THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER "4, 1922. ) Co i FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 301 f OR RENT Cogy sleeping rooms, or will ar range for light housekeeping; 1 blork from Sannytid-' rerUne.- - Will answer calls 3 day feat. and Hun ; remainder of Week after 4 3 ft. 1108 K. Yamhill. Bear 37th t. 3 SINGLK tooan, private family, $10 and 912 ir monte; also 1 lutt aw. $20; plenty hot water, heat aad light; 1 block tcood restaurant; walking distance.: 434 i iregon p - CLEAX : newly Yurnt slffpmt rn. ihv prtv. family, modern, walking distance. 887 V an rouvw ae., 1 Mk. to Bdwy. carline. USE comfortable mom in nice east aide borne, clone in. Men preferred. Fbone East 74. T ' ? rCRNISHEI) EOOXC WITH CBILX. OH KITCHEN PRIVILEGES 4TU ANU 8AXUY. I'AM, TABOTt 5739. ? IRVINGTON Leraer and attractively fwmished front Ttuxa. inahcgany furniture, fireplace, phone. i furnace, on Broadway carline. East' 0632. 1IGHT, ai" rirm; ail conveniences; clow to , t-awnew center. 214 llth at- Aiweter 0964. IARCfK front rmw, first floor. facing perk. 3 block from M'trrisun st Also KmaB. light, " clean room, SI I a month. Working men preferred 22- W. Park at. SICE furnished room for two girls, 2 meals end --.lung, $d a month. Call Seliwod 2471. 1 OH 2. employed, wi.-i.i3i; absolutely clean, attractive from nvim, reasonable rent, tnall . congenial family. lovely clone-in home; ref erences, til ''nod ae. Ant 323-10. XOB 1111. 1.. beautiful corner room, fireplace, every homs comfort ; plenty of hot water. Protestant gentlemen preierred. Atwatef 1019. BIG WAliM ro m tvr rtnt in oaseraem. 2 i " 3 men trrui wuli to room Uigetiter. kitrhen privi e--e-. ft' Co- k ' are. phone Wal nut Hill . R1R RENT V. rooms, nicely furniihe-, 592 H 4th it. Plio:e Atwater 3242. J'l.KAisANT fti-or, eioe in, for gentie . anciit, m exclusive apt house; twin beds, Khor hath, plenty ot .heat; reasonable Brn.dwy 6526. ICELY furnished room, furnace beat, next bath, $3.50 week. 322 Broadway, For gent leman. Pjione Afwater 2578, COMFtS T A Bl Jfl furnished home." breakfast if desired. 'East 1536. Fcwm, modern 743 E. Mam. KCRNISHED ROOM IN STRICTLY MODERN HOME: WALKING DICTANCE; LADY PREFERRED. KENT $10 MO. AT WATER 0212. I TV on Beautiful slperme room", $15 per month. Calla:-t 8874 , COMBINED room, or bedroom with use of sit- tmnct room, hath nd home coraiorts; wouia Ftiit two gentlemen : terms moderate. 34a Tillamixikfi., near Union sve. MjR HILL Very large room, fireplace, pri vate bath; also cheaper room and nice, light, airy third floor room. 84 N. 21st, corner Everett. a-TRNISHED room, breakfast iif desired, for hvi : funr.yside carline, walking distance. 131 E lftth. Ea-t 5376. fcl.KEPlY'f ROOM WITH (TlHAGE FOR KENT. $20 PER MONTH. CALL EVE XlNliil, 359 E. 54TH S FRONT room, clean, bath, phone, west side, walking distance. $12 per month. 534 Taylor. , LAK;F. front sleeping room, also 1 smaller room; bath; very nioely furnished: plenty of heat and hot water. East 4962. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, in strictly modern home, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 165 N. 17th s Bdwy. 1432; PLEASANT sleeping room, -walking distance. 554 17th. Bdwy. 2256. desirable location, Everett at-, cor. NICK Urge sleeping room, .close to bath, walk !nz distance. $ 1 5 per month. Phono Main 3924. 747 Everett t 1AKGF, front room, heated, use of electric percolator; one or two beds as desired. 59 N. 20th, near Wash. VERY clean, pleasant rosm for 1 or 2 women . employed;' use of kitchen if desired; close ' in. Bdwy. M004. XEW ivory furniture, heated room, close in ea't aide; $14 for 1, $8 each for 2. East 4365. . i:t LA1W1H fronC room and kitchen, vary close in, $ per week. 369 6th sU ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortphia Hotel Broadway off Washington. Bdwy. 11 Portland's hia-h-claes downtown residen tial hotel. We give you the comforts of home. American and European plan. Ratae reasonable. KXCI,L'8IVB vj-roiential hotel: rates $45 to $30. 794 Ive5oy. Main !!. JltKlM and board for two emploved in lovely home. 68H Marshall. Main 6953. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 303 CHILDREN to board, oeanutfui country home. Dear school, close in, $14 monthly. For . particulars write Peaceful Acres Farm, rout p 1. bo- I24-A, Hillaboro. ROOMS with or without board, one or two v men. Call East 5693. : LiESIRABLE room with excellent board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with home privileges; i 1 worth your time to investigate. Phooe East 2461. r LADY with gocd home would be glad to be real mother to motherless or fatherless child ; : " best care; rip. 26 years; girl pref.. 8 to 5 v - years. Main -'695. 558 N. 23d, !. CONGENIAL man has nice room, two beds, e- eeuenr, warn in private nome. Home pnv- ' iliges. Want roommate. Tabor 253H. GOOD ROOM AND EXCELLENT BOARD J . IMD -A XirV TV VIl ' ' Ti L' LTV ST T". TJ i X TT ! ..TV ' 1 r a.- ' s 1 iw.i" j-l u as. , REASON ALE. A REAL HOME. CALL -KMPIRK'109 -y- Trvcri.r.EXT mom Md hn-rrl -iritl. bm . ilegva m modern home for 2 men or man' and wife. Tabor 2538. . : JbEST OF ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO' - YOUNG MEN. OK, MAN AND WIFE ' ; W ALKING DIST.tScE. CLOSE IS. i CHEAP. EAST 9218 KtKM." board: heat, hot water, phone. piano huh pnviieger- a- per mo. lor one. 00 ' for two: I block Woodlawn car. Phone SValnnr 3552. ,5iiCK home with room and board for 1 or 2; breakfaat and dinner walking distance: rea- aonable. 547 H 6tii. i . .. - f ':s . , 1 . e; - : , 1 SOOM and board, home pnvi!ege; large light room.' home cooking, fnniaoe bleat Walnut VISlJItl, GOOD room a-ml bard. nice larse rwoni. home iwivile-es: furnace heat ri. ii I 'fall East 1769. t k 1 MKlir" r" Kim and board '' v ; In Ic-vety home: gootl l.icatioit: nice, clean, .'i. . ecmfortable ' rtxens; home privileges; rcastni - f ' able. Call East 8835. J icK rjAKGE FRONT ROOM WITH . .iBOARD. CALL MAIN 6421. 403 " I LAY ST. !, CONGENIAL home fur working roan, close in, . . east side. $33 per mo ; also bed-siuing room. K .574 E, Taylor st. f WELL f uruialted room steamheated. clean. near bath; C. S. preferred- 549 Washmg- ton. apt. A. i KOOM and board for businevs girls; modern ; conveniences ; lkuig distance; $5 per week. 4. East $730. 1- E. 7th at lu large, ngnt, airy rooms, turnace beat, cloae lit, walking disuuice, with board. $30 a month. 201 V- Fir-t t. X". East 2S3. BOARD for children. 1 per mu. Lovely 'Mk 851- OvM-lnr- Riv.t ri.n..t f - ! rranater wen -.- car. -"NURSE, clone to school aud car, would board . ,owr children: fenced yard, plenty of fruit. milk aad eggs. K-448j Icitrasi. IC K sunny front room witU or without board; also nice attic room, very . reaaonable. East ; Broadway. fcast 4tm. VT ANTED J-tUe eirt. school age, to room and board; 2 bloc from school; no ether thii- j dren. Jgbor 1533. ; FRONT roou for 1 or 2. modern, all home - rn-t rileee. liiano. 333 E. 30th at. near 5 J 1 Hawthorne, Taben" 332S. TWO men or two giris. large lower front room, 1 I i2 meets, how iwivileges. $23 gt moath. 3 Walnut 6o3. " icON'UKX . heme for tw f cooking. 65 N. 21t at. ' - . t-T 1 V t -b A - wo mea. good home EJ-CELLE X3" room and board ; exchange for Vretn -ra. nam oaoa. - - i NICK room and beard m private fa kily, hnae li privilege-. ; Tabor 8321.- j KOAiM and board in a private home. , Garfield 0623. Pbone f. IARGE cleaa mm, a-iking dastance; choice f lu-aUaa. 770 irvusg tt. Atwater , 4410. FOR RENT i ROOMS AND BOARD j " PRIVATE FAMILY 303 WHX BOARD BABT BY THE VOXTH, Sol MISSISSIPPI AVE. WALNUT 3864. GOOD ROOM! ASD FOtt TWO. xs xice HOME: REASONABLE. CORNER 14TH AND BEUIOVT. CALL EAST 3Q23. A LOVELY Urge room in our attractive home. Call Tabor 7. WAXTEB ONE REFINED YOUNG MAN TO ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE HOME. CALL. MAIN 6687. CHILDREN in private family; mother's tare, given. Warn tit 4274. LA RUE front room, well furnished, small pri vate family - located in one of Portland's st ditrirU; eacelien:. board; home prwilegea; lrefer ladle; rate reasonable Tab. 657. NKAK Jefferaon fual aenoot. clean eomfortahle home for btuitie woman or teacher. Wai not 6217. HIKiMS with or without board, men. Call East 5693. one or two HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 304 LA H'E front room and kitejrenette, 320; two front roosta, 330. Electric light, hot water always for baths, laundry. Thsa are warm room". S5 Flanders st. MINGIJ: H. K. per month, suite. 310 heated. 41! or sleeping rooms. 33 and 310 jfean, corny, 2 and 3 room to 318. Large lobs well 19th t. N. BEAUTIFI'L outside H. K. and sleeping room, newly fumislied with solid mahogany and eane farnitnre; fixepiace and reading lamp. Ixrw rent. 135 ISth st- $2.25 WEEK, h. k. or sleeving rro or woman. Clcaa. warm basement West Park. Man I -ri..-. i . 0 weet up. lame, absolutely 10c PAY $2 clean rooms; baths free, water always hot. ' Hotel fadillac. 3d -t near Jeffenon. SNAPPY, clean H. K. room. everything new nd ATn-thinff fiimla)i.1 nml .--, 1 f r r j 802 Tillamook, near Wsn. ave NICE, elean H. K. rooms, singles or en suite; close in with good conveniences; reasonable. 495 Davis st. CLEAN small outside H K. room, everything furnished; also 2 H. K. rooms, running wa ter, $15 per mo. 560 Glian. cor. 17th. ONE large lovely housekeeping room, all con venienoes, furnace heat, walking distance; sniuble for one or two people. 341 11th st- TWO clean housekeeping rooms, elbse in; $22 per month. 321 6th. 2 AND 3 -room suites on ground floor, hot water. $20 and $3Q month. 422 2d st. VERt large furnished housekeeping room, cen tral location, fit per month. 00 E. Sth St. 8UNXYCREST Steam hested H. K. rooms. $10 up: private bath optional. 1 86r8herman. TWO large, clean, firrnished front H. K. rooms, walking distance ; adult. 211 Sherman st. NICELY furnished, heated H. K. or flei-ping rooms. jSoy and homey. 533 Flanders st. NICELY furnished rm. II. K. apt, $T-76o6 Overton. RtKtM furnished for housekeeping; gas. water, electricity in room, cheap. Walnut 1784. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 VERY nice 2 and 3 room H. K. suites , hdw. floors, instantaneous hot water, shower and spray bath. Good heat, phone, light, close in Atwater 8005. $25 THREE large sunny well furnished rooms, newly papered and painted; de sirable neighborhood, walking distance. 375 Multnomah ave. Phone; Ea?t 9100. TWO H. K. rooms with sleeping room for 3 or 4 ; no objections to small child ; also 1 large . room with kitchenette. Nob Hill. Atwater 1293. 751 Kearney st LARGE rotim and kitchenette; single rooms for 1 or 2 people, $12 and $13 monthly. These are warm rooms; hot water always. 655 Flanders st TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, all modern, private home. 59 5 Rodney ave. Call Sun. afternoon 1 to : or Monday morning. No "children. East 1S27. HOUSEKEEPING i and sleeping rooms, fur nace heat bath, telephone, electric lights; nice basement;' room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 387 College st Phone Main 3154. 3 LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms, good location, close in. East 5096. 3 ROOMS, with electric lights, gas stove, hot. cold water with' sink, $18 per month.. Call Broadway 4882. ONE pleasant rurnislied housekeeping apt., large living room and large kitchenette; aiso sleeping room. -402 Rons at. East 9870. 1 AND 2 H. K; rooms. $16 and $22 per month; gas, lights, phone and fuel. 271 N.7 21st st. - ONE. single H. K.- room, convenient, nice snd clean, furnace heat, walking distance. 341 1 1th st. ONE 2 room apt. 1 large room with kitchen ette, hot and cold water, furnace heat, rate reasonable. 173 N. 17th st THREE small rooms, light and airy, furnished fori housekeeping; suitable for 2 or 3 adults. Walking d-ta.nce. 424 3d st. cor. Hall ft. TWOj furnished housekeeping rooms, private bath, private family. 63 E. 19th st, N.. corVier Davis. LOVELY H. K. rooms for 3 or 4 people em- 1 ployed: sleeping porch, fireplace, walking i distance. 61 X. 18th st. J TWO nicely furn. housekeeping rooms, pri- i rate i-muy. near -eiierson mgn; no cml dren ; references required. Walnut 2425. 3 ROOMS, nice light apt, good furnishings electmc lights, main floor, for adults, reason able. 850 Thurman st Atw.ter 0224. 3 -ROOM apt, bath, phone, hot and cold water. Adults, lovely home. Call Main 4709 fore noons. UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms; 3 room H. K. apt, everj thing c'.ean; on carline near S. P. shops. 688 E. 11th st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $1.50 per week and hp; close in. 3J4 H 1st at bet Clay and Market Electric lights. ,, . . - , : . . . : LARGE aleepmg room and kitchenette, rea i soiiable. for one or two employed. 211 N j 23d st Atwater 3521 i TWO TRUN moved. 75c: downtown dis t.rict- Firevroof storage 15 days free. Long, I i distance hauling. Mdwy. 2445 TrlRE'K lovely furnished housekeeping rooms. h-ht bath and rbone; adults. 90 E.-4Sdst S. Tabor 5 760. TWO nicely furnished housekeejnng rooms; gas. bath, adults, $12.50 month. 692 Front CLEAN, attractive 2 and 8-room suites; run ning water, gas ranges; quiet house; infants welcome. 1524 RusselL VERY pleasant clean front room, with small kitchenette; also 1 elean single sleeping room. Adults only. 268 12th" st TWO furnished bJousekeeiriiig rooms, also two single h. k. roubs; no cluldreu. 267 Knott, near Williams ave. car. THREE 7L K. rooms, 2 beds, $20 ma; large front room. $15 mix 372 Va Hawthorne, cor. Union. SUNNYSIDE Three rooms, light and airy, light. water,3l:one. Tabor 0249. Call weekdays il to 4. i 2-ROOM very nice housekeeping apt., hot and cold water, gas. light and heat included in rent 240 East 50th st GtKJD. clean, rmi-b .semen l room, with out side entrance; right downtown, for $10 per month. 191 Park st. I ONE ROOM with kitchenette and breakfast ! nook. Imt, light water; desirable location. ! Xo children. East 7531. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. light. ga. heat furnished : 1 4 room suite and 1 2 room suite, $17 and 340. 337 Ivy. East 142S. 4 ROOM apt. water free. Wuimby st Phone. light, hot and cold Very reasonable rent 658 TWO larg; irasant H. K. roms, near Dental college: heat, light and phone. Included; also use of laundry. East 4962. ROOM it, outside entrance. t. between 14th and 15th. 501 Mill , T- j 2 CLEAN, sunny tooths, close in; free light. jjitwv min waict. jnam esiov. 49 Ciay. 3 FURNISHED iso-sekeepiag rooms, suitable for family. 444 E. Oak. East 1136. ONE large front room for light housekeeping; electric lights, gas and bath. 622-15. 3 BOOM apt.. 2 beds, stove heat, telephone. walking distance. 493 Montgomery. LARGE well furuUhed rouma, furaaco beat. 327 tb t 1 TO 5-ROOM. private entranca. partly fura. TMtcb kitchee. j 388 Grand ave. X.' ONE large, well furnished housekeeping room 631 Hoyt at. near 20-.h, Bdwy. 4046. 2 XICE hottse-eeping rooms, kitchenette. 414 -Flint at. Walking distance. ; 2 ROOM newly furn.. heat and light f urn. Irvtnatoo carline: fine location. East 1477, UNION AVK. and Killingsworth, fursii-hed an con itMete; coecrete bldg. FV RNlSililD H. K, rooma, heated, bath" phone. 414 Salmon at. TW VO nice large b xisekeeping mxu, Plow in; modern. 786 Corbett st Waat Side. HOUSEKEEPING rooma very reasonable. Move beat, dean. . 180 !a BeUuont. ua 0378. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 IKVINtiTO.V On - earluxe. 3 lat-e room, completely furnished. oa gaonnd 1 fVtxw; small kitchenette; 333. - Inelnde 1 lights, pbeoe. . water; no chiWrea; saitable for 2 adlt?C East 4384. rXIH KENT 3 frniahed li. K. room, hot and eokl water in kitchen, iarge clothes rloxet is frowst rotm; ererything famished; half block h'owa Williams in. cat. 266 "ook are. . TWO housekeeping room. 316.50 per month; also one large, housekeeping. 314 per mo., with gas aud electricity fnrnished; nice rooms, walking distance, west side. 301 17th st. . -i' LARGE, light, clean, furnished 3 room apt-, good fur nit ore, closet, bath. - walking ' dia taitca; rent free by making small iUTeatment. East 8387, 173 E. 7th st. S4. ' WAI.KIN'i; distance, partly furnished 3 room apartment, private hath, entrante. with worxi, garbage and electric lights furnished. Mam 2X74. 628 Kotirtb sL " TWO large rtforo and alcove, suitable for 3 or 4 persons, retainable rent. Call after 4 -.30 p. m. during the week. 266 H Bwoadway. HOlsSKPIEPIN't; roc.m-, very nice; fireplace, famace and built -ins, lutch k'trhen. 1 block from raiiine adults only. 4304 45th are. Aut. (S35-56. LUiHT If. K. KOOM.S. 75 Minr-esota ava. 10 mrnutes trom Broadway and Washington. LARf;K light lTxvm. kitchenette and clothes closet, aiso single room; SIO. L'snai con veniences; near school and car; close in. 73 Hoyt. Atwater JSll. A IAROE furnished housekeeping room; also double sleeping room, close in. Call Broadway 7339. ONE LIGHT H. K. and 2 sleeping rooms. with furnace heat. 147 N. 21st st. CLEAN rooms. H. K. and sleeping. $3 and S3 00 ivr week; lieaU light, bstb." phone free. Near Mon'somery-Wand Co.. 336 V 26th st. 3 noOMH. partly furnish-d. $ monthly, another suiie $13 : 1 2 blk?. straight be !.nd end nf Hawt.hnn;? carline; near fir trees. 2835 East 76th st sonth. TWO nicely furnished H K. rc-.Bw in modern house, furnace beat, bath and toilet, hot an c-ld water, pleasant location. Seliwood 3213. FOR RENT 3 NICELY FT7RNISHED H. K. ROOMS. 625 THCUMAN. WALNUT 6L83. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, furnace heat, electric light, teleplione and bath; also nice basement room ' for gentlemen. 38 T t'ollege. Phone Main -3154. SEE THESE TODAY IF YOU WANT NICELY FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS VERY CLOSE IN .LIGHT AND PHONE FREE. CALL EAST 1693. CLEAN, well furnbhed 3 room apt., private bath, ground floor, furnace heat, good loca tion for winter. Garage. 391 Kussell, block east r:f Union. OU 3 good, titan turnWied h. k. rooms, 2. blocks from car; good location: private home. No children 93ft E. Couch St.. near 30Ui. East 0698. ONE housekeeping oom, clean- and comfort able, suitable for working girl : rent reason able. U31 iloyt St., near 20tb Broadway 4046. OR 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, in prirste family; furnace heat, walking dis tance; prefer emp.oyed people. 42 7 Wil liams are. East 7618. TWO swell furn. H. K. rooms, ground floor, 4 05 4th st, house in the rear. $35 3 FURNISHED H. K, dren. 425 E. 57th. rooms, no chil- APARTMEjTS FURNlSHED3j7 King Albert Apts. 2 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, tile bath, elevator. 11th at Montgomery. Main 0359. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PLACE, 2 ROOM FRONT SEMI-BASEMENT APT., SUITABLE FOR BACHELORS; PLENTY HBAT AND HOT WATER; COURTEOUS SERVICE. Stanffield Apts. Modern 2 room corner apt Light, heat, phone, S26.5(W Main" 7392. A LARGE front rm,, nice for two men or can arrange for light housekeeping for two people; 1 blk. Bdwy. car. 325 Wiedler St.. near East 1st st. j Firepoof hide., modern 2, 3. 4 -rm. tangle rms. : elevator service Atw. apts.. 3597. GLEN 2 and 3 room apts., close in Main 1961. Corner Park and Taylor. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH, 3-RM1. MOD. APT.. WK. OR MO. EAST 1990. HADDON HALL. 11TH AND HALL 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, hdw. floors, private balconies. $35 up. Atw-ter 1160. 4 ROOM nice.'y furnished apt. in nice locality, 1 blk. from car. Tabor 5777. 1292 E. Yamhill, WO large h! k! rooms, hot and cold water. Sink. Front and back door. S25 mo. 71 E. 11th X. I AND 2 rooms, -team heat, hot and cold water. $15 and $20. Bdwy. 4292. 245 Vj X. 17th st. DENNISQN APT. , 1027 H Belmont; front corner 3 room apt, strictly modern. Phone Tahor 054 6. ONE 3 room apt., lots of heat and hot water, close in. Nob Hill district Atwater 3716. GROUND floor apt., private bath, sleeping room. $3. 186 Chapman. I'hone Mailt 8690. 3 RMS. witli private bath. 4-rm. comer with piano: valking distance. East 4276. THE JEFFERY Special, my 2 room furnished apt. $12: cor. Kussell and Kerby. E. 1594. 3-ROOM APT., near carline ; clean and mod ern. 1051 Kerby st. XICKKL8 APTS. 3-rocm at.. steam heat, bath. Walnut 4971 2 AND 5 room apt. everything but gas fur nished: walking distance. East 2376. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 308 BEAUTIFUL new Irvington 5 rrxen apts.. ready about the 1 5th : electric ranges and water heaters, automatic beat, extra large livinig room and sun room, fireplace, tiled and shower bath. Phone East 8803. 3. 4 OR 5 BOOMS Attractive apts.. on Kenton carline, with sleeping porch. Lombard st. at Albina ave., 20 min. to town. Bdwy. 3070 or Walnut 2642. FOR RENT 4 -room apartment with sleeping porch. Adjoins and presents beautiful view of Waverley golf grounds and upper Wil lamette river. O Briens Apartments, end East 9th. Seliwood. Phone Seliwood 1030. LA ROSE -APARTMENTS For rent, unfurnished apartment. 4 rooms and bath, steam heat; $4 5. Across from new Ruckman school. Apply 55 E. 1 6th st. The American Modem 4 and 5 room apartmenta 21st and Johnson. Broadway 3880 FLATS FURNISHED 309 3 ROOM furnished flat, lights, water, outside entrance. 1076 E. 28th st X. Walnut 3686 BEAUTIFUL, Urge, modern 5-room furnished flat: piano. 230 Alberta, near Jefferson high school. - 4-ROOM upper flat, modem, piano, gas range, wood lift, wash trays, private batS. adults only. 272 Sharer, comer Williams ave. THREE large, light, attractive room in de sirable home, tight, water, telephone included, 1113 K. ISth st. X. Walnut 3238. CLEAN 5 room furnished flat, the right price to the ngnt people. jaaiB, wai-mg cun ts nee. 727 Een Stark. East 3310. 2 ROOM flat, $18. 4 room flat, $3". nut 1953. 706 Van- onver ave.- Wal- 4-ROOM furnished flat, hear, hot water. 894 Fargo, near t men ave. 7-ROOM .furnished flat, all new. st-. cor 17th. Bdwy. 80 12. 561 Everett S22 MODERN 5 room.-, neatly furnished.' 98 t Commercial. Walnut 0187. WELL furnished upper and lower flat, rent reasonable. 759 Williams ave. East 9968. PARTLY furnished 5 room flat, on corner of ISth and E. Ankeny. East 4030. $20 3 BOOMS; $50 S rocm- Tabor 7226. : 1554 E, Aider. 1TJ.TS UNFURNISHED 310 UPPER 4 rms. and basement ; . mod. home ; Ii-ington Park; adults. Walnut 6281. 1185 E. 26th X. - v-1' ' ,: , MODERN 5 room flat 6A6 Maduun st, fire place, furnace, gas range in kitchen. Meta-ger-Parker Company. 7 ROOMS, ail couvenieoces, close in. West Side, 82- 13th t MeUger-Parker Co. -il s Koom, unturnBtied tt Adults. 3U7 K. llth. Ca-U 10 K. t'Uy. Kast 5212. () CIJGAN 4 mom upj r flat, dose is. Aduita. 727 . Si-dt r Ernst 3310. FOR RENT FLATS UNFURNISHED 310 FLATS 4 - large rooms and sleeping porch, wall bed. front and back porch, hot water beat. Light and airy, only 345, AppU 33 K 2 lit st., near Hawthorne. BEACTtFt'L strictly modern.) 3-rocm Hat. hardwood floors, fireplace. fnn sace: ail bnilt4ns. ' b1 E. Tamhill at. ! MeUger Parker Company. - MODERN 5-ronm npr flat, gas range, water beater and water fnrnished. Ado Its 349 ;antenbein are., near U nose 11 t- S042. XEWLT built modern 5 rutins, upper flat: furnace, IL-ioleniB, polished floors, garage. 7t4 H B.lmont st. East 425. 3-KX)M flats. $15. 6 room house, $25. East 215. 4 80 H 380 thion are. 8acrara?nto. 4-ROOM modern flat. 7724 Oage ave.. 1 block sonth 23d and Washington, sts.. west side. Main 8988 or Bdwy. 7fr33. 5-R(XM FLAT FOR RENT " Comer Cnion avenue and Ainsworth, rent $25 month. Phone owner. 623-62. FOR RENT At Multnomah station. 5 room flat, modern, in new brick building, on highway; reasonable rent. Atwater 3919. 3 BOOM modern flats, garage. $25. 571 Union are., near Russell; adults. East 2195. HOUSES FURNISHED 31 1 SCENIC LODUE COTTAGES 524 Heights terrace, fine view , of tnonn tains and city. 20 minutes' walk to heart of city; SS to Hall street car ori Morrison at 11th 13th st.. 2 blocks west. See to appreciate. Reduced rent for winter. SMALL 3 rm. modern house, clean, well furn , spacious, large lawn, on good carline. 10 rain, from Washington, $27 per mo.; also 3 rm. lower flat, modern, same place, adults only. For particulars phone VVal. 2291. MY attractively furnished 7 room home in Iryington fqa rent, of will lease; player piano .J . 1 . ..... ,. ..V. . klb t? r. ... .1. ! I- Jill l'll,llllJ'll , 1 I,. v, uiuwu.a, - , j aduiu. 317 78 or East Q527. MODERN, furnished ti room house, near Jef- J fenon high school : laundry trays, furnace j ani gt-bage reinntwl. Adulu. 1075 Kerby. Walnut 4221. MAPLEWOOD. 4 blocks trom school, Mrs. Miller. 4 arrp. 6 r. house, furnished, small l-yment and rent money. Pay rent to your- self. t'OZV furnished 2 ro.Tti cottage. 14. MV depot car to S2d N. to Hlladay, east to 2 T 02 Hnlladay aye. ; NEW 5-room bungalow. Ro&e 'ity : new fur nitnre. to responsible people. Call Tabor 0864 after 10 till 5 today. SEVEN ROOMS, East Momson St.. near 55th, $4 0. Immediate possession. Herman Moel ler. 4 28 Lumbermens bldg. FOR .RENT 1 year. 5 room furn. house for $185. 7733 64th place S. E., 2 blocks St. of Woodmere school. CMPLETELY furhLshed room house, sleep ing iiorcb. Piedmont district, $75 per utonth. Phone Walnut 6974. 2 ROOM house for rent, furnished. $15 a month. Rcht. Delaittne, 30th and Wash ing ruMihyankietr. wTFfri.kicii hf.tghts. vei-y nice, small home. $.'.5, with referem-es. S39 E. Kelley j st. Sell. 1007. MY HOME, modem 7 rooms, completely fur nished, piano, garage. Aut.. 631-43. j FURNISHED houses. Inauire Est 2938. G. W. Nelson. 2 88 hi Russell St. I 7-KOOM house partly turnned. $40. 4419 ! 44Ul st S. E. Call Walnnt 5194 tor details, j FOR RENT 5 room furnished house and ga rage. Adults only. 134 2 Belmont st- -j FURNISHED 4 rr m cottage for rent. Call Wain ut 4218, between 5 and 6 p. m. FOR KENT, furnished 6 room houseboat- ! 44 ; Holgate moorap.e. - LOWER tloor. 3 rooms, garage, water, $30; with children. $35. 405 E. 44th st. FURNISHED house for rent, west side south. Phone Atwater 4431. 1081 Water. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 312 SPRINKLERED WAREHOUSE on trackage Store your goods with us. Let us do your moving and packing. 3AY 8. MORSE. INC. Bdwy. 3470. 454 Glisan st MOVE THE SECURITY WAY Extraordinary Service For the ordinary price. PAI RING MOVING. STORAGE . SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. j 4th at Pine st.. Opp. Multnomah hotel. i Telephone Uroaawiy jiu, 731! WOODWARD AVE. il-rm. house with cara-e 2 hiss, trom two canines. owner 50ti Hod st. Atwater 1962. Rent $25 ; -r month. PIANO MOVING $3. furniture $2.50 per hour; 2 men. large padded vans. Call Crown Transfer Co.. Hist 504 7. CUT RATE FURNITURE MOVING Fireproof Storage 15 I lays Free LONG DISTANCE HAULING. Bdwy.. 2445. WHEN MOVING, city or country, get the best ht Icwest prices. Green Trans. Co., aiain 1201 202 H Alder st. : SOUTH PORTLAND oner on premises 7 piXi & "tnd txnsr c m- Vll '-7.S KellN st Kent sift. , STAR TRANSFER. East 5026. We con tract your job or $2 per hour, and fur nish 2 men. 6 ROoM modern home, with bath, 1 block to , ear ave. and market, $1; Aut. 615-13. 5621 Woodstock YORK EXPRESS AND TRANSFER CO. Trunks,'rniture moving, $1.50 and per hour. Bdwy. 7 6WK. li ROOM house, furnace, ttays. garage, lawn. I ' aduitst . 1041 E. 15th st. N. owner here. : PIANO MOVING T! furniture $2.50 per ; hour: 2 m n. large padded vans. Call I Cmwn Transfer Co.. East 5047. ST RICTLY modern buuglow Willamette car. $40. J. . Spalding bidg. garage. near Kurath, 804 j 7 ROOM corner house, modern, all newly I painted and papered inside; Woodlawn car . to 1 Mir ham ave. 1398 Morse st , (J-ROOM" house, near Franklin high. Phone ! Ea?t 8622. FOR RENT Modern 5-room Kirage Call Mam 497K. house with FOR RENT House for rent. Impure 594 Front st. $12 a month. 7-KOOMS. 311 E. 60th st ; all conveniences. lovely grounds. See Metzger Parker Co. H-ROOM mclern bungaiow in I lurelhurst, 1169 K. Pine St. Met r.ger-Parker Co, MOVING lirge tr'uck tor furniture, oniir. i' ia' m n.- Main 8059. $1.50 FOR KENT 3-room boathouse, $7. Walnut 4 024. WHEN moving call Tabor 0256; we contract your job. or by the hour. . FOR RENT 9-room house and garage owner. Walnnt 6896. 5-ROOM cottage for rent, $30 per month. Gas and electric lights. Call Wainut 466 1 AI RES, city water, fi rm house, uear Bell- 1 rrwe station Auto bd4 "Jii. 6-ROOM house. $23; garaga. 6104 42d ave. S. E. Mt Scc?t car to Stewarta. 5 ROOM house, 7306 Rochester, $16 per mouth. I'hone Aut 628-02." HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 CENTRAL SWELL, large, bright flat. 7 rooms, well furnished; no car fare; can rent rooms: mahogany and famed oak, Wilton rugs, 4 beds, sanitary couch, all new, piano, grama phone, all $S50. Sacrifice. 256 12th st Leaving city. STORES AND HALLS314 STORES, west ide. 10x20, Washington and 19th. suitable for various repair shops; rea sonaole rent UNION AVE. store for rent, $35. Guire. 545 Union. E. 6407. R, J. Mc- OFFICES DESK ROOM 315 DESK ROOM, with telephone and stenographic service. Phone Bdwy. 8715. WANTED TO RENT APARTMENTS 357 W IIOWER will share 6-room furnished fiat, '23d and Washington St . Main 8001 after 7 p. m. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT PROPERTY 402 FLATS FOB SALE Good lO-raom bouse, in good location, near car. Fine income prop erty. Buy this and let someone else pay your bul. W Ul take amall honse in trade aa first pan raent i Get raiorroabou from Parkhurst Realtors. 1576 H . Glisan. Tabor 3490. TO CLOSE ef late. 100x100, northeast cor ner 14th and Taylor, eat aide. East 2195. LOTS .403 EAST FRONT lot. 60x100 ft. 200 ft. off Sandy btvd., pa verocnt la and paid. Price : $75 cash. See 1 I Jenka, 6Dth and ' Sandy blvd BOSK CITY. X. W. comer 41st and Han i cock, $1206: Best to corner $1050; on i 4SUU, Us-r Sands' 1400. Tabor 441. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LOTS, 403 $1.40 WEEKLY LOTS $223 Biggest lot bargains -big lots SSllOO feet, located rust ouaide the city limits, where yoa'B have no cttr taxes or as seaementa to pay, where you'll need no building permit, when u can build any kind of a house you choose; close to big school and city car line. Just think, $2251 Remember, only $1.50 a week. Be Mr. Fiynn today at 41 S SpajdiBg bldg. Eve nings, call East 3237. PENENStTLA BARGAIN A splendid comer, near Piedmont car barns; sewer and i sidewalks in' and paid. I'nre $ 7 10 ; 10O canh. Kea Dwyer, with g 732 Chamber of Commerce. BU5LDERS HOUSES COMPLETED PROMPTLY Our construction and workmansliip, to gether with liberal financial a-Histance, will please you. Soldier bonus accepted. KRIMERS & JOl.ITETTE. SelL 2964. MT. TABOR lot, west alope. $300. Lot near Wain lit Park, 382r. I men ave. business lot- $1500. Owner, East 6789, evenings. GOOD 50x100 building lot, cheap for cash. Owner, East 5678. HOUSES 404 $3250 252 E. 36th Grand Chance Cor. E. Madison 60x100 cor. 6-room house, garage: blk. Haw. car: paved and paid: $7 50 cash. G C. GOLD EN BERG, OWNER. BDWY 4903. AUTO. 547-60 ROSE CITY PARK Well bnilt 6 room bungalow, large living room, fireplace, dining room. 2 bedrooms. hardwood floors throughout, kiteben and j bathrocm. linoleum, large attic with 1 bed- i room, furnace. fu! hasement; nrt' new. but; in excellent ctpdltTon ; shrnbbery. Enrage, i 391 E. 4 3th V. 1 blocks south Sandy f57f)0. easy terms. Owner East 18,3 $500 DOWN. BAL. LIKE RENT Price $5O00, direct from builder, 5 rm. bungalow. Dutch kitchen, buffet, fireplace, hdw. floors, electric fixtures, shades, fur nace, cement floor in basement, wash trays, garage. Will consider small car as part first payment 1026 Clinton nr. Take Rich mond car to 35th st Builder, H. H. Harris. 1016 Brooklyn st Sell. 2859. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS $4760 New English colonial, house, T rooms; large, . cheerful living roam, dining room with 2 cross-corner china closets, library; hardwood floors, French doors, built-ins galore, 3 bedrooms; bt chif foniers, large closets and bath on eyvond floor; full basement, garage. No sasea ments. Easy terms. Owner. Atwater 0218. AUTOMOBILE WANTED Neat 4 rooms and breakfast nook. hdw. floors, building one year old, lot 100x120, pared sts., in Rose City Park. Price $5500. Will take good auto to $1500 or cheaper car and some cash. Balance contract, $40 month, including interest. Owner. Mr. Fisher, room 521 Perkms hotel. RrXNTSIDE HOME BARGAIN 7 large rooms and sleeping porch, full basemenr. hardwood floors, large porch, fruit furnace, all overhauled, like new. Wonderful bargain at $4200. See' it, 1120 E. Taylor st. East .i679. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW 5 room bungalow and garage,' bnilt In buffet, firep'.ace. breakfast- nook, Iillman kitchen, hardwood floors!, furnace; $5 750, $1000 cash, balance easy. East 7829. 0fl4 Oregon --t.. near 31st. FOR SALE I am gning to Los Angelee, so must sell .my beautiful Rose City home; hardwood floors, full basemeojr built-ins and garage. For Quick sale $5500. 699 E. 70tli st N. 325-66. gasn 6-room modern, good condition, Wose-in, $3150. $500 down, easy terms. 109 E. 19th st Call Walnut 0845 after 3 p. m. $2250 $400 ItOWN, -buys a new cozy 3 room mod. bungalow with every convenience, plastered, whita enamel finish. H basement, 1 blk. to car and p&ved street, sidewalks in. 5621 Woodstock ave. Auto bis lfl i IRVINGTOX PARK New. large 5 room 1 -irb -tti dnnhle cnnsrtnictj-d modern , ... , I , , III, V. . If,. improvements paid. $4500; bargain. By owner; o0O cash, terms to suit; Dlocs from car., 72 9 Liberty st E. X. . DET us sell your small homes. We are live wires. Have a large waiting list in our of fice. Can't get 3 and 4 -room houses fast tnough to supply the demand. Parkhurst, Realtors. 1576 Vt E. Glisan. Tabor 3490. LET me give you tujfe figures on your new house you're going to build. I will save you money and help finance. Have 30 bouses under way this year: first class work. H. H. Harris. 1016 Brooklyn.. Sell. 2859 20 nt l rs a ne. n rn. o-riwm oujiga- -h doT. edwsrifty3 woodwork, -ash trays and i lots of built-in- Call Tabor 3040. FOR SALE -4 room house, two screened . !- mmim i -110O- terms Fint nf fi-. t house Xo. 24. Take Fulton st. car or S. P. electric to Fulton. ROOM modern house, near Sandy, only $4650; will consider good cur as first imy ment balance $50 per mouth,, including in terest Call East 0661 or Tabor 6442. 5-ROOM cottage 1n Lents; 6303 94th si., will lease for one year furnished. Call at 7733 64th Place S. E.. 2 blocks north of Wood rp.nre schfo. Mount Scott car. 7-ROOM house, 5dxl25 lot, at 204 8 E. Multnomah st. by owner. B. H. Lang-worthy, Newherg. Or. $2500 CAH, $2700 terms, S400. $35 mo.. I good modern o room house, pavement, ga- rage: fruit wainut :o. sua Montana. ROSE CITY Modern 5-room bungaluw. sleep- js: porch, garage: built last year. Soldier bonus accepted. Owner. Tabor 2035. $1650 $150 cash balance $13 per mo., buys good 4-room' plastered house and half acre of good ground. Phone 612-29. $1250 $125 down. $15 per month, buys 4-room house. 643-10. ' HOUSE of 4 rooms and lot, eay terms, close tn car. Owner, 1395 Maryland ave. FOR SALK : and fruit -3-rocm mclem house. 50x100 lot 227 W. WinrheH st. ! MODEBX home. 10 rooms. $60. j lory. Tabor 5770. 1140 Mal- ACREAGE 405 2 V? A. Xlialatin ValHey - ... . . , f f . , hiv Fine KM-tion, 100 feet from paved nigh- way, close to school and station, ail in culti eation, absolute bargain at $1225, easy terms. COE A. McKENNA. Bdwy. 7522. Tabor 2045 Evenings. Artisans Bldg. SMALL CREEK 1 8IT00 acres of cut over land. I mile from city limits, price $650. $23 down. $7. so- monthly 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE My place in La Center, Wash.. mi'e from town. 12, acres, 9 acres clear, ail seeded in oats and clover: good water system; 3 Jersey cows.. 8 tons hay, 3 chickens and some feed; 5 room house with some furniture, and new barn; every thing painted: fruits for home use. Price $3500, ca h and rest on terms; 6 per cent interest Owner, Mr. Elik Dalin, La Center, Wash'. BIG BARGAIN $1 800. small payment down. $16 month. 60x281 ft. adjoining Franklin high, level, best soU. 20 choice fruit trees, walnuts, ber ries; -rapes, small' building, basement ready for house, two blocks from ear, water, sewer, gas. electricity ; worth $2600. A. D. Bein hard. Sell. 0789. $10 DOWN, $5 mo. Buys 5 acres close to Vancouver and Portland; $50 an acre and up. We have 5 and 10 -acre tracts is this addifion, fine -land, free from rocks and gravel, dose to Pacific highway ; good loca tion for poultry, berries and general farm ing. Chatrhg Delfil. 318 Railway Ex. bldg. ACRE TRACTS FOB SALE . S blocks north from Gilbert station, on good roads. Gaa, lights and water, good schooL Every Acre ia berries, $800 and up. For sale by owners. W. M. Gilbert, Phone Tabor 4501r 3-ACRE tracts in Rose Park Acres, finest of soil. $400 per a. Easy terms. G. L. rtohr. 213 Knott it. Phone East 3139. H ACRE, 8 room house, at Beavwrtoa. aoaae fruit, good well; furniture if desired. : In quire 804 Sacramento st East 0671. 20 A for subdividing, on Craig road at Park rose, bargain. Owner. Main 1528. FARMS 407 FOB SALS; 40 acres, 4 miles from- Yuma, Aria., level. iendid land; electno po wer . line front of place. Have . been offered g40rn for this place several bam,. . Wane $125; i No trades. Dr. Welch, Silrer loo. Ox. -v REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 407 i YAMHILL COFNTT FARM 11 acres adjoinr.g the city of Carlton. Lever and iqUinc land; family orchard; city - water. . Good 1 ft room bungalow with nica ftp-place,' bans and outbuildingi ; situated S block from high school. . .. ; ! UJCLCDLSO ' On cow, teaat, ham Mi. wagm, 60 chirkena, one, pig. S tons of hay. Ideal home. Price $4500, cash $1500, balance terms at 9 per rent. 'Other farms, all si sea. 'For ntforma tion write me, or, better -till, sail W. E. KIDDER, Keall Est Agent, Carlton, Oregon. HERE' IS A BARGAIN ' ISO acres in Central Oregrm, 60 acre water right and in cultivation, 30 acres in alfalfa, house, barn and outbuildings, cows, horses, chickens, machinery and hay goes with place. Price $6500. Good terms. Write Deschutes Valley Realty Co., Red mond; Or. FOR SALE 160 acres. i,2.a0 per acre.J 130 in cultivation ani irrigation. . acres in alfalfa, near school and pootoffice, on public road. 2 mile to good market, 6 terms $2OO0 cash, assume $4006 federal miles to R, It. station, in Deschutes county, loan, balance terms to suit purchaser. Ad dress P. O- Box 113, Redmond. Or. Si or AN ACRE at Ryan Place, on Oregon Electric, 10 fruit trees, berries, gas and water; corner of Baird ave. and Taylor Ferry road; email payment, balance monthly. Owner. 2 2 ACRES, 5 cleared, balance p pasture ; 24 chickens -house, well. 1 1 miles to Huber sta. $4200; terms. J. C Kuratli, 804 Spalding bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 408 SMALL farm. 12 acres cleared, for lease by owner, mile to rural school, SO miles to Portland. Suitable for gardening and pota toes, has good orchard and buildings. For particulars write. Mrs. Rachel Miller, Mon mouth, OS. FOR RENT, sale' or trade for Portland Income " property.. 27 acres iraprovei at tonifims, near Btation and paved, highway. "Owner, J. Nelson. 1 83 First st." SUBURBAN home of 8 acres, 6-room house and chicken house, small creek, part fine i celerv or onion land. $25 per month. Phone I Milwaukee 8h-T. i 122 ACRES, 75. cleared, 2 wella, creek, or chard, 10 room house, large barn, 15 miles to Portland. J. C. Knratll. 804 Spalding bklg- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 413 Irrigated Acres Located 3 V, miles X. E. from Harmis ton. good 8 -room house, 5 acres in peaches, 15 acres alfalfa, all under government irri gation, plenty of water; priced very low at $12,000; want a home in Portland or su burban place to $5000 or $6000; terms on balance. See Gibson. MetzgerParker Co. Realtors 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355 LISTEN TO THIS 15 acres, improved, with bungalow, cow and chicken's. Will exchange, clear of in cumbrance, pay cash difference or assume on residence in Portland. Income property, dear of incumbrance, paying over 12 per cent: want bungalow, easy terms on balance. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 630 Chamber nf Commerce. SELL or trade for western i".nd. 240 acres wheat, corn or potato land, fenced : new developing oil field, county, Montana. Worth $17.60 per acre, without oil possi bilities. . Healthful ciimate. 6 U per cant oil rights reserved. What have you? A. Ingalls. Forest Grove, Montana, 50 ACRES good land. 25 in cultivation, extra g.od buildings, city water, electric lights and all modern conveniences', W mile from carline. 2 milea from Oregon City, good road; price $18,000. D. F. Moelfnke, Ore gon lty. HAVE 7 -room modern bungalow at 7 906 WcKxistcvk ave. and 2 lots with all improve ments, wish to exchange for 4 or 5 room hou-Je. within walking distance Albina shops. Address E. T. Miller, ue.i st 1-TON Federal and 1-ton Denny to traae lor trrx.d lot OI g 1 If Sere close in. What have , , Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 0691; evenings, J1 East 4 IS. W ILL trade half interest in good paying garage for small house and lot or as part pavment- A-299. Journal. HAVE good hardware stock. Will take bun galow, up to $5000 at a cash figure. Call East OtiGl or Tabor 6442. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST A. GORDON ROSS. Broadway 5173. 624 Henry bldg. CORNER LOT. 67th and Woodstock, and clear, for Ford. Mam 3702. free REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 414 ROOM bungalow, u.uuro lot; mm, i a variety, licht gas. hath. etc. Trice $3800. i Conoider acneage near school. S-217, Jour- I nal. FOR SALE or trade. 240 acres; can be di vided. 100 acres in piece or 140. Address Ian Graham, Mist. Or. NEW 4 room bungalow, complete, garage; wUl take lo or auto as part payment 832 E 15th si. X., on Irvington carline. WANTED REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY 450 HERE It' IS I want a 5-room modem hnngalow ' or other suitable place to live. Will tnrn in N Y, city lots, well located and increasing in value, for 325O0. Mr. Hine. Fidelity In vest mentolNJ MUST locate a home by November 15. Waint 2 or 3 bedrooms. Can pa $200 cash and good monthly payments. Will furnish be-t of references. Y-l 88. Journal. HAVE PURCHASER for 4 or 5-room house n-ar Jefferson high school: will nay-$1000 cash and $50 monthly. See Mr. Hunter, with John Ferguson. Realtor, Oerhhger bldg. WASTED from owner. 5 reom buugalow. witli attic, garage, full lot. close to S. S. car. Address -4 3 0. Journal. SMALL HOUSE OR SHACK Pay cash for bargain. 430 Chamber Commerce bldg. j FARM LANDS RENT OR BUY 457 WANTED to bear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. ' 1 F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. v BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES. ETC. 500 rXiKALE'"'" General feed, seed, hay and grain store, with warehouse on railroad. Store fully - equipped with . scales, trucks, office equip ments and up-to -d-te 1 H ton chopper per hour, nrwly installed, with 5 large bins and light delivery truck. Building leased for 5 year with privilege of buying. Floor paee. 50 by 10O. -Warehouse has 2600 square feet floor spare, also equipped fully with scales and trucks. Hid $60,000 last year and haa averaged $6000 per month this year. Is located in a poultry and dairy center' with a large condensary here. Milk truck reach for 30 mil3 in all directions, from which it gets its trade. This business is a buy for anyone. Price $760O BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE PAYING BETTER THAN 0 OX IN VESTMENT Consists of 1 brick 28x100 feet. 1 brick 26x100 feet and 1 frame 46x100 feet: all' 3 are 2 -s Dory with good halls above ail connected, making a solid block 100X 100 feet, all in first class condition; all lower floors are leased for 6 years; halls are reserved. Are now occupied by large grocery, meat market and picture theatre. W ill trade all 3 buildings up: to $16,000 for good well improved farm, balance C rfi. Price $23,-000-. Or will trade comer bridk 28x100 and frame building 46x100 feet occupied by grocery and meat market, up to $16, 00. Price so these 2 buildings $17,000. I Box 22, Scio. Or. j $600 BUYS dandy bakery and lunch room: will taJt- small car as par. payment, the rest cash. 412 Alberta rt puTJ, arocery. tm rent rood location. $976; will give terms, t Owner. : McKinsoo. Broad way 2186. f BJSTAURAXT---8eaU 20 people, cloae Son-l days, tood location, cab show books. K-S28 Journal. j ' YOUNG sii willing' to work, with little capi tal to invest m good established businesa. 169 West Park t Bm AH SrX-' WO Acorn Preas. 2861. Wash, bet 4 th and 8th. 1UXCH and eoufeetiowery ; must- sell at once, on account af afesteaa; win aacniice. Alaie 5393. FOR SALE er rent,- shining parlor, -rent $25, ... at 243 W Washington at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORES. GARAGES. ETC. 500 ; . RESTAURANT i - i Old e-tabUsbed. 4 rooms furnished, stock, etc,: seats 45, good business, on ' highway near r -ortland: large yard for due-ens; garage, large payroll district: some terms; sicanees; lease; very eheajr tor utuck aaie. 02 Gerlinger bldg. i $800 W ILL buy cash and carry grocery, con fectionery and fixtures inch-ting lea. , do m $18 to 20 bojaness -daily, rent $16. in cluding lights and water, large dicing room opening Mdnday in same building, fox sale by heT. 414 N. 19th at. ' V KLI located liule grocery at invoice, with new house in connection; lot 50x100, with garage.: Cash takes everything- at tost, ac count death, E. 34th and Jeasup sts.. block north of KiRiraraworth : ave. CAUTION, BUYERS Berore closing a deal ol urn interest in established real eatata business, get advice of - Portland K-alty Board, 4S1 Oregon bklg. Phone Bdwy. - w. MORE capital needed to enlarge. ; Want party with good reference and some monev to take active interest In general repair, machine Shop. H-266. Journal. 1; Printing For less Ryder Printing Co. Main 5536. 192 3d at. STOVE reair shop for sale, good location, 860 East I rra bee iitrert. BARGAIN t;- store for sale, good loca tion. at 613 1st st. by owner. HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR SALE 502 Country Hotel 81 rooms, Well furnish.. d, with IS pri vate baths, ft. public bsirtis, . 1 0 year lease. Guaranteed tn net $1000 a month. In one of the best towns in Oregon. Will consider Portland property. See Harper &. Morris, 32 Railway r.xrlisnge bldg. ATTENTIONS Before buying conault out list of first- class apartment houses and hotels. We handle the best in the City. At your serv ice for a square deal. See Mrs. Keller. GF.O. T. M(XRE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. 1 ! ROOMS and sleeping ixircn, all good furni- ture. good heme with income. Owner, 455 i west i - r e j 7 ROOMS, good furniture, rent $30. 17. rewms, newiy pa:ered. grod furniture. rent $30. 587 Washington. Bdwy. 1338. H. K. ROOMS, income $115, rent $35. Will Pay for itself in short time, $750; terms. owner. Main, 01s.. ! 11 111 si j- maa ,,.1- - tia . Tn. come $115. 454 Belmont East 73 89. TO BUY or sell rooming houses see H. W, Garland, 260 Taylor at. Main: 8669. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESr WANTED 550 Grocery store or restaurant up to $1000 rash; buyers waiting ; why not sell yours 7 We sell others. HARPER & MORRIS 329 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 0573. V ANTED GROCERY STORES Have Buyers With $500 to $4500 ARTHUR L. SCOTT 830 Cham, ot Cum. Bdwy. 3668. APARTMENTS WANTED 551 MR. HOTEL OR APARTMENT OWNER Would you like a change, or an exchange and cash for that hotel or apartment! See us. e' mean business. GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY, 630 Chaaiiber of Commerce. FINANCIAL MONEY TO fOAN REAL ESTA rE 601 CITY LOANS 1 NO - COMMISSION On improved property or for improvement purposes. The best and easiest method of paying loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per mntoth for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 mouths, or $15.17" per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest Loans of other amounts in same propor tion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABIS SAVINGS A LOAX A8SX. 301-303 Stark St. Portland, Or. PLENTY MONEY m nand for small MORT GAGE SLOANS on city and suburban resi dence property. No red tape; low rates; quick action. Straight term loans :r pay as you please. We buy small contracts .and equities. Win assist you to build your small home, 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. BUILDING loens on city ana suburban prop erty; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 7407. 1500, $2600. $3000 TO LOAX at 7 per cent rm good city homes. A. H. Akerson, 4-0 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 6640. $200, $400. r500. $750, $1000 AND UP. Low rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cbgmber of Commerce. $3000 AVAILABLE November 'lS. other sums; all 7 . Save expense. Ward, 407 Spalding bld. $1400 TO LOAN on 1st mortgage on new house, with good seenrit.;.-, at S per cent F-649. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES AND CONTRACTS BOUGHT. $500 TO $2000. FRED) S. WILLIAMS. 506 PANAMA 'BLDG. .$1000. $2000, $3000, $4000. $5000 Xo delay. W'e are loaning 'Air own money. y. H. DESHON. 10O4-7 -Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MOETGAGK CO.. 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. $42.4 0ET DIVIDE $1000; $150O. $20011,' 82500. $3O00. 45O0. Epton. East 7304. $LO0 TO $2500. CJuics action. A. Ii. BeiX, 231-t Morrison it, rooms 10 and -11. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 602 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE OX Automobiles FURNITURE. 1 PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OU ANYTHIXG OF VALUE SECCB- 1TY USUALLY LEFT IX YOUR POSSESSION Also Salary Loans TO SALARIED PEOPLE OX THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IBs 70CB PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN' COMPAXIE3 i finis . j- v-cf-ii-.- ta OR ON FURNITURE OR jlUTOMOBILB CONTRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WK WILL PAY THLM TJP. ADVANCE T"" MOKE MONEY IF XECESSARY. AND YOU CAX PAY US IX SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SLIT YOUB .ONVSM lENCE. ' i LEGAL RATES N3 DEIuVY PORTLAND LOAN ; CO. (LICENSED) 806-307 DEKUM BLDG..- 3D 4 WASH. BROADWAY 6857. J' -ALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salari id and workingmen on ter- per sonal notes. Ka-ea rea-ouable. easy, .pay ments. NO SECURITY X INDORSEE, Call and investt ate our " modern . money lending methods. All 1 si ess confidential. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed) 218 Failing Building. - ' ' MONEY TO LOAX !oney loaned Gn'ho-sehald.goods or mer placed in. -forage with us at -a reg ular bank rate. W -SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CX. Fourth and Fine Sta. ; Opposite Multnomah Hotel. -i, j Pnone Broadway 8716. - MOXliY LOANED AT BANK BAT-i on household goods in storage. ALERT TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, i 209 Oak st. I LOAN money on automobiles. ..EAST SIDE AUTO BROKEB. ' tW9 Belmont, cor. Union are. WE LOAX MONEY oq automobile. G A Tredce, 102 X. Broadway. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL' 603 WBIJYT first and aecond mortcage- and sell ers coo tracts. F.i E. Bowman, A Co.,- 210 - Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6007. CASH PAID for mortgagee end sellers' eoo tracta. on real estate to Washington or Ore- gem. H. E. Xoble, 316 Lumber use us bldg. WILL sell 8600 ale contract co 3 room mod ern ecttage.' Wahnut 8562. WILL buy amall sellers' contracts or second Gordon. 631 Ch. of Com. bldg. t MONEY WANTED 651 WE CAJf loan yomr noney on firrt-class aecur . itw to earn 30 per cent. GnaranteerL .ir 8 FUTURITY 8TOBAGB TBANSFKK C4 . - 4th at Pine St. Orci. Uultaocsah I-otcl. - Phone 1 Broadway 3715. i-oen Dept. . 8E ORBiON INV . Ac- MORTGAGE'CO , i210 XJLCJ-A-tVtai niA. i i j 1 . horses and Vehicles 700 "FARM IMPLEMENTS XTEW AND SECOND HAND SPECIAL PRICES P. K-- ESKENSHADF. 360-866 E MORRISON ST. 6 HEAD of hor&ea and mare, weighing 1100 to 17O0 lba.; agve 4 to 9 j-an; U ia good shape for hard -work: prices cheep tor cash. '' ... KEYSTONE STABLES 81 Water i Cor. Montgomery. HANDSOME bay; mare . wewht 10O0 Iba. to naes er drive; very gentle for onen ,na children. Price ; $50 .881 s. cor. ontgomery. KEYS1XJNK Stables. irse,:or aU o ire or oj op oomauaaoe. Wagons and harae&a. 381 Water st i W. S. Atwater S51S. SPAN of young- blocky . built snares. weKht aoout -too ib: well broken to work." and in good condition. Price $140. S1 Water sr., cor. Montgtwnerv. i - . -XRSIi cheapo Ueaa ol nones, 8 set of tvsi pro re nun iiroeu, atacg saddle, CcJl 270 E. 7th aJ i i . WILL pay cash for good riding saddle; must be cheap for cash. Seliwood 3262, K AL or trade, horses, .harness a ad wagons. 24 O E. Sth -rt DO I BUS team. (3 aey; single team. $1.3 nay. ego -Trout at Mala 2208. LIVESTOCK 701 -OR SALE,. 6 good, iresn. dairy and family cows, also- good dairy and retail routes and equipment 1364 East Glisan. Phone Ta bor 4663 and, call Sunday and evenlius" Tahnr 4IU1S - FOR SALE 100 3. C. Rhode Island Red-pul- lers. ror-ere-L, 4 and S3 each. .-!. Kobbins. Kt 8,( Oregon City. Or. Phone weaver i reps l l si. YOUNG fresh dairy cows, also young fresh fanrfily Jersey, $J5, 755 Esat Ash. East S974. ! YOUNG Guemsey-Jiersey cow, due to freshen Nov. 6: heavy "milker. T. B. tested. 240 CUth t I MUST sell, two good cows by Sunday, at noon. Will give time "Jith small payment down. sow 4 1st ave. s. K. FOR SU.K ni,.ft . 3 -,--1 fa ,1m 1850 Dana st Call Firrfpi re Ol 2 2 ' FOR SALE, very it-heap; good, gentle family cow. six years, ; Inquire 1926 Portsmouth FOB. SALE Milch goat at ypur own price en a-mo.-oia ia. io. tall 1T4 -1st so. FOR SALE Nice 4-year-old Jersey cow. 4: and Harrison ata.1 Milwaukie, Or. WANTED BEEF. VEAt AND HOGS TABOB 7832, 4 . POULTRY: AND RABBITS 702 RHQDE ISLAND ; RED ' i FARM j ' -:'k We Invite you t visit our up-to-date plant at; West Portland, just beyond Mult- note ah station. We are exclusive breeders of thoroughbred single comb Rhode Island Bed baby, chicks and hatching eggs. 'V' Cockerels A few good breeding birds.' .It yon are in need of one at a price that Sa right. We are now booking orders for baby chicks for late fall and early spring. de livery. All stock sold on a money-Sack guarantee. RHODE ISLAND RED FARM R. Xo. 6, box 202, Portland. Main 4742. i Burned -Wheat - Duck Feed. Hog Feed, : , Chicken Feed For Sale Cheap ' Montgomery-Dock:No. '2 Phone Bdwy. 7588 WHITE LEGHORN ibaby cbix for summer and fall, months, front stock accredited by So noma county farm bueaau. We guarantee safe arrival. Write for prices and literature. The Pioneer Hatchery. 442 Sixth t Pet aluma, Cal. ! - ' THOROUGHBRED Golden. Seahright bantams, pullets and, cockjerels: one Rhode Island Red rooster1. All very reasonable. , Tabor 5927. I i . ' - FOR SALi: 50 Rhode Island pulleta, 60 Plymouth Rock pullets. March and April hatch. - Arthur Isaacks, Washington ana Elmer rts. Phon 86-J. Milwaukie. Or. FOR SALJJ 40 White Leghorn liens, t year old, Hansen's Strain, good layers, $1.25 each. Dr. Ni'bethi Rockwood, Ot.,' or phone Broadway 0318. 1 " 00 Ti. A C. VJute ljgiiorn 'imllets, full grown and starting' to lay, $l.2S each Y ear-old hens, 75d each.' L. V. Hulit, 205 t5c eac E. 231 st. X. CHOICE Barred Rock cockerels from- prise winning nock, $2.p0 each. H, J.. FeaUiera, tflaj, kiimG Or. 3 ' . 1- PERSlAX kittens, 2i and 6 months old. Sale if taken at once, Call forenoons. 914 Xew- ark st Empire 0116. THOROUGHBRED Golden and Silver- Sea briglit Bantams -reasonable, also White Leg horn jiens 75c eahr. Tabor 4941 or 9229. RHODE ISLAXD White lmljeta and cockerel! for sale. 966 Mississippi ave. Wal. 2370. fETS: .DOGS. BIRDS, ETC. - 703 ST. AXDREASBERGi rollers, "the canary with a college education." Guaranteed genuine imported. Will i exchange unsaiisfactory- ' - birds, i Former prife $13 and $20. special price 810. Order j now! Hart Mt rollers ( imported I, $8 each; imported females $3 and $3.60. Java Jlice Birds llove birds) t $3 pair. Young Itame Panama parrots! guaranteed. $20. fc. B. Flake, birds,- flow! ers, pets, 273 SUtSe st. Salem. Or. bit onr new, modern lijrd song parlors. ,s KEEP HIM RlXGINtL 'Feed ''SONGSTER S f. FAVORITE iSEED.r mixed for choice ging ers of the world's best seeds,. Cpntaina no hemp, I mustard orj other harmful seeds. Bone, grit and directions with each package. Special price to induce you to try it, 6 lbs. for $1. postpaid.- K. B. - Flake, birds, flowers, pets, 273 State st.j Salem. Or. FOR SALE At Portland pet- Stock store. First and VVashiogtrijn tts,' Coll lea," Airedale, shepherd., fox terrier, toy fox. canaries. Guinea liens, laying; White Leghorn pullets, Flemish Giant i rabbitcs." - COLLIE PUPS "Dam" Sable, well trained, wonderful worker "Sk" Whjte Heg. Both . parents good heelers, Charles Wiley, Tumalo. Or. TWO male Airedale puppies, 8 months old, rcg " istered. 9 1 23 Foster road, i TOY BLACK AND TAX FEMALE . - n il rt- r j a i a t n r m I'ERSIAN rate aBd kittens, cheap, or trade. A. C. A. males for service. Phone 614-47.. cTe Butler Pullet jFarm,- 74th ave. and 82d st I p,..,.-,, ,...- f,i. ,,. J tT Ifl . ,5 , T o1' S " Walnut 5644. j, ' mo lt X. ST. ANDHEASBEKG roller canaries from Im ported German stodk; also parrot-. b4 9 Nehalem ave. Seilwilod 1520.- - COLLIE PUP, 1 0 muntU-1 old, good stock dog. 240 K. 8tli st ' 1 FOB SALE Pedigreeds colli pups, Shadeland st-k Haiinert. tioidendale.' Wash. TOY BLACK AND TAX FEMALE ' 6 months -old. 1eap. 332 K. llth at. S. PORTLAND'S pet stoc k store, 1st and U ah ington sta. Bdwy. S2T 8. ' AUTOMOBILESs FOR SALE 800 -w -- - - '-r '- : i- . We LosefYou Win - Overlaa d chummy. 1 model . 90, good U res, paint and top, ' syotHsht, seat covers and ready to give real service. Small down pay ment, balance as you (ride. 854 E, Broad way. East 2630. LAWSOX AUTO CX. -1" S GET THIS. MR. HvOBKIXfjMANj I have a Chevrolet touring -that f will aell below actual value, with small dowa payment and easy terms to - right : party. East 3568. ''"!'' liughsorfs Fords! - 125.Ciub? ; . 1918 FORD touring at a sacrifice; paint, top, uphoUtering and) tires In,, extrav good condition: rune fine:! special equipment $185. Terms.- ISO Union ave. Kaot 9431. ,$150 FOBD BUU i Best bug in Portland- "4 BRA LEY. GRAHAM, dr. CHILD, Int.. 11 th st at :urBste. LIBERTY SEDAN. 1920 model, looks 111 . Te- ear. in perfect "repair. $900; w 1 like ill take a amall down payment and make easy tan ss on the balance. Call Walnut 6763. .XiU COUPE - i Shock absorbers. slwUight. demountable rims, 5 good ttrea. ; 630 Akler eL Broad way I BO ; 105 1613-14 CADILLAC TOLK., 7 PASS. BRALET. GRAHAM Ifc CHILD, Inc. , H& t. at aiarnakie. - ' ' -; ' FOB SALE Ford -oupsi,- excellent condition toon eztnut ; Plume. tUaiu 2978. Auto. BU1CK little , $575. ai wonderful buv. eaar tenia eaa be arranged, j Walnut 6763. CHEVROLET roadster. .1922; terms. 1 East 90O 8. - : ' ,-j . ' .- '- tCorrUnued on Fotrowln. Page; I FW i. .:.. V ... ; ' '. -i