THE, OREGON SUNDAY: JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNUN'G, NOVEMBER 5, 1922. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - t . FURNISHED - 304 i h.'atUjH It K- rooms. ihsO nionih and o, Lmdr lut 1 and 2 room furnished - M. K.-ncmVmleu end goad, fnroaee beet, electricity, hot end cold wT. Etn - ployed adult mtr No children. Delmonto, J- 467 Btont t. 1 fedt 8". of 20th and Wash. , "" - WAGONER APARTMENTS ., T I f 60 715 WATNE ST.. NEAR KING $60 '4 Lara, light, outside rooms: living, din " kitchen, bath aad bedrooms; lioat sad water, garbage. Two adult. l0 per month. Fum., neat bgtia'u, K.ruu , Good stove beat, plenty - hot water, elee ' tricity. Just what- couple of working peo ., pie imi No children. Dclraonta. 167 Stoat . Morrison and 20th. Went tide. SINGLE H." K. or sleeping room. 65 and $10 per month. ' Glean, cosy. X and 8 room r suites, $it to in lobby. u hmted. 412 19th st K, ' ; 4Jfi9 WEEK, compete iy . furniahed bouse v keeping suite, euitsble for single man, baths free. -Right downtown. ''CLOSE U. 2 large H. K. room. 14 . ftik HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ' - PRIVATE FAMILY 308 AS6sT"wiaia ood riok buildiri. fu Tuahad eomplta foe hooaekarpinc. with -frca Uahta aad bath, to adulta onr for 118 per - aoDBth. Tbay ara uat oewljr paioUd M papereo. Phase Walnut eiss. At io - WilHaiu are. &OB BXVT. roonr iarniahad apartmeaWiOt aad cold water im pantry, large clothe closet in front room; everything . furaiahed, hi bit WA ear. 2 Cook fur. howetikeopiA rooata. heat, gaa pbeae freet 1 roSa 15 and $18; 2 mxrt. S23. Call Moo.. Wed, and Fit " pet 11 and p. a. 55 0 4th at, ili'H pleaaant ' room, Uht and clean, aonth frost, with fireplace, alec, saa, nee of phone. trnth and laundry tray; walking dutaace. -141 N. 334. Main bQ, Cf "honeat to goodneas," dean, eomfort . . ' ab! amite hoviakeepinc room, wholly or -'partly furaiahed. Phone moming before p. emriaga after 6. Atwatgr 2703. ViRT nioe 2 and S room H. K. auitaa.. hdw, 0 floera, inatantaneona hot water, abower and ' aprar bath. Good heat, phone, light, eloae 1b. Atwater 8006. 4 HOUSEKEEPING - room with children. S60 K. Morriaon at. bath, no JkH HEAL. S room apartment to couple em ; . ployed; ewly furniafaed ; lee.. phone, water v ; and clean linen furnished. M. A. car, near ' Jet feraon high. Wabmt C807. iOC Willi LIK.E the location at 107 Clefe .land.. near Jefferson high, stores and ears. - Separata entrance, private bath, gas range. . -etc , TK0 H. K. rooms with sleeping room for S or ; 4; no obiections to small child; also 1 large ' 'room with kitchenette. Nob Hill, Atwater 128. T81 Kearney at iABGB room and kitchenette; aingle roonu for 1 or 2 people, $12 and (IS moathly. -,T Ttaaae are warm rooms; hot water always. OSS Flanders at. 7WO furnished houaekeeping room for rent, - all modern, private home. 69& Rodney are. Call Sun, afternoon 1 to it or Monday -morning. No children. East 182T. 2 BOOMS AND KITCHENETTE ADULTS ' EAST 8441 ' OUSlCKEEPrNG -and sleeping rooms, fur-- nace heat, bath, telephone, electric lighu; " nice basement; room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. "88T College st. Phone Main 8154. 'S 2-room. 1 with private bath, wood range and gas, electric lights, large enclosed poren, . oonrenient. walking dist. 81 E. 12 th. near Stark, Sunday. 2 to 4; other hw , East 4884 B, tiARGZ, dean honsekeeping rooms, good . wcaapoj ctoee, in. g.ast Br. . ROOMS, with electric lights, gas atore. hot. en Id -water with sink. 818 per month. CaS Hroaoway 4Bz. ONE. pleasant rurnlabed hooaekseping apt. 4 atg llnng room and large kitchenette; 'also eiwjjtue iwm. v xwe ay. aw iiib. - 1, MJilt a it. a. roams, to ami a per month: ga. Bgnta, pnone ana fuel. zti sin t& OXS single B. K. room, convenient, nice and clean, fnr&aca heat, walking distance. 841 - ltth tb . OX 2 room ant. 1 lam room with kitchen- ette,- hot and cold water, furnaoe heat, rata Teascaable. ' 178 W. 17th st. . 'HRSS. small rooma,-light and airy, furnished lor nouseaeeping smtatile for A or 9 adults. Walking- distance. 424 3d at. cor. Hall at. TWO furnished - housekeeping rooms, private . patn, pnvats xamuy. u js. ivui at. eoraer uavia. ' rooma for 8 or 4 people em- - ployed: sleeping porch, fireplace, walking autanc. vi if. itn st. tVVO nioely fum. hourakeeping rooms, pri vata family, near Jefferson high; no chil dren; references required. Walnut 2425. S ROOMS, nice light apt., good furnishinas! electric Ugbts. main floor, for adults, reason able. 8S0 Tcunnaa St.- Atwater 0224. ' TWO TRUNKS moved, 75c; downtown dia v tnct rireproot storage IB days free, long - uistaaee naunng. Jiawr, ztio. rtWO aousekeeptng rooma, well fumiahed and clean, for 2 or 8 people; near 20th and ' Washington. 3 ill at. Broadway 2685 "- CHRL lovely furnished housekeeping roomc . gas, light, bath and phone; adults. 60 - K. 43d at 8. Tabor S70. tttO . nicely furnished housekeeianc rooms . , fas. hath, adults, 812.60 month. 62 Front. .', CLEAN, attractive 2 and 3 -room suites; run- - nijeg water, raa ranges; 4uiat house; infants - weleome. IMIt Kuaneu. : i'KRT pleasant clean front Boom, with small kitohenerte; also 1 clean aingle sleeping room. Adult only. 268 12th at. i THitEK H. K. rooms, 2 beds, 820 mo.; large front room. room, 813 mo. 972a Hawthorne, cor. Union. . L'JiNT&IDK Three rooms, light and airy. ... licfata. water, phone. Tabor 0248. Call wocfcqsy B to 4 V3-KOOM very pice housekeeping apt., hot and ooid water, gas, light and heat" included in rent. 840 East 50th it. GOOD, clean, aami-baeement room, with out- side entrance; right downtown,' for, 810 per - ' month. 191 Park St. ONE ROOM with kitchenette and breakfast nook, neat, ugoi, water: oestraoia location. I- No children. tast tX'RXIBLIEO H. K. room, light, gas, heat - furnished: 1 4 room suite and 1 2 room rate, 17 aad gt. 837 Ivy. East 1428 A ROOM act. Phone, light, net aad cold .- water free. - Vary sea ton able rent. Quunby t. f TWO large pleasant H. K. rooms, near Dental eoUege; heat, light and phone included; also nse of iaqcory. mist -3 NICK H. S. rooma, with kitchenette. 414 Flint at; take Broadway to Wheeler. ' -Works north: weJking distance. -5 HRSISHKI) houarkeiiiis rooma,' light and heating, adults only: tier montn. xovi k. istn at. x 1TRN1SHED H. K. rooma for men. electric i- lightt. 81.50 per week-and np, bet. Clay anor siaraei, emee in. S2H 1st. 2 MCfi large furnished housekeeping ' room. 4 "aleeping porch, modem eoaveniences; rea- g"aonsble; adults. 811 Rodney ave. H. K. ROOMS, newly furnished, single or en suite. 82.50 Pet wk. up. Main 8502. 698 Front ... -9 frCaUtlSHED h, . k.'! roema, modem except ; aeas. ii v UJiaras ave. ' nttnut S6ua. LSAt rii't'LLT furnished room, hot aad cold - water-, gas plate, for Ught housekeeping; ; cheap. - 418 E. Couch.. LARUE room and kitchenette.- easjr waiting distance. 85 vecek. 269 6th t i wit THREE fumiahed U. K. rooma; ao chil- 425 B. 67th. VN FURNISHED H. Ik. rooms, within walking distance. 260. Ross sc. ONS k a. for 1 and A aieeoina-. - downstair. 70 lian. At S93A-. NICK, aeat cleaa ., furnisbed beusekeepisc reocas. - sleeping porch. Call Ml X. 23d. 10 W. Church t 5 rooms, bath, gas, tlectrio- . ity. some rumnure u wantrt. 3 ROOM- apt, outside eateaace.e 561 Mill et. bet ma 14th and lth. .- , 2 CLEAN, aunay roonta," eloea ia; free light, - phone -and water.-- MsMt 8HSQ. Ciav. 9 VcBNISHED honsekeeping rooma, tuitahl ror lamuy. i.(ws. tan ONH large front, room for light kouMkeeping 1 ewewc ugnss, ese aixa aaia. azz-xa. ! tr ROOM apt. 2 beds, stove heat tetephona, i . waosipa; otwT. ve giognsDmeiy. : ilARGB well fumiahed rooma. furnace heat 82T 6th st ' X 8-ROOM, privet entrance, partiy fura lnirre aiicnen. t,rsim see. r. , ONE large, well furnish! mnuekeepinc ream. 6S1 Koyt tt-. near zutn. aowy, 4 ins. I'MOri AVE. and KUimgiworia, furnished apt. 324.50; all complete; concrete bidg. ' TWO nice large hi eai kgiinmg rooaaa, cioe ia, modern. -788 Oorhett et West Side. " OUSEEEPING rooma very reasonable, stove heat clean. - 4&0H Belaiont -last &S78. TWO 5 H. K. ruonts. 141 H ilUt iy sqctjUi only. Op. Kew Jka teaipla. - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 IRTINGTO: On earnaa f large . cobdIiUt rnmiahad ground floor; - email Ajtrfreimttoy 33a. "laoladae Beats. . ynono. water; w- caitarsa, mKtmi edaits. East 4684. - FOR RENT a furrushed- H. , K- rooms, hot - iM eoid water ia kitchen, huge - clothes -doaei in boot mm : afij thing furnished j ,611 bloc trom William ., W- w TWO housekeeping rooms, $16.&0per month; sua one targe nouse fmnc . 14 p mo.. with in and electricity faruihed; ie rooms. walkiag ,riitenne Mat ,jue. SOI l?th at - . LARGE, light, dean, toiauixi S roam apt. gooo. rurnitura, closet he lb, -waikg an taaee; rent (m by making srnalr-ineceua "t East 8887. 173 E. 7th t So. CIEV, wall faraiaha4 S room at.: crimtc eata, RiBAd floor, furnaoa boat. ooa loca tion (o wlator. Guma.- S91 Booell. 4 kloe aaat of rnioo. t WaLKLN'O dUtanaa, partif (nnMhad 3 -room panoMt, pnvata oatn. aatimBea, wrut wooo. art aaa alectrio Udtfs fanlaltad. Main two larsa rooma and alcoa, wtble for 8 or 4 panooa. raaaeaabla rtnt. , Call after a no n. as, , during the ; week, . 268 H Broadway. roooa, very nice; fireplace. rarnacw and bmlMna, Doteh kHehen, I block from emrliae, adolu only. H304 45th a?a. Ant. 685-6 I LIGHT U. kC ROOMS. 745 Minneaotn avh. 19 mmute from gtroadway aad Waahinctaa. lAltUK lEt room, kitehenette and cMthet closet, alas single room, 810. Usual con veniences; near school and car; elma in. 780 Moyt- Atwater 27 SO. A LARGE fumiahed houaekeening room; also double -aleeping room. ; close in. Call Broadway 7880. i ONB LIGHT H. K. and 3 ; aleeping looms, 147 N. 2 1st at' with foraac beat. CLEAN raoma, H. . and sleeping, $3 and Si rree. Near N. 26th at. Meatgemery-Wanl Co.. 884 8- ROOMS, pertly fumiahed, 80 monthly; another suite 813; U blkt. straight be yond and of Hawthorne carline; near fir trees. 2888 East 7th t south. TWO nicely furnished H. K, rooma in modern nouae. Turuaoe neat, bath aad toilet, not coid pleasant location. SeUwood 8213. HOTJSEKEIEPINO and aleeoine rooma. furnace neat, electric light, telephone and btU; also nice basement room for gentlemen, sot College, phone Main 8154. SEE THESE TODAY II" TOD' WANT NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS, TERY CLOSE IN .LIGHT AND PHONE FREE. CALL EAST 1693. OR 8 good, clean - f uranhed h. k. rooma, 2, blocks from ear; good location: private home. No children. 986 1 E. Couch at. near 80th. East 0688. ONE housekeeping room, clean and comfort able, suitable -for working girl ; rent reason able. 681 Hoyt st, near ZOth. Broadway 4048. I OR 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, in private family; furnace heat, walking dis tance; prefer empjoyed people. 427 Wil liam ave. East 7618. TWO swell fum. H. K. rooms, ground floor. 405 H 4th st, house la the rear. APARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 SWELL CORNER 4 RM. APT.. 60. ALSO ONH FOB 855 MONTH. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED. IaRUE, LIGHT. WARM AND CONVENIENT. The Columbian v llTH AND COLUMBIA STS. King Albert Apts. 2 and 8 rooms, furnished or. unfurnished, tfle bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main. 0358. - JULIANA APTS., 45 TRINITY PLACE. 2 ROOM FRONT SEMI-BASEMENT APT., SUIT ABBE FOR BACHELORS: PLENTY HEAT AND HOT WATER; COURTEOUS SERVICE. Stanf ieid Apts. Modern 2 -room corner apt light, heat, phone, 828.50. Main782. Leeds Amartmetsta. - Ftrepoof Idg., modem 2, 8. 4-4-m. apta.. ingle rms.; elevator service. Atw. 8597. QLEN'COURT 2 and S room apta., eloae in Main 1961. Comer-Park and Taylor. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, 8 RM. MOD. APT., WIi OH MO. EAST Tf90. HADDON, BALL. '1 IB AND HALL - 2 rooma; kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, private balconies. 35up. Atwater 1160. 4 ROOM aieely fwmjshed apt m nice locality. 1 blk. from car, oor 07 77. 1292 E. Yamhill. X AND 2 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, 818 and 820. Bdwy. 4292. 245 hi N. ltth t DENNISON APTTT 1027 Belmont; front corner 8 room apt, strictly modem. Phone Tabor 0548. GROUND floor apt, private bath, aleeping room. $3. 188 Chapman. Phone Main 8690. . LARGE attractive front iroom, elegantly fur nished, including light, beat aad bath. Wslk lcg distance. 835 Hall; st, comer of Park. FURNISHED 2 large rooms, apt, with sleep ing porch, all modern conveniences. 564 Couch. Apt 8. Between 17th and 18th. 5 ROOM flat, light heat hot aad cold waMr; private bath and toilet; A-l 1 place. 409 JacKaon st Mate &15. 3 RM. APT. and H. K. room; dean, reason able rant; waiking distanne. 71 -Grand ave. N. E. East 2938. GROVER APTS- 1. 2, 8-room furn. h. k. apta.. low rates. aU conveniences. 181 G rover st Main 8058. BEAUTIFUL furninbsd 4 room apt flat. Must be seen to be appreciated. 204 N. 22d st. near Kearney. NICELY furnished 2 rm. H. . apt fii 668 Overton. 8 ROOMS, steam neat private bath; also 1 room, kitchenette. 448 Clay st. nr. 12"th. 3 ROOM court apt, bath, heat and light, 630 mo. The Klein. E. 10th and Bnrnsidc. 3 RMS. with private bath, 4-rm. comer with piano; walking distance. East 4276, THE JEFFERY Special, my 2 room fumiahed apt, ji2; cor. stusseii ana Iveroy. b. love 8-ROOM APT., near carline; cleaa and mod- ern. luot Berpy t, NICKELS APTa3 room apt, steam heat. bath. Wslnnt 4971 AND 5 room apt, everything "but gas fur- nubed: wslkuig distance. East 3378. 4 ROOM furnished' heated apartment private ostn. Adults, 7 fi. Morrison. CUii, weu runuanea room apt. lurnace beat good locsUon 404 Park st STEAM heated 2 and 3 rm. turn. East 2876. apts. 272 H Willis ma ave. 1 AND 2-rpom fapactmenta. worth, are. Walnut 8S92. 244 nailing APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 BEAUTIFUL new Irvinaton 6 room ants. ready about the 16th: electrio ranges and water heaters, automatic het extra large livinig room and aan room, fireplace, tiled aau snower pata- raoai r-asi. ee.vo. ' 3. 4 OR 5 BOOMS '' ' " Attractive apt., on Kenton carline, with sleeping porch. : Lombard at at Albina ave.. - 20 mia, to town. Bdwy. 8070 or Walnut FOR KENT t -roues apartment with aleeping proa, aojoma sss prssenm oeannrul new of Waveriey golf grouBda aad unoer Wil. lameUe river. O'Briens- Apartmente. end fcssg em. Beuwooa.' rnoae Bellwood 1 0S0. LA ROSE APARTMENTS For rent, unfurnished apartment. 4 aad bath, steam faeati 645. Across from new xsucamaa ecnow. apply 65 E. 16th st The American Modem 4 and I 21st and John-oe. apartment. ' Broadway 8368 i IONIAN COURT, 18TH AND COUCH 4 rm. t modem froat, comer apt, . 1 blk. on whs gc. simiai nqwy. ZYSI. APT.. I rooms and bath, ia new eleaa build - tag, gaa range ttu ustt v union ave. N VERY deatraeto 4V mom Cat; 1 room reserved by .owner; adulte only. 63 CoruelL Mala - 8fl. :;- -. i' , 7-ROOM taraiahed Hat aU new. , et. cor. 17th.j ; Bdwy. 8012, 561 Everett 823 MODERN 3 Booms, neaUy faraished, es vommerciai. waraut WIST. THREV tooni fum. fiat Ligata. water, rntski ent l7 fc. uto sv, W s hnrt S. FIVE room modem Om for rent oke in. li parvy wrt some rararont.. tatt 63 as. WELL famished upper and. lower fist rent f 9 3 J: JHamsVve.- East P96S. $i0 Z RoO LM tii 8 rooma. labor 72TaC liaw aw a-aw- FOR RENT FLATS FURNISHED 339 8 ROOM heaea and nttte. partly, orruatjed, fuel in 'basement: mold prefer cn'0Pi 880 month. 882 K. 24th s. -vWondstec oar. - - ' - 1 . - ' - TWO ad ait. 4 room fum, Keh private bath, . gag. eiectricity, front and back .antraace. 478H. Fsilfpg. Walnut T80. . - 8 ROOit furnished fiat, private beta. aU -out-: side rooms, latest gaa range; cheap rent . to renponailrie tenant, r Call 880 MMwaukie st. REACTUTtTL. iarge, modem 4-roon famiabed flat; piano. 286 Albert, near JeHereon high.-acnool. ';"",; ' ' ' '-J-J' 4 -BOOM upper flat,' modem, piano, gas range, wood-lift, wash trays, private bath, adults only. - 272 Shaver,, eoraer w tiiiams ave. THREE large, light, . attractive roome-.ta de airable home, bghr, water, telephoBe rnclwrtrd 1118 E. 18th st. N. Walnut 8288. CLEAN room famished fist, the right price te the right people. Adults; walking dia tance. 72 T East Stark. Eat 8810. FURNISHED 4 room flat for. rent, newly deo orated. - OaH Sunday after 2 30 P. m.. 880 H aibaa'trt.,- torwr Broadway.' NEATLY furnished 4 room upper flat, adults. Walnut 8045. 181 Monroe at. 2 ROOM flat. 818. 4 flat, 887, , Wal. nut 1858. 704 Taaeonver aw. CLEAN, well furnished 8 and 4 rooms, aieeping porch, garages, 884 8d at- S PARTLY furnished 6 room flat, on corner of 13th aad . Aakeny. East 4080. FIJiTS--4JNFURNISHED 310 7045 Qilsan St. Near. ; 22d, 3 Rooms and Nice Sleeping Porch. , Phone Main 7521 FOR RENT . 5-room flat. 184 Beech "at, east side, close to car. Rent' 822.50 per month. The Lawrence Co., Realtors. 212 Corbet bldg. Main 6815. FLATUS 1 large rooms and sleeping porch, - vail bed. front and. back porch, hot water heat Light and airy, only 845. Apply 303 E. 2 In at,-near Hawthorne. IRVING TON district, new. 3 room ttpper flat for rent, cheap. Garage, hardwood floors, good fnraaee. fireplace, gaa range, linoleum; 3 blocks to 2 canines. 463 E. 12th N-, cor. 12th and Thompson. East 8871. BEAUTD7TJL strictly modem 5-room .flat hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace;) all uilt-tns. 681 E. tsmbiU tt .MeUger Psrker Company. MODERN 5 -room upper flat sss range, water heater and water furnished. Adults 04 East Gsntenbein ave., near Russell et 5042. H0LLADAY ADDITION 5-room modem lower flat furnace, ga range, linoleum; walking diitanoe. 264 E. 2d st N., oor. Multnomah. 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, newly tinted, with, or without garage. Call Monday East . 8898. MODERN 5-room flit in' Overlook addition $25. Metzger-Par- I ker Company. UPPER 4 rata, and basement; mod. home; Irvingtou Park; adults. Walnut 6281. 1183 E. 26th N. MODERN 5 -room flat, 606 Madison st, fire plsce, furnace, gas range in kitchen. Meti- ger-Parker Company. NEWLY built modem ft rooms, upper flat; furnace, nnoleum, ' polished floors, garage. 71)J 4 Belmont st East 6425. 4-ROOM moder4T fist, 772 Osage ave., 1 oiocc souta 28d and waaninrton a'-s., west side. Main 8988 or Bdwyv 7883. 5-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT Comer Union- avenue and Alhsworth rent 325 month. Pnoa owner, 628-82. VOK RENT At 4Multsomah station, 5 room flat modem, -in new brick building, on highway ; reasonable rent Atwater 3919. ROOMS, all convenience, close in. West Side. 825 18th st- Metager-Psrker Co. CLEAN. 4-rom upper Oat -64 Va Borth- wick at- Call Walnut 1006.' 8188 Room, unfurnlahed flat Adults. 307 E. 11th. UH 10 aV Clay. East 0212. $20 -CLEAN 4 room upper flat close in, Adults. 737 a. stars, kst I91U. MODERN B-rooms, 27 E, 12th, bet . Conch and Burnside. Adnlts, 385 2-ROOM fiat for rent 888 N. 20th at, neat i uprmen. $22.50 MONTH -rocan modem flat some furniture, and garage. 91SH Williams ave. FOR KENT 4 room, upper flat. 687 Uan- unMia, Bear (Jook.i ftione walnut Z63. MODERN 5 room flat, newly . tinted, lurnace. Main C7Q6. HOUSES FURNISHED 311 ROSE) CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, break fast nook, attic, garage, atricyy modem aad completely fur ' nished: player piano, etc. Will lease to right party. Broadway ,2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 0-KOUJi furmsaed house for rent 330 per month, p-room Dungs low for rent, 835 per montn. , OTTO A HARKSON, 418 Chember of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 6389. jsr i.r. nii nn-i.n ,.u. i.n ii f. spacious, large lawn, on good canine, iu TDin. from Washington. $27 per mo,; also 8 rut, lower flat modern, same place, adults only. hot particulars pnone wal. 22U1 NOV. 156 room modem bungalow with ga rage, partly furnished or unfurnished, all built-in conveniences; 2 blocks from Penin sula school. 1645 Emerald ave. MY sttractively fumiahed 7 -room home Irvmetoei for rent or will lease: olaver niano and phonocraph; Z block to Broadway car; adults. 817-78 or East U527. f arson high school; laundry trays, furnace and gaxbagofremovad. Adults. 107a &arby. Walnut 4221. ; MAPLE WOOD. 4 blocks iron school. Mrs. AUUer. ft acre, 8-r. house, fumiahed, small. payment ana rent money, fay rent to your self. ;j - y .: . - NEW doabm house, first floor 5 room and toilet unfurmaheO. au mMlb-raa. Dutch kitchen, laundry tray ia basement, electric ity and gas; in Alberts. Walnut 8993. 5-ROOM house, partly furnished, at Firlaad 325 month. 10 one 017-33. fan 4939 74th at S. E. il ; 5 ROOMS, partly furnished, 2 blocks from scnooi, 1 biocx tram eunnysiae car. laoi E. Yamhill st 6 ROOM modem bungalow, beautifully fur nished, reasonable' to right' couple; mtm give references. Tbor ,2951,. $12.50 2-ROOM furnished house at 4720 75th st S. E. laauire ttpstein at 1010 K. Main st COMPLETELY furnished 4 room modem house, garage ; walking distance. Atwater 2941. Farr. -j , COZY fumiahed 3 mom cottage. 814. MV depot car to 82d N. to Holladay, east to 2162 Holladay ave. SEVEN ROOMS, East Morrison st, near 55th, $40. Immediate pamewioa. Herman Moel- ler. 4ao Mimoermens mag. FURNISHED bouse for . rent. t. mouern. basemant tot 25x100. or will lease. 23d st Rent $50. 202 Gerirnger bldg. FOR SENT 1 yes. 5 room fum. heuae, for 6186. 7788 64th pmea I.S., 2 block N of Woodmere school. COMPLETELY fumiahed 6-room house, sleep ing porch. Piedmont district, 675 per month. Phone Wslnnt 6914. ; j 9 ROOM house foe went furnished. $ 16 i month, Robt Delaittae, 30th aad Waan- ington. Milwaukie.! Or. W A V K H.1 .1. 1 fi II HEIGHTS, very nice. home, $53. with amemneea. : 39 E. KeUey at SeU. 1007. $85 ROOM hi furniihed. trvington. Phone S-aat g:s. Sunday! ateraooo. Moa- - qay evening ana any ame aueauay. -WILL a hare furnished" modem bungalow. City Park, with a ' ChrUoaa aouple. ahil- dren. Bdwy." T2W. 8 IX loooa hsase, nieeiy furuubed with piano, garage, suitable far - renting rooms. Rea- - sonabla rent 881 WaahingtPB wt. $25 5 room fumiaued houe. 748 4th. bet Prrter and Wood.' N. 8. car to Hooer t MODERN -4 room cottage, garage, near, car. Adults amy. Apply I2 K. nzd ,i $25 MODERN 8 xoom furnished nous wish ptanoi i T62 oeveiand ave. MY HOME, modern 7 rooms, ompletelys fun- Planed, piano, garage. Ant WBl-4va. ; -!-kOUll house party tunuahed. 10. 441 44th st 8. K. CaU Walnut 6194 for cVteiia. FOR RENT 5 lamtehed house and ga rage. Aitalts oniy.- 1342 Belmont vt FURNISHED 4 room cottaae for rent , rca Walnut 4218. Pveweea 6 and 9 p. 1XR RENT, furnished 6-reom hoaaftoost 44 Hoigate moorage!. j . . " ' . " " LOWER, floor. S rooma, garage, water. $4 With rhiidrm, 835. 408 E. 44tn t FURNbiHED house for seat west side aotuli. Phae Atwater 443 1. lest wit i.KV)M suburban, lane xroands. good loca tion, good car service. $20. X-223. Journal. FOR RiNT- 7 room fum. housi near Pea insula, achoet. Phoea Walnut C73. FOR RENT: - 4 t HOUSES FURNISHED I 311 4 A ' i Completeiy trjihedj f-room tringalow, 1 yew lease if desired. ! 860 per j month. Hlciid Bowr. 7522.- 1 ' ' , -. SERVICE s i BELLIBELITT '. COB A. MeXKSNA CO t . 208 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. a Oak. i- t - Established 188. ( T T 8-room ; eleeantly famished, "including piano, garage, --etc i S months -to year's lease, 875-per month. Phone Bdwy. 7522. . SERVICE " f- ' RELIABILITY : . . COE A. McKENNA A CO.. ! 208 Arusans bldg. r - , Bdwy, at Oak. Established 1888. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES: , S24 Heights terrace, fine view of moun ina and "city. SO mianta' walk to heart ec eity:; S. S. aad Hail st car on Morrison j at 11th and 13th at.. 2 blocks west! See to 1 appreciate. Reduced rent for winter. j - 5 rooms, beautifully rurmsbed Cat. with piano and mahogany furniture; close-in on ! Eiist ide; no children. C. A.- WAGNER CO. i i 2SO STARK ST.- ! BDWY. T150 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 i l"OB RENT . f .-. A nice 5 room house, 1 block from oar line, on a paved street 820 per month. See Mr. Brown, - f: "' QUICK SALES COMPANY, ' 401-402 Couch" bldg. Auto, 811-O0. SIX room house, near high and grade echoonu Garage. 825. 8880 84th Bt 8. E. East 8622. MODERN 8-room house, newly decorated, furnace, wash tray, hardwood floors, large garage. 127 E. $2d st Could be used by two families. Modem 7 -room house, nice and dean, wash trays, buffet Dutch kitchen, eta. 4012 E. 47th at; Main 6091 or Tabor 8224. ONLY $20 PER MONTH ' ' 5 room bungalow, water, gaa and elec tricity with the use of 1 acres of land. On D2d at and city boondary. MacINNES, RITTER, LOWE & CX)., ! 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow at 43d and E. Alder sts., modem, fine location, close to car and good school. The Lawrence- Co., Realtors, 212 Corbett bid. Main 6918. MOVE THE SECXTBITY WAY, Extraordinary Service For the ordinary price, i PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE SECCRITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. ,4th at Pine at, Opr. Multnomah hotel. Telephone Broadway 8715. SPREXKLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage. . Store your goods with ns. Let us do your moving and packing. LAY 3470. S. MORSB, IN a 454 GKsan at Bdwy. ROOM bungalow, all modem; has aleeping porcb, fine furnace, linoleum, shade, fire- Slaoe, big porches, fruit In fine district . blocks from car and close to school. See it Sunday at 683 E- 43d st N., later cU Ant 648-72. " WEST SIDE 8 rooms, 4 bedroom, furnace heat; walk ing distance; A-l condition- Will be vacant Thursday. Will give lease. Broadway 2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 36 WOODWARD AVE., 6-nn. house with garage 2 bias, from two carline. : Owner, 566 Hood st Atwater 1962. Sent $25 per month. - FOR RENT Oosy cottage, newly papered and painted, electric lights and gas, ctose in, weal side, walking oiatance, $22.50. - InQuire 449 tt 11th t - RENT or sale. 8 large lots, all in , berrie. fruit and nuts: 2 room aback, close in and near a city park. Goo dbuy for soldier bonus. $2400. terms. P-408. Journal. NICE 6 room modern house, gas, electricity. built-in dressers, laundry trays, garage, 6sU. 8934 67th ct Key next door south. East 1662. FOR RENT Duplex house. Just completed. Everything modern. Electric range Rea sonable. Lead's add. 868 E. 12th st East 8084. BEAUTIFUL 9 room home, 601 Arden road. 2 fireplaces, 4 lovely bedrooms with sleeping porch, furnace, hardwood floors throughout Metzger-Ptrker Co., Bdwy. -5335. 1 FOR RENT A 5 room modem bungalow. 330 a month. 1604 Hoyt t Apply 683 Clatsop avenue. Adults only. IRVINGTON Modeli bungalow! 7 rms., 2 baths, srtistio finish; adults. Kef. req. Call owner, Atwater 2620. ROOM furnished, flat Dutch kitchen, gas. water heater, private bath; private entrance and laundry trays; in Alberta. Wsl. 3993 PIANO MOVING $3, furniture $2.50 per hour: z men. large paaaea vans. , tau urowu Transfer Cc, East 6047. CUT RATE FURNITURE MOVING Firenroof Storage 15 Day Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy. 2445 WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the beat at lowest pnees. ixreen Iran. : Co., -Main 1261. 202 tt Alder st SOUTH PORTLAND Owner on premises. 7 room modern bouse ana garage; just com pleted. STAR. TRANSFER. East 5026. We con tract your job or ; 52 per hour, and fur- nuh 2 men. 6-ROOM modern home, with bath, 1 block to car and market, 825. 5821 Woodstock ave. Aut. 615-18. YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks, baggage, furniture moving, $1.50 and 82 per hour. Bdwy. 7688.- 6-KOOM house, furnace, trays, garage,- lawn, roses (adults). Owner here. 1041 E. 15th st N. PIANO MOVING (3, furniture $2.60 per hour; 2 men, large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co., East 3047. STRICTLY modem btaugalow, garage, near! Willamette car, $40. J. C n-urath, U4 Bps Ming bldg. 6-ROOM house, newly deoorated, 3 bedrooms. all conveniences. VIZ Ju. Gantenbein st Phone East 8730. MODERN S r. house. R. norch. a nod enmdi, toon, gafage. S34 89th st g. Bdwy. 6536 or East 3592 Sunday. WHEN moving call : East 5028. We con tract your job or 12 per hour, and fur- msn 2 men. t Dnriua . i ... - .4 1 . 1 6 boarders and roomers; must sell on ac count of sickness. 2 IS Graham ave. MODERN 6 room house, walking distance. 63 JS. Ttn et. near Oat - 82.i0 MODERN 5-room house. 1136 E. 17th N. FOR RENT 5i rooma or store with living rooms some groceries. 1870 Cortctt st MODERN 7 -room house on- paved street, 830. 82 tt. 78tn at ri. . Tabor 9138. 7 ROOMS, modem. $35.- S29 E. 11th et-S. Inquire next door. - I 5-ROOM bungalow and 10 lota, chicken house, fruit and garden. Owner, phone East 8730. 8-ROOM bouse. 5-room ' cottage. 5-room flat Phone r-ast r40 Honoay... . FOR RENT Modern' 5-room. house with garage. CaiL Main -4976. FOR BENT House 1 for rent $12 a month. Inquire 594 Front st 7-ROOMS, 811 E. 80th st; all eonvemeaces. lovely grounds. bee Metxger-Psrker Co. S-ROOM : modem bungalow m Laurelbumt . 1169 E. Pine' M. aJetsger-Farker Co- MOVING Large trluck for furniture, $1.60 per hour, sptcial men. ! Main 80591 FOR REN T 8-room boathouae, $7. , Walnut 4024. 1 WHEN moving call Tabor 0256; we contract your yob, or by the noor. FOR REN T -9-room house and garage. Owner, walnut .' i 5 ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT " CALL SELLWOOD 1107 I HOUSE for rent, 1031 E. 11th X. : Owner 'ion ctaca,"-- - !''' - FOR RENT 8 room house, near high achool. fa mac and garagei Walnut S173. B-ROOM cottage fori rent. $30 per month. Gas and electric Ugbts. - fall Watnut 4644 6 ACRES, city water, 6 rm. house, near ReU- stanon. autol es4-s, tt-KOOM ; hi 7t25 arawa 6104 2.A ave. 8. E- . Mt Scott car to Btewarte. S ROOM house. 7806 Rochester, $16 . mouth.1. Phono Aut 828-02. j FOR RENT. 7 hoitte, 719 Union ave. Call Kart ?61. 4-ROOM houses. 84 6 1 Ash, 1 block to car. good covKtiQpn, 826. Walnut 66 8 3l MODERN 4-room house, desirable location. - near Jefferson high school. 1098- Alton. 5-BOOM modern bungalow, good district rea- sonabto rent; will 'leasey Woodlawn 1820. 7-ROOiI neuse, newly paintedw; tinted, aome furniture. 86th et N. S20. Tabor 9327. FOB RENT 6, room heu 662". 818 E. 87th at Call labor $18 PER MONTH! for 7 room, house, St Johns. Main 4551. Owner. - OPEN 1 to Sv dalles 8 room, rrnt rsasrnahlo i 878 Er-S4th. Tabor 897Q. . 8 ROOM bouse, 64 4 Albina avif-, suitable for one or two families. Inquire 455 Borthwkk. MOD ESN bunjraiow. gas fumaea, on JIT car luwv X38 . 6dt st FOR RENT- HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 PORTLAND H EIGHTS - - Magnificent home 8 room, new. modem. garage. Ktow 1 9 year -lease, $150 per month. i " . "', COS A, MeKENNA 4X.j 4 - . -203 Artwass bldg. Bdwy. , at . Oak, "' '- , i Established 188. ' i ' '" i-BOOM good house ia Rose City Park, eieo trictty and gaa. 330. Atwater 4378, 8ua- day. East . 7808. '.I -J'-H ' HOUSES FOR RENT-- -V FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 EIGHT room house to lease, 850 per moath. Cleaa. modem, west side, near Lincoln high. 8 blocks from downtown district , 8 rooms of up-to-date furniture for sale, ifira clam condition. Price 8650. Phone Main 671Q. 7 ROOM HOUSE, modem conveniences, close in. west side, euHsble 2 fmiliew or mom; win lease; furniture for sale; ta good eondic tion; 2 garage" 621 6th at Attt 53w-81. ROOM flat wiLh baaement nd attic for rent; fornitare for sale; modern,. '-X "Woek from Central library, fcfcnrtfieeij.' CaB ' water 262Q. ' . -' r.?. v.' FURNITURE 8 large, light, well-fuaoished apt for sale; lease of 4 apt. Iwjwegoea witn iwmrcaxe. em gssi. a 1 un. HAVE small rooming house, with trae, afeod furniture, 3400 on terms or Ma tor. Owner 861 Washington-' at '.... 5 ROOMS. $2Qg. tt down, balance terms; rent 823; walking distance. East 6251. STORES AND HALLS 314 FOB RENT; Good suburban grocery store, good loca tion and no eompetitioat. Lease if desired. Rent $25, including 3 living rooms. We have other stores fox rent in good location at reasonable prices. -- MERRICK gc CO., 804 "Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 8230. STORES TO LBa.SE Have several stores te heart of centra west ride-district, suitable for any ordinary business; rents from 810 and up. Long lease to desirable tenants. See Mr. Fulton with W. M, Umbdenstock ek Co., Bdwy. 1668. FOB RENT (Small ball), hall at 10th and Washington for evening classes or lecrurea. Seating about 50. Phone Main 6308. STORES, west tide, 10x20. Washington and 19th, suitable lor various repair fuupa; rear -sonablo rent HALL for rent, suitable for lodges or dancing. Aut 614-86. UNION AVE. store for rent 3-38. R. 3. Mo- Guire, 545 Union. E. 6407. OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic erviee. Phone JJdwyi B tao. SPACE to furnished office, inc., telephone service, 315. Bdwy. 1264. FACTORY, warehouse building. 24.000 eq. ft floor. 8150 per mo. Lewis, 262 Stark at FURNISHED room, use nuua fine phone. 433 Cbamber Commerce blag. BUSINESS PROPERTY 318 : SANDY BLVD. Near Doerabecher Fum. Co. concrete building, 2 stories. 30x601 .Will rent rea sonable to responsible party and give lease for garage or storage business. S. B. Gus tavo, Bdwy. 4975. WANTED : TO RENT ROOMS 350 YOUNG girt employed, would like room on west aide, reasons Die; wining w xase care or children any evenings, or be of general as sistance. W-671, Journall ' WANTED Clean, warm furbished room, close to carline, by refined lady, some pnvueges. east side preierrea. v-Z'ii, journal. WIDOW wants 2 unfurnished rooma in pri vate fsmily: not over 61b-' O-ag. Journal, FOR RENT Furnished room and garage; private family. 948 Mailory ave. APARTMENTS 357 WIIHjWJER will sbsre 6 -room j furnished flat 23d and Washington st Main 8901 after 7 p. m. HOUSES 361 LIST your house and flats with us for rent We have many daily cans for them in all narta of the citv. PAKKiau, waiaus po,. Main 1644. 252 Stark st WANTED 4 room, modem 1 house," not more then $20. Y-833, Journal. i ! MISCELLANEOUS 362 CONTRACTOR wants desk room and telephones I II. . 1- t ... T ........ 1 , rirwc. lis 1 v vwii u' -, , , , wiuua REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY 401 BUSINESS LOTS We have 4 lots facing on Stark st at E. 28th st Well located for 1 most any kind of business; all improvements in. See us at once for prices, terms, etc. ; , JohnsonDodsonj Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. 100x100 With 2 old-houses, close in on North 16th st, excellent garage or wanjnouse site. Submit your offer. George T. Crow, 801 Mississippi ave. i ' APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 rfi!l. OPPORTUNITY -TO BUY FUR- NISHJvD MUTLU US UDVAIOU TiT'ir iiTNG AND LOT WORTH 812.000. fN ACCOUNT OF FINANCIAL CONDI TIONS, OWNER IS GOING TO SELL FOR 86SOO. - Don't get the idea in your mind that this M a aback. It is a good aoud construe Lea hnildinr ,,f 24 rooma Baa large dining room and can be run aa a hotel or may foe- converted into apartments that will Drmg an Income of over $300 per month. Then ia not another bargain like it in the city of Portland. STEWART A JOHNSON. REALTORS, 815" Northwestern Bank Bldg. East Side Rrnadwav and E 11th: 100x100. E. 14 tli and Weidlsr. A Beautiful lOOx 100 lot very desirable. i Sandy blvd., near 25th. 100x100. cheap. E- 11th and Couch. 100x100. We have 100 mora. Com Tn. Let us show you. Come early before the election and save Tourelf money. COB A. MeKENNA CO., 208 Artisans bldg. A Bdwy. 7522. Established 1S.-. FLATS FOR SALE Good" 10-roem house, ia eood location, near car. sine income prop erty. Buy this and let someone else pay your bill. Win take small House m trade as first payment Get- information from Parkhurat Realtors. 1576 tt E. Glisan. Tabor 8490, TO CLOSE estate, 100x100, northeast cor ner 14th and Taylor, west aids. East 2195. LOTS 403 . IRVINGTON HEIGHTS On carline: all improvements in and paid. Choice business corner and insida lot $100 cash, $1.0 monthly. Open . Sunday. JohnonDodson Co. 688 N. W. Bank bldg. - Main 3787. PIEDMONT' lot $124 and assume the menta; this lot lies fine ; aewer, sidewalk and paving in. 4. B- HAIGHT FOBf-REAL ESTATE, ' Branch offioe. 1347 Union ave. Walnut 5621. Open Sunday from 2 to 6. IRVINGTON - $204 ash. $19 monthly. 55ttkl00. all Improvements is- and -paid, near lrvmgton school and car. Ufno open Sunday.- JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 378T. V1S:W LOTS ON CARLaNK . We have several lotoses East GHsaa ne- . twees 63d and 66U st. -Some am pneed i as low a $600. All improvemente ia and paid. Make year chceee- now. , 1 BITTER, LOWE A CO.. REALTORS, I 201-2-3-5-7 Boerd of Trade Bldg. WANT LOT SALESMAN who haa car and axperiene) in Portland propel ty. ; Good opeaing in residence lot department. - .-- .. ' RITTER, LOWE CO. , ' 2fll-2-8-S-T! Board of Trade BWe. 4650 FOR corner lot in ' L-vingum, " ileal aacritice; closing an -aetata, - L ' ' i. I. BTJMMELL as RCMMEIX ' ' 274 Stark St " - - ; - Bdwy. 9129. 89th and 8andy Blvd., Aut 820-60. Z4tn and mjrrtst ens. 1 WESTMORELAND CORNER. 8875 Level lot, S. E. eomrr Rex and 17th ata, Ail imp, m and paid on botft at. -,'.. -i. r '. HEN DSR30N-BANK.C8 CO., - 228 Henry bidg. Bdwy. 475. MT. TABOR lot west slope. S3 00. Lot near , Wakant " Park, S25- Umsa ave. bwsinaas agfslSOw- Owner, East 8T. evenings. TLNTHOUSE oa 0x100 lot for $50 cash. calanre terms. 408 McKay bid., STetaafii 632-56. . -C - REAL' ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 . ' TWO JkCRES ' $1T XXWN 617 MONTH , : I -'jC.-' PARKKOSE ' ! $1700 Rich Ut gasdem jancf. no recks or gravel: great for ' garden track, berries, etc; ideal place to raise chickens. You can build a Utile aback here; no bunding ra : trictiom. low county tax, trees; 617 is total monthly (payment - North of Randy blvd, . and earllne. Farkroae branch - office open every day. Take Koaer City Park-l'arkroae ax, go to and of cariiae. Tabor 2904. -!.- JU, naliiau tiA 1 --t Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. : -Sdwr. 04. - . ;"' i S . -"-.ACRE TRACT ; ., :." - SBLgkOK " " 't -, $20 DOWN $29 MONTH ! $V650, PARK ROSE. That dandy KtUe suburban tract is jnst a abort data new north ef Sandy -blvd. jd aarlina, homes ail around, rich silt garden land, shade trees; your ehanoa to buy your own home aav rent terms; low county taxes; no building re etoctions; Mgh and grada achool, $20 total aonthly payment . L. HARTMAN coscpant, Chamber of Commerce Bldg.' . , ; - Bdwy. 4034. $1.80 WEEKLY LOTS 3228 Blsxeet" lea baraaine bis- .lota 88x108 fee, located juat outside the eity limita. wnem you 11 nava no city taxes or as sessments to pay. Where yon'U need no building permit, where 1 you can build any kind of a house you choose; close to big school and- eity ear line,, Jnst think, 8223 Remember, only 31.50 a week. Sea Mr. Flynn today as 418 8p!ding bldg. Ee wings, call East $257. " - !. - Never Jgsdn , - . ... ; . Wonderful view lot, 100x100, level, R E. corner 60th and AMmeda Drtve, 1 blk. south of Sandy blvd. Everything in and pant at 8262S. SEE THIS AT ONCE. COB A. MeKENNA g CO. Eatahliahed 1889. 208 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 7522. K AJ5TMORELAN D CORNER $1275, $525 eaah, balanoe mortgage; 8 ft front, 76 ft to rear. 100 ft deep, 2 blocks to car. near achool and Reed col lege; extra good value. Office open Sun day. JohnsonDodson Co. S3 N. Bank bldg. Main 8787. ALAMEDA PARK LOT. 1800 Level 60x100 lot on the south, side of Skidmore st, 105 ft. east of Glenn ave. All imp. in and paid; terma." We have 100 Alameda Park lota, many oa easy terma with aecomi mortgage privilege. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry bldg. 1 Bdwy. 4754. EAST SIDE VIEW LOT 50x138, all improvemente in and paid baa unobstructed view ; urrottnded by high claas home, near, achool and ear; price 81300, easy terma. Off tea open Sunday. Johnson-Dodson Co. 638 N. W. Bank bide. ' "Main 877. SPECULATIVE VALUE in this 100x200, located on Interstate era., between Prescott and Going ate.,, that hag a small (hack and a larrWspld bouse on ic mis property is pneea at aziuu- casn. invest in Portland property now. RITTER, LOWE Ac CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "T ROSE CITY DISTRICT W e re closing out the balance - of our Hyde Park lota. The prices will surprise you. Terma to suit your convenience, xfuy a lot now. You 11 be hapcr with the thought "I'mi going to have a home." Ask about these iota. See ltoyai. 72d at Sandy blvd. Tabor 0105. EA8T FRONT PIEDMONT LOT Paving, sewer in and paid. $1150 for quick sale; many other choice ones to choose from. J. K. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE Branch office, 1347 Union ave. . Walnut 6821. Open Sunday 2 to B. PAVED BT. IMPS. PAH) 50x100 lot on Booth side V. Ceruthera. 150 feet west of 80th. Just one block off Division st A big auap for a close-in east side lot J. it Ralney, 617 Abington bldg. JKiwy. OJDD. 350 CASH $10 MONTHLY '. fiOrl 00 f acinar west on E. Rth mf Port land bird., sidewalks, curb and sewer ia and paid: price $575. Office open Sunday. JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg. Msin 8787. $3 DOWN $9 MONTH $889 " 75xl2-FOOT LOT GOOD DISTRICT Ant 829 31. ... - EASTMORRLAND A 60x100 lot to a choice location with aU improvemente In and paid. $750 ia the can price.- - Buy now. . RITTER, LOWE A CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-8-Syr Hoard of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 8780 Level lot on the south aide of E. Davis at, CO ft west of 47th at- All impta. in ana paid. - HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry brag. Bdwy. 4754. PAVED STREET AND level lot covered with CARLI fruit t aid. pri NE -r trees, with an improvemente ia and paid. buva it rice 66o BITTER, LOWE CO.; REALTORS, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50x200 HILTON LOTS, $575 $8 down. $8 month. Water, gag, elec tricity. 37th and JSumner. No aseepsments to asnme. ROGER JV. CARY. NEW J.OCATtON, 142 tt 38. Main 2007. 81050 CORNER All improvemente in and paid on thia level corner lot -located oa Commercial t"d Shaver-sta. Buy now. ' RITTER. LOWE V CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 8460 ROSE CITY 60x100. eidewalks, curbs aad aewer aU paid. Johnson-Dodsoti Co. 638 N. WBank bldg. Main 8787. 31000 FOW corner lot, 25th and Brooklyn. everytning paid. RUMMELL 4s RUMMELL 274 Stark St- Bdwy. 8729. 89th and Sandy Blvd., Aut 320-60. 24th and Klickitat Sts. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS LOT, 3750 ' Fine view, close to achool and car. Imps, an in and paid. Easy terma. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. : 810 Panama bldg. i 100x100 FEET on HaaaalO at. near 60th. for gale or trade for null farm or good car. Prioe 31200. easy terma. STRUM A KEFER CO., 21 6th et , NEAR EASTMORELAND 50x1 00 corner, on 8 7th .and N, at. good value at $200 cash. RITTER. LOWK A CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SLOPE MT" TABOR. $750" " 50x100 lot on E. 60th at, between Bel mont and Stark sts. All imp. ia and Paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. ' 100 FT. FROM SANDY BOxiOO lot with aome nice trees oa and located on 49th et Price $900. dandy borne eite at a low price. RITTER. LOWE. eV CO.. REALTORS, .vi'.'0-b-i poam ot lraoa is tog. WOODSTOCK- AVE., EXTRA SPECIAL . 2 dandy iota, cement walk and curb, near car; both for $500, term; this is dirt cheap. J. H. RICHARDS. 308 Tllfr avar omg.. aa ana Kiara" st. EAST FRONT lot 60x100 ft, 200 ft off esnay ditu- pavement m ana pal a. - Price $750 cashA Ree .L, L. Jeaka. ,9tb and Sandy blvd. - TWO good" buaineae lota. Division at 43d at, $1000 each: 1 good building lot Clinton - near 43d. $800. terma or exchange. J. H. McMahon. 2S07 B. 4 8d oor. Inviatoa. i LOTS. NEAR 83 O- AND HOLMAN 20O and up. 810 down. 85 month. BOGEB W. CARY, NEW LOCAtlOw 142 tt 2d. t - Maia 2007. CLEARED lot 50x100, oa 76th aad Beech! 1 block from Sandy blvd- '- Br owner. 850O eash. Cell Mr. A. B, Caan. Atwater 0218 , week dsys. - . .. ; $850 FULL siae lot la W'esteaoreland. 8 blocks south of Bybee ave., oa East 1 7th; . all improvemente: in and paid; 2d mortgage privilege ; terms. ' Call Sellwood 1152. BLOCK8 3 and 9. Park add. to Albina. 2 use, 3 tGan. blocks from car bnrer bids 202 COB, LOT 100x58. macadam St. UiltehleTot ,v sraaR business or reaidertc-e; $300 eash, or tiiuv idling, - o.wi, lava r. ..rani ec LAURELHURST 2d tot N. Guana at "on 43rd, west front - Bargain fbr oasa. 202-8 Failing bmg. - ttdwy. 124 - i - FINE lot paar Frsnklia high. Good sur- roundings.- Very ebaan-. for eatk, . vE-258, . -j JonraeJ. -- ----- - i CHOICE E Oil 00. 1 block KeWton' car ; ' Swia- von aomiion; resTrarcea: cneap. wil. xoiif. CORNER lot E. 28tb N. and-Sumner, In. onire at jesi h. iBth N. . , $300 3 BLKS. BOSS CITY CAjJ Fine 60x100 lot, aaata. paid. Tab.. 4808. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 r IRVINGTON PROPER The Eastern owner of the folleartng de Treble horn atte ia Portia ad'l ertlaad a model name aeeooa ia here for a abort time at sill sell a Mwit Member of iota at aoeoial PI This ia an opportunity to make your CASH TALK. If possible make year inspections i today, or phone Sunday, Tabor 41S3, Weak days, Bdwy. J567. - " 8. W. eoc B. 91st and Fremont 1 8. B. cor. K. 23d aad Fremont S lota, -B. 24th. fax. E.. bet Klickitat and Fre mont, 8 Jot. i. I- K. 21H. fao, E, IM fti north of Slski- r- N. E. ear. E. 3 2d and Stanton." 100x100. S. . ear. B. 224 And Siskiyou. 1 00x100. ' K. 2 2d, fao. W-, 100 ft south of 0iU riyao, 4 tete. ... : - - '. K. 23d, JCC E-. 60 tfc!'8gtlk"'W.!8Ugr. . ton. 80x100.. ' - - ... v. E. 334. faa X.. 150 ft north ot-Staa-! ton. 80x18-9. : : ' - , 8. W. cot K. 2M sad Siskiyou. 8 lorn, N. W. oor, E, 20 th and -fitantcav lOOx : 100. - : - - -, , . S. W. cor. . 18th gad Stanton,. 80x100. 8. W. cor, E. 24th aad Knott, lOOxlOO. Knott at, fan. north, bet K. 21 at and B, 23d, 200x100. i .. . E, S8d. fae, vast, 180 ft north at Braaaa, 75x100. , N. W. oor. B. 22d aad Braaaa; TSxlOO. 8. E- oor. . 224 and Braaee, 100x10. E. 2 Id, fan. B 160 ft north of Braaee, .180x100. . N. Ev ear. E. Ita and Beesee, 50x100. ' ' 8. E. oor. E. 15th and Braaee. $48 Iota. E. 15th, fao. , T5th aad north of Bra- WftC, O ' lOtaas E. 14th, fa, vast, 60 ft north ot Bra . ace, $ ota. The ara among the choicest Ustiags in Irving ton. If you want tha bast at the right pnoe act now.- , i BITTER, LOWE Jb CO., REALTORS. 1 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trade BmgT- 1 HOMED ALB , AND ALAMKPA PARK j DlVINGTOif-DISTRICT .- BBOADWAT CAB . 150 LOTS $600 CP EASY TERMS , , ' ' SECOND MORTGAGE - FRIYILKGB j 150 ehefee homes! tea fronting on Fremont t. E. 19th, E. 20th, E. 21st E. 2 2d. E. 23d streata aad Ridgewoodi ave., just aoross street i mm arvmvion. oo you ' realise that level low in these mstricted ad ditions emu be bought for 8600 aad up on easy terma with sernna mcrtxtra nrivileeeT Many of these lota have bearing fruit or native tree; aswara with lateral to curb am laid in front of eaoh Mt; walks and curb am now being laid. The majority- t the in- ' aioe iota ara pneea at gaatt. The total assessment including paving, will not exceed 3350 oa 60x100 insida lots. Come out to the tract office at Fremont and E. 28d eta. on Sunday and let us show you choice, la vol lots with bearing fruit and native trees, - close to Broadway, car that will not 'cost w eauvw wuen mtx mpia, are us aaa . eqnasa xor 10 HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. REALTORS. Exclusive Sale Agents. 228 Henry bldg. v - Bdwy, 4784. Branch office oa tract at Fremont aad B. 23d ate. RUILDERft 80x90, Rose City line, all Improvemente m anu paia. rnce TERMS AND LOTS OF THEM KENTON DISTRICT We have several fine tote clone to Lom bard at. 3 and 4 blocks from Kentna eaj-. Every lot baa native fir trees and sidewalk art ana pain. Pnce $600 and $650. $50 caau, em monuuy., GARDEN TRACTS - Splendid garden tract on macadam street, close-in. Price S400i85O eash. HO nacathlv. We have three of those lots at same price, ihu verms. .- 810 CASH. $16 MONTHLY A 60x113 corner in Alberta district Sidewalks in oa both aide, Price $475. 4 It " 120 with 20 ft alley, in Woodstock dis trict, 8 bock from car. Covered with na tive tir tree. Price I20C. $5 CASH. .35 MONTHLY 59x1 00. 5 Mocks from t Johns er. 1 V. block to paved afreet Splendid soil. Price See Dwyer with 782 Chamber of Commerce. Before Buying , See teadd's Addition 1 Lots $10p0 and Upt ' 2d Mortgage to Builders At last people am beginning to realise the advantage of a homo in this beautiful ad dition. Vfaut the property. - "Note the ac tivity. Save Carfare ! Easy walking distance. Improvemente' aU . in and paid. These prices .won't last long, so harry. A word to the wise should be aufficient See Mr. DeSahunty Ladd Estate Co., 246 Stark St Bdwy. 5754. Eve, East 8482. ' ' IRVINGTON DISTRICT We have a number of choice lots on. E. 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th. near Fremont with all improvemente ia aad paid. Sur rounded by new homes, near achool. ear and new city park. Some of these can be handled oa very easy payments. . Office open Sunday. - s , Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. - - Main 3787. r Mi ii 8390 ' i .: '-. LARGE LOT 76x112 FEET All clear aad level, an 37th at, ta WIL SHTRB, Terma 68 DOWN. $2 PER WEEK, including interest at . This is a proposition you cannot afford to over look. Call at branch office, 83d and Bryca ave. Aut 829-81. J.-! HARTMAN CO. , ' ' ' West Side Pattoa road and Montgomery Drive, $1500. E. 25th at., pet Lovejoy aad Kearney, 75x160. 38000. 28th and Raleigh, lOOxlOO. 88150. Newton and Wilson sts., 50x100, $2000. , COE A. MeKENNA c CO., SOS Artisans Bldg. Bdwy 7828. ' : Establisnbed 1880. - ALAMEDA BARGAINS . ' 60x100 facing Berth on -, Dunkley be tween Regents drive and Glenn ave. Prioe $1800; all improvemente - in aad paid. 50x100 facing W. oa Glenn ave., Just 'north of Bryee and level 'with sidewalk ; all im provement tor. and' paid; $1850, terma. Office. upea Sunday. - . - aJohnsonDodson Co. I JIS3 X. W. Bank bldg. Vain $787. EAST YAMHILL NEAR 2$D , $900. $800 -cash, balanoe mortgage, can raa aa long as wanted: portable garage will rent for 85 monthly; macadam street aide walks, curb and sewer all- paid.- Thia is under market value. See at once. Office open Sunday. ..---i . JohnsonDodson Co. 888 N. W. Bank bldg. - Main 8787. NORTH MT. TABOB . - . I 330 . . ... - tt ACRE WITH PAVED STS. -r . AH asneasmeats said: cleared and culti vated ; 8250 cash wia handle. Bur and au lor more. HENDERSOS-BANKCft CO.. - 228 Henry bldg. - Bdwy. 4754 a 9 a r.iKH tia unXTHi.v - All improvements in and included in price , of 8980, oa Portland - blvd. aear , Campbell st . Office open atonday. . Johnson-Dodson Co 883 K. VT. Bank bMg. Main 8787. CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH - 80x180, cleae to ear. $250 oa any terma you want aea-reasueas owner says Be Open Sunday. . i.w. . ..... Johnson-Dodson Co. 888 N. VT. Bank bMg. ' ' Main 878T. . DO YOU REALIZE that tote located in Murraymead -Bear 26th and Lincoln may be purchased for aa low as SSOOT Buy now aixiinajte a profit BITTER, LOWE CO., -BE<OK3, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. PIEDMONT lot ece btock north of A ins worth avenue, one block west of William ave. -Corner lot, 50x76 tt feet; beautiful trees: au aasesemente Paid. 'Price for emcS gale. $575. $100 cash, balance- $10 per . -menta. ' Walnut Ibow. - - ; LADD S ADDITION , An B0xl2O earner, en Elliott are, aad Hazel at; choice eurruu-ndtoga aad excep tional value a S33DO casn, BITTER, bOWE ek CO., REALTORS, - 201-2-3-5-T .Board of Trade Bidg. $2U0 b3D kiy NO. ANDI BLVD. 60xt0U aotii snap. Tabor 6559. tc - " REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS 403 HANCOCK ST. near- $3d. beautiful level tot au improvement in, $900. eeoond nv aaga prtvaage, , :':' LATRELHCEST. "" N.' E. earner S9th j and Fiandere, 1 blk. to ear. dot to park, . See Uu, Price redttced to $1800. Invest - Your Money, -i , Stop Paying Rent 0 Close to Columbia park- Unfinlrhed 9 room m bouse with water, ga and garage, i,lal . deae to Columbia : park. Ground la worth $1000; ideal place for your children, away from the traffic, ai d plenty of fresh air. Will sacrifice for $oO. $50. .. down and $1$ per month. , CO A. MeKENNA m CO: '-' ' , Etehash4,1889. ' .'208 Artisans bldg. ---- -- Bdwv 7522. ,. BARGAINS , ' .'.- ALAMEDA BOxiOO oa Ghma ave , - : near Maaoa ....,........$ 975 LAURELHCKsr 50x100 on 43d, near Bamside ......... .. . 1125 HAWTHORNE Half block from car- ,. lias; bard surfaosd strvete .. . 673 AT.IMKDA 0x100 oa Bryca ave.. " , .... near "Glona; beautiful site; " '.:..u, ...... .8100 ALBERTA Near Alameda, Vt block off bard aorfaced ...... 47 ' JONXSMORE On 71st on block from Glisan at osrlinc; 60s ' 100; easy terms 430 , CENTER ADDITION On Dvi, near , ' 62d: fine view; eay terras..; 450 PENINSULA PARK Comer Albina ave. and Deknrn . . .. 930 W M. TJMBDENSTOC6T- CO., - r 210 Oregon bldg. ' B4wy. 1658. : wemorIelaWd A fully improved dist riot Lota $509 . te 61000. Come ta the office of the - original owners and platters of thia fine aubdiviaioa for your com aau. We still. y have many good iotf to choose from la ! eluding a few corner. Easy terma, low - interest Help to home builders. v See Mr. Patterson,- -,- Ladd Estate Company Bdwy. 8754. ' , - 248 Stark Street ' " KENt6N 1 " - WHERE THE PAYROLLS GBOW 100x105' comer oa Denver , ; . , ... ,$2000 60x100 corner oa Lombard . .... IOvO 75x 73 corner on Brandon ,-,.. 9n0 60x100 comer. Interstate. ....... 6&A- Inside lota 8700 to $860. All improvemente in and paid. Terms. CRTSTAL SPRINGS ADD. 68x88 corner on Lambert, $400 56x88 inside ................... 350' Liens paid. Your own terma, WARREN KF.F.TKK Bank Bldg., Kenton. Walnat 6507. 80x105 FEET $476 - ' " $8 DOWN $9 MONTH - This beautiful homeaita to Wilablm ia all cleared, good view, new district; Ala meda Park, Oimsteed Park on the west Beaumont south; xuem homes around. W bar a number of Iota In -thla section, aouia . with trees, 50x105 to 160x105, very easy terms. Branch office 83d and Bybee ave. , Aut 839-81. Take Broadway car to Bryee ave., walk 4 block caat J. L. HARTMAN CO. -i BOSH CITY , CAR tt,' ACRE' TRACT S $457 UP $25 DO WW H to 1-8 acre tract fronting on East '71st at Only three blocks north of Sandy blvd. Bull Run water; street graded and graveled ta front ' of each tract; gaa and electricity available. Why not buy where you have eity eouvenfencea t Only $25 dowa with nearly four yean to pay the balance. -Take! Boas City car to East 7 let and walk St- blocks- north. leeznn will be oa the tracts Sunday to enow unsold tracts. i HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. -228 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. . PARKRORE $250 "DOWN $30 MONTH Acre tract lots of shade trues, ideal place ' for a chicken ranch and a- home, all city convenience, low county tax, on graveled street south of Sandy blvd. Parkroae branch office open every day.' Take Rose City Park-Parkroae oar. go to end of carline. Tabor 2904. . 3. U HARTMAN CO. 8 "Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. s - ':rBarjihSeekers " , - I rvin gtbn $ 11 00 -' 47x204- level lot, facing east oa ratline, equivalent to 2 lots. Owner must sell now. COB A- MeKENNA gc CO. 208 Artisan Bldg. Bdwy, T522. - Established 1889. DEAL DIRECT WITH PRACTICAL BUILDERS Be one of our satisfied clients; Judge for " yourself. , "4 consecutive houses for one . client" Our' method insures your pro-i, taction, for we do not turn your house over to a sub-contractor. Inspect our work. We want your business. H yea re seeking a ' home, well built and promptly completed, Soldiers' bonus accepted. ' REIMERS JOLIVETTE. Belt 2964. - 50.10 , . : ' $562.50. $100 cash, $10 monthly. block to Irvingtoa car. tt blocks to sclmol, fine for garden, berries, etc ; sidewalks, curbs aad water in and paid. Office open Sunday.'- --i r v - .-- '. Johnson-Dodson Co. 683 ft. W. Bank bldg. - Main 8787. ALAMEDA -80x100 with entrance on Regent drive and Bidgewood ' ave.; all improvemente ia and paid, oa oar near school; owner needs money. See it and make offer. Offipe opea Sunday. - , : ' - Johnson-Dodson Co. 68$ N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. '' MT. TABOR CORNER. $1000 . -, 58TH AND HAWTHORNE . N. E. comer E. 58th and liawtliornei Fared snd raid on both its, - HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. ' - 228 Henry bid-. Bdwy. 4754. GOOD 50x100 building lot. clteay lor cash. Owaer,. East 5678. HOUSES - 404 j-LTLyiX r-Ln -T- " I- i' i - gf1 ' - - . Nothing Down $760 Equity for $200 Only pay $67 - now daemon assessments snd interest 4 room modem bungalow and S. lota. $ blocks east of EatUnoreland. Must settle by Nov, 8;. to secure above bargain. Aut iB-js. OWNER will build, oa easy term oa these -jot: -a; s one vlot 60x100. southwest - corner E. 24th and Harrisua streets., " Dae lot 50x100. Brooklm street between JE." 29th and E. 80th. Two tote- 50x100, eoraer Gay god. Sum ner streets. '-.- . .-.'. . Tsbor 2785. ' ROSE CITY PARK, new, 8 rooms, finiabed, space for 2 more; L. R.. 3 3x24; D. R., -14x14: oak floors; 2 B. R.a first floor ; with nice closets ; fireplace, bookcase, buf fet built-in kitchen with, nook, furnace, fixtures, ahadee, laundry trays, ail im- , provemente. cement porch,. 7x28; $3500. 693 E, 68th et N. -'. . Little Home- -3 blocks to ear, 40x100 lot, gaa. city water. Make your terms. jSidhey Q. Lathrop ' 414 ABINGTON BLDG. , V'i - SAVB $100 AND COMMISSION $800 eaah bays my equity of over $900 ta "this medem 4 room buasalow Dutch ' kHehen. ecveeaed porch, garage, linrteanii -water beater, wood in baaement Or-will eeil ' for $500 dowa. -FoU pnce 33300." Owaer, Walnut 8844 or 1019 E. 8th N. ' WILL" BUILD YOU A CUTE LIJTLls '' -BUNGALOW4 - ' ' 1 ;! Hardwood floor, .fireplace, cement bese ' meat on a nice lot with fruit tree, for ' $2500;'easy terma. Sew ROYAL, 72d at 1 - Sandy blvd. Tabor ;0155; - evenings, -''Tsbor 7174, ' t - - 4-' :. 13300. 3850 CASH, balance terma. . 4 room modem house, living loom and dining room - combined. 8 bedrooms. Dutch kitchan, fuU basement; lot 60x127 ft; 1 block from school and church, 8 elks, from M. V. car. 13 E. 78th st K. . ' " FIVE room bungalow, just completed, spVo- - did view location, west slope Mt Tabor. On ear. Complete and modem and a bargain at $5500.. Terra. Owner, 615 By.- ExcU. . "T bidg, Bdwy. 8888. " - it ACRE, best of garden ground, fenoetl, small bouse and woodshed : aome fruit trees ; miui berries: near school and car; -very xva , sonable; terma to suit buyer... Call Auto. 619-12. - - 6-ROOM bunsaiew, close in. lUs'-iamn d -trict, 80x100 corner; lmprovymen in, paid! Only $3700. Tahcr 8S72, or at 848 E. 34th st. - -