ta paid; near 2 earHnea, In a district of fine howiee.. Nothing like it ia the'' city at the price andi terms, 1232 Malkrry Ave., at JarrStx. -. Open Sunday. 3 to 5 p. m. ' ' Make Aa Offer. i Laurelhurst Snap ' . Xsw modera np to the minute 6 -room i bungalow, hardwood floors, eld ivory finish, i fireplace, breakfast nook, full eement baae f ment, laundry trsys, all built-ins. eta. Tbisr :,i a, real fine home and tfce price right; : a f Ann eaaii nalarw. like rent. Phone ' j. Broadway 7622. ;? - I - SERVICE REIX4BIUTT . i - COB A. McKEXNA A CO, : ,:.'. - '. . Estabbabed "1889- ' 208 Artisans Bldg. . Broadway at Oak. . Rose j,City;-Park ; I' ; $4200 t.-'-S-'-::rrx This "tot a daiay A room bongalow with hardwood floors, flrepiaoa, com - plets kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms and i .. bath:- everything In sad paid, sad on the easiest terms imaginable; am leav ing the city and must sell. W ill par you to look at turn noma Sunday, at t 1408 Halsey at Full price 84200. - 'Inspect today from 2 to 6 p. m. . - r Lurelhurst " . - Near ear and school. ' BeautUul aw S room - bungalow and garage, nardwpoa throughouti aide lighting, full basement, large attic, plata windows, exoeptteeaUy welt constructed. Price $6600. lerma. Owner, Tabor 1543. .-'- . ' KBXTOX .. ' - i THE BEAUTIFCI. - , Seven - -room, and beta, f nit beaemarn v famaos. fireplace, h. w. floors, built-ins. garage: all improvements ia and paid; half block to ear; one block to-school, (4700; f terms, -.--i . -. tVABREX KEELER " ' BAXK BLIX;., KEXTOX. WALNUT 880T .," (1950 -XEAB CAR (I860 , Double constructed 4-room cottage 40x120 kit; we U built, full basement. This is attractive either, aa a home' or as - an , inveatment . (1950; ((00 down. (20 and " interest monthly. J6hnsonDodson Co. 1 888 Tt Vr. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 4-8 AND 8 RM. mod. honsea; close to car and schools: - amail payment down, balance '' monthly; payments toauit purchasers; cad and see D. T. Con.noc, 6003 924 st, 8. " K. Anto. 626-75. GOING to California; buy from owner : 5-room bouse, furnace, fireplace, garage, hardwood 1 floors, : full eement easemesW beautifully : decorated; 8650 cash; $40 per month. V'. Tabor -1665.-;,- vy-; .-'- - ' XEW 8-room modern bungalow, juaa being - eempleted: eak floor,' fireplace, bedrooms, ; furnace if desired; nicely located, very at ' tractive. - Good terms to responsible party. -1 S lfllll illll. 'T,. M. . - , (4000 for a fme 6-room bungalow with lot 100x100, all improvements la snd paid for. ' This is a snap; toes ted on East 3 1st i $1209 cash, balance to suit, T. L. Bias 'chard. 401-3 Swetland bldg: BUILT by owner to' sell lot. Xilty httle bun galsw with combination - Hvrrg aad dining W -Boom. Imtch kitchen, 2. bedrooms and bath. new and never occupied. Price $3159. easy terma. CaU 324-14. - 7 "BEST BARGAIX IX CITY . Fine bungalow, S rooms, modern, plas tered attic, full basemeBt, garage, full lot, 1 block to car; leaving; $8450. easy terms. ' Ant. 628-17. - ' - . . - - BRAND aew B room bungalow in Hawthorne " district; amail payment dowu to rvnonaibie : -party, np agents. Owner. Tsbor 8521 i 7 KM. HOU6E.: partly famished, 50x100 loi ; t all goes for (3.304), (8WO down; terras, W, C Justice. 23 Grand ave., Eat 8502. 4 B, BUNG., ao basement; almost nee. : If . you want to make some mousy call me at " Tabor 4393.'' 6 ROOM i house, full basement 50100 lot. (85QO, terms.- 160 East lak. near 67'. ly. FOR SALE, cheap, 20 good concrete foui- Uon buiiding b locks, Tabot 8S59, -