- TiiLT.fDAY,. :;ovi::iEi:n 2, iz.2. .jaa-'iiL i"..".', msne-iumjua 4- xiauj .-an-iu '. ,' , '-U ZOO CO tOXf Wajri A, COOl POSITJOX? 'Coarse at the Admf iiita School ar hum nd mors exnenaive Una most aohoots. bat Ad- rox graduates earn mur. - Our record nf help n ever tOO graduate 3 big paying- robe ti a ptoau. Uau t arali cleanser juttu yaa Ear Inspected our school. -4 vwt any AJ cxeerst-ieiurday). t la .. 8 p. ra, r seed toe aru bis iu Hd FREE Uk. Lik far- Book No, 4,- .: -.'- -, -.---' vADODJC AUTO AYIATTOS SCHOOIa - SI Wuot n earn Cain ffc ,, Via pat . nt Ion: :' Ten Yoa lata IT 111 tees" Jk ffnitaaai CoOsaa VtotipcOoa ,, . , . , yiraitb Link Biu CoHeee feed btdg 497 V,mxa. Bawy. 6083 IN ROLL any Monday for day or nigMt seiooL All bujiiiis 'coarse. Bad eea a compe tent w will' place yoa in a paying iitoa. n4 for Iree" Success; catalog. NIllUIlMI College, 4h near Jlorraon. Phone Maia 9500. COMPTOHETER AND CALCULATOR Besjuttrattessa ro ted this- wek tor. .aln riimi to nix Oct. 9. MILLER SCHOOL -414 Yeea Btdg." STUDY MASSAGE - Prearea one for sanatorrara work, phy sician assists at. pur,. r private practice. Hydrotherapy fs ai taught Portland School of ttuaet, Infe. 414-15 Stock Kx. HBMCKEB BUSINESS ' COLLEGE, Aiiikj bkiav--SPECIAI, fXGUUI CLASS. Any ne who au4 to improve, hi English la giule.- Register now. Evening class. JEN, vomw. Inn ttarber uade; wal wbile karcmc. - urtusa sarscr vwess. 233 HELP WANTEDMALE 201 XPEKIENCJED tON" GSHOR EUES WANTED ' We eaa-. M a number of ma" who bare bad epwnenc at loassken k, induaiM wiieat, iiuvkMr aad eosrl cargo. HOUB DAT Straicht 0rtSma mt 1.30 l.SO 1.80 1.30 Btup Work. .w. ... ,-8Vb ofk- work (truckers) 70 Shorel work ......... .-. CO Match Teodev 60 "Winch Xnrn .........90 Boom Sltm t . i Apptr immediately. L W. W.'-a will not be mtio7cd. J -WATEBJTeNT EMPLOTEBS' JJtlOJI 'CI. 84-8 North Fifth St- JPnone Braadsay 8346 - '-rattlaod, Or. ' KQBTSSRX rJAOMO RAU-WaT Mlf WAiiTEl AT tataa preecrfbed by tha iCatteoV itaUe l-ebor bowd aa follow: , IfAOBEKISTS : T &mt s Bop. ? !, BLACKSMITHS ' TO ad SO caau d Hoar. ' BOIURMAKEBS ! ' : . 70 Ceata aa Boor r BEr5HT CABMaUl - - .; vSuCaato aa Beoav , ' ' Apply to any aoandbooBa or ahop of ta ampancUadaB Kortiiant Pacifia faoiwaa, BAJEaTT nd CATEiBBS' SEBVICB - 7 .BIKSAU. Of ExabaagK bldg.. cwr. Sd 'and Stark, at. ; 'Licensed tod Bonded " 1. SpecaUia iu furnishing ' employe to bakeries, hotels, reeuurnu, eafataruii and coufecUosera. and catara to all yersoo aeek inc. eaiployiatat, souli aa bakara, cook, por ttn, aownter aUeBdanu. bakeia aliiata wait- asa. . weilimj , Euofecupuiry ciex. cnwi wrapper, bus -bo-, . iajaitora. ' eleyator oper ator, atawards, clerk, maid. ' housemea, cliefs, aMb4era. dUhwaahera. etc O. 8. on, 4ft. Bdwy. 7679. Iaiu S19L. f ANTEI-fairied ma wbo knows the atzaca ot foruana to- nanaia coraracnnai route; most bo a butler, gcod character ana weu reeoanaenaea ; gooa salary, eppor- tunity to do well and adyancemtmu Apply S p. at. ta K s. m-. M.. Orefg, 04 Spald ing Bldg.' GBOWERS' aaaociatien with ' reoutabla Btandfng eaa vaa two saleemen with ability and SSOOO aamlng capacity; permanent. BO awe felling. 01 WUcqx LARN"S0 weekly, spar tune, at ton, ad- fog BHiai,' infarratioa, etc. A niencan Atasic Co.. 1658 Broadway, ' W. T. RADi AND FLOCR LJtBOR AGENCT- StlV Oak at., Sd floor; fieadqaartara fori grain dock aad Hour auU aat&w Free em ployment, ' " i LEN-ar vonea aiak extra Chritataa money taking , omera lor ruga-graa gaaianteed hoaiery. All or sparo time. Ponland or Washington-'" 1106. S. W. Bank bkig. N wanting railway station ufiicev poaitsona with transportation furnished, experience un ncesary writ flaick. Baker, iujJt. Deut. "$' Wtfnwright. SL Ionia. OT8 with kicjicle, or 13 years of aga;good pay ah., ataady was. Inquire Mr. Tasn uasoa. B3 Oak Ak4nR : in establiabed woodsaw' busiaaas: pteaty wwrk; small ioTastment; make from - to 10 a day. SOS Swetland bMg. ' JALESMEJI to aeH th American Magaxine, repraoenung puousner ut jroruaao. Air. Eipar, 22 falliag bldg." . ANTED- Carpenter to '"" f igtiii '" labor oa bungaiowf. la nuae uqp 1'ar. ee ptau 1021 E. Ankeny st. 1 1 ALESiAAJi an Lad with magazine or aewa- papcr expenencav eausnea wita fxa per week to narc Room 823.. S3W 8d st T ALEdiIA. oue who can allow results, to call oa builder of new homes; big bast aam SSttoa.! V-1S9. Journal. ' VAST pamiisg. Uauag. ambag; gira deafc I Laj. Auto. 620-89. fOOolA teaoc .and. baa asaser' wanted far local work. 02 Tiliord- bmiding. rEAVEBS. WANTED Steady work. ' AiHl Peadietoa Woolea MilU. 8U Oat at LXJERLT' dan or boy for fef hours wTg manuags; chickea and gardea. Tor 8969. 7A TKI At 0410, uaa to learn vmlcaaiama aad retteadinc. Call 483 Haaihoxa. HELP WANTED FEMALE 204 I- V ANTED aaoaaaw. far apIUting apples. Apply eeauvrae auaaiu amiij 4vt avusai. Oiarr "uit Praduuct Compaa S21 East Tambiii. fx-.-'-- - i he" woiiEx a PROTttrrtrs" division. eutr erf Portlaod, efiers ta aerr-ic ta aU ma ttcyl Bcrtaaiinf tq the wjkare aad pro tecnaa ot woman- aad girls; intemsna too . fiaeatial.' 614 Udnwttc bids., 84 aad 'Oak sts. Phone Broadway t422. - XT iIEL. in aead of a friend, airily to the . Salaacoa Anay Resra Home. Aifair and Aieiacaer la. fboie jTB,a4a(t. U-ii ear. ARTNi.it to ruu apU. hott.se in " ludustrial .eliatact. Moat he atu to f-ay S56 Aad run was ' B Swetland bkig. - ' ' ' "tiOOD'aolo contralto wanted for local pro-fewionel- work. - 22 (TUford bmlding. ' tb.LA wanted to aew fUaperwa, itawt era - 1 - - S6S a- ISli to a-ist wUa lujuaewoik. ins at IoT-ksy. CaR aaoxa- "O'l-OEii wanted t tiia Taaor Landrr. 12S8 lialeey. Tabor 7700. lH.li for geaeral fcjttiework, faaUy of 4. Portland Meiglit. Maia 0763, rjn.l waiiUjJ tur gdnerartuuAeaurg. Ceil Scii ;vi4 ii. T Ecrii auurtlianu taughr porataly by exirt. iAroaderas 4116. . i. ' HELP WANTED--fl?,lALE g34 , Powtioa Open to Hre, wtde awaka aaii . neca op;ominity aUswoma. wjth ear pra '.' f erred, aeilifiA cwcen, cr ataada. coo- fecUuiwne. Get with aa 0I4 actbUah4 " ftria gea Mr. iliihiied, with '. Dekusn s. Jordan' Bdwy. 243. ' Il Cham. Caav -BMt 11- 1 f - ii - 1 1 J -rmm a I ! Ill W HlXf WANTED-MALE AND FEMALE ; 2SS ACABETAS iTa."e ahar a-.aaiia5 aaa'"or womaa with rhikl.". exnerhsjiMsl UA Doultrr vie ferred. ta .operate msU eajaipped and atoeked eontrtry piae qb j4jw(- peax fofA asnooi, 1 ai5, JawraaL ' WA.MtH l(j Utje tuiuaietai! art eoa cdt. act atudcata and - thoaa who Uka to "draw to aoaiify aa comaMrcvM artacta. Jtara while you tearn. journal. kA.l'fcHlld.NCiU man . and " wOa fwha tar grnenit faousewarki geod wega. SITUAT70N3 WANTED MALE 2S1 3H.i-ka aaawwrBaaaJgj.aaieaWaia HOUSE WIRDiO v Let roa aire ion aa estimate) an K wtr- fag before Jruteg jaax eoetraeU iAceoaed electrieiaB. Wtlant 8691.' rJ" NOT BROKE, but tired IsafJLag, eldr' gentle man with several year axpanancg at poubrf raiunic wiahea aiajgHgaaaat. O. S- Votoar g32 Firfct atT ;ofI ail-arocmi mechanic' would like paei tuia aa nuMDteeatice b for tnacka aad i una, nr would dri e c ta gtto ef. fhoftf 3581 jar writ S83 W H- Mn- V IK1"G, Let' u figure you electrical work. New r old honaoa. "VVaioat 8114. b"aia HiiINULli'U-,VV apecxaua oa reahiagltBg; caa do your jofe ! an; agt f noaay. Estimataa 'tree. .-'East ;i8B- - " V ; . flBil'' pia tuta rueeiiaaio ' 4sl garage 'work or inrtk driiBi or priret ehaoifeur. hLX-221. JonaL" " -1 : PALNTJNG, paperhaagiag and Lulling; pricee aeaaoaabla; work (uaraateed. aoj U85 yumorae n. aiot it J4. eA.RPEMJEJi t uimatea (irea ba yepait work ; rant, repaired ad garaees bulit. aUiot) 13T Uawthora. Tabor 1260. EXrERlES CEO Job " printer ' "wilt cooaider working tartneraitut ja uaaU aluf ia HVity. " 0-ltJS. iournal, r AUX0M0BILK macbaiue with 10 x peritiice, wishes euiiluiuisau' J -64 J, Jour aaL - - rH JIBING, reiairjiig, water taaka. 'farrfaca cnito. IL 1, tuBtea, SdO Ontyoa at. aat Mil. : " , V ti1 TiOV want tho serVicea df a" ateadr," ek periettccd watchman, either aigH or day, call IX P., Main 462. TOURISTS ariU? coeaidar t gdrertfcing " ai - agency work. ; L. O'Oaaa, general deitary, I'onlanrt. Or. - ; U. VI P. At rO.-Eaintjng, tinting.: kalaomming, paijeriiatiying.: prtc' right. Bdwy. OOttH. WE repair "and :pint any kind at roof;' work guaranteed.; K. H. Marm. katst bl(3. FAliiTlXG aad ialsosainiiif at winler priii no charge for estimates. Last ? 4 12. I iuih.lt, bhII uort or caHMfnUB. " A. F. Uoode, general deljTety, yortland. Or. ESPERIECEIl 'bellbof ' wiahfpcaJUaB' la lhia city. T-843, Journa. ,' CHIMN'EYaS," furnace and" boiler cleaned and repaired by; exjrerts.' East 8711. Mr'E "1)10 ceaapool and" connect sewer. aS work goatanteed. Automatic 618-01.': i'LUAHSLK watiW mall jobs; apat repairs; KW. price, jaci aAcuwrsy, l-il Reasntiabb rate. Walnut 6989. BOOKTCEEP1SG f SEema. auditlhg' and ac aouuting. ineoma tax aartipa. Aut 810-24. PAINTIHO yayerhaiigiag and kalaoutiniagC Kaat 68S5. ' CKMilNT 1 WOKE UaiaoioB guaranteed. Walnut t41. 'f l'AINTIN. paperhaagibg nd tinting; price reaaonable. Ca 11 Auto. S17-4. CESSIMJOLS' contracted "W th toot. AutdL 12-cbvo : C-ARPETEa EXPERT 'Call eveninga Aut. 41-iS, PAI'ERIXCT. . ihaiUa AMinUi.jCaB4 alatigiiniufc reduced arte. Xol Ss5b. UAROWCRJO Hours by eencaact or day. Baf- erencea. w Mam USOW. BOOFS REPAIREO. fl up; reahingUag. Aut. 4.-At. ROOES npaiccd. paiiiia-d, tia,'papar roofg ct ered with hot, pitch. ' Tabor 0989. GRADING, excavating, team work of all kinds. .Tabor aaia. 889 E. 74th t. K, BASEMENTS, gcadihg, teemiBg; contt et "ct day work. Aut. oa-ao, Atwatet 8gT. CABJPEN TZSL Handy ' wo.' small odds" "aad enda. etft Wal. 4Z11 btt. t p. n. gad g p. 1 litbUlNiLLti Ewt ciaas woot guaranteed,; Apply uui nxtatt sc. rnon aui. asa-oa. AEX kind ot hauUng for 2'i tua truck; fear sonable rat- laat 7485. 1 TEAM1SO, piewing, eacarsuag, etc Ehoaa Sat tuiu. aiu ast em t. i'AlN'lJStl, UtiUng, pgpgt lianng."" CM East 1316. C'OSLtl"TE pouring, two " "S4 -1 WMrk guaranteed. ' Sail 1530 sack "ssikara. r r by th 1b. teart 8g. t ' PAPER"' HANiHIi. PAlS'i'IEir, TLnJti WKfAlB VVOB8 BET-LWOOO 8M04. ". TxSiX.lS.-t WORE, iuaraoieed. af iud. fetf TBattee V Co.. SaHwood ai9. CUT-RATE PADiTSRS LXCAVAT1NU, grading, arwaa work, bl 4i7 r eoatragt. Walnut 18. -- " Fill . -r, v , : Tl I I t - ALL HHivrrrr UKArJO.ABLE. VAIL BROS., WAE.r824. iiAMlEi.aywnta acme ki ' of 'AlJjl'PJ. ttntinsr 'best matarial. ".'." real srsico can aiaia' 7S6. HARDWOOD FLOORS by day or "contract. References. 1496 Bodacr WaL 6883. SITUAT1QNS--JEMALE ; 254 StEOtAPHEBi - Toucg woman," fire years' experience geaenuaeal, pauranc. lgw 8 year ' secretarial; best, refareacca. ' Phone Main 7119. ' , INEXPERIENCED, "out capable, ateaographer 9aaU. a poaitioa: atoderate salary. Phoae Atwater 8461. . ' ' '. EXPERIENCED, frustworhy 3y r wants bQuaecleaniag. washing or other work; good work guarahteed. Walnnt 6805. EXPEBIENCEp ejoaua want day wiirk. water 1828. - Boons ff, errnjeigs. At- 1'IAXO jatspE"' jfoiir" "iifaia. 81. -Phoae l-.aat J1JJ- WILL care foe chlldrea lu 'your' home" 85 j pec houz aad earfaoe; refareBcaa. Tab, 3866: 0RE3SMAKING 256 AiEJiSTlTCiilNU, be ; "wttiS ountiTlrBSSr making and atteratioa. Work guaranteed. Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. Atdwy. k!338. HEM 3TTT CHIN Q any color, ' " itiaV "403 Raleigh bidg.. 827 Wata. ' Bdw 8748. UEMSTJTCHI'SQ 6c and Sc. button, nlaattag. 49 MoTTiaon, grounij " floor. UKESSlIAKIXGy raioodeling god children's, clothes; your home or mine. East 8287. ' T.AIIfLS costs, dresses-d'""cIiiireS"V-Wer; all kindi; moderate prres. Walnut 86pS. WAXTEU PUin sewirlg. anode ling. Tabor 9252 tiEUSTITClJlXti White." S per Bl straiga. Buuoa at Plaiting Soon, 109 Royal bids. 'NURSES 257 PRACTICAL ann will car for invalid.' elder ly, or maternity. Broadway 8676. . FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS 300 CAUL. AX E M. C A. la see trea hat af y-rn ode rata psiced ranar for yaang snea k ,aJ part at city. Including room ai T. a. u. A., wiib . pnene ta eaca ahower hatha and elub fsdliriea. V H0TEI, DELOSI3 ': -FbTBabed houscksepisf rooms anj sleep ing rooms toy day, week or month- " Bcaaoa.- aUt ' rates-S2a '' AVssaingtoa Broa oadway 8165;.f - . , . aaraisbed sleeping rooaaaV shower bath, atcaaa Beat, not and cold water; 84 weca ana no. fpOROCGBLT eUga auid ' to!Bs, " daf " or ;i week : not and cold t!rr. susat aau. Chamberlain hotel. 393 E. Stark. TUB BARTUia aiabtd room. 8 Oaaa faraiabtd room. 6S.S9 per week ' acd ap; sl light bouavxeepir.g. WEST SIliE.i 3 axuactire rooms. uat.what - yea wouid feel r hum in. Reference re ' quired. Main 8616.'' L-NFURN2SHED HOOMS 4 C2 FURNISHED rscss, oi dowastairi. I rp.tairs. ntctria hgbta, laxg yard, fruit. 8t- . water uiclmlgj. Wtmt 4tf wot'R anf'iirnuried rooBis. 354 Sd at. -Rtat no. aiaia .eaa. set FOR RE-N'T twy aiaepina moos, or will ar range for light hackr?puig: 1 block fyoa SuaByat4 ' earlina, Will aaawef - call .ait day Sat,'- and fua : rtTnaioder of wk altar 4:S. 110S fc. Tamhilf, aear J7th it ' CLE AW aewljr fant. , aUtepiag raa. in PTi. . faaiiiy, atadra, wajksg diuaaor. S7 i ao ' aaw nt., 1 hlk. to Bdwy, cariiaa. ' SJCK FRONT SLEEKtN'G BOOMS.- SVTft ABLE )B YMB 0B TWO, CLOSE W, EASr WALSLtt JJUTASiCE. CHEAP. . its urn st. . - POU REXT-T-Klc1y furaiaUad tuxA bedroom fur lada ta awaera Itoaae. rg ranah. with ar arrtaooA aoard. 182 ,E. aUB a. ' Hawthoraa ear 4Ha at- r -- J ONE eeasfortable room' la nice eaat (id bo nut, . eloaa ta, . tfen vyefarfad. pbooa - Eaat ;S74 8. ' .. kjOXtiKMAL, 'youBg ataa" wlahai rooraroataZ raai basaf , cloaa ta oa aaat ante, rurnw . heat, ait bukkmw canrrtBeoeea. Ataaaoaabia. Sill Grand aa. N. East ). DESIRABLE roam wtth garage prtyttt baaat a Aaoraihorat. WUi tFa praa;th '- aau linw it9. 4 FCR?ISHET BOOM WITH GRUX OB KITl HKN PRIVILKGKa 49U AMU SANDY. CATJ. TABOR T99. ' ... ; j . ---uiFlKJiTOir " ' " - r Easaa aad UraeieJy famished ftnait mom. aiSlMiyiay fanxtara, fireplace, phone, furnace, aa Broadway carUne. Kest 0632. LKJirf.'iinr roeat; H WTenaee; clow-ta bnrinesa eetiter. 214 11th at. AtwaUr 964. MK iimished rboea few 4wa giria. 2 meals aau aaaiut, F a fawu-if. 4 wiwww 24T1. ' NOB HIJJa beautiful comer room, fireplace. awery Iwane. eomfort; plenty of hot water. Protestant -gentlemen preferred, Atwater 1019. , BIG WARM mora' for raot.ia a9emeat, 3 ar 3 mea who wish to room together, kitchen priTilegee. 87 Oauk ars. Phone Wal nut ill. ' "".:'- ;- - FOR BEST 8 taents, aioely faraisaaw. 482 H - 4th st. Phone Atwater 8262. ICEET furnished room, furaae' beafl next bath, 3 SO week. 328 Broadviai. For gent leman. Phone Atwater 2578. COMFORTABLE furrushed home, break last if riird, East 1836. room, modera 74 E, klasa. Emt-NISHED ROOM IN 6TRICTLT MODERN HOME; WAEK.1XG DICTANCE; LADT PREKEBRED?" BENT 10 MO. -AT- Trvtligffiiv Beautiful sJeepiiia (oasis, 3 15 per month. Call East 8874. PLEASANT, sleeping roam, desirable location, walking distance. ea4 .Ererett St., cor. i7tKT . Bdwy. 2986. NICE Urge aJeejHng rom, dose to hath, walk ing distance, 618 per month. Phoae Main 3924. , 74 Ereretf "st. LARGE front room, heated, use of electric percolator; one or two beda as desired. , 59 E. tb. aear Wash. " " VERT ciean.'plsasant "room UjJ 1 or 2 women - emaloyed; use of kitcaes; if desired; dose In. Bdwy. 8004. - NEW iyory " furniture." heated" room, "close in east side; iy for 1, S3 each tor 2. East mis " w ' NICELY furnished rem foe gentlemen. - pri vate family, so other roomers, ruaauaaole Hawthnrne district, close in. Tabor 7429. TWO beautiful rooms, esch "will accoramodata 2 or 8 young man; taa, hem privilege. Bdwy. 2721 " NICE outside furnished room, bath, heat, light. Shone, kitcbeu priri legos; suitahla (or work ing girl. 318. 12V IS. l&tfi. Kast 7714. LARGE room, handsomely furnished, ia lovely priTats home, soitabl tor s young smb. Tl Trinity place. ; LARGE fight clean rooms,' quieC modern con veniences ; reasoaahla; adults; walking di tanoe. 624 fVorthrap. ' ' 2 ROOMS, newly furnialiad, all pohveaiencea ; adults; xessongbls; good location. Phone East 14T7. ' -' '' . s- . ; -. NlCELI furalshed f root rodu, furnace heat. home 6106. LADY, alone,, wishes lady employed, oa of kwenen, noma pnvneges. raast at an. CRN IS HE 11 room la aiodera Borne, bras a taut if deaired or evening dinner, Vslnut 908. 287 '1STH ST. Doable aoorn, hot fad gold water. 8 beds. Mea -anly. - - ' rUBNTSaEB room.' Porata tasuiy. Ba sonable. 614 Bd rt- NEAT room, suitable, for two. Prefer 8. P. rail roan man, ftp monin. peiiwooa gate. .3V6S WEEK. Tl tairhltee'"alk; 1 rmfS- gea Market. near lth. . . 1 OR ' Z FINK "roosna.- also fireproof garaae. Tabor 7884. ROSE 'CTTTr""P ABET hiw home, "heated, tiled hath, close to car; 81. jknto. Bt4-u. filCELT furnish1 room," waikjsV diataacel 161 S. 88d. Maia 8960. LOVELY room, steam heat, houaekaepiria pari- - lege," walking distance. ' 481 hi 12tg sr. LjABUkt fwnt roam jamf kitchen, vary close ia. '" 86 per weet. S69 6th gfc. ROOM AND BOARD 302 Nortofiia Hotel Broadway off Wsshingtna.. Broadway 11 SO. Portiacd's high elaas ' aewatowa residential hoteL We gi' you "the eoasforts of home. American and Eafopega plaa. Rata reaaoo abte. ' ' EXCLU3rTE-reidaUal-bot: rata 4S ta 660. 794 Loveier. Mala 6619. 'T ROOM and' boar for' two employed in lovely noma. aoa sraranaia. aa av4. ROOMS AND BOARD PRlYAtS FAMILY 3Q? !ESrBA BLJS ronaiJr,a3thQrSiuerboa1S "for I or s gtnuemea, wua come Bayueges; forth your tim ta inraaugata. , Phone ast 8481.' ' '- - - - ' LADY with good home te-ouht be glad to be real raotagr to saBtBerieaa or laiaeru beet pgr; exp 88 years; girl cref . , ' .- m r. m - . . ti x ? n. t fatherUsa child 1 to 6 568 N. 23d. )ON(;KNlAL man ha ate ,rjan,.twe, "pdvi- ceueat ooara in private aome. neat priTr ilifea. Want roomuiste. 'labor 868. .'Y OOOO BOOM AND EXCELLENT BOABD FOB 4 MEN p KICE BEFINIO HOME. RKA80N ALB. A" SEAL JOMfc CALL EMPIRE 1409. ' , BEST O? MOM AKD BOABD rOB TWO TOCTO ' RES, OB MAX ASB WIPB, lVAlAUiti HISlAiStki, CHEAP. EAST 9818. CLOSE IN, BOOM, board t heat- hot water, bhona pia.no ; 86 nome pnTueges, per no. ror one. oo Phone Walnut 8332. . - . . , KICK hosa with rooaa and board foe 1 or 8; breakfast gad dinner; walking dials nee; rea sonable. 647 ?i Sth. . s BOOM aad beard, hornf pririleces: larce Kiht room, jas cooking, firaac beat. Walnut WELL furnished sdoni. 'steamheated. clean, aear bath; C 8. preferred. 649 Washing ton, apt. a: - ! T BOOM gnd board for business aula; modern eoBTcninca; walking dlstaace: $4 per week. East 973o7i2 E." 7th tt" " . aUtPuAEU'CUtPLei to all axe 6-coum home. modern and coo rc Blent, aaix atacs tram earUa. tUS Vermont at, TWOT large, light" airy rooms, furnace bear, eloa iu. walking distance, with board. 830. a - month. 801 E. fir sr. .-ft. East SSbS. EOOD BOOK ASTT BOARD FOB 8 T0CSG LADIES; A BEAlf HOME. WALNUT BOARD' for ehiTdreo.-'sil "pr"iao.- Lovely 833 Overlook una. , m iirmaiyn. traasfer weat R-S ear. EAR Jeflersoa high acuooa. clean comfortable . horn for bajonsa vomaa v txachec U sl- aut 0817. ' r EXCELLENT roora gad board with bom pnv- Eegat a aaodera boa lot a mea a geaa and wile. Tabor xass BKinilt'LL aecead etarr front room, heated. Wiliameti Mescbts. auitghl for ae or two people; ressonsoi pnee. atvatgr en a. NICE; ucy front room with ar withoat beard aiaa aice aUic room, very retainable. " taat liroaawsy. fvast faea.-. SICE, large;' room, large dosel, exceilnt board. ?i or iiniii sua. fur eaw monta or 4 or $28. 91 lth.rMaia 9121. . - y WANTED -t or 3 children - to board aad care icr vy anioaie agea taay. A 62 4 Csxey blvd.. - Tike' St- Jocnf car. f '' GOOD heme lor girla, another' car,' plenty of miik. Bear school. Pfcane Tabor 9378. WANTED Elderly lady to room aaet board had ear for, Tsbor 4187. " 1TBXISKED foomt, wi!'a or wit:iout board. 678 Hoyt at. Plies Bdwy 8845. KICK roia" and "toa rd in rasata family; home privileges. " Tabor " EJAKGE cieaa rotaa. Waiting ciirxaee; ehice . locaUon. " 77S Irving at. Ataalar 44L0. PRIVATE FAMILY T 1 IT V Tfl OS FC HENT JIOOM3 AJsO BOAIU PRIVATE FAMILY ' 303 ROOM aad beard, 'refined hsaiew young aar- ned eanpie. two - aaea - ear i two ' bosutes , oai breakfast aad dinnsrt f umare beat, . ? rxartai Vieuoi; : models ! - connsoience. Tba 1938. . - " ' t " f'J-t 1 J-,!l U-JI. 1 tfJ7X BOARD BABT B1 THB MONTH, r 861 MISSISSIPPI AVE.' WALNUT 3664. -f - - - - Ft - srOR aged iavaWds. ebsoaa; or eonraleaceat P bents,, pleasant horn (HrroitndiBrs. healuir building diet aad treatment, i- personal rare - of physician ;reasonble rateai East 8835. TWO aice' roams, suitable for j either 'one. or i two. r with hoard, 830 pas mania phoae, i hath., good aeigUborhood ; star- waikia" jlia- taoce., 841 Ulit 1, eee. -EfiHL - - - T GOOD BOOST, A ED FOR' TWO." IN NICE , HOME; REASONABLE- C4&BVEB 14TH AND BEIJdOXT. CAlIi EAST 8028. A LOVELY tarn room ia oar exUactiv home. : r-1. it n-. u dian ' I . ; WANTED OSE REFINED T0TJSG MAN TO ROOM AND BOABD EN PRIVAT8 HOME. CALL MAIN B687:' L,AIt(JB front room, bast ot furaitare. plenty . Iteat. suirable for 2 gentieraea. room 320 I per month; board it desired, 828 a msnlh ' each. Main 8076. T CH I IJMLEN in" private famiJy; moOierf ear gjvew. Walnut 4274. j ' aBILDREf t bnara, Besatirfui eeetntry kerne, near sctiool. clues' ia, 614 monthly. For particulars writ Peaceful Acres Earra.- route t 1, box 124-A. HHUbero. ' BOOMS with or- without board, -men. Call Eaat p693. ; oaa . ,w . " PEE THIS TODAY BEST OF BOOM ANp BOABD. IN NICE HOME; FURNACE BEAT; CLOSE IN ; CHEAP CALU EAST 8448. GOOD ROOM AND BOARD CHEAP, t SELLWO0D. S0S3. - , CALL WANTED -IJi-C sirT. school age. to room and .board; - blacks from kohool; an lier chil dren. " Tabor 1583. - ' ROOMS with or without board, ons or two men. Call East 6693. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED 3D4 ESftii E" f relit- room T and" kitihnetr' Oj1 Taa front rooms, 330. Electric light, hot water " alwaya for baths, laundry. : These era warm . . mi. 1.-1 i 1- T - BEAT7TIFTJT. oaUide II. E. end akepiag room, newly " furnished with solid Bafhogaity and cane ": furniture; ' fireplace arid reading lamp. Lew rent. 185 TSth st. JlDDLEAfJED witman deiuring pleaaant some . to assist with light haasework . and look after children fog room and board ' and small wage. R-698,' Jonrnal. BEAUTIFUL 11. at. room, ail aew furaitare, velvet rug. can and mahogany ft-xaiture, -ivory woodwork, walking aiaUnce. reason able rrnt. 1 3i 1 8th t. 50c "DAT. 82 &0 week up, large,' absolutely dean rooms: baths fre2, water always hot. Motel I'aauiar, a n. Bear jrtteraon. CLEAN H. K.' and sleeping rooms.' right down towa. 'aeraas from telephone company; rent seasonable. 83 Perk St. !' SNAPPTT clean If. ""SI. romns, ererything aew and everything farhtabed, goodi yard -for star. 3U2 Tiiramook, near WnvT. ae V sjean H." E. raews. singlek ar ea suite; close in. with food convenience;. ragaoBable. JfliELY" furnished' 3 tV H. K. .Apt. 22. 88 ' Orertaa. -' 1 ' SINGLE and double H. K. room,. 88.60 each , I- .1.1 Ik . : , - uj7. f c . 0iii, we. Dunuiuc; llOOM furnished for boaiae keep Jni"; gas. water, electricity ia room, cheep. Walnut I?4. 2 AND 8 room suites on ground floor, hot water a eaa eon monui. jia t NICELY fumiahed. cIom ta aei pu; library and chnrcbea. East 12th st-j St 4834. S NICELY furnished H- K; roeuis' Ior rent- Tea S Oil. a . r7 ! ap FV Aalfl i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 306 CLEAN, furnished H. K. room. 1st floor, , ; 1. n. Mu. m' u.mi-i s .... 531-32- ONE pleasant rurnialied housekeeping l apt., large living room aad large kitchenette ; iso , sleeping room. 4 2 Boss rt. East 937 0. ONE single H. K. room, convenient, nic and eigan, f urn see heat, valklnr dista,Bce. 341 8 LIGHT, cheerful' rooms; everything fur IiiabiA close in, no ather roomer. Eaat 6684. 863 Roes at '.. OSE 2 "room apt.. 1 large room with katcfaeaf ette. Dot and cow water, furnace neat, sate reasonable. 173, Bf. 7th St. LOVELY H. Jt." room for S r! peQP em ployed; aleeiiicg porch, fireplace, walkinc uisiance. at ietn ax. 8 BOOMS, with electric Iighu. ttaa SloveT hot. Eroadway 4882. V' ' TWO nicely fnrp. pouse4ping rooms, Tate family, Bear efferaonf high; na ctitl- A ..n ' .., ..n a. y 11 11 i 11 , f'". . i.igiyi.ya icniiucw. pimm eo JtOOMS, nice light ape.- good ' fufnishinga, eiectrie lights, main flqpr. for adalts, reasoB able. 850 Thnrman stT Atwater 0224 TWO TBTJNES rooted. "7ScT downtown dis trict. Fireproof storage 16 daya fre. ' Lpng distance hauling. Broadway 445. ' FOL'R unfurnished housekeeping 'ruout. AduRa anly. Eo piaB 669 B. Moxrion ft' East . u u a ONElarge H- K. rooh large kitahenetta. Weil , fumiahed; alio sleeping ' roorn. East 8370. tgi roiM aw waimHig Tiiaiaricc 3 BOOM Apt-, liatb, pbooe, hot aad cold water. Adult, lofejy home. CB ataip 6709 fore- 17N FURNISHED H. E. rpome; 3 room H. K. apt., ererrthing cleaa; pa eariine Bear S. r snop. at. inn tl. FTJpjrjSHEO H. Si reoart." l$ft J "-faer week and up; lqea inU.. .824 H 1st t. bet Clay and Market. NElrctrie lights. LARGE sleeprng riiotn aad kitchenette, rea sonable, for one or two employed. 211 N. 23d St. Atwater 3521. - - i MODERN fisht rooinji. ' with or without kilch. enette; ail new fura&iiinga. 150 K.- 34th i. ir.i. Ulna V J " -n v. mkmtu i v if. NICE front apartment. 2 large room and kitchen tie; aduitt. 840 Broadway, corner Main. ". VEK Y iitasiint Mega front roam, with small idtchenette ; else 1 cieaa. "sicgle alceping taom. AdolU only. 268 ISth st. 7R TWO furnished bouae keeping rooms, alao two i i- ' . i :i a . - auiarB n. cwjmi. au uiuivuraii ssi awBQta, near Williams 'are, car. ! - . . THREE H. at. rooms, 8 beds, tf nAT Jsrge front room, 318, h . 3r2V4 Hawthorne. FOT. ITOllHl. FERKISHEP H. K.' rooms. Fxiate family, 2 pice. emfy boasekeeping rooma. Phone, iignrs ana inniao acat. peuweoa gevti. SCNNTS1BE Ttr room, right and giry. light.. irateT. pbaB. Tabor ift'f fl . CaU weesusT a ta a- ; - ' " . , .. TWO housekeeping room,' Tight" hod ' cleae. . electricity aad gaa furnished. SIS per month. ' 801 17h t. West aide. " " weekam V to f. LARGS front H. EV room, first floor, heat, l.ght. " gaa, bath, phone, cieaa bed linen furnished. $22. month. 674 Johnson. THREE amaU foowi. light and air-;- f u,rnihed ; lor housekeeping; suitable for or 3 aduiti. WaUtmi oiatarice. zt Bd st.. cor. Hall st 8-ROOM yery rue housekeeping apt..' hot and eold water, saa. Iisbt aad. rteet "r 'T",f ia l!40 ttrt aetn et. GOOD, , clean. eaii-bdemBt roeat. 'with" otit- HW VUMAUVV, lU UWMIVM. WS IIP PX miaitti 111 Plit at I ' ' OXE Isrze front foora foe light housekeeping; eiectrie lights; gaa and bath. ! 622-16. CLE A-N housekeeping baaemeBt rtxua. . sis. C61 14th. Pear Jefferson at. TWO light IL K. suitea, cieaa aad rramnabla. TWO clean fuxnkhed houiekeiping rooms-, sink; dewosUirs. )20 E. Morrison cor. 16th. - 3 ROOM ap.,"2 bed, atove heatt, (elepbon. walking distance. 408 Montgomery. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms or sleep ma rooaa. 664 Morrison. . ' LARUS Well farraished rooms, t usaaca ".teat. 337 6th rt. . ' ' ' v 1'TO B-ROOM. "privgt entrance. IparUy' tasa., Dutch kitchen. 8SS 4rand are. N.T GARAGE . aad two furnished K. raoma. so. ' r t. uracB sr. ON'K large. Wei1 furnlbiied boaeaeepisg rooia, ' 631 Hoyt at-, hear 8ta. Bdwy. 4046. 2 MCE houiekeepu.g room, kitchenette.' 1 14 LA RGB " fornisbrd IC ::; .K." Toomvf kitcctaatte.' Cheep rent. 353 V, Waah.. cor. 3d. 8' ROOM aewly iurn.. heat 'and light furs '; Irnnctoa cartine; fin iocstsoa. ; East t47T. ML'ELY furnished 4-room- bwdera apt., cias to carlinej 630. Atwater 4166. ' : ' ; r-riiiM a va& - . wi ik'iin4-i-fe - a. ,-.(. tv..i - L'51'N A K. aad Kitiiasaaorih.' furniabed apt' 624-50; ell complete; ccocrete hseg. ' -r-cvwitrn 21 -sr- -iM,,n,, i . . i -i - . -. Fl'fOkl&KEil H- 'hi.' rooms. h.id. baia. puone. ,f it aama si. . - . ... . c:::: u;::.'al ror.TLAMV c " f" r , a v . HOUilXULrLNG ROO.VS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED J j PRIVATE FAMILY 30$ lRVLt,ToN-Oa aarua. . i Urge rooaas. eoaipletaiy faxnished, ea, fraoad "floor; . fmaU -., kitcheaette: $S6. . Inclade tights, phone, water: ne ciuldrea: auaubi - for ' 3 - enatta, eaat s8t. - - f :mv - CLEAN" rooma, 'HI awl ' gud" Veejir., 3 aad ', 13.60 pee week; heat Bght, hath, pbone Ire. ' Near sUaaiaweryVard Co., .80S a,i. a;... aoa. ; - r . : i .BOOMS,: partly furaUhed. (B moathly; ' another epil 318; t a bike, atraight be yond end af Ha wthrme eariine; Bear fir T wee. 2636 Bast 76th t stmt-h. J 62.75 X WTEEET. ,lUTniihea houaakeepiug swema, lights' arat baih included; met placev West Ride, waikiaaT duuaae. , ll aim ana ttt t EEAA JetTeraca ; high! w'th ' prtsgte bath, aens rata entrance, aa range: cpoveeietnt to cars and store. Furnisaad. Call at 1037 t'lavetand are i . 3 XLARGB, rleea hTOwkeepinf rooms, good location, Eaat 5686. T , FOR BENT 3 SICELT FCRNISHED H. Ki BOOMS. 25 THCRMAN, WALNCT SL83. HOrSEKEEPIXG'and- sleeping rooms, furnace neat, etectne ngrit. mtepuona ana nam; stso me basemeat room foe t rentiemea. 887 College. phea Main 8164. : " SEE THESK TODJT '" i .f If TOlf WANT NICELY FCB5TSH ED fT. K. RHMS. TEHT 0LOSE IN .LPJHT a."o rttUJjK rKKHf fall rmtT i93f i?LEAN, welT TurniaKtd V foam" apf-," pprat PAtt), graund floor, farnaaa heat, good tocaji tioa foe winter. Gaaagp. - SSf ' Baaaert, -a aioea ea of union. 2 OB 3 ' gawd, cieaa furaaahed h. k. roaais, - 2, . Mocks f rata car; gaiod ' lacctioti ; private home. N ehikirea. 038 E. Ceuch St., near 80th. East 0698. I . a , ONE large room gad 'kftcbeaeti. breakfast rwok. eiean, ea hellwuod eaaUae. Pbaa Seliwoed 0743. CaR betweea J 9 . aa. aa a p. as. ONE housekeeping room," clean" and "comfort able, auitabie for working : girl ; rf at reason blr, fil qjt, L, sear 20th, Broad a v 4046. - 1 .OR 2 ROOMS for light. boaeekrepiBg. a PU vste family ; furnace heat, sralkms; dis tance: prefer employed pawl. 4'4 Wil narna'af. East 7618. ? . 22r WEST" BIDS, Bice "ixsstioa. large, clean 'IC E. raoma, furnished; 2 porches, first floor, tight- free, lawn; 134 Porter si Phone. SelL 1109. i TWO H. K." nosu with sfeeping room for 8 ar 4 ; no eajiectioaa ta 1 small child ; a lw 1 large' room with kitchenette. Nob HilL Atwater 1293. 761 fceeimey at. '. i' 117- SECOND floor, east aide, walking dis tance; fleas;, furnished H- K. nma, njee . location, eiectrie light free; laws. Eas Sth at- Pbppe Sell.' 1 109. LARGE sunny kesUd rooms," 3 up, 2 ' me Is if desired. Also large H. K. rooma, beat and reokiag gaa, ate, $4 week! 8 nua. walk to tfltf. Bffwy. 8892. 629 Hoyt. LARGE, light, clean, famished 3 room apt-, good fnndtnre, eloaet, path, walking dis tance; rent free ty nskiag small inveetment, X. fiflfl V a a ea 1 8,1. a -i Bagi. juie a. ta sr. o'l. WALEING distance, parti Tarnished 3 room apartment, private hath, entrance, with wood, ' garbage and eiectrie bf bta furaished. Main TWO large rooms and alcove, auitabie for 3 of 4 persons, reasonable rant. Call - after 4:30 p. m. during the week. 266 M Broadway,. HOITSEKEEPING rooms, very nice; fireplace, furnace and boiit-ins, DutctJ kitchen, 1 ojock Ant. 635 56 LIGHT H. K. ROOMS. 795 Minnesota ar. 10 minutes from Broadway and V gsiiington. LAUGK light room, kitcagartl And ckathea eloaet, also single rooaa, 6 la. Usual con veniences ; near school and car; "close in. 73 Hoyt. Atwater 2750. TWO large pafnrnisbed H. is. rooms for rent; - lights, hot and cold water furnished. Urge basement, flB month. 80S Crosby st, b tweea steel aad Broadway bridge. , A LARGE furniabsd housekeeping room i also doable steeping room, cloa . in. CsJJ THREE hicely furn. ET t." rooms," kitchen, gee range, fuel. bath, phone gnd light. One block ta car. close in. cheap. Adulta. - Call At. 315-03. ; QX9 EIGHT H. ST. wjth fpraac heat. 147 K. 8 TW O nicety furnished H. ' K. roonl in modern boose. farnac beat, baih and toilet, tot art cohl water, pleaaau , Jooeiioo. SeUwood 3 21 8, XICEtY furnished front 3 room apt.; also . on large H. E- room, close ia, walking dis- tance. rent reaftonabje.' . East 7172.. 8863 FURNISHED M- rooms.1 a" chil dren. - 425 E. 67th. AfARTMENTS FURNISHED 307 'l.rm".'.. " '"j . IL ,JL. I TL, ClltlllL-P King Albert 'Apts. 3 and 3. rooma. famished or anfumished. tile bath, elevjtor. " 1 j th ai . Montgomery. axaiii woe. Stanfield AptsV f Modem 2 -room corner apt. light, heat, phone. 826. 63. Maio T892. A LARGE froPt nn. Pica for two" mea or caa arrange for light hovseAeepiag .for two people; I bUt. Bdwy. car. 325 Wiedler it, near East let at. "r ilODKRN 4 HM. APT. 330. , AIOIiEHN 4 BMS-. CORNER, M ' ! Nicely furnbdicd. Nose better. BRCCK eODRABI), 501-g COUCH BLP- l4tf ' Ape.rtm?rts" Pirepoof bldg.. modem X. 8, 4-rra. apt.. single rms. ;" elevator service. Atw. 8667. COURT -?SZ ' Corner Park and Taylor. " Maia 1881. SAN MABCO. E. 8TBT, AND COUCH. 8-RM. MOD.'API?.. ffS. OB MO. EAsi 1990. f-BM, "APT. and b. k.' room,' cieaa. reason-, i . - . J i , mrt J au U reni ,, waimiai isiffli-e a a aiaaa IS. C B. ZS. HADDOSi HALL. JITH AND HAI4 1 rim . k lt-"h 1 TMlb. hAw. fj r private belcoaiei, 685 np. ' Atwater 1160 )N"E 5 -room apt- partly fumwhed; light,' beat, water furnished; ebildfen wasted. ' 428 IWbi- "ffthattllB; ;. THE J E'EETf-SpeciaI,- my 3 room fumiahed apt 1 14 j plosa in, eor. Rossell and Eerhy- IWO large a. :; rooms, hot and cold; water. Sink. Ftppi aad back door. 42 mo. 7 1 -E. 11th a!. ' - " " " f-BOOM "sewly- fJa&d" apartment,' with bgOf, stationary tiibt and all built-in conveniences, clooe in oa carl inc. near school. A tit 617-83. '" HALSEY APTB.- 3 raoma, pitelr furaished, f feeds, private Data and steam beat, 7.&; z room zo. 1. AND 2 rooms. A! earn" hegt. hot and cold wtert fit and fiu. AKjwy. 438, 4ak N. lftb at, - , 8 OCTSIDaT roomi,ln,- light, airy. WeR furnUhed; fnrnac heat. Eaat 9888. CORNER 4 im. apt with sleeting porch. 200 East 13th. East 4278. : -: J'ASD 8) room apt, ererything but gaa lor aished: Walking distance. East 2376. ALBERT apt, stags heat furnished, . gi& atiasisaippt fva. OSE 1 roon apt., lota of lieat and "bat water, . doe in. Nob Hill dirtricf. Atwater 3716. 8t;NNYCBEST Steam bested H- K. rooma, g 1 0 Tip ; prirate bath epoonal. IBSBhermea. APARTMENTS s IJNFVBNISIIED 9 u.i . aa.i iy,i u.t o Attractive S-rosra apartment with sleeping perch; Lombard sr. at Albina are., 29 min utes to town; 826- Broadway 8078 ar 1'.1a as a A -. " WW eaaSAaagj (.wvaei T- WAGONER APARTMETS "" 369--715 WAYNE ST.. MEAJ1 ElNG 860 4 Jars, Uzht, antsida room; Bring, dining, ucheh.i bath and bedroom, heal auu ' wster. garbage. ; Two adalt. - BEAT-TIFUI "tie irvjagum 3 roera' apt.. ready about th 15th; - eiectxia , range aad ' water beaters, automatic beat, extra, large hauug caaaa aad u a rooaa, fireplace., tiled ' and shower bath. Pbone Eaat 8803. - The Ameriem . r ' Modem 4 and S room apartments. 81at aad lohmoa. "" Broadway 3366 FIATS-FURNISHED 309 T1A- O gduita, 4-room furn.. fiat, 'prirata "bath, tnut, ' eiectiicity, front and back, estraaca. 473H Failing. Walntit 4T S. THUrTE Taxie." Tight; kiXracUve "room la" d . arable borne. Usui, water, teiepboae included, 118 E. 16tb st, N. Uairut 8328. " 4 -EM. lower Cat lights, water, walking dis-- tancet adults," 727 E. Stark. East 3310, 4 -ROOM furnisbed T.at, beat lut water. , 394 l-arro. Bear I'aioa ve. fclCEI.Y fursliiljed. Ifrge. medeca"6-roomfUt. 230 Alberta aeaf Jcfftfsoa high school. v FLATS FLIih lz I ILD 309 FOR RF;NY Private hoaae 8 room, modern. -. faraHhed - flat, wpstairs, or 4-roora ur - Buoed.ttat -and aleepuig porch dowaataira, pavatav path, private ectrape. h02 tianUB- betn vb., Walnot 4S4S, FTBNISIKTJf a ' room ". lower TUt . ia private k,,M- iimM tnilrf mnA K ttl ,intl . mail -' electricity. 84 K. 384 ft paar Surk. BOOlf lnxniahed fjitisriis, water, outride I entraacak.' .lOJS -: Jfey. 2lh St. Si. .Vmaiottt 4-ROOM Bplwr flat ssadern. piaaa. gaa range. worxt p;t, was a trays, pnnate oaxn. auma only. 879 Shaver, corner Williams eve. - 4 ROiiAi flat, everything aew. pnvat bath. , ttnta if nsiad. 1168 4Tth ava. Wood etnrk ear. ' '-"' ; - . 7-ROOM furnished Cat, ail new, 661 Ererett "atleor.: 17th. Bdwy. 3012 3 ROOM Gat 818. 4 room flat' 837. ' Walnut 1953. 70S Vanecnver are.. 1 rTS-UNFURNLSIiED 310 BEAUTIFUL S rppra flat, hardwood Poor, strictly aiodern. perfect condition, adult anly. Iriuir;74 B, 39tb N. . Phoae East 1 8670. 30. EEWLY built modern 6 rousaa. upper flat; . furaaea, luaoleum. poliahed floors, : garage. T94 Selmaat at. ' avast t:a. 8-BOOM flat; 15.' 4S0H iBion ave. 6 roor house, 823, 386 bacrameato. EaJ 3196.7 " ' -; : " ' : ' - ' 4-ROOM modera flat, T72.lt Daage ave.. 1 block aaathjSSd and Whngtea eta., west aid. Main 698 or Bdwy. T883- ' afQDEKN 4 raoai flat" Sieepuia pprch. 1 blk. M eati walking distance to 0.-VV. B. V N. inoy. wsiriut jywy. . FOR RENT At Multnomah aiatiou. A raoaa flat; aeadeea, in aew bnefc building, - ea nigkway r refwnarlrat. Atwater III UPPER. "4 rm: and baseraenf; Biod."' borne; Mlin.uai rus, euuJw. nnum s9i, . 2th W. ' TWO U( KIM fUta." bath, furnace; 810. 313 " and! 816 month. 685 B- Washingtoa.- 331-Mr-RM: THifurniaKed "modern Tial, "walking a ista nee; alnua. til t- Ptarg. pJ, ajfil 33-7FiK, ru6ms, " jfwe district, Pewl"" reno ; vated. water and garden. East 7277." 618 3 Uoota. unfuruiahed flt Adulta. 8U7 K. otk. I au oiu r. yray. caat-aatg. FOR KB.VT 4 mu, upper flat.; 8ST Ga tenbetn. Wear Caok. P bona Walnut "U2u3. 3-BOOU" ropderp nU, ggrage. "MS."" . 871 Cnin ate., near Hussell; adulta, East 2185. HOUSES FURNISHED 3U naviaaaei . V. r ewra aa.vfcaWWa pi 1 ' RKVP OR SEId 7 mr-mti, very fin home , for sale -or atll lea-e with optica of buying' later, tio see it at 1088 E. 19th st, X.er ask for Mr. Fialier with M ' . WILBUB F. JOrNO. INC.- Bdwr. b37. '- k 23 i Henry Wdg. " " SCENIC HfDG at COTTAGES '' 824 Height terrace, fine view of moun tain and city, 20 minutes' walk. t heart of jsity : S3 to Hall street ear on Morrison It Uth 13th t., 2 block t Sea. to rmtMiit ftrinol vni far winter. - 1 MT attractively' furnished "7 -room borne Ib Irriagtoa for rent, or will lease ; player piano and phoangraph; X ptacg to Broadway car; aantra. an e or ,r.w evi SICETT furnished 5 room lioae. piano, ga light. ' J. It. Hoover. Evergreen itation, for parucolsrv.' Ptir-ne Tabor 4521. 818 moiith. T ROOM " modern h6if; Partly ' furaishedr on payed street. 4403 4 2d aw. S. E 35 per, mopro. ROOM turn, houie. close ia,'1 320. Apply Jefferyj Apte., cor. RonseU gnd Ruby, be tween 1 8 and 4 p. ro- : S 5 LOWER floor, 5 rooms,, completely fur nished, including piano, electric washer and - 1 - r 1 1 n t rt i ..a Ki a an K Art sweeper. Poo V o. x. av f'rf"m 7-BOOf fureisaed ,:house; ." thcluding pikno. pnonograpu, garage, per aa eeai- nut 1201. j " MY HOME, modern 7 rooms.' completely fur nisbed. piano." garage.. Aut. 681-48. FCRNISHEP "modern 4 -room lou.' with piano. 1164 ttsrTBonn or 9tq aye. c- 7 -ROOM house partly furnlibeil. 340. 4419 ' 44Ua Rt . E. I ell Wl kalnut 6194 for details. FURNISHED house for rent. West side aoutb. T Phune Atwater 4481. 1081 -Water. HOUSES-raJNITJRNlSHEp f 1 2 SPRIn' ICXEREp W A REOIJS E o traickag Store your goods with us. - Let us do your moring And packing. ?tAT p, ,l0BSSl. pO. i Bdwy. 8 4 TO. 484 GlUaa at, AfOyB THE SECUBTY W4 Ettraordintry Se trice -' For the ordinary price. ACKING MOVINJj STORAGE SECTBITY STORAGE ' TRANSEEB CO. 4th I at Pise at, Opp. MultnomsbboteL xeiepoOBe uroaawar a a o. WIX.1 rant to congenial young couple," small "convenient boose 12x20. with laundry priv- . . , , 1 T. A-A n m.. 1298 E- 24th U N. TOHK EXPRESS AlfD TRANSFER CO Trunks, baggage, furniture moving, $1.80 gna per nour. profuway not PIANO AIOVINQ 88, furniture 32.69 per boar: K men, targe paaoea' vane. tjau Sjrawa Transfer Co.'. East B847. CUT RATE FTJRNTTUBE MOVING " Plrvnranf vttnrair 15 Ifav Fre. t4Wi DISTANCE HAPEISG.' Bdary. 2445. 4 -ROOM modern bouse." garage, paved street also rroom nipdern' boose, garage, pared street. ear io n. ani. ii-ai. WHES HOYIN'G. city or country, if ft tb"bt at icwcsr pneea. oyeep rana. afaiu liSOl. Wrf y jaiuer it. Fl'RNITlTRE "MOVING, 32 PER HOUR; t MEN; PIANO 32 AND UP: LARGE i TOS TRUCK. EAST 6047. SOUTH PORTLAND Oemer on premises. 7 room modern house nd garage; just coas-pleted- lk 78 Kelly st Beat 646. WHEN moving. cU East 6028., We con tract Tour lob or 82 per boar, and fur- MOVIN G Larte Uhick . for - f urnitar. 81. pisp mea. f-BOOM modern. ". 878 k. Srk, tf 0. paan sr..,- niii ' ' fOR RENT 3-rom buatUause, ' JfT." T"laut WHEN moving call Tabor 0266 w contract your job, or by th hoar. FOB RENT 9-roora boas gad ' garage, i , . flwue r -- J- 5 ROOM house. 7306 Rochester, 816 per tnoahh.' Phono Aut. 28-t3. ? . s HOUSES FOR SEJN-fW FURNITURE FOR SALE 313 - CKiiTBAX. - i; -:.'-.-: SWKLt targ. bright flat, 7 rooms, well furnished; no oar fare; eaa rrnt rooms; mahogany and fumed oak- Wilion ruga, 4 beds, sanitary couch, U hew, piano, grama- Eone. ' ail 3850. Saerifie. 256 lfth at, faving 'Cityi . - -:- - .- ; - , 7-ROOM HOUSE, " modern - consenienses, dose in, west side,, suitable 8 famiiie or snore ; ' will lease: f urnitiir for 'sale: ln.eocid eaaidi- tion; 2 garages. 62 t Sth st. Aut-B28-81." MOCEES 5-room house "Tor"etir,32Bvtl Mnfii. e,i w . . i. . F.iru. SSS'aT lr.rianBF.f.'" F " T - V 'ROOMS, good furniture aad leaser hi rent: S boardera and roomers; must sell oa ac conriX of riclmeas. 2 IS Graham ave.- . HOUSE lor rent, f ur&itur for aalaC. 853 Quim- y at " ... " .... .V J " OFT1CES DESIC ROOM ' 316 DESK ROOM, witb i tejlrpbone and stenograptue ' -l a-a i k t 1 8 f ' aT BaWaaaSt JpHWgt. ;BUSINEJPROPERT 318 817.600--FINE brick block; P. 0.. atorea. flats and ofOcea, $280 month incosie. Ta - bar 827. ' WANTED TO RENT HOUSES 361 WAN T to rent abaut 5 room bungalow, any v wher .near . city carline with giragn and la rye poultry utmm. xabor a 807. WANT modem bungalow or boua. good dia : trk-t, (mall down paymest, A. K. JdiU, 4 ica laiaHtmis i ruig. WANYEDl " to "rent modern 4 or S room cob- tan near eeiiersoa nign ; may ecaae ir locaraoai and price. i TJ-193. JeornaL : REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS AND FLAT . T ' PROPERTY 402 TO CLOSE estate. 300x199. northeast ' cc ' Bar 14UB and Taylor, west asde. East 8195. LOTS 403 T" " LAURELHURST CORNER ' - " ." -. I Bonnes nip needs money, ai3 aacrlfiee bis ecmer lot 57x109; everything in and yield; 3100B ch Uke It" Enfol. EOSE CITY, E." W. corner 41st and Uaa cock. 6 1 09; Belt ta corner $1059; aa bin. near tsanay eteww. itaor asei. UOt ia parejoSpjatncr fo traa fur good auto. peil cue vi . mm vuia aa it . ta amt. -term. . Walnut -4390. PVAL FSTATE FOH SALE LOTS -403 ' . BARGAINS t , Alameda 5o t too n uims sraw ' near it aeon . ... t ...... . tUCBEUiCBST50gie oa 4S4 Bear ' BurnsHi ........... 11S8 HAWTHORNE Half -blrvk frota ' 1 "mA...Bf!l.a.,rr.,,f! 7S ALAMEltA S0xiMarABrroV aai.- , -. . nea Glenn; . beanttfuL ttv !- Urea trees,,..,....,.,.. 2100 ALBERTA Near Alaaieda, H block nff hgrd aarfac ........ .' 678 ONBSMORU Oa fit at Oa , black . from Uluen at re ' tiuc,- 60x160. Kaay. terra 459 ' CENTER ADDlTKlN ra lavvis - T .. - Bear i 52d. i ba , flee, ,. ' - easy teran, ............ 450 rKlNSlX4 PAR K Ccaer . XI bin are. and Dekaa . , . . 830 i W. M. IIMBDENSTOCK CtL - ; 219 Oregon Bkig. . Hdvry.- !6S., 'Act Quickly '. A Few. H ice tots For ' St 000 in Iadtd's Add. r 2d Mtg.: to Bunders Close Io eSsve Carfare " Onty 23 minutes' walk to- cita bait. -AR improvement en and paid. A high j elasa- mideace district RejtrictlOBa do -.. qt forbid a duplex boa or . baafah- A ate at year aefTrr. ''V ", See Mr. Delafaunty v IDD F.8TATB CO., 246 STARK ST Bdwy. 164. Ete. Kaet 342. f Buy in Mentone latret 50rl lots, good garriea otlf, bi school near, 8-eent carfare, good neigh bor. Lota $240, 3250, 276;pey '-Sl.AO -to 8I.T3 a week, - Bay 873 jabrth of lumber and put np a alia irk or email bouse. You'll never get ahead paying your moaey to the rent man. Be Mr. Flyoa today. 418 Spalding bldg. Phone everyngi. East B. -'" '' K '' -- - ' ' ': 'PENivSULA' BARGAIN ' ; A splendid eoruer,. pear .-Piedmeat ea baraa; sewer' aidewalk la and paid, prjcfl $700; flffO csuih. Be Dwyer, with T82 Chamber " of ' fonMnerre. ITLOSE TO JEFFERSON HlGlf ' . lOOxlOO, on Gap at, i between Aibs wortti and EHltnfrih, $500. , Notltlng dowJ If yon buitd .hack at once. Will sell half i ef it for $350 ott W tcrgag, ' See this' before you buy aheap Jot., ; JosinsonOoasori co. 83 N. W. Bnk Bldg. Matn 3T8T, "'". BESINE8S 'IOTS ". : " f """-1 We hare 4 lota faring on Stark at., at E. 2Sth st. WU located for moat gny Mad tit bnsines. AH irapraeeBient in. Be B at eaca for prions, terras. - Jonnson-liodson wo. - 839 S;"W. Bank Bldg. Mali 87 8T. 'avrviiTON kaV'RIFIcE N. E- corner ?4 th. aad SUkiyoa, 69x100, JI1S50. ' - -- " , COE A. MeKENNA dc CO.. ' 20S Artisans Blag... Broadway at Oak. ! . Bdwy.' 7622. . ROSE CITY PARK, 8776. - BELOW THE Wl-f AH improvemeai psid at this prlee, IlENUEBbON-BANKUS CO., 828 Henry Bldg. Brpgdway tTi- BUILDEREa HOUSES COMPLETED PBOMPTLT Our cons traction aad , wqrkmaaahip, to gether, with liberal financial aiaiatanee, will please ran. Soliiier bonus eecapted. --- REIMKRS A JOI-lYETTg. Belt' 8964, . - IRVINGTOE DISTRICT : Comer, 59 xlOO, all improremenU jpaid: near school and car. 31100. $100 F4, X saoatbly. - ". t- ;-. JohnsQn-Uodson Co. 638 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WESTMOKELAXD, " J87V "V CORNER LOT. - All : lmpTovemBU paid pn both at.; tips is a choice, level Tot. , . ,." . !. HENPEBSDN-BANKTJS CO., -22S Hear, Bldg.F Broadway 4784. ip ' ee-r-tr mrnp-unriitv RRiZER aad ; Knott; east front, att improremaats ' in ana naia. Bear ipcaooa as prapueeu, ww high .exJ ' Prip $110fl. ;; r Jolt.noriuocson wo. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Maia 8787. kA4 rtk Y Afa" A T TIT BP ' A. VkV k Located aear p. Jtb and Glian,. 3859 t. $400 per l.f.f 303 Henry bldg. " "," Be.. Ant 315-27. Bdwy.' $T1. TJi'1411? CITV - r , ftSQ, aid8rlkf Curba and KPeT'lH, iad paid. . . JohnsonOodson Co. '633 N. W. Bank" Bldg. fa' fT7' ALAMEDA FAB?, i i.' 3909..' r - W?..: COBi'pB I0T. j - ' ' Improvements paid on both gtreda, HEXPEP.HQN-BANE.US CO,,' 228 Hary BMg. Broadway dfM. .WEST SLOPE MOCiflF TABOR. t $1000. -" - ..- AB Imo. - paid : choice, lewi , buildipf Btt, gecond-mortgaKb privilege. V HENDERSON-BAN EUS CO.. 828 Hrary Uldgv - rosdway 4734. t - - " - &O1IS8 113TS -576 Alberta cr; $8 down. f ? month. 17 building reatrictionii. " ' ' i 142H 2d. Maia 2007.- GOOD comer lot on pared street in Piedmont , district. 36ww cask or term. Box zuau, city HOUSES 404 KEW MT. TABOR TIOME ' 8169 . down. Four big rooma. hardwood fioora, bedrooms, breakfast nook, 1 floor furnace, fall ps-aement Iinprove , Taint in. facing pa eariine; price 83BS0. Monthly psyrasnte $50, including interest 7; Rafpli riarrli Co. SIS Chsmber of Coramerc. Bdwy.' 8654. ' HAWTHORNE SNAP '.' Aim rat sew 6 : rqom bungalow in nicest pact of Hawthorne. All tnodera feature, ia ; cludirut ' t-ardweed floori, biiilt-ipj-, ' ete. About 8 block to car. Owner 1 in finaataal ; difficulties and will tell far beat offer. Let sboa- yoa bia. ", Eod baa pick itf 6 real anap her. ' -c UV - MEBBICJk CO., REALTORS, 804 Prnama bldg - ' Bdwy. 8239. H -rjppKB PORTEAJfD HEIGHTS" tilHINcv Eocliih colonial bouse. T rooms; large, eheertul living room, dining nana vim e ' " v,iw, "; librmrr: : hardwood' ' floors. French doors. . buiit-ins "galore, 8 bedrooms; built-in chif foniers, large closet and bath oa gecood floor: full basement. ' garage. - No mefif.- Easy term. - Owner. Atwater 1(208. ROSE CITT 8-RM. HOUSE 100100 Kiee. laxae house with furnace, fireplace, - bnilt-ina, ' 4 bedroom and . large saccpux porch; lot 100x190, corner; garage; some Bice fruit; oa E. :40th st, 8 blocks from Bandy bird. ; price $7500; a, decided bar gain; any ' reasonable terms.. Call owner, jj 1 6 Board ot 'irsae oing. tiwy: 4 -ROOM MODiiKJi BUNGALOW Tioeated near Slit lud (. Mornaoa gta.. 808 Heaqr bldg. " ; " ' "Be... Ant. 815-fcT. Bdwy. 98T1. ' FOR BALE BY OWN ER -:,' KEW t roost bungalow gnd garage. - built la . bullet, nteptao. ereagiaar, ruimta gitcnen, fcaniarood fioora. furnace i 85750. 610O9 ' "caao, tal. easy, jgagt 7829. 664 Eaat Oregoa 'sr., wear a tat-- $2BQQHeir Sandy A dandy S-rooot bangalaw, very- drsiraWy arranged, with urcpiaca gad furnace, 5OX100 ft. lot, fery easy term.' rasor isti. LET 'us sell your small homes. We are Use " wires. Hare a large waiting Hat ia our of - fice, - Cau't get 3 and '4-roora bouses fast ' . anoaga sutiptyi vn aemano - rsranorst. - ncaiura. leion c. riiaaa. iidot 01 .... 92300 "TERMS s , 190x190. extractive modern" maagalow, fntit. ; c"liia. ML Tbor car: teliglrtful home. fcWe A. , K.I Hill, -426 umbermesa bldg. , LET sue . give yoa tny figure on year aew boua you're going ta build. I will save -yoa money aad help ta nance. -.- Have 39 boose tinder way this year; fisat else work. H. H. Karri. 1916 Brooklyrt SeU. 2859. A DAi'DY 6-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, banlwood floors, full lot. paved st. ; :- anly 84250 s ! 6-rwaV buaaalow, $3800, email paTsnent down. Tsbor 5785 ' " IRVlNGTON , HOME, $l5u " " - Modern -small bom (new, garage, BOX - 100 lot. 37 00 ectvnty. Tery reeau. t- - eiis rriiTH bttk) - J ... 'L . ...... . , J. 1 ... t..1. '. a rtvUJ aiouae, aa turaitun, near car, sarge lot cement waikJL amy 61209: 3230 down. i - $23 auontii, includjny InUirst. . 65 .- . fswetlaad bin . . . . REAL rSTAIX- LAURELIiURtIT . 7-Rcoin Bungalow " Near . Par . - 100x100 $7780 i ' ? " ' Fm-tin. advertised. Built by-one ef - Pertlaad' beet builder. '-Tin super-attca e--ttre bvngalow is perfection iieeif. t1k fraerg . tbmigheat an tisbt- floar, lumr u bath with tited flaor, lt4' piumhiug. This is ea af those-, home eo doenirtght stLmr tiea. aa exoejrtlonaliv well built, ao altrari. Irely pnewd, it is bound to aeU uickftr, in spect' t iimwrdiatly. - . - A. G. TeepeCo. : -'Eos CiX3 r-ffhar. 4ilt and 1 Bandy, - " , Tahor 9SS6. ' - , -.:' ' - LgarallHifst oftie,; 8h aad ..C-Usan. ." - Tabor 8433. , If You Can Beat This 1 rRpfe Citk - v S rnnai bnngalow. IcomrUetp in. every wsv.-i hdw. floors, old ivory! finish, tsixwtry paper. fivrplae. fuy aeennnt . basraieut. laundry j trays, funtaaw, breakfast Book, ail boiit in. ( gaeage. etc. Thu IttfiiM wa ro'WJ year ; aga and t in fu-v-ci ai. Htt" ca-'h, , baEne. l ie rent Pupue Hdvy. 11. , BEHVICE i i .. RKLIAJtlUTV COB A. MrKK-VNA dc AO., SOS ArtAjii Bkig,,! Broadway gt pk. ' ! Ktablu.-1 c . .''. : 6Rm, Sernl 'Bungalow WtvSand-Beio HiiJi An appnrtnBitr td, pick np a beae ta ' the pest' pert of B'wa City at at.aih ' tngiy law TieTiira and a ry good term a. took .Complete with hardaeod floor, firevlaoe, ga - rsg. etc. ljf yit uc4 three good si, bed . rooms will certainly pay yon to see this, , . D7uiKp. ;Vr;; V f'S Sandy Blvd.'' "nairf ri T, STBERT'SSaridy Rivd-'t Office, ' ... HHMi East Broadway Tbia snufrtr ' can . easily - bw eavrtl ' lnu aiiart meats. T lutre an 3 room. nt-, eru a every respect! ground-75 tju9. full . aement basement. This A clue ins and will make money for wbpetec bays. $ 1 300 h, . - baiance Itke rent Phone Bdw. 'T3;2. SERVICE i RELIABILITY -' , - COE A. McKESbE CO., , 1 204 ArtoMBs Bldg., i Broadway at Oak. - r" Established 1889. . r;AWfli Pwittv Double Constructed BRAND KEW rtOSEieiTT SUAIW : ; $3900Term3-S3S?G0 BEST BUT IN B0SB FtTY f4Pe ' -, Tl EAST 64TH ST-'P. . ' 1 ' BOSS CITT CAB J Jnit completed, strictly' ntodera .ynom bungalow, extra, Targe living room, ! fiM bedrooms, bardwaod floor. II replace, Thitch kitchen, break fst nook. buUt-ins, fine plumb - lng(, cleat ric fixture, shade, linoleunt. doa- . ! . , J . 1. - 1. . . 1 1.. . dos . car, - Be. tbia today. Deal di WU1 b oa Bceraisaa from 13 t dxui phone Aub 317-76; xuorrupaa fad ireck. ar cre Drnos. kiebmpna District New, modern, 5 roam bungalow, bdw., floors, old . ivory finish.' fireplace, furnace. eemea( baaemsnt, pie breakfast -aaok. H block to eariine, all built-ins, garage, etx. A very complete, low-priced home, $4600. i 8 mall down .paymeaC -. nan Be. . pae , rem BET4dBriTT 1 uv S4fi IStUtV lL Ui COE A. VclCENEA CO 90m Artisgn Bldg.. BniadirgA' at Oak. I a 41 U Aa ' . . Ertabliched 1889. ;BarJvir gOSIIWPARK New, BungffiIow-3aCQi . - Tou'd -never expect ta bur a real aifty -bring low like thb) to K UtUs aaoaar and on. such easy terrna. Wisely located, too; eaat ' front lot. Finished ia old ivory gad wbite; - well " putehed oak floorlnc. Most aon- -renient kitchen with targe breakfast Book, A. O. Teepe Co. Bob City office. !40th and Beady, , . -i Tabor 9680. i Laureihnist office. ; 88th and Glisea. , , s . Tabor 1848$. i : .:'' - ROSE CITY Here'!? ia Real Bargain i . ' j T room modern anacioa baogglmr, hd. floor, old Ivory inijli, fireplace, breakfast nook, fall aement btsemsnt, furnace, lanndrr . trays, all bmlt-ui. garage, etc. . This bouse Is offered for a fewjdayg gt $$750 and It is a, real home, 1000 caeb. balaaae Uka fepL " Fhotid Bdvf. J582. -, ' , ' SEBTICB J ! BELUBIT4TT . COS A, McKENNA ek CO., ' 208 !Aan B'idg.ri Broadway at Oak. Retabliaried 1800. ' 88250 OXET 289 don. Owner gone East Big aacrlfiee. - New 4 ' roota bungalow, ha . ' full putch kilchao, eotnplet bath equipment, roomy attic, "good light fixtures, linoleum, shads and screens; am larg lot," ooly S - block from god ear acrrice; do ta. Rap . - bily growing neighborhood, a big bargain at " .$8250, $269 cash and would consider labor a ' part," balance easy., monthly payment. -Good chance to stop rent Ceil 5923 PowaU . :' Tgfley' road. Aat: 6B7-8. ' '- '-'-. , 1 KEW BUJfjtHI-OW $20 I '" , $300 DOWN; EASY FAtMEN'ffl Fery attractive new bungalow - An . highly 'rwtricled tiistxict Ultra modern kttdiea .. and-npok.v large Uriug room itn tal fira ltace, 3 big Uedrormia with- bath between, cement ' basement V'tui la on dry Ufys. Where ," eaa row.' equal Att Bays Uka this go aulckly a eail at or.ee, - "-- j i ME BRICK CO.. ' BIALT0B. . 804 Panama Mrtg. t . Bdwy. 8289. LAUR ELUURST Hot atar heat stricUy modern 0 roora bouse, 8 bedrooms, ak floors, all bailt-uis, garage, bet water beaf - ing tnanit fireplace, im ieta, a fin home, city HUene ail paid; price $7009, on reason able Una, located gt 1067 Senate gt. in janreuiurst. tgu gt Jious or puoa laoot 885$. Owner. -' - tr-- $3 300 FURNISHEU BT;NGlU3W-$25i0 A rooms, extra good fnrniture, large- ga rage. 19 bearing trait tree. 8 blocks t. car) ; 60x160 lot: 8869 cairn. 889 anoathlr. i - 6 a lt o mm W $ & mm m"9 a 683 N. W. Bsnk Bl Mala 3787. REAL SNAP 8 room plMtared ou,t glectrlc Ug-ltU, fas 'whit enamel kitchen, " basement, 50x i 10a lot, cement walkf. sewer ia and paid, eloa Aa car; real coag cottage. Price only. 8 14O0:" $300 down! aad aB mnathly payment. 604 pucSaaea bldg. " - j,1;."r.""'-i -880S" ijown"";--;-"- - , S-room modern eottre, btth gnd Paatry. one fkKJt; (arage, basement, imp." alt iu and j '- paid; croa to car gad! school; price 822W9. .' bale no $8 pet Bio, ieeiudiag iiitereat. East j bO'S-' " ' ' "j '' . Bargain' ' S-reom modem god condition, eloee-tn, $3150. $500 down, fay terms. He E. 19th st Call Wslant 9815 alter 3 p. ra. BARGAIN Must sell o ck " eaiate, only tJJOO btiya tire, two 15-raora houses. Tbink. " of it! i Live ia an, lef th rent from otaer ; pay Iter both. Close in. west aide. - Call at 621 Oth t. Aa- 6g-$l. - " T R. M&DEBN, ldtr irt. OF BEAfO?r ST., 8 bedroomj nrietaim, I tdowa; kt 46x!00. fruit tree, 625PO. $i9 dewa, baac -J rent. 802 Geriinger bWg. ' - -ROSE CITT modern $ too bungalow, i...d- wood floors, garage, ttuht t year; paved ''-gt; soidier bonus aeceuted. Owner, xaher 2035. ' ' - j - " ' ' ' 9 ROOM modem house nil Iu, a J iij.'..4 . - for rooming bona; -waiking d suece, wt :le; snap, $500, tvateras, Gsriaad; St9 CONPLKTELT furaisriedS ro6ra bo-u. ia the Alberta district; $mo down. 86-$- Mo l.swk bldg. Mrn 8S1P. - ' - ,; A EEW rootubuigalow. R. ('.. rtiy piod era convenience; ail tioprorejueiit ia gad petd. Tabor 4J:. ! af.O ii i.RN ' bungalow.. (3 earh. 53i ii,.i.i'i": arajrs ana caaemeat, oupgatovr. paie st an J . ear It 8ner.' - 8021 Gertnr-r fc- Atjew-WflRSd pn fw'o l.l f'-, ,- - .A -