The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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. TUESDAY, 0CTj6liER 31, : 1922
- t
1 : (Continued From PaaetDeel -
Kerrfean were elected" to succeed Kred
.;3uchtel and Kred A-WUllama. the
r "said new cornmlssibner pledged them-
power to reduce telephone rates In the
suu ef Oregon," x r
Use of .his position to gain votes in
the coming election is -charged against
jCerrigan in one of the closing para
graphs of the lengthy .complaint in the
following words : - "that the order jwias
made with a, View of 'satisfying a pre
tended public -demand and was made
because a general election wiM be held
at which election T. M. Kerrigan Is a
candidate to succeed himself,"
, The new order, the complaint avers,
will reduce the annual earnings of the
company $300,000. The company attor
neys claim they have no ef fectiye
remedy at law t? fojea the 49,000 sub
scribers affected byf the near rate to
pay for their service - under the old
order, unless they cut oir service. Tney
admit to the court that they dare not
nursue such a course.' as they : would
Immediately facea multitude of suits
in nractically every court In Oregon.
. Four 'requests are made: of ,Juge
Bean in the final paragraphs; U That
the court declare Monday ..afternoon's
order null and void: (2) that the com
mission be restrained from. enforcing
the new order; (3) . that the3 commis
Ion be restrained from taking any ac
tion against the plaintiff if it fails to
comely with the provisions of. the new
order; and (4 that the plaintiff be
entitled to any other relief found just
and equitable on the trial of the issue.
The complaint is- signe.a ty tn. jj.
F-HJsbury, Carey & Kerr and.-Omar C,
Soencer as counsel Cor the company.
and" Is verified by 'J. T. Thatcher,
statutory agent. .
That the telephone company antlci
nated an order against it and was
ready to bring ' immediate action in
tlfv-federal court is indicated by the
,apsearance or tne cornpiamt iuea to
day. The lirst pages or me complaint,
which are more or less formal and
have nothing to do with Monday's
hearing, appear to have been made out
'before Monday's hearing. In every
case, where dates were to be inserted
the places were left blank, ; and the
dates appear-to have been Inserted on
the same typewriter on which; the bal
ance of the complaint referring to the
Monday order' was prepared.
"''' Declaring an -emergency, the pub
lie service commission by a vote of
two to one adopted, an 9rder Monday
reducing telephone rates on .party
JineB. Unlimited business '.and . resi-
dence; service is not affected. "Com
missioner Corey ' dissented. The new
rates are to go into effect December 1
and continue for a few months until
the commission has completed the pres
ent . rehearing and - made perxrianent
findings, which" It Is estimated will be
within the next six months.
The new rates are as follows-:
Ne rat Old rat,
Boataeas, aubnrban, 10 -party - - -
Una -. . . .i..s i S3-.S $J.7M
Kestaence, jrtr linev . .25 2.75
Suburban sernee. 1ft 3 baity
. ;. v -XT- New rats Old rata
Business-! suburban .16 party
Una .............. .V. . $3.23 $3. 50
Residence two-party -naev. . . 2-25 2.5tt,
Four party ....... ......... 1.75 2.25;
Suburban. 10 party 2.00 2.23
Business suburban 13.25,- 3.50
Residence -two party? line. h. 2.00 2.00
Fotor party ...'4,. 1.50 . 2.00
Suburban. 10 party line . . 2.00 2.00
-Resides lrevising' the present rate
schedule the commission in its order
finds that i the old rates were unjust
and unreasonable and that the service
and facilities of the company are .in
adequate. It is also .found that during
fthe continuation of tne Company's jsys-
'tsfn of code ringing the " company
should be penalized by a differential.
The value of the service and patronage
is declared to have diminished with
the establishment of; the present rates
las year a.nd the toll service is said
to be discriminatory in favor of large
toll users. Another finding is that
the depreciation fund "of the company
isj excepsive and that- the company
holds an unnecessarily large deprecia
tion reserve fund. ... . . f
The company is charged with evad
ing the Clayton anti-trust law in its
relations with the , Western1 Electric
company and the American Telephone
; Telegraph company.
" Another finding la. that, the company
snouid give a measured service. It isJ
ordered that the company shall aban-
don the code ringing lor party lines'
and replace jit w4th selective ringing
on party lines. -up to 10 party. To
encourage the adoption of the selective
ringing system-the commission will
allow a differential of 25 cents in the
J It is further ordered that In the al
location of toll rate revenues 60 per
cent is to ' go to the local exchange
instead of SO- as at present. A basis
for the emergency order! was laid in
a abowing made fey H!' M.' iZaterly,
attorney examiner for the exmimission.
that the telephone company; was dere
lict in furnishing information requested,
He suggested , that Uio bompAny bo.
giveni 10 days to supply the' Informal
.tion in part and that tha commission
take 20 days additional to study the
same. ; i
Attorney Shaw, representing- the tef.
ephone company, explained the cause
of the delay in the great .amount ; of
work involved. .1;. He'; resented any Im
putation against the good faith of the
ptompany and ; objected, to .a, further
postponement of the rehearing unless
given assurance that the commission
would take .no action in the case such
as the issuance of an emergency order.
The company, lie said, was prepared
to rebut- the evidence; already in and
insisted upon its rjght to do so. -COBET
'Toa : will have an opportunity to
produce your evidence at the proper
time," 'replied Tphairman .McCoy, who
ordered the secretary to read 'the emer
gency order. '
In dissenting from the order, Coin
missioner Corey said : ' l"'
, ('J. -believe this to be " an improper
use of the emergency provision of th
public utility act of this state. While
I am heartily In sympathy with some
of the result sought to be secured
from s this Investigation by my col
leagues. I am truly unable and believe
It highly improper ' to " attempt , to" fix
just . and reasonable rates aa re
quired by law.-without first? having
all tlje facts before me. The majority
opinion seeks and so -states that the
reduction is for the purpose bf penal
izing the telephone eohipany. I do not
believe this to be the proper tribunal
to assess a penalty. The commission
has its remedy, as fixed by law, to
correct any discrimination in rates or
to- force th4 production of information
"The pubWc utility act reriuh-es that
no order affecting rates, tolls, charges.
scnedules.- requirements, practice or
acts complained of shall be entered by
the commission without a formal hear
ing.. The. formal hearing in this case
has only just begun, but a part of
the testimony has been presented by
the parties to this case." It is abso
lutely impossible for me to Judge with
any reasonable degree of accuracy
case of this nature until it is at least
nearly completed. I do not wish to
dignify these remarks by calling the
same an order.
In a statement made by Chairman
McCoy and Commissioner Kerrigan, it
is said :
"The emergency rate reduction or
de .will be acclaimed by the people Of
Oregon as a mark of correction of a'
for the Latest
We also carry a xrom-
plete line of SWISS
and' F O R E I G N
records. "r s
mistake. Some
will proclaim its advent at this time
as holding political significance. It
has both the mark and sienmranra.
With respect to the latter it -will in
dicate to those who hold fears that
this commission will recklessly drive
prudently Invested capital out of the
utilities or wis state ana therehy in
crease the present lack of .efficient
service that such fears are unfounded.
As the order indicates, we have a
problem on our hands which will, con
sume considerable time anq require
special treatment, owing to" the fact
that in none or the. former telephone
rate cases hayo the jtrue and most im
portant tacts been established, or -the
proper measures-applied for the make
up of an intelligent rate schedule. For
instance, the irregular relations exist
ing between the principal owner of the
pacific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany. the American' Telephone & Tele
graph company, with and including its
. November
Columbia Records
Phonographs From
$32.50 to $175.00
Terms, $5' Cash
$2, $3 to $6 Monthly
Schwan Piano Co.
10TH and STARK
E.H.BoftemilIer i
liiiBBs11isTibBi iu A k
The New
Columbia Records
including all the latest vocal,
instrumental and dance hits,
may be heard here.
Come In and Hear Them
Vern L. Wenger
244 Alder, Near 2d. M. 7244 J
720 , Jtt ILW AUK1E i ST. - f
9ne Sellwood 3227
AH the-Xiatest Seasons
Hits:iiiajj beJiead here
450 Alder, Near Bdwy.
j to the
Remick Song and
Gift Shop f i
Complete Assortment
of all the ..i-, ,
Latest Columbia Records
- with the elimination of all'
surface noise L ;
- - Bet.: 11th" aid 12th i, ',
s-v Headquarters ; . ;
- : rofc-m
-, Coimbia J ,
- , and Records
purchasing' agent, the 'Western Klectrte
company, also owned by the -American
Telephone it Telegraph company, never
nave , oeen aaustactomy eertaonsnea
in any of the hundreds of telephone)
rate cases held throughout the United'
States during tho past i5 years. No
second sight is required to distinguish
double profits t and self teeming - prac
tices In all of their self centered trans
actions. i - ' ' -
1 hla is. ona or the lmnortant Ques
tions which, must be answered before
Jany intelligent regulation can beap
pnea , ana , tne tocai ousiness piacca
uion ' such - basis as will Dromote and
iextend the. service.
"The order lust issued takes the llrst
step in that important direction, and
as the laws urtiler wnicn .. tms. com
mission serves jare sufficient to open
the qnestion in " he propermanner, it
will rest .with the federal laws and, the
enforcement officers to determine the
Tinal solution.
"We have found that approximately
one quarter of a million dollars jf toll
service costs per annum, which may
or may not benefit 80 per cent of the
subscribers known as- toll users, has
been carried in the local rate scned-
uies to the great injury of the 70 per
cent wJio are not toll users or. those
who infrequently -'have use for .long
distance service. . By excluding this
Improper expense from local exchanges
we hope to afford a further substan
tial relief to local subscribers, but in
this -matter the company will have to
show ; its ability to - operate 'its toll
service without this heavy - subsidy
from-' the local service -rate payers and
in the readjustment of its toll sched
ules, the commission will make every
effort to cooperate for thorough and
speedy relief.
; "Studies will'; be continued fcy our
rate experts to show wnere inenuali-
ties in tne Dusmess rate classification!
hibius its ability to resume a healthy
growth with improved -service at at
tractive rates .tdthe unserved classes,
we "will no doubt have , their coopera
tion. "The hearings in this case have de
veloped many helpful . suggestions,
which the company could well afftnui
to adopt for the benefit of its service
and the rebuilding, of public good will.
The restoration of the war restricted
Time of Day ealls and tho 'Night
Calls would probably prove a slightly
increased- burden, but -it is advertising
cost paid by their own coin so to speak
and, thir. large-spaces in the advertis
ing columns of Oregon newspapers
would suggest that they understand the
value of such tribute to good will.'
"It further developed at tha hearings
that the public, generally, resents the
extortionate rates charged for con
veniences such as extension desk tele
phones, and it was clearly shown that
under flat rates such "easy use" facili
ties incur greater use and as greater
use . involves greater cost, these units'
are treated like the lawn, hose faucet
in the flat water rates. The extension
rate is--therefore treated like a second
party station. We are "investigating this
matter and in the final order, in this
case, the subject will be 'thoroughly
treated. In the meantime, the company
might well "spend some of its ' prudent
advertising fund in support of this
theory, 4f it holds merit, and to that
extent-the; public will -agree -and ap
prove whre it now frowns.-
r "It (IMh not" seem reasonable that the
telephoSte service should cost more than
the light and-water service combined.
and It may be that through our Joint
eriorts. we can overcome some, of the
cost problema'"
Robert G. Duncan, who took a promi
nent part . In the movement which re
called two members of the old commis
sion, strongly denounced the emer
gency order because it did not extend
all along the line and excoriated
Commissioners McCoy and Kerriean.
- 41 js tne , most sinister plot
batched - by tricky financiers and 1
craven -officeseekers, he said. 1
Directing bis remarks particularly at 1
Chairman .McCoy, he ehooted : -"It is
a plot to give a man .a chance to "be
elected to office. It is the most cow
ardly and damndest thing ever dona.
X thought yon jr ere an bonest man but
yo have gon-teja back room be
hind lock, and key and-sold your honor.
You were too big a coward to reduce
tha rates all along tn line." v'' r
Duncan further charged;-that McCoy
had entered into collusion to fjoist -upon
the people the use of Ja-certain tele
phone appliance whereby tlj ;v public
would pay 9300.000 more. In the mean
time the. commission, will endeavor to
oitain from the telephone company In
formation desired and cn December 4
-will restana the rate hearing.
- An unidentified rnotor. truck driver
drove four blocks Motday evening
dragging in fhe street an aged woman
he bad run down and who. to save
herself from falling beneath the wheels,
had; clutched the front bumper of the
lUrs. Candace Kobe rt son, Rge 73, was
crossing Front street at Hooker, with
hecgrandson, , John Robertson, age 11,
when the truck struck her. The boy,'
who-was carrying some bundles, miss
ing his grandmother after, the truck
passed, went to the I r home. No. 183'
Hooker street, believing she might have
gone on. Finding: she was not there
he' went In search for her and found
a. crowd gathered at a point four block
from the scene of the accident. There
be found his. grandmother.
i i To the crowd which gathered, Mrs.
Robertson 'said that, in Bpite of her
screams, the driver did not stop until
she had been dragged four blocks, and
that when he finally stopped the. truck
he gruffly asked her what she was
doing 4 there. Then, she said, he put
her on the curb and drove on, leaving
her i alone.
Mrs. Robertson's clothes were torn
to shreds and , her knees were bleed
ing. A doctor was called and she was
taken to her home.' It. was found that
she was not seriously injured, but suf
fered severely from the shock.
So af as could be learned, no one
Obtained the license, number of the
Bids for Astoria
y Hotel Are Opened
Astoria, Oct. 3 it Bide for the con
struction of : Astoria's new hotel were
opened Monday evening and the com
mittee recommended the awarding of
contracts as follows: General con
struction, Thomas Muir, Portland,
$169,428 ; heating. Rushlight & Has-
torf, Portland, $11,000; plumbing, Alas
ka Plumbing company, Portland, $15,
898; electric wiring. National Electric
company, Portland, $1300. No action
ever was taken on the bids for elevators.
1 8942
- - 1
551 78
B1 77
'.V't V popular aowae '
IJfe'a rftnwayVto "Heajnto. V . . . . .Chartea Harrtson-Cliffor Cairna
Tha Harbor Bell i. Charlei Harrison-Clifford Cairna
Away, Down Booth. ' P...U.. hm
7 Way Down Tonder in New Orleans . .. . ...... , . Peerleaa Quartet
AU orer J.nthio at All;. .Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray
I'll Stand Beneath Tour Window Tonight and Whistle. . .
............ 1. t .Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray
For tha Sake of Aula lane 8yn. :Lewia Jamea
Call Me Back. Pal o Mine. Char lea Harrison
After s While Fox Trot J-
i m nappy t ox Trot.
. .All -Star Trio and Orchestra
- tr - "" ''- n - - - " .-aii-ftiar ino ana vjrcneaira
, ucu ui, ici vraue umDung uown u ox rroi. .............
- - t , , . Clyde Doerr and Orebeatra
Zenda Fox Trot........ f.-Zei Coafrey and Hia Orcheatra
Clucago Fox Trot .v Paltf, Waiteman audi Hia Orchestra
Early m the Homing Bluea Fox'iietK .i. . .The Tireiniana
?1Z?nr?XirTKt i- 'JLT .l i . Clyde Doerf and Hia.! ipreheatra
I Wiah I Knew Fox Trot ......Clyde Doerr and Hia Orchestra
Stuttering Fox Trot .-.Benson Orchestra .of Chicago
Those Longing for Ton Blues Fox " Trot. Benson Orchestra
I'll Build a Stairway to. Paradise Fox Trot.
V v. - Wbiteman and Hia Orchestra
Jon Hwrnnd Me of My Mother Fox Trot Whiteman and Hia Orchestra
j:uiu.u . ti mmi i.tCT-r-rK xroi. , .umtemu and Hia Orchestra
wu Aiiite. Auoy jxsnga rox 1 rat . . . .
Three o'clock in the Morning Walts .
Orientals- Fox Trot
T.ily Dale.
The Gypsy-i Warning..
Don Joan Part i ..
Dan J nan Part II ..
Don Than Part III
Don. Joan Part IV .
Ross' Double Shuffle. .
Bss' Jnbs
' V:,
.Whiteman and His Orchestra
.Whiteman and Hia Orchestra j
... . Olira Klin and Criterion Qnartet
' Etaie Baker
. .Symphony Orchestra under Direction
.... ' . of Albert Coatea
. . . . Symphony Orchestra Under Direetiofl
.... of Albert Coatea
"Black Face" Eddie Eosa
"Black Face" Eddie Rosa
81 i
66093 The Singer
87348 Cos! fan Tnta In noaninl, in So Ida U .
Se084 Somebody IxTtia Me. .
8SS61 Boris Godounow Farewell of Boria
-'-. AikuiK tut iubt neHirn ........v...
87348 Si mea Trs araint de ailea ; . .
7463 Quartet in O Ma jo Finale ........ .
SB096 Paghaeci Vesti la Goibha a. . . .
6097 Zapattado. . ; 1 ,
74778 Flying Dutchman ......
2IoIIZre-.-L-v ;ritj;.Kre,i,Jer' TkMnit- Hugo Kreiair, CeBst
SJPl y Dost Thou Leave Met John Mrf'nrm.k Tm.
esosiZ: ; - - -l"ce Jan sPaderewskT rianisi
6098 Moment Musical .'S-ufladelphia Orchestra
-"..., .Percy Grainger Pianist
.... Frances Aids. , Soprano
. . . . Locrezia Bori.' Soprano
. Sophie Braslao. Contralto
. . . . Feodor ChaJiaxrfn Ttut
. . Esiilio De Gogorza, Baritone
eraicune t arrar. Soprano
- Flonxaley Quartet
. '. Beniamino- Gigli, 1enor
Jascha Heifela, Vu4n
, auira jentza, Bopraoe
Cradle Song
Sltoon Hirer ; J
Kitten on the'Kers Fox Trot. J.
A Bunch of-.Keya ,
Ceal Black MammyFox Tiot .
Tern nti nit Fox Trot
Don't Bring Me Pouea Fox Trot.
State Street Bhs Fox Trot. . . .'.
Suzanne Waltz .'
Wonderful Tout Fox Trot. .
.Percy Grainger, Pianist
Piano Dnet
. . . . . ..... .Piano Duet
.Eddie Klkina' Orchestra
Eddie Klkina' Orcheatra
-Frank Weattal and Orcheatra
.Frank Westfal and Orcheatra
. . . .Prince's Dance. 'Orchestra
Kay Miller A Orchestra
1 11 Su il':'::; . ST .-""" Orchestrm
When Xou sad I Were Toung. Maggie. Bluea. Van .ad Selenk
tf.- -.11 :'JT ef4
w ' j----:v'r.w..:-'-i-. .'W
The House of Originality
Broadway at Aldert: f : Buh & Lane Bide;,
4 made by the latest improved process,
including those listed in Columbia ad
: otf opposite, page, -will be'played for
you at f a . ,
. Hignry Jehning & Sons
' ' Fifth and Washington : Bdwy. 6474
SPEfID $900,000
Expenditure-Of $900,000 in expansion
of the electrical service of the North
western Electrical company was au
thorized in telegram received 'late
Monday by X. t. Merwin, vice presi
dent and general manairer of the com
pany, from; Herbert Fleish hacker of
San Francisco, president of the, con
cern. Of this amount IW0.O00 will be
used for enlarging the capacity of the
steam generating plant at the foot of
Lincoln street and $400,099 for addi
tional lines and equipment throughout
the city.- :: -
; The Northwestern Electric, company
now serves mora than 21,000 users of
electricity on its entire system and
more .than 18,000 meters are located
inside the city limits. The steam gen
erating plant at the: foot of Lincoln
street has a capacity of 13.000 horse
power and this Will be doubled by ;the
installation of nejw machinery, Merwin
stated,, s A steara generating plant in
the Pittock- block has a capacity "o
7500 horsepower. . making a total ca
pacity, including the proposed, expan
sion, of 23,500 horsepower.
In addition to its steam generating
plants the company has a, hydroelec
tric plant at White Salmon.-W&shJ-with
a capacity of; 20,000 horsepowerf
and is making plans for future-hydro
fclectric development to yield 40,000 'afU
ditional horeepowef. : i-'j
. Construcfion work ,on the new steam
generating plant will begin . immedi
ately, Merwin said, and will be com
pleted by Jane. 1923. The new plant
will be similar tn equipment to -tha one
now in .use and; the boilers will be fed
with hoc fuel na al,V-l - " -'
Eeckless Driveffe
Penalties for
Traffic Violation
JrW. Devonshire, who i was arrested
carlyr Afonday njoming after his auto
hail crashed vittto another machine at
Sixth and Pine streets, was fined 375
by Municipal Judse Ekwall. Monday,
on a d.arsre of drivinc while intoxi
cated. -Devonshiro was badly under the
influence of liquor at ths timo of the
crash, testimony showed,, '. -
Saki and gasoline make a poor mix
ture, Tagar Yamada, Japanese, learned
in police Court Monday. Tamada, who
was arrested by two vigilantes, was
fined $60 and forfeited to operator's
license for 30 days. s '
William Helming was fined S50 on a
charge of reckless driving after offi
cers testified that his machine crashed
into a lamp post on Terwilllger boule
vard. Saturday. c
Oregon Bull Wins J
f , Ebyal Show Prize
Spokane, Wash.; Oct. 81. Barney
Prince, S-year-old Hereford bull, owned
tpfpHerbert Chandler of Baker, br..
wonnf 5rst prize vinj., the Hereford class
at. the- Western,' JBoya!l Livestock show
Monday ,afteri5KoJlanchara.,-owned
by - HfrTBann vSSordby ? of Lewiston.
Idaho, -..won second - honors. -. .
Pendleton, . i Oct.' SI. Harry ,Roee,
proiietor of i a iwft drink parlor at
Helix, came to' his death from' a gun-,
shot wound from m gun held in the
hand of L. t). Clark, city marshal of.
Helix, early Saturday night In ' Ruse's,
place of business and tha shooting was
unjustifiable, according to a coroner's
verdict rendered . Monday evening after
an-inquest lasting all day. -
Clark, who is 60 years old. with 11
children, has been placed In the county
Jail here. - It is 'expected that a charge
of manslaughter will te filed., against
him.- 3 : - ' i " .'.- : V i : - -
About 20 witnessea were called at.
the inquest, according to Coroner J. T.
Brown. The testimony seemed to in-
tdicate that Clark's 18-year-old son was
tne uireci causae or. tne trouDie wnen ne
quarreled with Rose, earlier In the eve,
ning. The father heard of thi" frpuble,
visited Rose's placa of business, ac
cording to . testimony,-, and s.;ire
q nested to -leave, which he did. Lates
he returned and .niquire.of,several
bystanders, if they bad witnessed the'
trouble between the soft drink man and
his son. " - :
At;thia point. Rose was? reported to
have 5 agajn requested JClSirk t leave'
hfSi place,, but Clark " insisted lopon're
malning.TC5 Then blo-w werv struck.
Clark, using his stick-and Rose a ehalrr
It was , caid.v The Jtwo went to the)
floor wheroRosCi ntrary to first re
ports, igot 'on" top of -Clark, 'was
testified. : Clarlt"jpalted1o bystanders
to pull .Rose off. One. of' them started
to do this and as Rose avas lifted-' Clark
Is reported to have looked the Isafety
'..-. 'i - .... I . .
on ms gun. j lie then: took his tun m
his right hand and tired close range at
tha proprietor, ona bullet entering his
Chest. J, '': .- ' j f-''.:;,i:; j - - -:-'
- There was no testimony adduced to
show that Clark s attempted, to I arrest
Kw as had been reported. J
Clark spent Monday visiting with his
family and j-was not ca.led as ja wit
ness at the! inquest. Clark spent the
remaipder Of the night in thej office
of the; county sheriff. ,
. Tfrt .' ' , :-:
' MRRLaGK- LlCESSESj : '-i
Chehalia; Washl, Oct. 31. MlarriSgs
licenses 'were Issued here yesterday to
Jphn N. Youst and 'Mae Dorria'Cen
tralia : C. N. Waymlre and Anna John
son, Vader. I ' - l .
I- :
Coupe Sedan
Pricedt AVhoIesale
;; , v . , Vy
ford Motor Co.
I 1 ; JL -I
i What Portland 'Sees. Nowhere-EIse ' i I
Irs,-,'.,-'. - '; VvFsa-f'vV
! is viewed atk.ipman, Wolre
in the Art
B i 81 I ,!.-. 1
V Every Day
Needlework Section
.-- .14.. ' t. - .-'i ' Xs. T
Stocks and assortments that are remarkable, but more "&stinctly of interest thebrighter i
a f l i. . ! f t i i t i i.r t. i. n ' . i r .
tone or Deuer quaiirypervaaing mis wnoie aeiigntrui secqon, ana renectea so rascmat-
.1. al -".aL J 1 1 .1
ingiy in me manner me aepanmeni is aressea ior me season .
r Especially to be noted: The Art Needlework section is a inine of inspiration for those who are
planning gift-diings to be made with their own hands, and the Art'Needleworkroom now as never before I
is ready to perform those services for which this department of Lipman, Wolfe's is so justly celebrated k
- Special Designing and Stamping Initialing and Monogramming .
Embroidering J French Hemming ' Hand Hemstitching and Beading ' 1
Mending of Beaded BagaEvcning Gowns, Laces and Linens-
Mounting and Helming Beaded Bags Making Beaded and Cloth Purses, Etc
-Free instruction daily in needlework. luntting, crocHet
ing, beaded bag making, etc: Expert instruction from
9:15 a. m. to 5:45 p. in. Special attention between
noon and 2 p. m. t
' -Lamp shade making taught free of charge--and
. here . the full assortments of frames and materials
at very moderate prices. Classes from 9:15 a. m. to
5:45. pi m. daily.
Hand-Embroidered Needlework Half Price
. Special Selling Flere;Tomorrow of Three Hundred Sample Pieces
And manv Dieces in the sale at less than half recmlar tirices. These are nirs'ithWl haw lvin v1 x
models and are therefore all of the finest workmanship. " Beautiful pieces, and such a varied assortment
kirj-.. J:f- u i..v l!l u i ... i
m. hwi. jpbisuit irtux uu; nun iui aiyuuajr gnu. i icicaica tcnui ugtc- itcixts ili uic uc every One mQg .
up and embroiderd: gowns, combinations house-dresses, centerpieces, laundry; bags, tea aprons, unch
sets, card table covers, dresser scarfs, towels, bedspreads, pajamas, children's wearables, and many btner
exquisite pieces or jneeaieworK. oaae prices l to IO.V3.
Art Seedlework Sectioo Oa the Foartk Floor
It f -V t -
. V- ,..-
"Mercharidiso iof J Merit pnly"
Beginning .NadonalBoyshform' Welc: and
- fit. Tomo?tow;a Sale of C
Boyslif orm' ; Satin Brassieres
-Extra special selling of these nationally
' : complete assortmenf ; at, , this greatljc, xt
duced 'price $1 .05. The brassieres In
the sale i are fashioned of Skinner satin -
i m ninlr. iVhitfaanri hlarlr atnrl tn all ci7M An ri.. .-..
that comes but seldom, as "Boyshform" brassieres are standn
ard-rand at a price much more thran this low figure $1.95.1
: - Om-the Fosrifc Floor Lipstas, Wei ft ;Co.
$ 1 35
i li
! It
i. e
". c
- 0